Ashley23 vs. Jennifer “The Better Woman” from FCF

Ashley23: I take a deep breath and look in the mirror of the empty locker room in the gym. I need to win this match today I tell myself, my blonde hair loose as I tie it back into a ponytail. I head out and go towards the ring in the opaque gym with the one light hanging over it. I’m clad in my red thong and white triangle top. The thong leaves little to the imagination as I slip between the bottom and middle ropes and skip into the ring on my knee high white sock clad feet. My body is a little softer due to our lives now as I stand in at 5’2” 105 lbs 32B, my normally cut tummy a little softer as I stretch out nervously and await the bigger younger babe.

Jennifer “The Better Woman”: I have wrestled other women, in and out of the ring since we last met. But not you. Not my Ashley. One of the first girls I ever wrestled. The girl I snuck into her home and then tortured, until she ran away from me and down her own street naked screaming for help. Our story is long and sordid, and yet I am excited to face you again. My lips spread into a smile as my toes and soles bounce me up of the ground again and again.
Those same feet taking my 5’4’’, 125lbs, 36D body, in my tiger-striped one-piece and in a jog, to the ring to meet you. No music playing or crowd present. Not today. Each of us deciding to focus on one thing. Our battle.
One to see which of us gets the right to claim the other for our own dirty deeds.

Ashley: I watch you come to the ring and you are as I remembered, having a great size advantage and you are very skilled in submissions. Still I am used to being little and smile across to you, remembering the attack in my home and wanting revenge for it. I crouch down and move towards mid ring, “you ready to wrestle miss boobs and butt?” I taunt at your big curvy body as I lower down with a smile mid ring, showing I am more than ready as my fingertips wiggle at my sides.

Jennifer: I see you there across the ring from me, and I can’t help but to want it. Can’t help but to seek it. My lips parting, after your question, to respond. “Not until you give me a hug!” I say excitedly before bursting into a print towards you. My arms out, looking to wrap them around you. My bare feet pittering and pattering on the canvas as I move.

Ashley: I know you want to cinch a bearhug in on me and squeeze my little body until it’s primed for your big curves. I see you coming and duck under and your the side of you as you charge me, hoping you hug nothing but air as I try and jump on your back as you miss me, attempting to lock on the Sweetheart Sleeper early on, my legs wrapping around your waist as I smile while holding you now and trying to put you to bed early.

Jennifer: My arms extend for you, looking to wrap you in a friendly embrace after the two of us being so long apart. But as I near, you duck, dodge, and then spin around me. As my eyes go wide you leap up and onto my back. Your arms cinching me in a tight sleeper, as your legs around my waist. Each pair of limbs squeezing me.
“But … what about … our hug….” I croak out, as you wriggle back and forth. Sinking your simultaneous holds deeper and deeper. My feet planting into the mat in heavy stumbles as I try to catch my footing, and keep from collapsing.

Ashley: “I’m hugging you from behind!” I giggle as I keep the hold on, loving having this on you early as I plan to try and wear out your curvier bigger body. My legs cross and ankles lock by your lower tummy as I squeeze you and continue to apply the sleeper, loving this feel as my warm crotch rubs your back while I ride your sexy ass.

Jennifer: I try to fight. To keep to my feet, and endure this dual-ended hold. But with every second I spend in your wicked sleeper, I weaken. My legs feeling like jello and my sight starting to dim. Two effects which lead me to suddenly, and with your weight as driver, careen forward. Yes, down to the mat, but also into the second rope. My arms and chest crashing down upon it, as the top rope slips between my head and yours and then with momentum crashes into your throat. A move I did not intend, but one I still hope saves me from your interminable sleeper.

Ashley: You are struggling and I am loving it. “Awwww is miss boobs and butt gonnna go night niwhoaaaaa!” As you charge forward which surprises me and when I’m hung up on the turnbuckles and ropes, it surprises me even more as I am slingshotted back to the canvas on my back as I cough and roll side to side holding my throat after your desperation move that has me down now.

Jennifer: Our match has only just begun and yet I feel spent, breathless, and on the verge of passing out. My eyes a carnival of spreading black spots and dimming edges. My state so bad, in fact, that upon the second rope on which I hang I roll and then collapse down to the canvas coughing and sputtering.
“Come … here … you … cute little bitch!” Even as I struggle to breathe I crawl towards you. Around you. And then, after a quick tuf of your golden hair, I wrap my right arms around your throat, clasping the hand on that side to my left bicep, and cup my left palm to your forehead. “Let’s see how you like being in a sleeper….”

Ashley: I roll side to side as I hold my throat and know I’ve got to get back in this match now. But you are already in my hair and now I feel your arms around my head as YOU put your version of the sleeper hold on me. I wave my arms for a moment before my hands go to your arms as you are behind me and we are both on the mat, a good position for you to slow this match down on my little body. My feet now begin to draw in and out as I need to escape this, feeling the effects early on and not much to say now as I struggle in the slumber squeeze.

Jennifer: Deeper and deeper I cinch in my sleeper. Pulling your lithe body against mine. My bountiful breasts pressing into your back, hard nipples stabbing into your shoulder blades.
“I just wanted to HUG you….” I whisper in a tone mixed with my telltale cuteness and also a almost silly anger. “But NO!” I add, as to the left and then the right I shift, dragging your body with my movement. Making it harder for you to breathe. Your pretty little feet kicking out, searching for purchase as I not only slow, but bury our match in molasses.

