The Scribbler’s Stories

The Scribbler’s Stories
About the Author

My stories are usually about catfights or NHB conflicts, often but not always with BDSM backgrounds and themes. They tend to be long since I like to develop the characters a little before they come together to fight, so that there’s an emotional angle to the fight and it’s not just ‘fem-bot A vs fem-bot B’. To me, the ‘why’ of the fight is an important consideration in the story.


This author can be contacted at their FCF profile.

The Scribbler’s Stories

Blue Water Harbor

Part 1
Leila’s Initiation

Leila felt a rush of anger.  “Je t’encule!” she spat.  “Fuck you!” She hurled herself at Monique with her claws out.  The blonde was expecting her to attack – she was deliberately goading Leila – but Leila was also wise to the bitch’s tactics now.  As Monique twisted away from her like a matador with a charging bull, Leila too ducked sideways.  Her shoulder caught Monique in the midriff, higher than where her elbow had struck earlier.  The blonde stumbled backwards and crashed into the glass wall hard enough to make the thick panel shudder.

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Part 3
Welcome Home

Then Angelina reached down, grabbed the hem of her dress in both hands and, straightening up swiftly, peeled it off over her head.  She handed it to the woman on her right, a short-haired blonde with a ring through her nose, and stood facing Lorena in a black thong and four-inch heels.  She wasn’t wearing a bra – not that she needed one with her slim, even boyish figure.  Her nipples were chocolate brown and already stood erect from her chest.  “I’m going to enjoy breaking you,” she said.  Her tongue flicked across her ruby red lips.

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Part 5
Through A Glass, Darkly

Despite her own vicarious arousal – her tightly pressed thighs were trembling – Vanessa could not help but be struck by the strangeness of all this. She was used to seeing Misty bustling about the coffee shop in jeans and a cut-off tee with her hair tied back, two cups balanced on one hand and a pasty in the other. This lustful creature flailing on the floor in front of her was entirely unfamiliar – almost alien.

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Part 7
Vanessa Carrington

Her fist connected with Monique’s midsection just above the navel. Vanessa’s lesser height was actually an advantage here since it allowed her to more easily angle her blow upward, in under the Domme’s ribs, striking deep and aiming at her diaphragm or, in fact, some inches beyond.

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Part 9
Internal Rivalry

Then Angelina swayed sideways, just as Charlie threw her full weight against the smaller woman.  Charlie’s sweat-slicked flesh slid over Angelina’s and with a surprised squeal, the blonde pitched forward on her belly.  She twisted her body and threw an arm out to grab a handful of Angelina’s hair but the Latina caught her wrist and thwarted her.  She threw her leg over Charlie’s body and an instant later she was astride Charlie, her knees pinning her enemy’s arms, her butt pressed hard against the back of Charlie’s head, forcing the blonde’s face into the floor.

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Part 11
A Chance Encounter

Michelle darted forward, closing the distance between them in two strides.  She reached out with her left hand, going high for Donna’s hair but it was a feint.  As the other woman threw her arm up to intercept it, Michelle went in low with her right fist pounding the livid blotch on Donna’s left breast.

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Part 2
Professional Curiosity

A knee rammed into her back between her shoulders.  She screamed again, but still she did not let go.  She felt their bodies pressed tight against one another, flesh to sweat-slicked flesh, Brittany’s breasts pancaked against her own back.  Then Brittany rolled right, pushing herself even harder against Vanessa.  Vanessa tried to fight against it but the younger woman had the leverage and she forced Vanessa slowly, inexorably over onto her belly.  Vanessa had to crane her neck sideways to avoid her own face being driven into the ground in a repetition of the punishment she was dealing out.

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Part 4
An Unwelcome Visitor

Dora stepped through the doorway, her heels clicking sharply on the marble tiled floor, and flung her purse aside. As Catherine struggled to push herself up off the table, eyes still glazed, Dora’s arm lashed out and grabbed her under the chin. As the door clicked shut behind her, she hauled the brunette upright, grabbed the front of Catherine’s robe with her free hand and with a strength that surprised her, she hurled Catherine bodily onto the table.

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Part 6
When Opportunity Knocks

Abandoning her attempt to pry Hana’s claws from her breasts, Charlie instead lifted her legs and clamped them tight around Hana’s slender waist.  Locking her ankles, she began to squeeze and Hana gave a sharp grunt as she felt the pressure of the other woman’s strong thighs against her middle.  It was suddenly difficult, then painful to breathe.

