Emma Watson’s First Victory by Phos

Author’s Note:
The following is a complete work of fiction. There is no intended truth in the following work. All characters are of 18 years old or above, not aged artificially.

Evanna and Clemence interlocked legs, and started to thrust. They seemed pretty evenly matched at first, pounding each other’s hips with their own.
‘Oh,’ Clemence let out a slight moan, as Evanna started to pound harder. Clemence responded equally, eliciting a louder moan from Evanna. Evanna continued by fucking clemence even harder.
‘Oh yeah?’ Clemence said, increasing her pace. Suddenly, Evanna threw her head back and moaned.
‘Ahh, OW, Ohh,’ Evanna leaned back, even though she was thrusting harder, and Clemence took the advantage.
‘Ha.’ Clemence said, now on top of Evanna. ‘Who’s pussy is better?’ She asked?
‘Not yours.’ Evanna said. ‘OH!’ She then screamed, as Clemence started fucking her hard. Emma watched as Clemence’s pussy pounded Evanna’s, squishing it and pushing it in with her own. It was a few minutes of rough fucking, and though Evanna was being fucked, she didn’t show any signs of giving up. Though that was about to change. Clemence shifted her hips ever so slightly as she continued fucking, and Evanna started to scream.
‘OHH, AHH, PLEASE STOP,’ Evanna screamed, as she was used. ‘AHH, Ohh,’ she moaned with pleasure.
‘Who’s pussy is better?’ Fleur asked.
‘YOURS, AHH,’ Evanna said. It was ten seconds more of the repeated pleasuring from Fleur, and Evanna orgasmed. ‘UHH, Ohh… Why… So good.’ Evanna panted.
Fleur gave her three final thrusts.
‘AH! Oh, Ohh,’ Evanna moaned.
The girls around her cheered.
‘Oh my god,’ Bonnie muttered. ‘She’s so good.’
‘The way Fleur’s pussy pounded Evanna’s was so satisfying.’ Scarlett said. ‘The technique was really well done.’
‘Thanks, Pansy.’ Fleur said, getting off of Evanna.
‘What did Fleur do?’ Emma asked. ‘How come Evanna suddenly started feeling it and orgasmed?’
‘It’s an interesting trick.’ Katie said. ‘I’ll show you. But first, the basics. Come here.’
‘Ooh, now we gotta teach Emma.’ Pansy said.
Emma intercrossed legs with Katie.
‘Alright, so, show me how you would usually thrust. What did Bonnie teach you till now?’ Katie said.
‘So, Bonnie said that whoever gets on top essentially always wins, so you thrust really fast to gain the advantage.’
‘That is correct.’ Katie nodded, glancing at Bonnie. ‘Show me how you’d do it.’ Katie started thrusting lightly, and Emma did it hard, pounding as fast as possible.
‘I see your problem.’ Katie said. ‘You’re fast but you don’t follow through. Don’t thrust at my hips, thrust through them.’
‘Like this?’ Emma asked, thrusting much harder.
‘Ooh,’ Katie said. ‘Nicely done. Now with practice, it’ll come out like this.’ She thrust extremely hard, pushing Emma’s hips backward, and started to pound Emma as she fell backwards.
‘OH, OW, AHH,’ Emma screamed. ‘OH, Please, please I got it, AHH, I GOT IT!’
Katie stopped thrusting as Emma sat up straight again, panting.
‘Just bullying you a little.’ Katie giggled, as the girls around her snickered.
‘Got it.’ Emma smiled. ‘Your hips are so powerful though.’
‘Of course, they’re wider than yours.’ Katie shrugged. ‘Anyways, now i’ll teach you how to work your hips when you do have the upper hand.’
‘Sure. Then can we work on the pussy?’ Emma asked.
‘Sure.’ Katie smiled. ‘So, lie down.’
Emma sighed as Katie got on top of her and aligned their pussies. ‘Oh no.’
‘It’s fine, I’m just teaching you.’ Katie kissed Emma. ‘Alright, so there are three ways to fuck someone when you’re straddling them. You can go lightly and fast.’ Katie said, scissoring Emma not hard, very lightly, but very fast.
‘Oooh.’ Emma moaned with pleasure.
