Remington vs. Siew Savage: Bar Room NHB Catfight

Remington vs. Siew Savage from The Savage Lands Discord


Biker bar? More like a shithole. Standing outside of the nasty ass building I shake my head and walked inside. It was exactly how I pictured the dump would look from the outside. The dude behind the bar promptly asks me if I’m fighting tonight. No shit, do I look like I’m the kind of chick that frequents a place like this?… Don’t answer that…

I did not bother with showing up in anything other than what I was fighting in because I’d been warned. The dingy bathroom didn’t sound like an appealing place to strip down. Not that I wasn’t probably going to under up tits out at some point given I was in a tank top absent a bra with jean shorts and a readily apparent black thong.

I was told they were “preparing the ring” by that it looked like they were setting up some folding chairs within groping distance. Yeah okay, this was going down exactly as I pictured it would. As soon as the goon squad fixing the chairs is done I get the owner of the bar yelling that there is gonna be a fight.

I pinch the bridge of my nose and sigh. Why did I agree to this again?

My announcement is some dude in a jean jacket with no undershirt yelling my name and then a chorus of drunken yells and at least one yell of ‘show us your tits’. Good god have no one you heard of foreplay? I swear I’m wasted on some people.

Sliding into the ring after kicking off my sandals I do my abject best not to touch the ropes. It forces me to do it slowly and bend down. The crowd thinks I’m playing to them. I’m really not. This place is just gross. After that, I step into the ring and look at the clock. Bitch better not stand me up!

Siew Savage:

Well I literally asked for this… my internal monologue reminds me as I stand outside the bar staring at the front… I run my hand through my hair sweeping it back over my shoulders and out of my face before deciding to head in… When I walk through the door I’m reminded of some of the dive bars I fought in back in Florida, yet somehow worse… I survey the bar as the setup is being finished… I can see my opponent looking around with a similar look of disgust on her face presumably at the smell in the air…

I head up to the bar leaning over in my little grey shorts and midriff top… “Hey bartender, stick this behind the bar until I’m done; and no there’s nothing valuable in it,” I say as I pass a bag to them… I hear some guy I assume is drunk announce the fight is getting ready to start… I shake my arms out trying to flick away my nerves before walking up to the ring… I step up onto the apron before kicking my sandals off on the floor… I step over the middle ropes trying not to graze anything as I step in… the crowd already starting to hoot and holler as I stand across from my blue-haired opponent…

“I’m glad we could finally make this happen… I mean you won’t be when we’re finished… but I’m glad” I say with a confident smirk on my face


Well at least there is one thing worth looking at around here as I run my eyes up and down you once you make it safely into the ring. I think the sad part is that in like three seconds it’s about to be not safe. In the slightest. For either of us. But for now, at least the look we share seems to indicate how we feel about this particular place.

“Yeah yeah yeah. Come on tell me how you’re going to beat my ass and blah blah blah. Pull my hair. Wish you’d never agreed to this. Just wake me up when you finish monologuing like a cartoon supervillain.”

I step to a relatively safe distance. Right about the time someone sleazy-looking walks up to the side of the ring and tells us both basically. There are no rules other than don’t kill the other person. After that, he walks off, and the same big dude who was yelling our names bellows out. “FIGHT!” Inhaling as my heart rate jacks up I give you a venomous glare and don’t move a muscle. I just stand there.


I chuckle at your response to me, kind of fascinated with it, as I realize this isn’t going to be just some catball with a bimbo that thinks of herself as a “bad bitch”. I lick my lips as I can’t hide my smirk of excitement now. It’s apparent to me on a grand scale that not only have you done this a few times but there’s probably not much I could do to get into your head with words alone… I like it…

The bar slob yells, fights and I start to walk out but I’m given pause by your total lack of any action… your eyes just glaring at me like you’re trying to burn my eyes out with the sheer contempt you are showing for me… Fine… I can deal with this… I raise my fists up and move toward the center of the ring… then as I don’t seem to see any response from you yet I start forward a step… I wanna chop you down early so I decide I’m darting forward, my hands up for a guard as I twist my hips and try to slam my shin into the side of your left knee.

