BriBunny vs. Natalia War Kitten: A Good Show

BriBunny vs. Natalia War Kitten from FCF


Seriously? This girl??? I’d never done anything like this before, and I had to start by facing this gorgeous slut? 

I stare across the space that the other guests on the yacht had so graciously cleared out for us to fight, and my eyes are taking you in. I’m wearing a tiny red and white bikini that shows off every part of my 5’6 125lb 34F-24-34 body. I had noticed you from the moment I had stepped on the yacht. You were already onboard and sipping from your champagne flute. Our eyes caught each other, and I instantly knew that I wanted to fuck you, and I knew you wanted to fuck me too. There’s just that look that two people can give each other, and we were giving it hard. Once the yacht set out from the dock, we didn’t waste much time. I found a comfy spot on the deck and waited for you, and within moments you found me. It didn’t matter that everyone was watching. We started talking, flirting, and making out. It took all of five minutes for our tongues to get inside each other, and fuck; I don’t even think I caught your name before I was trying to write mine in spit with my tongue across the back of your throat. 

Then we were interrupted. “Oh good, you girls have already met.” Mark was standing there with one hand behind his back. He was tall, strong, handsome, and rich. He’s another one of those “I know I want to fuck him, and I know he wants to fuck me too” people.” If he had asked me to fuck him as part of my agreement to be here, I probably would have, but that wasn’t his big ask. He had contacted my manager and asked for her sexiest, wildest, most adventurous girl, and Luanne knew precisely who the right girl was. I had never really said no to anything. Luanne called me with the offer.

“That’s a lot of money…” There wasn’t any hesitancy in my voice. Just surprise. I was an escort. That doesn’t mean that I slept with all of my clients; it means that I made sure my wealthy clients got exactly the night they were asking for, from someone to sit by their side at an important dinner and make them feel confident to someone to tie them up in the bedroom and, despite all their power, make them feel powerless for a change. 

“Yeah… it is a lot. It’s because they want you to fight another girl.” 

“Fight?” I wanted to make sure I heard her right. 

“Yeah… fight. Catfight, to be exact.” 

“Aren’t there models who already do that for video companies? Why not get one of them?”

“They don’t want girls with a ton of experience. Mark wants to see a raw catfight.” 

It only took me a moment to think about it. “Ok, I’m in.” 

“When they find the other girl, I’ll send her picture to you.”

“Nope. Don’t do that. I want to be surprised.” 

I got the surprise I was looking for. I pulled my tongue back from Natalia’s mouth, and our lips parted. A strand of saliva still connected our lips for a moment and then fell onto our chins. I wiped mine and then looked up at Mark. “Already met?” I asked. 

“Yeah. You two are our guests of honor today.” I knew exactly what he meant. This sexual fucking goddess was the bitch I was here to catfight in front of all these strangers. “Oh, and I brought this for the winner to wear after the fight is over.” He pulled his hand from behind his back, and dangling there from his fingers was a thick, 10-inch strapon with a firm, rubber faux-cock.

That strapon is now lying on the deck between us as I stare at you. My nipples are achingly hard. My pussy is so eager and ready; I swear I’m wet enough to make this whole top deck slick with cum. We went right back to making out the moment Mark left to get things ready. It was more aggressive but no less sexual, and if it’s a marker of things to come, we’re going to fuck the hell out of each other while everyone watches. 

And I can’t wait.

Natalia War Kitten:

Maybe I shouldn’t had drink all that champagne, maybe I shouldn’t had accepted Mark’s offer, maybe I shouldn’t had got into that catfight at the office. But I did. I did all those things and now I’m here half drunk making out with the sexiest woman I’ve ever meet and just finding out I’m going to fight her and whoever loses will get fucked in front of the whole crowd. We go back to making out as soon as Mark leaves. More aggressively than before. I grope you a bit harder now that I know you are my opponent, like trying to feel your body, your muscles. Trying to measure what I’m going against and I can tell this I going to be a tough fight… not like the one I had in Mark’s office. 

That’s how all this started. Mark was my boss…I guess he still is in a way. He is still paying me, just that a lot more now. Back then I was his secretary. One of his two secretaries, because a billionaire super busy guy like him needed two personal assistants. And he needed them to be young and super hot. And to say we didn’t got along would be an understatement. Now that I think about it everything seems so dumb, but one thing lead to another and in the end that bitch and me ended up at each other’s hair rolling over Mark’s expensive desk. I beat that slut pretty hard and I thought I was going to get fired the next day when Mark called me to the wreckage that was his office, but instead he made me an offer. To fight girls for him. 

It was crazy, but it was a LOT of money.

