Chess Battle by Nastia


Driving a car through the jammed city streets, I felt anxious. I was going for a meeting which looked quite unusual. Following the GPS directions, I leaned against the chair and started to think about how it all started. To begin with, I am one of the best female chess players in the world. Being very competitive, I participated in chess tournaments since long ago, and played with a lot of people, multiple times with some of them. On several occasions, an Ukrainian girl named Anna has been my rival. People also call her Ann, which she doesn’t mind. She was one year older than me (I am 28 by now), but you couldn’t tell it by her appearance, as she looks very young and attractive. Being a bisexual woman, I always felt fire inside me whenever she was around; but my competitive side was stronger, and I satisfied my desire by striving to beat her. Sometimes I did, but more often she had an upper hand. By how she looked at me, I had a guess (or, better to say, hope) that she feels the same way about me.

On the last championship we played against each other again, and in a blitz we drawed, none having a victorious feeling. But after all the events were over, to my surprise, she approached me, and that’s where things got interesting…    


I’m sitting in my chair at the computer desk, awaiting for my rival to come. I’ve never invited rival chess players to my personal space; however, this time it was different. That Indian woman is my long-time contender, we met numerous times on different chess events. There was something special about her, I could literally feel her sexual energy even at a distance, and I couldn’t help but feel a bit excited when we looked into each other, shook hands or touch accidentally. This time when we ended in a draw, I was determined to finish this more decisively. I rented an apartment on AirBnb for the duration of the championship, and while we had some time before moving out, I invited her for a tea and a chess game in private. I know she was surprised, as was I for my sudden courage. 

So now I prepared for her visit. I set up a table in the center of the room, and set my favorite chess board and pieces which I always take with me. It is very warm here, that is why I’m barefoot and wearing shorts with a thin top, revealing my belly. I sit and look at the screen of my laptop, until the bell rings.


I finally arrived, and before exiting the car, I look at myself through the phone’s front camera. My face and hair are looking good, as are a loose dress and small shorts that I wear. After getting upstairs, I push the bell button, and hear the door clicking. You are standing in front of me, and though you are not exactly a supermodel, for a moment I stop breathing, looking at how fit and beautiful you are. 

“Hey, Harika! Glad you agreed to come!” – I hear you greet me. 

“Thank you for the invitation!” – I reply and step inside. I slip from my sandals, feeling the pleasant warmness of the floor. Follow you into the living room, and see a large table with two chairs, along with a chessboard on top of it. “Great that you have chess, because I would like to continue our battle and finish it tonight”.


I invite you inside and can’t take my eyes off you while you are stepping into the room. You are curvier, but still fit enough for others to envy you. My inner flame starts burning with a renewed force, every fiber of me wants to conquer you, to show you who is the best in our game and beyond that.

“Good to hear you are ready. Sit down, feel yourself at home, and let me know if I can get you something. I’ll gladly do it now, because in the end, I will only bring you your loss” – I come closer and say it quietly and assertively, touching your arm with my fingers in a tease.


I shiver as you tease me. At this point it is clear for both of us that our fight is not just about chess. It is more personal and deeper, as we want to submit a rival on a physical and mental level, so that no doubts would be left about who is truly superior. “Thank you, I think I’m good.” I look into your eyes, my fingers slide along your arms, and I put my hands on your shoulders. “Let’s begin the game, and I will show you that you can’t defeat me”. Smiling, I sit on the chair. “I will even play black and let you go first. By the way, do we have any special rules?”


You are clearly self-confident and not afraid of challenges, or at lest you want to show it. “Ok, if you are so sure.” I go to the opposite chair, on the white pieces’ side, and sit down on it. “We don’t need any timers, because we are not in a hurry. However, I was thinking of one thing… ” – I smile at you – “While one of us thinks over the next move, the other can tease her any way she wants, even physically.” I stretch my leg under the table and slide my toes along the top of your bare foot.


It becomes more interesting with every minute. I wasn’t completely sure you are into more physical struggle when I was coming here, but I see that you want it to be that way. “Agreed!” – I grin and tickle your sole with my toes. “How about one more: a person whose rooks or knights are captured will have to put off her top clothes, and the one who loses the queen will remove her bottom?”

