Remington vs. Little Miss Alpha from FCF

Amber’s Preamble:
The wrestlers used in this story, apart from Remi and I, are Remington’s real rivals from the PWL server. They were gracious enough to let us use their names, personas, and likenesses in this story. Then, of course, there is Kat, who I am so lucky to be able to include in my stories. Thanks to all of them for helping us make this story feel a little more grounded. :3

Sitting with my palms pressed into my eyes I just drown the world out. Instead of taking in stimulus like I normally did I listened to my body. My hands? Hurt. Years of punching and micro fractures built and and healed had left a dull ache that never stopped. My back and neck. Hurt. A poor hip throw years ago followed by practicing a butterfly twist had left it screwed up. My left shoulder didn’t hurt but it didn’t move far enough back. It was enough that decent Muay Thai instructors could tell the range of motion on my left uppercut was wrong. My breathing spoke to a tired body. Muscle aches that never truly faded because I was forever balancing trying to look like a model and train like a fighter. My knees at least were okay but my right ankle still hurt when it was going to rain. A sprain from a match years ago. It never properly healed. The ringing in my ears never stopped either so I sat there with a miserable heart and a body that was self flagellating.
In my mind the scene of Amber walking out played over and over and over. It hurt so bad but I couldn’t cry again. My eyes were already too puffy to do that. I’d wept enough over the past few weeks and I’d woke up to do it again. My wife had been so supportive but I’d finally left the house to go sit in my car somewhere that she couldn’t see me being miserable and hating myself.
I didn’t even know why. I should have just moved on after what you did. How you reacted. Like, I’m poly. Thats a thing. I can have feelings for more than one person but maybe that was too much. My wife and I had been ready to welcome a third with open arms but instead you’d lost your mind.
I’m the one who should be feeling angry.
Like a total loser I looked at my phone. 30 sent messages and at least 12 calls. Holy fuck where had a left my pride. It made me want to vomit that I was clearly your bitch mentally and physically and that made me want to scream. I resolved to not do that anymore.
For like the 20th time….
What was wrong with me? I needed to get over you. I needed a hard fuck with a hot stranger. Preferably one I’d fucking destroyed in a fight.
I moved to turn my phone off.
As I was about to shut it off.
A name popped up on the screen.
…no…no…why? Why now??!
I grabbed it and frantically swiped to unlock the phone. Pulling it to my ear and the word out of my mouth carried so much hurt and need and desire to be around you.
What I heard on the other end made my hair stand on end.
I sat there…listening.

Amber “Little Miss Alpha“:
“Not a chance, bitch.” A woman’s voice comes through the receiver in a hiss, just before you hear a series of impact and then a long, loud scraping sound that suddenly leave what you can hear more distant.
“Trying to call that little bitch, Remi? She’s the one who got you into this mess. Fucking cunt thinks she can just walts in this world — MY WORLD, and own the place?!” It is a question, but not for me. And try though you might, nothing you say can be heard. By me, or the woman speaking to me with a growl. Her right hand moving to my hair, pulling my wobbly head up and then her left driving as a fist hard into my gut, while on either side my sweat-covered naked body is held up by her friends. Megan holding my right arm as I remain bent over and helpless, just as Staci keeps a tight grip on my left.
Each of them smirking, as they keep me wide open for whatever it is the woman before me — a beautiful half-Japanese woman named Rowan, who looks at me as if I was trash. As if I was some lower form of life that needs to be culled. Not because I have done anything to her, but simply because of what she knows I mean to you.
“She didn’t think we even knew about you, that dumb cunt. Didn’t think her wife would let it slip that she was heartbroken over some hasbeen piece of shit like you.” Her words are cutting, biting, and would piss me off if I could focus on them long enough to process. Instead, however, Rowan again strikes. This time with her right knee, driving it into my hanging tits once and then again.
“A hasbeen piece of shit who REALLY thought BAILEY was going to meet up with her at the arena before tonight’s show? In the locker room furthest away from anyone who could help you? No wonder Kat took you out. Like Bailey would even speak to a worthless cunt trying to steal her girlfriend? Fucking PATHETIC….” Another brutalizing of words, and then another series of perfectly aimed knees to my tits, before Rowan shifts, turns, and then moves out from in front of me. And though that might speak to a respite, a moment to recover, as soon as her shadow makes its way past, another woman’s approaches. A blonde, with a villainous smile.
“Awwww, what’s the matter, AMBER? Doesn’t the prostyle trainer have any MOVES to show us?” Her name is Lexie. She is short, fit, and vicious. Something I learn, as she steps behind me, drops to a knee, and then without any warning, strikes me in my low back. My injured low back. The one that put me out of the business I love. The one that made me a twenty-something trainer, barely making it.
It is only then, as she laughs at me cruelly, and I scream out in pain, that Megan and Staci release me, and let me fall to my knees. My hell only just beginning.