The making out session continues a bit longer until finally Mark called us. “Come on girls… it is time to fight…” I push you off me, looking deeply into your eyes, panting, my heart racing. I can feel my nipples hard, making little tents in the shiny blue bikini top I’m wearing. I really don’t know what to tell to the gorgeous girl I am going to be fighting in a minute and that I want to fuck so much, so I say nothing, turning around and walking away from you towards the main deck where the fighting area is set. There is no ring or mats. Just an open space with some seats placed around where the crowd is waiting. Mark smiles at me and does a sort of introduction. 

“Ladies and gentlemen, if I may have your attention the Main Event is about to start.” he says causing some people to laugh and others to cheer. “Coming out first standing 5’5” and at 115 pounds…” he continues, making me raise an eyebrow. How the fuck does he knows how much I weight. “None other than my lovely former secretary, the girl that terrorized all the other girls in my office… Natalia!” 

There is a bit of clapping and I wave at the fans, blushing bright red, feeling so humiliated. This is so embarrassing… but also so exciting. My opponent is so fucking hot…. And it is a LOT of money.


God damn, who is this slut? Mark told us that we were going to fight, and we went right back to making out. I could tell he liked what he was saying, but we quickly started doing more than kissing. We started groping each other and feeling each other’s arms, breasts, stomach, and legs. What had been a mostly silent makeout session was now filled with all kinds of twisted sweet talk. 

“I’m going to kick your ass, Natalia.” 

“I’m going to hurt you, Bri.” 

“I’m going to fuck you sooooo hard.” 

“I’m going to fuck you even harder.”

The confidence in your voice made me soaked, and I’m sure everyone can see the wet spot on the front of my bottoms, and I’m suddenly regretting drinking all that champagne. At least I saw you drinking a lot too, which means we’re both somewhere between tipsy, horny, and eager to fuck and fight. 

I’m still just staring at you as Mark introduces us. I knew I was taller and heavier, but not by much. And you look so nimble and quick. That could be a real problem. 

“And her opponent…. a new friend who I was told is one of the wildest and craziest girls this planet has ever seen… standing at…” he looked over at me… “5’6″ 125″ I called back to him, which he then repeated…. the sexy bitch…. Bri!!!!” There was some clapping and cheers for both of us, but I wasn’t going to let that phase me. I was focused on you while Mark rambled on. 

“Now, not everyone knows this, but I caught these two making out earlier before they knew they were going to fight, and they went right back to it after finding out. Needless to say… we should be in for a real treat, so without further ado…. come on girls…. let’s have a very dirty fight.” 

Mark backed away. My hands came up, and we both rushed across the space between us to grab each other. It seems you’re as eager for this as I am…


The blush in my pretty face only gets warmer and redder as Mark tells everybody that we were making out. Why did he had to tell them that? It is so embarrassing. And I know it is going to get a lot worse. Hell if I lose to this bitch I’m going to get fucked. I look at you and stare into your lovely eyes and I can see that you totally plan to beat me and fuck me. There is only one was to avoid that and that is beating and fucking you. I take a deep breath as Mark tells us to go at it, and I see you rushing towards me. Gathering my courage with a bit of help from the alcohol I rush towards you as well. My tiny bikini struggling to contain my perky breasts as they bounce up and down while I close the distance between us… unable to resist the urge to lower my eyes for a second to watch your bigger pair bounce as well… 

Once we are close enough I push my hands towards you, my left goes straight to your hair, trying to grab hold of it while with my right I try to smack your pretty face with a hard slap. “Fuck you bitch!” I yell, trying to find a reason to hate you and fight you. The money I will get if I win and fucking you are already two good motivators…. But, with the help of the champagne, I start to get myself angry at you.

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I come in with both my hands up to grab your hair, but I don’t know if it’s your experience or what, but fuck… you get to m first…. your left hand gets into my hair and pulls back hard. My neck is strained, and my head pulls to my right. “Bitch!” I shout, and your right hand raises high, and you slap me hard across the face. The loud crack of flesh on flesh doesn’t have walls to echo off of out here at sea as we fight with the sun beaming down on us and the smell of salt water in the air. But it doesn’t hurt any less just because it wasn’t as loud as it might be in a small room. I go staggering back, my right hand grabbing my face in reaction, but you pull my hair and stop my stumble. You’re not content with that though. You start to pull me by my hair, dragging me around a bit as the crowd cheers you on. I’m swinging at your side with my arms, trying to slap whatever I can, when suddenly I twist, getting my hair twisted in your fingers, but bringing us back facing each other, and I lunge forward with my hands up and shoving into your breasts. I grab and squeeze, and my nail tips press in over your bikini top as I start to try and shove you back.


