Fighting Asian Admins: Nao vs Suki by Halhow 3

…The Gathering Storm…
It was Monday morning and the top executives of Daihatsu Heavy Industries gathered, as they always did, in the conference room on the 35th floor to discuss their plans for the week. Nao Matsumoto stood at the back of the conference room with the other administrative assistants in case her boss Katsu Yukimura should have need of her.
At 25 Nao stood just 4’11” tall and weighed 93 lbs. Her slim, doll-like figure was complimented by her heart-shaped face, almond colored eyes and straight, dark brown hair. Today, like most days, she was dressed in a white, long-sleeved blouse with a gray skirt that fell to just above her knees. She was wearing a matching business jacket, sheer beige pantyhose and black high heels.
Nao had come to work at Daihatsu when she was only seventeen, but had quickly proved herself very proficient as an administrative assistant. She was a skilled typist and excellent at fielding calls and scheduling appointments. She had also proven herself fearless when standing up to other administrative assistants where the interests of her boss were concerned.
As the salary men sat at the big table, discussing business in low voices, Nao stood in the back with the other admins, watching Director Yukimura carefully. Should he indicate a need by word or gesture, she would come to his aid at once, be it bringing a report, providing a pen, or fetching a cup of hot tea. She watched him most intently, but from time to time her eyes strayed also to Suki Kato.
Suki Kato was also an administrative assistant working for Jiro Nakahara, a VP from the Chiba division. Jiro had only recently moved to the home offices at Osaka and had brought his highly valued administrative assistant with him. Suki was also petite and of slim build, with long dark hair framing a cherubic face and dark eyes. From time to time Suki glanced back at Nao most coldly.
The two admins worked for ambitious men and had quickly taken a personal dislike to each other. The highly proficient admins of the important salary men were often ambitious themselves and had their own personal rivalries as well as being drawn into the politic intrigues of their bosses. Nao and Suki had immediately seen each other as a threat both to themselves and to the status of their bosses whom they so jealously protected.
Soon the conference was over and the salary men returned to their offices, their dutiful admins accompanying them. Nao went immediately about her work, but could not forget the glances the ‘Chiba Cow’, as Nao liked to call Suki, had been tossing her direction.
Jiro Nakahara returned to his office as well, telling Suki in whispers that Director Yukimura required watching as he was an ambitious man of only average talent. Suki nodded her head in agreement, all the time thinking of the glares the ‘Osaka Bitch’, as she referred to Nao, had been sending her direction at the meeting. ‘She grows too bold’, Suki thought to herself.
In the morning, Director Yukimura had several important meetings and Nao was kept busy making updates to reports and arranging a trip for him in March. But as much as she worked, she was troubled. Something would have to be done about the ‘Chiba Cow’. Nao had tried to be patient, waiting for the new girl to settle in, but it was clear that Suki meant to make trouble for Nao and perhaps even Director Yukimura. Nao could do nothing about Director Nakahara or his plans but Suki Kato she could confront!
That afternoon, after dropping off several reports on Director Yukimura’s desk Nao lingered. This was so unusual that Directory Yukimura did not at first realize she was still there. Several minutes passed before he glanced up and saw her standing a few feet away, her hands clasped in front of her and her eyes steadfastly gazing down.
Director Yukimura thought to himself, ‘Why is she still here? If she had something to say would she not say it? If she had nothing to say would she not go?’ This behavior of the normally very predictable Nao concerned him. Looking at her he asked, “Is there something else Nao?”
At his words, she glanced up at him and then down once more. She seemed nervous but then gathering her courage she said, “Director Nakahara’s admin, Suki Kato, she grows too bold.” She glanced up once briefly and then back down at the carpet. In a voice colored with emotion she stated, “Something must be done!”
Director Yukimura set back in his chair puzzled. ‘Suki Kato is Director Nakahara’s admin, what does she expect me to do’, he wondered? Gradually, he realized she was not asking him to do anything; rather she was asking permission.
Like all the salary men at Daihatsu Heavy Industries, Director Yukimura had heard the rumors of wild catfights between the admins, secret battles in which the girls it was said, would bite and claw each other merciless while rolling over and over on the floor. In some of the most provocative stories, the fights even happened in the nude.