The level of alarm bells that go off in my head is unreal. The only two voices I hear are more than enough for me to realize that something has gone utterly and completely wrong. I have no idea how the Hell the Queen-in-Exile found you but this is bad. Bad bad bad. The work you and I put in together made not just the others in the league hate me for coming in as a total Rookie and demolishing. But it also made the League management frustrated that I shoved bookings in their face confident in my ability to make my own way in matches. That had pissed a lot of people off and I’d done it all knowing that what we had worked on. What he had trained was good. Great. Amazing. You’d poured into me abilities I didn’t have when I’d pissed off Meredyth by not staying on the script I’d been handed in our fight. It had rankled the feathers of everyone.
Well now the chickens were coming home to roost it would seem. I put the phone on speaker so that I could hear and I leapt across the center console into the driver seat. Your gym was in South L.A. I was still pretty far north. I had an absolute monster of a Mustang but that was the thing it didn’t matter how fast I could drive. The 5 would take me right where I needed to go but if it was jammed with cars no amount of horsepower was going to help.
I’d grown up here and driven here my entire life and traffic was about to be the one thing I couldn’t save you from because I had no head start. I could feel the anger and frustration bubbling up in me as well as the sense of guilt and furry. Kat wasn’t even an official member yet and she was ALREADY picking a side in this conflict. But now I knew who I owed the biggest beating of all to….
Slamming the car into gear I peeled out backwards and yanked the parking brake putting the vicious electric blue car into a smooth J turn before I popped out of reverse and into first. Slamming the pedal down and shifting as fast as possible. I needed to make it to you. Please please please please please be okay!!!!!

I am broken already. This brutalizing not just beginning, but having been ongoing for nearly an hour when I crawled to my phone and desperately tried to call you. To call the woman I have been ignoring for weeks — the woman I have been crying over for just as long. After all, who ele would I call? My 5-year-old daughter? My shitty ex-husband? Clawie, as if she would even remember my name….
No, you’re all I have. FUCK! I hate saying that to myself. Admitting that you, even with all that we have been through, and the violence that we shared in that bar, that you’re all I got.
And so after I crawled away from my attackers, and to my torn and discarded denim jacket, I reached, grabbed, and hit dial only a second before they got to me. I hope the call went through. Need the call to have gone through. But whether it does or not, on my knees I remain. Wobbling weakly, until I collapse forward. Not to the floor, but face first into Lexie’s gear-covered pubic mound. She having rounded me and her friends to see how my face contorts in pain after her blow.
“Give me the pipe.” Staci, the wide-thighed thick blonde demands, extending her hand out to Lexie with an open palm.
“Only if you give it to her….” Lexie replies with a wicked smile, as she hands over the weapon with her left hand and grabs my hair with her right. “You ready for another shot, bitch…?”
“Fuck you….” I mutter out weakly as my hands move to Lexie’s bottoms and then with a failing grip try to pull myself up. I try once, and fail. A second time, and once more drop back to my knees before clearing an inch. A third time, and I might make it. Might be able to get up, but as soon as I lift off the ground, Staci hits me hard, once more in my weakened lower back.

It’s like they picked this time of day on purpose and maybe they did but perhaps I am just giving them more credit than they actually deserve and the universe is just teaching me a lesson. That seems more realistic than timing an attack on my teacher and star crossed lover with L.A. traffic than the universe just wanting to fucking beat me some more. Unbeknownst to me across town while I am taking my own emotional beating you’re taking a physical one. One that I can hear through the open phone.
Why did you call me? I mean besides the fact that this is all my fault. You must have other people. You could have called the cops. Four pro wrestlers show up and start beating the shit out of you. They’d be in jal for sure. But you called me. You called.
That has to mean something. It has to be a sign. That or I’m just reading it it and you called me to curse me for dragging you into this total mess of a situation with four people who until today you had no idea even existed. All of whom are scary good in the ring. One of whom just handed me a solid loss. I came up against Lexie and she slammed me around the ring on the back side of what should have been an ass kicking and then pinned me.
You’d have walked out in embarrassment watching it unfold.
That knifes me in the gut and I realize as I am sitting there:
How the fuck am I going to save you….
They are beating you to a pulp. I think I can take Staci. Megan and Rowan are both wicked combatants and I haven’t tried to fight them yet. I’m confident but then again I thought I could take Lexie and she showed me why she’s an ex-champion wrestler.
I know for a fact Rowan and Megan are both the same.
Any one of this list of people would require me to try insanely hard in a Pro ring to defeat.
All four?
No way.
I bit my lip as the traffic on the Five inches closer to my exit. Its surface streets from here. Streets I can open up the throttle on.
But to what end.
I’m going to have to play by different rules. It’s the only way I win this. Or…maybe the only way we come out in one piece.
My eyes drift to my purse.
I don’t….I don’t know if I can save you just as I am. And that thought disgusts me. That I can’t protect you without resorting to things that the four people kicking the shit out of you have no way to fight back against.
I KNOW that this will at least give me the edge I need but at what personal cost? I’ve come so far but I can’t take all four of them at their own game. I maybe good but I’m not THAT good.
I take the exit and resolve to do this. No matter what.

