Emma Watson Sexfights Bonnie Wright by Phos

Author’s Note:
The following is a complete work of fiction. There is no intended truth in the following work. All characters are of 18 years old or above, not aged artificially.

Katie = Katie Leung, Cho Chang actress. Emma = Emma Watson, Hermione Granger actress. Shefali = Parvati Patil actress. Bonnie = Bonnie wright, Ginny Weasley actress. Scarlett = Scarlett Byrne, Pansy parkinson actress- Hermione’s bully. Clemence = Clemence Poesy, Fleur Delacour actress. Evanna = Evanna Lynch, Luna Lovegood actress.
Evanna and Clemence both started to hump, thrusting their hips. Immediately, Evanna took control, pounding Clemence’s hips into the bed.
Clemence gasped.
‘Woah,’ Pansy said. ‘No way, I haven’t ever seen Clemence get fucked.’
‘Evanna’s hips are wider and stronger.’ Katie commented. ‘Though her pussy isn’t as good. Once Clemence finds her rhythm, Evanna’s done for.’
But it seemed that Evanna was very focused on not letting that happen. She kept pounding Clemence, battering clemence’s pussy with hers, pushing clemence’s hips into the bed.
‘Ohh, OH,’ Clemence moaned with each thrust.
‘Woah, Clemence is getting it.’ Emma muttered.
‘Come on Clemence, get to her clit,’ Pansy said, egging her on.
‘AHH,’ Clemence moaned, as Evanna thrusted harder and faster.
‘Cum, clemence, cum.’ Evanna muttered.
‘Ohhh,’ Clemence moaned. She was shifting her hips frantically, trying to push hers into Evanna’s. Just when it looked like Clemence was going to cum. Evanna let out a soft moan.
‘Ahh,’ Evanna’s hips slowed, bucking less powerfully.
‘Ah,’ Clemence’s hips started to move faster.
‘Yes!’ Pansy said.
‘I’ve got you now, Evanna.’ Clemence said. Her hips started to pound Evanna extremely fast, and Clemence pushed Evanna down, getting the upper hand.
‘AHH! OH! AH! PLEASE!’ Evanna screamed as Fleur fucked her. ‘OHHH,’
‘Ha. See? My pussy is just better.’ Clemence said. ‘Look down.’ Clemence grabbed Evanna’s hair and pushed her head down, forcing her to look at the place where their pussies came into contact.
‘OHH, AHH,’ Evanna moaned.
‘Clemence is dominating her.’ Bonnie muttered. Emma nodded.
‘See my pussy beating yours up?’ Clemence said. ‘Cum for me, Evanna.’ Clemence said. ‘Cum, cum cum.’ Clemence thrusted her hips forward and backwards, pounding Evanna, sending her over the edge.
‘OHHHH, AHHH, AH, Ohhhhh…’ Evanna moaned, as her hips bucked like crazy. ‘So…fucking good…’
‘That was so fun!’ Katie looked around. ‘Genuinely amazing, Clemence.’
‘I know.’ Clemence smiled and proceeded to administer the three final thrusts before licking Evanna out and getting up.
‘Her pussy is really good.’ Shefali said, playing with Evanna’s tits as Evanna crawled over, looking satisfied.
‘Her hips were pretty strong.’ Clemence shrugged, as Pansy hugged her. ‘Anyways, now who are we seeing next?’
‘Ooh, now Bonnie and Emma need to have a sexfight. The match we’ve all been waiting for.’ Katie looked at them. Though we’ll do it tomorrow, when Emma isn’t too tired.
‘Sure.’ Bonnie smiled at Emma, who smiled back. ‘Though I do want to scissor someone too. Like pansy, for example.’
‘Sure, we’ll do that tomorrow.’ Katie said. ‘It’s been a long day. See you guys.’
Everyone dispersed, and left for home. Emma rolled over in her bed that night, extremely excited for the next day.
They all pulled up to Katie’s house again the next morning.
‘Hello,’ Emma said, entering the house to see all the girls waiting, hugging Scarlett and Bonnie in greeting.
‘Hey, Emma!’ Katie said. ‘Come on, strip for us, let’s get started.’
Emma stripped her clothes off, throwing them to the side.
‘Damn, Emma, you’re looking good today.’ Scarlett fondled Emma’s pussy.
‘Thank you, Scarlett.’ Emma fondled Scarlett’s folds in return. ‘I’ll fuck you later.’ She winked. They all sat on the bed in a circle. ‘Alright, so where were we?’ Katie asked.
‘Bonnie and Emma have to fuck now.’ Evanna said.
‘Of course. Let’s see it.’ Katie turned to Bonnie and Emma.
Emma turned to Bonnie and smiled, who smiled back. ‘Let’s see who’s pussy is better?’
‘Of course it’s mine.’ Bonnie said, turning to face Emma.
‘I disagree.’ Emma said, playing with Bonnie’s pussy, who returned the favor. They got closer to each other, until their chests touched. Emma thrusted forward with her chest. ‘My tits are better.’
‘Nope.’ Bonnie said, thrusting hers forward. They rubbed bodies before sitting down and intercrossing legs properly.
‘Let the sexfight begin,’ Pansy said. ‘Go!’
