Hana Kim lay spread-eagled on her black beach towel under the afternoon sun. She stretched languorously and smiled to herself beneath the Lakers baseball cap that shaded the big, almond-shaped brown eyes that dominated her heart-shaped face. It was a good day.
She had risen late as she always did on a Saturday, after clubbing with her friends the night before. They had met at Combers Bar and Grille on the beach in Blue Water Village for a light lunch before walking further out along the peninsula to their regular sunbathing spot. It was not that they needed privacy to bask naked since Blue Water was quite used to public nudity and a lot more, but they enjoyed the opportunity the secluded spot gave them to speak freely about anyone and anything.
Hana moved her feet a little further apart, still getting used to the feel of her new bikini against her crotch. She and her friends Steffi and Emmy had fallen immediately in love with the new ‘no coverage’ line that the local swimsuit boutique [i]Daringly Bare[/i] had recently begun to carry, and today was Hana’s first time wearing her latest acquisition.
The top was comprised simply of two gold metal rings, an inch or so in diameter, which encircled her nipples and were held in place by yellow spandex spaghetti straps. Her breasts were large enough to fill out a bikini quite well – it was both a joke and a scandal among her Korean family that there must be some [i]baeg-in[/i] blood in her ancestry – and her nipples were dark chocolate nuggets, permanently puckered and always half erect. The new bikini was the perfect way to show them off.
The bottom was even more audacious. Its three metal rings were attached in a row, one above the other. The upper and lower ones were the same size as those in the top, while the middle one was perhaps twice the size. Spandex straps held them in place, wrapping around her hips and between her legs, secured with another ring at the top of the cleft between her buttocks. The result left her effectively and – like the store’s name – daringly bare.
She had gotten loud exclamations of astonished approval from her friends when she had peeled off her oversized tee after they reached the beach beside Combers, and had offered her own compliments at Steffi’s crotch-less red bikini and Emmy’s black sling which was nothing more than a web of straps that concealed nothing, merely adding artfulness to her nudity.
Nor were they the only ones to notice. Before they had gone twenty yards along the sand, they were subjected to a string of complimentary catcalls and whistles from both men and women. Several times they had to stop, surrounded by knots of admiring people. To Hana’s great satisfaction, a guy she knew – a well-built auto mechanic named Eric – had stepped up to her, lifted her off her feet and, jerking his own Speedo aside, planted her on his rampant cock and taken her, standing up, in front of a cheering circle of onlookers. The fact that he didn’t even remove her bikini bottom but instead fucked her [i]through[/i] the central ring, made it even more erotic. He could have chosen any one of them but he had chosen her, not Steffi or Emmy – not that Hana had pointed that out to her friends. They had cheered her just as loud as the rest.
Hana had made the rest of the walk out to the point on slightly wobbly legs with Eric’s cum running down her thighs. She had taken care of that when they reached their customary spot, since Emmy had fought and beaten a little blonde named Esther, last night in Bill’s Bar over at the Harbor, and brought her along to the beach with them. With Emmy’s permission, Hana had had the captive – by right of conquest, she was Emmy’s property until sundown – kneel before her and lick her clean.
The girl was quite pale-skinned and blushed prettily, much to Emmy’s and Steffi’s amusement. She had blushed a lot during lunch when Emmy had recounted how, after she had beaten Esther and claimed her boyfriend for the night, she had taken Esther and the guy home and made the blonde watch while she had had her way with him, thoroughly and inventively. Right now Esther was still blushing as she knelt beside Emmy and rubbed suntan oil into the petite brunette’s bare back.
Steffi’s triumph had been a welcome victory in what had been several rather bad weeks for the Pain Cult. Several days ago, one of their number – Maddi – had lost a fight to the skinny little redhead who ran the coffee shop on Main St. Maddi had challenged the bitch after she had flirted with the guy Maddi wanted, and then the slut had beaten Maddi’s lights out in front of a whole crowd at The Pit over in San Vicente.
That would had been a slap in the face to the entire cult but it had been wholly eclipsed by the gossip over the Pain Seekers’ other recent loss. Angelina Suarez – Ms Angelina – first girl to Mistress Monique, had had her ass handed to her in a fight at the Crypt Nightclub over in San Vicente (see Blue Water Harbor 03 – Welcome Home).
That became the topic of conversation as they lay in the sun. “Has anybody seen Angelina since…well, since…you know…?” asked Steffi as she twirled her long blonde hair into a bun on the top of her head and rested her lissome frame back on her elbows, gazing out to sea.
“Not that I’ve heard about,” replied Hana without lifting her head or opening her eyes. “By the sound of it, she’s still laying low and licking her wounds.”
“People who were there said the bitch who beat her was badass,” commented Emmy. She had a compact, hard little body that betrayed her gymnastics training, a round face and a ready smile. “Laid Angelina out cold. At least that’s something…better than being made to beg for mercy.” She shivered.
“Small consolation,” argued Hana. “I mean…Angelina’s first girl. She should’ve been able to handle some newbie from out of town.” She smiled slightly to herself at that thought. Angelina wasn’t an easy person to like – to respect perhaps, and definitely to fear, but not to like. There was a part of her that wished she’d been there to see it.
“The bitch is either helluva good, or she was helluva lucky,” opined Steffi.
“No excuse for what I heard she did to Angelina afterwards though,” said Emmy, “or what she had the crowd do to her.”
“Is it true that Angelina got fucked by everyone at The Crypt that night…including the guys?” Steffi asked, unable to keep the shock – or the relish – out of her voice.
“That’s what I heard,” replied Hana. “I met Bev…you know, the skinny blonde who always hangs out with Angelina and sucks up to her…the other day and she was there. She said she’s even got pics of Angelina with a cock in every hole but she wouldn’t show me. She said Angelina would kill her if she knew.”
“No kidding,” agreed Steffi with a shudder. Angelina was a lesbian who couldn’t even abide the touch of a man. Being thoroughly used by men, in public no less, would be the worst humiliation imaginable for her. “Angelina must be [i]dying[/i] over that! No wonder she hasn’t shown her face.”
All three of them looked at one another for a moment, then burst into unabashed laughter. It was while a while before the delighted giggles abated and they looked furtively about them. No-one was within earshot. It wouldn’t pay for news of their mirth to reach the wrong ears.
“Mistress Monique’s supposedly livid,” said Emmy.
“With who?” asked Hana. “Angelina, or the skank who owned her ass?”
“Probably both.”
“I heard Monique had Angelina whipped for shaming her,” offered Steffi, her eyes shining. “That was from Penny, one of the others who was there at the Crypt. They took Angelina home after…after the crowd was finished with her.”
“I heard Mistress has her caged in the dungeon at the Eyrie, on bread and water until she begs for forgiveness and avenges herself for the loss,” added Emmy.
