Hype’s Stories
About the Author
I am a person who likes catfights between two equal women. I like women who hate each other and try to settle their differences in private. I like it even more if it turns sexual.

Hype’s Stories
Territorial Dispute
They both raised their fists and circled each other and came forward and started a fistfight. It was a nonstop slugfest. They both didn’t even block other’s attacks. Narmada liked this fight with Emma. They both were equals and matched each other very well. They continued throwing punches at each other, they even kicked each other a few times until they became tired and ended up in a bearhug resting their heads on each other’s shoulders. They both stood in that embrace for a few minutes trying to catch their breath.
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Unexpected Encounter
They both came forward and started a fistfight. Both hit each other where ever they want. They both fell to the ground and punched each other laying side by side. After some time they got tired and stopped to catch their breath. Priya was living her fantasy. They both were a good match. Suddenly the other girl pinched Priya’s boobs and Priya pinched back.
They both started scratching, pinching and clawing each other, tears were forming in their eyes. At last they both pulled away from each other and stood up, their bras were torn and they removed to check their boobs. They both looked at each other angrily.
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When Two Wildcats Cross Paths
Both of them were screaming at each other thrusting their tits at each other. They could see the outline of their erected nipples poking through the top. Geeta just couldn’t believe herself, she was trash talking like some trashy bitch. She could feel herself already a little wet. She was also extremely angry at Reema. She just couldn’t take it anymore and just stopped the car.
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They both slapped and pulled each other’s hair wildly as they fell to the ground. They both clasped their legs together like together like two entwined snakes and started rolling around. They punched, slapped, scratched and raked each other everywhere. Their screams could be heard throughout the farmhouse.
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The Cat Goddess
She ripped off Heera’s panties and clawed at her pussy. Heera screamed and let go Meera’s head and repeated the same move. Both of them clawed and raked at each other’s pussy. Tears began to form in their eyes. both of them let go of each other and got back caressed their pussies.
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The Hangover
“You are nothing but a jealousy SLUT. I can see why they ghosted you” pooja hissed as she approached. Both of them bashed their tits into each other. They can smell alcohol as they pushed nose to nose.
“You don’t want to do this, skank” Mia warned pushing her nose into Pooja’s.
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I love your stories! I’m a fan of your equally matched catfights 🙂
Thanks 🙂
Love your stories. Please continue.
Would love a 2nd part to the hangover