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Catfight my ass. You come out of the corner looking like a fucking kickboxer. Fine two can play at that game. I track those movements while waiting to look at how you move. Information is something that is priceless in a fight and I’m willing to cede space and time in this case just for a little from a total unknown to me. You finally close with me licking out with a nasty ass leg kick. Not a thigh shot. Not a calf shot. No straight-up send you to the hospital kick to the knee. Fine, we can fight real dirty. I move but it’s not a normal leg block.

Nah nah nah. Not today. I lunge TOWARDS you and I do something twisted. I plant my left leg and I lean IN presenting the bladed blocking part of my shin and the cutting part of my knee smiling wickedly as you swing the kick. On its current course, the kick will chew hard bone.

The other thing I do is with the lunge forwards I lash out like I’m throwing a jab. The secret is I want the front of your shirt. Fuck your block I try and yank you by the shirt forwards hoping to stumble you into a right punch to the lips.

Great plans. First contact with the enemy. We’ll see if it works…


You stand relatively stoic until I go to make my first move when you suddenly burst into motion… I can feel the painful reverberation up my right leg as I turn and step in my shin slamming into your hard upper shin… Fuck that smarts… my right leg going numb from the knee down. Before I can get my foot down your hand lashes out and I raise my guard to protect my face… but your hand gets me by the shirt between my tits and yanking me towards you…

“shit shit shit,” I think to myself as I stumble forward… I do catch your other fist cocking back and I can infer what’s about to happen… I get my forearms up in front of my face to tank the punch against my forearms, “Jesus she hits like a truck”… I stumble forward still and I decide it may be best to tie the smaller fighter up so my hands shoot out from my guard trying to lace my fingers in your blue locks.


It works! Well. Sort of. My punch smacks into your forearms and I try not to move my base leg too much because:

ooooooowwwwwwwwww… news flash. Making your leg a stationary target for a leg kick. Does actually hurt. I try not to show it. But I also don’t really move my leg. Thankfully as I’m waving my hand around after punching hard bone in your arms you grab my hair.

Yup. Thankfully.

Means I’m not getting punched in the face. I have to make a decision here though because you’re gonna do one of four things. Pull, left, Pull right, pull center. Or potentially yank back. The math says you don’t yank away from me but stranger things have happened. SO. I do what I hope you’re planning on doing. I opt to go with the forward hair pull.

Which is code for I pray you don’t yank me sideways and I try to use the height difference in my favor as I jerk forwards trying to head but you in the mouth. They say no one wins in a headbutt. That’s true. What they don’t tell you is that if you use the crown of your head and aim for something squishy. Someone loses MORE than the other person. I try to make you lose more.


My hands tangle into your hair as I get close but before I can react you lunge forward… The benefit of being taller at this moment is your head slams into the underside of my jaw instead of straight-up knocking a tooth out of my mouth had I eaten that directly… Still, though the sound of my mouth clacking shut echoes through the bar even over all the cheering.

My head snaps back and where the head goes the body follows… I’m quickly put back on my heels, so I take my left from your hair to hold my chin… With my right hand though I jerk down hard, both to get some level of payback for your headbutt and also to use your hair for leverage to let me get my feet back under me…


“Shit” So maybe I didn’t think that through as you yank me onto my hurting left leg as you stumble backward from the hit but to the bottom of the jaw. This is why I have a step stool cause a few inches makes all the difference in the world. I can feel you pulling on me and I groan in pain as I stumble after you. Same logic as your stumble but the result of being yanked around like I’m a dog on a leash.

That is not an image I want in my head right now given the stakes. It however does what happens justice as I’m sent limping and stumbling after you. I wouldn’t say I mount an offense. I’d say I just react. As my hands come up like claws and I blindly shove them for your body. Maybe I’ll hit titty. Maybe I’ll fall on my face from over-balancing. Fortune favors the bold?

