Warning: This Story is Unfinished, and Will Be Updated Over Time

“Come to us.” A distance voice breathed like the wind. “Feel the power inside your soul.” A different but equally as alluring voice continued. “Power…sex! You will…JOIN US!” The voice’s blurred at once, and a horrifying scream filled her ears.
Evelynn Zafer woke with a gasp in her bed, shooting up and throwing the sheets off her body. The red cloth was soaked with sweat as she tried to remember who and where she was. It took a second for her mind to regain focus, but slowly she came back to herself and rubbed her tender templates. “That dream again….” She huffed, while she stretched her body on the soft mattress and tried to clear her mind from the thoughts that had plagued her. It was always the same, the voices of two women were calling out to her, demanding something, something she did not want to give. And it always ended the same, two pairs of glowing red eyes flashing in front of her and her body feeling like it was going to explode…into an orgasm. The lust and pleasure were unbearable as she writhed under the voices. Luckily this time she hadn’t cum in her sleep because washing the sheets for a third time this week would have just been far too much. She took a big gulp of her nightside water and then dug a good luck necklace out of her nightside drawer. She hung it around her neck and toyed with it between her fingers, letting the softwood it was carved from calm her. Then against her better judgement, she checked her phone.
“3:30 AM, damn it.” She sighed and threw it back down. Forcing her eyes closed, she slowly let sleep take her, but even with the necklace around her neck, images of the eyes did not go away.
That next morning, she got up and began the same routine she did every day. A few years after college she moved to a new city and restart her life. With no living family, and no friends, it hadn’t been a tough decision. Her last relative, her grandma who she had lived with had passed a year ago. They had been close, and Eve fondly thought back to the nights by the fireplace together, listening to the old woman’s stories that had gotten her obsessed with the supernatural.
Mainly, witches, their history, their power, and their existence that seemed to be hidden inside the many artifacts, books, and stories passed down through time. Her grandma had said that she had witch’s blood in her veins and that only made her interest more intense. It had given her a passion, and though she did admit she took it too far at times, she just couldn’t help it. She had collected endless artifacts and books and joined online groups, and in-person witch gatherings. She would practice spells that annoying never worked and would search for more and more knowledge. Even though she had accepted, that she was a normal woman, it didn’t stop her from going deeper and deeper into the magic and science of witchcraft.
But out of all, she had gathered, by far her favorite object was one gifted to her 6 years ago for her 19th birthday. Her dad’s final gift was a mysterious orb, that honestly looked like a snow globe with a tiny castle and village inside. He had bought it in one of the oldest parts of the world, though he had been visiting on a work trip. Though she and her father hadn’t gotten along, the orb was the greatest gift she had ever been given. She honestly couldn’t say why but she had always felt drawn to it…like an essence. She kept it in her room, and would sometimes find herself looking in, watching the castle for hours at a time. Once she swore, she saw some of the lights flicker, but as soon as she focused, they stopped. Her imagination could get the best of her sometimes.
When she arrived in the new city, she quickly looked to find a local club or ‘Coven’ as they were known in her circles. Sure enough, after a few quick searches on the internet, she found exactly what she wanted. There was a decent-sized coven of ‘witches’ that operated once a week and was always looking for new enthusiasts.
She went to the next meeting and was immediately welcomed with open arms. It was a massive mix of women, young, old, married, single, and mothers. At first, Eve couldn’t help feeling slightly disappointed because it was more like a college club, a group of women just happy to have a good social group outside of their men or church. But beggars can’t be choosers, and soon she found herself liking it and even had a subgroup taking the magic witch aspect slightly more seriously.
Quickly she became one of the most active members and became friendly with the other witches…well, except for one. There was one member, a woman named Scarlett, the other newest member of the coven who had joined only a week before Eve. Weirdly, they should have been friends, hell, even best friends. They were both the most into the real historical and magical aspect of being a witch, bringing their old spell books and discussing theories and old laws the coven use to follow. Scarlett, like her, also seemed to claim she had witch’s blood and actively brushed off questions about her past. She was also a bully, or at least Eve thought so…though some of the other women had said the same about her.
But no matter how much she tried, she just couldn’t bring herself to like Scarlett, and it was made easier that Scarlett seemed to share the sentiment. Regardless of their mutual dislike, they may have been able to co-exist if a catalyst putting them against one another wasn’t thrown into the mix. One month ago, after a year of just tolerating Scarlett, Eve learned the ‘old hag’, and the leader of the Coven had finally decided to step down, and a new leader would be named. Scarlett instantly put her name forward, and not to let this woman take control, Eve did as well. The coven became split in a day, and many of the members began to get wary as Eve and Scarlett seemed determined to divide them. To most of the women, this was just a game, a fun club for drinking and laughing, but a few of the more serious members felt the almost dangerous tensions growing between the two ‘witches.’
