AnubisX’s Stories
About the Author
Welcome to this little corner of the fantastic Rival’s Rapture blog. I am AnubisX, a Spanish writer and artist who is dedicated to creating feminine rivalries in all their forms.
I still remember how it all started. I was nine or ten years old when I saw on TV a scene where two bikers fought in a dirty alley, with iron chains, knives and fists. That scene fascinated me, remaining etched in my mind. From that moment on, I was always on the lookout for any catfight I could see in a movie, in a TV series, in a book, on the internet. I was fascinated by how women fought, but above all by why they did it. I became more and more interested in the female psyche, and when I finally started writing, I knew I wanted to explain that side of the female rivalry too.
Here you will find some of my stories, where I try to achieve that balance between physical sensuality and mental chaos, where I try to make sexy not only two naked bodies rubbing and struggling to defeat each other, but also what moves women to compete, seduce and do harm.
I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I have done writing them!
Contact: This author can be contacted at .

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AnubisX’s Stories
Clit and Field
Rebecca responded immediately, returning her kiss with hate, fury and hunger. The hands of the rivals left their own breasts, letting them be crushed together as the women wrapped their arms around the other toned torso in a torrid, passionate bearhug. Tongues came into play, licking at each other in the slick, hot cavern that formed their locked mouths, struggling in a test of strength and hedonism that, instead of distracting the girls from the main duel, it empowered it: a series of erotic outbursts exploded between the clashing mouths, and ran across the sensitive breasts, across the flat sweaty bellies until they sank into the wet crotches to further strengthen their tireless poles.
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The Amazon and the Valkyrie
Fighting back the tears, the coeds instinctively aligned their sex daggers again as if they wanted to prove how much real damage they had done to each other in the cruel, intense nipple friction. However, their four weapons still stood their ground, this second head-to-head duel neither settling anything.
“Erika’s tits are fuller, that’s for sure.” Emma’s voice reached the ears of the nipple warriors, forcing the attention of both college girls beyond the other flesh rods.
“Melike’s tits are way fuller than Erika’s,” Maddy replied. “Fuller, bigger and prettier.”
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Copycat Struggle
When two classroom rivals are reunited later in life, they waste only seconds before drawing each other back in. Their eyes hardening. Their expressions mocking. And their breasts, as they always had, calling to the other in challenge. A challenge each accept as they delve deep into their copycat struggle.
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Clash of Maids
Not identical, but instead perfectly pitched in opposite two maids are. And when they are forced to be roommates in the same mansion, any chance they might have had to co-exist go right out the window. Luckily for you.
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Breast Hegemony
AnubisX: I want to share with you my own version of “The French Cousin”.
Rival’s Rapture‘s take on the same brilliant but unfinished story can be found here.
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Dark Subway Encounter
There were no words between them for a few seconds, only soft breathing so perfectly coordinated that Petra could feel her breasts rising and falling in sync with Marlene’s boobs. The secretary had always been proud of her tits, its exceptional firmness being the envy of younger women, its C-cup size always catching the eye with her low-cut, close-fitting clothing—her pair even almost reached a D-cup when Petra was premenstrual.
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Queen of Cats
When two college rivals meet at a party, with each dressed as Catwoman, each
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Contest in the Dressing Room
It is just a single bra, and yet it is the spark that sets the flame. Only a piece of clothing for them to squabble over, and yet it is the key to a wild sexual rivalry in the center of all nations.
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Spontaneous Combustion
Just the very presence of the other taunts and gnaws — distracts and dares. Before they have even engaged. Before they have even tasted a drop of the other’s power. Imagine when they do?
Or don’t imagine it, READ this incredibly epic tour de force through a seemingly unending sexual rivalry between two prideful women.
It is a story that you will never forget, and one that will leave you breathless for not just one session but many.
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Celine vs. Hannah
The French beauty didn’t blink, crossing glances with her nemesis in a mutual intimidation attempt while Hannah posed. Celine didn’t hesitate to compare their two bodies with vicious attention, analyzing the femininity of shapes and sizes, the virtues of bodies blessed by nature. They both stood about 5’9” tall, and shared weight and body build—model-type frames with well-proportioned breasts and round butts, flat bellies and long legs.
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Of Swords and Sex
For a few more minutes, the rivals fought like two caged wildcats. The young, healthy, potent ladies were locked in an unconditional battle for female supremacy, relentlessly lunging and thrusting at each other, but never managing to stab, each struggling to beat the other down, to wear her out and break her will before completely dominate her. Big and round wet spots appeared all over their pure white shirts as their big and round sweaty breasts pushed out against the material which was confining them and soaked right through it, and shiny black hair and blazing red hair billowed out into jumbled, tangled messes, making them look like two gorgeous, savage barbarians fighting to the death—although what was at stake in the contest was far more important than life itself.
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AnubisX’s Multi-Writer Projects!
To See AnubisX’s Upcoming Stories, Click Here to Check Out His Previews Page!
Weather Girls
Hostboard’s Titfight and Sexfight Forum feels like home. Everyone who has a fetish like ours knows that there will always be appreciation for a community that has the best writers of the genre.
That’s why it was inevitable that this would happen: a multi-writer sexfight story that brought together several amazing writers in one and the same story. I’ll not say it was easy, because it’s complicated that in a busy world like ours we can dedicate all the time that we would want to our passion, but I have to say that each and every one of the writers —both those who have been able to participate and those who haven’t— have been really generous.
I’m impressed by the enthusiastic response, but also for the incredible quality of the texts. When I had to edit some part to make the text fits better, or add some words, I always found hard to live up to these writers. So I hope that my fellow writers forgive me any damage I have done with their magnificent words!
Without further ado, enjoy the story!
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Sue & Jenny Roommates Sexfight
(A Multi-Writer Story)
AnubisX: I found an anonymous story entitled simply SEXFIGHT. A story with 22 sentences and 372 words about two roommates and a rivalry that could only be resolved in one way. Then I had an idea: what if I could find 22 writers so that each one could “blindly” choose one of those sentences and extend it as much as they wanted in order to create a longer and deeper story?
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A New Year’s Resolution

Both hurled each other at the same time. The pop that came out echoed on the balcony and beyond, the two pairs of boobs trembling on impact as the girls moaned together. The brunettes rammed her breasts forward again, María’s nipples bouncing against Isabel’s before their tits compressed to the point of impact. They continued to move their hips, constantly keeping their breasts in contact as the fat glands slid over each other. María’s bosoms were blocked by the rival’s couple, but their boobs continued to resist in the same way. With a grunt, they finally separated their sweaty tits.
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