Night had fallen on New York, the city lights shining around the track and field stadium. The place was dark and quiet, a striking contrast to what was happening only a few hours earlier, when the floodlit stadium was full of screaming crowds and competing athletes. But the competitions had ended two hours earlier, and not even the janitors were there.
However, that did not mean that the site was completely empty. In the depths of the stadium, in one of the women’s locker rooms, two female pole vaulters were facing each other in complete nudity, the young athletes watching each other with a hatred built up over the past few days. Both had had to wait patiently until the moment when there was not a single soul in the stadium, hiding in the showers until complete silence took the place. They had then proceeded to take off their clothes calmly, fully aware of what they had come here for.
“When we’re alone, Allison, we’ll compare them,” one of them had said hours before.
“And then, we’ll know, Rebecca,” her rival had replied. “Without a shadow of a doubt.”
Now, they were beginning to know, although the expected response was not yet obvious. Rebecca Keller’s and Allison Stone’s eyes were analyzing each other’s face, each other’s body under the lights of the locker room, and they felt again what they had felt when they first met, three days ago, at the beginning of the competition: surprise, followed by hatred and frustration. The similarity between their appearances went far, far beyond an ordinary look-alike—the girls could have been long-lost twins, even when they were sure they were only daughters. Just a few, minor facial features set them apart, both beauties with big brown eyes, thin noses and full lips, framed by long dark manes. Their bodies, on the other hand, seemed like identical works by the same sculptor, with medium-sized breasts, flat bellies, wide hips, toned buttocks and muscular legs.
Angry envy had invaded their hearts from the very first moment, and was doing so now, when mutual nudity only served to further accentuate the equality between their physiques. Even the details that they had not been able to know while dressed were now revealed on equal terms: the nipples of both beauties were matched in size, and also in their reddish tone, and the pubes were trimmed in the same way, leaving a rough, curly black landing strip descending from the mound to surround their full labia.
“Tom told me you were well endowed,” Allison breaking the silence, looking contemptuously at the cunt of her foe, bringing the comparison they both wanted to the forefront. “He definitely needs glasses urgently.”
“Larry told me the same about you,” Rebecca replied, fixing her eyes on the pussy of the other girl with contempt. “My boyfriend said you are really big down there, but he was obviously exaggerating.”
None of them were referring to the other thick labia, nor to the generous mounds of Venus, but to the rosebud-shaped erections that were already appearing at the apex of their vaginal lips. Her magnificent, fat clits was the real reason for her rivalry, a rivalry that had begun when, on the first day of the competition, both young women had discovered that they were both dating each other’s ex-boyfriend. Knowing that Tom had been with Rebecca months ago irritated Allison, whilst Rebecca could barely contain her hatred when she knew Larry had been dating Allison shortly before he started to date her. Somehow, the involuntary exchange of boyfriends made their rivalry burn even more, their mutual animosity because of their almost twin looks and their athletic competition in pole vault deepening even more.
But there was still one advantage to this whole situation. Every night after the competition, already at home, when they fucked their boyfriends, Rebecca and Allison did not hesitate to ask how good was the other one in bed, how the other’s body really was under tight tops and sports shorts and, above all, how was the other clitoris. Both Allison and Rebecca were awfully proud of their ‘poles’, as both called their sexual spears, so they felt the urgent need to overcome their newfound nemesis in that transcendental aspect. And, although their boyfriends had been elusive at first, they had ended up answering their burning questions. The girls learned that the other athlete was a real sexual tigress, with an incredibly toned and feminine body, endowed with an extraordinary clit in length and thickness, which could withstand hours of pleasure, orgasm after orgasm, without exhaustion. However, the guys had also said that their clits were larger than their ex-girlfriend’s rods, and better in strength and ability to give pleasure—whether that was true or just words of comfort was something that had yet to be seen.
“You shouldn’t have exposed it to me,” Rebecca said, after an intense minute of silent clit comparison. “Yours is obviously scared, hiding from mine…”
“Look who’s talking,” Allison replied, still analyzing the length of her clit’s pink antagonist. “Yours look smaller every second. Obviously, it cannot stand the sight of mine!”
Undeniably, they both lied—second after second, the clits were growing, slowly but confidently, coming out of their delicate folds, hardening at the same time as the nipples of the two athletes. The proximity of the naked rival was really exciting them, but not nearly as much as the imminent conflict.
“So…do you still want to settle this with our poles?” Rebecca inquired, remembering the dirty challenge her nemesis had spat at her just after the last pole event of the day at the stadium, her voice reverberating around the locker room.
“Only if you’re woman enough to do it that way,” Allison growled, licking her thick lips nervously.
“I’ll show you and your pole who the real woman is here,” Rebecca grunted.
Without another word, the two beauties lowered their fingers on their sexes and started to massage their clits to prepare them for the battle of their lives. Controlling their gasps, as if somehow they were a sign of weakness, the brunettes skillfully stimulated themselves, stretching and tightening their weapons while they wondered which clit would be the biggest one when both were completely swollen.
“I’m gonna smash your clit,” Allison croaked, finally feeling ready.
“Not before I shred yours,” Rebecca uttered, leaving her crotch free at the same time as her enemy.
Their clits shone with moisture under the light of the locker room. At that moment, each woman was aware of the awesome sword they were going to face in this erotic fencing duel, their eyes studying their size of the other weapon without any of them being able to claim any advantage. Rebecca felt her weapon throbbing with the beat of her own heart and, watching Allison, she noticed her antagonist’s clit was also trembling gently after each drum of Allison’s heart. Both poles pointed slightly downward, still far from their full glory, but sufficiently prepared for a fight neither wanted to delay any longer.
“Come here…” Speaking in unison, the girls walked forward, wanting to believe that their boyfriends’ words about the firmness of their rival’s clit was nothing more than exaggeration. Their brown eyes locked together for a couple of seconds—a last attempt at intimidation—before both returned their attention to the other sexual spear.
Rebecca took the lead with a quick twist of her hips, swinging her left breast right into Allison’s right breast. The blow echoed off the walls of the locker room as Allison cried out, but she retaliated with an equally hard boob slam that forced Rebecca to retreat, screaming in anguish before she rammed forward again. This time, Allison was waiting, so she also lunged forward. Their firm breasts collided against each other, nipple to nipple, eliciting pain and tears from both athletes.
“You must be terrified of my clit to do this!” Allison complained, hugging her opponent to increase the pressure on her bosoms. Rebecca howled within Allison’s arms before returning the squeeze, forcing a painful cry from her rival.
“I’m just proving you and our boyfriends who has the best pair!” Rebecca cried, making Allison remember that, like her, the other brunette hadn’t been asking her boyfriend just about her clitoris. There were also questions about their boobs, and which were better, between the two couples.
For two full minutes, the enemies struggled in the center of the locker room, crushing their rival’s body with the strength gained after years and years of elite training. Their tits, equal in size, tested each other’s firmness, compressing together until, sick of the stalemate, the girls pushed each other away in unison. Taking no time to rest, both rammed again, this time grabbing each other’s hips before slamming their beautiful breasts together without mercy. Cries escaped from their throats, accompanied by tears that jumped from one beautiful face to another. Keeping their pussies away from each other for now, the women put their leg muscles to work, pushing as hard as they could to topple their opponent and achieve the first victory of the heated female duel.
Another minute passed, then two, without any athlete giving ground. Their hard boobs, completely crushed against each other, were burning, fighting for a space that did not exist as their throbbing nipples toughened, impaling each other tip-to-tip in their own erotic war.
“Fuck your tits,” Rebecca grunted. “Fuck your nipples.”
“Fuck yours,” Allison groaned. “Fuck your whole body.”
All of a sudden, Rebecca gave a step, Allison’s strength momentarily overwhelming her. The small victory made Allison grunt with satisfaction just before her nemesis furiously pushed her away, separating both beautiful naked bodies again. The rivals surrounded each other, their breasts reddened by the conflict of flesh, their bodies already covered with sweat, their cheeks glistening with tears.
“I thought you were gonna show me who’s got the best pair,” Allison scoffed, savoring her victory as she licked her full lips. “It seems we both know now whose tits are better and, soon, so will our boyfriends…”
“We haven’t even started, bitch,” Rebecca insulted, her anger giving Allison an almost toxic pleasure. “Prepare yourself to be crushed.”
