Ewa S. vs. Stunning Steph from Discord

Ewa S.:
I stood there in the small living room….. Naked, staring at my reflection in the mirror…… Hating…. what I’m seeing look back at me…. “Damn….” I muttered, as my right hand slowly traced down the curve of my breast, and down over my barely visible abs…. Just a hint of them that wasn’t too overpowering or obvious, but enough to show exactly how rigid I am about working out….. But my contempt was not due to a physical flaw….. No… it was at the monster staring back at me… At what I’ve fucking turned into, and what I’ve gotten into….. Outside, I can hear the chatter rising… Recognizing the voices of Sabrina, Bailey, and Natalia… I knew more were still going to show up…. And despite Bri’s amazing composure, I knew, she was not happy about any of this… As per our car ride here…. My mind tracing back to just thirty minutes ago….
“Can you fucking tell me, why EXACTLY are you doing this??” — She hissed as her hands strangled the steering wheel…. “I told you…. She’s bad news…. She’s not good enough for Amber…” —- “FUCK!!!” She screamed and it made me flinch…
I turned staring at her, as she pounded on the driving wheel… “Don’t give me this bullshit Ewa… NO ONE fucking fights their sister in law’s NEW GF because she doesn’t thinks he’s good enough for her… NO ONE DOES THAT… And you fucking know it…. So… You better goddamn tell me right now, why are you doing this….”
I paused….. Thinking… But… I really could not give her an answer back… I just stared straight ahead…. Knowing damn well what she’s suggesting…. And in a way… I knew… She was right…. Friends don’t do that…. Even step-sisters… But… I was already in too deep…..
I sighed….. As I reached up and covered my cheeks with my hands….. I fucking hate myself… But…. I fucking hate HER more…. That fucking… SNAKE… That slithered her way into Amber’s life, and thus, ours….. I keep trying to tell myself that my reasons are simply because I think that you’re a piece of trash…. But…. Is there more??? — Am I just trying to sabotage Amber’s relationship… Out of pure selfishness…. Because… I’m scared that our not-so-platonic friendship might be threatened, or worse, severed?? — It was already a mess when I told Bri that I wanted to fuck her sister….. And to my shock… She was… MORE than OK with it… But this… I can’t deny her angry outburst at me, or her accusations that I am making her look bad before our other friends who all caught wind of it…
I turn to the bed and check my outfit… The white lacy bra and thong… The garter-belt and thigh high stockings…. I had it laid there nearly and I reach for one stocking and slowly start to slip it on… Pulling it up over my smooth left leg…. I guess going for ‘White’ was too much of a fucking over-compensation, huh?? — Trying to pretend I’m the guardian angel….. Well, fuck it… Wouldn’t have mattered if I wore black or red…. At least I think I look hottest in white….
I heard the doorbell ringing, and then….. Krist’s voice… Yet another one… I sigh… It was at Kristi’s cabin last weekend when things got REALLY out of hand…. During that game of ‘Twister’, where Steph, Amber, and I were the last three standing….. The girls were already joking about me being ‘double-teamed’, but I laughed and was confident my rigorous Bikram-Yoga practice would secure me the win, until that CUNT hip-checked me… It was so fucking blatant, that when I fell down to my chest, and she stood there laughing, I lost it.. I kicked her in the shin.. She yelped, and THREW herself at me…. We grabbed hair and screeched like hellcats, rolling around, that it took EVERY fucking girl in the room, all tough, hardened bitches to break us apart…. But not without us ripping handfuls of hair and few select kicks to the other’s thighs and bellies…
Hours of screaming ensued….. Amber and Bri getting involved but it didn’t fucking matter…. I wanted a piece of that bitch, and she of me…. We cussed and called each other… Awful things… Not insults… But actual words that CUT DEEP….. Unforgivable things…. And it was clear what had to happen…. So, here we are….
I take in a deep sigh… Then, I hear the knocks on the door…. And Bri’s voice coming through.. It’s soft… Calm… And I know she’s not pretending…. She knows I’m getting into a fight… And she is 100% on my side… “Ewa… Everyone’s here.. Are you ready???” — I walk up to the door, opening it and I see her eyes glower a bit checking out my body as I smile, and purr; “What do you think?”
She smiles and turns and I walk behind her into the living room.. To the sectional couches surrounding the open space in the middle where all the coffee tables were removed, and all that remain is the big thick furry rug….. The fireplace is going in the side, giving this unusually chilly day a nice warmth to it, and adding a musky Oak smell to the air……
I stand there, smiling, my hands on my hips, seeing the eyes on me.. Admiring eyes… Judgmental eyes…. Flirting eyes…. But they are one and the same now, as I just stare into Amber’s eyes, and I purr; “I’m going to fuck your girl up so bad…. She will be begging you to never call her again….” — I hiss my cruel, nasty threat….. Watching Amber get up, giving me a fiery look and hissing; “Watch out those pretty lips…. You might not be able to wrap them around Bri’s cunt for months after she’s done with you….. But she will happily fill-in until then…” And with a turn of her heels she walks up to the other bedroom, where you must be changing, to summon you….

Stunning Steph (@Stunning Steph#5634):
I’ve known that this was coming, I’ve had days to prepare myself but still with all that time I’m still confused as to how it reached this point. Oh I know the events that transpired and the timeline of those events… it does make sense, but still… how?
Pacing back and forth asking myself the question over and over. Not for the first time taking my earbuds out one after the other to check the sound is coming through them and not my phone, a little insecurity that strikes every now and then which masks a bigger problem.
I’m still not feeling confident of my place here. Amber has been perfect, since we started seeing one another I’ve felt joy the likes of which I can’t recall experiencing before, the butterflies in my stomach, the endorphin rush just seeing that she’s read one of the messages I’ve texted her during the day.
I know for a fact I’ve never felt so strongly about someone so quickly and yet I have doubts and it’s the nature of those doubts which have resulted in me finding myself here. Amber is too good to be true, part of me feels she is settling for me, she’s so smart and witty and she is able to combine genuine beauty with supermodel level sex appeal. I always knew that I would have rivals for her affection, traditionally I’ve not been the jealous type but with Amber it’s different… the mention of her secretary’s name as she tells me a work story has me ready to grab that slut, drag her in to Amber’s office toss her on to the desk and fuckfight her until I put her through the fucking thing, like a cat offering it’s owner a dead bird I would present her beaten and thoroughly out fucked secretary to her as my gift.
I never imagined Ewa though. Amber explained there was a complicated past, I didn’t press for specifics. Part of me didn’t want to know the sordid details, didn’t want to imagine Amber doing unspeakably sexy things to another woman, the other part of me respected her privacy, the past is in the past it’s not my business.
I tried to be pleasant to Ewa at our first meeting at Kristi’s cabin, subtly finding an excuse to take her to one side and address the elephant in the room. It did not go well. For the rest of the evening we were both on edge and of all things it was a game of Twister that set things in motion. Clearly too focused on me Ewa made a fool of herself bumping into me and ending up landing on her oversized chest. From there things quickly escalated and what was meant as a fun game descended into a mess of limbs and curses. Whilst we were successfully separated before things could go too far we ruined the evening for everyone else, spending hours bitching at one another nastily, nothing off limits, total spite.
What hurt me the most of all the many many obscenities, taunts and threats Ewa came out with was when she focused on me not being good enough for Amber and not meaning as much to her as she did. Hitting a nerve, my own doubts and insecurities about my relationship being preyed upon by this bitch with an intimate history with my new lover and a history stretching back far longer than my own with Amber. Firing back by saying I’d replaced her, that she no longer meant anything to Amber, that Ewa could be replaced by someone Amber had only known for a couple of days as I turned things around. Up until that point we had both wanted to go at it but from that point on we NEEDED it.
It was Amber though that actually scheduled things. Both loving her for having confidence in me to handle Ewa and hating her for arranging it without consulting me. The two of us had a complicated evening alternating between making love and war as my conflicting emotions manifested between the sheets.
Snapped back to the present as I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror, wearing a sexy bra and panty set that I know Amber appreciates. Not sure how I feel.
On the one hand I’m pissed at Ewa, I want to hurt her, badly, possibly more than I’ve ever wanted to hurt anyone in my life but I’m also nervous, this is my first time fighting in front of Amber and now not even just Amber, once more a decision made without consulting me as a social group I’ve barely began to integrate myself into is invited to watch. The stakes aren’t just about the physical damage I could suffer in this fight, it’s my relationship with Amber and me relationship with those closest to her. The pressure on me is immense, I only get one chance at a first impression… I can’t fail… but against Ewa, a woman with one of the most formidable reputations around and a woman that clearly means so much to Amber… can I win?
As if her ears were burning I hear Amber knocking on the bedroom door “It’s time babe” she says through the door. Closing my eyes tight trying to magic away all the negativity and bury my doubt deep I take a deep breath and open the door, immediately planting Amber with a kiss on the lips telling her to go through and I’ll meet her momentarily as I return my earbuds to their case and leave my phone on the side. Arriving just a minute later seeing Amber with her back up, something having happened as she’s facing down Ewa and wondering what I’ve missed, but it doesn’t matter… the instant I see Ewa seemingly threatening my Amber I lose it “Stay the fuck away from her you bitch!” I hiss as I charge into the room, my tunnel vision meaning I’m not even aware of everyone else watching as I quickly get into Ewa’s face squaring up.

Did I…. Did I take it too far?? — I feel instant regret as Amber turns away and walks towards the other bedroom door… I saw the nasty stare she fired at me, but I also noticed…. As she sprung up from her seat, the welt on her cleavage… An obvious very fresh scar…… And it gives me pause… There is only ONE person in the world, poised to have caused that on you… And it’s that CUNT who has been sleeping in your bed every night….. But… why?? How??? I saw the trembling glare and shaky voice as she returned my insult… Which I fucking deserved… I started….
But why did she get in a fight with you??? Were you… Fighting over me?? Over this??? Did Amber try to defend me?? Or… did she want to warm you up… Show you some tricks that only her and the few cats sitting in this room know about me and my body…. I tense up as I watch her wade away, and I blink hard, turning my eyes away, my face red with contempt….. I glance to the side and move my eyes one by one across the few, select audience…..
Starting with those sat at the white sectional…. Bailey…. Probably tied with Natalia to being my oldest ‘friends’…. A word I say with a lot of attachments… Ups and down…. But something that only proven the strength of our friendship and love to each other…. A bitch more than capable of baring her claws as much as making me gush at a flick of a switch….
And next to her, on the contrary, my most recent acquaintance….. Her wife, Remington… Perched there, legs crossed, dressed as revealing as she always does in a blue corset, garters and thigh highs…. Always trying to flash every single tattoo on her body, with her cocky smirk and her arm draped over Bailey’s shoulder… Another dangerous cat, that I still have a score to settle with… Then, to a softer note, Bri… My wife…. The one who would stand by my side no matter what, and what’s more of a proof of this than her being ok with that…. Watching me fight over another woman?
Then Natalia….. The definition of sexy and flippity…. A kitten that could be happy napping and purring on your lap, and the next moment, pulling you by the hair, trying to trap your head between her legs to make you her bitch….. And sat to her, the almost equally mischievous and unpredictable Stephanie and Kristi…. Both with a jagged, dodgy history with mine… That has somewhat ‘settled’ in the last few years into an ‘amicable’ state, where we vent out our disagreements mostly by pulling hair, while trying to fuck the other into wheel chairs….
And as I blink, I wonder…… If that crowd… Ones to be considered my ‘friends’… Are truly on my side in this… I saw the judgmental looks…. I heard the whispers after last weekend’s outburst…. Am I assuming too much to think that they will default to my side??? — Is there anyone in here besides Bri, that I can truly tell will be cheering me on… Despite my… questionable actions???
But then, my train of thought is interrupted by Amber returning, her arms crossed under her chest and saying in a stern voice; “She’ll be out in a minute….. You sure you want this Ewa?? Because you don’t want her in this mood….” — “Amber….” — I start with a quiet voice, with half a mind to start apologizing… Taking a step towards her when suddenly…. Hurricane Steph makes landfall… I hear the shriek and turn my head to the side, Amber turning and jumping back and suddenly, I’m on the tracks of an incoming freight train… Screeching at me to ‘back off her’…. My eyes go wide in anger as I glare at you, you’re RUSHING at me, and I know there is no fucking stopping this… But there is at least… Slowing it….. My body tensing, and bringing my right hand down by my left hip, I wait till you are almost within striking distance, then I take a step forwards with my right and unwind my arm, twisting my hip and sending a wild left backhand towards your fucking face, trying to catch you off guard, before you start the assault….
“Try saying that after I FUCK you up, Steph!”

