Anna Sotheby clicked on the dome light on the roof of her silver Nissan Maxima, flipped down the sun visor above the driver’s seat and checked her reflection in the little mirror there. Her shoulder length honey blonde hair framed her broad forehead, high cheekbones and pointed chin. Her eyes were lined out, mascara carefully applied and her lipstick was flawless – good. She wanted to impress tonight, and to intimidate. She was on a mission.
She opened the door and got out of the car. It was a mild evening with a mostly clear sky and a full moon. Anna smoothed down the skirt of her black dress, which fell to just above her knees, hugging her sensuously curved hips and lissome thighs. The neckline dipped in a vee to reveal just a hint of cleavage – suggestive without being daring. Tonight she had teamed it with a matching jacket which she now shrugged more comfortably into place across her shoulders, arranging the open front to drape across her full, rounded bosom. The dress clung tight enough to show off the impressive swell of her breasts and the jacket added just a hint of mystery. She left the jacket unbuttoned. If things went as she planned, she might need to get it off in a hurry.
Anna was an acolyte – a follower – of the Pain Cult, one of three cliques that divided the population in the otherwise quiet seaside town of Blue Water and seemed to permeate almost every aspect of life there. Originally from the east coast, Anna had moved to Blue Water several years ago when her youngest daughter Mina had left for college. She had done so with a purpose. Anna was, by her own admission, a masochist – a pain slut. She loved to be tortured. It aroused her in a way nothing else did. Sex without pain was, for her, an empty and meaningless exercise. On a business trip to San Francisco, she had met a couple from Blue Water, and spent several exquisitely tortuous nights at their hands. There and then she had resolved to move there as soon as she was able.
She had been introduced to the Pain Cult proper almost immediately upon her arrival. Buying groceries at the local market, she had reached for a tomato in the produce section, only to find another hand grabbing hers and pulling it away. A dark-haired woman, shorter than Anna’s five feet seven and more slightly built, had picked a fight with her – over a tomato. That incident had resulted in Anna spending a painful night at the home of the Pain Cult’s leader, Monique Morgaine – or to be more specific, in the dungeons dug into the bedrock beneath the home. Known as the Eyrie, it was where cult members took their conquests, and Anna had been conquered that night in every sense of the word.
Violence was part of the culture in Blue Water – violence and sex. Anyone could claim anyone, as a slave with the Pain and Power Cults, or simply as a sex partner in the case of the Pleasure Cult. The claimed one could submit and become a plaything, willing or otherwise, for a night and a day, or she – it was far more common for women to challenge or be challenged – could defend herself by rite of combat. If she fought and won, she walked away. More often, particularly among the Pain and Power cults, she claimed the woman who had sought to claim her. If she lost, then she was in for a painful and humiliating – though in Anna’s case always pleasurable – night.
Anna had lost, not just that first afternoon but many times since. She always fought though. Resisting was part of the attraction for her. She would not submit to just anyone, but only to those who proved themselves superior to her – stronger, tougher, more able to absorb the pain and resist its insidious temptation. Pain was Anna’s weakness. In a fight, she struggled not only against her opponent but also against her own dark desire to be hurt, crushed and taken as her opponent’s toy.
Her hand unconsciously strayed upward to stroke her right ear. There were three rings there, along with another five in her left ear. They were tokens of fights she had lost against other Pain Seekers, as the members of the Pain Cult were known. The cult included not only those who relished receiving pain, but also those who enjoyed bestowing it. It was a tradition for the Pain Seekers to pierce their conquests, and Anna longed to be marked somewhere intimate – her nipples, her labia, even her tongue. That was the reason they had only ever pierced her ears – a conspiracy to deny her that pleasure. Even among the submissives and masochists, there was a pecking order and a certain cruelty. Fighting and winning was the way for a girl to raise her status, to achieve the notice and perhaps even the favor of a powerful Mistress.
