The Rivals Blog

Desire Unlike Any

A desire unlike any you have ever felt.To hurt her.To mark her.To taste her.


You hate her.Her beautiful face. Her sexy body. Her flirty voice.The way she laughs.The way she smiles.The way she breathes.


You are better, hotter, sexier, and skilled in ways she could never hope to be, you tell both her and yourself.

A Revelation

Her every effort to shift, to squirm, to buck, or to escape, making it necessary for her intimate hill and sacred valley to try and overcome your own.

Least Favorite Person

This woman you’ve warred with naked for hours. Is your least favorite person in the entire world.

Must Purge

The birth of a story idea — and freeing myself of the burden of them.

All You’ll Get

Now, for nearly 10 minutes. Your cheek pressed tightly against her soft inner thigh. Your lips only pulling up from her gear-covered pubic mound when you find the strength to lift your weary head.

No Need

Your rival now being too tired. Too broken. To weak to resist you.

He Watches

He watches as you confront her. As you and she push and then snarl.

And Yet With She

The way her eyes glimmer as you glare at her. The way her lips curl into a sneer when you near.

Decided to Fight

Kiley and Cali had been part of the same group of bikers for years….

Discord Sexy Writing Challenge #5

So on the site’s Discord, we have being doing writing prompts/challenges and I will be posting the results here! The following posts are what people came up with when looking at the image above! Written by Christine: It was a risk. Anytime you put something sensitive…

ISSA Post: Ashlee vs. Laura

A battle of indescribably wet ecstasy is happening between their thighs. Ashlee(blonde) spreads her legs wide open to give her’s and Laura’s clit a lot of space to wrestle. The action is intense. Pussies are clashing and rubbing tirelessly to determine the better woman. Both girls will eventually orgasm hard. The…

FSF Sexy Writing Challenge #1

So on the site’s forum (FSF), in The Pink Room, we have being doing writing prompts/challenges and I will be posting the results here! The following posts are what people came up with when looking at the image above! Written by BrayRoad1991: Sophie the French maid…

The Accent in Showdown at the Saloon

As most of you know, I wrote a story called Showdown at the Saloon. In that story, I chose to do something I had done in other forms of creative fiction. Which was pick an accent (of a white person) and then basically play it up….

Discord Sexy Writing Challenge #4

So on the site’s Discord, we have being doing writing prompts/challenges and I will be posting the results here! Don’t miss out on the fun! Join today, and show us the sexy you can come up with!

Discord Sexy Writing Challenge #3

So on the site’s Discord, we have being doing writing prompts/challenges and I will be posting the results here! Don’t miss out on the fun! Join today, and show us the sexy you can come up with!

Discord Sexy Writing Challenge #2

So on the site’s Discord, we have being doing writing prompts/challenges and I will be posting the results here! Don’t miss out on the fun! Join today, and show us the sexy you can come up with!

Discord Sexy Writing Challenge #1

So on the site’s Discord, we have being doing writing prompts/challenges and I will be posting the results here! Don’t miss out on the fun! Join today, and show us the sexy you can come up with!
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