Part 1
The gang was all settled into their new, albeit temporary accommodations. As luxurious as they were, they all knew that this was no vacation like last time. Having to flee their home was as frustrating as it was humiliating and enraging. Sabrina found some joy in that, given that they had taken the penthouse from her in the first place. Vanessa was locked in her room trying to come up with a plan to turn the tables. It was pretty clear to others and for obvious reasons that Vanessa wished to be left alone for now. St. Lilith’s and the penthouse were compromised and it was only a matter of time until Las Brujas tracked them down to this vacation home as well. On top of all of that, they still could not reach Tamara. Her phone wouldn’t even ring. Something wasn’t right. To say that Vanessa was stressed out would be a monumental understatement. She was worried about Tamara, Madam Red, Olivia, the prison guards that weren’t two-faced, pink haired cunts and she was especially worried about her squad and how she was supposed to pull everything together for all of them. She was also wary of Sabrina and her true intentions but she had Jasmine to keep an eye on her.
Holly was doing what she always did in times of stress or sorrow. She cooked. It helped give her something else to focus on while also helping feed herself and the others at the same time. No matter what she did though, she could not shake the concern she had for Vanessa. She had just found out that the worst day of her life was all a sick joke and that the women she respected more than anyone in the world and the women she blamed for that terrible day were in fact, one and the same. What could Holly possibly do to alleviate all the grief and anxiety that Vanessa was feeling right now? Nothing. Vanessa had always been there for Holly even back when the blonde was a lazy, spoiled brat that wanted nothing to do with her and Holly couldn’t think of any way to return the favor. She felt like she could punch a hole in the wall right now but she tried her best to focus on her cooking. Chocolate mousse to be specific. Despite the blonde’s stunning figure, she had a strong sweet tooth and was making lots of it. Mostly in cake form. It wasn’t ready yet and she honestly dreaded when it would be ready as it would leave her without a distraction. Suddenly, Holly sensed someone else’s presence in the room. She turned around and saw Sabrina standing there, just staring at her. Her mood immediately soured. The alliance with their first official bust, however beneficial, necessary and temporary it may be, was a barely tolerated event. If Holly was this irritated by it, she could only imagine what Jasmine was feeling.
“What the fuck do you want?” Holly asked in a cold, deadpan voice.
“What, am I not allowed to just stand here?” Sabrina asked.
“You should be grateful we’re even allowing you to breathe after everything you’ve done.” Holly shot back.
“Geez, when did you get so uppity, princess?” Sabrina asked mockingly.
“Shut up and get lost!” Holly demanded. She hated when anyone other than Vanessa called her that.
“What’s so damn important anyway?” Sabrina asked.
“I’m cooking and I can’t be disturbed. Now fuck off!“ Holly ordered.
“So sorry to interrupt your work, Chef Ramsay.” Sabrina said sarcastically. “I just have nothing to do.”
“Go swim in the pool or something.” Holly said.
“Actually, I had a better idea.” Sabrina said with a more sensual voice. “If I have to rely on you bimbos, I need to get a very…direct sense of how skilled you are.”
“You sure you’re not too afraid to fight without your syringe to save you this time?“ Holly asked mockingly, referring back to their encounter in the tunnels from way back.
“If I can go toe to toe with Jasmine, you’ll barely be a nuisance.” Sabrina argued.
“Well, I’m busy right now.” Holly said. “Go play with Jazz or something. She’s always up to teach you a lesson.”
“I said I need to have a sense of all of your skills.” Sabrina said. “I already know her more than anyone else here. Even her Husband.”
“Can’t you just wait until I’m done?“ Holly asked.
“Oh, I see.” Sabrina said. “Wanting to delay the inevitable, huh? Can’t say I blame you, blondie.”
At that point, Holly slammed her hands on the counter, took in a deep breath and exhaled loudly.
“Alright…” Holly said in a serious tone. “I have about 20 minutes left for the mousse in the oven.”(I had to Google chocolate mousse recipes for that, so I hope you’re grateful).
“That’s more than long enough for me to wipe the floor with you.” Sabrina mocked. “And don’t worry, I’ll take it out of the oven for you after you pass out.”
“No wonder Jazz can never resist putting you in your place.” Holly said. “But fine, you wanna fuck, bitch? Let’s fuck!”
They both began to strip down, Holly starting by removing her cooking apron before they were both in their birthday suits. The sight of each other naked immediately excited them and got their blood flowing. Nipples became visibly hardened and they both felt themselves getting wet. In truth, Holly had been itching for a rematch with Sabrina ever since the redhead held her down and drugged her into unconsciousness in the tunnels so long ago. She wasn’t sure if she was ready but she was absolutely going to give her soon to be opponent everything she had. Sabrina, while primarily hating Jasmine and to a lesser extent Vanessa, also despised each and every member of Task Force 732 individually. Even Christina, whom she had just met and had nothing to do with putting Sabrina away. She still lived in a penthouse that was stolen from her and something about the Latina just aggravated her. However, Holly was the target for now. The two nymphos slowly but nail bitingly approached one another in the kitchen until their nipples just barely came into direct contact, giving them chills. They pushed further into each other as their sharpened milk buds slid over each other and soon stabbed into the opposing areolas.
“Mmmm…” They both lightly moaned.
Holly took it one step further by wrapping her arms fully around Sabrina’s back and pulling her rival in for a bearhug, pushing their nipples together even harder.
“Ugh!“ Sabrina grunted.
“Can’t stand the heat?” Holly asked mockingly.
“You wish. I haven’t even gotten started yet.” Sabrina shot back.
They grit their teeth and winced their eyes as Sabrina reciprocated the bearhug. The ginger escalated it further by taking one of her hands and burying it in Holly’s thick, blonde hair before pulling nice and hard.
“Agh!” Holly grunted. “You fucking bitch!”
Holly did the same to Sabrina, yanking on her fiery orange locks but she barely even reacted. At this point, Holly knew she had to step this up. She had only seen one of Sabrina’s fights with Jasmine but it was one of the most vicious, primal, arousing and even kind of terrifying things she had ever witnessed. She couldn’t even imagine what else the two bitter rivals had done to each other in their many other battles. She had to remember who she was dealing with.
“Enough of this slow foreplay!“ Holly declared. “You and I both know you can do way better than this, fire crotch! Why don’t you cut the crap and fuck me like you would Jazz?!”
Sabrina scoffed, impressed with the blonde’s show of bravery and determination.
“Alright, slut. You want my best, you’ll fucking get it.” Sabrina said sinisterly.
Immediately upon finishing that sentence, Holly shoved her face into Sabrina’s and slipped her tongue into the redhead’s mouth, completely catching her off guard and utterly dominating her tongue while staring her dead in the face. Sabrina was surprised but quickly got back into the groove as she wrestled Holly’s tongue back. She used her other hand to squeeze and even slightly twist her opponent’s thick, meaty ass cheek. Holly quickly did the same, digging her fingers deep into the powerful muscle of Sabrina’s rear end. They swallowed back each other’s sweet spit as they kissed viciously. Holly then proceeded to drag them both down into the thankfully roomy kitchen floor. They slowly descended downwards, first onto their knees before breaking the kiss, breathing heavily, nose to nose as they blew hot breath into each other’s mouths.
“You can do better than this.” Holly mocked.
“Pot, meet kettle.” Sabrina shot back. “Give me everything you’ve got, bitch.”
“Ask and you shall receive, cunt.” Holly shot back.
They both brought their outer thighs in between each other’s legs and began grinding away.
“Ugh!” Holly groaned.
“Now who can’t stand the heat?” Sabrina asked mockingly.
Holly responded by pulling her own leg upwards and grinding it deeper into Sabrina’s pussy.
“Ohh!!” Sabrina cried out in surprise.
“Looks like it’s still you.” Holly shot back.
“Alright, you beach, blonde, bimbo bitch!” Sabrina cursed. “Enough of this! You said you wanted me at my best! Then let’s go! Cunt to cunt! Right fucking here, right fucking now!”
Holly grinned in anticipation before it vanished from her face. Sabrina looked confused.
“Just a moment.” Holly said before pulling away and leaving Sabrina on the floor.
The ginger was annoyed and disappointed. She hated interruptions. It was like she was just ripped out of the matrix. She wondered what the fuck could be so important before she saw Holly going towards the oven and putting her mitts on.
“Mousse is ready.” Holly said.
She bent down to open the oven, shoving her shapely ass towards Sabrina, who gave it a good, hard smack as the distinctive, powerful spanking sound echoed throughout the kitchen.
“Ow!” Holly yelped. “You impatient cunt!”
“My cunt is impatient, alright!” Sabrina said. “Hurry the fuck up!”
Holly rolled her eyes before putting the mousse down on the table. After removing her oven mitts, she slid her finger through the sweet substance and then into her mouth.
“Mmm…” Holly moaned from the great taste. It was perfect.
“Now I have something to look forward to after I whip your bitch pussy into shape.” Holly bragged.
“Now where were we?” Holly asked teasingly. “Oh, that’s right.”
She then suddenly wrestled Sabrina back into the floor before pinning her, holding one leg on her shoulder with the redhead’s foot behind her neck while sitting on her opponent’s other leg. Sabrina was baffled that Holly managed to get the upper hand on her.
“I think it’s time someone besides Jasmine teach you a lesson!” Holly declared. “I let you, who almost destroyed our squad into my family’s home and you repay my kindness by interrupting my cooking and being a brat when I take thirty seconds of your precious time to keep my mousse from burning?!”
“We’ll just consider it even for your family stealing my hotel!” Sabrina shot back.
“You’d still have that hotel if you weren’t a criminal piece of shit!” Holly argued. “But you can still repay me by holding still and letting me fuck your tiny brains out!”
Before Sabrina could come up with another smart remark, Holly began flexing her entire body, therefore tribbing her pussy into the ginger’s.
“Ohhhh!!” Sabrina moaned.
“You wanted to go pussy to pussy with me!” Holly reminded her opponent as she winced one eye close from the physical strain. “Hope you enjoy it, whore!”
“Goddamn you!” Sabrina cursed.
Her long, orange hair fanned out on the kitchen floor behind her as she was dominated by the blonde. Their lower lips quickly became nice, wet and sticky, which therefore led to them fusing together into one, making the trib complete. Holly was rather pleased with herself. She wished Jasmine could see this but then realized that it would most likely make the raven jealous and wish she was the one doing this to her nemesis. Their clits immediately became nice and hard in response to all of this tribbing as they clashed against each other inside of their conjoined labias. Sabrina may have had the more submissive position of the two but she would not just lie back and allow herself to be fucked. She flexed upwards into Holly and was doing a pretty good job of fighting back, the blonde had to admit.
“Agh!” Holly groaned.
“Come on, bitch! Is that all you got?!” Sabrina mocked. “I get fucked harder by the guards at St. Lilith’s! Come on! Fuck me if you actually think you can!”
“God, shut your cunt-eating mouth, slut!” Holly demanded.
She then calmed down, realizing that her opponent was just trying to psyche her out and make her lose focus. She would not fall for such psychological tactics. She pulled herself and Sabrina’s leg upwards and began tribbing harder and faster but also more consistently and focused. Sabrina was starting to feel the pressure now. Their bout in the tunnels did not last long but from what Sabrina remembered, Holly has improved massively since then. Holly herself could see how surprised and even somewhat impressed Sabrina was. She wanted to see that distinctive look of pure contortion from pleasure on her face for so long. A face that Jasmine no doubt had burned into her memory.
“You goddamn fucking blonde bitch! Agh!” Sabrina cursed.
“Keep crying about it, you pathetic little hasbeen!” Holly mocked as she continued tribbing Sabrina.
The frustrated ginger could not believe, let alone accept it but she was beginning to feel the signs of her first orgasm building up. No! She would not be the one to cum first! She could tolerate that if this was a fight against Jasmine or maybe even Vanessa but not Holly! She did her absolute best to fight back but all it really seemed to do was add to her pleasure even more. She then tried to slip out of Holly’s grip so she could then find a way to turn the tables but the blonde would not let her go.
“Nice try!” Holly mocked. “You’re not going anywhere, slut! You’re cumming! Accept it and take it like a woman!”
“Ugh! No! You fucking cunt! Agh!” Sabrina grunted.
Sabrina resisted it with everything she had but Holly was simply too much for her to push back right now. She felt her pleasure building higher and higher and higher until finally she could not handle it anymore.
“Nooooooo!!!” Sabrina cried out melodramatically as she came.
Holly moaned out lightly as she felt her pussy get filled up with the redhead’s juices. Once the orgasm finally subsided, she released Sabrina’s leg and peeled her pussy off of Sabrina’s, making them both wince. Holly wasn’t sure which one of them was more amazed that she had drawn first blood. Both were left huffing and puffing from the strain of what they had just done to each other but more so from what Holly had done to Sabrina. The redhead was as baffled as she was infuriated with herself for allowing this to happen but Holly was not done with her just yet.
“Aw, is the little slut’s pussy all sore?” Holly asked mockingly as she went down to a crawl. “Maybe you’d like me to kiss it and make it better?”
“Don’t you dare you goddamn whoooooorrrrreeeeeee!!!!!” Sabrina screeched out as Holly immediately began going down on her.
She reached her hands underneath her opponent to cup the ginger’s thick ass cheeks, therefore lifting her up to make her cunnilingus assault a bit easier. Sabrina used her remaining strength to wrap her legs around Holly’s head in a cross to pull her face further into her cunt, showing defiance and daring Holly to do her worst. Holly’s tongue slithered all along Sabrina’s ripe, red labia like a little pink snake. She had to admit that her rival tasted pretty good. As she continued her feast, she would deliberately dip her tongue in and out of Sabrina’s folds like a dildo or a strapon, allowing her taste buds to be tidal waved with the other nympho’s tangy juices.
“Ahhhh!!” Sabrina groaned. “You goddamn animal!”
She would lift her face up and down so that her tongue moved with her and then left and right. Sabrina reached down to grab a tight fist full of Holly’s blonde tresses, wrapped even more hair all around her fist and yanked hard.
“Mmm!!” Holly grunted into Sabrina’s twat.
The sharp pain in her scalp only motivated her to eat Sabrina out even more brutally. Holly deliberately gathered up a large amount of saliva onto her tongue, adding even further to the licking and occasionally spitting onto and into Sabrina’s lower lips. Sabrina could not deny that Holly was an absolutely phenomenal pussy eater but it would take more than that to bring her down. She is the only criminal that 732 has ever faced that actually managed to defeat Jasmine a single time. Holly would not underestimate her for a moment. She then noticed Sabrina’s protruding, pulsating, pink pleasure bud and decided to focus the brunt of her oral assault on the helpless organ.
“Fuck!” Sabrina cursed as Holly wrapped her lips around her clit and began sucking on it like a piece of candy. “That’s right, slut! Eat my fucking clit, princess!”
Holly glared up angrily at Sabrina, expressing her annoyance at being called that when she already made it clear that she didn’t want to. She responded by knifing her four fingers straight up Sabrina’s lower pussy.
“Ohhh!!” Sabrina yelped.
Given that this was happening so soon after her last climax, Sabrina soon felt yet another one rearing its ugly yet also beautiful head. To be two orgasms behind her opponent was beyond humiliating but it would also make it all the more glorious for her when she inevitably turned the tables. For now, she accepted what was about to happen.
“Uggghhhhhhh!!!!” Sabrina groaned loudly as she came, giving Holly a nice facial as well as drenching her hair a bit.
As Sabrina’s second orgasm of the night subsided, she got up again and licked her lips clean.
“You know, I’m starting to wonder why Jasmine is so fixated on you.” Holly said. “You’re pretty fucking pathetic. I bet this same thing would’ve happened back at the tunnels if you didn’t drug me like the spineless little cum dumpster that you are.”
“Spineless, am I?” Sabrina asked as she regained her energy and got up.
“That’s right. What are you gonna do about it?“ Holly asked daringly.
Sabrina realized that she had underestimated her enemy while that same enemy was clearly not underestimating her. It was a mistake she would not repeat. Not with Holly or anyone else.
“What am I gonna do about it?” Sabrina asked rhetorically. “This!”
She launched herself at the blonde before tackling her and wrestling her back to the ground again. They scuffled a little before Sabrina managed to get the upper hand for once. She rested both of Holly’s legs on her shoulders, leaving her cunt wide open in a position that was similar to but not identical to the position that Holly had over Sabrina not too long ago. Holly shot Sabrina a confident look that basically dared her to do her worst and Sabrina was more than happy to oblige. She pulled her entire lower body, pelvis and especially ass back, winding herself like a human slingshot before undoing it and slamming back forward with pure power, all unleashed on Holly’s defenseless pussy.
“Ahhhhh!!!” Holly moaned out loud.
“Keep it coming, candy clit!“ Holly mocked. “I can take it all day!”
“I hope so because I want to fuck you all day!” Sabrina shot back.
She repeated this strategy over and over and over again, turning her own crotch into a fleshy wrecking ball to be incessantly smashed into Holly time and time again. Her own G cups flapped all around like crazy along with her flame colored hair, joining Holly’s tits and hair bouncing around in response to all the slamming. Despite her tough talk, Holly was really feeling the heat. Her face blushed as red as tomato, she was wincing her eyes closed hard and biting down on her bottom lip through grit teeth. Sabrina used her forearms to secure Holly’s legs while simultaneously reaching down to sink her lecherous fingers deep into Holly’s jiggling breasts. She pinched both nipples between her index and middle fingers as well. She wanted maximum punishment on the blonde bitch from all that humiliation. If you haven’t figured it out by now, Sabrina isn’t exactly the most forgiving person in the world.
“Stop acting tough!” Sabrina demanded. “I wanna hear you scream like the bitch in heat that you are!”
Holly could not believe how fast Sabrina had recovered and how brutally she was able to counterattack. She knew that Sabrina had underestimated her and now it seemed she made the same mistake herself. She was pinned up against the bottom of the counter by the other nympho, who continued grinding away at her and doing a damn good job at that.
“Ugh!“ Holly grunted. Music to Sabrina’s ears.
Despite not having her pussy touched once during her cunnilingus of Sabrina, giving her a pretty decent amount of recovery time, Holly was already beginning to feel the familiar volts signaling her orgasm, the first orgasm she would have of this entire right, coming along. She panicked at realizing this and did her best to trib Sabrina back but being pushed into the counter made it difficult to get enough room to actually have any effect in her grinding. Sabrina likely did that on purpose for that exact reason, the brilliant bitch. Holly felt her clit getting pinned by the redhead’s clit and at that point, she simply could not hold it back any longer.
“Agggghhhhh!!!!” Holly screamed as she climaxed.
Sabrina smiled with satisfaction and euphoric revenge as she felt Holly fill up her insides with her cum.
“You…fucking…bitch…” Holly said through her gasping for air.
Sabrina just chuckled condescendingly at the role reversal going on but just like Holly last time, she was not done yet. Not by a longshot. She got down on her elbows and knees before crawling towards the hyperventilating blonde and prying her legs open.
“You like eating my pussy, do you?” Sabrina asked rhetorically. “Let’s see how you like being on the receiving end!”
“You little fucking sllluuuuuuutttttt!!!” Holly screeched as Sabrina began devouring her.
The evil ginger’s tongue mercilessly explored the deepest crevices of Holly’s red, ripe cunt. Just like Holly did with her, Sabrina used a great deal of saliva with her licking to add to the pleasure.
“Fuck!“ Holly cursed.
She then reached down and in a repeat of what Sabrina had done to her, grabbed a tightly held fist into Sabrina’s fiery locks, wrapped even more of it entirely around her fist and pulled nice and hard. Sabrina would have scoffed if her mouth wasn’t busy doing other things at the moment.
‘You think I’m not used to getting my hair pulled that hard, skank?’ She thought to herself.
Sabrina continued feasting on Holly’s tasty twat. Holly was overwhelmed, feeling the textures of Sabrina’s taste buds rub up against her labia but the worst was yet to come as Sabrina noticed how full, engorged and nice and hard and lickable Holly’s clit now was. The ginger slowly dragged her tongue from the bottom of Holly’s pussy up towards the top and wrapped the pulsating, pink pleasure bud around her lips, sucking on it like a lollipop.