“That makes no sense,” argued Hana, laying back and closing her eyes. “How’s she supposed to avenge herself if she’s locked up in the dungeon?”
Emmy shrugged. “Just telling you what I heard,” she said defensively.
“The bitch who did that to her better watch out,” said Hana without lifting her head. “Who is she, anyway, and who does she belong to?”
“Some cow-tits nobody who works for the town,” answered Steffi. “Loretta or Lorena somebody. An [i]accountant[/i] for God’s sake! Don’t think she has any cult affiliation…she’s on her own. From what I heard, Angelina almost had her…she just got lucky.”
Hana wondered if the woman knew just what she’d started. Angelina wouldn’t rest until she had her revenge, and that revenge wouldn’t be pretty. “Her luck’s gonna run out when Angelina catches up with her.”
“More like if she catches up with her,” interjected a new voice. Hana jerked her head up at the interruption, then realized she was laying on the waist-length mane of her jet-black hair and winced at the sudden pain in her scalp. She lifted her butt a little to free her hair, and glared at the newcomer.
Charlotte Brown was a friend of Steffi’s and a typical California beach bunny – blonde haired and blue eyed with a golden tan and a body that drew long appraising looks from both men and women. If she had been taller, she might have been a model but she was just a little too short and a little too sturdily built. Sporty was how most people would have described her. [i]Annoying[/i] was the term Hana used. She had little time for the loud-mouthed bitch, though she suffered her company for Steffi’s sake.
“Angelina’s finished,” continued Charlotte, known universally as Charlie to her friends and enemies – of which there were many – alike. “She’s holed up in the Eyrie, ashamed to show her face in public. The only real question that remains to be answered, is who’s going to replace her as first girl.”
Hana curled her lip. “And who might that be?” she asked with heavy sarcasm. “You?” She gave Charlie a disdainful once-over from head to toe.
The blonde dropped her bag on the sand and stood facing Hana, hands on hips. She was dressed – to use the term loosely – in a sheer black one-piece swimsuit that clung to her petite but muscular frame and left nothing at all to the imagination. Her pert, rounded breasts thrust at the thin cloth and her nipples pushed at it like pointing fingers, their golden brown aureolas clearly visible. From just below her breasts the suit divided, leaving her firm, flat belly bare, revealing the golden charm that dangled at her navel – the three-spoked wheel that was universally acknowledged as the BDSM emblem. Below it the gap in her swimsuit continued downward, exposing the puffy lips of her shaven womanhood to even the most casual observer. Somebody else had evidently been shopping at Daringly Bare.
“Why not?” retorted Charlie, staring down her nose at Hana.
Hana gazed back up at her. “First of all, you don’t know Angelina’s hiding. You got anything to back that up, or is it just what you want to believe?”
“It’s obvious to anybody that – “ Charlie shot back.
Hana cut her off. “What’s obvious is that you’re dreaming! You think Mistress Monique would even look twice at you? Has she even noticed you…let alone touched you…since you declared for the cult?”
Charlie flushed. “You think you’d have a better chance?” she sneered.
Hana rolled her eyes behind her round sunglasses. “I know I would, but that’s not the point. It’s between Mistress Monique and Angelina, whether there’s even anything to decide. It’s not up to me, and it’s sure as hell not up to you!” She let the derision drip from her lips with her last word. She was as exasperated as she was angry. This stupid, arrogant bitch was out of her mind. “Know your place, or you’ll learn the hard way.”
Charlie took a deep breath and stepped closer to Hana, standing almost between her feet. “And who’s gonna teach me? You?
Hana reached up and pushed her sunglasses up onto the top of her head. She stared up into Charlie’s eyes, unblinking. “Only if I have to.”
The blonde sneered. “Figures…all talk and no action.” She turned abruptly aside and a spray of sand from her foot spattered across Hana’s legs.
Hana’s anger flared. “Bitch! Did you just kick sand on me?” she hissed as she ripped off her sunglasses and sprang to her feet.
Charlie turned back to confront her. “What if I did? It’s not like you’re gonna do anything about it.” She stuck her chin out pugnaciously, a blatant challenge.
Hana sized her up. She was almost identical in height to Hana’s five feet four and a little more heavily built, though there was no more than a couple pounds difference between them.
Hana had no idea why Charlie was behaving this way, but there was no way she could back down in front of her friends. It would be all over town before the weekend was over. She took a step forward until she was right in the blonde’s face. She inhaled deeply, feeling her breasts swell. Her erect nipples brushed Charlie’s and she saw from the slight, fleeting change in the other woman’s face that Charlie felt it too. “Just what is your problem, [i]biotch[/i]?” she said softly, her voice full of menace.
Charlie leaned into her, until their chests were pressed firmly together. Hana could feel the warmth of her rival’s – no, her enemy’s – breath on her face. Charlie’s eyes bored into hers. “Right now…you are,” replied the blonde. “I’m going to be first girl. I’m going to make Angelina my bitch and take her place. And if you try to get in my way, I’ll take you down and make [i]you[/i] my bitch too.”
Hana felt her cheeks darken. “Dream on!” she hissed, and took a firm step forward, driving her chest hard into Charlie’s. The blonde may have been a little heavier but Hana’s move caught her by surprise, putting her off balance, and she took a step backward to recover.
Charlie retaliated quickly however, using that back foot to propel herself forward. Hana expected the blonde to bump her back and was braced, ready for the move, but instead Charlie leaned to the left and lashed out with that arm, seizing Hana by her long, thick hair. She leapt backward, jerking Hana toward her with a sharp cry of painful surprise, bending her over at the waist. Her hands flew instinctively upward, grabbing at her hair, trying to assuage the pain in her scalp.
She should have expected it. Her long hair was – always had been – an obvious target. She wore it that way deliberately, since a part of her enjoyed it being used as a handle and a leash when she was in the mood to be controlled. She was in so such mood now however – not today, and certainly not by this big-headed bitch.
Charlie yanked even harder, dragging Hana to her as the Korean girl struggled to keep her footing in the soft sand. Trying to think through the pain, Hana dropped one arm down across her lower belly in expectation of her adversary sending a knee up there.
Charlie had other ideas however. She reversed her direction, surging forward and as Hana stumbled past her, the blonde lifted her arms up high, pulling Hana’s hair up over her shoulder. Hana screamed out loud in renewed anguish as she went from being bent over forwards to being suddenly snapped upright and arched backwards by her hair. Her eyes involuntarily filled with tears at the new agony in her head and neck as the blonde tormented her with her own weight and momentum. She had no time to ponder her pain however, as Charlie whipped her own body forward, wrenching Hana toward her again. Their bodies slammed together, back to back, and Hana felt her feet leave the ground as Charlie hauled her bodily up onto her back. She kicked wildly, trying to throw herself sideways and roll out of the excruciating hold, but Hana moved with her, anticipating and thwarting her moves.
