Emily: You need to have your ass kicked.

Amber: If only you were hot enough to kick my ass!
But you’re not

Emily: Hotter and better than you
Like always!

Amber: Never! You’re just the wannabe bitch who wishes she was me

Emily: I just wish you were dead, bitch!!

Amber: Same. Luckily I am so willing to make my dream come true.
Are you?

Emily: Why wouldn’t I, I’m sick of you.

Amber: Oh, I thought you were desperate for me to be here kicking your ass all over this chat window.

Emily: Oh please cunt, I would kick your ass irl too and you know it
You’re not so tough because you had one fucking fight

Amber: Liar

Emily: One that you LOST

Amber: How many fights have you been in, Ms. Badass?

Emily: I’ve had one too, loser
And unlike you I didn’t get my ass kicked!

Amber: Uh huh
Well the same wouldn’t happen with me.
I’d destroy you

Emily: You would be ruined.
I would make you 0-2, Amber

Amber: I’d be 1-1 with you lifeless between my squeezing fingers

Emily: God, it would be great to fucking end you irl, bitch
Just to really prove how I’m the better bitch and you’re a worthless wannabe

Amber: Yeah, if we ever got together IRL, it’d be you who got proven
wrong. You who ended up crying, begging me to let you fucking live.

Emily: I wouldn’t even listen to your pathetic begging, I would just end you.
Maybe I smother you to death with my better tits, because you’re so jealous of them.

Amber: Maybe I’d do the same to you, and we’d both end up dead.

Emily: Maybe except my tits would never lose to yours Amber.

Amber: Your tits would ALWAYS lose to mine, Emily

Emily: Bitch, my tits are bigger and firmer than yours!

Amber: Whatever! Ungh! My tits are twice as big and three times as firm as yours!

Emily: Ughhhh! No they aren’t!

Amber: Yes they are!!!!!

Emily: If they were I would get a boob job just to have bigger tits than you!

Amber: Except I would sneak into the plastic surgeon’s office, and make him give your implants to me so that you’d always be smaller!

Emily: Except I wouldn’t be mistaken for a hag like you, and my tits would be bigger and firmer!!

Amber: Lying bitch!

Emily: Fake slut!!

Amber: Stupid clone!

Emily: Wannabe cunt!

Amber: Jealous whore!

Emily: Tiny tits!

Amber: Lil ass!

Emily: Fatter ass than you!

Amber: You only wish!

Emily: I know it is!!
You wish your ass was this big and fat! No guy wants a tiny ass like yours!

Amber: My ass is bigger, fatter, and juicier than yours. And ALL the guys like my ass more than yours

Emily: No they don’t you lying cunt because none of that is true!

Amber: All of it is true! That’s why you’re afraid to battle my ass with yours, bitch!

Emily: I’ll assfight you any time you fake bitch! You’re afraid to assfight, titfight, catfight! It’s why you’re never around!!

Amber: I am never afraid of you bitch
Not once in my whole life

Emily: You’re so fucking scared of me
You know for a fact I would end you irl
Just admit it

Amber: You know what I’ll admit?

Emily: That I would win irl

Amber: That you are probably the one person. I have ever met. That I would truly strangle to death in real life .

Emily: Just like how your roommate kicked your ass.
I would do the same 🙂

Amber: Then I would keep your dead body around, just to trash talk you.

Emily: Except you never would win, because you know I would crush you. I’m just hotter and better
Keep your tiny tits to yourself, Amber

Amber: The only thing you’re better at, is being less of a woman than me….
My huge tits, would make sure of that if we ever went chest to chest

Emily: I’m more woman than you are, bitch!

Amber: You wish!

Emily: My BIGGER tits would love to prove you wrong, Amber!

Amber: Ugnnhh!

Emily: You’re so fucking bratty and bitchy! Gawd!

Amber: You’re the brat! I’m just a truth-teller

Emily: Don’t you ugh me! Ugggghhhhhhhh!!!!!
No, you’re the fucking brat!

Amber: Oh no, you asked to be uuuunnnnngggggghhhhhh’d
When you came at me on FCF

Emily: Bitch, I’ll come at you every day if you were around!

Amber: You needed to have someone put you back in your place.

Emily: You’re the one who needs to be uuuggggghhhhhh’d! You thinking you’re hot with big tits and a fat ass?! No!

Amber: Yes! I am hot shit
The hottest shit

Emily: Bitch, why don’t you do something?! You think you’re a tough girl, huh?!
Come on, Amber! Give an excuse why you can’t. We both know you can’t go tit to tit with me!

“Bitch!” I hiss, before reaching for the bottom of my shirt, and pulling it over my head. My skirt and panties following shortly thereafter. It passing my ankles only a blink before I kick off my heels. Then, after unclasping my bra and letting it fall from my large breasts, I step towards you and glare. “Right now bitch. Take it all off, if you’re woman enough to go tit to tit with me.”

“Fine bitch, I don’t fucking back down from a cunt like you!” I hiss back as I quickly strip, kicking my heels off as I step up to you. My BIGGER tits on display as I shake them at you, my hands on my hips as we slowly circle each other, tits inches from touching as I look you up and down, not impressed. “I see better tits in the mirror, you fake.”

