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Boxing/Fistfight Catfight Comic Tales Comparison/Similarity DeviantArt CrossPost Discord Writing Challenge Facesitting Family Fatal Feedback Foot Fight For Her For Him FSF – Fights.Sexy Forum GuestBlog Insight ISSA Blog Post One-Sided Pin Producers Punishment Serial Story Sexfight Sexy Smother Story Teaser Test of Strength Titfight Video Wrestle Writing Challenge
^ Keep Scrolling Past The Rival’s Blog entries for the individual posts!

Desire Unlike Any
Amber vs. Sarah – While Hidden Away
A Revelation
Least Favorite Person
Must Purge
This is the Moment
Twin Stimulants By Ellis Kent
All You’ll Get
No Need
He Watches
You Cup Your Breasts
And Yet With She
Decided to Fight
Brushing Bush
Discord Sexy Writing Challenge #5
So on the site’s Discord, we have being doing writing prompts/challenges and I will be posting the results here! The following posts are what people came up with when looking at the image above! Written by Christine: It was a risk. Anytime you put something sensitive…
ISSA Post: Ashlee vs. Laura
A battle of indescribably wet ecstasy is happening between their thighs. Ashlee(blonde) spreads her legs wide open to give her’s and Laura’s clit a lot of space to wrestle. The action is intense. Pussies are clashing and rubbing tirelessly to determine the better woman. Both girls will eventually orgasm hard. The…
FSF Sexy Writing Challenge #1
So on the site’s forum (FSF), in The Pink Room, we have being doing writing prompts/challenges and I will be posting the results here! The following posts are what people came up with when looking at the image above! Written by BrayRoad1991: Sophie the French maid…
The Accent in Showdown at the Saloon
As most of you know, I wrote a story called Showdown at the Saloon. In that story, I chose to do something I had done in other forms of creative fiction. Which was pick an accent (of a white person) and then basically play it up….
ISSA Post: Absolute Concentration
Discord Sexy Writing Challenge #4
Discord Sexy Writing Challenge #3
Discord Sexy Writing Challenge #2
Discord Sexy Writing Challenge #1