The Home Invader by KingofDaPirates1


It had been 2 months since Elise and Carrie had their sexual duel on the 14th floor of Z-Corp. The fight had been erotic, satisfying, but left Carrie wanting more and confused about the idea of her attraction to Elise. She wanted to pursue this urge but over the last 2 months Elise had avoided her like the plague. They had both made threats directly after their first fight but the next fight never came true. For Carrie after the battle she began to realize what she had done with the blonde beauty and it was too confusing to understand. Neither had gone on their word to the home of the other to continue their fight. Carrie had been annoyed when her Saturday plans to go to destroy Elise had been postponed for work and now Elise showed no interest of continuing any of the rivalry they had begun and engaged in. The photos had stopped coming and the threats had been diminished even with Elise now working directly under Carrie their talk was minimal and professional and nothing like it was when they first met. But Carrie couldn’t help but think that something was going on that maybe she just didn’t know.

She kept asking Jack if Elise had made any movements on him and he told her honestly that she had called him once to come over, they had talked, had sex and then after it was over she told him to leave. It confused her that Elise wasn’t going after Jack. She begun to wonder if maybe there was a new man she was targeting. Maybe Elise had realized that Carrie could beat her in any competition they had whether physical or sexual, maybe she had given up. Whenever Carrie had to look into the grey blue eyes of Elise she didn’t see the fire or the will that had existed during their confrontations. Whatever the reason, Carrie began to understand that the most intense sexual night of her life would not happen again. Carrie knew she had to move on from this and forget about everything, it wasn’t easy as her mind would sometimes sway to the thought of her and Elise grinding each other and the thought of physically beating Elise down during her sex sessions with Jack. She kept telling herself it was over and she would never again have anything to do with sexfighting Elise or anything to do with Elise at all for that matter. She had won and that was all that mattered.

Carrie and Jack owned a nice house in the outer folds of the city away from the bustle of the city so they could enjoy their privacy while still being close enough to have active social lives. Their closes neighbor to the right and left were 100 yards away and the house directly across had a long drive way. Carrie was sitting in the living room/library, her reading glasses perched on her nose as she read a new report turned in to her.

When she was younger she had not been the babe she was considered now. She had been flat chested, had bad teeth, and terrible acne. All that changed her Sophomore year in college when her chest grew to the enormous D bust they now were standing firm and full, her braces came off making her teeth shine and her face cleared up letting people focus on her dark brown eyes. She had the hot librarian look with her long brown wavy hair she could wear in a bun or pony tail and sometimes she wore that glasses during sex as she knew Jack found them alluring. She had begun to use her new found sexual attraction to help her along and luring in Jack had been simple enough. She had married young at 23 and after 2 years she was 25 feeling amazing and knowing her body and mind had many good years left.

Now she had to ponder what to do for this weekend. Jack had left for an out of town meeting early that Friday morning and would not return until Monday morning when his flight came in. It was a well-known meeting for all new executives in his line of business and one he couldn’t miss. The company only paid for his ticket though and he and Carrie had agreed he could go alone giving her time for herself. Carrie was sad he had to go and gave him the best fucking they had done in a while riding him all night exhausting him to the point of sleep. He had slipped away in the early morning before she had time wake up. Now she was alone in their nice two story house. She really didn’t mind as much as she let Jack feel for it was a good time to relax, catch-up on her shows, and enjoy the time doing her own thing. She looked up from her book and noticed that fresh silverware and plates had been placed on the dining room table that was in the room next to her. She had been so busy with work and Jack she hadn’t spent much time in her house, but it looked as though Jack had been moving things around which wasn’t really like him.

She walked around the table admiring the color, one side and plate was dark red with the other a midnight blue. ‘I wonder what else he has done’ she thought as she began to move around the house looking for other things her husband had done to the house last week. It was about 5:00pm the sun was still there but night would be coming soon. She checked the backyard and groaned at the sight of their hose running water on her small garden. She ran out turning off the water and looked at the huge muddy pile in front of her. ‘That idiot forgot to turn off the water and now I will have to wait a week for this mud to dry’ she could plant new plants though so the thought didn’t bother her that much but still confused her as it wasen’t like him to forget such things especially her garden. The kitchen was restocked with food some of which puzzled her as she and Jack didn’t eat some of foods, some Jack was allergic too. Most of the other rooms seemed the same expect her guestroom had been made and cleaned and her master bathroom had all new shampoos and towels. “What on earth was this man doing” she said aloud.

“Maybe someone is coming to stay with us” she continued her talk coming to that being the only conclusion as she began to push it out of her head. She could ask him when he returned from the trip. She returned to the living room and began to read once again though she felt like she should have checked more of the house and called Jack, but she didn’t want to bother him now with something so trival. That night she decided to take a hot bath to refresh and finish her lazy day. She rose from the couch placing her book face down in the living room and began to make her way to the stair case when a peculiar sight caught her eye. A taxi had just dropped someone off across the street.

‘Strange never seen a taxi around here’ she thought as she watched it drive away leaving a figure covered in shadow behind. The lights were bright enough so that the person could see Carrie staring at them through the big windows in the living room. She felt a chill up her spin as the figure didn’t move so Carrie feeling uneasy went up and closed the blinds. ‘Strange people no matter where you go’ she pondered as she turned off the lamp, and locking the doors around her house. The gas fire place now was the only light illuminating the bottom floor of the house. She thought nothing else of the figure as she began to climb the stairs making her way to the bedroom. When she entered she was at least happy to realize that her room was unchanged (to the naked eye) and she decided to play some music before turning on the water. It was an upbeat song and Carrie smiled as she began to dance to the music. She danced sexually and fun shaking her toned ass in her pink workout shorts. Her white tank top and sports bra covered her nice rack as her long brown hair bounced up and down to the music. She liked acting fun and getting wild sometimes because she had married so young and so quick after she had become the sexy vixen she was now; she really didn’t get to enjoy it. So being sexual and crazy both in bed and when she was just having fun made her have a good time. The music was loud enough to not allow her to hear the sound of a letter slip underneath her door.

Carrie stripped off her clothes admiring her unbroken tan and went to her bath. She shaved making her body incredibly smooth and felt so many of her worries wash away. She exited covering her body in a towel on her body and one holding up her hair. She walked to her dresser thinking about what she was going to wear for this lazy night when the sight of the letter caught her eye. ‘What the fuck?’ was her first thought as she was sure her that the letter hadn’t been there when she had originally walked into her room. She felt a spike of fear and was ready to grasp her cell phone and call the cops when she noticed the name on the letter was hers written in pink ink. Curiosity won her over and she made her way to the letter knowing now someone had left it specifically for her. It was hand written and she had no idea who had such interesting handwriting as everyone used computers now. She opened the letter and took out the one page of writing it had enclosed.

Dear Carrie,
I’m sure you have noticed some things in your house that have changed recently. Do not worry for there is a very big explanation for all of this as long as you keep reading. I have been waiting and planning for a weekend where Jack was away and here it is finally upon us. Planning for what you ask? Well Carrie after you and I had our little challenge in the office I decided I would have to find a way to break you Physically, Mentally, and the most important Sexually as I use your body for my own self pleasure. I am going to make you need my body and every time you have sex for the rest of your life your thoughts will be on me. I will take you to the brink of endurance as we challenge each other for dominance to take control. This is about you and me. All the other things Jack, my job, they may give us the drive things to fight over but now we both know what it really comes down to is two hot sluts determined to do what it takes (anything it takes) to show who is the better woman. Who gets to own the other. We both know this has to happen so why not just do what we have to do and go at each other. I know you can’t deny this drive to fight me and fuck me. I am the same way and that opens another reason we must destroy one another in our own way. I can still smell you and every man I have fucked recently including Jack only makes me think of you. We have to settle this once and for all so we can put this thing behind us. So here it is, I challenge you Carrie to a duel to the sexual end. That we end this rivalry putting everything you have against everything I have in an all-out battle over this weekend. Outside your door is an elegant dress that I bought for you, matching lingerie thong and bra and high heels I would have you wear before coming down to see me downstairs. Anything you would like to add is up to you. You could get me thrown out but I know you won’t. Dinner is at 8 and I will tell you further what I have planned for us. See you soon love.

There was no name signed but a bright pink lipstick mark at the bottom. Carrie’s breath had come to a stop as she continued reading the letter. She was in a small state of shock, her thoughts not coming clearly to her head. She opened the door and there just as the letter stated was an expensive dress. It was cut down to the naval going through the breasts. It was long but had a slit on the left leg. It was also thin making sure any ass would be out and shown. She checked the size of it and realized it was just her size and shape.

‘How the fuck did that slut get my sizes’. Then she remembered Elise had been in her house recently, but after that thought entered another did. ‘It is her sizes’ she realized that if Elise was also in a dress like this it was most likely custom made to be the same but different colors. Meaning her and Elise’s bodies where matched even more than she originally thought. She read the letter one more time ‘I guess I have to play along for now to this crazy bitch’s ideas.’ She went back to the bathroom and did her makeup a bit more making sure to overdo the dark red lipstick. She felt that Elise had the advantage even though this was her home. She had been invaded and now she had to go out and see what enemy had in store.

She put on the thong smiling as how soft and sexy it felt, the dark red was alluring. The bra was similar with a white bow in the center and the dress fit like a glove making her ass look amazing as did her heels for her legs. She let her long wavy hair down to its full length covering a bit of her eyes. Her dark brown eyes couldn’t hide the excitement she felt for what was to come, but it was mixed with nervousness and worry from the letter.

‘The way the letter was written means this could get crazy but she is right; I have to figure and settle this with her’ she thought as the she finished the final touches on her body, looking into the full mirror “Man I do look pretty good” she grinned at herself liking how the dress emphasized her ass and tits knowing Elise was going to have her hands full (no pun intended).

She opened the door completely and began to make her way down the stairs her heels clicking in rhythm. She descended the stairs into the living room seeing the fire had been turned up making it very warm in the room. The light flickered as she passed through this room making her way to the only light beside the fire and that was room next to it. The dining room where she was certain Elise was waiting. She took one last breath as she opened it a slowly and steeped in her mouth dropped a bit at the sight ahead of her. The room lights were lower than she thought but she could see everything very clearly. The table was decorated nicely with light food and candles.

But the main thing that caught her eye was the women sitting facing her. Her huge boobs just covered by the midnight blue dress the pink bow of her bra in between them. A full red wine glass in her hand. Her straight blonde hair had grown the last few weeks and was now down her back it too was covering a small portion of her eyes. No highlights and of course a dark coating of pink lipstick on the lips. She had a healthy tan that made her skin glow the exact same shade as Carries. Elise smiled as Carrie entered and she said simply,

“Take a seat Carrie we have a few things we need to discuss”. Carrie sat down on the opposite end of the table 8 feet from Elise. “Care for a drink of wine? It tastes delicious.” Elise offered holding up her glass and pointing to Carrie’s already full glass.

“Thank you Elise”. Carrie reached for the glass mirroring Elise’s pose as they studied each other from across the table.

“A toast to what is to come” Elise smiled as she held her drink up to her dark blue eyes still watching Carrie over the rim.

“Agreed” Carrie replied as she too raised her glass as they began to drink to each other noticing the black finger nails on the hands of each other. They were being very polite to hide the malice and lust they each held for each other in check. They finished their drinks in the one sip placing them down as Elise leaned forward on the table, her elbows resting as her arms still crossed. She smiled at Carrie who leaned back her arms also crossed underneath her breasts.

“I’m going to make this weekend something you will never forgot whore”. Elise voice now sounding harsher and as the malice began to seep through the cracks.

Carrie smiled and replied “I have a few questions you slut.” Elise smiled as she reached for the small chicken salad in the center of the table. “Don’t worry I will answer all your questions after we eat”. Elise said as she served herself and began to eat the light dinner as Carrie followed suit. They ate lightly neither wanting to be too full if anything started immediately which was very possible. The silence grew as they watched each other, studying movements and enjoying the hotness of the other woman. Carrie finished first and placed her stuff down.

“Alright Elise you will tell me now what the hell you want and how you did all of this” she motioned to the house. Elise grinned like a predator. After waiting two months of torture she and Carrie were alone again. It was time to talk business.

