About the Author
Written by Rival’s Rapture: Dotti D is one of the most popular and prolific writers on the FCF boards these days! Come see what all the fuss is about by reading through her quickly growing and viciously hot catalog!
Oh, and in case you were wondering, her real life measurements are 5’9”, 144 lbs, 40Ds. She is an auburn red-haired mom, a wife, and prefers catfights by referral, titfights, and hairfights. Affairs she has been actively engaged in since she was 22, giving her lots of first-hand experience to draw from for her stories.

Dotti D’s Stories
The Wealthy Games
Their stiff nipples and bumpy swelled areolas tent the fine made bra cups as the 2 women add to their jealous tension, Joyce then arches her back her hands ease the bra straps off her shoulders and then reach behind as she lets each of the 4 clasps pop free one at a time never losing Pam’s gaze, slowly Joyce eases the designer bra off and dangles it off her pointed index nail as her heavy full firm mass sways out a smirk on her lips as she hears gasps and see’s Pams eyes widen a bit in a throaty sexy tone she moans to Pam, “nmm you never faced another so full and firm have you Honey?”.
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Bourbon Street
She decides to show him and this bitch she can fight and Taylor arches up and lines to her rivals tips and stabs in hard the 2 sets of nipples meet at the tip but Taylor pulls back quick as Daphne lifts her nipples from the contact feeling the pointier nipples crease hers again, Taylor steps in and stabs her tips at Daphnes areolas and dimples the puffy areas as she does she sees her stiff nubs bend to the attack and Daphne reacts.
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After the Battle
Emily delivered a blow to the full breast then latched her nails into the supple firm breast and squeezed, as she did she twisted the mass and pulled cutting Margrets breast as she tortured it in her mauling grasp, their they were in middle of the wounded and dead, fighting for everything they had 1 set on her knees the other standing but bent at the waist over her neither face visible, as the fight seemed at a stalemate slowly Margaret was biting almost chewing as her hands flew up into Emilys hair and started to pull so slow and steady she was starting to force Emily into her side more.
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Then and Now
“I dont know what game you just pulled honey but if i find out you were playing in my sand box I’ll claw your tits off”, Karen turned tossing a top on the bed and as she faced Dina smiled , “If you think I am afraid your welcome to try anytime”, Dina about to lunge was stopped by her husbands call “Cmon D “.
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Settling The Estate
Loraine hearing the taunts starts to press harder and soon widens her thighs a bit as she pushes up and around and looks to move and loosen the big brown breasts with her own, as she continues to go at the other woman Padima feels the move deep in her breasts,
“uuwww uughhnn mmff mff you bitch” Padima groans as she tries to take Loraines advantage back and as she pushes her breasts in she is reminded of Loraines nipples stabbing hers at the base in her areolas, “Uhmmfff ohhhh”, “Cmon brown bitch feeling me hmm give now before i hurt you”.
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The Lost Colony
Gwens lips parted at the feel and as the flicks were delivered she felt her spine shutter, but she just inhaled a breath and as Nela glared Gwen speared her nipples into Nellas, and flicked left then right and before easing off sawed her shafts aside Nellas and speared the bumpy areoals of the indian girl.
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The Ladies Game
Every woman watching slowly sat up as the fight now was building, this what all wanted to see between these two, Victoria pushed in a more firmer manner and rolled her big mass up against Katrina’s set , as she stared in her rivals eyes Victoria arched and rolled shoulders back as her heels stood her ground her upper body gently was swayed back and forth like gentle waves of a lake.
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The Good Doctor
Both girls palms met as fingers clenched on hands and they pulled their arms in swelling the huge tits out more as they tugged hands each pulled other into her tits ‘Uhnn mmff mff ,” the room began to hear the volley of flesh meeting amid the grunts Danni hissed “cmon honey “ Jan gripped tighter “bring it cmon your the talker now”
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Never Know Who You’re Dealing With
Jade took breath in as did Carol and she squared to the blond ‘Ohhh I do” Carol squared her shoulders and the quiet room echos a fleshy CLOP as both women thrust tit to tit and grunt “UUghnmmff “ their heels step and click a bit more louder and faster as they step about the stall ring , ‘Cmon Bitch” ..‘Bring it Whore”.
