Lorena Benedetti walked out of the ladies room at the Crypt Nightclub in downtown San Vicente, into the hallway that led back into the club proper. The wall opposite the ladies room door was a floor-to-ceiling mirror and she checked herself out, turning this way and that. She had cleaned up carefully after her second and third – simultaneous this time – partners of the evening, and not a trace remained of the jism that, fifteen minutes ago, had coated her face, throat and the upper slopes of her breasts, and had trickled ticklishly down her inner thighs on the way to the bathroom.
Wet wipes and instant stain remover, she thought silently to herself. A small town girl’s best friends…well, in this small town, anyhow.
It still amazed her, how things had changed since she moved back home. She had grown up here, or at least in the nearby coastal hamlet of Blue Water Harbor. Nestled in a sleepy cove on the northern California coast, and so close to its neighboring town of Blue Water Village that the locals just referred to them collectively as ‘Blue Water’, nothing had ever seemed to happen there. When Lorena graduated high school with straight ‘A’s and a 4.0 GPA, she had wasted no time at all in getting the hell of town. She had applied to a bunch of colleges, accepted an offer to study accounting at the University of Texas in Austin and hadn’t looked back.
After interning with an IT giant down in Texas and then working for them for three years while she completed her MBA, she had been looking for a change. With her tech experience, Silicon Valley had looked like an option but then, out of nowhere, she had seen the opening for a Financial Controller’s job – at the Blue Water Municipal Authority. At first she had just laughed, but the job wouldn’t seem to go out of her head. Eventually she had sent them her résumé and after an interview – her first trip home in three years – she had, somewhat to her surprise, gotten the job.
The town to which she had returned was a very different place from the one she left. The first thing she had noticed was the new housing development on the ridge between the harbor and the village, well populated with an influx of new inhabitants. The second thing she had noticed, the morning after she came home to her parents’ quaint cottage, two streets back from the beach, was a young lady pleasuring another with a cucumber on the porch of Mr Deppiesse’s general store as she got out of her car. Gaping, Lorena had exclaimed, “What the fuck?” before she could stop herself.
The girl had simply looked up at her, grinned and replied, “Yeah…what the fuck,” before returning to her task. Lorena had had no comeback and, still blinking in astonishment, had walked trance-like into the store.
That had been her introduction to the transformation that had overtaken her home town in her absence. Everyone, it seemed, had gone sex-crazy – even her own parents. Her first night home she had slept like a log after the flight and the long drive up from San Francisco but the second night, she had heard the sounds of passion coming through the walls from their room at the far end of the house. That had been a shock. Some things, you just can’t un-hear.
They hadn’t been the only ones. Over the next week she had gotten used to coming across gratuitous public sex acts. In ones, twos, threes or more, the citizens of Blue Water indulged their passions apparently wherever and whenever the urge took them – and it seemed to take them a lot.
Lorena hadn’t understood it when people explained that it had all started after the newcomers – apparently some kind of sex cult who called themselves the Pride – moved into the new mansions on the bluffs along the north side of the harbor. After six months here, she still didn’t understand how they had infected the entire town with hedonistic fervor. She did, however, remember her first night out, a week or so after she arrived, when it had seemed like the most natural thing in the world for her old friend Keith Tellerman to lift her up, lay her on a table at the Golden Lantern Chinese Restaurant after supper with friends, and lick her to orgasm after orgasm while a half dozen of their friends watched. Whatever the bug was, Lorena had caught it too, and it felt good. Since then, she hadn’t looked back.
Along with the willing and welcome partners of course, there were those whose attentions were less than welcome, or simply inconvenient. In many cases a simple ‘no thanks’ was all it took but even with those who sought to intimidate and dominate, this new sexual sub-culture had made allowances. Anyone had the right of defense by combat and Lorena had both the skills and the temperament to handle herself in a fight. She still remembered her first, in junior high when two cheerleaders hadn’t liked the attention that one of the football players was paying to Lorena’s blossoming figure. They had cornered her in the girls’ bathroom and locked the door. It had been Lorena who had unlocked it again and walked away, leaving them both bleeding on the floor.
She hadn’t come here tonight to fight however. She had come here to flirt, have fun and, if she were honest, to fuck. There were closer places – Bill’s Bar in Blue Water Harbor was walking distance from her parents’ house, and Combers in the Village was only just over the hill, but she and her long-time friend Helen Stacks liked to dress up and make an occasion of it. The gothic-themed Crypt was the perfect venue for a little black dress.
