Ahna Brown’s Stories
About the Author
I grew up in a violent world. As far back as I can remember, I had always been fighting. Whether it was against foster brothers or sisters, kids at school, and even against my last foster mother. I channeled all of my rage and hate into fighting.
As I grew older and wiser, after more than one night in jail, I decided I needed a different outlet. I turned to reading and movies. But with everything I read or everything I watched, I longed for the female characters to fight. A primal desire to be the best. When I discovered the internet and the plethora of stories about female fighting, I was hooked.
I have always been a fan of westerns. The six guns, the horses, the hard life, the saloon girls. But what I didn’t see was the women as the focal point of the movie or story. After talking with some other authors of catfight stories, I decided to write my own. Build a world where the women are the key characters. I have tried to add in historical figures and their myths in some cases into the story. Since joining the Free Catfight Forum and meeting wonderful people, many of my friends there have become characters.
I do plan to write some other stories, some lighter, some much darker about my life and the trials and tribulations I have gone through. I hope you all enjoy.

Ahna Brown’s Stories
The Misadventures of the Cats Claw Series
Introduction and Chapter 1
Ewa and Francine rushed and slammed together. Hands grabbed at hair as large breasts slapped together. Ewa twirled her fingers in the red and black locks of the green-skinned woman. Feet started stamping down over feet in order to trip the other. Francine’s right foot slammed down hard on Ewa’s left, causing the busty woman from Earth to cry out and stumble. The pair crashed to the dirt and quickly locked legs and started to roll. All of the women around started cheering for their captain. Bri inched down from the cargo bay to watch her lover and the woman from her planet fight it out.
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Chapter 3
She tried to use her thighs to pry my legs open, but as they opened, I twisted and rolled us with me on top. I grabbed her right leg and moved it over my shoulder. I pushed my wet pussy to hers and she moaned out loudly. I got to my knees and started thrusting hard against her wet folds. Again, clits met in a violent fencing match but I had the advantage and pushed mine further into her twat. Vanessa reached up and pulled on my big tits but her grip was weakening. Her body started to convulse and she writhed under me as she came again. The bucking and squirming soon had in a frenzy and we traded cum back and forth. Her leg fell off my shoulder and I collapsed on top of her. Our big tits making a SPLAT as they compressed.
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Chapter 2
In a high-rise hotel suite, the shower poured over Ewa and Bri as they fucked under the water. The dark-haired captain pressed her now yellow-haired first officer and lover against the tile wall as she pumped her hips in. Their large breasts compressed as wet skin caused the large mounds of flesh to slide against the other pair. Tongues eagerly explored the other’s mouth, caressing, twisting and wrestling with the other.
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Wild West Wildcats Series
My mother threw the shirt she was holding at the blonde, who fired but missed and my mother tackled her to the stream. Both were only dressed in simple cotton dresses that were immediately soaked to their skin. Over and over they thrashed in the water, pulling hair, slapping at faces and even pulling at their dresses. The gunshot had alerted the Union soldiers and a few rushed over to where we all were and jumped into the water to pry my mother and the blonde apart. The two women were now topless and their chests sported scratches. They kicked and flailed at the other as the men separated them.
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Chapter 2
The coos and moans from lips were getting louder as the sexfight got fiercer. Hips slapped together as each woman tried to pry the other’s thighs open. Bella was able to roll on top and stay there. Her rump flexed as she pushed her womanhood towards her rivals. Kristina groaned as her thigh slowly opened more to the busty blonde. Bella’s right hand shot out and pressed down on Kristina’s throat as she pumped her sex in. They fleshy flowers parted open, slick with arousal from the constant womanly contact. The small flesh swords unsheathed and sought the others. Kristina twisted her hips from below and her clit stabbed into the flesh folds of Bella. The blonde threw her head back in a loud groan of pleasure.
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Chapter 4
“Let me know when you’ve had enough,” Diane huffed out.