For Evelynn, there was another piece to this puzzle and though even didn’t want to admit it, she found Scarlett objectively attractive, and she hated her more for it. She hated her big tits, she hated her thick ass and her sexy legs that she showed off in her stockings. She wanted to beat her, she wanted to prove she had a better body, and features, and overall, she was a better witch. But what she wanted was to hear it from the cunt’s mouth, make Scarlett gasp. She had always considered her breasts a bit nicer, her legs a little toner, and her ass a bit more big and full.
It didn’t help her imagination that early on in her studies of the lore she had found an old passage that described a fight between witches vastly different than the other stories she had read or heard. It was a deeper way some witches would settle their disputes and a vastly different type of magic that bloomed from the exchanges. A type of fight designed to absorb the other’s magical essence, sometimes fatally, but commonly to full submission. Done, not in blood, but in sex and strength, overpowering another rival, fucking her, and making her release her essence. It was all-absorbing and Eve had dreamed of doing this, finding another ‘witch’ and seeing how real it could be.
She didn’t explain this to her old coven or the new, and she doubted any of them would ever consider a duel as she wanted. It wasn’t like any of them were really in her league, many pretty, many good-looking, but violence between members was forbidden, both physical and magical. But even so, she could imagine, challenging Scarlett in the old way. Meeting her nude, meeting her body on body, forcing screams of pleasure and surrender from the slut’s red lips. It would be the ultimate proof that even if they had been born in ancient times, she, Eve, was the better witch.
Today was the final meeting before the vote and to ease tensions from the vote a ‘show and tell’ was hosted. Every witch brought an object to show and explain its magical presence at their table. Eve had brought the orb to lure the women to her table and win that one voter she needed to break the draw between her and Scarlett that had formed in the Coven. As the night ended, she had little luck. Slightly disheartened, she began to pack her stuff when to her disbelief Scarlett was approaching her table. Eve’s green eyes traveled up the incredible figure oncoming to her.
The redhead was tall in black heels, and her spiderweb leggings went from her feet up until they disappeared up her short tight skirt. She could easily have had a tan if she had ever tried to sit in the sun, but her attempt to be like the moon kept her skin a creamy tone. Her face was elegant, and she had the look of money, even though that was farther from the truth. She wore tank tops that showed the size of her chest, and her legs were toned, and sexy. Annoyingly Eve had always admitted she would have loved to fuck Scarlett if the woman didn’t try to compete against her every meeting.
But for once she wasn’t glaring or snarking at Eve. Eve followed the woman’s line of sight and could tell she was looking only at the orb. In fact, she seemed fixated on the small object, and Eve felt a rush of worry that the incredible dark red-haired woman felt something for this orb, something she had felt. Coming to a stop in front of the table, the woman hadn’t even acknowledged Eve, her blue eyes fully engrossed at the artifact that was now between them. “What is this?” The standing woman said, her finger’s already moving towards the smooth round glass.
“It’s mine,” Eve said coldly, her fingers faster, pulling the orb back towards her body. She felt a sudden possessiveness over it, stronger than before…stronger with every step Scarlett had taken toward her. The standing woman seemed to flinch at the rejection of the touch, but she didn’t move her body away and seemed to lean forward on the table, “May I hold it?”
“No,” Eve replied, standing up from her seat. She was shorter than Scarlett, but only because she wasn’t wearing as tall of heels, barefoot, they would be eye to eye. Now level, their gazes locked above the orb, and Scarlett’s face seemed to contort into frustration. “Why?” She questioned with a bit of grimace not willing to give up the chance to hold that seemingly magnetic item.
“Because it’s mine, and I don’t like you.” Eve shot back, unable to hold back those slightly more aggressive words. They had never spoken openly about their mutual loathing, but it came as no surprise. Yet, Eve was a bit astounded they had come so naturally out of her mouth like they had to be said and would be said whether she liked it or not.
“I don’t like you either.” The redhead replied matter of fact, and then pursed her lips…she couldn’t stop herself either it seemed. But instead of acknowledging the awkwardness or apologizing, Scarlett pressed forward, her frown turning into a smirk, “But I feel magic in that orb, and I should have a chance to study it. That’s coven laws, one of the few we both agreed on.” She said with a haughty tone, and Evelynn let out a small huff. That was true, sharing within the Coven was law. If a woman could feel the power of another’s artifice, she must be allowed to use it. Everything to strengthen the Coven, a rule as old as time. Eve knew that, and for a second, she wondered why the hell she brought her orb to the coven’s meeting. Of course, the other witches would want to view it, and Scarlett did seem to have a stronger affiliation with the objects. Well, the first question had an easy answer, it was to taunt Scarlett, and it was working, but that wasn’t the only reason she had to admit. It was like she needed to show the other witch or more in particular, this witch or want-to-be witch, she added in her mind.
