Ménage à Trois by HankMcCoy02

Chapter One

‘Beep … Beep … Beep … Beep …’ Sarah shifted restlessly under her duvet, turning towards her bedside locker and away from her snoring husband, opening one sleepy eye in the direction of the persistently shrill sound. ‘Half-Six … Already?! … Fuck …’ Sarah mumbled to herself, as she rolled to her left, reaching across the blankets of her martial bed and making a beeline for the snooze button of the offending digital alarm clock. 

Having fruitlessly groped in the dark for several minutes, Sarah finally managed to find her target and returned her darkened bedroom to silence … save for the steady hum of her husband’s soft snores of course. Now fully awake, Sarah rolled back to her original position, on the flat of her back, her beautiful shoulder-length chestnut brown hair stretched just past her shoulders, as it splayed out on the pillow beneath her. 

She pulled her arms free from the stifling warmth of the duvet covering both her and Tommy, and stretched her arms outwards and upwards, taking care not to rap her knuckles off the mahogany headboard above her, as she attempted to stifle a bored and tired yawn. She brought her arms down over the duvet, hoping the fresh morning air would cool down her uncomfortably warm body. 

The air felt nice and refreshing on Sarah’s snow-white skin, prompting her to peel back the duvet on her side of the bed slightly, relieving her upper body of the burden of heavy blankets, exposing her cleavage to the morning air, the rest of Sarah’s 5’ 6’’, 118lbs frame loosely adorned with a frilly black nightie, the shear material of which was hopelessly inadequate when it came to concealing her gorgeous curves. 

Sarah was ever mindful not to wake Tommy too early, as he had been working like a dog all year, seeking to make headway in his career and establish himself in a high-paid management position, at the firm he had been working for this past ten years. ‘The poor dear needs his sleep …’ Sarah thought to herself, as she contemplated all the late hours that Tommy had been working recently.  

Sarah smiled in satisfaction, as she thought about what the weekend ahead held in store for both of them. She and Tommy had been invited to stay over the weekend in a luxurious suite, at the mansion of one of the senior partners. Some important business meeting or other. Sarah hadn’t really been listening … 

She had heard the important part. ‘Staying at the mansion of one of the senior partners … Why? … Surely it was a sign that all of Tommy’s hard work and years of networking were about to yield dividends … A big promotion must be in the offing, and with it … a more comfortable lifestyle …’ Sarah mused to herself.  

Sarah was shaken from her thoughts, as Tommy slowly rolled over on his right side to face her, his blue eyes gazing at Sarah’s side profile, admiring her cute little button nose and pale white cheeks and ruby-red lips. Sarah reciprocated by pivoting on to her own right shoulder, the outside of her right breast resting awkwardly on the mattress beneath her, her left breast slouched against the inside of her right, not the most comfortable position, due to her 34E bust. Her beautiful brown eyes met her husband’s gaze.

‘Good Morning Mrs. Williams.’ Tommy whispered as he leaned in for a kiss, his lips pressing against Sarah’s aforementioned ruby red lips, holding her in a long, slow embrace that lasted just over a minute, before he pulled back slightly for air. 

‘Good Morning Mr. Williams, busy day ahead of you?’ Sarah whispered back. ‘Oh there all busy these days … but there’s something I have to do first …’ Tommy replied. Sarah glanced at him quizzically and asked, ‘What?’ 

Tommy smiled mischievously, as he pushed his wife’s left shoulder, returning her to the flat of her back once more, pinning her to the mattress in a playful manner. ‘You!’ came the response, as Tommy clambered onto his voluptuous wife, enjoying the feel of her touch as she squirmed, wriggled and giggled under him, writhing against his tanned muscular six foot frame, luxuriating in the touch of her slender milky white fingers running through his sandy blond hair, as she kissed the nape of his neck. 

Sarah lowered her head back to the pillow, and admired her ruggedly handsome husband, rubbing her panty-clad crotch against the quickly expanding codpiece of Tommy’s boxer-briefs, the only sounds in the room were the gentle swish of fabric against fabric and the impassioned groans elicited by said actions, as husband and wife enjoyed the sensation of a slow, drawn out session of foreplay. 

Tommy peered down at his gorgeous wife, marveling at the depth of her beauty. At thirty-six years of age and after ten years of marriage, she was still a sight to behold. His pale, blue eyes peering into her deep brown eyes, as he lifted himself from her body slightly, reeling back onto his haunches, allowing Sarah to sit up in the bed and raise her arms above her head, prompting Tommy to hurriedly lift her frilly black nightie over her head and toss it to the floor, on Sarah’s side of the bed, leaving her naked, save for her pair of black panties. 

Sarah slumped backwards again, her back making contact with the mattress once more, this time her hand wrapped around the back of Tommy’s neck, pulling him back down on top of her, his chest grazing tantalizing against Sarah’s perky pink nipples, driving her wild. Both spouses’ ardor starting to rise as they fidgeted with the waistbands of each other’s underwear, eager to release the bounty contained within …

‘Brzzt … Brzzt … Brzzt … Brzzt …’ Tommy glanced to his right and cursed under his breath, ‘Fuck’s sake, what now?’ He rolled away from Sarah, much to her frustration, and grabbed his mobile phone from the bedside locker on his side of the bed, as it noisily vibrated, killing the mood instantly. ‘Oh for God’s sake Tommy … Do you have to take that call now? We haven’t made love in days …’ 

Tommy sighed as he tapped the screen of his phone, turning briefly to Sarah, ‘I know Sweetie, but it’s work … I have to take it … You know I’m this close to that promotion I’ve been chasing this past four years …’ Tommy muttered, his voice trailing off. ‘Go on then, take the damn call …’ Sarah responded bitterly. 

Tommy swung his feet over the side of the bed, wincing as his bare feet made contact with the cold timber floor, before bounding out of the room and striding confidently down the hallway. ‘Hello Mr. Jenkins, How are you? … No Sir … I was up anyway … What can I do for you? … Yeah … That’s no problem …’ 

Tommy’s voice grew fainter as he traveled further down the hallway, on the way to the kitchen. Sarah crossed her arms over her plump 34E breasts, her pretty features curled up into an indignant scowl. ‘I guess I’ll see you tonight at dinner so …’ she muttered under her breath sarcastically. 

 Chapter Two

‘Hello, Mister William’s office, how may I help you?’

‘Hello, I’d like to speak to Tommy, put me through.’ The voice on the other end of the line barked abruptly, much to Vanessa’s irritation. ‘Obviously another corporate blowhard with an inflated sense of his own importance …’ Vanessa mused to herself. It was late and she had already worked two hours overtime. Vanessa was in no mood to deal with some abrasive asshole of a customer, no matter how big an account he had with the company.

‘I’ll let the air out of this prick’s tyres …’ Vanessa thought to herself, as she spoke into the receiver, in a sickly sweet, yet insincere voice, ‘I’m sorry sir, but Mr. Williams is very busy at the moment, but if you leave a name and a number, I’ll make sure that he gets it and returns your call as soon as possible.’ 

‘Who am I talking to? Who is this?’ the increasingly exasperated voice on the other end of the line queried. Vanessa’s unhelpful, passive-aggressive tone yielded a decidedly hostile response. Smirking at the ire her cheeky phone manner had provoked, Vanessa thought to herself, ‘That’ll teach you to bark orders at me down the phone like a fucking Drill Sergeant … Dickhead …’ before answering out loud, ‘This is Vanessa Johnson, I’m Mister William’s Personal Assistant, I’m sorry if I’m inconveniencing you Sir.’ 

Her tone, once again, conveying an absolute lack of sincerity. ‘Tell Tommy to drop whatever he is doing and kindly pick up the fucking phone, the CEO of the company would like to speak to him …’ Vanessa’s jaw dropped in shock. Startled, she immediately adopted a more professional stance. ‘Oh … Mr Jenkins … Apologies … I didn’t realize it was you … I’ll patch you straight through … Sorry again …’ she simpered.

Vanessa hurriedly put the call through, exhaling loudly and slumping back in her chair, glad to be off the line and to have ended an excruciatingly tense phone call with someone who had the power to crush her career aspirations under foot. ‘Smart move Johnson, go out of your way to piss off the big cheese … That’ll end well …’ 

The phone rang again and Vanessa whipped it off the hook at lightening pace, eager not to make the same mistake twice in one evening. ‘Hello, Mr. William’s office, how may I help you?’ A familiar, friendlier voice spoke over the line. ‘Can you come in here for a second Vanessa, I need your help with a few things …’

Vanessa relaxed instantly and cheerfully replied, ‘No problem Tommy, be with you in a sec …’ as she scooted backwards from her desk, she got up from her chair and strode purposely across the light blue carpet of Jenkin Inc. Headquarters, heading towards her superior’s office. ‘Most staff had gone home at this point in the evening, all except Mr Williams … or Tommy as it had been for quite some time now.’ Vanessa thought to herself. 

Tommy had been burning the midnight oil for quite some time now, seeking to get himself ahead in the rat race, climb that corporate ladder and make a name for himself, ambitious sort that he was.

 Unfortunately for Vanessa, as his P.A., that meant long hours for her too. ‘Could be worse I guess … At least I’m not stuck in the office with some middle-aged troll …’ she opined, as she passed row after row of empty cubicles, finally coming to the door of Tommy’s office and spotting him through the transparent plexi-glass that encased his workspace.

Without even bothering to knock, Vanessa pulled down on the handle and pushed the door inwards as she entered, a spring-loaded system in the hinge of the door closed it behind her, with a quiet yet audible creak. Tommy’s attention remained fixed on his monitor, ‘Probably scanning over balance sheets or customer accounts …’ Vanessa thought.

