Chapter 01
Just the Two of Us
Sheffield, England
“First to enter the ring tonight, ladies and gentlemen, let us extend a warm welcome to a wrestler from Brrradforrrd, standing 5′ 7″ tall and weighing 135 lbs… Chrissieee Wilkinson!!!”
An athletic-looking with naturally dark blonde hair tied back in a high ponytail entered the arena wearing a straightforward royal blue Speedo swimsuit. Her racing suit was an Olympic Team GB original with a small Union Jack on her right breast. Printed just above it was the British Gas logo, though the company had no connection to the suit’s current user. On the back, “British Swimming” was printed in white, which the suit’s owner wanted to replace with “British Pro Wrestling”. The suit had been a steal she had found at a car boot sale, and one that she wore proudly to the ring when she thought it appropriate. To go with her suit, she wore blue wrestling boots with white laces, with white knee pads, and white wrist tape. She also had shiny sheer tights on. To stoke the home crowd, she had hastily stitched a Union Jack on the right side of her right boot for tonight; after all, she was facing a visitor from abroad tonight.
The striking Englishwoman with a very pert derriere pulled herself up to the ring apron and stepped through the ropes with intent. She started to warm up by throwing her arms across her chest before stretching her triceps, radiating the air of a professional athlete. She puffed up her cheeks, steadying her breathing as the crowd applauded warmly. Excited to be booked for this well-advertised match, despite not receiving any billing, she was struggling to conceal her nervousness. She had an unsettling feeling she was being served up as fodder tonight. However, if she defied the odds, this could be a huge break for her career.
“Next, joining our first contestant as her partner tonight, measuring just shy of 5′ 7″ and weighing 145 lbs, let’s welcome Ginneeee Johnssson from Eugeeene, Oregon!!!”
As the announcer spoke, a voluptuous beauty entered the arena, her honey-blonde curls reaching past her shoulders to the middle of her back. She too wore a Speedo swimsuit, a black one-piece with a stylized US flag lying on its side that ran most of the way down her right side. Although plain-looking, her suit hugged her curves like a glove. She walked in black boots with white laces and wore white wrist bands embroidered with the US flag. She too, wore shiny flesh-toned tights.
Chrissie was at first dismissive of Ginny’s look from afar, irritated that the US flag was so bleeding prominent on her suit.
Yank. Everything’s bigger in Amer—“
However, she soon caught herself staring at the beautiful blonde as she drew closer to the ring. Forgetting her worries about the match for the moment, her eyes were drawn to the Yank’s mesmerizing curves.
Those tits must be at least double Ds! Her cossie’s about to bloody burst!
Ginny, initially oblivious to this attention, climbed up to the apron and and held her right hand over her eyes as she looked out into the stands. After surveying the crowd, she blew them a kiss, getting some extra love before she entered the ring. When she finally looked at her assigned partner standing across the ring from her, she realized that the attractive English girl was studying her with wide eyes. The American’s cheeks turned slightly pink as she smiled, waving politely with the fingers on her left hand.
Embarrassed, Chrissie looked down, clearing her throat before continuing her warmup routine. Ginny grinned and exhaled before doing some stretching of her own. She, too, was looking to make an impression, and she knew she would need help from her assigned partner to do so. Swallowing hard, she decided to work up the nerve to walk across and offer her right hand to the Brit while they waited for the announcer to continue.
“Hey Chrissie, good to meet you!” Ginny tried her best to sound amiable without being too chirpy.
Chrissie smiled but struggled to find her voice at first. Clearing her throat helped disguise her initial loss of voice while she patted her chest lightly. “Ahem! I-it’s, um, n-nice to meet you, Ginny!”
“Glad to be your partner tonight!” the curvy blonde smiled, trying to reassure her stuttering partner.
“Pleasure! We’ll, um, kick ass!” nodded Chrissie, throwing out an Americanism while keeping her eyes focused on Ginny’s face. “I love your suit by the way, it’s ace!”
“Thanks!” the American beamed, thrusting her chest out, unintentionally causing the English girl to look downwards briefly and blush. “Yours is awesome too! Royal blue’s my favorite color!”
“Ladies and gentlemen, a reminder that this is a HANDICAP match, and that Chrissie and Ginny will together be facing our visitor from Jaaapan the TALLEST woman in the ring tonight—”
Their banter had helped ease their nerves, but the American and the Brit started to tense up again after hearing the announcer. Ginny’s head turned towards the black curtains that she had stepped through just a minute ago. She bit her lower lip nervously; she had heard about how tough Japanese wrestlers were despite being physically small. But tonight’s opponent was bigger than either of them.
“—standing nearly SIX feet tall, and weighing in at one hundred and fifty eight poundsss… the TITAN from TOKYOOO… Okamotooo… MARIKAAA!!!”
“Gulp!” Chrissie swallowed hard when she saw the nearly six-foot-tall Japanese lady standing in front of her. The confidence she projected earlier faded rapidly. Looking to her left, she found herself looking blankly at Ginny. Between the two of them, surely, they could stop the Japanese heel who was slated to take on them both at once. Chrissie smiled briefly at her assigned partner, biting her upper lip briefly as she tried to suppress the fear that was building inside her.
Ginny smiled back encouragingly. If she was scared, she was also doing her best to hide it. The honey blonde flashed an “okay” sign with her right hand at her partner while mouthing the words, Don’t worry, we’ve got this!
The Brit responded with a nod, and freed her upper lip as she mouthed back, Yes, we do!
Neither of the two wrestlers would admit that they were intimidated but when their opponent emerged from behind the curtains, both felt their knees quiver. This was no kawaii (adorable) idol wrestler. Marika was wearing a black cloak that reached down to her calves, her eyes hidden beneath the shade of its hood. Her shoulder-length, tea-colored tresses peeked tantalizingly out of her hood. She marched towards the ring in all-black ankle-length boots, wearing black knee pads and black wrist tape to complete her kit. Unlike her gaijin opponents, her legs were smooth but bare skinned.