“Same goes for you cow turd,” Ahna answered in a breathy response.
“Ohhhh!” The two women groaned together.
“Oh no you did not just hit me,” Ahna exclaimed.
“Why you bitch, you!” Diane cried out.
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Chapter 6
When Maria hit Nettie with her body, the momentum sent the pair rolling together naked in the grass. Their massive tits were pressed so tightly together, it looked like to balloons about to pop. Hands fell into tangled and knotted hair as the mature voluptuous women went at it like cats. Maria rolled on top and grabbed Nettie by the throat and started to squeeze. The black woman coughed out and tried to buck the Mexican woman off of her. When that didn’t work, Nettie grabbed the swinging breasts and tried to crush them in her fingers. Still, Maria didn’t let go. Nettie was starting to see black but she reached down with her left hand and grabbed the thick black pubic mound of Maria and pulled. The Mexican screamed in agony and tried to get off the black women but Nettie held her tightly. They worked their way to their knees and Maria grabbed a handful of Nettie’s black bush as she pushed the black woman’s right breast to her mouth and she bit down. Nettie cried out but pushed Maria’s tit to her mouth and chomped on the mound of flesh. Tears streamed down the two woman’s faces as they bit breasts and pulled out clumps of their matted pubic hair.
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Chapter 9
We lunged and came together grabbing upper arms, trying to power the other over. When she said “The Indian way” I took it as we were going to wrestle. She powered me back against a stack of bags of flour. My back bent some so I pushed on her chin to get her off. We separated slightly and came together again. We started to use our legs to try to trip the other. The awkward dance had us bumping into the piled bags, only to bounce off and continue. I managed to get my right foot behind her left ankle and she faltered. I surged forward, taking us down to the wood floor. We wrestled for control with more and more of our bodies touching.
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Chapter 1
A sheen of sweat from the fire and body to body contact, formed over their skin. Streaks of dirt adorned their magnificent bodies. They clashed together again and went down rolling in from the dirt to the grass. Again, Lucie opened the redhead’s legs but this time their flowers were ready. Moist and inviting, the two womanhood’s met in a clash of sopping folds. The moaned at the first touch of their labia and started rough and energetic trib as hands held hair for control and large breasts ground together. They rolled slower now, when each was on top they ground down and the girl on the bottom bucked up. Clits became unsheathed and pushed past warring lips to slash and parry like two swords.
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Chapter 3
We charged again and the momentum had us stumble out the barn and into the wooden horse’s trough, with both of us plunging under before the trough broke and we fell out into a new muddy ground. Hands re-gripped hair as our large breasts pancaked together and pushed out our sides. Our legs snaked around the other and we rolled in the muck and mire. Mud covered us from head to toe and if someone would have come and found us, they would not have been able to tell us apart. We kept rolling until our backs met dry dirt and we worked our way to our knees. Mollie grabbed my throat and squeezed. I thought I was a goner and swung out with my right fist and it hit her just below her left ear. Then she crumpled to the ground with me falling on top.
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Chapter 5
“I don’t have nor will I ever have a mistress, unlike that cow, Bella you please at night, whore,” Ewa shot back. “She wasn’t woman enough to stand up to Kristina, just like you are not woman enough to beat me.”
“BITCH!” Sabrina cried out and rushed at her rival.
The two women came together in a wild melee of swinging arms and kicking legs. Neither looked to be trained fist fighter but they did manage to land a shot here or there. But it didn’t take long for fingers to comb through thick hair, dark and light and start to pull. Each woman remained on her feet as heads were pulled back and forth. Sabrina used the nails of her left hands to rake them down Ewa’s pretty face. I winced as I heard the woman from Europe scream. Ewa grabbed the nose and lips of the blonde from Georgia and gouged her nails in. Sabrina let out a shriek that could have woken the dead. Each pushed away from the other and hands went to faces to check. Each hand came away with blood on it. They rushed at each other again.