Tommy remained focused on his task as he spoke in a tired voice, ‘I may get the Janitor to oil that blasted hinge … fucking thing is driving me nuts all week …’ 

‘He looks shattered …’ Vanessa thought, ‘Poor guy …’ Vanessa stole an admiring glance of her boss. His sandy, blonde hair was disheveled and he was starting to grow a little bit of stubble. ‘Hey … He’s cute enough to pull it off I guess …’ she thought as her eyes lingered on his broad shoulders and big six foot frame. Vanessa cleared her throat and spoke, ‘So … What would you like me to work on Tommy?’ 

Tommy’s jaded eyes left his computer screen, as he peered over the monitor at his P.A. ‘Sexy little minx …’ he thought to himself as he looked at Vanessa with an appraising eye. Her sleek, straight black hair fell past her shoulders. Normally she tied it up in a bun during the working day, but if she had to stay late, sometimes she would undo the pin and let her glossy, shiny hair fall loose past her shoulders. This evening was one such evening … much to Tommy’s delight …

Vanessa truly was a fine example of just how stunning a young African-American woman could be … Her beautiful skin was a light-coloured, chocolate brown, in contrast to the dark brown of her pretty eyes. Her nose was a little wider than that of a Caucasian woman, but she was no less attractive for it, and when coupled with her full bee-stung lips, gave her quite an alluring and seductive visage. 

Her 5’ 8’’ 125 lb frame was concealed within a smart yet sexy black business suit and white blouse. The skirt of her suit was just short of her knees and provided Tommy a great view of her toned legs. Vanessa’s compact little business suit accentuated her 34B-24-32 curves, making the 34 year old a constant distraction for poor Tommy … all day long …

‘Nothing big Vanessa, just a few small things to get through before this shindig at the CEO’s house at the end of the week … I’ve emailed most of the details to you … I just need you to come around here for a second and take a look at this …’ Tommy said as he scuffled backwards on his office chair, giving his P.A. room to get a good look at the screen. Vanessa dutifully rounded the corner of the desk and stooped to look at the monitor …

Chapter Three

Vanessa planted her open palms on the table and leaned forward to look at the monitor. She could hear a squeak from Tommy’s chair as she did so, signalling that he had stood up and relieved the office furniture of his weight. ‘Eh … Sorry Tommy … I’m not sure what you want me to do with this … It’s the Murphy account, is it? … Ooohhh!’

Vanessa’s statement had been cut short by the feel of Tommy’s hands caressing the back of her thighs, before slowly moving upwards towards her buttocks. ‘I don’t want you to do a damned thing with it, I just needed an excuse to get you bent over this table, so I could get my hands on that big, beautiful black ass of yours …’ Tommy grunted as he groped the posterior that had been tormenting him all day, since the moment he’d left his bed unsatisfied this morning …

Vanessa could feel her face flush due to her boss’ wandering hands and sexually-charged compliments. She bit her lower lip and hoarsely protested, ‘No Tommy … We both agreed … this has to stop … You’re married for God’s sake …’ As she spoke, Vanessa straightened her back, lifting her hands from the table, standing bolt upright, only to feel Tommy’s erection press against the backside of her skirt, as he stepped towards her, prompting an involuntary moan to escape her lips, ‘Hmmm …’

Tommy smiled as his arms left Vanessa’s curvy ass cheeks, moving upwards under her arms, to fondle her full 34B breasts. As he vigorously massaged her chocolate brown tits through her blouse, he kissed the back of her neck and whispered in her ear, ‘Has to stop, eh?… Is that why you undo the top two buttons of your blouse every time we have to work late?… Is that why you wear those tight little miniskirts to work every day? … Because you want these little trysts to stop?’   

Against her better judgement, Vanessa gave into Tommy’s amorous intentions, cursing her weakness as she did, ‘I swore to myself that I wouldn’t allow Tommy to turn me into a cliché … the P.A. who fucks her boss in the office … but damn if he doesn’t know how to get me off …’ 

In one swift motion, Vanessa spun 180 degrees to her right, now facing her boss. Her left hand reached up to the back of his neck and she pulled him into a fierce but passionate kiss, as her right hand ventured in the opposite direction, where it rested on the crotch of Tommy’s trousers, squeezing and teasing his swollen member through the fabric of his suit. 

Tommy let out a satisfied grunt, ‘Oh fuck Vanessa … That feels so good …’ Suddenly, Vanessa released her grasp on Tommy’s manhood and broke her kiss with him, edging backwards towards the table with a seductive grin. 

Maintaining eye contact with Tommy, pointedly refusing to turn her back on him, Vanessa continued to retreat until the back of her thighs struck the desk, at which point, she reached behind her and blindly swatted the assorted contents of Tommy’s work station off the table, sending stationary, spreadsheets, company documents, a World’s Greatest Husband coffee mug and various other items crashing loudly to the floor. 

Tommy stood there mouth agape, his penis jutting out prominently against the codpiece of his trousers. He didn’t care that the documents he had been working on for the last three hours now lay scattered across the floor of his office. Nor did he care about the novelty mug that Sarah bought him for Christmas, now smashed to pieces on the ground. Not even the possibility of his hi-tech mobile phone being reduced to a similar state by Vanessa’s careless clearance of his desktop bothered him.

All he could think about at this point in time was the dusky vixen perched on the edge of his desk and how horny she made him feel. Vanessa grinned mischievously as she hiked her short skirt up high on her thighs and spread her legs, flashing Tommy in the process, granting him a fleeting glimpse of her white cotton panties. 

Her buxom chest rose and fell slowly as she sucked in air, intently holding Tommy’s gaze before breaking the silence, ‘Well … Is Mr. Williams going to leave me hanging all night, or is he going to come over here and fuck me on his desk like he promised? …’

Tommy needed no further encouragement … He closed the distance between them in two quick, short strides. He stepped between Vanessa’s parted thighs, cupping her neck in his hands and tilting her head backwards so he could lean in and kiss her. Vanessa’s hands reached behind Tommy’s back and cupped his muscular ass as she pulled him towards her.

Vanessa shifted her weight awkwardly as she and Tommy passionately mauled each other. Tommy smirked. In her hurry to have Tommy make love to her in the middle of his office, she must off done a piss-poor job of depositing potential hazards on the floor. 

‘Poor Girl is probably having to contend with a pencil sharpener wedged between her ass-cheeks …’ Tommy didn’t care though. As worked up as Vanessa had made him, he would have fucked her if she was sitting on a cactus …

‘Oooooh Tommy … Yeah … Yeah … Don’t tease me baby … Take off my panties and fuck me …’ Vanessa moaned softly. ‘Oh Yeah … Fuck … You’re such a Dirty Girl, Vanessa … You want to be fucked good and hard, don’t ya? …’ Tommy croaked. 

Just then, Tommy and Vanessa were yanked from their own personal universe by the sound of the Janitor cheerfully whistling around the corner. ‘Fuck … ‘ Vanessa exclaimed in a panicked voice, as both she and Tommy prematurely ended their makeout session, and hastily decoupled, fixing hair, straightening clothes and scooping random items from the office floor as they did so. 

Vanessa peered out the office door, to see if they had been spotted, or for some sign of Cecil the janitor, but he was still obviously cleaning out cubicles further down the hall. The dusky beauty looked back over her shoulder at Tommy, spotting him on his hands and knees, scrambling about on the floor, his dirty blond hair peeking out over the edge of his desk.     

‘What the fuck are you doing?’ Vanessa hissed at him, terrified they were about to be discovered. ‘Looking for my phone … the damn thing cost me three hundred bucks …’ Steve retorted testily. ‘It’s on the table for Christ’s sake … Forget about the damn phone … Fix yourself up or Cecil will know what we’ve been up to!’ 

Tommy straightened up and made some last minute fixes to his suit, making himself look presentable, eliminating any tell-tale signs of what he and Vanessa had just been doing. ‘Okay … I’m good … We’ll call it a night and walk to the elevator together … We’re not going to get the chance to finish what we started anyway … Man, this fucking day … I just can’t catch a break …’ Vanessa looked at him confused as they left the office. ‘Never mind …’ Tommy said wearily, tramping out the office door behind Vanessa. 

Thirty minutes earlier …   

‘Oh  shit! …’ Sarah cursed as she turned, just in time to see the pot on the hob of the gas oven boil over. The buxom brunette rose from the kitchen table with a start, sending the chair she was sitting on screeching noisily backwards, as its legs raked against the floor tiles. 

Rounding the corner of the table in haste, Sarah snatched two tea towels from the sink as she went, using them as makeshift oven mitts and hauling the pot from the red-hot oven ring it had been sitting on, ever mindful not to spill any boiling water on her skinny jeans or lime green sweater vest, before carefully carrying it back towards the sink, to drain it of some of the excess piping, hot water. 

She wrinkled her nose and winced as the boiling water seeped from the edge of the pot into the sink below with a splash, sending a small fog of steam upwards into her face. ‘God … I hate cooking … still …’ Sarah thought, ‘… I don’t like the way I left things with Tommy this morning …’ 

In hindsight, Sarah had decided she’d been a little harsh with Tommy. After all, the last thing he would’ve wanted was to leave their bed when they were fooling around … ‘Tommy might not be fan of my cooking, but he never has any complaints about what we get up to in the bedroom …’ Sarah reflected with a smirk.

The boiled potatoes were part of a culinary effort intended as a peace offering, Sarah’s way of saying sorry for being a bit of an ass about Tommy’s work commitments. She returned the pot to the stove, twisting the knob of the oven and reducing the gas mark, leaving the spuds to gently simmer while she checked on the vegetables. ‘Ah … Crisis averted’ she said with no small degree of relief.  

Sarah glanced out the kitchen window and noticed how dark it was. ‘Late again Tommy … All this hard work better pay off come the weekend …’ she whispered to herself with a sigh. ‘I’ll give him a ring and see if he’ll be home soon …’ Sarah whispered to herself, as she muted the tv, put the house phone on speaker and placed it on the corner of the kitchen table, before pulling out the top drawer in her kitchen and scooping out various utensils required for tonight’s meal. 