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I rip you by the head towards me to use the force to catch my balance… I get myself stable for the moment but your hands quickly slam into my tits… Your sharp nails sink into my soft breasts through my lightweight shirt… I mean it doesn’t support my 36DD breasts, why would I ever imagine that it would protect them…

My left-hand leaves my jaw to grab for your right wrist… I wanted to get this close and this is what I get for it… but this is also the opportunity I can get in this situation… My hand in your hair tries to push your head to the side trying to lean you to your right as I try to drive my left knee up at your ribs…

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Yes! Boob flesh! You stop pulling quite as hard which I assume is because you stopped moving and consequently I get my left leg planted. Which gives me all of three seconds with my nails in your chest before you move to try and pry my hand off your chest. It comes away rather easily as the fabric does the one thing it’s actually good at and moves. Pity. I struggle with that hand in your grip before I really just don’t.

I know for a fact I turned my lungs on today, so why. Oh ow.

You shove me sideways into your left knee and it’s blessedly to my ribs instead of say…my liver. The problem is my diaphragm still spasms like a little bitch and I’m left sucking air as you yank on me. My only solace is that as my body tenses up from the hit my left-hand MAULs that right boob automatically.

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I pull at your hand and my left breast is exposed as your hand pulls away and I slam my knee into your ribs… I don’t get to savor any enjoyment out of it as your other hand claps down hard on my right breast… “Fucking bish” I hiss as your fingernails dig in deeper to my soft breast… the pain in my breast makes me snarl in pain and growing rage…

Fine… this blue hair bitch wants to escalate then fine I’ll double down on it… I can feel my exposed nipple contract and stiffen in at the feel of the air moving over it freely now. My left-hand reaches up for your shoulder as you suck air and jerk you towards me… I twist my hip into you and try to pump my left knee up again this time though I’m trying to see if I can drop you as I aim my knee cap up at your womanhood…

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The only thing that saves my ass. Well, technically my pussy from taking a drilling shot is actually in its totality. Your fault. With my right arm already low and my body bent over. I can SEE what you are doing when you yank me towards you and then jerk your knee up towards my kitty. Left knee to right arm. I shoot my arm down and it shoves your knee off line. Barely. It buries it in the space to the right of my pussy where my legs meet my hips. 

My left leg gives out and I land on one knee while my right leg bends so I’m kneeling in front of you. Not a great leg for sure as my hand slips off your breast and I’m left clutching your shirt front while you are still hanging onto my hair. Well. Shit. 

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You drop to one knee and your grip on my shirt pulls it down exposing my other breast now leaving both tits out now and jiggling for the crowd to see… This stupid bitch, I think to myself again as I can feel both nipples now stiffen up and my ears ringing from the sheer volume of catcalls… “I’m going to break you, you dumb cunt” I hiss down at you…

With my breasts out and you kneeling down my left hand clutching the back of your neck… I strife to my left just a half step before stepping in close to you pulling your head forward as I try to ram my right thigh up into the undersides of both your plump breasts…


I feel you step over and given how many you’ve thrown so far it’s not a huge leap to think you’re throwing another knee. For a moment I’m not sure what is happening and then you lash out with your right knee. There isn’t a ton I can do to stop it given that my left hand is still tangled on your shirt. You slam me with your right thigh into my boobs and I moan as you smash them. It hurts. Like a lot.

I let go with my left hand though and scramble trying to loop that left hand over the top of your knee. Sucking it up under my wounded (but still concealed, suck it) tits. Hugging for dear life with my left arm I snarl something under my breath clearly intended to be a jab at you but directed towards the floor as I jerk that leg trying to make you hop or stumble.


my thigh slams into the underside of your big globes… your moan of pain sends a twinge of excitement down my spine… it’s just music to my ears… I go to put my leg back down but your arm wraps around it holding it up… I hope on one foot as I lean on your shoulder for balance… my hand in your hair trying to rip back on your head trying to hop into you.

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Now or never. You yank on my hair and bully forwards on me as you try to bear me to the ground. Dropping my right arm I yell loudly “I said. This is for @baileybadass !” With that, I continue to illustrate the reason why the phrase: Swing it like you mean it is my second tagline. Runner up to: Don’t threaten me with a good time. With that, I bend at the waist. I hammer my right arm up and between your legs looking to slam my forearm into your pussy. But almost as important as that I jerk my left arm up and then go from crunched over to arched as I try to topple your face-first over my right shoulder and into the mat using your right leg and your pussy as my lifting points.


