Chapter 1
Veronica Vanderkerler was anxious to begin her senior season as a front line hitter on her college’s volleyball team. She was an excellent player on a very good team. She and the rest of the girls on her team got along well and many of the players returned from a team that had nearly won a regional championship the year before. The team spirit and camaraderie were great and besides the fact that all the best players returned was the prospect of a tall and talented junior college transfer who had led her JC team to the national finals the year before. Veronica and her teammates were very upbeat about the upcoming season. Coach Becka Winslow had the girls working out on their own before the practices began the first week of school at the end of August.
Veronica was the second tallest player on the team, standing 5 feet 11 inches tall. She was of Dutch descent and her long blonde hair framed a chiseled face with high cheekbones and startlingly beautiful blue eyes. She was slender, as were nearly all of her teammates, and shapely. She wasn’t bountifully large in her breasts, but they were certainly “big enough” to set off her trim waist and long, long muscular legs. Yes, she was shapely if not top-heavy. On the volleyball court she was known as a terrific leaper and could jump well enough to compete successfully with girls several inches taller. She had played all three years before and had steadily moved up in the university’s all-time statistics for kills and blocks. If she were to manage a terrific senior season she might well accede to the very top of the record book in both categories. She was really a solid team player, but in the back of her mind she was excited about the prospect of holding top honors in the school’s volleyball record book.
Oh yes, I almost forgot. Veronica had a pet name in the locker room, and sometimes accidentally outside the locker room. It stemmed from the fact that about halfway through her freshmen season, at only 18 years of age, one of her teammates made a chuckling comment about Veronica’s body. The girls changed together, showered together, and some even lived together. So it was no secret that Veronica was blessed with a very thick, glossy, and bountiful thatch of pubic hair. In contrast to her blonde hair above, her curly-haired bush was very deep dark brown. It was dense, very dense, and shimmered in the light. Unlike most of the other girls who trimmed much of their pubic fuzz into much smaller shapes and even hairless, Veronica enjoyed the natural look. The only accommodation to grooming was to shave the outermost hairs that grew far out to either side and down her leg. She was able to wear fashionable bathing suits without tipping off anyone of her fuzz-thicket underneath. She didn’t wear high-cuts or thongs but she could cover her thatch with many different suits. Well, as the girls were showering one day during that season two and a half years before, in a jovial mood, the girls were discussing various things, when the topic of pubic hair came up. Sally, a girl since graduated, jokingly said that maybe she should go all natural, like “Queen Bush over there.” She was referring to Veronica of course, and all the other girls knew it. Veronica blushed and the other girls laughed, but it was all in fun and Veronica took no offense.
From that day on the girls, when others weren’t around and usually in the confines of their locker room, referred to Veronica as “Queen Bush”, or “QB” for short. Most of the girls on the team had nicknames and this one stuck to Veronica. Sometimes they would even forget and use the “QB” moniker out in public or during a match. If anyone asked about it they just shrugged their shoulders and said they didn’t know how the nickname had been acquired. Veronica actually took a bit of pride, deep inside, from the acknowledgement of her girlfriends that she was the Queen of Bush. Occasionally in the showers, as the girls joked around with each other, and Veronica joined in, she would prance around and do a little dance, grabbing her groin with both hands just to either side of her immense bush and pull her skin a bit wider, causing her already large bush to appear even larger. “Queen Bush sure took it to them tonight didn’t she?” She had even taken to calling herself QB in the locker room and she felt it was not being conceited to do so. After all, it hadn’t been her idea. She felt good about herself and her volleyball talent.
Well, well, well. Now that it was her senior season and the first day of practice had finished the girls headed to the showers as usual. The joking around among the girls was evident, but so was something else. When Chelsea Stoddermeyer strode in to the showers, after impressing all the girls with her obvious volleyball talent, the other girls took notice right away. Not only was Chelsea 6 feet 1 inch tall and a good leaper, shapely in every way, but Chelsea came through the door TOTALLY NATURAL. She was a very pretty brunette, with long shiny hair that fell to nearly halfway down her back. Her dark brown eyes were big and peered out from under long sexy lashes. She was striking in both looks and height. She had transmitted an aura of great confidence out on the court, and she carried that confidence with her into the showers as well.
“Oh my God!” mumbled Linda, one of the other girls on the team. “She has the biggest hairiest snatch I’ve ever seen.” As the first to notice Chelsea, Linda took a quick glance over at “QB” to make a quick comparison. Veronica hadn’t noticed right away as she was shampooing her hair and her eyes were closed. It took only a moment to realize that Chelsea was at least the match of Veronica in every fuzzy way. Chelsea was brunette with dark brown hair covering her groin practically halfway up to her navel. It spread out and away from her mound in a thick carpet. It was also evident that she did NOT trim or shave the edges as there were long dark pubic hairs growing along her upper inner thighs and off to the side of her mound. If she were to wear any sort of fashionable bathing suit she would be showing off a ton of thick dark hair all around the lower edges. In fact, even the short shorts worn by the volleyball team might not completely cover the hairs growing on the lowest extremity of her thatch. “Amazing!” thought Linda. As Chelsea stepped under the shower, unaware of the looks she was beginning to draw from the others, Linda reached over and nudged Amanda. “Would you look at that?” Pointing at Chelsea she added in artificially bad English, “Me thinks there might be a new QB!”
All six of the other girls in the shower eyed Chelsea’s furry snatch and then without any shame turned their gaze to Veronica. Back and forth went six pairs of eyes. They were in the last group to shower as several girls had finished quickly and left. First they would look at Chelsea and then return to stare at Veronica and her hefty bush. It only took 20 or 30 seconds of this before Veronica became aware of the quiet in the room. She asked Tesha, “What’s going on?”
“Well, Veronica. It looks like that bush of yours has some competition now.” Only the sound of the showers was evident. The small talk had all ended. In fact, the air felt heavy with a sliver of tension. Chelsea had also become aware that they were talking about her, and noticed Veronica develop a frown of disdain as she looked in her direction.
Rashelle piped up, “Yeah, QB. I’m not sure you really ARE the QB any more!”
Finally Chelsea spoke up. Addressing Rashelle she asked, “Why did you call her ‘QB’?”
Tesha blurted forth before Rashelle could answer and told the story of Veronica obtaining the nickname back in freshman year. Chelsea just smiled as Tesha concluded her story. “Well, well, well. Isn’t that interesting. Maybe Veronica USED to have the best bush around here. Maybe she USED to have the nickname “Queen Bush”, but it’s obvious that a new queen has arrived.”
Chelsea spoke with a venom tongue and as she finished she held her arms above her head and did a quick twirl around to give every girl there a good look at her prodigiously thick bush. She dropped her hands to her crotch and then slid her long slender fingers into her thicket from above. Slowly extending her fingers downward through her pussy fur she pulled the hair outward very slowly away from her mound. This stretched many of her long hairs out straight and away from her skin. This emphasized the length and thick consistency of her pubic growth for all who stared. EVERYONE was staring as she preened her soaking wet thatch. Damn, they realized, her hair was indeed very long and dense.
Veronica spat out a snarling retort, “No fucking beanpole JC bitch is going to come in here and take ANYTHING that is mine. That includes my nickname, my spot on the front row, or anything else. I’ve had that nickname for two and a half years, and I’ll KEEP IT. Thank you just the same.” It was obvious the comments had lighted a fuse inside Veronica that was very short. Her competitiveness would not stand for an interloper like Chelsea to get in her way. Now it was her turn. She exaggeratedly mimicked the previous actions of Chelsea. Turning around slowly 360 degrees, wiggling her hips as she rotated, she gave all the other girls a good view of her splendid tall body. Following Chelsea’s lead, she too slid her fingers deeply down into her wet, glistening patch of fur and drew the hairs out in front of her own mound for the others to admire. They too were very long. The girls all stood in dumbstruck awe at what they were watching. It had never occurred to them before that there might be such a contentious issue surrounding pubic hair, but it was obvious that these two girls were very serious. Certainly there were other issues involved (like who would be the “go to” player on the front row), but the focus of their rivalry had now definitely arrived right at the V between their legs.
Chelsea shot right back, “Well, puny little thatch,” making snide reference to Veronica’s pubic patch, “where I come from, girls have to EARN their nickname. Why don’t you have yourself a good look in the mirror before you decide that you can keep your “QB” title? I’ve obviously got the Queen Bush in this locker room, and there is nothing you can do about it.”
Snarling right back at Chelsea, and taking a few steps closer Veronica retaliated, “Well I’ve already seen enough of you and your sparse little pussy to know that the Queen Bush title still belongs to me!” Placing her hands on her hips, water still dripping off her body, she thrust her thickly carpeted groin outward several inches in Chelsea’s direction in direct challenge to Chelsea’s claim.
The confident swagger Chelsea used as she took a couple of steps closer to Veronica actually surprised the other girls. They were used to viewing Veronica as a leader and watching Chelsea, apparently unimpressed, challenge her so belligerently came as a bit of a shock. Chelsea stopped about a foot and a half from Veronica. The two Amazons were quite a sight for the other girls. Tall, very tall stood the two athletic girls. Their hair was wet from the showers and drops glistened in the harsh fluorescent lighting of the shower room. Their tits stood out high and proud from their chests. But all pairs of eyes in the room were lower. Chelsea put her hands on her hips and thrust her furry mound far forward in angry acceptance of Veronica’s challenge.
“Incredible, absolutely incredible,” thought Tesha as she stared unashamedly at the two bushes pointing so menacingly at each other across the narrow space between them. Even with the saturation of their hair caused by the showers, the two patches stood out from Chelsea and Veronica’s bodies thick and proud. As the two stared daggers of hate at each other they couldn’t help but drop their eyes briefly to take a sneaky look for themselves at the relative merits of their bushes. Their bushes were only six inches apart and each girl could tell that the other girl across the inches was incredibly hairy down there and definitely a challenge to her own assets. All this happened very quickly and Veronica wasted no time in threatening Chelsea, “GIRL, I’ll fuck you over so bad you won’t ever want to lay eyes on me again. YOU can go back the fuck where you came from!”
“With THAT puny thing? Hah, don’t make me laugh. Your hideous pussy couldn’t fuck its way out of a paper bag. My pussy can out-fuck your jealous cunt without even working up a sweat!” Tesha, Linda, Rashelle, Liz, Amanda, and Dawn all noted the gleeful way that Chelsea taunted Veronica. She had actually even laughed as she spewed forth her hatred. They were very surprised to hear her challenge Veronica so directly. THEY would never have dreamed of talking to her like that. Chelsea had actually inched forward a bit as she finished. Again she thrust her pussy mound out in shameless challenge to Veronica. The thick dark patches lined up with each other perfectly. Chelsea was slightly taller, but evidently she had a longer torso. The girls’ legs were identical in length and that placed their furry mounds exactly at the same level.
The hatred and venom in Veronica’s voice sounded scary to the other girls. “You fucking beanpole bitch! MINE is the QUEEN BUSH and the QUEEN PUSSY here, and you are about to find out for yourself that my pussy could fuck you over a thousand times!” With that she edged her body forward a bit, thrust out her mound until the most extended and longest hairs from their bushes were actually touching and mingling slightly together. The breathless excitement in the room was evident and the other girls were wondering where this was going when they heard a shout from just outside. “Hurry up in there ladies, I’ve got to get out of here for a meeting and you are taking too long. Speed it up.” It was Becka, who the girls called “coach” that was telling them to hurry.
The awkward moment in the showers was met with disappointment from the rest of the team. They had been wishing to see THIS confrontation through to conclusion. The coach telling them to hurry disrupted that. Before the two tall young women parted they each leaned forward and whispered threats to each other. “I will fuck you over!” Veronica whispered. Chelsea whispered back, “I will fuck YOU over!” With hateful eyes never leaving the other, they parted and finished their showers in silence.
An unusual silence hung over the locker room as the girls toweled off, changed into their regular clothes and departed. Becka thought it odd, since the usual atmosphere was one of jovial playfulness. She forgot all about it as the girls left and she closed the locker room and headed off to an athletic department meeting.
Chapter 2
Tesha and Linda were roommates and as they hiked back to their dorm they talked excitedly about what they had witnessed. “Wow! That was incredible!” Tesha excitedly exclaimed. “I was getting all wet down there just thinking about those two going at it. Who do you think would win?”
Linda was practically hyperventilating and could hardly talk coherently. She mumbled out “Good God, I’m still horny thinking about those two amazons locking their angry pussies together. Oh yeah. You asked me a question didn’t you? Who would win?” She repeated the question as she thought while they walked across the bridge towards their dorm. Finally she managed to speak. “Chelsea. I think Chelsea would win. Her pussy hair is so thick and long. I don’t think Veronica quite measures up. I give the edge to Chelsea. What do you think?”
Tesha had already thought about her own answer and she vigorously disagreed with Linda. “No way! Did you see how angry Veronica was? She has been a leader on our team for two years, and there is not a chance she would lose to Chelsea. Besides, I think that if Veronica didn’t trim her bushy thatch around the edges to fit inside her bikini, she would have just as much bush as Chelsea, maybe more.”
The two girls walked along the rest of the way home in silence, tingly excitement wafting along with them as they went. Neither girl could get her mind off what she witnessed. It made them both horny thinking about the possibilities. Each wondered if anything would come of the confrontation. After dinner the two girls headed back to their room together and prepared to study. It was hot in August and the girls were both wearing shorts and t-shirts. Linda sat at her desk to work on her Chemistry and Tesha lay back on her lower bunk to read her novel for literature class. Linda was a brunette as was Tesha. Both girls had lithe, slim figures common among volleyball players. Each was about 5′ 7″ and their pretty faces would make them eye-candy at any party. Obviously neither girl was as tall as the two amazons, but they were fine specimens of coed femininity. Neither girl was a lesbian but they were natural flirts, sometimes even with each other.
Linda was stumped by one of her problems and she leaned back and looked across the room to see Tesha lying on the bed with her novel closed on the bed and her right arm across her tummy with her hand making slow circular rubs over her pussy mound. Her tight shorts showed a small wet patch of fabric right at the confluence of her pussy lips. Linda smiled and watched as Tesha’s eyes opened and she noticed Linda staring. “God, I got so horny just imagining those two going at each other with their mammoth bushes that I couldn’t help myself. I was imagining that I was Veronica and was fucking Chelsea silly. I really wish I could be part of that.” She was really into it because she unashamedly continued stroking her pussy through her shorts, making the wet stain grow even larger. She didn’t even try to hide her masturbation from Linda.
Linda pursed her lips and cooed, “Oooooh, fuck yes. Just thinking about those two bushes nestling into each other makes me hot too! My fantasy though is wishing I was Chelsea and could pussy-fuck Veronica into submission. I just know I could if I had Chelsea’s thick bush.” Copying a page out of Tesha’s book, she leaned back in her chair and straightened her legs out into a large V. Her left hand dove to her own pussy and began to massage it through the thin fabric of her tight cotton shorts.
The two girls eyed each other and wicked thoughts raced through their heads. Tesha spoke up again. “Remember how exciting that looked when they stood toe-to-toe and bush-to-bush. I’d like to relive that all over again. In fact maybe they are having their ‘bush war’ right this very minute. Damn, that’s an exciting thought!”
“What are we waiting for? I’m wishing the same thing.” Linda stood up and put her hands on her hips. Mimicking the pose she had watched earlier she intoned, “I’m Chelsea.”
Tesha sprang from the bed in almost delirious expectation. “I’m Veronica,” she spoke as if she was a queen and in charge of the world. She strutted over to “Chelsea” (Linda) and put her hands on her own hips as she stared at her, feigning an angry look. The two girls were acting the part, facial expressions and all, that recreated the events they had witnessed in the shower. “I’m gong to fuck you over bitch! No 2-bit JC pussy is a match for mine.”
Linda closed the gap between them. “You’re a scrawny cunt and it’s ugly fuzz won’t stand a chance woman to woman with me!” She literally spit her words, the fuming anger in her voice sounded very real to Tesha. “Let’s get it on then cunt!” Tesha spat right back. She thrust her hips out severely in front of her as Linda matched her movement symmetrically. Their two mounds met and the heat from their horny pussies passed between them. Tesha growled, “Fuck you!” Linda purred right back, “Fuck YOU!” They were really getting in the mood!
Tesha’s hands reached down and grabbed Linda’s waist. She pulled it toward her thrusting mound and ground against Linda’s reciprocating thrust. Each pussy was feeling the angry pussy of the other girl. Their mounds slammed together time and time again, each jolt sent stabbing shockwaves of pleasure through their lower bodies. They grunted and growled obscenities at each other. Each claimed her pussy the superior. As exciting and passionate as they were, both ached for more. The standing position wasn’t as advantageous for the intimate contact that they would have liked, and neither was the fact that they still had their shorts and panties on. Linda wanted to rectify that. Her pussy was burning with desire and she panted out her recommendation, “My bush can dominate your bush. I intend to prove it.” With that she stepped back and took off her shorts in record time. Her tee-shirt was off and tossed onto the bed next. Just standing there in her lightweight bra and her damp panties was enough of a challenge for Tesha.
She stepped back and her shirt and shorts were off in a flash as well. Both girls eyed the sexy display of the other combatant. Both girls were still “in character.” Linda licked her lips as she ogled her sexy roommate. One hand grabbed her right breast through the bra while her other slipped lower to find her damp panty crotch. Rubbing herself through the sheer material caused her finger to become damp from the vaginal juices so liberally leaking through. Tesha followed Linda’s lead and while they stared at each other in sexy defiance of the other she rubbed her own dew-soaked panties vigorously with her right hand. Licking her lips she stepped forward towards Linda threateningly. Reaching behind she unsnapped her bra and tossed it towards the closet. This exposed a pair of 34B tits that were very firm and round. Her dark red pointy nipples and areola made a crisp circular boundary with her darkly tanned skin. Linda continued her finger exploration right through her panties as she matched Tesha tit for tat (tit?). Her bra was tossed aside too and she stepped back within range of Tesha’s pelvis. Linda’s boobs were among the larger pairs among her teammates. The 35C bra was gone and the excitement of the current events made her light brown nipples stand out in horny acknowledgement.
Snarling at each other they propelled their hips forward and upward with a powerful thrust. Their panty-covered pussies hit together and the girls each held their ground. The juices from their cunts were now so plentiful that they could even hear the telltale sounds of squishy contact right through their panties. Linda cooed, “It seems like my juicy pussy has leaked right through to make your panties all wet. Isn’t that a shame?”
Bristling with resentment, Tesha shot back, “All that juice is mine, sweetie, it’s your funky hole that can’t produce its own juice.” With that the two girls ground their wet panties together, sending forth a magnificently feminine aroma caused by their confluence. Their panties slid back and forth and up and down across each other, each trying to out-grind the other. “Fuck your stinky pussy, cunt.” “Is that the best you can do, bitch?” “When are you going to show some action, slut?” “MY bush is the greatest bush.” “MY bush is the Queen.” The girls talked a streak of trash at each other as they continued their panty war. Finally after feeling her heated sexual desire leap over another boundary Tesha could wait no longer.
Tesha spoke (as Veronica), “I DARE you to show your scraggly bush. It might just be the last time you’ll ever even see it THAT good.”
“MY QUEEN BUSH can’t wait to tear yours to pieces.” Linda (as Chelsea) let go and stepped back instantly and then with a stripper’s flourish dropped her very wet panties and thrust out her now naked pussy in challenge. Linda’s bushy endowment, while certainly not in the league with Chelsea or Veronica was adequate. Her brown thatch was thin near the edges, thickening towards the vertical centerline of her pubic mound and trimmed only along side her pussy lips. The triangular appearance was natural and she was proud of her appearance down there: thick enough and dark enough that she would never be confused with a “little girl” but not a massive swarm of hair either.
Tesha’s voice rang out, “Not so fast, slutbucket. Your twat can’t hold a candle to my marvelous bush.” Before removing her panties she let her right hand drop to her pussy cleft and she repeated the motions she had been using as she played with herself on the bed earlier. Now, with only panties between her digits and her cunt, she massaged her pussy lips making them “plump up” and show distinctly their wanton outline through her soaking panties. Then she too removed them and tossed them aside. Stepping back close to Linda she thrust out her pelvis again, relishing the fact that Linda was staring intently at her bush. Tesha’s bush was trimmed a bit more into a narrow v-shape, sort of like an arrowhead. The lower terminus ended at the very top of her cleft and her bare pussy lips were prominently displayed beneath. Her bush was dark brown and quite thick, but with the shaping from her razor, it didn’t cover much skin. Obviously they had seen each other naked many times, but this was different, very different. Linda fumed inside at the ugly words Tesha had called her, even though she knew they were “in character” it hurt to hear those words and it made her blood boil. Aching for satisfaction she thrust her pelvis into Tesha’s waiting bush.
Their fuzzy mounds smacked in angry collision. Linda grabbed Tesha’s arms just above the elbow and Tesha grabbed Linda just above her elbows as well. The two girls now had a good hold on each other for balance, and in the small confines of their dorm room they stood and smacked their beautiful pelvises together. Leaning back at the waist and thrusting forward again and again they watched as their womanly fur joined and then parted. Each tried to imagine what it must be like for Chelsea and Veronica to be blasting away at each other with their incredibly hairy cunts. Tesha pushed hard against Linda’s mound and could distinctly feel the stiff hairs protruding toward her scrape against her own pubes and the surrounding skin. It wasn’t painful really, but erotic as hell. She felt her own pubes burrow in amongst the thick center of Linda’s gash cover. She pushed harder and harder against the powerful force coming at her from Linda’s strong body. “See how my bush is overpowering your wretched fuzz?” Tesha loved to talk smack when she was angry. She was watching and believing that her narrow thatch was burrowing deep into Linda’s forest and it felt good to dish out the verbal barbs at her roommate. She just knew that Veronica would be doing the same with Chelsea. “When are you going to start getting serious? You’re no competition. Why don’t you just give up?”
Linda reared back at the sound of Tesha’s voice and sent a powerful thrust against her antagonist’s pussy. Smack! The sound of pubic bone crashing against pubic bone reverberated in their small room. “Take that you slimy bitch. It’s my bush that is winning this contest. You’re narrow little thatch will be all shriveled up and gone when my bush is just getting started.” She smacked her again, expecting to see at least a little wince or grimace from Tesha (Veronica). No such luck. Tesha actually ooohed and aahhed at the impact and returned in kind to dish out to Linda (Chelsea) what she had just received. Smack! Again and again the two 20-year-olds aimed their womanly mounds at each other and thrust forward in unison. Of course, they were holding onto each other for balance and could use the leverage to pull hard on each other, trying to gain as much momentum as possible for the impact, but the very fact that they were standing up prevented a great range of motion, so the fiery words that rang out between them were actually more damaging than the impact itself.
Yes, it did hurt some, but with the adrenalin so high, both girls knew they could take much more than was being dished out right now. Smack. Smack. Smack. They continued their tandem assaults on each other for many minutes. Besides the angry words that continued unabated between their now very foul mouths, they were becoming increasingly aroused. Both had been horny and hot from the beginning and the anger was now being matched in intensity by the lust of rutting females.
Dropping her hold on Tesha’s arms, Linda reached behind and grabbed Tesha by the ass. Sinking her fingers as deeply into her very firm athletic buttocks she pulled Tesha towards her pelvis. Maintaining her pressure so as not to let Tesha back off and thrust against her again, she wiggled her pelvis like a belly dancer in very fast short bursts of motion. She loved the feel of grinding her bushy twat into Tesha’s desperate bush. Tesha tried and tried to pull back and ram mounds head on, but Linda’s grip was too strong and so she dropped her hands to Linda’s butt and, with a wonderful handful of hard ass, she pulled Linda just as hard as Linda was pulling on her. She wiggled intently against the motions from Linda’s bush. She could feel their pussy hairs scraping across each other as their crotches tried their damnedest to invade the other girls’ pussy.
Each girl stood with her feet about shoulder width apart, allowing for a bit of access to her pussy lips, but from this standing position the majority of their intimate contact was mound-to-mound and bush-to-bush. Linda lowered her body by bending her knees to swivel her crotch upwards from below Tesha’s glistening pussy and with a forceful thrust felt her thatch find her lubricious lips. She ground her hairy mound directly into and against those honeyed lips until Tesha could recover and lower herself away and try to retaliate. Linda parried every attempt from Tesha for several minutes. Tesha would lower herself to thrust upward and grind her arrowhead bush, but by the time she did, Linda would have altered her footing or posture and the best Tesha could do would be to meet her bush-to-bush over and over again. Not that that wasn’t pretty damn exciting, but she really wanted to get at that pussy.
For many minutes the two girls bobbed and weaved their crotches against each other from their standing position, much like fighters in the ring. The heat was getting to them. Both girl’s excitement was rising rapidly and they were anxious to accomplish something in their heated duel. Wham! Tesha’s head shot forward and her mouth opened wide as she kissed Linda very forcefully. Linda was caught off guard by the move, but knew exactly what to do. Her mouth jerked open and the two hard-body beauties slobbered their mouths in a slushy wet kiss as their pussies hammered and ground at each other below. The trash talk had stopped and now the girls were locked together by mouth and mound. Linda kissed Tesha passionately but she kept her bush bumping and grinding against the arrowhead thatch of Tesha’s crotch. Linda leaned forward and tried to push Tesha over onto the floor, but Tesha countered with a forceful push. Each put one leg back for leverage to try to topple the other straight over backwards with more force than the other. This allowed one thigh from each girl to intrude between the upper thigh of the other and they found their pussies now riding on top of their rival’s thigh. Juices flowed onto their legs and ran down towards their feet. As they could feel their cunts sliding across smooth hard thighs their passion grew, but without any diminished competitive intent. They struggled around the room seeking power over their roommate rival.
Hands kept their firm hold on luscious asses. Thighs aggressively rose up to put pressure on the offending cunt. As they gritted their teeth and panted in exertion they began having a harder time keeping their balance. As their motions carried them around the small confines of their room they nearly fell several times before a determined thrust from Linda’s pelvis caused Tesha to lose her balance and tumble backward at an awkward angle, landing on her bed with Linda on top. As she fell backwards her right leg lost its position between Linda’s thighs. Linda took immediate advantage by pulling her legs together and lying between Tesha’s legs and voraciously attacked Tesha’s open twat with her bushy womanhood. She was able to lower her torso just enough for the thickest part of her bush to ride low between Tesha’s legs. Grinding deeply into Tesha’s wanton cunt gave Linda a real feeling of power over her roommate.
Tesha only allowed a moment of this before she began to fight back. She bucked her hips high in the air, trying to unseat her foe. This put even more erotic pressure on their sex organs. Their wet lips would meet and slide deliciously and Linda’s clit would grind down into firm contact with Tesha’s engorged clit. Tesha felt an intense heat of passion arising from her pussy and she ached for the incredible sensations to continue, but she desperately wanted to control the flow of sex between her and her roommate. Right now she was on the bottom and on the receiving end of Linda’s fucking. “Enough of this,” she thought to herself. Straining incredibly hard against the thrusting bush above her she managed to quickly pull her legs together as she dropped back to the bed. The little bounce provided by the mattress gave her a slight momentum that she used to twist and roll Linda.
They tumbled off the low mattress and landed on the floor, but this time it was Tesha on top. The hard floor stunned Linda with the landing, but she was not hurt. The problem from her point of view was that she was supine underneath the strong and retaliatory Tesha. Wham! She felt Tesha’s arrowhead bush slam into her splayed open legs. Her cunt felt the bristly hairs intrude into her soft, wet tissue. “Ouch!” She let slip a tiny verbal recognition of pain. Now it was Tesha’s turn to grind her narrow bush deeply into Linda’s widely splayed pussy.
Biting her lip to keep from any further outbursts, she began humping her cunt back at the invading army of bristly hairs. Linda loved the intertwining emotions of passion and anger as she humped her lubricious opening against Tesha every time Tesha slammed her. Tesha snarled down at Linda, “Feel my gorgeous bush pounding your pussy? I’m going to fuck your cunt ’till you’re begging for mercy.”
“If that’s the best you can do we’re going to be humping for a long time. I feel your bush. It ain’t nothing!” Linda and Tesha were both tired from their exertions and the options for powerful surprise moves were diminishing and Linda knew it. Tesha knew it too and she rallied her pelvis to grind and thrust her bushy mound at Linda’s cunt in every conceivable direction.
“When I’m through with you, every hair on my big cunt will have beaten your hairs right back inside where they came from.” Tesha was enjoying her dominant position. Linda couldn’t believe what was happening to her. She could feel Tesha’s pussy, clit, and bush grinding away at her pussy. She could feel the minor pain as Tesha’s arrowhead thatch scraped, burrowed, and invaded every nook and cranny of her cunt. But above all that she LOVED it. “Fuck me bitch! Is that the best you can do? Come on. Fuck me. Fuck me. I mean really fuck me!” She knew that Tesha was putting everything she had into her fucking and she wanted to let her know that she was taking it all in stride. She took more and more pounding from Tesha’s writhing groin.
Both girls were panting and groaning and moaning and aching for sexual release. Tesha kept up her pussy smacking action and it was beginning to pay off. Linda was surging higher and higher and losing the battle to hold off her orgasm any longer. Her moans turned to shouts of ecstasy as her first cunt-to-cunt orgasm smashed through the mental barrier she had tried to erect. Her juices flowed and the sound of Tesha’s pussy pushing and grinding over her own flooded vulva was the sound of sucking, sloshing, and wet skin. Still Linda kept demanding more and more. Tesha was hoping to hear Linda beg for her to get off so she could relax her tired muscles, but no, Linda screamed for more. “Come on. Don’t stop. Fuck me harder. Fuck me more. I’m not done yet. Fuck me harder bitch!”
When her own primitive urges were so powerfully surging through her she decided it would be unladylike not to comply. So with as much abandon as her tiring muscles allowed, she pounded ahead with wicked fucking. Amazed by Linda’s quick recovery and ever the more excited herself, she rubbed her clit directly on Linda’s quivering knob for 30 seconds straight. “Ooooooooowwwwwwww.” Tesha howled like a wolf as her own orgasm rocketed through her loins. Howling and panting ragged breaths brought the naked pussy underneath right back to its second orgasm in only a couple of minutes from her first. Linda wailed her lungs in echo of Tesha. For nearly a minute it sounded like a pack of wolves had just announced a deer kill to the whole world. University dorm rooms aren’t real soundproof and now at least half-dozen coeds down the hall had a distinctly different opinion of the two athletes in room 313.
They thrashed their wet pussies and hairy mounds hard against each other in a ragged, haphazard way as their first shared lesbian orgasm subsided. Both girls had crossed an invisible boundary and both knew it only too well. They also knew that their previous status as confirmed heteros was going to be a lot harder to maintain.
Their cries subsided and Tesha rolled slowly off Linda, sighing her sexual contentment. Linda echoed Tesha with a long slow sigh, exhaling contentedly. She turned her head toward Tesha, as they lay on their backs, side by side. She reached her hand into Tesha’s fine hair and twirled it around her finger. Slowly she pulled Tesha’s head towards her waiting face. Leaning closer she planted a soft tender kiss on Tesha’s mouth; just light little pecks and tender lip caresses between two loving girls. They smiled a smile of joyful awakening. Their heated bodies began to cool down in the wonderful fade of lust from their bodies.
“Well, maybe we didn’t settle anything in regards to our two bushy amazons, but I’ll say this, it sure was great pretending.” Tesha’s words sank into Linda’s consciousness and she smiled a giant grin as she spoke, “Well, I don’t know if Chelsea and Veronica will ever settle their differences ‘properly’ or not, but I know for a fact that I can’t wait for ‘our’ rematch.”
Tesha went on, “You know. I think we should make sure they have a rematch and that WE get to be there. You don’t think either of them was about to back down when we were in the showers do you? There were six of us naked girls in there with them and I think if it hadn’t been for coach shouting that they would have been going at each other right there and then, even with us watching.”
“I think you are right. I saw nothing but hatred and determination in either of them and I think if we could somehow rig up a situation where they could meet in private (except for the six of us, tee hee!) that they would pick up right where they left off. Do you have any ideas?”
“I’ll call Liz. I bet she would like to be in on this. We can talk to the others tomorrow at practice.” Tesha called Liz and they began their planning and preparation for a little “Queen Bush” skirmish.
Chapter 3
Practice ended for Chelsea with a completely different twist than what she might ever have imagined after enrolling at the University. She had been offered a scholarship for volleyball and the college offered exactly what she wanted for her field of study. To top it off, their volleyball team wasn’t too bad, and she thought she could help. Chelsea was always a bit haughty and never backed down from a confrontation. She had even got into a fistfight in high school with another girl who simply challenged her because she was tall and figured her to be a big bluff. Wrong? Chelsea accepted her height without being bashful about it or trying to hide it.
