Dreams to Reality by Emily Angel

My dreams as of late have given me great pleasure but have also scared me with the realization of who I can trust and who I can’t trust. Last night’s dream had me wake breathing hard and in a cold sweat.

I dreamt of my lover, Aria and I, naked with her legs coiled around my hips as I was leaning her against the wall of her house. I pounded my body into her so hard, I dented the drywall. She pulled my hair hard as we kissed passionately.  After an explosive orgasm, I carried her to her large bed and threw her onto the mattress. I moved in between her legs when a slender arm came over my chest and started to caress my large breasts.

“May I join in?” Cooed the sultry voice of Bailey, Aria’s and my lover. The three of us were a slutty triangle of lust.

Aria smiled up at us as she arched her hips and scissor’d my thighs to bring our wet mounds back into a slow grind. Bailey sunk her teeth into the nape of my neck as her strong fingers kneaded my dense tits. I reach back around my body to grasp her ass and pull her more into me. My fingers sought the crack and the puckered flesh hidden. I pushed a finger into Bailey as I moaned out, my delicate flower being devoured my Aria’s ravenous cunt. The three of us fucked, traded positions, got off many times and lay together on the bed as I fell asleep. I awoke with a start to see women grabbing and pulling Aria and Bailey away. I tried to move but I was tied to the bed. Bailey was bound and being led away by a tall woman with short dark hair. I turned my head to Aria, her mouth gagged as her hands were bound behind her back. Our eyes met and I could see fear there. I struggled and tried to scream, but a gag was placed over my mouth. The woman nearest to Aria, slammed a right fist into her belly, making my raven haired lover double over. The woman pulled Aria up and whispered in her ear.

“Emily is mine!” The voice said and I knew that voice but I couldn’t place it.

The woman who spoke to me grasped Aria around the throat and started to choke her. I could see the desperation in my lover’s eyes as the life was starting to drain out of her. I thrashed and screamed into the bonds and my gag. Then I woke up in my bed. My breathing coming hard as I was drenched with sweat from head to toe. I reached across the night stand for my cell phone and texted Aria. I waited a few moments and texted again. Nothing. I called her number, it went to voice mail right away. I panicked and got dressed in a baggy t-shirt and shorts, not bothering to put on a bra or panties and ran out of my house to my car. I didn’t get pulled over as I sped through the city streets towards Aria’s house. I used my key to enter and the place was wrecked. I called out her name and Bailey’s with no response and I rushed to the bed room. It looked like a tornado went off and I froze. Written on the wall in red were written, East Coast and Europe, they are mine as well, whore!

I pulled my contacts up and first dialed Becky, who lived on the Eastern coast of the US. Again the phone went immediately to voice mail. I pulled up Tania’s number and hit it, this time the phone rang and rang before the voice mail picked up. But what frightened me was the voice mail.

“Emily, your blonde fuck bitch is with me now. Just know that you caused this all to happen. You will never see them again!” The voice was the same in my dreams.

I was certainly no super sleuth but I rummaged around the messy room. Lodged under some torn clothing was a flyer for the Oktoberfest event going on today. I turned it over and written in red on the back.

“Dress up for this, slut. Maybe you will find another clue! Enjoy the Hafbrau. No cops or you will never see them again!”

My hands were shaking as I held the piece of paper, then I noticed one outfit that seemed to neatly lay on thrown about clothing. It was a sexy fraulien lederhosen outfit. The white top would show off much of my ample cleavage and the red skirt would barely cover my ass. The thigh high stockings were white and seemed to be my size. Whoever this was knew all about me. I knew the four women I loved most in this world were in danger as I put on the outfit and went back to my car. I drove to the Oktoberfest grounds. The event would not be kicking off for a few hours. Only a few people milled around in traditional German costumes.

I walked around the empty grounds looking for anything that said Hafbrau. There had to be at least 10 different beer stands with Hafbrau being served. I looked around each one but didn’t see anything that even remotely resembled a clue. The largest stand was locked. It was a cheap lock and as I looked down, seemingly dejected, I saw two bobby pins on the ground. I got the bobby pins into the lock and tried to remember what they did in the movies. It actually didn’t take long for the lock to spring open. I went inside and started looking around. Nothing seemed to stick out and me. I almost started to cry when my face turned towards the beer taps. Around one hung a rosary. I pulled it off and examined it. I knew it because it had once been mine. I stared down at it as I turned to step out of the closed beer stand, but walked tit to tit into another woman coming.

I bounced a step back and my head came up. The brown haired woman standing in front of me was a little taller but her outfit matched mine with the excepting of her skirt have blue accents and mine having red. The small name tag on the left side of her white blouse said Anna. Her boobs were huge!

“Caught you red handed, bitch,” she said with snarl and glare.

“I didn’t steal anything and I am in a hurry if you don’t mind,” I said back to her.

“You aren’t going anywhere, bitch,” Anna replied, “Not until you put back what you took.”

“Listen, Anna,” I said, “The rosary is mine. And please stop calling me bitch.”

“Yeah right,” she said, “I know you stole shit. The phone call I got said you were, bitch.”

“What phone call?” I asked, ignoring the third bitch.