The loud smack my hand causes when it hits your pretty face sends shivers down my spine, drawing an “ooooh” and some giggles from the crowd. It feels SO good. You have such lovely cheeks and crushing them with my palm feels simply delicious. I really hope to leave a nice mark on your face with my fingers. You try to step back but I close my fist around your lovely locks and don’t let you go anywhere. I step back and DRAG you with by the hair while the crowd cheers, and a wicked cute smile appears in my lips. Why does this feels so good? I don’t understand it but just like the fight I had in Mark’s office this is turning me on. I don’t know what it is but hurting and dominating a hot slut like you just makes it for me.

“Are you fucking sorry bitch?” I ask taunting you even though I don’t know what you should be sorry about. Maybe sorry about daring to face me. I take another step back and pull harder on your hair, almost like parading you for the fans, but then you close the distance between us and both your hands go to my tits. I moan in pain and a bit of pleasure as your palms press against my super sensitive and hardened nipples. You start shoving me back and catch me off balance, crushing my tits against my chest painfully as you force me to backpedal all the way. “stop it…stop it!” I yell as you keep pushing, raining more slaps on the top of your head… but we don’t stop.

Until you bring me to the crowd and I end up falling on the lap of one of the gentlemen sitting in the front line. “Ughhh!” I groan, blushing as you make me sit on his lap. I can hear him laughing, and feel his hands holding my hips, trying to push me forward. The crowd becomes a chaos, getting louder and louder by the second and I can feel several hands holding me, and pushing me, trying to get me off this guy’s lap and back to the fighting area. But you are still on me. “Stop it!” I yell louder, as I keep slapping at your head… but seeing I now have some support I lean back into the gentleman behind me and bring my feet up, trying to put them on your body and push/kick you off me!


Ummmm…. FUCK! It feels so good to squeeze your perky tits in my hands and see the pain just painting itself on your face. I’ve been in fights before… scraps really… in a club… at a party…. stupid shit. But this is already more intense and so much hotter because people are watching us and cheering us on, and we know someone is goign to get fucked at the end… if not sooner. I force you back until you’re sitting on the lap of someone I’ve never seen before, and I keep my grip on your tits, pushing down and into you, trying to hold you there on his lap while I work you, but you’re slapping, screaming for me to stop it, and your hands are flying at my face and arms. “When I stop, I’m going to put that strapon in and FUCK YOU!” I hiss into your face. 

But just as I do, you bring your feet up between us and shove them into my stomach. My hands clutch hard onto your breasts, and when you shove, I go staggering back. My fingers slip from your flesh, but not from your top. In fact, they curl into your top, and as I fly backwards, your top comes with me. I lose my balance though from the hard shove with your legs, and I crash to the deck. I quickly turn and move back to my knees, holding your blue top in my fingers, and I scramble to my feet as the crowd makes a loud cheer that there’s now breasts exposed. It’s pretty clear to me they don’t care about who wins or loses (although apparently there are some jealous whores in the crowd who really just want to see me fucked!). They just want to see two hot bitches hurting each other and fucking each other. 

As you pull yourself off the strangers lap, I get to my feet, and again we rush at each other. Both of us go for each other’s hair this time, and I feel your pull back on my head as I twist my fingers into your dark strands and start to wrap them around my fingers. I thrust my body into yours, driving my tits into your bare breasts, and with our bodies grinding, I pull back hard on your hair. “Come on, bitch!!!”


Resting my full weight on this guy’s lap to push you I can very clearly feel his bulge growing a bit and pressing against my ass cheeks. But the maneuver works and I get to push you off me.! Only that as you fall back you latch onto my bikini top. I feel the strings sink into the flesh on my back and neck as you yank it. I keep pushing with my feet on your stomach, grinding myself back into this guy’s lap and you keep yanking until RIIIIIIP! I gasp as I feel the thin strings holding my bikini top breaking and you fall off me…with my top in your hands!

The crowd roars and I blush, feeling the cool sea breeze against my tingling nipples.  I try to get myself out of the crowd quickly, several hands groping/helping me stand up. I can very clearly feel someone brushing my nipples with his fingers as I get up, which only makes me feel more furious and humiliated. Even if I knew who it was I have no time to turn around and slap the culprit. Nor do I want to get in bad terms with these rich bastards. Instead I decide to make you responsible and to make you pay. “I’ll kill you slut!” I yell as I rush for you and our bodies crash into each other. Your bigger and still covered tits smack my perky pair up, almost making my nipples point to the sky. I yank your hair to one side, then the other… then twist my body, slamming my hips into your body and yank your hair down, trying to take you down to the wooden deck.