“Agh!” Holly groaned.
Sabrina deliberately drooled into the clit, allowing it to pool down Holly’s lower lips, adding even more to the pleasure. Sabrina was wise enough to strike exactly when the iron was hot. Not too soon after Holly’s last orgasm to the point where she was still a bit numb but not too late to where she had recovered from it. The mark of a truly experienced nympho. Holly was overwhelmed and simply could not handle it anymore.
“Fuuuuucccckkkkk!!!” Holly cursed loudly as she came yet again, splattering all over Sabrina’s face and hair.
The redhead smiled and licked her face clean as the blonde was left beside herself panting like a dog.
“Now we’re even.” Sabrina said.
Holly was frustrated and felt drained but she was still in the fight. Sabrina was also right. They were now even, so it was still anyone’s game and if Holly could catch Sabrina off guard before, who’s to say she can’t do it again? After catching her breath and picking herself back up, she just stared at her opponent in deep focus while Sabrina just stared back in pure confidence. Whatever Holly would try and pull next would be a gamble. If she did it wrong or allowed Sabrina to turn the tables again, the fight would be as good as lost but it was also the only real chance she had.
“If you’re just gonna stand there, you may as well admit defeat and just let me have my way with you.” Sabrina mocked.
“Not if you were the last woman on Earth!” Holly shot back.
“Snotty little bitch!” Sabrina cursed.
She successfully managed to provoke Sabrina and the two charged into each other, breasts mushrooming together before they once again tried to pin each other to the kitchen floor. Both were pretty tired but Sabrina managed to once again get the upper hand and pinned Holly to the floor in a very unorthodox position. Holly’s lower body was pointed upwards with Sabrina’s pussy locked onto her own in a somewhat standing scissor position. Holly struggled to slip away and launch her counterattack but Sabrina was pushing far too much weight on her and she closed her legs around Holly’s body, giving her even less room to maneuver.
“You’re not going anywhere, blondie!“ Sabrina proclaimed confidently. “Just lie back and take it!”
“Why don’t you try and make me?!” Holly dared defiantly.
“With pleasure!” Sabrina responded.
Sabrina began tribbing away at her prey, grinding back and forth, labia scraping across labia viciously.
“Agh! Shit!” Holly cursed.
“That’s it.” Sabrina said. “Just let it happen.”
Holly writhed and jerked around in frustrating yet intoxicating pleasure. She could feel that if she allowed this to progress, it would be the end, so she no longer cared about how stupid or pathetic she looked when trying to slip out of this humiliating position. Sabrina however, was not giving her any ground. She was like a lioness with her teeth sunk into her prey’s flesh. She would not let go for anything. Holly wasn’t even capable of tribbing back due to the position making it impossible for her to gather enough momentum for it. Trying it would just be a pointless waste of energy and make Sabrina’s job that much easier. The evil ginger hopped herself up and down in order to slam her cunt back down onto Holly’s.
“Ahhhh!!” Holly groaned. “Why don’t you just let me go so we can scissor on even ground like real women?!”
“You’re only saying that cause you’re losing!” Sabrina argued. “And you didn’t hear me trying to pull that shit when you had me into a corner, did you?”
Trying to provoke her pride when she had her prey in her jaws was a wasted effort. Sabrina played the game for keeps and would never let a chance for definitive victory slip away willingly. The two raging nymphos felt their pussies continuing to try to swallow each other as Sabrina shifted her position just enough so that their clits would join in the clash but not enough to give Holly any chance to escape.
“Aggghhhh!!” They both shrieked as their pleasure buds clashed together.
Eventually, Holly was starting to feel the devastating signs of her oncoming orgasm. She went into a panic, desperately trying to do anything she thought would even somewhat delay it or allow her to get away but Sabrina wasn’t budging in the slightest. She just tribbed and tribbed and tribbed until finally the inevitable came to pass.
“Noooooo!!!” Holly cried out dramatically as she climaxed, shooting her load upwards into Sabrina’s dominant cunt before finally passing out in defeat.
Sabrina released the blonde as she fell to the kitchen floor. The ginger smiled in victory as she caught her breath and turned her head in the direction of the chocolate mousse cake that Holly was fretting over so much. Sabrina then walked over towards the cake and like Holly had done before her, ran her finger in a line through the frosting and licked it off. Like Holly said, it tasted pretty good.
“Well, at least you’re good for something…Princess.” Sabrina said condescendingly.
In spite of her smugness, Sabrina was impressed by how much of a challenge Holly was. She always had her pegged for being the weakest of the squad and despite how exhilarating that fight was, she still believed that to be the case. It only made her look forward to testing out the skills of her other temporary teammates even more. She was tempted to eat the rest of the chocolate mousse cake just to spite Holly but decided that eating fattening sweets would only come back to bite her later on. This experience did teach Sabrina a valuable lesson about never underestimating her enemy. She underestimated Jasmine in both her first and second fights with her and it cost her everything and doing the same when they all face Las Brujas together could cost every single one of them everything. She would take her fights seriously from now on but that doesn’t mean she can’t still have some fun with them. Speaking of which…
“Now…” Sabrina said sinisterly. “Where did that little redhead go off to?”
Part 2
Nicole was downstairs in the exercise room of Holly’s family’s summer home. The exact same exercise room in which Vanessa proposed the idea of Task Force 732 to Jasmine after a particularly primal sexfight that Nicole and Holly got to witness. It was honestly the best day of her life. Right now, though?…Not so much. The usually cheerful and talkative redhead was in her workout outfit, a barely there bikini going at a punching bag like Jasmine would go at Sabrina if she walked in on her kissing Ben. She was beating on it so hard, you’d think she’d puncture it. She was beyond pissed off. Her boss was missing, her favorite hangout was borderline out of business after the Calendar Trio were busted, all of the criminals she helped put away were now walking free and to top it all off, her home was violated and she and her friends were forced to not just flee but to form an alliance with one of their worst enemies. Despite all her intelligence and technical skills, she couldn’t do a damn thing to stop it.
On one hand, those same skills did help save them all from being ambushed in the penthouse by La Cazadora and her thugs and Task Force 732 would go on to fight another day but other than that, she just felt so powerless. What could she do about this? She didn’t have Holly’s money, Christina’s knowledge of the enemy, Jasmine’s strength or Vanessa’s charisma. Perhaps if she worked at it hard enough she could at least help develop some of Sabrina’s viciousness, which she was more than happy to unleash on Las Brujas next time they met. These were the darkest days for the Task Force ever and she had to find some way to contribute. The computer expert was not the most physically adept of her team but she was determined to change that. At least for right now. As she continued her stress relieving exercise, she couldn’t help but feel someone’s eyes lingering on her. She began to turn around, hoping that one of the others was hoping to help her relieve stress in a more…enjoyable way. She was visibly disappointed when she realized it was the one person in this little hideout of theirs that she didn’t want to have a roll in the hay with. Sabrina stood there, back leaned up against the wall. Nicole rolled her eyes and ignored her, continuing her exercise. She hoped the ginger would just go away but minutes passed and she still felt her presence.
“Why don’t you take a picture? It’ll last longer.” Nicole quipped.
“Longer than you? That’s not exactly a high bar.” Sabrina shot back.
Nicole suddenly stopped her workout mid punch and turned around dramatically.
“And what the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Nicole asked angrily. She then relaxed and realized what Sabrina was trying to do. She shook her head and went back to her punching.
Sabrina walked up closer to watch the other redhead’s body bounce and jiggle in response to the exercise.
“You know…” Sabrina said flirtatiously. “I can tell you’re really tense. You need a clear head if we’re going to do this.”
“What are you, my therapist?” Nicole asked sarcastically.
“I can be.” Sabrina said. “We can find a way to relieve stress together.”
“Not if you were the last woman on Earth!” Nicole said angrily.
‘Deja vu.’ Sabrina thought to herself.
“After everything you’ve done to Jazz, you’re lucky that you’re not in this punching bag’s place, bitch!” Nicole threatened. “But you won’t be of use to any of us if you’re beaten to a pulp. I don’t think the Brujas like their prey covered in bruises.”
“You wouldn’t be a challenge anyway.” Sabrina mocked.
“Yeah, that’s why you drugged me last time, right?” Nicole asked sarcastically.
“I was in a hurry.” Sabrina excused. “And I did the same to Holly and Vanessa but I still whipped their pussies myself later on.”
Nicole paused her workout. She knew that Sabrina had fought and beaten Vanessa once but she was not aware of Holly.
“I know what you’re about to ask.” Sabrina said. “Yes, I outfucked Holly. Just a bit ago, in fact.”
Nicole hated to admit it but the thought of that was getting her a bit hot under the collar. At the moment, she and Christina were the only people in this hideout that have never fucked Sabrina. Aside from Ben of course and given that Sabrina kidnapped him, she didn’t expect him to want anything to do with her. She knew Sabrina would much rather fuck Ben’s Wife anyway. She knew that Sabrina would just go after Christina next and she didn’t like to be left out. At this point, she acknowledged her desire to get her exercise in, relieve her stress and teach Sabrina a lesson. Why not do all three at the same time?
“Alright, bitch.” Nicole said as began taking her boxing gloves off. “You want some redhead on redhead action? Fine. I’ve been itching to wipe that smirk off your face anyway.”
Sabrina grinned, knowing Nicole couldn’t resist her. They both began to strip down until they were totally naked, eyeing up each other’s mouth watering bodies. They just stared each other down a bit with an awkward, intense silence.
“You know…” Nicole said. “This room had quite a bit of history behind it. Task Force 732 was born here.”
“Is that so?“ Sabrina asked, genuinely interested.
“Jazz and Nessa fought here while Hol and I watched.” Nicole explained. “After Jazz won, Nessa proposed the idea of the team to her and we all said yes…Then she went home the next day to find that you had broken out of jail and kidnapped Ben.”
“Good times.” Sabrina said with a chuckle.
Nicole’s expression turned into a glare.
“You done with the history lesson now or can we get star…” Sabrina wasn’t able to finish that sentence.
Nicole had marched towards her and silenced her with her mouth and tongue. Sabrina was surprised by Nicole’s boldness due to how hesitant she was to fight her until moments ago but she quickly got into it and began reciprocating the kiss, tongues wrestling inside of dueling mouths. Nicole then reached behind the ginger with both hands and grabbed nice, firm handfuls of Sabrina’s succulent ass, pushing her palms deeply into the meaty cheeks. Sabrina responded by reaching upwards into Nicole’s crimson locks and burying both of her hands into them and pulling nice and hard as they continued lustfully making out. They swallowed back each other’s sweet saliva as they began to drool down their faces and jawlines. Their monumental G cups were having a battle of their own as their nipples slid over each other over and over again like a pair of magnetized marbles.
“Mmmm!!” Nicole grunted into Sabrina’s mouth as she felt the other redhead’s milk buds slowly but powerfully penetrate her areolas.
She felt Sabrina’s mouth shift into a grin, no doubt enjoying that sound from her opponent. Nicole immediately stabbed her own pink buds into Sabrina’s areola in retaliation.
“Mmmm!!” Sabrina grunted into Nicole’s mouth.
After several more minutes of sloppy, primal tongue kissing, they finally pulled their mouths apart, leaving a trail of spit between their luscious lips. They panted, blowing hot breath into each other’s faces as they just stared into each other’s desire filled eyes.
“I know you can do better than that.” Nicole said through her heavy breathing. “Come on and show me.”
“What’s your hurry? Why not savor every moment?“ Sabrina asked.
“Don’t give me that romcom bullshit!“ Nicole spat. “I was there when Jazz outfucked you in the pool, remember? We both know what you’re capable of! I want you at your best when I milk every drop from your pathetic pussy!”
“What’s your damage?” Sabrina asked.
“You mean besides the obvious?” Nicole asked sarcastically. “For one thing, you’re an embarrassment to the good name of redheads everywhere.”
“Well, technically I’m a ginger.” Sabrina argued.
“Whatever!” Nicole said, now annoyed. “Just cut the shit and fuck me like you mean it! That is if you think you can!”
Nicole wasn’t wrong about Sabrina beating around the bush. She learned from her fight with Holly and wanted to lure Nicole into making the same mistakes that her blonde partner made. To give her a false sense of superiority and then pounce on her when she thinks she’s got the fight in the bag. Prolonging the fight would also give her more of a sense of Nicole’s abilities, which was her reason behind starting these fights with the others in the first place. Well, that and her genuine lust and hatred for the girls on top of that. However, Nicole made it clear that she wasn’t falling for it.
“Fine then, slut.” Sabrina said. “Have it your way.”
Sabrina shifted her position ever so slightly to where her cunt was directly in front of Nicole’s cunt and she pushed herself forward, driving their lower lips together and resting her chin on Nicole’s shoulder while the other redhead was forced to rest her own chin on Sabrina’s shoulder.
“Ahhhh!!” Nicole moaned from the sudden fusion of her labia to another.
“Is that what you wanted, you hot bitch?” Sabrina asked seductively, swiping her tongue alongside Nicole’s ear lobe as she finished speaking.
“Right on the money, you sexy cunt.” Nicole shot back as she licked Sabrina’s ear in return.
The two nymphos tribbed together like this in this rather unorthodox but surprisingly cozy position. It was like being cuddled and fucked at the same time. Who wouldn’t enjoy that? Nicole had to try this with the other girls at some point. Their warm, soft skin acted almost like a blanket for each other as they buried their faces in their opponent’s sweet smelling but already sweat drenched hair. Their breasts mushroomed together as their pussies furiously kissed each other. They continued playfully licking at each other’s ears as well. This all proved to be so intoxicating that it almost made the two forget how much they absolutely loathe each other…Almost. Sabrina knew that Nicole loved sex and lived for it. Which is saying quite a bit considering the other girls. She was the type to not take it as seriously as her partners typically do unless there are serious stakes involved. This would be the basis for the evil ginger’s psychological warfare.
“That’s right.” Sabrina encouraged. “Just relax and enjoy the ride. You and I both know that’s what you really want. Let all that stress out in the best way. The way that women like us have done since the dawn of the human race.”
Nicole was very tempted to do just that but she knew Sabrina’s game and was stronger than that.
“Nice try, whore.” Nicole cursed. “You think I don’t know what you’re trying to pull? I won’t just be some slutty sorority sister for you to play with. This is a fight! So fight!”
Sabrina scoffed. Just as Holly was physically stronger than Sabrina expected, it seemed Nicole was mentally stronger than she expected as well.
“Was worth a try.” The ginger said casually. “But fine. You want a battle, babe? I’ll give you a war!”
“Bombs away.” Nicole dared.
They both began fucking each other again in this exact same position but much more viciously and more intense. They both turned their heads toward each other before bringing their tongues out and corkscrewing them together outside of their mouths. The sounds of their moaning, grunting and slurping on each other’s tongues filled the room. Sabrina soon pushed her mouth towards Nicole’s and turned their tongue war into another passionate make out session. Every single part of them that possibly could be fused together in this position was being fused together in this position. Lips, mouths, tongues, breasts, nipples, areolas, labias, inner folds and just now, clits. Their pleasure buds finally came out of their hoods to join the fun and were immediately greeted by the opposing organ.
“Mmmmm!!” They loudly moaned into each other’s mouths.
Their pussies felt as if they were superglued to each other or that they were born conjoined at the genitalia. Their clits vibrated together as they flexed their pelvises to grind against each other even further. At the moment, it would take the jaws of life to pry them apart from each other. Their hearts sank when they began to feel their first climax of the match closing in on them but they calmed down when they felt in the body language of their opponent that she was just as close as well. They continued tribbing away at each other for about three more minutes until finally it happened. They broke their kiss.
“Aggghhhhhh!!!” Nicole screamed.
“Ugggghhhhh!!!” Sabrina cried.
They both came into each other at the exact same time. Their juices coalesced together and splashed each other’s pussies before they fell onto their backs, now in what looked like a scissoring position, huffing and puffing as their long, fiery red hair fanned out behind them on the matted floor. Sabrina wasn’t too broken up over tying for first orgasm with Nicole. It was certainly better than Holly getting not one but two climaxes over her to begin with in their match. Nicole felt rather surprised and proud of herself that she was able to go toe to toe or rather clit to clit against a sexual beast like Sabrina.
“Not bad.” Sabrina admitted. “But the fight is still young, bitch. And I don’t know if you’ve noticed but our pussies are still connected.”
“Yeah, cunt. I noticed.” Nicole said bluntly. “And you’re gonna notice when I pummel your little slit into pudding.”
“Ha!” Sabrina scoffed. “Not on the best day of your fucking life!”
Immediately upon regaining their energy, they began scissoring each other just as brutally as they were tribbing mere moments ago. With their mouths no longer covered by each other, the sounds of their grunts of effort and moans of pleasure really began to fill the room as they fucked on the matted floor. Their legs crossed over each other as they used their peripheral vision to watch the other nympho’s G cup tits bounce all around in response to their bodies jerking back and forth incessantly. The idea of going through this entire fight without disconnecting their lower lips a single time was not an unpleasant one but as they say, variety in the spice of life. Not to mention the fact that the longer they stayed fused, the harder and more painful it would be to finally rip apart. So, they would try something different after this little bout. For now though, they just pumped and pumped and pumped into each other without a care in the world except for the glorious sounds of their opponent moaning and grunting. Their faces were contorted with pleasure and exertion. Given that they were doing this almost immediately after already having made each other cum, they both knew it would not be long at all until it happened again. And they were right.
“Ahhhhhh!!!” Nicole cried as she came right inside of Sabrina’s pussy.
“Ohhhhh!!!“ Sabrina screamed as she climaxed straight into Nicole’s cunt.
They could have just skipped this little scissoring session and pulled apart from each other after their first mutual orgasm but they were so transfixed by the pleasure that they just couldn’t resist grinding each other to another one immediately after. They both physically and mentally struggled to pull away from each other for real this time, peeling apart their kissing labia excruciatingly.
“Ugh!” They both grunted.
They both got up, wondering what direction to take this battle next. So far, their fight had largely been one of attrition and while they did want to switch things up at least a little bit, they thought it was a good idea to keep that general idea going. They silently stared at each other as they finally began to catch their breath. It was then that Nicole realized what she wanted to do next. She crawled towards the other redhead, who just watched her and did not try to move away, as doing so would be showing weakness. Nicole positioned herself so that her body was parallel to that of Sabrina’s but pointed in the opposite direction of it. Sabrina immediately caught on to what her opponent wanted to do and was more than happy to oblige. At the same time, both redheads turned on their sides and got in nice and close so that their faces were directly in front of each other’s ripe, juicy pussies. They licked their lips.
“I’ve always wanted a taste of the pussy that Jasmine obsesses over so much.” Nicole said.
“Obsessed with my pussy, is she?” Sabrina asked slyly.
“Don’t even tell me the feeling isn’t mutual.” Nicole mocked. “Just shut up and lick me.”
“Only if you shut up and lick me.” Sabrina shot back.
They both did as they were asked. They wrapped their arms around the other nympho’s back and pulled both her and themselves closer to each other. They then reached up to palm and sink their fingers deep into the thick meat of the other redhead’s plump ass before finally diving their mouths into the delicious muffs in front of them. The sloppy sounds of them audibly licking and slurping on each other’s cunts echoed throughout the matted room.
“Mmmmmmm…” They both moaned into each other’s twats.
Their long, thick, sweaty flaming hair blanketed across their rival’s legs as they feasted on each other like lionesses devouring their prey alive. Sabrina squeezed Nicole’s cheeks harder in order to force her mouth and tongue deeper into her enemy’s inner canal. Nicole on the other hand, used her tight grip on Sabrina’s ass to basically pull and push her tongue back and forth in and out of the ginger’s lower lips. Both techniques were very effective and admirable in their intuition and creativity. It did not take long for their clits to come out of their hoods to play only to be immediately assaulted by the mouth of the owner of the other clit. They kissed, licked, nibbled, spat on and did just about everything that a mouth could do to a clit. They were in heaven right now. Just as much, if not more than when they were tribbing and scissoring. The rest of the world faded from their minds as they became animals going purely off of their sexual instincts. The noises they made soon began alternating between primal slurping and overwhelmed moaning and grunting.