All this went through her mind in a few moments as she stared into the mirror, checking that she still looked her best. Her dark brown hair, naturally a cloud of curls, was tied back tight tonight and fastened at the back of her neck with a gold clasp. Her newly repaired makeup – why did deep-throating a guy always bring tears to her eyes? – showed off her large brown eyes. Her lips were cherry red, her rounded cheekbones lightly blushed. Her ample breasts – that football player back in junior high hadn’t been staring at nothing – brimmed above the low, rounded neckline of her long-sleeved, clinging black mini-dress. Lorena stood five feet three –though her scarlet patent pumps added four inches to that – and weighed about 120 lbs but as she liked to joke, twenty pounds of that was in her boobs.
Satisfied with the outcome of her cleanup, she turned away from the mirror. As she emerged into the club’s bar area, which surrounded the dance floor on two sides with glass walls and carefully constructed baffles that made it possible to converse almost normally despite the music, she saw that she wasn’t the only one indulging her desires. She had to step over a long and shapely pair of legs that protruded from one of the booths that ringed the perimeter of the room – they were actually more like semi-private enclosures, screened by half-height walls and glass partitions, with banquettes and tables. The owner of the legs was kneeling, bare ass raised, at the end of a daisy chain of men and women – Lorena had to count carefully to realize that there were five – all linked face-to-crotch in an amorous train. She momentarily considered joining them – she hadn’t tasted another woman yet tonight – but decided to go in search of Helen instead.
She passed the Deppiesse sisters, Leila and Jamila, dressed identically in white and deep in conversation with a tall, dark-haired guy whom Lorena knew as Eric Reeves. From the way the two young women were pressing themselves against him from either side, she had few doubts where that conversation was leading.
Picking her way around a knot of four women whom she knew by sight but not by name, she found her friend and grinned. Of all the surprising changes since she had gone off to college, the revolution in Helen Stacks was perhaps the most astounding.
Lorena and Helen had known each other since elementary school, and they had been firm friends almost that long. Both petite, both extremely buxom, they could have been mistaken for sisters except that Lorena was dark haired and olive skinned where Helen was pale with titian hair. They were as different in temperament as they were in complexion. Lorena was outgoing and throughout high school she had enjoyed the attention that her bubbly personality and curvaceous figure attracted. Helen – ‘Helen Stacked’ as some had chosen to dub her – was quite the reverse, shy and self-conscious, almost tongue-tied in the company of guys.
At least, that was the Helen whom Lorena had known. They had kept in touch by phone and email through their college years and Lorena had not been at all surprised when Helen had gone back home after graduation to run the municipal public library. Stacks was hiding among the stacks, she had thought. When she herself had come home however, the transformation in her friend was astonishing. Gone were the glasses, the baggy sweaters and the primly bunned hair, replaced by contact lenses, short skirts, tight tops and high heels.
Right now, Helen was displaying the same new confidence and lack of inhibition that helped Lorena overcome her initial reservations. The attractive redhead was stretched out on her back across a table, her figure-hugging teal dress – and there was a lot of figure to hug – hiked up around her waist and pulled down at the top so her ample breasts were free. A guy stood over cradling her head in his hand, supporting the back of her neck as she sucked eagerly on his cock, one hand around the base of him. Another guy stood on the other side of the table, holding Helen’s ankles, spreading her legs wide as he buried his own cock inside her. The guys were not alone either – a raven-haired woman in a bright red dress was bent over was bent over Helen and tonguing her crotch as the guy thrust himself into her, while a blonde in a short skirt and crop top was laving Helen’s right nipple with her own tongue.
It seemed that Helen was almost fully occupied. Only her left breast remained unattended and that was likely only due to the silver post that pieced her swollen nipple, a legacy of an unfortunate encounter with a band of Pain Seekers – one of the Pride’s three sub-cults and the dark side of Blue Water’s new culture. Lorena hadn’t been with her that night – perhaps things might have turned out differently if she had been – and Helen hadn’t talked about it much but from the little she had said, it hadn’t been an enjoyable experience. The Pain Seekers had a habit of piercing their conquests and by unwritten rule – if you didn’t want worse, the next time – the piercing remained in place for a week. Helen had one day left before she could remove the post and allow her still-inflamed flesh to heal.
Lorena stopped by the table and stroked the edge of Helen’s breast gently. The redhead shivered. She opened her eyes and smiled around the guy’s shaft. “You didn’t waste any time,” Lorena teased her.
Helen gently pushed against the guy in her mouth and he eased backwards enough that she could pop him out of her mouth to speak. “It just kinda happened,” she grinned, her voice thick with arousal. “Didn’t seem right to say no when they asked so nicely.”