Anna had her sights set on the most powerful Mistress of all. She lifted her hand again, this time to the gold torque necklace encircled her throat. The necklace was a present from Monique Morgaine. Anna had been smitten with Ms Monique from the moment they met. [i]Ms[/i] Monique, not [i]Mistress[/i] Monique – not yet but soon, she hoped. Her most cherished wish was to wear Monique’s collar.
She had gained status in Ms Monique’s eyes lately, particularly after she had so ruthlessly topped Hana Kim, one of Ms Monique’s collared girls. Hana’s friend Charlie had been so insolent as to challenge Ms Angelina, Ms Monique’s girlfriend and chief lieutenant. Hana and two of Charlie’s other friends had known about the plan and had not stopped her. After Ms Angelina had defeated Charlie, Ms Monique had ordered them all punished. Anna had acquitted herself well in the dungeons that night. Hana had been unable to even get out of bed for several days and ever since she lowered her eyes and trembled whenever Anna entered the room.
Ms Monique had been impressed and Anna had basked in her praise. The prize she so desired though – Ms Monique’s collar – still eluded her. “On your current path,” Ms Monique had told her, “you’ll soon be worthy.” Anna had glowed at that, but she needed the opportunity to convince Ms Monique once and for all that she deserved a collar.
That was why she was here tonight, in San Vicente, the nearest moderately sized town to Blue Water. Anna had a plan of her own to ingratiate herself with Ms Monique. Charlie’s challenge to Ms Angelina had come about because Ms Angelina had been defeated by a girl from Blue Water in the Crypt night club here, and given to the crowd for their pleasure. Ms Angelina had not yet avenged herself on the bitch – she was an [i]accountant[/i], for God’s sake – so Anna planned to do that, and present Ms Angelina and Ms Monique with Lorena Benedetti as her gift. That, for sure, would earn her the collar she so desired.
Her heels – four inch stilettos – beat a staccato rhythm as she strode purposefully up the steps to the iron-bound front doors of the Crypt. She preferred shoes with ankle straps but tonight she wore plain black pumps that she could kick off in an instant.
The Crypt was very gothic-themed. Anna liked that. In her early forties, she felt that she was a little too old for the whole Emo thing but nevertheless she enjoyed the aura of dark, ominous promise that seemed to lurk in the shadows, of which there were many. Black had always been her favorite color.
In front of her, as she entered, was a sunken dance floor with a DJ booth behind it, both cleverly sectioned off by glass baffles so that the bass thump of the music was muffled to a level where normal conversation was possible in the rest of the club. To either side of the dance floor were tables and, against the walls, booths that were screened off so that couples or groups could converse – and more – with a modicum of privacy.
Most people did not seem too concerned with privacy tonight. Of the dozen or so people on the dance floor, at least half were in various states of undress and several were completely unclothed. Anna recognized a tall, powerfully built blonde in a flowing white dress. She was Suzette Gerrick, who lived over in Blue Water Harbor and fixed computers and tablets for a living. With her long blonde hair and the white dress, she looked quite virginal – or at least she would have done if her dress hadn’t been open to the waist revealing her massive bust, and if she hadn’t been on her knees in the middle of the dance floor, sucking the cock of a naked guy who stood in front of her.
Anna turned away, heading to her left around the dance floor, toward where a bar sat against the left hand wall, nestled between booths. Anna didn’t drink, but she was thirsty and wanted a soda or perhaps an iced tea. She ordered, got her drink and then turned to survey the room carefully.
The people in the club tonight were an almost equal mix of men and women. Most were younger than Anna, the majority in their twenties and a few in their thirties. She didn’t feel too out of place however. Like everyone in Blue Water, she worked out religiously to keep in shape and she knew she could hold her own in any kind of contest against most of the women here. Being a sub – even a pain slut – didn’t mean she was weak or couldn’t take care of herself. She smiled slightly as she noticed the hungry eyes of several men and women stray in her direction, but she did not return their gazes. She had a more important purpose.