When she had practiced that day and got to know the others a bit, she could tell that Veronica was the team leader, along with Liz, and that she was very coordinated and a good jumper. She could also sense the fire in her and the determination she threw into practice. The other thing she could tell was that Veronica was considered the ‘go-to’ player. She was the one that would usually get the most kills and blocks. THAT was a role Chelsea wanted for herself. She had excelled in high school and JC, and she knew she could excel at the major college level also.
How fortuitous it had been when she found a way to challenge Veronica so quickly. She was confident enough in her own ability that she knew she could convince the coach, given enough time, that SHE was the superior player. But why waste time? When the shower room incident happened, it was as if the hand of fate had dealt her a slew of aces. In her mind, only Veronica stood in her way of supremacy in volleyball and now she had an opportunity to intimidate her and even, if the opportunity arose, destroy her over the pet name she so obviously felt attached to.
“Good God,” she thought as she walked alone back to her own dorm, “I wish coach hadn’t intruded. I’d have fucked that tart into next week if she hadn’t made us get out of there.” She did realize that the chance of getting caught in those circumstances was pretty high, and that it would have actually been pretty risky to try to take the tall blonde right there in the shower. But, she realized she had certainly NOT been entertaining the thought of backing off. Rather, she had ached to devour Veronica right in front of her teammates, and to win the title Queen Bush for herself. She just knew the pecking order would be decidedly different when that happened. She smiled and wondered if Veronica would even have the nerve to call her number. She bet the bitch would just simmer in silence. Served her right for being so damn possessive of the silly nickname.
Veronica left practice and fortunately she lived in the opposite direction from Chelsea. Steam practically rolled off her forehead as she strode vigorously across the pretty campus. “That fucking cunt. She doesn’t have a clue what she’s getting into. I’m one of the best volleyball players this college has ever seen. There’s no way that Chelsea even belongs in the same league as me! I should have told coach that we would lock up after her and then I could have pounded her slimy bush right down the shower drain.” Veronica was actually muttering aloud to herself as she practically jogged home. Her blood was boiling like never before. The problem was: Resolution. How the hell was she going to find a way to follow through and actually teach Chelsea, the upstart, the lesson she so richly deserved?
As much as she knew she would find a way to dominate Chelsea if ever the opportunity came, she was so angry and disoriented that she couldn’t form a real plan. She did know though that she had to follow through and call the number she had memorized. No way would she let Chelsea believe she had successfully intimidated the Queen Bush Veronica! She had never before felt so ‘attached’ to her nickname, but with the rookie so blatantly challenging her in front of her friends, there would be no way she would relinquish her moniker without a fight. The fact that Chelsea had a huge bushy twat caused her no fear. She was confident of her ability in ANY arena, even one so dirty and sexy as a slut cunt-fight. If that was what Chelsea wanted that would be what she got!
Finally back in her room, Veronica decided that if she couldn’t actually follow through with her motivation at the moment, she could sure use Chelsea’s telephone number. Timing was key, she thought. When? When should she call? Right as soon as she got to her room? In an hour? Two hours? When? Finally she decided that a little false confidence on the part of Chelsea would make her all the more deflated when she found out that Veronica meant business. She would wait until late into the middle of the night and THEN she would call.
Veronica tried to study but it was useless. Her mind was so far from her studies that she didn’t get more than 10 pages read and a few questions answered between 6PM and 11PM. She set her alarm and tried to go to sleep. NO success there either. Veronica’s roommate was a fill-in after the roommate she had lined up decided to transfer to another college at the last minute. She didn’t know Cindy very well and she didn’t confide in her anything that had happened. Cindy was aware that Veronica was upset about something but, minding her own business, she didn’t make a big deal about it. Sleepless for hours, and watching the clock almost minute by minute, Veronica was anxious for 3:00 AM to arrive. Finally when the clock read 2:55 she got up, switched off the alarm, and headed down to the empty lobby to use the phone.
She had decided she would not get into any conversation whatsoever, but only say what she had to say and then hang up. As angry as she was, it was with trembling hands she was able to dial 244-6789. It took two tries before she got the numbers right. Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring. She wondered if Chelsea had left town. A groggy “Hello?”
“Queen Bush is going to fuck you over ’till you wish you had never even heard of me. Your pussy will be so raw and vile, that a pack of hyenas wouldn’t even come near. You’ve met your match sister and you will regret it!!!!” Chelsea started to threaten back but before she could say more than, “You!” she heard the loud click of the receiver on the other end. Finally Veronica drifted off into sleep, a small hint of a smile pursing her lips.
Veronica’s plan, what there was of it, had worked. Chelsea had, in fact, thought that the absence of any phone calls before she finally went to bed around midnight meant that Veronica was scared. The middle of the night phone call proved her wrong about that. Even though she was a bit surprised and taken aback by the call and it’s timing, all it did was put her right back where she had been emotionally earlier in the evening. Now it was her turn to toss and turn. Only the briefest of sleep-moments happened before Chelsea’s alarm got her up and on her way.
Chapter 4
Liz was a fiery redhead, and a real feisty girl with a flair for the dramatic. She was a 5ft 9 in redhead with a barely trimmed but rather small auburn pubic patch (kind of thick but covering only a small area). She loved a good fight, and ALMOST witnessing one in the shower had her drooling over the possibilities that had gone unfulfilled that Monday afternoon at practice. She too had walked away from practice harboring a distinct tingle between her legs. She had actually had a couple of lesbian experiences before and the chance that Veronica and Chelsea might lock lips was VERY appealing to her. If only she could be a little mouse-on-the-wall when their confrontation finally took place. She was damn sure that neither girl was bluffing, and that it was only a matter of time before circumstances might allow their renewed confrontation. “Why not make sure they have a way to consummate their mutual hatred in exactly the way they almost did?” she thought to herself.
When Tesha called, the two girls blabbered on and on about what they had witnessed. Both spoke about their desire to see Veronica and Chelsea fuck each other over good. What a sight that would be! A few well-placed questions got Liz to thinking. “Maybe, just maybe she had the right connection that could pull this off.” The two girls agreed on a plan. It would involve the other three girls from the showers and they decided to get right at it. Liz called Amanda (5ft 10in blonde with thicker thighs and hips and CD-cup tits but only a tiny swatch of trimmed bush) and Rashelle (5ft 6 in, B-cup black girl with medium complexion and surprisingly soft wispy bush), while Tesha agreed to call Dawn (5ft 9in black hair, B-cup with very black medium bush composed of straight hair, not curly, maybe because she was partly Sioux). Dawn was actually the most beautiful of all the girls on the team. Her mixed ancestry had given her approximately equal parts American Indian, Swedish, Italian, and Turkish. And the mix was absolutely wonderful. Dawn was just plain drop-dead gorgeous. About a dozen back and forth phone calls later, the girls thought they had a plan. Of course their plan was kind of like grabbing a tiger by the tail and claiming you just tamed the beast, but at least there was a chance they could pull it off.
Dawn, Rashelle, and Amanda had watched the shower room action just as google-eyed as Tesha, Liz, and Linda, so it was that they too had discovered a horny anticipation of what might happen between these two amazons. Sleep came to all six with difficulty, and all drifted off with a gentle throbbing ache between their legs.
Chapter 5
Luckily it was the first week of classes and there weren’t many tests or papers due yet, because, if there had been, most of the octet of girls would have probably flunked them all. Not only were Veronica and Chelsea preoccupied with thoughts of volleyball, nicknames, bushy crotches, and angry words, but the other six girls weren’t far behind.
Practice was at 3:00 each day and Coach Winslow was clueless about the emotional turmoil gripping about half her team. The silent locker room should have been a clue. The girls dressed in Spartan silence and headed out to the courts. When the whistle blew the girls followed orders and worked hard in all the drills. In fact the effort Coach Becka saw was clearly a notch above what she normally expected from practice. But even with the obvious intensity and effort, the systems she was working just weren’t clicking. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but all the girls seemed just a tiny notch slow in decision-making and it showed in their scrimmages.
She was very impressed with how Chelsea had stepped right in and shown that she belonged in major college volleyball. Her timing and leaping were good as was her intensity. She noticed that Veronica seemed even a bit more intense than was usual from the past three years. But somehow their presence together in certain drills just kept adding up to less than the sum of the parts. With two quality players like them on the front line, Becka thought she might be able to take this team to a higher national ranking and even go deep into the championship tournament. “Well, someday maybe, but not yet, not the way they play together,” she thought. If only she knew! The other girls on the team, besides the octet of ‘shower buddies’ never knew what was up, but they could sense something amiss too. It was never enough you could put your finger on, but clearly the synchronization that should have been apparent was missing.
A tense fog-like shroud permeated the locker room after practice that the octet was anxious to cut. Liz and Tesha knew that if they acted fast, before the Queen Bush antagonists made it into the showers, they just might find a way to bring some resolution to the matter at hand. Liz and Tesha approached Chelsea immediately and quietly asked if she had done anything about her almost-fight with Veronica. “No, not yet. I can’t wait to fuck her high and mighty ass up good and put her in her place!” Chelsea muttered in low tones for only the two girl’s ears.
“What if we could arrange for you to have exactly the chance you covet? Would you be interested?” Liz asked Chelsea with baited breath.
“You know I would!” stated Chelsea emphatically.
“Well, at this very minute two of the others who were in the showers with us yesterday are talking to Veronica with the same question. If we could set up a time and place for the two of you to ‘get it on’ that is private, would you do it if there were any conditions attached?” Liz laid out the first question that they weren’t exactly sure of the answer beforehand.
A sly smile crossed Chelsea’s mouth as she answered, “Probably. What kind of conditions are you talking about?”
Tesha inwardly said to herself “YES!” as she outwardly spoke, “The six of us who were in the showers with you two yesterday ALL want to see a conclusion of what you didn’t get to finish. Are you willing to meet Veronica for the title of Queen Bush while the rest of us are there to watch? If both she and you agree to this, I know how it can be arranged. Will you?”
“Oh, you sly bitch. You might have thought I would back down from a proposal like that, but honestly, there is absolutely nothing I would like more than for all of you to see for yourself exactly why it is me that should be Queen Bush, not that jealous tart Veronica. Consider my answer an emphatic, YES!”
Tesha slowly intoned, “Well, it won’t happen until the weekend. Will you and she be able to maintain your cool until then?”
“I won’t speak for her, but I’ll be in complete control. I promise I won’t say a word to her. I won’t promise though to avoid antagonizing her. I can do that powerfully well without words you know. If she loses it then that’s her problem. How will I know if she accepts these conditions?”
Tesha let her know that Linda and Amanda were at this very moment carrying out the exact same script with Veronica and that if they came into the shower and each nodded their heads twice, then Veronica was willing. Liz and Tesha were to nod twice also to indicate Chelsea’s acceptance. Neither girl would be required to respond. But what that would do is make everybody in the shower aware of who had accepted and who had not.
After that Liz and Tesha would act as liaisons for Chelsea while Linda and Amanda would do the same for Veronica. When ready to pass along the details of the arrangement they would.
“Chelsea is going to be Queen Bush in less than a week. What do you girls think of that?” Chelsea spoke of herself in the third person for effect and the two girls just smiled and headed for the showers with Chelsea right behind. Chelsea felt the raw power of her own glorious femininity surge through her veins. YES, she thought. Her foe would be vanquished before her own friends’ eyes.
Across two aisles of lockers, Amanda and Linda had the same success with Veronica. There was not a minute’s hesitation on her part to accept every aspect of the plan as outlined. She ached for the chance to match loins with the upstart cunt from “Podunk Junior College.” Her comments to the two messengers practically mirrored Chelsea’s and so it was with a new layer of expectant tension that the six entered the showers. As before, the others (there seemed to be some sort of unwritten hierarchy of who showered when, so that any but the 8 would never know what was going on) had showered and were already dressing before they entered. They entered to find Dawn and Liz already showering. There were two doorways into the ladies shower and each threesome entered together from opposite ends.
Chelsea and Veronica glared the most evil daggers at each other as the other four girls stepped around the tall amazons. Liz, with her clever understanding of the use of drama, had coached the four girls on how to act. They understood their parts and with slow, calculating looks, Amanda and Linda turned to look first at each other, and then VERY slowly looked beside them and up at Veronica. Then turning their heads very slowly back to look across the 15 feet or so separating them from the other trio, they began to nod in unison: once, ever so slowly, twice, ever so slowly. And with that Veronica thrust out her hips in an exaggerated swagger of vulgar threat.
Tesha and Rashelle took their turn and copied the exaggeratedly slow movements until they had nodded three times. Many a breath was held as this drama unfolded. Exactly at the conclusion of the acceptance message being transmitted, Chelsea took two steps forward; thrust out first her chest, high and proud, followed by an exceedingly slow gyrating grind of her pelvis. She swiveled it 360 degrees, stopping when it pointed directly at Veronica. With that Veronica nodded her head and stepped under the shower.
Breathing returned to normal (sort of) among the other 6 girls and they too went about their showering needs. It was only Tuesday and the tingly excitement of these after-practice showers was only bound to get better and better as the week progressed.
Chapter 6
Veronica had a real bounce in her step as she walked home after Tuesday’s practice. She was buoyant over the fact that she knew she would have the chance to knock Chelsea down a few pegs. In fact it wouldn’t bother her a bit if Chelsea just packed up and left after the weekend. Nothing would be sweeter to see her main competition in the front row long gone, and to top it off; she would keep her pet nickname, Queen Bush. Yes, that name had a nice ring to it. Whatever motivation she had that kept her from trimming her immense bush like the others didn’t matter. What mattered now was the new found pride she had, knowing that the other girls were a bit awed by her endowment.
The fact that the other girls were also awestruck by Chelsea’s thick fur was certainly understood by Veronica, but her confidence bubbled over regardless. She just KNEW she could dominate that thatch with her own hairy mound. While aware of the sexiness of the impending encounter, it was by far predominate in her focused mind that she would dominate and force Chelsea to admit that the better bush belonged to QUEEN BUSH VERONICA!
Realizing that the other six girls were very anxious to see the bush fight, she began plotting ways that she might incorporate their excitement into further humiliation for Chelsea. Her excitement was practically overpowering and again she couldn’t study much that night.
The phones were ringing off the hook for the sextet of expectant spectators. As they worked out the details of their plan they couldn’t stop talking about how horny the prospect of ‘Bush War’ made them. That was what they began to call the event. Linda and Tesha had admitted to the other four girls of their little mock war on Monday night. Neither girl was bashful about telling the others what their ‘fuck fight’ had been like. This talk made them all even more lusty and expectant for the real thing, but it also gave Liz and Tesha some ideas. Hmmmmm. In fact their planning and mental images had taken on the aura of a prizefight, at least among themselves.
Wednesday’s practice was almost a repeat of Tuesday’s in Becka’s mind. Again she couldn’t fault the players for their hard work and intensity in drills and scrimmages, but it was as if a cylinder was missing from a racecar. The plays just didn’t click. She chalked it up to early season rustiness.
Amanda and Linda waited for the other girls to hit the showers before they entered. Tesha, Liz, Rashelle and Dawn had entered at the same time as Chelsea and Veronica and witnessed the ugly stare down, the hip thrusts of menace, and the sneering looks. It was quiet except for the sound of the showers. The whole room had a thick fog of mist, but the real thick fog was the emotional one that permeated the room. Every girl had a tense, knotted feeling in her stomach. The impending bush war permeated their every sense. Liz’s pussy tingled with excitement as Amanda and Linda walked in. They entered from opposite ends and stood staring at each other with a pair of big sneers on their faces. “MY tits are better than yours!” Linda spoke loud enough to be heard over the showers but not to be heard outside the steamy room. Amanda laughed a haughty laugh and took a couple of steps across the floor. She lifted her hefty CD tits with her hands, thrusting them out and growled, “Your puny tits are no match for mine, bitch!” In fact these two girls were the two with the largest tits in their group and very nice sets they were. Amanda was the larger girl and clearly had the bigger tits, but Linda wasn’t acting afraid (Well, if the truth be known she WAS acting). She swaggered across the room, hands on hips and challenged Amanda, “Let’s tittybump to see whose are the best. Or are you chicken?”
“Get ready to see your puny tits flattened bitch!” Amanda was really getting into the act!
The two girls stepped forward and Amanda had to lower herself a little bit in order to ‘line-up’ her higher tits with Linda’s. The heat and humidity had both girls sweating profusely and their breasts shined in the harsh light of the showers. Amanda’s larger tits loomed above Linda’s as they approached. Linda bit her lip and thrust her tits out at Amanda in haughty challenge. Amanda lined up her nipples with Linda’s nipples as they brought them together. Six mouths slowly exhaled as their fiery nips finally touched. Even Veronica and Chelsea focused their eyes intently on the collision of four pretty boobs. For about 20 seconds they did nothing but joust their pert nipples back and forth against each other. As if by some unseen choreographer they then leaned into each other and pushed their sweaty breasts deeply into each other. They really leaned into each other and ground their heaving breasts back and forth and up and down. This lasted for only another 30 seconds or so when they stepped back to reassess the situation.
Rashelle spoke up, “Hey girls, I know the perfect time for you to settle your differences. Why don’t you just cool off under the showers for now and you can pick up where you left off later?” Everyone in the room knew what that meant. Amanda and Linda whispered slutty comments to each other as they parted, maintaining the glare between them. They found a shower and all was quiet and still as the girls finished their cleaning duties and parted.
Veronica and Chelsea knew what the girls were trying to do. They were taking the opportunity presented by their upcoming fight to add another layer of expectation and sexiness to what was already so overwhelming that none of them could concentrate on anything else. They didn’t really care about that though. All they cared about was the chance to annihilate each other in front of the other girls. If they wanted to have some ‘festivities’ of their own, fine with them.
Liz and Tesha were just about done getting ready to leave when Veronica came up to them and inquired, “Just tell me one thing, when and where?”
Liz looked up at the blonde Amazon and offered her reply, “Well, we already told you it would be this weekend, and that is true. We will let you know more tomorrow. Don’t worry; you’ll get your chance to meet up woman-to-woman with Chelsea. The final details will be firmed up by Friday, so just keep coming to practice and you’ll learn everything you need to know.”
“Ok. But what the fuck was that with Amanda and Linda? I thought they were friends? Was that a charade or what?” Veronica asked the two quizzically.
Liz spoke up, “How the hell should I know? I guess they just started comparing their bodies and decided to make their point? Its not as if they haven’t seen a precedent you know? If you know what I mean?” Her attempt at providing a ‘cover’ story for what they had witnessed in the showers was a pretty bleak attempt at maintaining the charade, and Veronica saw right through it, but she played along anyway. Hell, why not watch a couple of foxy babes with nice tits do a little banging, she thought. It might even get the juices flowing as a warm up. “Yeah. Well, they better not take too long. Because I’ve got some serious business to take care of!”
When the locker room was empty, the girls went back to their dorms, had dinner and tried to do a little homework. Again, however, concentration was minimal. Thank God that it was the week before Labor Day and no big tests were planned for any of them. Hopefully they could catch up next week. Linda and Tesha arrived back at their room after having dinner and they immediately discussed their little play. They had known that any prolonged battles might be discovered and would be dangerous. It had been decided to test the waters just a bit with a 1-minute titfight. They wanted to get two things accomplished. They wondered what Chelsea and Veronica’s reactions would be and they wanted to heighten the intimate involvement of themselves.
It had been discussed over and over again the night before, over the phone and over their chat line, and it didn’t take much coaxing for Amanda and Linda to volunteer for the job. Linda had already found out how incredibly sexy a physical confrontation with another girl could be, and Amanda had readily admitted that the idea was a real turn-on for her. It had been her first encounter of the kind, but she was now sure that it wouldn’t be her last. In fact, she returned to her dorm room so horny that she didn’t even go to the dining hall to eat. Her roommate was at the library and Amanda frigged herself into a frenzy before dozing off until the phone started ringing.
Liz was calling and Amanda admitted to her that the excitement she felt in going tit-to-tit with Linda was incredible and she couldn’t wait to go at her again. She asked Liz if they had figured out the remaining pieces of the puzzle that they were trying to put together. “Yes. You just keep your act up with Linda, and the four of us will handle the rest. Can you do that?”
“Yes. Sure. Can’t you give me a hint?”
“I think it will look at least a little more realistic if we keep it a surprise from as many as possible. Don’t worry. Nothing will happen to keep you from your ‘date’ with Linda.” Liz chuckled as she finished her conversation with Amanda.
She immediately called Dawn. “Do you have the money?”
Dawn answered, “Yes. Is our plan still in effect with regard to the purchase?”
“Go for it. I can’t wait to see their faces. Ha ha.”
The rest of their conversation went smoothly and Dawn left to run some errands.
Rashelle had been talking to Linda and Tesha online when Liz called Rashelle. She let them all know that Dawn was ‘in’ and wondered if they were ready as well. Rashelle assured her that all was ready except for the key. She would have to wait until late Friday evening or early Saturday morning to get the key. She was highly encouraged by the rest of the evenings phone tree conversations and it was good to hear that Dawn was ‘in’. Rashelle was actually a quiet, shy girl off the court, but the hot sexy atmosphere she found herself immersed in had brought out a bit of her daring. The desire to witness the main event had caused her to shed some of her more old-fashioned inhibitions. This would be exciting as hell, she thought. Like Amanda, Rashelle found some private time to enjoy her body all by herself. She rubbed her nipples until they were rock hard. She slid her hands all over her mellow brown skin, tickling the tiny, soft, downy hairs that grew on her belly. Letting her hand trickle down into her black and curly but soft and wispy threadlike pubic hair, she began moaning in anticipation of the unknown. In moments her pussy was leaking secretions, which her fingers were quick to discover. Letting first one, then two, and then three fingers slid effortlessly inside her dewy lips as she proceeded to give herself a good finger fuck. Her hips rocked and rolled over the bed and when she used her other hand to vigorously spank her clit she came in a shuddering climax. It was over in just a few moments. But the tingly feeling of joy hung over her like a shroud until she drifted off to sleep.
Thursday’s practice was an even harder one for coach Becka Winslow to figure out. The drills for getting in shape were tackled with vigor by everyone, but somehow when it came time to do passing drills and scrimmage, it almost looked like they were nothing more than a good high school team. The remnants of last year’s league championship and almost regional championship play seemed to have completely disappeared. She began thinking about having a team meeting, but since it was still only the fourth day of practice she decided that it would be better to let a whole week go by, and then if things hadn’t started to improve on Tuesday, maybe she would have that meeting and try to find out what was going on. Honestly though, she hadn’t noticed anything like dissent on the team, nor had it appeared that any one girl was at fault. It was just as if the athletic thinking that is needed beyond the physical skills had somehow been truncated at the ankles. Hopefully it was something that time would take care of.
Veronica and Chelsea entered the shower room right on schedule, as did the other girls. The stare-down routine continued and a few pelvic thrusts were traded back and forth by the two would-be bush-gladiatrixes. Their eyes sent daggers of evil intentions toward the other and even when Dawn and Rashelle entered last with a bit of a malicious intent evident on their faces, Veronica and Chelsea maintained their hateful glare. They had even moved their shower location 1 shower closer together, as if each could keep a closer eye on her opponent. Tesha, Liz, Amanda, and Linda felt a little knot in their stomachs as Veronica and Chelsea stood naked and wet only five or six feet apart. They all wondered if that was too close, if they could keep their cool and avoid tearing into each other right then and there.
Not knowing if they should continue, but not daring to stop, Rashelle walked up to Dawn and pointing a finger at her chest, taunted, “I hear that pretty white girls are no fucking good in bed. No good kissing. No good hugging. No good nothing!”
She had the others attention now. Dawn slapped her hand away from her chest and coarsely growled back, “You don’t know what the fuck you are talking about.” It was a bit of a shock to hear words like that come from the mouth of a girl that was so damn beautiful. Even though four girls expected it, it still sounded shocking when the words sprang forth. The venom in her voice sounded very real, and it only intensified when she continued, “This white girl can out-kiss, out-suck, out-hug, and out-anything a skanky black bitch like you. You better learn to keep your mouth shut, cunt!”
Well, if the truth were known, skanky would hardly be an applicable adjective to describe Rashelle. She was a clear complexion mellow chocolate color with fine features that could have graced the cover of any magazine. Her mouth was finely shaped with gleaming white teeth and set off by a pert little nose that made her face look round and large. Her eyes were very black but had a doll-like quality (You know, those big-eyed cutesy kind that make great Christmas presents for your nieces). Rashelle was only about 1 tiny notch below Dawn in the looks department. And if it weren’t for the color of their skin, their bodies were very similar. True, Dawn was three inches taller, but their overall shape was just about the same. Pert breasts stood very high and proud and each carried extremely defined areola with distinct perimeters. Rashelle’s were a deeper chocolaty brown and Dawn too carried a pair of dark brown tit-fronting nipples that were very pointy and long, especially for a girl with relatively small tits. Rashelle’s areolas were probably a little wider, but her nipples were not nearly as long as Dawn’s.
Liz and Tesha, particularly paid attention to the way their bodies looked as they stood toe to toe. It was only a second before Rashelle stepped right up to Dawn and their tits firmly touched, compressing hardly at all, so firm and tight they were. “Right now! Slut! Or is the fraidy cat white girl gonna back down like all the rest? Kiss me or shut the fuck up!”
Wham! Arms flew around each other. One arm went around the back and one arm over the shoulder to grab the back of the head. The gorgeous faces met with a smack as two pairs of lips parted and immediately began a wet tongue kissing frenzy. The sound of slobbering kisses was heard above the running showers. Even Chelsea and Veronica were taking notice of this performance. It sure as hell looked real! Only Rashelle and Dawn knew for sure. The trash talk and realistic antagonism had actually stunned Amanda and Linda. Each now felt that maybe they hadn’t gotten into the mood well enough for their mock tit-fight yesterday. Or maybe it was that each of these two were actually letting their deep-seated real prejudices and emotions come flowing out when given the chance. Whatever it was. It was very convincing.
Linda whispered loudly, “Dammit girls. Stop! Can’t you wait to settle this? You know you could get caught if you keep that up in here.” It took a few seconds for the girls to pull their bodies apart. Each took a moment to curse a few words of some hushed vendetta between them before they stepped back. The glowering and body posturing continued all through the shower and the now icy atmosphere was extending to all the girls.
“Shit, what have we got ourselves into?” thought Tesha. One thing for sure, there was a palpable tension in the air. And now it didn’t seem to be emanating only from Chelsea and Veronica.
The girls finished and began to dress. Liz and Rashelle approached Veronica as they had approached Chelsea on Tuesday. They told her most of what she would need to know about when and where and why. Rashelle explained that since the college was in a bit of a budget crunch, as they all knew, the athletic building would be closed up tight over the three day Labor Day weekend. Fortunately she knew one of the grad-student administrative assistants pretty well, and she could get a key to use the weight room, under the pretense of lifting weights. She would get the key either late Friday night after he closed up for the weekend or early Saturday morning. It depended on her friend. Either way, it would give them the opportunity to sneak into the facility and be assured that no one would bother them. As it turned out the varsity wrestling room, full of mats, was right next door to the weight room, and the key would let them into both, as well as the shower room too, if they needed it. The wrestling room was completely in the interior with no windows and it would make a perfect place for what they had planned.
Veronica agreed that that would be as good a place as any for Chelsea to get herself fucked. “We’ll tell you tomorrow exactly what time to be there. I promise that it will only be the six of us and you and Chelsea. No one else knows anything.” Liz let her know that apparently there would be a couple of preliminary matches, considering what had transpired in the showers the last two days. Veronica had no problem with that and let them know that she was a patient girl and as long as she knew she would get her chance at Chelsea, it didn’t matter about the others.
Amanda and Linda had a nearly identical conversation with Chelsea and the pins were falling in place. Chelsea reminded them that even though it was obvious what had been going on in the showers, and that she didn’t care if they wanted to ‘settle some differences’ of their own, it was SHE that would be in the main match. She also warned them not to interfere in any way. Linda assured her they wanted the determination of Queen Bush to be solely between Veronica and Chelsea. It wouldn’t be up to them. Only when one girl would admit that the other was the Queen Bush, or be totally defeated, would it be over.
“Great,” thought Chelsea, “That’s just the way I want it.”
Thursday evening found the girls maintaining their heightened arousal and more than a couple found the time to gently frig them before sleep took over. The lush sexy possibilities of the weekend encounter were beginning to overpower their concentration, as if that hadn’t happened already.
Friday’s practice had Becka shaking her head for the same reason as Thursday’s and she began thinking it might really be necessary for that Tuesday meeting.
Maybe there was some sort of jinx in those showers? It seemed that every day, when they got into the showers some sort of confrontation developed. Today it was Liz and Tesha. The others were inside and quietly showering. Even though there was no talk, there was still a LOT of communication. Every girl used body language and gestures for the audience. Amanda and Linda spent extra time washing their boobs and making sure they emphasized them to the others. Their pride in their tits was obvious. Dawn and Rashelle used their whole bodies to almost lewdly challenge each other; blown kisses, fingers tweaking nipples, hips swiveling, lips licked, fingers dwelling in crotches.
And then there were the Amazons. Veronica and Chelsea had actually chosen showers adjacent to each other today. They were close! Even though these two fine tall girls with their long pretty hair had numerous blessed feminine assets, there was no doubt where the focus of their rivalry was located. With shameless, dirty, gesticulation, they thrust their pelvises towards each other. Hell, they even got so close that the water dripping off each other’s bodies landed on their foe’s feet. Veronica and Chelsea would run their soapy hands through their lush bush, making sure to linger long and slow; pulling and twisting some of their hairs, running fingers deep between their legs, parting the long hair that blocked the view of their pussy, and staring daggers of hate into the evil eyes of their foe.
While all this was going on Tesha and Liz approached the doorway together. Just as they were about to enter, Tesha ‘accidentally’ swung her butt wide to her left. It smacked Liz in the ass and caused her to slip on the wet floor and fall on her side just inside the doorway. “You bitch, you did that on purpose! You better watch your ass, little girl.” Liz’s fiery temper was clearly evident. She stood up to find Tesha facing her, hands on hips.
“You’re fat ass got in MY way! You are the one that better take care of your own ass a little better. If it wasn’t such a sorry ass, maybe you wouldn’t have fallen down.” Tesha dished out her barbs and Liz wasted no time in her challenge. My ass is the best damn ass around and your flabby butt doesn’t compare to a REAL woman’s ass… MINE!”
“Are you challenging me? I hope so, because I can’t wait to use my butt to teach yours a lesson.”
“You bet your sour ass I am. My butt will destroy yours.” With that she turned around and thrust her very pretty butt directly at Tesha.
Whirling around Tesha thrust her ass at Liz again and with a smack their butts came in contact again. This time Liz was ready and she didn’t fall, but instead only moved a small bit and instead Tesha bounced off Liz. Instantly they were slamming their pretty behinds together, making slapping sounds throughout the room. After 15 seconds or so they kept their butts together and started rubbing them back and forth, and up and down very vigorously.
“Feel my ass tearing yours up? It feels real good to rub your sorry ass raw.” Liz fumed through her teeth.
“Hey bitch. Yours is the stinky ass that is losing this fight!” Tesha could dish out the trash talk too.
“Girls, girls. If all the rest of us can wait for resolution you can too. Break it up.” It was Linda who inserted her words of temperament with success. The brown haired girl and the redhead pulled apart and turned to each other with steam rising from their foreheads.
“Just wait bitch,” growled Liz, “Your ass will be mine Sunday.”
“Dream on. You will be groveling at my feet when we’re done.”
And so a final battle had been conjoined. Not only would the two Amazons have a chance to battle for the title, the other six girls would all test themselves in sexy battle on Sunday afternoon. That was the plan after all. The sextet of girls had been so turned on by the sight of Veronica and Chelsea in their confrontation that they had decided to become more than spectators. They had paired off in what seemed like logical matches to them and orchestrated a new confrontation each day. It had worked wonderfully. Only Linda and Amanda had seemed ‘staged’. The other pairs looked and felt very real to the rest of the girls.
It was originally a heightened and fun sense of the sexuality of their response to what they had witnessed back on Monday that caused them to arrange the battles among themselves. Yes, they were arranged. Yes, they were supposed to be ‘mock’ battles. But one thing was made clear from the moment Dawn and Rashelle had foul-mouthed each other, was that there was at the very least a serious undercurrent to their arrangement and that all had an inherent competitive streak in them. Athletes of this caliber didn’t get that way without being competitive, and changing arenas into a ‘my body versus your body’ situation didn’t change that. How much would be ‘mock’ and how much would be real would have to wait until Sunday for the answer. But one thing was absolutely certain. The battle for Queen Bush would be totally for real. There would be no charade between Veronica and Chelsea. Their hatred for each other was palpable and thick. No question about it. Sunday on the mats would be VERY interesting.