Ginny started backing up towards Chrissie’s corner, unable to stop watching Marika approach. She gulped, her expression changing with each step that the Japanese wrestler took. The hooded figure was already intimidating enough from outside the ring. When she climbed up to the apron and her billed height became obvious, her opponents traded brief worried glances.
Marika slowly raised her hands to her hood and flipped it backwards. If the audience was expecting to see a monster, they were shocked by her model-like beauty. The Japanese woman’s eyelids were painted with purple eyeshadow, her brows plucked, penciled and furrowed. Her expression was fierce, her eyes narrowed and focused on her two opponents.
Chrissie could not help gulping again. Ginny squeezed her partner’s right upper arm, though it was unclear if she was doing so to encourage the English girl or to shore up her own courage.
“Stand in your corners, ladies!” the referee called out to both sides.
Marika shed her cloak, shrugging it off for a personal assistant to collect. In doing so, she revealed a visually striking purple one-piece, an attention-grabbing, figure-hugging Asics with a lightning storm design that jolted the crowd into oohing and aahing. A small Japanese flag sat above her left breast, an addition made at the request of tonight’s match organizers, not as if anyone would need the reminder.
Her electrifying outfit seemed to literally zap her opponents in the ring too. The Japanese wrestler was not only taller than both Chrissie and Ginny, but she also held the edge in visual appeal. The partners traded looks once more, and each noticed the other swallowing.
The ringing of the opening bell drew the pair’s attention back to their front. Marika was standing there, arms folded across her chest, a confident grin on her face.
“Kakatte koi na, omaetachi (Bring it on, you lot)!”
Chrissie could not understand but she got the gist of what she was saying. Turning again to look at Ginny briefly, she motioned with her head to rush the Japanese lady together.
The American nodded in agreement before taking a deep breath to calm herself and gather some courage.
“Let’s get ’er!” yelled Chrissie as she raised her left arm and rushed towards the Japanese amazon, trusting her partner to simultaneously do the same; however, Ginny found her legs initially unwilling to comply. Her moment’s hesitation meant she started from the blocks only a second later, which meant Chrissie was alone in her initial charge. Marika was able to sidestep her, using her left leg to surprise the dark blonde.
“Whot th—???“
The Englishwoman found herself stumbling headlong towards the ropes after missing with her attempted forearm smash and tripping over Marika’s boot. She grabbed frantically at the top rope as she tried to stop herself from going over the top.
Meanwhile, Ginny, her right arm raised, was getting ready to attack the smirking Marika. She had just watched the Japanese wrestler sidestep Chrissie with ease and decided to try and take her down herself. The American, however, suddenly found herself stopped in her tracks by a solid knee to her abdomen. She gasped as the wind was knocked out of her, her tongue darting out of her gaping mouth. Her mane flipped over her lowered head as she doubled over. Her arms wrapped around her middle on reflex but before she could even emit a groan, she was jerked upright by her hair. The pain from her scalp was so acute she was forced to tiptoe to try and relieve some of the tension. She reached up for her attacker’s hand, hoping to get a grip on it as she let out a whimper.
“H-help! L-leggoame!!!”
Chrissie had barely managed to stop herself from flipping over the top rope and spilling on to the concrete floor below. Just barely. Untangling herself from the ropes, she turned around, hoping to find Marika and Ginny locked up and tussling for advantage. That meant an opportunity to make use of their numerical superiority over the Japanese heel.
“’ang on, Gin—”
The lass from West Yorkshire groaned as she found herself pressed against the stiff ropes, unable to do anything else. Chrissie’s arms went over the top rope as the weight and curves of the full-bodied Yank pressed against her, pancaking her boobs and knocking the wind out of her lungs. The blonde’s knees gave way and her body started to slide downwards. The English girl stayed upright only because her arms were tied up between the top and middle ropes.
“Ohhhh…. sh—” Chrissie moaned, opening her eyes to an unwelcome sight. Marika was standing in front of her, pulling Ginny up by her honey blonde curls and the straps on the back of her swimsuit.
The Brit’s eyes widened in fear and she gulped, hard.
The Japanese giant sneered. She sank both hands into Ginny’s mane, and with one forceful jerk, tossed the dazed blonde across the ring as if she were a bag of rubbish. After making a full spin as she sailed through the air, the girl from Eugene landed on her chest and face near the opposite corner.
The ring trembled from the force of Ginny’s landing. Meanwhile, Marika casually turned her attention back to Chrissie. The crowd booed loudly but the heel did not react; she was confident in her complete control of the situation. Slowly raising her right arm as she stood before the trapped Englishwoman, she paused for a moment, relishing the look of terror in the dark blonde’s eyes.
The Bradford native howled a split-second after Marika’s hand slashed downwards across her sternum. Her breasts bounced briefly inside her blue suit as she lurched against the ropes, her body arching back while her feet arched upwards, pushing up against her toes. The stinging pain from the chest slap was intense but it was hardly the end of her torture. Marika waited for Chrissie to rebound and fall back down on her heels, her head now hanging forward as her chin lowered itself towards her chest.
“Bloody ‘ell…” the Englishwoman groaned in agony. Moments later, her body was rocked by Marika burying her left fist in her abdomen. Spittle spewed from her lips, dripping down her chin. She uttered a low groan as her attacker drilled her fist into her belly for visual effect.
Chrissie’s eyes were open wide, as was her mouth. She gasped for breath but found it difficult to suck in any air at all. Her butt was thrust outwards between the middle and bottom ropes as she knees buckled. Hunched over and sputtering, her arms remained tied up in the ropes. The Bradford native could not stop her attacker from kicking her mercilessly in the same spot she had punched moments ago.
Spittle sprayed forth from between Chrissie’s lips as she doubled over. Her knees buckled and her body sank towards the mat. Her head rolled and fell forward as she hung from the ropes by her trapped arms.