Ashley: My vision starting to get sketchy now as black dots begin to rain down in front of me. Your erect nipples in my back are there but not a concern for me right now in the sleeper. You rock right and then left to stop my fighting as for the first time in the match, I am slowing down and struggling. You have me near the corner as I reach for the ropes to try and use them to pull myself out of this, really beginning to tire out in your arms.

Jennifer: You’re weakening just like I was. Drowning in a sea of blackness, just as you had me. But I don’t want to win with a sleeper, or give you the thrill of escaping the same. And so as you reach for the rope, I release you, pull us up to our feet, and then push you away from me. Letting you have a moment to recover, as I begin to stalk around you in circles.
“Let’s go Ashley, now we’re even!”

Ashley: As I reach for the ropes, I’m caught off guard when you release the hold, now hauling me up to my feet and tossing me with a shove into the corner as I hit the buckles and wince, my vision clearing as my arms go over the top ropes as I look up at you now wanting more of me.

Jennifer: When I dare you, you don’t come. You don’t charge or sprint. Instead you stay, in the corner that I sent you to. And so, wanting to teach you a lesson and crush you there, I move! I run at you with a “Aaaahhhh!!!” A battle cry I set loose to echo through the arena as at the last second I dive up into the air, and then at you. My goal to give you a stinger splash!

Ashley: The sleeper has affected me and I am trying to shake off those effects. I hear you jump as the ring boards rumble and look up to see you coming. “Move!” My eyes scream to my body but I can’t get out of the way in time. A curvy 125lb stinger splash catches me as I exhale deeply from that as you land it, smooshing next between a rock and a sexy place as my head hangs now as I try and stay upright as you cut the ring off and use the corner.

Jennifer: With you trapped there between my body and the corner. My splash having worked and brutalized you in my descent. I grab hold of the ropes on either side of your body. Then, with those grips, I ram myself forward hard. Crashing my sexy body into yours. Once. Twice. And then a third time. Not quickly, but slowly. Letting my body press against yours for seconds at a time, as I enjoy the sensation.
My hot right cheek shifting past yours, as I move my lips to your ear and whisper. “My pussy is going to taste so good, Ashley. I hope you’re ready for it.”

Ashley: I am reeling from the splash when you remain right there in front of me. As your arms go out and your hands go over mine I am fearful and then understand why as you come forward with a 125 lb sandwich, smooshing me and slowly peeling back before hitting me with two more, each slow and methodical as you work on squashing the air from my body, each impact draining me as after the third one, both based on exhaustion and looking to escape, I slide downwards and to my butt in the corner knowing it’s not great but better than being a trampoline for your hot body.

Jennifer: Again and again I splash into you. Not with dives into the air, but in hard pulls with the ropes as leverage and catapult. Your thin frame reverberating between me and the turnbuckle with every such attack. Until finally you collapse in front of me, down to the mat in front of the corner on your ass.
And when you do, I begin to move. Not down to meet you, but to the far, opposite corner. A corner in which I ready myself, aim, and then fire off! Springing towards you and just when I am in range, diving into the air and throwing a low dropkick at your exposed tummy.

Ashley: I finally slide down the buckles weakly after your full body impacting splashes on me as I gasp for air and try and figure out a way to get back in the match and to speed it up. Corner splashes are a quick way to licking your sex. You now get up and move across the ring as I watch you despite gasping. As you charge across, I know this won’t be good. I grab the ropes above me and as you come charging in, I pull myself up and hopefully out of the way of that drop kick as I at least don’t want my chest or tummy taking it.

Jennifer: I am coming! Plowing forward and planning to throw a heavy drop kick right into your expanded, but still muscle-etched stomach. You won’t move. You’re too tired. Too weak, In fact I can already picture you pleasuring me in the center of the ring!
But at the last second, and when I have no time to recover, you pull yourself up and I slide on my hip on the mat past you, under the bottom turnbuckle, and then with legs spreading, I am crotched on the hard, post that holds up the ring. All of my momentum lost. All of my momentary control evaporating before my eyes as I groan in pain.

Ashley: I pull myself up just in the nick of time and you go flying past. I stagger out of the corner and gasp another breath in before seeing you now crotched on the post. I get an evil idea and slide out and under the ropes. I quickly move around to where your legs are and smile as I grab them both. “Ever been in a figure four around the ring post boobs and butt?” As I taunt while I set it up, crossing your right leg over your left and then swinging my legs up to apply it before lowering back down on the outside, my body now hanging as I figure four leglock you around the post.

Jennifer: My favorite wrestler? Other than my relative Eddie Guerrero? Bret Hart. And though he is that, someone whose matches I have studied since I was a child, I don’t expect it. You to slide down and to the outside. You to grab my legs, wrap them with yours, and then for you to lock me in the corner figure four that Bret invented.
What do I have to say about that failure to recognize? About your unexpected and brilliant move? “AAAAArrrRRRRrggGgGGgGHHHhHH” I cry out, as my kneecap bends back, and my entire body seizes with the resulting pain. Your words and cute little nickname for me not even registering as I suffer there on the apron of the ring.

Ashley: “Might wanna give this up now. I’ll only make you feel this one more time after the match!” I taunt, letting you think about the stakes we have as I continue to just hang there, making you suffer before I finally relent and release the hold, knowing it is not technically legal. I put my hands down and ease down to my butt before pushing back up and smiling into the ring at you.