Crashing together again in the middle of the locker room, the women rubbed breasts and grabbing hips in a second test of strength and firmness. Allison could feel all the weight of Rebecca’s hard tits against hers, her rival’s annoying nipples penetrating her areolas and nipples with the same cruelty that Alison’s swords lacerated Rebecca’s until, not long after, it was Allison’s turn to retreat with a painful whimper.
“Whore!” Allison spat, pushing Rebecca away from her. In front of her, Rebecca exhaled a conceited gasp, knowing that she had evened the score with her bosoms.
“Now you know,” she said in delight. “I told you I had the best pair, and that’s what I’m gonna tell our boyfriends.”
“All or nothing,” Allison challenged, knowing that she could not hold this boob fight much longer; not because of the pain in her bust, but because the fierce confrontation was strengthening her clitoris with such intensity that the girl could hardly resist the dirty desire to fight clit-to-clit with her opponent once and for all. “Whoever moves away this time will be the one with the inferior tits.”
“You’re on, bitch,” Rebecca accepted.
This time, the rivals grabbed each other’s forearms before crashing their chests together with such force that they both went flying backward. Clinging to the other woman, however, neither fell far; their bosoms pounded together once, twice, three times before they started to grind them together again. Their pairs burned, Allison and Rebecca gasping heavily as they attempted to beat the other athlete’s firm B-cup trophies, their stiff nipples rubbing along the other quivering titflesh, or against each other, flesh rods against flesh rods, as last resort. However, five minutes later they both knew that they had reached an impasse from which their pride and resolve would never let them out.
Unable to ignore longer the palpitations in her pussy, and wishing to catch her nemesis by surprise, Allison launched her crotch forward and, with a hip twist at the last moment, drove the head of her clit into the side of Rebecca’s. Growling with a mixture of pain, pleasure and amazement, Rebecca felt her weapon give way whilst Allison’s pussy crossed hers from right to left. In retaliation, Rebecca moved her hips and, calculating the position of the other clit, she moved her pole upwards, catching Allison’s dagger from below. Her foe trembled under an attack that broke her body with unyielding pain and erotic satisfaction.
“Finally…” the pole vaulters gasped, digging their fingernails into their rival’s forearms, maneuvering with their hips quickly to attack again before be attacked. The clits were crossed several times with quick strokes before the pelvises moved a few centimeters apart. Figuring out at the same time where the assault would come from, the ‘twins’ threw their clits forward, meeting the lunge of the other pole in the opposite direction, and with the same impetus. The spearheads broke together, and the clits shook from the base to the tip, the painful collision forcing a double howl from the girls.
Allison and Rebecca moved away from each other with unsteady steps. Their teary faces were showing some respect for the rival after this first, short clit struggle: the other woman didn’t only possess a weapon strong and tough enough to fight with, but she was also able to use her erotic sword with lethal precision. Despite such mutual hatred, the brunettes felt excited by the clitfight that was coming.
“You’re good, bitch, I’ll give you that,” Rebecca admitted. After only a few clashes between clits, she felt the blood making her clit even harder. “But from what I’ve felt, I know you’re no match for my clit.”
“You’re good, too,” Allison conceded, excited by the growing strength in her throbbing sexual rapier. “But you’re wrong, you sow: my clit has already proven it’s better than yours.”
“Look at this, cheap copy,” Rebecca said as she flexed her spear, forcing her up and down under the watchful gaze of the other pole vaulter. “I have the strongest clit you have ever seen, and a more muscular pussy than you have ever faced…as you may have been warned by my ex.” Doing Kegel exercises every day, Rebecca knew perfectly how to control her vaginal muscles, so she kept moving her clit up and down to try to intimidate her enemy.
“That’s nothing, dirty impostor. I can make a man come in seconds just by flexing my pussy muscles around his cock,” Allison said as she flexed her clit in front of her nemesis, also demonstrating her incredible muscle control. “And if you don’t believe me, ask my ex.” Arrogantly, Allison pushed her clit upwards, matching the height of Rebecca’s beautiful pole. “It should not surprise you that my clitoris is unbeaten.”
“Just like mine,” Rebecca added hastily. “No one has ever beaten me either, and an ugly imitator like you won’t be the first.”
“If you’re still unbeaten, it’s only because you’ve never confronted me, you copycat shit,” Allison spat back. “Your unbeatability is a thing of the past.”
“Shut the fuck up and come here,” Rebecca grunted, sick of Allison’s arrogance. “Let’s see who has the strongest clit between us.”
“Let’s do it, bitch,” Allison mumbled. “Shall we do a V-posture?”
“Sounds perfect,” Rebecca nodded, knowing the popular clitfighters’ duel position. No one had ever surpassed her in a V-posture before, so she was determined to prove to Allison who was in charge.
Wishing to test their clit skills, the women they walked forward to surround the other body with their arms. Taking air, they pushing their clits down at a 45° angle. Coming together, they exchanged a quick glare before turning their attention to the other clit. Their thick poles touched head to head, making them groan as they forced them into a tight V-shape.
“Ready?” Allison asked.
“Always,” Rebecca replied.
Taking another breath of air, the women began to flex their pelvic muscles, each trying to push her clit upwards—the problem, of course, was the opposing pressure exerted by the other woman’s sexual sword. If one clit wanted to ascend, it had to at the expense of its enemy’s, pushing the other down as it climbed.
For half a minute, nothing happened. Their poles twitched tip-to-tip, the excitement building as both girls smiled arrogantly, each of them sure they possessed the strongest clit, sure they would soon humiliate their smug opponent. Both had had good reason to believe it: with every second that passed, each felt their rival’s pole tremble a little more, pulsing against the powerful flexing of each other’s pelvic muscles. However, lost in their duel, neither realized her own clit was shaking just as much as its competitor—they were both as close to winning the duel as they were to losing it.
Two minutes passed and still nothing changed between their clits. If other athletes entered the locker room now, they’d think Rebecca and Allison were immobile, paralyzed, but the reality is that they were having the fight of their lives. The two beauties felt their wills lose strength and arrogance, their breaths becoming heavier and heavier. Slowly, their smiles faded as their beautiful faces reddened, the contest stuck in a frustrating stalemate. Strengthened by constant blood flow, their clits continued pushing each other tip to tip as another minute was left behind. The bodies of the pole vaulters tightened in a supreme effort, their toned bellies throbbing, their fists clenched on their sides.
After five minutes, neither clit still moved, both weapons immobilized together in a perfect V-shape. It was enough. Unable to keep up the pressure any longer, the girls relaxed their poles in unison, frustrated by the tie, but happy that their nemesis shared their exhaustion. Despite their best efforts, the question of who had the strongest clit was, so far, unanswered.
“You won’t always be so lucky, slut,” Allison muttered, surprised at the mental and physical strength of the other athlete.
“If anyone is having any luck here, that’s you,” Rebecca replied, her brown eyes firmly fixed on Allison’s brown pair. “You must be doped to resist a clit like mine for so long.”
“The only one doped here is you,” Allison replied, leaning slightly forward. Her nipples brushed against their rival’s, causing both to gasp with pleasure. “It’s the only possible explanation.”
Even before the end of their discussion, the girls were already tightening their pelvic muscles again, flexing their clits together for a second time in another V-position. They already knew that if they wanted to defeat their ‘twin’, they would need to go further than they ever had gone with others rivals. Rebecca and Allison squeezed every ounce of strength from their muscles in a devastating effort that, they hoped, would lead to a quick victory. Immediately, their clits trembled as never before, rippling in the middle of their lengths with such force that threatened to split their weapons in two. Sweat ran down their beautiful, mirrored faces, dripping onto their still bruised, firm tits, before sliding as overflowing rivers across the plains of their toned bellies. Their clits received part of the salt rain of sweat, with the risk that even the smallest drop could unbalance the matched duel.
Feeling she had to take drastic measures if she wanted to overpower the other brunette, Rebecca bit her lower lip before grabbed her own tits. Kneading them with passion, Rebecca didn’t hesitate to pinch her long nipples.
“Oh, fuck!” she gasped, feeling a wave of pleasure running down her spine. The excitement of the dirty battle and the rough massage nearly sent her into an orgasm, but she was able to use that nuclear energy to strengthen her clit at the crucial moment of their push duel. To the surprise of Allison, Rebecca’s lance was reinforced enough to itself up a few millimeters while Allison’s pole descended the same distance.