Of course Director Yukimura did not believe these rumors. It was difficult to imagine the petite and delicate looking Nao locked in a vicious fight with a pillow case, let alone trying to scratch Suki Kato’s eyes out while rolling over across the floor.
Still… the women at Daihatsu Heavy Industries did seem …accident prone… often requiring long weeks of medical leave and some never returned to the office at all. ‘Could there be some true to the rumors’, he wondered, ‘what should I say’?
After considering the matter for a moment, he decided that if these fights happened they should not be his concern. In the years he had worked at Daihatsu Heavy Industries, no one had ever confirmed a fight between two admins, not even over spilled coffee. Thus, either such struggles did not take place or the women went to …great lengths… to conceal them. If this was the case, then it would an issue for their world, not his.
Looking up at Nao, Director Yukimura said, “Nao. Perhaps you should do what you think is best.”
For a moment Nao’s body trembled slightly and then she glanced up at him, their eyes meeting for a moment before she quickly looked back down. “Yes! Yes”, she replied and her spirit seemed much lifted. Giving a small bow she turned and left the office, her step a little lighter now that she had permission to do what she must.
On the other side of the 35th floor Suki Kato was adjusting Director Nakahara’s tie before he left for his next meeting. Picking up a brush, she then wiped the lint from his suit, as she did this she said, “That Matsumoto woman. She is most arrogant!”
The remark took Director Nakahara by surprise as Nao had always seemed quiet and demure to him. Still Suki’s talent for observations was keen and not to be easily dismissed. “What does it matter? She is Director Yakimura’s admin is she not? She would be his problem do you not agree?”
Director Nakahara could tell from the tense pose of Suki’s body that she did not agree. Glancing up at him, their eyes met and she said, “She should be disciplined!”
Director Nakahara wondered why Suki thought he should do this or that he could do this, and then he realized she didn’t mean him at all. He considered a moment. It didn’t seem important to him but it seems of great importance to Suki and he had learned to trust her in such matters. Turning he collected his folders for the meeting then said, “Perhaps you are right. Perhaps she should be corrected.”
Turning he walked off to his next meeting, but Suki was filled with great satisfaction. He was a good man and she had confidence in him. She would see that the ‘Osaka Bitch’, would bring him no harm.
Returning to her desk Nao send out several important emails, scheduled time to take Director Yakimura’s gray suit to the cleaner’s and placed an order for more office supplies. She then opened the office meeting scheduler and added her name and that of Suki Kato. It seemed from looking at the schedule that Suki was as busy as she was, but there was an opening in the afternoon.
Opening a new email, she addressed it to Suki but left the subject line blank. In the body of the email she typed only, “Office 3512. 2:15 PM”. Pressing the send button, Nao felt a tingle of excite rush through her, tinged with a bit of nervousness. Things had been set in motion now and could not be stopped.
Returning from her brief lunch, Suki set down at her desk, checked for phone messages then logged back into her workstation. She had several emails to reply to and noticed that one was from Nao and that it had no subject line. Suki frowned at this in irritation. ‘Even in an electronic way she is rude’, Suki thought to herself.
Opening the email Suki scanned it and found it to be most brief. There was only an office number and a time. ‘What is this nonsense? Has the Osaka Bitch lost her mind?’ It was only after she considered it a moment she realized it was an invitation to meet. A invitation for confrontation. A chill ran through Suki as she regarded the terse message.
‘More of the Osaka’s Bitch’s scheming no doubt’, Suki thought to herself, ‘but she should be more careful because now I have freedom to do what is required.’
After considering the message for another minute, Suki selected the reply button, entered the word, “yes”, and hit send. ‘I will see what she has to say’, Suki thought to herself, ‘and if I do not like her words she may yet learn to regret her attitude’.
…A Direct Talk In Which Much is Said…
Just after 2 PM Nao locked her workstation and stepped out of the office. Pausing in the women’s restroom she adjusted her jacket and combed out her hair then she made her way to office 3512. This office was located in the back of the building where they were doing renovations and was empty as were the offices around it.
Stepping into the front office, she glanced around then made her way across the room and into the inner office where the salary man would sit. The office was bare of course and in need of new paint and carpet, but the shades were drawn back on the window and Nao paused to enjoy the skyline of Osaka.