Everything about you is just pure sex. You’re so fucking hot, and honestly, you seem to get even hotter as you get angrier. You’re screaming, “I’ll kill you,” but I don’t fucking believe you. I have no doubt you would hurt me back and fuck me hard though. My body presses into yours and you press back, slamming your hips into mine and then yanking down on my hair. My neck is being jerked side to side, and then you pull hard to the right, twisting, and I fall down hard onto the wooden deck. “UGHHH!!!” I grunt hard from the impact and from your body crashing down on mine because I refused to let go of your hair, and now I’m the one getting fucking angry as the pain shoots through my back. “I’ll kill you first you fucking whore!!!” But as I scream, you pull your hand back and slap me hard across the face. “AWWWW CUNT!!!” I shout up at you, and then I grab your hair with my left hand hard, and I pull to the side, pulling you off me as I push up with my hips, and I roll on top of you. Our legs start to churn and press, and we thrust our hips together as the front of our bottoms rub against each other. There’s just instant fucking arousal because we are both so obviously wet, and while I pull my right hand to slap back at your pretty face as we start to roll across the deck, grinding and screaming, my left hand releases from your hair and grabs for your bottoms and starts pulling at the strings

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I yank your lovely hair left and right and then with a sudden move I bring you down with a nasty but effective take down. Unfortunately for me you have both of your hands on my hair and won’t let go as you go down. “AAAAAAAAAAAIH!” I shriek in pain as you bring me down with you, the pull on my hair making my scalp burn and I’m pretty sure you loosened some strands of my dark hair. I fall on top of you and immediately strike at your face with another nasty slap. Tears starting to fill my eyes from the pain and fury. I try to straddle you, to get on top of you and dominate you, grind your hot sexy body against the wooden floor. I push my tits into yours, trying to get to dig my hard rock nipples on your orbs with the help of gravity, but then you push your hips into mine. Our barely covered sexes pressing against each other very much like we did when we were humping each other while making out.

The hip thrust sends shivers up my spine and gets us moving. You roll on top of me and deliver a couple of slaps before I yank your hair to the side, using your own momentum to keep us rolling across the deck. The fight turns into a dirty mess. Two cats tangled together, screaming, pulling hair, trading slaps and grinding mercilessly against each other. It hurts. It hurts a lot each time you roll me on bottom and crush me against the wooden floor. It hurts each time you slap my face or my head. My scalp is on fire from all the hair pulling and I quickly end up covered in sweat, thanks to all the body grinding and the merciless sun shining above us.

We roll and roll and roll until finally we reach the crowd again, and luckily for me I’m on TOP! I feel someones shins pressed against my side and more than a few hands holding out bodies and stopping us from moving any further… and even a shoe pressed against my butt pushing me down. The cheers and the laughter only gets louder but I block it all to focus on punishing you. Pressing my body into yours, grinding my hips into yours as I keep pulling your hair and firing slaps at your face and head. Then I feel your hand pulling the strings of my bottoms… and then another hand, pretty clearly not yours helping you undo the knots that hold my thong. “Fuck stop it!” I yell as I try to break off you and get away from the crowd, but you have me by the hair and all I manage to do is roll in the opposite direction with you on top of me now… and only one knot holding my thong.

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I’m comfortable in front of big crowds. It’s part of what I do. I need to be comfortable in front of hundreds of people and alone in a bedroom to make sure that he has a good time. But the moment your top came off, I could see you getting angry and even a bit humiliated. And I want to add to that. I want to get you flustered. So as we roll across the deck and suddenly come to a stop with your hands furiously throwing slaps at my face as often as you can, I start to work on your bottoms. If it makes you uncomfortable to be naked in front of these people, that can only be a positive thing for me, and it’s clear I’m not the only one who wants to see you naked, because other people start to pull at the strings as you scream for us stop. 

Suddenly you jerk away away, but we are so locked together that as you try to get away from the crowd, I go rolling with you. We turn several times across the warm deck, and then then I end up on top with your thong barely holding on. I grab your hair with both hands, and I pull down hard. The back of your head presses into the wood of the deck, and I don’t let up. I pull even harder and start to pull left and right, dragging your head hard. With my hands pushed down to prop myself up, I lift my chest up off of yours, and then I drop down hard, smashing my bigger tits down into yours… “Yeah…. you liked feeling them… didn’t you cunt?” I ask as I pull back and then smash down again, trying to drive the air from your lungs. 

But this time I don’t lift up again… I just GGGGRRRRIIIINNNDDDD. I push my body down into yours chest first… and then my hips…. I feel your loose thong sliding, and I shift with each thrust of my hips, pushing against your thong and sliding it to the side a bit more each time, trying to expose you, as I snarl down into your face… “come on… fight me you fucking whore!!!!”