“It seems we finally know who has the strongest clit,” Rebecca bragged, watching with pleasure the painful gesture in the beautiful, sweaty face of the other pole vaulter. “I knew your little clit could not match mine.”
“Little? Bullshit!” Allison spat, visibly affected. “I’m still not as hard as you are because I make you much hornier than you make me,” she excused her weakness. “My pole is harder than yours, and it’s gonna grow a lot bigger than yours.”
“It’s not that,” Rebecca yelled, their clits still joined, her long weapon still barely surpassing Allison’s. “And you don’t make me horny at all!”
“You have no idea who you’re messing with! There’s no way I’m gonna let your pathetic clit push mine!” Looking for revenge, Allison grabbed her own breasts and, imitating her nemesis, began to knead them with lust. The pressure on her sensitive flesh, on her erect nipples, overexcited her curvaceous body, hardening her up and down. “Oh, shit!” she moaned, suddenly felt close, very close, to an orgasm. A dozen explosions of pleasure erupted in key points of her voluptuous body, recharging her muscles with a powerful carnal energy. Allison’s clit toughened, matching Rebecca’s weapon in strength. With an energetic shove, Allison pushed her opponent’s pole a few millimeters up, letting both clits again in a perfect deadlock, head to head.
Massaging their own beautiful round breasts, the athletes struggled to break this new equilibrium. Allison pinched her own nipples, in an attempt to go further and complete the backlash as she flexed her pole against the other clit, but her opponent managed to stop it by eagerly squeezing her own nipples for pleasure. Again forming a perfect V-shape, the poles of the girls trembled together for several seconds, unable to overcome the equally strong clit of the other brunette.
With their fingers stimulating titflesh and nipples, the beauties realized how dangerously close they were to be defeated. The overexcitement hardened their clits, true, but with both of them coming close to orgasm, a climactic explosion could weaken the offensive effort at this critical time. But that wasn’t all: if one of the women came against her nemesis’ pussy, if one of their clits was able to bring the other to the most humiliating sexual climax, both would know which pole was the best…and who was the hottest girl between them. With their tense, currently matched dueling bodies, Rebecca and Allison understood this was the key to everything, the origin and the end of this dirty competition in the locker room—to find out, without a shadow of a doubt, which one of them was the sexiest woman.
Because their twin bodies and their precious identical faces, it was impossible to solve this question with a simple visual comparison, so they had to match their most erogenous virtues, their sexual resolve and lovemaking skills in the ultimate female duel. Neither of them were novices at clitfighting, having tangled their genital horns with other athletes over the past few years. But the challenge now in front of them was much bigger than anything that came before, precisely because of the competitive nature of their sexual encounter. The women’s arrogant egos would never forgive a sexual loss to a girl whose body was a reflection, to a girl who had once been the lover of her current love partner. Neither Rebecca nor Allison could bear to come home, look into their boyfriend’s eyes and know that they could never fuck him as well as their hated enemy.
With desperation heating their thoughts, the brunettes gasped, groaned and trembled at their endless clit battle. Their huge and swollen rapiers held each other in place, unable to overcome the increasingly shaky opposing clit. Knowing that, despite being equal, Rebecca could claim some advantage for being the first to push back the other weapon, Allison decided to give it all she had with an attack that, given the excitement flowing through her hot body, would be really risky.
“I’m sexier than you!” she croaked, strengthening her assault with words she hoped would weaken the psyche of the other girl. Tilting her face forward, Allison’s full lips closed around Rebecca’s equally plump mouth, locking them in a kiss that made the other athlete moan with pleasure.
Rebecca responded immediately, returning her kiss with hate, fury and hunger. The hands of the rivals left their own breasts, letting them be crushed together as the women wrapped their arms around the other toned torso in a torrid, passionate bearhug. Tongues came into play, licking at each other in the slick, hot cavern that formed their locked mouths, struggling in a test of strength and hedonism that, instead of distracting the girls from the main duel, it empowered it: a series of erotic outbursts exploded between the clashing mouths, and ran across the sensitive breasts, across the flat sweaty bellies until they sank into the wet crotches to further strengthen their tireless poles.
With their naked bodies for the first time matched from head to toe, the dark-haired antagonists competed each other with lips and tongues, bosoms and nipples, abs muscles and navels…and pussies drenched in sweat and something else. Their black cunt bushes intertwined like dangerous brambles as their mounds of Venus jostled, the extreme closeness of pelvises forcing their touching clits even lower, driving their cunts to rub labia against labia. Panting from genital contact, the pole vaulters gasped into each other’s mouth, their whole bodies bursting into flames.
“Bitch!” both cried, beginning to furiously bite tongues and lips. Frustrated at not being able to break the eternal stalemate, angry because all the enormous amount of mutual stimulation led to nothing, the girls left the bearhug to sink their fingers into the other soaked dark locks, pulling hard in a desperate attempt to unbalance their opponent.
And meanwhile, their proud clits throbbed in pain, pointing to the locker room floor in such a tense and unstable position that it was obvious that that horn hold couldn’t be maintained for much longer. Desperate, snarling into each other’s face, both beauties hoped that they had the necessary clit strength to overcome other stubborn defense…
At last, the two females felt the tips of their poles snapping free, sliding past each other in a painful but pleasant surge. Spitting unintelligible insults, Rebecca and Allison pushed each other, retreating in a locker room that now felt more like a sauna. Exhausted, they looked at each other with the fury born of the absence of domination—after matching clits and pelvises for an eternity, both had lost track of time and neither could claim victory. Although one of them could boast about something…
“Good fight, slut,” Rebecca muttered, gasping for breath. “But we both know whose clitoris had the other one on the ropes for a moment.”
“Cocky slut,” Allison replied, pissed off by the arrogance of her rival. “You better know that this fight is far from over.”
“Oh, I’m not so sure about that, Allison. If you had to kiss me with that weak tongue of yours to try to beat me, then you’re a lot more desperate than I thought.”
“You got a problem with that, Rebecca? Given how hungrily you were kissing me with that pathetic tongue of yours, it’s obvious that this is something you’ve been wanting since you met me.”
For a few seconds, the dark-haired girls stared at each other in silence, broken only by their heavy breathing. The stakes kept rising, piling up, as the catfight seemed to extend beyond their clits.
“You made it, fucking sow,” Rebecca said. “I was going to settle for whipping your clit with mine until you gave up, but now I’m gonna to go much further: I’m gonna fuck you.”
“You’ve read my mind, cow,” Allison grunted. “I’ll show you I have the best clit, but I won’t just beat yours to a pulp: I’ll fuck yours.”
Slowly, with careful steps, the girls began circling each other in the locker room, studying the enemy with lustful eyes. Their firm breasts moved up and down with every breath, the reddened, abraded nipples defying each other from a distance. As perfect athletes, Rebecca’s and Allison’s muscles looked perfectly well-defined in arms, bellies and legs after the physical effort of their fight. But if there was something outstanding in the other brunette, it was definitely her clit: stiff as never before, threatening the sexual spear of the other girl with a mixture of strength and ardor that few females in the world could match.
Then, Allison had an idea: using Rebecca’s arrogance, she could force the other girl into a duel where she was sure she could avenge the previous small defeat, showing that conceited girl which clitoris was the best.
“Tell me, babe,” Allison whispered. “If you’re so proud of your pole, if you think it’s really the strongest, the sexiest thing here…why don’t you let me work with it for a couple of minutes?”
“What do you have in mind?” Rebecca asked with curiosity. Although she didn’t quite understand what her opponent was after, there was no doubt she would accept any challenge thrown by her ‘twin’.
“Endurance.” Slowly licking her lips, Allison walked forward. “Make your clit as hard as you can, and keep it straight, pointing it directly at me.” A gleam went through Allison’s brown eyes. “I will put mine right under yours, and then I will push upwards. My pelvic muscles and my clitoris will be enough to bend your pathetic spear and prove to you who is the real queen here.”
“I accept, bitch, but on one condition…” Rebecca licked her own lips. “When you’ve exhausted after trying in vain to move my clit, it will be my turn to cut yours in half.”
“Whatever. When I’m done with your clit, I don’t think you’ll have the strength to try anything against mine…”
“We’ll see.” Rebecca placed her toned arms behind her head, flexing her prodigious sword to keep it perfectly horizontal to the ground. In front of her, she saw Allison open her eyes slightly to the show of amazing clitoral strength that she was exhibiting. “Come on, cunt!” Rebecca read the doubts on Allison’s beautiful face. “Give up, admit that my clit is the best one, and save yourself the humiliation. My pole is a rock: you can never move it.”