Scarlett seemed to be waiting, trying to hide her desperation. She didn’t want to talk to Evelynn, but she needed to because she needed to touch that orb. She wished she could explain the feeling but seeing something that might be real magic in the possession of this fake witch would not pass. This was the first conversation between them that had lasted longer than a few nasty quips or full-blown disagreement. But this also gave her the time to finally see Evelynn’s body up close. Her blue eyes glanced up towards Evelynn’s deep creamy mounds that seemed to move every breath the bitch took. Scarlett’s eyes then struggled, unable to choose which orbs were more tempting to touch.
“Let me hold it.” She demanded again more firmly, and Eve’s green eyes narrowed dangerously but the law was the law, and she would not be the one to break it. “Fine.” Eve hissed, and with both hands picked up the orb, offering it to the other woman. Scarlett held her breath as she opened her palms to take the object and it naturally rolled out of Eve’s touch into Scarlett’s hands. For one second, both women were touching the orb, and their fingers brushed underneath the eerily smooth glass. Suddenly, the community center disappeared for less than a second, and unbeknownst to the other woman, a mix of voices filled both their minds. “Join us…” It whispered, and Eve felt a surge roll down her figure, her body suddenly on the edge. But not the edge of pain, or worry, but one of pleasure. She suddenly had to control her emotions and stop herself from moaning. It was tough and she couldn’t stop her cheeks going a tinge redder.
Quickly, she studied Scarlett’s face, trying to judge if the same thing was happening to the other woman or was it only her who had felt the lust. She couldn’t be sure as the redhead’s face remained passive, but there was a single twitch on the woman’s lips, and her cheeks might have a hue darker. Yet, Scarlett gave no other sign as she observed the orb for almost a minute, while Eve watched her suspiciously, and ogled her secretly. “It doesn’t feel like anything special.” She finally said, but it was such an obvious lie, that it almost made Eve laugh.
“Hmph.” Eve huffed as she sat back down while the orb was placed between them. Yet Scarlett didn’t leave, seemingly determined to touch the orb again at the least, or at the most, take it with her. The brown-haired witch let out a hiss as she finally reached out and put the object in her bag, breaking the trance both women had fallen in. Scarlett seemed to blink, but as her eyes regained focus they found themselves annoying looking at Evelynn’s face. The sitting witch was still staring at the redhead when a small smile came to her red lips.
“Have you considered dropping out of the voting for the lead?” Eve asked Scarlett as she began to clean up everything else on her table. She wanted to desperately acknowledge that she might have just had her first real magical experience…but annoyingly it was with the one person in the world she did not want to share it with. But she hoped she might be able to get Scarlett to slip up and admit something if she could keep the conversation going a little longer.
Scarlett’s full attention turned back to Eve, and a more natural feeling of jealously and frustration filled her. “Of course not.”
“Then the vote is going to be a tie.” Eve hissed, another known fact between the two of them. It seemed the orb had brought Scarlett to Eve, but that had not been the main thing between them.
“I’m aware and I’m sure you know that per ancient Coven law if two witches tie in votes, there is a re-vote until one is selected. Unless one bow out of course.”
“Or is forced out,” Eve added glaring openly at Scarlett, and a look of something more passed between them. Hate; hidden by their forced pleasantries, but a solution was somewhere in this, and Scarlett’s smile seemed to grow. An unimaginable solution, one that Scarlett had thought about proposing to Evelynn even before this vote situation, now seemed very much on the cards. It would solve a few things for her…give her a taste of something she craved, and finally show this bitch who the real witch was between them.
Scarlett looked at Eve, and the sitting woman could see the gears turning in the redhead’s mind, seemingly desperate to say something else, then with a slight shrug of her shoulders confirming she no longer cared, her blue eyes flashed. “You know Evelynn, we could meet and talk for hours about who should be the leader and who should leave…but I think we both know that it would get us nowhere.” She soothed, leaning over further, and letting her heavy breasts look even bigger. It was a sudden shift, but Scarlett’s exoticness seemingly went from a 7 to a 10, and Eve noticed.
“Yeah, I agree,” Evelynn replied instantly, her heartbeat picking up slightly. From the tone, and the sight of Scarlett showing off her body in more ways than one.