Hoping I could find a way to keep my cool, knowing I’m going against an opponent who is far more experienced than I am. One who will undoubtedly have many tricks up her sleeve and will have the stamina and endurance to be able to handle a long grueling war.
It’s the dirty tricks I am most worried about. From our very first conversation I tried to be nice, when things started heading south I tried appeasement genuinely understanding, to some degree, Ewa’s position, as far as she was aware some random person had just appeared in Amber’s life who she knew nothing about, with a strong bond with Amber how could you not want to learn more and have some misgivings but quickly I saw through Ewa. It has nothing about caring for a loved one, it’s fear, fear of having been replaced. A nasty, spiteful bitch who just can’t handle Amber being happy with someone other than her and so I know exactly what I’m dealing with, someone that will do whatever it takes, someone that will cheapen the sanctity of a true competitive contest between two cats, someone that will rely on cheap shots and take shortcuts to try and achieve a win regardless of whether or not that victory is truly earned, that makes Ewa dangerous.
My inability to think straight immediately costs me. I charge at you not even sure what I’m going to do when I reach you just knowing I need to get right in your face immediately and leave you under no illusion that I will fight for Amber and just before I reach you, you step forward, surprising me, expecting you to either back off a little or steady yourself to hold your ground.
Cats are extremely precise creatures and just that one single step forward throws off everything, my brain thinking on the fly instinctively like the autopilot that just kicks in when you nearly trip over making thousands of tiny adjustments in milliseconds to prevent an accident but it’s simply too little too late, as quick as I am so are you and I walk straight into your backhand.
“AHhhhhhhhhhh!” I let out a sharp cry, pain yes but also it’s the surprise that elicits the response, my head knocked sharply to one side as I feel your backhand like it’s in slow motion distorting my face and leaving a stinging sensation in it’s wake. Somewhat luckily, not expecting the blow my brain hasn’t had time to apply the breaks and I continue forward my momentum more or less keeping me heading straight forward, the last instant slap throwing me off enough that I’m not ready to do anything as I reach you instead in a perfect display of zero coordination I effectively just plough into you our lingerie clad bodies colliding for the first of what everyone knows will be many times.

Someone once told me, a long time ago…. If you want to piss off a bitch, slap her…. If you want to fucking stop a bitch dead in her tracks, back hand her…..
It’s an obvious miscalculation….. As my hand swings up, delivering perhaps one of my most savage backhands…. My knuckle cracking into your cheek, and for a millisecond, as I see your face deform, your lips pucker up in a duck face, spittle begin to bubble, string out, and fly outwards from your mouth…. I almost begin to grin…. Watching your head snap to the side, hair furling around in slow motion… But….. That’s it… Your shoulders, your big bouncing tits, your fucking entire body is still rolling towards me like a freight train…
The goddamn backhand did NOT stop you in your tracks….
My eyes go wide in a bewildered SHOCK as I try to brace for it, but there is as little I could do about it, than you could do about my slap… Adrenaline causing our brains to move way faster than our bodies could react… My right arm is still fully stretched outwards, at the crest of the backhand…. My front completely and FULLY open for you…. No guards, no defenses as your body comes CRASHING at me….. It’s the equivalent of a girl doing the splits off two poles, just before getting punted in her cunt… But only towards my breasts, that get RAMMED first by your right arm, then the outside of your right tit, as it’s my turn to GRUNT, spraying your hair and right cheek with spittle, my body FLYING back, feet drumming on the carpet… Stockings have great traction on carpet, but terrible on tiles…..
And all I can do right now, is toss my left arm wildly, it’s not an attack, it’s an outright attempt to CLINCH you in, to stop myself from falling, my arm hooking up over your shoulder and trying to
hook behind your fucking stubborn ass head.

Still somewhat discombobulated by your nasty backhand, my brain trying to correct too many errors at once failing to slow my adequately to avoid just ramming into you. It feels like I’ve run into a wall… no not quite a wall, with the initial contact there is some give, our flesh and the little pieces of fabric paradoxically tasked with protecting our modesty has a moment, the smallest possible instant in which there is some give but then fractions of a second later our flesh reaches the limits of it’s give and then that’s the wall.
“UGNHHHH” I grunt loudly as we collide as one of my arms and part of my chest collides with your ample assets, the assets that you’ve proudly boasted Amber loves so much during our first ever meeting and the nasty text messages we’ve been sending back and forth ever since.
Neither of us prepared for the impact and you start to fall backwards, initially looking promising for me but my momentum is still a problem with you going backwards I no longer have any force acting opposed me to complete my deceleration and I trip falling forward unable to find purchase myself.
My eyes going wide with surprise knowing I’m really not making the most dignified start to this contest as my dumbfounded face flies past Amber’s guests but dignity wasn’t something I expected to get much of anyway. This time my brain does a better job, cats, generally speaking, know how to fall, whilst it’s too late to save my footing my arms shoot out but rather than looking to claw at you as I would honestly prefer it’s to stretch out and absorb the seemingly inevitable one way trip to the floor.

Around us, soft gasps rise…. They have left the throats of their respective owners moments ago…. From the second my backhand connected with your pretty face….. But only now, do they reach our ears and register in our brains… Such is the fucking speed and ferocity of your charge and our collision…..
But that’s barely a concern now… Who cares if Amber is groaning at the soon to be visible ugly bruise on your cheek, or what benefit do I gain from Bri sympathetically squealing at the way your shoulder speared and rammed me into my chest? — It matters too little, especially as you continue your momentum, twisting your body and SMACKING your left tit into the front of my right as you rectify yourself, and I hear the soft girly GASP leaving your lips, blasting hot minty fresh air out of your mouth, and through the curtain of your silky, charcoal black hair and into my face…..
I grimace, as our feet trample one another, toe nails poking at arches and heels, and I begin to fall, feeling your arms stretching forwards… While my left CLINCHES tighter…. A reaction.. But a catastrophic one as I don’t manage to steady myself…. Instead, I fall, and I make it TWICE as bad, falling forwards and INTO me!!
My body instantly reacts with muscle memory…. My right arm reaching back, my arm stretching, but I don’t push my hand down…. I know the danger in such landing with TWICE my weight could easily break my wrist, so I opt for landing on my forearm instead, sticking my butt back and I GRUNT feeling the harsh landing, my ass cushioning the fall, but then, my forearm SLAMS into the ground and I YELP as it DRAGS against the carpet for one NASTY rug burn, that leaves a searing mark on my elbow, thee inches long, with the skin horribly rubbed, and almost instantly starting to bleed….
But that’s the LEAST of my worries as a moment later your weight CRASHES into mine… Chest first, and you FLIP me to my back as I crash and GRUNT again, your breasts flattening against my own, my lungs compressing and air RUSHES out of my lungs, leaving my legs spasming and my body partially stunned, struggling to refill my lungs……..

Falling through the air is never a pleasant sensation but I do at least have the satisfaction of seeing the look on your face as you fall backwards. It’s hard to think straight in a situation such as this, so little time to consciously react having to rely heavily on instinct, something that will likely determine who triumphs in our duel. So many different things can happen in a fight, with the right conditions and the right interactions a fight can last seconds or it can drag on and be a long grueling encounter. Ultimately we aren’t trained fighters, we’re cats. Those with training might sound more dangerous but in reality the knowledge of a few moves, whilst helpful, pales in comparison with the fury and instincts of a cat, not having to rely on routines, able to give in to pure instinct and that is precisely what I intend to do.
Your yelp of pain is music to my ears. Landing on top of you hard, my hands jamming into the floor and taking some of the impact, pain flying up my arms but it’s manageable, the most uncomfortable impact is from my breasts slamming into yours. We’re both top heavy there is no getting away from it and whilst both sets of our breasts deform, our bras giving us essentially no protection, I’m the one on top, I’m the one with the momentum. Flattening your breasts back against your chest and I hear the air get driven from your lungs. I know you’re experienced, you’ve been through all this before but I’m yet to meet someone that can keep their head in the game when they don’t have any air in their lungs.
Me on top of you, your lungs empty, one arm partially trapped behind you and possibly wounded. The purrfect time to strike. Baring my teeth like a wild animal, snapping at the air in threat “Bitch! You try and meddle in my relationship?” I snarl “You’ll wish you never met Amber before I’m done with you!” With my arms still either side of you pressing against the floor I push myself up then just body bomb you.
Dropping much of my weight onto you again, your breasts and your lungs my target hoping to punish your proudest assets whilst also driving out any air you’ve managed to sneak back down. Just using my left arm to hold myself up, allowing you to take the rest of my weight I rake my nails down your arm targeting the rug burn and lightly bleeding arm of yours, whilst I just want to inflict pain upon you out of no other motivation than cruelness I know that further damaging your already wounded arm could pay dividends later.

On a loveseat, I sit alone, huddled to one of its armed sides. My eyes are wet with emotions that I had expected, and even some I did not. Desire, anger, empathy, anxiety, shame, lust, concern, pride, but most of all guilt.
I could have stopped this.
I could have thrown myself between you both at any point and forced you to listen. To talk. To realize why each of you mean so very much to me.
But I didn’t. No, instead I nurtured your feud. I stoked it. I gleefully played in the thought of my sister-in-law writhing and warring with my lover. Setting up the battle without even the fucking curtosy of talking to both of you. Just nodding. Just agreeing, hungrilly. God, I am a bitch. A wretched greedy cunt. But even that realization, as I lean forward in my half-occupied loveseat, does nothing to make me intervene.
Neither of you would listen. Neither of you would heed. In fact, any effort I made to stop you two gorgeous, busty hellcats from fighting would be seen as me lacking faith in you. No matter what my true motive was.
And so I am left to watch. To examine. To study and without sound mouth instructions to each of you. Instructions you do not have time to see or the focus to catch. They coming on instinct, as my heart drives me to avoid any damage that would ruin either of you.
Though you threatened as much. Promised as much. Not only to each other but to me in private conversations, away from the others prying eyes and ears.
Beset by conflict, regret, and worry though I am. I know I have a role to play. One I swore to you both I would fulfill. To guide and dictate at the right moment. To tell you what I want and how I want it. And though at that moment I am without direction to give, I will give it when it comes to me.
Once you two have truly settled into your war. Into each other. And the hell I have doomed you both to.