Lorena bent and kissed her on the lips. She tasted of cock – not that that was a bad thing. “I’m going to go get a drink. Come find me when you’re done.”
“Okay,” replied Helen with a tremble in her tone. The other guy was maintaining his rhythm driving deep into her. She looked up at the one in her hand. “Cock me!” she urged and tugged him forward, arching her neck and taking him back into her throat until his balls nudged her nose.
Thirty minutes later, Lorena was sitting in one of the booths at the back of the bar with a Margarita on the table in front of her and a blonde-haired surfer named Mike pressing his thigh against hers, his arm around her, her left breast pushed firmly against his chest. She was eyeing the bulge in his pants and thinking about just having him here and now, but the sight of Helen with the two couples had gotten her mind wandering toward something more exotic than just a one-on-one. Maybe when Helen came back, they could share him.
Another fifteen or twenty minutes went by and they had progressed to the boob-stroking and cock-rubbing stage when Helen slipped onto the banquette beside her. Lorena turned and blinked at her friend in mild surprise. Helen’s dress was still pulled down, her big boobs bared, pink nipples poking out. Her hair was in disarray and her face and chest were still glistening with the results of her earlier fellatio.
“Wow honey, you might at least have cleaned the cum off yourself,” Lorena laughed. “You must be real horny tonight.”
Helen didn’t smile. “We have to leave,” she said simply.
“Why?” asked Lorena. “I was hoping you’d join Mike and me for the next round.” From the pressure of his cock against her hand as it rested on his crotch beneath the table, the sight of the cum-covered redhead had surfer-boy more than a little excited.
“I was on my way to the bathroom when somebody just told me Angelina’s coming.” Her fear was evident on her face and in the tremor of her voice. “We have to leave right now.”
Lorena had never met Angelina Suarez but knew her by reputation. She was lieutenant and lover to Monique Morgaine, the statuesque blonde who led the Pain Seekers, and reportedly a psychotic sadist who was only ever happy when she was hurting someone. Judging from the look on Helen’s face, she had happily hurt Helen.
She didn’t try to argue. “Okay…let’s go.” She turned to the surfer, who looked suddenly crestfallen at the prospect of their departure. “Want to come with us for some fun?” He grinned his assent and followed Lorena as she slipped out of the booth behind Helen.
Lorena picked up her purse as Helen rearranged her dress, and they headed along the length of the bar toward the exit. They had gotten within a few feet of the front door when it opened and four people, all women, stepped inside. Lorena almost bumped into the foremost of them. She sidestepped but the four blocked the doorway and there was no way around them.
“Leaving so soon?” asked the nearest one, a skinny woman, perhaps thirty years old with a heart-shaped face framed by jet-black hair that reached to her waist. She wore a black dress that seemed almost painted onto her figure – such as it was.
From behind her, she heard Helen’s whimper of fright. When she glanced over her shoulder, her friend was staring with dread at the woman who had spoken.
The newcomer gazed at Lorena imperiously. She was maybe two inches shorter than Lorena but she nevertheless managed to give the appearance of looking down her nose. “Why leave now and spoil the fun?” She looked Lorena up and down, her eyes narrowing as they lingered for a moment on Lorena’s chest. Angelina was known for her pathological hatred of men and of buxom women in that order – followed closely by her hatred of just about everything else, according to her reputation.
“I hear you have some sick ideas about fun,” retorted Lorena acidly. She heard a noise behind her and again she glanced at Helen. The redhead was on the floor now, her breasts bared again, dress pulled up and her legs in the air, spread wide to expose her bare crotch. Lorena had seen women assume that position before – submission, supplication, surrender. She had never seen anyone do so with such utter terror on her face, however. What did this bitch do to her?
We’re leaving,” she confirmed, looking from Angelina to Helen and back again.
Angelina gazed down at Helen with a mixture of disdain and disgust. “I remember this one,” she said. “She was a lot of fun. It’s a pity she’s…” Her nose wrinkled as she regarded the half dried jism on Helen’s bare skin. “…soiled herself.” Her dark eyes flicked back to Lorena. “You, on the other hand…” She reached out a hand to touch Lorena’s breast.
Lorena caught her wrist. “Don’t touch me.” Her voice was steely. She had already developed a healthy hatred for this skinny bitch in the minute since they had met – her arrogance, her brazen hunger, not to mention what she had done to Helen. Lorena found herself struggling to contain her anger.
Angelina smiled as she withdrew her hand. “Oh yes,” she purred, “You have spirit. I definitely want you.”
“In your dreams, bitch!”