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This is not fair. I’m about to lose both pieces of my bikini and you are still wearing yours. It is a mess for sure, I can almost see a nipple showing, but you still have it on. I cannot let you claim my bikini without taking yours, it is a matter of pride. And as we roll on the hard wood I reach for your back with one hand, keeping the other on your hair, trying to grab the strings that hold your bikini and pull them, yank them, rip them… whatever it takes to make you lose your top. Our bodies come to a stop in the middle of the fighting area, with you on top, and you waste no time to pin my head to the wood and painfully drag it left and right, making me scream and writhe in agony. I move both hands to your back, letting my nails lead the way and scratch on it, trying to catch your bikini strings and ruin them, and I succeed… at the worse possible time.

Your top comes partially lose right as you are lifting your chest off me and when you drop your big tits like two wrecking balls into my smaller perky tits, they come completely uncovered with the nipples in front. “UUUUUUUUUGHHH!” I groan as your tits crush mine, eyes open wide with shock, the impact driving a lot of air out of my lithe body.

And then you do it again, smashing your bigger tits on mine with all your weight behind them, knocking even more air out of my body. I moan and squirm when you start grinding your tits on mine. The sensation of having my proud perky breasts completely engulfed and flattened by your amazing pair is surreal. It hurts and makes me feel so incredibly humiliated, having my woman pride dominated by another girl’s tits…. But it also feels so divinely sensual and as much as I hate to admit it is turning me on immensely. Same as the grinding of your hips against mine. My bikini thong pushed aside, hanging to one leg while my swollen wet pussy is now completely uncovered.

I look up at you. You are so pretty and I hate you so much. “fuck you cunt!” I yell and spit right into your face, not sure what else to do. Then moving one hand to your chin to push it back, trying to bend your neck backwards and get us back to rolling, doing anything to stop you from fucking me like this.

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Go ahead…. take my top off. I like showing off my tits. Go for my bottoms too. See if I care. I’ve never been shy. I’ve never not wanted to flaunt everything that I’ve got. And when my top comes off and I can feel the warm sun beating down on my bare breasts and achingly hard nipples, and for a moment I just want to enjoy it, but I can do that later. For now I smash my chest back down, and I press with my hips, grinding my thong against your now bare pussy and rubbing up, so that I’m rubbing up and down your slit with each thrust of my lower body. I can see how it’s affecting you as you look up at me. I’m pretty sure the whole crowd can see it. You’re looking at me with this mixture of lust and hate, and you curse me and then spit right into my face…. 

“FUCK YOU!” I shout as your spit gets up into my eyes and starts running down my nose! I grab your hair and pull harder, putting as much force as I can into bending your neck back and forcing your mouth open as you scream. I lean over you…. and I spit too…. right into your fucking mouth with my pussy pinned right up against yours… “You want to spit on me you filthy fucking whore!” I shout after spitting right into your mouth, and you thrust your palm up against my chin and shove. I groan out loudly, and my back gets arched, lifting my chest off of yours and showing my larger tits and hard nipples off to everyone who isn’t directly behind me. And then you buck… and we go rolling again… rolling across the wooden deck, slapping and screaming and pulling hair with our breasts and pussies stuck together. 

You get on top of me as we roll back against the crowd, and I feel hands grabbing at us…. at our bottoms… pulling on the strings. We’re just a hot piece of ass to them. They just want to see us naked and fighting… but we know someone is going to get hurt and fucked… it’s more personal for us.. and so I put both hands on your back, pull you into me, push my nails into your shoulder and pull down.

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I’m starting to get desperate and frustrated as you remain on top of me way longer than I would like, grinding your delicious hot body on mine, quite literally fucking me in front of all these people that seem to be loving it. I can even see some of them with their phones out filming the whole thing. I spit on you, wanting to hurt you or something but not finding a way to do it and as a vengeance you pull harder on my hair, pushing my head viciously against the good and when I open my mouth to scream you spit right into it! I GASP and start coughing, shocked and choking, feeling your warm saliva going down my throat.

I push my hand into your chin and buck into you with my hips and we start rolling again. Slower now as we both are tired. I’m covered in sweat and having trouble breathing, but the fury in me keeps me fired up and keeps me fighting, pushing at you, slapping back each time you hit me, pressing my hips into yours to keep your body moving… until we once again end up against the crowd. And once again I can feel them touching me, trying to undo the last know of my thong. I don’t care anymore. All I care now is beating you, hurting you, conquering you.