“Shit…” she gasped in shock and in agony. The bitter taste of bile crept up the back of her throat. “Bloody ‘ell…”
“Yare yare, omaetachi (Well, well, you two).”
Marika smirked, punching her right fist into her left palm before declaring tersely, “Soredake ka (Is that all you’ve got)?”
The boards shuddered under Chrissie’s feet even as Marika drew her right arm back, her fist poised to drill into the Brit’s belly once more.
“Stop that, you big bullee!!!”
The imposing heel was suddenly knocked aside. The mat shuddered from bodies landing on it, boards creaking and trembling beneath the canvas.
“Hey, are you okay???”
Chrissie tried to look up as she felt her arms being freed from the ropes.
“C’mon, she’s getting up already!”
Free of her restraints at last, the Bradford girl found herself on her hands and knees, still gasping, drops of spit falling from her open mouth. She knew she had to get up. She saw her partner’s boots backing away from her and started to push herself up through sheer force of will. The hairs on the back of her neck stood as her sense of danger tingled.
The beast was approaching.
Chrissie looked up to see Ginny doubled over, arms wrapped around her belly as she staggered backwards. Her partner’s face wore an expression of fear and shock. The Japanese heel quickly closed the distance before jerking the American forward by her curls. Marika encircled the hunched over Ginny’s waist with both arms. Without hesitation, and with little apparent effort, she pulled the curvy blonde into the air as if she were going for a gutwrench suplex. When Ginny’s butt landed on her right shoulder, however, the amazon suddenly dropped to her right knee and executed a gutbuster instead, punishing the gaijin by landing her tummy-first on her left knee.
The American felt her breath exit her lungs after the impact. Her arms and legs went slack. Marika rolled Ginny off her knee and on to the canvas like a broken doll. The suffering blonde lay by the edge of the ring on her left side, curled up in pain.
Winded and hurting, Ginny struggled to push herself up from the mat. Marika gave her some extra motivation using her mane, forcing the American to use the ropes to help relieve the tension on her scalp. After being compelled to stand, Ginny was quickly doubled over again with a solid punch to her gut. Spittle spewed from her lips and she was left gasping wretchedly for breath. The Oregonian was now wide open for a front facelock by the Japanese heel. The latter used her left arm to trap the curvy blonde’s head before slipping her right hand inside the left leghole of her swimsuit.
“Ikuzo (Let’s go!)!”
Bending her knees, Marika lifted Ginny from the mat, not high enough for a suplex, but the crowd quickly realized why: DDT. The heel drove her victim head-first into the mat with such apparent force that the blonde’s 145-pound body flipped over and crashed to the mat like a sack of potatoes.
The crowd was stunned by the perfectly executed implant DDT. The American wrestler was devastated. She lay flat on her back, her eyes closed under her honey blonde curls that were strewn messily about. Her generous bosom heaved with each labored breath, the US flag on her right side rising and falling. Ginny’s limbs, however, were completely still.
Her partner was struck dumb. The Englishwoman guessed what the heel intended to do next and urged her battered body up and into action. Marika had risen to her full height and was in the process of turning around to find Chrissie. Although she was still hurting from the beating she received earlier, the Brit lunged at the Japanese giant without holding back. Taking to the air, she slammed her right forearm into Marika’s collarbone, knocking the bigger girl back.
The impact was satisfying. A grin formed on Chrissie’s face as her feet touched down on the canvas.
Got ya, ya daft cow!
Although Marika was knocked backwards, she did not go down. Instead, she regained her balance within a few steps. The grin on Chrissie’s face gave way to a look of nervousness. The Brit charged forwards and leaped into the air, this time to drive her knee into the Japanese wrestler’s abs. The taller Marika, however, blocked the knee with her right arm, lessening its impact.
Oh bugger… Chrissie, you twit!
The Englishwoman cursed silently as she found herself enveloped by the left arm of her larger opponent, carried by her forward momentum into her deadly embrace. Before she could slip free, Marika brought her forehead crashing down against Chrissie’s.
The Bradford blonde was seeing stars and was swiftly gathered up by her taller opponent in a sensual looking yet undeniably brutal bearhug. Marika’s arms were crossed behind her back, applying painful pressure to her lower back and spine. Chrissie’s upper half leaned over her attacker’s left shoulder. She was swung about like a doll, legs dangling above the mat, as Marika demonstrated her power advantage over the English girl. The captive Englishwoman screamed every time her captor stopped to squeeze her body between her arms, a victim of the brutally efficient bearhug.
Fighting to stay lucid, Chrissie knew she was being worn down, fast. Her arms were free to move, though. Gritting her teeth, she swung her left arm to her right, and fired her left elbow into Marika’s skull.
The Japanese wrestler barely reacted to the blow. When Chrissie fired a second, and a third elbow at her. Marika seemed more irritated than anything, but a fourth, determined shot seemed to rock her for real. The bearhug started to weaken. Cracks were forming. After a fifth elbow to the top of the amazon’s skull, Chrissie’s feet found their way down to the mat. Emboldened by her success, the Englishwoman raised her right fist and threw herself recklessly at Marika, swinging her arm forward to try and take the Tokyo Titan down with a lariat.
Miss Demeanour’s eyes opened wide. Her arm had not made the contact she was expecting.
Where’d she go???
She stopped in her tracks, nearly stumbling, and turned around, panic starting to build.
Chrissie found herself flat on her back, feet in the air, her collarbone burning.
“Namenaideyo, omae (Don’t underestimate me, you)!” she heard Marika bark at her.
The English girl expected a follow-up but none came at first.
“Nani (What the)—?” Marika yelped.
“Kono yarou (You bitch)!” growled the heel in anger, holding the back of her right knee, where she had been kicked repeatedly.
Chrissie winced as she tried to push herself up to a sitting position. Looking up, she saw Ginny looking down at her with a terrified expression, partly obscured by her honey blonde tresses. The California girl was being held aloft at an angle by the Japanese heel, whose left arm was curled around her throat. Meanwhile, Marika’s right hand gripped Ginny’s black-clad groin provocatively, and the audience drooled in delight.