I hate giving it to them. I hate showing weakness. Pain. Selling it for these bitches. But when they take turns hitting me in the low back again and again. I scream until I collapse to the floor and groan. Groan until I whimper. Whimper, while I do all I can to fight back tears. Unwilling to shed tears for them, even if I can’t avoid giving them everything else they seek to drag out of me.
“Pick her up!” Megan demands, suddenly the vocal one, though she had been silent until now. “I’m going to let this bitch show us why Remi’s caught feelings.” As she speaks, Rowan and Lexie drag me up from the floor, and once more hold me up on my knees. With me there, Megan slides her thumbs down her tight stomach, into her bottoms, and then slides them down her toned thighs. Letting them drop to the ground, just as she comes to a stop in front of me. “You’re going to eat me, right now. Then you’re going to eat each of them. And if you show even a second of hesitation, we. Will. End. You. Do you understand me, cunt?!”
As her demand and threat hang in the air, I hear a knock at the door, and then a woman’s voice. “Hey, Remi’s in the building….” It is a warning for those women that are hurting me, but a single glimmer of hope for me.
“Fuck, ok. Lexie, Megan, you two keep this bitch suffering. Staci and I will go take Remi down.” Rowan coordinates like she has done this, tortured someone and fended off their savior a million times before. It’s something I would comment on, if a moment after her final word is spoken, I was not yanked forward into Megan’s soaking wet and hot pussy

The screach of tires in the parking lot of the pro gym has got to be enough for anyone here to know that someone has fucking: ARRIVED. That doesn’t stop me as I kick the door of the car open and dig the item I hate myself for having to bring with me out of the bag. Maybe I won’t need it. Maybe I’ll be fine. Who the fuck am I kidding. I’m going to need all the help I can get. I hear Megan telling you that you’re going to eat her pierced pussy. That makes me fucking lose my damn mind. Meg is going to feel your tongue on her before ME?!
As if I hadn’t had enough I am suddenly viciously jealous for no good reason. I don’t have any claim to you. None at all and suddenly I am jealous of some one who has literally beat you to a pulp. Fucking damn it! I sprint across the parking lot in cut off jean shorts and a tank top. I’m not in my combat boots just a pair of black converse that are more than enough for me to kick the fucking lock out of the exterior door.’
Bill me later.
I pound into the entry way and the skinny red head and I make eye contact.
You fucking SLUT PWL’s ref is their damn lookout! “JENNY?!” she turns to run and the unmistakable sound of my asp snapping open is heard before I ham string her with the collapsable metal baton. She squeals but it ends as soon as I kick her in the back of the head and smash her head off the door frame shutting off her lights and leaving her senseless on the floor.
The sound of movement from the room beyond and your whimpering make me look up and move for the door. It comes bursting open as Rowan spears me coming throw it and slams my back against the low wrap around desk in the front office. “Fuck!” She immediately goes for my right arm with the asp in it grabbing it and trying to neutralize the weapon.
While she does that Staci comes bounding through the door after her. Malice and glee in that cute little face. I can’t believe I’ve had sex with you. Last time I fall for an adorable blonde. I should have stopped with Amber.
Staci super kicks me in the face and I drop the asp. This is going poorly.
“Looks like we get you AND Amber” she taunts as I sag bell rung from the kick as Rowan tries to get a handle on my arm. Oh hell no this is not happening. Twisting at the waist I slam the blade of my forearm into the side of Rowan’s neck behind her left ear and the movement makes her go gooey for a second like a puppet with its strings suddenly slack. Staci blinks and then moves to try and lock up with me to get me under control while Rowan recovers.
My right foot lashes up off the floor and she moves to grab it like she’s gonna block a super kick. Instead I snap the kick from the knee and drive the edge of my foot into her throat. It’s called a knife edge and the body mechanics are wildly different from a planted side kick it sends Staci back clutching her throat as I yank free of Rowan. Settling into a hybrid Muay Thai and traditional martial arts stance.