“The one I got telling me some, bitch, was stealing from my stand,” Anna replied as she held the cell phone out in her hand.

As if on impulse, I reached for Anna’s phone, which she pulled back and our big breasts pushed together.

“I need that number,” I said, unable to hide the anger in my voice.

“Fuck you!” Anna said back. She bucked her tits back into mine. “You ain’t getting shit!”

“You cunt!” I said loudly and smacked my covered boobs into hers.

We stared at each other and both placed the items in our hands on the counter. We grasped forearms and stared with anger at the other. WE pulled each other into a muted thud of our big tits. We repeated it again, but this time harder as the tops of our white low cut shirts came down more. We reared back again and thrust breasts into a meaty slap. I could feel more of our skin meeting as we did this over again. Our tops finally worked their way under our tits and the next meeting. Anna’s tits were big, probably bigger than mine and that was saying something. When we came together again. I turned my chest and my left breasts slammed into her left, then I twisted back and let my big tits slap across hers. She grunted and growled, swinging her tits back at mine. We held each other close as big boobs and hard nipples smacked back and forth. My tits were really starting to hurt and I needed a break from the smacking and slamming. I let go of Anna’s forearms and pulled her into a clinch. She returned to the move and we both tightened as heads rested on shoulders. I could feel her hard nipples stab into my flesh and I groaned out, pulling her closer, causing her to groan. We started to stumble back more into the stand as she turned and pushed my back against a counter. I felt my body being bent backwards over the counter.

“Got you now, bitch!” Anna growled into my ear.

“Stop calling me bitch!” I yelled and grabbed the back of her hair.

I heard her yelp as I pulled her back, letting me push off the counter. Then I felt my own hair being pulled. We let out shrieks as we started yanked head from side to side. We hit the counters in the small space. I pushed her against one wall and tried to pin her. She pulled my head back and her foot came behind my leg and we tumbled to the floor inside the booth. I felt a clawed hand grab my right tit and I screamed out in pain. I pulled my left hand from Anna’s hair and grabbed her right tit and twisted. Both of us cried out as we rolled back and forth, pulling hair and squeezing a tit. I grabbed her nipple and pulled it out as I twisted. The brunette cried out and pushed my tit towards my face. I thought it was going to rip off. We let go at around the same time and started to rip and tear at the rest of our outfits. It didn’t take long for Anna and I to be just in the thigh high white stockings. Our bodies slammed back together as we pulled at hair. We went back down to the floor and rolled from side to side. Whenever one of us stayed on top for a bit, we pulled up and smacked down our large boobs on the other pair.

“Fucking thief!” Anna cursed at me.

“WHORE! I am not a thief!” I cursed back, “I am trying to save my friends!”

That made her pause and I took advantage and rolled her onto her back. She screamed out and her hands clawed at my fleshy ass cheeks. We rolled again to our sides with her hands and my hands grabbing the large breasts and digging nails. Our heads flew back in mutual anguish and screams.

“They…are….missing….” I breathed out. “The….rosary….is….mine…from…high…school…”

Anna let go of my tits as I let go of hers.

“Are you serious?” She asked as she rubbed her reddened breasts.

“I am,” I answered her, “Can I get the number please?”

We both sat up and she handed me the phone. I checked the number and knew the area code. I dialed the number from my cell phone, but it said the number was disconnected. The area code was from the small town where I attended the all-girls school, a catholic school for girls with rough backgrounds. I had left the rosary when I graduated.

“Can’t you call the cops?” Anna asked.

I shook my head, “Whoever is doing this, said they would get hurt if I did that. But now I know where I have to go.”

“So no cops and you are doing this alone?” Anna again asked as she tried to dress the best she could.

“I have no choice,” I shrugged as I dressed in torn clothing.

“Well I can’t let you go off by yourself!” Anna Said as she opened the till and pulled out wads of cash.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“I am coming with you,” she said like it was no big deal.

“I just met you and we had a catfight!” I said.

“Yeah, well I have lots of tit fights and catfights,” Anna replied. “You are going to need my help and I am not a cop so it doesn’t break any of this bitches rules.”

“Ok,” I smiled. “We are driving to rural Wisconsin.”

In a dark room, four women lay in four separate beds. They had been asleep for several hours.

“Time to wake up,” came a booming female voice.

All four sat up and realized they were naked.

“Where the fuck are we?” Bailey asked in a loud voice.

“You are right where I fucking want you, Bailey!” The woman’s voice said. “You are all Emily’s lovers, though some of you never met. That slut has lovers all over. Only cute little Aria and the so called badass Bailey know each other. Do any of you feel wronged? I know I would.”

The four women traded looks and for some reason each felt jealous towards the other. They normally wouldn’t care but now, here, their anger started to rise.

“What you cunts don’t realize is in your blood stream is an experimental drug,” the woman’s voice said over the speaker. “It was designed by a Russian scientist for his government to bring out a more aggressive soldier. It had horrible results on the male subjects as they killed each other. But when tested on females, it just made them instantly jealous which lead to wild fights and extreme arousal. That is what I want to see. Emily’s lovers fighting amongst yourselves. Come on Becky, don’t you realize that when Emily missed her last trip, it was because she spent more time with Aria here!”