‘This is great for stimulating the opponent.’ Katie said. ‘From here, you can go hard and fast.’ Katie started pounding Emma extremely fast for the next minute or so, eliciting moans from Emma and bringing her very close to orgasm.
‘AHH, OH, OOOH,’ Emma screamed. ‘PLEASE, Oh, AHHH,’ Emma’s hips bucked wildly as she climaxed to Katie.
‘And the third method,’ Katie told Emma. ‘Is to fuck slow, but hard. To prove that you’re better, as a form of domination.’ Katie pounded Emma slowly, but hard, each thrust sending pleasure and humiliation coursing through Emma.
‘OW, Uhh.’ Emma moaned.
‘You’re welcome for the orgasm and the rough pounding, Emma.’ Katie said, helping Emma sit up straight. ‘So yeah, that’s how you do it.’
‘Oh my.’ Emma breathed heavily. ‘I got pounded. I get it now. So first you do it light and fast, then hard and fast, and finally hard and slow.’
‘Exactly.’ Katie said. ‘Now do you want to work on your pussy?’
‘Yeah.’ Emma said.
‘Ok, so the technique to scissor well is to pleasure the other person’s pussy as much as possible.’ Katie said. ‘So I’d try to squish, twist and rub my pussy against yours, to batter yours as much as possible.’
‘Like this?’ Emma squished Katie’s pussy with hers, thrusting hard.
‘Correct.’ Katie said. ‘Though it’s of course better if you’re on top, that way you’ll have more force.’
‘What was that thing that Fleur did earlier?’ Emma asked. ‘Against Evanna.’
‘Ah. So what Fleur did was push her pussy into Evanna’s. Look.’ Katie pushed slightly, grinding her hips.
Suddenly, Emma felt a sharp sensation of extreme pleasure, and gasped.
‘Feel that?’ Katie asked.
‘Yeah, so basically I’ve gotten to your clit. Now if I take control of your clit with my pussy, and yank it around and pleasure it, you’re going to cum very fast. Now, obviously, I’ve just made you cum, Bonnie, can you demonstrate?’
‘Sure.’ Bonnie said. Katie laid down, and Bonnie straddled her, starting to scissor.
‘So this is normal.’ Katie said. ‘Now, Bonnie’s going to go for my clit.’
Bonnie shifted her weight, and Katie let out a small gasp.
‘Ohh,’ She moaned, as Bonnie scissored her clit.
‘I see.’ Emma nodded.
Bonnie got off. ‘So, Who’s scissoring who next?’
‘Me and Emma.’ Scarlett said.
Emma and Scarlett interlocked legs.
‘Ready?’ Bonnie said. ‘Go.’
They both started Thrusting hard and fast, trying to gain the advantage. Emma remembered what Katie had said. Thrust through her hips, not at them. Emma tried to thrust hard, using her whole body for force.
‘AHH,’ Scarlett moaned, as Emma pounded her. Suddenly, Emma was on top, fucking Scarlett.
There was a collective gasp all around.
‘Woah!’ Katie said. ‘No way, Emma’s gonna fuck Scarlett the first time.’
‘Ha.’ Emma said to Scarlett, who was looking up at her with a shocked expression on her face.
Emma now started to shift her weight as she fucked Scarlett, eliciting moans from her victim as she tried to hit Scalrett’s clit.
‘Uhh, Ow, Ohh, Ahh…’ Scarlett moaned.
Finally, Emma found it. She struck her pussy into Scarlett’s clit, keeping a good hold. She then proceeded to thrust hard and fast like Katie taught her.
‘AHH, OW, OHH, PLEASE!’ Scarlett begged. ‘AHH, MERCY!’ She screamed, and within thirty seconds of the rough fucking, she orgasmed.
‘Ahh… Ohh.’ Pansy moaned.
Emma thrust once, twice, thrice, to seal her dominance.
‘AH!’…’OW!’…’UH!’ Scarlett moaned. Instantly, there was applause all around Emma.
‘Congrats!’ Bonnie hugged her.
‘That was amazing.’ Shefali exchanged looks of awe with Evanna.
‘Very good.’ Clemence nodded.
Once Scarlett recovered from the humiliation, she sat up. ‘No way Emma just beat me. Rematch. Clemence, would you like to join me? Let’s see how Emma likes it when she’s double scissored.’
The End