“Look out!!!” Ginny squealed at her partner, her cheeks burning red with embarrassment as her attacker thumbed her kitty through her swimsuit.
All Chrissie could see, however, was her partner about to crash on top of her.
Which she did, in the next instant. The voluptuous blonde landed on top of her partner’s tummy with such forceful impact that Chrissie’s athletic body was instantly bent into a sharp V. When the pair’s flailing arms and legs settled back down to the mat, the stunned audience could saw their battered bodies form a sweaty cross on the canvas. Some in the crowd gasped audibly, some were awed into silence, while others screamed excitedly, eager for more sexy destruction.
“Ohhh… gawd…” Ginny moaned. The Oregonian found herself being dragged up, first by her hair, later by the chest of her swimsuit as well. The painful recoil of the spandex against her chest served as a distraction; before she knew it, she was being held aloft again. Marika’s right hand was squeezing her sumptuous ass this time while her left hand pressed tight against Ginny’s back.
“H-hey—” the blonde blurted out in panic, “—p-put me down!!!”
“Daun (Down)?” asked the Tokyo Titan.
Ginny regretted her excited utterance that almost immediately as she was turned into a deadly human projectile.
“Ja, daun ni ikou (Down you go)!”
Chrissie, who had been groaning and struggling to move, was flattened once again beneath Ginny. Havin delivered her punitive payload, Marika dusted her hands off to emphasize the ease with which she had obliterated her two opponents before casually parking her right foot on the semi-conscious American’s soft tummy to add insult to injury. The Japanese heel flexed both her arms and grinned at the audience, her right eye partly obscured by her brown hair.
“Kawaisouna (Pitiful),” sneered Marika. The heel allowing the crowd to boo her before slowly lifting her black boot from Ginny’s belly. She sneered at the fools who thought they could influence her while letting her foot hang in the air for a moment. In the next instant, she brought her boot heel down, delivering a savage stomp that caused the blonde’s arms and legs to fly jerkily into the air as if she was having a spasm. The American proceeded to roll off her partner and on to the mat, arms wrapped around her hurting tummy as she lay on her left side.
The English girl curled up into a fetal position as she rolled away from Ginny, groaning as she did so. Lying on her left side after doing so, she felt fingers slipping inside her swimsuit where it dipped just below the small of her back. She felt the seat of her swimsuit crawl up her bum between her buttocks while her scalp burned as her head was lifted by the hair.
“For fuck’s sakes… ssstop… stoppp!!!” Chrissie whimpered in protest as she was “helped” to her feet. Still groggy, she tried to reach for the ropes to relieve the tension on her scalp, struggling to find her footing at first. A strong jerk on her suit by Marika provided extra motivation by wedging its seat further up her bum crack. The English girl yelped, reaching back with her right hand to pick at the wedgie. She tried to throw her left elbow into her assailant’s abdomen but her attempted counter only drew a slight grunt.
Chrissie gulped, realizing the soup she was in.
“Nasakenai (Pathetic)!”
Marika grabbed her arm, pushed it upwards, and ducked her head under it while throwing her long right arm around the smaller girl’s back to grip the right side of her torso. The Japanese giant bent forward to grab the back of Chrissie’s right knee, keeping her distracted with a grab of her right breast. The Englishwoman gasped as she was lifted effortlessly from the mat and paraded like a new bride being lifted by her groom.
Marika swiftly dispelled the illusion when she lowered herself to the canvas on her left knee. At the same time, she lowered her opponent’s body suddenly, breaking Chrissie’s back- across her right knee.
The Brit howled loudly in pain following the vicious belly-to-back backbreaker. She felt as if her body had been snapped in two. As the spectators watching from the stands reacted, Chrissie was dumped on the mat as if she were a broken doll. Lying prone on the canvas, her face turned to the right, she choked back the sobs welling up in her throat. Her left arm clutched at her injured back as she groaned, wearing an expression of pure agony that was obscured by her outstretched right arm.
The Japanese heel sneered before turning around to find the American again. Once more, she dragged the groggy blonde to her feet, this time by her hair and her left arm. Ginny offered no resistance as Marika slung her towards the opposite corner of the ring. The Oregonian ran straight into the turnbuckles like a locomotive heading into a wall. Her chest rammed painfully into the top turnbuckle at full speed, and the impact left her hanging from the top rope with both arms draped over it as her knees buckled.
Laughing in contempt, Marika gestured first at the slumping American and later, at the crumpled Brit with a dismissive sweep. “Muda da (Useless). Mattaku chousen wa nai ne (No challenge at all),” she exclaimed subsequently, seemingly exasperated at the standard of her competition.
Ginny struggled to support herself, she finally turned around, leaning against the turnbuckles as she tried to find her bearings.
It was Chrissie’s turn now to be a human projectile. Marika had dragged her to her feet and sent her trundling across the ring, headed straight for her partner. The lean, athletic Brit smashed into the American’s voluptuous frame with a resounding smack, pancaking her 35DDs momentarily under her suit. Winded by the impact, the English girl leaned against her dazed partner, unable to find her footing.
Marika had raised her hands to applaud mockingly, as if she were stirring up the crowd. Some did clap with her but she knew the crowd was against her. She didn’t care; she lined up the Chrissie/Ginny sandwich in her sights and charged straight at them, using her 160 pounds to batter the two gaijin with a ferocious corner body splash. The Brit and the Yank squealed in unison as they were rocked against the corner; Chrissie’s body bore the brunt of the impact from Marika’s but Ginny’s back was slammed against the turnbuckles behind her.