It was not long before she heard a small noise and turned to see Suki step through the door. Nao’s posture stiffened at once and she could see the sudden tension in Suki’s stance as well. Suki carefully closed the door and stepped closer. She was dressed in her usual black skirt and matching jacket, white blouse, beige pantyhose and black high heels. Nao’s dress was virtually identical. Almost all the admins dressed in this way.
The two women regarded each other silently for a moment then Suki say, “You wished to speak to me …alone?”
Nao’s eyes narrowed slightly and her chin came up as she replied, “Yes very much. I think the time most appropriate for us to have direct conversation. Do you not agree?”
Suki’s eyes narrowed as well and she took a step closer as she said, “Oh yes. A perfectly honest discussion is very much due.”
The two women traded guarded looks and then Nao said, “I am aware of all your schemes and plots Suki Kato. Director Nakahara is an honorable man and well-spoken of by all. Still, he is new to the ways of Osaka, which is not like Chiba at all. It would be best for him to wait his turn, be patient and learn from his betters. In this way he can make valuable contributions to the company.”
Suki’s eyes went wide with shock at Nao’s words then narrowed again at once. “How dare you say such things. You know nothing of Director Nakahara or the ways of Chiba.” Suki’s chin rose and her eyes flashed as she said, “The management in Osaka is …stale, this why Director Nakahara was brought here to bring new ideas. Director Yakimura is a good man, a hard worker all know this to be true, but his ideas are just …average.”
Stepping closer Suki said, “This is not about Director Yakimura’s wishes it is about you. I think you push him forward, just so you can ride his coat tails to the higher status. You care nothing for the company only your own selfish wishes.”
Stepping closer as well Nao replied, “Oh please! As if you do not try to climb above your station. Who are you to say what is best for the company? You sharpen pencils and take notes. Probably also you suck cock under his desk on your knees, but this does not make you expert at anything.”
Suki’s breath came out in a hiss as she replied, “Do not accuse me of such when the man seed is still wet on your lips, Osaka bitch. Director Nakahara would never ask me to do such a thing.” Stepping closer Suki leaned in so close the tips of their noses touched briefly. “But if he did”, she whispered, “I would do it much better than you!”
Both women pulled back from each other and Nao hissed, “Spoken much like a woman in need of scratches down her cheeks.”
“Oh? Oh? Is that so Nao Matsumoto”, Suki replied? “And who will give them to me? Not you I think? You are not so bold.”
The two women circled each other, going around and around as both tossed catty glares at the other. Both knew nothing could happen. It was the middle of the day and any physical battle would bring others to investigate. To be discovered, rolling on the floor and clawing each other would bring great dishonor and shame. Still, there were rituals that had to be followed; there was a process to this as there is to all things.
Nao said as they circled, “You are very imprudent Chiba Cow. You are most fortunate I have not challenged you to an admin fight.”
Saki quickly replied, “It is you who are most fortunate, since if you challenged me to an admin fight, I would have accepted at once.”
“Oh is that so?”
“Yes! Yes it is most definitely true.”
Stopping her circling, Nao reached down and opened the two buttons holding her jacket closed. Brushing them back, she exposed the front of her white satin blouse and her bosom. Seeing this Suki opened her jacket as well, pulling it back to show off her white satin blouse and own proud bosom.
The two women stepped into each other, until they were chest to chest and breasts on breasts. Glaring into Suki’s eyes, Nao said, “Suki Kato. I Nao Matsumoto challenge you to an admin fight, do you accept?”
Suki nodded her head vigorously and replied, “Yes Nao Matsumoto. I Suki Kato accept your challenge to an admin fight. I will fight you until our quarrel is most completely settled.”
The women briefly rubbed their bosoms into each other in jealous anger and then stepped apart. Both buttoned their jackets and with calm expressions pulled out their electronic tablets and began to discuss dates.
Nao: “How about Wednesday evening, 8 PM?”
Suki: “No. No good there is a meeting of renters association. How about Thursday 7 PM?”
Nao: “No good, I must see Director off at airport. Friday?”
Suki: “No… Saturday?”
Nao: “No building is closed to staff so builders can work. Damn. Damn. This is no good, this cannot wait till next week.”
Thumbing down to the bottom of the current day’s page, Nao asked, “What about tonight?”
