The Game of Thrones Project

Written by the Creator of the Project Qwerty961: As a massive fan of GRRM’s epic saga ASOIAF, I have always fantasized about steamy and violent catfights between various characters. I fantasized about Cersei and Margaery rolling in a dungeon beneath the Sept of Baelor, about Sansa and Shae fucking each other into climactic submission, about Daenerys facing off against assassins sent by the Sons of Harpies, and finally, about various women coming together in a deadly FFA for the Iron Throne.

This project is best understood as a collection of fan-fictions that loosely follow the general plot points of the original novels, culminating in a big FFA amongst 5 female characters. The stories are commissions or donations from various authors (shoutout to Luffy, Rival’s Rapture, Nuxrivern, Clairebear, and Mickster). We follow Sansa, Margaery, Cersei, Daenerys, Myrcella, and Arianne on journeys filled with lust and violence, for the sake of power, vengeance, or personal fulfillment.


Pink Glow Divider

The Ros Prequel Series

Part 1 – Ros vs. Barbrey

Young, innocent, and naive, Ros, an orphan taken in by the Faith, falls prey to a charming young lordling but finds that she’s but one of his many romantic conquests.

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Part 2 – Ros vs. Holly

Wounded and driven out of the Faith, Ros ends up on the street before she’s taken in by a woman who takes in all lost girls, and finds herself in a brothel.

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Part 3 – Ros vs. Lynesse

Slowly adjusting to the life of a prostitute, Ros finds herself desiring more in life. After an altercation with a co-worker regarding a wealthy patron, Ros decides to leave the icy barrens of the North and seek her fortune in King’s Landing.

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Part 4 – Ros vs. A Dornish Girl

Upon arriving in King’s Landing, Ros quickly seizes an opportunity to enter the service of one Petyr Baelish, at the most prestigious pleasure house in the city. However, she also finds herself a fierce competitor in the form of a Dornish beauty called Allyria Sand.

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Part 5 – Ros vs. Barbrey

As her rivalry with Allyria intensifies, Ros is summoned to by Petyrs for a special service, one that falls far beyond her usual duties. 

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Part 6 – Ros vs. Allyria

With her positions more secured by the days, Ros must now fend off one final, desperate attempt by Allyria to take from her everything she has worked for.

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Part 6.5 – Ros vs. Dohreah
by Rival’s Rapture
Coming Soon!

A madame controls her working girls through fear and respect, and Ros commands plenty of both. And she has proven herself useful to Petyr Baelish, keeping the girls in line for him while passing on any useful information the girls suck out of the clients. However, Doreah, being young, new, and prideful, is ready to show these Westerosi whores what it means to truly fuck.

Part 7 Ros vs. Allyria

Having lost everything due to her gambles, Ros must now fight for her life, stubbornly clinging onto the faintest illusions of hope.

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Pink Glow Divider

Chapter 1
Daenerys vs. Ziggi
by Luffy

Daenerys may have her sun and stars, but in the eyes of one of the Horse People, she is still an outsider — an unworthy one at that. That is until she who believes as much tests the white-haired Targaryen in front of Khal Drogo and the tribe.

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Chapter 2
Daenerys vs. Doreah
by Luffy

After reclaiming her dragons from the warlocks of the House of Undying, Daenerys deals with the treacherous Doreah – her former friend, lover, and mentor. The pair engage in a multi-day trial by sexual combat, locked in the great Valyrian stone vault.

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Chapter 3
Sansa vs Ros
by Luffy

Days before her marriage to Tyrion Lannister, Sansa is kidnapped and forced into one of Joffrey’s twisted little game. With her life on the line, Sansa fights back against her tormentor for the first time in her life.

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Chapter 4
Daenerys vs Missandei
by Nuxrivern

With the Slavers’ Bay under her reign and no enemies in sight, Daenerys rules her newly liberated kingdom. Yet, despite the peace in her realm, Daenerys finds herself plagued by restlessness. Desperate for some release, Daenerys calls Missandei to her chamber for a very unusual request. 

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Chapter 5
Sansa vs. Shae
by Luffy

Although her marriage to Tyrion Lannister leaves much to be desired, the marriage did provide certain safety and protection from Joffrey’s torment. However, the insolence of Tyrion’s mistress – a whore called Shae – is getting increasingly vexing, and Sansa finally decides to confront the man-stealer.

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Chapter 6
Cersei vs. Margaery
by Rival’s Rapture

Catfight: With Joffrey dead, Margaery Tyrell and Cersei Lannister come together not to grieve, but to tear each other apart. Not just over his memory, but beneath him — locked together in the confines of the table on which his body rests.

