Vanessa and Elsa were their names 120 years ago when they last saw daylight. Once exquisite, alluring beauties so full of life, they were now ghostly shadows of their former selves. Both unnaturally gorgeous still…with cold, silky smooth alabaster skin. Their flawless beauty frozen in time, a chilling contradiction of sensuality and horror. They had piercing red eyes that were the color of beguiling sapphires and tempting violet lips that curled over sharp and dangerous ivory fangs. Vanessa had long blonde hair the color of burnished gold. Elsa’s elegant mane was ebony, black as the deepest darkest night, without a single strand of gray. They had forgotten their loved ones..all dead and gone now. While amongst the living, the two women lived in the same little village and were quite close…like sisters. That had been forgotten as well, so very long ago. They were now wild, ravenous creatures of the night. All they knew now was the hunger. The dark hunger. It was what drove all these tragic creatures. It motivated them to do horrible, unspeakable things to men, women…even children. The undying, insatiable desire for living blood which had all but killed any remnant of a soul they once had.
These women were vampires.
The two demonic females were the last two brides of a 350 year old vampire prince named Roman. A century prior, at the height of his powers, he’d had as many as 30 brides. They lived in a coven of the undead in an old monastery outside of Austria. It had taken Roman many years to cultivate his brood of captivating brides…gorgeous, elegant and from all corners of the globe. It was an intoxicating collection of bloodthirsty female vipers. These creatures fought wars with one another over the decades. Like animals in heat they battled, these hell bitches. They were not so much women anymore, they were more akin to feral wildcats. The monastery practically dripped with their blood over time. Roman had made them what they were. Whether blessing or curse, they had eternal life while under his dark shadow. They were sworn to him and him alone. Burning hatred and seething jealousies drove them to their periodical bloodlettings. These hungry felines would indulge themselves in these unholy contests. Fights to the finish with copious amounts of dark, crimson blood spilt on the monastery floors. As you probably know, vampires are very hard to destroy. But these females had gained the skills. They knew how to end other vampires, once and for all. It was a savage ritual that had to take place as this pecking order of hell spawned brides demanded it. The ghastly bride wars raged fiercely for countless years and now there were only two brides remaining. Vanessa and Elsa. They were Roman’s prized possessions. And now their time had come. The would finally battle each other for the first time…the only time. As was the custom, Roman could have no part of it. He would return the following night to greet the victress.
It was inevitable..they both knew it instinctively. Both had fed for the night and returned to the monastery for their rendezvous. The crumbling structure looked much smaller from the outside. Once inside, the halls and chambers were huge and neverending. Perhaps a trick of light and shadow..perhaps you were in another dimension altogether once inside. The huge room where the harem of female vampires once thrived was plush and luxurious indeed…draperies, tapestries..soft pillows and seas of satin and silk. Reds and violets, silver and gold..like some poisonous garden of finery. Candles were lit throughout the sumptuous room and there was an air of mystery, sensuality and implicit danger. The lady vampires materialized from clouds of wispy gray smoke in the chamber, adorned in flowing white silken gowns. They approached one another very slowly, their hostile eyes ablaze. They finally spoke. There was an awkward, chilling cadence to their soft, raspy voices. Cold and void of emotion, these females would go months, sometimes even several years, without speaking a word at all.
Vanessa hissed, “I…destroy you, tonight.”
”No..I destroy YOU, bitch..” Elsa replied, with a low murmur.
Wild, deadly eyes…sensuous forms…two women from the very pits of Hades about to wage war. They bared their shiny, deadly fangs…growling softly like cats. The air seemed to crackle with a soft, beguiling energy.
Elsa suddenly lunged at Vanessa with supernatural speed. Grabbing her hair, she pulled the blonde’s head back and immediately tried to attack her throat. Vanessa thrust her arm into Elsa’s face and the raven haired vampire bit into her rival’s wrist instead, where she began to partake of the blood in her veins. Vanessa snarled and clawed at Elsa’s sides, tearing into her elegant gown and leaving red, bloody slashes across her ribs. Elsa cried and bit down on Vanessa’s milky shoulder and started sucking on her flesh. They grabbed one another’s long manes and tore hair out by the root as they swayed about the chamber with a kind of savage, terrifying grace.
Vanessa gouged at Elsa’s eyes as tears of blood ran down her face. The brunette howled and spit at her opponent. Elsa grabbed Vanessa and slammed her into a nearby stone wall, with bone shattering force. She tore at Vanessa’s stomach and hips as she cackled. Vanessa lunged into Elsa, clawing her pretty face and delicate features. Blood was now flowing from both females. Torn skin..red gashes and streaks. These vampires not only wanted victory, they craved the total destruction of their enemy’s eternal beauty. They choked one another, slowly and deliberately sinking sharp claws deeper into graceful necks. Tight muscles were torn and ravaged. Blood seeped from between their tightened, tapered fingers as they wrapped them wickedly around gorgeous long throats.
They released each another from their cruel, chilling grips and circled one another.…slowly….for what seemed like an eternity. Time seemed to stand still for the two combatants. Even the soft hypnotic sounds of the night seemed to go quiet and still.
”I….HATE you…I..always hate you..” cried Elsa. “I will…devour you..”
”No..” said Vanessa, “You DIE..tonight. Roman is MINE..”