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Chapter 7
Lisa lunged forward, her hands in claws aimed at Ashley’s bouncing breasts. Ashley grabbed back and the pair push their arms out straight as fingers knead tits like bread dough. The overabundance of flesh oozed through greedy fingers. Hands gripped and then repositioned fingers for better grips. Ashley latched onto the long nipples of her mother’s breasts and twisted. Lisa screamed out and grasped her own daughter’s long nubs and pulled. The screams echoed in the room and were so loud, it made the other’s ears ring. They shook the massive mounds by the nipples, causing each to cry out in pain. The pain became too much and they let go and leaned back on their knees, each massaging wounded breasts. Eyes met and they growled and lunged again, but this time for hair. The hurt orbs slapped together, causing each to cry out. They teetered in their knees and tipped over. Legs locked up as thighs gripped thighs and a slow roll was started. Spit and bites at faces were exchanged as they rolled from one side of the room to the other. They pulled the other up to knees and then feet, still yanking on hair. Lisa slammed her daughter against wall and pressed in.
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Chapter 8
We fought with our hands, with our claws. We were not mother and daughter anymore. It was my fight for survival. We punched, clawed and bite each other something fierce and rolled in the dirt. Our shirts were torn open and then off. We grabbed our breasts, trying to tear them off. I just remembered every time she tied me so my daddy could whip me and I kept fighting her.
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Chapter 10
The two native sisters fought hand to hand and body to body. Large and firm naked breasts slammed together as arms locked around the other’s back. Blossom was able to power her sister back against the barn door. The younger sister stomped her foot down causing the other to stumbled and they tumbled to the dirt floor. The wild rolling had it so you could not tell which sister was which. Red Flower rolled on top, her breasts crushing down as hands now reached for hair. The older sister bucked with her hip and they rolled again with Blossom taking the top spot. Heads were violently pulled back in this war of attrition.
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Wildcats of the West Series
Introduction and Chapter 1
“Oh you hussy!” Jennifer yelled as she grabbed the firm tan breasts of the Latina.
“OOOW! Puta!” Anna cursed as she grabbed the larger set in front of her.
The pair rolled into the barn with Jennifer on top. She grabbed two fists full of hair and slammed Anna’s head into the ground. The former outlaw got her boots planted in the saloon girl’s belly and pushed, sending her tumbling backwards into a pile of straw. Anna got to her feet and pulled off the torn shirt. Jennifer rose, eyes burning into the topless woman in front of her. She charged ducking a swinging fist as her shoulder slammed into Anna’s belly, taking the two women into another pile of straw.
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Chapter 3
Lisa groaned out as our bellies touched, “Yes, days later at my house. We fought naked. Not like a mother and daughter are supposed to do but needed to do.” Her arms wrapped around my body and I matched her. “Now fight me Ahna!”
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Chapter 5
We slowly started to circle with the circling getting us closer. She lunged first and slammed into me as stumbled, each securing hand holds in the other’s hair. Her breasts were massive compared to mine and I could feel them crush against me as our bodies fought. I yanked back on Lizy’s hair and she yelped as we stumbled. Her booted right foot kicked out, catching me above my boot and I fell back, dragging her with me. The mud splashed up as fell into it.
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Chapter 7
The two blondes screamed as they grabbed handfuls of hair and began to pull each other around the parlor. They bumped into walls, knocking down pictures and paintings. Helen pushed hard as she forced her daughter back onto the small couch. The two women, Sam in a red button up blouse and grey skirt and her mother, Helen in a green and blue off the shoulder dress, struggled on the couch. Sam’s booted heel caught the bottom of Helen’s dress and both could hear the sound of ripping fabric.