The girls practically tiptoed through the last moments of their showers and back into the locker room. Veronica and Chelsea had messengers appear by their locker to let them know the final details. They were quick and concise: be by the back door of the athletic facility by noon on Sunday. Rashelle would have the key and they would go to the wrestling room and have total privacy among themselves. The outside world would never know. May the best bush win!
Chapter 7
Friday evening each girl burrowed into her books, trying to accomplish as least a little bit of what being a college student was all about. Some reading, some writing, and some distracted fantasizing. Each girl, after the week’s shower room altercations, now had more to think about than the bush war. Yes, certainly the prospect of watching Chelsea and Veronica tangle bushes was enthralling, the impending contest with another teammate had every one of them fighting off anxious butterflies in her stomach. And yet, and yet, the prospect of such intimate contact with their ‘foe’ was very hormonally intoxicating. Their sex hormones were in full flower. They were intoxicatingly alive with every cell in their bodies. Mmmmmm. Delicious.
Even Chelsea and Veronica were not immune. Not surprisingly both girls considered themselves sexy. Even though this contest hadn’t originated with sex, neither was aloof from the implications. Each planned to hold nothing back, and if that meant sharing every intimate slice of her womanhood, then so be it.
Saturday morning Rashelle retrieved the key without difficulty and let the others know that her part of the plan was ready. She called Amanda last and they chatted for quite some time. Amanda asked Rashelle if she was ‘ready’ for her contest with Dawn. “Don’t you worry about that! Of course I’m ready. I’ve been ready ever since I laid eyes on that preening sissy. I can’t wait to lock her up with my body. She’ll have a whole new baseline for comparing lovers when I’m through with her. What about you? How do you think you will do against Linda?”
“Whew. After listening to you, I almost wish I could tangle with you instead. I’d love to find out what you’re really made of. Oh, back to Linda. Well, I do think she has the second biggest tits among us, but mine are definitely superior. I have no intention of letting her have even a glimmer that hers are better. I expect to dominate her tits with mine right from the start. I know she’s a fighter, but she’ll know whose are best before 10 minutes are up, mark my words!”
Pre-fight jitters had every girl keyed up by Saturday night. The explosive keg of dynamite they were riding made every girl so excited and nervous that they quit even trying to study. Some just watched TV. Others went for a run, to try to burn off the tension. A few more calls were made, as much for feeling out the emotions of the others as it was to ‘make sure’ all the I’s were dotted, and the T’s crossed. Tesha and Dawn spent nearly an hour on the phone, laying out for each other their own deep feelings about the ‘morrow. Tesha admitted that she was indeed anxious for Veronica and Chelsea to tangle, but that her own horny thoughts were now much more focused on the redhead. Dawn confided the same. She admitted to having sexy thoughts about every girl. She even said she would like to have a go with Veronica and Chelsea. Taking on such a tall powerful girl as either of them would be heavenly, she confided. “I’d love to find out what their hairy snatches were REALLY like. Not just from a distance, but up close and personal!”
Tesha just grinned at her end of the phone and told Dawn, “I think every one of us feels the same way. I’d give anything to go cunt-to-cunt with those monsters. I nearly come just thinking about it. Oh, by the way, Linda is sitting here right next to me and she just nodded her head and has a huge smile on her face. Obviously she would love to lock twats with them too.”
“Uh huh. Hey….Do you think there’s any chance…?”
“Shit, Dawn. Things are too complicated already. I don’t think we could connive ourselves into position for that, …do you?”
“I doubt it too. But, …a girl can’t be blamed for dreaming.”
They chatted a while longer before hanging up.
Chapter 8
September 1, 2002 was a Sunday. It was hot in this mid-western university town; steamy and humid weather for the middle of Labor Day weekend. The campus was in slow motion that morning. Not much was going on. Many of the students, especially freshmen had headed back home for the long weekend. What students remained were generally sleeping in, many from hangovers, and just taking it easy. A handful of joggers and bikers flitted around campus, but overall there was little activity.
For eight of the universities best volleyball players, however, that morning was anything but relaxed. Veronica, Chelsea, Tesha, Linda, Rashelle, Amanda, Dawn, and Liz hadn’t slept much and were unsuccessful trying to sleep in. All were up before 8:00 and making plans and just trying to burn off excess energy. “Keyed up,” would be putting it mildly. Some were wondering how they ended up with this predicament, but most tried hard to focus on her upcoming battle. Of course Veronica and Chelsea were focused and determined on a level far above that of the other girls. The fact that the other six had orchestrated their rivalries did somewhat temper their fears. Such was not the case with the two Amazons. Veronica was dealing with such a deep loathing for Chelsea, that she practically had no other thought for the past five and a half days. She was now wishing that the others were not going to be there. She really wanted to just bushy-fuck that slut Chelsea into absolute hysterical pain and submission. It was bad enough that the others would be there to watch. “No, strike that thought. I really do want them there. It will be so much sweeter when the others know the full power and vengeance of Veronica. I’m going to really give them a show!” She had changed her mind in mid-thought. But it was too bad that she would have to wait through the other wimpy battles in order for her to get her chance with Chelsea. Somehow she tried to figure a way to make the best out of that situation.
Certainly she wanted to look and feel her best, so Veronica decided to do a little primping. She actually managed to find an off-campus salon that was open at 9:00 and she went to get her hair styled. She chose a flowing wavy ‘do’ that emphasized the color and bounce of her blonde locks. Returning home she bathed. She even shampooed her bushy cunt, using lots of conditioner to give her pubes a lush shiny and soft texture. She used a brush, comb, and pick to preen her thicket. She admitted to herself that it never looked better. She just knew the others would be suitably impressed. Pride flooded through her as she looked in the full-length mirror at her 5ft 11in naked form. Outstanding! Her hair was gorgeous and after applying just the right amount of makeup, her face glowed in beauty. Her long arms and muscular shoulders were sinewy smooth, and exuded power and grace. Her breasts stood like little Matterhorns, very firm and pointy. Straight out from her pecs they stood, not a sliver of sag to them. They weren’t the very biggest of course, but they would never be confused with ‘small’ ones. Her areolas blushed with just a tinge of pink, barely darker than her surrounding skin. As a beach volleyball player in the summer she had a deep rich tan, except where her bathing suits were forced to cover up her breasts and hips. Consequently she had nice distinct tan lines. Her nipples were not erect but melded into her precious and narrow areolas. She plucked each one of them for just a moment to see them grow. In an instant she had two erect nipples. Neither was large, but they did look and feel very hard and they were quite pointy.
Looking lower she could see the tan line and how it allowed white skin to show all around. All around except for the very front. Of course no white skin showed up front because of her prodigious bush. It was plain the she wore bikinis that pushed the limit of trying to keep her thick bush hidden. The boundaries of her thatch and the tan lines were practically one and the same. That was why she had to do just a little bit of trimming/shaving to accommodate her desire to wear bikinis when playing beach volleyball.
Her legs were very long and the muscles were well defined. When she walked, whether it was in shorts or skirts or even jeans, men of all ages would stare at the granite-like columns that carried her so sexily across the earth. Reaching her right hand down to the lower regions of her bush, she gently parted the thick tangle of hairs that covered her twat, and after a moment or two spent pulling the long hairs out of the way, she nestled her finger in to touch herself at the sensitive swelling where so much of her nervous system was centered. She plunged a finger inside and felt the soft tissues part, providing delicious access. She didn’t really masturbate, but just verified for herself that ‘all was well’ down there. All her equipment and plumbing was in superb shape and ready to tackle the task that lay ahead. “Yes,” she thought, “My body is mine and no upstart cunt from some small town junior college is ever going to be able to handle a piece like me!” She shuddered a little at the thought of using her own glorious equipment to teach Chelsea a lesson she would never forget. Dabbing, no, make that sloshing, some of her rarely used but exotic perfume in every nook and cranny of her body, she dressed and was ready.
Chelsea’s mood that morning was one of feeling like a golden opportunity, a gate to the best part of her life, was about to open. The wonderful anticipation of being a college star and possibly winning Olympic medals, loomed foremost in her mind. Clearing Veronica out of her way was just one more stepping stone, like so many she had used as she climbed up through the ranks of amateur and high school volleyball. Having played for a small town team she was never highly recruited and she had been very resentful of girls she knew she was better than who had received full ride scholarships right out of high school. She had been forced to go the JC route and with her skills and hard work she had been very successful. That was when Coach Winslow took notice and contacted her about coming to Wisconsin. “Yes,” she thought. “I’ve earned the right to be here and to be the star on this team. When I’m Queen Bush, the others will all know it too!”
She didn’t go out for her hair, but she did take considerable time getting ready. Her hair was shiny and richly brunette. It hung long and without the pony tail that she wore of necessity when playing volleyball. Her Amazonian forest of a bush received a lot of attention. She, like Veronica, shampooed it, played with it, cultivated it, fluffed it, conditioned it, and practically made love to it! While she had always been proud of her thicket of hair, it had never been so much the focus of attention as now. “How fortuitous,” she thought, “that Veronica, the only girl standing in her way, would have a similar endowment. Smaller, more scraggly, less dense, but with enough of a bush to have earned the Queen Bush nickname. How fortuitous, indeed that I am now in position to take control of this team, and my own destiny, by just whipping her ugly cunt with my glorious body. She’ll be begging for me to fuck her and then I’ll have her begging me to stop. She’ll be groveling at my feet this very day! Sweeeeeeeeet!”
The full-length mirror in her room got quite a workout that September 1. After her shower and primping she admired herself in the mirror as only one who is very vain can do. At 6ft 1in, the mirror barely accommodated the entire image. She filled it from top to bottom with wonderfully exotic skin and hair. Her face glowed in anticipation of great reward. Her hair magnificently set off her sexy eyes and eyelashes. The dark exotic look was guaranteed to draw the attention of anyone who liked the look of femininity. Her lips were reminiscent of Angelina Jolie and exuded sensuality. Below that, the femininity was shared with a long smooth torso, slightly on the thin side, but not ‘skinny’. Her B-cup breasts carried themselves jauntily forward and evidenced only the tiniest jiggle when she walked or ran. Her areolas were wider and darker than Veronica’s. They were totally smooth and crisp at the edges. No bumps or irregularities of any kind. The color was like that of creamy caramel. Her tanlines were evident as well and that made for a two-tone effect as her caramel nipples were nearly the identical color of her deeply tanned skin. The small white breast patches were elegantly highlighted by the prominence of her nipples. Her waist was quite narrow and flared to modest hips. They were not wide, but instead nicely accentuated her narrow waist. Even though she was a bit thin, weighing approximately the same as Veronica, at two inches taller, she was definitely proportioned in a pleasing way. No part of her body seemed out of place with any other. Her legs were long and lithe, of course, muscular like Veronica’s. Years of training had turned her into a nimble and strong performer on the volleyball court, and now it was time to put all that to use in another arena.
She rummaged through her drawers to find the perfume she was looking for, a present from a dear friend last year on her 19th birthday. She put some on her forehead, under her arms, her tummy, her ass cheeks, and put extra in her dominant bush. “Ah, yes,” she thought. “My bush. My bush. MY bush. It’s the best bush and will be called Queen very soon. With the equipment I’ve got, Veronica Vanderloser doesn’t have a chance.”
She finished by dressing casually for the short walk over to the athletic facility, stuffed a few things in her bag, and headed out the door at 11:50 A.M.
Chapter 9
Awkward tension permeated the atmosphere under the big oak tree just outside the door to the athletic facility. Amanda had been the first to arrive, followed in two minutes by Rashelle, Liz, and Dawn. They barely talked. Tentative hellos were followed by simple questions like, “When do you think the others will get here?” “Do you think they’ll both show up?” “I wish it wasn’t so hot.”
Tesha and Linda arrived within moments followed by Chelsea. At exactly noon, Veronica walked around the corner on one of the campus paths that hugged the river that flowed through campus. Each girl had carried a small bag with a few things inside. As Veronica approached closer, Rashelle took out the key and waited. Silence hung like a shroud over the girls when Veronica stood among them. Tesha spoke up finally. “We all know why we’re here. No one is around and we will be in private once we get inside. It seems like the eight of us have some unfinished business to attend to. I think this is going to be very exciting. Do any of you have second thoughts?” Silence. “Good. Rashelle will open up and we can walk quietly to the wrestling room. Once inside I’ll have a few more comments before we begin. We’ll use a fair method to determine who goes in what order. I think the six of us agree that the battle for the title of Queen Bush will be reserved for the end. Is that fair?” Again, silence. “Ok. Rashelle, lets go.”
No one was around to see the girls enter the building, but it wouldn’t have seemed all that out of place anyway. After all they were varsity athletes going into the athletic building. The corridors were silent. Quite different from the usual hustle and bustle of activity most of the other times they were there. With accommodations for several varsity sports as well as many accoutrements for intramural activities, the place usually was busy from open to close. “Kind of eerie,” thought some of the girls.
Reaching the wrestling room, Rashelle keyed the lock and they entered. Most had been in there at one time or another before, but the room took on a different character today. More than half of the big room was taken up by wrestling mats covering the floor. The rest of the room was devoted to exercise equipment and a small area for meetings and watching videos. There were some extra mats rolled up into big rolls around two of the walls. No windows were in the room. There was a high ceiling and the ventilation system was working but the air conditioning was turned off, and the room was quite hot. The most noticeable property of the room was its odor. It smelled of sweat and frothy exertion. Man-scent. Every girl among them knew that smell. Even though it wasn’t ‘pleasant’ in the usual sense, it somehow had a strange power over them and none complained about the smell. It was rich and earthy. By the end of the day it would be richer and earthier than ever before.
Just inside the door the girls set down their bags in the corner on one of the rolled up mats. Whatever tensions had existed earlier now had grown exponentially. The pent-up emotions, ranging from lust (a bit), trepidation (more), anxiety (more), and rage (the overriding emotion within Chelsea and Veronica) hung over them and became part and parcel of the atmosphere of the room. The harsh lights were turned on over the mats and the girls had to blink at the brightness.
Tesha stepped just a few feet away from the others and turned to speak to them. Somehow she had been chosen as the spokeswoman for the six. “Veronica, Chelsea, six days ago we saw you nearly lose control and get after each other in the showers. We all know what was at stake between you. If both of you want to carry the title of Queen Bush around here, and only one of you can have it, then it will be up to you to settle it here today. You have made your challenges to each other and it will be now up to you to decide which girl will be the Queen Bush. We won’t interfere, but we will be very interested in the outcome. With that in mind, Rashelle, do you have something that might be a token of our acceptance of the winner today?”
Speaking as though she was Secretary of State, Rashelle confirmed that indeed she did, “Yes. We felt that a small token of our admiration for the winner should be a prize of fulfillment that they might keep. With that in mind we all chipped in to buy this.” She held out a box and opened it. It was a jewelry box with a fine 18-inch gold necklace with a very pretty crown-shaped pendant. She held it out for first Veronica and then Chelsea to see up close.
A small look of shock and then pleasure swept over both girls. Engraved beautifully on the pendant were the initials QB.
“Wonderful,” thought Chelsea as did Veronica. What better way to remind the bitch of who REALLY is Queen Bush around here. Their thoughts were uncannily identical.
Now it was Linda’s turn to speak. “Girls. I think I have some business to attend to with Amanda. Dawn and Rashelle have a difference of opinion that needs settling. Tesha and Liz don’t see eye-to-eye either. So if we want to take care of business I suggest we get going. I’ll spin the bottle…..ooops. I almost forgot. Last Monday we were in the showers buck-naked when all this started. We all earlier agreed that that is where we would begin today. Lets get the show on the road.” In a flash Linda had removed shoes, socks, shirt, bra, shorts and panties. It took less than two minutes for them all to be naked again. Somehow this didn’t feel the same as shower room nakedness. It was different, vastly different. The sexy tension that hung over them made sure of that.
“Now back to what I was saying. I’ll spin the bottle as we stand in a circle. Whoever it points at will go first against her prearranged opponent. Ready?” She spun the bottle on the floor. It whirled around and around and finally pointed at Tesha, who immediately spoke up, “Liz, bitch. I’ve wanted to teach your sorry ass a lesson for a long time now. If you’re not afraid get over here and let me show you a real woman’s ass.”
“Fuck you, cunt. This redhead’s ass is about to kick your little behind into next month.” With that Liz sauntered directly over to Tesha and turned around. Thrusting her ass at an angle her pretty bum just dared Tesha to retaliate. Retaliate she did. Turning to her left, she bent down partially and thrust her ass into solid contact with Liz’s cheeks. The other girls had stepped back and taken a seat on the rolled up mats along the east wall. The action was only a few feet in front of them.
Now they went at it without forethought or planning. Each just tried to use her pretty ass to bump, push, jostle, and bang her rival’s ass as much as she possibly could. Standing in the middle of the mats as they were, they couldn’t get a great deal of leverage and so the impacts were not severe and it appeared that no real progress was being made toward any sort of conclusion. There was smacking to be heard as their fine buns bounced into and off of each other. One thing though, was that the others were enjoying the sight of fine female flesh jousting. A few of them started urging the combatants on, not taking sides exactly, just giving encouragement.
“Come on Tesha, pound her butt.”
“Don’t be a pansy, Liz. Give it to her good!”
Those shouts and more echoed across the room and the girls (spectators) were finally getting what they wanted to see. Their skin glistened with sweat from the heat, but now that they were exerting themselves the flow of perspiration quickened. Liz and Tesha felt their slick ass-cheeks slide deliciously across each other. A few minutes of sliding action terminated when Liz gave a particularly hard thrust of her ass and sent Tesha stumbling across the mats. Liz had turned to follow her. With Liz approaching, the recovering Tesha moved over to one of the bench apparatus in the weight lifting area and swung her leg over and pointed to the other end, indicating she wanted Liz to do the same. Liz grinned and said, “Fine. If you can’t handle me out on the mats, we’ll go ass-to-ass here. Get ready to meet your ass master.”
The other girls got up and hurried across the room as Liz positioned herself across the lifting bench. It was low, about 18 inches off the floor and was positioned so that both girls had heavy equipment right in front of them. The equipment in this part of the room was all pushed together to free up more mat space and the girls took advantage by using the bars at either end to push against. Liz oohed as she slid her ass across the bench to hook up with Tesha. This was a soft meeting, not the loud smack one might have expected. They wiggled their asses until they were lined up perfectly and began to push.
Tesha felt the heat and pressure of Liz’s sweaty ass firmly pushing on her behind. She clenched the hard knot of muscles in her ass cheeks and gritted her teeth to try to force Liz’s ass to relinquish its thrust. At first Liz retreated a few inches across the bench before she regrouped and knotted her own tight ass. Using her arms to thrust with as much power as she could, she regained the lost inches. The girls were tiring in this position. Their arms began to burn from the continuous effort. Neither could actually continue to keep her cheeks lined up with her foe. Liz’s left cheek slid a bit to the right as Tesha’s slid the other way. Now each could feel her dark hole covered by one ass cheek from the other girl. In this position, they didn’t require as much effort to keep aligned and so neither tried to regain their earlier cheek-to-cheek alignment. Mutually accepting this position the two began to grind their asses in quick but small little circular motions. Liz oohed again out loud. She felt the sweet and dirty contact as Tesha’s hard knot of muscle in her butt pressed and ground directly on her puckered hole. The intimate invasion of her anus by offending flesh caused a little shiver at the forbidden delight she was experiencing for the very first time. She knew her own hard cheek was giving Tesha’s little anal hole a similar feeling.
The sweat dripped off Tesha’s face as she ground back at Liz. “I think your little ass hole likes my ass grinding into it. Can’t you grind any better than that? I want to feel you!” Tesha taunted Liz and she got her answer right away. “You want to feel my asshole? Fine!” She stood on one leg and anchored her other on the bench. “I’ll put my asshole up against yours. Right here. Right now.” Tesha was the one to let out a little aaaaaaahhh as she repositioned herself rotationally symmetric to Liz. By each standing with one leg on the floor and the other on the bench, their ass cheeks were tilted enough at an angle that they lined up their cute little brown holes and backed into each other.
A whole new sizzle erupted inside the two girls. The dirty nature of what they were doing merged with the incredible erotic aspect and another little boundary had been crossed. Liz gasped as she felt her puckered hole first meet, get used to, and then grind in harmony with Tesha’s equally perfect hole.
Tesha, having felt the rush six days earlier of heavenly gash grinding was still surprised at the jolt she felt when her anus began grinding into and against Liz’s anus. Tesha sucked air into her lungs, air full of the aromatic mixture of old and new musty sweat. Beads of sweat hung on her face and breasts, dripping down onto the bench and floor. The heightened eroticism of their coupling had her biting her lip at the dirty pleasure she was experiencing.
The sweat made their asses slide easily against each other. Their motions had become less violent and more erotic. Every movement and twitch was associated with tiny voltages of erotic energy pinging through her nerve cells. Zing, pow, oooooooohhhhhhhh, aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh! Eyes closed, Tesha forgot about the desire to punish or dominate Liz and just ground against her in glorious delight at the feelings produced. Liz was rocking back and forth, forward and back, as she swiveled her hips slowly in synchronization with Tesha. She too, had lost every motive of anger and succumbed to the forbidden lust of womanly contact. The redheads chin dripped sweat in a drip, drip, drip below her, puddling on the floor. “Yes. Yes. That’s it. Grind your dirty ass into mine. Ooooooooooooooooohhhhhhh God! Yummmmy.” Her inhibitions, what little had been left of them, were now vanishing completely. She got real verbal: grunting, groaning, demanding Tesha to do more. It seemed that her mouth never stopped. It was a cross between trash talk and hedonistic abandon.
As Liz ground at Tesha and felt Tesha dishing it right back the proximity of their pussies was not something they could ignore. The occasional wild thrust or jab of one backside at the other would find their pussies rubbing thighs, buttocks, and the other pussy. The undeniable pleasure caused each to begin making their aim a little different, as time went by. As wonderfully nasty and fun as their heineys grinding was, the prospect of pussy rubbing was even more powerful. Their hormones were in charge. The 6 other girls had moved into a semicircle around them were still shouting occasional words of encouragement, but Liz and Tesha did not need any of that. Their bodies knew exactly what to do. Their pussies had become increasingly wet and the sounds of their wet touching could be heard by all the girls. Liz, anxious for more access dropped her upper body lower and rested her elbows on the bench so that her ass was up higher than the rest of her body. This angle gave a more direct access to her pussy from behind. Recognizing, by feel, what Liz had done, Tesha, with her eyes still closed copied the move.
It looked awkward as hell, and it was, but for the girls at the moment the lovely access to each other’s womanly centers was undeniably good. Liz worked backward in a series of staccato wiggles that had her pussy rubbing directly against the sopping wet lips of Tesha’s pussy. When she had pushed back as far as her leg position would allow, she leaned forward, hoping Tesha would follow, but Tesha was so lost in the pleasure that she didn’t mount a reciprocal move. POP! The suction of their pussies, first clinging, and then loudly pulling apart, caused a very loud popping noise that reverberated around the room. The other six girls giggled at the loud sound. A laugh even escaped Liz’s mouth, but it was short-lived as Tesha got her senses back and worked her ass backwards for another pussy-to-pussy hookup. As soon as they re-coupled Liz let out a whoop and more from eroticism than anger yelled out, “My pussy is going to swallow your pussy right up. Get IN me bitch.” It was trash talk, but with a decidedly horny lustful tone to it, not menacing at all.
Tesha’s gash grinding fervor didn’t stop her from yelling back, “I think YOUR cunt will be the one eaten alive. I can feel you back there trying to get inside me. You can’t wait to get inside me can you? You WANT my pussy don’t you? Come on girl, wiggle that thing!”
Their lust was strong and their motivation great, but there was one thing holding them back. They were in a very awkward position, one that they really couldn’t maintain for a long time, especially in the heat. Tesha felt her legs tiring from the strain of maintaining this decidedly pretzel-like position. The other motivation for a switch of positions was that their clits were not quite as involved in all this as they were wishing for. Liz felt her clit burning with desire for more direct action. So far only a few small bumps and it wasn’t enough! As she pulled away for just a moment, Tesha hopped off the bench, almost knocking Dawn over. Dawn and the others had been watching from only three or four feet away, mesmerized by the action. The woman-smell of rutting females had wafted to their nostrils. The suction and grinding sounds of pussy contact had reached their ears. Their eyes were glued to the action before them. THEY were beginning to feel the heat and passion that emanated from Liz and Tesha.
Tesha dropped to the floor and sat with her legs widely splayed apart. All could see the nicely trimmed arrowhead bush above her cleanly shaved lips. The puffiness of her labia was instantly obvious as was the protruding clit. Its bright pink glow informed all of them of its arousal. It stuck out a bit from between her deliciously parted labia, delicately poised for action. In less time than it takes to describe it, Liz had hopped off the bench and lowered herself to the mat in a sliding graceful move that allowed all eyes to feast on her natural reddish bush. It was a thatch of delightful proportions. It was nicely triangular, untrimmed but without very many stragglers of hair. It had a trimmed appearance but was in fact very natural. It was narrow at the juncture with her labia and widened nicely in a perfectly symmetric shape a few inches above. It was not real thick except down the centerline, as though an upward continuation of the dark cleft between her legs. The fuzz grew thickest down the center, blocking view of her soft white skin underneath. The density diminished gradually outward to either side. All in all, it was a very pleasing bundle of pubes that approached Tesha’s trimmed arrowhead now. Sliding together the two girls were focused on the wet gash approaching her own womanly center.
Tesha watched closely as Liz reached down between her legs and with two fingers splayed her cunt lips apart. The wicked smile on her face gave away the lust she was feeling. Before she removed her hand she gave three quick twirls of her clit. It zoomed into view in quite a prominent display. With only six inches between their pussies, Liz stopped. While Liz was staring into Tesha’s eyes and licking her lips, Amanda couldn’t contain herself any longer. Her excitement showed as she shouted out, “Fuck each other. Come on, what are you waiting for? Get fucking!”
Dawn looked at Amanda, “Well aren’t you the anxious one?” She spoke in mock sarcasm. All one had to do to know that it was mock sarcasm was to glance at Dawn herself. She had two fingers of her right hand firmly beneath her bush and was without embarrassment rubbing her clitty in small strokes. Her lips were curled up in a bit of a grin as she watched the two finally slide together in contact.
“There you go. Come to Mama. That’s a girl. Yeeeeessssss. Put your pussy right where it belongs.” Tesha was back in vocal mode. Her body had lurched almost six inches forward when she first felt the burning touch of Liz’s clitoris against her own. She rocked forward enough to grab the shoulders of Liz and pull her close. With a sitting-scissors and their bushes plastered against one another, she lifted her hands behind Liz’s head and pulled their mouths into blistering contact. Liz wasted no time in fulfilling the intention Tesha had laid out. Frenzied French kissing followed as the two were now totally lost within the lusty power of the other. Their perspiring skin glowed in the reflected light from above and their mouths slobbered saliva back and forth between them. Their lips were locked in passionate embrace. No air escaped. Their tongues danced the passion dance with more fire than either had ever known with a man. They had to come up for a breath sooner or later and when they did they were able to refocus their gash grinding below. Tesha’s bush was burrowing into the thickest middle part of Liz’s reddish bush. Their damp hairs were intertwining and snarling together as their mounds pressed forcefully into each other. The tiny jolts of pain as hairs were pulled went practically unnoticed.
Leaning back after several minutes of the upright position the two were ready for final jeopardy. Liz aimed her clit at the open pussy lips before her. Tesha accommodated very easily and Liz felt the delicious sweet wetness of Tesha’s cunt absorb the full prominence of her clitoris. She wiggled her hips in thrusting forward fashion, seeking to impale Tesha with her little wand. There was no way for such to actually happen, but Liz relished in the fantasy of fucking Tesha like a man. The pleasure stream flowing from her clit sizzled inside her and she ached for more. When Tesha arched her back to change the angle between them, Liz lowered herself to accommodate a countering move from Tesha. It came instantly and was ever so sweet. She felt Tesha’s hard knob slide between her inner lips from South to North. Little wiggles accompanied every millimeter of movement. Tesha had exquisite control of her clit as it parted Liz’s lips on its way North. Stopping at the top and giving a few teasing spasms against Liz’s clit before descending South again, Tesha was causing Liz to become a bit frazzled. She wanted hot forceful action, not teasing. She sought out Tesha’s clit with her own. But Tesha kept moving this way and that. “Teasing Tesha,” thought Liz.
“Quit playing hide and seek,” demanded Liz.
“This is FUN. Isn’t it?” chided Tesha.
Well, it was fun for Liz, but she had crossed the boundary that demanded orgasmic release. She was in no mood to play games. “Just FUCK ME. Come on bitch. Fuck me NOW!”
Tesha spoke slowly, even as she kept up her little game of clitty hide and seek, “Oohh, OK. I guess the little wimpy redhead can get fucked if she is really good.”
“JUST FUCK ME!” yelled Liz.
“Do you promise to be good? Is my ass better than yours?”
“JUST FUCK ME! Come on and FUCK ME NOW!”
Tesha let Liz find her clit for just small moments at a time before resuming her little game. “I asked you a question. I didn’t hear an answer?”
“OK. OK. Your ass is better than mine. Now just use it to FUCK ME!”
Liz ached so badly for release that she probably would have said anything.
Liz lurched against Tesha, hoping to pin her clit up against Tesha’s, but Tesha still teased for about 15 more seconds before she decided it was time to go after Liz clit to clit.
WHAM! She lurched forward and the two clits met in slippery contact. This time there was no pull back, no letup, no quarter. It was total clitty fucking madness now. Tesha gritted her teeth and plowed everything she had left into her thrusting motions and before long she was groaning and moaning in the pleasure of it all. But it was the impatient redhead that was zooming on ahead. Her desire had overwhelmed her and when Tesha had finally relented she was ready. Within two minutes Liz began screaming. Some screams were words but most were just animal sounds of lust. She arched her back and pushed her clit against Tesha’s and they prodded every ounce of energy from each other at this final moment and Liz exploded in orgasm that had the other girls applauding their approval. Well, there wasn’t really any applause. Their hands had been too busy elsewhere. But they were appreciative of the spectacle. The humping of Liz’s ass was in time to some genetic throwback to ancient days and it brought Tesha to her orgasm moments later.
Having made Liz beg for it was all she needed before allowing herself the pleasure of her own release, and a powerful one it was. Having caused the other girl to beg for her pussy as pleasure was a very heady feeling. When her orgasm came she didn’t scream like Liz, but instead let out a howl of delight that only Linda had ever heard before. Even she had forgotten it, but now it sounded so weird. Tesha didn’t care what it sounded like though. She was blissfully ignorant of the noises she made as she ground her cunt into and through its orgasm against the dwindling orgasm of Liz. The two girls, sweating profusely, pulled apart and lay on the mat. Breathing hard to catch their breath, it was several minutes before they could even sit up. The other six gleefully recounted the coupling they had just seen, ignoring the participants laying prone on the floor. Eventually the two sat up and smiled at them. Liz said, “Who’s next?”
Chapter 10
“Dandy girls. That was great. Nice touch to use the equipment like you did. Liz, you gave Tesha a real run for her money, but she held out a little longer. Maybe next time, huh?” Linda complimented the two girls for their fine performance. All were now feeling the intoxication of sexual heat building inside. “Are we ready for number two?” Linda asked, knowing the answer already. She just leaned over and spun the bottle again. Eight pairs of eyes watched expectantly as it slowly came to rest pointing at herself.
“Well, well, well. I guess it’s my turn. Amanda, are you game for a titfight?”
“You bet your sickly brown-haired snatch I’m ready. My tits will smother yours into submission and I’ll enjoy every minute.”
Linda retorted, sarcastically reusing Amanda’s phrase, “Your tits will do no such thing and my ‘sickly brown-haired snatch’ may have its own say in this matter. Your little blonde bush ought to just go hide in a corner somewhere, it’s so ugly.”
The girls didn’t need much trash talk to get them riled up enough to come together. “Here come my precious titties,” crowed Linda, “I hope yours are ready for a pummeling.” She stepped forward to be met directly by the taller Amanda.
Linda’s round breasts, C-cup in size, pointed out proudly from her chest, only the slightest curvature gracing the bottom of her meaty mounds. In profile, there was no sag, just a nice pleasant curve down and away from her chest muscles for an inch or two before swinging gracefully upward to her medium pink nipples and areolas. Her rubbery nips were hardening and standing out straight. From the front they pointed slightly outward and the smooth skin, minute drops of perspiration glistening, moved to meet the slightly larger tits of her foe.