“OhMyGod!!!” she dimly heard Emmy exclaim. “She’s lifting Hana up like a sack of potatoes!”
Charlie’s voice, heavy with the effort of her lift and thick with malevolence, answered, “Like a sack of shit, more like!”
Her words, full of contempt, sent a sharp spike of fury through Hana’s mind, piercing the pain and giving her a moment of focus. It wasn’t the first time somebody had used her hair against her, and she was no stranger to pain. She was a Pain Seeker, after all. Your pain too, is welcome. She could already feel the slight tingle in her muscles, the onset of endorphins. That buzz would work for her and against her. It was up to her to channel it, direct it, use it to fuel her strength and teach this cunt the lesson she deserved.
As Charlie straightened up and then jerked forward again, Hana used her enemy’s rocking motion to throw her own legs up high. Before the blonde knew what she was doing, Hana had somersaulted backwards over Charlie’s head and landed catlike on her feet in front of the other woman, to cries of amazed delight from her two watching friends. “Holy shit! Go Hana!”
Before Charlie could react beyond open-mouthed surprise, Hana’s fist slammed into her midriff just above her navel. Her abs were already tensed from lifting Hana but Hana’s punch had all the force she could muster behind it, not only her arms and body but leaning herself in and using her legs too. Charlie gave a loud belching sound as the air exploded from her lungs, and she folded forward over Hana’s fist.
She too was no novice however and, still doubled over, she hurled herself forward. Her head slammed into Hana’s belly in almost exactly the same place Hana had just punched her. It was Hana’s turn to gasp in breathless anguish. Charlie flung her arms around Hana’s waist, gripping tightly and though Hana tried frantically to keep her balance, the blonde’s weight bore her heavily to the sand.
Already almost winded by Charlie’s head-butt, Hana landed hard with Charlie on top of her, crushing what remained of the air from her lungs. Her whole attention focused solely on drawing breath, she was unable to prevent the blonde from scrambling up astride her. Charlie thrust one hand through the skinny strap of Hana’s bikini top, yanked her head and shoulders up off the sand and sent a stinging slap across her left cheek. “Gonna OWN you, skank!” Her back-handed return blow snapped Hana’s head back the other way and made her see stars.
Hana knew she was in trouble unless she did something – fast. For all Charlie’s arrogance and bravado, the bitch knew how to fight. Hana would be damned if she was going to let the big-mouthed slut make good on her promise. She lashed out with both hands, spearing her arms up between Charlie’s, knocking her enemy’s hands aside. Her hooked fingers grabbed at Charlie’s flesh just below her shoulders and she raked them downward. Her nails were short but sharp and they tore at the flimsy fabric of Charlie’s swimsuit, lacerating it and leaving livid trails in the bronzed flesh beneath.
Charlie howled in pain. “FUCK!” She threw both hands up to clutch at Hana’s wrists, ripping her left hand free of Hana’s hair and taking a handful of ebony strands with it, still wrapped around her fingers. Hana too shrieked in pain and anger. Before the blonde could get a proper hold on her arms, she yanked them down and shoved her right hand forward, thrusting her thumb deep into the blonde’s belly button. Charlie gasped, then screamed as Hana’s fingers spread wide, then clenched tight, digging deep into her enemy’s abs and twisting with all her might.
The blonde hunched forward, grabbing for Hana’s hand with both of her own. Hana’s free hand lashed out, thrust into Charlie’s hair and yanked her downward. At the same time Hana shoved up with her right leg, bucking her hips off the ground, toppling her adversary off her onto the sand at her right side. Hana rolled with her, flipping the blonde onto her back and clambering to her knees between Charlie’s splayed legs. She thrust her hands into her adversary’s soft breasts, squeezing, twisting, shredding the blonde’s swimsuit further with her fingernails, gouging her thumbs into the hardened nubs of her nipples.
Charlie roared in pain-fueled fury. “Let GO, you CUNT!” Her own nails dug savagely into Hana’s wrists but Hana simply laughed and twisted ever harder. Charlie’s heels beat a tattoo of anguish in the white sand.
Abandoning her attempt to pry Hana’s claws from her breasts, Charlie instead lifted her legs and clamped them tight around Hana’s slender waist. Locking her ankles, she began to squeeze and Hana gave a sharp grunt as she felt the pressure of the other woman’s strong thighs against her middle. It was suddenly difficult, then painful to breathe.
“Going…to crush you…like a BUG!” snarled Charlie, her jaw clenched tight against her own pain.
“Fuck…you!” gasped Hana with more conviction than she felt. The bitch’s thighs were like bands of iron, crushing her. Again Charlie had proved her skill and ferocity, attacking fiercely and effectively despite being at a disadvantage, down on her back. Hana had to give her credit – the cocky bitch had the moves to back up her words. That would make it even better when Hana destroyed her.
Hana pulled one hand free from Charlie’s chest, leaving angry red welts where her fingers had dug deep into the soft flesh moments before. She pulled her arm back and pounded her knuckles hard into her enemy’s belly, dragging a gasp and a curse from the blonde. She jerked her fist back and punched Charlie again in the same spot. Charlie groaned. The grip of her legs slackened for a moment, then tightened again as Charlie kicked her heels into the small of Hana’s back.
The blonde’s bare crotch ground hard against Hana’s firm, flat belly as Charlie poured on the pressure, her back arching with the effort, refusing to release Hana despite the punishment she was taking. Hana let out a soft moan as sharp pain shot through her lower back, growing worse whenever she tried to inhale. This skank [i]was[/i] crushing her. She had to put a stop to that.
The heat of Charlie’s naked pudenda against her skin gave her sudden, cruel inspiration and she shoved her hand down between their bodies, getting a handful of smooth, tanned snatch and squeezing as hard as she could. Charlie roared in agonized rage. “You dirty FUCKING BITCH!” Still she maintained the relentless pressure of her thighs, flinging herself first one way, then the other, trying to rock Hana off her knees and onto her side.
The violent motion of the blonde’s hips ground her loins hard against Hana’s hand, and now Hana felt the heat – and more than that, the wetness there. Her lips drew back in a cruel though pained smile. “Bitch, you’re soaking wet! You’re hot for this! Pain slut!” she spat contemptuously though if she had to guess, she would have bet that she was in as much – if not more – pain than her opponent. Each tortured breath was agony and she was starting to feel lightheaded from the endorphin buzz and the lack of oxygen. Worse than that was the trembling, tumbling tightness deep in her lower belly, the first signs of her own burgeoning arousal.
