This story was written and then played out live on Trillian where Jayden and Bobbi fought it out in real time for the stud dog. The set set-up is mine, the fight is my edit of Bobbi and Jayden’s fight.
Over the last few decades, a small number of exclusive and very discreet female-only fight clubs have emerged where women can test themselves against each other physically and sexually. Members of these clubs fall broadly into two categories; those fight and those who watch – some richer members support professional gladiatrices. The only men are those who perform services for the members with an inclination, such as acting as a prize for the straight and bisexual members.
The well-disguised locations of these clubs often include arenas, and spaces suitable for specific types of combat, such as sunken arenas, padded fighting pits where two women can fight standing up against each other and many other variations. In a club in Florida, simply called the Forum, there is an infamous fighting space called “The Kennel”, a glass-topped fighting arena where the combatants fight on all fours with their legs hobbled.
When a new male club servant is introduced, (always ripped and hung), members are offered the right to “break him in.” Sometimes the privilege is bought, more often it is fought for and is often used an opportunity for alpha members to settle grudges. In wolf packs, only one alpha female breeds to produce pups, in this club the winner of such encounters is called the “breeding bitch”; she takes her prize in front of the pack in the kennel next to or over her defeated rival.
These fights are always vicious, sometimes they go all the way…
New Dog
As is to be expected, the club is busy tonight; it always is when there is a new house “stud dog” to be “broken in.” Dog E is on display on a pedestal, the aspects of his anatomy of most interest to the members are easy for them to inspect. The new acquisition is creating a positive hum of excitement from the women milling around him; his huge erection already bears several different shades of lipstick, smeared over the shaft. So far, no one has succeeded in taking him in all the way to the hilt.
He is a popular addition to the stable of men who serve the various sexual and combat desires of the exclusive female only club. The duties of a “stud dog” include, servicing the paying members as required, and sometimes fighting other stud dogs, normally in naked cage fights and, particularly popular with the bisexual and straight members, cockfights. The dogs normally remain at the club for three months, with an option to return if they were successful. They are rigorously kept in shape; this included gym workouts, combat training and sexual athletics.
One popular event was competitive milking; this exercise involved members or handlers manually working two or more dog studs to compare the volume and velocity of their ejaculations. At his admission interview, the committee had one of the club handlers milk Dog E to see his performance. Standing at the “shooting gallery” – a long table covered with a black rubber sheet, the handler pulled rope after rope of come from him. As the last pearl drops splashed on the table, the chairbitch muttered, “Ladies, enough seed for a dozen litters.” High praise indeed. A video of this examination, posted on the club’s highly secure intranet, has the highest number of hits ever; it is largely responsible for tonight’s turnout.
For the titillation of the members, stud dogs are also taught to be able to act like a canine; moving on all fours, sniffing, growling when aroused or fighting. The aim is to depersonalize the men and turn them into animals, designed only to serve (and service) the female membership’s appetites. These were extreme, sexually voracious, and often darkly violent. Members like to watch the club gladiatrices, professional fighting women, fight in a variety of fighting styles; but many also like to fight themselves. A high-profile event, like the breaking in of a stud dog, always attract high status alpha bitches. Tonight, two of them might battle it out to be the “breeding bitch”; the winner will break-in the novice stud dog in the presence of her defeated rival.
Below is a report from the Club Handler prior to breaking in the new dog…
As promised, here is my report on the new acquisition in preparation for tomorrow…
Understanding of Purpose
He has a clear understanding that he is incidental to proceedings, that this is about two alpha bitches determining who is THE alpha bitch and that they are NOT fighting over his cock but rather that the victory rut is the ultimate proof of victory.
In the Case of an Auction Only Event
We have received several extravagant offers, two into six figures, for the rutting rights from watching members who will not fight. He knows that if this happens, he is to withdraw as he comes so the whole audience sees him spray his load.
If, as we hope, it is a contested event it is important that every load is loosed into the victrix as she is the Breeding Bitch.
The Forum doesn’t need the money, lets hope for a vicious kennel fight!
Likely Contenders
I have had early expressions of interest for a contested rutting from Jayden S and the recent member Bobbi W who has joined from our Manhattan branch. Bobbi is anxious to establish herself as an alpha bitch and told me she wants to take down one of the seniors. She has torn through all the bitches of her own seniority in Manhattan.
