Throwback Intro to the Site: A Place to Keep My Writings

This is the first post I made on the original incarnation of this site, back when it was

For the past few months, with forums resetting and going down, and with Literotica’s content restrictions (specifically their banning of my Game of Thrones stories) I have been worried about where I might safely keep ALL my writings, other than in my own Google Docs. A place where people might read each of them, without the oddness of suddenly being thrown into a forum they are not a member of, or having to venture to 2-3 different sites just to run the breadth.

And here is my solution! A website. I know, I know, it’s a little 1997 (looking at you Geocities), but I think setting it up will at least provide me with something to do. 😉

All of that being said, stay tuned — content will be up soon!

Original Publish Date: 8/6/2018

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