Amanda’s tits were surely a bit bigger than Linda’s. Amanda could sometimes get by in a C-cup bra, but she usually wore a D-cup for comfort. While playing she usually wore a tighter C-cup sports bra for the extra support. If she chose she could display impressive cleavage with the right choice of bra and dress. Right now however, there was neither. Her breasts were out there on their own: naked and jauntily ready for battle. Only the slightest hint of sag could be seen if viewing her large boobs from the side. No pencils could be held underneath her tits. They hung in glorious harmony from her large shoulders and made her slightly larger frame (thicker hips, thighs, back and shoulders) seem nicely in proportion. If she had had smaller breasts she might have looked ‘unshapely’, but with the breasts she carried her body all worked together to give a real sexy appearance. At 5ft 10in she was the heaviest player on the volleyball team, but she was one whom most people would probably have guessed her weight to be at least 15 or 20 pounds less than her true weight. Her blonde pubic patch was her natural color and she kept it trimmed more than some. It was a narrow but long row of ringlet blonde curls, shaped in a sort of trapezoid; wider at the top, but narrowing lower to not quite a ‘V’ point. It was trimmed straight across at the bottom, about half an inch above the northern terminus of her healthy slit.
Hands on hips the two sets of boobs narrowed the space between them. The two girls touched nipples as the others watched. With the thrill of having their sexy competition with spectators adding to the already heady arousal of the sexy girl in front of them, the touch was a real jolt. Bursts of electrical energy shot out in rays from their nipples into their breasts and distributed throughout the body and brains of the two girls. The sexy interplay of Linda’s pink nipples with Amanda’s equally pink tit-nubs made both girls shudder and back off an inch to regroup. Eyes open and intent on the nipple contact, the girls touched again. This time with a little more ‘push’. The incredible pleasant sensation was still present, but having felt the shock of it for the first time moments ago, they acclimated their bodies to the feel. The taller Amanda aimed her nipples downward a bit to jab directly at the hard points protruding so sexily from Linda’s boobs. She jabbed down, trying to push them downward at an angle, while Linda pushed upwards, seeking to control Amanda’s nipples. It was awkward work. Usually only one pair of opposing nipples would line up at a time and so the focus seemed to swing back and forth from left to right as they matched poke for poke. The height differential also made it a bit cumbersome to keep their nipples lined up.
When Amanda took her hands from her hips and grabbed a breast in each hand to make the alignment easier, Linda followed up immediately with the same. Hands holding tits, the two now could attack each other’s nipples more directly and with less wasted energy than before. Amanda poked and poked her hard nubbins, longer than Linda’s, straight on against her. Linda poked and shoved back with a sincere vigor. The larger nipples from Amanda’s tits began to cause Linda’s nipples to bend one way and then the other as Amanda’s firm points would not retreat.
Linda began rubbing her nipples along the shaft of Amanda’s. She twirled her nipples around and around, keeping contact at all times with Amanda’s nipples. She shuddered with the delight of pleasant contact. Amanda was also enjoying the nipple fight. Even with aggressive tactics and powerful thrusts from time to time, the tenor of this fight was definitely more erotic than vicious.
Licking her lips along the sidelines, Rashelle was already getting anxious for her own battle to follow. With the knowledge that Veronica and Chelsea would be going last, she felt her libido gathering momentum already. Watching the sexy tit-tickling in front of her only made it more powerful. She wondered what Dawn was thinking right now. She stole a glance over to see Dawn with a hand on each breast, gently kneading the flesh and enjoying an occasional nipple pull. “Good,” thought Rashelle, “She’ll be ready!”
‘Time to escalate this,” thought Linda. Dropping her hands from her tits she took a very quick swing of her torso to slap her tits hard against Amanda’s hand-encased boobs. Smack. The sound reverberated in the stale air. “So that’s the way you want to play, huh?” growled Amanda. Dropping her hands to her sides she immediately retaliated and in a flash the two were swinging tits back and forth with a wild, careless abandon. They would meet in mid-air with repeated loud smacks. The impacts were reddening the skin on the outside of their breasts especially. Their nipples would impact and rake across the skin of their foe, leaving trails in the sweat. Occasionally their nipples would again meet directly, and in the violence of the swinging tits, with the weight and power of large breast behind them, would painfully bend and snap back. This stage of the battle was less erotic than the earlier stage, and the gritting of teeth and the shallow, ragged breathing of the two girls emphasized the growing intensity. Whap, whap, whap went tit against tit.
Linda could feel the mass of Amanda’s breasts as they slammed into her slightly smaller boobs. Like heavy bean bags they slammed into her tits, causing her to wince in pain from the impact. For quite a while she took the punishment, knowing that her tits were inflicting significant pain on Amanda as well. Amanda would even grimace and groan at the power of some of Linda’s smacks. But the toll was heavier on Linda. The extra mass of accurately thrown tit smacks from Amanda was keeping the pain from abating and she knew she must attack another way to ward off a devastating tit-defeat.
She kept up the tit swinging attacks for as long as she could but finally she went after the offending tits with her hands. Reaching across the space between them she grabbed Amanda’s meaty boobs and squeezed, one in each hand. She squeezed as hard as she could. Amanda let out a scream and yelled out, “So you can’t take it can you? You want to squeeze tits do you? All right. I’ll squeeze tits with you.” With that she reached out and immediately found her targets. Anchoring her fingers as deeply into Linda’s boobs as she could, she squeezed. The two faces were not so pretty right now. Sweaty and with hair hanging in ragged strands across their faces they growled obscene threats at each other. The pain in their tits made them cry and now the tears mingled with the sweat and their faces became streaked with the effects.
Amanda worked with a vengeance on Linda’s tits. Her hands were positioned so that all 10 fingers were pointed in deeply and she squeezed her claws in as far as she could. They were furrowing deeply into the breasts in what would be sure to remain as marks for a long time to come. Luckily, for both, all volleyball players kept their nails very short and there was no scratching evident from their tit-grabbing fight. But the squeezing was very painful for both. Linda managed to grasp the most protruding portion of Amanda’s tits, out near the nipple and she began a twisting squeeze that made her tits look like a swirl ice cream cone with the ripples of flesh corkscrewing around between her fingers. Both girls were literally screaming curses at each other now, demanding the other girl stop, but except for a moment’s lapse to re-grip there was no let up. Amanda felt like her tits would get twisted right off and she drew down deep for even more power to crush as much breast flesh between her fingers as she could. Their heads were now drooping over from the pain and fatigue of the battle. Still standing up, the energy to keep it up was waning. Neither girl would relinquish her vicious hold and a real battle of wills was shaping up. How long could they last?
Amanda was the first to change tactics. As powerful and harmful as she knew her attack had been, it hadn’t done anything to slow down the counter attacks from Linda. So she let go of her deep squeeze and grabbed her two nipples between the fingers of her hands. They were slippery and she couldn’t squeeze with all her might or they would slip out, but she could squeeze plenty hard enough to pull those erect nipples out to incredibly stretched limits. Linda screamed a blood-curdling cry as she felt like her nipples would be torn from her tits. Amanda would jerk them unmercifully, losing her grip several times and being forced to find them again and again to repeat the punishment. Linda, in retaliation had let her hands find Amanda’s nipples and began to twist and pull them for all she was worth. At first the screams of Amanda were loud and awful, but as the pain continued she let her screams fall back to awful whimpers and sobs.
Linda, having lost a less than fully competitive bush-cunt fight with her roommate Tesha on Monday, didn’t want to be a loser again. Her fire of determination was strong and she suffered tremendous pain at the hands of Amanda in order to continue her onslaught against her. But Amanda was not letting go. She was not letting up. She was grinding her fingers in vicious twisting pulls of Linda’s now battered nipples. The pink color had long since turned to red and Linda needed relief. With both girls in horrible pain it came as a relief even to Amanda when Linda stuck her leg behind Amanda and pushed forward, tripping her to the mat. Amanda held on long enough to bring Linda with her but let go just in time to catch herself with her hands before she landed on the mat. Linda was falling on top of her and with the two girls on the floor a wrestling match started. Each was still crying from the pain but neither sought to attack breasts now that they were on the floor. Linda had landed on top of Amanda but she didn’t stay there for long. Even with so much effort already expended, Amanda had enough to roll over on top of Linda.
Now their tits were plastered together again, this time between the two girls rolling wrestling bodies. The pressure of their tits grinding into each other in the tight confines of space between them hurt, but it was so much less than the awful tit-twisting they had endured together up until a few moments before that they paid this pain no attention. Instead they rolled around each seeking the advantage of top position. This is where Amanda’s size advantage really helped. She, after several rolls around the floor was able to command top position, pinning Linda beneath her.
In all this rolling the girls tired themselves out even more and their legs became all tangled up. Arms had ended up behind each other’s backs and they were squeezing together in a bear hug. Their sore tits now squashed out to the sides from the pressure of their chests bearing down on each other. Their sore nipples, wishing for air and breathing room for recovery were not getting it. Instead they were compressed into the flesh of their hideous foe’s breasts. Growling and cursing the two fought on the mats much like the wrestlers for whom the room had been made.
With Linda now feeling trapped beneath Amanda she began to buck her hips as much as she could to try to unseat her. Amanda’s hot breath on her neck came in labored rushes. Her hair hung down in Linda’s face and the two girls were now nose-to-nose and glaring at each other with gritted teeth. Amanda suffered through several attempts from the girl underneath trying to dislodge her from the top before she had drawn in enough air to actually speak. Her words ragged from her still-labored breathing Amanda asked, “You ready to quit? Are you done? You know you can’t win now. Why don’t you just give up?” The big blonde was winning for sure, but her words gave away that she, too, didn’t have much fight left in her. Linda, as much as she knew her predicament was no advantage could read between the lines of Amanda’s shaky words. “Hell no, bitch. Not while I’ve got a pussy between my legs will I let you win!”
A little shocked and flabbergasted by Linda’s response, Amanda didn’t quite know what to do except stay on top of Linda. Her weight was definitely her ally now. Outweighing Linda by at least 30 pounds, she was able to rest and still maintain the superior position. Linda tried arching, bucking, rolling, and pulling on Amanda, but all to no avail. Amanda with her legs apart for leverage was keeping Linda firmly inferior. With so little action right now the other girls began chirping their encouragement. “Come on Linda, get her off.” “Hey Amanda, make her squirm. Make her give.” Then Amanda was reminded of Linda’s words of a few moments ago, the comment about ‘as long as she had a pussy…’ Well, that gave Amanda an idea. Her legs were now wide apart and Linda’s bush was bumping into her own every time she tried to extricate herself, but now Amanda thought, “maybe I should show her what a real woman’s pussy can do?”
At first all she did was hump back down against Linda whenever she tried to leverage the bigger girl off, but soon Amanda, feeling confident about staying on top, began to leverage her legs back together and tried to force apart Linda’s legs with her own. It took some doing and several tries before she used her weight and the power of her legs to wedge her left leg in between Linda’s. Shortly after that she got her right leg between them also. Linda was now firmly parted at her crotch and Amanda’s mass was bearing down on her. Their bushes were firmly plastered together. Plastered is the right word as the sticky sweat of their bodies had given their groins a thorough soaking. Amanda was now able for the first time to actually feel a few jolts of sexual pleasure when she rocked her blonde bush down deeply into the brown bush of Linda’s mound. The power was feeling real good and the melding of her own blonde cunt hairs with the brown cunt hairs of her rival was delicious. Her hips started to rock in slow, sensual, rhythmic motions. Amanda delighted when she felt Linda’s legs (voluntarily or not she didn’t know) open even wider. Linda’s pussy was on fire and Amanda could feel the heat in her own labia as she ground down and around Linda’s pussy and bush. She lowered herself and arched her back so her blonde bush could ride down deeply into the now open gash of Linda’s vagina. Sliding upward ever so slowly she let her bush scrape across her labia, her inner linings, her clit, and then upward into the brown patch of fur that Linda called her own. At the moment Amanda was taking it all in as if Linda’s body was her own. She ‘owned’ Linda’s body, even if Linda didn’t realize it at the moment. The upper body fighting had subsided and Amanda had lifted up on her arms to rise above Linda and continue fucking her in this missionary position.
Linda just lay back and let the juices flow. Literally. She let the juices flow because she wouldn’t have been able to stop the flow anyhow. Her pussy was oblivious to the pain and suffering of the tits Linda wore on her chest. All her pussy knew was that it was in the midst of an exciting time and it generated all the copious amount of love liquid it could. In no time Linda felt herself giving in to the gyrations Amanda was using on her pussy. She felt every little hair of the wonderful blonde bush as they burrowed inside her vagina. She felt every hair as they scrubbed their way north to cross her sensitive and engorged clit. She ached as the blonde’s pussy slid deliciously over her own, only to stop and wait in darkness of her own bushy mound.
Amanda was testing every conceivable combination of touch with her pussy and mound against Linda’s pussy and mound. She found every touch to be pleasing and full of promise, but she kept coming back to the slow grinding of her lower bush into the deep crevices of Linda’s cunt. The feeling of power was grand and the effect it was having on Linda was undeniable. Linda was becoming upset with the slow pace of Amanda’s action. Linda knew what she wanted now. She wanted fucking; fast and furious fucking. She wanted Linda’s blonde cunt to start ramming into her with vicious violent thrusts. She wanted to feel the blonde girls clit gyrating against her own. She ached for the elevation of the ‘festivities’. But Amanda had other ideas.
Sensing the frustration of the girl beneath her, Amanda actually slowed her grinding action. She didn’t quit, but she moved with interminable slowness, and even the extra wiggling and grinding that Linda provided did not quench the fires burning inside Linda’s groin. Amanda had discovered the power of the tease. All the while she was feeling the wonderful slippery touch of Linda’s saucy pussy against her own lips and clit. Keeping just enough contact and motion to keep her own libido from losing interest, she fucked Linda ever so slowly. Looking down into her eyes she burned her subliminal message into Linda’s brain directly, “You are MINE. I’ve got you right where I want you and there is nothing you can do about it. I hope you like it, because I like it a lot!”
The insistence in Linda’s growling and grinding became verbal. Just like Liz in the first fight, Linda began to beg. She begged and begged for at least five minutes, with only the mildest gentle intimate thrusts of Amanda’s pussy bearing down on her, before Amanda decided it was HER time to move. After a particularly loud and demanding plea for Amanda to get going from the beaten girl underneath, Amanda finally took a more aggressive demeanor.
“You are going to wish you never begged for me to fuck you!”
With that one sentence she began an immediate pounding, grinding, thrusting motion with her hips. She mated her clit up against Linda’s clit and pushed it back and forth and side to side with a vengeance not seen since the nipple pulling frenzy of twenty minutes earlier. She rammed it deeply into Linda and the two girls were heading for the exit. Like a roller coaster that has just cleared the top of the first big hill, the cunt-2-cunt sloshing gathered steam and the loud cries from both girls (yes, even Amanda was now caught up in the passion and heat) rent the air, announcing for all the imminent orgasms. Surprisingly, as anxious as Linda had been, and with the control Amanda had been showing, the two girls now approached and had their orgasms together. Once Amanda got into it she escalated so rapidly that she blasted off at the same time as Linda beneath her. Their shrieking cries made it perfectly clear to all present that even with a very violent match the entrance into sexual ecstasy and fulfillment was very obtainable. Amanda, having used her height and weight to her advantage had clearly dominated Linda in the latter stages of their fight, but she wasn’t done. Her pussy was tender and aching for rest, but she was determined to make Linda beg once more. So even as her sensitive pussy was winding down from its own orgasm, she began pumping into Linda’s gash all over again. This time she focused more on using her blonde bush and ground it firmly, deeply, exquisitely into the soft tissues of Linda’s pussy. Linda, feeling the sore tenderness of her pussy being violated once again, did indeed beg her to stop. “Stop. Oh, I can’t take any more of this. Enough! Enough! Oh, please stop!”
Amanda looked over at the other six and with a big smile on her face said to all, “Oh, all right, if you insist. I guess I could quit fucking your sorry pussy.” With that she slowly worked her way back to a standing position. She glowed with tired happiness at having caused Linda to beg. She was proud of herself and she felt great that the rest of her friends and teammates had seen the success she had.
The one thing that was sort of surprising about this battle was the difference between the fight today and the mock-fight that had so obviously been perpetrated last Wednesday in the shower room between these two. That had been a much less realistic charade than the others. It had appeared that these two weren’t really into the ‘fight’ aspect of their little tit-war at all. None of them had really expected a serious battle today. But WOW! Were they wrong? Not only was it serious, but vicious and fought without quarter. The incredible torture they had administered to each other had left them looking a real mess. The welts and bruises on their tits were now distinctly visible. As Linda rose and they all got a good look at her and Amanda side by side they almost winced at the bedraggled and hurt appearance of the two normally pretty girls. Fight number two had been a real doozy. It’s hard to say if any of them would have predicted the final ending, but it was clear that in the end it was probably the size differential that had turned the tide in Amanda’s favor.
Congratulations were tossed out from the six and accepted by Linda and Amanda. Of course Amanda got more congratulations than Linda. After all she had just won a very contentious fight and fuck war with a very determined rival.
After that fight the girls decided to take a moment for a drink. The hot day had certainly taken its toll on the girls with regard to hydration. The drinking fountains were out in the hall and they all sauntered out there and back, taking long drinks before returning to the hot room, which now was aromatically a bit spicier than when they had entered nearly two hours before. Several girls had brought bottled water or sports drinks and they drank liberally from these as well. It was almost two o’clock when they were back in place.
Chapter 11
Eyes of attention turned to Dawn and Rashelle who had moved a few steps away from the others. The heady sexual atmosphere had them both breathing heavily, even before their encounter began. Rashelle was the first to speak. “Well, well, well, pretty white girl. I think we need to find out something here today: whether or not a snooty white girl like you can make love or not. I don’t really think you hold a candle to me, cause I’m a dirty black bitch, and I can turn anyone into a pile of quivering Jello. Are you ready?”
“I’m REAL ready. And if you think it’ll be me turning into Jello, you’ve got another think coming. You’ll be screaming my name, begging for mercy, and you will all know that no black bitch is a better lover than this dirty white bitch.” Dawn let her have it.
“Like I said before, kiss me or shut the fuck up.” Rashelle and Dawn had laid out their initial challenges and were anxious to go after each other.
Amanda shouted out, “First to orgasm loses!”
Dawn: “You got that right and it isn’t going to be me!”
Rashelle: “Well, it sure as shit ain’t going to be me!”
With that they practically leaped into each other’s arms and began a serious wet sucking kiss. The exotic looking white girl with the black hair and nebulous ethnic look went after the dark teammate with a real gusto and she was met by as much lusty intent on the part of Rashelle.
Arms wrapped around and held their hot bodies tightly as tongues invaded each other’s mouth. Their mouths were wide and they gave each other lots of room to explore. Rashelle’s tongue found the underside of Dawn’s upper lip and stroked firm wet tracks along the entire inside of her lip. Dawn’s tongue meanwhile was caressing the underside of Rashelle’s tongue. Using the tip she would dart in, press hard, withdraw and attack in a slightly different spot the next time. Their slithery snake-like tongues danced together in a passion dance for several minutes. Each girl massaged the tongue and mouth of the other with as much sensuality and seductive intent as they could muster. Each wished for the other’s horny libido to become so aroused and overpowered that they would succumb to their basest instincts and submit to her intentions.
Rashelle was an expert with her tongue. Dawn felt the heat and fire burning as it passed from Rashelle’s tongue into her own. The deliciousness of it all was fantastic and the two played their mouth duel for several minutes. Standing in the middle of the floor a few feet away were the other six, silently observing the action. Observing – yes, inactive – no. Every girl had at least one hand tracking trails across her body, stopping off at key locations to tweak, tickle, poke, or rub, before moving on to other pleasurable locations. The pleasure of watching the two beauties, one white and one black, dangle their tongues out for slobbery conjunction was certainly evident to the six other girls, even the ones that had already finished their ‘workout’. Surprisingly, even Veronica and Chelsea were intently watching the progress of what transpired in front of them. They too could feel the sexy spark given off as they intertwined arms, legs, and tongues.
Passion now began to flow from more than their tongues. As chests had pressed together their firm lovely breasts were engaged in slippery (from the perspiration) contact. Nipples had hardened into hot daggers, grazing across each other and making luscious passes all around their counterpart’s breasts and areolas. Tummys, tight and taut from the heavy workouts that came with their roles as collegiate volleyball players, rubbed smoothly together. Rashelle’s soft but sweaty skin, felt sparks and tingles of excitement radiating out from every point of contact. There were lots of points of contact. Legs had slipped into the void created between the other’s legs as they kept their balance by keeping their feet apart. This brought their warm black bushes close. More heat radiated from their mounds as they adjusted their lower bodies together, seeking as much skin-to-skin touch as possible. Rashelle’s soft wispy bush was very black but not very thick. It was trimmed into a nicely sculpted V-shape and was thick only at the very point of the ‘V’, just at the top end of her increasingly wet slit. Her pronounced Mound of Venus pushed urgently but gently against the right side of Dawn’s groin as she felt Dawn’s precious bush pushing insistently on her right groin area. Muscular thighs wiggled and squeezed, pronouncing themselves ready for action. As they squirmed together the passion intended became the passion reality. Both girls couldn’t help but be affected by the tender sucking of tongues, smooth skin riding across smooth skin, and hot groins arching towards each other.
Dawn sighed as she pulled her lips away from Rashelle. Quickly she spun Rashelle around and, reaching around from behind, slid one hand to Rashelle’s right breast and her other hand lower, much lower, finding the hair covered mound of her sex. Kissing her on the neck and fondling her nipple and pussy. Rashelle threw her head back, feigning complete abandonment to passion, but in fact she figured that allowing Dawn to feel her so freely would only serve to heighten Dawn’s own passion level. Dawn’s fingers of her left hand deftly tweaked Rashelle’s left nipple, pulling it gently, twisting it in small arcs, each twist designed to produce just a tiny jolt of pain. Dawn was anxious to find out if Rashelle was one of those girls who really enjoyed a bit of pain with her pleasure. When Rashelle let out a big sigh and leaned her head back around for more mouth kissing, Dawn smiled inwardly. Her right hand was still busy exploring the black girl’s sex center. Two fingers slid low enough to glide across and delve between her puffy labia. As she bent low to try to explore a little more deeply Rashelle pulled a surprise move and dropped to the floor, and by grabbing Dawn’s arm and head, brought her with her.
In an instant Dawn felt her right nipple being sucked into Rashelle’s mouth. Rashelle had cushioned their fall to the floor and swung her head into position to get a good mouth-lock on Dawn’s tit. A loud gasp escaped Dawn’s lips as the black girl’s talented lips began a rhythmic sucking. She pulled Dawn’s hard extended nipple fully into her mouth and then let it slide slooooowly back out, only to be sucked in again and again. Dawn was lying on her back on the floor with Rashelle kneeling above her and her hands exploring every area of Dawn’s available body. Caressing her tummy, sides, shoulders, head, neck, hair, face and finally dwelling a while on Dawn’s other tit. It was now Dawn’s turn to lay back, for a moment, and enjoy the ministrations of her foe. “Damn, that feels good!” she thought as Rashelle switched tits with her mouth and fingers. Dawn, now recovered from the surprise move went after Rashelle’s tits with both hands. Again she found her nipples proud and erect. She pulled them away from her breast tissue, stretching them out far, seeking the very first crossing of the pleasure/pain threshold. Having already discovered so adroitly Rashelle’s acceptance of pain as part of lovemaking, she reached what she thought was just the right amount of stretch, held it there and then stretched just a bit farther.
The reaction was instantaneous. Rashelle indeed loved a bit of pain/roughness in her sex play and when Dawn hit the spot so perfectly with those nipple pulls, she figured what’s good for the goose must be good for the gander. Her teeth closed tightly around Dawn’s right nipple and bit. She wasn’t trying to bite anything off, but instead, much like Dawn a moment ago, she was seeking the perfect blend of pain and pleasure. Dawn blurted out her assessment, “YES! Oh you dirty bitch.” Continuing almost breathlessly, “Dawn likes that. Yeaaaaah, Dawn likes that!” She even referred to herself in the third person as a way of emphasizing the pleasure she got from the painful bite. Of course that was like an invitation for Rashelle. Back to the other nipple and another healthy bite. Back and forth she went from one to the other with long sucks and intermittent biting. Dawn’s nipples were being used perfectly and Dawn knew it. Time for a counter move she thought.
Between Rashelle’s next switch, Dawn rolled quickly away and rose to her knees, facing Rashelle from two feet away. The girls eyed each other, the lusty comments and encouraging words from the peanut gallery intruding just enough to remind the two that they were not alone in the room. Shuffling closer on their knees, each extended one hand towards the pussy nest of the other. Their heads leaned forward and resumed the kiss that had broken off many minutes before. This time each girl found frantic fingers plying her lips apart. Engorged labia parted effortlessly as expert fingers delved to find the squishy tissues of lubricated vaginas. What they each found was a quivering mass of sopping wet flesh. They were both soaked and the invading fingers sliced deeply inside. Rashelle got two fingers in, then three and was wiggling her pinky finger around the edge, seeking entrance for number four when she felt WHAM! Dawn’s small hand had plunged three knuckles deep into her vagina. Rashelle’s wet quivering hole had split apart, accepting nearly all of Dawn’s hand. Rashelle gasped and fell back to the floor on her back, arching her hips upward, giving greater access to Dawn’s hand. Dawn knew an invitation when she saw it and within two seconds her fist had impaled Rashelle up to the wrist.
Rashelle closed her eyes and now it was her turn to shout, “How’d you do that? You dirty fucking bitch! Oh fucking God! Oh shit! Oh yes! Dirty white bitch gonna fight dirty huh?”
“Dirty as they come, slut.” Countered the beaming Dawn. The other six girls were flabbergasted. Not only had they been surprised to see Dawn’s entire hand disappear inside Rashelle’s love nest, but Dawn was probably the very last person on earth any of them would have guessed capable of getting so nasty. She was just so damn beautiful, and her personality so sweet, that it NEVER would have crossed their mind that such behavior could come from her.
Without pulling away, Rashelle oscillated her hips to keep herself impaled by the wiggling hand inside her vagina. Squirming up and swinging her leg over she was able to get on her hands and knees facing the opposite way as Dawn. Dawn’s hand was still fidgeting inside Rashelle’s pussy, and Dawn had actually swung her own behind toward the approaching Rashelle.
“Oh, God,” thought Liz. “I can’t believe what I’m seeing! AND, what I’m about to see.” She wasn’t disappointed. Dawn’s invitation did not go unheeded. As small as her pussy appeared it was evident that she was after the same invasion she had perpetrated on Rashelle. How else could she have known to do that? She herself wanted it! IT took almost half a minute, but with the slick wetness and slow gentle wiggling from Rashelle, Dawn felt the fist pop its way inside her aching vagina. She LOVED the full feeling of accepting an entire fist, or anything else that was BIG, for that matter.
Twelve eyes watched and twelve ears listened as the two hot girls explored each other to depths they all would have never imagined just three minutes before. Hips rocked back to accept the slow, gentle thrusts as whole arms moved in time to the rocking. The groaning and moaning was a powerful aphrodisiac for the others. For a brief moment, even Chelsea and Veronica had forgotten their bitter hatred for each other as they absorbed the spectacle in front of them. Dawn’s eyes were closed as she focused her attention on the dual pistoning of Rashelle’s hand deep inside her and her own hand invading Rashelle as intimately as possible. Their hips started quivering and their mouths let out gasps as each felt the power of an impending orgasm building deep inside.
The other six weren’t talking but they were all wondering if there would really be a winner as it was appearing more and more that the involuntary actions and sounds emanating from the two fine girls were nearly identical and ascending at equal rates. “Holy Cow,” thought Tesha, “I’m glad I didn’t go up against either of these two!” It was apparent that the ravishing black girl and the beautiful white girl had a streak of kinkiness that had never been divulged. What was also surprising was that the two of them had actually found each other and were now dueling fists in cunts for the right to say she was best. Neither girl had ever even spent more than a few seconds with clitty play. The real nerve center of their sex hadn’t played a real role at all, and here they were, closing in on what appeared would be powerful orgasms. It was a real shock to the senses of the other six.
But the surprises weren’t over. Even through her own stupendous excitement, Dawn found the energy and control necessary to lift her head up, open her eyes, look to her left and repeat her last words from several minutes before, “Dirty as they come, bitch!” With that she bent her head to her left and stuck out her tongue. Plop. Her head went down and her tongue hit the bulls eye! Rimming Rashelle’s asshole with her tongue and then actually plunging her tongue past the tight sphincter muscle and inside her dirty chute more than an inch.
With both her holes invaded like never before and the powerful lust that had already built up inside Rashelle, she exploded into a violent frenzy of spasms and shouts. Her lungs practically burst, spewing forth every manner of incoherent phrases and grunts. Her legs gave out from under her and it was all Dawn could do to keep her dual invasion force on target. But she matched every hip-bucking motion and kept the cumming Rashelle rolling through her orgasm for over a minute and a half. Finally Rashelle slowed down. Her own hand had popped out of Dawn, leaving her hole gaping wide for the other’s to stare at in awed disbelief.
Rashelle for her part had just had the most powerful and lasting orgasm of her life and Dawn still hadn’t had her own. She rolled Rashelle over on her back. Rashelle was so spent she offered no resistance whatsoever. “Winner’s prerogative,” was all Dawn said as she swung her hips over Rashelle’s head.
Lowering her pussy slowly to Rashelle’s lips, she was already feeling lightheaded from her victory, but determined to obtain what was rightfully hers. Rashelle didn’t need any instructions. After all, she had been aching for this almost from the moment she had laid eyes on Dawn two years before. Dawn let her legs relax and she felt her weight sink into Rashelle’s face. Rashelle’s tongue had expected this and it was sticking out of her mouth long and anxious. Deep inside (well, not as deep as the earlier penetration) went her tongue. She felt the soft wet wrinkles of Dawn’s vagina. She sent her tongue exploring everything it could reach, trying to taste and discover as much as possible of the lovely cunt. Dawn began wiggling and grinding down. Rashelle’s nose was barely able to take in any breath at all as Dawn’s furry mound was pressed right up against her nostrils. Rashelle’s eyes were open and gauging the effect of what she was doing as she watched Dawn’s facial expressions. Staring up from her prone position, she watched Dawn throw her head and lean back, sliding her twat up and over Rashelle’s nose and mouth. Her breath was cut off for a moment but Dawn slid back the other way in time for Rashelle to gulp some badly needed air. This time Dawn slid back and planted her clit firmly inside Rashelle’s mouth. Rashelle didn’t need any instructions. Sucking Dawn’s engorged clit between her lips she pulled it to the left, to the right, and every which way, as her tongue jabbed at the tip with repeated jabs. Feeling almost feint, but totally desirous of conclusion, she disregarded her light-headed feeling and ground her cunt muscularly into the black girl’s face. Tight hard circles of grinding force pushed her sopping wet cunt all around Rashelle’s face. Rashelle had all she could do to keep her tongue and lips in action as the moving target was so unpredictable in its motions she had to wait for a slow-down to try again. As soon as she got her tongue dancing wet circles all around Dawn’s clit again, Dawn had her orgasm. Exploding in a violent grinding rage, her cunt pressed down on the soaked face of the girl beneath her, Rashelle’s tongue using every last ounce of strength to yank every measure of excitement from Dawn’s pussy, Dawn passed out.
Fortunately the floor was padded because Dawn just dropped backwards like a rock. So much blood had drained from her head that she went unconscious right during the peak of her orgasm. Her body fell to the mats and Rashelle at first didn’t know what was going on. Neither did the others, but when her body hit the floor with a loud thud, the other six knew something was amiss.
Rashelle quickly rolled out from under Dawn’s legs, which had splayed out, to either side. The others jumped up and were beside her in a flash. What they witnessed was quite intriguing. Being in shock themselves, they didn’t immediately try to rouse her, but instead just watched her body. With Dawn completely out of it, the involuntary nature of her body’s response was made very clear. They watched as her pussy contracted open and shut in a rhythmic pattern, which lasted for nearly another minute. Her hips weren’t actually gyrating like they had been during consciousness, but would every 10 or 15 seconds twitch upward and fall back. Her breathing was short, staccato, and ragged. Awestruck, the others including Rashelle just watched the show.
Finally, without any of them doing anything but staring wide-eyed, Dawn began to come around. She looked up at them as her hands dove down to her satiated pussy and played with herself unashamedly.
“God damn, girl. You just had one hell of an orgasm!” Amanda exclaimed.
“Really, what happened?”
“You were just in the middle of your climax when you passed right out. I was eating your pussy so good that you couldn’t take it any more and ‘out went the lights’,” chimed in Rashelle. She couldn’t keep herself from bragging a bit. Even though it had been obvious that Dawn won their contest, Rashelle certainly had made it clear that she was no slouch in the love-making department. “Has that ever happened to you before?”