Part 1

Two beautiful women sat across from each other; a giant wooden table separating their hot bodies. They sat facing each other trying to understand the other. The questions that would be answered upcoming would lead to their wanted struggle and fulfill their needed secret desires.
“How did you get into my house?” The first women asked her long brown wavy hair across her shoulders. Her dark brown eyes narrowed and full dark red lips made her face have the ability to stop people in their tracks, but it had nothing on the body of her; full D cup breasts that stood amazing firm with huge amounts of cleavage showed in her dark red gown with the white bow of her bra standing between the mountains of meat. Her legs seemed toned and tan as the slit of the dress reveled them high up but kept covered her powerful ass that stuck out. This woman was Carrie, who had expected this weekend to be relaxing and a bit boring, but now had her world flipped and she realized this weekend was now scary and exciting as she faced her gorgeous opponent.

This woman was Elise, her now long straight blonde hair, her blue eyes, and her dress identical to Carries in all but color as she wore a midnight blue gown. Her own D cup breasts stood high and firm, her cleavage challenging Carrie’s from across the room. Elise’s body matched Carrie piece by piece from legs, tan, and ass. Their faces made them different from each other but both would be considered beautiful and sexy.

Elise smiled at the question and pulled off a necklace that Carrie hadn’t noticed. On it was the same key used for Jack’s office and their home. Carrie’s personal key that she had forgotten about after her first fight with Elise. The fight had been so powerful and mind breaking she had thought she must have displaced it or left it in the office. It had been forgotten but now it dawned on her what that pesky key had been up too and the biggest question was answered without Elise having to say a word. Elise grin did not falter as she swung the necklace around her finger and began to explain.

“I saw it when you were still sleeping on the floor after our little fight and I decided if it would help me get to you again then why shouldn’t I take it? You wouldn’t believe the shock I had when Jack told me the key worked for your house. It is amazing the sort of things a man will say to keep having sex and it gave me something I really wanted. To get back at you. Jack even told me you put him up to saying yes to me but I’m sure he would come back for more with or without your permission.” Elise stopped spinning the key and with a throw tossed it to the far corner forgotten again. “I won’t need it anymore because everything is ready.” Elise finished and gave a smug grin to Carrie.

Carrie frowned ‘I can’t believe I had been that stupid’ as she thought of the key and how Jack had told Elise everything. She should have expected it but she had thought he could have held on to the few secrets that she had placed in him. She glanced back to Elise and with one look at the blonde’s body she understood that if she couldn’t keep her hands off of Elise what chance did Jack have. “What have you done to my home?!”, Carrie demanded now getting angry at how much Elise had gotten done ahead of her.

Elise laughed out loud this time, “What you don’t like that I have invaded your personal space, or been through your clothes, playing around in here?” Elise still held a smile as said this “I have turned it slowly into our arena Carrie. Every room a different place and way to go at each other so we can settle what we started in Jack’s office. I think we both know this fight is going to be similar and after waiting awhile I am sure like me, you have thought of better ways to go at each other.” Elise stopped to take another small sip of wine as Carrie had folded her arms underneath her breasts giving Elise a mean but curious look. Elise finished her sip and continued as Carrie listened intently “Unlike you though who seemed to think another fight would start up any moment, I planned and waited to build up the tension and get to know you a bit better through your husband and your home.” Elise had complete control and she knew it as she continued. “Every day I have been sneaking into your home planning and changing things to my will and finding details on you. I knew this last week you wouldn’t be home much so I spent entire days here whenever I had free time. I have been in your home more than you most likely. Guess that takes away your home field advantage huh?” Elise gave a little sneer as she finished still holding Carrie’s gaze.

Carrie’s mind went back to her flower bed trying to figure things out as her body began to feel hot as Elise openly checked her out, she remembered the now dirty mud pit that had been her garden and realized she had seen that arena already. “So the mud is one I’m assuming?” Carrie asked knowing the answer.

“Yes it is. One of the more non-original ideas of mine, but I think wrestling while covered in the gooey mud would be a great way to get some aggression out on each other”. Elise smile stayed on her lips as she finished the sentence. Elise finished with her wine and stood up giving Carrie a chance to see the girl completely for the first time this night. The blonde began to walk around the room her heels clicking as Carrie held her seat sipping the last of own wine from the cup; allowing herself to be stalked.

Carrie’s mind was racing wishing she had checked every room of the house more thoroughly. She wanted to know more about the fights as there was no backing out of this and to be honest with herself she was ready to go at it with Elise again both in a physical way and sexual way. Her room seemed unchanged but she wasn’t sure. She only glanced in the guest room but now she was thinking she might have seen some poles but she knew now why the room was made. She was having a guest over; it just wasn’t one she had invited. Her office and garage where the only other rooms to be looked at; beside the kitchen that she assumed would hold some secrets of its own.

Elise’s voice from behind her snapped her back to the current situation “So I am sure you understand why I am here from the letter but I will tell you again because I know what a dumb slut you are. I propose to you that we fight everywhere in your home in as many different ways as time allows so that we put forth everything we have against each other. You think your some hot stuff since you barley won last time? This time there will be no mercy between us. We will do stuff that can help us not only have to bash our cunts together but test more of our bodies and push us to the brink. We will know who the top woman is.” Elise had made a full circle and was standing across from Carrie. She placed hands on the table as she leaned forward giving Carrie an excellent view between the giant tits.

“You know I can’t refuse you, you fucking whore. We will settle this once and for all. I will make sure you never come facing me again and I will ruin your life like you plan to do to mine” Carrie growled as anger began to enter their conversation. “But I want to set some conditions of my own”. Carrie finished as too stood up from her seat and matched Elise’s pose. Both girls took a second to admire the cleavage facing them. After the second their eyes shot back to each other to continue the talk.

Elise looked annoyed for a second before growling back “Such as?” Elise hadn’t expected Carrie to demand anything. She thought the rage of seeing her in the house would have pushed Carrie to just jumping on her and starting the fight giving Elise a huge mental victory, but Carrie was displaying more self-control then Elise had thought she had, but she knew the conversation was coming to a close for now. Carrie smiled happy Elise realized she would have to accept her new conditions. “First you will show me the rooms before we begin to level the playing field” Elise eyes narrowed as Carrie continued, “second if I win I get my key back to my house and you will not enter here without my permission. Third I will revoke your abilities to use Jack for your self-pleasure and finally just know if I beat you we both know I have you in my department and I will make your life a living hell and attempt to get you fired for good.” Carrie finished her sentence in a very demanding stance leaning far forward on the table but her thoughts were different. She knew Elise would accept them but she wasn’t sure how much her work threat would have. Elise had become the most important part of Carrie’s department. She didn’t like to admit it but the girl knew how to run her area well and she couldn’t afford to lose her.

Somehow Elise seemed to know exactly what she was thinking. “You fucking liar. I know you need me for work so that won’t work. As for the other demands I accept them but I have a few more for you if I do. Jack is a good fuck”. Elise paused before she continued “almost as good as you.” She gave Carrie a small smile that for once Carrie returned. The smiles faded though as Elise continued “This time it is for pride and well some spoils.”

“Let me hear them whore” Carrie replied quickly, both girls getting hotter for each other by the second.

“I will keep the key to come and go as I please. I will continue to use Jack but more importantly I will use you for my pleasure when I need to be satisfied.” A look of understanding passed between them for what was at stake. Which one of them would be the other’s bitch? “And finally after every fight we have the winner gets to take a thong and bra of her choice from the loser’s wardrobe or the one the loser was wearing for that fight. I have brought full suitcases of cloths for this weekend, so don’t worry. A lot look like the ones you have in your closet and I just love wearing your black thong and I can’t wait to get my pussy on more of them.” Elise finished as she walked to the door leading to the kitchen and garage. “Follow me and let me show you what you need to know, I want this to get started we can talk and discuss more after our little tour”. Elise opened the door and waited for Carrie. Carrie stood up and moved around the table walking towards Elise. Her nipples felt hard but nice on the soft red bra. She passed the doorway walking just an inch by Elise and getting a good whiff of the blondes alluring perfume. The kitchen looked unchanged as first glance and Carrie was annoyed she couldn’t see anything.

“What’s the change?” Carrie turned back to Elise who had just entered the door way.

“If you can’t see it then I don’t have to tell you”. Elise said as she walked to the garage door. “Don’t worry this one is a bit more obvious.” Carrie followed Elise into the garage. Her body was close enough to touch the blonde in front of her. She wanted to grab and feel the ass of the enemy. The door opened and Carrie had to stop and gasp as light filled the room. She was shocked to see the whole room covered in blue wrestling pads dripping to what seemed like oil. The room was a one car so not huge but everything had been removed making it seem big as the pads covered every corner and the walls those too had oil on them. Carrie scanned the room a bit amazed Elise had done this. Her eyes searched the floor as she began to notice things in the oil. Several dildos laid across the ground, most pretty large and in different colors. The biggest sat in the middle of the room a giant double headed dildo that looked like it had been made for this sort of thing. Carrie was also shocked to see two dildos glued sticking out from the walls on the right side. She assumed so it would be dangerous for her to be pushed back on the wall and rammed into one of those. They were at different levels some made for standing and others for hands and knees. Carrie knew they would match up perfectly for her as Elise most likely had used herself for measurements and they stood at a near perfect match in height. Carrie’s breathing had picked up and her groin felt tight. Elise could sense Carrie was feeling this way as she turned to face the brunette beauty. “I think this is self-explanatory, a good old oil wrestling match with a few accessories thrown in to use on each other. The oil is a special kind that I had to search forever for that can get warm with friction so I am sure when I am grinding your body down we can enjoy that.” Elise grinned as Carrie turned to her.

“Interesting” Carrie admitted her eyes roaming Elise’s full figure. She desperately wanted to sink her claws into that blonde hair and get going but also wanted to know more about the house and get more details worked out with the blonde. As Carrie looked at the room once more then back at Elise she only had one thought ‘Fuck it’. “Well follow me Carrie we have a few more room….WHAT THE FUCk!” Elise screamed as she felt her hair get gripped and her head forced downward. Carrie had reached up and latched her hands into Elise’s hair. Carrie took a few steps down the stairs with Elise being dragged by the hair. She took a step on to the wet mat and digging her heels in gave Elise a hard throw causing the blonde to lose her footing and slip down a few feet away. Her blue dress getting oil on it as she was on her hands and knees near the center of the garage. She looked up at Carrie who was removing her red gown.

Carrie locked her eyes with Elise. “Fuck the other rooms’ slut; I can worry about them later. Right now we are going to start this shit right here in this room”. Elise found her footing and stood up as she began to take her dress off. They eyed each other carefully as the blue and red thongs came out in the open for the first time followed by their breasts. Each girl hadn’t seen each other’s body in two months and at first sight small drips began to leak out of their pussies. Carrie tossed her dress back into the kitchen followed by her heels. She turned her in time to catch Elise’s blue dress that had been thrown to her and the heels right after.

“Put them in the kitchen” Elise demanded as she stood tall in proud in her hot underwear. Carrie smiled sweetly as she found the oil stains that had made the fabric wet and easy to tear. The dresses had been made differently from the underwear. She dug in nails in and ripped the gown right in front of Elise but she did toss the heels into the kitchen. “You will pay for that one you twat” Elise said not very surprised at the other woman’s actions, she began to move slowly forward in her bare feet as Carrie dropped the torn gown and too began to carefully move forward to meet the blonde.

“I am going to tear you just like your dress you stupid fuck” Carrie growled as they finally let their hands meet. They instantly pulled each other in letting their bras meet as they wrapped their arms around each other and tried to trip the other woman back using her legs. The oil made it slippery for them to stand and both girls focused just as much as keeping her self-standing as well as throwing the other women down. Carrie felt oil on her back as Elise had gotten some on her hands and she quickly understood what Elise had meant by heat. It was a pleasant warm that would feel amazing on her tits and everywhere else she thought. The distraction though caused Carrie to lose her balance as Elise’s long leg had been able to wrap itself around Carries. Elise then slammed their bras together causing Carrie to fall back down on the mat and get her amazing back covered in oil as Elise mounted her. The exertion caused only grunts from the girls but now with Carrie on her back Elise couldn’t help but taunt.

“You like that oil cocksucker? Wait till I rub your defeated body all over with it”. Carrie wrapped her legs around Elise locking her ankles near the powerful ass of Elise. She began to use the oil from her feet to rub all around the strong muscle and soak the back of the blue thong.