Suki quickly checked her schedule then replied, “Yes today. Let us do this right away.” Glancing back up at Nao she asked, “At what place and time please?”
Nao looked at her and replied, “There is a storage room, room number 3518. The records department once put many crates there but now it is mostly empty. Just a few cardboard boxes along back wall. No one will find us there I think. I propose 9 PM is this acceptable?”
Suki nodded and replied, “Yes that is acceptable.”
Nao put away her scheduler and stepped pass Suki as if to leave, but Suki reached out and quickly caught her left arm. Nao jerked to a halt and glared at her but did not pull away.
“Show me your nails Nao Matsumoto”, Suki demanded.
Nao held up her right hand, fingers slightly curled. Suki could see she kept her nails long with rounded tips and colored with iridescent pearl nail polish.
Nao said, “Show me your nails Suki Kato.”
Suki release Nao’s arm and help up her hand fingers slightly bend.
Nao could see that Suki’s nails were long as well, though rounded and covered in a daring shade of red.
Suki whispered, “Is it your intention to file your nails sharp before we meet Nao Matsumoto or leave them plain?”
Nao seemed to consider this then asked, “Which is your preference Suki Kato?”
Suki seemed to hesitate then replied, “I will leave mine dull, but will bring my nail file should the situation merit change.”
Nao replied, “I will do the same.”
Nodding their agreement the two women separated with Nao leaving first and Suki following a few minutes later, so they were not seen together.
As the two women returned to their offices, their faces were expressionless, but their hearts raced as they knew that this very evening they would meet for an admin Fight!
The rest of the day was busy, keeping Nao and Suki occupied with many tasks, but often their minds strayed to their meeting in the empty office and the confrontation to come. Long after their coworkers have left for the day, Nao and Suki remained at their desks, attempting to pass the time with useful work, but watching the clock anxiously for the appointed hour.
Finally it was nearly 9 PM and Nao logged out of her workstation and pushed her chair back from her desk. Rising, she picked up her purse, stepped out of the office and locked the door with her key, but instead of leaving the building she turned and walked deep into the back of the building, heading toward the storage room and her secret, private meeting with Suki Kato.
The halls of the office were silent, even the normal hum of the systems was suppressed as most workers had shut down their computers before leaving in order to reduce power costs. Turning down one hallway then the next, Nao made her way to the back of the building until she finally reached room 3518. Pushing through the door, she turned on the lights. She was cautious of course as this is always wise, but did not believe the Chiba Cow was so without honor as to jump her in the dark.
The storage room was as Nao remembered it, a plain, square room perhaps three meters on each side with several large cardboard boxes stacked against the back wall. The floor was covered in old but passable carpet and had no windows at all. A perfect location for admin to battle admin in secret struggle. Walking to the back of the room, she placed her purse down on one box and then sat on another, she did not have long to wait.
Suki left her office a bit before 9 PM, but as it was located on the other end of the 35th floor, she did not encounter Nao on her walk. Pausing outside the door, she noted a line of light coming from beneath it and suspected that Nao had preceded her. Glancing up and down the hall she saw no one so she slipped the door open cautiously and peeked in. She saw Nao sitting on a box and quickly glided into the room, glancing around then closing and locking the door behind her.
Nao rose to her feet and both women glanced at each other, before Suki moved to the corner just to the right of the door. Putting her purse down, she turned and looked again at Nao. Neither woman spoke, the time for speaking had been earlier, now they were here to fight each other.
Nao removed her earrings and the small gold chain from around her neck, placing them into a pocket of her purse. Suki removed her earrings as well and a golden bracelet from her left wrist. After hesitating a moment, Suki slipped off her heels and begin to undo the buttons of her jacket. Nao did the same, both women preparing for combat.
In stocking feet, Nao moved toward the middle of the room and Suki quickly walked forward to meet her. The two admins walked directly into each other, wrapping their arms around each other as each reached into the others hair. Pressing tightly the two tiny women each wrapped one leg around the others left leg and losing their balance tumbled to the floor. Still clutching each other, the rolled over several times, their arms and legs curling around each other more tightly as the hems of their skirts inched upwards, revealing stocking-clad legs wrapped and curled around stocking-clad legs.