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Chapter 9
The two naked madams came together, naked bodies slapped as hands grabbed the other in a tight embrace. Mouths immediately sought the others as lips mashed with tongues slithering to coil with its counterpart. Though Karen had much bigger breasts, Jennifer’s firmer tits were pushing the older madam’s pair back. The bellies started to slap together as feet shuffled in the grass. Jennifer’s heel hit a tree root and the pair tumbled to the ground. Legs snaked together as the madams tussled back and forth. Jennifer latched onto the blonde locks and pulled back, breaking the kiss as she spat in Karen’s face. Saliva flew from the older woman’s mouth, splashing on Jenn’s face.
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Chapter 11
Doris and Holly worked up to their feet and slammed into the bar. The busty blonde grabbed a bottle to smash over the equally busty brunette but Doris slammed a fist into the blonde’s belly. The bottle fell away as the older woman swung with right upper cut, catching Holly on the chin and sending her sprawling to the sawdust covered floor. She dropped on top of the blonde as the two women grabbed large breasts. The mounds of flesh were tortured; scratched, clawed, kneaded like bread dough and pulled into unnatural shapes.
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Chapter 13
Diane and I hit the dirt as soon as we slammed bodies. Over and over we rolled causing a small dust storm. Our sweaty bodies were covered in dirt. Hands pulled out strands of hair as we pushed and pulled, spit and grappled in the dirt. Our tits were mashed flat, mushrooming out at our sides. Legs tightened as thighs pushed against our matted and wet womanhoods. We rolled over and then there was nothing to roll onto as the edge plummeted to a river 15 feet down. The melted snow had raised the height of the river and the current was strong. When our tangled bodies hit the water we broke apart, struggling to make it back to the river bank. Diane got their first and was pulling herself up knees. She must have heard my splashing behind her because she turned as I rammed into her, taking us to the river bank. We both groaned out as our bodies slapped together. Hands pulled on wet hair, our breasts painfully compressed as mouths opened to bite at the other’s mouth.
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Chapter 15
They rolled in the grass as they tortured the others’ breasts. The dresses worked down their hips and neither wore any undergarments. They pushed apart and rolled away. The dresses were left on the grass as they quickly stood and rushed. The busty wildcats clinched, mashing the large tits flat as they spun and went back down to the grass. The field was smashed flat from the rolling vixens. The fight itself was brutal as fists continued to be thrown with blood freely flowing from noses and lips. Both would have swollen eyes the next day. They worked up to their knees, raising fists as they glared at the other. Jalicia swung first with her right fist rocking Sabrina back on to her heels.
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Chapter 2
Diamond bucked and we started to roll. We went over once but then I bucked and we continued as we went down a slight slope and SPLASH! The shock of the cold water in January made us both scream out. It made me lose my knife and the pistol. We broke apart and I reached into the water to try to feel for a weapon. Diane’s right fist slammed into my mouth, sending me falling back into the water, as I tasted blood. She came forward and I kicked her in the belly. She folded and I got up and swung a left hand that bloodied her nose. I came at her but she slammed a left fist into my right tit.
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Chapter 4
Each got a knee on the ground and then worked up to their knees, still with arms locked around the other. Lillian was able to get a little separation and slammed her bosoms forward. Lizy answered right back as they slammed chest together with each slap earing a raucous cheer from the crowd. I looked over a Deanna and she was inhaling sharply with every smack. The two busty women lined up nipples and pressed them in. They both screamed as the spears tried to invert the other’s set. Hands started drifting lower on the others back as they each grabbed the back of pantaloons and started to pull. The worn cotton garments started to tear. The tit fight was changing to something else.
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Chapter 6
Our bosoms compressed so painfully I thought mine would burst at any moment. I felt her matted southern hair rub against mine with the mounds rubbing, the little hairs tangling and snapping off. I let go of her hair and brought my hands in between us, grasping her breasts and squeezing. I heard her hoarsely cry out and then she grabbed my tits. We leaned back as our breasts stretched with our hairy mounds grinding. Fingers kneaded and pulled the dense orbs as we opening screamed and cried.