“Fuck…. You…. Bitch….” I growl, even if my voice trembles and cracks. Refuse, even though I have almost no chance of mounting any sort of comeback or resistance. Knowing it will earn me more punishment. Knowing it will cause me more pain. But fuck this bitch Megan and her friend Lexie. They don’t deserve my tongue or the pleasure I could bring them. Not before they attacked me from behind, and especially after beating me half to death in this far off locker room in the back of the arena.
“That’s the way you’re playing it?” Lexie asks confidently from behind me, as she grabs my hair with two hands and holds my face in place. “I thought you’d give it up to anyone who was still in the game.”
Is the comment untrue? Am I that desperate to be around the world I have loved since I was a little girl? Is that why I was instantly drawn to Remi? Before I can even think of an answer, Megan steps back, and then punches me in the face. Not like Ric Flair and the working punches he aimed at Eric Bischoff, but a full on blast in the nose. A crack sounding out, and blood beginning to flow only a second after the strike lands.
“Again!” Lexie exclaims excitedly, as her firm grip keeps me from collapsing back to the filthy cement floor of the tiny room. “HIT HER!” Her glee as my utter destruction only slightly less menacing than the hateful look in Megan’s eyes before she rears back and hits me.
My groans and tearless cries echoing off the lockers, as somewhere in the giant arena, you fight to get to me.

The door between the front office and the ring comes OFF its hinges in an explosion of splinters. Staci’s blonde body goes crashing through it. My chest heaves as I stand there, blood dripping from a cut above my left eye where Rowan kicked me just a few moment before. I can hear her moaning from behind while she tries to climb up the desk in the lobby. After I kicked Staci in the throat I got her in the face with a hoping knee and then stunned her left arm with a drop spike elbow behind the collar bone. That was enough time for Rowan to slam me into the desk with a german suplex before she kicked me in the head with those ridiculous sleek black boots she loves. The only thing that save me was a cowering double arm cross block, the kick still cut my face. I was forced to kick her in the cunt just to get her off me.
As soon as she was down and I was up Staci grabbed me in a choke from behind.
It had ended with what we referred to as a winding arm throw. I’d ducked out of the choke just in time and slapped a wrist lock on her I’d stolen from Aikido before transitioning to the winding arm throw that had launched her through the door. I didn’t have a ton of time and I knew a pussy kick wasn’t going to be enough to keep Rowan down for long. That and Staci could take a fucking champion beating and then still come from behind to win a fight.
Taking one of the folding chairs from the side of the ring I stepped back into the office while Rowan has staggering to her feet. In a fair fight right now. She’d be kicking my ass. I know because I’ve seen her fight and I’m already tired as hell from this exchange. Lets just say…I’m not proud of the over hand SLAM I deliver to her back with the chair. Plastering her against the desk in the front office. Turning Staci fucking trucks me with a shoulder spear and then DUMPS me over her shoulders in a heap. Checking to make sure Rowan isn’t dead she turns around and moves to stomp me in the face. With a roar I kick out her base leg with a leg sweep. Sending her crashing to the floor.
Grabbing my asp from where it’s laying on the ground I crawl into the training room.
The ring is empty. Where the hell? Lockers…no way its not lockers, I can hear the sounds now. Climbing to my feet I lurch towards the lockers. Dripping blood. Bruised. Battered. Tired. Asp hanging from my right hand as I move to push the door open and confront the deadly and still fresh couple in the lockers.

Blood dripping from my chin and onto my tits, I try to spit at Megan and Lexie, as they together pin me down. Each having taken off their bottoms, leaving nothing between me and their bare pussies and assess. Both of them, as they fight to pin my wrists to the ground, hungry, in fact desperate to sit on my face. That struggle playing out in the far corner of the small forgotten locker room.
Want it though they both do, it is Lexie who climbs stop me, her left hand finally catching and pinning my right to the floor. She relying on Megan to keep my left under control as she scurries up my body, planting her shins on my biceps, and her knees just past.
I would hear you coming. Feel bolstered by the door to the room opening. And shout to you for help, if before I can do any of those things, Lexie has already sat on my face. Burying my mouth and nose river deep in her pussy. A kitten that drips and leaks onto my face, as she grinds it on top of my bloody and broken visage.
The only sign that something has changed coming when Megan releases my left hand. Why did she let me go? What will she do next? I fear the answer, though in truth she is lunging at you. Trying to finish what her bested allies have started, as Lexie coos gleefully on top of me. “You’re in my pussy. You’re in my pussy. He he!” She chants it like a mantra, as her delicious taste coats my mouth, and sweet scent fills my nostrils.
My efforts to escape, in my weakened state, reduced to a weak squirming and quarter-strength slaps at the blonde above me’s thighs.