Pressing body to body, bosom to bosom, face to face, Nao whispered, “I see your nails are still rounded Suki Kato. For this I respect you, but nothing else.” With slow deliberateness Nao then spat directly into Suki’s face.
Snarling in frustration and anger Suki replied, “I can feel also that your nails are also rounded. You are a woman of your word Nao Matsumoto. Even if you have no Honor at all.” Suki then spat into Nao’s face and for a few seconds the two tiny women wrestled each other down on the floor, tugging at hair, tightening their arms and legs around each other and squirming body to body.
From beyond the closed door no sound came at all. The two women were both confident they were alone and they had all night if required to settle their differences. Even by the standards of Japan the two women were both tiny. There were many admins who were taller or heavier than them and it was a relief for both to fight a woman their own size.
“You are one to speak of Honor”, Nao replied. “His cum is still on your breath.”
“Ha”, replied Suki. “As if you do not suck the Director’s cock. Please to not insult me while also your breath speaks of stale semen.”
Nao whispered, “Perhaps this is so, but you were in error earlier. In this I am better than you.” Before Suki could reply, Nao pressed her lips to those of her rival, the tip of Nao’s tongue briefly invading Suki’s mouth.
As Nao pulled back, Suki whispered, “Ha! You are bold, but please to extend your tongue and I will show you proper technique.”
Nao stuck her tongue out and for several minutes Suki sucked on it as if it were a stiff cock. After she stopped, Nao said, “Good. Most good. But perhaps not good enough. Please to extend your tongue now.”
Suki stuck her tongue out and now it was Nao’s turn as for many minutes she sucked it as it if was the Director’s hard dick.
When Nao stopped Suki whispered, “Much good I will admit. But our quarrel will not be settled by lips. More like nails I think. Perhaps also teeth.”
Nao smirked and replied, “Oh most definitely nails. Also teeth. You want to bite Chiba Cow? I want this much with you as well.”
Suki nodded and said, “From first day I meet you I want for to fight. This evening we have it.”
“Yes”, Nao replied. “I want this also. Tonight we settle it woman to woman.”
Nao freed one hand and then brushed her fingers down the fine material of Suki’s blouse sleeve. “Much damage I will do to you, but first this must be ripped off I think. Such a shame I must rip it because it is very nice. Unlike you who are cheap!”
Suki smirked and whispered, “Oh your clothing is much nice. Unlike you. But why do you not say what you really want? If you wish for me to undress, then say so and offer to do this also.”
Nao tugged at Suki’s blouse lightly with her fingers and replied. “Yes I wish for you to be undressed. I will do this also if you agree. How much should we remove?”
Suki seemed to think a moment then said, “Perhaps down to panties if this is agreeable?”
Nao nodded and relaxed her grip, pushing lightly at her rival. Suki relaxed her grip also and the two women pushed part and climbed once more to their feet. Returning each to their corner, both began to undress.
Saki turned slightly away out of modesty, but no so far she couldn’t watch Nao from the corner of one eye. Each woman removed her blouse, then her skirt, then bra, finally reaching lower to roll their pantyhose down and off. Now in just a brief, red thong, Nao turned toward Suki, one arm covering her breasts. Suki turned to her as well, dressed only in black panties, her arm also modestly across her bosom.
Both were nervous again, but things had already gone too far. Neither could back down now without much loss of face.
Nao raised her chin and say, “Show me your tits, Chiba Cow”.
Suki dropped her arm and said, “Reveal your udders Osaka Bitch.”
Nao complied and both women studied each other’s bodies in silence from their heads down to their toes.
Nao broke the silence as she said, “Suki Kato, I own you a humble apology. You are much too plain to make a good whore. Obviously you must have other talents.” Suki’s eyes smoldered as she replied, “You look like a little girl. Does Director Yakimura ask you to wear a school uniform when you go down on his cock?” Suki’s chin came up as she glared at Nao down her nose. “This is the second time you question me as a woman.”
Approaching each other in nothing but panties, the two admins dropped into a crouch, bringing their hands up, chest high and nails out. Immediately the two admins began to circle, the time for talking was over, now was the time to Fight!