“Fuck you bitch” Carrie replied as she struggled trying to get Elise to fall off of her. The oil sipped into Carrie’s thong crack and the warmth began to spread. Her feet couldn’t keep up with the amount that was being rubbed on her back. She needed to even out this fight and get both of them covered. Still having her legs locked around the waist of Elise, Carrie pushed her upper body up smashing her tits into her blonde rival as she wrapped her hands around the back of the other women and unclipped the dark blue bra. Elise had been preoccupied using her hands to rub oil over the top of Carrie’s breasts and stomach to notice the sneaky removal of her bra but felt the cloth leave her. Her blue triangle blue thong all that remained on her body.

“Fuck” Elise groaned as she saw and felt her giant boobs reveled. Before she could do anything Carrie had tossed the bra filling her hands with oil and squeezed Elise’s huge tits. Elise groaned at the violation and the pain from Carrie’s black nails. She attempted to pry the claws gripping her away but the oil made them two slippery. Finally she had to choice to slap Carrie right on the cheek. SLAP. The hit was loud and strong and the sting caused Carrie to lose her ankle lock giving Elise the ability to push away and separate the women. Carrie stared across the room at Elise who was returning the look. Carrie’s red bra still concealed her tits but it was now soaked with oil much like the rest of her body as her hair had become matted down. Elise’s blue bra was lost in the corner so she only had her small blue thong on. There was not as much oil on her from her being on top but she was topless and Carrie wasn’t and that annoyed her greatly. She also didn’t like how Carrie had been able to grip her breasts so easy. She quickly made a choice. She began to lay her body down flat on the mat to get her whole front side covered in oil. She did a little roll to get a light layer on herself before using her hands to rub as much as possible over her body. The oil began to warm hit nipples, they became harder in result as her thong was getting wetter from both the oil and her own cum that was beginning to appear.

She noticed Carrie was looking at her with a questioning look. “The oil feels so goooooddd.” Elise moaned as Carrie licked her lips watching Elise’s giant tits jiggle and ass flex, she couldn’t keep her eyes off the toned ass or the triangle blue thong. Elise pink lips made a kissy face at Carrie, a taunt that Carrie would not take.

“Stop rubbing yourself you pussy and get over here!”, Carrie yelled as she began to walk/slide on her knees over to Elise who dodged the grab and moved away toward the right wall. The wall had one dildo stick out that was about the height of doggy position. Elise was thinking of a plan to get Carrie not only naked but start up the sexual contest.

‘I’m going to have to tire her about a bit more though if I want her on the wall’ Elise thought as Carrie began to move forward toward her again. “Fine bitch lets wrestle!” Elise screamed as she charged Carrie. Carrie stood her ground and the two hot women met near the right side of the wall and began a frantic battle. They clawed and attacked each other’s hair. Taking turns slamming their opponent to the ground trying to lock her into holds but the oil allowed them to slip around each other. Carrie was able to get Elise into a full nelson for a second before the blonde went right through her arms. The blonde turned around and dug her shoulder into the stomach of Carrie. This started a roll from one corner to the next. They gripped each other’s hair hard keeping them connected. Their pussies rubbing into one another as their asses took turns on top. Carrie’s bra still held her tits as Elise had been unable to get hold long enough and Carrie knew she would go for it making the brunette defend it. The roll returned to the right side of the garage as the girls had stopped on their sides after the wrestling and rolling had lasted 15 minutes. They went up to their knees gripped each other and pushed each other away panting hotly from the exertion and excitement.

“Weak bitch” Carrie panted.

“Pathetic” Elise panted right back. Elise looked at the hot brunette now angry that the whore had kept her bra on. She wanted to feel their pink nipples fencing inside the giant mushroomed tits that would increase the heat from the friction. She wanted to break Carrie’s tits with her own. The bra kept them from really getting their tits into the action but she knew Carrie would not remove it without extreme force. Their thongs were soaked with oil but even being so skimpy the material Elise had ordered for the underwear would make them nearly impossible to rip off, something both girls had attempted. ‘Should have made my dress that material’ Elise thought as she caught her breath ready to put her plan in motion.

“Come on bitch let’s go!” Elise taunted squeezing her breasts together at Carrie. Carrie who had been facing the other way shook her ass in response lets the meaty cheeks move. She turned around after her display to watch Elise play with her tits. She enjoyed the view but decided she would have more fun slamming the bitch down. Carrie charged forward the oil dripping off her hot body. The red clothing seemed to shine as Elise seemed to be waiting for her near the wall. ‘Come a bit closer bitch’ Elise inwardly grinned as the moment Carrie was close enough she would duck allowing the brunette to slide over her and hit the wall close to the dildo. Then Elise would have to just come up behind her and force it in. At the last second before Carrie ran into Elise something happened. Carrie had picked up a 10inch rubber orange dildo (14th floor reference!) and held it behind her back. She swung it up into Elise’s face stunning the blonde woman from the impact. “FUCK!” Elise groaned not able to react in time to get pushed back onto the dildo as Carrie forced her into doggy position. It pushed in to Elise soaking pussy with the blue thong. Elise groaned at the soft material of her thong pushed in with the hardest of the dildo.

“You think I would fall for your little trap tramp?” Carrie taunted who was on her knees and now laid flat on the back of Elise. Elise’s head was between Carrie’s thighs and Elise could feel Carrie’s red bra and the tops of her boobs push into her back. Carrie’s head was also near the top of Elise’s ass and the brunette’s wet hair tickled down the sides of her body. But the feeling of the woman on top of her was not enough to distract her from the dildo she had been pushed on to. She was happy it had missed her asshole just barley but this was a horrible position to be in with Carrie now in almost complete control. “I bet you love this dildo in your cunt”. Carrie was taunting as she reached a hand up and gave a hard slap to Elise’s ass. Elise groaned in response trying to get footing on the wall to push herself off of the dildo. She knew she would only get one shot or this fight would be over. She moaned as she used all the strength in her long toned legs to push off the wall her feet finding a small dry spot as she popped off of the dildo and fell flat to the ground Carrie still on top of her. “Nice try Blondie” Carrie as she began to move her knees up to crush Elise’s head. Elise sensed the red thong nearing her face and looked frantically around her. She needed to find a ticket out of this mess and on her second look up she saw it. The orange dildo Carrie had used was only about 3 feet away. Elise desperately reached for it as she felt that Carrie was mesmerized for a moment by her ass since she was snapping Elise’s blue thong to her skin and running her finger down the material. Elise was just able to get her hand on the dildo and with it in hand she swung it up into the face of Carrie. “OW”! Carrie screamed as she fell of the blonde trying to move away and rub her sore cheek.

Elise didn’t stop though and pushing her body up jumped on Carrie. Elise reached her hands behind the back of Carrie for one last attempt to get the bra off. Her hands found the click but slipped away from the oil. ‘Shit I can’t get it’ Elise thought realizing she would have to give up her goal of smashing tits with Carrie (for now). Carrie had come to her senses and was looking around for something to fight back with as Elise was still holding the orange dildo. She ran her hands around herself like a snow angel movement when she felt another dildo touch her hand. She gripped it and swung it up. Elise was able to duck in time as both girls used their free hands to hold the dildo filled hand of her enemy. Carrie and Elise realized at the same time the dildo Carrie had picked up was in fact the 12inch double headed black dildo from the center of the room.

The struggle stopped as Elise released the orange dildo and both girls took hold of the other one. They watched each other intently as they brought it up to their mouths both girls giving it a small suck leaving spit on each end. They then rotated the shaft and sucked up the spit left by the other women, their eyes locked brown to blue as they got a small taste of each other. The oil and spit mix was interesting for both girls as they moved the dildo; descending where it was meant to go. Nothing was said as it approached their wet cunts. The fight had been more physical up to this point as the girls wanted to get a good amount of anger out. This would be the first sexual act they shared and a big victory for the girl able to control the other. Neither girl took her thong off as they simply moved them to the side allowing a bit harder access but the thong was a statement for the women as they had defended their pussies thus far. The dildo entered Carrie first easily with the oil that began to heat up again on the shaft and tip. Elise lowered herself this time voluntarily taking a dildo in her.

Both girls whimpered as the oil made it incredibly difficult to grip and both girls placed a hand on the section right outside their own cunts. A fierce battle began as they tried to push the dildo deeper into their rival. Their hands would slip as the dildo pumped each of them. Their open cunts taking inch by inch wet now from cum, sweat, and oil. They panted and moaned at every strong attack, neither girl able to speak as the emotion and stress from the battle was building into a power orgasm that would hit one of them first.

“Break you bitch!!” Elise growled.

“Fuck you slut you will break”. Carrie said right back. Carrie seized Elise’s hands off of the dildo bringing them to the side of their bodies making Elise fall flat onto her. The dildo was now free to go as deep into the women as possible. Carrie rolled their bodies making the dildo slide deeper into Elise. Elise moaned but continued the roll so Carrie was again under giving her a few extra inches. This happened for over 2 minutes both girls reaching the end of their stamina and sexual endurance. All of the sudden Carrie screamed.

“OH MY GOD” as the dildo had found it’s mark one to many times as she began to cum and shake.

“That’s right baby!” Elise yelled as she too began to cum but was able to ride Carrie down harder than Carrie could ride her. The top position proved helpful again as Elise had claimed it allowing her to slide deeper into Carrie. Finally the waves of pleasure ended; Elise rolled of Carrie bring the dildo with her and allowing it to fall between them as they laid side by side. It was covered in cum from both women as Carrie groaned from her defeat. Elise smiled as she leaned up and ran her hands up and down the body of brunette. Stopping to rub the ruby red lips, matching bra, and thong.

“Not bad little girl but this time looks like there is a new top bitch for this night”. Elise gripped the orange dildo that had been fallen off to the side and placed it in her tender pussy just to get some juice on it.

“Fuck you Elise”, Carrie said softly as she tried to recover but she knew this was not her fight and she would have to wait a long night for her revenge. Elise pulled the dildo out and gripping Carrie’s face forced it her mouth. “GRRKJE” Carrie groaned as she was forced to taste her enemy. Elise then leaned over and left a hot pink lipstick mark on Carrie’s right cheek.

“Have fun washing that off tonight Carrie. I will be staying in the guest room tonight and will pick out my victory thong tomorrow. Breakfast is 9:00 sharp tomorrow morning. Sweet dreams love.” Elise smiled as her and Carrie had not broken eye contact. Elise stood up and carefully walked to the door. She looked back at the other women still laying on her back the orange dildo in her mouth. But Carrie’s eyes had been following Elise’s hot ass all the way. Elise gave her a smile shook her blue thong ass at Carrie and left the room closing the door. She made her way up to the guest room very happy she had taken the first win. ‘Don’t get to excited though’ she told herself as she knew the weekend was much longer than this. She took a nice shower cleaning up amazed she once again felt the itch for sex. She decided to let that build by lying down in her big bed sleeping well for the first time in two months.

Carrie laid on the floor for another 2 minutes after the blonde had left. Finally she removed the dildo making sure she got every drop of cum off. She looked at her body and felt annoyed she had let this one slip by. (No pun) She was happy she had been able to keep her underwear on as she knew Elise was frustrated by that. But that was a small consolation prize for her defeat. She made her way up to her room stripping the wet cloth off and feeling the warmth of the oil on her now nude body. She began to feel horny again and imagined Elise just a few feet away. ‘Tomorrow’ she told herself as she showered all the oil off of her body and out of her hair, spending an extra minute on her cheek trying to remove the pink lipstick. ‘This is only the beginning Elise, you may of started this but I will finish it,’ was Carrie’s last thought as she laid down and sleep took her as well.

Part 2

Carrie woke the next morning with a sudden jolt. She groaned as she stretched feeling her muscles ache, yet feel more alive than they had in a long time. She remembered every detail about last night from the dinner and the talk, to the first fight of what she knew would the first of several, and even her sexual defeat at the hands and pussy filled dildo of her greatest rival. She looked over at the clock noticing it was already 8:50.