“No. I remember being a little light-headed when I climbed on your pretty face, but that’s about it. After that all I remember is waking up with all of you staring at me. Did I really have an orgasm?”
“Hell yes girl! After you got Rashelle off with your kinky ass-licking you climbed aboard her face to get yourself off and just as you began to hunch and crunch into obvious bliss, you went right over backwards. You should be glad we are in the wrestling room with these mats, otherwise you might have cracked your skull. Then while you lay there on your back, with your legs wide apart I might add, we watched your pussy finish its orgasm. It was really cool! Your pussy opened and shut maybe 50 times in succession, as though you were clamping down on a tongue or a cock. Your hips rocked a few times and then you were done. What a sight!” Linda had given the play-by-play for Dawn’s benefit and Dawn looked a little frustrated.
“Aw shit! You mean I had a great orgasm and wasn’t even awake to know it? Hey, bitch. Thanks anyway.” She looked at Rashelle and smiled.
Rashelle took the words as a compliment since that was how they were intended. “You know girl, I hope you remember the rest of our little sex-fight here, because I think I may just want to try some of that again sometime. I always thought that I was pretty ‘down and dirty’. But you girl, …you girl, whew, you take the cake. You shot me over the edge like nobody’s business. I’m glad I didn’t pass out. IT WAS GREAT! Now that I know what you’re like, maybe I’ll be ready for you the next time.” Rashelle had a HUGE smile on her face as she finished.
Chapter 12
The excitement caused by Dawn and Rashelle, from beginning to end, had sent tremors of lusty excitement through all six of the others. Veronica and Chelsea were most definitely not immune to what they had witnessed. As anxious as they had been all along to get at each other, both were a bit unsettled by what they had seen already. Each knew the tenor of their battle would be different, but the extreme version of sexuality they had just witnessed, between girls who had never even had a lesbian experience before today, caused them both to wonder what would be in store for their battle.
As for the other girls thinking, how could the next battle be anything but anticlimactic? Could Veronica and Chelsea get ‘this’ down and dirty with each other? How would they settle the differences between them? They all knew only one thing really: both wanted to be QB, but only one could. As soon as Rashelle had finished her little speech and Dawn had finally sat up, Tesha went to get some water in a cup and bring it in for Dawn. The color was returning to her face. Even through the heat (maybe the heat was partly to blame for her feinting) her face had turned quite white as she rode Rashelle’s face. Now, with a few minutes of rest, some water and some encouraging words from the rest, she stood up. Together they all went out and took long drinks from the fountain. They were saving their bottled water for quick sips back inside. Being athletes, they certainly knew about their water needs during and after exertion.
As they slowly moved back into the room the clock on the wall read 2:27. They had been there for nearly two and a half hours already, with each of the first matches taking about 45 minutes. Now all minds regained a focus that had been lost. Not since that first practice last Monday had the group felt this much trepidation and angst of the unknown. What would Veronica and Chelsea do? Would they sexfight with their pussies? Would they use a more balanced attack? Would they get violent? Who would win? Question after question filled their minds as they filed back inside.
Only Chelsea and Veronica didn’t have so many questions. They were much more simply focused. “I will beat her,” was all either girl was thinking. Well, almost.
Chelsea, having observed these girls for the last week of her life, already had a pretty good sense of what motivated them, what excited them, and what they would be willing to do, especially if it meant getting something they wanted in return. She wasn’t exactly a mind reader, but she had a pretty good inkling that what was on her mind might be wholeheartedly accepted.
“Veronica, I know we have some business to take care of. I can hardly wait. I have enjoyed the spectacle put on by you others, but I have a proposition for you all. Do you want to hear it?”
“Hell yes!” exclaimed Tesha.
Cries in the affirmative blasted forth from all the others (except for Veronica). They, having witnessed so much already, were anxious finally to hear from Chelsea or Veronica. Veronica’s eyes just smoldered as she felt upstaged by her enemy. “What the hell can that bitch want now?” she thought.
Pausing for effect, and after a slow burning look at Veronica, Chelsea turned her attention to the attentive six. “I’ll admit something to you girls. Every one of you is a hot and sexy girl. I loved the way you showed your sexiness as well as your competitive spirit in these ‘early’ matches. No question about it. You’ve turned me on. In fact you’ve made me want every one of you. So….” She paused again. “After I’ve taken care of this bitch over here,” she nodded towards the fuming Veronica, “I intend to pussy-fuck every single one of you. Sort of like a bonus prize for allowing you to witness my superiority over that piece of shit standing over there all upset and red in the face.” Her uncanny accuracy in reading the girls was quite shocking. She was right-on about the six as well as the effect it had on Veronica. The six were all a bit flabbergasted, but the excitement in their eyes was undeniable.
Tesha, feeling that a sense of fairness and impartiality must be maintained, chimed in right away. “Well, such a proposition sure carries with it a little bit of excitement, I must admit, however, such a proposition must be offered equally to Veronica. I know I would love to cunt bump either of you, IF YOU WIN? What about it girls, shall we offer ourselves as a ‘fleshy’ prize to the QUEEN BUSH?”
Linda and Dawn immediately spat out “YES!” Amanda, Rashelle, and Liz were only moments behind with an emphatic “Yes!” as well.
Veronica was stunned. She always knew Chelsea might have something up her sleeve but THIS? Stunned or not, Veronica wasn’t idly stewing in her anger. She was pretty smart, and with a few wild thoughts she decided if she was going to wipe that smug smile off Chelsea’s face, why not start now?
“Well, well, well. I think Miss Chelsea knows what she is doing. She knows she can boast and crow about wanting to fuck you all when she is done. But knowing she can’t fulfill that promise must have made her all the bolder. When I’m done with her she won’t have a milligram of ‘fuck’ left in her. My pussy is the one that has the most ‘fuck’ in it of any pussy here. I’ll do Miss Chelsea here one better. I’ll give every one of you a little ‘fuck’ with me BEFORE I take on this JC upstart over here. That way you will all know what the REAL QUEEN BUSH can do. There will be no questions about who is the QB for ever after.” Veronica sneered at Chelsea, whose turn it was to turn a deeper shade of red. Veronica practically strutted, even though she didn’t even move.
Tesha again was the one who spoke up. “I guess this is the poker game of the moment. Chelsea, do you want to see her raise?” Yes, it was a lot like a good poker game here, no one was sure exactly which cards the two players held, but one thing was sure, somebody’s bluff was eventually going to get called.
“Nothing I’d like better.” Chelsea managed to blurt out. It didn’t sound like her heart was in it but she managed a smile and then, almost as an afterthought she added. “Oh, by the way. Maybe this is a good time for each of you to have a sneak peek. I know you have been dying to get a better view of my pretty pussy. Well….. I think now is the time to oblige your wish. Have a seat.”
Not quite knowing what to make of it, the six complied as Veronica tossed in her two-cents worth, “Yeah bitch, now is as good a time as any for them to see what the Queen Bush is hiding. Look no farther than my glorious bush to see the Queen.” A strange sort of hush fell over them as Veronica and Chelsea stood tall in front of the six seated girls. Sitting on the floor, their heads were all about crotch height for either girl. “Go for it bitch. Show them what you’ve got if you dare.”
Tesha was closest to Chelsea. Tesha had been the one who last Monday had imagined herself as Veronica, aching to fuck the big hairy snatch that was now bearing down on her. She didn’t blink once. Chelsea had such a magnificently thick shock of hair, standing out proud and long from her mound, diving down deeply between her legs, covering her pussy lips to such a depth that they were invisible amongst the forest, that the region underneath was a totally unviewed orifice, even after having shared showers with these girls for the last week.
With the grace and erotic stride of a stripper, Chelsea approached Tesha, who was actually holding her breath in anticipation. Stopping a mere foot away from Tesha’s face, Chelsea began running her long fingers through her massive fuzziness. She pulled her fingers slowly away from her mound, letting the hairs fall back between her fingers, after having been stretched out to a good four or five inches from her skin. The immensity and grandeur of her thatch was really something to see, especially up close, thought Tesha. The other girls watched her reaction. Tesha inhaled a deep breath, absorbing the musky sweet mixture of woman-scent and perfume. She tried to identify the aroma but was stymied. Concentrating on the smell she watched as Chelsea bent over a bit backwards, reached far down between her legs, which she had just spread a little wider. Her fingers slowly moved between her thick hairs, seeking entrance to the guarded tunnel beneath. It took several moments for her to part enough of the thick moist hairs for the first glimpse of labia to appear. Chills shot down Tesha’s spine as she caught the first glimpse of the puffy lips, very low and towards the bottom of her cunt. The juices already present stuck them together.
The other girls had not waited their turn for a good look. All (except Veronica, of course) were hovering just over Tesha’s shoulder only inches away. A week ago, none of them would have ever believed that they would ever be part of the scene they were now part of. What a difference a week makes. The heady aroma wafted over Tesha’s shoulders and the other five drew in their own deep breaths to catch it all. They watched as Chelsea used her long index finger to part ever more of her wet bush away from her slit. As she parted the bush upward until finally all was revealed, a collective gasp was heard from all six babes at once.
Hidden beneath all that fuzz an incredibly huge and prominent clitoris protruded. The fleshy nub, unsheathed from the upper labia it stood proud and tall. It must have had a shaft of nearly three inches long and protruded an inch and a half outward from her already puffed out lips. “Jesus Christ,” thought Rashelle, “this bitch has everything in extremes. Real tall, huge bush, and now… A huge clit!” Words can’t do justice to the sight that presented itself to ‘the six’. It was obviously somewhat aroused, but none were sure if it was engorged to its fullest or not. If not, heaven forbid how big it might become, when ‘angry’.
Amanda was the first to actually speak. “Holy cow, where did you get that giant clit?”
Looking over at the non-smiling Veronica, Chelsea modestly admitted, “Oh, I guess I’m just blessed.” The girls might have been thinking about some of the cautionary instructions they had all been given as athletes. It was standard practice to inform athletes about the dangers of steroids. None of the girls used them, but they remembered that when a girl or woman takes steroids (synthetic male hormones) for strength, that those same hormones cause masculinization of women’s bodies: more hair, more pronounced genitalia, etc. Could Chelsea be using steroids they wondered? Actually the answer was no. The truth is she just carried within her hormonal makeup a larger percentage of the natural hormone testosterone, the male hormone that is responsible for our sex drive as well as its effect on our bodies. For sure, Chelsea and all the other girls were all natural that way, nothing artificial.
The girls were all aghast at the prospect of what that clit might be able to do (or have done to it?) in a cunt fight. One thing for sure, surprises never stopped coming.
Having stood off to the side, Veronica hadn’t stared like the others, but she sure could tell that Chelsea carried some extraordinary equipment between her legs. Somehow though, the others couldn’t quite explain to themselves the calm with which Veronica seemed to take the news of the huge clit hidden beneath the trees, so to speak.
Now that Chelsea backed off with a huge smile on her face, it was Veronica’s turn. Using Dawn as her focus, and with the other girls crowding around her head, as they had done moments before with Chelsea, Veronica purposely and artificially mimicked Chelsea’s dramatic pussy show.
She too had such a marvelously thick bush that no hint of her slit beneath had ever been seen, even in three years of locker room peeking. Three years for some of them, and still the only view between her legs was one full of thick brown hair covering her womanhood. “Her perfume is more familiar,” thought Linda, but she couldn’t place it exactly. Her womanly scent wafted to their nostrils and excited their libidos with its headiness. With sweat pouring off their foreheads they tensely waited for Veronica to show off her cunt. Her long fingers parted their way down deeply between her legs and with a few quick parting motions she had her sticky hairs parted enough for her pinkness to show through. It was if a sledgehammer had hit them in the head when they realized that they were staring into the mouth of the wettest longest pussy slit they had ever seen, and to top it off there was a mountainous clitoris standing like the Matterhorn over it all. If Chelsea’s was big, this ‘might’ even be bigger. It was a little more pointy, sloping less gently from its origins at the top of her cleft. It stood nearly two inches out from the rest of her labia skin and its bright pink color practically glowed in health. It wasn’t real wide and its unsheathed appearance was striking and made them all horny as hell.
“What were the chances?” They all thought at once. Here are these two Amazonian girls with the astounding bushes and now BOTH of them carried clit equipment that HAD to be among the largest clits anywhere! WOW! The possibilities of what was to come were stupendously intriguing.
The gasps and sighs reverberated throughout the room. The girls were practically as giddy as if they were 8-year-olds all over again and opening a brand new Barbie doll. Only this time there was a little more hormonal involvement. Every one of them could feel the heat of lust surging through their groins. Every one of them noticed the slippery juices emerging from their nectar factory. Every one of them found her breathing to be a little ragged. “God, what will those hairy snatches, and those giant clits feel like pressed up against my own?” Delicious excitement and expectation drowned out any inhibitions they might have had.
Veronica sat down on the floor and spread her legs wide. She beckoned Dawn over to her. Chelsea sat on the floor a few feet away and her legs shot out in a very wide V. Tesha slid on her butt over to Chelsea while Dawn approached Veronica. Both Veronica and Chelsea had opened their legs, exposing their long wet gashes, with their proud and fleshy clits jutting out and glistening with their juices. Their fuzz, having been parted earlier by their fingers, allowed an awesome view of their normally very hidden charms.
Dawn’s dream was coming true. The phone conversation she had with Tesha earlier came back to her mind. Now, here they both were, each about to get a real live Amazon-fuck from the two combatants. Dawn shivered in expectation before she even touched. Just the sexy view, knowing that that hairy pussy was just about to give HER a little tribad action, made her shiver uncontrollably. Even though she had just had an unconscious orgasm she was so turned on by this that her body was quaking. It was all she could do to arrange her legs out into a V that would accommodate the Dark V waiting for her. Each girl, right legs up, and left legs low, slid closer and closer. Veronica had a mile-wide grin on her face as Dawn’s pretty pussy deftly slid into position a couple of inches away. Dawn held her breath as the two slowly edged into contact. First Dawn felt the long fuzzy hairs tickling her labia. Exquisite! Next came the touch of labia to labia. Zap! Perfect little ripples of pleasure washed over her cunt and clit. When, an instant later, Veronica deftly twisted her hips lower, her clit slid downward over the top of Dawn’s hard clit. Both girls shivered at the amazingly joyful conjunction of their two clits. Veronica’s monster rubbed up and down over the slippery nub of Dawn’s pleasure center. Dawn, hovering in a sort of never-never land of deliciousness, began grinding her pussy against Veronica’s shaggy pussy. Veronica, conserving her energy, ground back, but with little vigor.
Veronica, never having admitted it of course, was experiencing her very first pussy-to-pussy touching. The tantalizing prospect of what she had expected it to be like was surpassed a thousand times. All the horny cocks of men and boys she had handled in the past were no preparation for the deliciously sweet feel of Dawn’s wet pussy rubbing her own. She had hoped (and expected) to be able to maintain a detached mood of control and dominance. She hadn’t expected the delicious pleasure to be so overpowering. “God, oh God!” she thought, “this is so fucking goooooooooood.” She battled to maintain her aura of detachment. She bit her lip and twisted her hips again, bringing her large clit to the doorway of Dawn’s vagina. Push, push, push, wiggle. Wiggle, push, wiggle, push. Dawn groaned as she felt first the tip, and then more of the shaft slide inside her vagina. Penetrating more than an inch, and growing even longer as the soft wet pressure from Dawn’s vagina squeezed on her clit, Veronica sucked in a quick gasping breath.
“You feel my clit fucking you? Huh? You like my clit fucking you?” Veronica couldn’t help but get verbal as she enjoyed the gushy texture of Dawn’s fist-fucked twat. Dawn just leaned into the pressure and ground her cunt slowly and firmly against the invading clit. “Mmmmmm. That feels soooooooo good!”
While Dawn was getting her first clitty jab, Tesha was learning, in a very first hand way, what Chelsea would be bringing to bear against Veronica. Tesha had slid up close to Chelsea, her eyes never leaving the glistening gash before her. The pent up sexual energy of the two girls was practically burning their groins. It wouldn’t have surprised either one to see smoke pour forth when they finally met. Chelsea, with so many foxy girls at hand, was abundantly turned on. Even with the intense hatred fueled by her feud with Veronica, the wicked, sexy, goings-on of the last three hours had generated a real sexual desire. Her already large clitoris had become plumper, firmer, and taller. As their pussies closed in together, Chelsea’s protruding clit, through the previously parted carpet of hair, led the way. Tesha aligned her own, much smaller clit, to meet the challenge head on. “Oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.” Both girls let out their sighs of satisfaction as their clits began a slippery duel. Back and forth they rubbed together, Tesha relishing every little twist and turn of the friction caused by the monstrous appendage Chelsea proudly brandished. Just when their wiggling got going good, Tesha vaguely heard Veronica announce matter-of-factly, “switch.”
The couplings had lasted only a minute or two, but neither Dawn nor Tesha was ready to quit. Their possessive nature had to be overcome by a pair of hands on either girl’s shoulders from another girl, before they could be persuaded to pull away. It was NOT easy. Dawn and Tesha parted from the loin-lock they each had been enjoying and watched as Linda and Liz took their places. Linda slid into the slot vacated by Tesha and Liz locked up her pussy with Veronica. These girls wasted no time mashing and bashing their wet cunts up against the monster-bush giants. Like the two before them they felt the power and probing determination of their two giant clits. Chelsea and Veronica wanted to make sure each girl felt and recognized the almost masculine thrusts and penetrations of their out-of-the-ordinary clits. Veronica aimed her clit and plunged it into Liz’s red-haired cunt most directly. It’s stand-up-straight shape allowed it to be poked like a small cock into a wet orifice. Chelsea’s more attached but equally deep clit required a bit more wiggling to accomplish the same degree of penetration, but penetrate she did. Linda sucked in her breath as she felt the invading clit push back her labia lips and slide groovily between them. Sloshing and popping noises from both couplings made the slippery conjunction of cunts a real audible phenomenon.
Dawn and Tesha, after watching the first slippery contact between their successors and the Amazons, stepped back and began whispering to each other. Breathlessly and with unbridled excitement they spoke in hushed tones. “What was hers like?” “How did it feel?” “What was the bush like?” “Did she get her clit inside you?” “Oh God, I’m horny.” “I can’t wait to feel the other one” “Shit, I just want to fuck all day!” The words ran together and each could have said the other’s words and it wouldn’t have mattered. They were both so excited they could hardly contain themselves.
Rashelle and Amanda were the last pair to go cunt-to-cunt with the two. None had reached orgasm so far, but the couplings were having an undeniable effect on Chelsea and Veronica. The sexual physiology of their bodies wasn’t quite able to block out the lusty intentions of their mating teammates. Each pussy that came in contact with her own raised the temperature of her libido just a little bit. Chelsea and Veronica were trying to tiptoe through this and save themselves for the grand finale, but the hot gorgeous girls whose pussies were as wet as their own, had different ideas. Chelsea bit her lip, almost making it bleed as Rashelle’s wide-spread gash joined up with her own. Labia lips squished and squirmed against each other in a black and white passion dance.
Chelsea could feel the burning desire from Rashelle’s pussy drenching her own pussy with creamy nectar. Chelsea rammed her clit into her cunt and ground it in hard and deep. Rashelle actually came a mere 30 seconds into the grinding. Amanda meanwhile, was clit-bumping with Veronica to a real thumping beat. Veronica had probed her clit into Amanda’s vagina immediately and Amanda loved the feel of it’s hard, wiggling presence inside her, but she had ached for the chance to bump clits and she maneuvered her ass a bit and plowed her small blonde bush directly into Veronica’s shag. Their clits met head on and tangled intimately. Amanda pulled back three or four inches, not far, and bumped her clit aggressively against Veronica’s. Veronica obliged and they hit a rhythm of bumping clits that was sending both Veronica and Amanda higher and higher. It was excruciating for them to pull apart, as Dawn and Tesha were now demanding their turns.
Halfway through the six girls and Veronica was already about to explode. The total time elapsed was a relatively short 6 to 8 minutes, but the sexy atmosphere, with all the other girls watching, the newness and dirtiness of what they were doing, made her ache for release. She didn’t know if she dared allow an orgasm or not. She didn’t really have a ‘plan’ for wasting the bitch Chelsea, only a gut feeling that her own grit and determination, along with her own self-acknowledged sexiness, would carry her through to victory. It was she who had proposed this ‘early bird special’ of a fuck. There was no way she would back out and if she succumbed to an orgasm before her rival, would it signal weakness on her part? What would the others think? Now before she could clear her thoughts, Tesha was before her, sliding closer and closer.
“God,” she thought, “this is so fucking fun, maybe I should just let whatever happens happen. Nobody said we couldn’t have orgasms.” She had been thinking to herself. And now she felt Tesha’s arrowhead bush slide right up against her clit and bush. Instantly she was grinding her thickly forested bush against Tesha’s much less intimidating thatch. It felt good, real good and her instinctive motions took over. Grinding back against Tesha she felt her clit, as engorged as it had ever been in her life, plunge with perfect aim into Tesha’s wanting cunt.
“Oooohhhhh. Fuck me right there. Yes! Fuck me with that big clit. Yes! Right Theeeeeerrrrrrreeeeee!” Tesha bounced into an aggressive orgasm that caused her to shiver and shake against Veronica’s clit to such a degree that the conscious decision making power of Veronica’s mind was lost. Bang! She shuddered and plunged her clit again and again against the wet confines of Tesha’s snatch. She felt the wonderful fireworks begin in her clit and spark out to every corner of her body. She arched her back to meet Tesha head on and push her back about a foot across the mat. She bit her lip and didn’t scream or yell, even though she would have loved to.
She looked to her right to see Chelsea. They each had been sneaking peeks at each other as their couplings went on and on. Chelsea was banging her clitty into Dawn’s cunt, pushing it against her wet slick labia and driving her backwards across the mat also. When Dawn pushed enough to slow Chelsea’s advance across the floor, their cunts made a loud splashing sound and Chelsea’s squirming fleshy clit found a nice hard nub to push against. In seconds she too was rolling through an orgasm. Chelsea shivered and shook with an orgasm she too had wished not to happen, but the powerful climax soared through her anyway. Dawn and Tesha continued grinding their unsatiated pussies against the two satiated (for now) pussies of the two tall girls. Both orgasms wound down without Dawn or Tesha reaching a climax.
With a nod of her head Veronica motioned for Linda and Liz immediately shouldered Dawn out of the way so she could get her turn for grinding with Chelsea. With orgasms subsiding, the two girls slowed their gyrations just a bit, but never stopped. Linda and Liz now felt the second giant clit of the day and were making mental comparisons of how the two matched up. Each was long and powerfully wielded. The hair that had to part for access to either pussy was very long and it certainly could be felt scraping along their inner thighs and on engorged labia. The pussy lips of both girls were very full and puffy. Veronica’s slit length might have been a bit longer, but not by much. Chelsea’s inner labia lips were a little more pronounced and flap-like, but both girls could easily open up and handle plenty of penetration it appeared. Their clits? Oh yes, their clits. As mentioned earlier, Chelsea’s clit extended in a long sloping, gradual rise from the very top of her cleft to a peak nearly three inches away from its origin. The peak and the pink nub were at the vortex of the flaps of skin that parted and wound their way down deep to her juicy wet slew of a cunt.
The total distention available for potential insertions was about two inches, maybe more. But having a long slope/shaft leading up to it, it wasn’t quite as easy to ‘point’ as Veronica’s slender, but just as tall clit. One thing for sure, though was that both girls had the knack for dead aim. When they pointed, wiggled, and poked with their clits, they managed to find their mark in short order every time. Liz and Linda had been jabbering quietly to themselves as they had waited for their turns. Each had wanted to know what the massive clit of the other fucker was really like. Now they were getting first hand comparisons. Liz lined up her hole and Chelsea wasted no time probing the depths (well, for feminine penetration anyway) of Liz’s cunt. Liz knew it felt a bit different than Veronica’s had felt, but it didn’t really seem to be any more or any less deep inside her. Oh, how fucking delicious to be able to fuck such wonderful cunts and make the mental comparisons between the two. “Lovely, just lovely,” she thought.
Linda, sopping wet like all the others from the heat, was wiggling her cunt into perfect alignment to watch Veronica’s big pointy clit jab inside her and disappear. “Damn, that feels good,” she thought. They fucked each other in that position until it was time for the last switch.
The four girls who had all felt the fucking style, intimate tissues, and lusty appetites of both QB wannabes, were now whispering among themselves, unheard by the others, as Rashelle hooked crotches with Veronica and Amanda did the same with Chelsea. They groaned and mumbled to themselves as they enjoyed the same grinding action as the others. No more orgasms flooded the room, but the ache of passion in need of release was very strong. Chelsea and Veronica had certainly made a pleasant diversion from their main reason for today’s gathering, but whether it had settled anything, or intimidated anyone was another matter altogether.
For the six girls who had originally hoped to be able to be spectators only, this had certainly turned into a much more productive and exciting afternoon than they might have ever imagined. It was not yet 3:15 and there was a long time before they would have to think about leaving. As the ending of their pre-fight fluffing approached, both Chelsea and Veronica punctuated their clit-fucks with grunts and groans accompanying powerful thrusts that sent Amanda and Rashelle reeling backwards.
Chelsea looked over at Veronica and as Veronica returned her gaze, the two, as if by mutual agreement pulled away from the last two girls. A slow realization that the prelims were over hit them all. Amanda and Rashelle quickly backed away with the others and all eyes and ears were focused on Veronica and Chelsea. Six brains raced with the possibilities. Holding their breath, each watched as a slow motion rotation occurred between the two girls on the floor. They were still splay-legged on the floor facing east as Amanda and Rashelle had backed off. Only seven or eight feet apart they silently turned to face each other. Each was now able to look directly at the immense thatch of bush and the impressively wet and protruding clit of her enemy head on.
If one of them initiated it, the six couldn’t tell. Whatever imperceptible trigger had gone off between the two tall rivals, the six were clueless as to what it was. But slowly, inexorably, the two inched closer and closer. Arranging their legs exactly as they had them for the couplings with the six, they moved in on each other. Eyes burned with hatred. The time it took for the two to close in on each other seemed excruciatingly slow to the other girls, considering the loathing they obviously had for each other, as evidenced by their dagger-like stares.
Again, no one could tell who stopped first. They had oriented themselves with right leg high and left leg low, aiming for a perfect scissors. What had seemed like two powerful locomotives on a collision course at slow speed somehow came to a stop just six inches apart. Their naked legs had touched and slid along each other’s lengths, the skin deliciously sending the feel of enemy skin through hyperactive nerves deep into their brains. It was as if some raw, awful, torture had been perpetrated on them. Even the delicious smooth sweaty touch of soft feminine skin on soft feminine skin had felt to them like sandpaper on eyeballs. As luxurious and tantalizing as the same touch had been with the other six, THIS was different. This was awful; they could contain themselves no longer. The showdown was at hand.
Chapter 13
Chelsea’s frosty look was met by Veronica’s equally cold facial expression. They just stared bitter daggers of hate toward each other before finally, slowly inching their crotches together. What a sight! Immense dark pubic patches approached. Splayed open cunt-gashes, wet with the secretions from their earlier endeavors, crept closer and closer. Plump, erect massive clits, jutting forward in clear challenge, narrowed the gap.
First to touch were the incredibly long hairs that guarded their honey-hole entrances. The long brown hairs tickled each other in gentle acknowledgement of the approaching enemy. Veronica literally ached for the chance to plunge her big pointy clit into Chelsea’s wet, unwilling hole. Jab! Jab! Veronica took dead aim at the wet crevice poised beneath Chelsea’s impressive clit. Foiled! Each jab was met by a matching jab from Chelsea. Chelsea’s timing was magnificent (or lucky). Each time the big blonde poked her almost cock-like clit towards Chelsea’s vaginal opening she felt the sting (a delicious sting it was, too) of Chelsea’s monolith of a clit. Their wet slippery contact of clit to clit caused the massive fleshy protrusions to slide against each other. With so much skin available for mutual contact their already sensitized clits couldn’t help but respond in the natural way. Surges of pleasure, that surely would have sent them squealing in delight 99% of the time, were tolerated of necessity, and hated for the effect. It was only moments before the clear winner was physiology. Neither the brain of Chelsea nor of Veronica was a match for the incredible power lurking inside her hormonally rich body. Each girl felt the wicked clit of her rival sliding greedily across her own, as if it was trying to OWN her clit. Chelsea almost felt sick to her stomach at the prospect of losing orgasmic control. She wouldn’t admit the intimate body parts of her enemy, Veronica, caused the absolutely scrumptious feeling in her pussy and clit. But the signs were unmistakable. Although during the next few moments the girls still tried to jab their hefty clits lower and into the vagina of the other girl, the clits just kept meeting and battling it out against each other. Veronica ached with the anger that came from the knowledge that Chelsea’s clit was so wonderfully slippery and sexy. Within three minutes of their first clitty contact the two girls dropped the pretense of trying to impale each other and just dueled away clit-to-clit.
First Chelsea would push her bushy crotch at Veronica, trying to grind her clit backwards and inside out. But every time she did, Veronica would mount a counter attack of equal proportions. One moment it would seem that one clit was dominating, but then, just an instant later, the clits would reverse and the jousting would continue. The sword play, managed with intentions of domination was actually just sending them down the path that neither wanted to travel. Before five minutes total had elapsed the two were losing control of their hips. The grinding motions took on a spirited fever of forbidden lust. Their clits were still deliciously mating with one another beneath the hefty brown bushes that had precipitated the entire affair. Wham, thump, grunt, push, wiggle, grind, and hump.
Linda, Dawn, Tesha, Amanda, Liz, and Rashelle were seated in a crude circle about 10-12 feet away from the girls and watching intently. Every single one of them was pleasuring her own body in some way as she voyeuristically took in all the action between Chelsea and Veronica. Fingers danced across tits and dove down into bushes and quims. Gasping breath followed gasping breath and the aroma of woman-sex continued to escalate in the room, edging out the longer-lingering smell of man-sweat. All would have loved to get close to the action, to see close-up the intimate mating of their bushy cunts. None dared to impose so they continued their viewing pleasure from several feet away.
As horny as the six girls were, it really shouldn’t have come as a surprise when Chelsea and Veronica’s obvious pre-orgasmic rituals began to play out. Would one of them come first? Which one? Was anything being settled?
Chelsea burst over the edge first. Only a dozen or so seconds later Veronica could hold back no more. The two grunted, groaned, and shouted obscenities at each other as their pleasure centers were overwhelmed for the second time today. Their involuntary grinding kept up for a minute as they felt the rise and slow decay of a powerful orgasm. Juices squirted out in formidable amounts, lubricating the mat in a wide puddle beneath them.
Ragged speech came out of Veronica’s mouth, “I knew your pussy couldn’t handle my pussy. I blew you away!”
“Fuck you slut! I’ve only just begun. Don’t think for a minute that you have a chance against me.” It was just as hard for Chelsea to speak, as her breathing was quite ragged. One thing for sure, she had no intention of acquiescing to Veronica so soon.
They were quite a sight. Long blonde hair hung from Veronica’s head towards the floor, her skin glistening with the sweat from the heat and exertions of the day. Her proud breasts poked up towards the ceiling, as she lay splay-legged on the floor, still joined with Chelsea. Her pretty face had taken on a new tone and luster, having her first enemy-induced orgasm forced upon her. It glowed with the contentment caused by the orgasm, but was etched with a new determination as well. The hatred wasn’t visible, just an obvious fortitude to continue and WIN. Chelsea, mirroring Veronica in many ways, tossed her head, sending her long brunette hair waving. Her breasts were also jutting high and proud on her chest, shining in the light, the drops of sweat sparkling like little diamonds. Her tan body had entered into this contest intent upon victory. The stakes were high and she, despite reaching her orgasm moments before her enemy, glowed in the power and control she felt within her body.
Intent upon each other, they hadn’t noticed what was going on around them. As the shudders of orgasm had plundered their bodies moments before, Liz had spoken softly to Amanda, seated next to her. “Here, let me do that.” She reached out with her left hand and used it to replace Amanda’s hand that had been slowly rubbing circles around her right breast and nipple. In seconds Liz and Amanda were seated close and mutual finger exploration was underway. The next to pair up were Tesha and Rashelle, followed a minute or so later by Linda and Dawn. Soft gentle kisses, wispy touches, whispered murmurings of lust, and sideways glances at the two main combatants were the new order of the day.