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Chapter 7
Sansa vs. Lysa
by Luffy

With Joffrey dead, and Sansa safely hidden in the Vale, Sansa’s life finally seems to have taken a turn for the better. However, a new torment awaits her in the form of her aunt. Jealousy, madness, and rage have taken Lysa’s mind. Such ailments driving her into accusing and attacking her own niece! One that fights back, when words can do nothing calm her aunt’s terrible storm

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Chapter 8
Margaery vs Cersei 2

by Nuxrivern

Cersei and Margaery, the old and the young Queen, find themselves trapped in a public foot-fucking contest underneath the dinner table. Once their other guests leave them to themselves, they attempt to find out which Queen’s body is the stronger, and the more beautiful one of the pair.

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Chapter 9
Daenerys vs. Fayha

by Nuxrivern

With things in Slavers’ Bay going from bad to worse, Daenerys finally lays her hands on a member of the Sons of Harpy – the elusive terrorist group terrorizing her city.

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Chapter 10
Margaery vs. Cersei 3

by Nuxrivern

The two couldn’t go on for a moment, clinging against the bars to deal with the pain. Margaery’s eyes remained shut, hissing to herself as if to make it more possible to deal with it. When they opened, she could see that Cersei was looking at her, scanning Margaery’s face for blood. Margaery couldn’t see herself, but wanted to believe that she wasn’t in as bad of a state as Cersei was. It just hurt. Her entire body was in agony.

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Chapter 11
Sansa vs. Myranda
by Rival’s Rapture

Determined to reclaim her family legacy and bring justice for her family, Sansa allowed herself to be handed over to the Boltons. Now, as her first challenge on her quest for vengeance, Sansa must face Ramsey’s bitch in a game of endurance, torture, pleasure, and pain.

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Chapter 12
Daenerys vs. Whore Queen of Astapor

A book character. After Daenerys liberated Astapor, she left a council to rule the city. The council was promptly overthrown and the city fell into a civil war between 2 self-proclaimed ruler – the butcher king and the whore queen. The Butcher King won. In the book, the whore queen disappeared. Here, we’ll have her travel to Meereen. 

Daenerys, though physically recovered, has yet to recover psychologically from her loss and close brush against death. The two queens really don’t get along too well. Thinking about an all-night sexfight that ends with Daenerys subjugating her rival and banishing her from the city.


Chapter 13
Sansa vs Myranda 2
by Mickster and Nuxrivern

With the seeds of rebellion sowed across the North, Sansa plans a stealthy getaway before war erupts. However, before she can make an escape, she is seized by an urge to settle things with Myranda one last time

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Chapter 14
Margaery vs. Cersei 4
by Luffy316 and Nuxrivern

All has come down to this. The time for plots and gossip have passed, as the two queens are forced to settle everything in a trial by combat, a trial by tooth and claws.

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Chapter 15
Daenerys vs. Malazza

Chapter 16
Cersei Bat Brawl

Chapter 17
Sansa vs Myranda 3
by Nuxrivern

With her plans to escape Winterfell foiled by her own folly and Winterfell on lockdown, Sansa decides to wait out the rebellion in the Winterfell crypt. However, her desire for peace, quiet, and safety were once again denied by Myranda, who is determined to break the highborn lady once and for all.

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Chapter 18
Threeway Fight Between Daenerys, Malazza, and a Dothraki Woman

Doreah vs. Missandei

Chapter 20
Sansa vs Myranda 4
by Nuxrivern

Winterfell is Sansa, so is the North. However, victory left an empty taste in her mouth, as Sansa finds it impossible to move on from her bitter struggles against Myranda. Tormented by her hatred, she meets Myranda in the Godswood for a final showdown.

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Chapter 21
Arianne vs Myrcella
by Rival’s Rapture

Beneath the hot Dornish sun, amidst the scent of orange trees, a steamy sexfight takes place between 2 friends and foster sisters, as the pair try to vent out all the tensions created by a recent betrayal.

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Chapter 22
Rematch of Threeway Fight Between Daenerys, Malazza, and a Dothraki Woman

Chapter 23
Cersei vs Missandei
By Amy Summer

While Daenerys was busy setting fire to the Yunkaii army, Cersei was in Meereen planning on stealing into the Great Pyramid and kill Tyrion. Her and her merry band of sell swords manages to kidnap one of Daenerys’ maids who turned out to be Missandei (I imagine it would be an ambush. They didn’t know who they were kidnapping, but they knew she had an escort, and must therefore be important). 