As time went on and on and on, the two battling beauties climaxed over and over and over again. Their faces were absolutely coated with the other redhead’s fluids. So much so that a decent amount of it had seeped into their hair, down their jawlines and onto their supple, gigantic jubblies, even to the point of tickling their nipples even slightly. The way they relentlessly, savagely ate each other out, you’d think they were starving to death and were somehow actually gaining sustenance from the other woman’s cunt. They were giving each other so many facials and swallowing back so much girl cum, it was a wonder how neither of them ever began to choke or gag even slightly. Eventually though, they realized that the fight wasn’t going anywhere like this and that it had to end sometime. After bringing each other one last orgasm from their mutual oral assaults, they finally pulled apart from each other and onto their backs, hyperventilating.
“You…goddamn…whore…” Sabrina said through her heavy breathing.
“You…fucking…slut…” Nicole said through her own heavy breathing.
Once again, they were left wondering what to do next. On one hand, they thought it might be a good idea to stop this whole war of sexual attrition and just try to pin their opponent down and fuck her into unconsciousness, otherwise they feared that this fight may never end. On the other hand, they were having way too much of a good time and wanted to keep this going for as long as possible. After recovering their breath, they both got up again and realized how much of a mess they both were. Skin red and pink from all the physical exertion and shining from sweat and cum. Their hair was a disheveled mess and matted to their skin, also from sweat and cum. Their cunts were bright red from being fucked so incessantly. Did that make them hesitate to continue? No. Far from it. The exact opposite in fact. Their fucked up appearances only served as physical evidence to how great their fight was.
“Okay, little whore…” Sabrina said. “You can grind and you can eat…but can you use those pervy little hands of yours?”
“Why don’t you come over here and find out for yourself?” Nicole dared.
“I thought you’d never ask.” Sabrina said.
They both sat up next to each other and got in nice and close to where their legs touched. They then reached underneath each other, arms crossing over each other in the shape of an X before they began fingering each other with everything they had.
“Agh!” Nicole grunted.
“Shit!” Sabrina cursed.
Nicole was frustrated that Sabrina was able to keep up with her so much even after having already fought Holly earlier that day. It damaged her confidence. She knew that Sabrina was an incredibly skilled, experienced and powerful nympho but to be able to perform so well in two sexfights in one day was the mark of a true sexual warrior. They dipped their fingers in and outside of each other’s cunts with expert precision, alternating between various patterns of fingers and various techniques. They looked up to see that their faces were mere inches apart and began licking at each other’s tongues before sealing their mouths together again, letting their tongues wrestle inside. Thumbs pressed into clits, fingers slithered deep inside of them, deliberately flexing and exploring every reachable inch of each other’s inner walls. Nicole’s left tit pressed into Sabrina’s right tit. Their bodies jerked around a bit in response to the volts of pleasure being unleashed upon their insides. It was every bit as fun as it sounded. They broke their kiss.
“You kiss like shit.” Nicole mocked.
“You fuck like shit.” Sabrina shot back. “And you finger like shit too. Let me show you how a real woman manually pleasures her opponent!”
The ginger then knifed four fingers straight up Nicole’s entrance.
“Agghhhhh!!!” Nicole screeched. “You goddamn motherfucking cunt!!!”
“I’ve been called worse.” Sabrina joked.
“Two can play at that game!” Nicole reminded her.
The other redhead copied Sabrina’s technique, jamming her four fingers deep inside of Sabrina’s cunt as well.
“Fuck!” Sabrina cursed through her grit teeth.
Nicole was frustrated that her reaction was not as extreme as her own. Sabrina retaliated by using her free thumb to twiddle and play with Nicole’s clit.
“Ohhh!!” Nicole groaned as Sabrina smiled evilly.
The cop babe once again reciprocated the move. They went at it like this relentlessly as minutes upon minutes upon minutes passed. They soon both began to feel another orgasm bubbling up and braced themselves for the oncoming internal impact.
“Ahhhhh!!!” Nicole screamed.
“Ohhhh!!!” Sabrina cried out.
Their hands became slathered in their rival’s orgasmic secretions as they pulled them out of each other, once again being left huffing and puffing. Yet another mutual climax and neither of them were any closer to victory than they were when this fight started. Sabrina had had enough of this and decided to end the charade. She pounced on top of Nicole, front to back and forced the other redhead into the matted floor.
“Ugh!” Nicole grunted in surprise as Sabrina pinned her. “Fucking cunt, what the Hell are you doing?!”
“Playing on an even field is getting us nowhere!” Sabrina said. “And the Brujas play for keeps. You think they won’t take every advantage they get? You should just be mad at yourself for not being more prepared! That’s the name of the game and you goddamn well know it!”
Nicole just stared away in silence, knowing that Sabrina was right. She cursed herself for not seeing this coming, especially since she was well aware of Sabrina’s character. Her mistake could very well have cost her this match but if she was going down, she was going to take a piece of the evil ginger with her. Plus, this lesson might just prove life saving when they took back St. Lilith’s, so she could at least thank Sabrina for that much. Nicole felt Sabrina’s G cup tits and nipples poking into her back and being tickled by her crimson hair as Sabrina slid herself over Nicole nice and slowly so she could get the position she was looking for without giving her enemy a chance to escape. Her pussy was now sitting on top of Nicole’s ass. She just had to slide down just a few more inches before she could launch her attack. She wrapped one arm around the front of Nicole’s body as she felt her arm being pushed into the matted floor to keep her secure. Her other arm groped and squeezed Nicole’s right breast.
“Uhh..” Nicole winced. “What in the fuck are you trying to dooooooooo?!?!?!” Nicole screamed as she felt Sabrina tribbing into her pussy from behind.
“This!” Sabrina answered bluntly. “Not the most practical of positions but damn kinky and more importantly effective!”
Nicole tried to slip away but it was useless. Sabrina had her exactly where she wanted her. She was at the level where their faces were cheek to cheek and Nicole turned her head around only for Sabrina to once again jam her tongue down her throat.
“Mmmmm…” Nicole moaned weakly into Sabrina’s mouth as her opponent fucked her from behind.
This position was like something straight out of the Kama Sutra. It couldn’t really be called doggy style since neither woman was on her hands and knees but Nicole was very much being fucked from behind. The powerless redhead was caught in between the matted floor and Sabrina pressing down on her. It felt like a sexual version of a closing wall trap from an action movie. Sabrina enjoyed every moment of her sexual humiliation and frustration. She pulled her pelvis back and then slammed it back forward into the lower half of Sabrina’s cunt.
“Mmmmmm!!!” Nicole groaned, muffled by Sabrina’s tongue.
The sadistic ginger was not giving her poor, helpless opponent even an inch of room to breathe. Upon contact of cunt to cunt, Sabrina would grind harshly and rub herself left and right to add to the pleasure and degradation of her hated enemy. God, she only wished that she was doing this to Jasmine instead right now but she would cross that bridge when she got there and doing this to Jasmine’s best friend was pretty satisfying in its own right. Nicole had not felt such shame since she and Holly were outfucked by La Rubia and La Morena so long ago. Once this was all over, she vowed to get stronger and then get revenge on the other redhead. Right now though, the best she could do was to make this as difficult as possible for her rival. That wouldn’t exactly be easy though. She was pinned down. Her pussy, tits and mouth were all being mercilessly dominated at the same time.
‘I wish your precious Jasmine could see this right now!’ Sabrina thought to herself. ‘To watch knowing that this is just a fraction of what I have in store for her!’
Nicole’s body jerked around a bit in subconscious response to all the pleasure being dished out on her but Sabrina kept her nice and still. Nicole felt her tongue being wrestled and dominated by Sabrina’s as the ginger’s hand violently squeezed her breast and pinched and twisted her nipple, all the while her pussy continued to be fucked in this humiliating display of raw sexual sadism. She wasn’t even giving Nicole the dignity of moaning out loud as she tongued her mouth down. Eventually, this all, of course proved to be far too much for Nicole to endure and she began to feel what would surely be her final climax of the match closing in on her. At this point, that was a relief knowing her humiliation would be over soon. She didn’t even try to fight it. Sabrina slammed into her pussy with her pussy one last time as Nicole finally came.
“Mmmmmmmmmmm….” She moaned weakly into Sabrina’s mouth before fainting at long last.
Sabrina finally released her and stood up, proud of her victory. The other redhead fought well, perhaps even better than Holly but Sabrina knew she was superior and this would only end one way. She then looked up at the punching bag that Nicole had been wailing on when she came down here. She walked over towards it, deliberately stepping on Nicole’s passed out form on her way. She then wound up her arm and unleashed one huge punch on it, actually puncturing it and causing the sand to start pouring out. A little victory mark for Nicole to wake up to. Sabrina was as sore a winner as she was a loser. Still, the fights from what she suspected were the two weakest members of the team had taken its toll on her much more than she had anticipated. She hated to admit it but she was rather impressed by their skills. She then looked up at the clock and realized that it had gotten pretty late now. She still looked like an absolute mess too. She could use a nice, long, soapy shower to clean a day of nonstop sex off and then a good night’s rest.
“‘And then first thing tomorrow morning…’ Sabrina thought to herself. ‘That mouthy Latina spy is all mine!’
Part 3
A day had passed since the team had settled down in their temporary hideout from Las Brujas as Vanessa continued to practically torture herself to try and find a way to turn their situation around. Her roommate, Christina thought it would be best to give her some space for now. She was taking it pretty hard herself. For one, she was terrified of what would happen if Las Brujas captured them. She knew that La Malvada had something special planned for each of them due to how much of a thorn in her side they have been for so long. Christina especially due to her having been a spy. She knew that she had no real reason to be afraid. That she and the other girls were absolute bad bitches and if anyone could do this, they could but regardless, fear isn’t always reasonable or controllable. She was watching TV to try and take her mind off of it but she just couldn’t. Suddenly, she saw Ben walk into the room and her spirits were immediately lifted by his presence as she smiled at him.
“What’s up?” She asked.
“Just figured you needed some company.” Ben said.
“Are you sure your hot Wife doesn’t want it to?” Christina asked.
“Well, she told me not to tell you this…” Ben said, rubbing the back of his neck uncomfortably.
“But…?” Christina asked.
“But she was the one who asked me to check on you.” Ben said.
Christina seemed visibly stunned by that.
“Oh…That was nice.” Christina said awkwardly.
Ben sat down on the couch next to her.
“You doing alright?” Ben asked.
“No…Not really.” Christina answered honestly. “But I’m a little better now that you’re here.”
She rested her head on his lap as Ben felt her long, soft black hair blanket his legs. He struggled not to get an erection and ruin the moment. Christina was pleasantly surprised that Jasmine was willing to do that for her but it made Christina concerned for Jasmine and how she was handling all of this. Especially with you know who being here. Think of the devil…
“Well, isn’t this cute?“ Sabrina asked sarcastically as she entered the room.
Both turned their heads and glared at her. Christina got up and clung to Ben’s arm like an animal protecting its mate.
“What do you want, bitch?” Christina asked.
“I should be asking you that, spy.” Sabrina said. “You’re always on him, a married man like white on rice.”
“It’s none of your concern.” Ben said firmly. “Now mind your own damn business and get lost!”
Christian was as taken aback as she was aroused by what he just said. Jasmine told her that Ben’s rare assertive side was hot.
“What’s your problem, prick?” Sabrina asked.
“Why don’t you take a wild guess?” Ben asked. “In case you weren’t aware, people tend to not like being kidnapped.”
Christina remembered the story of what Sabrina had done and it made her even more tense and defensive of him.
“It was over a year ago.” Sabrina said. “And you’re just salty because you watched me outfuck Jasmine while you were helpless to stop it.”
“You just got lucky.” Ben said.
“Speaking of getting lucky…” Sabrina said. “I heard about your little cheerleader squad’s house rules…I beat Jasmine once…So, does that mean.”
“NO!!!” Christina yelled as she got up in Sabrina’s face. “vete a la mierda antes de que te folle el coño hasta convertirlo en pasta, perra!”
Translation: “Fuck off and go away before I fuck your cunt into paste, bitch!”
“I don’t know what you just said but you’d better change your tone, spy.” Sabrina said. “Besides, isn’t that his choice?”
“Not if you were the last woman on Earth!” Ben said.
‘They just love saying that, don’t they?’ Sabrina thought to herself.
“Besides, what do I need you for when I already have the six most amazing women in the world?” Ben asked.
Christina smiled and nearly blushed hearing that.
“Relax, I was just fucking with you.” Sabrina said. “I’d much rather fuck your Wife anyway…Wait, did you say six?”
“Ms. Colby, our boss.” Christina answered.
“Oh, yeah. The one who wants to take on La Malvada.” Sabrina said. “What’s so special about her anyway?”
Ben was about to tell her off again when Christina turned towards him and lifted her index finger, signaling him to let her handle this. The Latina then took out her phone and browsed through her pics until she found one of them together with Tamara and showed it to Sabrina, who looked impressed.
“Well, damn.” Sabrina said. “She’s fucking hot. I’d love to roll in the hay with her.”
“She’s too good for you, puta.” Christina said. “She actually managed to outfuck Jasmine after that rule was set. And Ben fucked her in front of the whole team…Well, I wasn’t there yet, though.”
“Of course you weren’t.” Sabrina said. “You were just a spy…For our side, right?” Sabrina asked.
“You’re not on our side!” Christina argued. “And we’ve been over this. I saw the Brujas for what they really are.”
“Well, you’re the only Bruja in history to turn away from La Malvada.” Sabrina said. “And I’m supposed to just believe that?”
“I don’t give a shit what you believe, fire crotch!” Christina said. “And why should any of us believe that you’re here for good reasons? We all know who you are! Why should any of us trust you?!”
“We’ve been over this.” Sabrina said, mockingly repeating Christina. “You have no other choice. Would you rather kick me out, so that I can go back to St. Lilith and tell Las Brujas where you are?”
Christina hated to admit it but she had a point. Ben was honestly somewhat transfixed watching them argue. After their fight, Jasmine told Ben that Christina reminded her of Sabrina. That they had similar personalities in many ways. Ben could see that now. Their similarities made them hate each other.
“Why don’t we ask Ben if I’m trustworthy?“ Christina asked. “Tell her, hun. Who do you trust more? The bitch who kidnapped you or the hot babe who saved you from your second kidnapping?”
“The second one.” Ben said bluntly.
“Second kidnapping?“ Sabrina asked. “Oh, yeah. Those bounty hunters. What is he, Princess Peach?”
“I guess that makes you Bowser.” Christina shot back.
Ben’s eyes went wide at that comeback.
“You little smartass!” Sabrina cursed. “And it’s not just your intentions I don’t trust! How do I know you’ll be of any use to the team now that you’ve been compromised?”
“Well, I did manage to bring down both Hol and Nikki.” Christina bragged.
“That so?” Sabrina asked. “Well, as of yesterday, that makes two of us.”
“So, what? I’m next on your chopping block?” Christina asked.
“Maybe.” Sabrina said.
The ginger then suddenly grabbed one of the raven’s breasts and began fondling it.
“Not a bad rack, you have.” Sabrina admitted. “But I have experience fuckihg ravens.”
“More like experience getting fucked by them.” Christina shot back.
She reciprocated the boob grab and groping.
Ben knew this was going to get vicious fast. They have the two worst tempers of anyone in the house since Jasmine stopped being insanely jealous a while ago. He thought it would be best to leave and he began to do just that.
“No!“ Christina said. “I want you to watch this.”
“So do I.” Sabrina said sinisterly. “But this isn’t the place. My room?”
“Why not?” Christina answered.
The two spitfires let go of each other and all three walked to Sabrina’s room. Ben’s heart was racing. He wasn’t sure if it was from excitement, terror or both but one thing was for sure. It would be a spectacle. They arrived in Sabrina’s room, which was just as opulent as any other bedroom in the summer home. Ben took a seat by the table across from the bed as the two nymphos began stripping down and shooting each other death glares. It took seconds for both of them to get bare assed. As much as Ben hated her, he had to admit that Sabrina was easy on the eyes. He began to get hard and both girls noticed.
“Aw, are you sure you don’t want some of this?” Sabrina teased.
“He’s only stiff cause he’s looking at me.” Christina argued.
“You’re such a smug little…” Sabrina said before being silenced by Christina’s mouth.
For the second fight in a row in this house, Sabrina had been interrupted by her opponent’s tongue in the middle of a sentence. The two hellcats then began scuffling with each other until they both fell on to the king size bed. Just like with the fight between Jasmine and Christina back at the penthouse pool, Ben was afraid to say a single word interrupting the fight. The exact same pool in which Jasmine had finally brought Sabrina down, poetically enough. The wrestling nymphos ended up side by side on the bed before they broke their kiss, panting.
“Hold still, you little slut!” Sabrina demanded.
“That would be the only way you could beat me.” Christina shot back.
She then brought her leg up against Sabrina’s pussy and began rubbing away.
“Agh!” Sabrina groaned. “Okay, you wanna rub cunts? Let’s fucking rub cunts!”
“Ugh!” Christina grunted as Sabrina reciprocated the move. “Give it your best shot, bitch!”
The two began rubbing each with their upper legs as their hands grabbed each other and began wrestling all around them. Sabrina stuck her tongue out and slashed it across Christina’s lips. The raven did the same to the ginger and it quickly descended into a tongue battle outside of their mouths. Sabrina’s left tit and Christina’s right tit were bashing against each other on the bed, nipples rubbing together but not stabbing each other just yet. Their eyes squinted in response to the other woman’s leg pleasuring them. Eventually, they realized that this little dichotomy wasn’t going anywhere, so Christina slipped away and in one fluid motion, managed to get in front of Sabrina and on top of her before silencing her with her tongue for the second time in a row. She felt her pussy kiss that of her rival’s and began grinding away.
“Mmmmmm!!” Sabrina moaned into the kiss in frustration.
Christina’s long and already sweaty black hair curtained their faces as she dominated her enemy. Her luscious G cups compressed into Sabrina’s, nipples stabbing into the opposing areolas as their cunts fused together. Ben was really starting to enjoy the show now and found the sight of Christina on top of Sabrina to be as mentally satisfying as it was physically satisfying for him. Sabrina’s tongue fought back as she tribbed upwards into Christina but the Mexicana babe very much had the advantage and that was clear to see. Christina sank her hands behind Sabrina’s head and into her fiery orange locks before yanking hard.
“Mmmmm!!” Sabrina shrieked into Christina’s mouth.
It was at that point in the midst of their pussy pumping that their clits came out to play and were immediately met by each other, causing them both to moan into their vicious make out session. All of this was quickly proving to be too much for Sabrina and she began to feel her first orgasm of the fight closing in on her, however, she was intent on not being the only one. She could tell that Christina was close as well but not as close as she was. Even as she began to cum, she tribbed upwards as brutally as she could and Christina, who thought she had this first round in the bag, quickly began to feel her own climax rearing its ugly head too and then it finally happened as they broke the kiss.
“Ahhhhhhh!!!” Sabrina screamed as she came.
“Ohhhhhh!!!” Christina screamed just a few moments later as she also came.
Christina felt Sabrina’s juices flow into her pussy not even a second before she shot off herself and filled up Sabrina’s pussy. Their sexual liquids just barely splashed against each other before Christina rolled off of Sabrina and both were left huffing and puffing in their post orgasmic winding. Ben ogled them as their shapely assets slightly jiggled around in response to their heavy breathing.
“Well…” Christina said. “Now I see why Jazz can never resist you.”
“Oh, can you now?” Sabrina asked mockingly.
“I’ve heard many things about you, fire crotch.” Christina said. “Truth is, I planned on going to St. Lilith’s and seeing what the big deal was for myself once Las Brujas were taken care of.”