I gasp as your arm smashes up into your pussy… my jaw drops slack as I double over your shoulder… my hand in your hair falling away from your head reaching down going to try and pull your arm off my legs before this can get worse… and then it does anyway… you lift me by the crotch as I double over your shoulder and flip me over your shoulder…

I land with a hard thud onto my shoulder… my hands moving to clutch my pussy as I let a long low moan of pain out… rolling to my side… I take deep panting breaths trying to get back up on my knees before things slide further downhill…


Like a sack of potatoes. Gosh, I hurt. Rubbing my aching boobs I look over to assess the damage and see you laying on the floor of the ring. Growling I’m not quite sure my leg is going to tolerate standing at this point. Taking a step over with my right leg I drag it behind me. The ground is going to be a much better place for me to work for right now and truth be told I’m not opposed to neutralizing the height difference. Besides. I do great work down here.

You however do not oblige me as I’m turning around and manage to work your way to your knees. Fine, no problem I have a solution for your moxy too and it’s not a nice one that is for sure. As you are climbing to your knees I make a little hop on my right foot and then swing from the hips with my right hand. Hopefully, your hands are still engaged on your kitty so that your mouth takes the full force of my backhanded bitch slap as I whip it through the air like It’s a spinning back fist in a kickboxing match.

At the noise from the crowd, I look over and give the redhead there a pissed-off look.


My crotch is throbbing, the nausea of the pain between my legs rolling through my body even as I try to muscle through and push up to my knees my hands still down trying to rub the pain in my womanhood away… I realize you are turning to face me and I start raising my hands to you to try and keep you back from me…

Unfortunately, you’re in motion before the thought crosses my mind your knuckles crack across my cheek, and spit sprays across the ring as my head jerks away from you. my body lurching over to the side… as I fall over onto my side… I try to roll over on my ass, moving away from you. My hand is holding my mouth as I try to get some distance between up…


The swing and the arc result in a spray of saliva before I catch sight of the brunette in the crowd now. Gritting my teeth I look back to you with a whole lot of dark fury in my face as you move to crawl away from me. I jerk forwards towards you shoving forwards and then twisting on my right foot to try and bait the lashing kick straight on. You’re a dangerous bitch and I’m not looking to get kicked in the face as I scramble after you.

Assuming I don’t eat your foot to my face I lash out with my right hand aiming for the soft skin of your right thigh looking to score lines with my claws as I scramble to catch you and get into some semblance of control on top of you. Looking to make you scream. A LOT. The claws are out now and I have zero qualms with raking you bloody.

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Your hands reach out and leave deep red welts from my upper thigh almost to my knee… I shriek as you take the opportunity to climb on top of me… I try to buck you off but my body reminds me of your uppercut you landed as my pussy pulses with pain again for a moment…

As you settle in on top I know I have to act or this fight ends fast and incredibly poorly for me. My eyes drift to your chest and through your thin sweat-soaked shirt I can see the easy contour of your nipples… my hands try to shoot up my claws out as I try to sink my nails into your breasts.

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Scrambling atop you I know I can work this position to the maximum effect. I can see the end closing in if I can just get my hooks in you and pull till you cry. The scream. Well, it’s magnificent. A deep from the bottom of your stomach thing that resounds in the bar and makes everyone well aware. Bitch is getting hurt.

The problem is. It’s ME screaming. As you sink your claws into my tank top and into my breasts beneath it. Holy. Hell. I yowl like a cat in heat. The reaction is instant as my own claws scythe for your arms looking to start at the bend of your elbows and rip red lines up the inside of your arms before trying to bury my fingers in the ligaments of your wrists to try and peel your fucking cat claws off my breasts. Don’t get me wrong my girls are tough from years and slamming them into other girls chests and having them used as target practice. That does not mean that having them mauled does not hurt like hell.