A full-breasted contest like this will make the juices run and get fingers busy up on the viewing level! There is a remote possibility that this could go all the way…once the touch paper is lit, I think they are both capable of it.
Dog Temperament
He understands his role in the pre-fight ritual is to prepare the women to fight without favor, so equal time etc. His “dog brain” is highly developed as evidenced by:
- His ability to distinguish between bitches by smell alone. In a blindfold test he was able to correctly identify six club servants, having tongued their tails and pussy for several hours previously.
- He is very aggressive and will fight other dogs even for the reward of sniffing my pussy…
- Like many alpha dogs, he is indecently excited by the sight of female combat. Luckily, he has overcome his tendency to spurt when watching fights.
- I gave him a sighting of the possible contenders. The speed and firmness of his erection means he should put on a fine display. Unattended he would have milked himself, but I reminded him that needs to bring a five-day load to the victory. His growl of lust shows he understands.
For tomorrow, his dog commands are:
Prefight Ritual: sniff, lick, tail, pussy, stretch pussy – no come!!
Postfight: breeding bitch, rut, spurt.
I think I need not accompany him to the pre-fight. He can judge the one minute well…
Training on the Day
In the morning he will have a three-hour gentle session…weights, bike core strength and stretching, swimming and sauna. After he will be shaved. He’ll rest in the afternoon. I’ll edge him before goes on display.
Let me know if you need more details.
Melissa M.
The Auction
There is still a little time before the auction for the right to rut with Dog E begins. The crowd of wealthy patrons, in various states of dress and undress, are wondering whether the honor will be decided by a financial bid or by a member stating her willingness to fight for it. The club does not really need the money, so naturally the audience is hoping that there will be two women who want fight it out in the “kennel.”
The kennel is a glass-topped fighting pit, where the contestants are forced onto all fours, like true bitches. Leading into the arena are two entrances; the fighting venue is a black leather-covered arena where they will fight, and where the winner will rut with Dog E. Like the pack animals they represent, the audience, on all fours, will gather around the edge looking down through the glass on the action. The fighting space is miked-up to capture every grunt, and there are also cameras to capture different angles and close-ups. There is also a small pit in which the stud dog and his handler will stand. The handler will also act as mistress of ceremonies.
Making a grand entrance, Jayden sweeps into the room, dressed in black leather shorts and a halter back top that accentuates her magnificent breasts; her mid-drift is naked and around her throat, a studded leather choker, a symbol of her status as an Überbitch, the top level of a fighting member. Admired, lusted after and feared in equal measure, her eyes scan the room for possible rivals. Even before she sees the new dog stud in the flesh, the video has convinced her that she is going to make a play to be the breeding bitch.
The crowd of women standing around the pedestal part as she approaches. His cock is level with her breasts; her hand immediately reaches up to cradle the swollen balls, weighing them and marveling at the size of the head, from which a strand of pre-come hangs. She hears someone behind her say that he is carrying a five-day load and has been edged daily by the house servants. He is clearly bursting for release, so her touch makes him growl; he shudders as she takes hold of the shaft. With practiced ease, she eases the head into her mouth, and effortlessly takes the whole shaft down her throat, causing him to clench his fists and groan. Her lips close tightly around the base of his shaft; she is marking him with her lipstick, staking her claim.
Old Acquaintance
The mistress of ceremonies for the evening is looking on with some concern, it will spoil proceedings if tonight’s featured attraction loses his load down Jayden’s throat. Luckily, Jayden herself is aware of that danger, and she skillfully uses her teeth to inhibit any premature ejaculation. She knows how to work a cock and is an expert in controlling them until she is ready for them to unload. However, tonight she wants to fight as much as she wants to fuck!
As she moves away, she is aware of another member ready to take place. It is Bobbi W. the pushy new bitch from New York who yearns to establish herself as an Überbitch. Bobbi was introduced to her at a club social a few weeks earlier. The reputation she brings with her has already established her as someone Jayden wants to tangle with and put in her place.
With as much dexterity as Jayden has shown, the blonde Bobbi, slides the shaft down her gullet up to the hilt. Jayden feels an automatic rivalry, and is irritated to see how Dog E reacts, moaning and his six-pack tightening. When she withdraws him from her mouth, Jayden can see clearly that there two shades of lipstick had smeared together, creating a new color. Bobbi too has managed to take the full length.