Jennifer: “EeerrRRrRrr” I groan in pain, even after you release your hold. Letting me writhe and roll, dragging myself pathetically from the corner as you look in at me with a smirk. My knee shot to the point, where I won’t be able to rely on it again. Maybe even cutting off my ability to use the sharpshooter. A fitting punishment, given my oversight.
And though that truth is worrying, I have more to worry about. More to fear. As to the center of the ring I drag myself. Trying to stand. Trying to get up, though once and then again I collapse back down to the canvas.

Ashley: I giggle as I circle the ring like a lion with an injured gazelle in the ring smiling. “Hey that tiger print should be what I’m wearing right?” I say as I slowly slide into the ring under the bottom rope. I come towards you with a smile, “awwww no bearhug? No sharpshooter? You got nothing left boobs and butt”, I chuckle as I move towards you and now stand in front of you admiring the work that short lived figure four did.

Jennifer: I hear you taunting me. Insulting me softly, as playful as we always are with each other. And yet still, I know you are serious. Both in words and in threat. I am in trouble. I am a gazelle. Wounded and limping, as to me you step. Slowly. Confidently. Until you stand just before me. And when you do, I reach up slowly, weakly, and with my hands on your bare thighs, I try to pull myself up. My face dragging up your right leg, your thong-covered mouth, and then your tummy.
And though I wish at that moment I could seize back control from you. I can’t. As instead I am at your mercy. Waiting for you to take me to whatever fresh hell you have in mind.

Ashley: “Awwww is big boobs and butt and smoosh girl just about finished?” I giggle as you begin using my thighs to help yourself up as I feel your face near my pussy which makes me eyes roll momentarily both from the hot breath you put on it, and by the total dominance in the match right now that I have, loving you trying to use me to stand up after your early fast start. I keep my hands on your head and smile with my eyes half open, “you can stay right there if you want and lick”.

Jennifer: I am broken. Battered. Half-spent. And yet still I fight to climb back to my feet. Using you as a ladder as I drag myself up your svelte little body.
Then I hear you, telling me to give up. Not with words, but by shifting your thong aside and licking you. For a moment it is tempting. To just end the pain. To end my suffering. My fantasizing about you and us, making it seem even sweeter. But still, my pride makes me refuse. Makes me continue upward.
Reaching my knees before I suddenly burst into action. Hoping into the air, wrapping my right arm and leg around your lower limbs, and my left arm around your neck after a long reach. Wrapping you into a small package, and then flipping us over and onto your back.

Ashley: I smile down at you as you are forced to use my body to get up and when you think about licking my pussy I stop and say “awwww go ahead and do it. You have no chance to beauuuuugghhhhhh!” I am cut off as you leap and wrap me up in a small package. Down we go and you have me pinned but this is a submission match. Still, I am packaged up nice and tight now as you hold me in your small package, not really hurting me but annoying me and keeping me all rolled up while you in theory recover as I try and kick out with my arms and legs wiggling, but with me, this package is small. Very small.

Jennifer: I have you, at least for a moment. Keeping you from hurting me. Keeping you from capitalizing on my weakness. And though there are no pins in this match. As you struggle and squirm, I recover. Not entirely, or mostly, but in fractions that tick up every second. Seconds which end when finally you kick out, and go to stand. And when you do, I follow. Wrapping my body around yours, and in the process, going to lock you into a deep abdominal stretch.

Ashley: “I should’ve kept the figure four on her” I think to myself as I struggle to get loose of the package. When I finally kick out, I push back to my feet but you are a step quicker which is scary. I feel my left arm being tugged back as my left foot is locked in and now my soft abs from the quarantine are under attack. I am stretched out now as I hold your right thigh with my right hand, wincing and feeling my head drop a bit as we are back mid ring and not moving with you having control now stretching me out as I cry out.

Jennifer: Struggling to keep standing on my bad leg, I stretch you back hard. Absolutely loving the feeling of my now sweating body pressing against yours as I keep you trapped. My lips finally parting to respond to your earlier challenge, “If I had shifted your panties to the side, and let you feel my tongue, you would have passed out.” I say with a chuckle, as you whimper in my abdominal stretch. My hips shifting up and then down, as I take liberties with your pressing and flexing ass.

Ashley: My butt is flexed as I try and fight the hold but as I flex it I can feel you rubbing against it. I hate that you are enjoying me sexually as you stretch me out but with your height and size difference, the effect of the hold is very good for you as I begin to sag into the stretch more and more as you work on my midsection again. I hear your taunts but just like you earlier, I’m in no position to argue back with you now as I continue to melt into the ab stretcher.

Jennifer: I would keep you here forever, in my arms, with your tight little ass pressed hard into my sex. But with every second we stand, you melting into my stretch, my injured leg weakens. Causing me to adjust, and then readjust, again and again. Until finally, with an escape attempt, you drag me over you and then into a slam on the mat with a hip toss. My body aching, and leg no better as I groan out on the mat.

Ashley: I manage to toss you over and drop to my hands and knees gasping and holding my stomach with one hand. I feel the effects of the splashes along with the stretch as my core is what you’ve chosen to go to work on. I push and try and get my feet under me now as I try and fight through the pain in my tummy and chest.

Jennifer: Both of us tired from the match. Hurt from all we have done to each other. We both fight to try and stand. Me in front of you with my back facing you. And you behind me. Neither of us ready to capitalize, but still we can feel it. The end of the match coming. The end of our back and forth struggle to claim the right to play domme.