The kitchen was quiet, save for the sound of the potatoes gently simmering, the hum of the fridge in the corner, the occasional ‘plink’ as Sarah placed a knife or fork on the table and of course, the sound of Tommy’s dial tone echoing as his wife pottered around the kitchen. 

Suddenly, the dial tone ceased and Sarah instinctively assumed Tommy had answered, immediately launching into conversation, ‘Hey Sweetie, Look … Sorry about this morning, I want to make it up to you and I was just wondering when … Huh …’ Sarah was a little bemused, because instead of hearing Tommy’s cheerful voice return her greeting, all she could hear was a faint rustling sound crackling over the line …

Sarah turned from the table, reaching up into the cupboard over the kitchen counter and scooped two mugs from it. ‘Damn it … he must have left the phone on silent and accidentally sat on it or somehow managed to unwittingly click on ‘accept call’ while the phone was in his pocket …’ Sarah thought to herself. 

As she returned to the kitchen table with a ceramic mug in each hand, Sarah decided to hang up the phone and call Tommy’s office number …

‘Oooooh Tommy … Yeah … Yeah … Don’t tease me baby … Take off my panties and fuck me …’ a distinctly feminine voice reverberated around the William’s kitchen, freezing Sarah to the spot. She could feel her eyes well up, as she put two and two together. ‘Surely … It can’t be … Tommy wouldn’t do that … to me!? …’

Sarah’s train of thought was broken by the sound of her husband’s instantly recognizable voice echoing down the line, ‘Oh Yeah … Fuck … You’re such a Dirty Girl, Vanessa … You want to be fucked good and hard, don’t ya? …’

Sarah could feel her cheeks redden as a strong well of resentment churned in the pit of her stomach. ‘Vanessa … Who the fuck is Vanessa?!’ she screeched as she hurled both mugs across the kitchen, smashing them to pieces against the wall on the opposite side of the room, in a fit of pique. 

Sarah was livid. ‘How could he? … I’ll fucking kill him! … And his tramp, whoever she is …’ Not wishing to hear another second of her husband’s extra-martial activities, Sarah slammed her index finger roughly down on the hang up button, silencing the source of her torment. 

Part of the reason Sarah was furious was because she knew she would have to maintain the charade that everything was alright, at least until they were the far side of this weekend. A rift between them now, or her refusal to attend the party this weekend, could be seen as a slight by Senior Partners. 

‘God damn it! … I’ll have to play the dutiful wife this weekend … or all the sacrifices we’ve made so far will have been for nothing …’ The pretty brunette stood in the center of her kitchen, livid, choking on impotent rage, as she resigned herself to clearing away the shattered remnants of the two coffee mugs she had flung in a jealous rage. 

‘Keep it together Sarah … Keep it together … Just get through the weekend … then confront him and demand the truth …’

Chapter Four

 That Weekend (At the Jenkins’ Mansion):

Sarah gazed around the great expanse of Mr. Jenkin’s ballroom, dumbstruck by the lavishness of her surroundings. ‘Who the fuck has a ballroom in their own house? This room’s bigger than our entire home …’ She marveled at the sheer size of it all, the spectacular height of the raised ceiling, the room resembling a town hall more than a parlor. ‘This room must be thirty foot wide and at least fifty foot long …’ she mused in silent astonishment. 

Tommy grinned like a Cheshire cat as he paced across the ballroom dance floor, towards the table he had been assigned for the night. His wife’s high heels clicking noisily off the timber floor as they went. Tommy felt on top of the world. The crowning moment of his career was imminent, this was his moment, and his ego was bolstered by the admiring glances being directed at both him and Sarah.

His colleagues’ wives scanned Tommy with an appraising eye, stealing glances, measuring his six foot frame and envisaging what his toned physique looked like under his form-fitting tux. His colleagues themselves, more obvious in their admiration, openly ogled his wife as she sashayed across the dance floor, her left arm linked in Tommy’s right, oblivious to the attention they were both getting.

Instead, she continued to jealously admire the Jenkin’s abode. The rectangular pine dance floor, polished to an almost fluorescent sheen, was surrounded by round tables seating eight, on either side. The southern end of the room hosting a free bar to the right and a discreet entry/exit to the left, the northern end featuring a rather large podium, elevated approximately four foot above the rest of the room, hosting an ornate banquet table at which the Jenkins family, their significant others, and prominent board members sat facing south, like medieval Lords looking down on ‘the little folk’. 

As they reached their table, Sarah and Tommy decoupled. Tommy pulled out a chair for Sarah, chivalrously beckoning her to sit. Sarah smiled, running her hands down the sides of her burgundy evening dress, smoothing it against her 34E-25-35 curves. Spaghetti-thin straps held the low-cut top in place, covering her bosom just above her nipples, allowing her shoulders and cleavage plenty of ‘fresh air’ this evening. As Sarah sat down, she felt her figure-hugging dress ‘ride up’ somewhat, moving dangerously past mid-thigh level.

The slinky number was probably a little risque for tonight, but Sarah felt like dressing to impress. ‘Or at least reminding her lunk-head husband that there is little point in going out for burgers, when you have steak at home in the fridge…’ she simmered to herself. ‘Not now, Sarah… Keep it together… Wait till after the weekend, then have it out with Tommy… Not tonight… We can’t afford to make a scene…’  

As Sarah made herself comfortable, settling in her chair, she looked at the occupants of table 18 for the first time this evening. Mouthing pleasantries and nodding greetings to each of them as she looked around the table, starting with a hug for Tommy’s best friend Sean to her left, on the far side of the chair Tommy would be occupying. Glancing from left to right in a clockwise motion, Sarah dutifully acknowledged all at the table, completing the courtesies by offering to shake hands with an attractive young black woman of a similar vintage to herself, on her immediate right.    

‘Hi, I’m Sarah… Steve’s wife.’ the pretty brunette offered as an introduction. The dusky beauty in the cream evening dress took her hand hesitantly and stammered an awkward reply. ‘Ehm… Hi… Vanessa… My name’s Vanessa, I mean… Nice to meet you …. I’m your husband’s PA.’ an all too familiar voice responded shyly. Sarah felt the colour drain from her face as she realized whose hand she was grasping… 

‘Excuse me… I’m just going to order a drink…’ Vanessa stuttered, as she shifted around Sarah’s chair in a hurried motion, eager to escape an excruciatingly awkward social situation. Halfway across the dance floor, making a beeline for the bar, Vanessa muttered to herself, ‘Fuck me… This is going to be a long night…’

As she went, Sarah stared after the woman who stole her husband’s affections with wounded pride. Her evening wear was not quite as ‘adventurous’ as Sarah’s, yet there was no denying ‘this Vanessa’ was an attractive woman. While seated briefly across from her, Sarah had noticed the black woman’s evening wear was a little more demure than hers, but pretty far from conservative all the same… 

The light coloured dress had a v-neckline which granted the room tantalizing glimpses of Vanessa’s ebony breasts, but plunged nowhere near the depths of Sarah’s neckline. However, like Sarah, the shoulders of her ebony love-rival were almost bare, Vanessa’s attire held in place by more conventional straps, covering just a smidgen of skin as they performed the dual task of holding Vanessa’s dress up and preserving her modesty. As Vanessa elegantly walked across the room, turning heads as she went, Sarah could feel anger and resentment welling up inside of her… 

‘I can’t believe I have to sit beside my husband’s whore for the night… On this fucking night, of all nights…’ Sarah felt her hands clench involuntarily at the prospect, her pulse beginning to race, she looked in Vanessa’s direction once more, glaring at the black beauty who had wronged her, her elbows propped against the bar counter, leaning forward as she waited for the bartender to pour her a glass of red wine, causing that curvy backside to protrude… much to Tommy’s delight, as he couldn’t help staring… 

Spurred by her husband’s lust for another woman, Sarah felt herself rise from her chair, forcing herself to utter an insincere platitude by way of explanation. ‘Be right back sweetie… Just going to get a drink myself…’ Tommy turned around to answer, ‘I’m sure the waiter will come around… Oh… Must be thirsty…’ Tommy trailed off, before turning back and resuming conversation with Sean. Meanwhile, Sarah approached Vanessa, not having made a conscious decision to do so, but driven by some force, like a primal urge, towards the woman who had hurt her, who had made her question her femininity… having no idea what she would do when she got there…    

Chapter Five

Sarah stepped up to the bar, drawing level with Vanessa’s left shoulder, staring straight ahead at the black woman’s reflection in the mirror behind the bar, placing her palms flat on the mahogany surface. ‘Same, please.’ she requested of the barman, nodding towards Vanessa’s glass. 

She could see Vanessa’s obvious discomfort through the mirror, as she shifted uneasily on the spot. Inwardly, Sarah was wracked by conflicting emotions, the desire to confront the ‘other woman’, at odds with her need for this night to go well, for the sake of Tommy’s career. Pangs of jealousy tempered by societal norms…

Vanessa cleared her throat, breaking the uncomfortable silence, before attempting idle small talk. ‘So… Pretty impressive crib, don’t ya think? Mr Jenkins really knows how to spend his dollars…’ Vanessa said as she turned to her left, facing Sarah. 

Sarah scooped her thin glass of red wine from the counter, taking a sip, before delicately placing it back down and turning to her right, to face Vanessa. Resentment welled up inside her, as her brown eyes met Vanessa’s. ‘Obviously…’ Sarah retorted dryly. 

Undaunted, Vanessa bravely soldiered on in her attempts to break the ice. ‘Yeah… I guess… I wouldn’t mind a place like this myself. Not too shabby…’ she chirped, badly attempting to appear at ease. ‘Yeah… I wonder what a place like this goes for…’ Vanessa trailed off.