“IF they’re taken care of.” Sabrina correcepted, emphasizing the word “If”.
“I was already well aware that Jazz has excellent taste.” Christina said, looking over at Ben, who rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment.
“She loves fucking you not just for yout hot body but because she also loves putting you in your place.” Christina added. “And you know what? So do I.”
“Huh.” Sabrina scoffed. “One round and you act like you know me like your own cunt.”
“I didn’t get into Las Brujas for nothing.” Christina argued.
“Then why don’t you shut up and show me what you did get in for, bitch?” Sabrina asked daringly.
“Gladly.” Christina answered.
In the blink of an eye, Christina pounced on Sabrina but not in the traditional way. She actually slipped down the redhead’s body until she was both face to cunt and cunt to face with Sabrina. They both immediately reacted by burying their tongues deep inside each other’s folds. It was a bit early into the fight for a 69 duel but what nympho would ever say no to that? Loud slurping sounds and moaning immediately filled Ben’s ears as he looked carefully at the erotic display. Christina could feel his eyes on her and while still eating out Sabrina, she lifted her head up slightly, tongue still slithering across her opponent’s labia and stared him dead in the eye with her hypnotic gaze. His heart raced even more upon seeing that. She was silently saying she loved that he was watching her do this. The feeling was very much mutual. She then dove her face back down into her meal.
“Mmmmmm!!” Sabrina groaned.
“Mmmmmm…” Christina moaned.
Their long, thick, damp with sweat hair blanketed cross each other’s legs as they went to town. Sabrina grabbed a good, tight hold of Christina’s thick Mexicana ass to use as leverage for her cunnilingus. Christina slipped her hands underneath Sabrina’s cheeks on the bed to reciprocate the squeezing. Sabrina slithered her tongue all over Christina’s labia while Christina unleashed her secret weapon, the full length of her unusually long tongue on her enemy. She dipped the entire thing deep into Sabrina’s inner folds and dragged it all across her insides, in and out over and over again.
“Mmmmmmm!!!” Sabrina yelped.
The ginger then wrapped her legs around Christina’s head pretzel style to try and get her under control. It took some tricky maneuvering due to Sabrina being underneath her but Christina was able to do the same thing to her opponent. They managed to hold each other’s heads still but their moves also caused their enemy’s tongues to be pushed even further inside of them. It was at that point that they pulled their tongues out of each other’s folds and quickly focused the brunt of their oral assault on each other’s clits instead. They drooled into each other’s twats as they feasted on their rival’s pulsating pink and brown pleasure buds respectively. As they devoured each other ravenously, climax upon climax upon climax smashed into them rapidly, one after another. Their mouths, faces and hair quickly became drenched with each other’s secretions. Ben watched, completely enthralled. He loved how primal and animalistic Christina was when she fought. The only other girl he can think of that came close to her sexual viciousness was Jasmine…And Sabrina, of course. It had been so long since he witnessed that fateful second fight with Jasmine that day, that he had forgotten how much of a beast Sabrina was in her own right.
After many orgasms, Christina decided to switch things up a little bit while launching a surprise attack at the same time. She stopped going down on Sabrina and before the evil redhead could react, she got up and slid herself down her opponent’s body until she was pussy to pussy with her. The then grabbed Sabrina’s right leg and lifted it up at a 90 degree angle to balance herself before she began tribbing away at the other nympho.
“Ahhhh!!” Sabrina groaned. “Sneaky little cunt! Like to play dirty, do you?!”
“Yeah, like you’re one to talk!” Christina argued. “How many times have I stuck a needle in my opponents?”
“My needles would be too good for you, you smug bitch!” Sabrina cursed.
“But apparently your pussy isn’t!” Christina shot back.
She swayed back and forth over Sabrina’s twat as the ginger reached ahead of her to deliver a series of vicious spankings to the raven.
“Agh!” Christina grunted. “Go ahead and slap my perfect culo all you want! It won’t save you, puta!”
Sabrina tried to get up but Christina was pushing all of her weight onto her. All she could really do was use what little room she had to move to try and trib back upwards into Christina’s cunt with her own. Both of their twats were hot and bothered after that brief but intense 69 duel but it was clear that the one with the more submissive position would shoot off first and the one in that position at the moment was Sabrina. The ginger was well aware of this and desperately fought to prevent that from happening but it was no use. As Christina continued to dominate her lower lips with her own, she began to feel those all too familiar volts swimming throughout her body and Christina could tell by her reactions and body language that she was close.
“Aghhh!! No!” Sabrina squealed.
“Yes!” Christina said mockingly. “You’re about to cum, bitch! Accept it! Embrace it! Submit to the superior chica!”
“Ahhhhhhhh!!!!” Sabrina screamed in both pleasure and rage as she climaxed.
Christina moaned lightly as she felt her pussy get splashed with Sabrina’s fluids. Ben watched this with satisfaction, although he knew this fight wasn’t over yet. For the third fight in a row, Sabrina’s opponent had pulled ahead of her in sheer number of orgasms. She knew that didn’t mean much in the grand scheme of things but she was still pissed off and ready for revenge. Luckily, one thing that she was sure Christina did not know about her was her fast recovery rate. As the mestiza nympho was still basking in her victory for this round, Sabrina suddenly bucked forward, sending Christina and herself falling forward off the bed.
“Ooof!” Christina groaned. “You cunt! What the fuck are you trying to…Ohhhh!!”
Christina had her question answered when Sabrina pulled her up backwards by her arms and thrust her ass backwards into Sabrina’s twat as she began mercilessly fucking the raven doggy style. Her face was only about a foot away from Ben, who looked on in shock.
“Now it’s your turn to scream, you smarmy little cum dumpster!” Sabrina declared as she began humping Christina hard and fast.
Christina’s beautiful face immediately became contorted with the shocking pleasure of what was being done to her. Sabrina would smash her crotch into Christina from behind over and over again, making her bubbly ass jiggle each time before she brutally rubbed herself against the lower half of Christina’s twat. Sabrina enjoyed the feeling of Christina’s ass cheeks rubbing against her waist each time she did this. She maintained her grip on the Latina’s arms even though she also wanted to yank on her opponent’s black hair and/or reach around her to maul and fondle her G cups but this method was working perfectly and it added to Christina’s feelings of being a prisoner to Sabrina’s doggy style.
“Goddamn whore!” Christina cursed. “You just give me one small opening and I’ll fuck you within an inch of your life!”
“Then I’ll be sure to never leave any openings then.” Sabrina said smugly.
Christina bit down on her bottom lip as she was fucked. She looked up at Ben, who looked worried and concerned but she shot him a look that basically told him not to worry and that he knew what she was capable of. Christina had managed to work herself up quite a bit from tribbing Sabrina from behind just a bit ago, so it did not take long at all for the helpless raven to begin to feel her next orgasm coming along. There was nothing she could do but brace herself for what was to come. So she did and then it happened.
“Goddamn youuuuuuu!!!!” Christina cried out as she came.
Sabrina licked her lips with satisfaction and pleasure upon realizing that distinctive, intoxicating feeling of her pussy being cummed on by another. She then released Christina, who fell forward into the wall right next to Ben, hyperventilating.
“Well, now it looks like we’re even.” Sabrina said past her own mildly heavy breathing. “The only problem is that I don’t play to get even. I play to win.”
Sabrina wasn’t done yet. Not by a longshot. She got down on the ground towards Christina and turned her around to where she was sitting with her back against the wall and the redhead then spread her legs, exposing her pussy, still bright red from the thrashing it had just taken. She looked up into Christina’s panting face.
“Go…fuck yourself!” Christina managed to curse out.
“Oh, believe me, I wish I could.” Sabrina said. “I know for a fact that I’d be a far better and more worthy opponent than any of you meddling whores. For now though, I think I’ll just fuck you instead!”
She bent forward to where she was inches away from Christina’s defenseless twat and brought her ginormous G cups together, rubbing them into one single mass before bringing them forward and squishing them into the Latina’s lower lips.
“Ahhhh!!” Christina groaned as Sabrina smiled sadistically.
She then took a look at Ben, who was almost at an arm’s reach from the two of them.
“Take a good look, pal!” Sabrina bragged. “This is just the beginning of what I have in store for your precious Wife!”
Ben just rolled his eyes and ignored the smug bitch, not wanting to give her the satisfaction of the reaction she so clearly sought. Sabrina continued her vicious paizuri of her enemy, rubbing her right breast upwards and her left breast downwards before switching to the other way around and so on and so forth. Christina reached down and dug her fingers deep into Sabrina’s flaming tresses before pulling as hard as she could but there was no stopping the sadistic nympho from dominating her pussy with her breasts.
“Ugh!” Christina groaned. “Maldita perra de mierda!”
“I’m starting to like it when you do that.” Sabrina teased.
As the paizuri went on, Sabrina decided to finish this by bringing both of her nipples together into one and grinding them against Christina’s little clit.
“Fuuucckkkk!!!” Christina moaned. “I swear to fucking God, I’ll get you for this!”
“The only thing you’re getting right now is another busted nut!” Sabrina shot back.
As her little brown pleasure bud was ruthlessly attacked, Christina soon began to feel yet another climax running towards her at breakneck speeds. She once again wrapped her legs around Sabrina like she did during their 69 duel, deciding to just say “Fuck it” and enjoy this one as best she could.
“Ohhhhhhh!!!!” Christina yelped as she came, squirting all over Sabrina’s face and rack before the ginger got up.
“Damn, you really guzzle like a fire hydrant.” Sabrina teased. “Just look at what a mess you made all over me…I guess I’ll have to make sure the next mess is inside of me.”
“What are you…Ugh!” Christina was interrupted by Sabrina mounting her up against the wall in an L shaped position and fucking her relentlessly.
“You can take a lot of punishment, I’ll give you that much.” Sabrina admitted. “I guess you kinda have to in order to make it the cartel…but you’re not the only one!”
Ben was now genuinely afraid for Christina. Her previous two opponents were not nearly as cruel as Sabrina was. Not even June, who was trying to kidnap them and sell them to Las Brujas and Sabrina at least for the moment, was supposed to be on their side. He was this close to calling the fight off but he knew Christina wouldn’t want that and it would just lead to them going at it again when he wasn’t around. Sabrina continued pumping away at her helpless opponent. Her pussy utterly dominated that of the raven. Christina was too tired and in too cramped of a position to trib back at all but that sure as Hell didn’t mean that she wasn’t going to fight back.
“Hold still, cunt!” Christina demanded as she reached forward and grabbed two nice big handfuls of Sabrina’s tits.
“Copping a feel won’t save you, slut. Just yield to the better nympho and accept your fate!” Sabrina ordered
Christina then began to pinch and twist the ginger’s pink milk buds between her fingers, grinning sadistically as she did it.
“Agh!” Sabrina grunted. “You handsy little skank!”
She began fucking Christina harder and faster before dipping her head downwards and dominating her mouth with her tongue. Christina’s hands maintained their hold on Sabrina’s jubblies, causing her hands to be sandwiched between her own rack and Sabrina’s when the redhead came down on her. At that point, Christina felt truly overwhelmed and helpless. She knew that another orgasm would be imminent but she didn’t know whether or not this one would take her out and she wanted to keep fighting. She hated Sabrina with a passion and would never give up but for now, resisting would just waste potentially precious energy. She felt her pleasure building higher and higher and higher until it finally happened.
“Mmmmmmm!!!!” She shrieked inside of Sabrina’s mouth, who then broke the kiss and peeled her pussy off of Christina’s.
The Mexicana was at a crossroads. Her body felt heavier and heavier. Her consciousness was hanging on by a thread…Or at least it was until she saw and heard things that lit a fire in her belly. Sabrina had walked away from her, likely assuming that this fight was as good as over and went towards Ben.
“She made quite a mess all over me, as you can see.” Sabrina said.
“Her juices are too good for you.” Ben insulted her. Sabrina glared.
“I’ve had enough of your smartass remarks.” Sabrina said. “I was gonna leave you alone but I think you need to be taught how to treat a lady!”
She began to approach him and he started to back away.
“Fuck off!” Ben demanded.
“Your Wife isn’t here to save your sorry ass this time!” Sabrina said as got near him.
Christina found her strength returning and she got herself up before charging at her opponent.
“Get the fuck away from him!” Christina yelled before crashing into Sabrina, sending them both into the floor.
“Oof!” Sabrina groaned as they struggled. “You stubborn cunt! You’re just like Jasmine! A do-gooding little nuisance that needs to learn your fucking place!”
“And just like she did, I’ll fuck the bitchiness right out of you!” Christina declared before she got the upper hand over Sabrina.
She put the redhead into an L shaped position just as Sabrina had just done to her. She pulled both of Sabrina’s legs up and rested them on her shoulders as she began to fuck Sabrina with absolute fury.
“Mmmfff!!” Sabrina groaned through biting down on her lip. “You just can’t accept it, can you, spy? Can’t accept that nothing you can do will change the fact that I’m better than you!”
“Doesn’t exactly look like you’re better from up here!” Christina argued.
She secured Sabrina’s legs with the inside of her elbows so that she could use her hands to viciously grope Sabrina’s tits again as she continued brutally tribbing her. Ben was as impressed and he was proud of this display and Christina’s resilience. He watched her pump into Sabrina again and again and again, each time their clits would bash together and it had a shockwave like effect on their insides. Sabrina had worked herself up quite a bit from her tribbing of Christina just minutes ago but Christina had been fucked so hard by her that her pussy was actually a bit numb from all of it. It would not last but the spicy Latina would take full advantage of it. It was not long until Sabrina felt her orgasm coming on and braced herself for it.
“Ahhhhhhhh!!!!” Sabrina shrieked as she came and boy ever, did she cum.
“Ohhh!” Christina squealed as she felt like a fire hose had gone off inside of her. She didn’t expect that much of an orgasm from her. She likely had built herself up for it from all the fucking she had unleashed on her earlier.
They both fell apart from each other, huffing and puffing but desperate to keep going at it. Sabrina practically dragged herself towards Christina and began wrestling her, although it mostly just consisted of them rolling over each other.
“Hold still, you miserable little cunt!” Sabrina ordered through her panting.
“Get the fuck off of me, bitch!” Christina cursed as she struggled.
They scuffled like children on a playground as they yanked hair and pushed each other back and forth. Eventually, they managed to secure each other into a scissoring position. That was pretty much all they had the remaining energy to do anymore. At least they could lay down while doing it. They had to practically force themselves to keep grinding as they panted like dogs.
“You…goddamn…cunt…” Sabrina cursed through heavy breathing.
“You…won’t…win…bitch!” Christina cursed through her own heavy breathing.
This was getting almost hard to watch but at the same time impossible not to. Ben ogled the two, their bodies blushing all over and coated with sweat and each other’s cum. Their sweaty, cum soaked, disheveled hair fanned out behind them on the bedroom floor as they just refused to stop fucking each other. However, it had to end sometime and Christina felt her entire world shrivel up and die as she began to notice her own pleasure rising but she could not detect the same from Sabrina’s body language. She did her best to resist and fight back but she had worked herself up too much from that tribbing just now. Sabrina seized her advantage and fucked her as hard and as fast as she possibly could.
“Ahhhh..” Christina moaned. “No! Goddamn it…Nooooo!!!”
And with that Christina came and she could no longer maintain her consciousness. Sabrina had noticed she wasn’t tribbing back anymore and peeled herself off of Christina. She was so exhausted, she could barely stand up but she did. It was over. She won…but she didn’t feel any satisfaction from it. She felt like this was pure luck and under only slightly different circumstances, Christina would be the one standing over her unconscious body right now.
‘Fucking bitch…’ Sabrina thought to herself.
Ben then crawled over to Christina to check on her. She was passed out but okay. Her pride would likely be more hurt than anything else.
“Get…the Hell…out of my room.” Sabrina commanded through her panting.
“What?” Ben asked.
“You heard me!” Sabrina said more forcefully. “Take your precious little sidepiece and fuck off before I change my mind!”
Ben glared at her and picked Christina up, carrying her on his back. He walked towards the door with Sabrina right behind him before finally leaving.
“Bitch!” Ben cursed.
“Asshole!” Sabrina shot back before slamming the door behind him.
She then went back to her bed and crashed onto it. Her room was an absolute mess of bodily fluids. She would sleep for now before cleaning up, taking a shower and going to bed. The fight had taken a lot more out of her than she had expected and she hoped to face Christina again sometime and attain a more satisfying victory. She hated the sassy Latina almost as much as she hated Jasmine. Something about her just boiled her blood. However, there was no doubt that she’d be useful in the coming war against Las Brujas. As for tomorrow, she may as well check on how the team’s fearless leader was holding up.
Christina had awoken sometime later on the same couch that she was on at the start of the day. She was still naked but had a blanket over her. She was confused at first until her memories came flooding back and she felt the sting of defeat. Suddenly, Ben walked into the room with a water bottle in each hand.
“Oh, hey. You’re finally awake.” Ben said, sitting next to her on the couch and handing her a bottle. “You must be really dehydrated after all that.”
She looked out the window and it was pitch black. She had to have been out for hours.
“I lost.” Christina said dejectedly.
“Yes.” Ben said. “But you were amazing. You really gave her a lot more than she was expecting.”
“Yeah..I guess I did.” Christina said.
“After you went out, she screamed at me and made me leave with you.” Ben explained. “She even slammed the door.”
“Wow.” Christina said with a grin.
“Yeah. I guess she wasn’t all that satisfied with her win.” Ben said.
“Well, at least there’s some good news.” Christina said. “God, I hate that bitch…And I wanna fight her again sometime. I know I can beat her.”
“So do I.” Ben said. “Jazz would be proud of how much damage you did to her…Also, let’s not mention to her what she tried to pull in there.”
“What?” Christina said before remembering. “Oh, yeah. Fucking psycho cunt.”
“Tell me about it.” Ben said. “But we don’t want to set Jazz off on her right now. We can’t have them killing each other before La Malvada is defeated. For now, we’ll just keep it ourselves. Kay?”
“Yeah.” Christina said.
“You try not to kill her either.” Ben said.
“No promises.” Christina joked.
“Honestly, she’s lucky that you crashed into her when you did.” Ben said. “I’m actually a black belt.”
“No kidding?” Christina asked, impressed.
“Yeah.” Ben answered. “Only reason she got me the first time was because she drugged me. Just like the Calendar Trio did.”
“Our enemies are fucking cowards.” Christina said.
“Yeah.” Ben agreed. “…Thanks for helping out back there, though..And it was a great show.”
“Of course…” Christina said.
“You know, you’ve technically saved me as many times as Jazz has now.” Ben said. “You girls really are incredible…I don’t know what I did to deserve any of you.”
“Being yourself was good enough.” Christina said as she rested her head on Ben’s shoulder and began to drift off again.
“I love you…” Christina said weakly.
“Love you too…” Ben said as he snuggled her.
The next morning…
Sabrina had woken up and managed to get her room back in order, nice and clean. She was still annoyed about last night but knew that messing with Vanessa today would help make her feel better. Sabrina went to Vanessa’s room but the brunette wasn’t there. Sabrina was confused and frustrated. Where was she and what was she up to? Isn’t she the one coming up with their master plan of attack? She began to search the house for her next prey, determined to find her and take her mind off of the fight with Christina.
Part 4
After two days of non-stop planning, Vanessa finally decided that she needed a break for her own good. So, she went out to the backyard deck and pool to relax and try to clear her head. There were no neighbors, so she could be as naked as she wanted to. She wanted to get in the water but for now she was just relaxing on a lawn chair. Or at least trying to relax. She still avoided the others for now as she knew they were anxious for action but she just wasn’t ready yet. The feelings of grief, guilt and weakness from the day Brooke was taken were now replaced with feelings of humiliation, stupidity and anger. The woman she once idolized has been manipulating her right from the beginning. She has not felt so stressed and helpless since just before they busted La Rubia and La Morena, when the entire team was at each other’s throats. They all agreed to share the blame once it was all said and done but Vanessa still felt responsible for that. She was supposed to be better than that and should have but her jealousy of Jasmine, bitterness towards her own weakness and fear of Las Brujas blinded her. She even almost abandoned them all to the mercy of the sicarias. Then she got her shit together and saved the day. She hoped she could do the same now. She had to stop dwelling on this and relax.