A quick tug on her ponytail sent Chrissie falling to the mat on her back with a thump against the back of her skull. As the Brit lay on the canvas, grabbing at the back of her head, curling up into a fetal position, Marika clobbered Ginny on the left side of the Yank’s skull with a strong right forearm. The shot to her noggin sent Ginny staggering along the ropes out of the corner and made her easy prey for an Irish whip to the opposite side. The dazed Oregonian, functioning mostly on muscle memory, managed to turn and lean into the ropes for the rebound; however, that was exactly what her Japanese opponent was counting on.
Ginny had been brought to a halt and knocked flat on her back by the immoveable object in front of her. The ring shuddered from the impact as the crowd groaned loudly in disappointment.
Marika grinned after delivering the apparently effortless shoulder tackle. Again, she dusted her hands to emphasize the ease with which she had tamed both of the women challenging her tonight. The boos hurled at her from the stands ricocheted harmlessly off her glistening skin.
As the chorus of boos died away, Marika spied Miss Demeanour on her knees and “helped” the Brit up by her ponytail. Wincing and whimpering, Chrissie was motivated to get up faster. Once on her feet, she felt Marika’s hand shift to the hair on the top of her head while another hand gripped her left shoulder, turning her about. She was about to be on the receiving end of yet another beating.
I’m… not… your… bloody…
The English girl found her temper. Clenching her teeth, she drew her right hand back and gathered its fingers into a fist that she drove straight into Marika’s abs. Her punch struck the bigger Japanese girl just below her navel.
Marika’s eyes opened wide in shock from the critical hit before shutting in reaction to the pain. Her mouth gaping, she uttered a single word as she doubled over.
“Itai (Painful)…”
Chrissie didn’t care what that word meant. She could tell she had done some damage. The Japanese girl had let go of her hair and her grip on Chrissie’s shoulder had weakened. Emboldened, the latter drew her right hand back for another punch. The Brit aimed higher this time, hitting the heel in her solar plexus and knocking the breath out of her lungs.
Marika’s arms were wrapped weakly around her body to try and protect against further punches. Chrissie saw an opening and took full advantage, swinging her right elbow up to clip the Japanese giant’s chin. The Euro uppercut snapped Marika’s head backwards in a billow of tea-colored tresses. Her arms flopped upwards as she staggered backwards, in danger of toppling over. Still, the amazon did not fall.
Chrissie was counting on her not to.
Using both hands to grab the heel’s right arm, the English girl turned around and slammed her ass into Marika’s tummy, winding her further as she pulled down on that arm as hard as she could. The crowd went berserk as she managed to throw the bigger woman over her shoulder.
“Mind if I join?”
Chrissie looked up to see Ginny winking at her.
“Help yourself!”
The American eagerly landed an elbow drop on the Japanese heel’s wide open belly, jackknifing the amazon. Chrissie wasted no time following up. She was being fueled by a serious rush of adrenaline. Taking a seat behind Marika, she pulled the Japanese woman down by her shoulders and threw her legs over them to catch her in a figure four headscissors.
Marika was slow to react to the Brit’s headscissors. Her situation was made worse when her long, toned legs were captured by the American. “Yamero (Stop)!” she barked, holding out her right hand.
Ginny acted swiftly, slapping a figure four leglock on the amazon. Chrissie halted further protests by tightening her headscissors.
“Yarareta (They’ve got me)!” Marika gasped as she slapped and pawed at Chrissie’s legs while Ginny punished her right leg. For the first time in the match, the Japanese heel looked like she was genuinely in trouble.
“Tight enough for you, slag?” Chrissie taunted as she used her left leg to compress Marika’s neck and throat. The English girl was getting a kick out of punishing the Japanese giant. The back of her victim’s head was resting against her crotch and rubbed against it inadvertently.
So this is why those heels love putting me in this hold!
“How’s that leg feel, you bitch?” Ginny added with a snarl as she pressed Marika’s crossed left leg down on her right shin,
“Urusai (Shut up)!”
Chrissie guessed what Marika was saying from her expression. She leaned forward and reached for the Japanese woman’s right nipple, pulling on it through her swimsuit, briefly but savagely. She earned a satisfying yelp from her opponent before reapplying her headscissors with intent, patting her right cheek condescendingly.
“That’s what I thought, you cow!”
Meanwhile, Ginny added her own insult to injury by easing her leglock briefly to use the tip of her left boot to press on Marika’s purple-clad crotch.
“NO!” yelled the heel in protest while pushing at Ginny’s boot. The blonde flashed her partner a wink after resuming her leglock in earnest. She was not feeling charitable at all towards their opponent.
“That’s what you get for feeling me up earlier!”
Now that the match was in their favor, both Chrissie and Ginny were having a ball. It felt awesome double teaming this bad girl, making use of their numerical advantage to give her some well-deserved payback. The referee had not even said a word after they had both subtly taken advantage of the Japanese heel, either feeling sympathetic or acting oblivious.
“Tap out time!” Chrissie remarked sarcastically before tightening her headscissors.
“Yeah, submit already!” Ginny chimed in, tightening her leglock.
“Zettai….akira…menai (I will… never give… up)!!!” declared Marika fiercely, despite the fact that the headscissors made it hard for her to vocalize her discontent.
The referee, guessing what the Japanese wrestler meant, watched with intent as the British and American girls continued to work their opponent. Marika thrashed and flailed with her arms, unable to free herself.
Angered by her victim’s stubbornness, the Bradford native growled, “Don’t think she’s ‘ad enough!” Her blue suit was soaking up sweat along the neckline and under her chest, her skin glistening as she perspired. Her nipples were visibly stiff under her suit; she was enjoying being in control, enjoying the rubbing of Marika’s head against her pussy, and enjoying the sight of her attractive partner punishing the Japanese heel in tandem with her.
Ginny, oblivious to her partner’s aroused state, voiced her agreement, “I think you’re right about that!” She was sweating from the exertion too after pushing herself up with both hands to increase the tension on Marika’s crossed right leg “Guess we’ll have to do something more to convince this bitch!”
“Hanase (Let go)!!! Futari hanase yo (Let go, the two of you)!!!” the trapped heel demanded, embarrassed to find herself in a pinch.