‘Vanessa… Cut the shit… I know you’re fucking my husband.’ Sarah’s voice was low and composed, but edged with tension. Her tone conveyed to Vanessa that she was determined to deal with her, but unwilling to air her dirty linen in public. Vanessa knew there was no way out of this situation, but felt relieved that Sarah had no desire to make a spectacle of herself. ‘After all, kicking up a stink at the Jenkin’s place would hurt Tommy’s career as much as mine…’

The conviction in Sarah’s voice convinced Vanessa that the white woman would brook no protestations of innocence. ‘How did you find out?’ she asked meekly. Sarah scowled at the ebony beauty. ‘Does it matter?’

Across the room, Tommy looked over his shoulder repeatedly, squirming restlessly in his chair, as he watched his wife and mistress chat at the bar. ‘No good can come from those two getting to know each other… Fuck Sarah, come back to the table so I can fucking relax…’ he thought, as he peered across at the two women he knew intimately. 

Very different women, but both equally enticing. Sarah’s soft white skin contrasting with Vanessa’s chocolate brown. Both women wearing their hair past their shoulders, albeit in different styles. Sarah’s wavy chestnut brown hair the counterpoint to Vanessa’s sleek and straight jet-black do. Sarah’s 34E breasts noticeably larger than Vanessa’s 34B’s, despite Vanessa being the marginally bigger woman by an additional two inches and a couple of pounds. The size disparity between them being minimal.

Across the room, Sarah leaned towards Vanessa conspiratorially, as if about to let her in on a secret, whispering in her ear menacingly, ‘It’s over… Whatever you had with Tommy… You’re done’. Both women close enough to feel the other’s breath on her face. The finality of the statement stung Vanessa, prompting an emotive response to escape her plump lips, ‘No… I can’t… I… ’

Sarah stared at her with indignant fury, whispering incredulously, ‘No?!! Why the fuck not?!’ 

Vanessa’s answer shocked Sarah, and herself too, if she cared to admit it, ‘I… I love him…’ 

The statement lingered in the silence between them. ‘Well Vanessa… That’s going to be a problem…’ was Sarah’s strained response, ‘…and I see only one way of dealing with it…’ 

At Table 18, Tommy breathed a sigh of relief as he watched Sarah finally return to her chair. ‘Hey honey… You were gone a while… You must really have hit it off with Vanessa… What were you chatting about?’ Tommy asked, hoping he sounded disinterested. ‘Oh nothing sweetie… Just, you know… girl talk…’ she replied innocently. ‘She’s heading off to bed now… She has to be up early in the morning…’ Sarah continued. 

Stretching her hands upwards, towards the raised ceiling of the ballroom, and yawning, Sarah said ‘Speaking of which, I’m shattered too. Bit of a headache. Not feeling the best… I know it’s your big night and Mr. Jenkins hasn’t made the speeches, or handed out awards and promotions yet, but would you mind if I hit the hay and got a little rest?’ 

Tommy smiled, ‘Of course, honey. Go on back to the room and put your feet up. It shouldn’t be too long now. I’ll be up in an hour or two. Rest up.’ 

‘Thanks honey, try not to wake me when you come up…’ Sarah rose from the chair, gave Tommy’s shoulder an affectionate squeeze as she circumnavigated his chair, before heading for the exit.  

Chapter Six

‘All right folks… It’s been a great night and I want to thank you all for driving out to the mansion tonight and agreeing to stay over. I think it’s important to blow off steam like this now and again, and get to know each other outside of work.’ Jenkins paced across the stage as he spoke, confident and purposeful, apparently unfazed by public speaking or addressing a large crowd. ‘The fact that said crowd was scared stiff of the old bastard probably makes it easier…’ Tommy mused. 

Mr Jenkins continued speaking, his authoritative voice booming through the speaker system, and reverberating against the high walls of the ballroom. His audience listening with strained smiles and attentive expressions. ‘Important that we get to know each other outside work?! Bullshit… You wanted to remind us all how rich you are… Come on you old bastard… Get to the important part…’

‘Now… The part of the night you’ve all been waiting for… I’d like you all to put your hands together for the following employees, who will be heading up our new European project; Murphy, Mitchell, Campbell, Ortiz and… Williams. Well done guys, you’ve earned it. I’ll chat to each of you individually in the morning about your new roles, but for tonight, enjoy yourselves.’ The crackle of the microphone faded, as music was piped through the speakers. The formalities of the evening over, the tables started to empty as couples drifted towards the dance floor.  

Tommy’s face broke into a wide grin. Years of hard work finally coming to fruition. As the other occupants of Table 18 passed him en-route to the dance floor, he received an abundance of slaps on the back and wishes of congratulations, some begrudging and some genuine. Tommy rose from the now empty table… He’d got what he came for. ‘Now to tell Sarah the good news… She’ll be thrilled.’

Tommy traipsed towards the exit giddy with anticipation, eager to ‘celebrate’ this momentous occasion. He paced quickly through the throngs on the dance floor, towards the exit, out into the foyer of the Jenkin’s mansion and bounded up the stairs, two steps at a time.

Arriving on the second floor, Tommy walked purposefully towards the room he was staying in, eager to share the good news with Sarah and reap his ‘reward’. ‘About fuckin’ time… I’m nursing balls like watermelons over here…’ he thought to himself. 

Stopping at the door to his room, Tommy turned the handle and eased it open with his shoulder, stepping onto the ruby red carpet of the plush suite. From the doorway, he could see both cream and burgundy dresses strewn across the plush carpet and two sets of high heels scattered amongst them. His curiosity peaked, Tommy descended the three step landing, rounded a corner, and stepped into the main compartment of the bedroom. ‘Great news honey I got the promotion…’  A most unexpected sight, perched upon the mammoth Queen-sized bed he would be spending the night in, stopped him dead in his tracks, just two yards short of the foot of the bed. A little voice in Tommy’s head told him this would be a night he would never forget…

Chapter Seven

Tommy stood still, rooted to the spot, his mouth agape. Pale blue moonlight crept in through the half-drawn curtains on the right-hand side of the room, bathing the room in a bluish tinge. The only other light source in the room being the ornate, gold chandelier hanging from the ceiling, a dimmer switch fixed to a low setting, emitting a soft yellow glow, just enough to illuminate the enormous Queen-sized bed and the large rectangular headboard set in front of a beige wallpaper etched with floral patterns, and approximately two foot of ruby red carpet surrounding the bed’s perimeter. 

 Tommy was flabbergasted… Rendered speechless by the sight of his wife and mistress sitting on opposite sides of the bed, their backs to each other, Vanessa on the left and Sarah on the right, naked save for skimpy underwear, both in the midst of removing jewelry and depositing it on top of the bedside locker on ‘their’ side of the bed. Sarah was first to complete the task. She rose from the bed, walking around it, to Tommy’s right side.

As she walked, Tommy saw that her ‘headache’ had clearly been a ruse, an excuse to get back to the room for… whatever this is… Her make-up had been freshly applied, her lips coated in cherry-pink lip-gloss and her eyes highlighted by dark eye shadow. Clad only in a shear black, over the hip, narrow cut thong, Tommy’s 5’6”, 118 lb wife looked every inch the proverbial sex goddess. ‘Judging by the goofy grin on your face, I’m guessing you got the promotion honey… or maybe you’re just happy to see us…’

Still dumbfounded, Tommy attempted to stutter a reply, before Vanessa interrupted his train of thought, as she slinked from her side of the bed to his left-hand side. ‘She knows Tommy… About our late evenings in the office… everything…’ 

As she walked, Tommy could see Vanessa had spent just as much time on her appearance as Sarah.  Vanessa’s 5’8”, 125 lb ebony frame was bare, save for a bright purple thong sparing her ‘modesty’. Her bulbous lips wore soft brown lipstick and her eyes were adorned with purple eye shadow matching her choice of sexy underwear. As she took her place at Tommy’s left-hand side, the fragrance of her perfume and Sarah’s mingled to create an intoxicating scent. 

Both women stared intently at one another, their poses mirroring, their heads cocked at a haughty, some might say arrogant angle. Their faces bore defiant and determined expressions, as if each woman was challenging the other simply by being present. Sarah made the first move, taking one step forward, bringing her directly in front of Tommy. Vanessa did likewise, placing her in a similar position. 

From this proximity, Tommy could appreciate the splendor of both women. Two sets of breasts rose and fell as each women took gradually more excited breaths. Vanessa’s full 34B’s, beautiful chocolate coloured breasts topped off by nipples of an even darker hue, were mere millimeters apart from Sarah’s larger 34E’s, porcelain white skin, finishing in stiff pink nubs. Due to a height difference of two inches, Vanessa’s dark brown nipples hovered just above Sarah’s lighter coloured pair, both sets hard and erect. 

The stare-down continued for another tension-filled thirty seconds, before Sarah broke the silence. ‘That’s right… I know… I know that this little whore lets you fuck her on an office desk when you’re stuck late at work…’

Vanessa bristled at the remark and took a step forward, before delivering her retort. The black woman’s forward momentum closing the mere millimetres between her and Sarah, causing their breasts to come together.

Aroused pink nipples making contact with the underside of Vanessa’s tits, whilst Sarah feels the sensation of dark brown nubs rub against the top of her bumpy areolae. ‘Nah… What you know is what I make Tommy feel when he fucks me on an office desk, is better than what he is getting at home…’

Seething, Sarah attempts to nudge Vanessa back a step by pushing forward with her voluptuous chest… but Vanessa holds firm. Both women experience the unfamiliar sensation of another woman’s breasts pressed tight against her. Their tits mushroom together and are forced to bulge out under each woman’s arms. Tommy is mesmerized as Sarah and Vanessa continue their discussion…

Sarah: ‘Are you really comparing Tommy letting you slobber on his cock after office hours, to ten years of Marriage? Please…’

Vanessa: ‘No… I’m comparing him cumming like a busted fire hydrant, while he tells me how much he wants me, to his frigid wife lying motionless while he fucks her…’ 

Sarah: ‘You fucking black slut!’