It’s a fucking terrible sensation… To be knocked down mere seconds into the fight…. It’s not only the optics of it, fuck no… It’s the effectiveness…. The way you fucking rushed me and tackled me down, or rather, TRAMPLED me down, showing exactly the rage, anger, and emotions in this fucking struggle….. And what’s worse is the absolute state of confusion and disconnection from reality that I suffer right now, my arm burning, my lungs burning, my glands flattened and feeling your weight atop of me… I wheeze, and before I can do a think, you push up with both arms and DROP down, SLAMMING your bra covered breasts into mine for another, more sinister, capitalizing blow….
“HUNNNGGHHHHHHHHH!!!” My legs kick again, heels dragging against the carpet, my white lace mixed with your black one, as you instantly take to the offensive….. Knocking whatever little breath I managed to catch, and now, knowing that you have some free seconds to maul me, you go for my right arm, dragging your nails down, from elbow to wrist, my mouth wide open, trying to scream in pain as your nails drag across my rug-burnt, tender skin, but there is barely any voice coming out….
I grimace and feel your nails stop at my wrists…. Your body shifting, PUSHING more weight on my lungs… No… I can’t fucking let this happen… I won’t get overwhelmed by this catty tough cunt so far…… I can’t lift my upper body, not with this little air in my lungs… But my legs…. Those I can kick up with, and I do, tossing them up and outside your thighs, crossing them behind your black sheer covered thighs and calves, locking my ankles to grapevine your legs…. There is no power to squeeze, but it’s more of a HOLD….. For now….
Meanwhile, my left arm shoots up and into your fucking smug face…. I don’t go for your hair…. I go for your damn right cheek, grabbing it, and closing my hands on it….. Imagining that it’s your fucking tit… Pushing my nails in, pinching and clawing at your face…. My nails digging and scraping, pushing UP with all I can, while tucking my right shoulder in, trying to cause a knee-jerk reaction from you under the threat of getting your pretty face clawed off, to turn us and throw you off me and to the side……

I watch for a moment, my eyes glued on my love and this invading whore as she takes my wife down to the ground. I’m watching all of this madness unfold, and I feel the wetness building between my legs . Ewa knows all about my history with my sister…. and our unique family. I couldn’t exactly deny her Amber’s touch when she told me she was interested in her (“but she’s my sister!” doesn’t really work when you’ve fucked your sister too), but I didn’t have to like just how much my love seemed to enjoy my sister’s touch… and vice versa.
Amber and I probably could have stopped this at any time, but I’m guilty of loving watching my wife fight, even (or maybe especially) when I know there’s a real risk she might get hurt. And that seems like a real risk right now. I moan softly and take my seat next to my sister on the half-empty loveseat, and I lean up against her and whisper, “We’ve made quite a fucking mess here.” But the tone of my voice and the smile on my face says clearly just how much we love making a mess, especially a mess that has my love pressing her nails into Amber’s soon to be ex’s face.

It’s a fucking terrible sensation… To be knocked down mere seconds into the fight…. It’s not only the optics of it, fuck no… It’s the effectiveness…. The way you fucking rushed me and tackled me down, or rather, TRAMPLED me down, showing exactly the rage, anger, and emotions in this fucking struggle….. And what’s worse is the absolute state of confusion and disconnection from reality that I suffer right now, my arm burning, my lungs burning, my glands flattened and feeling your weight atop of me… I wheeze, and before I can do a think, you push up with both arms and DROP down, SLAMMING your bra covered breasts into mine for another, more sinister, capitalizing blow….
“HUNNNGGHHHHHHHHH!!!” My legs kick again, heels dragging against the carpet, my white lace mixed with your black one, as you instantly take to the offensive….. Knocking whatever little breath I managed to catch, and now, knowing that you have some free seconds to maul me, you go for my right arm, dragging your nails down, from elbow to wrist, my mouth wide open, trying to scream in pain as your nails drag across my rug-burnt, tender skin, but there is barely any voice coming out….
I grimace and feel your nails stop at my wrists…. Your body shifting, PUSHING more weight on my lungs… No… I can’t fucking let this happen… I won’t get overwhelmed by this catty tough cunt so far…… I can’t lift my upper body, not with this little air in my lungs… But my legs…. Those I can kick up with, and I do, tossing them up and outside your thighs, crossing them behind your black sheer covered thighs and calves, locking my ankles to grapevine your legs…. There is no power to squeeze, but it’s more of a HOLD….. For now….
Meanwhile, my left arm shoots up and into your fucking smug face…. I don’t go for your hair…. I go for your damn right cheek, grabbing it, and closing my hands on it….. Imagining that it’s your fucking tit… Pushing my nails in, pinching and clawing at your face…. My nails digging and scraping, pushing UP with all I can, while tucking my right shoulder in, trying to cause a knee-jerk reaction from you under the threat of getting your pretty face clawed off, to turn us and throw you off me and to the side……

I watch for a moment, my eyes glued on my love and this invading whore as she takes my wife down to the ground. I’m watching all of this madness unfold, and I feel the wetness building between my legs . Ewa knows all about my history with my sister…. and our unique family. I couldn’t exactly deny her Amber’s touch when she told me she was interested in her (“but she’s my sister!” doesn’t really work when you’ve fucked your sister too), but I didn’t have to like just how much my love seemed to enjoy my sister’s touch… and vice versa.
Amber and I probably could have stopped this at any time, but I’m guilty of loving watching my wife fight, even (or maybe especially) when I know there’s a real risk she might get hurt. And that seems like a real risk right now. I moan softly and take my seat next to my sister on the half-empty loveseat, and I lean up against her and whisper, “We’ve made quite a fucking mess here.” But the tone of my voice and the smile on my face says clearly just how much we love making a mess, especially a mess that has my love pressing her nails into Amber’s soon to be ex’s face.

So pleased with the start I’ve made so far, I can still feel the dull ache on my cheek from your nasty backhand but all it’s done is remind me just how nasty you are and how nasty I need to be to conquer you and that’s exactly what I plan on doing for myself yes but more importantly for my love Amber.
I relish the look of agony on your face, your pain nourishing me as I maul your already injured arm. Oh yes the way the pain distorts your face is more beautiful than any piece of art but it’s the slight damp I feel on my finger tips of that little bit of blood from the friction burn and graze on your arm that really does it, blood in the water and I’m the shark.
I move my hand to rack my nails down your flesh once more as you try to struggle under me but neither having the strength nor the position to throw me off, but then I feel your legs snake around my waist. The sensation of your legs on mine is something that in the right situation might be welcome, might be pleasant but here and now it’s anything but. Whilst you don’t crush me with your legs we both know that isn’t your intention, you’re holding me in place for something nasty you’re planning on doing. Your legs trying to immobilize my lower body, my weight and position doing the same for your upper body, and if neither of us has the option of escape then things are about to get vicious and nasty very… fucking… quickly.
I wince as your hand finds my face then… “AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” letting out a scream of pain as you wickedly push your nails in to my face, clawing and pinching at the skin. I can’t help myself, it’s instinct trying to pull back, your legs keeping me from getting away but as I rise off of you I’m unable to keep you pinned. What I can do however is once more use my hand on your arm, rather than dragging my nails down you this time I just dig my nails in to your forearm, latching on to you.

No one in the fucking room exists anymore… I can’t notice Amber perching on her seat, legs spread, watching with delighted, mischievous eyes…… I don’t notice Bri walking up and taking her place behind her sister…. I don’t notice the gasps and winces of near pity from my ‘friends’ watching me get beat the hell up by this ferocious fucking BITCH… Who is just refusing to relent or give me a break… But who can blame her…. When the stakes are that high… When the grudge is THIS person… I wouldn’t do it any other way….
But the CUNT has something coming to her if she thinks she can take me out this quickly…. Or at least, without getting her fucking cunt ripped up in the process… Our bodies writhe and struggle, my legs curled around yours in a grapevine, and you don’t seem to mind…. You don’t force your legs out for if you did, you probably could easily overpower my oxygen-deprived body still…
You focus on raking and mauling my right arm… That went from simply bumped and lightly bleeding, to becoming a fucking liability as I can’t move it, with your nails stabbing into the forearm pinning it down, your fucking tits CRUSHING mine under you… until I go for your face and you lift up starting to scream, but your body is still locked in place… Refusing to give me a fucking break……
Your nails sink deeper into my forearm…. But… You did give me a break, even if you fucking refuse to admit it…. I keep my nails gouging into the bruise forming on your backhanded right cheek, trying to keep you distracted….. Just to take three rapid breaths, knowing I will need them to fuel my next gambit….. Pulling my left leg back to my chest, using every bit of limberness and flexibility in my body, and wedging my foot just under your right breast, pressing it against your ribs, and with everything I got, i THRUST hard, trying to SHOVE you off once more…

If it were any other woman. Any other witness to these depraved proceedings, I wouldn’t have noticed them coming over, or taking the seat next to me. Not with you two magnificent women fighting in such an intimate body-to-body press. One that leaves your every delicious piece lined up and straining.
But when Bri crosses the room for her seat to join me, my eyes avert from struggle to sister, and when they do our eyes meet. Are you coming to engage me? In battle or bliss? Has anger over all we let happen boiled over to the point where you need to press her body against mine with claws digging in or pawing hands searching.
No, it is neither. Bri has come to watch what we, in our weakness and greed have allowed to occur. Even commenting on it, knowing that each of us played some role.
“We always do….” I purr back at, as I take my beautiful sister’s hand, and then turn back to watch the fire, the flare, and the fight I have dreamed of since first Ewa and Steph dove into my DM’s to tell me how the other had accosted them. Telling me how they had cursed, quarreled, and without delay set themselves to claiming me as the cause.
From that moment on, I waited for this moment. This collision of cats that I will never ever forget.

Not getting to enjoy the primal sensation of my claws digging in to your forearm wanting to torture and maim your wounded arm just because I can. The enjoyment I would be experiencing is ruined by your claws in my face. Howling in agony as your vicious sharp nails dig in to my flesh, slicing my face with your talons right on the spot where your backhand initially connected.
Trying to pull back away from you but not wanting to sacrifice my grip on your arm and then I feel your foot, amazed at your flexibility and your imagination as you not only think of but manage to get your foot between our bodies, feeling the sole of your foot pressing against my rips just below my right breast, the pressure not exactly hurting but feeling extremely uncomfortable but you aren’t done just with pressing, feeling you thrust forcefully eliciting a sharp cry from my lips, now it’s hurting.
Your foot creating further separation between us and with your push I simply can’t maintain my position as you successfully force me away. “Bitch!” I shriek in anger, both at losing my position and incensed at the nasty creativity you’ve shown to hurt me.

My entire focus is now, on getting you OFF me….. Sometimes, in a fight, you can dish as much punishment from below… Sometimes, even more, since your back is secure, and you have more ground to launch your assaults than the person on top, struggling to keep you down, let alone cause any damage….
But you’re not one of those cases…. Fuck me… Every second you spend on top, you are widening the gaps between our bodies… If this was a fighting video game, then I was simply tagged in the first second of the fight with a long goddamn combo, and my health bar has been nothing but depleting from the first second.. And now I just need to fucking put a stop to it….
And my plan, assaulting your right cheek so you can tilt that way, creating the space between your right breast and mine, just enough for my foot to wedge between and with a THRUST I kick you off me and you fall off to the side, and I immediately turn and ROLL to the other direction… Panting, as I rise up…. My right arm bent painfully..
It’s OBVIOUS the damage the fall did, which was…. minimal, but the nasty streaks of nails, the gouges of your claws, that added a dozen or so tiny cuts to my arm, that has left countless red dots on my sweaty abs, and the underside of my bra as I clutch my arm back in pain…. Panting, I watch you rising, and I hiss…
“I’m going to fucking kill you BITCH!!!” I shriek and RUSH at you, my right arm still retracted, I don’t want to rush with it, but my left, swings wildly, trying to make a grab to your jet black hair, and YANK violently to the side, trying to bring your head down to hip level, so I can raise my right foot and SHOVE my concealed toe nails into your inner left thigh and RAKE down….

Forced off of you, taking a moment to catch some breath, tentatively touching the my cheek and immediately wincing, looking over at Amber worried about the damage this nasty bitch has caused to my face, will she still think I’m pretty? It’s a mistake and if I were thinking straight I would never have made it, but I’m not and I have.
Taking my eye off of the ball to worry about Amber, my look at her lasting just too long, my gaze lingering as I see her sister Bri with her and I suddenly worry that Ewa as formidable as she is might not be the only major threat in the room to my relationship. I’ve never had a sister or a brother, an only child, I know that the bond between siblings is strong but I can see clear as day in just that fraction of a second that these sisters share something far deeper than I thought and it sends a chill down my spine.
Whilst my distraction only lasts a moment it’s a moment too long. It’s clear you’ve done this dance many times before, instead of worrying about your wounds your only focus is on inflicting them on me. I hear your shriek as you launch yourself at me but can’t refocus quickly enough and you latch on to my hair, I wince hard gritting my teeth, my roots burning as you yank my head sharply to one side then you deliver one of the cattiest moves I’ve ever been on the receiving end of, clawing at my inner thigh with your feet, showing how much of a cat you are by mauling with your ‘hind’ legs. Your toenails are not as sharp as your fingernails but its still a nail against sensitive flesh and I hiss at you to try and mask any noises of pain, not wanting to give you the satisfaction.
Quickly reaching for your own hair wanting to latch on and yank your head sharply as well but with my other hand lash out, looking to rake my nails across your breastbone.