“Dirty whore,” Allison croaked, flexing their muscles in her cunt to harden her clitoris in her own female exhibition. “You haven’t yet felt even half the power of my pole, so shut up!” Sick of her nemesis, Allison moved forward, maneuvering with her hips to place her clit just below Rebecca’s. Both beauties took a deep breath, brown eyes locked in challenge.
“You’ve got two minutes,” Rebecca spat. “Then, your clit will be mine.”
Tightening her muscles with all her might, Allison slammed her clit against the base of the other’s athlete sword. The impact made both girls squeal immediately, but Rebecca’s sexual weapon didn’t move. Insisting with a second stroke, Allison made Rebecca’s clit yield a couple of millimeters. Feeling that she could make it, Allison flexed her sex weapon upward, trying to surpass the firmness of the rival clit.
For the next two minutes, the girls gave everything they had in the test of clit strength: Allison continued to push upward, and Rebecca kept hardening her hot rapier to avoid giving ground. Panting with sweat, the two females tightened their muscles in a surgical effort until, at the last moment, Allison’s clit managed to push Rebecca’s a few more millimeters. Snarling with rage, Rebecca pushed her opponent away, separating their aching poles.
“Your time is up!” she breathed with some vehemence. “Now prepare your clit for mine.”
Proud of her small victory, Allison lifted her chin while mimicking her nemesis’ previous position. In a muscular exhibition that sought to settle their psychological advantage, she moved her clit up and down in front of Rebecca, before keeping it straight so both beauties could start the second part of the challenge.
“Now you know how to bend a clit,” Allison said haughtily. “So, if you want, take your own advice: admit that I have the best clitoris and get out of here before you get really hurt.”
“You don’t scare me, bitch.” Rebecca tried to hide her doubts behind a furious façade as she approached Allison. “I have the strongest clit, and I will prove it.”
With some impetus, Rebecca’s pole struck Allison’s from below, but her onslaught was abruptly stopped by the firmness of the other brunette’s clitoris. Unable to believe it, she took a breath and repeated the blow—one, two, three times with the same result. The couple’s gasps echoed through the locker room as the aggressor insisted on her stubborn attempt to bend the other clit for a full minute.
Then Rebecca changed tactics: keeping her clit below Allison’s weapon, she flexed her pelvic muscles to the max, pushing herself upwards with the physical and mental drive she needed. Allison’s clit wavered slightly, letting itself move a few millimeters, but no more. The second minute was up, or so Allison calculated—with arrogance, she pushed Rebecca away from her body.
“There’s no more time!” Allison grunted.
“Liar! I had you!” Rebecca replied.
“I’ve won, so admit I have the strongest clit between us!” Allison claimed.
“Fuck you!” Rebecca groaned, the two women openly shouting in the locker room of an empty stadium. “My clit is stronger, bigger and sexier than yours!”
“No, I’m stronger, bigger and sexier than you, no matter what we compare!”
“Prove it!”
The girls collided in the center of the dressing room, locking their muscular arms around each other’s necks in a hold more typical of a Greco-Roman struggle than a fierce catfight. Stumbling around the room, the rivals bumped into the walls, lockers and wooden benches until, in the end, they both crashed into the door leading to the showers. Screaming with hatred, the girls lost control and began to pull at each other’s dark hair, lacerating the foe’s scalps as their bare feet slid chaotically across the slippery tiles of the room.
Eventually both lost their balance, stumbling against the handle of one of the showers before falling to the floor. The water came furious and hot, falling over their tangled bodies, forcing the rivals to yell howling as they felt the burning on their naked skins. The fight didn’t stop, though—crushing their bodies together, Rebecca and Allison put their opponent’s strength and agility to the test, the wrestling classes they had both taken early in their college years going into their minds. Their four sexy boobs crushed together, strong bellies slid against each other, and formidable legs with which the pole vaulters ran hard before their jumps intertwined like hungry snakes.
“Bitch!” Rebecca yelled, panting in the hot downpour. “If only our boyfriends could see us now!”
“I wish, slut!” Allison cried, competing muscle to muscle against her hated rival. “So my ex could see how he’s with the wrong woman!”
“He dumped you for a superior woman, you sow! And, from what I’m feeling, my ex must be disappointed with your body!”
“Tom is completely satisfied with me! Feeling your body against mine, I can’t say the same for Larry, you whore!”
“I have better tits, better legs than you!” Rebecca grunted. “And certainly better clitoris than you!”
“No way, bitch!” Allison replied. “My whole body is better than yours, especially when it comes to clits!”
With their sexual competition back to the fore, the beautiful females brought their pussies together. Rolling back and forth, Rebecca managed to strike Allison’s large clit with her own, swiping from left to right. Allison replied with a quick counter, banging the top of Rebecca’s hard clit before, and with a skilled, quick rotation of her pelvis, impaling the side of its head. Panting, Rebecca threw her ass back before turning her hips with one fast motion, nailing her clit at the base of Allison’s sword.
“How can you believe your pole is as good as mine?” Allison asked, stopping a clit onslaught from the other athlete with a hurried lateral attack.
“How can you believe your pole can compete with mine?” Rebecca said, avoiding a frontal assault just in time to stab her foil at the bottom of her rival’s clit again.
The duel of fencing continued under the water of the shower between moans and insults, with both beauties unable to accept that there was another woman so capable of such a surgical and intricate fight as that one. For years, their unusual clitoral abilities—their pinpoint accuracy, the strength of their pubococcygeus muscles, their formidable sexual stamina—had made them unique females: their lovers never forgot what it was like to spend a night with them, enjoying their extraordinary strong pussies, while their rivals still had nightmares about their insatiable and skillful clits. But now they had in front of them a woman who seemed to match them in the arena where they should be inimitable.
Hating the other girl more intensely than ever before, the pole vaulters ended up on their sides, hugging each other in a duel of equals. Attacking at the same time, Allison and Rebecca brought their clits together, left side against left side, and held them there for a few seconds, feeling the strength the other flesh blade still owned. Feeling challenged by their female enemy, both brunettes moved their hips slightly, pulling their clits apart an inch or two before charging sideways. The spears collided with all their extraordinary length, shaking from the head to the depths of the clits that, beyond the skin chapel, were waiting to emerge to join the tense struggle.
“Again,” Rebecca demanded, their clits colliding together a second time.
“Again,” Allison muttered, the third impact forcing the couple to close their eyes in pain.
For an indeterminate time, the beauties beat the sides of their sexual poles in a desperate attempt to twist the other clitoris and overcome it in the onslaught, but the command rods always stopped halfway, restrained by the robustness and perseverance of the portentous clit of the nemesis.
“Let’s switch sides,” the women asked in unison, shaking their pelvises to confront now the other flanks of their rapiers. Under the water that washed the sweat from their bodies relentlessly, the females kept competing in the stubborn contest of lengths for what they both felt was an eternity, without one clit managing to impose itself on the other by a single millimeter.
Frustrated by the umpteenth stalemate, the two athletes shoved each other, rolling away from each other before standing up in one jump. The brunettes’ prodigious physical form, result of years of hard daily training and a lucky metabolism, was beginning to wear off after…an hour of battle? More maybe? Locked in the locker room, both had lost track of time, unable to tell how much of the night lay ahead. Would they end up being discovered in the morning?
Exhausted, their bodies shone under the light of the showers, water running through their perfect figures—the hot jets coming out of the showerheads kissed their round, sexy tits, their bellies with softly marked abdominals, their carefully trimmed mounds and thick labia. Rebecca grabbed her dark hair, squeezing it to wring the water out of it, and Allison imitated her, while keeping an eye on her antagonist. Looking at each other with envy and rivalry, the athletes allowed themselves to regain some of their strength. Allison felt her pubococcygeus muscle throbbing at the edge of its resistance after the arduous bending war she’d had with the other girl—at this point, she expected Rebecca’s pelvic muscle to be just as, if not more, exhausted.
The brown eyes of the attractive females ended up falling on the rival clitoris, as could not be otherwise: the wild pole of the enemy had grown even bigger, stimulated by the last hot touches, and exhibited a size that no woman would have believed possible. Rebecca looked down at her own cunt to be surprised at her own length as well. Her clit had never been so hard, so extended, so plump as it was now.