The blonde looks menacingly across at Jayden, as if to suggest that she knows how to handle cock as well, if not better. It is clearly a challenge, and the green-eyed beauty feels a jolt of adrenaline, as she feels her bitch-fire ignite. At that moment, the gong sounds, and the mistress of ceremonies, a mature woman who clearly spent time in the gym, mounts the small rostrum. A hushed anticipation falls across the assembled group.
“Ladies, will anyone open the bidding to be the breeding bitch? Before I ask for dollar amounts, is any woman here willing to enter the kennel to fight for the right to rut with this magnificent new club acquisition?”
Without any hesitation, Jayden firmly and confidently announces, “I stake my claim to be the breeding bitch and will go up against any of you here who is bitch enough to challenge me.”
There is a silence, followed by scattered applause, and then a murmur. As Jayden looks around the room in acknowledgement of the crowd’s approbation. Bobbi moves from her side to face her directly, before calmly announcing in a firm voice, “I challenge you to be the breeding bitch!” The two women lock eyes as a renewed applause rings out.
The membership has got what it wanted, claws not cash will decide the rutting rights. Up on his pedestal, the dog stud lets out a full-throated growl; he knew that he will not have to wait long before he could empty his heavy load into one of these magnificent fighting bitches.
Jayden snorts derisively at Bobbi, “Bow, wow, wow, if it isn’t blonde bitch Bobbi…; aren’t you’re a little out of your league here, Missy.”
Bobbi spat back, “I’ve downed better bitches than you, and they were all less haughty than you…and I am going to be the breeding bitch tonight!”
The mistress of ceremonies holds her hands high silence.
“Members, challenges have been made, stakes have been claimed. If there are no further challengers, ladies, prepare for your descent into the kennel.”
Already, Jayden and Bobbi are unbuttoning their halter tops, eyes still locked as their breasts are revealed to each other. The crowd draws back from them, leaving the two rivals face-to-face in the center of a circle of expectant faces. As they step out of their shorts, one difference between the two is clear. Jayden’s smooth pudendum face off against a neatly trimmed runway. As she notices Jayden’s eyeing her pussy, Bobbi speaks with a little edge in her voice, “You tangle with me, at least you’ll know you’re fighting a woman.”
Jayden answered with a sneer, “when you watch me rutting, you’ll know you’ve been beaten by a better bitch.” She cups her fuller breasts and draws herself up to her full height.
With a flash of anger in her blue eyes, the blonde shoots back, “You really think you are a better bitch than me, just because you have those udders? My pussy will milk Dog E dry, and I may let you sniff the wet patch I’ll leave from the rut.”
Apart from their broad throat chokers, both women are now completely naked. Behind them the dog stud is being led away on all fours, a strand of pre-come hung drags along to the floor then. The elegant handler is taking him down into the fighting pit in order to perform the usual pre-fight ritual for stud dog break-in. The two women’s heads turn to watch him; he is a truly magnificent specimen; his long cock jerks as he moves, starting to leak another strand as he disappears down into the arena.
The sight of prize makes their fight lust grow, the crowd watching is silent as Jayden coldly snarls, “The only rutting tonight will be with me, I’m not even sure if I want you to watch him shoot his litter seed in me.” With that Jayden unfastens her leather collar and drops it at Bobbi’s feet. The silence is now intense…and then several members gasp, and a low murmur of excitement starts as the full realization of what is happening sinks in.
It is the ultimate challenge, when an Überbitch removes her choker, she is laying open her throat to the fangs and claws of a rival. Jayden is daring Bobbi to do the same. A failure to do so means Bobbi will have to stand down. Jayden will then be the breeding bitch unless another member takes her place. With a cold smile, Bobbi slowly undoes the clasp on her choker, and tosses to the side.
The gesture is greeted by wild applause, this will be a night to remember…
Bobbi snarls back at Jayden as she flaunts her pudendum at her, and pats her lower belly, “This is where the litter seed will end up tonight, shame you won’t hear him roar with lust as he unloads in me.”
“Maybe I’ll keep you around long enough to see him shoot in me! Litter seed needs a real breeding bitch,” growls Jayden. “Before we go at it, I’ll let you check me out so you can see what a pedigree bitch looks like up close.” She opens her pussy and tilts her pelvis at her rival. Not to outmatched, Bobbi responds in kind.