“So, in that case, I have another suggestion which I think would be more suitable for us.” Scarlett cooed, and Evelynn put down her bag and turned again her full attention to the redhead. When she didn’t say anything, Scarlett continued getting more confident by the word, “I think we should settle which one of us is going to lead this coven the right way…a witch’s duel…you versus me.”
For the second time in a manner of minutes, Evelynn stood up across the table from her rival. The words made her heartbeat go uncontrollably, and her mouth felt dry. But not to be outdone, she pushed her asset’s forward, and her frown turned into a sultry smile, “I would love nothing better than to finish you in a real witch’s duel, but the Coven would never accept it.”
“The Coven doesn’t have to know; the loser just bows out after our talk. Of the vote, the Coven. Permanently.” Scarlett added and boldly reached forward and brushed some of the long brown hair out of Evelynn’s eyes. The contact was electric and there was no hiding exactly what type of fight this woman was suggesting. Eve suddenly knew that Scarlett must have read that passage as well and the very thing she had wanted was now offered on a silver platter.
She seemed to consider the challenge even though she knew it was a forgone conclusion that she and Scarlett would likely have the first real witch duel in a millennium. “Tonight, is the full moon, a perfect night for a duel.” She replied in an equally seductive tone that made Scarlett’s blue eyes widen in surprise, and then returned to their lusty gaze.
“So, you accept my challenge?” Scarlett breathed, not sure if she believed it. Her own blood was rushing in her veins. She felt her loins again tingle and wondered why she had waited so long to challenge this woman. She hated bullies and Evelynn was a bully, a bitch who always had to get her way, and couldn’t stand not being the prettiest woman in the room.
“I do. A witch duel, we will let our souls,” Evelynn paused, then she reached up and ‘adjusted’ her bra while making sure her tits were nice and prominent, “and our bodies decide who stays and who goes.”
“I’m glad you are familiar with the type of conflict.” Scarlett teased as her face inched a little closer to Eve’s provokingly then added more seriously, “I extended the challenge, you chose the location.”
“You can come to my lair at midnight, tonight,” Eve ordered leaning forward to display her thick chest and even her ass from behind so it was in view for the blue-eyed woman. Scarlett hesitated, knowing she should decline that demand and pick a neutral location. All her knowledge taught her it was far more dangerous to meet a witch in her lair, but then her eyes fell on the orb. It would be worth it, to finally claim her coven, and kick this bitch out once and for all. She could also take the orb as a prize too if she was in Evelynn’s home.
“I accept.” Scarlett finally said, and the duel was sealed. Their final stare was smelting, an almost 5 minutes conversation had just changed the course of their lives. There was nothing more to be said, it would be finished tonight.
“I’ll see you tonight then, Evelynn.” Scarlett breathed sensually with a lick of her red lush lips.
“Don’t be late, Scarlett.” Eve hushed back, licking her own lips in a taunting erotic manner.
With a final huff and glare, Scarlett turned and walked away, as Eve felt the rage and lust of the conversation ignite her senses. Her eyes tracing what looked like an equally perfect ass of the retreating woman disappear into the crowd of the coven.
When Eve got home, the realization that in less than 4 hours, she was going to be involved in her first ‘real’ witches’ duel made her almost giddy. She was going to fight Scarlett, and she was going to win, and in the theory of tradition, she would absorb whatever bullshit magic the bitch pretended to have. She quickly began to clean and prepare her room for the upcoming showdown. It was very ceremonial, but she was prepared with all the right candles, plants, and paint for the markings needed to set up their arena.
Even in the mysterious history of witches, it seemed this type of duel that she and Scarlett had implied they were going to perform had been rare. Only the most powerful and sensual of witches would partake due to the danger for those involved and even those caught in the crossfire. It was considered dark magic thanks to the main source being draining another person of their sexual energy and fluids. The light blessed priestess could tap into and fight this way as well when confronting dark witches, but it was even more uncommon for them…though not unheard of.
Overall, it was not something to do frivolously…and yet, there was something about her and Scarlett that left no other option. This had to be done. Sure, in the back of her mind, she knew this was fake, they were just playing a game, but there was also real hate between them. Hate thanks to the frustration that they should get along, hate thanks to how aggressive the other woman was always to one-up her, and hate that they couldn’t just fuck the other woman, that the other woman didn’t beg to be fucked by her.
She wanted to humiliate Scarlett, wanted the redhead to cry out in pain and admit that her body was not the stronger temple. That she could be ravaged and lain bare on the floor thanks to Eve’s superior sexuality and power. The goal of this duel was to suck the magic out of the other woman while holding her own, and it would take an incredible display of sexual skill to do so. She went to the full body mirror on her wall after she had stripped to the nude. She felt out her chest and ass, watching and feeling her heavy breasts bounce once back into place as she released them. Her face had always been described by old friends to be a classic party girl, though it was the exact opposite of how she felt or who she was. She ran her hand down to her smooth soft pussy, her nice warm nether lips that she spread and rubbed. Her other hand twirled around her long silky brown hair until she was confident there were no flaws. It was time to get ready, and she would be prepared.