That was the danger for all – or at least for many – of the Pain Seekers. There were those who only reveled in giving pain and there were perhaps an equal number of those who only sought their own but for many, like Hana, whose tastes moved back and forth depending on their temperament, mood and into whose eyes they were gazing at any particular moment. For those, it was a fine line between pleasure and pain – a line that often blurred, not only under the lash but also in the heat of combat. While that gave them a high tolerance for pain and could even strengthen them in a fight, it was a mixed blessing when fighting someone with similar preferences, and could be used against them. Hana knew it was a weakness she could use it against Charlie, but she was all too aware that Charlie knew it too and could equally use it against her. Just like anything else in a fight, it was a matter of who was better – and perhaps luckier.
It was a gamble, taking the fight in that direction. Was Charlie sufficiently hot from the fight that Hana could turn her arousal upon her? It wouldn’t be the first time she’d had a wannabe-Domme squirming at her feet, mewling with desperate lust. Then again, it wouldn’t be the first time she had been the one writhing on the floor, either.
It was not only a question of timing, but also of finding the right mix of pleasure and pain. Everyone had their particular weakness. Hana had seen as many fights as she had fought and even the women from the Pleasure Cult got excited when they were locked in a fierce embrace, body to body, straining against one another in a test of strength, willpower and endurance. Knowing who you were fighting was a big part of beating her. Hana had never fought Charlie before and only seen the bitch fight once. She didn’t have the full measure of the blonde yet, but there was only one way to learn.
She stiffened her forefinger and middle finger and thrust them hard between the slick folds of Charlie’s labia. “UNNNGGGHHH!!!” Charlie’s eyes went wide and her hips bucked wildly against Hana’s hand. “FUCK…YOU…you…BITCH!”
“You ain’t seen nothing yet!” hissed Hana. She curled her fingers inside her adversary, searching for the nexus of nerve endings that were the core of Charlie’s libido. Find it, control it, tease it and hurt it, and she would have the bitch dancing like a puppet.
Charlie saw the danger – Hana could tell from the sudden fear in her eyes. She squeezed her thighs tighter around Hana’s middle, trying to trap Hana’s fingers and prevent them from moving inside her. Hana thrust harder and Charlie squealed. She abandoned her crushing body scissors, unlocking her ankles and releasing the grip of her legs. Hana almost sobbed with relief as she could finally take a relatively painless breath.
She didn’t have time to enjoy the sensation however as Charlie got her feet down on the sand and shoved herself forcefully away, jerking Hana’s fingers out of her with a force that brought another yelp from the blonde’s parted lips. Charlie didn’t let that new pain slow her down though. She fired a kick that caught Hana along the left side of her jaw and sent her sprawling sideways on the sand.
Hana too reacted quickly, knowing she couldn’t let the blonde get up on top of her again. She rolled away and came to her knees, tossing her head to flip her long hair off her face. She saw that Charlie had done the same in the other direction, and they glared at one another from a distance of several paces as each slowly clambered to her feet.
A coating of white sand stuck to Hana’s skin, as it did to Charlie’s too, stuck there by suntan oil and the sweat of their struggle. Hana flicked her head one way, then the other, and the heavy mane of her hair swung back over her shoulders. Charlie lifted a hand to sweep her own golden tresses off her face. The blonde ran both her hands down her chest, over the torn front of her swimsuit and the marked skin of her now effectively bare breasts. “You’ll pay for that, cunt!” she spat. “I’ll take it out of your fucking hide!”
“Looks like you got it off the clearance rack anyway,” Hana shot back. “Cheap and nasty, just like you!”
They began to circle, eyeing each other with baleful caution. Hana’s gaze roved up and down Charlie’s body. The arrogant blonde certainly wasn’t all bluster. There was strength in those legs – Hana’s sides still ached – and guile in her mind – but Hana too had shown the bitch that she could fight. The welts left by her nails stood out on Charlie’s chest, and there was a flush all the way down the blonde’s throat that was more than mere exertion. [i]It’s a fine line between pleasure and pain.[/i]
A crowd had begun to gather. A dozen or more people stood in a rough circle around the two antagonists now, and more were arriving from down the beach as the news carried. There were whispers, muttered conversations and the odd call of encouragement to one woman or the other.
The metal rings of Hana’s bikini bottom had worked themselves between her pussy lips and dug into her intimate flesh in a way that was uncomfortable but not entirely unenjoyable at the same time. The suit was made for showing off in and maybe for fucking in, but definitely not for fighting in. Each step sent a twinge of sensation through her loins and she did her best not to let it show on her face.
“You really think you can take down Angelina, you stupid slut?” Hana asked as they matched one another pace for pace, a little beyond arm’s reach.
“I got a better chance than you do,” retorted Charlie.
With difficulty, Hana resisted rolling her eyes. That wasn’t what any of this was about. Hana wasn’t fighting this fight to win the right to challenge Angelina. She was fighting for the right to stop Charlie from getting into way more trouble than she bargained for. “Have you [i]seen[/i] Angelina fight? Have you [i]seen[/i] what she does to people just because she doesn’t like them? Do you have any [i]fucking[/i] idea what she’ll do to you if you challenge her? She’ll ruin you!”
“She can’t be that tough,” argued Charlie, and added scornfully, “She got beaten by an [i]accountant[/i] for fuck’s sake!”
“That bitch got lucky, is all!”
“I’ll take my chances.”
That was the root of the problem. If Charlie had been betting just herself on that fight, Hana would gladly have let her do it and enjoyed the ensuing humiliation, but that wasn’t how it would go down. Angelina would make sure that anyone associated with her challenger paid a terrible price, as an example to others. If Charlie beat and claimed Hana now, then Hana too would, in all likelihood, face Angelina’s wrath and so would Steffi and Emmy, just because they’d let it happen. She flexed her arms. “You’re gonna have to go through me first.”
“Suits me, bitch!”
Charlie threw herself forward. Hana braced herself but did not step back from the charging blonde, and their bodies came together with a resounding slap of sweat-slicked flesh on flesh. Hana wrapped her arms tight around Charlie’s body and her enemy did the same. Their bosoms flattened against one another, sand grating against their skin, turgid nipples scraping against one another as each strained to force the other backward in a grim contest of strength. Their bare feet dug deep into the soft sand, strong thighs pushing hard, corded muscles rippling beneath their smooth skins. Hana gained an inch or two, then Charlie would push back. Neither could gain enough of an advantage to force the other back even a single step.