The smaller woman laughed. She glanced at her companions who flanked her to either side. “I love it when they try to fight back.” Her eyes returned to Lorena. “It makes no difference…I’ll have you anyway.” Again her hand shot out – much faster – and grasped Lorena’s left breast with her right hand before Lorena could react. She squeezed. It hurt and Lorena cried out involuntarily. The four Pain Seekers all laughed.
Instinctively Lorena slapped her hand away. Much more deliberately, but equally quickly, she lashed out with another slap that caught Angelina sharply across the face with a sound that was clearly audible above the music. The force of it whipped Angelina’s head to the side and sent her hair flying across her face.
It seemed that everyone around them held their breath. There was a faint, whimpered, “No…don’t…” from Helen on the floor.
Angelina stepped closer, until her face was only inches from Lorena’s own. “Do you have any idea who I am?” she hissed. “Or what I am?”
Lorena’s lip curled as her temper took over and she replied, “You’re the skinny bitch who’s standing in my way.”
Angelina’s eyes shrank to slits. The temperature in the room seemed to drop ten degrees. “You need to learn some respect.”
“I will…when I see something worth respecting. Now get out our way.”
The other woman smiled a slow smile, then took a step back. Lorena smiled. So much for the fearsome Angelina.
Then Angelina reached down, grabbed the hem of her dress in both hands and, straightening up swiftly, peeled it off over her head. She handed it to the woman on her right, a short-haired blonde with a ring through her nose, and stood facing Lorena in a black thong and four-inch heels. She wasn’t wearing a bra – not that she needed one with her slim, even boyish figure. Her nipples were chocolate brown and already stood erect from her chest. “I’m going to enjoy breaking you,” she said. Her tongue flicked across her ruby red lips.
“Don’t be so sure,” Lorena fired back. She too lifted her dress over her head, tugging her arms out of the clinging sleeves, never taking her eyes off her new enemy. She wore her black lace bra beneath – with 42Gs she didn’t go bra-less very often – but she had not bothered to replace her panties so her butt and crotch were exposed to the eyes of the crowd that was fast gathering around them. Tossing the dress onto a nearby table, she backed away from the door, beckoning Angelina forward. “Come on, you sick cunt. Let’s see what you got.”
“You poor, stupid thing,” replied Angelina. “You have no idea what I’ve got.”
They kicked off their shoes and began to circle one another as the onlookers made room for them. Helen scurried across the floor on all fours and took refuge with Mike at a nearby table. Lorena hardly gave her a glance. She had more important – and more dangerous – things on her mind.
Angelina was barely five feet tall and easily twenty pounds lighter than Lorena, but she moved like a cat. Muscles undulated beneath the smooth skin of her caramel-colored thighs. Lorena matched her, pace for pace. Their eyes were locked together, each gauging the other, looking for an opening, some slight advantage to exploit. Even this early in the encounter, Lorena felt the unspoken certainty that only one of them would leave here on her feet. Lorena was adamant that it would be her but she knew, just watching the way Angelina walked, that it would be a long and arduous journey to the door.
Suddenly Angelina pounced, flinging herself forward with a feral growl. Lorena too leapt at her opponent and they crashed together with a loud slap of flesh on flesh. Lorena gave a grunt at the heavy impact. Despite her lack of size, the little bitch had a lot of strength and there was considerable force behind her charge. Nevertheless, Lorena had braced herself well and with her greater weight, she sent the smaller woman bouncing off her and stumbling back several steps.
Angelina recovered her balance quickly and came at Lorena again, slashing with her nails. Lorena instinctively swayed backwards to protect her face but that arched her back and pushed her boobs forward. She cried out as a sudden hot pain seared across the upper curves of her breasts and glanced down to see two crimson welts, livid against her skin, where Angelina had scored with her nails. She hissed in anger.
“Just the beginning, you arrogant little fool,” sneered Angelina. The word little struck Lorena as ludicrous but she had no time for a reply as Angelina lunged again. This time however, Lorena was ready and as her enemy attacked, she spun on the ball of her left foot and kicked out hard with her right.
Angelina’s eyes opened wide, as did her mouth as she impaled herself on Lorena’s foot. She sprayed spit up Lorena’s leg as the air rushed out of her lungs and she stumbled backwards against a table, clutching at her belly.
“Five years…of kick boxing…BITCH!” snarled Lorena as she stepped closer and fired her other foot forward in a spinning side kick that caught Angelina solidly on the right temple and sent her reeling across the room to fetch up hard against the bar, grasping at two stools for support.
Lorena strode after her, stepping up close to pin her smaller opponent between the stools. She grabbed two handfuls of Angelina’s hair and bent her backwards over the bar. “Bad mistake, bitch!”