“Noooo….MINE!” Elsa exclaimed, out of her mind with burning, innate jealousy.
Elsa suddenly leapt at Vanessa and scratched her neck viciously as dark, burgundy fluid sprayed onto the stone wall. She closed in and hungrily lapped the blood like a starved beast with her long tongue. Elsa had fed earlier and needed no sustenance. She drank the bitches blood because of the insatiable hatred and dark, wicked passion so prevalent in this horrifying struggle. She then sank her sharp fangs into Vanessa’s sleek throat for the first time and started drinking furiously as she pressed their hips together. The blonde let out a deep, guttural moan as Elsa sighed with animal lust. “Ohhhhh…God.….” Vanessa cried softly as her elixir was drained and Elsa devoured her greedily. Both these unholy bitches could endure explicit amounts of punishment and not bleed out. It was inherently surreal, raw and erotic.
Vanessa had blood coursing down her neck, caught in the savage throes of battle. She grabbed Elsa’s face and ripped the brunette away from her throat, tearing her own flesh along with it. She then plunged her own fangs into Elsa’s windpipe and sucked on her ravenously as they groaned and cried. Their blood was gushing all over them as they writhed and screamed. Bloodthirsty cunts..nothing more than bloodthirsty animals now.
Elsa tore away at Vanessa’s gown and pulled her hair so viciously she almost tore her head from her shoulders. Elsa licked and drank the blood from Vanessa’s throat, working her way down as the crimson tide cascaded to her ivory breasts. Licking the fresh blood from her breasts and nipples with her long, silky tongue, Elsa suddenly bit down deeply into her rival’s full breasts and began sucking the thick blood from Vanessa’s luscious mammaries. “Aaaaagghh….bitch..” the blonde wailed as Elsa drank the blood from her breasts. Elsa purred and groaned with lurid delight. Their pale lithe bodies sharply swayed together.
Both vampires were soaked in a baptism of their own blood, yet they battled on…with dark, unholy lust. What was left of their elegant gowns was dark crimson, their white skin practically bathed in it. Clashing, dueling and devouring one another…their blood, burgundy and thick. Vanessa buried her razor sharp claws into Elsa’s waist and pulled her to the chamber floor…their shiny bloody bodies wrestling viciously. The sounds of raw, intimate fighting..part female, part animal..all explicit and nasty. It was back and forth with neither gaining a clear advantage. The torrid night seemed endless. They coiled their strong bodies together like snakes. They tore at one another, deeper and deeper still, exposing streaks of muscle and tendons. Wanton hungry mouths clamped down on cold flesh…absorbing the blood..drinking each other. Shrill cries and shrieks of pain mixed with low moans of fevered ecstasy. Snarling, hissing and growling. Primal and feral and yet still elegant and sensuous, these cunning vipers.
Now almost nude, except for shreds of their reddened dresses, the two continued trying to tear each other to shreds. They bled profusely and yet somehow fought even harder. Elsa ripped into Vanessa’s taut stomach and pelvis and the blonde’s rich blood streamed onto both combatants. The dark haired vampire voraciously lapped up as much of the red, viscous fluid as she could. Vanessa attacked Elsa’s proud breasts, leaving bloody wounds she licked and drank…sucking and savagely kissing her scarlet tits.
The gorgeous demons locked their jaws together and began another phase of their intimate war…biting and ripping at tongues and lips until the blood flowed from their mouths. Slick, silky tongues jabbing and jousting into lush, bloody mouths. A fever dream of destructive passion as their crimson lips parted to emit wailing screams. They clawed their thighs, locked them together and plunged their deadly sharp fangs into one another’s throats again. Their hips gyrated as they feasted on one another. Their sinewy bodies perversely locked together as one as they continued to feed on one another. How they moaned and cried with exquisite pain. The undead beauties rhythmically contorted and convulsed. A stunningly shocking spectacle of unholy beauty.
The cursed bitches lost all track of time. Their encounter was so vicious and cruel, and they were so very evenly matched. What started at midnight now languidly pressed into the early dawn and the break of day. Somehow they were finding untouched flesh to ravage as the morning birds began their sweet songs for the new day. Caught up in the pain and passion of their grisly battle, Vanessa and Elsa paid no heed to the brightening room until it was too late. The sun….the damn sun was slowly arching upward into the morning sky. The women looked up, their gruesome fight not yet finished. Still wrapped together, they realized they were both too weak and devastated to find their way back to the sanctuary of their coffins. They hissed and howled but to no avail. The taste of one another’s blood still in their mouths, the night creatures melted and melded together as one gorgeous, ravaged form. Their bodies turned to pale dust as the sun enveloped the chamber. In an instant it was over for both of them with the first glorious morning rays of sunlight.
The long, hellish night was over.
Roman’s prized possessions, the two he coveted the most, were gone. This was the day the vampire prince lost both his remaining brides. Broken in spirit at their gruesome final fate, he would never have the strength or desire to create another harem.
Legend stated that the vampire prince Roman had no soul, but he mourned the devastating loss of his precious brides. Oh yes, he surely mourned. For none could ever replace his treasured Vanessa and Elsa.
The End

Savage and erotic fight to the death. Fantastic story. Hope to see more of these type of stories in future. Thank u for sharing
I just now noticed this response. Sorry it took so long to reply. Thank you so much!