“I don’t think we’ve ever been harder than this,” Allison said, reading Rebecca’s mind, “so if we’re gonna figure out who’s got the biggest clit, now’s the time.”
“Good,” Rebecca replied, placing her hands on her hips arrogantly. “I’m at my maximum size, and I’m sure you are too. We will not find a better occasion.”
“Let’s do it, bitch.” Allison put her hands on her waist, looking proudly at her rival. “Now, my pole must be about two and a half centimeters long,” she calculated. “There’s no way you can match something like that.”
“No way are you two and a half centimeters long,” Rebecca said. “My clitoris is about that size right now, and I’m obviously bigger than you.”
“No, you’re not that long,” Allison grumbled, taking a defiant step forward.
“Yes, I am,” Rebecca argued, taking her own step forward. “My pole is longer and thicker than yours.”
Approaching each other, the girls carefully placed their clits next to each other, comparing them with eyes in the absence of measuring tapes. Unable to decide who was really bigger, they instinctively moved their pelvises forward, knowing that whoever touched the opposite pussy first would win the comparison. Yet, despite all the bravado, the tips of their clits touched the other sex at the same time. No doubt no spear was longer than the other…at least for now. Having reached a length that was unimaginable before the fight, Rebecca and Allison thought it possible that their clits might still have room to grow as the sex war progressed.
“Perhaps our poles are equally long right now,” Allison conceded, looking intently at their opposing clit,” “but you cannot deny that mine is fatter.”
“In your dreams, you sow. Look at my pole; it’s impossible for you to think that yours is fatter,” Rebecca said.
“There’s only one way to find out who’s lying, cheap copy…if you dare.”
“I know what you’re talking about, you cloned bitch…Tip to tip!”
As if they already knew what their mistresses were going to do, the two clits immediately crashed head to head. Moaning, the brunettes kept up the pressure on their rival, eager to compare the strength of their poles until the end. From above, both saw beyond their trembling hard-nippled boobs how their weapons matched in thickness. An intense frustration took hold of Rebecca, warning her that this whore was equal to each and every one of her virtues. Angrily, she pushed her cunt forward with renewed vigor, trying to make the tip of the other clitoris soften and give way so that she could push the enemy pole back into her skin hood. However, Rebecca could feel the pressure that Allison’s clit was applying in the opposite direction, in a clear attempt to crush her own flesh rapier.
The two beauties were able to keep their clits facing each other in that precarious balance between tips as more and more blood came to reinforce them. Sweat drops appeared on the young women’s foreheads, drenching their reddened faces, faces concentrated in the Herculean battle that, by surprise, ended abruptly. The heads of the clits slipped past the other sword, hitting the wet labia with impetus. Allison and Rebecca gasped with pleasure, and before they knew it, both were impaling the other sex crack in a hot, uncontrollable rush.
“I’m sick of you!” Allison cried. “If I have to fuck your pussy to weaken your fucking pole, so be it!”
“If you want to fuck, then let’s fuck!” Rebecca growled. “I will be happy to humiliate your pussy so your damn pole loses its strength!”
“I’m gonna—!” Allison’s threat was suddenly drowned under Rebecca’s burning lips as the other female unexpectedly kissed her with hate.
Shaking their hips back and forth, the athletes penetrated each other in violation while their tongues did the same with the fleshy mouth of the nemesis. Constantly, their clits were in each other’s way, preventing the desecration of the pussy with stubborn resistance. However, when a girl managed to twist her pelvis enough to get through the other defenses, her clit pierced the other cunt at the same time as it rubbed against the sensitive foe’s labia.
Between gasps and shouts, the women fought so fiercely that they soon began to stagger through the showers. Closing their beautiful brown eyes, they deepened the kiss while keeping their sexes together in tight fight, their clits drilling and being drilled. With unsteady steps, the ‘twins’ walked through the shower door again, returning to the locker room where it all began. There, crashing into one of the lockers, the couple was thrown against another of the doors—the door gave way violently, making the girls fall down the corridor leading to the athletic track where the two beautiful pole vaulters had been competing hours before.
On the ground, the catfight intensified in a mixture of wrestling and wild sex between wet bodies. Increasingly exhausted, the young women struggled with legs and arms as they pushed their heated cunts together, for the first time the entire length of them in contact. Their labia rubbed up and down, down and up, in perfect sync, as the dark pubes tangled, pulling each other out with every pelvic movement. The burning, hard clits abused each other’s sexual anatomy, forcing both pussies to soak under waterfalls of liquid pleasure that heralded the approaching orgasms. Inside the kiss, neither could contain the saliva any longer, which began to overflow out of the hungry tangle of fleshy lips and insatiable tongues. The breasts were kneaded against each other, rubbed together in an intentional war of bliss where the reddish nipples were crushed in their own duel of length and hardness. The formidable gym-toned butts rose and fell with a perfectly coordinated hammering rhythm between the cloned beauties, who rolled back and forth in the fiery despair of those who wished for victory above all else.
In the end, none of them could take it anymore. The over-excitement ended up destroying the women’s wills, and a double orgasm, born from the depths of each sex, detonated in each body. Separating their lips—still linked together by warm threads of saliva—Rebecca and Allison raised their sweaty faces to the ceiling and howled like she-wolves, shivering under a multi-layered climax. The explosion went on for a couple of minutes, gradually losing intensity until it finally faded from the bodies of the two beauties—although it was burned into their female egos.
Resting in the other arms, lying sideways in the corridor, the girls brought their faces together, nose to nose; their big eyes hated each other at close range for what had just happened while their mouths, slightly open, gasped softly and warmly. A light breeze from the athletic track outside kissed both bodies, forcing them to tremble again.
“Is this what you did with Larry every night?” With a broken voice, Rebecca pushed her forehead against Allison’s, bringing out her most private emotions. “Is this how you kissed my boy on the darkest streets of the city?”
“What about you?” Allison fought back, pressing her forehead against Rebecca’s with the same intensity. “Is this how you fucked Tom?” Her tone was bitter, personal. “Were you rubbing your tits against my boyfriend’s chest like you just did with me?”
Jealousy poisoned the hearts of the athletes, just after they had felt the incredible sexual and loving capacity of the other brunette in their own flesh. The thought of their current boyfriends having sex with their bitter enemy, with the girl they hated most in the world, deepened a rivalry that was already incredibly deep.
“Perhaps you think you’re so tough, bitch, but before the night is over you’ll be screaming my name,” Rebecca warned, letting herself be carried away by animosity. “You’re gonna scream my name while I break your pole in half.”
“Now that I have fucked your pussy, I don’t think you have much strength left in your pole,” Allison answered. “It will be you who will shout my name in a few minutes, you sow.”
Between the thick, sweaty, cum-stained thighs, the pussies looked for each other again. The tips of the clits soon touched each other, and the rivals hissed as they felt how much things had changed after the double orgasm—the once invulnerable flesh swords now shuddered in a state of vulnerability and sensitivity that neither Allison nor Rebecca expected. The women’s conceited pride felt hurt as they realized that the other athlete had managed to wither her powerful sex pole.
Yet the clits were still hard enough to keep fighting, their lengths still remained at their maximum—they were still very dangerous weapons, and the key to everything. Returning to the duel they had had before the chaotic sexual combat, the girls pushed their rapiers forward, seeking to push back the clitoris that still dared to oppose them. Grunting, Allison and Rebecca pressed and pressed, but no rapier gave way. Their bodies, however, trembled between the other arms, affected by post-orgasmic weakness.
Aware that the clitoral struggle would now be more desperate, demanding and sensitive, the two anxious beauties gathered all the physical and mental strength they could as both kept bringing their long weapons together, tip against tip, over and over again. But the harsh stalemate between clits wasn’t broken at that point, not one minute later.
“Fucking cunt. Let’s not push them away this time,” Allison whispered after more than half a hundred mutual clit thrusts. “Let’s keep our poles together until one of us gives in.”
“Oh, you dirty bitch, it’s your funeral,” Rebecca grunted in reply.
“It’s yours, copycat!” Allison howled, pushing forward her pelvis at the same time that her nemesis was doing it from the other direction.