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Mile High
Have you ever looked up at the feint sound of a private jet streaming over head? If you have did you wonder is that a rock star, actor, investor? Chances are any of those guesses are right but what you might never know or guess is what actually takes place on a private jet, oh sure parties and meetings and just travel but keep in mind at 10 thousand feet there is no law, rules or restraints, oh yes the FAA monitors the plane and flight plans but as the passengers go, its freedom.
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Huntress of the UnDead
Chapters 1-6
Their heavy breasts bellow and balloon between them, but their eyes stayed locked, the once dead empty glares now sparkle with life again and with it the feeling of ache and pain will be felt. Colette worried such a young healthy huntress was sent for she wants and needs to hurt her rival quickly to stay alive.
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Weekend Get Away
Inside the tent Danni and Cara stare , Danni asks softly as to not be recognized , “well here we are how we going to sort this out?”, Cara removes her tee her heavy breasts way out , Danni does the same then Cara eases off her thong and nods for Danni to do the same, they stand nude now and Cara eases closer to Danni and her fingers wander to Danni’s bush, Danni a bit put off returns the gesture and slowly both start to finger the other.
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Mother’s Vision
Chapters 1-5
Slowly in just wet shorts Bri marches Pam backward till her bare back bumps the wall, her hands rest on Pam’s hips and her torso starts to twist as she bumps, drags and shoves Pam’s breast easier, “yess yesss uhh uhhh thats it Bitch feel my tits, uhhh unmmfff Troy baby you nearly left me for this soft titled cow?….UUUUGGGMMFFF OOOOWWWW Bitch!!!!”.
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Who Is She?
Alana arches her back her proud round firm breasts stand out as she starts to pump and roll and drag into Gina’s, shifting them though it wasn’t easy she was working her rivals breasts but her own took a lot to do it, both were breathing heavy now and Gina was wincing and squirming as her breasts were getting the worse of it, “uughh ughhh you Bitch, ohhhh uumff umfff fucking cow uugggg”, Alana a wicked smirk, “uumff umff umff cmon bitch fight ,use those tits now honey hmm not so good with them are ya guess you are a stupid whore, uuhnn un nmff mff Bitch”.
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The Boutique
“Ohhh you Bitch cmon”, Karen curls her nose up, “uughhh Bitch come get more harder cmon”, their bodies squirm and churn a slow gyration as they try to lessen the other woman’s grip but know neither is easing her death grip, Karen starts to pin her thumb nails into donna’s tits, Donna shakes her head no as she groans, “Nooo Owwww BITCH”, Karen hurting as much spits, “Take it Bitch or give cmon”, they stutter step within their private circle, fingers turning round white meaty globes redder by the second, finger prints left in the red skin as they pull and rake fingers to get deeper fresh grips, slowly Karen is arching up, as Donna twists her meaty breasts, “Aghhh You BITCH!!”, Donna leans in her head a bit lower, “Stop crying out Bitch and fight no ones coming to stop us”, Karen legs a slight shake as her heels slowly skid backward, Donna sneers to herself sure she has her new rival in pain, “Feel it Bitch hmm?, i am gonna hurt your tits”, Karen turns her head side to side as she pants hard, ‘Ugghhh you Bitch my tits ohh I’ll hurt you for this Bitch”.
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Like a football player Gina lifts and in anger and fear drives her body forward till Debra’s bare back SLAPS on other wall her head snaps back hitting it as hard dazed she sinks in her rivals grasp and her breasts get pushed apart by Gina’s and now inside her foes cleavage Gina like a wild woman shoves pumps and thrusts at will battering the fuller tits on her foes chest, “Cmon bitch fight me ughh ughhh give you fucking cow” Debra hugging Gina to ease it can not speak her head drops to Gina’s shoulder and tears run down as her shoulders drop and Gina in a rhythm works her foe like a machine never feeling the lack of fight in her foe.