Ashley: I move towards you and grab for your wrist to turn you around. In one fluid motion, I try and whip you to the ropes with an Irish Whip. I grunt with effort as I try and make your thicker body run, again, speeding the match up being my goal as I try send you, wanting you to ricochet back to me.

Jennifer: Before I am ready to fight, or take to the offensive, you grab my wrist, pick me up, and hurl me towards the ropes. And into the ropes I do go, bouncing off of them, only for my knee to go out on my way back. My body crashing down to the mat just before you, as my hands go to my knees and my lips part to say “ouch….”

Ashley: You cannot reverse it and I wait mid ring, excited for you to rebound as I watch you flop to your side after hitting the ropes. I now for some reason, feel the need to check on you. We’ve never had bad blood and I am concerned. I drop to a knee next to you. “Honey can you keep going or do we need to stop this? If we have to stop just give up ok? I won’t punish you after the match. You’ll just have to eat my butt”. I say with a loving smile not sure if you can continue.

Jennifer: There on the mat I lay, holding my knee like Nancy Kerrigan, rocking back and forth. And like the good friend you are, you come to check on me. Asking me if I continue. If I want to just give up, sparing me my punishment. But as you move in, lean down, and then come in close, I reach out and wrap my arms around you. Pulling you into my lap, your legs surrounding me as I lock in a bearhug.
“Finally, I get my hug.” I growl playfully, as tighter and tighter I begin to squeeze.

Ashley: I lean down to check on my would be pal and as I do, you catch me and pull me down into a bearhug, a hold you would usually apply standing. Still, I curse and call you a bitch as you bring me down to your lap near the middle of the ring as I sit on your lap when you’re not crushing me and taking the weight into your arms chest and back. My legs wrap around you as do my arms around your shoulders as I moan in the crippling bearhug.

Jennifer: “Oh don’t be mad!” I tell you, as in my arms you sink. “I just wanted my hug….”
Your thin legs wrapping around me, and your muscly arms draping over my shoulders as face-to-face I have you. My every effort spent on squeezing you, draining you, and stealing from you every drip of energy I can.
Knowing that I have always wanted to finish you off this way. To feel you weaken in my arms, and then rest your pretty little head on my shoulder. But can I? Only time spent in my lap will tell.

Ashley: I hear you say you want your hug and I curse at you again, mainly because you have your hug. And I’m in deep trouble in it. I feel your powerful arms chest and back working the submission hold on me as I sit in your lap. My right arm stretching now as I reach for the ropes that are seemingly miles away. Any attempt to get my knees or feet under me is impossible based on our positioning. You’ve got me in this and I have to find a way out as you start to get my vision fading as I grimace and reach for the ropes in any direction,

The moment we share is pivotal, every breath taken and action attempted deciding our fates. And while you struggle to find an escape, a hope somewhere in the dark clouds, I bear down. Holding you tight and squeezing. Knowing that if I can just hold on, you will weaken and be mine.
My pretty little Ashley. My longtime rival, and at the moment, suffering friend.

Ashley: Slowly my head goes to your shoulder as I try and conserve energy, the bearhug slowly sucking the life out of me as I moan in it. My hands still occasionally reaching for the ropes but more than that now, they paw at your upper back as you row in on the submission hold, my little body almost paralyzed in your powerful arms as I try and fight this but I’m wearing down quickly in your strength.

Jennifer: As your head comes down to a rest on my shoulder softy, I kick my legs and squirm with glee. Knowing I have you on the verge of defeat. On the verge of being mine. My effort-warmed cheek brushing against yours, as I press my lips to your ear and whisper. “Give up, Ashley. Tell me who The Better Woman is….”
As I demand, I shift left and then right, rocking you deeper and deeper into my bearhug, as between my spread thighs you sink.

Ashley: You rock your lethal submission side to side and for a moment I think I’m going to sit between your legs but my butt only grades the mat as you have most of my weight powered to your strong chest and tummy. My head rests on your shoulder as I reach for the ropes, so far away in the crushing bearhug. “Uunnnn this sucks….” I moan out.

I have buried so deep in my bearhug. Your body disappearing between my anaconda-imitating arms. Your head laid to rest on my shoulder as I listen to your shallowing breaths. Each such slow, sucking of air turning me on so bad I can barely thinking. The narrow strip of my one-piece that slips between my thighs not just wetting, but damp. A stain on the canvas beneath being visible, were I to move. But I’m not moving. Not until you give or pass out in my arms.
Not until once again, I have you to use as I see fit.

Ashley: I’m not escaping your arms or body in this. You have the power edge on me and have me completely incapacitated as my hands now just run over your upper back as you keep the sexy crush on. My chin on your shoulder now as I look behind you at the ropes, too far away to grab as I remain in your deadly squeeze, our pussies close but not touching as I can feel your heat, turned on with my little mouse like body in your python like squeeze.

Jennifer: Your reaching hand slowly, centimeter by centimeter falls. Just as your taken breaths slow, along with your heartbeat. Your head, which once tried to raise now just remains, moving only when in tiny shifts from side to side, I almost toss you — though I never let you go.
“Give up, Ashley….” I whisper seductively in your ear before I take your nearest earlobe between my teeth and begin to nibble gently. My mind already leading me to believe that you are mine, though I have not achieved victory yet.