Angelina glared up at her through slitted eyes. “Not as bad as the one you just made!” Lorena didn’t know what she meant until she suddenly felt the bitch’s claws between her legs.
She tried to throw herself backwards but Angelina was quicker, clamping a tight hold on her pussy lips. As Lorena shoved away, Angelina’s short but sharp nails sent lightning bolts of agony through the tender folds of flesh. Lorena screamed like a banshee and doubled over, both hands clasped to her crotch as she back-pedaled blindly, intent only on getting away. “You…clawed…my pussy!” she gasped incredulously through tears of pain.
“Of course I did…you were stupid enough to give me an opening and I took it.” Angelina laughed cruelly. “It’s just the first lesson I’m going to teach you tonight…and it won’t be the most painful either.”
Lorena clenched her teeth against the burning pain. She wanted to fall to her knees and cry but she couldn’t let this bitch win – couldn’t let the Pain Seekers claim her. There were stories of what Angelina did to busty girls like her. Helen had experienced it first-hand and was now cowering behind blonde-haired Mike and another guy.
Still bent over, Lorena hurled herself at Angelina and her shoulder slammed hard into the smaller woman’s lower belly, just beneath her navel. The force of it drove Angelina back against the bar, the hard edge catching her across her back, below her shoulders. She cried out in pain and anger.
Not giving her enemy any time to regroup – not giving herself any time to think about the agony in her loins – Lorena stayed bent over as she drove her fist upward into Angelina’s exposed belly, sinking her fist deep into the spot where her shoulder had impacted moments earlier. Angelina gave a sharp grunt as the blow lifted her up onto her toes. Lorena hit her again with the other fist, higher this time, up under her ribs, then a third time in the chest as she straightened up, screaming as each blow went in, “Claw…my…cunt…BITCH???” The pain only fueled her anger.
Angelina folded forward at the second punch, then jerked back again as Lorena’s fist pounded the hard nub of her left nipple. She cried out and pulled her arms in to protect her chest. “Why bother?” spat Lorena. “You got nothing to protect!” As Angelina hunched forward again, Lorena seized her by the hair once more with both hands, dragged her off the bar and, spinning in a half circle, hurled her away.
The smaller woman careened off a table, lost her balance and went down but, to Lorena’s surprise, she tucked her chin down and curled her body into a ball as she executed an untidy but effective backward roll and came up onto her knees. She smiled a feral smile through the dangling strands of her long ebony hair as she gazed at Lorena. “I’m going to make an example of you, gusana!” She tossed her hair off her face and licked her lips. “They’ll hear your screams half-way to San Francisco when I torture those big cow tits of yours.”
With another snarl, Lorena leapt once more at her opponent. She still had to bite her lip to overcome the sharp stinging from her crotch as she launched a kick at Angelina’s chin. The other woman swayed her entire body backwards from the hips like a snake-charmer’s cobra – how the hell did she manage to do that??? She just took two solid punches to those scrawny abs! – and Lorena’s foot whistled over her head.
Unbalanced, Lorena took a step forward to recover but now she realized she was stretched out and vulnerable, her feet spread wide, her already injured crotch exposed. A pang of fear spurred her to action but before she could retreat, Angelina struck, launching herself upward off her knees. Two slim but strong arms whipped around Lorena’s legs just below her bare butt, and the bitch’s bony shoulder slammed into Lorena’s belly, digging in deep.
With a loud “UGGGHHH!!!” Lorena folded over her enemy’s back, gasping as the air erupted from her lungs. She tried to twist herself free but Angelina clung tight, nails digging painfully into the backs – and insides – of Lorena’s thighs. Lorena let out a strangled scream of fear as she realized how close the vicious bitch’s claws were to her still throbbing pussy. She had to protect herself. She had to get this evil bitch away from her groin. She slashed wildly with her own nails at Angelina’s back and butt. Angelina too screamed out loud in pain.
Lorena’s fingers hooked in the back of the other woman’s thong. Reflexively she jerked up as hard as she could and was rewarded by an even louder cry from her enemy. She yanked even harder, digging the nails of her other hand into the hard muscle of the bitch’s butt cheek as she did so.
She heard Angelina curse and felt her pull back a little. Lorena was about to draw her knee back and send it ramming up into Angelina’s chin when, with a roar of anger and exertion, Angelina drove herself forward and upward once more. Lorena shrieked as she was propelled up onto her toes, then felt her feet leave the floor. How the fuck…
She could not believe this skinny runt could lift her bodily. This could not be happening! But it was. Her shriek rose in pitch and volume as the smaller woman surged to her full height, up-ending Lorena over her back and sending her crashing down onto the table.