She had no idea whether Lorena Benedetti would be here tonight. She didn’t know where her intended victim preferred to hang out on a Friday night, and she hadn’t wanted to reveal her plan to any of the other Pain Seekers by asking them. Somebody might steal her idea and get to Lorena before her. Here at the Crypt was a good place to start her search however. This was where Lorena had fought and defeated Ms Angelina, and it was a popular gathering place for the younger adults.
San Vicente wasn’t quite like Blue Water. Public fights and public sex were frowned upon here, at least in the streets, but many establishments adopted a more relaxed attitude. The Crypt was one such place. Suzette Gerrick wasn’t the only one indulging herself – and her guy – in sexual abandon tonight. As Anna’s eyes swept the room, she saw another girl with short red hair, riding a guy cowgirl-style in a booth, her breasts bouncing wildly.
On a table near the back of the room, on this side of the dance floor, yet another girl was laying with her legs splayed open, her red dress up around her waist, being pleasured by three others. One blonde haired woman had her face buried in the girl’s crotch, while the other two, both brunettes, were squeezing and sucking on her ample breasts that were spilled out of the low-cut dress. The faces of all four were turned away or hidden beneath their hair, so Anna did not recognize any of them.
In the booth behind them, a slender brunette – Arianna something, Anna seemed to recall – was bent over the low table being fucked from behind by a blonde-haired guy, while she suckled the bare breasts of a well-built, older blonde woman in a black mini-skirt and a blue silk blouse. The older woman had her legs spread wide and another man approximately her age was eating her out as she clutched at his hair with both hands.
Anna’s gaze was drawn back to the four women at the rear of the room. The one on the table had turned her head the other way now, shaking it back and forth in the throes of passion. Anna recognized her as Helen Stacks – ‘stacked Helen’ as she was widely known in Blue Water. A petite though extremely buxom redhead – she wasn’t as well-endowed as Jane Masters who led the Pleasure Cult but it was a close thing – Helen ran the municipal public library in Blue Water Village, just down the street from Anna’s house.
Helen and Lorena Benedetti were best friends. Some of the Pain Seekers referred to them as the busty twins, though they looked very different apart from their buxom chests. Helen was pale skinned and titian-haired, whereas Lorena was olive skinned with curly dark brown hair. They were usually seen together when they were out clubbing – or whoring about – though. If Helen was here, then so was Lorena.
Anna set her drink down on the bar along with her purse and picked her way between tables to the group of four. There were butterflies in her stomach. She was rarely the one to initiate a fight or make a challenge. The trophies she had claimed – and they were few because Anna lost more often than she won – were those who had challenged her but hadn’t been able to make good on their claims. She was sure that she could defeat Lorena though, and Helen too if she had too. There was too much at stake for her to lose tonight.
She seized one of the two women sucking on Helen’s nipples and jerked her away by the hair. The girl yelped in pained surprise. Anna recognized her as a girl named Nina who also lived in Blue Water Village, but she wasn’t important right now. Her companion lifted her head from Helen’s right breast. I string of saliva hung from her lips. Anna back-handed her across the cheek and she reeled backwards away from the table.
Anna grabbed Helen by the hair and jerked her head up. The girl stared and her in surprise and confusion, her green eyes still glazed over with lust. The blonde was still intent between her quivering thighs and she was close to cumming. “Where’s your friend?” Anna barked at her. “Where’s Lorena? Answer me!”
The blonde finally lifted her head from Helen’s crotch. She wore a cowl-necked top that gaped open at the front and Anna could see her small breasts and long hard nipples. She recognized the girl – she worked in the bikini shop that fronted the beach in Blue Water Harbor – but couldn’t recall her name. She stared wide-eyed at Anna, her face glistening with Helen’s juices. “Hey! You can’t – “
Without hesitation, Anna thrust her free hand into the girl’s hair and slammed her face hard into the table top between Helen’s legs. This was not the time for negotiation. She needed to know where Lorena was, and she needed Helen to tell her. If a small demonstration of her determination was needed to show Helen that, then so be it. The blonde went limp and Anna let her drop to the floor. The first brunette who Anna had pulled off Helen opened her mouth to say something, but she closed it again without a sound at Anna’s withering gaze.