They try to force her to spill the bean on the layouts of the Pyramid, but the little scribe is defiant. In a moment of rank stupidity, Cersei sends her sellswords outside, locks the door behind them, and proceeds to beat the information out of Missandei. However, the knot she tied is not nearly as secure as she thought, and Missandei squirms free. 

Come morning, a group of Unsullied, having searched the city for the entire night, break down the door to find the pair exhausted and hurt, and throw Cersei in the dungeon. (oh, and her merry band of sellswords fled as soon as the manhunt began).


Chapter 24
Threeway Fight Between Daenerys, Cersei, and Doreah

Chapter 25
Margaery vs Myrcella

With betrayal and treason at every turn and the Lannisters at her doorstep, Margaery is forced into a parlay with Myrcella, a parlay that quickly disintegrates into violence.

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Chapter 26
Daenerys vs. Arya

Chapter 27
Daenerys vs. Missandei
By Amy Summer

After recovering from her battle, Daenerys orders that the city be razed to the ground, and that all prisoners be executed. This is too much for Missandei and she stands up to Daenerys. Daenerys doesn’t take this too well and the pair enter a bitter argument and go so far as to exchange a few slaps, stopping as they are about to gouge each others eye out.

Daenerys sends Missandei away, and Missandei storms out. However, as soon as Missandei leaves, she goes to the guards, telling them that Daenerys had ordered the prisoners released and be provided with horses. When Daenerys learns of this, she accuses Missandei of treason. The pair fight, and Danny kills Missandei, completing her journey to madness. 


Chapter 28
Myrcella vs Doreah
by Luffy

Fresh off her defeat at the hands of Margaery Tyrell, Myrcella makes for Storms’ Ends in hopes of forging a marriage alliance with a newly emerged claimant of the Iron Throne. On her path to the Stormlands, she comes across an insolent tavern wench who managed to spark her ire.

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Chapter 29
Sansa vs Arianne
by Luffy – Revised by Amy Summer

The two ladies meet in the Godswood of Storm’s Ends to hopefully resolve their differences before the others arrive. However, as neither is willing to back down, the conversation quickly devolves into a painful test of strength and endurance.

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Chapter 30
Margaery vs. Daenerys
By Amy Summer

Seven Kingdom, 4 queens, and one Iron Throne. With the fate of the Kingdom delicately balanced on a pin, Margaery arrives at Storm’s Ends in search of a consort and an ally, instead, she finds that she was too late. Another would be queen, Daenerys, had arrived the same day, and the two queens get to “know” each other in private on their way up to the castle.

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Chapter 31
Daenerys vs. Sansa
By Rival’s Rapture

Though both Daenerys and Sansa have suffered and inflicted much, as they trudged through their opposite and oppressive fates, two of Westeros’ most battle-hardened women find a need great enough to bring them together.

A need for the others allowance.

One to leave the North free and the other, simply, to bend the knee.


Chapter 32
Daenerys vs. Doreah

Chapter 33
Arianne vs. Myrcella
By Amy Summer

There is blood in the air at Storms’ End, and this is no place for a little girl. That was Arianne’s thought as she entered Myrcella’s chamber. She needs to get Myrcella out of Storms’ End before it’s too late. However, Myrcella does not take too kindly to Arianne’s care and concern.

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Chapter 34
Sansa vs. Margaery

Chapter 35
Myrcella vs. Daenerys
By Amy Summer

After her exhausting sexfight with Arianne, Myrcella wakes up to find a Doreah who just returned from an equally brutal sexfight with Daenerys. Upon learning what happened to her treasured handmaiden and lover, Myrcella storms off to seek blood retribution against the woman who dared lay hands on one of her own.

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Chapter 36
Doreah vs. Arianne
By Amy Summer

Rightfully alarmed about Doreah’s influence in Myrcella’s life, Arianne is determined to drive the scheming serpent away from her foster sister. However, Doreah is definitely not going down without a fight.

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Chapter 37
Margaery vs. Doreah
By Amy Summer

Why let a battle of claws and clits decide who rules the kingdom alongside Aegon?

Why not seduce him while the other suiters to his glory sleep?

Those are the questions asked by two like-minded women, Margaery and Doreah, who in the dark of the rightful king’s chambers, meet one another clit to clit and tongue to tongue.

Neither knowing who their unseen rival is or caring….

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Chapter 38
Doreah vs. Arianne vs. Myrcella
By Amy Summer

Tensions between Arianne, Myrcella, and Arianne have finally come to a boil. As relationships stretched beyond breaking point, an accidents sets friends against friends, lovers against lovers, as the three women battle it out to determine who is the alpha female.