I get the door open and all I see is a blur of near naked Megan coming right at me. I would say it’s shocking but I find that she tends to end up with most of her clothes off A LOT of the time. As made testament by her recent match with Holly and the beat down Meredyth and I gave her and Staci in a bar the other day. This is a different Meg though. Something I Haven’t seen yet as she moves. Fresh and confident. My stomach twists. It’s like looking in a mirror a bit. Purple hair. Pierced nipples. Lovely ink on pale skin. We could be twins. Her tongue is pierced. Mine is split. I get the asp up and she grabs it cross ways as I scowl at her over it and we war for a moment over the weapon.
“New wrestlers eat Crow until we say so, you just had to make a big splash didn’t you Remi. We all paid our dues to get where we are. What makes you special.” The only reason. And I mean only reason I do what I do next is the fact that Megan is distracted with me for a SECOND.
I watched Meg deliver something she calls the “Greeting from Portland” cunt kick. It’s basically a full splits to kick to the pussy. Naturally because I like to think of myself as the superior colored haired, piercing adorned, and tatt’d up bad bitch.
I made it better.
I all it the “Dying in L.A.” (Thank you Panci! at The Disco) My right leg lashes up and back over my right shoulder in a proper scorpion kick. Slamming into Meg’s face before it whips back around and hammers my shin into her exposed pussy. Uhg. Piercings there too. I’d be pissed if I didn’t approve on a certain level. I furious at what you’ve participated in and I know you’re an enemy. But I’d like to think maybe we would have gotten along. Either way I don’t stop witht he kick to the pussy. This has to be mean and vicious otherwise I’m going to regret not putting you done in one stroke. My right hand jerks across and I deliver a backhanded stroke with the asp sending Megan to the ground in a heap.
Looking up at Lexie riding Amber’s faceI lose my fucking mind. Sprinting across the locker room. I plant instead of delivering the flying knee opening I did in our match. Grab the asp with two hands and jack it straight into her face crosswise trying to smash her free of your body. Its not perfect but it gets her mostly off you. I get under you and start dragging you for the door to the locker rooms.

My entire world is Lexie’s pussy. The sight of it, smell of it, taste of it. On any other day, I would gladly — HAPPILY split her in two with my tongue. Rip her cute little body apart with pleasure like she had never felt before. And yet after such a vicious assault, and the cruelty she and her friends showed me, on top of the agonizing pain that radiates from my lower back down, I refuse.
Trying to keep my mouth shut, my lips sealed, and my head turned to the left or right. The latter Lexie battles with her soft inner thighs, which press in, and pin to my cheeks. Keeping me looking up, and keeping my nose and mouth buried deep in her cunt.
So deep, in fact, that I cannot simply pull air through my nostrils. Leaving me, as my lungs begin to burn, to open my mouth and take hard, heavy drags at the moist air inside of my tormentor’s womanhood. My every breath coming from within her, along with clouds of excitement-made essence that roll down my tongue, and then into the back of my throat making me cough, gag, and hack even while within such BLISSful confines.
“Like it…? Hmmm….? Little Miss ALPHA…?” Lexie asks cutely, while shifting her hips left and right, right and left. Movements meant to humiliate me more, but in truth, their worse effect is to nestle me deeper in her cunt. Making it clear that I will pass out. That I will lose consciousness inside of her.
A cruel fate. A grim fate. But to my absolute delight, one I avoid, as suddenly I feel Lexie pull up and away from me. My eyes too spot-filled from asphyxia, and body too wracked by pain to let me focus on what is happening until you are pulling me up from the floor and then our of that hell. Taking me somewhere safe, I can only hope.
The sounds my groans, coughs, and muttered curses skipping off the cement walls of the arena’s bowels.