…Fighting Admins…
Slowly the two simmering admins …stalked… each other around and around, each glaring into the others eyes as they held their hands up their nails ready. Bare breasts swayed and bounced as they hunted each other in an ever tightening circle. It was Nao who made the first move, slipping in close as she quickly …SWIPED… the nails of her left hand toward Suki’s lovely face.
Suki batted her rival’s hand away with her forearm, hissing, “Oh you only wish it was so easy Osaka bitch.” Quickly Suki moved in thrusting the nails of her left hand straight for Nao’s face. Nao leaned away from this dangerous attack, slipping back a few steps but Suki followed her at once, her perky breasts bouncing. “Do not run from me Osaka bitch, you have no escape.”
Nao ducked and swept her right hand in …dragging… her nails across the front of Suki’s left breast.
“Ahhhhhh…”, Suki gasped and staggered back one step, clutching at her injured breast with one hand.
“Who is running now”, Nao gloated, as she darted forward, feinting toward Suki’s face with her left hand as her right dropped low then sweep upward aiming for her rival’s taunt belly.
But Suki was not so easily deceived. She twisted quickly to the side avoiding Nao’s nails then …SLAPPED… the nails of her right hand down Nao’s left cheek.
“AIEEEEEE…”, Nao squealed as she felt her face marked. To do this was a grave insult and a total Challenge. “You dare to mark my face? And how will this be explained tomorrow? Obviously you wish no rules at all.”
Snarling, Nao leapt for Suki and they locked hands, digging their nails into the backs of each other’s hands, their arms going straight out. Bared breasts soon slammed into bared breast and Nao drove Suki back several steps, pressing her into the nearest wall.
The two normally reserved and respectable admins pressed together bosom to bosom, each could feel the others womanly nipples rubbing and pushing on her own. It was clear to each that this will about more than business, but a very personal feud between them.
Nao struggled to pin Suki to the wall as body struggled against body. Almost nose to nose Nao whispers, “So Chiba cow? You are held so easily. Obviously you have no strength at all?”
Even as Nao said this, Suki quickly SPIT in her face. “AHHHHHHH”, Nao was startled and Suki pushed from the wall, quickly turning their positions, so that is was Nao who struggled with her back to the wall.
Nao quickly spit in Suki’s face and she wrinkled her face in disgust but kept Nao pinned. “You will find things are no so easy for you”, Suki hissed. Shifting her weight she quickly brought up her right knee, attempting to drive it into Nao’s mound, but Nao understood this change in balance and turned at her hips to take the blow on her thigh.
“You must think me most stupid”, Nao replied before bringing her own knee up fast, but Suki quickly pushed away from her and backed up.
Glaring at her Suki said, “It is clear you have no honor and so I will give you no respect. I think I wish to sharpen my nails now. Do you dare accept?”
Nao pushed off the wall, touching the welts on her left cheek. “Oh yes Suki bitch. I most joyfully accept, you must feel the full bite of my claws.”
Stepping away from each other, each woman went to her purse and retrieved a file then spent the next several minutes sharpening their nails to dangerous fighting tips.
Tossing her file back in her purse, Nao turned and said, “Do not speak of Mr. Yukimura or Mr. Nakahara for you know this is not about them. You attacked my mound. This is only because you are a bitch.”
Suki tossed her file back into her purse and turned to say, “Oh and you are not a bitch Nao Matsumoto? Do not pretend to be sly. I can smell your scheming fox slit from even over here.”
Nao, reached down and ran one finger delicately over the folds of her flower, brushing it through the soft material of her panties. “Ha! As if you’re musky stink does not fill every corner of this room. At last we speak truth to each other.”
Suki reached down and brushed one finger over the front of her panty covered mound. “There should be no thing between us then. Dare you to show me your hole? Show me yours and I will also bare mine then we fight …no rules… till one is done!”
Nao quickly slipped her panties off and said, “Here is mine bitch! Show me yours and be most ready to duel!”
Suki slipped her panties off as well, both women tossing them to the side as each glared at the others furry, bared cunt.
Suki brought up her hands and squealed. “You are mine now Osaka bitch!”
Nao raised her hands and shouted, “Fight for survival now Chiba cow!”
With no restraint at all the two furious admins FLUNG themselves at each other meeting in a naked tangle in the center of the room.