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I yelp as your nails drag up my arms and sink deep into my wrists… my face twisting in determination as I resolve to dig into your tits all I can… but just keeping up and just holding on isn’t getting me anywhere I wanna be in this fight so I need a plan and I need it fast…

I’ve been told a time or two that I can be clever when I have to be and this seems like as good of a time as any. I pull down hard on your breast with my right hand trying to make you lean as you sit atop me… while my right foot is positioned flat on the ground… I try to pull you to my right and when I then you are pulling back I push up or your right breast and bridge with the right foot trying to roll us.

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I can safely say I’ve literally never been mount rolled by my boobs. Never. Nope. Not a single time. So when you plant your foot and the ground use my titties like a steering wheel and yank to roll me over the only thing I can think to do is to wrap my legs around your lower back and squeeze like crazy while still trying to pull your claws off my chest.

Landing on my back with a thud I let out a hellcat sound and snarl-up at you. I’m not terribly happy to be on my back but it’s better than the mount I just let slip away from me as you clamber on top of me. “LEt the fuck GO you damn WHORE!” I PUUULLLLL and dig right in with my nails.

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I topple you over and manage to roll between your legs… Your powerful thighs lock around my waist… I let out a low moan… I try to pull back on my grip trying to pull away from your hands as my wrists seer in pain from your claw… as I pull back I try to keep your shirt in my hands trying to rip your top open … leaning back and twisting my wrists around your hands to pry my hands free… the nail marks in my wrists are bleeding from your squeeze…

I snap seeing my blood and I start trying to hammer punches down onto your lower belly beating down like a toddler having a tantrum over a drum… my fist beating at your belly button… grimacing as you squeeze my sides with your powerful thighs…


The leverage of your position over me is more than enough for you to not only pry your wrists free of my hands but also tear my top open. The result is that I end up tits out and snarling as you yank your hands-free of my grip and proceed to start hammering on my abs. To say that I’m happy about this wouldn’t be quite correct but of the available targets as you lose your goddamn mind I have to say it could be worse. Could be much better but it could be worse. Consequently, every hit of your fists to my tummy makes my breasts bounce and jiggle which the crowd just eats up as you take it to my abs. I clench and moan as you do it but I know I have to DO something that is going to go very bad.

I lash out in a fury up at you. You’re trying to pound my tummy into my spine and I know I’m going to have a big fat bruise there for days to come but I’m not out of this yet! My right claw LANCES up aimed at the left side of your face. My left-hand arches out and swings in cupped and aimed for your ear looking to shock your eardrum before I scrabble to latch my nails in behind your ear and RIP sideways if I can get the hold in to try and roll you over. Maybe not amount but off of me would be a great start if I can manage it.


Your right-hand slashes at my face drawing a thin stream of blood on my cheek then your hand slaps into my ear… someone really needs to turn their cell phone off that ringing is really distracting…Shit, I finally realize that’s my ear ringing as I get dizzy for a moment… getting pulled down to my side by the ear…

my hands read for your thong as we lay on our sides… I let out moans of pain as you squeeze my sides… I put one hand on your belly as the other grabs your thong… I pull hard on your panties as I push at your belly with my other hand… trying to split you in half with your own panties.

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You go over and we end on our side as I try to do my best impression of Emilia and squeeze your ribs bruised with my legs. That plan is promptly ended though as your now free hands grab my thong and then shove on my stomach making me yell as you work the fabric up over the top of my shorts and into my pussy. Raking my hand from of your face I leave the left hand still gripping your ear and holding you down.

I need you to stop and I need you to do it right the fuck. Now. I’m a desperate bitch as I can feel myself dipping low on my ability to keep trading pain with you. I’m past the point of being wet from pain and now it’s starting to sink into my bones. Starting to feel like the old friend it is and I’m reminded I’m approaching thirty and my fights aren’t getting any easier. So I guess that just means I need to rely more on abrupt and extreme violence. Cocking back my right hand I twist my hips towards the left and I swing it like I’m hammering a nail. The only difference. Your pussy is the top of the nail. And I sure as hell don’t hammer in a nail with just one swing. Hit or miss I keep swinging.


I pulled and saw at your pussy with your thong… my head cranked to the side as your nails held me by the ear… my head still is held down. I can hear your thong stretching and threads popping… but as I’m convinced I’m going to rip your thong off the hard way your fist slams into the front of my little grey shorts… my body flinches from the impact… Not registering the pain of the first punch… but the second and third catch my attention just fine…

I braw in pain, my arms going limp as I try to curl up trying to clamp my legs shut as my pussy throbs from your rapid punches into my slit… my hands trying to push at your hips trying to push away from the pain.