I see a slight confusion in your eyes, but it is quickly replaced with a determination. I hear your voice: “So, you want kind of a strip chess? Well, I’m not afraid of a challenging struggle, especially with you.” You sit more upright.

“Let’s start, then, and let the strongest win!” – I reply solemnly, and stare at you with confidence. I observe how you take the white pawn and make the first move.


I agreed to your terms, as I feel the game will be more exciting that way. And the game already began with my first move. I absolutely must outwit you and be one step ahead. Tonight this is crucial. It will determine superiority, while the loser will suffer a shameful moral humiliation. 

At first, we exchange the moves rather quickly, and each of us has some losses in terms of chess pieces. However, the further it proceeds, the more time is needed to decide the move. I captured a bit more of your pawns, and while you rest your chin on your hand, press elbows into the table and think, I mock “You won’t win this, Hari. I’m the dominant, in any area, if you know what I mean” – I wink and smile. “I want to win. And I want you!”


You are determined to win, and I know it will be hard for me. You will gloat, and you will humiliate me any way you can. The only way to avoid this is to turn the tables and take you instead. 

“Well, me too, dear. Now when you mentioned it, I can say I especially like to conquer dominants and make them submissive. So brace yourself, because I will be your tamer” – I grin in response and lick my lips.

I must think of something, preferably make you relax and set a trap. And I will probably have to sacrifice the queen to do this. I make my move, leaving it open.


My breath is a bit faster now. It is primal, it is either me or you, and the winner will take all. Glaring at the board, I see an opportunity and chase it, eating your queen. I can’t hide my smile and quiet laughter. “Time to fulfill our little agreement” – I say and stand up, then go towards you. I get behind your chair, grab the edges of your dress and pull it up, as you raise your hands. I make sure my fingers slide along your skin, while I remove your garment and toss it away. It is very hot outside, so you don’t wear a bra and are left topless. I can’t help but lean down and kiss your neck, cover your tits and punch your nipples a little bit, then whisper to your ear “I will defeat you, my Indian princess!”


I shiver from your kiss and teasing voice, it arouses me, though I do my best not to show it. I have only one purpose – to defeat you, so I concentrate and make my move. Now both of your knights are gone, so I smile and return the favor, coming to you. “Well, it’s your turn now.” As you stand, I unbutton and unzip your shorts, squat down and pull then on the floor, grabbing a small and thin thong with it. I’m running my palms along your beautiful long legs as I do it. You step out of the shorts, and I sweep it away. “Don’t be so sure” – I say.


I lost some of my clothes as well, but that’s not a huge problem for now. I return to my chair, feeling its plush surface with my bare skin. Making the next move, I capture your second rook, not least because I want to get you naked. I grin as you now have to remove the remaining clothes. This time, though, you do not want to allow me to aid you and quickly slip off your jeans and thong, throwing them away. No worries, I have an idea how to tease you anyway. As you think about your next move, I tough your ankle with my toes, run them higher along your leg, and with a seductive look try to get to your pussy. 


We are already playing for more than 2 hours. All this time I feel tension, intellectual and psychological, but a lot of sexual as well. We kept teasing each other, but this is a whole new level. I shiver and gulp as your foot raises to my pussy, and mirror your move, sliding my brown toes along your pale skin. I can see a similar reaction from your body. There is no rush, so at the beginning our moves are slow and teasing, aimed at distraction. I stroke your pussy lips with circular motion, trying to concentrate on the game, which becomes increasingly hard. But with all power of my will I force myself not to think about your body and suppress arousement as long as I can. We exchange several moves, each of them now takes a lot of time to plan. Finally, I think my strategy start working, as I see a slight advantage and a good trend for me.


I’m trying hard to outmaster you, but it’s not easy to concentrate as we tease and arouse each other. At first I slightly blush and moan as your toes reach my pussy, then do my best to conceal my body reaction and emotions. After several turns, I lose some more pieces and start worrying, looking at the board. The situation becomes worse, and I take my time to plan what to do next. I breath hard, my hands squeeze the edge of the table. I make moves, fight my orgasm and keep fondling your pussy with my foot simultaneously, which drains me. Excitement and anger fight with each other inside, as I’m now not sure I can win.


“Started worrying, baby? I would if I were you!” 