I keep one hand on your hair and try to land some hard slaps on your face, taking advantage of the top position, feeling how my thong is pulled off me, leaving me completely naked now. But then you place your nails on my back and RAKE down. “AAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIGH!!!” I shriek in pure agony, eyes oped wide, tears exploding from them, feeling your nails leaving eight long trails of red on my back. “FUCKING BITCH!” I scream top of my lungs, it really felt like you are trying to shred me. Arching my back blinded by the pain I move my left hand to your throat and start choking you, while my right hand moves down to your left tit, grabbing it, sinking my fingers in it, letting your supple flesh ooze between them and then turn my nails into it and squeeze as hard as I can!


I was prepared to get hurt and slapped and even scratched, but the way in which you just never stop going… never stop fighting… never get a moment to catch your breath is really catching me off guard. I’m sweating HARD… and our bodies are sliding against each other, which makes us cling to each other even more eagerly and desperately. Our bottoms are completely stripped from us, and as my nails drag down your back, it makes your whole body arch and your naked, wet pussy press right into mine… and I’m happy to thrust back up into you so that we smear together…. “FEEL THAT WHORE… I TOLD YOU I WAS GOING TO FUCK YOU!!!” Our pussies are bare, but yours was bare first, and I’m hoping you’re worked up as I thrsut my cunt up into yours…. but you respond in anger.. both from the nails and slapping my cunt up into yours.

You scream, calling em a fucking bitch, and you arch up…. our pussies push together even more, and you grab my throat with your left hand and with your right you grab my breast. My eyes go fucking wide…. and my throat is cut off. That’s how damn hard you’re squeezing. My tit is bulging in your hand and I can feel your nails stabbing into my flesh as you squeeze hard. “ccccccuuuunnnnnnnttttttt” I scream out threw my mostly closed throat as I feel the pain moving from my breast through my body. The crowd starts to scream, and you start to thrust your hips. They think you’re winning. They think this might be it. You’re choking and fucking me. Even more cameras are out… I’m in trouble…..

I work my hands up under your arms and I shoot then up and then push to the sides, shoving your arms away and making you lose your grip on my throat, but you still hold onto my breast. You crash down on top of me, and I grab your hair and twist. I roll you off me and get on top. I push my pussy straight down into yours for everyone to see.. .and I push up on your face… sitting up as much as I can… and I start to slap away at your gorgeous, sexy face.


I can feel the marks you left on my back burning and I know they must look pretty bad. The crowd seems to love it though and I can hear them screaming insults at us, goading us to hurt and fuck each other more. I hate those rich jerks so much, almost as much as I hate you, but I can’t deny that it is kind of affecting me. The cheers, wolf whistles, cat calls and insults are making me want to beat you more. And I try to use that to keep fighting despite how much my body is hurting and how tired I am.

I squeeze your neck and tit with all I got, and it feels amazing. Your throat pulsing with life as my thumb presses against it, the look of shook and horror in your pretty face turns me on so much. And the feeling your big full breasts compressed in my hand as I sink my fingers deeper and deeper trying to feel your gland is driving me crazy. I don’t understand how despite all the pain I’m so turned on, but I can’t help it. My hips moving almost as if they had a mind of their own, pushing my labia and my swollen clit against yours. I can feel your wetness mixing with mine… and this feels a thousand times better than when we were making out.

“You are mine bitch…. I’m going to fuck you raw…” I tell you as I keep grinding down on you, my hips now moving in circles almost like dancing as I try to pin your clit with mine… but then you slap my arms out of the way and I fall into you, your sexy neck no longer in my grasp. The next thing I know you roll me under you and start revenge fucking my pussy with yours. “MMM MMMM FUCK….” I can’t help but let out a few aroused moans…but the moans are quickly cut by a vicious slap that makes my head snap to the side, sending tears and saliva flying from my face. I keep one hand on your tit and push up, trying to flatten it and crush against your chest…reaching for your hair with my other hand, trying to yank it to the side… trying to roll us… but you keep slapping my face left and right, getting the crowd even more excited as I’m forced to look east then west then east again… getting dazed… my cheeks burning in pain.

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God damn you are such a fucking bitch. You’re so fucking hot…. I literally wanted you the moment I saw you… I wanted to grab you and fuck you and make you moan as loud as anyone ever has…. and fuck you…. even after we found out we were goign to be fighting, we didn’t stop kissing and making out and feeling each other. We both fucking want this…. but choking me…. squeezing my fucking breast like this.. it makes me so fucking angry that I feel equal parts aroused and equal parts furious right now. And now I’m on top, and I’m not hiding it at all. I’m thrusting my pussy down into yours… bashing my clit with yours… spreading our labia against each other and rubbing like I was trying to rub your cunt right through the hard wood of the deck.