Hana felt her adversary’s hands gripping her butt, kneading and twisting the taut flesh. She tensed herself in expectation that the blonde would cup and lift her ass, trying to get her off her feet, maybe even dump her on her butt or drop her onto a raised knee. Charlie had other ideas however, and her fingers slid beneath the narrow spandex strap that bisected Hana’s buttocks. She yanked upward brutally, and Hana gasped as the unyielding rings of the thong were driven deep between the slippery lips of her vulva. Her insides clenched reflexively, her legs went weak for a moment and she sagged forward into the blonde, but she recovered quickly and found a grip of her own on the back of Charlie’s swimsuit, just below where the thong divided in two to expose the other woman’s ass and pussy. Each side ought to pass through the fold between thigh and labia but Hana wrenched it back and forth as she jerked it up, heaving from her knees, digging it deep into Charlie’s pussy, lifting the blonde onto her toes and dragging a shriek of angry anguish from her enemy’s furious face.
They stumbled to and fro, perspiring bodies slipping over one another, kicking up sand as knees thudded into thighs. Grunting, gasping, cursing and spitting, they kicked and clawed at each other like two frenzied wildcats as they sought in vain to trip one another. Sweat ran into Hana’s eyes. The blonde’s lank hair slapped her in the face as she spun Charlie in a half-circle. Charlie let go of her thong with one hand and grabbed a fistful of dark hair with the other. Hana screamed as the bitch hauled her head back and pointed her face at the cloudless sky.
With a burst of anger that matched the pain in her scalp, Hana too ceased tormenting her enemy’s pudenda and shoved both her hands into the other woman’s hair. At the same moment she flung herself backwards, breaking body contact, opening up enough space between them to lift her leg and plant her foot firmly in the pit of Charlie’s stomach. Before the blonde could even gasp breathlessly as Hana’s foot hammered her abs, Hana’s momentum and her grip on Charlie’s hair jerked Charlie off her feet. Charlie described a shrieking arc through the air and slammed down hard on the base of her spine in a cloud of sand.
Hana rolled rapidly onto her belly, pulled her limbs beneath her and sprang at Charlie as her enemy was still propping herself up onto one elbow, holding her lower back with her other hand. She grabbed the blonde by the hair with both hands, yanked her up onto her knees and sent a knee slamming into Charlie’s ribs, beneath her right arm. The force of the blow would have knocked Charlie to the ground again if Hana hadn’t held her up by her hair. As it was, it twisted Charlie partway around on her knees and drew a painful cry from the beleaguered blonde.
Charlie pulled her arm in close and managed to block Hana’s next knee lift. Again the impact on her arm spun her slightly to her right but this time she used the momentum to launch her left fist up from ground level. Hana saw it coming and whipped her body forward at the waist, pulling her belly back and partially riding the blow so that although it connected just below her belly button, it did little damage. Her rapid motion sent her hair flying forward however and Charlie seized the opportunity and Hana’s hair too, jerking hard. Already overbalanced, Hana crashed head-first to the sand.
Her eyes and mouth filled with grit, unable to see or even to breath for a moment, she lashed out blindly in Charlie’s direction and was rewarded with a solid [i]thud[/i] along with a squeal and a curse from her adversary. Charlie didn’t let go of Hana’s hair however, and Hana felt herself yanked savagely sideways through the sand. She was still shaking her head, blinking and spitting, when Charlie’s foot slammed into her chest, bouncing her left breast up out of the meager restraint of her bikini top and crushing it against her ribs. Hana screamed aloud, still tasting sand, as she flipped over onto her back, then again as Charlie’s grip on her hair wrenched her neck painfully to the side.
The bitch had gotten control of the fight. Hana couldn’t allow that to continue. Instinct urged her to pull away, to disengage, to get to her feet and give herself time to regroup. With Charlie hanging onto her hair though, that wasn’t an option – not an easy one, at least. She forced herself to ignore those instincts and instead launched herself back at the blonde.
Charlie obviously wasn’t expecting a counterattack and fell backwards as Hana’s head drove into her midriff just below her ribs. Hana slammed down on top of the blonde, her face pressed between the other woman’s breasts. She tasted sand and sweat on her enemy’s skin, but the soft flesh against her lips was too much to resist and she bit down hard. Charlie screamed like a banshee and, slapping both hands on Hana’s shoulders, shoved Hana forcefully away from her. The shove broke the grip of Hana’s bite and the blonde scrambled away. “You CUNT! You bit me!”
The look of horrified rage on Charlie’s face as she scrambled up her knees was more than worth the grit in Hana’s mouth. There was a circle of crimson marks on the inner curve of her right breast. Hana spat on the sand and snarled, “Get used to it, you stupid skank! That’s the least you can expect from Angelina!”
Charlie sneered. “You think that loser cunt is so great! I bet you’d love to kneel to her and eat her out, you subbie slut!”
“You’ll be the one doing that, and a whole lot more!” Hana still couldn’t believe this stupid bitch could be so self-delusional. Had she never seen Angelina in a fight? Hadn’t she heard of the crazy Latina’s cruel reputation? Hana didn’t know of anyone, with the exception of Mistress Monique, who would dare oppose Angelina in anything, let alone openly challenge her for her position in the cult.
Charlie cursed and hurled herself at Hana, who swayed sideways to avoid the blonde’s outstretched arms and grasping claws. She swung her own arm up in a rising right hook that caught Charlie high under the ribs and drew a gasping cry from the blonde. Charlie pitched forward onto all fours as Hana spun away on one knee and pushed herself up to her feet.
The crowd had swelled and were packed several deep around her and Charlie now, though they kept their distance to give the fighters room. Nobody wanted to get accidentally entangled in this savage brawl, though the faces of both men and women were rapt with attention and often with outright lust. Many were openly cheering. Hana heard a few cries of encouragement for Charlie, but a lot more for her. The blonde’s bitchiness was known all over town, and she wasn’t well-liked.
She took a moment to reach down and pull the rings of her thong out of her labia, giving herself a little less physical discomfort, though her mental discomfiture only increased as she felt how wet she was down there. The excitement of the fight, the feel of her flesh pitted against Charlie’s, the pain she had both endured and dealt out, all came together to fuel her fast-growing arousal. She relished the thought of humbling this arrogant whore, slutting her out and using her hard in front of everyone.
As Charlie began to push up onto her knees, Hana leapt forward, feeling the burn in the hard-worked muscles of her legs, and launched a kick that caught the blonde solidly between her splayed legs. Had she been an instant earlier she would have hammered Charlie’s clit as she intended but the angle was just a little wrong and though she lifted her enemy partway into the air and sent her skidding forward along the sand on her face, she knew from the feel of the impact that it hadn’t been the crushing, finishing blow she had intended. Still, it had to have hurt and she knew she was wearing the bitch down, hurting her more than she was hurting Hana.
Charlie rolled over onto her back. Her face, glistening with perspiration and streaked with tears of pain, was covered in white sand like some bizarre mask, out of which her sapphire blue eyes stared at Hana, blazing with hatred but also with more than a little fear. As Hana advanced on her, she pushed up with her hands and feet and skittered backwards across the sand, biting her lip at the pain it obviously caused her.