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The Text
Again they glared and Anne started to trace her breasts in her nails, “well i was going to settle with a titfight show him whose are better but after all your taunts i want that and a catfight just us till one of us begs for mercy do you still agree?” as she gave her breasts a squeeze and licked her lips , Rosa feeling disgusted but knowing a fight was imminent caressed her own bust at her new rival “nmmm i will love showing him he has the better woman and she has the better bust , i already told him i was leaving thursday so the day is all ours”.
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Never on a Sunday
As Karen slowed her attack but kept the pressure and firmness of it up she, tilted her face to stare right into Dinas and she even added pressing head on into her rivals tits to try and flatten her against her own chest, softly and with all the confidence she can muster Karen stares at her sister in laws face lips nearly touching and hotly whispers “uwww mmmm your done aren’t you Bitch hmm say it I’ll stop if you dont ill work them till you cant wear a bra”.
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Their heels now start to sound like a dance going on as their once sturdy stances were being shifted to keep their rival in front of them, Patty gripped Roxannes elbows tighter and would pull her in between these swaying motions issuing a 3rd hit to the rhythm she wanted to start, Roxy was feeling the big bust on her own and sweat broke out more as she tried to twist her hands and arms to either grab Patties or get free, “Where you going bitch hmm” Patty teased.
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The Product
The 2 women barely shift as they pull so tight they draw other in and cant maneuver much but their hands like steel traps hold as roots and strands are heard snapping amid the gurgling hisses of pain, each woman stands legs straight and backs arched as heads are held by roots in others grip snarled lips form white teeth gritted to deal with the pain, lana”cmon you bitch” cindy “lets go whore uughh “.
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The Commute
Jan breathed in “I know what it is silly I just don’t know why they are or why here” as they watched the fight slowly Jan saw that Molly was toying with Ann, she was smiling as Ann was straining to match her bigger foe, then Jan gasped as Molly guided Ann to the glass window and pinned her bare back to it and slowly was grinding , rubbing, dragging her bigger tits and Anns tits across her chest and Ann had her head up and back as Molly was hurting her.
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Mother Knows Best
They rub slow nipples tent out and Pam hisses, “You two going to prove something or rub bodies lets go”, Desiree eases back and unties her top and as she bares her mass Pam licks her lisp then Katerina follows suit, as their vein round breasts sway free the girls stare with a jealous hate as both are so full and firm Pam sits back as she sneers..”ladies you have all day begin”.
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A Secret A Passion
Mary sits gasping her huge tits out as she lifts and sucks her nipples her mind pictures the closet duel with Sue and her chance to feel another woman in a mutual fight as she brings herself to a second orgasm she hears her man walking in and rapes him for hours to ease the itch, back at Sues its a replay of Mary’s home as she rides her man to ecstasy.
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The Long Way Home
Maria rubs her cheek as she gets on her feet, “oh whore you are gonna get a fight but the only kitty here is that used pussy of yours, cmon kitten the leashes are off now let’s go”, both she cats crouch a bit, hands open as fingers curl to claws, their racing heart beats the only sound they hear, slowly their lips curl back bodies tense, both poised to attack, fear, pride, confidence jealousy, rage and more run through their boiling blood, both accept there is only one choice fight like a wild cat or be torn up by one.
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Her Eyes
Like two snakes let loose on each other they wrap thighs up arms around each other rolling screams, grunts and cries ring out , slowly Alana delivers a slap to Terri that pauses her advantage on top. Alana squirms and churns under her and starts to push up to get free, “You Bitch i am gonna claw you to shreds” she growls but it was to little to late, Terri pounces on her back and snakes an arm under her neck, her other hand digs in to Alana’s scalp and snaps her head back by the bangs of her hair.
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Not on My Street
They glare in others eyes as they barely rub their breasts, Candy a soft whisper, “wanna do it like this or do i come in and we fight?”, Doris a soft whisper back, “ohhh as long as we do it but you can come in be the last time”. Candy smirks, “unless i win then its your last time honey” .