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Chapter 8
The two young mothers slammed together in the backyard of the house, going down to the grass. Hands dug deeply into long hair as the two women rolled wildly about the ground. Both Samantha and Persephone groaned in pain as their breasts compressed. Each had been breastfeeding their babies and the overabundance of milk made the orbs sore.
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Chapter 10
Mother and daughter charged and slammed together as nails slashed at bare skin. The two sets of large breasts compacted and compressed as the redheads toppled onto the unmade bed. Deanna and Persephone clutched the other with claws as they rolled back and forth. The mother rolled on top of her busty daughter but was rewarded with an open palm to the face by the younger woman. As Deanna tumbled off, Persephone pursued to slam on top of her. The two had fought so many times that each knew the other so well, almost better than lovers. Deanna caught her daughter’s hands as Persephone’s claws were aimed for her face of the older woman. Muscles strained as the younger woman leaned in.
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Chapter 12
Our large breasts came softly together as we gasped. We started to push more of our bodies in tighter, the large mounds pushed with hard nipples stabbing into areolas. She reached up for my hair as I grasped on to her brown locks. Fingers tightened in hair as we each started to pull. Heads began to move left and right, back and forth as groans escaped our lips. Doris came forward more as our bellies touched. Noses brushed as we locked eyes. I wanted her to take control and she did.
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Chapter 14
The two women walked back up the porch with Maggie and Louise trading menacing glares back and forth. They sat down in the parlor as Maggie poured them some brandy. They sipped as Lisa opened and read the letter. The glass of brandy she was holding was thrown against the wall with a crash. Maggie flinched at the anger of her lover.

Chapter 16
Alice stood up straight as the mass of her milk filled breasts threatened to burst from her top. At that moment, Amber Nelson appeared with her son on the porch. The two women locked eyes and Amber nodded. I followed Samantha as she walked up the porch to the waiting mother and her son. Amber passed the baby to the doctor.

Big, Bad, Ben
A Commission by Cromin
“YOU HARLOT!” Deborah yelled, pulling a clump of black hair from Betsy’s head and grabbed a hold of the black woman’s nightgown and pulled.
The two mature cats turned the tempo of their fight to violently removing the other’s nightgown. The two garments tore down the front, releasing two sets of massive breasts. Betsy backed away, letting her gown fall to the floor. Her fixed on the bouncing breasts of Deborah. The white woman took a step away from the wall and her own gown slide off her body.
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The Pirate Adventures of Catalina Sacriste
Prologue and Chapter 1
Both women screamed out and did not notice the shooting had stopped. They were in their own little world. The two women let go of the other’s pussy and slapped big tits back together with arms wrapping around the other. Back onto the bed they went as long legs locked up, with each rolling from one end of the poster bed to the other.
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Chapter 2
Catalina turned her head to see Liyun lick her lips. She smiled as she turned back just in time. Lauretta stepped into Ashlee, their breasts making contact with each gasping. The older woman turned her chest as her breasts moved across the brown haired woman’s tits. There was a sound like swishing fabric as the bare tits slid across the others, dipping into valleys of cleavage and emerging out the other side. They pressed in tighter, grimacing faces looked at the other as breasts slid and pressed with their hands still behind their backs. Teeth began to show as each leaned more into the other. Each took two steps back, both breathing hard.
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I am a huge history buff, and a fan of old western tv shows and western
And now after reading, and re-reading your stories, I’m even a bigger fan
of yours.
I love, love, love and love your wild west stories, can not read or love them
enough. And your Big Ben story, is just – WOW.
Your space story is even sexy hot, and loving too.
And some thing else of your stories I like and find hot. And not many
writers write into their catfight, sexfight stories are the mother vs daughter
catfights, me, I like, no, I love.
And I personally, am a huge big tit-to-big tit fight fan.
Could you send me a e-mail. letting me know that ya got this.
Just wondering if I did it right.
Your fan, Darryl