Later that night, Eve pulled on her darkest robe after doing her makeup to the best of her ability. Her natural beauty would always be enough, but a little extra glamor might be the little
push she would need to sexually conquer her rival. After making sure she looked as hot as possible, she marked the symbols on the floor of her bedroom where they would kneel and seal them until a victor was found. It was ridiculous, she knew that because the spells wouldn’t work no matter how much she believed. Scarlett and she had not been born at the right time, that was the most painfully obvious her whole life. But she still loved it, she loved the idea of witchcraft, and she hated the idea that another woman thought she was stronger, more powerful.
What was going to happen would be they would end up fighting, likely nude, and finally settle the thing, this palpable thing festering between them. The idea of holding someone as attractive, as fuckable as Scarlett down, making her cry out in surrender, forcing her to release her magic by getting out fucked by Eve, was beyond fantasy. Because sex was magic, the only magic she knew, and pleasure was magic, and how Eve could use her body, she fully felt she could overwhelm and out pleasure any other human or witch. And that is what made Scarlett so special. The other ‘witch’ was a threat because she must have felt the same about Eve. She had looked at Eve’s body and decided that she could be tamed and out fucked. They were natural enemies, and tonight, Eve would be a real witch and drain Scarlett fully.
The knock on the door was the sign that Scarlett was not going to run. It was just 10 minutes before midnight and Eve breathed in and out to settle her nerves. She made her way in her sexy heels to the door and opened it leaning on the doorframe in an erotic pose. Scarlett stood there, looking as equally as tempting even wearing the long rain jacket. Her blue eyes instantly feasted at the sight of Evelynn in the loose short robe before locking eyes. Such a shame that the woman she was likely the most attracted to in her life was such a fucking bitch. Keeping those thoughts to herself, she peeled back her jacket teasingly but was wearing a similar black robe to her rival underneath.
“Welcome.” Evelynn said in a disingenuous nice tone.
“Thank you,” Scarlett replied equally misleading with its sweetness.
Evelynn moved to the side and allowed her in, and Scarlett entered without a word. The flat wasn’t big enough for her to get lost and she confidently walked into the bedroom; Evelynn followed her and locked them inside her room a second later. The redhead instantly noticed the markings on the floor and the candles, annoyingly finding no faults, and was again frustrated with the aspect that Evelynn might be the only person in the world who was obsessed with this as much as she was. I mean hell, they were about to fight in the way of ancient witches…and she couldn’t help wondering if they were normal girls, or at least a bit more normal…would they still have fought? Or would they have been friends? Or more? She wouldn’t know.
When she looked up, she found Eve already standing on the other side of the markings. The brown-haired woman smiled and slowly peeled down her black robe from her smooth shoulders and body. She let it fall, leaving her in a single skimpy garment. It was a black lace bottom piece, that covered a decent amount of the top part of her ass, though became a thong halfway down. Though even the part that was covered, her upper booty, the lace was quite transparent. The front was also translucent, though darker above her smooth slit. She wanted to taunt, tease, but Scarlett hadn’t even waited for Eve’s robe to hit the floor before she undid her own and let it drop.
The redhead’s chosen garment was a black silk piece, connected on the sides with large gold rings on her hips. The back was a small diamond around the size if Eve pressed her thumbs and point fingers together though you could see through the lace anyway. It curled in low on her hips and must have been less than a centimeter above her slit.
Besides their clothes, they quickly noticed the bare nude tits and nice-sized nipples facing them with no coverings of those robes. Scarlett was the same creamy complexation on her whole body, Evelynn was a bit more tan thanks to her love of nature and the time she spent in the woods, yet her tits were paler than Scarlett’s, and she spotted tan lines around her back and on her thong line hidden by her final garment.
Without speaking a word, they began to walk around the drawn markings on the ground careful not to enter the circle with their feet just yet. Their stares traced the other’s hot body, seeing more skin than ever before on their rival. They compared the other’s physique to her own in the dimmed light, taking in the form they both secretly had wanted to fuck for the last year. Maybe if they had just fucked the first time, they saw each other this might not have happened, but that was a long-missed opportunity. The shadows flicked and enhanced their already forms, their heel spikes sinking into the carpet. if there any to be found. Three full rotations, before they stopped where they had dropped their robes.