Emma and Bonnie immediately began thrusting hips, their pussies smashing into each other. Emma felt Bonnie’s wider hips push hers, so she focused on trying to get her pussy into Bonnie’s. She tried to shift her hips in that manner, although Bonnie, sensing what she was trying to do, pounded her harder.
‘Ohh,’ Emma moaned.
‘Bonnie’s getting the upper hand.’ Evanna said.
Realizing this, Emma tried to push herself up, but Bonnie increased the pace and started pounding her hips.
‘AHH,’ Emma moaned, as she was pushed down.
‘Ha.’ Bonnie said, adjusting herself now she had the upper hand. ‘You’re fucked, Emma.’
‘Oh shit.’ Emma muttered. Immediately, Bonnie started pounding her brutally.
‘AHH, OHH, OHHH,’ Emma screamed. ‘Ahh, soo good… OW! AHHHH!’ Emma’s hips were being pounded, her pussy being squished and battered and grinded against by Bonnie’s pussy.
‘Who’s the hotter friend, huh?’ Bonnie asked.
‘YOU! OHHH,’ Emma moaned. ‘Ah, AHH, OH, AH…’
‘That’s what I thought.’
‘Emma is being absolutely dominated by Bonnie,’ Katie said. ‘This is amazing.’
‘Come on, Emma, beg, beg for mercy.’ Bonnie said as she fucked Emma.
‘AHH, OH you’re so good… AHHH, MERCY! PLEASE! OHHH,’ Emma screamed with pleasure.
‘Cum for me. Cum.’ Bonnie demanded, and Emma obliged.
‘AHH, OHHHH, OH, UHHH.’ Emma moaned loudly, her hips bucking and she orgasmed violently. ‘Ahhh, ohhhh, ohh.’ Emma’s hips slowed to a halt.
‘You’re so good.’ Emma moaned. Bonnie gave her the three thrusts, before licking her out.
‘Ohh… Do I taste good?’ Emma asked.
‘Very.’ Bonnie helped Emma up and kissed her deep. ‘I dominated and fucked you.’
‘Rematch.’ Emma said. ‘I’ll fuck you this time.’
‘Ooh.’ Shefali said. ‘Brave.’
‘Emma wants a rematch with Bonnie?’ Katie said. ‘Bet.’
‘Really, Emma? Fine then.’ Bonnie intercrossed her legs with Emma again.
‘Three, two, one, go.’ Katie said.
Immediately, they both started thrusting. Emma, determined to win this time, thrust much harder than usual, aiming to break Bonnie’s pussy, and make her cum.
‘OH,’ Bonnie gasped at the onslaught of Emma’s thrusts.
Emma drove her hips through Bonnie’s, hard and fast, and realized if she drove them upwards it gave her an advantage Emma arched her back, pounding Bonnie’s pussy from the neutral position.
‘AHH,’ Bonnie moaned, looking down at her pussy.
Emma pushed her advantage and got on top of Bonnie, scissoring her with one of Bonnie’s legs held high in the air.
‘OHH,’ Bonnie moaned.
‘Ha.’ Emma said. ‘Now you’re getting fucked.’ Emma said, starting to thrust harder.
‘She’s on top!’ Katie leaned forward.
‘Emma Watson is going to pound Bonnie.’ Fleur said.
‘AHH, OHH, OHH…’ Bonnie moaned, scared, looking down as her pussy got pounded.
‘You were saying?’ Emma said, as she fucked her friend. ‘Who’s hotter?’
‘Me…’ Bonnie said in a shaky voice, trying to buck her hips.
‘We’ll see.’ Emma said hotly, and proceeded to fuck Bonnie, thrusting her pussy into Bonnie’s.
‘AHHH, UHHHH, OWW, MERCY, UHH,’ Bonnie screamed. ‘PLEASE! OHHH,’ Bonnie begged as she was pleasured.
‘Who’s hotter, huh?’
‘YOU, OHH…’ Bonnie moaned.
Emma continued to pound Bonnie, dominating her. Emma’s pussy pushed Bonnie’s in, and Emma grabbed Bonnie’s hair.
‘Look down. See my pussy fucking yours?’ Emma asked.
‘YES, Yes mistress… AHHHH,’ Bonnie moaned.
Bonnie’s hips were pounded by Emma’s, her groin was squished and fucked, pleasure coursing through her.
‘Cum, Bonnie. Cum.’ Emma demanded. And this time, Bonnie obliged.
‘AHHH, AHH, OHHHH,’ She screamed, as her hips bucked. Emma slowed down, milking Bonnie’s orgasm, extracting every bit of it from her.
‘Ohh my god, ohh…’ Bonnie moaned, and collapsed backwards.
‘That was so good!’ Katie hugged Emma, and applause broke out.
‘Thank you.’ Emma said. She thrusted. ‘Who’s the hotter friend?’
‘AH,’ Bonnie gasped. ‘You.’
Emma thrusted again. ‘And who’s pussy is better?’
‘OW! Yours.’
Emma gave a final thrust. ‘Good job. You got pounded and fucked.’ Emma kissed her friend.
‘I did.’ Bonnie said. ‘But my hips pounded you the last time.’
‘Oooh.’ Fleur muttered. ‘Emma I think Bonnie still needs some humbling.’
‘Good point.’ Emma said. ‘Fleur, why don’t you come and help me? Let’s double scissor Bonnie.’
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The End