“I’lll have to thank Mark!” I shout down at you as I slap your pretty face left and right… “I would have been fucking you anyway tonight… but doing it this way is MUCH… MORE…. FUN!!!” Three more hard slaps crack back and forth across your cheeks, and then I collapse on you. Your fucking hand is still squeezing at my breast, but it’s much weaker now. My pussy keeps thrusting, and I slide my hands to your breasts and then push my way up your body as you moan in pain from the dizzying slaps. You’re dazed… and I know I only have a few moments. 

“You like to choke, bitch?” I ask as my lips glide across yours and our faces rub…. we’re both exhausted and spent and sweating all over. My hands keep making their way up from your chest. “Me too…. it’s my favorite way to fuck… ” I get both hands on your throat, and I start to squeeze. I don’t lift off you though. I stay right on you, making you deal with my weight on you as my hips thrust hard, and my lips press to yours. I start to kiss your lips, loving the feel of no air escaping your mouth, and I bite and nibble on your lips… not enough to break the skin… but enough to hurt…. as I thrust, grind, and kiss.. trying to force you into orgasmic submission.


I’m taking too many slaps. I can feel my cheeks burning and swollen, bright red from all the abuse. My neck is also starting to hurt from you sending my head flying from left to right. The tears in my eyes are making it hard to see and I feel like the whole world is spinning around me… yet I refuse to stop fighting. Too proud, too stubborn and too furious to stop. But as much as I want to keep fighting and beat you, I’m exhausted and badly stunned. I barely register your words as you taunt me, then my eyes open wide when you place both your hands on my throat and start choking me back. I look up at you, panicking as you compress my wind pipe and immediately close my breathing, putting your weight on the chose. My hands go to your arms and pull weakly, trying to make you let go and stop you from choking me. A couple of tears rolling down my face and a bit of drool starts flowing from the corner of my lips as the choke forces me to open my mouth.

And while you choke my like a murderous strangler you continue fucking my pussy with yours, slamming your lovely sex into mine over and over. And it is turning me on so much. I never thought I would be the kind of girl that was into getting choked, but I’m finding out now that I am… in the worse possible way. My hands slowly slip from your arms and fall on the wood, and soon I’m no longer fighting back. Laying on my back, soaked in sweat, getting choked and pounded into oblivion. The soft kisses and nasty bite on my lips are enough to take me over the edge. I try to moan but all I manage to do is CROAK. My body starts shaking in violent spasms as my pussy floods and gushes against your sex, quickly making a pool of my wetness between my legs. My eyes flutter like butterflies wings as my eyes begin to roll to the back of my head. My tongue slipping out of my mouth as more saliva starts slipping from the corner of my lips.


Despite what we yelled at each other when this all started, I’m not here to kill you. I want to hurt you. I want to win because I’m always competitive. But I want to fuck you too. As soon as I feel your arms fall away from me, I let up on the choke… not completely, but enough for you to get some air in… enough for you to croak out as your body starts to violently spasm and your pussy gushes up agaisnt mine. You’re cumming HARD… .I can feel it just squirting out of you and making a mess under us. “Mmmm fuck you bitch…. fuck you, you cumming whore… ” 

I sit up and look down at you as you just lay there. The crowd is screaming. The crowd is cheering. They want more… and it dawns on me that you never actually submitted. I pull my right hand back hard to slap you again and tell you to give up, but as my hand flies back and then tries to pull forward, I feel it suddenly stopped. I look back over my shoulder as I sit up on you, and it’s Mark.. “It’s all done, gorgeous…. she’s all done…. but now you get your prize.” His left hand holds my arm. His right hand holds that strapon. He hands it to me, and as he does, he says with a smile… “Oh…. and just a little word of advice… if you’re looking for a big tip… you already fucked her pussy… why don’t you pick somewhere different… somewhere dirtier…” 

There’s more cheering from the crowd, and I stand up and put the strapon on and get it secured to my waist. You are on your back and starting to move as you groan… and I look over at you. Mark calls to me, “Go ahead…. have you fun…. think about what she would have done to you.” As you start to get up, I grab your hair, and I pull forward. You stumble down to your knees with your hands in front of you, on all fours, and I move in behind you with both hands holding your hair….

I get on my knees and I rub the strapon up under you, and I start to smear it against your wet thighs and wet pussy. I let your own orgasm coat the rubber shaft until it’s dripping wet, and then I pull back. I put the tip against your ass, and I start to push…. but you resist, and so I grab your hair and pull as my hips thrust hard… and I moan out… “Sorry, bitch… but I’ve got to put on a good show.”