Moans in Amber’s ear — Gawd, they are both so fucking hot, especially when they’re trying to hurt each other.

I turn my head only slightly at hearing your low rumble of a whisper and catch your lips with my own. Sharing a brief, passionate, but deep kiss, before we turn back to watch our lovers toil and tumble. “They are magnificent, sis. And I want them both so baaaaaad.”

There is no fucking time to hold back or try to nurse my arm…. If I as much as slump against the wall or try to slip down on the couch next to Bri or Amber, it will mean only one thing… I’m WEAK… and I’m OUT…. No.. There is only ONE path and it’s on-fucking-wards… THROUGH this fucking black-lace clad HELLCAT…. That utterly shattered my thesis of her ‘not being worthy’ of Amber within the first few minutes of the exchange…. Not unless I return the favor, and prove that whatever success you had was just a fluke… A stroke of luck…. And it’s a small delight for me to see the damage my nails caused to your right cheek…. It’s not as vicious as that you did to my arm, but three cuts on your face are worth WAY more than the dozen on my forearm… At least, that’s what I try to convince myself, rushing and attacking your hair and thigh in unison…
My right foot is covered in the stockings… But the toe nails are stretching the fabric, and as I push them to your skin and RAKE down, three of my toe nails rip through the sheer, leaving deeper marks than the other two, as I slash down and to the inside of your fucking knee, truning and whipping you around by the hair, trying to get some control….
But you fuckin wo’nt let that happen, your own right reaching up grabbing my hair, you YANK down and…. “AIIIIIIIEEEHHHH!!!” I shriek in bitter pain, bent at the waist to my left, the same direction you are bent to, only to be struck by your fucking right paw, raking across my chest bone, slashing atop the bulges of my breasts, leaving a fucking BURN and four red mark on my skin….
“BIIIITCHHH!!!!” — I scream in pain and frustration, both are tilted to the same direction.. Our bodies stumbling into it, towards the sectional couch…. Trading rakes with our free hands, as my wounded right turns, and instead of scratching, I SHOVE my curled claws forwards, driving my nail tips into your softer, slightly thicker gut…. Driving my nails into your flesh around your belly button, trying to spike your abs as hard and sharply as I can, pushing my five nails in, before retracting them fast… Our feet drumming FASTER in our stumble… Our bodies heading in a DIRECT collision course to the couch… The space between Bailey and Remington, who in unison uncross their legs and pounce to either side, to avoid being CRUSHED under the incoming cannonball of feminine fury….

In response to Bri’s gentle, battle-pitch-aligned finger, I moan softly as I watch all before me unfold. until in a sudden gasp, I react to the two of you falling onto the couch between Remi and Bailey. A sudden sound of shock and excitement that comes just before I reach my own left hand between’s Bri’s squirming thighs.

The top of my head hurting so much, your death grip in my hair making my scalp burn, the roots struggling to stay embedded in my head. Doing my best to return the favor, our faces close as we both force the other to contort unnaturally, forced to follow the other’s grip less we end up losing handfuls of our dark hair.
No longer specifically picking targets, just clawing at you wildly as we stumble around the fighting space that’s been created for us. Your nails digging in to my gut, I’m outraged. I was never exactly thin but I’ve always liked my body shape but 2020 was not a kind year to me and although I’ve started hitting the gym again and doubling my daily steps from my pre-lockdown target I’ve still not shed all of the weight I’ve put on. It’s clearly deliberate, oh you would probably attack any part of me that you could get your claws on but it’s clearly a fucking bitch move to go for my stomach. Not only does it make me feel self conscious but it’s an easy target and the flesh is softer and easier for you to manipulate, your claws able to sink deeper into my gut than they could my face.
Staggering back a few steps but pulling you with me, not aware how close the couch is, losing my footing as I stumble into it and falling to the couch, vaguely aware of Remington and Bailey quickly leaping out of the way and pulling their knees up to their chests to avoid a collision. Keeping my grip on your hair as I seek to drag you down with me, landing more softly on the couch than I did earlier on top of you and the floor but feeling Remington just behind me as she pulls back further to try and avoid the cat tornado passing through.

Screeching like two banshees, we slash and gouge at one another…. Each passing second, we take swipes and sink our claws like two jungle cats… And our fair, tender skin is no match for our hard, sharp, although rounded nails….. Leaving marks everywhere…. Some kinder than others… But in every half dozen scratches or gouges, one has the skin broken at some point or another, and blood starting to trickle…. But so far, the majority of the damage seems to be done to my right forearm, your right cheek, my upper chest and now, your gut as my nails gouge and cause you to lose even more balance, gaining speed, and we SLAM into the couch like a fucking torpedo….
Your head makes contact with the back cushion a split second before mine does.. Both GRUNTING as my left and your right shoulders hit the seat cushions and we feel the much more padded fall…. Our bodies latched tightly… I hiss, and push my right knee up instinctively, to deflect what I suspect you would do in a moment like this, take a fucking shot at my midriff or cunt…. But you don’t… and I’m not sure if you are not fast enough, or chose not to, but it chances nothing, as I push my right leg forwards, over your hip, stretching it, my foot landing right at Remington’s feet, the stockings touching her bare toes as I PUSH with my weight, torquing my hip and trying to get you on your back on the couch….. With our asses and legs hanging off the edge, except for my right one….
My right hand, moving up, abandoning the grip on your gut, and opting for a far more… prominent… target….. Gouging my fingers into the underside of your left bra cup…. Fingers spreading and trying to CLAW at your flesh and MAUL your goddamn tit through the sheer and lace…

“Mmmmm! That’s it baby, get her!” Scratches my nails lightly at Amber’s thigh — There’s just something so sexy about watching Ewa claw at someone’s chest, isn’t there, sis?

The pair of us landing on the sofa… landing problem the wrong word, landing implies something planned, something properly executed, something with some grace or deliberate purpose. No… what we do is crash into the sofa, our lingerie clad bodies landing like a meteorite of feminine fury. Briefly becoming a mass of kicking, slapping and swiping limbs until you manage to force me on to my back, expecting you to attack my face once more but once more you keep me guessing as we play out our game of chess where all the pieces are Queens that do whatever the fuck they want, unapologetically playing by their own rules.
Feeling the talons from your right paw sink into the underside of my left breast, my bra offering no real defense beyond keeping your claws from my skin but they still dig through the fabric, forcing a pained cry from my lips. The fight having started well for me but I failed to take advantage when I had you on your back and now the tables are turned and you clearly don’t want to make the same mistake I did. Knowing I need to be vicious, to be hateful not worrying about winning, worrying about surviving.
Reaching behind you with my right hand and seeking to tear my claws up from the small of your back up to the clasp of your bra, all of that bare flesh perfectly exposed. As I do I try to latch on to your right breast with my left hand trying to squeeze it through your white bra, such a whore wearing white like you’re some kind of saint, that you’re pure when I know everyone in the room knows what a bitch you are but it’s not for my benefit I know you’re doing it for Amber and I won’t let you take her from me.

Bailey and Remington scurry away… Legs pulled to their chests defensively, they are obviously not pleased at the ‘interruption’ of their canoodling…. But right now, as they can FEEL the reverberations of our screams, the sweat and tears flying and hitting their skin like rain droplets, the rocking and shaking of our churning, glued bodies, they can’t really complain… Watching our arms flail and our legs kick, until I manage to BARELY push you to your back… And BARELY is heavily capitalized here… You’re a tough fucking cunt, and I feel like I’m wrestling a bull down with my bare hands…
But as I do, you YELP from my tit claw…. My right hand is still aching, but the pain has subsided greatly… That… Or perhaps the pain coming from a dozen spots all over my body has somewhat numbed that, and allows me to direct more control and power to my aching dominant arm….
Your own arm though, loops behind me, and as our legs hang down to the floor, except my right, the knee pushed to the cushions beside you, you SLASH up my lower back, my body FLINCHING in pain as you clutch my right breast mauling it through my white bra, peppered with red dots and streaks from my wounded arm rubbing into it….
“AAHHHHH!!! FUUUUUUUCCKKKKK!!!!” — I screech in pain, my head arching back… Teeth clenched in pain…
But I open my right arm on your left tit… Giving you the ILLUSION that I am releasing your tit, only to slide my hand up few inches and CLOSE my grip again, this time, allowing four claws to STAB into your bared, unprotected flesh above the cup, while my thumb drills into the tenting area of your stiff nipple……. My left claw, reaching down, towards the outside of your right thigh, and I RAKEEEE my nails up, dragging them across your pale curvy thigh, and all the way to the black waistband of your thong, hooking my fingers into it and YANKING upwards, lifting the right side of your thong up, trying to give you a side-wedgie, hoping it cuts into your right WHORE labia…

“Only I get to scratch her tits, bitch!” I shout at Steph from the other sofa as I watch my love’s teeth clenched in pain. Fuck… it’s so arousing…. but there’s that other part of me that reacts to seeing the person I love in physical pain. “Mmmm… that’s it! Tear that cheap shit thong up into her fat pussy! Come on, love! She doesn’t deserve my sister! She doesn’t deserve to be in this family!”

My eyes starting to well up as you you claw my breast, my lacy bra offering next to nothing in terms of protection from your vicious nails, the fabric very clearly no match for a sustained mauling from you.
Relieved as you move to release my breast, assuming I’ve got the upper hand with my back racking and attack on your own breast but then you re-apply your grip, this time doing so above my bra cup, no fabric at all there to protect my breast and I throw my head back and let out a long cry of agony as your viciously sharp nails sink in to my breast flesh.
Immediately letting go of your own breast and grabbing for your wrist trying to prise your hand from my poor breast. Hurt and wanting to lash out I continue to rake your back, just wanting to hurt you, hoping if I can inflict enough pain you’ll get off of me but it’s at that point that any such hopes are dashed entirely as you use your free hand to latch on to the waistband of my panties and use the fabric as a weapon against my pussy.
I don’t want to give you the satisfaction of seeing how much pain I’m in but there is little I can do as my eyes water, turning my face to one side and having to bite one of the cushions but it barely suppresses my scream of pain. I tear at your back mercilessly, I’m in so much pain I need to lash out at you, I want to hurt you. My face hurting from the pressure behind my eyes as tears start to flow.

Cries of absolute pain erupt between us, our bodies CHURNING on the sofa….. Your ass hanging off the edge… But still, your body is somewhat trapped beneath me, while I too am trapped above you…. Our nails mauling, scratching, tearing at one another…. For a catfight, we surely haven’t done much in the way of hairpulling…. Showing exactly how fucking SERIOUS we are about tearing each other apart….. It’s showing on faces, arms, tits, stomachs, thighs, and backs…. And if someone were to pull us apart now, and then the winner declared by a ‘scar count’, it would probably take them an hour to find and account for every sincel mark we left on each other’s bodies….
But atop of that, we are obviously giving the girls around us exactly what they wanted to see…. The savagery and intensity… I could only hear TWO cheers… Amber for you, and Bri for me… The rest… Surprisingly neutral…. But why am I surprised…. I had my wars and disputed with each and everyone… And at least, none have sided with the newcomer… Yet….
I WINCE and SCREECh as you go on the offensive attacking my back, raking and scratching, leaving me the unison screamer, while you muffled your cries by biting the cushion…. I LEAN in instinctively, putting more pressure on your clawed left tit, only for another RAKE of your nails to make me SHUDDER and I yelp thrusting my leg into the couch and I jolt my body back, stumbling up to a full-stance, and Is tagger back… Screaming in pain, my left arm reaching behind me, feeling my back…. The 15 or 20 nasty rakes, the skin flaked and ACHING to the tough, burning from the sweat seeping into the scratches…. I stumble back sobbing and glaring at you, only now do I notice that we each have a breast pulled out of a bra cup…..
And in a furious frenzy, I reach behind and unclasp my bra, and toss it to the fucking side., before it tangles up my arms

Crying out into the cushion, not entirely sure why, everyone can see the state I’m in but maybe it’s just my own ego although at this stage it changes nothing. Mauling at your back intensely putting scratch after scratch into your bare flesh wondering just what I have to do to finish this bitch but knowing I need to do something quick as you attack one of my breasts and now my vagina.
I’m in a bad position and I know it. Fortunately for me all that scratching pays off as you pull away and put some space between us. Still so very sore, feeling like my face, right breast and belly have me covered in vicious paper cuts, nasty red marks all over my creamy English flesh. Removing my mouth from the cushion and gulping down a few breaths of air, my breasts heaving on my chest as I breathe heavily looking down and seeing my bra in tatters but as I stare up at you my eyes lock with yours. The pain still present but just your face spurring me on to not throw in the towel then you stand there and remove your bra baring your incredible breasts. Not having to say a word, as you offer a silent challenge.
Taking a moment to get up off of the sofa, still breathing heavily, feeling my skin slick with sweat. As I get to my feet I somehow manage to keep eye contact with you, still not uttering a word but not needing to, we’re having a war of words without even opening our mouths, our eyes conveying precisely how we feel about the other and both completely understanding. I reach back and unclasp what remains of my own bra and toss it over towards Amber but don’t even look to make sure it arrives. Baring my breasts as I open my mouth wide in a silent snarl, baring my teeth before spreading my arms wide showing you I’m not using them as I just walk into you our big bare breasts meeting and pushing back against one another ballooning out slightly as neither set will yet give way.