Ashley: “You’re……not……the ……Better……Woman” I moan as I try and pace my speech with you wrapping me into you. Your bubbling on my ear normally a turn on but not in this crush. You are in total control and we both know it as I just try and stay awake while I figure out how to eacape your very erotic and depriving squeeze.

Jennifer: As you speak, and in between nibbles, I let off hushed little, “Shhhhh”’s into your ear. Each coming with another shimmy left and then right. Sinking you further into my control and into my hold. So deep do you fall, in fact, that your thong covered sex and mine, in your weakened and low-angled sit, come to a gentle and fabric-separated rest. The heat of which each of us can feel, though you may not be able to notice — given your quickly deteriorating state.

Ashley: You give me shhhhh’s as you rock the submission gently using your arms and huge boobs to bring me in further as I now essentially sit on your crotch in the front of it as I moan softly, trying to hang on. I will be squeezed out and in your big facesit if I don’t act fast. With my last bit of energy I bring my head up and try and liplock you, hoping my kiss will alleviate the bearhug pressure

Jennifer: It’s almost too late for you to submit, or even to speak again. Our sweat-drenched bearhug having been on for too long, and too tightly. No, all there is left for you is to pass out. In my arms and then to have me lay you down on the mat, and before you wake up, crawl atop you, over you, shift the bottom of my one-piece to the side, and plant my sexy ass on your face.
But somewhere, somehow you find the strength and energy to lift your head, pull back from me, and then lay your quivering lips on mine in a kiss.
A kiss I have wanted for so long. A kiss I have wanted so hard. One I have dreamed about since first we met, and when I have it, I freeze. My squeezing arms letting go of you, as a wild dizziness takes me. My heart skipping not one, but twelve beats as I feel your tongue slip between my lips. And though I had victory in hand, at that moment, I am helpless. MY hands moving to your cheeks and cupping them softly, as I kiss you back. Completely forgetting about where we are, or what we are doing.

Ashley: As I plant the liplock on, I try to restrain my gasp for breath as you let the bearhug go to kiss me more. After being in the crush for so long, kissing is not a lot of fun as you cover my mouth with yours. Still my nose takes in oxygen as I continue to kiss, taking the opportunity to come back from the dead for. As long as I can as I continue to now sit between your legs, mine still around you from the bearhug as we kiss.

Jennifer: Why are you kissing me? After so long? Knowing I have had a crush on you…. Knowing how much I have wanted you…. Why now? What is your plan? None of those questions enter my mind, as we kiss.
No, for instead I just melt into it — into you. Until finally our lips part, and each of us breathes deep. Me from excitement and you from near asphyxiation. Breathes we take, though my eyes are closed and my heart pounding. “Ashley….” I speak softly, as if your name were a salve on my near overwhelming state of passion.

Ashley: We continue to lock lips as I kiss you with a bit more passion as your strong body allows air into mine. I hear you mention my name as I begin to see a way out of here as I begin to slowly attempt to move back and out of the sitting bearhug as you call out my name and I answer softly, “yes?” Still not sure where your head is at but trying to get away.

Jennifer: Further and further away you move. Slowly. Your tone-deaf response passing by my ears almost without notice, as in a state of utter distraction I remain on my ass. Legs spread. And eyes still closed. The taste of your lips and tongue still coating mine, as I try to process all that just happened. Your chance at offense never having been more obvious or irrebuttable.

Ashley: I slowly get out of the reach of those powerful arms and I gasp out as I quickly try and stand up. As I do, I try and grab your legs as I now stand over you and smile, coming back from the dead to try and take control again. I look down at you and smile. “Ashley Crab would be perfect but I got an even better idea miss boobs and butt!” As I spread your legs and step between them, crossing your left leg over mine as I begin to try and lock them right, an evil smile on my face.

When you retract, I do not notice. When you stand, I only barely open my bliss-shut eyes. But then you reach down and grab my ankles, and finally it all dawns on me. What had happened. What you were doing. And why, after so long, you kissed me. And when all of that revelation comes crashing down on me, I slam my closed fists down on the mat and kick at you in a tantrum. But still you cross those legs, turn me over, and lock me deep in my own finishing move.
“You’re so mean!!!” I shout, as my lumbar spine screams out in pain.

Ashley: I love this as I roll you into your sharpshooter, getting to settle in with my tight tush onto your big firm Latin booty. I torque your hold on the legs, not nearly as good with it as you as I try and work that knee and see if I can get you tapping out. “You think I loved you? I love this bitch!” I tease almost laughing and almost feeling bad as I let your own hold wear on you, and hope to make you give up.

Jennifer: With you bearing down and back, stretching my legs, and focusing your pressure on my already injured knee, I suffer. My hands pressing to the mat as I try to reverse the hold, and throw off. But my figure-four damaged hinge of bone and ligament fails me again and again. Leaving me trapped. Leaving me helpless as you taunt me. Laughing at the very idea you might have loved me. And when you do, I shatter body, heart, and soul. My efforts to extricate myself ceasing and my left hand raising up to your thigh and tapping softly.

Ashley: I crank the hold back and then, the impossible. This hot curvy babe reaches back and taps out. I smile and keep the submission hold on. “That’s a good answer. Are you ready to eat my butt Jen? And suffer in some more painful holds?” Giggling almost as I am going to love taking you apart.

Jennifer: I have tapped, and yet you keep the hold on. I have given up, and yet you lean back further and further. Then, and only then, do you ask if I am ready. For more torture and suffering. And when you ask, I answer not once but three times. “Yes….. YES….. YEEESSSS!!!!” My knee hurting so bad, I would cut my leg off at the thigh to stop the pain.