‘Breakfast at 9:00. Better get down there’, she jumped out of bed looking down at her nude body. She decided just some sweatpants and tank top for she was sure Elise would have her change anyway for their next fight. She also mentally prepared herself for the taunts that were coming her way. “Just don’t let her into your head Carrie. It was one little oil fuck”. She told herself as she left the room and made her way to the stairs. But in truth she was a little scared, she had never been pushed to the end like that where she couldn’t get her body to rise up to the challenge. Elise was able to do that to her in the little match and that made her nervous. She entered the kitchen to see a small note on the table next to a small breakfast plate.

“Another letter”, Carrie sighed, “I am sure getting sick of these things”. That didn’t stop her from picking it up and reading it though.

Dear Carrie,
I hope you had fun last night, I know I did . I already ate and am now currently lying out on your deck getting a bit of a tan. I was hoping you would join me for a bit after you eat. See you soon.
P.S. Bikinis are optional.

Carrie frowned at the letter more annoyed than ever that Elise always seemed to be one step ahead. Carrie knew she had to start winning some of these mental games if she had any chance of taking victory over Elise this weekend. But for now she would continue to play the game, she ate as quickly as she could and ran upstairs to put on her bikini. She decided that she would have a bit of fun still not letting Elise see her naked which would drive the blonde insane. She put on a small Silver bikini thong and top that only covered her nipples Jack had gotten her for a gift when they got their new Jacuzzi, she had only worn it once but this seemed a better time than ever. She then covered it with a much less revealing green top and bottom one she would wear to parties and such.

“Layers for now, in case the girl tries to jump me or something” was her reasoning as she moved back down the stairs and headed for the deck. She walked out the door instantly finding Elise laid out on one of the sun chairs to the right, next to the steps that led down to the garden (aka) the gooey mud bit. To the left was the Jacuzzi sitting on the deck, it was new but only a 2 person so not overly large.

‘It wasn’t too hot to convince Elise to go in now but the blonde would want to be in control’ Carrie pondered as an idea began to form in her head. Her eye’s finally found the blonde and she knew she was in for a day of sexual fun. Elise was on laying on her front, her toned back looked perfectly sculpted to her body. Her ass was looked amazing from the glow of the sun. A small yellow bikini thong was visible. Carrie couldn’t believe it. That yellow thong was just 2 strings together, one around her hips, and other across her pussy and around her ass. It was skimpier than Carrie’s own silver one and once again Elise had gotten a small mental victory without much trying.

Elise’s eye’s fluttered open to the sound of the door and she eyed Carrie in the unflattering green suit.

“Nice bikini prude” she said as she closed her eyes again.

Carrie had been expecting that one. “Well since you failed at getting to see my breasts and cunt last night I thought it was only fitting I should keep them hidden till you earned them. Unlike you who lost her top only a few minutes into the fight, but I am sure you would give your top up in almost any situation anyway.” Carrie watched Elise frown a bit as she took the chair next to her and began to enjoy the sun. After a few minutes of quiet the talk began again. Elise was pretty annoyed that Carrie was wearing such an outfit but she didn’t want to show it much. Yeah it was a bikini like she had wrote but this weekend was about sexual thrill of battle between their hot bodies. Not covering up and hiding. She needed to get Carrie naked as fast as possible. She wanted to see those tits and nipples on full display, and more importantly see the pink slit that had to be oozing for her.

“How bought we ask each other questions and get to know each other a bit more.” Elise suddenly asked. Carrie did not understand why the blonde would suggest that but before she could question it Elise continued. “I think it is only fitting that we get to know each other on a more personal level emotionally before we really get to know each other physically.”

Carrie thought that did make some sense. She had realized she didn’t know much about Elise beside what she had learned at work and through their fights were only taunting and teasing seemed to take place. Carrie was also enjoying the sun and wanted to keep the peace awhile longer.

“Fine ask away”, Carrie said not opening her eyes as she reached behind her and undid the top of the green bikini. Elise watched at first with confusion but than a bigger annoyance when she saw the sliver lines.

‘Fucking prude I knew she had to have something slutty on underneath’ she thought as her nipples started to harden on the chair. The fact that just looking at Carrie turned her on was another thing that made this girl so interesting and maddening to her. The questions began as the girls took turn asking small questions like favorite food and color. Places they have been and college experiences. It was a bit boring but the woman did enjoy finding more about each other and both knew eventually they would get to deeper questions when Elise finally asked a one that would turn up the heat.

“Would you do threesome with me?” Elise asked as both girls began sitting up their eyes looking for an answer.

“Yeah I would” Carrie responded understanding where this was going. She licked her lips “If jack was between us right now what would you do?” Carrie asked back.

Elise grinned, “I would have him stand right in front of me as I get on my knees and begin to lick his shaft. I would play with my tits giving him a show.” Elise had sat up high showing her naked huge boobs once again as she pushed them together leaving a small space as though she was imagining Jack’s dick in-between them.

Carrie chimed in, “I wouldn’t let you take that cock bitch. I would crawl up next to you pull your hair till you lost your contact with his dick and I would clean up your spit with my tongue leaving all of mine behind. I would work his head inside my mouth and rub my tongue all over it. He would be moaning my name forgetting all about you.”.

Carrie had sat up completely and removed her green bottoms showing off the small sliver thread. Elise groaned at the sight as Carrie was sucking her own two fingers in the motion she had just described.

“Fuck you cunt. I would pull your hair right back till we had to share his dick. Both our tongues running up and down the shaft, each getting a ball. But only one of us would get his head as our tongues would meet up top as our mouths enclosed his dick. We both know he is only getting into one pussy and whoever could get the other off her man would win”. Elise finished as she had begun to masturbate in front of Carrie and Carrie returned the favor. They sat on the chairs rubbing their own slits hidden by their thong bikinis, as wet cum began to cover their fingers each wishing they could fuck Jack and each other. “Yeah and it would be my hot, tight pussy he would be in. He would forget all about his wife.” Elise moaned.

Carrie growled “No way slut. My nova pussy would make any man come to me. Jack wouldn’t be able to resist and he will forget all about your snatch and your body.” Carrie gave a yelp as felt the pleasure build. All of the sudden Elise stood, Carrie seeing this stood as well only about 3 feet apart ready to both tear into each other and fuck each other at the same time.

“Let’s go play bitch this was a nice chat but I think it is time for to rip into each other”. Carrie motioned toward the mud knowing she would get to ask her real questions to Elise later.

“Sounds good to me whore but I want to pick a victory thong out for me. Elise reminded Carrie of another piece of their little game. Carrie gave a death glare; she hadn’t forgotten that part of the bet but it was not one she was looking forward to.

“Fine let’s go to my room first”. Carrie began to move toward the door but was stopped when Elise gripped her arm.

“That won’t be necessary Carrie because I have already made my choice. I want that hot silver thong and top you are wearing right now.” Elise barred her teeth in an evil way at Carrie knowing the brunette was about to get naked for her finally.

But Carrie gave Elise a smile and said much to her surprise. “Sure thing babe”. Elise eye’s narrowed knowing something might be amiss as Carrie seemed way too willing to get naked and lose that bikini after all she had done to keep cloth, but she couldn’t deny it sounded so hot to her having Carrie strip the thong and top off just for her but that was a distraction she could not afford. Her own yellow thong felt restraining and she wanted to be nude as well but she knew this would be good pay back. Making Carrie get nude first would make the brunette go crazy after she had done so much to cover her body in the oil and now green bikini. Everything was perfect for that moment. Carrie began to untie the two strings on her top. Her eyes never leaving Elise as the strings became undone and the top fell away. Finally Carrie relieved her tits to Elise. Elise sighed happily as she took in the sight of the giant mountains of flesh just a few feet away. Carrie’s nipples were already hard and Elise desperately wanted to lock her tits with her enemy and crush them. Carrie pushed her naked tits together like Elise had done to her so many times already this weekend. Carrie could tell by Elise’s facial expression she was enjoying the sight immensely.

Carrie purred “Come here Elise and let us reintroduce our bare tits to each other”, saying this Carrie lifted a tit in each hand and gave a bounce to her jugs making Elise groan at the sight. Elise almost took the bait but her self-control won over just in time.

“All in due time, but first I want your thong in my hand, give it here baby”, Elise finished her eyes on Carrie’s covered pussy. But Carrie had other ideas as she turned around and began to walk down the steps towards the mud pit. Each step on the stairs caused her boobs to move up and down as she reached the grass which was like a small standing zone surrounded by mud. Elise watched with confusion. Carrie with her back still facing Elise leaned over and stripped her thong right off her hips and down her long legs she turned back to Elise and threw her thong at Elise before jumping in and laying down in the thick gooey mud. Elise groaned, she had seen the pussy from her dreams for less than a second before Carrie had jumped in.

She had caught the silver thong in her hand though and gave it a quick smell. ‘Yum’ was her thought as she placed it on her seat with the matching top before turning to see what Carrie was up too. The brunette had covered her body in mud, even purposely getting it in her hair once again covering up her nude body

“If you want to see everything you are going to have to clean me up and we both know you can’t control me long enough to get me clean” The dirty woman yelled at Elise. Elise kept her watch on the other woman as she made her way down the steps towards the mud. Now that she had her prize of a new thong she was ready to continue the struggle. She reached the grass and looked across the mud pit. It was pretty large at least 5 meters across so they would have some room. Since the deck took up most of the backyard all that surrounded them was a high wooden fence. Elise had thought when she was setting up it would be best for her and Carrie’s sakes to avoided the wood because that could lead to some injuries.

Carrie’s voice snapped her out of the trance as she noticed Elise’s hesitation. “What is the matter Elise? You planned this little mud hole, scared to get a little dirty with a real woman?”.

Elise growled “I will show you who is dirty”, but before she got in she too lowered her thong down her legs, Carrie watched intently as Elise’s bare pussy and tits were both on display now but still covered by mud. The girls already felt warm in their crouches but now it felt like a fire was beginning to start. ‘Don’t want this ruined and I like when we are evenly dressed.’ Elise decided as she striped her thong done her legs and threw her it back up to the deck as she too stepped in to the mud. She fell to her knees feeling the gooey substances enter her creases. She began to make her way over to the mud covered Carrie who had stopped her playing and was waiting a few feet away.

“Are all of your little arenas going to be this physical?” The muddy Carrie asked while mud was sliding down her body leaving trials of wet and dry mud. “A bit but this one the most. I wanted to really tire you out before getting more intimate with you”. Elise responded letting her nude body get some mud on it. She looked up at the sun annoyed now how warm it was out realizing the sun was doing more than just tan the girls. The forecast had been cloudy and rainy for this day and she thought the mud pit would have remained wet for a bit longer, instead it was already beginning to dry.

‘Fuck won’t have much time in here’ Elise felt the mud getting harder to move in. She would only have a few minutes with Carrie in here before they would have to continue somewhere else. There wasn’t enough grass for them to roll on and the deck might be too hot. But she was confident that she and Carrie would find a way to fight. They pushed themselves forward on their knees as their hands interlocked in front of them. They began to push into each other as their tits met and the mud splattered from the impact. They grunted from the pressure they felt and delivered to each other. The mud made it hard to move and kept their bare skin from really meeting. Elise fell back on purpose allowing Carrie to get on top of her. They rolled around in the mud letting their hair get full of it as they simply groaned at each other as the mud got everywhere. After only about 30 seconds of rolling they broke apart annoyed they couldn’t stand up for moves without getting hurt from the drying ground.

“Fuck this mud I want to get going at it”, Carrie whined as she cleared the mud from her eyes. Elise knew she was right. The mud was almost dry save the very center and Elise had planned this for them to really wrestle and slam each other down not just catfight and fuck. They would have to wait and see if the rain returned to regooey it.

“Your right you whore. We will have to finish this later in here. Let’s find a new spot.” Elise jumped out of the mud, quickly making her way to the stairs. She went up and Carrie watched the blonde step into the Jacuzzi. Carrie made quick speed getting to her feet followed the steps of Elise’s till she too was at the edge of the Jacuzzi. The water had turned a murky brown but that didn’t stop Carrie from jumping in the opposite side of Elise who was rubbing herself clean. They eyed each other taking in the nude body of the other; they focused on the clean pink cunts that now were on full display. Both girls needed a bit of sexual thrill and now was a good time to begin.