The rain outside had picked up intensely, but the room sounded quiet as they faced off. “Last chance to back down and leave the coven. If you don’t Evelynn, I’ll absorb your magic humiliating you for the rest of the night.” Scarlett breathed, flicking her long wavy red hair back behind her right ear as she eyed the beautiful woman in front of her.
“No chance, Scarlett. I’ve been wanting to do this to you the second our eyes met that first meeting. You might think you are a real witch, but I’m the only real thing here. I’m going to drain you dry and then maybe play with your discarded body when I’m done.”
“Well, looks like we have a long night ahead of us, I say we begin and settle this little thing between us.” Scarlett hissed and took her step into the circle crossing the candles and red-drawn symbols. She kneeled right off the center of the small fires illuminating around her as she took her place and looked up at Evelynn. If her rival was nervous, she wasn’t showing it, and neither would Scarlett. Eve stepped into the circle and kneeled opposite her rival, their knees nearly touching as their breathing picked up. Around them, and the room, the candles flicked all at once, and a sudden storm was starting to rage outside.
At that second, Eve couldn’t tell if the fury and lust she felt was thanks to the spell from the markings, or just that she wanted to kick Scarlett’s fine ass out of her house. “You ready to lose your magic, you fake?” She teased with an extra helping of snark.
“Oh, Evelynn, I knew you wanted to fuck me the second you saw me, if you had begged me, I might have just given it to you. But this is better, now I can break you and prove you are the fake.”
“Oh, I did want to fuck you, but not as much as you wanted me…your looks, I bet you pleasured yourself every night imagining me on top of you. Well, don’t worry Scarlett, your dreams are about to become a nightmarish reality.”
“Well, then let’s duel, bitch!” Scarlett screamed as she lunged forward on her knees and tackled Evelynn down with her arms into an awkward cat ball on the floor. The sounds and sight from the meeting of the two womanly bodies were breathtaking, and the sensations shooting into their loins were intense from the first physical contact alone. Eve’s back hit the floor with the redhead half on top of her and she quickly bucked her hips pushing the adjusting Scarlett off to her side and next to Eve. The brown-haired woman quickly turned to kick out at Scarlett’s face, but the redhead had the same idea. They launched their feet at their chins, but each dodged easily rolling away in fear of being hit.
Eve was kicked at and rolled away near the edge of the candles. Scarlett had already flipped up to her knees and taunting licked her lips at Evelynn once again as her rival got back up. The brown-haired woman took a similar stance and slowly crept forward at a similar pace to her rival. When they got close enough to touch, Eve smiled cruelly, “Slowly, I want to feel you break.”
Scarlett returned the twisted grin, “Perfect.”
They came together deliberately offering their hands in a test of strength. Slowly their fingers interlaced and their sharp black claws began to dig into the back of their hands. Contrary to their words, however, the minute they had a strong grip they launched forward with their chests leading the way.
They met on their knees, large womanly breasts slapping and chewed sharp nipples digging into the yielding flesh. They gasped and grunted as they pushed in harder, their bellies and abs slapping as their tits were forced upward, bending each other back. Their arms were stretched out to their sides, then above their heads, finger’s interlaced and trying to crack the tendons and force a cry of real pain from the other’s tempting throat.
If they had any self-awareness of their surroundings and were not lost in their hate and heat between their legs; they may have noticed the still orb had begun to glow an eerie red, like a lava lamp, something it had never done before. But the two young women were unaware fully lost in their fight to tame and dominate the other ‘witch’. Their hands finally slipped from the other’s grasp, and they latched into the other’s long red and brown hair, struggling to throw down to her back, mount, and rape the other woman of her magic. As the long locks were pulled and ripped, they ended up face to face again, snarling in pain. Their thongs left little to the imagination but they could feel the metal of the other’s rings on their waist. Eve’s green and Scarlett’s blue burned in a melting stare as the ceremonial aspect of the fight was gone. They were catfighting, both as witches, and normal early 20’s women who hated each other, they were trying to hurt, and it thrilled them that this really was going to be a witch’s duel…neither was backing down and it would be finished.
Seeking an advantage, Evelynn leaned forward and pressed her lips onto Scarlett’s sealing their mouths into one and bringing in a new battlefield. This was their first hate-filled kiss, and Scarlett gasped at the sudden sensation of the soft wet pair on her own, something Evelynn was feeling too but was far more prepared for. The gasp allowed Eve to push forward, and Scarlett felt her mouth invaded by the long tongue of her rival. It slashed her own taster, and the sensations broke the redheaded witch’s focus. She was pulled to the right by her hair, her ass unflexed for a millisecond, but Evelynn forced her down first to her side and then onto her back. Scarlett struggled even while she was moving her lips in rhythm with her sexy enemy. Evelynn was on top of her, rubbing, thrusting, and wearing only the skimpiest of clothes.