Encouraged, Hana increased her pace, closing faster than her enemy could retreat. “Time to face the music, BITCH!” She leapt in the air and drew her legs up, aiming both her feet in a brutal flying stomp that would crush the wind – and the fight – out of Charlie once and for all.
With a yelp of fear the blonde rolled desperately to her right. Hana swore in frustration as her right foot missed completely, spearing hard into the sand. Her left pounded Charlie’s lower back over her right kidney and her enemy’s agonized scream was some consolation to Hana’s sadistic side. Nevertheless she roared, “Fucking stay still, bitch!”
She raised her foot again, aiming another stomp between Charlie’s shoulders to crush her opponent into the sand but before she could bring it down, Charlie flung herself at Hana, crashing into her right leg, wrapping both arms around it. Hana’s arms flailed wildly in the air for a moment before she overbalanced and went down hard on her side. There was a chorus of delighted whoops from the onlookers and it briefly occurred to Hana that the crowd wasn’t cheering for her, or for Charlie either. They just wanted to see one of them victorious, the other crushed and humiliated.
There was no time to ponder the mob’s mentality however, as Charlie threw herself on Hana with a shriek of spiteful joy. “Now I gotcha, CUNT!” She drove an elbow into Hana’s gut, forcing a pain-filled “NNNGGGUUUHHH!!!” from Hana as the breath exploded out of her. Before she could recover, Charlie grabbed her hair again and sent a fist into her cheek, then another into her temple. Stars danced before her darkened vision.
She threw her hands up to shield her face, but then Charlie triumphantly seized her breasts, digging her nails in, twisting cruelly, gouging Hana’s hard nipples with her thumbs. “Payback time, SLUT!” Hana arched her back in agony, dimly realizing as she did so that it was almost an offering, giving her breasts up to Charlie’s zealous torture. The pain in her nipples seemed to shoot straight to her loins, and to have transmuted itself into a dark pleasure by the time it arrived.
In moments, she knew, she would reach the point of no return and this bitch would have her. The fear of what would happen then spurred her to action and she lunged upward with both hands, grabbing the ragged front of Charlie’s swimsuit. Pulling sharply with all her might, she jerked the blonde forward and at the same time, thrust her own head and shoulders upward off the ground.
Whether her aim was slightly off or whether Charlie tilted her head at the last moment, Hana did not know but the head butt did not connect and crush the blonde’s Charlie’s nose as she had hoped. However, her forehead did slam solidly into Charlie’s chin and lower lip, and the result was the same. Charlie screamed in agonized surprise, let go of Hana’s breasts and reeled backward, one hand clutched to her mouth. Hana bucked her hips upward, wriggling her body wildly, doing everything she could to dislodge her enemy from atop her. She got one leg free, pulled her knee all the way up to her chest and fired a stomp kick that landed solidly, right where Charlie’s hand was clapped across her mouth. That impact pitched Charlie backwards into the sand and allowed Hana to roll free.
She came to her knees, every muscle aching, and then to her feet where she stood half hunched over, her chest heaving. She tossed her hair out of her eyes so she could keep an eye on her enemy but instantly regretted that as her head both pounded with pain and swam with the endorphin rush that coursed through her. Her legs felt like rubber and lead at the same time. She staggered, swayed but by some trick of fortune, remained on her feet.
When she turned her head to gaze properly at her adversary, she was infinitely relieved to see that the blonde was in no better shape. Charlie pushed herself to her feet with both hands on one knee. Her hair was plastered across her face, heavily dusted with sand. A trickle of blood ran from the corner of her mouth and down her chin. She wiped a hand across her face, stared at the crimson smear there and spat a gobbet of pink-tinged spittle into the sand. Glaring at Hana, she narrowed her eyes and growled venomously, “I’m gonna break you, you ass-licking piece of shit! Then I’m gonna make you watch while I do the same to that dirty loser whore you seem to love so much!”
She charged at Hana, head low, arms in, evidently aiming to drive her shoulder into Hana’s belly, wind her and carry her to the ground. It took every iota of willpower Hana possessed not to react, not to charge or dodge. Instead she waited, hoping fervently in the moment it took for Charlie to close with her, that her timing was right, her judgment good. At the last instant she dropped abruptly to one knee, beneath Charlie’s outstretched arms. Charlie cursed in angry frustration, but her words were cut off as Hana suddenly surged to her feet once more, pouring every ounce of strength into her burning thighs. It was [i]her[/i] shoulder that rammed deep into the blonde’s midsection. The force of the blow lifted Charlie off her feet, and the blonde’s own momentum carried her over Hana’s back in a wild welter of limbs, to land with a [i]thump[/i] that drew mixed cries of sympathy and amusement from the onlookers.
As Hana stumbled toward her, fighting her own exhaustion now as much her enemy, Charlie’s arms and legs moved weakly, her fingers clawing feebly at the sand as she rolled ever so slowly onto her side. She managed to lever herself up onto one elbow by the time Hana reached her. With far more energy than she felt, Hana bent and thrust her hands into Charlie’s tangled hair. “Here…let me help, cunt!” She yanked the blonde up to her knees and, gritting her teeth against her own pain and fatigue, slammed her knee into her enemy’s suddenly stretched abs – once, then twice. Charlie gasped, groaned and slumped forward, almost hanging in Hana’s hands so that Hana had to shove a foot forward to keep from collapsing on top of her.
Hana twisted Charlie’s head up until she looked down into her enemy’s eyes. Despite her exhaustion, she relished the look of impotent anger, frustration and, most of all, defeat that she saw there. Charlie’s breath came in deep, ragged sobs, each one an effort. It seemed to Hana that she herself drew strength from her enemy’s despair. She would make an example of this bitch. Charlie would know her place – on her belly, groveling. “Did you really think you had what it takes to beat Angelina…to be first girl?” she asked her, disdain and incredulity tainting her voice in equal measure. “You can’t even beat me, and I wouldn’t have a prayer against her…then again, I wouldn’t be fucking stupid enough to try!” There was laughter from the audience.
“Now here’s what’s going to happen. First, you’re going to lick me…starting at my toes and working your way up to my pussy. You’re going to get down on your back and I’m going to sit on your face and hurt you – “ she leaned down, cupped Charlie’s right breast and pinched the rock-hard nipple until Charlie groaned through gritted teeth, “ – while you give me orgasm…after orgasm…after orgasm.” She straightened up again and spoke to the crowd as much as to Charlie. “I’m not going stop…and you aren’t either…until you cum from the pain. And after you do, then the crowd’s going to have you, over and over again until you pass out from pleasure or pain…or maybe both.” That was part of breaking the bitch. Not only would Hana make her submit, but she’d let everyone see it, be a part of it, know it – and the blonde would know they knew. “Now say it…tell me…tell all of us…that you submit to me.” She slapped Charlie hard across the face, leaving an angry pink mark on her defeated enemy’s cheek. “Tell them you’re my bitch.”