“Where’s Lorena?” she repeated to Helen, who was now trembling with something other than desire.
“I…I don’t know…” she replied shakily, “…she’s…not here,” but her eyes betrayed her lie as they flicked momentarily toward the back corner, toward the passageway that led to to the restrooms.
Anna let her go and her head dropped back to the table with a thump. “Keep your mouth shut and don’t interfere,” she warned as she turned away and strode toward the ladies’ room without looking back, already shrugging out of her jacket.
There were rules about fights in Blue Water – unwritten ones, but rules nevertheless. Nobody interfered once a challenge was issued. The outcome was up to the two protagonists. Anybody else – friends, family or whatever – could only stand by and watch. At least, that was the theory. Anna had seen those rules broken before however. She was certain – reasonably certain – she could handle Lorena and even Helen too if she had to, but if the other three got involved, it would be a very different story. Her warning was intended as much for them as for Helen.
Unusually there was no line in the corridor that led to the ladies’ room. Anna probably wouldn’t have cared if there was. This was a high stakes game. She wouldn’t – couldn’t – let anyone stop her from doing what she had to do. This was her chance to win the prize she craved. Nobody was going to stop her from claiming Lorena as her – as Ms Monique’s – trophy. She kicked her shoes off as she shoved the door open.
Lorena Benedetti was leaning over the long vanity along the right-hand wall, working on her makeup in the mirror. She wore a fuchsia colored mini-dress, scoop-necked and sleeveless, with matching heels. Her nicely rounded butt was thrust out and through the mirror, Anna could see deep into the valley of her impressive cleavage. Lorena’s chestnut brown hair was a little mussed and Anna wondered if she had come in here to clean up after she’d already gotten a good fucking. If so, that would be fortunate for Anna. The little bitch would be dissipated and weaker.
Anna didn’t break stride. She was afraid that if she stopped to think – if she hesitated at all – then her own doubts, her own inner demons, would begin to whisper to her and her resolve would crumble to dust. She was bigger than Lorena – taller by at least four inches, and maybe twenty pounds heavier. Lorena was a good fifteen years younger but Anna kept herself in superb shape. Strength and stamina was just as important for a submissive as it was for a fighter, and Anna was both.
Lorena had no time to do anything more than lower her lipstick and open her eyes with surprise before Anna was upon her. She seized the smaller woman by the shoulder with one hand, by the back of her hair with the other. It always paid to go for the hair. It hurt and rattled an opponent, distracting them from doing what they should be doing, which was looking out for the next attack.
She flung Lorena away from the vanity. The little brunette stumbled in her heels, fighting to keep her balance, and slammed backwards into the partition between two toilet stalls. She threw her arms wide to brace herself, leaving her torso vulnerable, and Anna took the opportunity to fire a punch that drove into the smaller woman’s midriff just below her ribs. Lorena was only half prepared for the blow and doubled over, gasping like a fish out of water as the breath exploded out of her. Her breasts bounced violently and threatened to burst free from her dress.
Anna sent a knee up into her adversary’s chest but Lorena had the presence of mind to twist her body sideways and dodge the blow. Her right arm wrapped Anna’s knee and she threw herself forward, still ducked low with Anna’s hand in her hair. Her shoulder slammed into Anna’s stomach and she barreled the big blonde backward into the vanity. Anna’s shoulders hit the mirror, followed an instant later by the back of her head, and she saw stars.
The impact loosened her grip on Lorena’s hair and the brunette broke free, shoving herself backwards and coming upright. “What the [i]hell[/i]?” she screamed in angry confusion. “What the [i]fuck[/i] are you doing?”