Body slammed into body and breasts into breasts. Nao quickly wrapped both arms around Suki, reaching up into her hair. Suki slipped one arm over Nao’s right shoulder, getting a handful of hair for herself as she brought her right hand around Nao and clawed down her back.
The claws were now fighting sharp and left bloody marks all the way. Nao screamed, “AIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”, leaned forward and bit Suki’s right cheek.
“ARGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH”, Suki screamed as well and quickly SLAPPED Nao hard, remembering at the last moment to claw down her left cheek. The two begin to JERK each other around the office, pulling hair, biting and scratching like wild.
Soon they could no longer keep their balance and they tumbled to the carpet, each clutching the other most tightly before they started to roll.
Each enraged admin wrapped her legs around the legs and body of the other and soon they twisted tightly into a vicious catball! As they fought each other, breasts rubbed into breasts and Flower into Flower only angering them both.
Each knew she was locked in battle with a ferocious and determined female enemy and that surrender was no option.
The naked ball of fighting, twisting female flesh rolled back and forth on the floor. Legs curling high around bodies, hair ripped out as back, shoulders and thighs were clawed. Each began to wrestle the other, fighting naked in the catball. Each trying to gain a position of advantage from which to torment and harm the other.
Pushing up on Suki’s right elbow, Nao slipped her head under Suki’s arm and bite into the soft flesh of her armpit. Suki screamed, “Aieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee”, and dipped her head down, biting Nao on the top of her right shoulder. Both women held on with their toned legs. Nao freed her right hand from Suki’s hair and tried to scratch the fighting admin in the face. Sharp nails brushed Suki’s left cheek then Suki grabbed Nao’s wrist with her left hand and pushed it out and away.
Desperate for revenge Suki curled her right arm, but could not reach the angle to get to Nao’s face. Frustrated, she moved her left hand down and in, catching Nao’s petite right breast in her claws and digging in hard. Nao’ screamed, losing her bite. Incensed, she brought her right hand inside, grabbing at Suki’s left breast and pulling at it hard, trying to get her sharpened thumbnail into Suki’s nipple.
There was a scream from Suki now but she did not release Nao’s right breast. Instead she twisted and pulled hard as if trying to rip it off. Her nails curled digging brutally into the underside of Nao’s petite, soft orb. Weeping, Nao lifted her head and pushed her face into Suki’s hair, going for her rival’s right ear.
The fighting ball rolled one direction then the other. Flopping over, squirming. Strands of ripped out hair surrounding the two fighting women. Lifting her head slightly, Nao bit Suki over her right eye. Suki lost her bite, shaking her head to get Nao’s teeth our of her face. Reaching down with her right arm she clawed at Nao’s ass and lower back then the two fighting bitches rolled again.
Pushing at Suki’s face with her left hand, Nao slipped her right hand in between and down. Suki felt her rival’s hand slip down her tummy and tried to grab her wrist but… too late as Nao curled her fingers and clawed at Suki’s Flower.
“AIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”, Suki screamed in pain and outrage. She twisted her hips violently from side to side but Nao held on. With a hateful smile Nao tried to push two fingers into her rival’s twat but Suki finally rolled on top of her and slipped her body downward, putting her vagina out of reach. Enraged at so personal an attack she immediately bite Nao’s left nipple nearly taking it off with her teeth. “ARGGHHHHHHHH”, Nao screamed and tried to sit up but Suki pushed her back to the floor using her left hand.
Putting her forearm across Nao’s throat, Suki continued to chew her rival’s left nipple. Remembering the previous attack, she pushed her right hand lower and soon it was her sharp nails ravaging Nao’s vagina.
“AHHHHH…AHHHHH…NOOOO”, screamed Nao as she rocked violently side to side. Finally she was able to twist to her right and SHOVE Suki off of her. Suki rolled away from Nao and rose to hands and knees but this was a mistake. Rising from the floor quickly, Nao threw herself on her rival’s back.
Clutching at Suki, they fell to the floor again, both on their left sides, as Nao wrapped her arms and legs around her naked enemy. With her left arm curled around Suki’s throat she quickly used thenails of her right hand to claw at the other woman’s bare breasts and tummy then reached down to dig two nails …finger deep… into her rival’s exposed twat.