Hana stared down once more into Charlie’s eyes. She could see the blonde’s inner battle, the last shreds of her resistance warring with the pain and the shame of her loss, the feelings that gnawed insidiously at her. She lowered her eyes and Hana smiled as she recognized the moment of surrender. “I…I’m…” stammered the blonde. Hana stood tall, proud in her victory and looked around her at the crowd, her head held high, watching their reactions.
“I’m…gonna fuck up SO BAD!”
Before Hana could do more than snap her head around to stare at Charlie in furious disbelief, the blonde’s arm speared upward like a striking snake to snare the dangling ends of Hana’s hair. Hana roared with anger and tried to twist herself around to strike at Charlie and renew the fight, but she was not fast enough as the blonde wrenched her head back at the same time she slammed herself into the backs of Hana’s legs, knocking her to her knees.
“Fucking BITCH!” Hana threw her elbow out, instinctively aiming for Charlie’s chest but the blonde was no longer there, throwing herself down across Hana’s calves, hauling back even harder on Hana’s hair. Hana screamed in pain and surprise as she felt herself pulled backwards, off balance, then fall hard on the back, stretched across Charlie’s body. She threw an arm out to shove herself up but found her arm suddenly wrapped by Charlie’s legs and held outstretched. As panic rose within her, she twisted her torso the other way but Charlie had already grabbed her wrist, pulling it up and securing it beneath her shoulder.
Hana thrashed desperately, her legs bent painfully beneath her, arms outstretched, back arched, abs screaming at the strain. She shrieked too in pain and panic, but the blonde only flexed her own body and hauled harder on Hana’s arms, pulling Hana’s shoulders back further, arching her back ever more agonizingly. “NNNGGGAAAGGGHHH!!!” The force of her own scream hurt her ears and when it was finally spent, left her light-headed, her chest throbbing as she fought for air. She struggled again but that only sent another burst of pain through her back and shoulders.
She had to break free. She had to! She had beaten the bitch! She had had her on her knees, ready to surrender! This was [i]not[/i] happening! She squirmed her shoulders desperately but in vain. She screamed again in rage, frustration – and despair. After the brutal fight she no longer had the strength to free herself – if she ever could have, from such a hold – and every attempt only sent another burst of pain through her tingling, trembling body, weakening her still further.
Worse than that, the pain was feeding her arousal, stoking the embers into full flame. No! Fuck no! She wouldn’t – couldn’t – let her enemy slut her out with pain, not in front of her friends and the entire crowd of beachgoers. This could not happen! But the thought of it, of the humiliation that would go along with the pain, fanned the flames even higher.
“How’s it feel, cunt?” hissed Charlie in her ear. The blonde’s voice was thick with pain, exhaustion and the effort of maintaining her hold. “You had the fight won…and now you don’t!” Her mocking laughter was like a dagger twisting in Hana’s guts.
“You…GUUUHHH!” Hana’s curse turned into a cry of pain as again the blonde bent her body brutally.
“What was it you said? You’re gonna face sit me and hurt me an’ all? How’s that working out for you?” She arched her own back and drew another anguished gasp from Hana. “Hurt me until I cum from the pain? Go on…try it!”
Hana felt a touch on the inside of her thigh. A sharp pang of fear cut through all the other sensations that bombarded her. “No! NO!”
“Oh yeah, skank! I’m gonna show you just what ‘low’ means.” Charlie’s hand moved higher up her leg. “You shoved your fingers in my snatch earlier…let’s see how YOU like it!” She rammed her steepled fingers through the center ring of Hana’s thong and speared them savagely inside Hana’s all-to-slick passage with a cry of cruel glee.
The pain, the fullness, the mere thought of what was happening to her, here in front of an entire eager audience, were an avalanche against the tatters of Hana’s pride. The last vestiges of her resistance dissolved like dust as a dark tide of pleasure-pain swept over her. It was of her own volition that her hips bucked wildly, impaling herself harder, deeper on Charlie’s fingers. The sobbing scream that she cried to the cloudless sky was one of lust and shame inextricably entwined.
Hana came. She twisted and gyrated in helpless, anguished hunger in her enemy’s implacable grip. Every movement sent her into another paroxysm of pain but that only fed the demon desire and sent her spiraling into yet another despairing climax. Through the pain, through the pounding of her blood in her ears, through her own screams she heard the elated roars of the crowd.
“HA!” Charlie snorted in derision, and called out to the onlookers. “Look at the slut! She can’t help herself!” She bucked her hips upward, arching Hana’s back even further, and Hana gave a gurgling, breathless cry as she spasmed yet again.
“You weren’t gonna stop until I came from the pain?” jeered Charlie. She reached her head up and bit Hana’s earlobe. Hana whimpered in misery as she felt her loins clench tide and her juices gushed over the blonde’s fingers. “Well now [i]you’re[/i] the one cumming from the pain…and I’m still not stopping.” She stabbed another finger inside Hana, and Hana wailed as yet another climax rocked her.
It had all gone horribly wrong. She had almost had the bitch! Now she had lost it all. The depth of that failure, of what it might mean not only to her but to Charlie too, and to Emmy and Steffi and whoever else was drawn into the net, crushed whatever was left of her spirit.
“Please…please…” she gasped in desperation, no longer caring about her pride. “Give me…a moment. I can’t…”
“Oh you [i]think[/i] you can’t, but you can,” purred Charlie with silky menace. “I’m going to show you just what you can do…just how low you can sink…me, and everyone here.”
Hana was about to sob with desolation as she recognized the truth in Charlie’s words but then the blonde tore her fingers free of Hana’s pussy with a soggy, slurping sound and Hana’s sob turned into a plaintive scream as yet another torrent of orgasms tumbled over one another like hungry predators tearing at the fabric of her being.
When she came to her senses – or what remained of them – again, she felt as though every inch of her had been rubbed raw. The slightest movement, even her ragged shallow breathing, was enough to send waves of sensation rippling through her again, sensations that were no longer painful or pleasurable but a dark, terrible mixture of both.
“You think that’s all you can take? You think you’re at your limit?” Charlie teased her. “This is only the beginning!” She raised her voice. “Open house on the slut!” she cried out. “Use her however you want…just make it hurt!”
And use her they did. With cries of delight the crowd surged forward, jostling to be first. Cocks soon impaled Hana’s already throbbing pussy and invaded her ass while crotches male and female filled her gaping mouth. Charlie remained beneath her, holding her fast, maintaining her pain hold and keeping Hana’s back stretched tight, commenting contemptuously and continuously as Hana bucked and thrashed in her inexorable grasp.