Veronica and Chelsea didn’t really care. Their only focus was on each other and in achieving dominance. Their pussies continued to rub and grind, slowly at first, duplicating their clit war of moments earlier. Each was determined not to let the other take any aggressive advantage with her pussy play and so the two gritted their teeth and rolled on with intense grinding action. As clits continued to duel, forming the focus of their efforts, their wet, plump pussy lips were also intimately sliding into and out of each other’s widening orifice. Then Chelsea gasped as she felt Veronica’s successful southern venture. At exactly the right time to coincide with Chelsea’s rhythm, Veronica had aimed her firm, pointy clit at the lower end of Chelsea’s pussy, and with a hard thrust gouged it into her wet, sucking vagina. Chelsea groaned at the knowledge that Veronica had now achieved first penetration. Oh, but what glorious penetration it was! Feeling Veronica’s hard knob plundering the outer regions of her soaked vagina was incredibly intoxicating. She didn’t immediately withdraw. That would have been a sign of weakness. Instead, she accepted the penetration for a few moments, making sure to grind her cunt against the intruder as wickedly as possible. Looking at Veronica’s face she could see the smug satisfaction evident.
The blonde saw Chelsea peering at her and blurted out her challenge, “Hey, bitch. How’s it feel to have your pussy fucked by a real clit? Huh?”
“Like I said before, we’ve only begun. Don’t you worry, you’ll get yours!”
It was evident that Chelsea was at least a good talker, but for the moment she was the one whose pussy was getting fucked by Veronica, not the other way around. Chelsea took the pleasure and gave it right back to Veronica for almost 45 seconds, before she decided that was enough. Not really pulling away, but adjusting her angle with Veronica she was able to return to direct clit-to-clit play/fight. Chelsea hated the wicked grin glowing from Veronica’s face and she determined to do something about it. She arched her body and pushed her clit with bulldozer-like force against Veronica’s clit. She felt Veronica’s clit give way to one side, laying flat against her skin and hair as Chelsea’s clit kept up the pressure, as though she would push Veronica’s clit back into her insides.
In pushing so hard, she had actually pushed Veronica back across the floor about a foot before Veronica mounted her effort at retaliation. The intense pressure on their clits as Veronica pushed back had re-kindled the erotic excitement that couldn’t be thwarted. Their clits continued to push and grind, Chelsea’s seemingly maintaining its more erect stature against the equally long but narrower shaft of Veronica’s clit. But suddenly, once again, winning and losing the battle played second fiddle to the incredible lust building in their loins. This time it was Veronica who blasted off first. In a shower of sweat that flew off her face she threw her head back and ground fervently against Chelsea’s clit, seeking maximum pleasure. Chelsea’s libido was right behind and within moments the two were screeching and howling in pleasure as the shock waves of their orgasms rippled through them.
The other six took notice, but did not stop their own ministrations and manipulations. They were finding the erotic atmosphere of their orgy a powerfull aphrodisiac. It was as though lust just wafted through the air and the breathing alone was enough to generate desire. The six found it delicious to keep track of the battle for Queen Bush as they were lustily involved with one of their teammates.
Chelsea and Veronica were aware of what the others were doing by now, but were still focused on the task at hand: beat the other girl and prove who should claim the title. Their orgasms subsided and as tender as her clit felt, Chelsea knew she must overcome such minor discomforts if she would prove superior. So, in a quick instant, as the movements of Veronica gave evidence of a slightly relaxed state, she pounced. Catlike in its stealth and speed, her switch surprised Veronica. Chelsea had quickly thrown her upper body forward and rolled her legs far apart in the splits to place herself atop the prone Veronica. The surprise showed on Veronica’s face as she looked into the face of her enemy, just inches away. With her orgasm subsiding and the speed with which Chelsea pounced, it took a moment for Veronica to act, but in that time Chelsea had pulled her legs together and was now lying between Veronica’s legs.
Veronica humped up to try to throw Chelsea off, but by that time Chelsea was already humping down herself. Chelsea’s thickly forested bush was now atop the equally thick carpet of Veronica’s pussy fur. Grinding down firmly against Veronica’s bush Chelsea instantly let out a gasp of pleasure combined with smug satisfaction. Veronica felt the weight and pressure of Chelsea’s bushy groin merging with her own. Their damp hair mingled and danced, twisting together and practically getting tied in knots. All this took only a few seconds before Veronica grabbed Chelsea’s shoulder with one hand, pulled it low to her chest, and with her left leg pushed off the mat with all her might in a twisting roll. Off went Chelsea and practically landed in the laps of Liz and Amanda. Even with the short time that Chelsea had managed to grind her bush down into Veronica’s bush their hairs had become enough entwined with each other that each girl felt some of them yanked out by the force of their departure from attachment.
Veronica rose to her knees to find Chelsea on her knees as well about four feet away. The six-girl-orgy that had been idling away nearby now took a break as the action took a distinctly different turn from what had been moments before merely a continuation of scissor fucking combat. THIS didn’t look like they were about to mutually resume fucking again. SOMEONE was out to take advantage of the other. Yes, BOTH were out to take advantage of the other in any way they could.
“I had you there for a minute didn’t I?” crowed Chelsea.
“You don’t have me now, cunt. That’s all that counts.”
For most people sharing orgasms might make them closer and more considerate, but with these two wenches, nothing could be further from the truth. Yes, they had each given the other a couple of powerful orgasms, but the hatred and burning desire for domination was not lost or even diminished. The hate was obvious as the two long lean women walked on their knees towards each other. As hard as it was for the six to stop making love with each other and only pay passing attention to the battle for Bush supremacy, they all stopped and watched. Well, maybe they didn’t stop completely. A few gentle caresses and kisses occasionally were to be seen. But the focus was now definitely back on Veronica and Chelsea.
“I told you before that your pussy was a no good fuck. Now I know I was right. You couldn’t fuck your way out of a paper bag, you ugly cunt.” Chelsea had definitely decided that a little trash talk was in order.
“I’m not through with you yet. And for that matter, I can out-fuck your ‘paper bag’ of a pussy and have plenty left for my friends. So you better not count your chicks before they hatch, whore!” Veronica could spew venomous bile too!
Not that they would have needed the words to fuel any fires of combat, but they didn’t hurt either. Each could see the determined glare in the other’s eye, but were not awed or frightened in any way. Each still was supremely confident of overpowering the other and leaving this room with the necklace for herself.
As they edged together their arms came up and found a grip on each other’s fingers. Each pressed forward, trying to bend the fingers of the other backwards. Muscles in their arms and shoulders and backs strained to overpower the other girl. The force of their straining caused their arms to go out sideways, allowing their upper bodies and faces to close up. Each girl had edged her knees as far forward as possible, hoping to gain as much leverage as possible. But it was a stalemate. Their knees were touching. The front of their powerful but slender thighs were aligned and touching. Their bushy pubic mounds were once again pressing into each other. Their tummies strained to push the other back. Their tits, almost an afterthought in the battle up to now, had crushed together in symmetric alignment. Finally, their faces were now touching. Each put as much force as she could generate into the effort. Sinews of muscle and tendon showed through on their arms, backs, and buttocks. Veronica felt the hot breath coming from Chelsea’s mouth and she knew Chelsea could feel and probably taste her own, as they were now so intimately close. In hopes of overpowering each other, each had closed her eyes, straining even with her eyelashes. Anything and everything was put into the push.
The minutes passed and neither girl could distinguish any advantage, yet on they went. Aching muscles turned to burning pain, as lack of oxygen caused its effects to be felt. Their breathing was very heavy and both knew the other girl was feeling the pain, but was not yet able to submit. The intensity was tremendous. Chelsea tried bumping her hips forward to throw Veronica off balance, but Veronica did not budge. She took the impact with the front of her hips and in her bushy mound and in retaliation returned the favor at Chelsea. Same result. The stalemate had lasted for nearly ten minutes, when by some unseen but felt cooperation, the two girls let go of each other’s hands. The burning pain of muscles had been too much and they had both reached the limit at the same time.
Not wanting to back off, and not having the energy for any monstrously surprising moves, they each just wrapped their arms around each other in a bearhug. Their hug was secure but not intense. Their muscles were recuperating from the struggles just concluded. Breathing was heavy as their lungs worked overtime to re-supply the oxygen they needed. Their faces were cheek to cheek as each felt the sweaty body of their foe clinching together. Their sopping bushes still were pressed firmly together and their tummies and breasts matched up nicely.
After four or five minutes of recuperative time, Chelsea’s hands began to stir. She let them roam over Veronica’s back, sliding across the sweat-lubricated skin easily and sexily. When Veronica returned the favor and her hands kneaded the flesh of Chelsea’s buttocks, Chelsea leaned forward and wiggled her chest against Veronica’s firm breasts. “Mine are harder than yours.” Chelsea whispered into Veronica’s ears from close range. While their breasts had not been a focus of either girl’s original antagonism towards each other, the closeness of their tits pressing into one another sent enough of a signal to their brains to realize that their pointy tits had actually issued a challenge of their own to each other.
Veronica realized the hard nipples poking into her tits were intent on sending her a message of power and domination. She reacted immediately with a firm push of her own firm tits against Chelsea’s hard-nippled tits. Veronica was proud of all parts of her body and she wouldn’t let a challenge to her tits go unanswered. Her own nipples were very hard and pointy. She wasn’t the least surprised when she felt Chelsea’s tits bore into hers with a surge of power. Veronica powered her daggers right back at Chelsea and the two girls went at each other tit-to-tit and nipple-to-nipple for the next half-hour, pushing and shoving, grinding and pounding, jabbing and rubbing.
Chelsea loved the delicious feeling she got as her hard nipples dueled intimately with Veronica’s equally firm tit-tips. She loosened her hugging grip on Veronica and Veronica did likewise so they could watch their nipples duel back and forth between their heated chests. Their hard thrusts and pushes hadn’t decided anything and the change of pace was welcome for both girls. The erotic intimacy, heightened by the aroma in the room, and the six other girls’ naked bodies close by, couldn’t be totally ignored by the two combatants, even if they wanted to.
Heads pulled back to watch what was happening between them, they saw nipples dancing together in lush contact. Chelsea lined her nipples up with Veronica’s and jabbed at her directly at first and then at oblique angles. Veronica countered with similar movements of her own. Neither had overly large nipples, even when fully erect, so not much deformation was evident from their exertions. Veronica positioned her nips to slide around and around Chelsea’s and the two got into a mutually compatible rotation. Each girl relished the tingly erotic sensations that sparked and radiated from her nipples throughout the next several minutes. Veronica felt rejuvenated physically and sexually and she was determined to use it to her advantage.
She let out a small sigh of pleasure as their nipples continued their little dance. Chelsea raised her head from watching her nipples playing with Chelsea’s. When Veronica looked up as well and their eyes met, Chelsea cooed and licked her lips causing Veronica to do the same. There was nothing in their war that could go unanswered. Slowly their heads leaned close. Their mouths found each other and they began to kiss: a very wet passionate kiss. Making no pretense of controlling her saliva, Chelsea let her slobber drool out of her mouth and all over Veronica’s tongue, lips, chin, and even drip down onto her neck and chest. Dancing tongues slithered like snakes around and around each other, each seeking to excite the other girl as much as possible. Excitement is what they got. Veronica felt her body restlessly seeking Chelsea’s body along every conceivable square inch of skin. Their breasts remained plastered sexily together. Tummies slid juicily back and forth. Their groins and thick, bushy mounds remained tight together, hairs interlaced and sharing the ecstatic feeling of the wicked contact between them.
Tesha and Rashelle, seated just a couple feet away were matched up in a nearly identical fashion. Their own spirited coupling was carrying them away. Liz and Amanda, and Linda and Dawn were equally involved with each other, twisting and turning to keep track of the other goings-on while also keeping each other sensually aroused. Rashelle clamped her lips on Tesha’s tongue as it invaded her sexy mouth. Tesha plunged her tongue in and out of Rashelle’s tight puckered lips. A very sexy tongue-in-mouth fuck had them both sucking air in gulps when their mouths finally broke apart. Dawn and Linda each had a couple of fingers exploring their juicy pussies. Liz and Amanda were rubbing their tits together gently and erotically as they kept their eyes feasted upon the ‘center ring’.
Considering the lull in combative action, the two girls had regained some of their energy, but in the lull their sexy sharing had led to heightened arousal. Veronica ached for release, but her ache for domination was just as great. Continuing to wiggle her body seductively against Chelsea, she explored Chelsea’s back, shoulders, and ass with her strong fingers. Gripping her ass cheeks, and pulling towards herself to initiate another round of bush grinding gave her a nice feeling of control and arousal all mixed together. When Chelsea’s powerful hands found her own ass cheeks, Veronica was joyful inside. She clenched and unclenched her grip, squeezing the firm flesh of Chelsea’s strong ass between her fingers. Pulling toward her she felt Chelsea’s thick fuzzy snatch matching her own thick fuzz hair for hair. The cushiony thick bush protruding against her own made it perfectly clear, in angry body language that it was seeking to destroy her own. Veronica loved the feeling of intense contact, pitting her Queen Bush against a formidable and daunting foe. “Yes! I could battle this bitch forever!” Veronica thought to herself. But even with the equality of their contact, Veronica was seeking a way to gain advantage. Chelsea humped her fuzzy bush firmly against Veronica again and again as her hands pulled Veronica’s butt closer.
The next move was Veronica’s and she let her long arm slip lower and lower down Chelsea’s powerful ass and nestled her long middle finger directly in the crack of Chelsea’s ass. She could feel the hairs of Chelsea’s ass part as she probed lower and lower. Finding her puckered hole through the protection of her dark pubic hairs, she wiggled her fingertip and pushed it against Chelsea’s asshole. With surprising ease she parted the puckered hole as it accepted her long digit inside to the first knuckle.
“Ooohhh!” Chelsea had felt the probing digit but was still surprised when it entered her hole. She felt the finger wiggle against her tight sphincter and probe farther inside. Veronica had disoriented Chelsea for a moment and it was exhilarating for Veronica to invade Chelsea’s ass. Chelsea seemed to accept the invasion for a second before her wits returned and she sought to avenge her anal invasion by getting into Veronica’s ass in return. But Veronica would have none of that. As soon as she felt Chelsea’s fingers probing towards her own anal opening she pulled her finger out and with a powerful thrust threw Chelsea sideways onto the mat.
That one moment of disorientation had created an opening for Veronica. As Chelsea fell to the mat, Veronica was on her in a flash, parting her thighs and landing bush down between her legs. Her hands had grabbed Chelsea’s flailing arms and managed to subdue her wild gyrations. The horny flush of arousal they both had was now mingled with the physical battle. Veronica wasted no time in thrusting her sweaty, thick, brown bush directly into the open gash between Chelsea’s legs.
Chelsea felt her predicament take a bad turn and she weighed her options in her mind, deciding to accept for a moment the pounding she was about to take from Veronica’s hairy mound. She vowed to wait for an opportunity to turn the tables. She KNEW she would!
Veronica relished the feeling of her pussy pounding away at the subdued (?) Chelsea, beneath her. She scraped her fuzz as hard and firmly into the open gash and protruding clit of Chelsea’s pussy as rapidly and violently as she could. She knew she must be causing some anxious moments and some pain for her enemy. Chelsea’s silence however, was not a sign of submission and Veronica knew it. Their faces were close together and the hate and resilient antagonism was apparent. After several minutes of fast and furious fucking, Veronica began to tire of the speed with which she had been pounding and grinding away. As she slowed down, Chelsea taunted, “Can’t you fuck any better than that? My pussy is the Queen and you haven’t shown me anything.” She was hiding the early stages of pain that was making itself known as the thousands of cunt-hairs from Veronica scrubbed and burrowed into her most sensitive pussy tissues. She felt her clit being scraped unmercifully by all that hair. The one good thing was that they were so wet from perspiration that the contact was considerably lubricated, diminishing what might have been a real punishing attack, if dry. The pain was not severe enough yet for Chelsea to be overly bothered, but it had crept into her head.
Chelsea’s taunt reinvigorated Veronica and her thrusts continued unabated. Her own libido hadn’t dried up totally since her cunning attack, and she was enjoying the pleasure associated with her cunt-pounding attack. Occasionally she would lift up and use her clit to tickle Chelsea’s prodigious clit; sliding across it and feeling the sticky wetness of it’s protruding mass. “God that feels good!” she thought to herself as their mountainous clits tangled again and again. “My clit is tearing your puny clit to pieces. I can’t wait to mash it into dust!” Veronica tossed a few taunts back at Chelsea now, and in moments there was a stream of trash talk echoing in the ears of the other girls, as well as each other’s. From Chelsea’s vantage point she was getting a good rest, at the small expense of a little pain in her pussy, while Veronica was using considerably more energy with her writhing hips and pounding pussy and bush. “Is that the best you can do?” “You only wish you could fuck like me!” “What’s holding you back?” “I feel your stinky whore cunt, and it ain’t nothing!” On and on went the trash talk even as they continued to gyrate their sticky masses of thatch covered pussies together. Veronica, on top, had the greater freedom of movement, and with Chelsea’s legs splayed widely apart, she took advantage to continue her assault.
After nearly half an hour of this, and sensing that Chelsea was not fighting back, but just accepting her fate (She wasn’t sure of this, it was just a feeling), maybe a change of positions would be warranted.
In preparation she leaned over and kissed Chelsea again. This was another wet and sloppy kiss, much like their earlier kiss. This one was short-lived though, as Veronica rose up on her hands and knees and backed up, watching Chelsea with a large dose of mistrust. But surprisingly Chelsea played along without interference. At this point as Veronica pulled slowly away from Chelsea, they became a little more aware of the six other girls and their hot and heavy pleasuring situated all around them. Each of them noted the movement and turned to watch. It had been hard for Tesha as she was approaching an orgasm from Rashelle’s clever fingers.
As Veronica stood up, she spoke, playing a little mind game with Chelsea, “I sure like fucking you up girl. But to make sure you don’t cry later on about it, I’m going to give you a chance to fuck me. I want to feel just how inept and nasty your pussy really is. But first I want to try a tricky position. I want to fuck your pussy hole with my big clit while you stick your clit into my pussy hole.”
“How the hell would we do that?”
“Just do as I say. I’ll guide you.”
Chelsea, still on the floor sat up only to be told to lie back down. With a wicked smile on her face she let Veronica take the lead. Chelsea was game to anything that Veronica might suggest. She just KNEW she could handle Veronica when it would really be necessary. Veronica told Chelsea to pull her legs up towards her head and hold them with her hands and arms. Chelsea obliged, opening her glistening, hairy gash wide, and pointing her meaty clit straight toward the ceiling. Veronica stood over her looking at Chelsea’s cunt and the other girls could see the wheels turning in her head as she contemplated her next move. She took a step away from Chelsea and turned around to face away from her. Backing up slowly and spreading her own legs wide as she went she reached a point where her own cunt was directly above the widely opened cunt beneath her.
Chelsea rocked her hips a bit in anticipation of what would happen next. Her rock-hard clit was standing tall, at least two inches above the slippery folds beneath. Veronica’s clit was equally protruding, only downward toward the slippery confines of Chelsea’s cunt. Slowly, slowly she lowered herself, bending forward at the waist, and putting her hands on her knees for balance. The other girls watched in wonder as the two clits approached each other. One was suspended above and one protruding from below. One was pointing east and one pointing west. The closer and closer they got together the more apparent was Veronica’s motive. First she let her clit meet Chelsea’s clit directly, just to shiver at the delight in such contact. It made Chelsea shiver too, especially knowing, now for the first time, what was coming next.
Veronica slid her clit forward and pushed down, invading Chelsea’s cunt with now more than two inches of hardened massive flesh. It wiggled its way down inside Chelsea while at the same time, Chelsea angled her clit to fit snugly between the soft wet folds of Veronica’s bushy covered cunt. ZZZZZ. ZZZZ. It was like electrical bolts shot through them as the realization that this position, and the size of their two clits, allowed both girls to be fucked by the other girl’s clit simultaneously. Chelsea felt her clit grow even larger, the victim of Veronica’s creative position. Even though she was lying on her back and Veronica was still above her, she relished the terribly wicked nature of their intercourse. Chelsea felt her clit pulsing with life as it grew to dimensions never before contemplated.
“It must be nearly three inches long!” exclaimed Dawn, as she watched the two girls wiggle and thrust together.
“Whose?” questioned Amanda.
“Shit, both of them!” retorted Linda. She was right. Veronica’s clit grew even longer, more cock-like as she felt Chelsea’s large clit invade her slippery hole. She could feel it enter her and wiggle against the sides of her convoluted pussy lining. Her vagina had had real cocks bigger than that of course, but the kinky knowledge that it was a girls clitoris filling her up inside, made it seem like she was being totally filled. She clenched the muscles of her cunt wall, squeezing Chelsea’s protrusion for all she was worth, even as she felt her own clit being compressed by the powerful squeezing from Chelsea’s vagina. The two girls hit a rocking sort of rhythm where first one and then the other would penetrate to her deepest point. Veronica would alternately lean forward and then back to allow Chelsea’s clit to piston out of her vagina as her clit was pistoning inward. Veronica gasped and almost fell over with each deep penetration from Chelsea’s thrusting clit. Chelsea, with the advantage of laying on the floor and holding her legs far back above and to the side of her head didn’t worry about losing her balance, but she too was gasping at the intensity of pleasure she was receiving from Veronica’s long clit and from the way her own clit sent shivers of delight throughout her body with each penetration of Veronica.
Back and forth went the rocking motion. Louder and louder became their groans and spasms. The other girls all had stopped what they were doing to watch this episode in the Bush War. Right now it was as if a truce had been placed in effect. And what a truce it was.
Amanda actually crawled over to the girls to get a close up view. “Holy Shit! This is amazing. Those two big clits are fucking each other’s pussy at the same time!” She practically shouted it out as she fingered her own cunt vigorously. Her face was only about six inches away from the penetrating action and she could feel the heat emanating from their doubly locked up pussies. The smell was overpowering and intoxicating. The musky feminine odor, mixed with the perfumes they had applied had her swooning. “God, I wish I had a clit like that!”
In an instant the other girls crowded around very close, all with their faces within a foot of the fucking clits and pussies. Throughout this, Chelsea and Veronica, full well knowing they were on display for the others, but so caught up in the kinky sensuality of their coupling, just kept right on humping and rocking away at each other. In fact they were both relishing the ‘performance’ aspect of their little war.
Oh, what a delectable sight it was for Linda as she watched the full length of Veronica’s clit disappear down into the soft slippery wet folds of Chelsea’s cunt. Then it would miraculously reappear, pulling slowly out, only to dive in deeply again and again. From the other angle, Dawn watched Chelsea’s tremendous clit vanish into Veronica over and over again, reappearing every time, glistening with more and more juices.
The exquisite pleasure was reaching across the spaces between them and it was enveloping the spectators. They thrilled at the dueling pussies. Their focus on sweaty, thick, pubic bushes was being replaced by their fascination with the stupendous clits waging a fuck-war with each other.
Veronica began having trouble keeping her balance. When she almost fell, Tesha and Rashelle grabbed her and held her up. With them for support, she redoubled her vigorous rocking fuck. In and out she felt Chelsea’s clit penetrate again and again, even as she swooned at the feeling of her own deep penetration of Chelsea’s womb tunnel. At this moment in time, the pleasure was so great, the lust so deep, that neither girl was thinking about domination. Right NOW it was ALL about pleasure. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. They didn’t want it to end, but alas! Their bodies were only human. After fifteen or twenty minutes of this exciting position (courtesy of Veronica) they blasted into a powerful orgasm. It was as if a stick of dynamite had gone off under them as they screamed their pleasures and thrust their clits to their deepest penetrations yet. Simultaneous clitty-fucking climax. Chelsea felt as if the top of her head would blow right off, so powerful were the jolts she was experiencing. Veronica was lucky to have two girls hold her up, since her own muscles were spent and it was all she could do to finish her last grinding thrusts.
Only seconds behind those two were four of the other girls. Their fingers had been busy and with the sounds, smells, and sight of what they were witnessing they shot off into orgasm-land as well. Only Tesha and Rashelle, who had been holding Veronica up, didn’t orgasm with them. Oh, such despair!
Finally their throes of orgasm subsided and Veronica slumped to the floor.
Chapter 14
Chelsea let her legs fall to the floor, and even though she hadn’t been on the top using energy equal to Veronica, she also just lay prone, recovering from the exertion. Chelsea’s huge mat of pubic hair glistened with the moisture. For a moment Dawn thought she even saw steam rising from the conjunction of Chelsea’s legs. Her clit remained plump, full, and nearly three inches long, protruding from her curly haired mass before dropping down to merge with her very wet, juicy labia. Dawn looked over at Veronica to lust after her equally juicy clit, pointing out and up from her upper vulva at a dangerously pointed angle. Her clit gave the distinct appearance of a small mountain, rising from the forested floor of a valley, and guarding the doorway to a deep lush canyon, full of delight. Back and forth her eyes traveled, watching the two girls for signs of life. All she could see were heaving chests and closed eyes. They weren’t asleep but were ‘bushed’. A sly smile crept across Dawn’s face.
Turning to Amanda she nodded toward the prone girls. Amanda nodded back and the two dropped to their hands and knees and took a dive. It was a shock to Veronica when she felt Dawn’s mouth inhale her big clit. Amanda crouched between Chelsea’s legs and her tongue began to dance around and around her massive love-nub.
The two fighters opened their eyes in surprise and discovered the other girl to be in the same ‘predicament’ as the she. Feeling a need to recover from her exertions, Veronica accepted the girl’s face in her pussy without further thought. Dawn discovered the long thick mass of clitty flesh to be elegantly tasty, full of the heavenly musk from the secretion mix of Chelsea and Veronica. Dawn’s lust, even after fingering herself to orgasm, just moment before, was overpowering. She devoured Veronica’s big clit with her mouth, sucking it deeply into the back of her mouth, feeling it’s length and firmness against her tongue and the roof of her mouth. Using her teeth ever so gently, she pulled her mouth away, scraping the dimensions of Veronica’s clit with her front teeth as she pulled slowly away. She felt a shiver of delight from Veronica and she voraciously began to gnaw away at every inch of Veronica’s massive clit, pussy, and fuzzy border. “Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.” Dawn was in heaven. Veronica was in heaven. Lost in pleasure and ignoring the others Dawn performed her lezzie munch-fest with wild abandon.
Veronica looked down at the beautiful face sucking and munching on her hot box and responded with automatic gyrations of her hips. Around and around they went. Dawn had a hard time keeping her mouth glued to Veronica’s slippery gash and had to bite on her clit or fuzzy labia lips to keep from being tossed aside. Veronica moaned and groaned and blasted off all over again. This orgasm followed the last by no more than three or four minutes and it rivaled it in intensity as well.
While Dawn had definitely taken advantage of the lull to satisfy her craving for ‘big girl pussy’, Amanda was being equally successful. Having felt the ‘sting’ of Chelsea’s big clit rubbing across her own well-formed but much smaller clit, she ached for the chance to nibble her way through Chelsea’s forested cunt, tasting and savoring every lush millimeter. “God,” she thought, “this is so fucking good!” Her tongue lashed out at Chelsea’s slippery hole and curled its way as deeply inside as she could, pushing far and deep. Rolling her tongue into a dart-like shape, she plunged in and out, in and out, in and out. Chelsea could no more forsake the tongue-fucking she was getting than Veronica had been able to do with Dawn’s hungry mouth attached to her pussy. She felt her hips spasm involuntarily, and her nerves crawled with sensations of blissful joy. She rocked her hips with as much timing and control as she could muster to the beat of Amanda’s tonguing. As the tempo picked up and the gyrations of her hips became less controlled, Amanda refocused her attention on Chelsea’s incredible clitoris. Like Indians circling a pioneer wagon train, her tongue ran circles around the protruding dome, tasting every millimeter over and over again. Then when Chelsea lost total control and began bucking and shouting, Amanda sucked that big clit into her mouth as deeply as she could. Her liquid mouth sent such wonderful sensations surging through Chelsea that she blasted into orgasmic orbit. Amanda didn’t stop and Chelsea rose to the occasion again just moments later, her body rocked by a second orgasm right on top of the first. Her uncontrollable moans and shouts combined with the equally obscene shouts from Veronica. Their orgasms had merged in time and their shouts filled the ears of the other girls, who continued their own pleasant endeavors with each other, changing partners and exploring each other with lusty appetites.
Dawn and Amanda, smiles as big as the Grand Canyon, finally backed away from the objects of their desire.
Veronica sat up on the floor, satiated. Chelsea was not far behind. As horny and lusty as they were, as fun as the interlude had been, neither was distracted completely from their intentions. Chelsea spoke first as Veronica slowly stood. “Well, my dear, I guess we had a nice little diversion there, but YOU, my little bitch better be ready for the fuck of your life.”
“Oh, my sweet,” Veronica mockingly replied, “You won’t be fucking ME. You are the one about to get fucked, AGAIN.”
Chelsea looked perturbed as she stood to face Veronica all over again. “What about your promise?”
“Fuck that and fuck you! You’ll never fuck MY pussy. I got what I wanted from your cunt, and I’ll get it again if I want.”
Chelsea’s anger steamed over, boiling to the surface, overpowering her other emotions and she lashed out. SLAP! Her long arm shot across the space between them and landed a solid slap on Veronica’s left cheek.
That was all either of them needed. Their hate and fury took over and they launched into a no-holds-barred catfight. Punches and slaps, kicks and screams, these ‘ladies’ fought tooth and nail for the right to be Queen Bush. Their violence launched them around the room, causing the other girls to scatter. It hadn’t been planned by either girl, but the parity they discovered in their pussies and tits and mouths made them realize that fighting within constraints would not solve their problem. So at it they went, each girl finally free to attack her foe with EVERYTHING she had.
As shocked and surprised by the slap as Veronica had been, she was glad to be able to hold nothing back in fighting Chelsea without quarter. It was apparent that Chelsea felt and was doing the same.
Veronica’s countering slap didn’t land firmly as Chelsea had moved closer to grab Veronica by the hair. With one hand in her hair and the other balled into a fist, she began a barrage of punches to any part of Veronica’s face and body she could reach. Veronica took the first two punches to her ribs in order to get closer to Chelsea to grab her hair. Succeeding, she began pummeling Chelsea with fist blows of her own. They were swinging wildly and jerking each other around by their hair. Some of the punches landed solidly on faces, breasts, and torsos. Most of them were not powerfully effective. But the cumulative effect was present. They were screaming and cursing each other in a steady stream as they battled on.
Chelsea felt a particularly powerful blow hit her chin and she shook the cobwebs from her head just in time to avoid the next blow to her face. The other girls noted the blood beginning to streak down from Chelsea’s lip. Veronica was doing a good job of avoiding the most powerful blows, but avoiding 90% of the blows still meant that lots of blows were meeting their mark. Her tits were aching from several solid blows she had received. Bruises and red marks were now evident. Her lip cracked open and spurted blood over her chin, arms, and chest, as well as sharing it with Chelsea. But she didn’t care one single bit about how she looked. She was bent on destroying Chelsea, the witch. A second hard shot caught Chelsea in the cheek just below her eye. Another cut opened on the left side of Chelsea’s face, below her eye.
Even though Veronica seemed to be able to cause more visible damage to Chelsea’s face, Chelsea in no way was showing the effects. Her fury was unabated and her hair pulling and punching continued without letup. All this time the girls were struggling around the room on their feet. Staggering across the mats they were often on the verge of falling, but for at least three or four minutes they traded punches without falling. The hair pulling was not so much a tortuous pull as one of control, seeking to keep the other girls head within reach of the punches.
Of course, even for athletically gifted girls, the pace of the barrage couldn’t continue. Balance became harder to maintain. Finally one of Veronica’s punches, aimed for Chelsea’s jaw, connected with a loud smack. It sent the 6 foot 1 inch Amazon reeling backwards, her fingers still firmly in Veronica’s blonde mane. Tumbling to the floor, the style of their fight took a turn towards more intimate infighting. They rolled around on the floor, each seeking an advantage, and with Chelsea glad to be avoiding the stinging punches from Veronica’s powerful right fist. Knees slammed into bellies, hands clamped more firmly into each other’s formerly pretty hair, and faces contorted in rage and pain.
Chelsea managed to get Veronica’s head torqued hard sideways and backwards, placing an awful strain on her neck. Veronica tried to claw her fingernails across Chelsea’s chest, but the closely cropped nails did no damage. Her neck aching from the pain and strain she reached lower with her right hand and grabbed a thick handful of Chelsea’s thick furry pubic hair. Pulling with all her might she heard Chelsea scream in pain. Veronica had managed to yank out several dark brown hairs. She grabbed again and pulled. Again she yanked out a patch of thatch, causing Chelsea to again loose a blood-curdling scream. Reaching in the third time she noted the lessened tension on her hair and in a moment she knew why. Chelsea had removed her left hand from behind Veronica’s head and it dove directly for the thick brown hairs covering her own pussy. Veronica let out her own scream as she felt the powerful fingers pull disturbingly hard on the hairs just above her pussy. Her hair was most thickly distributed right there and Chelsea had a good grip on a lot of it. She pulled and pulled, but the amount of hair kept her from yanking it out. The pain was intense anyway. Now the two girls were screaming together as they attacked each other’s bush simultaneously. “You’ll be bald in no time!” “Not before you are naked as a baby down there!” “Get your hand out of my bush!” “Get YOUR hand out of my bush!”