Vanessa: ‘Lily-white bitch!’

Both women were on the balls of their feet, almost nose to nose, their fists clenched in frustration, marshaling every ounce of self-restraint at their disposal, in order to stop themselves from grabbing a fistful of the other woman’s hair and pulling with all their respective might.

Sarah took a step back, not retreating, but signalling she was ready to escalate the evening’s proceedings. ‘We didn’t come up here to jeopardize Tommy’s career and we can’t finish this weekend looking like a pair of alley-cats… Which rules out swinging you around the room by your hair… Mores the fucking pity… So… Let’s settle this… Let’s see who Tommy really wants…’

Finally finding his voice, Tommy interrupts, drawing the attention of both women. ‘Buh… But… how are we going to do that?’ Both women peered up at him from underneath black eyelashes, brandishing seductive smiles. Sarah spoke first. ‘Easy silly… All three of us are going to get naked and climb onto this bed…’ As Sarah’s voice trailed off, Vanessa finished the sentence, ‘… and we’re going to fuck until your balls are drained… and then you decide who you’re going home with… cos neither of us is willing to share anymore…’

Chapter Eight

Sarah dropped to her knees, her buttocks resting on her heels as she settled herself, and peered upwards at her husband’s mistress. Her head cocked defiantly, so she could maintain eye contact with Vanessa. 

Without a word spoken between them, Vanessa thrust her left leg forward and waited… as Sarah took her que and leaned forward, her slender white fingers reaching up and fastening onto to the waistband of the black woman’s purple thong. She lowered it from Vanessa’s hips slowly, the crotch of the skimpy panties clinging stubbornly to her crotch, before Sarah pried it free from her honey pot, revealing a neatly-trimmed, triangular patch of black pubic hair. Sarah released her grip on her love rival’s panties and allowed them to fall to the floor.

Vanessa stepped out of her underwear, before sinking to the floor just as Sarah had done before her, and replicating the process. Elegant fingers reached upwards and curled around the waistband of Sarah’s thong, followed by the dusky beauty ‘liberating’ Sarah’s mound from her sexy lingerie, this time revealing an immaculately shaved mound, shorn of hair, save a discreet chestnut brown landing strip. 

Each woman retrieved their underwear from the floor, before placing it on the bedpost on ‘their side’ of the bed, as if they were laying claim to the bed, marking it as their territory in an overtly sexual fashion. Facing each other on opposite sides of the bed, both women glared at each other malevolently.

Tommy felt a potent erection brewing as he watched this sexually charged, tension-filled, ritualistic display. Like all men, Tommy often fantasized about sharing his bed with two women… but he found the reality different from the fantasy. The atmosphere in the room was one of tension, defined by a competitive spirit amongst the gorgeous creatures he gazed upon, and fueled by sexual jealousy between the two. 

As blood coursed towards Tommy’s nether-region, swelling his prick to full hardness, his eight-inch member rose to point upwards at the ceiling, in anticipation of whatever came next… 

Without a word, Vanessa leaned forward and began to crawl onto the bed, her back arched like a jungle cat, her pendulous 34B breasts swinging beneath her… On the opposite side of the bed, Sarah embarked on a similar journey, each woman slowly slinking past each other, their shoulders gently grazing as they circled each other on the center of the bed, like two tigresses about to fight, each woman’s head drawing level with their rival’s crotch. They circled until they each got close to the other’s pussy, and then inhaled deeply, catching the other woman’s musk, smelling the sweet, sickly scent of her arousal. They both stopped, as if offended by the other woman’s desire for the man watching them from the foot of the bed, and like a tribal war dance, raise to their haunches, inching closer together and rubbing their bare pussies on each other’s thighs.  

Not a word passes Sarah’s, nor Vanessa’s lips, as the they gently rock their hips back and forth, rubbing their exposed vulvas on each other’s thighs, the soft sensation causing their respective pussies to pucker and open like two flowers. Spellbound by the erotic sight of the two women he desired most in this world, eyeing each other, their breasts thrust forth, their hands placed arrogantly on their hips, as they slowly and methodically frig themselves… Tommy manages to stammer out a question, ‘Ladies… What is this? … What are you doing?’

Vanessa answers him while slowly moving backwards from Sarah, and reclining back onto the pillow on the right-hand side of the bed. ‘Getting ourselves ready honey… Your wife challenged me to prove I’m woman enough to enter your martial bed and take you from her… So we’re getting ourselves good and horny for our Ménage à Trois…’

Laying down beside her, on the left-hand pillow, her brown hair splayed out beneath her, Sarah added her views to the discussion. ‘We are both certain we can convince you who you belong with… Who you should go home with… We just needed to get nice and wet before we each made our case…’ 

Tommy smiled as his black and white beauties spread their legs and toyed with their pussies. From the foot of the bed, he watched as Sarah parted her pink pussy lips with her index and ring fingers, before allowing her middle finger to languidly slip in and out of her moist little cleft. He watched as Vanessa slid the index and middle fingers of her right hand in and out of her cunt rhythmically. Both women began to emit soft groans, as they worked. At this point, Tommy was tumescent, almost uncomfortably aroused… Just then, each woman began to make their respective ‘pitch’… 

Chapter Nine

Tommy longed for both women, as he watched from the foot off the bed, his hand rifling up and down his engorged member, as his ebony and ivory Goddesses pleasured themselves. His arousal fed not just by his own manual stimulation, but the teasing dirty talk passing from Sarah and Vanessa’s lips.

‘Oh honey… Yeeeessss … I want you … I want to feel your big cock inside me… C’mon honey… Fuck me long and hard…’ Sarah squirmed as she played with her clit, her breasts quivering gloriously as she lay on her back, ready to be mounted by her husband, practically begging for his touch.

To her right, Vanessa fingered her pussy feverishly, her soft moans mingling with those of the woman whose husband she was attempting to steal. ‘Oh No baby… Why settle for boring old vanilla… when ya can have chocolate… C’mon big boy … Bring that big dick of yours over and fuck me first…’ 

Unable to take the sexual teasing anymore, Tommy released his grip on his member and crawled up the center of the bed, towards the source of his torment, towards the two horny temptresses pleading for penetration. Resting on his haunches, Tommy felt like King of the World, as two gorgeous creatures played proverbial tug-of-war for his affections, each trying to entice him, coax him to choose her over the other…  

Lying side by side, each woman pivoted their head towards the other, establishing eye contact while they manually pleasured themselves, their dirty talk taking on somewhat of an ‘edge’.

‘Fuck… Who are you… calling… boring… you … fucking… tramp…’

‘Oh shit… Truth hurts… Doesn’t it, bitch?!’

‘Man-stealing slut!’

‘Mousey fucking cunt!’

Transfixed by the eroticism of Sarah and Vanessa’s verbal duel, Tommy was in a world of his own, on cloud nine, as his fantasies collided with reality. However, he was shook from his reverie, as a frustrated Sarah sat up and wrapped her arms around her husband’s neck, before pulling him on top of her naked body with a slap of skin on skin. 

As they fell back on the bed, Sarah’s hands rummaged between their pelvises, seizing Tommy’s rock hard cock, and easing the tip between her pink little pussy lips. ‘Oh Tommy that feels so… Fuck!’ Sarah’s statement was cut short, as Tommy buried his dick up to the hilt in his wife’s cunt. Sarah allowed herself a sideways smirk at Vanessa, as she reveled in seizing the advantage in their ‘duel’. Vanessa scowled in response…   

Tommy slowly rocked his pelvis back and forth, easing his cock in and out, glorying in the sensation of his wife’s moistness. As they fucked, the pace of his thrusts gradually increased, their lovemaking became more intense, more frantic…

Sarah kissed her husband passionately, her nails scratching his back as he worked her cunny, caught up in the throes of passion. A thin sheen of perspiration forming on both lovers as they ravished each other… as Vanessa reclined on her left shoulder, jealously watching Tommy fuck Sarah with considerable vigor. 

Just then, Tommy ceased thrusting, and slowly withdrew his penis from Sarah, once more resting back on his haunches. Sarah, out of breath and sweaty, looked up at her husband, her face etched with puzzlement and frustration. ‘Now now honey… Vanessa’s turn…’ Tommy said with a mischievous grin.

Tommy moved backwards from between Sarah’s legs, shuffling over to the right-hand side of the bed, and eased Vanessa’s right shoulder back onto the mattress, placing the gorgeous black woman on the flat of her back. Tommy lowered his head towards Vanessa’s breasts, trapping the thick brown nipple of her left breast between his teeth, as he gently pulled and kneaded it. 

‘Oh fuck Tommy…’ Vanessa moaned hoarsely. As she spoke, her hands wandered south, her slender fingers seizing the shaft of Tommy’s penis, squeezing and tugging his engorged member, still slick with the ‘juices’ of her erstwhile love rival. Tommy brushed a strand of Vanessa’s long, straight hair from her face, and kissed her plump lips. As they broke their kiss, Vanessa turned her head towards Sarah and taunted her. ‘Watch this bitch, and see how it’s done…’ 

With that, Vanessa relinquishes her grasp on Tommy’s manhood and grants him the freedom to ‘do his thing’. Without hesitation, Tommy gets down to the business of fucking his mistress… under the jealous glare of his wife. Easing his cock inside the sexy black babe, Tommy kisses Vanessa’s bee-stung lips in a fierce embrace. Eventually coming up for air, Tommy looks into her deep brown eyes. ‘You ready?’