Her attention was brought to the diving board and decided that maybe a cool dip would help snap her out of this. She got up, stretched a little, walked towards and then onto the diving board and bounced on it a little before gaining enough of a bounce to swan dive into the water. She felt the cool water cover her body as she went under. Luckily, she had very strong lungs and could hold her breath for quite some time. She stayed under there for as long as she could, her nipples hardening from the coolness on her skin and her long, brown hair wildly flailing and swimming around her head underneath the water. After staying under there for about a minute and a half, Vanessa swam up to the surface to get some air. As she emerged from the water with a photogenic hair flip, she took in a deep breath. Her hair was slicked back from the water. She was finally starting to feel better. Then she heard clapping noises from behind her and turned around startled to find Sabrina standing near the edge of the pool. Her mood immediately soured again.
“There you are.” Sabrina said. “I’ve been looking for you all morning. Is our fearless leader finally feeling better?”
Vanessa just shot her a dirty look but said nothing.
“What’s that look for?” Sabrina asked. As if she didn’t know. “Oh, I get it. You’re still a sore loser. You may have won our little threesome in The Pit but we agreed that it said nothing about our actual skills.”
Vanessa still did not respond. She hoped if she didn’t give her any reactions, she would just get bored and go away. Quite frankly, the only reason she was even here was because they were still cops and none of them could allow an escaped con to be on their own.
“What’s the matter, “Nessa”?” Sabrina asked, mockingly emphasizing her pet name. “Cat got your tongue?”
Still no response. At that point, Sabrina got on the diving board and Vanessa sighed knowing that she wasn’t going away. Sabrina bounced a little before gaining enough momentum to dive in. She swam underwater for a bit before emerging, typically enough, right behind Vanessa’s back. The ginger snuck up behind the brunette and bearhugged her. Vanessa just barely managed to suppress a yelp in surprise.
“C’mon, babe. Don’t be like that.” Sabrina joked as she began to get handy with Vanessa.
Vanessa still did not respond but she was getting irritated.
“How long has it been since we had a good old one-o-one?” Sabrina asked.
It was just after Vanessa first met Tamara. Quite a while ago.
“I know you want this rematch as much as I do, bitch.” Sabrina said more assertively.
She began pawing at Vanessa’s tits while pressing her own into the brunette’s back, her nipples being tickled by Vanessa’s long, drenched hair.
“Oh, you know what I just realized?” Sabrina asked teasingly. “As of yesterday, I’ve officially outfucked every single member of Task Force 732 at least once!”
Vanessa was more annoyed than shocked to hear that Sabrina had provoked her younger teammates into sexfights. Sabrina could probably make the Buddha punch her in the mouth on a good day.
“Damn, I think I’m the only woman to ever do that!” Sabrina said smugly. “Does it make you mad, “Nessa”?”
She was only half right. Tamara had also defeated each member of the team but Sabrina was the only actual enemy to defeat each of them. However, Tamara was still the only woman that none of the team had ever managed to beat while Sabrina had been beaten by Jasmine. Vanessa’s patience was starting to wear thin. Maybe a good sexfight was exactly what she needed to take the edge off but she just hated to give the flaming haired slut what she wanted. Nonetheless, Sabrina continued to molest her. Even reaching down to cup Vanessa’s pussy. The brunette very nearly cried out but just exhaled instead.
“Why don’t I make it easier on you?” Sabrina asked mockingly as she continued with her groping. “Just pretend I’m Brooke.”
That was the last straw. Vanessa swung her whole body around, breaking free of Sabrina’s grip before facing her directly.
“Alright, you persistent little slut!” Vanesa said. “I’ll give you the attention you so clearly need!”
“Aw, the ice queen finally spea…”
Sabrina found herself being silenced yet again by the mouth of one of her opponents. Vanessa’s tongue explored her mouth deeply before Sabrina immediately began wrestling back with her own tongue. The brunette reached underneath the water and behind the ginger in order to grab her ass nice and tightly. Not just for her own enjoyment but also to latch onto the other nympho and help keep herself suspended above the water. Sabrina noticed this and reciprocated the move, burying her fingers deep into Vanessa’s cheeks as they continued sucking on each other’s tongues. Their nipples, sharpened from the cool water, poked and slid over each other as well. The wetness made them slippery and added to the sliding. They then broke the kiss with a line of saliva between their two lips.
“I knew you couldn’t resist me.” Sabrina bragged.
“I’m just fucking you so you’ll shut up and leave me alone.” Vanessa argued.
“Well, I’m not just doing this for kicks, bitch.” Sabrina argued. “I know your mind’s like a maze right now and I need to see if you’re still stable enough to play the game.”
“Yeah because you’re just the perfect picture of mental health.” Vanessa joked.
“Compared to you right now, yes.” Sabrina mocked.
Vanessa decided to shut her up bringing her pussy into hers underwater.
“Ohhh!!” Sabrina squaled, making Vanessa finally grin for the first time in days.
“Getting right down to the point, huh? Fine by me!” Sabrina said before she started grinding back.
“Agh!” Vanessa yelped. “I’ll teach you to mind your own business, cunt!”
Tribbing underwater was an incredible thing. Nothing in the world quite felt like it. Nymphos are used to tribbing being a hot, sweaty and blood pumping(in addition to pussy pumping) experience but the cunt to cunt contact being underwater gave it an entirely new feeling. The coolness of the water along with it making it impossible to sweat made it so soothing and kinky. Vanessa and Sabrina actually wished they could breathe underwater so they could spend the entire fight feeling this on every inch of their flawless skin. The jolts of the pleasure, the water and the cool temperatures all just gave them both chills and goosebumps as they tribbed in this awkward position. Sabrina began to get flashbacks of her very first encounter with Jasmine. The facade of politeness she put on and how enamored they were with each other despite knowing the other nympho’s true intentions as they played around in the pool together. She had been in jail for so long that Sabrina almost forgot how much she loved the feeling of water on her skin, in her hair and in her crevices as she had another hot body pushed into hers. It also brought memories flooding back of everything she had lost due to the then fetal Task Force 732’s meddling and it started making her mad. Then she remembered that their leader was right in front of her. She bearhugged Vanessa into her harder, making their nipples stab into each other’s areolas.
“Ugh!” Vanesa grunted. “You just can’t hold still and enjoy the moment for two minutes, can you?”
“Oh, shut up, you sanctimonious cunt!” Sabrina demanded. “I’m gonna fuck you sideways! You’re lucky we need you right now, otherwise I’d do worse!”
“Go ahead and try, bitch!” Vanessa dared.
Sabrina forced her mouth onto Vanessa’s in retribution for when the brunette did it to her and the tongue war was reignited. The two bitter enemies were pushing into each other forcefully, trying to force their opponent into one of the walls of the pool. All this while they continued to grind pussies underwater and tightly squeeze each other’s asses. Their legs wrapped around each other under the water as their nipples continued to stab together. Eventually, it was Sabrina who won their little reverse tug of war and she began pushing Vanessa towards one side of the pool.
“Mmmmm!!“ Vanessa groaned in exertion and frustration at being outdone.
Sabrina finally pushed her all the way to the wall and the two sat on the platform jutting out underneath the pool before Sabrina broke the kiss with a loud pop of their lips and exhaled. The redhead grinned before prying Vanessa’s legs open with her own and tribbing away at her.
“Agh!” Vanessa grunted. “Enjoy this while you still can, bitch!”
“You don’t need to tell me twice, whore!” Sabrina shot back.
Their position was an awkward one, leaving Vanessa leaning back against the wall while she was dominated by Sabrina. The brunette then noticed that her face was at the level of her rival’s bountiful G cup tits and she wrapped her lips around the ginger’s left nipple before suckling away on it.
“That’s it. Suck on my tits, bitch!” Sabrina mocked.
Sabrina in general was starting to gain some of her confidence back after her largely pyrrhic victory against Christina. She was also more familiar with Vanessa’s body and technique than she was with Holly, Nicole and especially Christina. Still, she would not become overconfident and remembered how Vanessa was able to win in their threesome with Jasmine not too long ago. She reached her arms out and grabbed the ledge of the pool, using it to rubber band herself back and forth into Vanessa’s cunt.
“Mmmmmmm!!” Vanessa groaned, muffled by her suckling of Sabrina’s milk bud.
Sabrina winced her eyes as she felt Vanessa’s tongue slither all around her nipple and her lips kiss her areola. Vanessa then reached behind her rival and pulled hard on her wet, matted orange hair.
“You little fucking slut!” Sabrina cursed.
Vanessa’s pussy was pushed in and out by Sabrina’s repeatedly and rubbed into it deeply. Sabrina took one hand off of the ledge of the pool and instead used it to reciprocate the hair pull. Vanessa soon began to feel her first climax beginning to show itself. She was in no position to stop it, so she just said “fuck it” and decided to let it happen but not without biting down on Sabrina’s nipple first.
“Ow!” Sabrina yelped. “You nipple biting little cunt!”
She continued tribbing Vanessa until finally the brunette could not take it anymore. She unlatched her mouth from Sabrina’s milk bud.
“Ohhhhhh!!!” Vanessa screamed as she came upwards straight into Sabrina. A feeling that no nympho in the world would ever get tired of.
Sabrina pulled herself off of Vanessa and sat next to her on the submerged platform as both caught their breath. Finally, Sabrina had taken an immediate early lead in one of her fights. She did take the lead first against Christina but only after they tied while tribbing on the bed. This time, there was no silver lining for her opponent. At least not yet. Nonetheless, Sabrina did not let it go to her head and would stay focused on the fight. As she caught her breath, she slipped behind Vanessa, sandwiching herself between the brunette and the wall of the pool before using her arms and legs to pry open that of her enemy’s.
“Get the fuck off of me, you whoooooorrrrrrreeeeee!!!!” Vanessa shrieked as Sabrina began immediately fingering her exposed cunt under the water.
“Tell me, does getting fingered underwater feel as good as tribbing underwater?” Sabrina asked mockingly.
“Fuck!” Vanessa cursed through grit teeth. “Why don’t you let me go, so I can show you myself?!”
“Tempting but no.” Sabrina said sarcastically. “Now bring that potty mouth over here.”
She used her other hand to turn Vanessa’s head in the direction of her face before tonguing her mouth down yet again, still fingering her mercilessly while rubbing up against the brunette from behind. Vanessa once again felt Sabrina’s nipples stab into her back. The ginger viciously knifed her four fingers together in and out of Vanessa’s folds over and over and over again.
“Mmmmm!!” Vanessa moaned, muffled by Sabrina’s domination of her mouth.
Eventually, Vanessa already began to feel her second orgasm coming on but Sabrina had her under such control that there was no stopping it. Sabrina, being the sexual sadist that she was, broke the kiss just to hear Vanessa sceam.
“Aggghhhhhhh!!!” Vanessa cried out as she climaxed.
Sabrina felt the power of her rival’s discharge blast into her hand even underwater. She would normally have released Vanessa from her hold, as is customary once you make your opponent cum but Sabrina decided to keep this going for a little bit longer. After Vanessa caught her breath, she realized that Sabrina still had not released her.
“What the fuck are you doing, you fire crotched slut?!” Vanessa asked, annoyed as she tried to squirm loose. “Let me go so that I can fuck your non-existent brains out!”
“I’m not done with you yet, whore.” Sabrina said casually.
“What are you talking abo-ugh!” Vanessa groaned as Sabrina started humping her from behind.
She used her legs to spread Vanessa’s legs and by extension, her ass even wider than before and shifted her position to where her twat was directly underneath her brown haired rival’s in order to trib her more effectively without compromising her dominant position. Vanessa continued groaning and squirming to get free but Sabrina had her locked tightly in place. It was an exerting struggle to achieve but she managed to grind upwards into Vanessa from behind in this position that was thankfully every bit as effective as it was unusual.
“Just hold still and take it, you meddling flatfoot bitch!” Sabrina said through grit teeth.
“Agh! Try and make me, you worthless criminal cunt!” Vanessa shot back.
Vanessa then realized that she could very easily trib Sabrina right back in this position. If she could just give herself a little more room to maneuver…She did it! She slipped free just enough to start tribbing back.
“Fuck!” Sabrina cursed as Vanessa started grinding back.
“Looks like you bit off more than you can chew, bitch!” Vanessa mocked.
Sabrina did not give up and the two continued tribbing each other in this position straight out of a Japanese porn video. Sabrina’s clit just barely penetrated Vanessa’s lower labia and depending on how it went, it could cause either Vanessa to cum first or Sabrina to cum first. Both were determined to reach their preferred outcome. Their hatred of each other fueling their grinding. Jasmine may have been the instrument in the destruction of Sabrina’s life but Vanessa was the musician playing that instrument. If it wasn’t for her interference, Jasmine would have stayed in debt to her in order to treat Ben’s cancer. Vanessa saw Sabrina as a representation of everything she hated in a human being. Of all the criminals she has dealt with in her decade plus long career, Sabrina was by far the worst outside of Las Brujas. A conniving, money protected, spoiled, spiteful bitch that used others for her dirty work. Leading the operation that brought her down was the proudest moment in both her career and her life, even if Jasmine deserved most of the credit. As they continued pumping into each other like this, Vanessa’s heart sank as she began to realize that she was close to her climax. However, her terror was replaced with adrenaline as she began to notice that Sabrina was getting close as well. Just not as close as she was but Vanessa could fix that. She sat her entire pussy on top of Sabrina’s in somewhat of a reverse cowgirl position but with the recipient sitting down instead of laying down.
“I’m fucking taking you with me!“ Vanessa declared as she tribbed away.
“Ugh!” Sabrina groaned. “Have it your way, slut! It won’t change the outcome one bit!”
After a bit more of this, Vanessa could take no more and climaxed, followed just seconds later by Sabrina.
“Ohhhhh!!!” Vanessa shrieked.
“Ahhhhh!!!” Sabrina yelped.
They shot their loads into each other before their bones and muscles became too weary and Sabrina had to release the brunette before falling onto her hands and knees onto the platform herself, huffing and puffing as her soaked orange hair curtained her face. Vanessa sat back on the platform panting as well but she could tell that Sabrina had taken more of a beating from that than she did. Seems she was very much correct about the evil redhead having bitten off more than she could chew. The brunette could also tell that Sabrina was annoyed and embarrassed by that, so she decided to dogpile on her with some psychological warfare.
“Do you know what I’m gonna do to you when all of this is over?” Vanessa asked through heavy breathing.
“I’m sure you’ll tell me anyway.” Sabrina said as she caught her breath and sat down.
“First I’m gonna cuff you again. Tell me, did it hurt last time?” Vanessa asked mockingly. “Then, I’ll throw you back in that cell at St. Lilith’s again and I’ll make sure you spend the rest of your pathetic law breaking life there!
“Well, that’s gratitude for you, now isn’t it?” Sabrina asked smugly. “I not only don’t rat you out to Brooke but offer to help you bring them down after everything you whores have done and this is the thanks I get?”
Hearing Brooke’s name spoken aloud caused Vanessa to become agitated.
“Everything we’ve done?!” Vanessa asked defensively. “You brought that shit on yourself and don’t even try to tell me you’re not in this for your own reasons! I know you! I just want to know why. What the Hell do you have to gain from working with us?”
“It’s none of your business and you wouldn’t even understand anyway.” Sabrina said.
“Everything that goes on with my team is my business, bitch!” Vanessa argued. “Now tell me!”
“Why don’t you try and make me?” Sabrina asked daringly.
“Fine then!” Vanessa said.
The brunette got up and suddenly pushed the redhead back down onto the platform on her hands and knees once again before securing her by grabbing her waist with one hand and yanking on her wet, fiery orange hair with the other.
“Let’s see how you like taking it from the back, cunt!” Vanessa declared.
She then began brutally fucking Sabrina doggy style, smashing into her pussy as each moment of contact made her shapely ass jiggle like gelatin.
“Ughh!!” Sabrina groaned. “Fucking bitch!”
Vanessa responded by dishing out a good, hard smack right on Sabrina’s behind.
“Ow!“ Sabrina yelped.
“Looks like this will be a repeat of The Pit after all!” Vanessa bragged. “And you don’t even have Jasmine’s presence here as an excuse!”
“You’re gonna wish she was here once I get out of this!” Sabrina threatened.
“Yeah, yeah…” Vanessa dismissed.
The brunette yanked harder on the ginger tresses, making Sabrina bit down on her bottom lip in reaction. Vanessa had to be smart about this. They had both cum just minutes ago and despite her dominant position, she could easily make herself cum again before she managed to make Sabrina do the same. She slipped her hand that wasn’t pulling Sabrina’s hair from her waist and around her front to squeeze and maul the ginger’s bouncing bazongas. Vanessa also decided to switch things up a little with her doggy style. Rather than the usual winding your pelvis back and slam forward into your opponent’s twat, Vanessa instead just slammed into her a single time and began rubbing her pussy away at her rival’s. It was like doggy style mixed with tribbing. Sabrina was certainly starting to feel the effects herself. She balanced herself with one arm on the edge of the pool as she tried to slip free but Vanessa wasn’t budging. A part of Vanessa was wishing that Jasmine was here to join them and make their current position into a lesbian equivalent of a DP but she was also determined to avenge her defeat against Sabrina in her cell. Sabrina was overwhelmed as she felt Vanessa’s lower lips ruthlessly dominate her own, rubbing into hers as the brunette’s clit slid along them as well, occasionally penetrating her. Eventually, this all proved to be too much and Sabrina began to feel her next orgasm rearing its ugly head. She could take no more and allowed it to happen.
“Ugggggghhhhh!!!!” Sabrina screamed bloody murder as she climaxed, soaking both Vanessa’s pussy and her with her feminine fluids.
It was easy to forget that they were outside as she screamed so loudly. Thank God there were no neighbors nearby. Vanessa cooed as she felt her cunt get drenched with enemy juices and released the redhead, letting her fall forward before she caught herself on the ledge of the pool and rested her head on it as she hyperventilated. Vanessa smiled arrogantly and sat her thick, naked ass down on the ledge right next to Sabrina’s resting head. An obvious mistake but the brunette was caught up in the moment.
“Had enough yet?” Vanessa asked mockingly. “You might wanna quit while you’re ahead before your ginger ass gets burnt out in this hot sun.”
“I put on…sunscreen…” Sabrina replied through her heavy breathing.
“Is that so?” Vanessa asked. “Well, a shame you didn’t ask me to put it on you.”
“You were giving me the silent treatment, remember?” Sabrina asked.
“Oh, yeah.” Vanessa said. “Well, I guess you were right in that a good sexfight was what I needed. I’d say thanks but you’re a total bitch.”
“Well, maybe I can still find some way to repay you for the sunscreen.” Sabrina said.
Before Vanessa could react, Sabrina suddenly got up and pounced on her. In the blink of an eye, she forcibly spread the brunette’s legs and latched onto her ass cheeks as leverage before running her tongue straight through her lower lips.
“Ahhhh!!” Vanessa groaned out loud in both shock and pleasure. “You sneaky little skank!”
The cop babe then proceeded to wrap her legs around Sabrina’s head pretzel style and pulled herself back in an attempt to drag herself away and make it so uncomfortable for Sabrina that she would have no choice but to dislodge her mouth from Vanessa’s cunt. However, this plan did not come to fruition and likely only helped Sabrina maintain her oral hold on Vanessa’s pussy as she followed her outside of the pool, still latched on, now sucking on her clit like a leech.
“You clit eating little bitch!” Vanessa cursed.
Sabrina slurped all over the helpless, pulsating, pink pleasure bud. She was kissing it, sucking on it, spitting onto it, nibbling it, dragging her teeth over it like a piece of fleshy floss and jabbing her tongue against it, snaking it around it and more.
“Fuck!” Vanessa cursed. The pleasure was beyond overwhelming.