“ARGHHHHHHHH….”, Suki screamed and arched her back, flailing around but failing to dislodge her rival. Reaching back with both hands she jerked and pulled at Nao’s hair but this only encouraged her foe to redouble her cunt attack. Nao began to slip her legs lower, trying to trap Suki’s thighs. Struggling desperately Suki rolled onto her tummy then drew her legs under, pushing up to her knees.
With her shoulders and head low, her sweaty back became a slide and Nao slipped forward, tumbled over and ended flat on her back. Suki THREW herself on top of the other girl and began to bite viciously at her rival’s breasts. Nao shrieked, “AAIEEEEEEEEEEEEE” twisting and thrashing but Suki held on with grim determination.
Twisting around, Suki tossed her right thigh over her enemy and pushed up on a straight left arm. In the blink of an eye she was straddling her rival and glaring down with angry, vengeful eyes. Working her way up the struggling, squirming admin, Suki pinned both arms down under her knees. Squeezing her own thighs tightly against Nao’s cheeks to keep her rival from biting.
For a long moment both women were almost frozen, panting and gasping, exhausted but furious. Suki stared down with gloating eyes. “You have lost Osaka Bitch and now you will Pay!” Nao saw the look in her rival’s eyes and screamed shrilly but it could do no good. The remoteness of the store room and the hour of the night assured that no one would interfere. This was admin against admin.
Suki brought her hands to Nao’s face and began to scratch. Once Nao’s face was a mask of claw marks she moved down to her rivals breasts, belly and vagina. The torment went on for hours and no part of Nao Matsumoto went untouched, clawed deeply in both vagina and ass. Twice she passed out from the pain only to be slapped awake by the hateful Suki before the torment began again.
Only when the complete destruction of her rival was assured did the woman from Chiba stop. Exhausted and in pain she dressed slowly then left for home. She would have only a few precious hours to rest before the start of the new work day.
…Winners and Losers…
Airi Kimura stood in front of Director Yukimura’s desk. Her eyes downcast but her posture one of quiet distress. Director Yukimura could sense her unease but was himself under much confusion. He looked at his new administrative assistant and asked, “So? Nao is in hospital? She has been injured?”
Airi glanced up then down again at once. She said nothing but simply nodded her head yes.
Director Yukimura said, “Was she in an accident?”
Airi lifted her head slightly and glanced to one side but did not reply.
Director Yukimura sat in confusion and wondered, ‘What could have happened? A health issue? She was here just the other morning. So young?’ It was then that the remarks about Suki Kato suddenly returned to his mind. ‘Could there have been an admin fight?’
He dismissed the idea as soon as it came into his mind. The idea that two delicate women such as Nao and Suki could hurt each other was clearly impossible. He was allowing his imagination to run away with him.
Director Yukimura had learned in his life that some mysteries could not be solved. Glancing at his new admin he said, “I am sure you will do outstanding work Airi Kimura. I thank you much for your help. Please to see that flowers and a card wishing speedy recovery are sent to Nao’s room. You may go now.”
Airi turned with an air of relief and went to the office door then stopped and say, “Oh yes. VP Nakahara is here to see you.”
Remembering his appointment Director Yukimura replied, “Yes. Send him in at once.”
Rising from his desk he came around and met VP Nakahara, both men bowing deeply.
“Your visit is a great honor”, Director Yukimura said.
“The honor is mine”, VP Nakahara replied.
Sitting at a small conference table the two salary men discussed many things.
VP Nakahara said, “I have some ideas which I will hope bring much happiness and profit in the coming year to our business. But I am from Chiba and I am concerned that some of my ideas perhaps are too bold. I was hoping that you would guide me with your wisdom as your experience here are well known to all.”
Director Yukimura replied, “I have reviewed your suggestions and believe all have great merit. It is time that new ideas were brought here. We have had much success in the past but times change and I find your suggestions most helpful. You can count on my assistance completely.”
The two salary man smiled and bowed to each other again then began to discuss details for the day ahead of them.
Peeking through the cracked door, Airi Kimura was very happy to see the two big men working together so well. It appeared that crisis would be avoided. Softly she closed the door and returned to her desk.
She was relieved that she would not soon have to face Suki Kato in admin fight, but she knew that the day might still come and a good administrative assistance always keeps her nails long and sharp….
The End