The heated, wet clits were again pushed together, end to end, but this time, as promised, Rebecca and Allison kept them there in the umpteenth test of strength and toughness between their best weapons. From the second one, the two athletes increased the pressure between clits, their wills focused on the hope that the other stiffness would finally give way and give the ultimate advantage to their own erect pride. Gasping with pleasure, moaning with pain, the girls kept the tense, shaking contest of resistance going for what seemed like an eternity…until both achieved what they sought: the opposite clitoris was finally forced back, sinking almost half centimeter into the chapel of skin from which it emerged—the problem, however, was that their own poles also gave way, yielding the same length to the rival firmness, at the same time.
“Hard bitch!” they shouted at each other, clutching each other’s hair in rage. Keeping their humiliated clits together with impressive pinpoint skill, Allison and Rebecca forced the rival to stand up by pulling on her dark hair.
“You’re gonna lose your pole,” Rebecca spat out in the middle of the corridor. “I’m gonna break it!”
“Yours will break first,” Allison replied, almost mouth to mouth with the other athlete. “I’m gonna tear it up!”
Pulling back their right legs, the females pushed forward their strong pelvises while pulling the other black hair to bring their enemy closer. As a result, the pressure between thick clits grew hard, and both erections lost another half centimeter in length. With tears flooding their beautiful brown eyes, the ‘twins’ whimpered face to face as they used all the strength that still had the powerful muscles in their pole vaulters’ legs.
Tired of the frustrating stalemate, Allison decided to change tactics; feeling that her formidable pubococcygeus muscle had regained some of its energy, she tensed it to flex her clitoris with such sudden momentum that she not only caught her nemesis by surprise, but also herself. Her spear bent the tip of Rebecca’s sexual rapier slightly upward, causing the other beauty to whimper. Rebecca felt a pair of tears burst down her reddened cheeks, as her clit was pushed into her body several more painful millimeters.
“Bitch!” Rebecca exclaimed at the moment of weakness. Telling herself that her pole was the stronger of the two, she flexed it with all the spirit she could muster from her freshly recovered pelvic muscle. Allison’s anguished grunt and desperate grimace was the confession she expected: her opponent’s clitoris retreated a half a dozen millimeters as her own flesh foil regained length.
“Tramp!” Allison insulted, taking a deep breath before returning to expand her pelvic muscles in response to Rebecca’s assault.
For nearly three minutes, the sexy females flexed their clits in turn, shattering the other stiff pole with damaging thrusts, forcing tears into the beautiful eyes of the rival, ultimate weapons pulsing with destructive fire between the glued pelvises as they gained and lost ground in an agonizing give-and-take. The hair pulling got wilder and wilder, fingers sunk in the silky, wet hair of the nemesis increasing the torment to levels of cruelty that only two jealous beautiful women were capable of delivering.
“I’ll beat you!” the pole vaulters exhaled in unison, their hot breaths mingling as they flexed their clits at the same time in a desperate attempt to crush the other challenging hard rod once and for all. The girls’ sex poles smashed each other in a clash of toughness and endurance, a defining sexual test that, however, none of them passed.
“Shiiiiit!” To the shame of both women, a double scream came from their throats. The pain was unbearable for a few seconds, and the pelvises in hot dueling broke apart.
“Fucking hard whore!” Rebecca shouted, her wounded pride suddenly giving her the idea she needed to prove that she and only she had the best clitoris there. “Feel this, bitch!”
Allison didn’t see it coming: quick as a snake, Rebecca’s right hand left her hair to fall between Allison’s legs and, a second later, she felt raped by another woman’s fingers for the first time in her life. With malice, Rebecca’s phalanges broke the clit-to-clit struggle, impaling Allison’s pussy with such force that her pelvis was pushed back.
“Fuck!” Allison yelled, retreating while somehow, and despite all they had done before, she felt profaned by Rebecca’s hand. Her back hit the wall in the corridor, but the grunt of pain was muffled by the forced sexual gasps that the long fingers of her hateful nemesis forced from her.
“I told you if you wanted to fuck, we were gonna fuck!” Rebecca groaned, aware that if she had weakened the other clitoris after stealing an orgasm from the body of the other brunette, a second climax could be enough to exhaust it definitively. “Now there’s no turning back!”
“Bitch, you dirty bitch!” Allison sobbed, momentarily paralyzed against the wall while being fingered. “I hate you, bitch!”
“Yeah, hate me all you want, but love my fingers!” Rebecca scoffed, vigorously pushing two fingers inside and out her rival’s hot cunt. The wet sounds echoed in the corridor so loud that even outside, in the nightly silence of the stadium’s tracks, could be heard along with the moans of the trapped ‘twin’.
Gathering as much willpower as she could, Allison managed to react: with a battle cry, she left her enemy’s long black hair to attack her naked body with anger and passion. Allison’s right hand assaulted Rebecca’s crotch in revenge, two fingers invading the sexual slit without mercy; the left hand, meantime, clung to the girl’s right firm breast like an eagle’s claw to its prey, and twisted it furiously.
“Shit!” Rebecca wept as she was pushed back to the opposite wall of the corridor. The sudden blow made her lose her grip on Allison’s heated pussy while the fingers of the other pole vaulter continued jerking off her wet cunt with amazing skill. “Leave my pussy alone, bitch! Oh, you filthy, filthy bitch!”
“You can dish it out but you can’t take it, can you, cunt?” Allison gloated, giving pleasure and pain at the same time: while Rebecca’s vagina was sexually stimulated, her right tit was squeezed by cruel nails. “You started this, you whore…and I’ll finish it!
“I hate you, fucking cow!” Overcoming Allison’s double assault, Rebecca used her naked ass against the wall of her back to push forward with sudden momentum. The perfect bodies of the athletes collided together with a resounding thud, young flesh against young flesh, groan of pain against groan of pain, Allison losing her ground to Rebecca’s push.
“No!” Allison spat out, pinching Rebecca’s erect nipple while shoving a third finger into her opponent’s cunt to reinforce her position. “Back off, bitch!”
Far from backing down, Rebecca sank her fingers into Allison’s pussy again, three fingers penetrating an already soaked slit with a rage that was beginning to get out of control.
“You back off, bitch!” Rebecca ordered, her free hand suddenly clawing at Allison’s beautiful right breast as both beauties tortured each other in the center of the corridor. “And get off!”
Fingering each other as if there were no tomorrow, the fit females soon left the mutual jealous breast lacerating to focus on what really mattered: her ‘twin’ orgasming again. After being scratching and pinching, the sore nipples began to receive other types of attention, the fingertips massaging them, caressing them in a session almost unsuitable for a fight—but this was no ordinary fight, but a real, deep sexual competition between proud women and flawless bodies.
“You horny cunt!” Pushing her face against Rebecca’s, Allison gasped against her rival’s thick lips. “I’m gonna fuck your little pussy silly!”
“Not before I fucked yours for good!” Rebecca’s nose and mouth brushed against Allison’s as she grunted. “What would my ex-boyfriend say if he saw you’re here all hot and bothered with me giving you the fingering of your life?”
“If Tom were here, he’d know he’s with the right woman!” Looking for intensify the raw pleasure of her nemesis beyond her sexual stamina for the second time, Allison rushed her fingers in and out of the other pussy while her other hand opened to grab as much warm titflesh as it could. “He would see that we are not twins at all, because I have a better body, better face and I know how to fuck better than you!”
“Fucking tramp!” Rebecca groaned as her fingers responded to the other brunette’s onslaught by matching Allison’s accelerated pace, wet cunt incursion against wet cunt incursion. “We’ve both fucked Tom and Larry, so both men know firsthand that I’m hotter and prettier than you, and that you absolutely can’t fuck like I can!”
“You’re gonna come first, and then you’ll know who’s right about that!” Allison challenged, feeling Rebecca’s hand massaging generously, seductively her right boob.
“Yeah, I’ll know when you come first!” Rebecca panted, her nipple getting hotter and stiffer under Allison’s insistent palm.
Gasping and groaning, cursing between teeth, the sexiest athletes who had competed in the stadium over the past few days struggled down the corridor, staggering back and forth. The water from the shower had long since evaporated from their overheated bodies, replaced by layers and layers of female sweat, perspiration leaving a trail on the floor as a reminder of the chaotic movements of the catfight. But no matter the unbalanced steps or abrupt body struggles, because their soaked fingers never leave the other abused cunt—neither wanted to let the other escape, but neither wanted to try it anyway: this was a duel of pride and endurance to the end.