There is an exterior door on the backside of the gym and I’m tugging you like you’re a fire victim. I don’t know how hurt you are but every tug brings in mewls of pain the like I’ve never heard from you. I am ALMOST there. I have my back to the door and I’m getting ready to push it open.
“Hey!” Looking up I see Rowan crossing the room looking totally pissed. “A chair Remi. Really? I didn’t take you for the type you damn bitch. Can’t even take one of us in a fair fight I see.” I’m livid. Rowan knows that’s why she’s questioning my honor. Fine. I set you down gently and step over you dropping the asp. This is personal.
“Fair fight huh? Like you gave Amber” Rowan just laughs. “You’re an idiot” her right hand lashes out aiming for my face. Rowan is amazing at two things in which I’m sure she could whip my ass. Pro wrestling and sexfights. It hurts my pride to that I’m not sure I could win either of them against her but then again this is the story of all the people who showed up here today.
So I don’t.
I slip the open hand heel palm and go full fucking foxy boxing champion on her. Off the slip I bury a left hook in her liver. It makes her stagger before I hammer back across. Right cross to that beautiful mouth. Left hook to the head. She staggers. Bell rung. Sexy boots clicking on the floor. I’m running on pissed energy as I step in. Her hands come up and it’s one! Two! Three! Jabs finding their way around her mess of a guard. Head back. Head back. Head back. More stumbling. With a big step forwards on the third jab I sink a right uppercut into her barely concealed well toned extremely sexy tummy that doubles up this absolute warrior of a woman. It’s not her fault. I picked the thing she sucks at and I’m sure I’ll pay for that eventually karma is a bitch but Amber is worth too much to try and wrestle Rowan in this state. As she falls forwards onto me catching around my neck my left shovel uppercut tags her liver again. A right shovel to the spleen. Shoving back a little a lodge a right uppercut under her petite chin snapping her head back and then. BAM jerking my chest forwards into her already out on her feet body I slam my bigger rack into that fantastic perky set and give her a real foxy boxer finisher. Laying her out.
Panting I bend over and put my hands on my thighs.
“You ever…huff..want a lesson huff…you know where to find me.”
The bang of the door to the lockers makes me look up to see Megan and Lexie come prowling into the main room and the sound of wood in metal draws my attention to Staci now armed with a bat. “Son of a bitch” is all I get out as I turn and grab you under the shoulders and try to flee out the back door.

I try to plant my feet, to walk on my own, and instantly I feel a sharp electric current zip down from sciatic nerve, through my legs, and into my toes. A surge of consequence that doesn’t make me scream or yelp, but instead sob. Finally free of the confines of that room, and the judging eyes of your enemies, the tears I had held in coming free, flowing from my liquid-lust and blood covered face.
My arms burning, just from the effort of holding on to you. But we’re safe, right? Free…. Until we aren’t. Rowan coming for you, too fast and too hard to get away without fighting her. And so you move to the nearest wall and set me down against it. My blood-splattered hands moving to your top, and grabbing at it. But I am too weak to keep you. Too weak for you even to know, I wanted to say something.
In fact, in my devastated state, I don’t even know what I would say. I need you to fight her. To beat her. And get me the fuck out of here, or I am doomed to once again facedown the prospect of being humiliated by four of the toughest women you know.
One of whom you engage with violently. Desperately. Using what little strength you have left to fend her off. Fuck, you’re a goddess, I think to myself, as with glassy eyes I watch you.
Fighting for me.
Hurting for me.
Doing whatever it takes to protect me from these viperous bitches.
My lower lips curling between my teeth, as naked, with my giant chest heaving for air through a broken nose, I take it all in. Wanting you to come back to me. Wanting you to lift and carry me away. To touch me. To kiss me. To….. Everything….
A feeling that only intensifies, as you once again take down Rowan, and then as her friends give chase, you return, and after a quick lift, carry me to safety.

Safety is the inside of my blue Mustang. Which isn’t all that safe as Staci gives chase and hammers the back window with her new found bat. That. That is just not okay. Not that beating the shit out of Amber was okay either but this is a new level of ‘fuck you’. I resist the urge to hit her with the car as we flee the studio. Out here. There is nothing that can catch me certainly not those bitches. Though I am hesitant to take us up to top speed since I am more than a little woozy. Honestly I should probably be driving us both to a hospital but they would ask more questions that I personally don’t care for right now so I get back on the 5 heading well away from that and straight for home. You can judge me or be pissed at me or whatever for bringing you home to the house I share with Bailey. I don’t care. We are both the sort of people who occasionally come home and require medical attention. So. We have what we need there.
The drive is a little long for my taste with your death rattle through that broken nose but I spend the whole time clutching your hand tightly and you don’t seem to give me the sense that you want to let go either. When I finally get there I scoop you out of the car and carry you inside. Our little medical room is complete with a table that I get you onto and lay you down gently.
“Amber I am so so so sorry. I didn’t mean for you to get wrapped up in this, this is all my fault” Hot tears splatter on the table next to you as I finally just. Cry.
But this time at least it’s where you can see how much I hurt. How much I care. How much I can’t manage this without you. I’m nearly certain you are going to hate me and then leave me again but at least you are safe. At least I managed to get you away from them before they did anything worse to you.
The memory of Lexie pussy smothering you makes my heart lurch. I can’t. I can’t deal with that right now.
I bury myself against you for a long moment before I finally pull back and start to get what I need to clean you up…hopefully your nose doesn’t need to be set.