Becky turned her head to look at the raven haired Aria. They exchanged mutual glares.

“Oh and Bailey, Tania and Emily had what Emily called her wildest fuck, even more than when you and her punched each other’s bellies until you orgasmed.”

Tania’s mouth turned up in a smile as she looked at Bailey. The brunette’s eyes narrowed at the blonde as she dropped the covers and showed Tania her naked body underneath.

Something in Aria made her get off her small bed and stand naked facing a rising Becky. The two women stared at the other as they moved around the ends of the bed towards each other.

Bailey threw the covers back and hissed as she bounded over the bed separated Tania and herself. The two naked bodies slammed together and went down to Tania’s bed.

Becky and Aria pressed their breasts together, each feeling the fullness of the dense flesh. They started to bump the tits against the other. First their arms were down at their sides but soon it had them grasp forearms for the harder pull to make the large breasts smack loudly. There was a moan coming from the loudspeaker as the women who orchestrated this whole thing was getting off at the sight.

Bailey and Tania pulled violently at the other’s hair as their toned bodies grappled wildly on the small bed. It didn’t take long for one hand each to leave hair and start punching at bodies and heads. They rolled to their sides and Bailey pulled sharply on Tania’s hair before punching her hard in the blonde woman’s toned abs. Tania let out a loud groan as the fist buried deep. Her brown haired rival rolled her over to get on top but the blonde threw her left knee which slammed into Bailey’s pussy. Bailey fell forward with her breasts slamming into Tania’s face. The blonde rolled them over but there was no more bed and they tumbled to the tile floor. Legs tightened like vines as they began a rolling catball.

The smack of the tits meeting was getting louder as Aria and Becky pulled back and rammed forward. Both sets were becoming red and swollen. The two women shrieked out and reached up for hair. Becky became the immediate aggressor and pushed Arai back until her legs hit a bed. The raven haired beauty pulled the busty brunette down on top of her with a thud. Their legs snaked together as they made little rolls back and forth. Aria pushed up when she was on the bottom to separate their bodies to reach in and grab tow handfuls of big tits. Becky cried out in pain but released Aria’s hair and reached down to grab her tits. Both women threw their heads back in agony as the mounds of flesh were pulled and twisted. Eyes locked back in cruel glares as they kneaded the flesh. Aria bucked her hips and it made Becky lose her position and they fell off the bed. Hands went back to hair as they pulled and rolled. They came to a stop with Aria on top, but as she looked up, a rolling Tania and Bailey barreled into them.

The four women paused to catch their breath and stare at the each other. Blonde Tania turned her attention to the dark haired Aria as Bailey locked eyes with Becky. The newly paired off women crawled to the other.

Aria threw her body at Tania with her claws aimed for the beautiful blonde’s face. They fell over to the floor, tit to tit and pussy to pussy. Their hands fought as they slowly rolled over and then back again. Each felt and smelt the arousal.

“She wants me!” Tania yelled into Aria’s face.

“Fuck you! She wants me!” Aria cried back as she started to grind her hips into the other woman. “I am going to fuck you in two!”

“Bring it whore!” Tania replied as she opened her thighs to let their cunts battle.

Bailey and Becky slammed together on their knees with one hand going to hair and then other slapping over the other’s pussy. Fingers entered warm, wet spaces as each woman nipped teeth at lips. Heads were yanked back and forth as fingers expertly fucked the other. Bailey’s fingers were driving into the pussy at a fast pace with Becky matching her speed. Their breasts bounced and slapped together with each pulling heads done and mashing lips. Tongues entered mouths and began to wrestle with the other’s tongue. Each woman began to feel the tinges of an impending orgasm but fought hard to stave the wave of pleasure. Gobs of spittle dripped onto tits as they tried to choke the other with her tongue. Thumbs pressed and slapped against growing clits and neither could control what was happening. Their hips began to gyrate and buck!

“Fucking whore! I’m cummmming!” Becky screamed out.

“Slutty cunt! Cummmming!” Bailey said at almost the same time.

They fell away from the other and rubbed their pussies, squirting girl cum over the other’s body.

Tania and Aria had their legs scissor together as they smack wet pussies like they were punching the other with her cunt. They heard the screaming of the other two women and looked over to see Becky and Bailey fall to their backs and squirt on the other. It set Aria and Tania off as they did the same. Fingering and rubbing hard, they screamed out as they showered the other.

“See Lori,” the woman in the next room watching said. “It heightens all their sexual senses and abilities. Let’s see if they continue to fight.” Lori walked behind the seated woman and ran her hands down to the huge covered breasts.

Aria turned over and saw that Bailey did the same.

“I hate you, whore!” Aria whispered.

“I hate you more, bitch!” Bailey whispered back. They reached for dark hair at the same time.

Becky saw that Tania was still on her back as she got to hands and knees. She pounced with her breasts slamming into the blonde’s pair but inverted. Their faces mashed into bellies as they used one arm to wrap around the other and one hand to grab pussies and squeeze. Each screamed into her rival’s belly as they slowly rolled across the tile floor. Finger found puffy labia to pull and twist as the screams became shriller.