You shove at me and I switch targets. Peeling my body away, waddling trying to get a little range on you as my thong is still FIRMLY lodged in both my ass and my lower lips. I’m forced to use my right foot to try and shove you off my left leg by pressing it to your stomach and shoving.

I do not however let go of your ear if I can at all help it. In Fact, assuming I manage to get free of you, I work my way around you on my knees with ill intent in mind using that grip on your ear as my guide. I am not nearly as spry as I was when we started this thing but damn am I looking to make you hurt as I inch my body around the back of your head twisting that grip on your ear.


I scream as you twist and pull at my ear… shoving me off your thigh and scooting away but all I can focus on for at least a few moments is the pain between my thighs… Your twisting my hair keeps me shrieking and I’m pretty sure the back of my ear is getting the same treatment as my wrists got… after a moment I’m finally able to at least move one hand to try and pry my throbbing ear free… trying to twist and turn my body to relieve the pain as it feels like your trying to rip my ear off of my head…


I get myself into position above you and as you reach up to pry your ear free of my hand I start in on you. Anyone who says that a slap is not an effective means of knocking someone out I have some videos for you to watch. Yes most of them are huge Russian dudes hitting each other but there are some petite strippers with a KO count. So when I say I proceed to level full retraction and then swing slaps at your jawline from a position of leverage. I mean fucking business as I haul off with the intent of ringing your bell hard as well as leaving a nice handprint on your pale cheek for your fan club to enjoy. I’m going to lose the grip on your ear but I have every intention of it not mattering if I have my way with your face.

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Your slap rings my bell dazing me… my head jolting to the side my jaw going slack as my other ears now ringing… my hands reaching up for you trying to grab at your face or tits with the coordination of a 3yo in my dazed state… trying to shake the ringing out of my head… my hips twisting as my body’s autopilot tells me to get off the ground… NOW… one of my hands reaching for your hand clawing my ear trying to grab one finger and rip back on it… my other still lashing and clawing wildly and desperately at you.

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Your flailing gets me in the face and I lose my goddamn mind. It’s been a minute. The hand scores my cheek and I scream like the banshee announcing the death of your family line. It’s compounded by you ripping my finger back and twisting it hard. The hand that was slapping you though goes for your hair as a string of pure venom pours from my lips “fifty cent, wannabe, street walking, savage, pass off for a prostitute motherfucker, get your filthy ass scratching hands off my FACE you absolute tart I’m going to kill you god damn..” the rolling wave of pure rage in word form continues as I try to grab your hair and rock back onto my heels attempting to stand and hang you by it to drag you backward as I lose all sense of my surroundings seeing only red and feeling pain and anger.

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You stand ripping up on my hair… making me sit up as you drag me back… my legs kicking and flailing in the air as I’m pulled back… I try to kick over and roll over off my ass trying to get up to my knees so I can try and defend myself… blood dripping down both sides of my face from my ear on one side and my cheek on the other… I scramble trying to catch up…

Getting dragged behind you my eyes focus in through the pain on my opportunity to stop your momentum, your labia hanging out from the wedgie I gave you earlier… lower my right hand for a moment then with all the desperation in my hurting body I try to throw a hard uppercut and your crotch.

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I have the edge of the ring insight and I am gunning for it as I feel you flailing like a fish on a hook. Looking back I catch the movement and I know what is coming as you bury your fist on my labia lips and it’s like someone cut the power to my legs. My hand releases your hair and I drop backward onto my ass as my legs come up and I curl into a little ball. Squeezed up and rocking on my ass as I howl in pain from the punch to my pussy.

My eyes squeeze tight and I can feel fear and frustration swirling up in my stomach. The pain is a pulsing ugly thing that crawls over my body from the impact point on my womanhood. I should know better. You’re so prone to it and I left it open for you to hit god I’m an idiot as I rock and howl.