The mistress of ceremonies approaches the pair, “Ladies, it is time to take this to the kennel, and may the best bitch win!” She indicates which entrance each should take. Holding up her hands for silence, she exclaims loudly, “No longer ladies, but dog fight bitches, fighting for the right to rut!”
With that both women drop to all fours, teeth bared and snarling at each other. As they make their way to the separate entrances, to start their crawl down the tunnel into the kennel, a rhythmic chant starts up.
“Jayden and Bobbi, Dog Fight Bitches! Jayden and Bobbi, Dog Fight Bitches!”
The crowd puts a staccato stress comes on the words Dog Fight Bitches. They are bright-eyed with lusty anticipation of what will happen when these bitches on heat eventually meet below. First though come the pre-fight rituals to ignite their bitch-fire and drive their fight lust into the red.
At the entrance, club servants attach the dog bitch restraints, a broad leather girdle around the midriff and linked by a leather strap to two ankle cuffs linked by a second strap. This device was designed to keep the wearer on all fours. Critically, the main strap is at the front, so that the wearer’s pussy is exposed from behind to her rival’s muzzle and snout. It also makes it easy for the dog stud to mount the winner. Each new member is fitted for one of these and chooses her own color; Jayden has chosen a green to match her eyes and Bobbi a mid-blue.
Dropping to all fours, the rest of the audience spreads out around the glass roof, and the anticipation grows as they wait, for the two rivals to emerge into the arena. Down below, off to one side, in the only part of the space where you can stand, the handler, now naked except for a mask and carrying a riding crop, unleashes the dog stud. He remains on all fours beside her, awaiting instructions.
The primary aim of the is the pre-fight ritual to both inflame the sexual urges and rivalry between the two women competing to be the breeding bitch. Watching her rival being pleasured by the disputed dog stud raises the desire to fight and win to fever pitch. The secondary aim is to drive up the testosterone level of the prize to red. His treatment over the previous days means he has only one driving desire; he was a dog ready to rut all night, the only question being which of these two bitches on heat was going to feel his seed spatter her cervix. The dog stud knows that if he unloads during this ceremony, he would face immediate gelding and be replaced.
The two women both assume a kneeling position facing each other on the raised platform, their eyes dart to each other’s breasts before locking eyes again. Flipping a coin, the handler asks Jayden for a call. She chooses heads, but the coin comes down tails. Bobbi is going to receive her pre-fight servicing first. The handler points with her riding crop, and blows a whistle, indicating that he should go and perform as he had been briefed. As soon as he was behind Bobbi, he starts to sniff, bringing his nose close to her pussy and tail, inhaling her mating musk.
Above the crowd watches silently, directional microphones and cameras built in at every angle, show on screens around the auditorium the effect that her pheromones has had on his cock as it distends to its full length. His tongue starts to protrude, but he knows he must wait for permission, which comes in the form of a sharp blast on the whistle. Immediately, he prizes her open from behind, his tongue stabbing into her tail, causing Bobbi to moan, while staring at Jayden full on. She raises her backside so he can get more purchase, he is snuffling with animal lust as he drinks in her juices. After he has surrendered totally to this base instinct, he raises his head and growls.
The whistle blows a second time; in a single movement, he straddles Bobbi from behind sinking his cock up to the hilt in her pussy. Bobbi for a moment forgets Jayden, as she feels herself fill with steel-hard meat, it was her turn to look over her shoulder and growl with lust. Raising his head to look up at the glass ceiling and the throng surrounding it, now more dog than man he roars his pleasure. For a second, the screen in the auditorium filled with an image of his heavy balls, silently roiling as they brew enough seed to seed this bitch with a huge litter.
Again, the whistle blows, and with obvious reluctance, he withdraws, his shaft now glistening with Bobbi’s juices. Still all fours, he proceeds to the other side of the podium and takes up position behind Jayden. He sniffs around her tail and pussy, his senses reeling at the subtle contrasts between the rival bitches. A half-formed thought runs through his mind, he is stud enough to give them both large litters. But here, the bitches ruled, and he was merely a tool for their gratification; and these alpha bitches did not share – cock or pussy. With a snarl of demented lust his tongue probes her tail, then thrusts deep into her pussy.