Bailey and Aria were a whirl of motion as they locked legs and ground tits into the other. Teeth were bared as they bit at lips and cheeks. Bailey smacked a hand over the raven haired woman’s ass with her fingers going into the crack, nails scratching at the dark star. Aria howled out and locked her teeth onto Bailey’s chin. Her hands reached in between them to dig her long nails into Bailey’s tits, raking the skin, leaving red welts.

Lori looked up to the monitor, “I think they are going to kill each other!”

The seated woman sighed and got to her feet, “As much as I want to hurt that cunt, Emily, we still need these four sluts.” She grabbed a Taser and walked into the room with the fighting woman. She tased each pair, sending them into convulsions and unconsciousness.

Lori looked at the naked women laying on the floor. “You are so devious, Theresa! I can’t believe you were once a nun!”

The huge boobed blonde, formerly Sister Theresa, smiled as she took Lori and pulled her in for a rough kiss. Breaking it she spoke in a harsh whisper to the busty brunette, “You can that Emily, that she devil for this change. If it hadn’t been for her and that fight we had, I would never have turned out so magnificent. That little bitch and her new friend should be arriving soon. I hope you are ready.” The two woman could not keep their hands off the other as they left the room and locked the door.

Driving, 3 hours out from the town where Saint Joan’s School for Girls once stood. The school closed after a sex scandal involving nuns and the girls going to school. Anna and I spoke a little when I told her a little about my life there.

“That is a lot to take in,” Anna said as she stretched in the passenger’s seat. “All those rules, uniforms, old nuns. I would have lost it.”

I laughed, “Where do you think the sexy school girl costume came from? And there were actually a fair share of younger nuns there. Some were cool, others were complete cunts!”

We sat in silence for most of the three hours until we arrived in front of the abandoned school and chapel. We got out of the car and walked to where a thick chain and heavy pad lock closed the entrance.

“Emily, the padlock is open,” Anna said as she showed me the lock and pulled it free. The chain fell away and we opened the fence up.

It was getting darker and I pulled out my cell phone and found the flashlight app. We walked to the front doors of the school and entered. The floors were dusty and full of trash. Old classrooms were opened and still had the desks I sat in as a senior in this school. We walked down the vacant halls until I came to a place very familiar. It was my old locker. While all the lockers around it were open, my old one was shut.

“Do you remember the combo?” Anna asked.

“I have no fucking clue,” I answered, but I tried the latch to be sure. It opened. Inside was a package and a note. I opened it up and read it aloud. “Glad you could finally make, whore! Inside the package you will find something that will make you feel like you are home. I hope you remember where we last met. If you are unsure, remember it where I caught you and the little blonde doing something that only a demoness would do.”

I crumpled the note and threw it to the floor. “Sister Theresa!” I said aloud.

“Who the fuck is that?” Anna asked and I leaned against the locker. “Here is the story….”

Wendy and I had snuck out of our rooms to meet as we had been doing for weeks in the chapel attached to the school. We slid our tongues together as our fingers pulled aside panties for us to finger each other. The kissing kept the moans down. But this night was different. I felt like someone was watching us and I couldn’t get the feeling out of my head. We were behind the last pew and all of a sudden a light shown on us. Wendy and I quickly separated.

“You two abominations are fornicating in the Lord’s house!” Came the voice of Sister Teresa, one of the nuns who I hated. The bitch had it out for me. “Wendy, you go back to your room and pray on this. Pray that you aren’t expelled when the Mother Superior hears of what you have been doing.” Wendy got up quickly, straightening her uniform and ran out of the chapel.

“So how many Hail Mary’s this time?” I asked in my normal I don’t give a fuck attitude.

Sister Theresa grabbed my right ear and twisted. I yelped in pain as I was pulled to my feet by my ear. She pulled me along as she got closer to the confessional booth. “You need to confess, demon spawn!”

“Ow! You aren’t…OW… a priest!” I cried out. I grabbed her wrist and dug my nails in. She cried out in pain and let go.

I spun around to face her. She was a couple inches taller than I was and the robe muted whatever sort of body she had. I narrowed my eyes and gave her the finger. She slapped me hard across my face. I held my cheek.

“You will confess, and I will hear it!” Sister Teresa said loudly.

“The fuck I will, bitch!” I said as I was slapped again, but this time I returned it. The nun looked at me in bewilderment. “Don’t like it when it happens to you?!?”

She opened the door to the parishioner side of the confessional booth and grabbed my arm. I pulled back but she held on tight. I grabbed her and tried to push her away and then she grabbed my hair. I went crazy and grabbed her habit and pulled it off. It had been pinned to her hair which shook loose in a dirty blonde mass. She let go of my arm and put her other hand in the hair and I did the same to her. We turned and little with me stepping on her robe and slipping, going backwards into the open door of the confessional booth, pulling her with me. My ass hit the little bench as I was forced to sit with Sister Theresa slamming into me. Her chest hit my face and I realized her tits were huge! I let go of her hair and grabbed the black robe she wore and started to pull on it. She howled in rage as she grabbed at my hands. My tennis shoes held down the hem as I pulled the opposite way with my hands. The cloth began to tear.