Arching her back involuntarily in agony, she tasted blood in her mouth and realized she had bitten her own lip. The impact had jolted her breasts out of her bra and they flopped against her arms as she lay on her back, squirming in pain. She forced herself to think through the fog. She couldn’t lay here, couldn’t afford the time to rest and recuperate. That meant defeat and then a night – at least a night – of torment. Move!
She rolled, not nearly as quickly as she wanted, to her left, and heard a loud yelp and a curse as Angelina’s fist slammed into the table top, exactly where Lorena’s right breast had lain a moment before. The bitch would have splashed it into the unyielding wood if Lorena had not moved in the nick of time. She came to her feet, backing away, keeping the table between her and Angelina.
God, she’s quick – and how did she manage a move like that? Lorena knew she had to outweigh the little Pain Seeker by twenty pounds, and she had felt her punches connect heavily with Angelina’s abs. The bitch should barely have been able to breathe, let alone dodge and then counterattack the way she did. She raised a hand to wipe the tears from her eyes, massaging her aching lower back with the other. She glared warily at her opponent.
Angelina stared back at her with a mirthless smile. “Now do you begin to understand, you stupid skank?” she sneered. “I told you…you have no idea what I am. Even if you can hurt me more than I hurt you…and your chances are slim to none…I can still recover from any damage faster than you can inflict it.”
Lorena heard Helen’s tearful voice. “I tried to warn you…she’s indwelt!” She had heard the stories about the inner circles of the three sub-cults, and how they were somehow possessed by spirits, but those stories were just silly superstition, something the more credulous locals had made up to explain all the craziness. Were they? She looked at the smiling, prowling Angelina and suddenly she wasn’t so sure. A chill of fear crept up her spine and she shivered.
One thing she was certain about – there could be no truce, no reasoning with her enemy. She had no alternative but to win this fight The thought of losing, and all that entailed, was something she did not want to think about. To flee was unthinkable. Even if she managed to get away, Angelina would likely vent her sadistic spite on Helen. Lorena would not allow that to happen again.
Angelina shoved hard against the table between them, scooting it several feet across the floor. Lorena thrust her hips backward to avoid being knocked off her feet, but that also threw her upper body forward – which was exactly what the Pain Seeker anticipated. She lunged, seized Lorena’s dangling breasts in each hand and, with a cry of cruel triumph, hauled Lorena half onto the table. “Come to me, cow!”
Lorena wailed in agony. Not only did the bitch sink her nails into the sensitive flesh of her breasts and twist savagely, but she was dragging Lorena across the table by her tits. It felt as though they were about to be torn from her chest. The little cunt’s strength was uncanny.
Desperately she grabbed Angelina’s wrists to relieve the pressure, sinking her own nails into her enemy’s skin in a frantic attempt to make Angelina let go. The other woman only laughed at her. “Scream for me!” she ordered. Lorena could not help but comply.
She changed tactics and reached out herself to grab Angelina’s boobs, pinching the hard nipples between finger and thumb, sinking her nails in, twisting and pulling viciously. Angelina’s tiny breasts gave her little grip compared to the Pain Seeker’s vice-like hold on Lorena’s own, and she realized it was a battle in which she could not hope to prevail. As tears of pain streamed down her cheeks and drew dark runnels with her mascara, she let go, hauled off and swung her right fist as hard as she could at her assailant’s jaw.
The blow landed solidly and snapped Angelina’s head sideways. She stopped torturing Lorena’s breasts though she did not let go, maintaining her hold with her fingers sunk in the folds underneath them and her thumbs gouging Lorena’s golden brown nipples. Lorena sent her other fist ripping up under Angelina’s chin. This time the impact sent Angelina’s head flying backwards. She instinctively grabbed harder at Lorena’s breasts to steady herself, eliciting another anguished scream, but as the Pain Seeker swayed forward again, Lorena got two good handfuls of her enemy’s hair, rolling her wrists to wrap the long tresses around her hands, and heaved.
Now she managed to do what Angelina had not, and dragged the other woman shrieking over the table. Together they crashed to the floor, bodies pressed close, legs entwined, screaming and spitting in each other’s faces as they kicked, scratched and even bit at one another in a frenzy of hatred.
Down on the floor in a vicious catball, Lorena’s greater weight began to tell and she was able to roll up on top of Angelina, though the other woman never relented in her attempts to inflict pain. She tore a hand free of Lorena’s grasp and slashed at her left breast before Lorena could regain her grip. Her knees hammered into Lorena’s back, her hips bucked violently as she tried to throw Lorena off her. Lorena had the upper hand but she was nevertheless suffering cruelly from Angelina’s knees and nails. She had to give herself some respite.