Starting to feel overwhelmed by the ardor that made them burn physically and mentally, Rebecca and Allison pushed their sexy lips together, sealing both mouths in another kiss duel of wild tongues and sharp teeth. After the last discussion about who fucked better, both pole vaulters felt they had a lot to prove in this kiss. None had established a kissing supremacy in the previous two short make-out sessions—in the locker room and the showers—so they both hoped that third time was the charm.
But fate, some goddess or just plain luck didn’t want it to be the time to solve that. Unexpectedly, Rebecca tripped over a step, and fell backwards down the stairs leading to the tracks in the stadium, dragging Allison with her. A double scream echoed through the air, Rebecca yelling in pain, and Allison in surprise.
But not even the unexpected incident stopped the female contest: with Allison on top of her rival, both beauties kept masturbating each other, knowing that breaking the fingering cadence now would give the other dark-haired woman enough sexual recovery to win the dirty groping match. But her hot kiss had broken, and Allison knew she had another weapon at her disposal.
“Enjoy this, sow,” Allison moaned, lowering her beautiful face onto Rebecca’s left tit. The trapped athlete felt the soft bite on her hard nipple and, half a second later, Allison’s long fingers massaging her other reddish rod. A burst of extreme pleasure ran through her from her assaulted breasts to her raped pussy, and back to her excited nipples.
“Fucking coward!” she wailed, convulsing under Allison. Knowing she had to do something fast or she would be utterly fucked by her clone nemesis, by her hands and mouth, she dipped a fourth finger into Allison’s dripping sex and accelerated the inside-out assaults. Against her bitten nipple, the other beauty groaned with pleasure, and Rebecca seized the brief moment of weakness to pull Allison’s hair and make them both roll down the stairs.
“Dirty cunt!” Allison spat out, her teeth pulled away from its prey, just a long thread of saliva joining her hungry mouth with Rebecca’s delicious nipple. “I’m not done biting your weak things!”
“Well, I’m starting now!” Rebecca sneered, pushing Allison’s strong body against the stairs and quickly getting her revenge with a cruel bite to Allison’s long right nipple and a malicious pinch on her other stiff shaft. The brunette in the lower position whined in excitement and pain at the same time, Rebecca’s teeth and fingers storming her tits and pussy mercilessly.
“You’re gonna pay for this!” Desperate to bring her rival to orgasm before she herself exploded, Allison leveled the playing field by thrusting a fourth finger into Rebecca’s hot sex, forcing her to moan aloud with her increasingly rapid invasions just before tugging on her hair to push the other beauty off of her.
The conflict on the staircase erupted into a chaos of strong limbs, two equally fitted bodies wrestling muscle against muscle, nastiness against nastiness. Like beasts in heat, Rebecca and Allison kept fucking each other with their soggy fingers, their mouths biting, sucking licking the firm, shaky titflesh whenever it was within their reach. There were even a couple of punches on the other side, coming from frustration, the sound of pounded flesh echoing around along with gasps of effort and groans that combined pleasure and pain.
“Stop moaning so loud, bitch!” Allison grunted, aware that the staircase walls must be amplifying the sounds of the catfight to the outside. “I don’t want anyone to break us up before I’m done with you!”
“You’re the one who can’t stop moaning and whining, whore!” Rebecca replied angrily. “But don’t worry, by the time someone gets here I’ll have already finished with your body.”
“Cheap tramp!” Allison snarled. “If you won’t shut up, I’ll shut you up!”
“I’ll shut you up first, you fucking slut!” Rebecca roared.
Their plump lips locked together again, the mutual promise being fulfilled with tongues penetrating mouths with wet craving. The pole vaulters struggled on the stairs, rolling back and forth, their fingers testing each other’s carnal limits in the most intense cunt fingering of their lives—both even felt the other woman trying to plunge the whole fist inside them on a couple of occasions. But, as their boyfriends had warned, the sexual stamina of both brunettes withstood, avoiding orgasm for five, ten more minutes, no matter how much they raped the other beauty with fingers and tongues. However, they had made the other beauty climax before, so they knew that, one way or another, they would eventually break down the rival’s defenses.
“If you’re not gonna cum against my fingers, I’ll have to work directly on your little horn,” Allison said, her thumb pressing against Rebecca’s clitoris.
“Oh, you bitch,” the other athlete moaned, but she didn’t lose a second in pushing her own thumb against Allison’s clitoris. “You and your tiny thing are gonna regret starting this.”
Instinctively sitting on the stairs, face to face, with their right legs above the left ones of their nemesis, Allison and Rebecca kept jerking each other off, but everything had changed: mutual penetration moved into the background, fingers entering and exiting from the foe’s wet vagina slower now, as all the attention of women was now on the other formidable clitoris. Looking into each other’s eyes, the two adversaries carefully, intensely massaged the other pole, soft, measured thumb strokes looking for what the furious fingering had not accomplished.
“I’m gonna overwhelm yours,” Rebecca provoked.
“You’ll never overwhelm mine,” Allison replied.
The incredible, sexy athletes fought against the other notorious sexuality stamina while resisting with their own as much as they could the assault against their clits, minute after minute until they both lost track of time. It was impossible to know who had started, and at what point, but the brunettes were eventually licking the other tongue, the air burning around their panting mouths, the nipples hardening below the desperate oral battle. As the long fingers kept raping cunts and clits, there came a frustrating moment when both beauties felt that the other woman could keep this up all night without cumming, but even Rebecca Keller and Allison Stone had a limit.
When the double orgasm came, it was abrupt, explosive and, unlike the first one, almost exclusively clitoral—and that meant a brutal difference in two big-clitted females like them. Overwhelmed by a tsunami of heat and wetness that none of them had seen coming, the athletes screamed in unison against the other mouth, their pussies throbbing deeply as they expelled their heavy, slimy load on the other fingers. Allison and Rebecca bucked violently, unable to control their bodies and their devastated centers of pleasure for long agonizing seconds, until they managed to kick each other and split up.
Silence returned to the stadium, a silence so thick, so deep that not even the broken gasps of both women seemed able to interrupt it. Lying on the steps, they closed their eyes to try to get a grip on themselves after what had been the most intense sexual climax of their entire lives—that it had been provoked by their archenemy and not by a man bothered them terribly. The only thing they could cling to was the pants the other athlete exhaled, the sound of the orgasmic loss of the rival giving them some consolation.
Two, then three full minutes passed, and neither Rebecca nor Allison moved. They could feel the adversary’s saliva on their own tongues, on their own lips; they could feel the weight of their breasts after every breath, their nipples still stiff with arousal; they could feel their pelvises exhausted after pumping hard against the other brunette’s raping fingers. But nothing could compare to what they both felt between their legs, in the weapons of which they were proudest.
Slowly, the beauties brought a hand to their crotches, and rubbed their clits with their fingertips. Both groaned in frustration, their love nubs feeling irritable, beaten…weak. The last devastating orgasm had stolen much of their toughness and strength, leaving the once unbeatable poles dangerously close to collapse. The pole vaulters felt vertigo at what could be the first and greatest humiliation of their lives if their worst nightmare came true and the hated, filthy clone nemesis finally defeated their arrogant clitoris.
A gentle breeze made the young athletes open their brown eyes. Tilting their heads slightly to one side, they looked up at the night sky beyond the staircase, the moon and stars watching their sweaty, naked bodies far above the stadium. Allison and Rebecca remembered the crowd applauding, shouting, roaring when, for three days, they had gone out through those stairs to compete against each other. Now, the real competition, a sweaty, dirty, agonizing one, was taking place in the depths of the stadium, and both brunettes wondered who the crowd would cheer for if they saw them now, naked body against naked body, fighting for the top spot on the podium for best clitoris.
“The public would be cheering for me,” Allison suddenly said, giving voice to her thoughts. Turning her head, she locked eyes with her angry but equally exhausted enemy. “If we were doing this with the bleachers full of people, each and every one of them would be shouting out my name while I beat your clit.”
“I’ve always been a crowd favorite, and if I’m as a pole vaulter, even more if they saw me crush your clit with mine,” Rebecca replied, the debate in her head turning into an open discussion. “Everyone would shout my name and support me against you.”
“I would love to destroy your clit in front of everyone, but since we can’t do that, why don’t you and I finish this where we started three days ago?” Allison challenged, nodding toward the top of the stairs.