Charlie was right – Hana had thought she was close to passing out, overwhelmed by the onslaught, but she was wrong. She was learning a new and terrible lesson in just how much she could endure. She wanted more than anything to pass out, to let welcome oblivion swallow her, but Charlie held her in a grip that was far more than physical – held her, played her, controlled her.
Hana knew she had a predilection for pain – as did most of the Pain Cult’s followers to varying degrees – but she had never imagined in her wildest nightmares that she could withstand so much or that she could lust after it like this. Nor would she have believed that Charlie had the stamina to torment her like this – though the crowd were only too willing to assist.
As they filled Hana’s every orifice and took their own pleasure from her, she lost all track of time. Her world contracted, became nothing but the smell of lust – hers and theirs, the taste of sweat and sand and jism and juices, the cries of their pleasure, Charlie’s cruel commentary and the moans and whimpers of her own awful lust.
The crowd took their time with her. Some came back for seconds or even thirds. Emmy and Steffi took their turn too. She didn’t hold that against them. She would have – and had in the past – done the same to them. Even Esther, Emmy’s prize from last night, was permitted to facesit Hana and pee in her mouth. The onlookers had laughed at that. Hana sobbed at that further degradation, just before cumming again.
The sun was low in the sky and Hana was barely conscious when Charlie finally, wearily rolled out from beneath her sweat-soaked, sand-caked body. Hana had long since ceased to buck and shudder and now she could barely quiver. Charlie too was covered in sweat and the juices of the crowd. She knelt over Hana in the damp, disturbed sand, staring down in exhausted triumph.
Hana returned her gaze for a moment, then turned her head away and cast her eyes downward in submission. She would have cried but she had no tears, no emotion left to give. She had lost. She [i]was[/i] lost. Lost and broken.
Hana reached down and slapped her face sharply. “Look at me!” Hana did so, fearfully, reluctantly and hesitantly. “That was just round one, bitch. Now you’re all warmed up, it’s my turn!” Hana looked up at her in fear and saw the enjoyment of that look in her tormentor’s face. Charlie was drawing strength from her despair, just as Hana had done to her earlier. So close. She had come so close.
Spinning on one knee, moving slowly, Charlie threw her leg over Hana, straddling her head. Her bare loins hovered over Hana’s face, puffy and glistening, sand stuck to tender skin that was slick with sweat and arousal. Charlie smiled triumphantly down into Hana’s face, her own eyes alight with anticipation as she prepared to claim the full spoils of her victory.
Hana’s arms and legs were unrestrained now but still she offered no resistance as Charlie lowered her loins onto Hana’s face. Hana parted her lips. Her jaws ached from being stretched wide around cocks and pussies for so long, and her throat was dry and raw despite the torrent of cum she had swallowed. Nevertheless, her tongue snaked out obediently to touch Charlie’s nether lips, licking them clean of sand, parting them, pushing within, searching for and finding the swollen bud of Charlie’s clit and flicking at it, swirling around it, sucking it, giving her conqueror the pleasure that was her due.
Charlie moaned hungrily atop her as she began to grind upon Hana’s face, tossing her head back and forth. She gave back too though it was not pleasure but pain she gave, reaching down and grasping Hana’s nipples, pinching and twisting. Hana thought that all sensation had been blasted out of her this afternoon. She was wrong. She squirmed and shook as she lost herself again in depravity.
As though from far away, muffled by the fog of her dark passion, Hana heard Charlie’s insidious words, whispered in her ear as she had used the crowd to crush Hana’s spirit. [i]You thought you had what it takes, bitch. You thought you could beat me. You thought you were better than me. You were wrong.[/i] The agony of defeat, the despair, the degradation, all conspired to once again push Hana to the brink of climax. [i]You tried, bitch – and you failed.[/i] She screamed her misery into Charlie’s dripping pussy.
She had no idea how long she shuddered, thrashed and gyrated in helpless ecstasy beneath the blonde, but she was sure she blacked out for a while. When she was roused back to reluctant awareness of her surroundings amid the cheers of the onlookers, she was dizzy with exhaustion both physical and sexual.
When she opened her eyes, she was staring at the sky. Her face felt raw and sore. It hurt even to breathe and she did so shallowly, fearing to gulp the deep breaths she craved to satiate her starved lungs. Her belly felt bloated from the torrent of cum and pussy juice she had swallowed.
Charlie stared down at her from her knees, face flushed. “Look at you…not so cocky now, huh?”
Hana could not meet her gaze. She rolled away onto her side, curled herself in a ball and retched a thin stream of cum into the sand.
She sensed, somehow – she didn’t know how – when Charlie slowly, ponderously rose to her feet. That feeling of the victor standing over her was borne out when, a moment later, Charlie’s foot pressed down on her shoulder, rolling her onto her back once more. “You’re not done yet, bitch…you’re mine, and I got plans for you!”
Steffi stepped up beside Charlie and slipped an arm around her. Hana wasn’t sure whether it was a congratulatory gesture or whether her friend was subtly supporting her so she didn’t fall. Either way, Steffi was [i]her[/i] friend – Hana’s friend – too, and it hurt to watch. In some small way, she was grateful for that. She could still feel something.
“The rules say sundown,” Steffi remarked, and glanced over her shoulder at the fast-setting sun. “But is that sundown today or sundown tomorrow?”
Charlie laughed wearily. “Tomorrow…she’s not getting off easy. She’ll be lucky to go free then. I plan to totally break her.”
“Mmm,” the slender, taller blonde licked her lips. “Do I get to help?”
“You’ll get your chance, I promise.” Charlie shoved Hana again with her foot. “Get your lazy ass up, loser…on your knees. Now!”
Hana would have sworn she had no strength left to move, but the steel in Charlie’s voice sent a chill through her. She stiffened involuntarily, then pulled her arms painfully inward, rolled herself ever so slowly onto her belly and pushed up unsteadily onto all fours. Her head hung between her shoulders, face hidden by the matted mess of her hair. Her limbs quivered with exhaustion but also with fear – fear at what the blonde might do to her now, and of all that might be, and was, to come.
“You know where I park,” ordered Charlie. “Get yourself back to my car. “[i]Crawl[/i] the whole way, or else! Then wait there for us.”
Steffi giggled. “I’m betting she gets used hard, a half dozen times on the way.”
“My guess is more like a dozen,” Charlie replied.
“I’ll take the bet.” Charlie gave Hana a kick in the butt that almost but not quite sent her down on her face in the sand again. “Off you go, slut…and do whatever anyone wants from you, all the way to the car. Keep a count of how many times. You hear me?”
“Yes…yes Miss,” Hana whimpered softly. She hated to hear herself say the words, loathed the trepidation in her own quavering voice.
“Get going then.”
Hana went, crawling to her fate.
The End
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