Decided to Fight

Kiley and Cali had been part of the same group of bikers for years. They had been friends, for most of it, but each began to pick up on comments made by their fellow gang members about how similar their bodies were, and how sleeping with one, was no different than sleeping with the other.

The comments were hurtful and infuriating, but it was not until they found out that even their chosen conquests within the group were treating them as interchangeable, that they each decided to act. One of them had to go, on that they agreed, and so they decided to fight, to the death, as leaving the gang was against the rules and the desires of the club elders in their particular case.

Both began their fight with equal confidence, and certainty that they would be walking out of the room as the winner, but both faded from Cali’s eyes, as she took her final breaths, the life squeezed from her body by her now victorious rival.

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