“YOU LITTLE BITCH!” Sister Theresa yelled. Her hands left my wrists as she grabbed my shoulders to shove me away. This caused a few buttons on my white shirt to pop off.

“FUCKING WHORE!” I screamed back as the neckline of the sister’s robe tore open and down, exposing a bra that could barely contain her huge tits. I paused as I looked at the massive orbs, the biggest I had ever seen.

“DAMN YOU!” Sister Theresa howled out at me. She ripped the shirt I was wearing open.

I moved my feet under the bench and found the wall and pushed. I surged forward with our bra covered boobs mashed together as the blonde stepped on her falling robes and tripped backwards. We fell out of the booth. I looked over and laughed at the nun as her robe was down to her knees, showing me her high cut cotton panties. I was figuring now that she was in her undies, it was over, but her eyes, streaming tears from humiliation glared at me. She turned and jumped at me. Her body slammed into my and we fell back to the stone floor of the chapel. Her hands grabbed my short hair as I grabbed her wild blonde hair. I kicked with my shoe covered feet and the robe slipped the rest of the way off. Her massive bra covered tits were crushing down onto mine. I was having trouble breathing. I moved my left hand and pinched the right side of her big white bra. She screamed out and rolled off of me.

“YOU DIRTY SLUT!” Sister Theresa screamed at me.

I laughed at her, “You might as well quit now, bitch!”

“I wasn’t always a nun, bitch! Since you want to get nasty, I can as well,” she said as she glared at me.

We both got up from our butts and got to knees on the stone floor. It didn’t feel great on the knees but I knew we were both going to hurt more very quickly. Hands reached for our hair at the same time and our bra covered tits slammed together. We tipped over and fell to our sides with legs kicking out. I still had my tennis shoes on and Theresa had on the ugly loafers the nuns wore. The shoe covered feet kicked and shins. We let out sharp yelps of pain as feet connected. She tried to roll me to my back and I wrapped my legs around her left leg and continued the roll. We rolled to the booth and then back until we hit a pew. I could feel tufts of my hair being torn out and I made sure to yank her hair out of her head. Our big boobs fought for space and my bra was working down some. Her bra was holding up a lot better than mine was. I finally felt some relief on my head as she let go. Then I felt her hands on my back and working on the back clasps of my bra.

I grunted out some trash talk, “You call me a dirty slut? You are a nasty cunt!” I dropped my hands from her blonde and moved fingers to unhook her bra.

We shoved away from each other and got to our feet, dropping the bras on the chapel floor. Sister Theresa’s tits were big, round and sat high with no sag at all, they almost looked fake. She was a couple of cups sizes bigger than me. I didn’t give her a chance to say anything as I charged and tackled her back into the rows of wooden pews. We fell on one with me on top and I grabbed those big knockers and squeezed. She screamed out and I felt her hands on my tits with her short nails digging in. Her feet pressed into the wooded bench of the pew and we slid down the pew head first. My uniform skirt was around my waist as we were panty to panty. We got to the end of the pew still pulling and mauling tits. Theresa rolled us off the pew and onto the stone floor. We broke apart and I rolled under the pew in front. I pulled myself up as she did and moved around to the aisle. She came around and lunged at me. We grabbed at hair again as we stumbled down the aisle close to the front of church. I twisted my body and we fell again and rolled until we hit the Voltive and knocked the lit candles off. The hot wax fell on our naked chests and we both screamed out and pushed apart. I tried to rub the hardening wax off my arms and tits. Sister Theresa rose and was doing the same. I rushed at her and tackled her over the railing and onto the carpeted area in front of the alter.

“ABOMINATION!” She yelled as we wrestled on the carpet. As I rolled on top she slapped my back and then grabbed the waistband of both my skirt and white cotton panties and pulled up.

“YOU FUCKING SLUT!” I screamed at her as I was rolled over. I let go of her hair and dragged my nails down her back to her cotton underwear, grabbing and pulling them.

My skirt zipper broke and my panties tore as I felt hers give way. For a brief second I knew I was going to Hell because I was not fighting with a woman of God and we were naked. She and I started slapping and scratching down sides and ass cheeks. I sunk my teeth into her chin as she howled and I felt her hands on my DDD cupped tits. I screamed out as my tits were crushed in her strong grip. We rolled to sides and I grabbed back at her big breasts. I twisted the knockers, turning my wrists in and out. She put her right leg up to brace her foot against the step up to the alter, so I kneed her between the legs. She folded up and I rolled her to her stomach. I got on the small of her back and pulled her head up by the hair. Her back bent the wrong way and she started crying.

I bent down and whispered in her ear, “You just had a naked catfight with a student in the chapel. If you try and report it or try to get me expelled, I will make sure everyone knows about this.” I let her drop to the carpeted floor in front of the alter. I looked up at the cross with Jesus on it. “Sorry.”

I picked up my torn clothing and tried to cover myself and dress. I kicked Sister Theresa’s robes and an ornate rosary fell out. I picked it up, holding it up as she looked over at me.

“This is mine until I graduate,” I said as I put it around my neck and tucked it inside my tied shirt.