Anna struggled to push herself upright on the counter, shaking her head to clear the fog from her mind. “You’re coming with me,” she declared. “You’re going to answer to Ms Angelina for what you did.”
“Angelina…” The confusion persisted on Lorena’s face for a moment, before it was replaced by recognition. “You’re from the Pain Cult!” A fleeting look of fear passed across the younger woman’s face.
“That’s right. It’s payback time.” Anna lashed out with her free leg, ramming her heel into Lorena’s chest, crushing her right breast into her ribs. The brunette groaned and stumbled backwards, but she kept her hold on Anna’s leg and dragged the larger woman off the counter. Anna fell and cried out in pain as the base of her spine hit the hard tiled floor, then again as Lorena twisted her onto her side and rammed the pointed toe of her shoe into Anna’s belly. A white-hot wave of pain radiated outward from the impact point.
Lorena wrenched hard again on Anna’s leg, flipping the blonde over onto her belly, and her other foot, bare now as she kicked her shoes away, rammed down into the small of Anna’s back. “So Angelina’s too frightened to face me, is she?” the little brunette spat scornfully, though still breathlessly. “So she sent her goon instead.” She bent over and jerked Anna’s head up by the hair. Anna groaned as another lance of pain shot though her arched spine. “Yeah, like that’s working out for her…or you!”
Anna bit her lip at the agony in her leg, her back, her neck and her scalp. The pain slut in her wanted to wallow in those sensations. They all seemed to intersect in her loins where the embers of lust were already alight. Another part of her though – the ambitious part, the part that desired more than anything to win Monique’s approval and her collar – fought back, steeling her, bolstering her resolve.
She threw her body sideways, into Lorena, twisting her back and ignoring the sweet pain that speared up her spine. Her elbow caught her tormentor in the ribs just under her right breast, and her upper arm flattened the breast itself. Lorena yelped and took a step back, dragging Anna with her by the hair, but her foot came off Anna’s back and the older woman was able to roll over and face her adversary as she struggled to get her feet under her.
Lorena didn’t make that easy for her. She stepped backwards again and fired a knee upward at Anna’s face, but the blonde was able to deflect the blow with an upraised arm. Thrusting her hand up under Lorena’s skirt, she hooked her fingers and raked her nails down the inside of the younger woman’s thigh. Lorena screamed in pain.
The attack distracted Lorena enough for Anna to regain her feet. Her skirt had ridden up around her hips, exposing her bare crotch. Like most of the Pain Seekers – like most of the women in Blue Water, in fact – Anna never wore panties. She straightened up, forcing Lorena’s hands, still in her hair, upward over her head. Now Anna used her greater size to her advantage, lunging forward and driving her body into her opponent. She got both arms around the brunette and shoved even harder. Half pushing, half carrying Lorena, locked together chest to chest, they both slammed into the wall at the end of the bathroom, bountiful breasts pancaked between their bodies.
Anna grunted hard at the impact but Lorena came off worse. Her sharp cry turned into a strangled gasp as Anna’s weight crushed the breath out of her body. Her hands released Anna’s hair and instead went to her shoulders, trying to shove the bigger woman off her.
The pressure arched Anna’s back again, sending new pain shooting up her spine, and she groaned but maintained her tight grip on the brunette’s torso. Her posture stretched her shoulders backward, thrusting her breasts out against Lorena. The little brunette’s bosom was pushed beneath Anna’s but her dress was cut much lower and their violent struggle had her ample breasts perilously close to spilling out, her dark aureolas half exposed.
Anna backed up a step, jerked her enemy off the wall with her, and then pounded Lorena back into the unyielding concrete again. The brunette let out another breathless gasp and her hands slipped from Anna’s shoulders. She brought them up again quickly however and grabbed for Anna’s breasts, snaring her fingers in the neckline of Anna’s dress, jabbing her thumbs into the soft flesh. It hurt even through Anna’s dress and bra. The blonde felt her knees tremble and it took all her will to ignore the lustful fire in her belly. She pulled her arms up, her elbows in, trying to knock the other woman’s arms upward and break the grip on her breasts.