Carrie didn’t clean herself completely as she walked the two steps up to Elise and before the blonde could do anything she was being kissed. The soaking wet woman wrapped their arms around each other to deepen the tongue licking battle inside their hot mouths. They explored each cheek and every tooth as their mouths finally got rejoined. Elise moaned into the mouth of Carrie as her body went into overload, their lips rubbing softly. She finally felt Carrie and her own nipples rub. That alone was making her wet as their huge tits mushroomed each other as the girls began to take turns sucking their rival’s tongues for a long few seconds. Both of their right hands released each other and made their way down to the pussies. They rubbed the slit of their enemy each reacting by giving a deep moan their eyes locked together. They moved nearly as one. Every time one girl started something the other would move to match her immediately making the first girl retreat slowly but surely making their way to the smooth slit of the other.

They ended the French kiss but kept their lips touching as they began to taunt aloud. “I’m going to break you whore. After I win this you won’t be able to face me. I am going to get another one of you precious thongs and eventually you as a slave.” Elise talked her pink lips rubbing against Carrie’s red. Her blonde’s wet hair flat on her back parallel to Carrie’s dark brown.

“Fuck you cunt. You’re the one who will cum now before me. As I give you a taste what it will be like as my bitch for the rest of your life”. Carrie whispered back driving her tongue back into Elise’s mouth before the blonde could respond. Their fingers had moved inside their cunts and began to pump each other softly at first but picking up speed and power.

“Uhhh Uhhh fuck” Carrie groaned having to remove her tongue from Elise to pull back the sensation. They had 3 fingers each in the pussy of the enemy not giving each other much time to warm up, but both girls were pretty turned on already. Their thumbs where stimulating the emerging clits and their pinkies teased the outside of their assholes causing their breathing to pick up quickly. This was all happening under the water as their toned stomachs rubbed and their tits still squished each other. Elise forced Carrie back into a kiss and Carrie groaned on the pink girl’s lips.

Elise’s fingers were working magic inside her cunt. She rubbed the emerging clit hard and had found her g-spot making Carrie squirm. The brunette was trying to give just as much back at Elise but her attacks were becoming weaker for each thrust as pleasure began to wrap her body. Elise seemed to sense this as she felt Carrie’s grip on her ass with her free hand lessen.

“Haha you cocksucker I can feel you getting weaker”. The blonde began to push forward trying to get Carrie to sit down in the water as both girls had been standing to this point in the middle. Carrie had to put a foot back as she was losing some ground. The red and pink lips continued to dance but every minute the brunette gave another inch until she was reaching the jet seat behind her.

She began to feel desperate as she could not stand another defeat as the blonde had broken the kiss rested her head on Carrie’s shoulder focusing more on her muscles fighting their counterparts in a slow test of body strength. Carrie knowing if she was forced to sit down Elise would take complete control and force another victory from her cunt. Carrie panted as the heat of the water and the heat of her body began to betray her. Her cunt was getting pumped hard and cum was pouring out as every nerve in her body was on fire. The taunting was over as only pants of exertion into their ears.

‘I have her’ Elise mentally screamed as her muscles moaned with pain as she gave one last hard push. Elise forced Carrie back another step unknowingly placing her own body over one of the extreme jets that was built in the bottom of the floor. She had been so intent on getting Carrie down to the seat she hadn’t paid any attention to where she stood now. Carrie saw her chance from her open eyes as she looked down past where their hands masturbated each other. She used her free hand away from Elise’s ass to reach to her left and hit the jet switch to max. The jets roared to life as a stream of hot bubbly water shot straight up from the ground into Elise’ asshole.

Elise screamed. “WHAT THE FUCK!!!?” She stopped her attack to move away but Carrie swung her back around and slammed her hard into a seat were the lower back jet made a streamline through her legs and across her ass and pussy. Elise continued to scream as Carrie went on the full offensive. She turned on all the jets on Elise and jumped on the blonde smashing their tits together. She put 4 fingers up the blonde’s wide open cunt and let the water work her ass. Elise wanted to counter but the blonde only lasted 1 minute of this torture of every hole by the brunette and water. Elise began to cum in a powerful orgasm. The water rubbed her ass with such constant pressure and Carrie’s fingers played her a perfect song on her cunt. Their hard nipples dug into each other sending the blonde over.

“NOOO STOP” Elise groaned as the jets constant pressure forced cum out of her into the water. Carrie laughed as the blonde came with no chance of rest. Carrie forced her tits into Elise’s face making Elise motorboat her. Carrie had also accidentally positioned herself on a jet behind her too giving her a nice small victory orgasm from all the jets she turned on but Elise wouldn’t know about. Finally the blonde stopped and Carrie decided that was good enough for now. She turned off the jets that had also cleared the mud from the water making it crystal clear and putting Elise’s defeated body on full display.

“They call that home field advantage and watching your surroundings” Carrie smiled as she stood over Elise, the water coming up to her hips. Elise hadn’t moved from her sitting position and was still breathing heavily. She could do nothing when Carrie leaned over and gave the blonde a small kiss on the lips. It was short but both girls felt a shock of pleasure and it was clear whose lips had taken the win.

Carrie ended the lip lock and moved her lips to Elise ear. “I am going to enjoy your yellow thong slut. It is going to feel so good on my cunt, and I loved the way the top shows your tits. When you feel up to it you should come back inside and show me more and keep this weekend going.” She smiled wide. “See you later bitch”. Carrie turned and hopped out of the Jacuzzi. She grasped a towel and the yellow thong. She left the green one on the ground and smiled as she tossed the silver one into the Jacuzzi with Elise who hadn’t moved.

Carrie woke the next morning with a sudden jolt. She groaned as she stretched feeling her muscles ache, yet feel more alive than they had in a long time. She remembered every detail about last night from the dinner and the talk, to the first fight of what she knew would the first of several, and even her sexual defeat at the hands and pussy filled dildo of her greatest rival. She looked over at the clock noticing it was already 8:50.

‘Breakfast at 9:00. Better get down there’, she jumped out of bed looking down at her nude body. She decided just some sweatpants and tank top for she was sure Elise would have her change anyway for their next fight. She also mentally prepared herself for the taunts that were coming her way. “Just don’t let her into your head Carrie. It was one little oil fuck”. She told herself as she left the room and made her way to the stairs. But in truth she was a little scared, she had never been pushed to the end like that where she couldn’t get her body to rise up to the challenge. Elise was able to do that to her in the little match and that made her nervous. She entered the kitchen to see a small note on the table next to a small breakfast plate.

“Another letter”, Carrie sighed, “I am sure getting sick of these things”. That didn’t stop her from picking it up and reading it though.

Dear Carrie,
I hope you had fun last night, I know I did . I already ate and am now currently lying out on your deck getting a bit of a tan. I was hoping you would join me for a bit after you eat. See you soon.
P.S. Bikinis are optional.

Carrie frowned at the letter more annoyed than ever that Elise always seemed to be one step ahead. Carrie knew she had to start winning some of these mental games if she had any chance of taking victory over Elise this weekend. But for now she would continue to play the game, she ate as quickly as she could and ran upstairs to put on her bikini. She decided that she would have a bit of fun still not letting Elise see her naked which would drive the blonde insane. She put on a small Silver bikini thong and top that only covered her nipples Jack had gotten her for a gift when they got their new Jacuzzi, she had only worn it once but this seemed a better time than ever. She then covered it with a much less revealing green top and bottom one she would wear to parties and such.

“Layers for now, in case the girl tries to jump me or something” was her reasoning as she moved back down the stairs and headed for the deck. She walked out the door instantly finding Elise laid out on one of the sun chairs to the right, next to the steps that led down to the garden (aka) the gooey mud bit. To the left was the Jacuzzi sitting on the deck, it was new but only a 2 person so not overly large.

‘It wasn’t too hot to convince Elise to go in now but the blonde would want to be in control’ Carrie pondered as an idea began to form in her head. Her eye’s finally found the blonde and she knew she was in for a day of sexual fun. Elise was on laying on her front, her toned back looked perfectly sculpted to her body. Her ass was looked amazing from the glow of the sun. A small yellow bikini thong was visible. Carrie couldn’t believe it. That yellow thong was just 2 strings together, one around her hips, and other across her pussy and around her ass. It was skimpier than Carrie’s own silver one and once again Elise had gotten a small mental victory without much trying.

Elise’s eye’s fluttered open to the sound of the door and she eyed Carrie in the unflattering green suit.

“Nice bikini prude” she said as she closed her eyes again.

Carrie had been expecting that one. “Well since you failed at getting to see my breasts and cunt last night I thought it was only fitting I should keep them hidden till you earned them. Unlike you who lost her top only a few minutes into the fight, but I am sure you would give your top up in almost any situation anyway.” Carrie watched Elise frown a bit as she took the chair next to her and began to enjoy the sun. After a few minutes of quiet the talk began again. Elise was pretty annoyed that Carrie was wearing such an outfit but she didn’t want to show it much. Yeah it was a bikini like she had wrote but this weekend was about sexual thrill of battle between their hot bodies. Not covering up and hiding. She needed to get Carrie naked as fast as possible. She wanted to see those tits and nipples on full display, and more importantly see the pink slit that had to be oozing for her.

“How bought we ask each other questions and get to know each other a bit more.” Elise suddenly asked. Carrie did not understand why the blonde would suggest that but before she could question it Elise continued. “I think it is only fitting that we get to know each other on a more personal level emotionally before we really get to know each other physically.”

Carrie thought that did make some sense. She had realized she didn’t know much about Elise beside what she had learned at work and through their fights were only taunting and teasing seemed to take place. Carrie was also enjoying the sun and wanted to keep the peace awhile longer.

“Fine ask away”, Carrie said not opening her eyes as she reached behind her and undid the top of the green bikini. Elise watched at first with confusion but than a bigger annoyance when she saw the sliver lines.

‘Fucking prude I knew she had to have something slutty on underneath’ she thought as her nipples started to harden on the chair. The fact that just looking at Carrie turned her on was another thing that made this girl so interesting and maddening to her. The questions began as the girls took turn asking small questions like favorite food and color. Places they have been and college experiences. It was a bit boring but the woman did enjoy finding more about each other and both knew eventually they would get to deeper questions when Elise finally asked a one that would turn up the heat.

“Would you do threesome with me?” Elise asked as both girls began sitting up their eyes looking for an answer.

“Yeah I would” Carrie responded understanding where this was going. She licked her lips “If jack was between us right now what would you do?” Carrie asked back.

Elise grinned, “I would have him stand right in front of me as I get on my knees and begin to lick his shaft. I would play with my tits giving him a show.” Elise had sat up high showing her naked huge boobs once again as she pushed them together leaving a small space as though she was imagining Jack’s dick in-between them.

Carrie chimed in, “I wouldn’t let you take that cock bitch. I would crawl up next to you pull your hair till you lost your contact with his dick and I would clean up your spit with my tongue leaving all of mine behind. I would work his head inside my mouth and rub my tongue all over it. He would be moaning my name forgetting all about you.”.

Carrie had sat up completely and removed her green bottoms showing off the small sliver thread. Elise groaned at the sight as Carrie was sucking her own two fingers in the motion she had just described.

“Fuck you cunt. I would pull your hair right back till we had to share his dick. Both our tongues running up and down the shaft, each getting a ball. But only one of us would get his head as our tongues would meet up top as our mouths enclosed his dick. We both know he is only getting into one pussy and whoever could get the other off her man would win”. Elise finished as she had begun to masturbate in front of Carrie and Carrie returned the favor. They sat on the chairs rubbing their own slits hidden by their thong bikinis, as wet cum began to cover their fingers each wishing they could fuck Jack and each other. “Yeah and it would be my hot, tight pussy he would be in. He would forget all about his wife.” Elise moaned.

Carrie growled “No way slut. My nova pussy would make any man come to me. Jack wouldn’t be able to resist and he will forget all about your snatch and your body.” Carrie gave a yelp as felt the pleasure build. All of the sudden Elise stood, Carrie seeing this stood as well only about 3 feet apart ready to both tear into each other and fuck each other at the same time.

“Let’s go play bitch this was a nice chat but I think it is time for to rip into each other”. Carrie motioned toward the mud knowing she would get to ask her real questions to Elise later.

“Sounds good to me whore but I want to pick a victory thong out for me. Elise reminded Carrie of another piece of their little game. Carrie gave a death glare; she hadn’t forgotten that part of the bet but it was not one she was looking forward to.

“Fine let’s go to my room first”. Carrie began to move toward the door but was stopped when Elise gripped her arm.