Throwing her arm up high, above her head, she fired a punch with all her weight behind it, that connected on the point of Angelina’s chin and slammed the bitch’s head hard into the floor. Angelina’s eyes lost their fire for a moment and rolled back in her head. Lorena howled in fury and sent another punch into her enemy’s chin. It landed an inch to the right. Angelina groaned, her arms went slack and Lorena scrambled away, panting.
She used the table to drag herself up to her knees. Sweat ran down her face, neck and chest, stinging as it seeped into the bites, cuts and scratches that covered her flesh. She felt like she was fighting a wildcat – Angelina seemed to be nothing but a flurry of teeth and claws. She needed to end this fight – to end this bitch – and soon. She had little left.
Still using the table for support, she pushed up to her feet but got only half-way before Angelina’s scream of anger froze her for an instant, and then she felt the smaller woman slam into her from behind. The force of the collision hurled her forward against the table and the sharp corner drove deep into her midriff, beneath her ribs. She cried out as white hot pain erupted in her belly, a cry that dwindled to a desperate wheeze as the air was driven out of her lungs.
Her legs went weak and she sank back to her knees again, her eyes wide, mouth working frantically as she tried to force air into her lungs and strength into her body. She was terrified that she would wind up on her back with the bitch standing over her. If that happened, she knew, she was finished. No!
She threw her arms out, hands slapping down on the table top, halting her fall. Still she sagged against the edge of the table and it pressed up under her breasts, her weight pushing them against the wooden surface. She drew her arms back to grab the table again and hoist herself to her feet – just as Angelina shoved a hand into her hair, jerked her head back and dropped her elbow onto Lorena’s right breast with crushing force.
Lorena would have screamed if she had had the breath to do so. As it was, she simply made a strangled sound of utter agony, her entire body shuddering in Angelina’s grip. The Pain Seeker twisted her head back further and stared maliciously down into Lorena’s tearful eyes. “Just a taste of what’s to come!” she snarled, and sent a fist hammering downward into Lorena’s left breast, mashing it into the table just as she had done to its twin. Lorena thought she would pass out from the pain. She sagged against the table. Still she lacked the air to scream and all that emanated from her parted, trembling lips was a breathless “NNNGGGHHH!!!” New tears erupted from her eyes.
Fingers still gripping Lorena’s hair, twisting her neck painfully, Angelina bent over her and murmured, so close that Lorena could feel the warmth of her breath, “Let me hear you beg, bitch. That’s your next lesson…learn to beg. When you do, I’ll let you up.” She smiled with cruel amusement. “I won’t stop hurting you of course…not for a long, long time yet, but in the hours to come, you’ll learn to love the pain.”
Terror gripped Lorena. Panic froze her mind, all thought washed away by the awful image of herself in some dungeon, at the mercy of this evil woman and her minions. Her own screams – the screams to come – echoed in her mind.
“Not ready to beg yet?” Angelina pouted mockingly. “You will be.”
Lorena tried to rise, sobbing with despair. Her legs wouldn’t respond. She had nothing left, neither strength nor willpower. Her body was spent – she could not even stand, let alone fight. Her spirit was beaten down by pain and exhaustion. Why hadn’t they gone out the back way? Why hadn’t she shoved her way past the Pain Seekers, bundled Helen out into the street and made an escape? Now she was about to be made a plaything for the Pain Cult’s twisted amusement, and there was nothing she could do. There was no fight left in her.
“I’m enjoying this,” purred Angelina silkily. She straightened up and lifted her arm to pound Lorena’s boobs yet again. “Soon, you will too…I promise.”
At those words, an ember of anger began to burn in Lorena. Others might fight, others might defeat her and take their pleasure from her but this evil cunt didn’t stop there. The twisted bitch enjoyed inflicting pain. The ember flickered to a flame and burned through the exhaustion, the hopelessness and the defeat to uncover a last hidden reserve of strength, a last shred of defiance.
As Angelina rose up on her toes, Lorena heaved herself to her feet with a speed born of desperation. She knew this would be her last vain hope. She vowed to herself to make it count. Her right arm shot up and snaked around Angelina’s neck, pulling the Pain Seeker’s chin down onto Lorena’s shoulder in an overhand headlock, just as Angelina stretched to her full height. What she was about to do, she would never know because her legs buckled at that moment and she dropped heavily back to her knees with a broken sob of despair. Only when she heard the crack as Angelina’s forehead struck the heavy table top did she realize what had happened. Still it took a moment before she understood, as her enemy’s body went limp against her back.