The brunette reached down and grabbed two tight handfuls of her enemy’s thick, wet, flaming orange locks before wrapping even more hair around her fists and pulling hard.
“Mmmm!!” Sabrina groaned into Vanessa’s twat.
However, all it likely did was drive her to eat out Vanessa even more ferociously. Sabrina opened her mouth as wide as possible, extending her lips so that they covered as much of the length of her rival’s lower lips as possible before resuming her onslaught of cunnilingus. Vanessa’s face blushed bright red as Sabrina’s tongue assaulted her. It wasn’t long until she began to feel her next orgasm closing in on her at breakneck speeds. She tried to hold it back or get Sabrina under control but it was no use. Then it happened.
“Ohhhhhhhhh!!!!” Vanessa cried out as she climaxed.
She blew her load right into Sabrina’s face and hair while the rest was swallowed by the slutty ginger. The brunette was expecting her opponent to release her but that wasn’t happening. Sabrina just kept eating away at her pussy without stopping. Vanessa became annoyed. She pulled herself up on her back and looked down at the redheaded nympho still devouring her. Sabrina opened her eyes and turned her gaze upwards to the brunette and Vanessa saw a sliver of a grin on either side of her face. She glared before grinning.
“Alright, cunt.” Vanessa said. “Two can play at that game!”
Vanessa then gathered up all of her strength before thrusting herself upwards by her crotch, sending Sabrina crashing down onto her back, mouth still latched onto her rival’s cunt as Vanessa basically sat on her face. Then Vanessa broke Sabrina’s grip as she reeled from the shock before turning herself around in a full 360 and bending down until she was face to face with Sabrina’s twat. She then brought her tongue out and began licking Sabrina every bit as brutally as Sabrina had been licking her.
“Mmmmm!!” Sabrina groaned.
‘Have it your way, you meddling whore!’ Sabrina thought to herself. ‘Let’s fucking eat each other!”
‘How do you like the taste of your own medicine while I have a taste of your cunt, you criminal skank!’ Vanessa thought to herself.
The 69 duel was now well and truly on. Sabrina found herself being just as overwhelmed as Vanessa had just been thanks to her own cunnilingus but she knew that she had a headstart and pressed on. The two raging nymphos feasted on each other ravenously, their long wet hair blanketing across each other’s smooth legs as they quickly became fully immersed in what they were doing to the point where nothing else in the world mattered right now. Despite Sabrina taking an early lead by an entire orgasm, Vanessa was no slouch when it came to eating pussy and Sabrina was learning that the hard way. The redhead reached above her opponent to sink her fingers deep into the meat of Vanessa’s ass cheeks. The brunette reached underneath her rival to reciprocate the move, digging her hands into Sabrina’s rear end. The loud sounds of slurping, moaning, grunting and licking echoed throughout the area as they suddenly began to feel the hot sun beginning to go easier on their pale skin. It was at this point that the two realized that the sun was beginning to set. They had to finish this quickly. Vanessa made the next step forward by bringing fingers into the mix, jamming them inside Sabrina’s folds.
“Mmmmm!!” Sabrina groaned before reciprocating the move.
This went on for quite a while and the two battling beauties drove each other to orgasms multiple times, splattering all over each other’s faces and hair as well as swallowing back as much of it as they could. Due to their closed eyes and deep fixation on devouring each other, neither of them noticed when the sun had gone fully down and the heat was replaced with the cool night air. On and on this went, until finally, after dishing and receiving far more orgasms than either of them could even begin to count, Vanessa rolled off of Sabrina and they were both left huffing and puffing. It was then that they opened their eyes and noticed the dark sky and full moon.
“You…fucking…bitch.” Vanessa said through her panting.
“You…goddamn…whore.” Sabrina cursed back.
Sabrina was frustrated as she found this fight to be largely a repeat of her battle with Christina so far. Then again, it made sense. The 732 girls were out fucking other women and each other all while Sabrina was under lock and key only getting fucked by the guards at St. Lilith’s and the occasional visitor in Jasmine and Vanessa. Keeping that in mind, Sabrina realized just how impressive it was that she was still able to keep up with all of them in spite of all of that. In their fateful third match, Jasmine just barely managed to break her after coming back from the brink multiple times. In retrospect, Sabrina was still very much the carnal warrior she had always been and now it was time to finish this. She rolled back on top of Vanessa, nose to nose, mouth to mouth, lip to lip, tit to tit, nipple to nipple, belly to belly, pussy to pussy and of course, eye to eye. Vanessa wrapped her arms around her enemy, bear hugging them together as they struggled to trib into each other one last time. They opened their mouths and their tongues coiled together, wrestling briefly before their mouths sealed together into a weak but passionate and lustful kiss. Their nipples, drier than before, had more easily slid past each other and into the opposing areolas. Their pussies, despite being sore and battered from their long, brutal cunnilingus battle, had fused together and their clits immediately came out of their hoods to join in the fun.
“Mmmmm…” They moaned weakly into each other’s mouths.
Vanessa knew that Sabrina having the superior position would only end in one way, so she tried to roll them both over to literally turn the tables but Sabrina pushed all of her weight onto the brunette to prevent that from happening. Sabrina’s muscles were exhausted and her bones were weary but she forced herself to move on. Losing to Jasmine even a single time had already been humiliating and disgraceful enough. She would not lose to another one of Task Force 732. Not even their leader. She pushed on. The pressure on her body was overwhelming for Vanessa but nonetheless, she did her best to fight back and trib upwards back into Sabrina. It was like the woman was possessed. Vanessa had to give her credit for one thing. She was one of the two most determined and relentless opponents she had ever faced. The other one obviously being Jasmine. No wonder these two are so fixated on each other. Horseshoe Theory is alive and well in 2023. Perhaps in another life, Sabrina could have been a great cop and maybe even a member of Task Force 732 herself but just the thought of having to consistently work with this bitch made Vanessa sick to her stomach. She would use her for all she was worth and then toss her on her ginger ass back in jail as soon as all was said and done.
Sabrina continued to show dominance and fucked Vanessa mercilessly and without pause. Her orange hair curtained both of their faces as she tongued the brunette’s mouth down and just tribbed away at her endlessly, her clit dominating Vanessa’s. Eventually, Vanessa realized that she was starting to feel her next orgasm beginning to show itself and she could just feel it in her loins that this one would be her last. She would normally be distraught at such a thing but she knew that she had given Sabrina much more than she had bargained for and had improved massively since their previous encounter. She could at least take pride in that much. Sabrina’s adrenaline charged up upon realizing this and broke this kiss as she began fucking Vanessa even harder and faster.
“That’s it!” Sabrina said. “Scream for me, bitch! Scream for me!”
“Agh! Ugh! Ohhhhhhhhhhh!!!!” Vanessa shrieked as she climaxed, once again filling up Sabrina before she finally passed out.
Sabrina would have cheered in celebration if she wasn’t so exhausted. After her adrenaline wore off, she found herself needing rest desperately. She peeled herself off of her defeated enemy and stumbled her way to a hammock on the deck. The same hammock that Jasmine fucked Holly on top of the last time the team was here, unbeknownst to the redhead and she quickly drifted off into a deep sleep.
Sabrina later woke up on the hammock, noticing that it was still dark, just slightly less so than when she fell asleep. The sun was about to rise. She looked over and saw Vanessa resting on a lawn chair. Sabrina got up, her naked body covered in a red checkerboard pattern from the hammock. She felt rejuvenated and ready to take on the world. Her doubts from her previous fights erased. She walked over to the now awake Vanessa, who just stared at her awkwardly.
“You lost.” Sabrina bragged.
“Yeah…but it was a good fight.” Vanessa said. “And I needed it to clear my head. I know what I have to do now. I should finish up our plan of attack within this day or the next…and I’m ready to take on Brooke.”
Sabrina crossed her arms underneath her G cups and glared at her.
“What?” Vanessa asked, annoyed.
“You’re not gonna thank me?” Sabrina asked.
“Nope.” Vanessa answered bluntly and with zero hesitation.
“Bitch.” Sabrina said just as bluntly.
Regardless, Sabrina was happy that the fight had been a wake up call for both of them. Sabrina regained her confidence, choking up her struggles against Holly, Nicole and Christina as her just not being as familiar with them as she was with Vanessa and Jasmine. However, she was not done yet. Four cop sluts down..one to go.
“I know you’re feeling better after that fight too and I don’t expect thanks either.” Vanessa said. “But we all know that there’s only one woman here that can give you the thrilling experience you seek.”
“Yes…We certainly do.” Sabrina said sinisterly.
“You two crazy kids go ahead and have fun.” Vanessa joked. “I couldn’t stop you if I wanted to. Animosity and sexual frustration will just get in the way of the mission. Take it all out on each other and then take all the time you need to rest up afterwards.”
“What about Las Brujas?” Sabrina asked.
“I think if they actually wanted to come find us, they would be here by now.” Vanessa said. “I’d wager that La Malvada is now waiting for us to come to her instead.”
“And this Tamara bitch?” Sabrina asked.
“Shut your disrespectful cunt-slurping sewer!” Vanessa cursed. “I still can’t reach her…but I know her. She’s the strongest woman I know and she’s as ready as she’ll ever be for what lies ahead.”
“I hope so…for all of our sake.” Sabrina said.
“I know so.” Vanessa said. “Now get lost and leave me to the R&R you so rudely interrupted, fire crotch.”
“Ungrateful cunt.” Sabrina cursed as she left.
Her nemesis had been no doubt avoiding her all this time but Sabrina will find her and they will fuck just as gloriously and epically as they have before..If not even more so.
Part 5
Jasmine had not left her and Ben’s room the entire time the team had been staying here. Despite pledging to keep an eye on her nemesis, Sabrina, she had instead been deliberately avoiding her. She didn’t even really know why. Normally, she’d be very eager for any chance she could get to go at it with her mortal enemy. Perhaps she thought it might be best to save her eagerness and fury for Las Brujas. She had Ben to keep her company but she realized how freaked out Christina had been about Las Brujas breaking into their home and knew how close the two had been getting, so in an incredibly selfless move, she had asked Ben to go and try and make her feel better. Ben had later told her that Sabrina had been going after each and every one of her teammates and she had even fucked Christina right in front of him. Ben had also said that despite Sabrina winning, it was incredibly close and she seemed rather bitter about how much trouble Christina had given her, which put a smile on Jasmine’s face. Still, Jasmine wasn’t sure how she felt about Ben now having watched just as many of Christina’s fights as he had hers. She knew that Christina was aching for a rematch and the two absolutely would settle things one day once all their enemies were dealt with.
Jasmine was worried about her teammates, especially Vanessa given the soul crushing revelation that La Cazadora and her old superior Brooke were in fact one and the same. At this point, Jasmine knew that Sabrina had likely faced and defeated every other member of 732, wanting to leave her for last. She figured now would be a good time to face the music. She didn’t have much of a choice anyway. These bedrooms were all stocked with minifridges, cupboards of food and bathrooms but they would not last forever. Jasmine decided to go out and restock. She wasn’t hungry now but she would be at some point. She took in a deep breath and let out a big exhale. She was not afraid of that bitch. She was not afraid of anyone. Not even La Malvada. She got out of her room and left for the kitchen to get more food. On the way to the kitchen was the door to the master bathroom and as the raven passed it, a certain someone was right there waiting for her.
“Well, look who it is.” Sabrina said.
“Don’t you have something better to do?” Jasmine asked.
“No.” Sabrina answered bluntly. “And it doesn’t look like you do either.”
Jasmine hated to admit it but she was right. Somehow she knew. It was as if they could read each other’s minds at this point.
“Why don’t you come in here and take a nice, relaxing bath with me?“ Sabrina asked flirtatiously.
“Do I have a choice?“ Jasmine asked with a sigh.
“Yes. Two choices in fact.” Sabrina said. “You can walk into the tub or get dragged in by your hair.”
Jasmine wanted to smack the bitch right there but she controlled herself, deciding not to give her the reaction she clearly wanted. Why was she so hesitant to join her, she wondered? She just knew the other nympho was up to something and didn’t want to play along with her schemes but it would interfere with the mission if she had to work with Sabrina while constantly being wary of her plans. She might as well just get it over with so that they can both focus on the enemy.
“Fine.” Jasmine said, annoyed.
“What’s your problem?” Sabrina asked. “And why have you been avoiding me?“
“I’m not avoiding you now and you’re my problem.” Jasmine answered. “Besides, it’s not like you haven’t been busy lately with my teammates.”
“Just get in the damn bathroom!” Sabrina demanded.
Jasmine rolled her eyes and followed the ginger’s swaying ass into the bathroom. It was incredible. The size of a gymnasium, shining with glazed tiles. The tub was the size of a small swimming pool but no deeper than an average jacuzzi. Sabrina reached the hot water knob and twisted it as it started pouring out hot, steamy water, quickly filling the room with steam. She then smiled at Jasmine smugly before stripping down to her birthday suit. Jasmine glared at her suspiciously before stripping down herself. The sight of each other naked was getting them both hot under the collar and the steam sure wasn’t helping. Still, they waited for the water to fill. Seconds felt like hours as they waited and waited and waited for the massive tub to fill with water. Jasmine sat on the edge of the tub waiting while Sabrina continued to fill it. She was getting anxious to sink her hands into her nemesis and the feeling was very much mutual. At the rate the tub was filling, both of them had to turn their gaze away from each other if they didn’t want to lose all control and just wrestle each other to the bathroom floor right then and there. After what felt like an eternity, Jasmine heard Sabrina turn off the faucet and the tub was finally full.
“It’s full.” Sabrina said in a deadpan voice. “Now get in.”
“What’s the magic word?” Jasmine asked teasingly.
Sabrina then reached for Jasmine and grabbed onto her luscious, thick black hair and pulled hard.
“Agh!” Jasmine grunted. “Let go, you fucking cunt!”
Sabrina ignored the raven and pulled her into the tub, not wanting to just toss her in and splash some of the water out that took forever to fill up. As they both sank into the soothing, warm water, Jasmine angrily slapped Sabrina’s hands out of her hair.
“You goddamn bitch!” Jasmine cursed.
“I said you could walk in or get dragged in by your hair, remember?” Sabrina asked teasingly.
Jasmine just growled and scoffed, fixing her hair as she sat down in the tub. The soothing heat calmed her down. Sabrina sat right cross from her, their legs inches away from touching. Another awkward silence filled the room as their hearts began to race and their pussies began to burn with desire even underneath the hot water. The sight of the naked, wet female body is truly one of the most erotic and beautiful sights on God’s green Earth. The shining skin, reddened slightly by the heat and long, wet hair either floating in the water or matted to their backs. Their mutual lust and animosity was starting to overflow. Sabrina got on her hands and knees in the water and began crawling towards Jasmine until their faces were as close together as possible. Jasmine said nothing and just stared down the ginger, completely stone faced. Their pulses increased even more as they felt the other nympho’s hot breath blow into each other’s faces. You could cut the tension with a knife. Jasmine then broke the tension by sticking her tongue out of her mouth and quickly slashing it across Sabrina’s lips. The redhead’s heart skipped a beat from such a quick, simple act.
Sabrina reciprocated the move, whipping her tongue along Jasmine’s lips. This led to a back and forth before the two beauties eventually corkscrewed their tongues together outside of their mouths, swallowing back each other’s sweet spit until Sabrina pushed her face forward and sealed her mouth over her rival’s. The two then closed their eyes and made out passionately in the hot tub. Sabrina shifted from her hands and knees to sitting down, still tonguing Jasmine’s mouth as she wrapped her arms around the raven, who did the same in a mutual bearhug. The sexual tension and desire they felt for each other had taken over and they lost all sense of themselves as they sank into each other’s voluptuous bodies. They had been aching for this ever since they got here. Even Sabrina, who had been fucking Jasmine’s teammates all this time, still yearned for the euphoria that only the raven could give her.
“Mmmmmm…” They both moaned passionately and even somewhat lovingly into each other’s mouths.
The two were absolutely possessed by carnal desire. There was no anger or competitive urgency in what they were doing. Just pure animalistic lust. Their sharpened nipples, enormous G cup breasts and luscious, hungry pussies all joined as one in addition to their tongues. They were off in another world as they swirled each other around the tub, reaching down to palm each other’s thick ass cheeks. This went on and on for they didn’t even know how long and neither of them ever wanted it to end…That was until their minds started coming back to them along with the realizations of who they were with. Sabrina briefly thought that Vanessa may have been the one to truly blame for the current, pitiful state of her life but really, she could never blame anyone more than Jasmine. The tool that worked for her and then rebelled against her, threw her in jail not once but twice and destroyed her once opulent and influential lifestyle and reputation. Jasmine remembered the grief, anxiety and desperation that once dominated her life when Ben was stricken with cancer. How she sank so low as to resort to petty theft and all because of Sabrina and the psychological crippling that the loss in their second battle caused her. They both slowly broke the kiss, still hugging each other but now glaring.
“I hate you, you fucking cunt.” Sabrina cursed.
“I hate you more, you worthless bitch.” Jasmine shot back. “Tell me, what’s your real aim with all of this? What are you after?”
Sabrina said nothing.
“Answer me, you goddamn ginger slut!” Jasmine demanded. “If I’m going to trust you, I can’t be expecting a stab in the back!”
“You know…Even I didn’t know why I lied to Brooke in the penthouse that day…Until just now.” Sabrina admitted.
“What?” Jasmine was confused.
“When I saw my old home for the first time in a year…It brought it all back.” Sabrina explained. “Everything you took from me…I was trying to help you get the money you needed to save your precious Husband’s life and you destroyed mine in return.”
“You used my desperation for your own ends!” Jasmine argued. “Don’t give that “I was only trying to help” bullshit! Do you have any idea what you put me through?! Breaking the law may come easy to a spoiled little rich skank like you but I was just a stay at home Wife! At any moment, I could’ve been thrown in jail and Ben would have died all alone! If it was any cops that found us other than Nessa and Holly, that’s exactly what would have happened!”
“And look what you’ve gained since then!” Sabrina argued. “You became a cop yourself! You saved Ben’s life! You live with four other hot nymphos in a beautiful home! MY BEAUTIFUL HOME! Everything you have in your perfect little life was built on my loss!”
“GOOD!” Jasmine yelled matter of factly. “You deserved to lose everything! You were never anything but a law breaking, selfish, psychopathic, sadistic, life crushing, criminal piece of shit! I did the world a favor that day! Everything I have, I earned! It was the universe giving back to me after getting through the darkest time of my life!”
“Oh, shut up, you sanctimonious whore!” Sabrina demanded. “And I thought Vanessa was bad with the holier than thou bullshit!”
“Being a better person than you isn’t exactly a high bar!” Jasmine insulted. “And you never answered my question. What are you in this for? What did you realize that you felt in the penthouse that day?”
Sabrina grinned and chuckled sinisterly.
“I want the same thing I wanted when I first saw you walk into my penthouse over a year ago.” Sabrina said.
“What?” Jasmine asked, confused before jumping to conclusions. “Oh, I get it!”
“Do you, now?” Sabrina asked mockingly.
“Of course!” Jasmine said. “You want to jump me and sell me to La Malvada!”
Sabrina rolled her eyes.
“You really are a bimbo.” Sabrina said bluntly.
“Don’t give me that!” Jasmine argued. “I remember what you told me when you had me tied to your bed that night! You were gonna sell me out to traffickers!”
“No. In fact, it is the opposite of what you think it is.” Sabrina said bluntly.
Somehow, Jasmine could just feel that she was telling the truth.
“Then what?!” Jasmine asked furiously. “What the fuck do you want from me, you insufferable, Husband napping cunt?!”
Sabrina silenced Jasmine with her mouth and pushed her all the way to the edge of the tub as she began grinding against her nemesis.
“Mmmmmm!!!” Jasmine groaned inside Sabrina’s mouth in equal parts pleasure and frustration.