“That won’t be necessary Carrie because I have already made my choice. I want that hot silver thong and top you are wearing right now.” Elise barred her teeth in an evil way at Carrie knowing the brunette was about to get naked for her finally.

But Carrie gave Elise a smile and said much to her surprise. “Sure thing babe”. Elise eye’s narrowed knowing something might be amiss as Carrie seemed way too willing to get naked and lose that bikini after all she had done to keep cloth, but she couldn’t deny it sounded so hot to her having Carrie strip the thong and top off just for her but that was a distraction she could not afford. Her own yellow thong felt restraining and she wanted to be nude as well but she knew this would be good pay back. Making Carrie get nude first would make the brunette go crazy after she had done so much to cover her body in the oil and now green bikini. Everything was perfect for that moment. Carrie began to untie the two strings on her top. Her eyes never leaving Elise as the strings became undone and the top fell away. Finally Carrie relieved her tits to Elise. Elise sighed happily as she took in the sight of the giant mountains of flesh just a few feet away. Carrie’s nipples were already hard and Elise desperately wanted to lock her tits with her enemy and crush them. Carrie pushed her naked tits together like Elise had done to her so many times already this weekend. Carrie could tell by Elise’s facial expression she was enjoying the sight immensely.

Carrie purred “Come here Elise and let us reintroduce our bare tits to each other”, saying this Carrie lifted a tit in each hand and gave a bounce to her jugs making Elise groan at the sight. Elise almost took the bait but her self-control won over just in time.

“All in due time, but first I want your thong in my hand, give it here baby”, Elise finished her eyes on Carrie’s covered pussy. But Carrie had other ideas as she turned around and began to walk down the steps towards the mud pit. Each step on the stairs caused her boobs to move up and down as she reached the grass which was like a small standing zone surrounded by mud. Elise watched with confusion. Carrie with her back still facing Elise leaned over and stripped her thong right off her hips and down her long legs she turned back to Elise and threw her thong at Elise before jumping in and laying down in the thick gooey mud. Elise groaned, she had seen the pussy from her dreams for less than a second before Carrie had jumped in.

She had caught the silver thong in her hand though and gave it a quick smell. ‘Yum’ was her thought as she placed it on her seat with the matching top before turning to see what Carrie was up too. The brunette had covered her body in mud, even purposely getting it in her hair once again covering up her nude body

“If you want to see everything you are going to have to clean me up and we both know you can’t control me long enough to get me clean” The dirty woman yelled at Elise. Elise kept her watch on the other woman as she made her way down the steps towards the mud. Now that she had her prize of a new thong she was ready to continue the struggle. She reached the grass and looked across the mud pit. It was pretty large at least 5 meters across so they would have some room. Since the deck took up most of the backyard all that surrounded them was a high wooden fence. Elise had thought when she was setting up it would be best for her and Carrie’s sakes to avoided the wood because that could lead to some injuries.

Carrie’s voice snapped her out of the trance as she noticed Elise’s hesitation. “What is the matter Elise? You planned this little mud hole, scared to get a little dirty with a real woman?”.

Elise growled “I will show you who is dirty”, but before she got in she too lowered her thong down her legs, Carrie watched intently as Elise’s bare pussy and tits were both on display now but still covered by mud. The girls already felt warm in their crouches but now it felt like a fire was beginning to start. ‘Don’t want this ruined and I like when we are evenly dressed.’ Elise decided as she striped her thong done her legs and threw her it back up to the deck as she too stepped in to the mud. She fell to her knees feeling the gooey substances enter her creases. She began to make her way over to the mud covered Carrie who had stopped her playing and was waiting a few feet away.

“Are all of your little arenas going to be this physical?” The muddy Carrie asked while mud was sliding down her body leaving trials of wet and dry mud. “A bit but this one the most. I wanted to really tire you out before getting more intimate with you”. Elise responded letting her nude body get some mud on it. She looked up at the sun annoyed now how warm it was out realizing the sun was doing more than just tan the girls. The forecast had been cloudy and rainy for this day and she thought the mud pit would have remained wet for a bit longer, instead it was already beginning to dry.

‘Fuck won’t have much time in here’ Elise felt the mud getting harder to move in. She would only have a few minutes with Carrie in here before they would have to continue somewhere else. There wasn’t enough grass for them to roll on and the deck might be too hot. But she was confident that she and Carrie would find a way to fight. They pushed themselves forward on their knees as their hands interlocked in front of them. They began to push into each other as their tits met and the mud splattered from the impact. They grunted from the pressure they felt and delivered to each other. The mud made it hard to move and kept their bare skin from really meeting. Elise fell back on purpose allowing Carrie to get on top of her. They rolled around in the mud letting their hair get full of it as they simply groaned at each other as the mud got everywhere. After only about 30 seconds of rolling they broke apart annoyed they couldn’t stand up for moves without getting hurt from the drying ground.

“Fuck this mud I want to get going at it”, Carrie whined as she cleared the mud from her eyes. Elise knew she was right. The mud was almost dry save the very center and Elise had planned this for them to really wrestle and slam each other down not just catfight and fuck. They would have to wait and see if the rain returned to regooey it.

“Your right you whore. We will have to finish this later in here. Let’s find a new spot.” Elise jumped out of the mud, quickly making her way to the stairs. She went up and Carrie watched the blonde step into the Jacuzzi. Carrie made quick speed getting to her feet followed the steps of Elise’s till she too was at the edge of the Jacuzzi. The water had turned a murky brown but that didn’t stop Carrie from jumping in the opposite side of Elise who was rubbing herself clean. They eyed each other taking in the nude body of the other; they focused on the clean pink cunts that now were on full display. Both girls needed a bit of sexual thrill and now was a good time to begin.

Carrie didn’t clean herself completely as she walked the two steps up to Elise and before the blonde could do anything she was being kissed. The soaking wet woman wrapped their arms around each other to deepen the tongue licking battle inside their hot mouths. They explored each cheek and every tooth as their mouths finally got rejoined. Elise moaned into the mouth of Carrie as her body went into overload, their lips rubbing softly. She finally felt Carrie and her own nipples rub. That alone was making her wet as their huge tits mushroomed each other as the girls began to take turns sucking their rival’s tongues for a long few seconds. Both of their right hands released each other and made their way down to the pussies. They rubbed the slit of their enemy each reacting by giving a deep moan their eyes locked together. They moved nearly as one. Every time one girl started something the other would move to match her immediately making the first girl retreat slowly but surely making their way to the smooth slit of the other.

They ended the French kiss but kept their lips touching as they began to taunt aloud. “I’m going to break you whore. After I win this you won’t be able to face me. I am going to get another one of you precious thongs and eventually you as a slave.” Elise talked her pink lips rubbing against Carrie’s red. Her blonde’s wet hair flat on her back parallel to Carrie’s dark brown.

“Fuck you cunt. You’re the one who will cum now before me. As I give you a taste what it will be like as my bitch for the rest of your life”. Carrie whispered back driving her tongue back into Elise’s mouth before the blonde could respond. Their fingers had moved inside their cunts and began to pump each other softly at first but picking up speed and power.

“Uhhh Uhhh fuck” Carrie groaned having to remove her tongue from Elise to pull back the sensation. They had 3 fingers each in the pussy of the enemy not giving each other much time to warm up, but both girls were pretty turned on already. Their thumbs where stimulating the emerging clits and their pinkies teased the outside of their assholes causing their breathing to pick up quickly. This was all happening under the water as their toned stomachs rubbed and their tits still squished each other. Elise forced Carrie back into a kiss and Carrie groaned on the pink girl’s lips.

Elise’s fingers were working magic inside her cunt. She rubbed the emerging clit hard and had found her g-spot making Carrie squirm. The brunette was trying to give just as much back at Elise but her attacks were becoming weaker for each thrust as pleasure began to wrap her body. Elise seemed to sense this as she felt Carrie’s grip on her ass with her free hand lessen.

“Haha you cocksucker I can feel you getting weaker”. The blonde began to push forward trying to get Carrie to sit down in the water as both girls had been standing to this point in the middle. Carrie had to put a foot back as she was losing some ground. The red and pink lips continued to dance but every minute the brunette gave another inch until she was reaching the jet seat behind her.

She began to feel desperate as she could not stand another defeat as the blonde had broken the kiss rested her head on Carrie’s shoulder focusing more on her muscles fighting their counterparts in a slow test of body strength. Carrie knowing if she was forced to sit down Elise would take complete control and force another victory from her cunt. Carrie panted as the heat of the water and the heat of her body began to betray her. Her cunt was getting pumped hard and cum was pouring out as every nerve in her body was on fire. The taunting was over as only pants of exertion into their ears.

‘I have her’ Elise mentally screamed as her muscles moaned with pain as she gave one last hard push. Elise forced Carrie back another step unknowingly placing her own body over one of the extreme jets that was built in the bottom of the floor. She had been so intent on getting Carrie down to the seat she hadn’t paid any attention to where she stood now. Carrie saw her chance from her open eyes as she looked down past where their hands masturbated each other. She used her free hand away from Elise’s ass to reach to her left and hit the jet switch to max. The jets roared to life as a stream of hot bubbly water shot straight up from the ground into Elise’ asshole.

Elise screamed. “WHAT THE FUCK!!!?” She stopped her attack to move away but Carrie swung her back around and slammed her hard into a seat were the lower back jet made a streamline through her legs and across her ass and pussy. Elise continued to scream as Carrie went on the full offensive. She turned on all the jets on Elise and jumped on the blonde smashing their tits together. She put 4 fingers up the blonde’s wide open cunt and let the water work her ass. Elise wanted to counter but the blonde only lasted 1 minute of this torture of every hole by the brunette and water. Elise began to cum in a powerful orgasm. The water rubbed her ass with such constant pressure and Carrie’s fingers played her a perfect song on her cunt. Their hard nipples dug into each other sending the blonde over.

“NOOO STOP” Elise groaned as the jets constant pressure forced cum out of her into the water. Carrie laughed as the blonde came with no chance of rest. Carrie forced her tits into Elise’s face making Elise motorboat her. Carrie had also accidentally positioned herself on a jet behind her too giving her a nice small victory orgasm from all the jets she turned on but Elise wouldn’t know about. Finally the blonde stopped and Carrie decided that was good enough for now. She turned off the jets that had also cleared the mud from the water making it crystal clear and putting Elise’s defeated body on full display.

“They call that home field advantage and watching your surroundings” Carrie smiled as she stood over Elise, the water coming up to her hips. Elise hadn’t moved from her sitting position and was still breathing heavily. She could do nothing when Carrie leaned over and gave the blonde a small kiss on the lips. It was short but both girls felt a shock of pleasure and it was clear whose lips had taken the win.

Carrie ended the lip lock and moved her lips to Elise ear. “I am going to enjoy your yellow thong slut. It is going to feel so good on my cunt, and I loved the way the top shows your tits. When you feel up to it you should come back inside and show me more and keep this weekend going.” She smiled wide. “See you later bitch”. Carrie turned and hopped out of the Jacuzzi. She grasped a towel and the yellow thong. She left the green one on the ground and smiled as she tossed the silver one into the Jacuzzi with Elise who hadn’t moved.

“Hope you like that one. It is the only one you will get”. Carrie laughed her confidence soaring. As she reached the door she took a second to feel her body. It felt amazing. She knew Elise must have been shocked to lose after thinking she was going to win another easy match. ‘Not this time slut’. She entered the house and made her way to the kitchen as she admired Elise’s tiny bikini. ‘I know Jack will love this’ as she felt the smooth material. She wanted more of Elise’s clothes and the idea of wearing her greatest enemy’s thongs and tops gave her a sick sexual lust; she could get a whole new set if she just whooped Elise’s ass more. She gave a big stretch her boobs jiggling as she reached her hands up to the sky. She felt great and how that her and Elise were even she felt she could win this weekend and put a stop too Elise forever. She had been so lost in thought she did not hear the door open and Elise coming up behind her….