“Two of my favorite sets of tits in the WHOLE WORLD! I’m going to explode!!!!!”

elbows @The Real Amber in her breast — Fuck you, bitch.

Owe! * I complain, before turning to Bri and smirking.* I said two of…. I respond playfully before leaning over, down, in, and then snapping my teeth on your exposed nipple.

Pushes you back hard as you snap your teeth at my nipple — Not until they’re done, you horny bitch. Then… I’ll gladly tear you apart with my teeth.

Panting, coughing… Hacking…. I stand there, watching you lean on the couch… Glaring at me… You take your time to rise… Not because you fucking can’t get up… But becasue of how fucking BUSY you are just glaring at me… Sending every curse this world had known to me with just your fiery glare……. You get up and undo your torn bra, tossing it aside… Your huge pale breasts bouncing freely…… Sweat rolling down the glistening flesh…. Catching on the stiff nipples, bubbling then DRIPPING to the floor every few seconds…..
Silence falling in the room for a long moment, everyone watching the two Euro cats……. My tanned breasts heaving, my left one, and your left one, clawed badly… Mine to a SLIGHTLY less extent, but then the horizontal SWIPE you dealt to my chest bone earlier makes up for the difference…… You raise your arms, and I hear Bri shout……. My eyes glare at you, nostrils flaring….. How… dare… YOU….
I bring my arms up and outwards…. Both gesturing in a very blatant; ‘come at me BITCH’ posture… Slowly circling one another… White and black stockings badly ripped and laddered, if not for the garters holding them up, they would have long rolled down to my ankles and off our feet like little tails….. Your thong is hiked up the right side noticably, the strap almost at your ribs… And you didn’t seem to fucking care to adjust it.. Even though your right pussy lip is almost fully out, puffed, engorged, and drenched….
But it’s our chests that we glare at…… As we both draw closer… Hands waving up in the air, it almost looks like we are about to lock our hands in a test of strength but at the last second, I ROAR out; “FUCKING BITCH!” And THRUST my bare tits into yours, GRUNTING from the impact… My tits are so fucking TENDER, and my left one instantly BURNS, every scratch and cut awakening from the mere touch of yours….
My arms TOSS up and high, around your upper back, my right hand clutching at my left wrist, gripping and SQUEEZING tightly, pressing my left cheek into your own, grimacing as I tense my body, back flexing, the ugly scratches on my lower back gleaming with their nasty crimson hue….

Moans loudly at the sound of the flesh slapped together…. I can hear the pain in my love’s voice… I know she’s sore and tender… I know it hurts… but fuck… it’s still so fucking hot to watch…. — Come on, baby! She is a fucking bitch! So teach her a fucking lesson!

I’ve tried to stay neutral. To NOT call out and cheer for either side. But just hearing Bri’s continuous shouts, and knowing how alone Steph must feel, I cross the line. “Break her tits with yours, Steph! Show her why I love being smothered in them!!”

“What the fuck, whore! That’s my wife!” shoves @The Real Amber hard again. “And if you weren’t so damn thirsty for her, this wouldn’t even be a fucking problem.”

I would take the push and giggle. Keep my eyes glued to the two gorgeous goddesses warring for our delight. But when Bri chooses to accuse me of being thirsty for Ewa, as if the three of us haven’t fucked and fought at every chance we’ve gotten, I rise up to my knees and the loveseat and glare at her. “You wait, cunt. They settle their problems, then when they can walk and chew gum at the same time again, we settle ours. SISTER to SISTER!”

I feel a twinge between my thighs as I line up tit to tit with my rival. I’ve always been something of a ‘tit girl’ I used to be straight, not sure at what point in my life I should have stopped using that label. I’ve always been into guys and that will never change but there is something about a perfect pair of breasts that has always driven me crazy.
The first proper same sex experience of my adult life coming from a cute lesbian co-worker who once asked me if I’d buy a porn magazine for her as she was too embarrassed and I was happy to oblige… so long as she would let me watch her flick through the pages. It was heavenly, watching her getting all excited as she looked at all those lewd images of busty sluts, doing a terrible job of hiding my interest.
Faced with your breasts something happens inside me, that switch flicking over to aroused. But that’s not what I need right now… of course I do but my need is to win this fight… pleasure can come later if at all knowing that if I fail to win this fight you might just get your wish and banish me from Amber’s life. Before Amber I was ok, not exactly super happy but it was fine but now I have no idea how I can go back to a life without her. I love her. I have to show her that and I have to show you and any other bitch what happens when you try to get in the way of that.
Bumping breasts together forcefully, grunts escaping both of our lips, our breasts tender from our fight. Our catting absolutely ruining our physical condition, the two of us both somewhat tired, hot sweaty and in pain.
“Whore!” I hiss “I’ll teach you what I do to home wrecking CUNTS!” I snarl, the two of us not needing to say it, both mutually wrapping our arms around one another and holding the other tight as we look to just crush the other with our assets. I wince the moment the pressure builds. Several of my cuts and wounds now in direct contact with your flesh, grimacing in discomfort, so many sensitive injuries pressed against you.

Rises to my knees as well and shove my tits into @The Real Amber’s “We’ll see if you can fucking wait you thirsty whore…. and when we settle this… it’s going to be with my ass all over your fucking face… now sit down and watch my wife kick your whore’s ass!” Shoves you with my chest to push you back onto your ass

On our knees, and fixated on the sudden challenge, we glare and press our tits together, just like our lovers across the room. And though we could start right then and there, tearing into each other, we each, after one final bump, fall back to the loveseat’s cushions and then turn once more to watch the epic taking place before us.

I too, strangely identify as mostly straight, but very bi-curious… And that’s after being in a committed relationship with Bri for 5 whole years…. But again, I always tell myself that she is the exception to the rule…. Until there was Amber….. Bailey….. Aria… and… and… and…. The list goes on… But in my mind I never really cared much about the label… Why would I, when I still play my game with Bri every few months…. Going to a bar….. Pretending to be strangers… hitting on a guy… And then, the other moves in to hit on him.. Pretending to be jealous, argue, then agree to both go to his place to…. start to play ‘rough’ over him….. Working each other up, sometimes even getting REAL rough, just so we can get his phallus inside of us…. We’re both cock-thirsty cunts, and that.. never came in the way of anything…. The heart wants what it wants, but the pussy always likes a big throbbing veiny cock inside it from time to time…..
But right now, as I step into you and our bare tits SMACK, a little, almost TOO obvious MOAN leaves my lips…. Feeling your soft, untouched left cheek slide with mine…. My lips purse, and my cheeks FLUSH hard… I can feel a SURGE of warmth rushing through my body as your own arms close around my waist and we both EMBRACE in a tight hug… Grunting…. Your breasts are… incredible….. Large, firm, naturals…. Pressing into mine, crushing and fighting them for every bit of fleeting space…. Nipples poking at breasts, each leaning IN with her right tit, and trying to relieve her badly hurt left one… But it’s not really working… All it does is help us move in a tight slow drunken circle… Grunting and moaning, rolling shoulders and grinding our breasts….
Behind us, Amber and Bri perch on all fours, taunting and teasing each other, horny slutty smirks on their phases… Like two Master Handlers, with their two BITCHES in the pen, fighting one another, and already making plans to trade blows themselves outside the arena when their dogs are done fighting…. I can hear them, but I don’t care… I don’t mind… I’m fully, totally, utterly CONSUMED by the sensation of BATTLING you…. My body… Shaking in pain, exhaustion, and arousal…. My head tucking down, pushing my chin weakly on your left shoulder muscle, hoping to weakn your left arm even SLIGHTLY to ease the pressure….. Our stumbling sending us in an orbit around the entire room… Groaning and gasping, Our breasts swelling as our glands feel like they are turning into two suns, on the verge of consuming all their fission fuel, and about to go supernova….
“Uughh.. You… BITCH…. Give… up… already.. UUGGHHH!!!”

Initially wanting to batter your breasts with mine but now with the two of us locked in this tight embrace we both focus purely on trying to squash the other, looking to crush our rivals breasts with our own and as confident as I am in my tits I can’t deny that yours are world class.
I’ve always been proud of my breasts, I’ve never had the absolute biggest, there’s always a bigger fish… or cow perhaps but I’ve always been more than big enough to get a decent share of adorning looks from the boys and delightful combinations of attraction, envy and hatred from other women depending on their sexual orientation and just how much staring their own partner is doing.
In this day and age of renewed focus on equality it probably seems like I’m letting the side down but I’ve never been afraid of showing off my body a little and I’ve rarely objected to being checked out or getting the occasional suggestive wink or wolf whistle. Equality is important but I’ve always believed treating people as equal doesn’t actually mean having to treat everyone exactly the same way and eliminating what makes us special and unique. Regardless of my personal beliefs my pride in my breasts means I find it hard to accept being shown up and you’ve made a point of messaging me throughout the week in the build up to our fight telling me how much you think Amber loves your breasts and all the things she’s done to them over the years.
Our initial catting may not have ended exactly as I would have hoped, unable to break our stalemate and honestly not sure who got the worse of the exchange but as we battle breasts against breasts I feel an even stronger desire to put you in your place although I fully accept it won’t be easy, those are some incredible boobs.
Straining against you hard. Feeling the heat between my thighs as I look to crush you ‘woman to woman’ grunting and gasping as our sweaty breasts press deeply together, the skin starting to stick, gluing together. Resting my head on your shoulder and using it as an opportunity to quietly hiss in to your ear “Cunt, I’ll flatten your breasts, let’s see if Amber still loves you when you’re a fucking A cup!