Sabrina tribbed Jasmine furiously against the wall as the hot water swished all around them. Thankfully, the tub was so huge that it didn’t risk any of the water falling out. Jasmine tried to fight back but she was completely pinned. She struggled to slip away, jerking her legs around but it was no use. Sabrina dominated both her mouth and her pussy with her own. The raven had gotten herself so worked up from the earlier make out session with her opponent that she already began to feel her orgasm approaching and she could just feel that this one would be devastating. She tried to hold it back but there was no stopping it. Sabrina unlatched her mouth from Jasmine’s just to hear her scream.
“Ahhhhhhh!!!!” Jasmine shrieked loudly as she came, filling up Sabrina with her juices before the ginger got off of her.
The raven fell forward on her hands and knees, her face just barely above the water as she struggled to catch her breath and then she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her scalp as Sabrina gathered up all of her long, dark hair into one hand and yanked.
“Agh!“ Jasmine groaned.
The sadistic redhead used her grip on her nemesis’s hair to pull her up until she was standing face to face as Jasmine’s face was contorted in pain and her post orgasmic winding.
“What do I want?” Sabrina asked rhetorically. “Fine. You want to know so badly what I want? What I’ve wanted ever since the first moment I saw your hot fuckable bod walking into my penthouse? I’ll tell you what I want!”
She tongued Jasmine’s mouth down one more time absolutely mercilessly, giving her no room to breathe. Jasmine struggled until Sabrina finally released her mouth, leaving her harshly inhaling and exhaling.
“I want you!” Sabrina said with conviction. “You think I’d give you away to that narco bitch and never be able to fuck you again? Like Hell! No one’s taking you from me! Not even you! I will have you all to myself! You owe me that much for all you took from me! I want all of you! I want your lips, your mouth, your tongue, your hair, your tits, your nips, your pussy, your clit, your ass, everything! I even want your bitchy attitude cause you’re not you without it and it’ll make fucking you even more enjoyable! You’ll be my pet! My plaything! My prized possession! I’ll take real good care of you and never get bored of you! What do you say to that, bitch?!”
Jasmine said nothing as she caught her breath and slowly turned her face towards Sabrina. She then looked at Sabrina with a powerful glare and spat on the ginger’s face. Sabrina growled and spat back. Both nymphos licked their faces clean. Jasmine then pushed herself into Sabrina and all the way into the other wall of the tub, ready for a little payback as she began viciously grinding into her nemesis.
“Agh! Fuck!” Sabrina cursed.
“What do I have to say to that?” Jasmine asked rhetorically. “I say your delusions of grandeur are even greater than I thought! You think I’m some toy that Las Brujas is trying to steal from you? You ain’t shit! Once they’re dealt with, I’ll fuck you into the ground and throw you right back in that cell and then whenever I feel you’ve forgotten your place, I’ll come over to remind you who the better bitch is! Just like I’ve been doing all year long! What do YOU say to that, you pathetic, inferior little cum dumpster?!”
Before Sabrina could answer, Jasmine jammed her tongue down her throat in retribution for when Sabrina did it to her as she brutally tribbed the redhead. Sabrina moaned and squirmed pathetically as Jasmine fucked her. Her previous tribbing of Jasmine getting her hot enough to make her very close to climax herself and she felt it getting higher and higher and higher until she finally could not take it anymore and Jasmine broke the kiss, wanting to hear her scream out in climax.
“Ohhhhhhh!!!!” Sabrina cried out as she came inside of Jasmine, who smiled and cooed at the feeling.
She held her nemesis up against the wall as she huffed and puffed for a while before getting it together and looking Jasmine straight in the eye.
“What do I say to that?” Sabrina asked rhetorically as she caught her breath. “I say…why wait? I want you all to myself. You want to “remind me of my place”. And here we are, cuddled up to each other naked in a bigass bath tub. No more draws! No more ties! No more inconclusive fights and no other bitches here to butt in! You and me, Jasmine Davis! Fucking each other until one of us is incapable of fucking the other back! What do you fucking say to that?!”
“What do I fucking say to that?” Jasmine asked rhetorically. “I say…Bring it the fuck on, Sabrina Phillips!”
The two then began wrestling each other back down into the tub. Their hearts set on what they wanted and their pussies even more so. They splashed around as the intensity of their scuffle increased. As Sabrina was already pinned against the wall by Jasmine, the raven was ultimately able to subdue her nemesis into a sitting position against the same wall before prying her legs open with her own and then bringing in her own cunt to go to town on Sabrina’s.
“Agh!” Sabrina grunted, making Jasmine grin sadistically.
As their pussies reconnected, the feeling of their lower lips fusing was somehow even more gratifying than usual. It was as if their newly realized conviction was fueling them even more. It just goes to show that sexfighting is almost as psychological as it is physical. Some would say even more and that plays a huge part in what makes it so addictive. The sight of Sabrina’s face contorted with overwhelming pleasure filled Jasmine with joy. Sabrina yanked on Jasmine’s hair again in an attempt to fight back. The raven was tempted to say something along the lines of:
‘Stop resisting and submit to the superior woman!’
However, that was the last thing Jasmine wanted the ginger to do. She loved fighting her and fucking her even through her struggling. She knew the feeling was very much mutual. Sabrina tribbed back into Jasmine as best she could, not giving a single inch. She and Jasmine then thought the exact same thing in the exact same words at the exact same time.
‘I swear to God that I will never lose to you again!’ They both thought to themselves.
And they very much planned to back up those thoughts with actions. However, Jasmine continued to grind against Sabrina viciously. She rocked herself back and forth, left and right, tribbing the redhead in those same directions.
“Fuck!” Sabrina cursed.
“You like that, you cocky little bitch?!” Jasmine asked mockingly. “If you don’t, you’d better get fucking used to it, cause I’ll be fucking you like this on a regular basis once I throw you back in your cell!”
“How do you plan on doing that when you’ll be my sex slave for life?” Sabrina asked, shooting back. “I think it’s time you shut up for now, anyway!”
She grabbed Jasmine’s cheeks and pulled her face into hers, initiating a kiss. And what a kiss it was. A kiss that sucked on their souls just as much, if not more so than their tongues. The euphoria they gave each other from their tongue battle combined with their brutal tribbing was beyond description. It was strange as this battle had no real stakes. They both agreed to try and impose their plans on each other after their common enemy was dealt with but it still nonetheless felt every bit as exhilarating, naughty and heated as any of their first three fights. They just could not help themselves. Eventually though, given that Sabrina was the one getting fucked from the submissive position, there was only one way this particular position was going to end.
“Mmmmmm!!!” Sabria screamed into Jasmine’s mouth as she orgasmed, once again spewing her juices straight up her arch enemy’s vaginal canal, making her moan as well.
Jasmine broke apart from Sabrina, who led out a loud exhale as soon as their lips disconnected in a line of spit. Jasmine then stood up as the evil redhead was huffing and puffing and reached down to bunch all of her flaming orange hair into one hand and pulled hard in retaliation for it being done to her earlier.
“Ugh!” Sabrina groaned as she was pulled up, face to smiling face with Jasmine, who playfully licked at her cheek.
“God, I will never, ever get tired of making you cum.” Jasmine said. “I want your cum all over me. In my face, in my mouth, in my hair, on my tits, on my ass and especially in my pussy!”
“Of course you do, you fucking degenerate.” Sabrina joked. “But when I’m done with you, you’ll be as dry as the sahara and I’ll look like someone attached a fire hose to your cunt and aimed it directly at me!”
“Oh, and I’m the degenerate?” Jasmine asked sarcastically.
As Sabrina caught her breath, she hugged herself to Jasmine, nipples pressing together euphorically as they both rested their heads on each other’s shoulders and began whispering in each other’s ear. Sabrina then reached down to tightly squeeze the raven’s shapely ass and Jasmine immediately did the same to the ginger’s ass.
“Do you know what I’m gonna do to you first thing when I have you all to myself?” Sabrina asked with a quick lick of Jasmine’s earlobe.
“I’ll play along and humor your pathetic delusions for now. What?“ Jasmine asked.
“This!” Sabrina said firmly.
She then wrapped her arms around Jasmine’s perfect body and spilled them both into the water, making a large splash and pinned Jasmine underwater. Sabrina then sat on top of her as the raven struggled to get free. Sabrina then sat her pussy on top of Jasmine’s in a reverse tribbing position and began fucked away at her.
“Ahhhhh!!” She could hear Jasmine’s muffled, distorted scream from under the water.
She put all of her weight on her rival, making sure she had no room to slip away as her lower lips dominated Jasmine’s lower lips. She felt her opponent’s clit come out of its hood and penetrate her lower folds as her own clit to the same to those of her enemy. Luckily, Jasmine had worked herself up quite a bit from tribbing Sabrina twice in a row and her pleasure was already rising high before Sabrina did this. It was not long at all until Jasmine felt her climax closing in on her. Knowing that Sabrina would finally let her go and breathe if she came, Jasmine allowed it to happen.
“Ohhhhhh!!!!” Jasmine screamed underwater as she came upwards into Sabrina’s twat.
As her orgasm subsided, Jasmine gathered up all of her strength and forced Sabrina off of her before finally emerging from under the hot water, coughing and hacking. She flipped her soaking wet black hair out of her face as she glared furiously at Sabrina.
“You fucking psycho cunt!” Jasmine cursed furiously. “Were you trying to drown me?!”
“Maybe.” Sabrina answered casually.
“Oh, just wait until I get my goddamn hands on you!“ Jasmine threatened.
“Of course I wasn’t trying to drown you.” Sabrina excused. “That’s not nearly good enough to repay what you’ve done to me.”
“What you did to yourself!” Jasmine argued.
“Whatever. We’ve been over this.” Sabrina dismissed. “But I’m not done with you yet, you hot bitch.”
“I’m the one who should be saying that!” Jasmine said angrily. “Now bring that beautiful twat of yours over here, so I can fuck it some more!”
Sabrina approached Jasmine who tried to grab her but the redhead slipped behind her, wrapped her arms around her waist and pushed her towards the edge of the tub and pushing her over it halfway. Her back was arched at a 90 degree angle as the top half of her body was bent over the edge of the tub.
“You fucking whooooorrrrreeeeee!!!!“ Jasmine yelped as she was fucked doggy style.
Sabrina grabbed onto her dark hair and pulled hard as she dominated her enemy from the back.
“A lifetime of being my fuckbitch!” Sabrina declared. “That’s the only thing you could ever do that would make up for everything I lost!”
“Keep dreaming, bitch! Fuck!” Jasmine cursed.
“Oh, I can dream up a whole lot!” Sabrina said. “Before long, you’ll be just as mindless and lustful over me as La Malvada’s concubines are for her!”
Sabrina slammed into Jasmine so powerfully that it made the other nympho’s luscious G cups bounce and jiggle around over the edge of the tub. Sabrina never felt so content and fulfilled in her life as when she was dominating Jasmine. It was the only thing that made her at least somewhat forget that her entire life was in shambles beyond any hope of repair. She was addicted to the euphoric satisfaction of humiliating the raven in every way imaginable. It was really all she had left that gave her any sense of happiness.
“Ohhhh!!” Jasmine grosned.
“That’s right, you beautiful future cum dumpster!” Sabrina encouraged. “Scream for me! Scream as I fuck your inferior cunt into pieces and then fuck it some more! I can’t get enough of it! I want to feel your pussy shed tears of bliss into mine! I want to use your tits as punching bags! I’ll use your tongue on and off as either a sex toy or as a never ending gobstopper! I’ll smack your ass so hard and so many times that there will be permanent hand shaped welts on it! I want to fuck away every sense you have until you know nothing but pleasing me!”
“Agh!” Jasmine grunted. “You goddamn crazy fucking basket case!”
Sabrina then pulled Jasmine’s hair harder.
“Shit!” Jasmine cursed.
“I’m only what you made me!” Sabrina argued.
Jasmine had just cum and Sabrina was fucking her so hard, so fast and so ruthlessly that she soon began to feel her next orgasm building up faster than she could even keep track of it. There was no fighting it.
“Gooooooddddddd!!!!!” Jasmine shrieked as she came yet again, splattering all over Sabrina’s pussy.
“That’s a good girl.” Sabrina said condescendingly. “You can feel this all day every day once I own you.”
Jasmine was panting like a dog as she was bent over, her wet hair running alongside the outside wall of the tub. Sabrina then pulled her upwards into her, the ginger’s nipples poking into her back as she licked Jasmine’s neck, face and mouth.
“You know, if you ever worry about getting lonely, don’t.” Sabrina said. “I’m sure your little cop friends will come looking for you. I’ve outfucked each and every one of them. Vanessa twice. I can easily do it again and then they’ll join you as my trophies.”
Jasmine knew that Sabrina was just trying to mess with her head and get a rise out of her. She was too winded to reply anyway. Sabrina knew she would be treading rough waters with what she was about to say next but she just couldn’t resist seeing her arch rival’s reaction.
“But there is one other problem.” Sabrina said. “That precious knight in shining armor of yours would come looking for you too.”
Jasmine’s eyes went wide.
“I guess I’ll just have to make him mine too.” Sabrina mocked. “I’d much rather fuck you but maybe on days you misbehave, I’ll tie you down and force you to watch as I pump his cock inside of me until he bursts!”
And with that, Jasmine’s strength returned and she broke free of Sabrina’s hold before turning around and tackling her back into the water, making a big splash. She then got a hold of the ginger and pulled them both up out of the water before pinning her to the wall yet again.
“You’re gonna regret saying that, you fucking cunt.” Jasmine said sinisterly. “Maybe it’s time you know how it feels to be treated like a cum dumpster!”
Sabrina just glared at her defiantly.
“Do your worst, slut!” Sabrina dared.
“You asked for it!” Jasmine said.
She then pried the redhead’s legs open to where one leg was suspended high up in the air, revealing her tasty looking twat before Jasmine slammed in with her own cunt.
“Ohhhh!!” Sabrina groaned as the raven mercilessly tribbed her.
“That’s it, cunt!” Jasmine encouraged. “Now you’ll scream for me!”
As she fucked her prey, Jasmine’s sadistic side and desire for revenge began to start showing again.
“Now, do you know what I’m gonna do to you after tossing you back in the goddamn clink?!“ Jasmine asked. “Not only will I fuck you just as hard as this whenever the urge strikes me but I’ll also share you with the others! I’ll watch as they take the same joy in humiliating you and making you cry like the pitiful little bitch that you are that I am right this second!”
“Ugh!” Sabrina groaned. “And I’m the deluded one?”
Jasmine pushed her nemesis against the wall so hard that Sabrina had to reach behind her and push her arms against the wall in an attempt to push herself back into Jasmine but it was no use. The raven had her deadlocked. Jasmine grinned and lowered her head down to loudly suck and slurp on Sabrina’s sharpened milk buds as she continued fucking her in this one sided scissor position. Hearing the evil redhead cry out in sexual agony was like music to Jasmine’s ears. She enjoyed fucking Sabrina every bit as much as Sabrina loved fucking her. She would never tire of dominating and punishing her or using her body for her own pleasure and treating the miserable bitch like a piece of meat. She deserved every bit of it. Deep down inside of them, they both knew that if they could fuck only one other woman in the world for the rest of their lives, both of them would easily pick each other. Jasmine would even choose Sabrina over each of her teammates, even if she felt guilty about that. Jasmine would even choose Sabrina over her irresistible ebony Goddess of a boss, Tamara. Nothing got either of their blood pumping or hearts racing or sadistic urges flowing like going at it with their arch nemesis. They were addicted to each other. Plain and simple.
“You fucking bitch!” Sabrina said as she pulled on Jasmine’s soaking wet raven locks as she continued to suckle her pink nipple, staring back up into her mockingly.
“I hope you enjoy tasting me because you’re gonna be doing a lot more of it in the very near future!” Sabrina declared.
Jasmine then popped her mouth off of Sabrina’s nipple and pulled her head back up to face her down again.
“You have no idea how right you are!” Jasmine shot back.
Jasmine humped her rival viciously as her pussy devoured the ginger’s. Their clits bobbing against each other but Jasmine’s had a clear advantage. Sabrina’s face blushed even redder than her hair as Jasmine felt she had a good pin on her opponent, she decided to do something a bit risky. She took both hands and violently twisted Sabrina’s nipples like fleshy toys.
“Aghhhh!!!” Sabrina shrieked in equal parts pain and pleasure.
“Is this what you planned on doing to me when you supposedly had me all to yourself?” Jasmine asked mockingly.
“You wanna twist nips, bitch?! Fine by me!” Sabrina said before she reached in front of her and reciprocated the move.
“Fuck!” Jasmine cursed. “Assault my girls all you want, slut! It won’t stop me from fucking your brains out and using that precious fiery hair of yours as a cum rag!”
She increased the tempo of her grinding and she knew it was having an effect. Sabrina’s heart sank as she realized what or rather who was about to cum. Her. There was no escape, so she didn’t even bother wasting precious energy in resisting.
“Goddamn yoooooouuuuuuuuu!!!!!” Sabrina screamed as she came, filling up Jasmine’s pussy for the upteenth time.
Jasmine smiled in her victory for this round and released Sabrina, who fell forward face first into Jasmine’s cleavage.
“Awww…” Jasmine cooed condescendingly. “Finally facing reality? Maybe if you put that shit talking tongue of yours to better use, I’ll go easy on you.”
“Ask and you shall receive.” Sabrina said sinisterly.
Before Jasmine could react, the ginger slid down her voluptuous body until she was face to cunt with Jasmine’s red, ripe pussy. She then reached around the raven to cross her arms over each other behind Jasmine’s ass before burying her fingers deep into her rival’s booty meat. She then used her grip to push Jasmine’s twat forward into her face before burying her tongue deep inside her opponent’s folds.
“Ahhh!!” Jasmine groaned as she was eaten out. “That’s right, you cunt licking little bimbo! Suck my superior pussy! Get used to its glorious flavor!”
Jasmine reached down and buried her hands deep into Sabrina’s flaming orange locks to get control over her head. Sabrina did not care as she was much more focused on other things at the moment. For the first time in the fight so far, one nympho’s tongue had at last penetrated the other nympho’s lower lips. It was beautiful. Sabrina hated to admit it but Jasmine’s pussy was beyond delectable. So tangy and juicy. She could eat her for hours and if given the chance, that is exactly what she would do. Jasmine also hated to admit it but Sabrina ate her pussy like no other woman in the world. It was like her tongue was purpose built to pleasure her cunt. It really was a stroke of fate that these two raging, incorrigible nymphomaniacs had encountered each other of all the nymphos on Earth. They were like oil and water but also two peas in a pod at the exact same time. Sabrina dragged her tongue up from the very bottom of Jasmine’s labia towards her pulsating, pink pleasure bud and wrapped her lips around the helpless organ. She used her kissing lips on the clit as a cavern for her tongue to assault it endlessly.
“Goooooddddd!!!” Jasmine moaned with a vibration in her voice as Sabrina’s cunnilingus assault sent volts of electric pleasure throughout her body.
“Yeah, keep licking me, bitch.” Jasmine encouraged. “You think I’m gonna get tired of this just because I’m trying to outfuck you? Think again! Keep doing the only thing you’re good for! I can take it all day and still fuck you into the ground!”
Sabrina was getting annoyed with Jasmine’s arrogance and wanted to prove her wrong. She buried her tongue as deeply into her nemesis’s folds as possible. She just wished her tongue was longer. She dug her hands deeper into Jasmine’s cheeks to push her tongue as far as possible.
“Fuck!” Jasmine cursed as she bit down on her bottom lip.
Sabrina’s efforts soon began to beat fruit and Jasmine felt her next climax building up fast. And then it happened.
“Agghhhhhh!!!” Jasmine groaned loudly as she came.
Sabrina swallowed what she could while the rest coated her face and hair. Jasmine panted like a dog and while Sabrina wanted to keep feasting on her nemesis, she found herself getting worn out. She may have bitten off more than she could chew and had to give her mouth and jaw a rest. Jasmine took notice of this and decided to take advantage of it. In one swift, fluid motion, the raven pounced on the redhead and wrestled her into the water. They scuffled for a bit before Jasmine was able to contort Sabrina into a very unorthodox position. She sat on her back, pinning her underwater as she lifted Sabrina’s legs up until her enemy’s cunt was right in front of her face.
