A.Penman’s Stories
About the Author
For as long as I can remember, I’ve been fascinated by the idea of two women in any kind of sexual and/or adversarial situation.
Several years ago, with the advent of the internet, I discovered lesbian sex/
Many of these stories were so poorly written that I thought I might try my hand at writing a few…I’m not ashamed to admit that early A.Penman was also quite bad…embarrassingly bad
Then one day, I ran across an author named JB57. (and one or two more). As I read with utter fascination, I thought to myself, “This is the gold standard! This is what you should strive for!”
Not to imitate, but emulate, using your own ideas and developing your own style.
Although I have written a couple of fights, my style is more “friendly
My goals as a writer in this genre:
- Try to give my characters as much personality as possible.
- Bring the element of humor to a genre that is, in my humble opinion, pretty humorless. If my “girls” can crack wise with each other, to me, that just adds dimension to their personalities.
- Try to make each sexfight as unique as possible, or at least try to add elements to each encounter which set it apart from the one in the previous story (or chapter).
- I have a clandestine goal, which is to write a girl/girl encounter that is so blisteringly hot and erotic, that the actual physical confrontation is not necessary, not included and/or can be imagined in the reader’s mind.
I’ve yet to succeed at this…
Contact: This author can be contacted at apenman871@gmail.com .

A.Penman’s Stories
A Night in Bed with Camille
“Well, heavy breathing notwithstanding, we sort of came to our senses and stopped. Neither of us said anything, we just kind of fidgeted nervously. Then, I got up to leave. She stood up too. I told her I’d see myself out, but she insisted on walking with me. Then, when we got to the door we hugged, really hard. There could be no mistake that our intent was to crush our big tits arduously into each other.”
“A woman to woman challenge?” I asked as my voice rasped.
“Well, I’m not sure…perhaps…an intimate challenge.”
I thought about the scenario for a second. “Actually, to me it sounds more like a mutual agreement was reached.”
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Daughter Daughter, Mother Daughter, Mother Daughter, Mother Mother
Eyes closed as tits smacked and crushed. Womanly hips pumped in synchronous movement. As into-each-other as they now were, the two women suddenly found the darkrooms of their closed eyes slowly developing imagery of two naked daughters between their respective thighs. A shiver of sudden awareness, laced with a sprinkle of guilt jolted them. Both sets of eyes opened. They kept themselves cheek to cheek, in order to avoid any eye contact that might prove uncomfortable or incriminating.
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Ruby Takes a Roommate
Mariko felt her knees weakening. She knew that the moment of truth was at hand. But then a sudden calm came over her. She understood that whatever was about to happen between her and Ruby was meant to happen. Her mind was at one with her body and, although calm, her body was tingling with excitement. She stepped out of the shower and towel dried herself, then lightly blew her hair dry. She vigorously brushed her teeth. Then a quick spritz of a light perfume and she was off to meet with her destiny.
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The Proper Amount of Suction
Feeling the fullness of Hannah, chest on chest, Debbie became excited and stretched her legs out while wrapping her arms around Hannah’s waist. Both busty women instantly knew their destiny. Their bodies acclimated to each other. Through the fabric of blouses and brassieres, fulsome, perfectly matched breasts began to spar and rhythmically wrestle while Bissell’s cock sprung to attention. He sensed he could now steer this in the direction it needed to go.
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When Harry Met Anna
Written By: A.Penman and Anna the Marine Chick
Jane, it seemed, was doing well…perhaps giving the tough Marine chick more than she bargained for. But as this scrumptious labia lock continued, it became apparent that, despite her bravado, Anna was not the least bit interested in a quick victory over Jane. She was enjoying the oiled inosculation of their thick cunts far too much. The pleasure induced contortions of her beautiful face were a dead giveaway. As for Jane, she was riding a wave of hedonistic delight like she had never known. She did not want it to end…or at least, not end quickly.
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When Harry Met Anna: Part 2
Written By: A.Penman and Anna the Marine Chick
Warning: There is no actual battle in this story, just memories and insight into two of our site’s best writers.