I can barely breathe through my broken septum. Barely think after all that happened, and the pain in my lower back which feels just as bad as the day Kat turned on me, and made a career out of ending mine.
Fuck it hurts so bad. Not even to mention the humiliation of being striped, beaten, and then facesat by women I only knew from television. Having them take advantage of an injury that I lived filled with shame about. Their cruel foursome leaving me covered in my own blood, and then so weak and defenseless that a woman I had sworn not to talk to ever again, had to come save me. Not only save me, but then drive me home and carry me into the home of she and her wife naked. Spattered with blood, cum, and spittle.
And though all of that is true, as you stand there with me, bent over the table on which I lay, crying. I reach out to you, wrapping the fingers in my right hand in your pretty blue hair, and then pull you face to mine.
Both of us crying, and only barely clinging to any sort of humanity, with makeup stains strewn across our pretty faces. Looking into each others eyes and seeing all the pain. All the frustration. All the guilt. All the love that we had allowed ourselves to ignore and forsake.
And in the wake of all of that wonderful emotion, and the ferocity of the last few hours, I kiss you. Not with a peck, that I then retreat from. Something unsure and then quickly ended. But instead wildly. Passionately. My punch-rattled jaw popping as it opens wide to invite you in.
My blood coated lips leaving the taste of copper in our mouths as you breathe deep and I try to do the same. A fire awakening in us, and at its calling your hands move to my breasts. Squeezing them hard and digging your nails in, as you test me.
Is this real?
Is this just a kiss? An adrenaline fueled thank you?
You get your answer when I break from our kiss, seal my forehead to yours and then as I gaze into your eyes, beg you. “Just love me….”

It’s like having a height yanked from my shoulders, this crushing sense of annihilation. Oh heart squeezing pain that just grinds me in the dirt. Day in and day out. Some would say that because I feel this way I never loved Bailey and I should leave her. That is simply not true. My heart doesn’t divide it never has. It multiplies. It increases as those who meet it increase. That is something those around me simply can’t handle. I don’t know how else to explain it. But when it blossomed for you? You smashed me flat with your rejection. I was a fool at first but then it was your turn. Now. In this painful, post fight adrenaline rush I find the relief I need.
You pull me down into a kiss that lingers on and on filled with need that makes my fingers tingle and my toes curl. It validates all the shit that we have been through. Every bit of awful hate and hurt. It drags me out of the ugly dirt where I have been crying for weeks and tells me that it wasn’t all in vain. No. NO! You separate from the kiss and open your mouth. I’m ready for another bottomless pit drop with your words. Instead.
They are soothing.
Reaching up I peel off my sweat and blood stained top before I loosen my shorts. Dropping them and peeling off the thong. I didn’t bother with a bra this time. I’m a naturally perky creature and it serves me well though after Staci’s slam I wish I’d been wearing one. Gingerly climbing on you in only socks I lower myself enough to press softly against your body but not crush you. My hips tentatively lower as I drag soaked petals along your lower body. Finally kissing against your lips almost shyly watching your chest inhale as I look into your eyes and see you yearning for more.
Shifting a little I press my hips to yours and begin to rub. Softly at first but with definite intention as I grind our blossomed petals on one another. Over and over as hurting breasts press across and slide over smears of sweat and blood. My pierced nipples teasing over yours with little gasp producing flicks. I….I can’t take not having you. I need you. I lower my hips until they are fully pressing into yours and then I sit back enough with my hands on either side of your head to support a full on grind. Our nipples dance back and forth as my breasts hang over your own magnificent pair. Closing my eyes I sigh in utter pleasure.
And with a movement I begin to grind and slap my pussy on yours. Full of need for you. Despite the aches and pains. This hunger gives me the energy for this. I need to feel you. I need to be the source of your pleasure. I need you.