“Payback’s a bitch. Just like you are!” Jasmine bragged.
This was a blatant act of retaliation against Sabrina pinning Jasmine underwater earlier in the fight. The raven then began licking at Sabrina’s cunt, also an act of payback. She sealed her upper lips over the other nympho’s lower lips and began eating away.
“Ahhhh!!” Sabrina screamed, muffled by the water.
Jasmine slurped all over her rival’s labia like a piece of candy, tasting Sabrina’s sweet juices and swallowing them back. Jasmine would stick her tongue in and pull it out over and over again, effectively tongue fucking the other slut while she flailed underwater, struggling to break free. Jasmine worked her tongue, mouth and lips expertly against Sabrina’s labia, slithering it in and out, kissing it, spitting into it before focusing her onslaught of cunnilingus onto the ginger’s protruding little clit. She slurped all over the helpless organ just as Sabrina had done to her own. She then added some of her fingers into the mix, poking them in out with both hands in various patterns and combinations for variously different amounts of time. Eventually, Sabrina could not handle much more of this and started feeling her pleasure rising and rising until it finally burst.
“Ahhhhhhh!!!!” Sabrina screamed, muffled and distorted by the water, making it sound almost robotic.
Jasmine grinned with satisfaction as she felt Sabrina’s warm, tasty fluids bukkake her face. She then released Sabrina, getting off of her back as the ginger immediately re-emerged from the water, taking a loud, desperate exhale and coughing a bit as Jasmine watched in amusement. After getting a hold of herself, Sabrina flipped her soaking orange tresses out of her face, feeling them slap back onto her back as she silently glared at Jasmine. She should’ve seen that coming after she did the same to the raven but she had no idea when to expect it. Thankfully, both of them had pretty strong lungs.
“Now we’re even.” Jasmine declared.
“Maybe I actually should’ve fucked drowned you after all!” Sabrina said angrily.
“Then whose pussy would you endlessly obsess over to find some solace in your sad, pathetic life?” Jasmine asked.
“And what would you even be without me anyway?” Sabrina argued. “Where would your life be?”
“What are you bitching about?“ Jasmine asked.
“You know what I mean!“ Sabrina argued. “Your current life, your home, your Husband’s life itself and even the very existence of Task Force 732 were all a product of my actions!”
“You’re so full of shit!” Jasmine said, in denial.
“Like Hell I am!” Sabrina argued. “Think about it! You cassing those museums to get my money is what led to you meeting Vanessa and Holly in the first place! Which led to Ben getting his treatment and you and Nicole becoming cops and 732 becoming what it is now! It’s all because of me!”
Jasmine was silent. She would never admit it in a million years…but Sabrina was completely right. Jasmine going into debt to her was essentially the bullet that killed Archduke Ferdinand of her life. Everything she’s had since then was a product of that. Right up to this very moment. She honestly could not imagine where she would be today if not for all of that. Perhaps she would have gotten an honest job and slaved away until either she got the money for Ben’s treatment or the unthinkable would’ve happened and Ben secamb to his cancer before she could get enough money. Sabrina really was both the best and worst thing that had ever happened to Jasmine.
“Nothing else to say, huh?” Sabrina teased. “No smartass retort? It’s the same thing as admitting I’m right, you know.”
“Oh, shove it!” Jasmine spat. “You may be right but by that logic, I should also be grateful to Ben’s cancer for pushing me to do that in the first place!”
“I never said you should be grateful.” Sabrina argued. “But why are you even still married to that loser when you have all these hot girls surrounding you at all times?”
“You egomaniacal little cunt!” Jasmine cursed.
She wanted to smack Sabrina but knew it was exactly what she wanted.
“You wouldn’t understand! You only care about yourself!” Jasmine insulted.
“You say that like it’s a bad thing.” Sabrina said smugly.
“Ben was the best thing that ever happened to me!” Jasmine declared. “Before him, I was just some timid little shrinking violet and a pathetic doormat that would never stand up for myself. He gave me the strength that made me what I am today! The strength that I used to beat you!”
“You done with the sappy shit yet?” Sabrina asked, annoyed. “If he really made you so strong, then shut up and prove it!”
“I’ve proved it to you before and I’ll do it again as many times as I damn well please!” Jasmine said confidently.
Sabrina stood up and marched into Jasmine until their nipples and noses just barely touched each other. Jasmine took immediate action and licked right across Sabrina’s lips. The redhead immediately did the same, which quickly descended into a tongue war outside of their mouths. Sabrina grabbed Jasmine’s ass again nice and tight, using her grip to pull her closer and then sealing their mouths together, turning their tonguefight into a kissfight. Jasmine grabbed Sabrina’s ass just as hard in retribution before the two bitter rivals spread their legs and initiated a standing tribbing session.
“Mmmmmm…” They both moaned into each other’s mouths
Their nipples slid around all over each other before finally finding their bearings and poking deeply into the areolas of their owner’s rival. Their lower lips had fused together yet again, relieving the tension they had been feeling since breaking contact. It was as if their pussies both had a mind of their own and were as obsessed with each other as their owners were. They simply did not want to be apart. Jasmine took one hand off of Sabrina’s thick ass cheeks and instead slipped it upward to bury it deep into her opponent’s long, thick, drenched orange hair. Sabrina did the same, digging her fingers deep into Jasmine’s equally soaked black tresses. They continued flexing their pelvises in an attempt to grind against each other, cunt to cunt and it was working. They could not get enough of this. Not just the pleasure but the atmosphere of it all. The feeling of each other’s warm, wet skin. The wet, matted hair and meaty ass flesh in their hands. Their tongues wrestling each other. Nipples stabbing into nipples. It was like both heaven and hell on earth all happening at once. They had no idea how long they’d been going at it now. Hours at the bare minimum. Time ceased to exist for both of them as the only thing that mattered was fucking their hated rival into the dust. Deep inside their fused cunts, their clits were also having a war of their very own, jabbing at each other relentlessly. They eventually had to break the kiss for some much needed air, huffing and puffing.
“You’re nothing without me, you smug bitch.” Sabrina gloated. “Why don’t you just admit it?”
“Says the one who wants to turn me into a sex slave.” Jasmine argued.
“You know you want to deep down.” Sabrina bragged. “Besides, no one was forcing to keep coming to my cell. You did that of your own free will.”
“Only because I wanted to keep reminding you of your place.” Jasmine argued. “The guards at St. Lilith’s are good but they could never break your spirit the way only I can.”
“Does THIS feel like a broken spirit to you, whore?!” Sabrina asked.
She then thrust herself forward, pushing her pussy deeper into Jasmine’s.
“Agh!” Jasmine grunted. “You fucking bitch!”
“And who are you to talk about breaking my spirit?” Sabrina asked rhetorically. “I still remember how well you took it after I won our second match.”
“I still got back up and fucked you into oblivion after that!” Jasmine argued. “And I’ll do it again as many times as it takes!”
“Exactly!” Sabrina said. “Because you know you’re nothing without me! You were just some housewife before I made you into what you are now!”
“If you had your way, you would’ve sold me to some pervert!” Jasmine argued. “I pulled myself out from the dregs and I did it without any help from you!”
Jasmine pushed forward into Sabrina, mimicking the ginger’s earlier move.
“Ugh!” Sabrina grunted.
“I did it because I had the strength to do it! Not because of the situation you forced on me, you worthless, psychopathic, miserable, self-cenetered fucking cunt!”
“Keep your self-congratulatory sermons to yourself, bitch!” Sabrina argued. “I was already strong before the cancer that is you came into my life!”
“You weren’t strong enough to stop me from hauling your big bubbly ass in the clink!” Jasmine argued. “And you’re still not strong enough now!”
Before Sabrina could respond, Jasmine was on her, slamming her tongue down her throat and dominating her mouth as Sabrina tried her best to wrestle the raven’s tongue back. The kiss was intense but brief and Jasmine slipped her tongue back out.
“You know what?” Jasmine asked herself. “I should just let La Malvada have you. You’re no better than her anyway! You have everything in common! You see everyone around you as either tools, toys or both! I’m sure she’d love to show you how it feels to be on the receiving end! We should just find Ms. Colby and she can help us take back the prison instead of your sorry ass!”
“Oh, please!” Sabrina dismissed. “You know you wouldn’t want anyone else owning me but you! You want me just as much as I want you! Just admit it already!”
“Maybe I would if I didn’t already have plenty going for me in my life!“ Jasmine argued. “A great, supportive Husband, four smoking hot, fuckable girlfriends, a steady job with the sexiest boss on the face of the Earth and…Oh, that’s right. An amazing home. YOUR amazing home!”
Sabrina growled and this time, she was the one to silence Jasmine with her tongue, jamming it down Jasmine’s throat for about 15 seconds before pulling it back out in a spray of spit.
“Your entire life is a product of my actions! Everything you have now, you have because of me!” Sabrina argued. “And once I break you in to be my toy, I’ll take it all back! Your girlfriends, your man, your job, your boss and your home! I won’t be satisfied until you lose everything like I lost everything!”
“You couldn’t beat Ms. Colby on the best day of your life, on a leap year, on Friday the 13th, during a blue moon with all the planets aligning!” Jasmine bragged. “And if you want it all back, come try and take it!”
The two had enough of bickering with each other and began squabbling to try and pin their nemesis down to fuck her again. Their bodies flailed around the water, splashing it around a bit until they both ended up throwing each other off their feet and into the back wall of the tub. Their cunts were still fighting their own battle as they resumed tribbing each other now that they were both back on the ground. They kissed yet again as the sounds of water splashing, loud, heated moaning and growling, lips smacking and slurping echoed throughout the tiled bathroom. Both were bear hugging their opponent further into their own bodies, wanting to feel every part of the other nympho battle every part of them, leaving zero room for doubt or argument about who was superior this time. The pleasure would prove to be too much at times and they would often climax, screaming into her opponent’s mouth but not at the same time. At times, Jasmine would cum inside of Sabrina and at other times, it would be Sabrina cumming inside of Jasmine. Over and over and over again. Eventually, they both broke the kiss, panting like dogs. The look in their eyes both told them that they wanted the same thing. Scissoring.
They peeled their pussies apart from each other before they laid their bodies back and positioned themselves to where their cunts could reach each other without having to put themselves in an uncomfortable position. They obviously could not lay on their backs due to the water, so they had to make do. They then brought their twats together yet again.
“Aghhhh!!!” Sabrina groaned.
“Ohhhhh!!!“ Jasmine moaned.
They flexed and flexed and flexed their lower bodies to grind into each other as fast and as hard as possible. Their enormous G cup breasts bounced and jiggled in response to all the inertia and friction they were building up. Panting and moaning filled the room as they relentlessly and ferociously fucked each other like mindless rabbits. Their clits once again pressed into each other as well. Their pussies and eventually their entire bodies felt as if they were on fire. If they were fighting pretty much any other woman on Earth, maybe even La Malvada herself, they’d be praying for their opponent to go down soon but not with each other. Absolutely not. They wanted more. More. More. More of the sound of her screaming. More of her body yielding to their own. More of the feeling of her cum blasting inside of their pussies. No matter how time, effort, sweat or energy it took, they would not stop until one of their bodies collapsed due to pure, unadulterated exhaustion. They continued climaxing inside of each other again and again and again. Their pussies just would not tire out. They kept going and going and going. It seemed as if they would go on forever and nothing in the world would stop them…Until something did. Suddenly, they both felt a sharp pain in their scalps as something yanked them off of each other and up by their hair until they were standing up in the tub.
“Agh!” Jasmine grunted.
“Ugh!” Sabrina grunted.
They both opened their eyes in confusion and frustration to see a naked Vanessa standing in between them, one hand yanking Jasmine’s hair and the other one yanking Sabrina’s.
“Nessa?” Jasmine asked in confusion. “What the Hell are you doing?”
“Mind your own business, bitch!” Sabrina ordered. “Let go of us, so I can fuck her into the ground!”
“In your dreams, slut!“ Jasmine shot back.
“ENOUGH!!!” Vanessa shouted firmly. “It’s a draw. Fight’s over.”
“What?!” Jasmine and Sabrina both asked at the same time in bafflement.
“Fuck off and leave us alone! I’m not leaving until we settle this!” Sabrina demanded.
“Let go of my hair so that I can teach this cunt a lesson once and for all!” Jasmine ordered.
“No. I don’t think I will.” Vanessa said. “You animals have been going at it for ten hours. Isn’t that right, girls?”
Jasmine and Sabrina turned their heads to find the equally naked Holly, Nicole and Christina standing outside of the tub.
“Sure have.” Holly confirmed.
“It definitely sounded like a good fight.” Nicole said.
“I heard stories about how these two go nuts over each other but Christ…” Christina added.
“If you skanks wanna watch, fine!” Sabrina said. “But no one interrupts!”
Vanessa then yanked hard on Sabrina’s hair.
“Oww!!” Sabrina moaned.
“I said it’s over!” Vanessa said angrily. “If you’re on my team, even temporarily, you’ll do as I say!”
“You’d better have a fucking good reason for this, Nessa.” Jasmine said angrily.
“I do.” Vanessa said. “This is proving to be a…distraction.”
“What?” Sabrina asked.
“If you two sluts keep this up, it’s gonna catch up to you in a bad way when we make our move.” Vanessa explained. “You should conserve this energy and anger for the real enemy, which is not in this house.”
“I beg to differ.” Jasmine argued. “As far as I’m concerned, she’s enemy number one!”
“Flattery will get you nowhere.” Sabrina mocked.
“You both know what’s at stake.” Vanessa said. “I can’t have this bullshit impacting your performance. Once the job’s done, you two can fuck each other to death as much as you damn well please but for now, save it for Las Brujas. Besides, you’ll have something to look forward to after La Malvada is defeated. Is that understood?”
The two said nothing but turned their gazed away, silently agreeing.
“I was just about to win too.” Jasmine said.
“Oh, as if!” Sabrina argued.
The two bega screaming at each other until Vanessa yanked on their hair again.
“Owww!!!” They both groaned.
“I said that’s enough!” Vanessa said. “Now, I have our assault all planned out. Tomorrow, we’ll rest up. No sex. Not even with Ben. We’ve all practiced enough, I’d say. You two will control yourselves until the job is done. Understood?”
“Fine.” Sabrina said. “Until the mission’s over…”
“Sure.” Jasmine agreed begrudgingly. “I’m a cop. I’ll do my job. Business first…pleasure later.”
“What about you?” Sabrina asked. “Have you come to terms with the truth yet?“
“I have.” Vanessa said grimly. “It still hurts…but I intend on becoming the cop that I was led to believe that Brooke was. I’ll find her, dominate her two faced cunt, lock her up and throw away the key.”
“And what about Ms. Colby?“ Jasmine asked.
“Still haven’t been able to reach her.” Vanessa said sadly. “Once we take the prison back, we’ll go to Mexico to find her. She’s tough as nails, though. I’m sure she’s fine.”
“And the rest of you?” Vanessa asked the other three girls.
“You know me, Nessa.” Holly said. “I’m with you all the way.”
“Damn straight.” Nicole said. “We’ll make them all pay for everything they’ve done.”
“You can count me in too.” Christina said. “I’m not afraid of those putas. Not anymore. And I plan on showing them myself.”
“Good.” Vanessa said. “As for you two…Let’s kiss on it!”
Vanessa used her grip on their hair to pull Jasmine and Sabrina’s faces towards hers and the three immediately began licking at each other’s tongues lustfully and passionately. The three younger girls watched with arousal. After a full minute of this, Vanessa pulled their faces apart.
“732 forever.” Vanessa said.
“732 forever.” Jasmine agreed.
“Yeah, yeah…Camaraderie and all that shit.” Sabrina said callously. “You can let go of our hair now.”
“Oh, I will.” Vanessa said suggestively. “But don’t get me wrong, I understand that no nympho likes getting her match interrupted, let alone forcibly put on hold by a third party. Especially when the match is with her soul rival. I also know that you two are still burning hot below the collar and I’m not heartless.”
“What are you getting at?” Jasmine asked.
“Now, I’m going to let go of your hair.” Vanessa said flirtatiously. “And when I do…All six of us are going to have a nice, wholesome, sisterly lesbian orgy right here in this tub!”
“Huh?!” Sabrina asked.
“What?!“ Jasmine asked.
“Come on, you can’t subject us all to those noises all day and not let us blow off some steam too.” Christina said.
“Yeah. How is it fair to just let you two fuck each other?” Nicole asked.
“We all need some stress relief.” Holly added.
“And it will help us bond and unite as girls against our enemy.” Vanessa said.
“Fine by me.” Jasmine said.
“Not like I have a choice.” Sabrina said.
“Then let the fun begin!” Vanessa said as she finally released Jasmine and Sabrina’s hair.
Holly, Nicole and Christina hopped into the tub with them and what followed was hours upon hours of non-stop womanly pleasures. The girls did just about everything to each other, leaving nothing and no one left out. Every pussy tribbed with every other pussy, every mouth sucked on every other tongue, every tongue licked every other pussy, every nipple was sucked by every other mouth and every pussy splattered all over every other face at least ten times. If there was a heaven, this is what it was. Endless pleasure. It did not take long for Jasmine and Sabrina to get over their anger at their fight being interrupted. Still, they knew they would settle it one day. Vanessa feeled the team deserved such a fun sex party after all the stress they’ve been under these past few days. It was nice to find some solace in their situation and enjoy themselves in the best way they knew how. By the end of it, they weren’t sure if there was more water or girl cum in the tub. The orgy lasted for a good 14 hours. Meaning that Jasmine and Sabrina had been in that tub, fucking either each other or the other girls for a full 24 hours. It was amazing but they still craved each other and would have each other soon.
Alas, all good things had to come to an end. The girls drained the tub, cleaned up the water that was splashed out of it and went to their own rooms to shower the sweat and cum out of their skin and hair. Showering together would likely be too tempting to prevent another orgy. After all was said and done, Jasmine crashed into bed where Ben was waiting for her.
“There’s my lioness.” Ben said as he stroked his Wife’s hair. “Sounds like you had quite a day.”
“Understatement of the fucking century.” Jasmine said. “But I’m ready…We’ll rest up tomorrow…And then take the fight to Las Brujas.”
“I know you all can do it.” Ben said as she snuggled Jasmine.
“Yeah..We can.” Jasmine said. “Are you worried?”
“Would you be insulted if I said yes?” Ben asked.
“We’ll be fine…All of us.” Jasmine said.
“I hope so.” Ben said.
“Are you worried about me more…or Chrissy?”
Ben’s heart skipped a beat upon hearing that.
“I know you’ve got it good for her, Ben.” Jasmine said.
“I…uhh…well…” Ben stammered. Jasmine chuckled.
“I’m just fucking with you!” Jasmine said. “She’s a great girl…But I’m your Wife and don’t you forget it.”
“Of course not.” Ben said.
“I want a rematch with her one day…” Jasmine said. “And I want you to watch. You’ll be our prize.”
“Not sure how I feel about that.” Ben said.
“Don’t you worry, honey. It’s all in good fun.” Jasmine said. “Chrissy’s my girl…And I wouldn’t exactly mind sharing you with her…Provided she wins.”
“Does she know about this?” Ben asked.
“Not yet.” Jasmine said. “I have other bitches to fuck now but I’ll get to her eventually. Just promise that when her time comes, you’ll fuck the winner as hard as you fucked Ms. Colby.”
“You don’t need to tell me twice.” Ben said. “Perhaps you’d want a taste of that now?”
“Sorry, babe. Nessa told us to conserve our energy for the mission.” Jasmine said.
“Damn…” Ben said.
The two then went to bed.
Tamara had finally managed to cross the border into the US without arousing suspicion. It took some tricky tactics and seducing border guards but she did it. Now she just had to find her girls and make sure they were okay. They were still a long while away, though.
‘Just a little bit longer, my darlings.’ Tamara thought to herself. ‘I’m coming for you…And La Malvada!’
The End