Battling Sales Girls by Catwriter

Linda and Nicole worked at a large car dealership in Charlotte North Carolina. In an industry dominated by men, these women were just excellent at their work. Both enjoyed huge commissions and lived very well. About the only thing they didn’t like about their jobs was each other. They were intensely competitive and each month, one or the other would lead all salespeople in sales.
One reason for their dislike was pure jealousy. Both women were pretty, not drop dead gorgeous in the face but their bodies were incredible. Long legs, finely honed asses and relatively thin waists. Their jealousy stemmed from their breasts, which looked to be equal in size and shape. Both were D cuppers.
On an otherwise slow Monday morning, Jacque came to the showroom intending to buy a sports car. He had just been transferred to the local pro hockey team. Linda and Nicole were hockey fans and knew Jacque was a single athlete.
The women, dressed in business suits, both approached. It was Linda’s turn, but dark haired Nicole wasn’t about to pass up this opportunity.
“Good morning, ladies.” smiled Jacque enjoying the sexy women before him.
“I’m Linda and you’re Jacque and Nicole here has someplace else to go.” Linda stated, glaring at Nicole.
“So nice to meet you, Jacque. Perhaps you’ll be needing a guide to our city and I can show you some dark and inviting places you’ve seen before.” said Nicole, totally ignoring Linda’s remark.
“Yes, I really don’t know my way around.” Jacque smiled.
After several more moments of bothering Linda, Nicole finally sauntered away. After Linda had made the sale and a date, Nicole found Jacques address on his sales agreement.
That evening, Linda showed up at Jacque’s sumptuous home wearing an elegant black dress showing large amounts of cleavage. As she neared the door, another car pulled up and out stepped Nicole wearing a white dress, showing similar amounts of cleavage.
“Get the hell out of here, you bitch.” shouted Linda, black hair swinging violently.
“Screw you, Linda, I’m here to show Mr. Hockey around town”, Nicole retorted brushing past Linda toward the door.
“Oh no you don’t” spat Linda as she grabbed Nicole’s hair with both hands and threw her to the lawn, toppling the vivacious brunette over backward. Nicole leapt to her feet and noticed the ugly grass stain on her new dress.
“You bitch”, she screamed as she swung her purse around catching Linda under the chin and knocking her backward. Following up, Nicole flung herself at Linda and the two busty women went crashing to the lawn, rolling violently and screaming at each other. Their beautiful dresses were splitting at the seams from the violent movement. Hands were tearing at clothing now, ripping tops of dresses, and exposing sexy bras. The women managed to get to their knees each with one hand in the others hair and the other hand slapping wildly. Their hair swung about their heads as vicious slaps landed hard. The tops of their dresses now mingled with the lower half as the battlers continued hitting out at each other. Although fighting furiously, the women noticed each other’s breasts, tightly encased in bras, barely able to hold their contents. Jealously, they grasped each other’s breasts and began squeezing and twisting. The fragile bras could hardly withstand this punishment and were soon adorning the lawn. After a particularly nasty double tit twist, the battlers got to their feet, proud breasts jutting out toward each other.
It was at that moment that Jacque came outside and stood between the women. He had been a catfight fan for years and was enjoying the battle from his window. He suggested the women come in and clean up and then they could talk. He brought out large T-shirts, which the women put on and both freshened up in separate bedrooms upstairs. As they emerged, they glared at one another and rather than going downstairs, picked up where they had left off.
“Ohh, I hate you.” spat Linda as she slapped Nicole hard, then pushed her back into the bedroom where Nicole fell on the bed. Linda followed her and locked the door.
“Just you and me, slut.” and Linda leapt at Nicole who was rising. They crashed together and toppled back to the bed where they wrestled furiously. The T-shirts were pulled lower and lower until each of the battlers had a mammoth breast exposed. They grasped each other’s forearms for balance and tried to throw one another to the floor. But they were deadlocked and instead began thrusting their chests together. Forehead to forehead and looking down, the battlers began a savage tit fight, sometimes swinging their breasts into that of her opponent and other times bearhugging and nipple dragging the other. Their blonde and brunette hair tangled together during this close in fighting and they began to slide in their sweat, breasts bulging as they slammed together.
