Friends Fallout by XP

Sonya and Lucy had been friends for years. They lived in the same apartment complex and got together every weekend. They had known each other since high school. Now in their late twenties, they had met again one day at the pool and reignited their friendship. They had noticed women’s boxing matches becoming more and more frequent on different sports channels and really enjoyed these fantastic fighters duke it out. Each had her favorite and they would drink wine as they cheered the battlers.
The women dressed casually in colored T-shirts and gym shorts. Both were striking and some thought that although they were friends, they envied each other because their bodies were so much alike. Sonya was a pretty blonde who worked as a stripper at the local club. Lucy had a more mundane office job. The redhead managed to stay in excellent shape, however, working out at the local health club. While neither woman was a classic Hollywood beauty, neither had any trouble getting dates. Their bodies were spectacular in every way. Both had long legs, great asses and thin waists. The most striking feature, however, were the massive breasts, which seemed to begin just below the neckline and end just above the navel. When the women leaned back into the couch, their heavy breasts rolled ponderously and spread to the side. They were hardly out of shape however, and when naked, the breasts had that Barbie-twin fullness and weightiness that tit fans love.
The boxing match this evening featured a contest, which had Sonya’s favorite fighter going against Lucy’s favorite. They had been drinking for over an hour and each time one or the other would scream for her favorite, the other would scream a little louder when her fighter landed a telling blow.
Suddenly, Sonya’s fighter went down hard. Sonya yelled, “Low blow, that bitch.”
“No way was that a low blow.” replied Lucy.
Both women were leaning forward on the couch, breasts resting on their thighs. They continued to argue about the punch and were slowly turning toward one another as each tried to make her point. Sonya put her right hand on her hip as she turned toward Lucy. Lucy had her left hand on the couch and when they finally turned just a bit more, their breasts made contact. Neither moved for a moment as the huge breasts pressed into each other, poised for the next move.
As the women continued arguing, their breasts would rise and fall as their breathing increased. Sonya’s right nipple and Lucy’s left began to grow and soon prominent nipples were in firm contact. Each took this as a challenge and neither attempted to move away. After making a point, Lucy emphasized it by swinging her left breast slightly into Sonya. Sonya felt her breast give a bit as the massive globes made contact and she pushed inward slightly, causing Lucy’s breast to bulge backward. Neither girl had fought since high school but their rising tempers and the breast teasing brought them to the boiling point. “This bitch is really pushing her luck” both women thought as their breasts continued to push and sway into the other.
Sonya decided to see just how far Lucy would go and leaned further right and just slammed her tit hard into Lucy’s left breast. Lucy moved her arm around Sonya’s neck and Sonya did likewise as the added leverage just jammed their breasts together. Their opposite hands locked up and they tit wrestled furiously now, arm leverage causing the bulging mammaries to move roughly together.
Neither was sure where this was going, but they were both getting angrier by the minute.
“I’ll bet I could kick your butt in a fight, you little wimp” spat Sonya.
“We can always find out, how about right now, bitch.” sneered Lucy as she reached forward and harshly pinched Sonya’s elongated nipple. Sonya screamed and promptly pinched Lucy’s nipple hard. Both women leapt to their feet and grappled together. They grasped each other’s T-shirts from the back and tugged one another back and forth. The harsh tugging caused the T-shirts to rise in front and the lower breast meat of both battlers was exposed. The huge breasts banging together further moved the material until nipples emerged, promptly mashing together as the two women battled furiously trying to throw each other to the floor.
Lucy grasped Sonya’s blonde tresses in one hand and pulled while at the same time grasping Sonya’s left breast and squeezing hard with the other hand. Sonya retaliated in kind and the tearing, squeezing women continued to roil about the living room, shouting at one another. A strong tug of hair toppled both battlers to the couch, Sonya on top. She tried to hold Lucy down but Lucy took a quick nip at Sonya’s huge dangling breast and pushed her to the floor. Quickly rolling off the couch, she landed atop Sonya with a smacking sound as four huge breasts crashed together. They grasped double handfuls of hair and began rolling violently across the floor. As they held each other by the hair with one hand, they grasped the front of the others T-shirt and soon both T’s were in tatters hanging sexily from their bodies.
Sonya kneed Lucy in the thigh and slapped her hard, breaking their angry holds. The women rolled away from one another and rose to their hands and knees, breathing deeply. In this position, their huge breasts were just six inches from the floor. Still on hands and knees they slowly moved toward one another in a circling position. Sonya leapt first but overshot Lucy who had leaned to the right. Lucy managed not to fall and both had an arm around the others back staring at each other’s ass. Lucy and Sonya began tugging at their gym shorts and both pair were soon about their thighs exposing gorgeous plump asses. The women began spanking one another, leaving red marks on the quivering ass cheeks. Each slap was harder than the one before. They grasped downward with their other hand and took a handful of breast meat and tugged hard. In this bizarre way, they fought for several moments. Their bodies were sweaty and it was difficult to hold on to the others breasts, which slid and slithered about in their fingers. But they still managed to cause enough pain that they sprang back on their haunches then launched themselves together.
Their T-shirts were totally ripped from their bodies and the gym shorts were dangling by an ankle as the two athletic femmes came together grasping hands and banging chests.
“Get your tits up here and let’s go nipple to nipple. My breasts are firmer and tougher than yours” screamed Sonya.