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She Will Make a Good Wife
Slowly as they step closer their tits swell and start to rub side to side at the others breasts, the round shapes become misshapen as the size and resistance of ehr rivals breasts push back and lose their shape. Betty feeling Gia has some power reaches out and grabs her rivals forearms, Gia feeling the weight and power in Betty does the same, Betty snarling a lip as she works to shove her tits into Gia’\;s “Cmon Bitch Fight my tits”, Betty pulls Gia at her, Cmon Bitch my tits wanna fight yours lets go”.
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Peggy the Traveler
Before they move Sophia and Peggy lay down their rules, “no hands to breasts till it is over “, peggy fully agrees but says, “slow and compare before or as we start winner takes bras , milk and face sit loser”, Sophia agrees but says, “or breast smother yes?”, Peggy “yes”, they stand up Peggy to us, “i’ll be back… she looks at Sophia a while “ we nod and they both head off down the cobble stone street.
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Mothers Day War
Rose widened her thighs to straddle Moms but as she tried mom snaked her calf around Roses knee, Rose stares at her and snarls “watch what you do bitch” as Mom turns her head she sneers, Roses eyes get wide and Mom grabs her by the hair and pulls her head back Rose reacts “aawwww bitch my hair” then Mom stands up and pulls her leg in buckling Roses knee, as she pitches forward Mom pulls her head down to her tits and shoves them in Roses face and spins Rose, slaps her bare back on the wall, “aaaghhh uumffff bitch ohhh owww cxnt” Rose angry grabs at Moms hair and it was like a replay of her and Gina as they tear at others scalp while using their tits to fight, both grunt and pant as they tug and yank, Mom can’t hide Roses strength “awww bitch my hair fucking whore”.
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The Nemesis
Both want to really fight but they know they have to settle this titfight Trevor needs to know but they do as well, they let cooler heads take over as Gwen bends to Peggy’s nipples looks up, “get ready to give up” , Peggy sneers , “i am waiting talker”, then Gwen swallows the left nipple and instantly returns the teeth pinching hold on Peggy’s thick nipple, Peggy rolls her head , “uuughhh bitch cmon harder “, Gwen chews and pulls at it, “all night bitch “ she spits as Peggy feels the stretching pinch and sees and feels her aureola stretch with Gwen’s teeth, “ahhhh ohhh you bitch,” Gwen knows she got early to Peggy this set and her hands press at Peggy’s shoulders as she pulls out more her teeth sink in tighter , “Peggy feels it now, “ooohhh uughhh my nipple ohh you Bitch , you wait ohh owww fuck”, Peggy holds her rivals hair but doesn’t want to pull her off her nipple and be forced to say she gives, she grits her teeth and endures it, squirming in the bar stool as Gwen works her stiff nipple then the timer dings, but Gwen doesn’t stop instantly and now Peggy lifts her off the nipple by the hair, “Times up bitch”.
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I Spy Series
Parts 1 – 7
The fight began much like first with June taking control early her thicker nipples pushing Bevs easily, but as the 2 dueled again Bev started back at her rival faster and dragged across Junes breasts deeply making the raven woman arch and groan in pain, “uuugghnnn ohhh uuwww sss bitch” then June took things to a higher level , feeling Bev take control and her still deep sore breasts give June swung a palm and slapped Bevs right breasts hard.
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Parts 8 – 14
Doris was crying and kicking and as she covered her tits Dagmar would slap her face if she pulled at the choke hold Dagmar clawed her tits, as Doris face turn redder and being beaten up was growing tired Dagmar leaned over her , her own big tits on Doris’s head, allowed Doris to reach back with both hands and her nails caught hair and Dagmars face, Doris’s talons scored furrows in her face and made Dagmar release her hold as she grabbed at her own face Doris bucked and squirmed and got the brown girl off her.
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Parts: 15-26
Doris and i parked our rears on a bumper of a car and watched as we heard the echo of heels clammer down the steps then saw Debra then Bev then Anna swagger across the parking area to the enclosed area, Deb simply dropped her purse and stepped in and circled in to far wall and stood hands on hips, as Bev reached the walled ring she dropped her purse and slowly stepped in not making a circle but facing Deb across the rough cement floor, I could only guess she was re seeing her fight with June here and telling herself not again, Anna stepped closer to see as she stood looking on, i heard Bev ask “So Debra how shall we Dance?”.
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