All four breasts were exposed now and the women, unable to topple the other, grasped each other around the back and squeezed hard. Breast meat surged out from under their arms as the huge globes came into contact. They twisted and turned and finally fell to the floor, rolling wildly. They were pulling hair and twisting tits and nipples. Their legs locked and squeezed as the women tore at each other. Screaming curses, they rolled slowly now, breasts never losing contact as they hit at each other. The shredded T-shirts finally fell away from the bare breasted battlers as the lovely brunette and gorgeous blonde went after each other.
With one hand in each other’s hair, they rose unsteadily. Securing a double-handed hairpull, they began staggering about the bedroom. Huge breasts rolled and swung on their chests and occasionally bashed into each other as the furious females locked up. Nicole finally pushed Linda against the wall and with arms outspread, tried to hold her there. They engaged in another breast dual, Nicole pushing and Linda jamming back. Linda suddenly kneed Nicole in the pussy and Nicole doubled over in pain. Linda gave her a roundhouse right, which not only knocked Nicole to the bed but knocked her out as well.
Timing is everything, and Jacque was a goal scorer after all. He entered the bedroom and took Linda in his arms, crushing her to him. They kissed and soon she felt the tilt in Jacque’s kilt and they lay on the bed, ignoring the still unconscious Nicole. Linda straddled the jock and began riding him like a pony. He reached up and tenderly cupped and stroked her breasts and then she leaned forward. He began lightly licking her nipples, just flicking them with his tongue, back and forth and then in a circular fashion.
Suddenly, Jacque was lying by himself. Nicole had awakened and pulled Linda off of Jacque. He could hear the women scrambling on the floor and rolled over where he could watch. Linda and Nicole had one another by the breasts and were twisting viciously, grunting and groaning legs locked together. They went for a hairpull and rolled crazily about the bedroom floor, huge breasts mashed together.
After several moments of fierce fighting, Nicole straddled Linda, spreading her legs wide. Linda tried to buck Nicole off but Nicole held on for dear life. Jacque enjoyed this particular view of the battlers. He moved over and knelt behind Nicole who suddenly felt his tool sliding between her legs. Jacque was spreading the wealth and Linda too could feel him and both women began pushing each other’s pussy with her own as they competed for the prize.
The battlers were cheek to cheek, pressed together, and squirming their hips, Jacque firmly between them. Their cunts battled mightily, grinding. Each could feel the other’s pussy hair as they cunt fought in the sweat, sliding and bumping.
Finally, Jacque managed to enter Nicole who moaned loudly. Linda, furious, grabbed Nicole’s hair and yanked. Nicole yanked back but they were locked together and couldn’t roll because of Jacque. Their battling breasts were becoming red and yet they fought on. Jacque suddenly pulled out of Nicole and hit Linda’s five hole with pinpoint accuracy. Now Nicole tried to pussy back with her hips to regain possession of Jacque’s dick. Jacque wrapped his arms around the furious females and rolled until he was on his back.
Now Linda was on top and Nicole was sandwiched between them. Anxious to even the score, Linda pumped hard into Jacque as Nicole, planting her feet, tried to buck Linda off. She finally succeeded and the raging girls leaped to their feet began slapping each other’s faces and arms and breasts. They securing a double bearhug, they wrenched torsos, racking breasts and nipples together, staggering madly about the room. They toppled to the bed, pussies at the edge. Jacque, unable to hold back fell heavily into the women and after a mad scramble somehow came up between them.
“Let’s finish this, you can fight anytime you like.” Reluctantly releasing each other’s hair, Linda and Nicole took up the challenge. While Linda kissed him, Nicole licked his dick and gently rubbed and cupped his balls. Jacque had hands on each woman’s breast and gently kneaded the beautiful globes.
Soon, with hips bucking uncontrollably under Nicole’s expert cocksucking, Jacque came in a torrent. He then suggested that Nicole lie on top on Linda for just a moment. The women welcomed this suggestion and soon were writhing together and pulling hair. He knelt behind the wrestling babes and began licking first one pussy and then the other. Nicole and Linda were totally turned on and began grinding their pussies together and kissing passionately. His expert tongue soon had both women at the brink and as they jammed together began bucking wildly. Pulling hair and kissing and grinding, both soon came in a screaming climax and lay back, side by side, exhausted.
“Any chance we could do this again?” inquired Jacque.
“I’ll catfight Nicole any chance I get”, said Linda
“Kicking her ass would be a pleasure”; replied Nicole as the women looked at one another menacingly, rising to one elbow, breasts touching.
“Cool”, said Jacque, “Very cool indeed.” He scored two goals the following evening.
The End.