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Chapter 39
Bath and Dinner
By Amy Summer

With tensions at an all-time high, and the most powerful women in Westeros at each others’ throat, the storm is but moments away. But for now, the surface of the water remains calm, albeit blood already drifts beneath the surface.

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Chapter 40
The Night of Bloody Passion
By Amy Summer

It has all come to this. Six women vying for the hand of the future King of the Seven Kingdoms. Weeks of plotting and stalemates finally comes to a head in one stormy night. To the winner goes the crown, and the loser, the graves.

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By Amy Summer

It has been 20 years since Sansa and Arianne’s marriages to Aegon Targaryen, Sixth of His name, Lord of the Andals and the First Men, and King of Seven Kingdoms. 20 years of schemes and backstabs finally comes to a halt, and the two women will know once and for all who is the true master of the Game of Thrones.

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Pink Glow Divider

Stories Removed from Canon

Melisandre vs. Ygritte vs. Myranda
by Luffy

Melisandre fell and screamed as she clutched at the stump. With the sealing ice gone, it was spitting out tongues of flame and cinders to show her major loss of power. Ygritte continued to pursue her and kick her in between her legs (or what was left of them). “You’ll leave Jon to me! He is mine!” she shouted down at the crippled priestess. She was ready to launch another attack when Myranda rose and grabbed her from behind. She grabbed the naked wildling by the chest and squeezed. Rather than stealing her energy, the dark entity began pouring her cold into her much like she had with Melisandre’s leg.

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Malazza vs. Daenerys
On Dragons and Mountains
by Luffy

“AOOOH!” Malazza gave a guttural howl as she doubled over and clutched her crotch. Daenerys quickly pressed her weight on top of her, pinning the nauseous assassin beneath her. One hand took Malazza’s throat, holding her down and starting to choke her. Daenerys balled up her other hand and started to hammer it onto Malazza’s naked chest, leaving the dark-skinned orbs to jiggle with each painful blow. Bruises were beginning to grow beneath Daenerys’ hateful blows

“This is what you wanted?!” Daenerys snarled savagely. “You don’t come after me and not expect a fight, you twisted little orphan!”

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Missandei vs. Daenerys
by Luffy

With the threat of the Sons of the Harpies everywhere, Daenerys sees possible treachery even in loyal allies. Such suspicion drives her to confront and engage the beautiful Missandei, A Battle that leaves one of the two women in cuffs and the other lost in her own thoughts.

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Daenerys vs. Malazza
Fighting Yourself
by Luffy

This revelation left them both stunned long enough that they charged together, clashing bodily and tumbling to the ground. They scratched and punched until the more hot-headed half found herself stuck beneath her identical nemesis. The bladed Daenerys gave a quick slice across her double’s throat, getting a sharp gasp from the top duplicate. The one who had opened the wound was already feeling the wave of exhaustion washing over her while the injured one’s eyes went wide. The amplified feeling of her throat being slit while staying alive was flooding her body with pain, but she seemed to have picked up on her opposition’s trick. She forced a large mace out of her other hand and brought it crashing down on the other’s face.

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Daenerys vs Missandei
by Luffy

With the threat of the Sons of the Harpies everywhere, Daenerys sees possible treachery even in loyal allies. Such suspicion drives her to confront and engage the beautiful Missandei, A Battle that leaves one of the two women in cuffs and the other lost in her own thoughts.

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Arianne Prologue
by Luffy

As queens and ladies make for Storm’s Ends, Arianne knows her time is running out. She briefly thinks back to her previous experiences with female rivals as she gets ready to meet Sansa Stark in a final bid to come to an agreement before the other queens and ladies arrive at Storms’ Ends.

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Pink Glow Divider
Our Authors Compressed
A Library of The Works of the Best Fem Fight Solo Story Writers Ever To Put Fingers to Keys
Even More Stories From Around the Web, Both New and Old, Collected From Legends, Up and Coming Writers, and Single Series Devotees
The Stories, Art, Blog, Previews, and All Else that is Rapture
The Hottest, Sexiest, Most Brutal Stories of Women at War Told By Authors Working and Writing Together in Turn-Based Beauty
A Series of Fem Fight Stories in a Reimagined World of Westeros Brought to Us by Qwerty, And a Team of Passionate, Talented Writers
Rival's Blog Condensed
Hundreds of Rival’s Rapture’s Sexy Short Stories, Insights into the Community, Stories, the Site and So Much More
Links to Some Great Video and Image Producers from Across the Web
A Growing Collection of Some of the Best Fem Fight Artists on the Web!
A Library of Stories Curated by’s Legendary Creator Michael
A Links to The Main Pages of the Fem Fight Community

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