A powerful excited throb ran through Rebecca’s body as she understood Allison’s words. Out there the mat where the two of them had tried to overcome each other’s jump awaited—the mat where, with each fall, the rivalry and frustration between them grew more and more intense. A surge of stimulation strengthened her flagging clitoral weapon at the thought of settling all her unfinished business with her nemesis in the most appropriate of all places.
“I agree, bitch. Let’s go outside to solve this fucking thing once and for all,” Rebecca gasped, forcing herself to raise her soaked, drained body on her elbows. Not far from her, Allison also raised herself up on her elbows, and the beauties faced each other with their legs spread, their cum-filled cunts confronting one another.
“You tramp,” Allison gasped, looking at Rebecca’s crotch brazenly, her eyes fixed on the exhausted clitoris of her nemesis. “From what I can see, it won’t take me long to put you in your place.”
“It’s just the other way around.” Rebecca narrowed her eyes, glaring at the clit that that loomed in her rival’s pussy—although it seemed to be slowly hardening again, Allison’s formidable weapon was far from its usual powerfully erect appearance. “Your clit doesn’t seem so hard now, so it won’t take me more than a few pumps to push it back into your cunt.”
“One touch from mine and yours will retreat to the depth of your ugly pussy,” Allison said as she began to get up to her feet slowly, wearily.
“One touch from mine and yours will split in two,” Rebecca grunted as she also forced herself to stand up, her spent body matching again the wearied body of the other brunette in height. “And what’s left of it in your pathetic cunt, I’ll crush it.”
“I’ll destroy your clit with mine,” Allison spat out, taking another long look at the other pole vaulter’s ultimate weapon, and saw how it stiffened slightly in spite of its exhausted appearance. “And then I’ll smash your weak pussy so you won’t forget who is the better woman.”
“I’ll never allow that,” Rebecca hissed. “And you’ll never get it now that your clit can barely stay hard.”
“It’s true that my clit is not at its best right now,” Allison admitted. “But it’s still better than your shattered, beaten clit. Your little thing has lost too much hardness to deal with mine now.”
“I don’t need my clit at full strength to handle yours,” Rebecca bragged. “Even tired as it is now can easily overcome your pathetic clit, and I’m gonna prove it to you.”
“Enough!” Allison barked, having enough of the heated oral exchange. “Let’s go outside and see who is right and who is wrong.”
Without further ado, the ‘twins’ made their way to the heart of the stadium. The cool night air greeted them like a lover, enveloping them with a breeze that stiffened their thick nipples. Without taking their eyes off each other, the girls crossed the athletics track, trying to regain as much energy as they could before the moment of truth—but both knew perfectly well that this would be a short and desperate battle. The huge spotlights still illuminated the place, making the women’s nakedness shine, the sweat enveloping their bodies, the sexual flows dripping from their crotches.
The mat that awaited the couple looked like something totally different from what it had been hours before—or maybe not. It was still a place of competition where both beauties would measure their pole skills, but in a way that, somehow, they believed was more appropriate to settle their rivalry: ‘pole’ to ‘pole’.
“No stupid rules this time,” Rebecca growled as the gorgeous brunettes reached the last arena. “Your clit against my clit, in any way we want.”
“Good,” Allison replied, “I just need a minute or two to put a definitive end to yours.”
“I won’t need that much to put yours out of its misery,” Rebecca said.
The girls climbed onto the mat, keeping an eye on each other as they walked unsteadily on the springy surface. Hands on their hips, both approached their sexy rival, terribly anxious to begin the last battle of the night. Rebecca flexed her pubococcygeus muscle, tensing her exhausted but still remarkable clit as, in front of her, barely a couple of steps away, Allison did the same, arrogantly displaying her tired, impressive weapon.
“Come here,” the pole vaulters whispered at the same time. Walking forward, the girls slowly embraced each other, bringing tits and bellies together…but for now keeping their pelvises apart. Moaning softly as they felt the other nipples dig into their magnificent breasts, they felt their navels sucking each other.
“I don’t want you to run away when my clit inverts yours,” Rebecca bragged, squeezing Allison’s torso with a little more impetus.
“I won’t want to run away because it will be my clit that inverts yours,” Allison replied compressing the other beauty’s firm bosoms with her solid pair.
Then, the brunettes thrust their hips forward, and their pussies clashed noisily in the night. Immediately, the enemies felt their clits locking together, finding each other with a rapport that only two eternally warring weapons like them could achieve. Each athlete pushed forward with the tip of the clit, seeking to bend her rival’s once and for all, but neither spear yielded to the pressure. Allison and Rebecca insisted on that train wreck, and their clits quivered, as close to defeat as to victory for a minute, then two, until the two weapons slipped past each other to rape the antagonist’s cunt. Panting, the passionate young women negotiated a series of hot raids inside the other sex slit, instinctively seeking to fuck the other pole vaulter but, after a vicious exchange of successful violations, Allison and Rebecca remembered that they were there to find out who had the better clit, not to fuck each other again.
Gasping, Rebecca drove her thick clit upward, hitting her rival’s fat pole so hard that Allison howled in pain. The response of the other brunette was instantaneous as she rammed downward, pummeling Rebecca’s weapon with such violent momentum that her foe could only scream at the impact.
“Bitch!” they shrieked in unison, wielding their clits with quick thrusts as painful as they were pleasurable until, unable to stand upright on the unstable mat, both fell to the unstable surface of the mat.
The horizontal fight was even more tense as, still battling clit against clit, the girls jostled for the top position. Rebecca and Allison mounted and were mounted again and again, their sex lances trapped between their pussies, rubbing each other in a desperate and erosive combat from which one of them hoped to emerge as the ultimate winner. However, neither was able to gain any advantage as the eternal sexual fight was seriously exhausting them, with their toned muscles now barely able to hold themselves taut, while their clits beginning to soften for the first time in the lives of the gorgeous brunettes. Hatred swept over both women at the same time as arousal and the onset of a new and possibly final orgasm took shape in the depths of their pussies.
“No!” Allison shouted. “I’ll finish your clit before we explode!”
“I’ll finish yours before the end.” Rebecca replied. “I promise!”
For five, six long minutes, the brown-eyed girls rubbed their formidable but increasingly weak clits in a seemingly endless struggle. Again and again they slapped their pussies together, trying to overwhelm, to grind, to humiliate the other proud female’s weapon, but soon they were sourly aware of how evenly matched their clits were. Between screams and gasps, neither was able to beat the opponent’s pole despite the Herculean physical and mental efforts.
“I refuse to admit that we are even!” Rebecca cried, angrily impaling her rival’s sexual rapier.
“I can’t accept that we are equal in every way!” Allison grunted, striking the other woman’s sensitive spear.
“I have to prove that I have the better clit!” they howled in unison.
The combat became tense, with the pair fucking clit to clit on the mat with a momentum neither could sustain for long. From head to toe, the naked beauties shivered and sweated, closing their eyes and gritting their teeth in the final sprint.
“Harder, whore!” Rebecca spat out. “Harder!”
“Come on, you sow!” Allison hissed. “Give me all you’ve got!”
“My clit is gonna pound your clit!”
“I’ll find a way to destroy your clit!”
“I’m gonna push your clit inside your cunt!”
“I’m gonna split your clit in two!”
“On the count of three!” they challenged each other at the same time, lying on their sides. They both pulled back their exhausted pelvises slightly, opening their eyes for the final challenge. “One, two…three!!!!”
The two brunettes charged at the same time…and the collision between their clitoral heads was so shattering, so powerful, that the simultaneous scream echoed throughout the stadium, followed by a second scream as full of frustration as it was of pleasure. A double orgasm coursed through the perfect figures of the ‘twins’, forcing them to cry, forcing them to surrender to the evidence. And then, the promise they had both made to each other was fulfilled, with both howling the other’s name.
The orgasm gave way to a second, then a third, the names of the sexiest women who had competed those days in the stadium resounding in the night.
And suddenly it was all over: between the other arms, against the other sweaty, firm tits, with their incredibly soft, weak clits touching each other tip to tip, Rebecca Keller and Allison Stone finally lost consciousness, with one last thought flooding their heads…
The End.

Wow. This is easily one of the best sexfight story I have ever read until now. Amazing. Especially when they decide to battle on the matress
Great Story! Thank you!
Amazing!! So relieved that it was a draw in the end
This I think is the best story out there. It definitely needs a part 2