You don’t speak to me, and I don’t blame you. Everytime we have talked, we have gotten in the way of this moment. Of this connection, that our bodies and hearts have always told us we need. Instead, you simply strip. Sliding out of all of your clothing. Clothing you ruined getting to and saving me.
I would apologize. I would worry about how much they cost, but we aren’t the sort. In fact, it is only then … only in that moment that your thick veneer of impenetrable confidence fades. You are afraid. That this will end. That I will suddenly push you away and leave all that lies before us on the table.
Again, your worry is wise, given how foolish we have been in our last two encounters. Perhaps that is why you hurry up onto the table and above me. Letting your breasts dangle and hang just above mine, as nipples brush and glance through dried blood and sweat. Your hips adjusting, ass dropping, and pussy settling in on top of mine. A sudden rush of pleasure shooting through my body, the tremor that follows causing me to groan in pain, even as it twists at the end into a sound of pleasure.
Your eyes open at the sound, and once more you looked scared. This time that you are hurting me, but before you can pull away or adjust I reach for your hair, and pull you down. Sealing our bodies together, but also bringing your head down far enough for us to rest cheek to cheek as we peck at each others shoulders. My lips working up to your ear and then whispering assuringly. “I don’t care….” I begin before I thrust my kitten into yours and we moan together in unison.
“About any of it….” Again I speak, until you respond to my press of pussies with one of your own. My breathless and near inaudible cry of pleasure like music to your ears.
“My pride. Yours. Who you’re with…. Fuck it all….” As I say fuck, we drive again with our hips, not apart and separately, but together in an explosion of pleasure.
“Fuck me…….” I say finally, while we grind. Matching speed, pressure, and tempo.

Every time I move and it brings a sound of pain to your lips I have to fight the urge to pull back. To adjust. To give you a break. Your body is already SO busted up I don’t want you to suffer more just because of sex. Least of all because of this moment but you won’t let me go as you hold me close and pump your wet pussy against mine. The feeling of your nipples on mine makes me absolutely SHUDDER. The next thought is invasive. A titfight. I want to see whose- Remi! I blot it out. I am literally in the middle of having sex with you and I’m having thoughts about testing our bodies. It’s strangely comforting. It’s thoughts like that which make me sure about Bailey. It’s the surest sign. When I move to just having sex with a partner and not considering if I want to struggle against them. They might as well be broken up with.
Either way as my breasts slide up and down over your immense and wonderful pair I close my eyes and breathe shallowly. Feeling your womanhood slip past mine with each grinding pump. Each heaving pass as the nectar grows sticky from exposure to air. I finally shift my leg between yours and pull back enough to truly press us together in something close to a scissor. Grinding and shifting around until it happens.
That first electric pass of clit against clit. It nearly makes my eyes roll back in my head. It feels so good I can’t even manage a sound despite my mouth coming open. I need more of that. And not just this one time. Every night that I can manage. Every lunch time break. Every post exercise shower time.
Twisting so that we are lined up I nuzzle into your neck and whisper into your ear. “Be as loud as you like. It’s just us and even if it wasn’t…” I begin to grind and flick. “I’m poly. I’m not cheating. We both want you here…” With that I pray you don’t pull back and I begin to grind and rut so that our clits flick past each other in an electric sensual dance of nerves on nerves. Raw pleasure rubbing on raw pleasure as I feel the orgasm start to build slow and hot in my guts.

Deeper and deeper we sink into this moment. This long-denied moment of acceptance and understanding. Healing wounds we had each torn open in one another. While no doubt opening up angles for us both to suffer new ones in the future. But I don’t care. Not anymore. Not after today. Not after all that has happened.
You’re mine and I am keeping you. Whatever that means and whatever that takes. No matter who I have to fight, or how I have to fight them. A new confidence, certainty, and resolve that gives me a feeling of strength, much at odds which how broken and battered I am.
The blood from my tits wetting with sweat and then rubbing off on yours as we continue to grind together. Faster and faster. Your lips to tell me I can be as loud as I want, reminding me whose house this is and why we had so much trouble getting here and together. But then, as if it was a meaningless aside, you tell me you’re polly.
And when you do I want to hit you. To hurt you. Even though you are freshing off saving my ass, because all of it … all of the fighting and pain we suffered was caused by you keeping your polygomous lifestyle a secret. Making me think the choice was having you or being a homewrecker. Loving you and being like my deadbeat ex-husband.
I would hate you, but instead I wrap my arms around you and hold on. Curse you out, but instead I just sigh. The sound of it turning into a moan as we writhe together on that table. This time as lovers, though next it may be as rivals. Test strength, tits, pussies and all else as we explore each other.
Remi and Amber. Up-and-comer and has-been. Lover and single mother. Goddess and Queen.
This Story Continues in Chapter 6! Click Here to Go There!