I really thought I was going to die there for a second, but as soon as I stop fighting you ease the choke so I can breathe…just a bit. Still controlling me and still fucking me, making me cum so HARD I’m squirting. Even without being choked I feel like I’m about to pass out from exhaustion, both from the fight and from the devastating orgasm you just forced out of me… but you aren’t done. I close my eyes as you prepare to slap me again but the slap never comes. When I open my eyes again you are putting on the massive strap on. I shake my head in horror just watching the size of that thing, but there is nothing I can do now. You grab my hair and force me on my hands and knees and then slip behind me. I lower my head ashamed and also because I want to see what you are doing with that thing.

First you rub it against my sex, letting my honey coat it until it is all shiny, moaning a bit as the dildo touches my still aroused clit. Then I feel you moving it up, between my ass cheeks, pressing the thick tip against my rosebud. “no no no.. please no…” I beg as you get in position, pulling my hair to force my head up and drill the toy into me. I close my eyes and howl in a mix of pain and pleasure as you impale me with the toy… 



After some initial resistance, I feel the resistance disappear. That’s not because you’ve stopped resisting or begging for me not to do this, but because the wet cockhead forces its way inside you. “Like you wouldn’t do the same to me, WHORE!” I shout out, putting on a show because by this point everyone has their cameras out and I’m sure this is going to end up on social media in lots and lots of places. I push in until the shaft is buried inside you and my hips smack into your ass, and then I pull out and thrust again. I start thrust hard and harder, making even your small tits shake on your chest and your body lurch forward with each thrust of my hips. “Take it you, SLUT…. you dirty, fucking SLUT!!!” The inside of the strapon keeps rubbing on my already wet pussy, and I feel myself getting closer. My eyes are looking past you to Mark, who is staring intently at his former secretary getting fucked in the ass, and when he was standing next to me holding my arm, it was fucking obvious how BIG and ROCK HARD his cock was in his shorts. My eyes are on him, and I’m licking my lips, and I see him mouth a single word…. “Harder.” I smile…. both hands twist into your hair so that your dark hair wraps around my fingers, and I start pounding even harder, getting myself closer to orgasm from rubbing up against the inside of the strapon, and I couldn’t care less about stretching your bud or rearranging your guts as I try to bring myself to orgasm while I fuck you.

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I close my eyes, tears rolling down my cheeks, not wanting to see the crowd that’s so eagerly watching me get fucked from behind by the girl that beat me. That toy is bigger than anything that has ever gone inside me and you are pushing it with so much power and passion. You tighten your grip on my hair, using both hands and fuck me even harder. I can feel your lust with every thrust as you quite literally rearrange my guts with your strappy. None of my boyfriends ever fucked me this hard…or made me moan this loud. And I moan louder and louder as you bury the whole thing in my ass, finally making me feel your hips pounding on my ass. It hurts so much, but once my body relaxes and my ass gets used to the stretch the pain starts to wash away, being replaced by a deep forbidden pleasure that I never thought I could feel. Feeling like I’m getting close to another orgasm as you keep pounding my ass.

My perky tits bouncing wildly back and forth on my chest, my ass cheeks trembling each time your hips hit them. Unable to control myself any more I just moan like a slut in a porn film, not caring anymore about the cameras, or the money or the humiliation.

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I finally feel you relax… and I get into it…. I’m getting closer and closer. I lean forward, and I pull on your hair to twist your head back. I lean in as much as I can, almost pulling out of you so my lips can find yours. We kiss…. our tongues lick at each other…. the crowd screams and shouts, and then I go back to my knees and keep pounding you as hard as I can until your body is shaking and so is mine, and we’re finally orgasming together like we wanted the moment we laid eyes one each other… “OHHHHH FUCKKKK…. MMMMMMMMM” Our moans get louder as we climax together, and the waves of pleasure crash through us. Your arms give out and we crash to the floor, and we lay there…. gasping… with the strapon inside you. I start to undo the clasps…. disconnecting it from my body, and then I roll off you. You’re face down, ass up, with a big cock buried in your ass…. and everyone is trying to get a picture. Mark walks over and takes my hand… “And your winner….. the sexiest bitch on the yacht…BRIIII!!!” The crowd cheers, and I’m trying not to collapse… “Now ladies and gentlemen… we paid these girls handsomely, but don’t forget to tip Bri here…. to the winner go the spoils right?” I turn my head to him. My pussy is still dripping, and I’m so fucking turned on right now… I need more. I want more with you… but you’re in no shape to help me with my needs, so I whisper in Mark’s ear…. “I don’t want their tips…. I want yours.” Mark smiles…. “Someone help Natalia there… I’m going to take Bri back into the cabin and make sure she’s ok..” and OMG…. he definitely made sure I was ok…. but even as his cock filled my wet inside with his cum…. my mind was on you…. finding you…. and asking you what night you wanted to go get drinks so we could do this all again….

The End

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