‘Ready? To feel your horse cock erupt inside me? You beat your sweet ass, stud…’ Inflamed with passion by Vanessa’s enthusiasm, Tommy commenced making love to the dusky beauty, burying himself deep inside her, reveling in the pleasure of every thrust, heaving against the weight of the curvy temptress again and again…

‘That’s it Tommy… Harder… Harder… C’mon baby… Fuck me… with… that… big… dick…’ Every part of the statement punctuated by Tommy pushing his prick deeper and deeper inside of her, faster and faster. Rubbing her erect nipples against Tommy’s pectoral muscles, grinding hard against his rigid member, her finger nails digging deep into his ass cheeks, Vanessa was doing everything she could to force Tommy to lose his load, to go one further than Sarah… and she was close. She could feel Tommy’s cock start to spasm…

Unfortunately for her, Tommy had other ideas. He pulled out of Vanessa, and retreated backwards towards the foot of the bed, where he had started this sexual escapade, his erection bobbing up and down as he shimmied awkwardly to his original position. 

Standing once more on the soft red carpet, he looked back at his lovers with a wolfish grin. Extending his right arm and curling his finger in a beckoning motion, Tommy smiled. ‘Ladies… Good work so far… So… Who’s going to finish the job and be the first to make me orgasm tonight?’

Chapter Ten

Both women intuitively knew what Tommy wanted, as he stood at the end of the bed, catching his breath and running his fingers through his tousled blond hair. Their heads propped up on the pillows either side of the bed, both women admired his physique from their respective vantage points.

Two sets of brown eyes hungrily traversing his toned abdomen, muscular thighs, impressive pectorals and dwelling on the source of their recently received mutual pleasure – a potent eight-inch erection, a full shaft finishing in a thick glans, the meatus (slit) oozing a sticky grey pre-cum, demonstrating the extent of Tommy’s arousal, how close he was to climaxing.

Vanessa knew he was effectively presenting his stiff member to both women, daring each of them to be the one to ‘make it happen’, to make him ‘shoot’. Vanessa smirked as she thought about sucking the cum straight from Tommy’s cock, while his bitchy wife watched helplessly.

She kicked into gear, rising from her pillow and crawling along the mattress towards Tommy with intent. Unfortunately for Vanessa, similar thoughts had crossed Sarah’s mind and she had reacted in a similar fashion… just fractionally quicker, leaving Vanessa marginally behind her, as she too crawled towards Tommy’s throbbing penis. 

Sensing that Sarah was about to seize the advantage in their ‘sexual struggle’, Vanessa decided to take things up a notch. As Sarah neared Tommy, her pert ass cheeks wiggling just in front of Vanessa’s face, the black beauty lifted both hands from the mattress and placed them firmly on the back of Sarah’s thighs, pushing hard… sending Sarah face first into the bed, just short of her ‘goal’. 

Vanessa pounces hastily, as Sarah is sprawled face down on the bed, clambering on top of her, their sweaty bodies writhing awkwardly against each other, slick chocolate brown skin rubbing stiffly against milky-white pigment.

Vanessa’s manicured ‘lady garden’ tickling Sarah’s buttocks as she mounts her, Vanessa’s moist pussy lips grazing Sarah’s bare skin in places as she shifted her weight over the hump of the white woman’s ass, and placed her crotch firmly on the small of Sarah’s back, pressing down with all her weight, Vanessa traps her. 

Smiling at the predicament that she had managed to place Sarah in, Vanessa set about making it worse. Reaching down beneath Sarah’s throat, Vanessa inter-laced her fingers around Sarah’s chin, yanking upwards, and trapping her in a ‘camel clutch’. Pulling her head up fiercely, Vanessa forces Sarah’s head into an upwards looking position, straining her neck at an uncomfortable angle, causing considerable discomfort. 

Trapped in her current position, Sarah could do little other than wince in pain and curse her misfortune. ‘Ahhh… Fuck… Just had to fight dirty, didn’t ya?’ Sarah muttered bitterly. From her vantage point, Sarah’s field of vision encompassed the underside of Tommy’s erect cock and balls, an oblique view of Vanessa’s 34B breasts and charcoal coloured-nipples, stiff and protruding from bumpy areolae, and a narrow patch of dimly-lit alabaster ceiling above them. 

‘What’s wrong Sarah? You not willing to make a little effort to keep Tommy?!… C’mon girl… Get your sweat on… Earn that big cock…’ Vanessa grinned broadly, flashing her pearly-white teeth as she smiled. Maintaining her vice-like grip on Sarah’s chin, her biceps flexing with the effort in keeping Sarah’s gaze fixed upwards, Vanessa lowered her mouth onto Tommy’s cock, her lips fully engulfing the head, slipping down along the shaft.

‘Fuuuucccckkkk… That’s good… Don’t stop Vanessa… Yeah…’ Tommy tilted his head towards the ceiling, luxuriating in an excellently delivered blowjob. Vanessa’s arms trembled under the strain of ensuring Sarah witnessed it all, and underneath her, Sarah fumed at the indignity of the situation, her hands pushing upwards, hard against the mattress, in a futile attempt to alleviate the strain on her neck.

Vanessa knew she was close, she could feel the salty taste of Tommy’s pre-cum dance on her tongue, as Tommy placed his hand on the back of her head, forcing it to bob quicker and quicker, signalling he was close. However, the strain on her arms from maintaining her grip on Sarah was becoming taxing, especially when coupled with trying to service Tommy simultaneously. Something had to give…

After ten minutes of vigorous sucking and slurping, kissing and licking, pleasing and teasing, Vanessa finally relented. Lifting her mouth from Tommy’s rigid pole, Vanessa breathed deep and allowed herself a smug grin. Looking Tommy square in the eye, she released a loud and contented sigh, enjoying her imperious position. ‘Don’t worry stud… I’ll look after you in a second… but first…’

As the sentence trailed off, Vanessa released her left-handed grip on Sarah’s chin, swiftly moving her hand and burying it deep in Sarah’s brunette tresses. With her fist balled firmly in a clump of hair at the back of the white woman’s head, Vanessa released her right-handed grip on Sarah’s chin and repeated the process.

Gripping Sarah’s long flowing brown hair like a jockey pulling back on the reins of a horse, Vanessa eases backwards onto the rear of Sarah’s left thigh, ramming her own thigh between Sarah’s pubic region, and hoisting her by the hair, until her face was practically level with her husband’s dick. Staring straight into Tommy’s pale blue eyes, Vanessa issues an unexpected command…

‘Tommy… I know you want to cum real bad honey… but first… you got to do something for me…’ Vanessa intoned in a husky voice. Underneath her, Sarah moaned miserably, powerless to escape her black tormentor’s punishing hold, her face contorted in anguish, her hands pushing so hard against the flat of the bed, that her knuckles were whitening. 

‘What do you want me to do Vanessa?’ 

‘I… I want you to slap your bitch wife in the face with your big, meaty cock…’

‘I’m not sure…’

‘Now Dammit!’

Vanessa’s imperative boomed around the room, spurring Tommy into action, despite himself. Pivoting his hips in a left to right motion, Tommy swings his cock so the left side of his glans strikes Sarah squarely on the left cheek.

‘Again!’ Vanessa bellows, relishing her humiliation of Sarah.

Tommy responds immediately, this time pivoting his hips in the opposite direction, sending the right side of his glans crashing against his wife’s right cheek, causing Sarah to screech in frustration. Vanessa stifles a sadistic giggle, thoroughly enjoying her ‘power’…








‘Yeah… That’s it big boy… Slap her silly…’ Vanessa coos, pulling even harder on Sarah’s hair. 

‘Fuckin’ bitch!’ Sarah howls in response, her distress causing Tommy to cease his onslaught temporarily, his thick cock wavering in front of her panting red face, practically brushing against her lips. Sensing an opportunity, Sarah acts swiftly. She pulls hard against Vanessa’s grip, managing to encompass her mouth around Tommy’s dick, clamping her lips firmly around the head of Tommy’s cock, just below the corona. 

This development forces Vanessa to change tactics. Wrenching Sarah’s head away from Tommy’s phallus could cause the white women to panic and bite down reflexively, irreparably injuring the man they both adore. 

Instead, Vanessa releases her left-hand grip on Sarah’s hair, placing it on her milky-white shoulder, hoping to use it to gradually leverage her lover’s cock free of her ‘rival’s mouth. Removing her thigh slowly from Sarah’s wet and clammy mons pubis, thus allowing her to slide slowly up Sarah’s left flank, Vanessa pulls gently at Sarah’s tresses and shoulder, as she attempts to prise her from Tommy. 

Vanessa’s movements now placing her almost level with Sarah’s face, side by side. 

‘Spit it out … Fucking bitch …’

As Vanessa voices her frustration, Sarah covertly slides her left hand backwards between the black woman’s legs, towards her moist little opening and commences fingering Vanessa’s pussy. 

‘Oooh you sleazy little bitch … That’s how you want it…’ 

Vanessa attempts to reciprocate, leaning forward and finding a new home for her left hand, reaching across her body, between Sarah’s legs, wetting her index and middle fingers up to the knuckle, which brings her face closer to Sarah’s.

Both women pant and moan, doing their level best to tip the other over the edge, their satisfied grunts providing the soundtrack to one of the most intense blowjobs Tommy had ever been on the receiving end of…

‘Oh Fuck… Oh Fuck…Oh Fuck… Shhhiiittttt!!!’ 

Finally, after a long, hard week without orgasm, having endured two buxom beauties suck his dick as if their lives depended on it, insulting each other at every available opportunity along the way, Tommy could feel a familiar tingle developing in his scrotum…

Tommy feels his knees tremble, as his cock distends inside Sarah’s mouth, warm sperm jetting up through his urethra, exiting the narrow slit crowning the glans of his cock, in a cluster of pleasurable sensations. 

Once… Twice… Thrice! Tommy’s cock coughs several thick ‘ropes’ of cum into Sarah’s mouth, eliciting a grunt with each ejaculation, his load so large it fills his wife’s mouth, puffing her cheeks out like a blowfish. 

Just as Tommy’s orgasm subsides, Sarah’s thumb brushes Vanessa’s clit, a tantalising sensation which makes the black woman moan loudly, her mouth opening to form a distinctive ‘O’ shape.