“Oi, you don’t get to make demands!” snarled Chrissie in reply. She winked at her partner to signal her intention to release her hold and make a transition. Ginny, who had dropped her butt to the mat to rest, nodded subtly to signal her acknowledgement of this unspoken plan. She pushed herself up with her to amp up the pressure from her figure four leglock again. Simultaneously, Chrissie tightened figure four her headlock.
Marika, grimacing from the pain, slapped at Chrissie’s legs again while pushing on Ginny’s left boot. She was surprised when suddenly, both her attackers eased up on their holds.
“Get up you!”
“Yeah! C’mon, up, up, up!”
The gaijin duo each had a grip on one of Marika’s arms while at the same time, pulling on either her hair or her suit. Together, they hauled their Japanese opponent to her feet. Chrissie kneed her in the belly first before Ginny did the same to keep her pliable and easy to control. When the Englishwoman draped Marika’s left arm over her neck, Ginny quickly followed suit with her right arm. The partners slid a hand inside each of her leg holes and secured a good grip on the amazon’s purple swimsuit. They intended to double team the bigger girl with a tandem vertical suplex.
“Let’s do it!” quipped the American.
“Let’s!” answered the Brit.
Together, they attempted to pull the Japanese heel up into the air in a vertical position. Marika, however, refused to make it easy. Kicking wildly, she managed to stop the pair from tipping her over the vertical. After her feet landed back on the canvas, she locked her arms around the necks of both her attackers.
“Mada mada (I’m not done yet)!”
Oh no! Ginny panicked.
Shit!!! Chrissie’s eyes widened in realization.
An instant later, Marika fell backwards, pulling both girls into the mat with a double DDT.
The pair rolled over after their faces had been planted into the mat. Both lay groaning on their backs, seeing stars as they grabbed at their foreheads. Moments later, Marika unleashed a follow up.
Marika had just landed a leg drop across the belly of the two partners as they lay side by side.
Chrissie stayed on her back, legs folded up as she hugged her belly. Ginny, lying to her right, rolled over until she was face down. A big stomp to her back drew a big yelp from Ginny and left her close to tears.
Marika proceeded to deal with the English girl who had dared to give her trouble.
“Tate, kono yarou (Stand up, you bastard)!” Chrissie heard the Japanese heel bark at her as her scalp burned. Marika was pulling her up by the hair with vengeful intent; Chrissie was desperate to relieve the tension on her scalp, grabbing at her assailant’s wrists while trying to find her footing on the canvas.
“L-let me go!!!” pleaded the English girl with her attacker.
Mercy, however, was not forthcoming from the Tokyo Titan.
“GUHHH!!!” sputtered the Bradford native, spittle spewing from her lips after a vicious knee to the belly, so violent that her feet departed the canvas. Her right arm wrapped protectively around her bruised belly while her left arm flailed about. A nasty tug on her hair forced her painfully upright.
“P-please! S-ssstop!” she whimpered as Marika dragged her along by her ponytail towards the nearest corner. Her feet could hardly keep up, and the last thing she wanted was for her scalp to be ripped off in case she fell.
Chrissie’s hands flew up to cover her forehead. Marika, grinning devilishly, had just introduced her face to the top turnbuckle.
“Sonnani kawaii kao (What a cute face you’ve got)…”
“Minikuku shimashou (Let’s rearrange that face).”
After the sixth facesmash, Chrissie was left seeing stars, her eyes going up into the back of her head while she started to drool. Both her arms were draped over the top rope, and her rubbery legs could hardly support her weight.
“Itaino (Does it hurt)?”
Marika had spent considerable time punishing the Englishwoman while ignoring Ginny.
The American had gotten up in the meantime and rushed to help her partner. The next moment, however, she found herself the victim of a hard right elbow to her chin that she hadn’t even seen coming.
Up went Ginny’s chin in a wild spray of honey blonde hair and spit.
Down the curvy blonde went to the mat while her boots flew high into the air.
Chrissie turned about just in time to receive a backhanded chop from Marika’s right arm across her collarbone.
“ARGHHH!!!” the English girl cried out as her body was rocked violently by the blow.
The leggy heel from Japan sneered as she took a step back. She was not done with the petulant gaijin yet.
“Kore wo kue, kusoyarou (Eat this, you impertinent whelp)!” she yelled as she prepared to deliver a big backhand across Chrissie’s breasts.
“AIEEE!!!” The Briton’s face turned red as a beet. Tears were on the verge of streaming from her eyes. She clutched her chest, cradling her boobs gingerly. Her right arm was anchored weakly to the top rope as she sought support to stay on her feet. Her head was jerked backwards as Marika tugged on her hair, forcing the Brit to look into her eyes.
Chrissie was petrified. She did not feel Marika’s hand on her left breast at first.
“Kimochi iin jan (Feels good doesn’t it),” the Japanese heel purred, an evil grin on her face as she fondled the gaijin’s orb through her suit.
The British girl was stunned by her opponent’s audacity. Her mouth and eyes both opened wide. All she could do was whimper.
“N-no… stop that…”
“Paatonaa yori chiisai kedo, sukinanda (Smaller than your partner’s, but I still like it),” Marika sneered, helping herself to some more, squeezing the soft fatty tissue in her hand, while palming the hardened nipple in the center.
“P-please…” Chrissie’s mind was reeling. She wanted this humiliation to stop but at the same time, part of her wanted Marika to keep going.
“Saki wa tanoshiindeita ne (You were enjoying yourself earlier at my expense). Ima, ore no ban da (My turn now).” The pained expression on Chrissie’s face only increased Marika’s enjoyment. She abruptly adjusted her grip on Chrissie’s breast. Now she was pinching the hardened nipple, and in the next moment, she was twisting it, savagely.
A high-pitched shriek filled the arena.
Payback was indeed a bitch, as the Yanks liked to say.