That move slackened her own hold on Lorena however, and the brunette shoved her backwards, opening up some distance between them. Lorena followed up fast, ramming her knee upward again, this time between Anna’s thighs. Anna sensed the blow coming and jerked her hips backward to avoid it. Her adversary’s knee missed her pussy but still slammed into her lower belly just above her mound. A surge of pain ripped through her and her legs turned to rubber. She slid down Lorena’s body and sank to her knees at the brunette’s feet, tears in her eyes.
Lorena stood over her, chest heaving as she gulped air into her lungs. Anna’s collapse had pulled the younger woman’s dress down and her ample breasts now hung free, their turgid peaks dark and puckered. The skirt had ridden up just like Anna’s own and from her vantage point, Anna got a glimpse of Lorena’s plain purple thong.
There was fire in Lorena’s brown eyes as she slapped Anna’s face hard enough to knock the blonde off her knees and send her sprawling against the counter. “You can tell that bitch Angelina,” she snarled as she dragged Anna upright again by her tangled tresses, “that if she wants payback for what I did to her, she can come find me herself, instead of sending some pathetic [i]minion[/i] – “ the word dripped with derision “ – to do it for her.” She rammed a knee into Anna’s chest, flattening her left breast and dragging a plaintive moan from the beleaguered blonde’s dry lips.
“That’s if she wants another dose of what she got last time,” added Lorena archly. Anna stared up at her. She hadn’t been here when Lorena had defeated Ms Angelina and given her to the crowd to enjoy. Angelina was emphatically lesbian to the point where she wouldn’t even let a man touch her. The weaker girls would sometimes use that as a defense, getting guys to cum on their faces or breasts so that Angelina would leave them alone. For her to have been used by men – and the word from those who had witnessed it, was that she’d been very thoroughly used – would have been horrifyingly demeaning. Anna felt her stomach roil with depraved desire at the thought.
As though reading her mind, Lorena added, “Maybe I’ll do the same with you before I send you crawling back to the Eyrie.” Her knee thudded into Anna’s other breast. “How do you like that idea, bitch? A good hard gangbang by everyone in the house?” She laughed coldly. “Wanna be the room whore?”
The butterflies in Anna’s stomach felt like eagles. [i]Yes[/i], part of her wanted to say, and that part was growing stronger every moment, with every blow that hammered into her body. Her throat was dry. Her head was slightly dizzy with the beginnings of the endorphin rush that she knew only too well. She had taken the first steps down the road to sub space.
Lorena wasn’t a Domme. She wasn’t formally aligned with any of the cults in fact, though rumor had it she leaned most toward the Pleasure Cult. Would she even have the inclination to do painful, shameful, blissful things to Anna? The blonde thought not, and there was a perverse sense of disappointment in that. She regarded the little brunette’s threat to pass her around the crowd as their plaything with an equal measure of horror and lustful anticipation. [i]No. Not tonight. Please.[/i] She offered up a silent prayer.
“On the other hand,” mused Lorena as she twisted Anna’s face up to hers, “it might be better not to send you back all sex-destroyed. Might be more fun to deliver you back to Monique and Angelina, beaten up and horny.” She laughed. “Yeah, I know what you are…pain slut.” She sent another stinging slap into Anna’s cheek. “I bet Angelina will be real pleased when she hears what you’ve done…and what you failed to do.”
A chill swept through Anna and she shivered. Ms Monique demand a full account of what had happened, and Anna would have to tell her. Ms Angelina would hear about it – she would most likely be there and hear it first-hand. Ms Monique would punish her. She might even do so by giving her to Ms Angelina. That thought made Anna shudder. She had suffered at the hands of an angry Angelina before and as much as she loved to suffer, that had been an experience she did not wish to repeat. Ms Angelina had a particular hatred for busty women – Angelina herself was a small A-cup – and she had tortured Anna’s breasts diabolically. Anna had screamed so loud and so long she had been unable to talk for the best part of a week afterwards.