An evil idea flickers through Sarah’s mind. She is quick! She lifts her head from Tommy’s phallus, her mouth sticky with her husband’s spunk, turns to her left, and forms a ‘seal’ of sorts on Vanessa’s open mouth, French-kissing Tommy’s load directly into the mouth of her husband’s mistress.

Sarah times it perfectly! 

Using her tongue to push her husband’s seed directly from her mouth into her love rival’s, Sarah seizes back control of their ‘duel’. Vanessa is startled initially, coughing and spluttering at the unforeseen turn of events, as the familiar taste of her lover’s semen hits the back of her throat, causing her to tumble backwards onto the mattress, followed by Sarah in a tangle of naked, sweaty limbs, and away from a sated Tommy.

Managing to rally somewhat, Vanessa re-groups and pushes her own tongue against Sarah’s, attempting to staunch the stifling flow of Tommy’s sperm, and give the sexy white woman a dose of her husband’s ‘medicine’. Each woman gripping a fistful of hair either side of the other’s head, Sarah’s slender white fingers twisted in Vanessa’s sleek black locks, Vanessa’s ebony fingers balled tight in strands of Sarah’s chestnut brown hair, rolling back and forth, forcibly kissing and slobbering Tommy’s cum all over each other, the thick oily substance sluicing between the makeshift ‘seal’ formed by their mouths, dribbling down their respective chins and pooling on their bosoms and in the crevices in between.

Utterly spent, they roll apart, gasping for air, pale and dark breasts rising and falling in short agitated breaths as hungry lungs fight for oxygen. Once more, with Vanessa spread-eagled on the right side of the bed, and Sarah on the left …    

From the foot of the bed, Tommy enthusiastically chirps; ‘Round one goes to Sarah!’

Neither woman moves an inch, but Tommy swears he can see the faint outline of a smile on his wife’s lips…

‘But I’m guessing we’re not done…’

Chapter Eleven

From the foot of the bed, Tommy grins like a Cheshire cat, having thoroughly enjoyed the first part of the evening’s ‘festivities’. Breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth, Tommy regains his composure and surveys the aftermath of his wife and mistress’ competitive attempts at ‘pleasing’ him. 

On the right-hand side of the bed, Vanessa lays restlessly, tired from her exertions but frustrated with the outcome of what had just transpired. Tommy’s eyes traveled up her 5’8’’ frame, drinking in every inch of that exquisite ebony body, her skin tone like rich chocolate, her calves and thighs toned, her curvy hips the definition of womanly, her 34B breasts eminently desirable… her face, hard set and determined, framed by shiny, straight black hair.

To her left, and somewhat more relaxed, Sarah rested on the flat of her back. Somewhat shorter than her darker love rival at 5’6’’, Sarah’s milky white body was no less impressive. Fulsome calves, rising towards strong thighs to meet a firm and curvy backside. Sarah’s breasts were noticeably larger than Vanessa’s at 34E, but not quite as firm as the black woman’s. Her delicate features, framed by shoulder-length chestnut brown curls, a smug, satisfied expression on her face.

Neither woman looked quite ready to resume what they had started forty-five minutes ago. Nor was Tommy truth be told, the intensity of his orgasm leaving him spent, that big cock so adored by Vanessa and Sarah, hanging flaccid between his muscular thighs. Evidently, they all needed a little time to recuperate…

Growing into his role as unofficial Master of Ceremonies, so to speak, Tommy thought of a way to give them all a chance to ‘recharge their batteries’ for their next bout of catty, competitive lovemaking…

‘Ladies… That was brilliant… Such a fucking turn on watching you try and best each other… Competing to suck my cock…But no need to rush things… We have all night…So let’s take things down a notch for a second…’ Sarah rose up from the bed slightly, reclining back on her elbows, confusion on her face. ‘What are you up to, Tommy?’ she thought to herself.  

Tommy took two steps to the left, his hand reaching, retrieving his wife’s black thong from the bedpost, turning it inside out and tossing it to his wife. It landed on Sarah’s left thigh, where she snatched it up quickly with her left hand and looked at Tommy quizzically. 

‘Sarah… Honey… Use your panties to clean Vanessa off… Help her get ready for Round Two…’ Sarah instinctively knew what Tommy meant. Rolling to her left and swinging her left leg over Vanessa’s torso, Sarah mounted her husband’s mistress, straddling her upper thighs, their sex-slick and moist little pussies making firm contact. 

Seated atop the black beauty, Sarah stared down at her nemesis balefully, and with an edge to her voice, quipped; ‘Here… Let me wipe some of my Husband’s cum of your chin… Whore…’ With robust movements and using the inner crotch of her knickers, Sarah roughly set about her ‘task’… much to Vanessa’s chagrin. 

Her sex-stained thong roughly glided over Vanessa’s darkened skin, smearing Tommy’s grey seed from Vanessa’s chin, face and breasts, drying it into the part of her thong that would cover her cunt when put back on. The silky material rubbing against the black woman’s mouth, nose and grazing her sensitive nipples… tormenting her.

Lying back on her pillow, the scent of Sarah’s sex filling her nostrils, angered by having her rival aggressively rub her sex-stained panties into her face, Vanessa fumes. Livid, she reacts… with lightening pace. 

Shifting her weight with all her might, burying her hands in Sarah’s hair and pulling intensely, Vanessa manages to haul the white woman off her and to the left, clambering on top of her, moist little pussies once more establishing contact… Only this time, Vanessa draws her right hand high over her head, ready to deliver an earth-shattering, open-handed slap…

Tommy’s voice booms around the room… ‘Vanessa … No!’ The sultry vixen peers backwards over her shoulder at her lover, her pretty features exhibiting the faintest signs of regret at being chastened by Tommy. ‘That’s not what I want Vanessa…’ Tommy says sternly, tossing Vanessa her cute little purple thong. ‘You know what I want…’ 

Vanessa snatches her underwear out of the air in one fluid motion, and then turns it inside out, balling it in her hand. Feeling humiliated, Vanessa sets about her task with gusto, forcefully wiping the smeared, sticky cum from Sarah’s snow-white skin, making a point of rubbing the crotch of her panties against Sarah’s nose, pinching her big pink nipples through the shear material of her thong, doing everything she can to infuriate the white woman… 

‘Get off me you big fucking slut!’ Sarah bellows, struggling beneath her.

Once more, Tommy’s voice booms around the room, commanding the women, dictating what he wants to happen next. ‘Enough… Vanessa off of her…’ Walking around the right-hand corner of the bed, climbing aboard and moving towards the center, Tommy continues; ‘Ladies… put your panties back on, turn around, grab the headboard and present yourself to me…’   

Eyeing Vanessa warily, Sarah falls backwards onto her back and hoists her panties up past her ankles, then knees, lifting the waistband just past her hips, before performing a quick sit-up to return her to an upright position, fearful of allowing Vanessa to catch her unawares. Her slinky black thong feels soggy and sticky against her vulva, the familiar feel of her husband’s cum on her mound. 

Seconds later, Vanessa followed suit, after a fashion, electing to stand up on the mattress instead, her ass facing Tommy. Bending over seductively, for Tommy’s benefit of course, hooking her fingers in the waistband of her purple thong, she sensually lifted it until she felt the damp, warm kiss of her lover’s semen on her pussy lips. With the task completed, Vanessa shrank back down to her knees, exchanging spiteful looks with Sarah.

Tommy repeated his instruction. ‘Ladies… Grab the headboard…And present your pussies to me… Please…’ Sarah, closest to the headboard, is the first to comply. Turning around and resting her hands on the edge of the rectangular headboard, she leans forward and arches her back, elevating her pert little posterior, making her undercarriage accessible, as per Tommy’s instruction. Vanessa reaches the headboard moments later, gripping a section of it to Sarah’s right, and arching her back in a similar fashion. 

From his vantage point, Tommy admires the breath-taking rears of both his wife and mistress, Vanessa’s slightly rounder, her ass cheeks more substantial. Sarah’s a little more toned, a little bit smaller. Without saying a word, Tommy moves an open hand between each woman’s legs, his left hand gliding past Sarah’s asshole and resting on her vulva. His right embarking on a similar journey, coming to rest on Vanessa’s vulva. Slowly but methodically, Tommy starts massaging the cunts of both women, pressing their cum-sodden panties against their protruding pudendum, driving them both wild.

‘Oh yeah baby… You want to fuck my black pussy, doncha’ stud?’

‘That’s it honey… Don’t stop… Pull my panties off and fuck me, not your slut…’

‘Ignore your bitch wife honey… Fuck me… I want to feel you inside me…’

‘No sweetie… I want to feel your cum on my face… Fuck me…’ 

Tommy slowly ceases his massaging of both women’s sex, reaching up and gently, but firmly, pulling them both back by the hair, tilting their heads to an elevated position, so that each woman looks upwards. 

Tommy can feel his ardor return, blood once more filling his manhood, his desire for both these exceptional women swelling his genitals. Leaning forward, close enough to whisper in the ears of both women, Tommy engages in some dirty talk of his own; ‘You know girls… You two are the sexiest women I’ve ever been lucky enough to share a bed with… But I can’t decide who to fuck next… Why don’t you two decide for me? Wrestle each other for me… No punching, no biting, no silly shit… Just hard skin on skin wrestling… Two women competing body to body… Show me who’s boss… Rip the panties off your rival’s body and show her what kind of woman she’s dealing with…’

Chapter Twelve

Vanessa released her grip on the headboard and retreated towards the center of the bed in a backwards shuffling motion, never taking her eyes off Sarah as she went, her face etched with frustration. 

‘You got lucky that time bitch…’

‘Let’s see if my luck holds out for round two!’

Without warning, Sarah launches herself from her knees directly at her husband’s mistress, their sweaty breasts coming together with a meaty slap, glossy black and curly brown hair flitting everywhere as Sarah’s momentum carries her forward, sending both woman to the mattress in a furious cat-balling tangle of feminine limbs.