“HOLY FUCK!” Anna exclaimed as I finished, “And I guess you gave it back.”

“I pretty much threw it at her, but she never ratted me out,” I said.

I opened the package and shook my head. Two sets of a raunchy version of a school girl outfit were inside.

“This fucking bitch!” I said as I showed the brown haired Anna what was inside.

“So are we supposed to put these on?” She asked.

“I guess,” I answered, “But I am not going to force you to wear it.”

“I have worn less before,” Anna said as she started to get undressed. I did the same.

The outfits both had very tight white blouses that had to be tied under our tits. The reddish plaid skirts barely covered my ass. The thigh mesh stockings were white. I looked back in the bottom of the locker and two sets of red heels. I was surprised they fit so well.

“So where now?” Anna asked as she adjusted her braless tits in the blouse.

“I guess we head to the chapel,” I said as I turned down the hall of the vacant school and walked towards the chapel.

The wood door creaked loudly as we entered. The chapel was completely dark with the exception of one candle lit near the Voltive. We avoided the trash and knocked over pews and made our way to the front of the chapel. Inside the Voltive were four candles. I took the single stick and lit it, lighting all four of the candles. The light from the lit candles showed a rolled up piece of paper in the Voltive. I unrolled it and used the light to see the words. TURN AROUND, it said.

There was click click click on the stone floor as Anna and I turned quickly. Two women stood at the entrance to the chapel. I recognized Theresa immediately. Six years seemed to do her good. She and the dark haired woman next to her wore the identical outfits to Anna and me. Hell, Theresa’s tits looked bigger in the tied off white blouse.

“Hello, bitch,” I said before she could open her mouth. “Who is your friend here?”

“Oh this, you little slut, is Lori,” Theresa hissed. “If you wouldn’t have found your buddy here, Lori and I would have had lots of lots of nasty fun with you.”

“Where are my friends?” I asked loudly.

“You mean the four sluts?” Theresa said she out a hand on her hip. “You may never find them. They have not gotten along at all. They needed such supervision so they wouldn’t kill each other. I hope those naked cunts are getting along now.”

“I am going to beat the shit out of you, cunt!” I yelled out as I started towards Theresa. She just smiled and matched my movements.

“I guess that just leaves us,” Anna said as she adjusted her tits again in the blouse.

“I am going to flatten you,” Lori yelled as she walked quickly towards Anna.

As Anna and Lori came together, I launched myself at Theresa and she was ready. We slammed together with our hands grabbing hair. I felt her long nails scrape across the shaved hair at the sides of my head. Her dirty blonde hair was just wild as when I tore the habit off her head years ago. I pulled hair and we twisted and stumbled with our heeled feet clicking over the stone floor. I meant what I said about beating the shit out of her. I pulled a hand from her head and punched her hard right under her left breast. I gave a sharp inhale and backed off. Then she came at me with fists flying and we stood in the chapel trading punching back and forth. I got hit in the face, tits and tummy over and over with my own fists thudding into her body and bloodying her face. I grabbed her blouse with my left hand I threw a punch under her left tit. The blouse became untied and her huge tits bounced free. She grabbed two hands of my blouse and head butted me in the face. I saw stars and could feel the blood pooling in my mouth. I staggered back and fell to my ass. The head butt stunned Theresa as well as she fell to her ass.

As Lori walked forward she undid her blouse to release her big boobs. Anna smiled as she pulled the tie holding hers in place and they grabbed upper arms and slammed bare tits together. Nails dug into the biceps as they pulled back and slammed the flesh together. They grunted after each slam and slap of tit to tit. They stood their ground, not stumbling around but staying on place to titfight. The large tits pancaked as they brought chests together. The grunts were turning into yelps of pain. Both pairs started to turn red and each felt extreme pain. Anna let go of Lori and reached to plunge her hands into the short haired brunette’s tits. Lori screamed out and slapped her hands down over Anna’s boobs. The two women pulled and twisted with their nails. Each would let go of a tit to punch the mounds with bare knuckles. Tits swayed and bounced as they boobs were beaten turning the reddened flesh to purple. Lori pulled back with a fist and sent it to Anna’s jaw instead of her tit, sending the long haired brunette falling back to a pew bench. Lori stepped forward and brought her leg up, pressing her right heel into Anna’s large left tit. She screamed like a madwoman!

I knew I didn’t have a broken nose but it was bleeding and so was my lip. Theresa would have a black eye soon. I used the end of the pew next to me to stand. My blouse was pulled open and Theresa had one big tit hanging out. I kicked off my heels and rushed at her. She pulled off one heel and threw it at me but I ducked. As she was on one foot pulling off the other to throw, I tackled her to the dusty and dirty floor. I grabbed her hair to bang her head on the stone floor but she duck her head to sink her teeth onto my left breast. I screamed holy murder as tried to pull her head off. I started to punch in the side of her head. She let go and reached to grab my hair. We mashed bodies together and wrestled back and forth on the dirty floor. The sex school girl outfits were shredded, leaving the both of us in red thongs and torn fishnet stockings. As we rolled we continued to pull hair and punch each other. Theresa pushed me away and we both rested.