I always knew the power of my breasts…. And by that, i mean virtually always… It wasn’t the fact that I was such an early bloomer, wearing a D-cup when I was 14, and then I was the bustiest girl in high school when I was 15….. Including the teachers… But I learned that quite literally, how ‘powerful’ they were, when I started signing up for those Wet T-shirt contests at the carnival… I lied about my age… They did a good job hiding our faces anyways, only exposing our midriffs while the crowd paid to hose us down, and then who paid us extra, could come up and grope and squeeze…. Once a month even, they would make a fun little ‘competition’, with one of the carnies going down the line, squeezing the boobs of each girl as hard as he can, seeing how long until they tell him to stop… I won that game…. Everytime… Not once even coming close to telling him to stop before the next girl was already crying and rubbing her poor, inferior tits…
It’s something that carried me as I grew up… And soon, I began to disdain my breasts… I hated that many identified me by them….. But.. Behind closed doors… Whenever I was with a lover, it was a different story….. I’d use them in every way I could to pleasure and tease…. And right now…. As I lock up with this HATEFUL CUNT….. I know that its that power, that I need to channel to bring her down….
We moan and jockey one step after another… Grunting and sobbing…… Squeezing hard, our hips pulled back…… Not out of fear of contact, or because we are winding shots… But because we are both trying to keep our overheated, dripping cunts out of the other’s reach for now…. Vainly trying to hide how turned on we both are getting, even as the thick line of glistening pre-cum is now running down our thighs……
But it was fucking your words, groaning and proclaiming that you will crush my breasts that make my body shudder, and I grimace, my knees weakening suddenly, but then I strain and THRUST up, loosening my arms only to let them slide a TINY bit down, to the middle of your torso and I reclamp and TIGHTEN hard, using my biceps to… PINCH the bulging outsides of your breasts…. Trying to trap the masses of flesh between my biceps and forearms as I SQUEEEZEE hard, trying to bend you over and weaken your own fucking knees, groaning….
“You.. and what fucking… army…. you flat-chested WHORE……. Your… ughhh… chest is so.. insignificant…. I might actually help you GAIN some cup sizes, from all the punishment I dish you before this is… arrghh.. over…”

As a teenager, when my body first started to develop, I would use any excuse to press my tits against those of my female friends. Manoeuvring them into playfights and wrestles, and just happening to end up on top of them tit to tit or ‘accidentally’ pulling them in to me when they were on top, deliberately putting myself in losing positions if it meant getting that contact.
One such time a friend was over and we have the place to ourselves. Finally having figured out how to defeat the adult filter on the internet and with no-one in the house to tie up the phone line I suggested we do some looking over the internet, asking them what we should look for and quickly shooting down every suggestion they made until they eventually joked ‘porn’.
At the time I thought I was subtle as fuck but in reality I was horned up to 11, instantly agreeing that’s what we should do and proceeding to spend the next 30 minutes waiting for probably only about a dozen pictures to load back in those days of well hung studs and their busty partners. Then… in a further show of my subtly I completely by accident somehow managed to trip over from a sitting position falling on top of my friend my t-shirt clad breasts by sheer coincidence ending up in her face and as I tried to correct that somehow accidentally going the wrong way and dragging mine across hers.
As much as I love a man I’ve loved getting ‘my girls’ on the chest of another woman and whenever I’ve done that pride has demanded I be a little rougher than needed. As such I’m in my element chest to chest but against you even I have my doubts.
Twisting my upper body a little, barely having any range of movement thanks to how tightly we’re hugging together. Our skin sticking together and pulling as we drag across one another, our squeezing intensifying and our breasts ballooning out further. Letting out a groan of discomfort as you threaten me nastily but it’s not just my breasts that are feeling uncomfortable, but my groin just as much.
As a result of another kind of discomfort, my body temperature raising as I feel the furnace between my thighs burning away with enough heat that I could probably boil a cup of water. “Shut ughhh…. shut up…. whore!” my brain turning to mush and my trash talking game suffering as a result struggling to think of words let alone words that make sense and are in the right order “Bitchhhhhhhhh! I’ll……ughhh I’ll crush your sweaty tits……FLAT!” YT

We grimace and moan…. Heads dipped down…. The chins on shoulders no longer attacks, but mere attempts to rest our weary heads….. Our bodies have not had a moment of rest since you charged at me from the other bedroom and sent us sprawling to the fucking floor… Muscles burn… And with that, every cut and scratch and welt on our flesh BURNS even more, adding yet another crippling dimension to the struggle…..
Our left breasts, rubbed RAW, the scratches and cuts, unable to close up, instead, widening, end up slightly smearing the other’s tit with her crimson… Diluted by the sweat, until our breasts look like they were sprayed by some pink blush……. Legs mirroring one another, as one pushes forwards, the other retracts…… Taking turns pushing the other back, before getting bullied back ourselves….
“Fuck… Fuck.. youuuu…” My voice is no longer terrifying, it’s a sobbing, frustrated, agonized MESS of emotions….. My knees weak, as my legs burn from the struggle….. The bearhug not allowing either of us full deep breaths…. And after long minutes even our fit, tough bodies can barely run on those fumes of breaths…… Grunting….. I know I can’t keep up my footing for long… And while you seem defiant so far, I know you’re not in a much better shape… I know it because my body is FUSED with yours, feeling every tremble of pain and every spasm of muscle…….
My choices two fold…. Either keep on going until we have NOTHING and one would fall, spent and out of it…. or…. Go down while I still have… SOMETHING… To battle you with…. And I know the latter is the smarter option… Even if it’s not the most dignified to be seen….
“Sh—shu—shut up… and… get… your… ass…. down… cunt…” — I hiss and slowly begin to bend my knees willingly…. HANGING my weight on you…. And while I TIGHTEN my bearhug, I almost completely limp my body, trying to add my weight to yours, to BURDEN you…. Knowing how fucking STUBBORN you are… Praying that you’d FIGHT it… That you would mistake this for a weakness and try to DEFIANTLY stand up…. So I can chip on your almost depleted energy reserves and have an edge when we both hit the carpet on our knees…..

Feeling so conflicted. On the one hand I have my kink of being breast to breast with another woman, for me it’s just so incredibly erotic and intimate and whilst I am getting aroused it’s not from enjoying this in any kind of loving way. It’s a disconnect between my brain, body and soul. Part of my body teaming up with a turn on for me to force a reaction but opposed to the rest of me that is battling breasts against breasts to protect my relationship with Amber.
As the sweat continues to roll down my body my cuts continue to sting, constantly being aggravated, salt in the wounds and with a number of those wounds being on one of my breasts, just like yours, we’re both genuinely hurting the other both from the intense pressure from our squeezing and from those open wounds constantly suffering from friction, like sand paper over a paper cut.
My body temperature feels like it’s double what it should be and we just stick together. The temperature taking a toll on me, the fight up until this point slowly using up my energy and testing my stamina but feeling like I’m in a sauna, never having done well with heat, scrambles my brain further.
Vaguely aware of you squeezing a little more and pressing more of your weight into me, I can’t continue like this, my breasts can take more punishment but it’s just so draining and I start to slowly sink to my knees, pulling you down with me. I’d like to say it’s because I’m not stupid enough to stand there taking your weight, in reality though I just can’t do it but I lower myself with care, not wanting any sudden jolts whilst our breasts are held together so tightly and with our grips locked in sudden changes in speed could result in some nasty consequences to my sore and stuck breasts.
A low throaty groan escaping my lips “bitch…. crush… you… make you keep… ughhh your tits away…. uuuuh from my Amber”

You’re both so tired. Both so weak. And every second of it lights up my triggers like a tree on Christmas. I want to get up and dive off the couch over to you both and wrap you in my arms as I watch, listen, and feel your bodies fail you and your tits slowly bend and then finally break against each other like water upon rock. But instead I remain. Seated and quiet, as my left hand moved to Bri’s knee, and squeezes. She knowing how much every second of this makes me feel.

To my dismay… You’re… NOT… as stubborn and dumb as I’d hoped… I can’t fucking believe it… That I’m now resorting to this.. Hanging to straws of deception and hoping for you to make a mistake, as if it’s the ONLY way for me to come on top…. But perhaps that’s exactly it…. Perhaps I am now almost convinced that there is NO other way to beat this tough, catty, resilient BITCH except for a stroke of luck…. Or something as dirty and deceptive as this…..
You begin to slink down with me…. Grimacing and grunting… Our knees making touch down on the rug almost simultaneously…. Our bodies grinding, pushing, shoving, jostling…. Shoulders rocking slowly, the grinding turning more into… massaging… Each using her breasts to RUB and almost gently massage the other…. It hurts… But it’s also incredibly erotic…
“Ughhh… fuck… your tits… so….. firm…. nnngghh….. cunt…… fuck….. Amber… mine…” My words the furthest from cohesive as they can be…. My right hand sliding outwards, grabbing the ends of your long dark hair, I pull down.. it’s not even a strong yank… Just enough to tilt your head up, our chins bumping… Lips inches apart, staring at one another… Straining….
“Fuck… uughhh.. you….. feel… my… tits…. bitch…. awwwwhhh… gawdd…”

I feel @The Real Amber squeezing my knee and I moan. My eyes have been totally enraptured by what is happening in front of me. There’s sex and fighting in the air, and I fucking love it. I love it so much. I look at her for a second, and then I hear my loves incoherent words, and my gaze turns back to her… “That’s it! Make her feel you, love! Make her feel all of you! She can’t handle you! She doesn’t deserve Amber! Remind her of that!!!”

The two of us, both clearly exhausted and in pain slowly sinking to our knees. Not long ago we were both proud vicious and damn sexy hellcats in our gorgeous lingerie ready to go at it tooth and claw to prove to Amber who the better woman is, the one more deserving of her affection as she and her sister Bri, our lovers watch on.
But now we’ve both reduced to this, unable to stay on our feet, bras discarded, the rest of our outfits ripped half to pieces. Sweaty, bloody, panting for air barely able to speak and wincing from the slightest contact. Both of us came well prepared for a fight, but a fight wasn’t what we got, we got a nasty bitch war beyond either of our nasty imaginations and we’re both obviously struggling.
I wince and let out a frankly pathetic whimper as you grab my hair, the grip not even strong but enough to remind me that every part of my body is some combination of in pain, overheated, exhausted. Our chins bumping and I weakly grab hold of your hair, not even sure if I have the energy to do anything with that grip. Your hair damp as is my hand as I hold your head in place. Our eyes locked, I press my forehead into yours.
“slut……” I groan, originally planning on saying more but… my brain swimming. What do I have to do to beat this bitch? Your breasts so big and just… dense… mine so sore I don’t know that I can beat you just breast to breast. Deciding to risk it all… maybe it’s the only thing I can think of because the logical part of my brain has checked out for good and isn’t coming back, controlled now by urges and feelings and instinct, maybe it’s just my sheer desperation. Either way it doesn’t change anything.
“Amber…. loves me… she’s… ughh… she’s done… with you…” panting, having to speak loud to even be able to hear myself over my heavy breathing, knowing our audience can hear what I would rather keep between us. “Loves me…. doesn’t want you… only one way to… to show you…. woman…. to woman…”
Using my grip on your hair I push my face forward and snaking my tongue out of my lips and forcing it in to your mouth, my eyes locked on yours, staring daggers at you, this kiss isn’t about love or pleasure, it’s about hate and rivalry and proving something to myself, to you, to Amber and to everyone watching and what I’ve started… if you are indeed the woman I think you are… isn’t the end… but it is the beginning of the end… the gauntlet thrown down and as we battle for Amber’s affection, hell just her attention, I know you have no choice but to accept or forever be seen as small and diminished in Amber’s eyes and I suspect in Bri’s as well. This is the way the world ends…

A fight. You were fighting. You were wild and hateful. Pent up days of utter rage and loathing brought you here and together and I wanted you to have it. To sate your burning desire to hurt each other. But now, now as you lean into each other, broken and battered. Tired and spent beyond belief. Your busty frames so tightly held you appear to be a single mass of savaged flesh rather than two distinct women.
And so just after Bri calls for Ewa to keep her focus, I give in to my own selfish desires and shout. “Use your….” My dry mouth and lust-raddled mind making me pause to recenter. “…use your kittens…. Fuck…. Fuck each other so show me who deserves what and why……”

Reaches up and pulls Amber’s hair Shut your whore mouth, you cunt…. mmmmm fuck….. I moan loudly as I look down and see what Steph is doing and the way her tongue lunges for Ewa’s mouth, and I feel my own stirring in my mouth with almost a sense of jealousy

I can’t…. I need…. I am so fucking hot — so fucking turned on by the sight of your threatening lips and cursing tongues coiling together before they disappear in a kiss, that when Bri touches me, I turn, grab her hair back, and yank her head to face me, and then bury my tongue in her mouth. Each of us using the other as a stand in for what we wish we could do to our lover. I could lose myself in that kiss. Submerge, as I oft do, in the sisterly filth Bri and I excel in, but instead, knowing there is more to see and more to cum, we break our kiss and turn back to watch. Our desire-reddened cheeks pressing together as we watch the hottest thing, I at least, have ever seen.