Marika released Chrissie’s tortured teat, patting it gently as if nothing had happened. From there, the heel’s right hand moved upwards to grip her face like iron, squeezing her cheeks together. The Japanese woman studied her victim’s expression of agony, noticing the tracks left by dried tears. She could see the fear in her brown eyes when they fluttered open.
“Hey bitch! Eat THIS!!!”
Marika had heard Ginny’s approach even before the blonde had launched herself into the air. She stepped casually to her left, allowing the American’s front dropkick to miss. Instead, Ginny’s boots slammed into her partner’s chest, flattening Chrissie’s boobs under her suit before sending her crashing back-first against the turnbuckles.
Groans arose from the stands as the audience made known their disappointed. Ginny picked herself up as quickly as she could, her right hand over her mouth, her eyes wide with horror. Still processing what she had just done, she suddenly let out a loud yelp as she was jerked backwards by her hair and subject to an inverted facelock that forced her to bend backwards while jutting her ample chest outwards against the constraints of her suit. Her arms flapped about helplessly as Marika held her head using her left arm. Meanwhile, the heel’s right hand slipped inside the back of the curvy blonde’s swimsuit to get a good grip on the smooth spandex. Knees bent, the taller Japanese wrestler proceeded to arch backwards, pulling Ginny off her feet in an effortless inverted suplex.
Ginny landed on her front, her chest taking a good deal of the impact. She squealed in pain, rolling over on to her back. Her cries of pain grew even louder when she was punished by Chrissie’s body landing on her moments later, her partner having been the victim of a casual but efficient snap mare.
Marika was not just formidable. She seemed well-nigh unstoppable.
The Japanese amazon held the dazed and suffering pair by the hair, one on each side of her. She wanted not to simply defeat them but to humiliate them. She toyed with the idea of slamming their foreheads together before making them mock kiss in front of the audience.
But Ginny and Chrissie managed to stop themselves from colliding, barely, their hands meeting at the last moment. They traded smiles briefly before turning towards their enemy together. Each drove a fist into her belly with as much force as she could muster.
The simultaneous punches actually halted the Tokyo Titan. Not only that, but they caused the heel to double over and to let go of their hair. Together, they punished her stomach once more with a simultaneous punch. She groaned in pain this time, which goaded the pair into punching her once more.
“We’re… not done yet… you bully!” Ginny yelled as she threw her right arm over Marika’s neck, applying a tight front facelock on the hunched-over heel. She was worn down but not ready to give up the fight yet.
“Yep… we’re just… getting started!” Chrissie paused to catch her breath before raising her left knee into Marika’s purple-clad gut.
“Shin… shinjirarenai… (I don’t believe it)!” the heel sputtered, out of breath after suffering six punches in a row to her taut abs.
The Brit quickly climbed up to the top turnbuckle as the American moved their opponent two steps back, opening her back up to a punishing elbow drop that sent the giant down to her hands and knees. Marika grimaced, grabbing at her aching back with her right hand. Ginny was quick to grab her right arm with both hands, while Chrissie secured her left arm; the two partners quickly put the kneeling Amazon into a surfboard hold together, stretching her arms outwards and back while parking a foot each on her head.
“Hanase, omaetachi (Let go of me, you two)!!!” snarled the Japanese wrestler in a low, threatening voice. Baring her clenched teeth, her eyes flitted left and right at the weaklings who were double-teaming her.
“I think she wants us to let go!” Chrissie grinned at her partner.
“Ha! I bet she does!” Ginny grinned back.
Easing up on the surfboard, the duo continued to hold on to their opponent’s arms but moved in front of her. Chrissie struck the Japanese woman first with her right foot, kicking her in the midsection just above where her navel ought to be. Ginny quickly followed with a front kick using her left foot, striking her target just below the navel.
Marika was in shock and agony. She gasped for breath, trying to double up on reflex, but kept on her knees by her opponents.
Battered but ecstatic that they had turned the tables, Chrissie and Ginny both snagged a handful of Marika’s tea-colored hair while holding on to her arms.
“Get up, slag!”
“Yeah, on your feet!”
Together, they hauled the Amazon to her feet. What they did not count on was Marika suddenly pulling both arms free of their grasp.
She immediately drilled her elbows into their abs, doubling the partners over. While they were still gasping for breath, the Japanese wrestler caught them both in a three-quarter facelock on either side of her head. Camera flashes went off, capturing the three girls with their faces lined up in a row but Marika wasn’t in the mood to pose. She quickly dropped to her seat, pulling Chrissie’s and Ginny’s jaws into her shoulders for a dual jawbreaker.
Ginny was left on her knees for a few seconds as her eyes rolled upwards into the back of her skull. She toppled backwards like a felled tree, folding over at the knees with her arms spread outwards. Chrissie was on her knees for a similar length of time, swaying left and right before toppling over to her right side, away from her partner.
“Amai na (So naïve),” Marika muttered under her breath. “Kimitachini makerukoto ga hyakunen hayaii deshou (You actually thought I would lose to the likes of you)?”
The Japanese heel quickly got up on one knee, surveyed the carnage she had just wrought, and got to her feet. She hauled Ginny up by her hair, staying behind the curvy blonde. Turning to present her right shoulder to the American’s back, she proceeded to reach over with her left hand for Ginny’s chin. The blonde quickly found herself mounted across Marika’s shoulders, the victim of a torturous Argentine backbreaker.
The voluptuous Ginny’s screams were pure music to Marika’s ears, who slowly swayed from side to side, shifting her hips in a sensual dance as she showed off both her strength and her opponent’s body. Every once in a while, she popped the wailing blonde upwards briefly to hurt the latter’s back even further and show off her own strength. Well aware that cameras were capturing the sight of Ginny’s curves being stretched out across her shoulders, the Japanese heel decided to give them a sight worth capturing. She pulled down on the American’s chin with her left hand while caressing the inside of the blonde’s hosed left thigh with her right hand. After a few such caresses, Marika shifted her hand to grope her hapless victim’s black-clad groin.