As the whistle sounds, E totally surrenders to the heady scent of bitch-on-heat. It is Jayden’s turn to look her rival full on as she revels in the lusty tonguing. Soon, he is driving his rod full length into the green-eyed temptress, her eyes flash as she feels the bloated head nudging the neck of her womb. She wants that seed, if there is going to be one litter spawned that night, it is going to be in her and not her blonde bitch rival.
Jayden thinks she has never felt so full. Again, a doglike howl of pleasure breaks from his lips, and his head is thrown back. This bitch has a new trick, she grips his shaft and contracts her pussy muscles, trying to milk him. Nearly, delirious with the sensation, he is oblivious to the hum of the audience above. He would happily continue to ram in and out until he spurts her full. However, at the final blow the whistle, he is able to withdraw without blowing his load, but only just. Pre-come is now streaming from his engorged rod, slick with two sets of bitch juice.
Bobbi, green with envy hisses at to her, “How does it feel to have my juices deep in your pussy?”
Jayden, pulses racing with aggressive lust snarls back, “His cock is carrying my scent now bitch!”
Enraged Bobbi shoots back, “I’ll sluice it off with my juices, when he gets to rut with a pedigree bitch, not some mongrel slut, like you.”
The dog stud is now being reattached to his leash, allowed to watch the two bitches on heat lock up in a primal struggle for supremacy at close quarters. To make sure he does not shoot his load outside the top bitch, his handler gently flicks his scrotum with her riding crop. His cock jerks and loses a little steel, but she knows that watching them fight will soon have it fully extended again; it is sure to be streaming pre-come by the time the top bitch has emerged.
Suddenly, Jayden starts to crawl in a looping move to circle behind her rival; Bobbi moves out so the two are now following each other. They discreetly sniff, trying to catch a trace of each other’s musk. Each knows instinctively that she wants to know her bitch-rival’s scent…up close, really close. They both want it as badly as they want to fight.
Above the crowd gathered around the rim of the glass roof is silent now as they watch the two women below moving sinuously around each other. One younger member, red-headed and full-breasted, unbuckles her leather skirt and lets it drop, eyes wide with lust as she cranes to drink in the action below. A more mature member, hard-bodied and tanned in a black leather blouson and shorts, kneeling beside her whispers, “First time you’ve seen two bitches in the kennel?”
The redhead replies by nodding, adding dreamily, “I’m already dripping and they haven’t even started to fight.”
The older woman smiles, “Hmmm, you’ll never forget seeing your first kennel contest.”
Still transfixed, the younger woman answers mechanically, “I want to be down there; we can see them, we can hear them, but I want to know the smell of two angry bitches on heat.”
Jayden suddenly stops circling, pushing her rear up she lowered herself until her heavy breasts touch the padded mat. She is inviting her rival to probe her, fearlessly putting her sex on full display. Immediately, she feels the hot breath, then Bobbi inhaling deeply, then using her nose to open her up. With a growl Bobbi pushes deeper, rubbing her nose from side to side, then brings her mouth into play, lustfully thrusting her tongue into the maw.
Accepting Bobbi’s hands grasping her hips as the blonde smears herself with the brunette’s scent, Jayden snarls, “Use your teeth on me now, and I’ll rip you open…”
Bobbi tears herself away from Jayden as she hisses her response, “I’ll be using my teeth when we go at it, you can bank on it! Want to know what the top bitch smells like?” With that Bobbi spins around and presents herself to Jayden who slowly prowls to take up position behind the blonde.
Bobbi glanced over her shoulder in time to see Jayden sniffing deeply before running her right thumb through her labia. Then, urgently snouting her way inside the blonde, the brunette seems to be urgently seeking the essence of her bitch-rival. Bobbi’s leaking pussy was still dilated from the stud dog, and she laps, tasting and inhaling the blonde as though the knowledge would give her an edge in the coming fight.
Above the experienced club member and her companion are drinking in every detail. The younger redhead is opening her blouse, giving herself access to her pink tipped breasts. Looking up she catches a wall screen that is showing what floor cameras are picking up, two gaping pussies, both slick with juice, and two rampant clitorises, fully extended and angrily swollen. Jayden’s tongue is still busy in Bobbi.
Pushing back her salt and pepper locks, the older member whispers, “Smell is our most primal sense; the taste and scent of her rival will fire each woman’s desire to fight to screaming point.”