“Sibling fights, of course. That’s often where it starts. My sister, also was a blond with big boobs. The normal slapping and hair-pulling growing up. But when she was 19 and I was 18 we got into a topless catfight.”
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Flat on their backs, they rubbed their cunts into each other for about twenty minutes. Paige’s sumptuous cunt was invading her own swollen pudenda, locking up gently and aggressively with her thick labia, sucking her inexperienced cunt into a moist battle that fused Janet’s full labia inexorably with hers, sealing them into a kiss of prurient fire and satisfying her long suppressed desire to experience this most intimate form of sexual bonding that could only be shared by two women.
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How Women Hug
Chapter 1-3
They proceeded slowly, backing off so that they could square their nipples. Even their nipples were a perfect match. It was then I noted that Jasmine’s areola were a deep reddish brown, lovely and pebbled from scraping ever so gently with Anita’s pinkish, pebbled areolae. The simmering square off ever so slowly began to intensify. The girls began to move in circular motions, the purpose of which seemed to be more areola to areola decadence. They pressed and held the enervated tissue together.
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The Beth and Sandra Saga
Chapter 1: Beth and Sandra Get Closer to Jehovah
The two women stood up and faced each other. Son-of-a-bitch! I hadn’t noticed it before, but neither woman was wearing a bra! And I swear, as Jehovah’s my Witness, it appeared that both women’s breasts had swollen at least a cup size!!! Wow! Their breasts aimed directly at each other, proud and firm and so large. Erect nipples could no longer hide from view. And then the two close friends melted into each other’s arms. Joseph’s wife and my girl came together in such a warm, loving embrace! You could see their big, full breasts crushing together, kind of wrestling with each other. It must have been a really good hug because you could hear both women moan.
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Chapter 2: Jehovah’s Revenge
Every one of their “friendly hugs” was nothing more than accelerant. Coming together the way they did was inevitable. All of those tight, telling embraces they shared; the way they both looked forward to each subsequent visit so they could crush their breasts and press their bodies together as the men engaged in animated conversations. Beth fondly recalled that moment of silent resolution, as they looked into each other’s eyes and understood that this was how it was meant to be. They were there, they were naked and hot, and they were determined to fuck this out.
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Chapter 3: Beth and Sandra – Pizza for Two
Without pause or concern, the two concupiscent women slammed into each other. They careened off the nearby wall, kissing hard and breathlessly, grabbing and groping and eventually tumbling to the floor. The struggle to remove Beth’s limited amount of clothing was a shared effort. In seconds, their naked bodies were grinding and slapping into each other. They were both feverish with lust. Smooth, long legs became entwined and their cat-ball body roll ultimately deposited them onto the living room carpet. Sandra heard something crash to the floor, but there was nothing she could do about it. She was much too busy with raging, out of control desire.
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Chapter 4: Sandra Orders A Pizza
Barbara then took the EVOO and drizzled approximately one-third of a cup over each pair of their now pressed together tits. She set the oil down and the two women began to roll their shoulders and upper torsos inversely in order to spread the oil evenly over the four swirling breasts. Barbara thought that her first move should be to pull away and give Sandra a full, hard slam. But the tight, oily massage was so sensual and fleshy that she didn’t want to stop it.
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The Transcendence Series
Transcendence Chapters 1-5
Right before my eyes, in nothing more than the thin fabric of the negligees, my wife was in a full on body embrace with Lady Bianca. She seemed to surrender her body fully to Lady Bianca’s exquisite body. The Lady’s arms were around my wife’s waist. June’s arms were around her shoulders. It was easy to see my wife’s amazing tits now fully engaged with Lady Bianca’s spectacular tits. I’d never seen anything so sexy!
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Transcendence Chapters 6-10
Lady Bianca then shifted into fifth gear, locking her cunt into my wife’s so hard that I thought June would pass out.
“GIVE IT UP, JUNE!!!” the lady yelled.
“Aahhhaaahh!!!!!!!” June screamed.This now appeared to be a full fledged battle between the lady and the glow, which I now perceived as the essence of whatever was troubling my wife.
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