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I feel my knuckles slam up into your womanhood and it’s the best thing I’ve felt this whole match so far. you drop clutching your pussy and I pant… looking around at the crowd my hands leaning on your hips as I try to push up to my feet… staying bent over my hand twisting into your thong and then twisting one more time making sure I have a good grip on it…

“Bailey is going to need a new wife when I’m done, maybe I’ll look her up” is hiss down at you… putting my foot up on your hip and I dive back onto my ass… trying to use my whole body for a mega wedgie on you… I really don’t expect it to last, assuming the little scant piece of fabric will end up ripping off of you as I drop back…


There is nothing I can do after you proceed to stand. Grip my thong and then plant your foot on my hip. You make a comment about Bailey and that. That cuts right through what is going on in my head. “Talk shit-” I get the first half of the sentence out and then you drop back and rip the thong off me. It snaps off in my ass and then comes free in your hands as you hit the mat legs towards me.

My reaction is a pure instinct as I lash out with my right foot aiming it along your leg following the inside of the thigh and screaming bloody murder as I try to literally smash your clit to your pubic bone with the blade of my foot. “GET HIT” My hands haven’t left my cunt but fuck you and fuck yours as I lash back at the readily available target you’ve given me but putting your foot on my hip.


I drop back and the thong rips off… I was expecting it to hold out a little longer so as I hit I flopped back… your thong in my hands still as I sit back up just in time for your heel to smash into my mons… I howl as my eyes pop open as I gasp… my womanhood aching in pain as your heel smashes my clit… I rock over to the side trying to pull my legs back and clutch my pussy through my grey shorts…

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I still absolutely ache from that upper cunt and I don’t have a ton of options for continuing to deal with you but I lash out with my right hand. Left still cupping my sore kitty as I try to grab your ankle. Attempting to keep you from curling up. No, we are not done. I struggle to secure it and at the same time, I cock my right foot back again and go for the second heel stomp to your poor pussy. I’m out for blood as I lash out again still seated and holding myself as I try to bludgeon you into submission with my foot.


I start to twist but you grab my foot and hold my legs open and stomp my pussy again… I sit up gasping, my body wrenching in pain… you go for the third and I manage to get my hands over my crotch first… My hands ache but it’s still better than another stomp to my quim… trying to turn my knees in. My feet trying to kick free as I slump forward over your foot, my hand trying to grab your striking foot to keep you from stomping me again so fast…


The next smack is satisfying as I get you with it and then you start to shell up rolling over and struggling as you get your hand in front of the third stomp causing it to really fail to connect. I snarl in frustration. You grab on my foot and I yank back cocking it like I’m going to try and kick your pussy again but with your turn and slump I suddenly lash out at your face with it if I can get it free of your body. My pussy is still fucking killing me from that knuckle on my clit and I am not sure trying to get to my feet is wise just yet so I try to ring your bell in an effort to give me an opening.


I try to push your foot away from my throbbing pussy pushing, but as you suddenly pull your foot to your chest I fold forward when you kick back at my face… your heel smashing my bottom lip splitting it as a small bit of spit and blood mist into the air laying me back out on my back against dazed in a fog of what could be a minor concussion… my arms flopping down to my sides as I recoil onto my back… my body driven more out of instinct then active thought, tries to prop up on my elbows trying to sit up.


Rolling to my hands and knees as I see you flop out on the ground I crawl over to your own body. I am basically empty at this point so if I can’t finish you off this may be it for me. I can feel the lead in my arms as I crawl over to you. Just hoping your ass stays down for a second. You’re a fucking terminator of a woman as I get up next to you I let out a feral noise and haul off with a right punch aimed between your eyes trying to knock you back onto the floor so I can climb on top of you. This fight started standing but I don’t think we’ve been on our feet for even half of it. The crowd around us has basically run out of cheers as we continue to beat on each other well into the end of this particular race. I know what I need to do to end this but it’s a question if my body will LET me.

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I sit up on autopilot as you crawl up over my body… I go to raise one of my arms, holding it extended, trying haplessly to keep you back… I try to say something but your fist slams my head back to the ground and splits my left eyebrow open a bite… I’ll likely need a stitch or two for that one as I flop back… all I hear is a loud buzzing sound in my ears. The few working lights on the ceiling above me seem to swirl and dance around the room… punch drunk I try to mumble my submission but I’m so foggy I wouldn’t think even mush mouth would have understood what I tried to say.