The blood from Chelsea’s face was now mingled with the sweat from their bodies as they continued to roll across the floor, one hand in each other’s hair, top and bottom. Finally Chelsea managed to grasp a smaller parcel of Veronica’s matted and mangled pubic thatch and yank a large shock of hair from her body, leaving a practically bare patch. Veronica’s scream told Chelsea of her success. Just as that happened, another patch tore loose from her own skin. She now had a few bare patches where moments earlier a proud, but wet and matted, bush had grown. Her pussy ached from the wrenching pain. She knew that there was a limit to how much pain she could take, but dared not think about that, as she knew Veronica was as susceptible as she.
Sensing that her attack on the head hair of Veronica wasn’t as effective with only one hand, she let go and began to attack Veronica’s breasts with her fingers. Her claws weren’t able to scratch any more than Veronica’s had, but there was plenty of strength for squeezing. Lying on her side, facing Veronica, who reciprocated, she pinched and squeezed her left tit unmercifully. The ache in Veronica’s tit was incredible, now with the torture of Chelsea’s grip multiplying the effect left over from the solid punches it had received earlier. The snarls on the girl’s faces were intense and viciously mean.
The other girls had now pretty much quit ‘fooling around’ and were watching the battle intently. It was hard to see any advantage. True, Chelsea was bleeding a bit from two cuts, while Veronica bled from only one, but for now at least she was still dishing out the punishment just as much as she was receiving it. All six of the other girls knew they were witnessing a real Battle Royal. Whoever won this fight was going to be one tough bitch! The loser too, for that matter.
Veronica grunted with the effort as she tore another batch of fuzzy covering off of Chelsea’s pussy. The pain in her own bush flashed through her to the core as she felt a very large mass of hair being torn away in a solid clump. The pain did not cause her to cower but to attack with even more vengeance. Grabbing and pulling in rapid succession, she was able to remove great gobs of hair from Chelsea’s mound. Only the immensity of hair she had grown so naturally and proudly, kept Veronica in business so long. So it was with Chelsea. There were patches of dark brown pubic hair strewn all over the mats surrounding the girls. Linda motioned to the littered floor and said to Liz, “Damn, for all the hair I see on the floor I wouldn’t think they had any left, but look there’s still a lot of hair on both of them.”
Queen Bush would soon be No Bush, whichever one of them turned out to be the winner.
Chelsea continued her onslaught with one hand wrenching Veronica’s tits. Back and forth she went. Pulling her nipples way out to where they looked like they might snap right off. Pinching them hard, rolling them tightly between her fingers, clawing across them with what nails she had, gripping them deeply, and trying to crush them to nothing. Her other hand grabbed and pulled and yanked on Veronica’s remaining bush even as she felt Veronica’s attacks on her own bush reap success in removing large amounts of her own precious pubes. Her head had been yanked around and around and even had some hair pulled out to mingle on the mats with the masses of pubic hair strewn around. Chelsea, even at this point was not thinking defensively. Her only thought continued to be “Attack. Attack. Attack.” She accepted the pain and punishment as long as she could continue to dish out what she felt was more and harder punishment than she was receiving.
The funny thing about that situation was that Veronica’s thoughts were exactly the same. In her mind she just ‘knew’ she was dishing out more than she was receiving. To the girls on the sidelines there was no distinction yet. It seemed to be a dead-even battle, and the girls watching were a bit flabbergasted at the intensity of the attacks, and with the fact that neither even seemed to be mounting any sort of defensive strategy. They just continued to go after each other with every ounce of energy. Their hair was in total disarray. Red blotches and swelling was visible in many spots all over both girl’s bodies and faces. Their sweaty, teary, dirty, smelly, bloodied bodies basically looked like hell.
Veronica was noticing that it was becoming harder and harder to find a good grip in Chelsea’s thinning bush. So much hair had been ripped out that fewer and fewer were left to grab. A few thicker mounds remained, but the majority of her pubic mound, reddened from the tearing, was now just scraggly hair. Even though she wanted to rip every single hair from her formerly glorious bush, she was having less and less success, so to keep up the intensity of her attack she let go of the hair at either end and went for her breasts. Now she was returning the pain in kind that her breasts had been feeling for the past ten minutes. With both hands she crushed, twisted, pulled, and pinched with wicked intent. Chelsea screamed through her tears. Veronica and Chelsea had both been crying from the pain for several minutes even though they were not covering up or trying to stop their opponent’s attacks. Brutally onward they attacked. Chelsea was still intent on ripping out every single brown hair from Veronica’s twat and her one-handed attack on her breasts continued.
When Chelsea managed to rip another large chunk of hair from the lower region of Veronica’s mons, the pain roared through Veronica’s groin and in retaliation she let go with her right hand and threw another punch at Chelsea’s upturned face. SMACK! It connected with Chelsea’s jaw, causing her teeth to rattle in her mouth. Stunned for a moment, her grip on Veronica’s breast lessened. Her hair-ripping left hand paused. Veronica sensed the diminished capacity and rose up enough from the floor to attempt to straddle the prone Chelsea. As she quickly positioned herself above Chelsea, hoping to dominate her from above, she felt Chelsea’s hand between her legs.
Veronica let out a blood-curdling scream as Chelsea’s hand clamped on Veronica’s impressively large clitoris. Pinching and pulling with all the muscle she could draw on, Chelsea sought to counter Veronica’s positional advantage by causing incredible pain. Incredible pain is what Veronica felt. Screaming loudly she immediately pulled up and tried to get away from Chelsea’s brutally effective attack. Fortunately the slippery skin didn’t give a great grip and after being stretched out to incredible length it slipped out of the grasp of Chelsea. As Veronica rolled away, Chelsea managed to shake the cobwebs from her head (again) and began to rise up.
Knowing she couldn’t afford to give Chelsea any time to focus her attack, Veronica, even through her crying pain, reached out and yanked Chelsea’s ankle. As the unsuspecting Chelsea fell to the floor, Veronica swung her legs towards Chelsea’s head and managed to lock her thighs around Chelsea’s face. The tight squeeze forced Chelsea to try to pry Veronica’s strong legs from her head but to no avail. Realizing her predicament was not good she tried to retaliate in kind. Swinging her free legs towards Veronica she kicked towards her head but Veronica had use of her arms and she grabbed Veronica’s ankles to keep from being scissored herself. Chelsea was grimacing from the pain of Veronica’s powerful legs squeezing her head. Realizing her arm strength wasn’t enough to remove Veronica’s legs from her head, she began flailing away with slaps and punches to whatever part of Veronica’s body she could reach. Her punches didn’t have the effect they had earlier in the fight, but they were causing pain.
Veronica now acted defensively. She let go of one of Chelsea’s legs to try to stop the punching coming from both of Chelsea’s fists. She could only reach her right arm and in doing so was able to stop the blows from raining on her front side. Chelsea’s left arm didn’t have as much room to strike, since her left shoulder was on the floor and Veronica’s legs were around her head. So, Veronica’s move had effectively stopped the blows. But. But. Chelsea now was not encumbered by anything on her right leg and she powered it over Veronica’s head, and when Veronica maneuvered to try to slide away, too slowly I’m afraid, Chelsea’s other leg broke free from the grasp of Veronica’s left hand and in a flash she had situated Veronica’s head between her own powerful legs, at the meatiest part of her thighs.
Chelsea could breathe, but the pain was intense, and she knew she must soon gain retaliatory action against Veronica or else it would be all over. While not exactly letting out a sigh of relief (her predicament wouldn’t have allowed that), she nonetheless felt like she had new life. Squeezing with all her might she felt Veronica’s thigh-grip on her head intensify even more.
Veronica squeezed with all her might, pressuring Chelsea’s head with a vicious head scissors even as she now began to feel the painful retaliation. Her head felt like it was going to be crushed by the powerful vice-like thighs of Chelsea. With the appearance of an awful stalemate, and with the awe-struck sextet of teammates looking on in admiration at the two gladiatrixes fighting intensity, the fight wore on. Each tried in vain to extricate herself from the powerful vise-grip of her enemies legs, but their arms just weren’t strong enough to relieve the pressure. Chelsea felt her head about to burst and her eyes were beginning to see blurry and foggy, but yet she continued to squeeze and squeeze with all her might.
Veronica couldn’t cry, couldn’t scream, couldn’t call for help. All she could do was squeeze back hoping to smother Chelsea into unconsciousness. Veronica had managed to scoot her body lower, causing her grip on Chelsea’s head to become more enveloping. Her meaty thighs were now partially covering Chelsea’s mouth and nose, and Chelsea was having a hard time breathing. Veronica and Chelsea were now in a duel that could seemingly only end with one or the other unconscious or dead. Their arms were now ineffective and laying limp. All the energy either woman had went directly into their legs, intent on squeezing their opponent limp. Veronica felt her lungs screaming for air and she knew that Chelsea, having been between her legs for an even longer amount of time must be nearly ready to succumb.
The lights went out.
Chapter 15
The lights went out.
The lights went out for Veronica. Chelsea felt the limpness creep into the legs that had been brutally crushing her head. Within five seconds of noticing the diminished power of Veronica’s legs, Chelsea had managed to wiggle her head enough to gasp in some much needed air. She had only been an instant from departing consciousness herself, and it took a monumental effort for her to maintain her thoughts enough to continue squeezing Veronica’s head with everything she had left. Fifteen seconds later, Veronica’s legs flopped limply apart, and Chelsea could breathe more freely. Her crushing legs continued for nearly another 30 seconds, until she felt that the effort alone, might cause her to pass out. Finally letting up and rolling away, she could barely make out the limp form of the girl beside her. Her vision was clouded and her head pounded from the pain.
With all the hatred and vitriol that had consumed her all this week and into and throughout her fight, right now the only thing on Chelsea’s mind was her immediate needs for recovery. “Water,” she faintly whispered. The girls had a hard time hearing her, but Liz quickly grabbed a bottle of water from her bag and handed it to Chelsea, who almost dropped it when she tried to grab it. Her arms were weak, and she could barely lift it to her lips. She squirted it on her face and let it drizzle in her mouth and she managed to swallow some of it. Her breathing took five full minutes to end its gasping. She hadn’t even bothered to look over at Veronica. If by some miracle Veronica had managed to come back at her she would have had nothing left to fight with. But it was not to be. Veronica was breathing. The others had been quick to take notice, and fortunately Veronica was getting badly needed oxygen into her system. But she was out of it completely. La-la land, Tesha called it.
Slowly over the next three or four minutes Chelsea began to regain her wits. She now realized just how precarious her predicament had been and at the same time she now knew that she had won the fight. It MEANT something to her. She began to see more clearly and what she saw was bizarre. She looked at her own body and could see that terrific damage caused by her enemy. Noting welts the size of tennis balls, bruises deep and painful, she raised her hand to feel the drying blood on her face. Her scalp ached from the punishment of ripping hair. And of course, she now for the first time looked down at her once proudly coiffed pussy. It was a mess. It appeared that at least half of her fuzzy thicket was gone. She looked on the floor and could see the debris in little clumps scattered here and there around their arena. There was physical pain too, her mound burned from the beating it had taken, but what really burned her up inside was the thick heavenly bush that she had been so proud of, and what had caused this entire episode was so damn ugly. There was no symmetry left. Not a square inch had been spared completely. Not a thick bushy remnant remained. Only small patches and scraggly hairs in total disarray covered her mons.
Seeing and feeling her own distressful state, her anger began to return. She had no energy for fighting, but she didn’t need it. Veronica was only beginning to stir, and had yet to open her eyes more than twelve minutes after she had passed out.
Taking larger and longer swigs of water, Chelsea began recollecting much of what had gone on, including her promise to fuck every one of the ‘spectators’ when all this was over. She didn’t really feel a whole lot like fucking them right now, but the idea of claiming her spoils was very sweet to her mind. But first, there was something she had to do. And it was the claiming of some other spoils. It had irked her when Veronica went back on her word about the fucking she would allow Chelsea, and now she figured it would be perfect to force Veronica to accept her fate and humiliation.
As Veronica began to groggily come around, Liz gave her a little water. She looked around the room, but her eyes weren’t functioning up to par just yet. It was apparent that she didn’t quite know what had happened. Then just as she took her second swallow of water, she saw Chelsea looming over her in a haze. Her imminent danger from loss of breath was now passed and Chelsea knew it.
Chelsea straddled Veronica and knelt close to tell her a few things. With her knees resting on Veronica’s arms, and her ass full weight sitting on her chest, Chelsea gave a little speech. “You fucking little dirtbag of a cunt, you thought you were quite something didn’t you? You thought you were the Queen Bush. Shit! You’re not the queen of anything. You just got your ass whupped and it was me, QUEEN BUSH CHELSEA, that did it. Now it’s time for me to claim my reward.”
She took a few deep breaths and looked around the room at the mystified girls. Their sensual play had left them long ago and they wondered what exactly Chelsea had in mind. She looked directly at every one of them, making solid eye contact. Licking her lips in her best seductive manner, she let them know wordlessly that she had not forgotten her promise. But first she turned her attention back to the prone and helpless Veronica. “You stinking bitch, you thought you wouldn’t have to be fucked by my pussy. Ha! It’s about time you ate your words. Actually it’s about time you ate ME. Unless you do exactly as I tell you, you will never walk the streets a pretty girl again.” To emphasize her predicament to her, Chelsea hauled back and sent a stinging slap across the right side of Veronica’s face. A red mark appeared instantly from the blow, and Veronica couldn’t stop the tears from rolling down her cheek. She had finally figured out what had happened and she ached from the realization that she had been beaten. Now it appeared that Chelsea was intent on rubbing it in and humiliating her even more. To top it off her teammates and friends were here to witness it all. Her brain was working again, but her body was spent. She had no resistance left and she knew it. She was angry and bitter even though she was resigned to the fact that, for now at least, she had better comply with Chelsea’s domination or else. She had no reason to doubt her willingness to follow through with whatever threats she might make. But one thing she could not do.
When Chelsea continued, Veronica listened but did not respond. “Who is the QUEEN BUSH now, bitch!” Veronica just looked up with as much rage in her eyes as she could muster. “I asked you, ‘who is Queen Bush now, bitch!'” Silence. This made Chelsea mad. Another slap punctuated the silence as Veronica stoically took the punishment.
“Fuck you anyway,” Chelsea intoned. With that she proceeded to move her hips higher and higher until they hovered just over Veronica’s face. Then, punishingly she let her weight fall totally down onto Veronica’s face. Her gaping pussy and clit, mashed down with her full weight, covered Veronica’s nose and mouth. “LICK!” Chelsea demanded. “Lick!” It took a few hard grinding wiggles downward, threatening another suffocating attack, before Chelsea felt the tip of Veronica’s tongue slide into her still wet crack.
“OK baby, you can do better than that. Come on now. Give it to me good. I want the REAL THING. No counterfeit, half-hearted efforts. You’re the loser and you OWE it to me!” She ground her hips down again before raising them up to allow some air for her pawn. The next time she lowered her hips she noted a more vigorous tongue gliding between her pussy lips. She felt it taste deeply inside her vagina and twirl and work its way around and around inside. “Yes baby. That’s a good girl. Keep it up now and I won’t hurt you.” She paused her talking for a couple of minutes as she relished the tonguing that Veronica was administering. “That’s a good girl. Ummmm Hmmmmm. Maybe I’ll have some use for you after all?”
Chelsea began to feel the hormones kick back into her system. Her initial motivation for fucking Veronica’s face was purely for humiliation purposes, but now the inevitable consequence had reared its head. It felt good to have Veronica helplessly eating her pussy. Grinding her cunt hard down against the juicy tongue she rocked in growing blissful pleasure. Pausing often enough to let Veronica catch her breath, she continued her face-fucking for at least ten minutes before she began to feel the impending orgasmic release. Sliding backwards she forced her immense clit into Veronica’s mouth. Afraid not to comply, Veronica took it inside her wet mouth and sucked it deeply. She felt the fullness of it’s engorged state reach back into the top of her mouth and she let her tongue wander all around it, even as she sucked it deeply. That was all it took for Chelsea. Having her enemy so dramatically fulfilling her sexual need made Chelsea swoon with pleasure and heady pride. Knowing that this entire event was being forever etched in the minds of all present made her feel like… like… Hell, it made her feel like a QUEEN. Her orgasm sent her reeling into a trance-like state of pleasure that lasted for two or three minutes. Veronica’s tongue continued to slither and slide all over Chelsea’s liberally soaked cunt.
When Chelsea slowly pulled away, Veronica took a big deep breath, a sigh of relief that it was over.
Chapter 16
Ouch! Veronica felt Chelsea’s hand grab her pussy hair again, and with a yank, another shock of hair departed its owner’s body. Fear shot through Veronica. That was all the pain for now. But it was not all the humiliation.
Chelsea held the strands of brown pubic hair in her hand for all to see. She was sitting on the floor right next to the still prone and limp Veronica. Turning to Veronica she offered her perspective. “These nice girls arranged for our little opportunity this afternoon. I think they deserve a reward for their efforts. Amanda, get over here. Veronica is going to eat your pussy for as long as you want.” She held up the fuzz for a reminder of what would happen if she didn’t comply.
“Oh no,” thought Veronica. “She’s not done.” Feeling powerless, she had no recourse but to comply.
First Amanda sat on Veronica’s face and took a tongue lashing clear through to orgasm. The awestruck girls had been so caught up in Chelsea’s victory that they didn’t even contemplate not going along with whatever was suggested. Next it was Tesha’s turn. Liz, Rashelle, Linda, and Dawn took their lap across Veronica’s face. Every one of them rode deliciously to her own orgasm, so intense was the emotional and erotic intensity of their environment.
Veronica gamely tried to keep up the intensity. Her tongue became tired and it was all she could do to pleasure the last two girls. All the while Chelsea had been sitting at her side, holding on to that last shock of hair. When Dawn finally came down from her orgasm, Chelsea said to Veronica as she moved her hand closer and closer to Veronica’s face, “You’ve been a really good girl eating all of our pussies. I think maybe you could get a job as a cunt-munching whore. Haaaa.” She laughed out loud and continued, “Just to make things complete you better eat this. Open your mouth.” Scared out of her wits, Veronica obeyed. Chelsea’s hand brought the last thick shock of hair from Veronica’s own pussy up to her lips. With a vicious plunge she jammed it into her mouth, causing her to gag. “EAT IT!” Chelsea demanded. As soon as she got over the gagging she spent the next three or four minutes trying to chew/swallow the mass of sweaty, stinky hairs that had been forced into her mouth. Somehow she managed to do it.
She turned to the other girls now but addressed Veronica. “You’ll be good now if I give these wonderful ladies the rest of their reward. They deserve another really good fuck from a REAL pussy, now that you’ve primed them with your tongue.” She paused for a moment, thinking. “You know what? I think I need a little more ‘priming’.” With that she swung her ass around above Veronica’s face again. This time she was facing her feet. “Lick, bitch.” And with that command, Veronica found herself all over again having Chelsea’s hated pussy plopped on her mouth. She was as powerless as ever to alter her predicament, so she complied. Opening her mouth wide she suffered as Chelsea’s musky cunt burrowed down forcefully. Again Veronica shot her tongue out to enter the gooey vagina of her despicable enemy. Again she wiggled it around and around, suffering through the responsive wiggles of Chelsea’s increasingly horny pussy. Veronica’s nose had the distinctly awful predicament of being snugly pressed up against Chelsea’s brown asshole. The pungent and nasty aroma practically made her sick. She suffered through the degradation of her ordeal, out of self-preservation, but her inner spirit was not broken. Her body had lost and she knew it, but even as she finished ‘priming’ Chelsea’s pussy she was resolute in her mind that she would somehow, someday, gain revenge on the evil bitch whose name she didn’t even want to say.
When Chelsea felt well lubed up, she momentarily let her entire weight press down on Veronica’s face, serving notice that she was still in charge. She motioned to Tesha as she got up.
“Well girls, this has been exciting as hell, and now I think we all deserve a final playful fuck. Tesha, I really appreciate all you did to help make today such an eventful day. Tell me what you want and how you want it. I’ll fuck with you any way you want.”
Tesha could hardly contain her joy and horniness. She really did ache for another chance to fuck Chelsea, even though she was feeling a bit guilty, since Veronica had been her friend for so long. But the heat of the moment and the impressive Chelsea had her lusting badly for more. “I want to feel your cunt and clit pounding my pussy. I want to feel your big clit inside me.” To accommodate her wish, she dropped to the floor and swung her legs up high and wide, raising her hips up off the floor.
Licking her lips, Chelsea mounted Tesha from above and immediately began to slide her slippery gash forward and back across Tesha’s sopping slit. Tesha ooohed at the scrumptious feel of Chelsea’s pussy weaving it’s way across her twat.
Veronica just closed her eyes and inched a few feet farther away, wishing to avoid as much of what was going on as possible. She could still hear the girl’s sighs, moans, and talk, and it angered her that it was Chelsea, not she, who was having ‘fun’ with her teammates.
Chelsea smiled as she rocked her big clit down and in. She felt Tesha’s open cunt accept her clit inside. The use (overuse?) of her clit today had made it reach its most prodigious proportions. When she was mutually fucking Veronica it had swelled to nearly three inches extension from its thick protruding base. While Chelsea could not see her own clit, she knew from the girl’s reactions that it was stupefyingly large. She could feel it just fine. She rocked her hips to push its tip deeply into Tesha. Rotating her hips to feel the sensations of lubricated contact within Tesha’s vagina, she groaned her pleasure. Both girls became more vocal by the minute. Groans, moans, gasps, and sighs punctuated the still humid air of their secret chamber.
Tesha was getting exactly what she asked for and it was even more deliciously fun than she could have imagined. The plump clit rocking inward and outward sent shivers up and down her spine in racehorse fashion. While not exactly as filling as a good stiff cock, it was probably even more intensely erotic and exciting than anything she had ever done. When she had fuck-fought with Linda in their role-playing fantasy she had been fucking Chelsea in her mind. But the real thing was even more wickedly intense than she could have imagined. It was even better now than when they had tangled pussies before the big fight. Not that fucking Linda was bad, but it was just that the astonishingly large clit Chelsea was using on her added such a terrific dimension to the real experience that it was a pale comparison. Wiggling to the rhythm of Chelsea’s rocking she felt her orgasm approaching and her groans and moans grew louder and their pace picked up. When Chelsea pushed down harder and harder, filling her more deeply than ever she shuddered the first wave of her orgasm. Chelsea immediately withdrew her clit and pushed it firmly against Tesha’s clit. The two clits danced together: one large and one normal size. Size didn’t matter though, when it comes to pleasure. Human anatomy dictates that we all have the same number of nerves and Tesha and Chelsea’s nerves were engaged fully in their mutual pleasure.
Zap! Zoom! Crash! Tesha’s Chelsea-fuck was everything she hoped it would be. Intense. Filling. Hot, hot, hot!
The two girls succumbed to their orgasms and fell to the floor in delightful ecstasy. Tesha reached down and cupped her pussy with her hands, shivering in the aftermath of pleasure induced by her coupling with Chelsea. Chelsea shook with delight as she panted and caught her breath.
“God that was good,” Tesha announced to the assemblage of naked girls. “If she can do that again, somebody will be one fucking happy girl.” Veronica cried inside as she heard her friend (former?) Tesha speak those words. Tesha smiled as she lay on the floor and looked over at her friends. Her shit-eating grin was as wide as one of the university’s football player linemen. “Whose next?”
Chelsea, having long ago lost count of her orgasms, and maintaining her arousal motioned for her next partner. Rashelle rushed over to her anxious to get started. “Did you really mean we could have sex with you any way we wanted?”
“Yes, precious. Of course I did.”
“Mmmmmmmmm. I think a bit of edible sex is in order here.” She hopped over Chelsea’s head and lowered her butt as she rested her torso atop Chelsea in a good-old 69. Her mouth went down on Chelsea in a jack-rabbit start and took her big clit inside her mouth for some serious munching.
Chelsea was discovering a side of herself she had never really known before. Her lust for girls was always a back-burner thought before. She had never been multi-orgasmic before, but now she was having them back to back to back. Her clit jumped at the thought of being eaten when Rashelle mentioned ‘edible’, and when seconds later Rashelle was joyously chowing down on Chelsea’s big clit, she felt the rush towards another orgasm mounting. She had only been winding down from the Tesha-induced orgasm for a couple of minutes when she was winding her way back up the incline. Resting for just a moment she then launched her own cunt-munching barrage on Rashelle’s dark hole. The girls lapped at each other’s cunt greedily. All the other girls could hear the sucking and sloshing sounds of their mouth-to-pussy coupling. They humped their cunts intently against the exploring tongues.
“God she tastes good!” Chelsea thought. Her brain was overpowered by the intoxicating taste in her mouth and the incredible sensations her clit was subjected to. The horny cunts lost control and they came all over each other’s mouth. If any girl shouldn’t have been able to produce vaginal secretions any more it should have been Chelsea. Amazingly she was still a virtual fluid factory. When Rashelle’s pretty face withdrew from the sex-pit between Chelsea’s legs, it was totally covered in sticky secretions. Her smile rivaled the size of Tesha’s when she had finished. Chelsea finished her shuddering and without a pause asked from her position on the floor, “Whose next?”
“Me.” Shouted four girls all at once.
But it was Amanda who acted faster and she kneeled over Chelsea and began to massage, very carefully, her tired and sore body. Noting the damaged areas she just gently brushed her hands across the bruises and welts, almost in a tickling fashion. Her large breasts hung above Chelsea who watched Amanda lustily probe her body with her hands. They roamed over Chelsea’s face, feeling the nose, lips, and chin. They ran through her hair in a small attempt to straighten the unkempt look. Brushing her hair back a bit she did manage to make a slight improvement in the formerly wretched mess atop Chelsea’s head. Paying close attention to Chelsea for feedback she continued her digital exploration over every inch of Chelsea’s front half of her body. Pausing at her nipples she detected no hint of discouragement and so she ever so gently began playing a bit more vigorously.
As much pain as Chelsea’s tits had taken at the hand of Veronica, she actually liked the touch Amanda was giving. Amanda leaned over and began to lick those tightly formed nipples with her tongue. Sensing no apprehension she gently sucked first one and then the other into her hungry mouth. Chelsea sighed, letting Amanda know she should continue. With her mouth busily pleasuring Chelsea’s nips, her hand began its descent towards her pussy. Playfully fingering the remnants of her pubic hair she delighted in the intimate feel of twining the length of some of her remaining long hairs around her fingers. Letting go of the bush and lowering her aim she came to the clit that had already been the focus of so much attention. It stood proudly ‘at the ready’.
Protruding up and away from the conjunction of her labia, its massiveness undaunted by all it had been through, Amanda gasped when she gently let her fingers discover every tactile sensation she could find. She manipulated Chelsea’s clitoris between her fingers. It twitched noticeably in response. She traced her finger along its length, starting at the upper conjunction with her mound. She felt its massive prominence and its wet, smooth texture. Long dark hairs were pasted along it, mingling with the skin. Marveling at its breadth as well as its length she traced it downward towards its tip. The tip had the feeling of a hard knob, sheathed in glossy sensitive skin. The tip was practically the size of a large acorn and it reminded her of the head of a small cock when she traced her index finger all around its circumference. She dipped her finger down below. It slid easily inside, practically sucking her finger in: it went so easily. Finding even more juicy texture she let her finger gather up a thicker coating of her lovely nectar and went back to examining her clit and pleasuring it as she went. All the while that her fingers probed and pleasured and explored Chelsea’s womanhood, her mouth never let up with her tit-sucking. Amanda formed her index and middle fingers into a V-shape and plied them into position around Chelsea’s clit, with the ‘V’ at the top. She squeezed her fingers together and was amazed that the thick mass between them kept her fingers fully an inch apart at the base. It seemed that every examination of Chelsea’s clit provided Amanda with another superlative to describe its prodigious properties.
Loving every minute of it, Chelsea felt Amanda’s fingers push her clit from the left, bending it over to the right. Its pliant texture let it bend, when enough force was applied and nestle off to the right side in the remaining bed of hair that surrounded her cleft. The instant Amanda’s finger slid beyond the dimensions of her clit, she felt it spring back upright in instant erection. She did the same thing again, but this time she had to watch. She quit sucking her nipples and moved to a seated position right directly in front of Chelsea’s widely splayed long legs. With her own legs bent at the knee and resting atop Chelsea’s thighs, she fingered the big clit again. Pressing it to the left, she watched it bend to the pressure, and once again, spring back to its fully erect, proud stature the moment her finger slipped away. It was as if some sort of strong rubbery hinge held it firmly in place, allowing all sorts of distortions, but then immediately returning it to its former lofty status again and again. Amanda was transfixed in a daze.
Her hormonally charged system was ready to go. She looked up at Chelsea, who showed a wistful smile. “I think you deserve to lay back for this fuck.” With less forethought of exploration she now went to work with her fingers. All ten of them were made use of as she explored Chelsea’s cunt in every probing way she could think of. Plunging fingers in deeply, rotating them up and down, in and out, around and around, rubbing the big clit over and over she watched as Chelsea’s breathing became ragged again. Two at a time, three at a time, four at a time she rammed her fingers home. She balked only at the fist. Amanda had pretty large hands (she was five feet ten inches after all). So when she tried to insert five fingers, she noted the discomfort Chelsea showed. But four big long fingers were certainly enough to give Chelsea the full feeling of satiation she longed for.
Chelsea began growling her pleasure and an instant later Amanda speeded up her digital play. Another orgasm rocked Chelsea and Amanda watched closely to see her fingers get squeezed in pulsing rhythm by Chelsea’s powerful vaginal muscles. She watched her labia close tightly around her fingers, loosen and clench tightly again. This went on for nearly 20 seconds and Amanda rejoiced that she had been able, not only to witness the event, but to know that she had caused it and provided the sexual stimulation to generate the powerful orgasmic response in this sex machine. She began to feel that Chelsea might not have any limits. So far she had handled everything that had come her way: fighting with her tits, her cunt, her legs, her head, her bush, giving orgasms again and again, receiving orgasms again and again, and still she was going forward, wanting more and more, giving more and more. Make no mistake about it, Amanda had always thought of herself as one hot and sexy babe (true, true!), but she was convinced that she didn’t hold a candle to Chelsea.
Since the moment Veronica had slinked away to the corner of the room, Amanda hadn’t even given her a thought. She was consumed by lust for the victress. Having known Veronica for the last two years didn’t matter. It was Chelsea she desired. Her bones practically ached with the lust she felt and it thrilled her beyond anything that she had been able to please Chelsea just now with a surging orgasm. It was with a bit of a come-down when she felt a tap on her shoulder and looked up to see Liz, ready to take her place. Resignedly she rolled away from her place of honor (between the legs of Chelsea).
Having worked her way through half of the attending babes, Chelsea took a moment to look over in the corner at Veronica. She sat cowering in the corner, knees pulled up to her chest and her arms holding them with her face down at her knees. She was obviously sobbing as her head moved in short jerky motion. Chelsea couldn’t tell if her eyes were open or not, but it seemed a solid bet that Veronica wouldn’t be causing any trouble for a long time. She was whimpering like a little baby, not only from the pain and humiliation of her defeat, but from the obviously hot erotic action going on without her. “That was supposed to be ME!” she was pining to herself.
“Good girl,” Chelsea nodded at Liz as she approached her lying there on the wrestling mat. These mats had seen lots of terrific wrestling over the years, but it had never been the host to anything like today’s bitch battle. “I can’t wait to get another redhead treat.”
“Are you sure you want to continue? You’ve been through a lot.”
“Oh sweety. So nice of you to ask. But you know what. I always live up to my promises, and besides, I wouldn’t dream of stopping. Like I said, I can’t wait for some Lizzy redhead treat. What is YOUR preference?” Chelsea was in heaven. All these girls were treating her like some goddess, even though she looked like a total mess. She smiled as she recalled that she was THE QUEEN.
“What I want is for you to TAKE ME any way YOU want. For however long it takes, my body is yours. Just take me and take me now!” Liz wasn’t used to talking like that. The feelings were foreign, but when she spoke those words they sounded so natural and real. Her feminine lust took a submissive turn, not at all what the fiery redhead usually acted like when sex was at hand. Usually she was the demanding one in bed with her lovers, choreographing as much of the ‘entertainment’ as she could get away with. Most of her male lovers loved it too. But now she wanted to be the submissive one.