“Hope you like that one. It is the only one you will get”. Carrie laughed her confidence soaring. As she reached the door she took a second to feel her body. It felt amazing. She knew Elise must have been shocked to lose after thinking she was going to win another easy match. ‘Not this time slut’. She entered the house and made her way to the kitchen as she admired Elise’s tiny bikini. ‘I know Jack will love this’ as she felt the smooth material. She wanted more of Elise’s clothes and the idea of wearing her greatest enemy’s thongs and tops gave her a sick sexual lust; she could get a whole new set if she just whooped Elise’s ass more. She gave a big stretch her boobs jiggling as she reached her hands up to the sky. She felt great and how that her and Elise were even she felt she could win this weekend and put a stop too Elise forever. She had been so lost in thought she did not hear the door open and Elise coming up behind her….

Part 3

“FUCK YOU” Elise screamed as she jumped onto Carrie’s back. Elise’s still wet tits slammed into Carrie first as the girl used her weight to bring Carrie down to her knees.

“BITCH” Carrie screamed dropping the thongs and towel as she struggled to throw the blonde off who was had her nails dug into her tit flesh as both girls fell to their knees. Carrie went on the defense as her muscles strained to turn around and face the girl. Elise suddenly leaned back allowing herself on her back still holding on to Carrie from behind. She began to try to roll Carrie underneath her and mount her from behind.

Elise whispered into Carrie’s ear “I am going to fuck you raw Carrie, let’s see who will walk out of here this weekend.” Carrie grunted back not able to get words out as she was still desperately trying to defend her own body and not get forced on to her front. This led to a two minute struggle of pure muscle as the girls fought a non-moving battle. Carrie screamed as she finally forced Elise’s hands away and rolled off her. They quickly got to their feet and charged slamming their tits tighter pushing their foreheads into the face of the other. Their eyes locked and they gave each other a smile filled with hatred.

“What’s the matter you fucking cocksucker tired of the Jacuzzi?” Carrie gave a hard thrust with her tits.

“Uhh” Elise moaned but quickly pushed back just as hard. “Nice try in there you cuntlicker but it will take a lot more than a little orgasm by jet water to finish me for good.” Elise and Carrie’s leg and ass muscles strained and flexed against their counterparts.

“What will it take whore?” Carrie groaned.

“Everything you have” Elise breathed right back. Their arms had been hanging out to their sides and it seemed by a mutual silent agreement this pushing contest would be with their huge boobs only. Carrie opened her mouth to taunt at Elise more but was stopped when Elise hot tongue slide wetly between her lips and into Carrie’s hot mouth. Her own tongue joined the battle inside her own mouth as Elise ran her own pink muscle along Carrie’s teeth almost daring her to bite it. Carrie decided it was long enough being on the defensive and instead of trying to go tongue to tongue with Elise and force her out, she slipped hers along the length of Elise’s and into the pink lipped girls mouth. The pressure on their breast stopped as the girls stood up to their full height placing their hands on each other’s shoulders as they begun to make out in the middle of the kitchen.

Elise’s body was still wet and both girls still had wet hair that plastered down their backs. The red and pink lips were gentle moving against the softness of the other. Their tongues were a different story as they tried to get deep enough to choke the other woman with them. The sound of wet kissing was all that filled the house as the make out session continued for over 15 minutes as the girls lost track of the time they shared their mouths. Finally they stopped and rested their heads on the shoulders of the other, breathing deeply both a bit breathless after such a kiss.

“Fuck your lips whore, your mouth and tongue are more pathetic than your body.” Carrie sighed as she caught her breath.

“No way whore you liked touching my lips and I bet you can’t wait till I get my mouth on your other lips.” Elise whispered right into Carrie’s ear and while saying the words ran a single finger up Carrie’s slit. Elise could feel a small wetness on her pointing finger and she knew it wasn’t water.

“How bought playing another game pussy?” Elise panted running the same finger again.

“Uhh fuck you” Carrie growled as she pushed Elise and her wandering finger away. She eyed the blonde’s body from across the kitchen. Everything about Elise drove her crazy. Their bodies were that close and that made Elise one of the most dangerous enemies she had faced both from a social marriage standpoint but also a pure physical.

“What do you have planned now you crazy whore?” Carrie asked truly wondering. She had not been able to see what had changed in her kitchen and she really wanted to know.

“Well bitch this one took some time but I think you and I will really get a better chance to which of us can control ourselves.” Elise had turned and pulled two packets from the fridge.

“What are those?” Carrie asked.

Elise simply said “powder”. She began to elaborate a few seconds later“Well Carrie what I want now is take you on in a cumfight.”

Carrie looked confused. “What the hell are you talking about? Why is this any different than the other times we attempted to out fuck each other.”

Elise laughed “No we fought trying to make each other orgasm and pass out. This is a bit different; the winner of this is the girl who can get more of their opponents cum on her body within two hours. This is all about the quantity of cum, not the quality.”

Carrie did not look amused. “And how would we measure something like this?” She was really confused, but slightly impressed at the idea. Elise tossed one of the packets to her that Carrie caught easily.

“These are a special powder that glow two different colors while under dark light. Which I have placed in this room that will turn on by this switch; she pointed to a small light switch. You simply have to rub the powder into your pussy, and for the rest of the night or until you wash any cum coming out will be that color under the light. Don’t worry; it is not permanent as it washes out with water but with this we can see who can get more cum out of the other girl. As for rules your own cum on your own body doesn’t count and also where the cum mixes. My color is blue and yours is red, meaning any purple won’t matter. You keeping up baby bitch?”

Carrie looked dumbfounded. “Very elaborate, what gave you this idea?” Carrie had to ask.

Elise had begun opening her bag. “This came from the little photo you sent to me covered in Jack’s cum after I sent you mine. I compared them in every detail but it seemed we both did a pretty good job covering ourselves with his hot cum. But I wanted to see who could get more out of their man… or woman. The stakes of this match beside the usual thong and pride is the winner gets to have to loser for the night and she must do what the winner wants whatever that may be.” Elise smiled and had opened the bag and covered her hand in the powder. She then began to masturbate herself with that hand filling her up.

Carrie was hesitant as she looked at the white powder. ‘Most likely the same color as my dress’, she thought as she felt it. It was not rough and seemed to put off no smell. It did not appeal to her getting covered in the cum from Elise with this stuff mixed in but the dumb bitch did have a point and this could be the only way to really tell. They could make each other cum with their bodies that much was obvious. But this was more mental and something she knew could use to end Elise. She filled her hand up and began to self fuck her own cunt matching Elise.

“You are right Elise a real woman can get cum out of anyone. I know I am more of a woman then you and I am glad you picked such a way to embarrass yourself, and I can’t wait to have you as a slave for the night.” Elise did not respond but finished her color applying and waited for Carrie. Carrie finished a second later and Elise flipped the switch. Carrie gasped as the dark light illuminated the fluids of the girls. Elise’s cunt gave off a nice blue tint and Carrie’s was red. Elise suddenly spit and it was pale but glowed. She motioned for Carrie to come closer. The brunette did so causally, but Elise did not seem ready to attack, the blonde lifted her now blue cum covered hand up and Carrie quickly understood. She raised her red hand and the fingers interlocked causing a squishy sound. They ground their palms together for a few seconds before breaking them apart. Their hands now showed a nice color purple with still some blue and red mixed in.

Elise hit the switch back making the cum white again. “Now you see how this is going to go down cumslut?” Elise taunted while asking.

“O don’t worry cumwhore I got it. I just need to get more cum out of you and on to me, should be easy.” Carrie replied while she grasped Elise’s arms pulling her toward her and locking her in a kiss. Their hands moved down to the cunt of the other girls and they began to pump each other slowly. The cum began to drip as the finger fucks began.

Elise suddenly pushed Carrie away harshly. “Ow” Carrie growled as she hit the counter but Elise wasn’t looking at her.

She had turned and set the kitchen timer to two hours. “When the buzzer beeps we separate and hit the switch that is how we will know the winner.”

“Fine now get back over here and lets soak each other”. Carrie demanded and Elise didn’t need to be asked twice as she lunged forward into Carrie’s open arms and begun to lick as much of Carrie as she could. Carrie took the licking but kept her fingers in Elise trying to start the girl up. Elise pulled her hands out though and dragged them to the floor where they began to swap spit on their knees. The kiss was making both girls start to drip more and each girl’s free hand went down to the cunt of her enemy and began to collect and rub herself with cum. This is how they held this position for almost 30 minutes of just rubbing each other’s cunts with mild pumping and collecting every drop. They used their hands to get it on their bodies. Carrie was rubbing it onto her long legs every chance she could, while Elise focused getting more and more on her arms. The sticky stuff would dry as the girls coated themselves.

Elise knew she had to get Carrie with long slow torture. She knew she could get aggressive and force the girl to orgasm and she would get a lot of cum for an instant. But the flaw came from the amount of time it would take Carrie to recover. During that time she may not be able give out any cum for a long period, which would leave Elise with nothing. Her plan was to just keep Carrie highly aroused and wet until the last second when she would get the girl off big and bathe in the cum of her enemy.

‘I have to get her in a more arousing situation’ Elise thought as she pinched Carrie’s clit and got a small yelp and her hand got wetter. She immediately began to rub the cum on her ass when Carrie unexpectedly gave Elise a series of hard pumps, causing the blonde to moan but the brunette didn’t stop and suddenly the Elise realized Carrie was going to hand fuck her.

“FUC…” She tried to yell out but Carrie drove her tongue into her and the woman began to kiss in earnest. Elise moaned deeply as a small orgasm came over her and she pumped out a good amount of cum. She watched with her blue eyes as Carrie did not let a drop fall catching it in her hand and rubbed it on her ass stomach and arms. For a second Elise was about to laugh at Carrie because her body would be dry for a while, but as Elise made eye contact with the brown eyed girl she felt her cunt remoisten.

‘No way’, was her thought. Elise knew she was very attracted to Carrie but she hadn’t planned on her body getting wet that fast. Not even a minute later after her spike in pleasure. The girls were still pumping and as Elise looked down to their bodies she could tell she needed a new strategy to keep up. Carrie was feeling sexy and hot inside. Elise hadn’t brought her to any high enough pleasure and she knew she was winning the fight. She could keep this hand play up all day if she had to. But it wasn’t to last. Elise screamed and launched herself onto Carrie bringing the brunette to her back and the blonde on top.

“BITCH” Carrie groaned not wanting to be under Elise.

“Fuck you slut I want to taste you”. With that Elise quickly turned herself around and came face to face with Carrie’s wet pussy while placing her own wet slit inches for Carrie’s mouth.

As their thighs went around each other’s heads locking them into place Carrie growled. “I’m going to tongue your pussy and make it so wet. You won’t be able to stop giving me cum”.

Elise growled right back “My tongue will turn your pussy into goo.” Carrie rolled their bodies so each girl was on her side. Their mouths ready to go to work on the pussy and their hands ready to collect. Suddenly Elise went in digging her tongue right into the folds of Carrie making the brunette groan and not able to focus for a second. Her hard nipples were forced into the toned abs of Elise and the warm body was sending spikes to her wet pussy that was being invaded by the blonde’s tongue. She could feel each of Elise’s long strokes from the top near her clit all the way to the bottom.

‘FOCUS CARRIE’ she told herself opening her eyes and sending her tongue in the tongue fuck her enemy. Their muffled screams of pleasure were drowned out as the only place to scream was the pussy of the other girl. Cum was coming out like crazy and the girls collected as much as they could giving each other small orgasms. Their free hands rubbed their own bodies, putting cum on their tits, ass, back, legs, arms, and every nook and cranny they could reach. The girls had made their tongues long and hard forcibly fucking each other the best they could. They would stop to suck each other’s clit hard and give teasingly licks to it. They also rolled a bit each girl spending up to 5 minutes on top before the other girl would roll them back. This went on for almost an hour.

Elise was in unbearable pleasure. ‘No man has ever gone this long down on me, fuck this girl is into it’ Elise thought as she had to breathe for a second. She had been kissing Carrie’s lower lips for over an hour while having her own lips played with like a piece of candy. It seemed Carrie had sensed Elise had backed off and she too broke off her attack as their thighs loosened allowing the girls to break apart finally. Their sticky sweaty skin held to together a little longer and had to peel apart as the girls pushed each other away catching their breath.

Carrie and Elise laid next to each other their heads by the hip of the other. After 5 minutes of resting Elise knew she had to get up and continue getting cum on herself. She slowly pushed herself up on her arms looking over her giant tits to see Carrie looking back at her. She assessed the situation quickly. Both girls had a lot of cum around their bodies but just by looking she couldn’t tell if it was hers, Carries or a mix. Their mouths and faces had plenty on too. It was so hot for her to see Carrie covered in her cum and it made her want Carrie as a sex slave forever and especially tonight.