Smiling predatorily, I can now enjoy the fruits of my strategy. With each of my move you keep losing control over your body and the game, which is damn sexy. Your moans become louder, and I can sense your large clit with my toes. You are in panic, I see it in your eyes. You make one more move, and it brings you where I want you. My foot is working faster, its toes invade your pussy, claim it, penetrate deep inside. I can hardly control myself, but my game has a stronger effect on you. You are losing your concentration; your foot slips out of my pussy and slaps the floor.

I take my piece and move it slowly. Bringing it to the final position, I lean a bit forward, lick my lips and say “Checkmate, Ann!” I knock your white king to the board, pressing it down in a slightly theatrical gesture.


I’m so confused, aroused and angry that I can’t hold myself anymore. Your foot keeps asserting its power over my pussy, and I feel how you find and hold my clit between two of your toes. Then I hear your voice “Checkmate, Ann!”, and a brief glance on the board confirms that you are right. At the same moment you squeeze my clit. I cry out loud, the sound goes from my deep throat and transfers into fading howling, as I cum hard on your foot and on the floor. I lean on the back of my chair, breathing heavily, starting to recover from a devastating orgasm. Now it all ended, and not in my favor. Over my career, I haven’t always been winning, and I know how to accept the loss, but this is so much more personal that it’s harder to cope with, and I let out a few sobs.


This is the sweetest moment of glory. Everything I worked so hard for gave the result, and now I beat my biggest rival. I look at you and allow myself to laugh in relief, letting my tension and worries go. I don’t really hate you, and in normal circumstances I wouldn’t like my opponents to suffer, but I craved tor this victory so much that now want to savor it to the last drop.

I clear the board, collecting all pieces and putting them to the far end of the table. Going around and getting behind you, I lean down, put my hands on your belly and grab the edges of your top. I didn’t eat your queen, so it is still on, but as your king is crushed, we may assume that the queen is captured as well, just like you. You obediently raise your hands, and I pull it off over the head. Sending it to fly to the opposite side of the room, I untie your small bra and set your breasts free.

I touch your chest with my fingertips, run them upwards and tickle your neck. My palms then grasp your elbows, and pull them up slightly, forcing you to stand up. Turning you around, I face your teary eyes, as you are not completely recovered from a shock. I purr and slowly push forward, your ass is pressed into the edge of the table, and then my body starts leaning forward into yours, until your blades touch the chess board, and you are on your back.

I gently interlock our fingers and pin your hands above the head, bending your elbows. My hard nipples poke into your pink pair, as I lick your earlobe and whisper “I defeated you, my Ukrainian amazon” – clearly mocking your previous tease.


This is probably the most humiliating final one can imagine. I was a dominant before, but now I am beaten on my own turf, in my own game, mentally and sexually, I am naked and pinned by my arch-rival. Moreover, you pressed me against the chess board, which is as symbolic as it can be. My body and my mind are now antagonizing: my pride suffered greatly and I hate you for this, but I still feel aroused by your physical game and how assertively you took me, claiming your prize. “No.. fuck no.. this can’t be!” – I mutter, offering weak resistance. “Yess… it definitely can! You may be the best in your country, but I beat you like a sore loser you are” – your voice is echoing in my head. – “And I know it turns you on, even if you don’t want to admit it”. Then I feel you kiss my lips.


You are tasty. I can recognize your lip gloss before I invade your mouth with my tongue. I kiss you passionately, forcing to let me in, exploring the inner surfaces and tickling you. It is unbelievably exciting, and I enjoy my dominance. I fact, the only thought of what happened gives me a hard time to hold my orgasm, and maybe I don’t even have to. Even the smell of your sweat acts like an aphrodisiac on me. But I know I will have enough time later, while at the moment I want to show my strength. 

After a couple of sweetest minutes I break my kiss. Even though I like pinning you to the board, it eventually becomes uncomfortable for both of us. I stand back up, and so do you, pushing up on your elbows. Though, I’m not ready to let you go yet, still maintaining my grasp on your hands, but now you are more recovered and start resisting.