Still riveted on the scene below, the redhead half moans, “With their tongues and noses immersed in each other’s bitch juice, they will be smelling and tasting each other while they fight.”
Her voice cracking with tension, her companion replies, “They might both be tasting something other than bitch juice before the end of the fight…”
The pre-fight rituals are now over, and a deep sounding gong is struck, and the excited chatter dies; below the mistress of ceremonies raises her hands as the two rivals crawl a half turn to face each other. Jayden and Bobbi start to coil ready for the next phase of their confrontation. They cannot contain their aggressive rivalry, two bitches on heat and in hate.
Jayden snarls at Bobbi, “I’m going to have your skin flayed, turned into a rug and I’ll fuck all your lovers on it.”
Bobbi growls back, “I’m going to have your skull made into goblet, and I’m going to milk every club dog stud into it, while a recording of me finishing you plays on loop!”
The mistress of ceremonies cracks her whip on the floor to bring the fighters to order. She intones clearly, “You have removed your chokers, you have entered the kennel, you have scented each other,” here she indicated the stud dog, “You have sheathed his cock up to the hilt.”
Leaving a slight pause she continues, “You know what it means, to enter the kennel? Tell me.”
In unison, the two women repeat the club’s kennel mantra, “To claw and to bite. To rip and to tear. To fight to a finish! No mercy, no quarter, only the alpha bitch can rut!”
The mistress of ceremonies takes over again, declaiming loudly, “The winning bitch will be the breeding bitch! The victory rut will take place on the place of combat. Are you both ready?”
First Bobbi, then Jayden growled, “Yes!”
Above the hush of the spectators is replaced by cheers as the two rivals snarl and start to prowl in a circle. Eyes wide with excitement, again the mistress brings down her riding crop on the floor, as she commands, “Dog fight bitches, FIGHT!”
Jayden: From the first time she came to the club, I knew she would be a problem, that I would have to show her who the top bitch was. Now facing her the musky scent of her pussy drives me wild to engage with her and prove that I am the alpha. her wild blonde hair and flashing blue eyes heightens my need to mount and dominate her and take the prize from her.
Bobbi: I knew one day I would have to fight her, fight her for the right to breed! I am naked now, on all fours, exactly as I have rehearsed in my dreams so many times. Above us is the glass and all the club members ready for the show, to see which bitch destroys the other tonight. I see her teeth bared in a half snarl, and I realise that I too am showing my fangs to show her that I except the challenge to fight to a finish
Jayden: We launch ourselves at each other, heavy breasts swaying as we crash together in the centre of the pit. I shift to my right, snapping my teeth at your left cheek, as I try to get my right arm, right paw over your back. We circle on our fours, snarling at each other and looking for an opening.
Bobbi: I feel your body heat and the hot breath as you try to close your teeth on my cheek. I know you are trying to slip your foreleg over my shoulder to try and flip me onto my back, so I push into you harder, rising on my hindlegs as I try to come down on top of you. Bringing my face down, trying to bite into the back of your neck, my breasts touch your back, I know you can feel how hard my nipples are. My sex drive is converted into sheer aggression and determination. My pussy is still open from the stud dog’s cock. I’m going to fight and finish you tonight and claim his thick cock as my own.
Jayden: As I push into you and you rear up, I am tempted to go for your dangling breasts, but know that risks getting you on top, so I continue to slip to my right, denying you purchase. My thick hair protects my neck from your attempt to bite into the nape. I keep twisting until we are side by side, hip to hip, pushing into you hard, trying to roll you over. I am snapping at your left shoulder and your neck, both of us starting to sweat under the hot lights.
As he watches intently, the dog stud’s cock is throbbing, it carries the scent of both bitches, and he is crazed with lust waiting for a throat to be torn open.
Bobbi: We are side to side I can feel your hot bitch breath as your bite at my neck. You have one limb over my shoulders and may be trying to roll me on my back. I pivot to my right, the two of us turning bitch-on-bitch. Your right shoulder is already too high for me to fasten onto, so I slip my head down, quickly biting into the side of your swaying right breast and hanging on. I shake my head and pull back, trying to rip your it and score first blood.
