Caporegime18’s Stories
About the Author
The biggest thing about my stories is that they need to be something that I feel is a quality product. If I feel like something I’m putting out there is something I wouldn’t enjoy then I have no right to actually publish it.
That’s one reason why I love feedback, so that if people are hating my work (for constructive reasons) then I can learn what I need to do better to write a better quality story.
…unless it’s something petty like the “wrong” fighter won, then they can go fuck themselves lol ; ).
This author can be contacted at their Deviant Art page, which you can go to by click here!

Caporegime18’s Stories
Rekindled Rivalry
Screaming like a banshee, Kerstin ran across the room and tackled her mortal enemy Erica to the ground, punching her viciously in the face. Erica was startled but quickly replied with her own punches and soon both women were rolling around on the ground trading punches, scratches, kicks, bites and screaming at the top of their lungs.
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Annabelle’s First WWCL Match: A Prequel Story
After a minute or two of tit squeezing, Jana got off of Annabelle’s hips and, while still holding both of the blonde’s tits in her hands, forced Annabelle back to her feet. Dragging Annabelle to the corner, Jana threw the blonde chest first into the turnbuckle, making Annabelle gasp in pain. Taking a few steps back, Jana got a running start and leaps into the air, meaning to slam her body against Annabelle’s and crush her tits even more. As the brunette leapt into the air, however, Annabelle had the ring-savvy to drop down out of the way, Jana flying over her and crashing into the turnbuckle herself.
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Lucia vs Amanda
Trudging through the drifting snow, Kerstin shivered violently as she walked up to the double doors and searched for some sort of door bell. Seeing an intercom like the ones found outside of apartment buildings, Kerstin saw a strip of tape stuck next to a button with ‘office‘ written across it. Pressing the button, Kerstin only had to wait a few seconds before a scratchy reply was heard through the speaker.
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Apartment Ambush
Releasing her grip on Annabelle’s left tit, Lucia lowered her head towards Anna’s prized assets. Giving the tip of Anna’s battered right breast a playful little lick, Lucia proceeded to bite down and chew as much as the tit as possible, centering on Annabelle’s nipple. Screaming bloody murder and tears flowing down her cheeks, Annabelle desperately tried to roll onto her back to assuage the fire that consumed her breast, but the weight on her chest kept the Queen on her back. Switching from right to left, the Italian-Spanish beauty chewed on Anna’s other tit as well, the taste of sweat and flesh filling Lucia with a powerful lust that needed to be sated, a lust to destroy Annabelle.
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