This time though, Anna would deserve that punishment – all that and more. She had failed Ms Monique and Ms Angelina, even if it was a task she had imposed upon herself. She had failed herself too. There would be no prize to present to Ms Monique. There would be no reward, no collar nor even the chance of one. Her attempt to ingratiate herself had instead ended in an ignominious fiasco.
That thought brought more tears to her eyes – tears of shame and frustration but also tears of anger. She wailed a desperate “[i]Nooo!!![/i] and almost without thinking, launched herself upward off her knees, slamming into Lorena She would have knocked the little brunette backward and possibly even off her feet but her hands went around Lorena’s thighs, cupping the firm flesh of her adversary’s buttocks beneath the hem of her dress, holding the smaller woman against her. That was only for an instant however, before Anna’s upward momentum lifted Lorena off her feet, heaved her into the air and dumped her down hard, on her back on the tiles.
“GUUUHHH!!!” The air rushed out of Lorena’s lungs at the hard impact. She lay there stunned for a moment, legs akimbo, bare breasts still jiggling as Anna standing over her, breathing hard, their positions suddenly and dramatically reversed.
A surge of hope, a rush of adrenalin coursed through Anna, pushing back her pain and the endorphin buzz. She bent and grabbed the front of Lorena’s dress between her breasts, yanking her up off the floor. “Now you’re mine, bitch!” she hissed as she backfisted Lorena across her face. “You’re coming – NNNGGGAAAWWW!!!”
She dropped her grasp on her adversary and reeled backward, clutching her belly where sudden sharp pain had blossomed. She had gotten too confident – too cocky – and had taken a kick in the pit of her stomach. [i]God, do I even deserve to win this?[/i] But deserve it or not, she had to win. There was too much at stake.
Doing her best to ignore the pain, she leapt forward again. Lorena was just sitting up and Anna drove her back to the floor with a stomp kick to the belly, between her navel and her ribs. The smaller woman let out a sound that was somewhere between a gasp and a belch. Spittle sprayed from her open mouth. She kicked out again but Anna dodged the blow this time and, with a roar that was part rage and part desperation, grabbed the girl’s flailing right ankle. She heaved and swung, partly dragging and partly hurling Lorena savagely sideways to slam her bodily into the front of the stalls.
Lorena hit the solid wood with a thump that reverberated around the room. The force of the swing unbalanced Anna too however. She stumbled and went down on one knee, bracing herself against the door of one the stalls, gasping for breath. The door gave way beneath her hand, pushing open, and she almost fell into the stall but saved herself by grabbing the partition instead.
She looked over at Lorena. The brunette had managed to roll over onto her belly and now she was rising slowly and painfully onto all fours, bracing herself in the corner between the stalls and the wall. Her big bare breasts dangled and swung with each ponderous movement. Her dress had pulled up all the way to her waist now, revealing her buttocks bisected by the narrow band of her thong. The smooth skin of her butt cheeks bore the marks of Anna’s fingers, livid red under the strong lights.
Anna pushed herself to her feet with one hand on her knee. Her muscles burned with the effort of the fierce battle. The endorphins battled with the adrenalin in her veins, in their own inner battle between the need to win and the insidious temptation to lose. With a valiant effort she pushed the dark desire from her mind and stumbled toward the smaller woman on leaden legs.
Her kick caught Lorena under her right breast, smacking it hard against its twin. The girl groaned loudly as the force of the blow threw her into the corner. Her forehead slammed the wall with a bone-jarring [i]crack[/i] that made even Anna wince. It didn’t give her any pause though, and she thrust one hand into the brunette’s matted hair, grabbing her wrist with the other. Twisting Lorena’s arm up behind her back in a hammerlock, she hauled the barely conscious girl up to her knees. Lorena hung limply in her hands and would have fallen again if Anna hadn’t held her.