Jayden: I yelp as your teeth lock onto my right breast, an intimate attack on my breeding ability. You hang on, shaking your head and trying to open it, so growling I lower my head biting into the side of your left cheek hard. I push into you, trying to force you onto your side. This is now all out bitch-on-bitch warfare and we are both oblivious to anything other than our fight to a finish
Bobbi: the sharp pain of your teeth sinking into my cheek forces me to release my bite on your breast. Gasping I then raise my head, quickly butting my face into yours, pure animal aggression, but there are no rules in this fight. Then, I drag my left claw across your face but you manage to push me over onto my right side, my face is now against the black leather padding of the fighting kennel.
Jayden: I bite your cheek forcing you to lose your bite on my breast. I tumble you over but feel you clawing across my back. I quickly straddle your left side, my wet pussy pressing to your hip bone as my blonde hair falls down around your face and head. Wanting to pay you back, I lean down and bite into your left breast, clamping my teeth around your nipple and trying to rip it away. As you struggle against me, I rub my bitch pussy against your hip, asserting my sexual dominance, smearing my juice on you even as I try to maim you.
No male dog ever had such a strong sexual drive…the aggression of the two bitches brawling for his thrust makes his cock stream pre-come so his rearing shaft is slick with man juice…
Bobbi: I can feel your hot, wet pussy pressing on my hip as you lean closer your hair in my face. I tuck my chin down trying to shield my neck but you go for my right udder, getting a vicious bite on my thick nipple. I feel you trying to rip my nipple off, blood is running down my left cheek. There is no point in begging for mercy or submitting, this is bitch-on-bitch to a finish! I twist onto my back and continue to roll coming up on top of you and biting at once into your exposed belly. I pull my head back, stretching your flesh, I want to rip your womb right out!
Jayden: I am chewing on your nipple one moment, the next I am on my back. You are between my spread legs and biting into my taut abs, I know you want to tear my uterus. I roar and howl but it’s bitch killing bitch tonight down in the kennel with the stud dog looking on, so no cry for quarter will be heeded. I can’t get my legs around you because of the straps and if I slide backwards my cunt will be exposed. So, I reach up with both hands, grip your hair and jerk your head back. I then roll to my left, trying to toss you off me to make some room again.
Bobbi: I am chewing into your abs when you grab my hair and toss me to your left. I am thrown onto my right side as you roll to your left. Both of us struggle to rise. I lunge forward snapping at your neck. I miss and push back up on all fours, coming after you at once, not wanting to give you a second to recover. As you rise up, I lock my teeth into your left shoulder, trying to force you over again. We tumble to our sides and you quickly bite for my neck. I scoot back a foot and rise to all fours but you are coming at me again. Before I can dodge your teeth are in my shoulder. I snarl and bite into your shoulder, rising up onto my knees feeling you do the same as w push into each other fighting for position. Above us the other members of the club watch the deadly fight raging under the glass. Off to the side the stud dog waits, his cock rock hard, waiting to mate with the winning bitch, I catch his scent.
Jayden: We wrestle balanced on our hindlegs, my bare breasts slamming and pushing at each other as we jostle. You are biting my shoulder, I am biting yours, but I am the older more experienced bitch. I push against you as you fall backwards, bringing me on top of you. I can feel you squirm under me as I release your shoulder and strike at your neck. As we battle, our naked sweaty body grind together, breast to breast, belly to belly and mound to mound.
Up on the viewing roof the older and younger members’ hands are busy as they drink in the dramatic violence. The redhead gasps, “Oh fuck, I’m going to come again – is there anything sexier than watching a dog fight to a finish?” The older member replies, “Yes, being in one.”, With that she bears a scar on her shoulder.” The younger member comes hard, crying out, “Go on Jayden! kill the bitch for me!”
The older member whispers in her ear as she stops coming, “She won’t finish her, she’ll want to humiliate her and make her watch the victory fuck. It’s what I’d do.”
All around women are screaming for a kill, “Do it to her! Finish the slut! Show her who’s best!”
Bobbi: I am now on my back with you on top of me, tit-to-tit and cunt-to-cunt. I press your hips with my thighs and start to rock side to side trying to throw you off. I can feel you biting for the side of my neck. I bend my head to my shoulder trying to make it hard for you to get a grip. I buck and twist under you, trying to roll you off. My hands come up and push at your face, clawing at our cheeks.