She got up first and motioned with her head to the front of the church and the alter. “Come on, Emily, just like old times.” She slipped out of her thong and pulled the ripped stockings off. Her fingers moved to her shaved mound and she slipped two of her fingers inside and brought them out dripping with fluid. I was both repulsed and excited. She rubbed the mixture over her huge breasts and licked her fingers clean. I stripped as fast as I could and followed as she walked backwards to the alter.

In a different room on the campus, the four women stirred to consciousness. Each had scratch marks, hand prints and bruised skin. The room smelled like sweat and sex. The drug in their blood streams came back to life and the four glared in hate at each other. They came together as one on their knees, tits pressed to the woman on their right and left, mouths open as tongues licked out and teeth bit. Hands grabbed sweaty hair and pushed faces together. They hugged tighter and became angrier. Hands pulled free of hair to slap backs and scratch red lines in skin. They turned and paired off again. Becky and Tania falling to the floor like two warring snakes and Aria and Bailey regrabbing hair to pulled the other in close.

In the chapel, Anna was hurting really bad as Lori pressed her heel into the tit. The long haired brunette looked through the tears coming from her eyes and kicked out with her heel, slamming into the spread open legs. Lori went bug eyed and fell back. She leaned back against the pew and Anna pushed up and tackled her over it. They hit the concrete floor hard and started to tear the rest of the school girl outfits off. In only the thigh high mesh stockings, they locked together from tits to toes, grabbing hair and pulling. Both pairs of tits were bruised and swollen with each crying out as they pressed tightly together.

At the alter, Theresa got to her knees and opened her arms. “Come bitch, we finish this, once and for all!”

I moved toward her and got to my knees. “Only one of us is leaving this chapel, cunt!” I pushed forward on my knees as our chests compacted and we wrapped arms around the other.

I pulled her blonde hair from the back as she tried to get at my shorter hair. She tipped to the side and we fell over. I moved my thighs with hers and we pulled our cunts in tight as legs wrapped over hips and bare feet slapped down over the fleshy ass cheeks. Our bare vulva pressed as I felt the wetness of both her and I make them slide. The labia parted as we mashed in tighter. Having our arms around the other’s back to pull at hair made our tits balloon and push out. I made sure to move my chest to let hard nipples slide over the other. Theresa hissed at me as we locked tighter in the ball. I closed my eyes as the hair pulling got more intense and felt our bodies rolling around the dirty carpet in front of the alter. The more we rolled the tighter the catball got. We slid clits together and fenced them with sharp nodes of electricity pass between us. Our cheeks pressed, my right to her left and I knew we were trading running makeup. My back pressed into the carpet as she added her weight on her hips, grinding out wet cunts together. I groaned out a moan but so did she.

“I am going to fuck you in front of God!” Theresa hissed into my ear.

“Fuck you Cunt!” I hissed back into her ear. “Bring that nasty snatch!”

Lori and Anna tumbled around the dirty stone floor. Pulled out hair lay around their writhing bodies. The shorter haired Lori tried to roll on top of the longer haired Anna. She bucked up her hips and rolled the older woman over. Anna grabbed Lori’s wrists and pushed them down to floor and pushed her tits closer to woman’s face. Lori’s eyes went wide as she tried to suck in breath as the large orbs came over her face. Anna pushed her elbows in on her sides, pressing the heavy tits more into Lori’s face. The short haired woman tried to buck her off but her movements became slower and slower. She stopped moving and Anna rolled off and lay on her back, catching her own breath. Anna sat up and looked at the woman she had just fought, comparing the marks on their bodies. Both sets of breasts were bruised and scratched and were starting to swell. She looked up to the rolling women at the alter but couldn’t get the strength to stand or even crawl over to them. Lori groaned and Anna reached over and roughly grabbed her right tit.

“Where are the other women, bitch?” Anna growled. Lori looked at the woman with fear in her eyes.

My nails dug into the back of Theresa’s head and I heard a shout of pain. I felt her hands leave my hair and then dig into the back muscles. I lurched my chest forward and thought our tits were going to burst. We rolled over in the catball and tightened bodies more. Breathing was becoming harder and I didn’t want to pass out. I turned my head and bite down on her cheek as she screamed! Her nails dragged through my skin from my back to the sides of our bulging tits. I screamed as she stabbed ten nails into my tits on the sides. My hands dropped from hair and I grabbed at her wrists. We rolled more slowly as she was mauling me. Thoughts were rushing through my head as I tried to pull her hands off me. Was I going to lose? Was Anna winning or losing? Would my friends be ok? I felt the groan in Theresa’s body. She was getting off from hurting me. Her cunt was grinding mine harder, faster. I let go of her wrists and grabbed her tits with my nails. I tried to pop her big balloons with my claws as I twisted and drug over the skin. That is when I felt her erupt. Those slutty flood gates opened and my pussy was drenched with heated cum. It made her vulnerable and I rolled the former nun over and started to smash my cunt to hers as she was still cumming. Her legs dropped from around my hips and she started to slap as my tits and sides. She came again as I continued to fuck her. The slapping was getting weaker.

“Where are they?” I asked as my face was less than an inch from hers.

“Fuck you!” Theresa breathed out.