Chrissie, still lying on her left side on the canvas, started to stir. Her partner’s screams had begun to register at last. She did not realize, however, that Ginny was perched on Marika’s shoulders right behind her.
Giving Ginny’s kitty one last squeeze, Marika grinned as she plotted her next move. Shifting her right hand to the back of Da Bomb’s right knee, she lifted the blonde’s thick body high into the air, flipping her victim over before spreading her own legs out in a V. In the process, Marika brought Ginny crashing down on top of her partner’s body with a perfectly executed Argentine sitout facebuster. The signature finisher of the Tokyo Titan had totaled both her adversaries. Ginny and Chrissie lay face down in a messy pile, with the former’s lower half draped across the latter’s back.
Marika, towering over the devastated duo, dusted her hands off once more to a chorus of boos. She glowered at the referee before using her feet to roll Ginny off Chrissie on to her back. The bigger blonde was unconscious but her partner was still lucid and started to push herself up.
She would receive zero respite.
As soon as she got up on her hands and knees, the English girl found her head scissored by a pair of toned thighs. She tried to pry them apart but failed, miserably. She felt Marika’s arms wrap around her stomach, and the heel’s warm pussy press against the back of her head.
A big pull on her midsection followed and she was now being held aloft, perched perilously on the Japanese heel’s shoulders, holding on to those same shoulders to keep herself from falling off. Marika blew a kiss at Chrissie’s crotch, teasing the Brit before falling forward.
The Brit was brought down on top of her American partner with such destructive force that their arms and legs flapped every which way into the air. Marika, kneeling after the falling powerbomb, casually rolled the Chrissie up into a matchbook on top of the flaccid, unconscious Ginny. The Japanese heel smiled in satisfaction as she sat down on the Englishwoman’s upturned rear with folded arms, making sure to press her crotch against Chrissie’s.
“Iinjan, makeinutachi (Isn’t this great, losers)?” cooed Marika, seated upon her sexy throne. At the bottom of the literal pile, Ginny moaned softly; her partner’s head lay between her DD-cup breasts. At the same time, the American’s head was framed by Chrissie’s boots. Their decimation had been so humiliatingly complete yet so utterly arousing that more than one audience member had to refrain from touching themselves.
Shaking herself back to the present after watching the devastation unfold before with her jaw hanging, the referee quickly dove to the mat to start the three count.
Marika giggled as she teased the barely conscious Chrissie, rubbing her kitty subtly against the defeated Brit’s.
“Kimochi ii ne (Feels good).”
“Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this contest… she who has singlehandedly demolished NOT one but TWO wrestlers tonight…. the TITAN from TOKYOOO… Okamotooo… MARIKAAA!!!”
Marika stood up, raising her arms in triumph all on her own. The ref looked nervous and offered no opposition as the Japanese heel proceeded to circle her vanquished opponents slowly like a cat deciding how to finish off its prey. After a full circle, she stopped to pat Chrissie’s ass in full view of the stands. Licking her lips with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, Marika proceeded to run her palm down to the Brit’s pussy. The crotch of Chrissie’s suit clung tight to her labia.
“Mada neteiru no (Still asleep)?” laughed the amazon as she teased her defeated opponent.
“Uhhh… nuhhh…” Chrissie moaned softly, her eyes still closed. She barely reacted to Marika’s touch, even when her middle index finger pushed the blue lycra covering her slit inwards.
“Omoshirokunai ne (You’re no fun),” Marika pouted, disappointed that the Brit was unresponsive. Increasing the pressure, she pushed against the stretchy material that guarded Chrissie’s kitty until she could feel its warm, moist interior through the lycra. “Kimochi ii deshou (I’m sure that feels nice, doesn’t it)?”
“Ohhh…” Chrissie moaned some more though she did not stir.
The ref was astounded as she watched Marika. “H-Hey, stop that!”
The Japanese heel pouted at the referee before giggling. Her lips forming an evil smile, she withdrew her hand slowly before delivering a resounding slap to Chrissie’s bottom. The matchbooked English girl toppled off her partner’s flattened body and ended up face down on the canvas, a crumpled, sweaty mess.
Marika flexed both her arms as she posed for the audience over the defeated pair, her boot on Ginny’s sternum. The spread-eagled blonde failed to stir, her sweat-covered face turned to the right, the rising and falling of her chest the only sign of life left in her.
The Westerners had been beaten black and blue. Completely demolished. Utterly annihilated. Totally destroyed. Both were far away in dreamland. Neither looked like they might be able to walk out of the ring on their own anytime soon.
After a few dozen camera flashes had gone off, Marika turned about and made her exit, stepping through the ropes to stand on the ring apron. She turned her head, raising the middle finger she had molested Chrissie with earlier in a vulgar sign directed at the demolished duo.
“Oyasumi, yowamushi tachi (Goodnight, weaklings).”
She licked the same middle finger playfully after wagging it to both taunt and rile the crowd, savoring the taste before descending to the arena floor.
Chrissie’s head was pounding. The light peeking in through her half-open eyes hurt her head even more. She groaned as she closed her eyes once more and touched her forehead gingerly with her left hand. When she reopened them, she looked to her right and saw Ginny lying on a gurney just as she was. The battered American did not stir. Still, she looked sumptuous covered in damp black spandex, even if they both felt like utter shit right now.
Out of concern for her partner, Chrissie reached for her left hand, and squeezed it. In the back of her mind, the Bradford girl started to hear an old song by Bill Withers.
Just the two of us
We can make it if we try
Just the two of us
(Just the two of us)
Just the two of us
Building castles in the sky
Just the two of us
You and I
Smiling faintly, the Englishwoman closed her eyes again and drifted off to sleep in her clammy sweat-drenched swimsuit. Despite the loss, she was filled with an inexplicable sense of satisfaction, and of hope.
Next time… we’ll come out on top. Next… time…
The End