The dog stud is looking at his handler to see if she thinks its ending…she’s seen it before so often. Her hand is wedged into her shorts; she picks up the pace as she works herself. She wants to time her orgasm for the kill. She looks at the stud dugs who is now stroking himself fast. She has let her attention wander and angry with herself she strikes his hand with her riding crop fearful that he might shoot his load outside the alpha bitch. leaning down she hisses at him, “not now you’ll be stretching the winner and making her victory worthwhile. If you lose it now I’ll geld you, there are other dogs that would love to take your place watching out of sight.”
Jayden: With the fighting halter on, you can’t use your legs to bridge up. I spread my weight on top of you, my breasts pushing yours down, my wet pussy thrusting and rubbing into yours as I try reach your throat. I grip your wrist with my right hand and force your hand away as you try to claw at me with your right hand, but I ignore that for now. I use my left hand to push your chin up then I shift my head over bring my teeth into contact with front of your throat. I can feel your entire body stiffen you realise what is about to happen. above in the crowd I hear the chant off some of the more experienced members start, urging me to finish you.
Bobbi: realise that I cannot unseat you, meanwhile I keep clawing at your face with one hand as you my chin back. I feel the fullness of your erect nipples rake across mine. even in what I now know will be a terminal situation I am aroused beyond measure, I wanted this fight as much as you did and I know you would feel the same were you in my position. as you shift above me, your stiff clitoris drags across mine and for the second time this evening sinks itself into my vaginal hood. I feel my own swell with pleasure even as I feel your teeth start to tear into my throat.
Jayden: this is what it is all about! Bitch on bitch now down in the kennel. My hot sweat-sheened, body arches full length on yours. I have one hand pinned and now use my left hand to pin down your right. My teeth are working deeper and deeper into your bitch throat, I can hear you growl in resistance as your pussy brims.
The crowd above is waiting for the red gush and part of me wants to hear the cheers as I tear through your throat. The thrill of knowing that not only you and I are coming that’s that many in the audience will be sharing that intimate sensation. As I dominate you, astride your struggling body, snarling and growling as your body convulses as I continue to spend emitting a strangled cry of violent lust. I can hear the cries of exultation from above the glass ceiling all fours, the victorious alpha bitch, my full swaying over my beaten barely conscious bitch rival.
“Finishing you here and now is too good for you, bitch! I want you to see me take the prize!” So saying, Jayden reverses so that she is kneeling above Bobbi’s head, looking down she sees her rival’s clitoris, still erect from the thrill of battle. Looking up Bobby can see the stud dog being led to take up position behind the victorious brunette.
Jayden’s victory fuels her sexual arousal to new heights, her clitoris extends and swells as juices seep down its length to glisten on the tip as she raised her delectable backside to receive stud dog. Bobbi watches the clear tear of juice form on the spike of her rival’s sex and despite herself, reaches for her own. The mistress of ceremonies slips the stud dog’s lead; this was the perfect time and place for the rut to take place, her defeated rival still conscious.
Instinctively, as Jayden hears the padding of her prize behind, and feels him start to mount her, she raises her muzzle and roars her triumph. She feels the bloated head of his cock pushing deep into her up to the hilt. Her excitement increases as she knows that her blonde rival is watching every thrust of the bloated shaft as it rammed in and out of her. Wild with lust the stud dog ruts with frenzied urgency, and as the first thick coils of hot come surge against her cervix, she gives full throat to her ecstasy as he snarls in lust, as she becomes…the breeding bitch!
The defeated blonde watchs enviously as the bulb of the stud dog’s cock contracting and tight balls churning as he shoots rope after rope into the victrix. Bobbi, in her battered state she is still aroused from the fight enough to work herself. In an act of humiliation, Jayden spits on her rival’s slit, demonstrating her total ownership as she commands the stud dog to withdraw. Bobbi is already coming, furious at her own lack of control and her lust. A cascade deluges the blonde as Jayden shouts at her, “Eat it bitch, taste the breeding bitch!”
Above, as the big screens show close ups of the scene, the auditorium is mixed with the sound of applause and women coming.
The End
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This is the way!
When I was around 12 I first saw 2 female dog fighting, with rows of tits swaying, trying to mount one another. N spreading all 4 to signal submission. I was aroused. As I got older I progress into loving femfights. But sometimes I do see myself as bitch , mounting, spreading all 4 while my sexual parts being tortured. What u wrote r so close to my heart. Thank you. Great job.
This is amazing!