Ashley: I smile and now gently stand and lower your legs. “That’s a good girl. Now you have two holds to endure and you have to lick my tush. What would you like first? Losers choice babe!” I cackle as I stand at your feet looking down on you with my hands on my hips.

Jennifer: Knowing our deal and the stakes, the consequences of this match. Even as my knee and lower back throb, I am ready. Ready to give you what you need. What you’ve earned. What you deserve. And so I answer. “Give me that ass.”

Ashley: I smile and respond with glee as you want my butt. “Babe, I think you need some punishment first!” As I slide my thong down and off for you, winking at you as I move around behind you and now pull you up to a seated position. I wrap my arms around your head and now lean in, pressing MY erect nipples to your back in a sleeper hold.

Jennifer: I know what you love. What you need. We’ve wrestled too many times for me not to. You want your ass licked and worshiped. You want to press your cute little tush in my face and use it to keep me from breathing. And so I choose it, your fantasy first.
And when I do, when I dare to give you, the girl who just laughed at the thought of every loving me, I watch as you slip off your sexy, stained little thong. My tongue extending between my lips and then licking them as I wait for you to mount me. But instead you do not.
Instead you quickly tell me about punishment, and then in quick, hop, skip, and a jump, you move behind me, and lock me deep in your patented sleeper. A move that cuts off my air, as you lean into me. Your jaggy nipples stabbing into my back, as my hands move up to your forearm and come to a gentle placement.

Ashley: On my knees now as you are on your butt, my mouth moving in to whisper to you just as you did to me. “Do I put you to sleep? Do I let you tap out? I guess I’ll decide when you’re almost out” I giggle softly as I constrict my hold, my butt gently swaying with you going back and forth a bit, moving you like I was moved and toyed with in the bearhug as I rub my chest against your back.

Jennifer: It isn’t that I can’t breathe, as you are not choking me out as the two of us were locked in a battle to the death. No, instead you keep your forearm just loose enough to let me breathe, but only barely. Letting me struggle in your grasp. Letting me fight just to breathe, as against my back you rub your top-covered breasts. Shiting your body, and therefore mine one way and then the other. Each sinking me deeper over at the center, you almost climbing on my back as you work to drain every ounce of energy that might remain within me.

Ashley: I sense you faltering to my sleeper as I release the hold, wanting a cutie awake. “Ok you did ok with the sleeper babe. Let me get rid of this top so you have a few things to look at while I move to my next hold,” I declare as I slide around in front of you on my butt now smirking and gently shaking my 32B’s for you as I grab for your dark hair and begin to pull you down to me, placing your face right next to my crotch as I scissor you. “Look at my boobs and pray I don’t knock you out while I squeeze you I’m my crotch scissors babe!” I instruct.

Jennifer: Harder and harder you lean on me. Bridging on your toes as you bend me over so deep, I almost fold in half. But still,I cling to it: consciousness. Fighting to stay awake, knowing you deserve this post victory celebration.
And I might lose that battle at any moment, suddenly you release me. Letting me sit back up, until I collapse back on the mat. Then, as I roll over. You drop your top, move to my front, drop to your sexy little ass on the canvas, spread your legs, and pull me DEEP between then.
Your fit thighs surrounding my head, and wrapping around my warm cheeks before your ankles lock behind me. You propping yourself up on your elbows to watch me as slowly, I sink towards your bare, wet, and heat-emanating core.

Ashley: “How do you like being punished in this hold Jen? Enjoying being so close to it but unable to taste it? Must be even more torture huh?” I giggle as our eyes lock, yours from my thighs and crotch looking up so pitifully as my warm middle gets warmer. I am loving punishing your curvy hot body as I push up on my hands once for a few seconds to crush your head.

Jennifer: I would be in heaven, if you released just a bit. True and unadulterated bliss, if I could scoot forward, and bury my mouth and nose within you. But you, in true cruelty, keep your legs so tight, Ican hear my skull cracking, and feel my cheeks welling over the top of your nothing-but-muscle thighs.
I am so close I can smell it. So close I can feel it. And yet you keep me just out of reach of tongue or touch. Taunting me as our eyes lock — using my crush on you against me.

Ashley: I’m loving this and I can see the torture on your face both from wanting me and from the pain I’m putting you through. I smirk and continue crushing. But I go back to my elbows and my scissors loosen slightly. I am only 5’2 and my small legs are starting to ache as I try and keep you in this trying to also keep your tongue away from my sex as I attempt to work you more, not wanting to be satisfied sexually in my current dominant position.

Jennifer: You squeeze me so tight I whimper and moan between your thighs, and yet you do not relent. Keeping the pressure on and keeping me away from your swollen, moist sex. But suddenly, you lean back and your legs loosen just enough for me to shift forward without any effort on my behalf. And when I do, I try. Extending my tongue, trying to reach the forbidden promise land I know will drive you wild. But it’s just too far. Just out of reach. But still I try, even as I weak between your legs. Desperately trying to taste you, to tongue you, and perhaps, even earn mercy.

Ashley: My legs begin to shake and you work to lick my pussy. As they weaken, you finally get to my soft pedals and my scissors now loosens immensely as your tongue catches my folds and now I tilt my head back and close my eyes, trying to keep the hold on but I might have to let go as your skilled tongue and hot body are a lot to handle.