On our knees, we grimace and battle… Whimpering and pressing our bodies….. What.. is this… bitch… made of…. I’ve lived in England for 13 years…. I’ve had English friends… I’ve known hotties, curvy girls, busty slender ones… But none…. None felt this… HOT to the touch… None lasted more than a minute or two against me in a play titfight…. And this thing we’re doing… is NOT play… We clawed and mauled the other’s tits extensively before going at it in a grinding, rubbing war, and now, we are still going, but with a portion of the strength… Letting our stiff nipples do the fighting for us….. Flick and drag across skin as we try to CRUSH the other’s glands with her own…. A fool’s errands, as neither of our breasts seemingly have what it takes to fully dominate the other, if we went at it for a thousand years….
Another…. bitter….. standstill… Another raw cliffhanger where we are both grimacing, shuddering, BATTLING with everything we got trying to prove who’s better for her….. Who fucking DESERVES her most… And if we were to stop being utterly stupid for a minute, turned and looked at her, and any of the others, we’d know that the answer is clear… But we’re still locked in this unilateral, all-or-nothing war…. Oblivious to the game that was revealed by Bri and Amber…. As they now have ceased their hostilities towards the other and are staring at us, fingering wildly, gasping and groaning…..
But then your mouth pushes to mine, your tongue out and it lashes, licking across my dried lips….. Taunting me.. Teasing me.. Fucking DARING me…. My eyes flare wide in utter rage and disbelief….. Insulted as I slide my other hand up, but I don’t go for your hair, I cup the back of your neck and I hiss; “Woman… to… woman… Bitch… to… BITCH!!!” I pull your head in and PRESS my lips to yours, kissing you… VIOLENTLY… This is not a lover’s kiss…. Not one at all….
My teeth CLANK with yours, our lips getting trapped in between, pinched, I GROWL at you and you HISS, tongues SLAPPING at one another, pushing the other back, growling as my right hand leaves your hair and reaches down, grabbing your thong…… Hand forming a fist around the waistband, I PULL on it hard, as I hear Amber’s plea… No.. Her DEMAND…. To FUCK one another…… And I know that every cell in my body wants that…. To fucking settle with our cunts that our claws, teeth, and even tits could not settle… I twist my fist twice, wrapping the waistband more and more, straining it, then with a JERK I RIPPPP it off your waist, leaving you in the garter and the echoes of what were once black thigh highs…….
My hand moves up to my own thong, gripping it and I give it a yank, then another twist and twist, then i RIP it off, baring myself too…. Tossing the thong back at Amber’s direction… A fluke aim, but it lands on her lap… Bri’s eyes going wide and she lunges trying to snatch my soppy thong off, but Amber’s faster, grabbing it and pulling it to her nose, SNIFFING on it, dabbing her tongue into the wet mess… Watching us KISS violently… Our thighs spreading….. Almost as if we’are about to move into a tribbing position, but before it happens, my hands SHOVE you hard by your hips, and before you can even try to get back up I THROW my practically naked body on yours with a WET splat, legs spreading WIDER, coiling as we grunt and grimace, bodies gliding, hips thrusting, rolling and flopping over once… Then twice.. Then a third time… Awkward twists and turns, but by the fourth we have our legs coiled around the other… Legs spread, pussies jammed together…..Grunting and THRUSTING our hips together, FUCKING wildly in a puddle of our tears and blood..

I’m kissing my sister. Our lovers are kissing at our feet… but while my kiss with Amber is based in deep, forbidden desire… the kiss on the floor is violent and angry and accompanied by words of challenge and threat….and it’s so hot. “Fuck this slut! Fuck her baby! Show her that she doesn’t belong with Amber or with us! Make her cum all over the carpet floor!” And while I’m cheering you on, my fucking sister grabs my love’s thong and starts sniffing it. “That’s fucking mine! ” I shout and I grab it from her hands. She tugs back, and we both push our faces to it, licking and sniffing it with our tongues flicking inside it as we look over the top down at our dueling lovers.

Plunging my tongue deep into your mouth, as I do I sneak my right hand behind my knee and dig two of my nails into my flesh sharply, breaking the skin then pinching and pulling the wound. It hurts… a lot and despite having very little gas left in the tank enough of the right signals make the journey from the nerve endings in my skin at the back of my knee to my brain and then back down past my longs and to my adrenal glands, rewarded with an almost instant little boost of adrenaline. It’s something I’ll pay for later, my body ready to crash almost any moment but I just need to last a little longer. I just need to stay in the fight. My willpower and the limits of the human body being tested as I get that extra little kick of rocket fuel.
Almost instantly feeling some of the fog lifting from my brain. My body using the extra energy to start flipping some switches, the lights coming back on, starting to be able to think again, my body starting to regulate my temperature, breathing more naturally and effortlessly.
As I’m resetting myself you rip my panties off and toss them away before doing the same with your own. Enraged as you throw yours at Amber and genuinely hurt as I see her reaction, but no, it’s not her fault, she’s only human, it’s you, you’re the problem and my cunt is the solution.
Still panting but from lust rather than an inability to take in oxygen I keep my face close to yours barely millimetres apart and let out a long low throaty feline growl “Amber won’t want anything to do with you after she watches you get dominated woman to woman! You think she’s going to want to fuck you after she sees you get turned into a pathetic sobbing wreck? Mmmmmmmmmm stupid CUNT!” spitting the last word “Trying to break us up? After seeing me fuck you senseless she’ll never even think of another woman!”
The two of us settling into a traditional tribbing position and unleashing on one another with everything we have left. Our pussies already soaked and sensitive.
The sound of wet smacking sex filling the room and it’s painfully obvious to everyone… this isn’t going 12 rounds.

“Come on, love! Hold out! You can do this! Fuck this cunt! She’s going to burst like a fucking whore! I can see it on her face!”

I know you both. I’ve fucked you both. And because of those moments of intimacy, passion, and battle, I can read past your expressions of strength. See past your hard, growling exteriors. And with that vision and sight beyond sight I can tell you’re both still angry. Both still hateful. But you’re both now, afraid. In a way you weren’t before. In a way you would never dare admit to each other or me.
And though that knowledge should dampen my enjoyment of all that is happening, it only intensifies it. Amplifies it. That finally, though the final proverbial bell has yet rung, you both , after all you have been through, respect each other.

I don’t see your goddamn hand…. I’m struggling to keep my body going.. And I fucking which I could notice that BRILLIANT self-inflicted wound of yours… That seems to give you enough of a strength to resist my push and steady yourself… Our breasts GRINDING, our lips rubbing and popping, as you push me away just enough to snarl your words at me… My heart sinks….. No… fucking NO…. My eyes flare as I make a grab for your hair with my right hand, it’s a weak grip, and I hope my words sound stronger:
“Uughhh… Noooo… She… will… never…. abandon me…” — Even the words are weak…. I don’t deny that you might beat me or that I might get dominated, because right now, I don’t fucking know if I have what it takes….. If I can outlast you as we rock and spread our legs…. I feel your right foot nudging at my left thigh and I lift it, letting your leg slip beneath it… While my own right toes poke at your scratched inner left thigh and I wiggle my leg under your raised thigh… inching closer.. Still in the same CLINCH, our breasts never let go of each other, since we latched on to them after taking off our bras… it fucking almost seems that we just fused into Siamese twins… That we are afraid that our hearts would stop beating the second we are separated…….
I lean back and push my left arm down to the carpet….. Arching myself, and lifting my hips slightly…. I glare at you and THRUST. My wet cunt SMACKING into yours, and the MOAN that leaves your lips gives me hope…. A FIRE. Your reaction is the epitome of hornyness… And it’s everything this world needs to cure itself of every ailment.
But who am I to pontificate…. I’m here, naked, clawed, mauled, bloodied, fighting my sister-in-law’s lover, because I am too much of a cunt to share her….. I should be stoned for that… And yet…. I brace more on my left arm and THRUST again… SMACK SMACK SMACK
“Is that.. all.. you.. GOT?? Because I can fuck your loose cunt ALL night, BITCH.”

Listens to the smacks and takes a deep sniff of Ewa’s thong “Yess…. YESS… fuck her baby! Fuck her into the ground!!!”

As you two battle, I start sliding from the front of the couch, extending my right leg further, and further. My body stretching out, until just as Bri grabs my arm and reminds me not to interfere, I finally hook my toes under Steph’s torn and tossed panties and then pull them back. Grabbing their wet fabric and pulling it up to my nose and mouth to enjoy. One a sniff, a lick, a nibble, and then just as Bri goes to shout to Ewa once more, I reach over and shove them in her mouth.

Locking up in the most intimate way possible. We’ve put one another through hell for Amber, for Bri and for everyone else. The physical wounds will heal after a few days but neither of us will be escaping this without some mental scars but for one of us they will be much much worse.
We’re doing this for love and attention, both of us perhaps with good intentions but unable to resolve our dispute anyway but with good old fashioned violence and whilst this is sex, this is not love making, it’s war. A war we’re fighting for the entertainment of others, regardless of whether we like or disagree with each other no-one put much, if any, effort into stopping this, not once has anyone thought of throwing in the towel or breaking things up. In many ways it’s pretty fucked up but what’s worse is right now neither of us want it to stop on anything but our own terms, we’re both damaged so insecure that we do all of this to compete for the affection of someone that loves us both anyway just in slightly different ways at this present moment. None of that matters, right now this is everything to us, Amber’s love is everything to us and we’ll do everything we can, whatever it takes to achieve our goal of total victory.
If I win I hopefully prove to everyone I’m worthy of Amber, of being here. That everyone includes myself, proving to myself I’m good enough for Amber, proving to myself I’m worthy of being in this social group.
For you… your motives are your own. You claim it’s because you don’t think I’m good enough but you can’t stand that Amber is happy with someone that isn’t you. You had your chance, you’ve had years if that’s what you wanted. I don’t know the history, at this point it’s redundant.
Neither of us can truly get our way without stopping the other getting hers. This is all we can do. We know we’re risking everything to a game of Russian roulette, neither of us can surely last for long, barely able to stand minutes ago and both betrayed by our own arousal.
Thrusting and smacking with everything I have left, my wet and sticky labia clinging to yours for a fraction of an instant before we pull apart and thrust into one another once more. You tell me Amber will never abandon and tell me how you can handle me for all night but then I think about your words and I pounce on your mistake, knowing this will hurt you, knowing it’s cruel and being perfectly happy… delighted even to do it anyway “Stupid ughhhhhhhhh…. bitch…” staring daggers at you before delivering each of my carefully chosen next few words with my thusts “SHE… ALREADY… ABANDONED… YOU!” hate fucking you with every word delivering them like knives to the gut. Looking to break your will before I break your womanhood.

Nothing is going to be the same…. This small tightly knit circle of ours… One that took years and years to cement and turn as solid and intimate as it is… It will never be the same…. Will it fracture after this battle… Will some take your side, and some mine… Will it devolve into an all out-civil war, because of my… utter FAILURE to prove that you are not worthy… It doesn’t matter now, whether I beat you or not….. Even if I defeat you in the 11th hour, you’ve proven damn well that you are every bit as nasty, catty, busty, bitchy as me….. You’ve achieved your primary goal… And now… Now you are determined to go beyond… To fucking turn the tables… To show that it’s me who is not worthy of Amber, and even Bri….
Arched back, our tits thrust upwards, almost facing the ceiling… Our legs spread, propped on left arms, we are just outright FUCKING the hell out of each other… Loud wet fleshy smacks reverberating through the room, echoing off the walls and bouncing back… Grunts and moans…… Each thrust causing our bruised swollen and cut tits to ripple and bounce on our chests….. Nipples engorged, long, stiff, pointing at each other accusingly…. Neither sets having had their fill of the other, despite their prolonged contact….. Like two magnets they keep pointing and trying to snap to one another even in this heated moment of battle lust….
But then your words seep out and they.. CUT ME… They cut me DEEP as my eyes flare wide…. Growling, feeling as if you drove a knife between my ribs and twisted it… Suddenly I feel almost like I’ve lost the will to fight… To compete… My body frozen and you capitalize, RUTHLESSLY, SLAMMING into me harder, faster, harder, as I GRUNT and MOAAN, my head arched back… Tears almost BURSTING from my eyes… Your eyes wide with glee, trying to capitalize…
But as you lean back for another thrust, I stretch my right leg suddenly, and I KICK at your left wrist, the one propping you up!
My motion intending to sweep your arm from under you, and cost you your balance and thus, hopefully your position, my right arm hooping behind your left thigh trying to CLING to you to stop you from scurrying away as I TWIST my body pushing myself higher and trying to COUNTER-SLAM into you, snarling my own wicked bombshell…
“Is…. that… right??? — Why then… Did she…. eat… my pussy…. a week… ago…… That’s… RIGHT…. This pussy, that’s about… to.. BITCH… YOU.. OUUUUTT!!”