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Part 8

I thought Suzette would go for Ms Jenni’s head or face like before but she didn’t.  She grabbed the front of Ms Jenni’s dress, then threw herself backwards, pulling Ms Jenni with her.  Suzette went down on her back but she got a foot up and shoved it into Ms Jenni’s middle.  She kicked up hard so that Ms Jenni flipped right over the top of her, flying through the air and crashing down on the table that Suzette had been sprawled against, a few seconds earlier.  

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Part 10
Summer’s End

Every instinct told Vanessa to roll away, to put some distance between herself and Brittany, to give herself time to recover – but Vanessa was sick of retreating.  Her instincts didn’t apply here – to thrive and even to survive in this place with any kind of dignity, she needed to develop new instincts.  She grabbed her enemy’s hair in both hands, threw a leg over Brittany and rolled up to her knees, straddling the wildly bucking brunette.

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Part 12
Winning Favors

She threw her body sideways, into Lorena, twisting her back and ignoring the sweet pain that speared up her spine.  Her elbow caught her tormentor in the ribs just under her right breast, and her upper arm flattened the breast itself.  Lorena yelped and took a step back, dragging Anna with her by the hair, but her foot came off Anna’s back and the older woman was able to roll over and face her adversary as she struggled to get her feet under her.

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The Society

Heidi vs. Tonya

As Heidi crashed down on top of her, her chest slapping against Tonya’s sweat-slicked belly, Tonya got her knees up and squeezed her legs tight together either side of Heidi’s head, clamping her enemy into the same painful head scissors in which Heidi held her.  She crossed her ankles and with a roar, began to return the punishment that Heidi was doling out to her.

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Tiffany vs Amanda

The fucking bitch was taunting her!  Taunting her!  Openly boasting about what she had in mind for Tiffany’s defeat!  That was fucking ballsy!  Cold anger flooded Tiffany’s mind, closely followed by a steely determination.  She hadn’t come this far to be beaten in the first five minutes of the fight.  With roar of rage she jerked herself to her right, rolling over onto Amanda, ignoring the stabbing pain in her chest as the blonde’s own breasts mashed into her captive boob.  With a sudden inspiration, she flung her left arm back and jerked the knot loose on the lower strap of her top.  Freed of that restraint, the flimsy fabric slipped looser and she groaned with relief as the pain eased immediately. 

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Gail vs. Lisa

Gail heaved even harder, lifting Lisa almost off her feet before hurling her sideways.  Lisa stumbled away, dragging cruelly on Gail’s hair as the violent motion broke her grip.  The jolt jerked both women around toward each other, and Lisa lost her balance, dropping to one knee.  She paused to pull her bikini bottoms out of her groin, glaring at Gail.  Her chest heaved, her breasts already slicked with sweat, darkening the pink portions of her bikini top. “Now it’s personal, skank,” snarled the blonde.

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Danielle vs. Emilia

Emilia threw herself at the newcomer, teeth drawn back in a snarl, eager to show this cocky little bitch just how far out of her depth she was.  “Let’s have you, slag!” she yelled.  Danielle likewise lunged at her, arms up, fingers hooked, nails out, ready to claw and tear hair and flesh.  “You’re mine, bitch!”

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Tiffany vs Valeria

“You think that hurts, perra?” sneered Valeria.  “I’m just getting started on you!”  She leaned forward and rolled her wrists to wrap Tiffany’s hair even tighter round her hands, then jerked herself up to her full height, yanking Tiffany’s head up even higher by her hair, bending Tiffany’s spine like a drawn bow.  Tiffany’s anguished howl echoed around the garden as the twin agonies in her scalp and spine made tears well up in her eyes.

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Tiffany vs. Babs

“In your dreams, Barbie!” she hissed.  Her own hand snaked between their bodies, her thumb digging deep into Babs’ navel.  Spreading her fingers across Babs’ lower belly, she hooked her nails, gripping tight, clawing with all the strength she could muster, adding her own liberal dose of pain to their desperate test of strength.  

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Jolene vs. Serena

Serena locked her ankles even tighter together, threw her head back and with her own scream of effort, poured everything she had into the head scissors, twisting her body violently back and forth, trying to send the blonde back to the floor again.  If she could keep forcing her opponent into power moves like this, keep wearing her down, then soon the American’s strength would mean nothing, and Serena would have her victory.

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