I’m finally able to get off that table. Not that I feel a lot better, but I start recovering and can think clearer. Our match is over, but it looks like you are not satisfied yet. I try to move away, but instead you try to push me forward and down, pressing our hands in a test of strength position. In attempt to resist, I push as well, but I have to admit that my energy is low after an exhausting chess game, orgasm and humiliation. At first, I manage to move you forward, but then, in an intense struggle, you lean me back and down, then you get on your knees, which I do as well. With one powerful push, when you basically jump on me, I lose the remained balance and fall back, slamming the floor.


I pin you again, but this time against the floor; I go for a full body hold, trying to wrap my legs around yours in a grapevine. I hold your wrists ever so slightly, as you don’t have much energy to break free. I kiss your chin, then go slowly down to your neck, covering it with kisses, trailing the tip of my tongue along your skin. Taking your hardened nipple into my mouth, I tickle, suck and slightly squeeze it. You let out several moans, as you become more aroused for the second time.

I straighten myself and align with your body, putting my forehead on yours and looking right into your confused eyes. “You said you are a dominant person, but it doesn’t seem to me this way now. Tell me, who conquered you? Who tamed your spirit? I want to hear you saying it” – I whisper in a sultry and seductive, but demanding tone. My lips are right above yours, touching them while I’m speaking. I slightly gyrate my lower body around your bellybutton, feeling friction of our delightfully silky skin.


I’m flattened under your powerful body, and what is even worse, after all you did, your arrogant taunts, closeness and dominance still turn me on. My hard nipples press into your skin, as my body betrays me. I had partners who were more on a submissive side, but this time I feel conquered and defenseless. It starts sinking into me that maybe you are the strongest indeed.

“You did” – I say submissively, acknowledging your complete victory at last. As hard as it is, you beat me fair and square.


“Mmm.. good girl!” – I purr, kissing you again. Fury in your eyes now gave way to acceptance. I finally achieved my goal, but before leaving, I want to give you my last gift and hope I will have enough endurance. I get up, straddling your thighs, then put my knee between them, freeing the right one. Your left leg is between my hips, as I take your right, raise it and put on my shoulder. Our pussies touch, and I feel like I was struck by an electric charge. You feel the same way, gasping and slightly wriggling. 

I wish we had sex toys here, so that we could have fun in its fullest. But none of us could imagine what our game encounter will lead to, and besides, nobody would carry them while travelling to the exhaustive tournament. But it’s ok, I can simply use my body. Again, I collect all my willpower to keep myself from cumming – no, I won’t do it before getting another orgasm from you. Holding your leg, I start moving rhythmically in a sensual tribbing.


I moan as you start tribbing, slowly and sensually at first. My body is craving for it, and I can’t resist anymore. When your movements become deeper and faster, my hips uncontrollably rise and fall in the same rhythm with you. I feel how your free hand slides over my belly, your fingernail spirals around my bellybutton in a gesture of taunting domination. Then your palm goes higher and massages my breast, paying attention to my erected nipples which you squeeze and release several times. You tenderly kiss the bottom of my foot, tickling it with a tip of your tongue.  

With every second I’m closer to an orgasm, flame inside me burns as in the hell’s kitchen. Your swollen clit hits mine several times. When we both feel that there are mere seconds till the end, you slow down a little bit and deliver three hard pushes. With each one, you pronounce a word, and I hear “You. Are. Mine.” 

At this moment I scream, slap my hands on the side, and cum hard in what seems to be a flash. I dissolve in the lasting pleasure and drift off for some time. 


With a loud scream you are cumming, and I yell as well, partly out of joy for my total victory, but also because I’m turned on to the limit. You pass out shortly after release, and yes, you obviously need some rest! Now, with several more thrusts I orgasmed as well, hugging your leg and mixing our juices. This evening could not possibly be more perfect.

I decided to leave before you wake up, and take something to remember. I could take your bikini, as it often happens in erotic stories, but this would be too trivial for our unusual battle. Instead, I find a white king in your chess pieces and hide it in my purse. On your desk I find a piece of paper and leave a short message: “If you want to release your king from captivity, find me next time!” 

I wish we could meet again soon – you will be like a tamed tigress in my hands. But even though we live on the opposite ends of the planet, we will meet again on the chess competitions, and I smile on that thought. Before departing, I apply a lip gloss, lean down and kiss your cheek, leaving a bright pink mark in the form of my lips, then slip out of the door and close it.

The End

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