Then her mind began to work again as sudden hope sent a rush of adrenalin surging through her. Still clinging to Angelina’ neck, she grabbed the table’s edge with her free hand and pulled herself to her feet, her over-taxed muscles sending stabbing pains up her legs, dragging the other woman up with her. Angelina was already scrabbling, though weakly at her back and waist. New terror bloomed in Lorena’s mind. She can’t recover! DON’T let her recover!
She whipped her body forward and dropped to one knee as she did so, with a gasping moan at the flaring agony in her injured abs and throbbing back. Angelina too was dragged forward and then into a shoulder throw that took her over Lorena’s shoulder. She slammed to the floor, landing heavily on the base of her spine.
The smaller woman’s body went rigid, trembling with agony as an inhuman sound, half moan, half scream, erupted from her open mouth. Her arms shook, her fists clenching and unclenching for a half second before she collapsed on her back, writhing with agony.
“Finish her!” Helen’s cry from the crowd was equal parts terror and vengeful malice. “Don’t give her a chance! Don’t let her recover!” Her words echoed the thought still echoing in Lorena’s mind. As Angelina moaned again and began to move her arms, Lorena leapt on her, over her head, and landed with both her knees buried deep in her enemy’s gut.
Angelina made a noise that Lorena had never heard before. She felt the Pain Seeker’s slender body convulse beneath her, legs jack-knifing up off the floor as did her head. A spray of spit coated Lorena’s bare back. Angelina’s arms and legs twitched spastically in the air for a moment, then fell back motionless on the floor.
Lorena slid off to one side. She wanted nothing more than to stop, to rest, to curl in a ball and cry but she had to end this first. Every muscle in her battered body screamed in protest, as she spun on her knees to face her foe. She seized Angelina by the hair and cocked her fist back as she stared into the Pain Seeker’s unfocused eyes. Was there still any fight left in her? It appeared not. Lorena’s savage right, delivered in a lunge with all the force she could still muster, put the issue beyond any doubt.
For an endless moment she still knelt over the unconscious Angelina, looking fearfully for any sign of movement. There was none. Finally, she let herself relax and slumped forward onto all fours, her shoulders shaking as the pain, fatigue and most of all the relief consumed her.
She had no idea how long she knelt there before Helen appeared at her side. She llifted Lorena gently and held her tight as Lorena wept uncontrollably on her shoulder. Her friend stroked her hair and murmured gently, “Oh honey. Oh honey.”
At last Helen helped her rise to her feet. It took two tries. Her legs were like jelly. She leaned heavily on Helen until the redhead handed her off to Mike the surfer, who guided her into a chair while Helen found her dress, her purse and her shoes.
“What do you want to do with her?” she asked, nodding at the still motionless Pain Seeker as she eased the dress over Lorena’s head and gently worked it downward, covering some but by no means all of the welts, bruises, scratches and bite marks that covered Lorena’s sweat-slicked flesh.
Lorena looked at her ravaged enemy with unbridled disgust. “Why should I want to do anything with her?”
“You beat her…she’s yours for the night,” interjected one of Angelina’s companions. They were looking a lot less cocky than they did a few minutes ago.
“Make her your bitch,” laughed one of the two women who’d been servicing Helen earlier. “Make her – ”
“I wouldn’t touch her with a ten foot pole,” Lorena cut her off abruptly. “Let somebody else have her.” She waved an arm dismissively and winced at the pain it cost her. “Give her to the guys.” She laughed. “They’re not too picky.”
The second of Angelina’s entourage – the blonde who had taken Angelina’s dress – paled and her hand shot to her mouth. “You can’t do that!”
“Why the hell not? A moment ago you were telling me she’s mine for the night…so I choose to let the guys…anyone who wants her…fuck her brains out.”
“Angelina loathes men. She won’t even top them! She won’t even let a guy touch her!”
“She even makes Monique take a shower before she touches her, if Monique’s been with a guy!” added the remaining companion. “You can’t let them fuck her!”
Lorena slipped on her shoes, then rose slowly to her feet. “She’ll survive. I’m not crazy about having my tits pounded into hamburger but she seemed to think I’d learn to like it.” She gave a wry snort. “Maybe she’ll learn to love a cock in her ass.”
She looked balefully around her at several of the men. “I want phone pics when I wake up in the morning,” she declared. “I want to see her with a cock in every hole!”
Supported by Mike on one side and Helen on the other, she limped painfully out of the club.
This Story is Continued in Part 4 Which is Coming Soon to Fights.Sexy!