“You bitch.” Scarlett hissed, as Evelynn hovered with her knees between Scarlett’s long legs, a cruel smile on the brunette’s lips. Her green eyes absorbed Scarlett’s body, her big firm milky tits overly large while keeping their shape and firmness on her body. Below them, her tight thin waist then expanded into her big muscular ass. Scarlett’s body was a marvel, and Evelynn felt a flush of jealousy, shifting her own ass out behind her, likely looking like the most incredible piece of booty in the city in this position.
“What’s the matter? Can’t handle a little kiss? I’m going to do a lot more than that soon.” Eve moaned threateningly at her rival, flipping her long straight brown hair back over her head, her cheeks flush in excitement and lust. She lowered herself back and down a few inches and dragged her brown sharp nipples up Scarlett’s skin and chest. She was going to make this bitch cry, prove to Scarlett that her sex was inferior, that her magic and love for the dark arts was less, and that she wouldn’t be standing in Eve’s way ever again.
“You just surprised me with how much you wanted to play tongues, but don’t worry, I know how to kiss.” And before Evelynn could respond, Scarlett charged forward with her head and mouth, slamming together with Evelynn who kissed back ferociously as if they both were trying to swallow the other woman’s tasty lips. But she wasn’t prepared for how aggressive Scarlett started and Eve was caught off guard from the attack as her tongue was sucked into Scarlett’s ravenous mouth. She let out a groan from her throat was teased and sucked wetly trapped between the lips. She moaned and thrashed, licking teeth and gums while deepening their wet and sloppy kiss to match the aggressiveness, but Scarlett had already freed her body and they dangerously rolled their conjoined bodies near some of the candles burning around them in the marked circle.
The fanned locks loomed closer and closer to being singed by the mini flames dancing around the fighting women. The kissing over with strings of spit snapping and gasping for air, they had begun to wrestle, looping legs and arms, their skin blending thanks to the light perspiration dripping off them. They stained their legs and arms, full asses flexing in pressure to get the opponent down and on her back. They awkwardly had two full rotations, but this time Scarlett won the bout, mounting a groaning, Eve. After trading back and forth tongue-sucking, Eve had found herself on the hard final suck to the point she was the one to break off. But her hands had already looped around her rival’s hips to squeeze the firm full apple bottom of the redhead in anger.
Scarlett noticed as she pressed her waist down onto Evelynn’s hips, “Feel how much stronger my ass is? Look how far more beautiful I am than you? I’ve made men and women scream under my body in pleasure, but you are going to be the first to surrender to it.” Scarlett taunted, her sexy ass pressing down into Eve.
“I feel stronger, firmer, and bigger every day on my own body.” Eve groaned, shaking her tits from the ground, and wanting nothing more than to press her own ass into the redhead’s fat chest. She didn’t have time to think more about it, however, as her breasts were suddenly groped, her massive globes too big for Scarlett’s palms to fully hold. But the soft holding was not to last, and the nails sunk into her yielding flesh making her cry out in pain. She shot her arms up on instinct and filled hands with the under boob of Scarlett’s; instantly scratching and clawing at the other pair of soft mounds.
They clawed each other’s tits, their thumbs and nails digging right into the areola and splitting the erect nipples to their extreme discomfort. Their cries of pain were drowned out by the storm, their nails going deeper into the warm soft flesh. There was nothing off limits until Eve couldn’t take it. She released Scarlett’s full chest and freed her own by ripping the woman’s hands by the wrists, both gasping as the aching started right away. Scarlett seemed to be okay ending it and didn’t reengage, her tits throbbing in pain, but Eve looked even angrier.
She shot up and just missed capturing one of the redhead’s erect nipples into her mouth with her teeth, but the shifting of bodies let Eve get on equal grounds. Evelynn was able to sit up fully and push Scarlett off her, then jumped on the woman, her ass flexing and jiggling on the impact. Scarlett instantly conjoined their limbs in a twisting of muscle and hands sunk into ass and hair. They grunted and snapped at each other’s mouths as their hold prevented either from mounting or taking the top spot for longer than a second.
Body on body they sensually rolled, flipping each other’s strong sexy bodies down into the soft white caret and lying their full womanly body on the other, pressing their sore breasts flat and positioning her legs to jostle and starfish the other woman. They snapped at each other’s mouths with their teeth and then would lock into a jostling glaring kiss as they drove each other up and up the wall of desire. Scarlett was rubbing her body on Eve’s even from the bottom position, and the top woman’s sex began to pulse from the nipples of her rival dragging across her firm breasts. Every time Eve felt Scarlett’s body press from the top she moaned, her tiny thong the only thing protecting her hungry sex from the smooth muscle of her rival’s legs. She pressed her own hips forward on the next roll, her ass slapped by Scarlett making her snap her groin forward, and was rewarded with a gasp of lust from Scarlett’s wet mouth that she dove back into to suck the spit and wetness out of her rival.