Jennifer: From I can never, to I can almost, to in a sudden loosening and surge, I slide forward between your sweaty thighs and bury my reaching tongue into your sex. My lips and yours, upper and lower, sealing together like two fleshy suction cups, as in an instant I go for your clit.
Your head dropping back, as your gold hair brushes the canvas. Your eyes closing as I fight to ensnare you in a pleasure you cannot resist or deny.

Ashley: “How do you like being punished in this hold Jen? Enjoying being so close to it but unable to taste it? Must be even more torture huh?” I giggle as our eyes lock, yours from my thighs and crotch looking up so pitifully as my warm middle gets warmer. I am loving punishing your curvy hot body as I push up on my hands once for a few seconds to crush your head.

Jennifer: I would be in heaven, if you released just a bit. True and unadulterated bliss, if I could scoot forward, and bury my mouth and nose within you. But you, in true cruelty, keep your legs so tight, Ican hear my skull cracking, and feel my cheeks welling over the top of your nothing-but-muscle thighs.
I am so close I can smell it. So close I can feel it. And yet you keep me just out of reach of tongue or touch. Taunting me as our eyes lock — using my crush on you against me.

Ashley: I’m loving this and I can see the torture on your face both from wanting me and from the pain I’m putting you through. I smirk and continue crushing. But I go back to my elbows and my scissors loosen slightly. I am only 5’2 and my small legs are starting to ache as I try and keep you in this trying to also keep your tongue away from my sex as I attempt to work you more, not wanting to be satisfied sexually in my current dominant position.

Jennifer: You squeeze me so tight I whimper and moan between your thighs, and yet you do not relent. Keeping the pressure on and keeping me away from your swollen, moist sex. But suddenly, you lean back and your legs loosen just enough for me to shift forward without any effort on my behalf. And when I do, I try. Extending my tongue, trying to reach the forbidden promise land I know will drive you wild. But it’s just too far. Just out of reach. But still I try, even as I weak between your legs. Desperately trying to taste you, to tongue you, and perhaps, even earn mercy.

Ashley: My legs begin to shake and you work to lick my pussy. As they weaken, you finally get to my soft pedals and my scissors now loosens immensely as your tongue catches my folds and now I tilt my head back and close my eyes, trying to keep the hold on but I might have to let go as your skilled tongue and hot body are a lot to handle.

Jennifer: From I can never, to I can almost, to in a sudden loosening and surge, I slide forward between your sweaty thighs and bury my reaching tongue into your sex. My lips and yours, upper and lower, sealing together like two fleshy suction cups, as in an instant I go for your clit.
Your head dropping back, as your gold hair brushes the canvas. Your eyes closing as I fight to ensnare you in a pleasure you cannot resist or deny.

Ashley: I close my eyes as you go to town on my sex with skill that is unmatched. My eyes suddenly open as I say to myself, “don’t let her get you, Ash. She’ll take control if you don’t” as I try and begin sliding backwards and away from your tongue, trying to let the scissor hold go.

Jennifer: I should eat you. Devour your cute, tight, little sex until you love me. Until you worship me in and outside of the ring. But I know what you truly want. What ALL of this was about. And so, as you struggle to scoot backward, I reach out and grab your hands. Not to lock you in some kind of hold, or even to keep your sex traped against my darting and lashing tongue. But instead to pull you with me, up and over, as onto my back I roll. Moving you to your knees, before I demand it.
“Give it to me, Ashley. Give me that tush.”

Ashley: I smirk as you pull me up as I try and get away, only to see how truly mine you are. I smile down and exclaim, “I think it is about time for that wonderful tongue to meet my pucker. Let’s do this!” As I crawl over you now. Going through your legs as I sit upright on your tummy. “Let’s free these big boobs too”. As I reach up and peel down your one piece to your waist. I spin around slowly and slide back, first my ass resting on your chin. “Ok babe, rim job time”. As I slide back and sit, but not full weight. I want that tongue on my ass.

Jennifer: I know there is one way to your heart. To make you want to wrestle me again and again until we’re both two old to lock-up. Not a hearty meal. Not a clit-lashing like you’ve never dreamed of, but instead by playing to your fetish. By inviting you to sit on my face. By reaching up, and softly guiding your thighs, so that your darkstar presses down atop my mouth and then, to commit to it.
To lounge in it.
And to take my time. Slowly. Teasingly. Eating your little chocolate cookie. My tongue extending, placing, and then methodically dragging it back. Looking like a slow motion cookie, gently lapping at your lowest core. My fingers spreading and tightening over your thighs. Not to take control but to tell you, I want this. Punish me….

Ashley: I feel your tongue immediately on my ass and I know, this girl really does want me. I close my eyes and now my hands slowly go down to your big boobs. “These spent the match trying to crush me. Now I’m just gonna gently toy with them. Because they’re toys for me, Jen.” As I gently rub your breasts, circling my thumbs around the nipples as I close my eyes, the intensity of the match along with your skilled tongue, will not keep me dry for long as my breathing becomes labored as I gyrate and ride.

Jennifer: Like a puzzle, I put the pieces of your triggers together. Paining myself of a picture of what you enjoy. Feeling for every shift and thrust downward. Listening for every whimper, moan, and shifted to tone, just to know. What you want and how you want it.
But I feel you pressing and pushing, wanting more. And so I speed the efforts of my tongue, on which your two delicious flavors mix. The juices I stole from your pussy, and this new flavor you beg me to taste from your precious little piggy bank.