She glanced up at the clock, and seeing it read only 15 minutes left she knew she had to act fast and get the last powerful orgasm out of Carrie to seal her cumfight victory. She got up and began to crawl at Carrie and mount her, but it seemed Carrie had other plans and backed off quickly to the other side of the kitchen. Elise eyed her with confusion and rage as she seemed to be quitting.

Carrie actually had a tactic she held up her hands and began to explain “Hold up their whore, if you jump on me and we get violent all the cum we worked for will mix.” Elise paused; she hadn’t thought of that but she still needed to get Carrie closer to start something again whether they scissor each other or just masturbated Elise had to get Carrie to her fast as time was running out.

“Fuck you slut most it has already dried now stop being a baby bitch and fight me whore!!” Elise screamed standing up. “Baby bitch huh? I won’t be insulted by the likes of some pysco freak!!” A now very enraged Carrie stood as well. They charged each other slamming their nearly dry white cum covered bodies together. The wet cum splattered from their tits and oozed down their bodies as the girls moved around each other. Instead of getting cum out of each other the girls began to wrestle trying to front pin each other face down both lost in a quick fit of rage. Elise succeeded in getting behind Carrie and scratching her tits. Carrie groaned as she wiggled her ass on Elise’s slit trying to roughly break the hold. Elise got to her knees and pulled the brunette’s hair so she fell as well.

Elise hissed as she attempted to wipe cum off the front of Carrie.

Carrie screamed “STOP YOU CHEATER!” But Elise wouldn’t stop the wiping and rubbing. While she was doing this however Carrie stopped trying to get Elise’s hands off her and even with Elise behind her, she used her fingers to find Elise’s twat and began to pump it. Elise groaned her attack stopped as she felt her arousal grow. Carrie pushed her back making Elise fall back on to her back with Carrie on top; both girls facing the roof. Elise tried to get her hands to Carrie’s cunt but Carrie shifted her weight just in time off the blonde and rolled away.

They got to their hands and knees quickly preparing to throw themselves at each other like wildcats when the sound of beeping startled them.

“Looks like time is up” the panting Carrie stated. Elise wanted to fuck the timer and just start grinding away but she wanted Carrie to be disheartened again and the prize of a whole night as queen made her say ,

“Yeah it is. Let’s flip the switch and see who got the other girl wetter.” Elise stood and made her way to the switch. ‘I know I got more on me’ was her thought.

Carrie watched her go eye’s Elise’s cum covered ass. ‘Fuck I can’t tell who got more’ Carrie thought looking at her body and seeing it white covered. ‘Guess we will find out’. Elise hit the switch illuminating the girls. Carrie was a nice blue glow around her body except her tits and some of her back had gone purple with streaks down her body. Elise was red, with similar purple tits and front and from the first look it was not obvious who won. Elise approached Carrie and they eyed each other looking for a clear example of a body part that one girl had covered and the other didn’t. Both girls’ bodies were nearly covered by one color or the other. Even their hair had strands of goo in them and Carrie couldn’t help appreciate this fight that Elise had started. It was clearly crazy but this whole weekend was crazy and she was ready to do anything to keep fucking this girl.

“Looks like a tie” Elise sighed not being able to tell, but Carrie suddenly smiled.

“Open your mouth Elise” Carrie demanded suddenly. Elise eyed her cautiously. The blonde did though showing the pale spit. Her lips had red on them but that was it. Carrie laughed. “What is so funny bitch? Elise asked”. Carrie said nothing but opened her mouth wide and Elise groaned at the sight. Carrie had a pool of blue cum on the bottom of her mouth she had somehow saved from their suck off. It still held the blue glow that Elise’s mouth had washed away not thinking to save some.

Suddenly Carrie swallowed it while moaning happily and began to taunt. “You don’t taste half bad whore, and I think we can both see I got more cum than you slut I just had to save it while you swallowed a bit too early, meaning I win this little game”. Elise wanted to argue but she realized she had lost this and was willing to accept it for now as a small little side of her wanted to get to the night. Her body was tired as well from the Jacuzzi fuck and now this game that had gone against her. She was annoyed now realizing she should have waited to let her body rest before jumping into the next fight after the jets had warmed her engines to much.

Carrie’s voice snapped her out. “So since I win again I will be taking another one of your thongs but we can do that tomorrow. You won’t have much of a wardrobe left if you keep this up.” Carrie was walking around Elise, their bodies still glowing from the light. It was near twilight as the girls had burned a good amount of the day. Carrie picked up the two thongs and tops from earlier as she switched the normal lights.

She walked in front of Elise. “I played and beat your little game today bitch so now you are going to play one of mine and I get to be top woman for the night”. Carrie stated as she walked right into the face of Elise letting just their nipples touch.

“What is it?” Elise asked, she felt a bit deflated after two losses in a row. She needed to regroup and get her body ready but she had made the stakes and it seemed Carrie had some interesting plans.

“I am about to take a hot bath in my room, and you are going to join me.” Carrie turned and motioned for Elise to follow as she left the kitchen. Elise was hesitant a bit worried that Carrie would attack her in the pool. She had seen the large bath of Jack and Carrie and it would be nice to rest in true, but she wasn’t sure her body could take another fight though. But she would not appear weak in front of Carrie and that was the most important. She followed the brunette’s ass upstairs and into their room. They entered the bathroom and waited for the water, keeping their eyes on the other woman as they measured and moved together.

“Now let’s be clear, no fighting in our bath.” Carrie said surprising Elise but she quickly accepted trying to keep any relief out of her voice.

‘I need more time I will have to drag this bath out’ Elise thought as she and Carrie entered opposite sides, not unlike their fight in the Jacuzzi but this time both girls stayed on their side as the water slowly filled. Carrie reached behind her and gripped a bottle, she poured it in the water and bubbles began to appear. Elise had been watching some of the cum fall off her body when she looked up to see the white bubbles.

“Hope you don’t mind, I just find them so soothing.” Carrie asked playfully.

“Not at all” Elise responded just as cheerfully. The women were playing nice as they rested using this time to heal up and build their arousal before the fight continued.

“You are an interesting woman Elise. You come after my man, end up fighting me and lose. You get him in bed but yet here you are still having a sexual orgy contest with me. Just what is this?” Elise had seen this question from Carrie coming as she had thought about it a lot before returning to continue this with Carrie.

“You are right Carrie. This is an interesting situation we have found ourselves in. A common tale of mistress and a wife fighting for the love of a man, but that only scratches the surface of our story doesn’t it. Yeah I think we both want Jack for the money and protection and I know you do love him and I am a bit interested in him but let’s get really honest with each other. We want to own each other and we find each other hotter than anyone has ever made each other. You want me on a leash and I want you on a leash for complete control and dominance. I think we find each other for whatever reason unbearably attractive and we have only fueled it by our hatred and now what we have done. And I think we have to get the winner by doing things to each other you never thought you would do and now understand that only I can do to you.” Elise paused noticing Carrie was looking at her with wide eyes.

Elise continued “I think by the end of this weekend we will get our answers. There will be no more mystery between us about anything. We will know all we need to know about our relationship with Jack and especially each other. That is why this little sexfight had to happen. That is why I came back after you, that and a bit of revenge too.” Elise finally stopped her speech and now waited for Carrie.

She got a small response. “You are right Elise. It had to happen and I’m glad it happened through sex. You wouldn’t believe how surprised I was when you first accepted my little proposal to fuck and fight at the same time, and now you have turned it into something much bigger, yet it is something so private only we can truly understand the magnitude of our contest. May the best woman win”. Carrie finished.

“Agreed”, Elise responded. She enjoyed this small moment of civility between them. A small piece of her wondered what it would have been like if they had just become friends. Would they still have gone and done lesbian things together, or was it the fight and anger between them that made them desire each other so intently. These thoughts ran through their heads knowing as soon as this bath was done they would be right back at each other in full sexual warfare. The bath was very uneventful; they simply made small talk and washed their own bodies. After almost an hour and when all the bubbles had died down Carrie hit the drain. Elise had been watching and as Carrie stood up and left the bathroom soaking wet. Elise slowly rose herself and waited a few seconds for Carrie to return.

The brunette returned a second later with two big fluffy towels. She handed one to Elise and they dried themselves.

“Now from our agreement I get to have you as a slave tonight huh?” Carrie smiled as she wrapped the towel around her body held up by her large tits. Elise frowned but nodded knowing this could be a long night.

“Interesting, well come with me Blondie.” Carrie walked back into the bedroom and waited at the edge of her large bed for Elise to come out. The blonde followed but left her towel behind coming from the door in the full nude. Carrie was once again blown away at the pure hotness and beauty of the other girl. Carrie started for a second feeling the overall status of her body. She was sexually exhausted but she could command Elise…but something told her no matter what position she put Elise in the girl would fight back and they would end up not sleeping, and not giving their bodies time to rest. ‘I guess I can keep her on her toes’ Carrie thought.

“Well Elise lucky for you I want both of our bodies fully ready for tomorrow so for tonight we are simply going to sleep together. We can make out and fondle but no sex tonight.” Even as Carrie finished talking she knew for her and Elise this was going to be near impossible; they were just to attracted to each other. Elise couldn’t tell if Carrie was lying or not but she was going to call the bluff.

“Just sleeping? Well as I said you get to call the shots tonight and if you want to waste a full of me under your control it is your mistake.” Carrie laughed

“Please slut you wouldn’t take my orders the minute things became intense we both know that.” Carrie said flatly.

Elise grinned ‘Guess she is starting to really get to know me’, “Hmm alright babe let’s get to bed.” Elise walked right past Carrie and crawled under the sheets, Carrie followed removing her towel. For a second even after all they had done to each other the girls felt a bit awkward just lying in bed together now fucking and fighting. Suddenly Elise moved forward pressed their tits together and began to kiss the brunette. Their hair mixed as the pink lips of Elise and the red lips of Carrie moved together softly in a gentle kiss. They kissed under the sheets for almost an hour letting their hands explore the other girl’s body without any consequences. Neither Carrie nor Elise would admit they enjoyed the night together, but in the back of their minds they did find it nice to really explore the body of the other and feeling what it would be if they had been friends or lovers. This went on for a bit longer till they simply fell asleep with their bodies close and hot; a small break from the constant war between them. This night of rest would give the girls the energy and drive to fight nonstop until the end of the weekend and that would start up again soon. Every second they were close together without the sexual desires being released their lust built. For they only had a day or so left and both girls knew they would need to discover a true sexual victor by the end of the weekend.

The End

Thank you for reading! For more of KingOfDaPirate1’s Stories: Click Here!

3 thoughts on “The Home Invader by KingofDaPirates1

  1. coolkris says:

    Good story. An interesting plot of mistress trapping wife at her own home but still battling on equal terms to determine the winner… Would it be possible for sequel for the one day left in weekend so the series is complete.

    My idea/suggestion is that Elise and Carrie take fight to next level (endure physical pain when dominating other)
    1. Heavy showers the next day, Mud is all set for dirty, filthy and wet mud wrestling with rain still pouring on
    2. While washing away dirt, Sex fight under shower and to make it extreme, Turning on a cold shower resulting sexfight between two shivering bodies both to generate enough heat and dominate other
    3. To avoid hypothermia, in steam room with temperature above that normal for steam room, trash talks kick starts another sweaty sex fight in unbearable heat…

    followed by a evening nap, they reconvene at dinner. With time running out and scores tied 3-3; Badly bruised
    and worn out Carrie and Elise go allout fierce & mad fuck fight to make other say “I quit” to win and it goes on the entire night with both passing out at the end resulting in frustrating draw.

    It takes around week’s time for both to recover. Mind filled with hatred on unable to dominate other while body begging for such close proximity contact again, a 2 min simple phone call is enough to draw the battlelines again and this time, their battle would go on for a week…
    How does it sound?

  2. nomad 22 says:

    Most enjoyable, as always in your stories a thoughtful and multilayered relationship between the women that makes them much more and better than just a simple sexfight. It would be great if you told us the story about how Carrue and Elisse go from this first night together to being together at the library gala.


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