They ended up back in the center of the markings and room, Evelynn on top, holding a straining Scarlett down by the wrists. Eve felt her hands slipping on her sweaty wrists, but to keep the other woman distracted and down she forced the redhead into a deeper and dirtier kiss. Her full intention was to gag as their snakes of tongues slurped around each other, twisting into a knot after pressing tip to tip. Scarlett began to free her left side from the ground, pushing up and forcing another desperate roll as they grunted in their enclosed mouths. The accidental humping was turning intentional as they flexed their groins and asses to apply more pressure on the other woman’s body, Scarlett’s leg dislodging the tight thong on Eve’s hot body. Around them, the flames of the candles had tippled in size, and an ominous hum was coming from the bookshelf.
They may have noticed the excess heat from the candles if they weren’t fixated on the warmth of their rival’s groin behind the thin material keeping them from being fully nude. From up top and their legs wide, Eve lowered her hips and felt her covered sex touch Scarlett’s behind the silky material. It was supposed to be a light trace, but the bottom woman thrust her strong ass up to increase the pressure in this position. They hissed in pleasure and frustration that this inferior ‘witch’ was affecting them so much. Eve had read, she had studied, she had ‘practiced’ with willing participants, but this, a real fight, was so vastly different and more intense.
Eve felt her clit appear from its fleshy hood behind her thong and steadied herself knowing that eventually, her love organ would connect mesh with Scarlett’s wet sex, potentially all night if the fight was as intense as the beginning had been. “I can tell this is going to be a long duel.” Evelynn grimaced out loud, her training not fully preparing to now be locking sexes with another woman looking to dominate her as aggressively as she wanted to dominate. Scarlett was a real rival, this was as close as she would ever get to the ancient ways and she had to win, she had to absorb the bitches magic and that meant fucking her to within an inch of her life.
“Yeah, I think so too,” Scarlett admitted back, her thoughts mirroring Evelynn’s. “But I will drain you, I will break you, your body, and your soul, Evelynn. There is only one real witch between us, and it’s me”
“Not before I break yours, Scarlett. I’ll take everything you have and leave you shattered on the floor.” Eve whispered back, poison seeping into her words.
A huge bolt of lightning flashed after their exchange and Eve had to blink twice for her eyes to readjust, and then she froze in terror. “What the fuck are you doing!?” Eve yelled as Scarlett’s eyes under her were now glowing like her name, dark red. But what was even more confusing was why the bottom woman looked so frightened as well.
“What the fuck are YOU doing!?” Scarlett shrieked in fear, and unbeknownst to herself, Eve’s eyes were hot embers as looked down at the other sex witch.
They couldn’t explain this, and this ‘fake’ magic, in this ‘fake’ witch duel had become too real, too fast. “Get off me!” Scarlett cried while Evelynn was already trying to disengage from her but when she tried to separate her sweaty hot body from the other’s sticky form, she felt what could only be described as invisible chains wrapping around her and Scarlett’s waist, sealing their bodies together and tightening fast. They gasped as their bodies were now forced together and their sexes had no choice but to kiss between their legs.
Scarlett had noticed too and stopped pushing her rival away, looking panickily around the room, even as her large breasts were squeezed into the erotic pair and her groin was hotly meshing and fighting the other’s sex. Only now did they notice that something in the room was glowing, along with the roaring candles, and humming sound. Their eyes turned to the orb now looking like a fire on the shelf. “We need to roll out of the circle!” Eve yelled, and Scarlett agreed with a frantic nod.
But it was too late, a blaze appeared from the orb in the shape of a massive red fiery hand. It shot forward at the panicked conjoined women, wrapping its fingers around Scarlett and Eve. They screamed in horror as it pulled them into the air, no amount of witch-studying preparing them for this real experience. They were suspended in the air for a few seconds, then the hand-pulled them towards the orb fast enough that their long hair whiplashed up. The last sounds of their screams went silent a second later as their bodies vanished with the hand-pulled towards the orb in a lightning-quick manner. The room was then quiet, the candles all going out at once, and the storm outside ending as quickly as it started. The orb lay there on the shelf, looking as ordinary as any other object in the now deserted flat. But in the darkness, and with a watchful eye, one could see the windows of the tiny toy castle and town had begun to glimmer and come alive.
To Be Continued