“I know where they are, Emily,” Anna’s voice came from my left. I turned to see her cradling her tits as she leaned against the railing to the alter.

I slid my naked body forward onto Theresa and sat on her tits.

“Since I don’t need you anymore,” I said down through hard breaths. I grabbed her head and pulled her sweaty face into my pussy and started to grind over it. I could hear muffled cries and screams but I kept it up until I came. Showering that nasty whore with my cum. The former nun, Sister Teresa went limp and I dropped her head to the carpet with a thud.

I tried to get up and it took me three times. “Where are they?”

“Here in the school,” Anna said as she turned back to the unconscious woman she had just beaten. “Up one flight and down to the old infirmary.”

We didn’t bother dressing and held each other up as we slowly made it up to the second floor. We limped down the hallway until we got to the room that was moaning. The key chain was dangling from the door knob and I unlocked and opened it. What I saw made me almost cum right there. Aria and Bailey were devouring the other’s cunts with their tongues and mouths. Becky and Tania were leaned back, tribbing squirting pussies together. I found a bucket and filled it with water and splashed it over the women. Shrieks and hisses came from lips but it separated them all. The looks the four gave me wavered from anger to wanting to happy.

“I promise we will all discuss this later, but let’s get out of here,” I said as I helped them put on blankets to cover their sweaty, naked skin. I led them out into the hall, but blocking my path was Theresa. Her naked body was covered in scratch marks, reddened skin, and hair sticking in every direction. I dropped my blanket and walked towards her. “No one interfere, this is between me and her.”

Neither of us could run so when we got into range, we just pushed hurt bodies together. We both cried out in pain as the bruised breasts and scratched tummies came into rough contact. We did one small circle and fell to the dirty tile floor. Each pull on hair or touch of skin or move of any muscle made me whimper. But Teresa was doing the same. We came to rest on our sides and reach to grab onto bruised and scratched tits. I could feel my hands start to cramp from the pressure I was putting into them to squeeze her tits. Her makeup ran as she cried openly. I knew I looked the same as I was weeping in pain. We let go and grabbed back at hair. The slow roll was so painful, I almost surrendered. We continued to roll back and forth as the other women present got closer. What I couldn’t see was Aria, Bailey, Tania and Becky has glazed eyes as they watched us. The four crowded closer to Teresa and me. I heard them moan out almost as one voice and then the former nun and I were showered from four squirting pussies. I got a little second wind or ninth wind and rolled on top. I used my whole body to grind into hers. Everything about her slackened as I ground her into unconsciousness again.

I don’t remember passing out but I woke up in a cheap hotel room. I looked up and all 5 women with me were sleeping. I put my head back to the pillow and sleep came quickly.

When we all woke up, everything was fine for the most part. They only thing my lovers were pissed at was that I thought I should keep them all secret from each other. They explained they would have loved to have known in order to all play together.

A month later, the boat carrying me, Anna, Bailey and Aria arrived at the boat dock on the small private island. Waiting for us was beautiful brunette in a black and white bikini made to look sort of like a maid outfit.

“Welcome Ladies,” she said, “If you please follow me, the other guests have arrived. Your bags will be taken to the main house.”

We followed and met Tania and Becky at the huge pool.

“All six of you have the entire island to yourselves,” the woman said. “If there is anything you need or want, please ask me or any of the other women dressed like me.”

“And if we want you or one of the others to play?” Bailey asked with a smile.

“To answer your question, we have the main pool here, smaller Jacuzzis throughout, a large inflatable pool that can be filled with oil, a mud pit, and all our bedrooms have soft beds. Also if you want to play dress up for any encounters, we have plenty of wardrobe options for all of you,” she said, “My name is Michelle and yes, we will play in whatever capacity you require. All of the women here are well versed in making love and rougher things.” She smiled and left.

“Where did you find this place?” I asked Tania.

“Well,” she blushed, “One of the women I have had a few catfights with is very wealthy. She only required a few hours of my time to secure this for us.”

A gorgeous redhead with a barely there green bikini walked up with a tray of champagne flutes.

Aria looked her up and down. “How many of you are on the island?”

The redhead smiled, “There is only one of me, but there are 8 of us here working for the week for you.”

I started counting on my fingers. “I love even numbers!”

The End

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3 thoughts on “Dreams to Reality by Emily Angel

  1. Paul says:

    I want to congratulate you on the story. It deserves to be the script of a movie starring the most beautiful and hottest fighters that exist. Its really one of the
    stories that I enjoyed the most, because of the surprise, the changes of scenery, the twists in the story, the outfits, bombshells Oktoberfest, the sexy nuns with the passion of catfights, and that you are the protagonist and tell your fights in the first person and with great detail. Discount that you must be a beautiful sexy red blooded woman, and I would like to know if any segment of the story happened to you in real life. I would love for you to reply to my email so I can stay in touch.
    I would just add some wrestling technique to it, like scissors and locks, because I’m a big fan of competitive sexy submission wrestling, with hairpulling and slapping aloud, but as a single detail for personal taste, in a perfect history.
    I’d like to know if you have any other stories about catfights.
    Nice to meet you. Kisses


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