“Ok. If that is what you want. Come here.”
Standing to her feet for the first time in quite a while, Chelsea waited for Liz to step right up to her. At four inches shorter than Chelsea, Liz looked up into the eyes of her lust object. Seeing lust in return sent shivers up and down her body. She felt shivers even in the back of her knees and it took a substantial effort just to keep from buckling. They were close enough now to feel the breath of the other and Chelsea wrapped her arms around Liz, pulling her close. Their naked bodies compressed together (not too tightly, due to the substantial injuries Chelsea had suffered). Liz saw up close the sweat and dirt and blood streaked marks on Chelsea’s face. The beginning of a shiner was apparent around her left eye. The cuts were not bleeding anymore and the blood had dried, except for the fact that the heat of the oven-like room made the sweat mingle with it and dilute it some. Even with the ugliest Chelsea had ever looked in her life, she was a total turn-on for Liz. Chelsea’s strong arms pulled her head closer and closer until their lips touched in a gentle caress.
Liz wrapped her arms around Chelsea, careful not to pull too hard. Chelsea, blithely pushing the pain to the far recesses of her mind pulled Liz tight. Their hot bodies almost flamed up in ignition as they burned together. The gentle kiss turned more lusty and passionate. Tongues began dancing to their own juicy tune. Twirling around inside each other’s mouth, they felt the heat growing, and growing. For five minutes they just stood there kissing and holding each other close. Chelsea’s scarred up body felt the auburn colored bush Liz carried at her ‘V’ pushing against her upper thigh. She parted her thighs to feel Liz slide her leg between her own. Turnabout is fair play and she slid her right thigh between the widening stance of Liz’s legs. Their pussies were each touching the soft, hot, sweaty thigh of the other girl, and their passion was rising.
At this moment Chelsea lowered her arms around Liz’s back and picked her up off the floor to bring her face even with her own. Liz was surprised that Chelsea had the strength to do that after all she had been through. Burying her tongue inside Liz’s mouth she maintained the hard kiss all the way down to the mat. Slowly lowering Liz inch by inch to the floor, she gently laid her on the mat. Using her legs to part Liz’s legs wide, she lay down on top of the accepting Liz. Their kiss maintained, now Chelsea could feel the reddish fuzz of Liz’s pubic mound up against her own mound. There was novelty in the feeling, since she was used to her own bushy mound overpowering and cushioning any such contact with another girl, she now felt the distinct texture of bristly bushy hair against bare skin: her own bare skin. So much hair had been ripped away in the fight that her moat of protection between her pubic skin and other pubes was gone. Realizing that there was nothing she could do about it now, she just accepted the newfound feeling and took it upon herself to relish it while she could.
Letting off the kiss, Chelsea rose up on her hands and began to slowly perform a missionary fuck upon the wanton redhead. What hair she had left (still a few square inches scattered about, actually) she rubbed into and through the small reddish patch of fuzz Liz called her own. By maneuvering this way and that she discovered by feel exactly where her own pubes remained in sufficient quantity to mesh and merge with the neatly trimmed thatch beneath her. Around and around her mound swirled, grinding this way and that, pressuring her fuck-mate into the mat, savoring every encounter between hair from her own bush with hair from the red-head. Her bush might not look queenly at the moment but she was intent on treating it like the prime feminine real estate it had been a few hours before.
Liz looked up with her blue eyes and met the gaze from Chelsea’s long-lashed brown eyes. They stared into each other’s eyes with a burning gaze of slow-fused passion. Like the fiber-optic cable between two powerful computers, the line between their eyes communicated their intentions faster and faster. Liz wasn’t moving very much. Chelsea had such a wonderful sense of playful, sexy motion that it wasnít necessary for Liz to be active. Chelsea was purposely avoiding direct pussy or clitty contact. She knew the proximity of their feminine organs to the bushy stimulation would ignite that slow-burning fuse of their libidos. She was a remarkable judge of such tactics. Liz felt the heavenly texture of Chelsea’s bush coursing through her own. She felt the sweaty skin slide greasily across her own skin below her navel. She occasionally felt just a tiny touch of pussy lip and pussy lip. It was barely perceptible, and excruciatingly tantalizing. Her breathing began to get ragged. Her hips began to insistently push up against the tall girls bush. The passion was growing, like a balloon being blown up with tiny breaths. It wasn’t in danger of popping for quite a while yet, but it was apparent that if it continued it was sure to happen eventually.
Chelsea smiled inwardly at the gentle little bumps she felt from the auburn bush beneath her. It was working. She was teasing her with just the minimal touches necessary to keep the arousal growing, but not so much as to cause a demanding response. But those first little bumps were signaling the inevitable. Rocking her hips forward and back she could just hit the tip of Liz’s pussy lips with the protuberance growing from her crotch. She let the tip of her clit glide ever-so-gently against the skin beneath Liz’s mound. She felt the shiver of delight beneath her and she began to get just a bit more energetic.
Their eyes continued to burn deeply into each other’s souls and Chelsea saw the need for stepped up action. Reaching back to grab Liz’s legs she pulled them up towards the sky and around in front of her. “Hold these here,” she told Liz as she rose up to tower over the expectant girl beneath her. Much like the position she had been in when Veronica had managed the dual-fuck earlier, only the girls were facing each other, she lowered her crotch down to meet the bright pink twat with her own pleasure box. Big clit met small clit. Chelsea rubbed it over and over the straining-for-the-sky clit beneath her. The slippery pink nub gallantly pushed against the mammoth clit boring down upon it.
Gauging Liz’s mood with expert precision, she waited for the next insistent gash grinding from the widely-splayed crotch. When it came, she moved: lower. She could feel the lush pink lips of Liz’s labia parting as she slid her precious clit downward to the opening. She could feel the slippery inside of those lips pulsing in anticipation of what was to come. She saw Liz’s eyes open wide as saucers in expectation of the next move. Teasing was still in her blood and when Liz tried to rise up to force an insertion, Chelsea just rose enough to avoid it. She kept the contact preciously firm, but wouldn’t let Liz dictate the timing or tempo. The wide-eyed pleading message was completely understood by the Amazon Queen. Wait. Wait. Wiggle a little bit. Feel the soft tissues of an expectantly wet cunt. Only the edge of her long-shafted clit was inside Liz’s southern lips and it was delicious. Sliding her shaft along the inner edge she maintained just enough motion and friction to keep their libidos going.
“What control!” thought Liz. She ached for the plunging, wicked fuck she knew would be coming her way. She could practically taste that massive clit embedding itself deep in her cavern of joy. But the timing was all in the hands (crotch?) of Chelsea. Over and over again she let just the very tip of her clit glide across the inner opening of Liz’s lips. Minutes passed and the two girls continued their intimate coitus: incomplete for now, but oh so pleasurable. It was all Liz could do to keep from screaming in demand of the full-fledged fucking she wanted. But she had told Chelsea at the beginning to do with her as she wished, and if this is what she wished for then that was ok with her: as achingly incomplete as it was.
Liz watched as Chelsea’s eyes grew wider and wider. Those big brown eyes and their long lashes had actually never looked more beautiful to Liz. She was sending a message that was for sure.
Chapter 17
The teasing was over.
Liz’s heart raced clear up into her throat as she felt the powerful plunge from Chelsea’s crotch. Her aching pussy practically Hoovered Chelsea’s clit into her vagina. She wanted Chelsea so badly that she was dreaming of having her entire body sucked deep into her womb. Obviously that wasn’t going to happen, but the depth of Liz’s desire was beyond rational thought. It was pure animal lust and she WANTED EVERYTHING of Chelsea to be inside her aching pussy. When she felt the meaty clit worm its way downward into her sizzling cunt, she let out a scream that sounded like a wildcat in the night. Her desire had been put on hold for so long that she lost vocal control. It scared the other girls with its wild animal sound.
Chelsea smiled and began a slow grinding wiggle. She felt the sizzling heat of Liz’s vagina cushioning her proud clit. Lush juicy friction between Liz’s vagina lining and Chelsea’s extraordinary plump clit sent them down the highway. Chelsea wiggled until she had squashed as much of her rubbery clit inside Liz’s hole as she could get. Copulating like wicked weasels they heatedly fucked each other with steely intensity. Their eyes kept up their melting stares. Their hips hit a motion of lovely friction as Chelsea’s clit slid out and in repeatedly. Liz’s aching hole greedily accepted every plunge. Joyously rocking up to meet every downward thrust she bit her lip to keep from screaming again.
“Wonderful, wonderful. I never knew sex could be THIS good,” Liz thought to herself as she smiled and moaned from the heavenly lush friction in her pussy.
Amanda watched from the sidelines in even more awe of Chelsea than before. She was on her feet, legs wide apart, knees bent, lining up her clit with Liz’s hole and giving it a perfect fucking without missing a beat. Her leg muscles had been in this awkward position for a long, long time. On top of that she had been vigorously active for hours and yet she was still going strong. If it had been herself, she knew she would have collapsed from fatigue long before now. Amazing, truly amazing.
Every tenth or twelfth plunge into Liz’s cunt, Chelsea would pull out and rub Liz’s hard little clitty with her own cunt-juicy clitoris. These clit rubbing diversions kept the heat building and building. Their loins began to burn like a blast furnace. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Rub, rub, rub. Finally the blast furnace took its last load of fuel and the bursting inferno enveloped the two horny cunts. Jerking and spasming in uncontrollable tempo, they worked their organs together in glorious harmony. It was with bittersweet pleasure that Chelsea felt the waves of orgasm subside. She kept her firm clit as deeply imbedded inside Liz’s cunt as she could for the duration of her declining orgasm. Finally and with a wink of her good eye, she pulled out, leaving Liz’s cum-soaked pussy behind.
Liz blissfully closed her eyes, let her legs fall back to the mat and she sighed while a contented smile spread across her face. She had felt shivers flood through her body when Chelsea winked at her. “God that was good.” It was all she could say and it was all that was necessary.
Tossing her hair aside with a flirtatious swing of her head she cooed once again, “Who’s next?” Chelsea was ready to go immediately.
Only Linda and Dawn were yet to couple with Chelsea since her brutal victory over Veronica. As Rashelle had just looked over and noticed that Veronica had fallen asleep. She was curled up in a fetal position and sound asleep in the corner. She made a motion in her direction and the others took a look. “Oh, what the fuck, let the bitch sleep,” Chelsea graciously offered.
Dawn and Linda looked at each other and then back at Chelsea, who was standing tall and proud, despite her blemished appearance.
Linda took a deep breath and her C-cup tits jutted forward. Dawn glanced at Chelsea and then at Linda. A devilish smile crossed her lips. She reached over and took Linda’s hand in her own and they turned and walked together towards Chelsea. They noticed a smile creep across her face and they caught a gleam in her eye as they approached. “Are you girls thinking what I hope you are thinking?”
Chapter 18
That devilish smile expanded to cover all of Dawn’s pretty face. She practically shouted, “Threeway!”
“Oooooooohhhhhhhhh. I LIKE YOU!” Chelsea’s grin gave away her excitement at the prospect of a three-way sexual encounter.
Stepping together the three girls bodies, dripping with sweat, and giving off sweet and wicked fumes from their exertions, secretions, and musky woman juices, they drew their faces close. Licking her lips Chelsea went for Linda’s mouth with her own as Dawn met the intersection of their tongues with her own. Three faces, three mouths, three tongues, they jousted with each other in haphazard but lovely contortions. The slobbery wet junction of their tongues left dripping saliva all over their chests. It was an elegant dance, depriving no one of the lovely, lusty kissing flurry.
Dawn’s fingers were carefully exploring the chests of both girls. She felt the full-breasted chest Linda was so proud of. She discovered the small hard nipples that fronted Chelsea’s damaged boobs. Rejoicing in the erotic possibilities she cherished each small touch and every tiny response from one of her partners. She felt fingers clawing at her tits. First Chelsea and then Linda began teasing and toying with Dawn’s lovely breasts. Six hands worked over six breasts, each girl with a hand on each of the others. Only a couple of minutes had elapsed since Chelsea’s departure from the lush confines of Liz’s pussy and now she was already panting and heaving her chest in response to the titillation.
Dawn took charge and suggested they get on the floor. She arranged them on their sides in a triangle head to toe. Tightening the triangle they each parted their legs and propped them open. Dawn was close to Chelsea’s crotch while Chelsea was looking at Linda’s hot box, and Linda quivered at the lovely sight of Dawn’s plump-lipped pussy.
Dawn felt soft fingers gliding through her black straight-haired bush. Her straight long pubic hairs were probably some remnant of her intriguing ethnicity. Her combination heritage gave her a dazzlingly gorgeous face and the somewhat unique distinction of having no curly hairs sprouting from her crotch. Linda’s fingers glided through her fuzz with ease, parting a path lower and lower. Inching towards her pussy, Dawn languished in the pleasure of both the current and expected exploration. Even with as much sexual stimulation already generated it was still a novelty reaction when Linda’s gentle finger grazed across Dawn’s pussy for the first time. It caused Dawn to jerk with a start. Dawn’s own fingers were deftly examining the overworked pussy and clit of Queen Bush Chelsea. What a delicious two-pronged amalgam of sensations. Amazed by the length and breadth and stiffness of Chelsea’s clit and hornily ravaging it with her fingers all while she opened her own pussy for Linda’s wholly erotic manipulation.
Chelsea had wasted no time, she planted her wet mouth firmly over Linda’s pussy and greedily began to lick, suck, and bite (gently). “Mmmmmmmmmmm, she tastes good,” Chelsea was thinking. Right now her whole being had turned into a sexual organ. Every part of her wanted sex. Every part of her wanted these girls. The emotions, adrenalin, aromas, and overall intoxicating power of her victory, had caused her to lose all track of time and peripheral issues. Sex, sex, and more sex was all she wanted. What great fortune that there were six eager hot babes willing to indulge her. “YES!”
Within moments all three girls were hungrily chowing down on the hot wet cunt under their face. Fingers helped out occasionally by pulling thick labia aside to pave the way for a deep tongue. They also probed each other’s nipples and asses, continuously seeking ways to generate higher arousal. Hips began to wiggle. Clits were sucked deeply into mouths. Positions were reversed and their deep probing, licking, and sucking didn’t lose a beat. Riding their wave higher and higher at a mutually shared pace it seemed as if they might hit an orgasmic peak real soon, but after several more minutes they were just below the explosion.
Chelsea pulled away and said, “I want a pussy to fuck and one to suck.” Even though she was the one supposedly fulfilling the desires of the other two, it was a well-received request. Linda immediately scissored her legs across Chelsea’s and plunged her crotch up against Chelsea’s over-endowed clit. Dawn swung up to sit directly on Chelsea’s face and Chelsea relished the glorious feel of two cunts waging their horny quest for release on her body.
Linda maneuvered carefully and was able to rub her clit up against its monster counterpart. Her clit was really sensitive and the erotic potential of the massive monument jutting out from Chelsea’s still hairy lips was excruciatingly erotic. She pushed at it and tried to wiggle it into her pussy. She got about half of it inside her pussy and she gyrated her hips, aching for more and more. When nearly all of it was buried inside her lush cunt she began a straight-ahead pounding. It felt so much like a real cock fucking her she went crazy with lust, shouting and groaning. Her noisy response lifted Dawn and Chelsea to another level also and within moments they were worming into each other causing three-way orgasmic bliss.
They came down from their joyous explosion and were greeted by four girls clapping their approval. Tesha looked quickly at the other girls and before you know it she had launched into a suggestion that no one could dismiss. “How about a thank you finale for Chelsea now?” The other girls nodded and Tesha stepped over to the disjoining mass of girl flesh and choreographed a grand finale multi-girl coupling that would be sure to give Chelsea more pussy at one time than she had probably ever dreamed of before. Being the greedy type, and since it was her idea, she took Linda’s spot between Chelsea’s legs, inching her pussy up against Chelsea’s still throbbing pussy. She put Liz and Linda on either side of Chelsea’s torso, seated with legs splayed apart and their crotches within easy reach of Chelsea’s hands. Rashelle was positioned on the throne of Chelsea’s face facing the other girls. Finally Chelsea’s vacant toes received their gift of pussy. Dawn and Amanda knelt on the floor and squatted their damp crotches slowly down onto Chelsea’s toes. Chelsea had gasped at the thought of what Tesha was offering her. Six lovely girls were each providing intimate access to their fragrant well-lubricated cunts.
“Go!” shouted Tesha.
Chelsea was splayed out on the floor with every part of her sexy body inundated by pussy. Her hands went to work plying the folds and crevices of Liz and Linda’s pussies, her feet wiggled their way into erotic penetration of Amanda and Dawn with her big toes. Her mouth and pussy, the core of her sex, were equally busy fucking Rashelle and Tesha.
The other girls had plenty of nearby skin with which to amuse their hands and mouths. Groping at anything they could reach, uncountable combinations of sexual touches occurred in the next minutes. Their sighs were melting into one. Their bodies were melting into one. It was as if some sort of chemical reaction had been catalyzed in slow motion. Amazingly Chelsea managed to keep all six of her involved parts busy and active. How she did it none of them knew, but each was sure that Chelsea was focusing on her cunt above the rest. Liz shivered in delight with the way Chelsea played with her pussy. Amanda had never enjoyed a girl’s foot so much as now. Wow! Dawn ground her cunt forcefully against Chelsea’s toe, only to feel it respond and plunge in her with a wonderful wiggly penetration. Linda groaned with pleasure when she felt Chelsea’s fingers tweak her clit in an especially appealing way. Rashelle couldn’t believe her good luck as Chelsea’s talented tongue maintained a remarkable rhythm of lush eating. And then there was Tesha who felt like she was engaged in the most delicious cunt-bumping yet. The seven were a groping, licking, probing, tweaking, kissing, humping, fucking, mass of hormonal pleasure. Their timing merged and melted into perfectly harmonious rocking sexual joy. Before the events of the last week none of them could have ever imagined such orgiastic synchronization. But yet, there they were climbing towards their umpteenth orgasm and rising together.
Chelsea blissfully moved her hands, feet, tongue, and pussy to an inner timing and heat that was unquenchable it seemed. She ached for the wonderful sensations to just suspend themselves in time. She dreamt she could enjoy this glory forever and ever until the end of time.
Alas, it was only a dream. Alas, she was human after all. The other girls were human as well and their physiology demanded what it had been demanding all day.
It took nearly half an hour, but eventually their sweaty gorgeous bodies hit the perfect rhythm of pleasure and they blasted off in an orgiastic explosion of cosmic proportions. Their writhing bodies tried to capture each other in hedonistic wicked pleasure. Some screamed, some groaned, some just sighed, but one thing was shared by all. It was the most intensely erotic moment of their lives.
Especially Chelsea. The combination of lust and power and reward she felt by being able to pleasure 6 wet pussies all at once was pure heaven.
Finally the hormonal surges drained away. Their bodies became aware of the sore muscles, tired joints, overworked genitalia, and just generally run-down bodies. They remorsefully but necessarily pulled their bodies apart, separating ever so slowly. Few words were spoken as they took deep breaths to begin reclaiming some of the immense amounts of oxygen they had burned.
Amazingly, when they looked over in the corner, Veronica was still sound asleep (at least it appeared). So much had transpired and their focus was so intent on their sex that they lost all track of time. Surprise overtook them when they looked at the clock and saw that it was past 9:30 at night. They had been fornicating and fighting and all other manner of orgiastic sex for nine and a half hours. When that sunk in it was even more amazing: Chelsea had kept going strong throughout all of it. The warm-up sex, the multi-hour fight with a girl her physical equal (within a sliver of a cunt hair, anyway), and the back-to-back-to-back sex with its multi-orgasmic immensity. WOW!
“Queen Bush. It has a nice ring to it don’t you think?” Chelsea’s comment reminded the other six that this had been a fight over the right to use the nickname. As enamored as they were by Chelsea ever since her stunning victory, her comment was a sober reminder that it had all been at the expense of a girl they admired and looked up to for their entire volleyball careers up to this point.
Feeling just a small pang of guilt, Tesha pushed it back into the depths of her mind and offered, “Well, I guess you can be called Queen Bush from now on. Thanks for letting us participate in your war with Veronica. You are certainly a deserving champion. What should we do with her?” She motioned over at the huddled girl in the corner. Each girl knew that only Chelsea could answer that question.
“I am sure the bitch will know her place now. I’m not worried at all about her. Just let her sleep. But just to rub it in a little bit more I think I’ll take her clothes. I deserve a reminder of the whipping I gave her.” Dawn retrieved the necklace from its box that had been laid aside. She put it around Chelsea’s neck. Chelsea beamed with pride and thanked the girls for their thoughtfulness. Chelsea and the others dressed and then Chelsea picked up Veronica’s clothes and they all left, turning out the lights before departing the room.
Chapter 19
Veronica. Sad Veronica. Losing to Chelsea had been bad enough, but then to witness the incredible homage the other girls seemed so willing to pay to the victress was enough to break her. Almost. The tortuous fight had taken everything physically from her that she had to give. To top it off, the humiliation and psychological pain of what she had witnessed, in part, between Chelsea and the other girls going at each other with so much incredible lusty energy was even worse. SHE had been a leader among these girls for up to three years with some of them, and now it was clear that Chelsea had not only replaced her, but probably had taken on an even more lofty idol status among the six. Even though she slept through the last hour and a half of their orgy she had seen and heard enough to know that Chelsea was literally acting like a queen and the six were acting like pawns. It was enough to make her puke.
The sleep cured her worst physical exhaustion, but the pain from the fight and its aftermath lingered when she finally awoke in the pitch-dark room, huddled on the floor of the wrestling room about half an hour after the others had left. She moved her arms and legs; twisting her body this way and that to decipher what might be hurting. Fortunately it seemed that nearly all her pain was muscular. Her muscles were very sore as were many of the bruises and welts on her head and torso. And to top it off she had a monstrous headache. But she could move and it seemed apparent that Chelsea and the six were gone. Her eyes were working but it was very dark. Looking toward the door she could see the faintest glow of the emergency exit sign down the hall through the small window. Carefully she stood and placed one foot in front of the other. Meeting no barriers she made it to the door and found the light switch. Flipping it on she looked around the empty room. She saw her apartment key lying on the floor, lonely. The girls were gone and so were her clothes. She noted the clock. It read 10:08. She knew it would be dark outside now. Afraid of the possibility of walking across campus naked she began scrounging among the nooks and crannies of the wrestler’s den. She found a couple of dirty sweatshirts and some towels tossed in a pile behind one of the workout apparati. Wrapping the towel around her like a skirt and pulling the musty athletic department sweatshirt over her head she left. Yuck!
Her walk home in the darkness of campus went by without incident; luckily for her. Few were about and she stuck to the out-of-the-way paths. She made it to her dorm room safely. She ached for a bath but had to satisfy herself with a long slow shower. She looked at herself in the mirror and saw that she had five red marks on her face, two of which were ballooned up into knots. Her lip was bloated from the cut administered by Chelsea’s fist. Her body had nearly 20 similar bruises and visible marks. Her legs ached and her eyes stung from all the tears.
The shower helped but it certainly didn’t remove the damage she had suffered. She looked at her once-proud bush of pussy hair and recoiled to see how much had been ripped out. Like Chelsea she had maybe 40-50% remaining. She wondered how much Chelsea had left. After all, their feminine pubes had been the instigating cause of their bush war. She couldn’t really remember just exactly how their fight had ended, but she knew that she had fought with Chelsea hard for a very long time and that she had felt ‘in the advantage’ for much of the fight. It must have been by the slimmest of margins that Chelsea had managed her victory. What should she do? Should she wait in hiding some time and pummel the shit out of the bitch? Should she quit school, the team, and slink away somewhere else where she would never see Chelsea again? Should she just bide her time, looking for the perfect opportunity to challenge her again? How would the other girls treat her now?
All those questions floated through her mind as she drifted off to sleep.
Chapter 20
Chelsea was high as a kite as she glided across campus. Even with the pain and ugly appearance, she glowed with a self-satisfied aura of bliss. Her dreams had come true. She had crushed Veronica into oblivion and she felt sure that she wouldn’t be any problem for her, on or off the court. Her roommate was also gone and she took a long look in the mirror before showering. She noted her cuts, bruises, welts, matted and tangled hair and most of all, her tortured bush. No doubt about it. Veronica had done some serious hair pulling down there. It looked like a tornado had gone through and scattered debris all over. Hee hee, she wondered what the wrestlers would think when they discovered all those dark brown pubic hairs in clumps all over their mats. Questions floated through her mind as she cleaned up in the shower and went to bed. But they weren’t the same questions that troubled Veronica. Her questions were far more intoxicating and pleasant. Who fucked her the best? Who tasted best? Which girl might be in love with her? Why were they so impressed by her assets? What would practice be like next week? On and on she dreamed. Her body needed the rest and was grateful for the sleep that finally came about midnight.
Chapter 21
Each of the other six girls headed home having been thrilled beyond belief by all they had witnessed. Their pussies and minds had been subjected to more intense erotic and wicked delight than they could have ever imagined. Each came away with the feeling that they personally were Chelsea’s favorite. She had so vigorously enjoyed her couplings, and so movingly adapted to their desires, that each thought the she alone was the special one. Six girls had developed powerful crushes on Chelsea today. Every one of them, even as soon as the walk home, had felt stirrings inside that were clearly the horny aspirations to fuck and love and have sex with Chelsea again. Besides their obvious lust for Chelsea came a new appreciation for competitive sex.
Sexfighting: God how fun. Every one of them had thrilled at their competition with her counterpart in the preliminaries. Ooooooohhhhhh, it had been delicious. Tesha and Linda, by virtue of being roommates talked continuously about their day. Over and over again they recounted events that flooded into their memories. They, like the others took refreshing showers and went to bed. They were in limbo between continued horny lust and the overpowering need to rest. Rest won out.
Monday was their day for recovery. Labor Day saw many of the students returning from their long weekends and Chelsea and Veronica couldn’t avoid questions that arose about their appearance. Chelsea still had a marvelous shiner under her left eye and her numerous contusions hadn’t disappeared completely. Veronica avoided others as much as possible, but she too had to answer many questions. “Had she been in a fight?” “Yes.” “With who?” “It doesn’t matter.” “Did you win?” “She looks just as bad as me or worse.” Those were the kinds of questions and answers Veronica gave. She volunteered no more.
Chelsea of course proudly claimed she had won when she was asked about her fight. The other girls simply couldn’t stop thinking about what had gone on. Tesha and Linda took advantage of their sharing a room to go into mock sexual combat again and again. The others would have to wait.
Becca Winslow had been wondering before the weekend just what was wrong with her team. When Tuesday’s afternoon practice rolled around she didn’t have to wonder any more. The physical effects of the beatings Veronica and Chelsea had given each other did not escape the watchful eye of their coach. Yes, Veronica had shown up. Her scholarship was too valuable. At least that was the reason she brought up when one of the girls asked why she hadn’t packed up and left the university.
When Coach Winslow had contemplated her upcoming season, she worried that the obvious conflict between Veronica and Chelsea would damage team chemistry. It was now apparent that the lackluster practices from the week before stemmed from the animosity between the two tall athletes. No matter what she tried to do to salve the obvious wounds from that first week of practice, and the fight, she was having a hard time getting the team to gel.
Then, surprisingly, two weeks into the season she noticed a difference in the girls. Chelsea and Veronica didn’t share hateful glances between points any more. The other girls seemed to pick up on the attitude change and their passes became less tentative and more precise. They won more than half their games during the early portion of the season, but by the midway point they were clobbering many strong teams. They lost just a couple of matches to powerhouse teams. When the tournament rolled around they made a strong run, winning their regional championship and not losing until the national semifinals. Becca was very proud of her team. It was the farthest their program had ever advanced in the playoffs and it was a tribute to the girls and their coach that they had overcome their early season problems to succeed at that level.
To the girls on the team, at least for seven of them, it was the most fun they had ever had. Those road trips to tournaments and the adjoining suites in the hotels gave seven girls more opportunities than enough to satisfy their newfound love and lust for sexfights. They contrived all sorts of events and partner combinations, with spectators and in private, for their horny pleasure. Chelsea was usually at the center of attention and it was obvious that she was the best at most every contest. Who could last the longest? Who could make the other come first? Who could whatever? You name it. Usually it was Chelsea who was the answer to their questions.
Over the semester and season they each had become emboldened in their aggressiveness in sexual situations. Each girl had seduced at least one other girl into some sort of sexplay or sexfight. A couple of occasions were actually pretty serious confrontations between one of the girls and a non-volleyball counterpart. Tesha in fact, had become adept at contriving situations where she could evaluate a girl very quickly to determine if she might be a hot-headed and hot-blooded type who might accept the kind of sexual challenge she would throw down. Linda, her roommate was not jealous, since she too had found a couple of girls who she had whipped in a sexfight. They shared their experiences and were even beginning to cooperate and work together to coerce sexy girls into their clutches.
With the season over, some of the strict team rules dropped by the wayside. They began attending parties and going to bars. Alcohol, rampant as it was on most campuses, made it that much easier to find a confrontational bitch to get all worked up over. All this didn’t stop the girls from getting together in pairs and small groups among themselves for some action. One day when Tesha, Linda, Liz, and Amanda were relaxing after a sexy interlude that had every girl coupled with every other at least twice, they were talking and draining their second bottle of wine. Hanging out in Amanda’s apartment they were totally relaxed.
Tesha began to talk about a conversation she had back at the dorm a few days before. Several girls from their floor had been hanging out in one of the rooms down the hall, listening to music, chatting, and downing a few beers. There had been about 7 girls in the room. Tesha and Linda, known since that day back during the first week of classes as kinky girls, were both there. As they got to talking in their half-drunk status Linda let slip about her interest in and competence with sex-fighting. A couple of the girls were a little shy and bashful about the talk. Some of the others were a bit intrigued. Tesha and Linda had to describe what it was to the shy ones. Blushing profusely, it had been apparent that their horny talk had lit a spark of imagination within the two. But what Tesha was anxious to tell Liz and Amanda about was this freshman blonde who had sat quietly throughout her descriptions.
Turning to Linda from time to time as she told the story, for confirmation that she was getting it right, she told about how finally, after much informational discussion of what sexfighting was, and after both Tesha and Linda had relayed a personal story of one of their sexfight victories (neither mentioned the Chelsea and Veronica war), this freshman had acted like she was some sort of Queen or something and had looked down her nose at them. Yes, literally she had looked down her nose at them as they relayed their stories and even at the conclusion she just stared at them with an icy coldness.
“What happened?” Liz wanted to know.
“Well, I could hardly believe this lying cunt. When I asked her what her problem was she had the audacity to tell me that I don’t know anything about sexfighting. And then acting as haughty as you can imagine, she proceeded to tell us that ‘she’ was an expert sexfighter. Some of us laughed at her right to her face, because this girl is one of those nerdy smart girls. She majors in physics or computers or some damn thing. She is a nice looking girl, but she is almost always in her books. I can’t imagine she would even have the balls to fight with her sex. In fact when she finished she went so far as to tell us the most ridiculous thing. She told us that she once had a sexfight and it lasted for 72 hours straight. Haaaa! Isn’t that so ridiculous as to be totally preposterous? I laughed so hard I had to get up and leave or else I would have pissed my panties. I left and the little party broke up. I haven’t seen her since. Is that how it went from the way you saw it, Linda?”
“Well, yes. But the most important part is the way she looked at you when you walked out. She looked at you with eyes that burned blue with hate. I could tell she wanted to just tear you apart, but somehow she managed to keep her cool. Those daggers of hate she shot at you as you left the room were REAL. If I were you I’d be careful around her.” Tesha laughed at Linda’s warning. Amanda and Liz were of course intrigued by this story. Any of the others would have been intrigued of course also. The notion of sexfighting, hell, fighting in general, had taken over so much of their thoughts in the past weeks.
Liz had questions for them. “What does she look like? How big is she? Is she pretty? Where is she from?” The questions came out all at once and Linda and Tesha tried to answer them.
Linda answered, “Well, she is actually a very pretty girl. She had long blonde hair that she keeps full and bouncy. It doesn’t just hang straight. She wears reading glasses when she’s studying, which is a lot, but when she takes them off you can tell she is really pretty.”
Tesha interrupted to add, “I did notice she had pretty big tits and she is kind of tall too, possibly five feet eight or nine. I don’t know what kind of shape she is in, but I don’t think she is very athletic. I don’t know where she comes from, out of state I think.”
“God, Tesha. It sounds to me like you might be having a fight on your hands pretty soon.” Liz had listened intently to all this and it made her pussy wet just thinking about this mystery girl. “Oh, by the way, what is her name?”
Tesha sighed and told them. “Oh, her name is Emily.”
The End