Ashley: One hand remaining on your big left breast and now my right hand goes to my own as I begin to writhe on top of you as your skilled tongue speeds up and does what you want it to do. And I want it to do too! I writhe with my eyes closed, breasts slightly swaying as you work me from below, having complete control as I feel the rush of orgasmic glee beginning to rise inside me, knowing it won’t be long before I explode.

Jennifer: You got me — you beat me, in a long, back-and-forth match in which we both fought to win. And so I worship your tush. As you wanted. As you’ve wanted for years. And as I do, I feel it working, just as you do the same. Your body gyrating as you aim your umber nexus at my tongue, in such a way for me to catch it. The spot. The spots!
Your hands playing with my breasts and teasing my nipples, while you moan out and ride me. Like your lesser, like your slave, and at this moment I am all of those things. Giving you the glory as I work you to an orgasm. My hands holding you down atop me to give me better precision, and to keep you from escaping the release you have earned.

Ashley: I try and lift up to make this last longer but you have me held down on your face in what might be the first facesit I’ve had someone hold me in. I groan and moan and suddenly I shudder and squeak out as I toss my head back and violently cum on you, your skilled tongue giving me an orgasm to remember as I moan now and try and get off of your face, almost starting to lean forward to fall to my hands on my chest if I can, spent momentarily from that.

Jennifer: It’s coming! It’s coming! You’re cuming! Yuuuuuussssss!!!!!! I celebrate beneath you, my feet kicking with excitement as I drag you up and over the finish line. The liquid leavings of my lavishments dripping from your sex onto my chin and neck, as you wriggle, shiver, and then collapse forward and off of me.

Ashley: I come down and use my hands to let me down as I am now on my chest between your legs. My legs spreading back around you but just laying there. My back shimmering with sweat as you have worked an orgasm out as I claim victory. I slowly start to try and push up with my hands as I try and recover from my big O.

Jennifer: Both of us are weak. Both of us are spent. And yet, all of it is over. Our match. Your right to punish me. And ever your orgasm, which robs you of your strength as you fight to get up from the mat.
And though you have every right to leave me there, in a puddle of sweat and sex. As you stand slowly, I leap up! Drag you back to the mat by your golden locks, and then just as you begin to yell at me and protest, I step over you, drop to a kneel, shift my one-piece to the side of my triangle, and then lock your lips and nose within my pussy lips. Your tired eyes being the only thing visible between my heavy Latina thighs.

Ashley: I shout and protest but you grab a hold of me and pull me back to my back on the canvas and now as you descend for a front facesit on me, I protest before you come down, “ Jen don’t you dare! I won this match and I’m innchmmmmmmmppphhhh” as you cut me off with your pussy, now trapped under the big Latina ass and thighs as I refuse to lick you as you keep me trapped. My hands pushing at your thighs similar to my bearhug struggles earlier thankful I’m not still in that. At least this is your sexy pussy on me.

Jennifer: As you shout and complain, I return to a quiet, half-whispered phrase I used earlier. “Shhhhh…. Shhhh….” My eyes filled with excitement and my expression nothing but playful.
“You don’t have to lick me, Ashley. Just sleep…. Just take this time to dream about you and me, and how wonderful it is to pass out between my thighs. Do you know how many girls would love to be where you are?” I ask, knowing you can’t answer. My hands pressed flat against my thighs, though they curve at the meeting.

Ashley: I moan inaudibly as you use your thighs and pussy to try and put me to sleep, my hands now on yours as my right moves to your butt and I gently tap out on it, signaling that now I am the one submitting, wanting out of this smothering facefuck you have locked in, willing to do anything to escape the ring at this point, my nervous eyes locked on yours as you taunt me, my heels dragging up and down the mat as I’m under the curvy powerful babe.

Jennifer: I see it sinking in. The trouble you’re in. The desperation required by your placement. And yet even as your left hand moves to mine, I lace our fingers together. Then I reach for your cutely tapping right hand, and do the same. My digits and yours clasping together, as I remain seated. My long, wavy brown hair gently swaying in the moist, sweat-scented air.
“No taps, sweetie. No submissions, just go ni-night.” I say with a soft, affectionate voice. One I am not even sure you can hear as I fight the urge to ride you. Knowing any movement forward or back will give you air. Settling for the fact that the tip of your nose is pressed hard against my clit.

Ashley: I hear your taunts but they sound like I am under water. You hold my left hand and then grab my tapping right one and hold it as now my glassy eyes begin to get covered as my eyelids droop down and over them as I moan softly once more before your pussy and thighs put me out, a tragic end to a big win as my last thought is of destroying you in the ring once more later.

Jennifer: “Mmmmm….” I muse with a wiggle of hips, that drives you even deeper into my wet sex. One that I trapped you in, and now have put you to sleep with. You making not a move or a sound, as I begin to lift myself. My sopping lips peeling from around your face, as I work myself to a stand.
Then, once there on my feet and above you, I reach down, and peel off my tiger-striped one-piece. Taking it off completely, before I step back once, and then again, and then lower myself on top of you.
My naked body pressing to yours, as I lean in, and gently kiss your lips with mine. “See you next time, Ashley.” I say playfully, before rubbing the tip of my nose against yours, and then standing up and off of you. Leaving there in the ring, unconscious.
Your flavors and essence coating my face, just as mine coat yours.
The End