The room was silent, save for the sound of Tommy’s heavy breathing, his hand once more raced up and down his manhood, teasing it to full extension, and of course the grunts of exertion and cries of frustration emanating from the ‘lionesses’ struggling on the bed before him. Over and back, back and forth… As soon as one woman thought she had secured a dominant position, the other would retaliate with a surge of energy and displace her. 

This time, however, their ‘duel’ had taken on a different dimension, with both women eschewing a grip in their rival’s hair, in favor of exploring other avenues of attack. The night’s activities thus far had made them both aroused and agitated. Two sexy women, who had harbored bi-curious urges in youth, horny and resentful, naked save for the sleazy spunk-sodden panties clinging tightly to their respective labia… Perhaps it was inevitable that their wrestling would lead to ‘wandering hands’…

Slender black and white legs entwined, coiled together like mating snakes, soggy cunts pressed firmly together, erect nipples abrasively rubbing against soft breast flesh, cheek to cheek, Sarah and Vanessa desperately sought to conquer each other. 

With Vanessa’s warm body pinned beneath her heaving bosom, Sarah arched her back and flicked her head, tossing her curly brown hair backwards and out of her field of vision. From the foot of the bed, Tommy looked on approvingly, beaming with admiration and lust for his sexy wife.

Sarah’s forehead was damp with perspiration, her movements labored and her expression jaded, as the energy expended throughout the course of the night started to catch up with her. Suddenly, Sarah’s face contorted in pain as she let out an angry, anguished howl…

‘Ow!!! Fuck bitch!’

From the bottom, Vanessa dug her manicured nails into Sarah’s curvy backside, raking them upwards, across the expanse of the white woman’s buttocks, past the small of her back, and stopping just beneath her shoulder blades…

Sarah retaliated in a similarly vindictive fashion… Lying on top of Vanessa, Sarah managed to wedge her hands in between their sweaty torsos and grasp the underside of Vanessa’s breasts, flexing her fingers with all her might, causing fulsome ebony breast flesh to ooze between her knuckles…

‘That’s how you want it, huh?! Fine by me…’

Vanessa immediately ceases scratching Sarah’s back, but not before leaving three sore looking red welts. Her hands glide south, fastening onto the waistband of Sarah’s thong and wrenching upwards. Sarah screeches as a thin strip of black lycra invades the delicate folds of her sensitive pussy…

‘Get your hands off my fucking thong slut…’

As the words leave her mouth, Sarah relinquishes her death grip on Vanessa’s gorgeous 34B’s and roughly rummages between their crotches for a reliable grip on the waistband of the black woman’s panties. Locating her target within seconds, Sarah pulls with gusto, once more sending the warring women into a hissing cat-balling frenzy.

Their panting labored breathes punctuated by the sound of fabric ripping, as their slight underwear gives way to the intensity of their fevered attempts at stripping one another. In the tumult of their chaotic cat-ball, both women had managed to pivot 180 degrees, the top of their heads now below the headboard, and their glorious backsides facing Tommy’s erect pecker, as they lay marooned in the middle of the bed… with Vanessa atop Sarah…

Suddenly, Sarah’s waist band snaps as Vanessa wrenches her panties from her crotch and tosses them to the floor on the left-hand side of the bed. Seconds later, Sarah manages to work a foot into the crotch of Vanessa’s purple knickers, rending it asunder, and sending the foxy black beauty backwards onto her ass.

Sitting upright, her back turned to Tommy, Vanessa grins broadly, immensely pleased with herself. In front of her, panned out on the flat of her back, her milky white thighs akimbo, exposing her exquisite pink little pussy to both Vanessa and Tommy, a clearly frustrated Sarah seethes silently…

From the foot of the bed, a familiar voice announces what everyone present already knows…

‘Round 2 to Vanessa!’

Chapter Thirteen

As Sarah lies spread-eagled on the bed, marshaling her thoughts and readying herself to continue her sexual struggle with her dark tormentor, Vanessa looks down at her with menacing intent. While Sarah recuperates, a horny sex-crazed Vanessa plots…

Without waiting for Tommy’s instruction, or for Sarah to indicate her readiness to continue, Vanessa seizes the initiative. Moving swiftly, Vanessa crawls between Sarah’s legs, grasping Sarah beneath her chin with her left hand and tilting her head back, as she presses the weight of her upper body against a clearly startled Sarah’s chin.

Establishing eye contact with the sexy housewife, Vanessa declares her intentions…

‘Enough of this shit… I came up here to best you and fuck your husband… Not be pawed by some lily-white slut who can’t satisfy her man…’

Howling with frustration, Sarah squirmed listlessly beneath her…

‘Get off me you bitch!!!’

But Vanessa doesn’t get off her… Nor does Tommy intervene… Not even when Vanessa’s right hand moves towards Sarah’s cunt… Not even when two black digits enter between the moist labia lips of the white woman’s pussy… Not even when Vanessa’s finger-fucking grows faster and faster… Not even when a clearly winded Sarah jolts up and down with the force of Vanessa’s jackhammer-like fingering motion…

‘C’mon slut! Cum for me you mousey little bitch! C’mon… Let Tommy see his Mistress make his wife squirt!’

Sarah could offer only token resistance at this point, the pleasurable sensations emanating from her crotch sapping her strength and will to fight, as her body surrendered to her oncoming orgasm. Working her pussy hard, Vanessa breathlessly goads Sarah…

‘C’mon now girl… Cum for Mistress… You know you wanna…’

From the foot of the bed, for what seemed like the hundredth time this night, Tommy was enraptured by the ferocity and innate sexiness of the beauties battling before him. Sarah never looked more alluring, more sexual, as she writhed helplessly beneath the probing hand of her ebony rival. Arched back, beading sweat, soft panting, long exaggerated moans, her fists balling in the bed sheets beneath her, as Vanessa worked her magic. As he observed his wife on the cusp of ecstasy, Tommy never felt more turned on…

Leaning over Sarah, maintaining a firm hold on her chin with her left hand, as she roughly tormented her sex-rival with her right, Vanessa looked every bit as sensual as her rival.

Her long straight hair wet with sweat and clinging stubbornly to her damp shoulders, the muscles on her upper back tensing and rippling as she coaxes and cajoles her bitter rival towards orgasm, her smooth black skin glistening in the dimly-lit room… Tommy is turgid as watches this incredible scenario unfold before him.

While Vanessa goes about her ‘work’, her rounded curvy posterior hovers in the air, tormenting Tommy, teasing him. Her moist little cunt just feet from his swelled cock, her musk filling his nostrils, practically inviting him to follow his base urges and fuck Vanessa until both she and him are spent…

Leaping from the foot of the bed onto the mattress, and excitedly shuffling towards Vanessa on his knees, Tommy listens to his instincts and indulges his primitive desire. Placing both hands on Vanessa’s hips, Tommy thrusts forward, taking her from behind, separating her wet cunt lips with his jutting prick, before grabbing her hair fiercely with his right hand and yanking upwards, like a cowboy trying to rein in a wild horse!   

All three occupants of the room grunting and groaning, rubbing and thrusting, a tangled mass of sweaty flesh, each of them on the precipice of an intense orgasm…

Sarah cracks first, Vanessa’s energetic efforts at stimulation tipping her over the edge… Causing her pussy to spasm erratically, expelling warm liquid onto Vanessa’s right hand as her pleasure reaches its zenith… 

‘Oh Fuck! Oh Shit! Oooooh you bitch!’

Sarah’s excited gasps set off a chain reaction, like the first falling domino acting as a catalyst for the others…

As Tommy’s eight-inch erection plunges in and out of his mistress’ pussy, Vanessa rejoices in having bested Sarah, incredibly turned on by Sarah’s submissive surrender to her touch, grinding her backside against her lover’s pelvis, luxuriating in Tommy’s touch, enjoying that big eight-inch cock that she had more than earned tonight… Vanessa feels the onset of her own orgasm…

‘Oh Tommy… Fuck me… Fuck me… Fuck me… Harder… Make me cum with your bitch wife beaten beneath me… That’s it… Ooooh Tommy!’ 

Maintaining his grip in her jet black locks, Tommy vigorously fucks Vanessa towards orgasm, its arrival signaled by her animated shrieks and the slow contractions of the inner walls of her vagina…

Tommy lasted mere seconds longer, Vanessa’s pussy spasms proving to be one heavenly sensation too many for the blond hunk. A warm torrent of cum propelled itself from his rock hard cock, as spurt after spurt shot up through Tommy’s urethra, expelled from his pulsing glans, finding its home in Vanessa’s gaping cunt. 

Tommy slumped backwards, his flaccid penis slowly sliding from Vanessa’s pussy, utterly exhausted, both sexually and emotionally…

A weary Vanessa rolled to her right and off of Sarah, tired, but satisfied in a way she had never felt before. To her right, she heard Sarah moan beside her. Pivoting her head in that direction, Vanessa established eye contact with her love rival, who was staring back at her.

Sarah: ‘I don’t care what we agreed to at the start of the night… I won’t give Tommy up…’

Vanessa: ‘Me neither.’

Sarah: ‘He’s my husband and I love him… but he’s always had a high sex drive…’

Vanessa: ‘What… What are you saying?!’

Sarah: ‘I’m saying…I’m saying we share… for now…’

Vanessa: ‘And if either of us gets jealous again?’

Sarah: ‘We arrange another little get together… like this one… You know… to work out our frustrations…at least until we can come up with a permanent solution to this mess…’

At the opposite end of the bed, Tommy lay on his back, listening intently, staring up at the ceiling, grinning like a Cheshire cat. As he drifted off to sleep, for the second time tonight, Tommy felt like King of the World.

The End.  

Thank you for reading! For more of HankMcCoy02’s stories: Click Here!

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