I can barely resist lunging at you as you undress. Your words of untruth and unearned bravado making you hate you even more as you shed your clothing. Your weak body and my powerful sexy one bulging in all the right places, as in smaller and smaller circles we move. Until finally we straighten, near, and then in a flash reach for each other and pull our nude bodies together in a loud, echoing slap.

We slam together in a loud slap of pure hate, my hands going to your hair as I grip it and hiss “Come on, bitch! Braid your hair with mine so you can’t escape!” I hiss and I yank your head to mine, nose to nose as I snarl in your face as our giant tits slap at one another in a frenzy, kicking my legs at you as we grind bodies.

From clap and echo to fingers lacing through each other’s hair, we grip tight in a fog of malice and rage. Our breasts settling together before in a tight pull we squeeze them together. Each of us wanting to dominate the other’s chest so bad, even as our muscle-etched thighs flex in a wandering stumble. Our nose-tips flush and our eyes locked together. “I don’t trust you” I hiss in response to your demand. A reply that in an instant pushes us both to begin to braid. You on our right side, and me on our left. “No escape cunt”

We braid our hair together, constantly yanking our heads slightly back and forth in an attempt to rip each other’s hair out as our tits push and mushroom out as my hands go behind your back and squeeze you in closer. “I wasn’t leaving until I fucking kill you, clone!” I hiss in your face as I snap my teeth at you, trying to bite your face as our legs tangle together as we dance wildly.

I watch you snap at me in our tight, painful embrace of jealousy. Not just one but twice. And when you come for a third such bite, I lean in and snap too. My upper jaw clasping down on your bottom, and my bottom teeth just below your chin. My teeth not digging but claiming your jaw as my own. All as our powerful legs step in and out, glance off one another and then for brief moments clamp down to hold the other in place. Spit from each of our mouths dripping into each other’s as our tits duel between us.

You bite at my jaw and I let out a groan of pain as I pull my jaw back before we both bite together, biting faces as we engage in a biting- kissfight. My hands grabbing at your ass now as I claw you in closer as I start to pinch and grab at your cheeks, jealousy forcing me to crush into you tighter as I hope my tits just pop yours as we grind against each other

Everything in my heart is fire and loathing; anger and cruelty, and all of it makes me want to devour you. And so when you move to take back your jaw, I let you. Each of us a moment later diving together in a wild biting war of mouths and tongues. My hands moving to your ass to match your pinching. Our lower halves crashing together and straining as our legs wrap together.

Wrapping together with you as we curl up in a catball, legs pushing us even closer together as we slap wildly at each other’s back and asses, tits mashing and slapping as we grind forget her, our bodies slipping together as we get hotter and sweatier, trading who’s on top and who isn’t as continue to bite at you in a rage.

Biting and hissing. Cursing and daring. With words and then without them. Into each other’s mouths and then with our eyes alone, we roll together on the floor. Our every muscle, every thought, every effort spent on bringing our bodies closer and closer. As our nipples dig and cunts moisten. The sounds of slaps landing ringing out again and again, the volume amplified by a thin coat of sweat which coats first our own bodies and then each other’s. Each of us certain that we will be the women who comes out on top. Not now, but in the end. hen there is only one of us left breathing

Rolling with you as we grind and fight, both of us have nothing on our minds but to end the other, to be the top bitch and finally stop all of this as we slam tits and cunts, as we claw and maul asses until the feel like they are going to burst. My hands reach up and wrap around your throat as I start to work my way to ending you, growling into your mouth in pure jealousy as all I can do is glare at you

All of it was foreplay. A feeling out. The toll that had to be paid to reach this moment. The moment we had been driving towards from the very first moment we met. A moment which like the big bang led to every word of competition, of insult, of degradation, and challenge. Disdain and dares that speed towards their forever-silence as together we slide our hands up each other’s bodies. Down each other’s backs, and then in a simultaneous moment of destiny, they tighten around each other’s necks. Both of us beginning to squeeze as we continue to drive into each other. Breast to breast. Nipple to nipple. And clit to clit. Orgasms beginning to swell within us. Orgasms not of love or attraction but of hate, obsession, and enviousness

Orgasms happening as we just grind and fight each other, pitting every part of each other against the other as I start to feel you choke me as I lose consciousness as you force me to cum as I soon black out from the lack of air and the giant orgasm as I choke you as hard as I can before I pass out

I have you! No you have me…. I have you! No you have me…. From one desperate extreme to the other do my clouding thoughts pin-pong back and forth from exaltation to despair. Not in a sadness that I might not live, but instead that I did not kill you. But then suddenly do I see it. the look in your eyes. The same look I share with you. Of weakness. Of distance. Of passing. From this state of consciousness to the next. You and I. Rivals since we first met. Choking each other into unconsciousness, just as orgasms rip through our bodies. Our juices mixing and in tiny, lip-slipping droplets entering into each other’s kittens as we pass out in each other’s arms.
The End