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Crawling on top of you I don’t get into a traditional mount instead I move into a reverse schoolgirl pin. Trying to get your arms under my knees as you mumble incoherently. With ass and pussy bare I sit back trying to pin your face in a smother. Looking down at the rest of your body I mutter. “Time for some payback” And with that, I move to ravage your breast with my fingers. I want you DONE. Finished. No questions and no chance for you to get another pussy shot on me like I know you are good at doing. Just the one nearly did me in. “Come on bitch SCREAM”

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You sit on my face trapping me as my face is sealed tightly in your as with blood sweat and nectar making sure it’s airtight… I try to lift my arms to push you off but your shins pin down my wrists and biceps… you can feel me trying to gasp for a breath that never comes, against your pussy and ass…

you can feel me starting to scream as your talons start clawing at my breasts… my legs kick around flailing, a very obvious wet spot in the crotch of my light grey shorts as I weakly and futility squirm under you…

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Removing one of my hands from your breast I shove my fingers down trying to get them under your waistline as I feel around for your wet pussy. It’s like blood in the water for me. As soon as I know you’re weak or turned on I go for it. With you trapped like this, there is no better time while I knead and maul your breasts. I slip my fingers low looking to humiliate you further as I move to slide them in your slit. I want you to remember this particularly after we are finished here since I have a phone call to make and there is someone who’s going to want to hear about this.

Lifting my ass enough to hear you I look back. “Do you give?”

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I writhe bucking weakly as you maul my breasts… your hand slipping into my shorts and easily find my battered pussy dripping wet… you go to force your fingers into me and the only resistance you get is due to my swollen labia… I moan into your crotch and ass, a visible shudder runs up my body…

You lift your now bloody, sweaty ass off my bleeding face and all I can do at first is gaas desperately for breath, my burning lunges taking priority over everything else… The rush of oxygen sets my body trembling hard and you can feel me clinching and pulsing on your fingers… My breathing getting faster and faster… “p…p…p…ppllleassss… sttttaaaaaawwwwwwp” I moan out in pain even as you drive me closer and closer to cumming in my little shorts…


The fingers find your womanhood and I work you with them without pause as soon as I get them in that swollen slit of yours. It’s moist and you cling to me as I work around you. You’re so much like me it’s not even funny. My pussy is absolutely throbbing and another good punch from you probably would have given me a pain orgasm Which was not what I needed in the middle of a fight like this. Still. I don’t stop with your pussy.

I get my ass off your face and you just suck in air like you are drowning. “Mmmm yeah as soon as your loser pussy pops, We’re done here.” With that, I sit back down on your face and begin to squeeze your breasts and finger bang your pussy in earnest hunting for that warm release on my fingers as I work away at you in the middle of the ring.


I pant as your ass hovers over my chest my hips grinding against my will trying to fuck Back against your fingers… I hear your promise of letting me go but all of it just sounds like my head is underwater… I get my breath back and I start gasping and moaning again, but my face is again buried deep into your womanhood… the taste of our sweat, my blood, and your nectar is putting me into subspace…

My hips suddenly find a strength they haven’t had in a while… my thighs visibly tremble as you can feel me screaming into your pussy even though I can’t be heard… my love mouth seems to bite down softly on your fingers as I start to squirt… my body locks up as every muscle starts to tense up all at once…


As I close my eyes enjoying the ride of my ass on your face I finally feel your womanhood contract and that release of nectar that tells me we have reached the end of this battle as you give up a submission that can’t be denied to my fingers. I finally relax as you rut out the orgasm on my fingers. Sighing heavily I roll off your face and just sit there. Looking over at the side of the ring I gesture. “Bring me my phone.”

The guy digs around in my bag and hands me the phone through the ropes and I flick through the contacts crawling back over to you. I hit the dial on the number marked “Lisa” Letting it ring I hold it up to your face. “Tell your girlfriend what happened..”

The End.

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