“You’re coming with me!” Anna repeated and finished the sentence unassailed this time. “I’m taking you to the Eyrie and giving you to Ms Monique as my gift…and to Ms Angelina too.” She smiled a wicked smile and threw Lorena’s earlier words back in her face. “She’ll be [i]real[/i] pleased when she sees what I’ve done.” She reached down, grabbed Lorena’s right nipple between finger and thumb, and twisted hard. Lorena stiffened and moaned in anguish. Her free arm flapped weakly but she made no real attempt to defend herself. “You think that’s bad, you little cunt? That’s nothing to compared to what’s coming to you when Ms Angelina gets her hands on you.”
She gave her victim’s nipple a vicious pinch and another twist before she dragged Lorena to her feet. Frog-marching her across the room, she flung her bodily into the door. Lorena sagged against it, unable to hold herself up, but Anna wrenched her back to her feet by the hair and jerked the door open.
A crowd had gathered outside in the hallway. Helen Stacks and the three girls who had been pleasuring her were front and center, closest to the door. Helen’s dress was back in place – her skirt was pulled down covering her crotch and she had tucked her breasts away, but her hair was still a mess, her makeup smeared. There was a look of horrified amazement on her face, mirrored by her friends. None of them had dared enter the bathroom to intervene or even to watch the fight, but now they gaped at the disheveled Anna dragging the ruined, half naked younger woman down the hallway and out into the club proper.
The commotion attracted the rest of the patrons now and even the staff stood watching in a spellbound silence punctuated only by the muted thump of the music from the dance floor. Anna broke that silence. She let Lorena sink to her knees again, then threw her down on her face in the open space in front of the bar. The girl squirmed feebly but Anna rammed a foot into the small of her back and pinned her in place.
“Where are my shoes?” she barked with all the authority she could muster. A blonde haired woman perhaps a few years younger than Anna, one of the people Anna had noticed before, stepped forward carrying Anna’s shoes, which she had just plucked from a nearby chair. Her gaze flicked back and forth from Anna to Lorena and back again. Her silk blouse was tight across her bosom, her nipples clearly visible. Her eyes alight, she handed them over silently. Anna stepped off Lorena, slipped them on, then jabbed the pointed toe of one foot into her beaten adversary’s side. Lorena’s body jerked for a moment. She moaned, the sound barely audible.
“And my jacket?” A young guy stepped forward and passed Anna her jacket. She rested her foot once again on Lorena’s back as she shrugged it on, then wriggled her skirt into place and smoothed it down.
She grabbed Lorena by the hair again and, clenching her teeth against the pain and fatigue in her own battered body, jerked her captive up to her knees again. Proudly, defiantly, she cast her eyes over the watching crowd. There were a range of expressions on their faces. A few were openly astonished, though they tended to be at the back of the circle. Some looked on with unabashed lust, like the blonde woman who had just handed Anna her shoes. Others, like Helen Stacks and her companions – presumably Lorena’s friends too – were staring in horror. They knew what awaited Lorena at the Eyrie.
Anna didn’t spare any sympathy for the little brunette. This was Blue Water. If you couldn’t defend yourself, then you got what was coming to you. Besides, Anna knew the reward that awaited [i]her[/i] at the Eyrie, and she smiled at the thought.
She bent over, suppressing a groan of her own, seized Lorena by the hair and hauled her up to her knees. She fixed Helen Stacks with a baleful gaze. “You can have her back tomorrow night when we’re done with her,” she declared. “That’s if she doesn’t break and beg to stay, of course.” That wasn’t unheard of. The standing rule was that the winner of a fight claimed the loser for a night and a day, but some found unexpected pleasures in submission and elected to remain longer. Lorena didn’t strike Anna as a secret subbie, but anything was possible. Ms Monique and Ms Angelina could be powerfully persuasive.
“Come on, bitch,” she barked commandingly. “Let’s not keep them waiting.” She half led, half dragged Lorena, stumbling on her knees, out of the club.
The End
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