Hears Ewa’s bombshell and gasps…. I knew the two of them fucked sometimes, but I thought I knew when it was happening…. but apparently it was happening behind my back more…. and so I take it out on Amber, pulling her hair harder “What the fuck…. Slut?”

I was fingering myself so deep I could barely stand it. Massaging my clit so fast that I feel as if it might burn from the friction! But now, in the last minutes of the battle, each of you tries to savage each other. Not just with tits or clits — claws or clutches, but instead with words. Cruel, vicious, hateful words.
Are they true? Are they revelations of fact that could ruin us all? Before I can even scan my mind for an answer, Bri yanks my head back and my neck harshly to the side. Anger. Rage. And jealousy in her voice and though I should think. Should search my memory and deny it if it isn’t true. But instead, as I hear Ewa and Steph continue to fuck I glare up at Bri and hiss. “Fuck you….” My right hand raising, twisting, pulling and then delivering a harsh open-hand slap to her face.

I hate you with every single fiber of my body. My adrenaline rush helping me keep moving but you match me blow for blow and I don’t know how much more I can take.
My sexual stamina is usually pretty good and I often need to be pleasured quite specifically to be made to orgasm, something that has allowed me to simply outlast many opponents before but I’m horny as all hell and one thing I’ve never been great at is holding out when an orgasm is close.
What am I meant to do? Think unsexy thoughts? I can’t think of anything at the moment and even if I could right here and right now the only thoughts I’m going to be having are of fucking you or fucking Amber. Of big bouncing sweat coated breasts, of hot wet tasty pussy, of nasty but incredibly hot trash talking. What am I meant to do to stop myself?
More importantly what do I have to do to beat this bitch? Hoping/thinking… praying? That my nasty attack saying how Amber has already left you for me might do the trick or at the absolute very least leave you at my mercy and whilst it does seem to have an impact on you you respond by knocking out my load baring arm improving your position against me as you bitch back between hot panted breaths telling me how Amber ate your pussy just a week ago… after we had started seeing each other.
It’s a lie… it has to be. “LYING FUCKING CUNT!” I scream loudly, but if I know it’s a lie… why does it hurt… why would I let an obvious lie hurt… why would you tell a lie that could instantly be disproved by Amber… I know it’s a mistake… I know it might cost me… but I have to do it, turning my face towards Amber, a desperate, pathetic pleading look on my face “you… didn’t…. she’s lying” not sure if it’s a question or a statement.
I don’t wait for the answer… the answer I fear will come. Seeing red. Oh I’ve hated you, I’ve hated you since we first met, I’ve hated you as I’ve scratched and clawed and wrestled and smothered and hatefucked and bitched but like a switch being flicked I lose my shit
“LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I scream. Lifting my left leg and shoving my foot forcefully at your right forearm targeting your previously damaged limb. Moving my hips furiously, not caring if the motion makes me cum, I hate you and this is all I have left. Whether you are telling the truth or lying I can’t change that now, all I can do is try and win Amber’s love.

Tears are streaming like bullets, sweating profusely as I THRUST into you… My labia feel like they are about to turn purple from the bruising… The thrusts violent…. Just the latest incarnation of our hatred and rage at one another…. There is nothing gentle or kind between us…. We just want to destroy, ruin, and maim…. And even with our sexes at the forefront, things could not be anymore tense….
I knock you to your back and scream at you; “SHUT UP BITCH!! DON’T FUCKING TALK TO HER… DON’T LOOK AT HER!!” growling at you as you stare at her and PLEAD for her to deny the accusations… But she… Says nothing… Already in a heated argument with Bri, they are almost oblivious to what is going on… But you return your focus and ire in a split second, roaring, then you KICK my right forearm… i YELP in pain, it’s not the one I’m leaning on the most, but the pain sends my body jolting and I FLOP to my back……
I can feel you trying to rise, to sit up and get more leverage on me, but I quickly toss my legs over your chest and lock my ankles, my heels pressed in front of your chest, then with a twist, I try to ROLL us over, so that we are laying face and tits down on the stained, ruined rug….. Rolling my hips back, pistoning them in the air….. Hammering down on your cunt, as our butt cheeks shudder and ripple with every hard SLAM, screaming obscenities at one another…

Rubbing my sore cheek “YESSS FUCK THIS WHORE!! FUCK HER BABY!!!”

So angry that I resort to kicking you not thinking that the jolt of pain to your wounded limb might help you stave off any impending orgasm for a little longer. My blind rage and hatred allowing me to make a mistake that I wouldn’t have made if I were thinking clearly but you’re in my head, deep inside my head, pushing my buttons.
Before I can think of a way to turn the tables in my favor you lock your ankles over my stomach and manage to roll us both over and whilst we’re still fighting pussy to pussy we’re now ass to ass, it’s a position I’ve very rarely been in, feeling out of my element a little. For me in the eternal battle between tits and asses I’ve been firmly on team titty but there is something about your ass bouncing into mine and the fact that you’re screaming at me without even being able to see me.
I keep fighting as hard as possible but I feel it coming… desperately trying to think of something, some clever move the right combination of bitchy words but I can’t but if I’m going down I’m going down swinging. I scream in frustration as I hammer myself back on you, our wet pussies smacking hotly as our bare asses collide over and over again bouncing and jiggling for everyone to see.
My thrusting becoming erratic but I keep up as long as I possibly can, my body starting to tremble “noooooooooooooooooo NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! THIS ISN’T UGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH OVVVVVVVVVVVVVERRRRR!” I howl in a mixture of pleasure and despair as a powerful orgasm long in the making rips through my defenseless body, my claws digging into the floor as I shake and shudder “NNNUUUUUUUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH”

Flipped over on our bellies, we both scream and moan, my right hand is clawing at the carpet, my cheek grinding into it…. Spittle drooling down from my mouth and leaving a pool on it… My body thrust in an angle at you….. Our hips rolling, our asses grinding, cheeks separating and rubbing, our rims brushing together, before our pussies line up and SMACK….. Screaming and taunting one another… I feel like I’m barely….. able to stay up….. I feel like my entire world is spinning… Arousal…. Lust… Pain.. Exhaustion.. All mixing together as I sob and wail, but I am thrusting back at you, clutching at your thigh with my other hand……
But then you suddenly and out of the blue erupt like Mount Vesuvius….. You shake and shudder and spurt, and my body freezes….. I don’t slink into that deep pit as your orgasm is as contagiously energetic…. I clench on my teeth, trying to lift my upper body, but all I can muster is my head, as our hips and asses SLAP and SMACK wildly…. I glance up at Amber and Bri…. They are…… Perched facing the other, rubbing their cheeks, both horny, naked, and they look incredible…..
But where are the eyes of celebration… Where is Amber rushing to embrace me.. To tell me that I’m hers… And only hers…. A lot of thoughts that rummage through my brain and with it, your words hitting me screaming that it’s not over, and SLAMMING hard onto my pussy with yours… I MOAAAAN.. I don’t know if it’s your words or thrusts…. But I bite on my bottom lip, and MOAAAAN loudly, my entire body spasming like a line of fire passed through it….. And I begin to GUSSHHHH hard… I CUMMM wildly…. My orgasm starting even before yours ends…..
I moan and shake my head… “NO NO NO NO… I… BEAT YOU… I FUCKING… BEAT YOUUU!!” I moan but your orgasm is long, and for nearly 5 seconds there is that…. overlap….. Your body collapses down, and mine, still keeps thrashing for another 30 seconds until I collapse down… Groaning….. Moaning……. My entire world spinning, as darkness begins to seep in… And my connection to the room, reality, and consciousness begin to falter….

I collapse, slouching forward, the orgasm sapping away the strength I had left, my adrenaline kick running out, always knowing that I was on borrowed time.
My face and tits against the floor, but having fallen forward my ass and pussy end up pointing upwards.
Laying there a low groan escaping my lips, taking some small pleasure in knowing that you orgasmed just moments after I did and whilst I was still cumming.
Hearing you scream about beating me. Wanting to reply to tell you that I made you cum but I’m so exhausted. Then it hits me, the shame. Whilst I might be able to argue a draw I came first and I can’t continue and even if I make and win that argument a draw is not a win and that’s what Amber expected from me and what I wanted from myself.
Feeling deeply ashamed. Embarrassed, all those days of trash talk. Spending half my day at work moving from room to room, hiding place to hiding place so that I could bitch for hours on end. Getting 2 or maybe if I was lucky 3 hours of sleep a night so I could stay up late messaging obscenities and sending lewd and threatening photos. All of this, the most intense fight I’ve ever had giving my absolute all and despite all of it, it ending in defeat, in failure.
I can’t even look at Amber… I’m too ashamed, distraught. Slowly rolling over on to my back, my legs falling wide, covering my face with my arms as I start to sob uncontrollably. No longer able to muster enough pride to stop myself from weeping in front of everyone.

Somewhere in the last moments of your ferocious fuckfight, Bri and I found a way to break from our glare. Our jealous stare. Letting go of each others hair, and leaving the other alone, just in time for me to see it. The first ripple. The first shake. The first wave crashing down on Stephanie. It is vicious the dual sensations of cuming first in a sexfight. The passions and power of the struggle amplifies the orgasm tenfold, and yet even as bliss like no other tears through your body, there is a darkness.
A regret.
A feeling of drought and decimation. Feelings I have known too many times, but never in a battle like this. Never with so many emotions and so much pride on the line. And so even as pleasure takes you, my eyes water, body trembles, and lips let loose a barely audible whimper of empathetic sadness.
One that lingers and drifts in the air, even as Ewa comes a fraction of a second later and then together the two of you collapse in a puddle of cum, sweat, and blood. Liquids that had pooled beneath you as you fought so desperately. So intensely. That half the audience that watched remained silent for hours. Flabbergasted and exasperated to the point of utter disbelief and speechlessness.
And yet, even as they look to each other, and in hushed whispers discussed all that had transpired, I leap from my seat and throw myself down between your bodies. Each of you making it to your back in a slow, agonized roll, just as I look down to both of you. Tears welling and shedding from my eyes, as I take your hands in my own.
Like me, you both cry. Both sob. Your scratched and dried-blood-covered chests swelling once and then again, as you fight to breathe freely for what seems like the first time in hours. I hate it. I hate myself. I hate my lusts and my demons — each of which led you both here. Shattered and broken on Stephanie’s carpeted floor.
That guilt tears me in both directions. To Steph and to Ewa. To sister-in-law and to lover. But before I can decide by nature or nurture, Ewa uses what little strength she has left and pulls be down to her, though my hand never releases Steph’s.
Then and there, with me close, Ewa leans up, and kisses my lips with hers. Sweetly. Lovingly. Desperately. Until finally, she pulls back and in a ragged, breathless whisper commands me. “She’s worthy. She belongs. Love her. And never let her go….”
Words spoken just as Bri arrives next to her wife, and wraps her arms around her neck in a frantic and fearful embrace. They two whispering sweet nothings to each other, as I turn, and then collapse onto Stephanie’s ample chest. Making sure to avoid her claw wounds during my own worried hug, My arms wrapping around her so tight, worried that after all I had put her through she might leave me. Leave us. This new pack of wildcats she had fought her way into tooth, nail, and claw.
“I’m sorry, Steph. I’m sooo sorry.” The words are simple. Inartful and incomplete, but they will do for now, as you lay beneath me. A tattered and yet glorious woman of might and majesty. One I hope will forgive me for my greed. My selfishness and all else I have done that led to this.
But as a start, and to make amends. I lift myself up, and then crawl down between Stephanie’s spread thighs, which still quiver with carry-over adrenaline. My eyes glancing over to Bri, who has found herself in the same place, but beneath Ewa. Each of us exchanging a quick glare before together we lower our mouths to our lovers soaking pussy to clean. To lap. And to in even the smallest way, make some initial attempt at amends.
To Be Continued in Part 2! Click Here to Go There!