“Take that, bitch,” yelled Lucy as she swung a mammoth mammary in uppercut fashion into Sonya’s right breast, which almost hit Sonya in the chin as it pushed quickly upward. Sonya swung her other breast into Lucy and they were banging and slapping their breasts together, really getting into it. Then, they poised directly opposite each other, lined up their by now fully erect nipples, and pushed forward hard, grinding them together. They began swinging breasts again in such a way that only the nipples hit each other as they swung past. Then, releasing their hand holds, they cupped their own breasts and leaned forward. Using hands and breasts, the bulging mammaries took all manner of shapes as they pushed and then raked them across one another’s globes. Each occasionally managed to stick a fingernail into her opponent’s breast causing even more pain. Then the hands went harshly to the breasts of the other. Putting the opponent’s nipple between fingers and squeezing hard, they were groaning loudly. Lucy reached down quickly and got a hold of Sonya’s cunt hair and tugged hard, still squeezing Sonya’s breast with the other hand. After a second or two, Sonya grasped Lucy’s cunt hair and tugged. The women were absolutely squealing now but neither would relinquish her harsh grip. Lucy finally let go and slapped hard at Sonya’s face. Sonya managed to duck most of the blow but fell over followed closely by Lucy. Lucy straddled the huge blonde and finally managed to hold her in place. Sonya bucked and screamed and flailed away but nothing could dislodge the fiery redhead. They took a moment to catch their breath. Their breasts were just lightly touching in this position, nipples rubbing lightly.
As Sonya made slower efforts to buck her hips, Lucy spread her legs further until their pussies were touching. Lucy’s red hair hung in Sonya’s eyes as their movements again began to escalate. Sonya managed to free one hand and pulled hard, toppling Lucy, and promptly assumed the top position. Now Lucy was unable to get away. Again their wet pussies came into contact and rubbed together. Sonya whipped her hair to one side and lowered her head until her lips were an inch away from Lucy’s. Her tongue snaked out and licked Lucy’s lip lightly. Lucy, by now getting quite excited, licked at Sonya’s tongue and soon they were lightly sliding tongues between each other’s lips. They went very slow enjoying sensations from above and below. Sonya moved her torso slightly, dragging her nipples across Lucy’s. Lucy began moving her torso in unison and four huge breasts squashed together, as hips rolled and bucked and tongues explored. Their passion grew and their movements quickened and each woman wrapped the other in her arms and squeezed. Barely able to hold her position on top, Sonya’s hips were like pistons as she rubbed and slammed into Lucy’s. Lucy planted her feet and bucked upward as hard as Sonya was pushing downward. They ground and dragged their pussies across one another until Sonya finally toppled to the side. Rather than go for the top position, Lucy began lightly rubbing Sonya’s pussy, inserting one finger, then two. Lucy responded likewise and with their breasts bulging together, the women brought each other to the most satisfying orgasm either had ever experienced. Taking turns nibbling earlobes and licking necks, them came to realize the true competitive nature of women.
“Maybe we could do this every weekend and forget the boxing”, suggested Lucy as she grabbed Sonya’s ass and gave a light squeeze, then a slap.
Sonya’s butt moved involuntarily forward as she gave Lucy a playful buttslap.
“Perhaps next time there will be a winner”, smiled Sonya.
“You can’t be serious”, Lucy replied. “I kicked your ass”
“Stupid bitch, you were never even close to winning”, sneered Sonya.
They leaned into one another, painful breasts mashing out to the side and grasped each other painfully by the ass.
Glaring at one another once more, the vixens rose to their knees hands on hips. Reaching forward they grasped one another by the shoulders and began pushing, gently at first. As this new battle progressed, they started to slap at one another’s hands, then swaying breasts and finally arms and faces. As hand hit breast, the large mammary would swing wildly, crashing into the other breast until they would bobble back to their original shape. They took special pleasure when a slap made firm contact with the other’s breast. They flailed away at one another until Lucy rose up on her knees and wrapped her arms around Sonya’s neck. Sonya leaned back under this assault, Lucy’s breasts firmly wrapped on either side of her head. She bit on Lucy’s left breast, grasped her cunt hair firmly and hit her hard on the shoulder. Lucy screamed and toppled to the floor where Sonya promptly crushed into her. They appeared joined from head to toe as they spun wildly about the apartment. Hands locked in each other’s tresses; they rolled madly about the floor. Rising once more to their knees still pulling hair furiously, they spread their legs wide for balance. Each was determined to prove she was tougher and the hair pulling continued for several moments. Lips pulled back and teeth tightly mashed together, arms always in tension, they battled. Their swinging breasts rolled ponderously about their chests. Lucy released her hair pull and managed to get Sonya’s hands out of her hair. They arm wrestled and banged their breasts together. Lucy tried to slap Sonya who ducked out of the way. Both women fell in a heap and after slapping and swinging at each other ended up in the sixty-nine position. Each took the opportunity to grasp a double handful of ass cheek and squeeze and pinch. Continuing the assault on one another’s asses, they rolled and locked their legs about the other’s head. Each took little nibbles of inner thigh. Sonya’s left hand snaked back to grasp Lucy’s left breast and roughly pinched the nipple. Lucy rolled on top and moved both hands back grasping full handfuls of tit. Sonya also got a double handful of breast. The women couldn’t roll in this position but screaming threats at one another managed to cause serious pain to the other’s breasts. Legs spread for balance, they began bucking their hips and slamming them into the other’s face. They were attacking each other with every part of their bodies now. The grinding was intense, four breasts jammed almost opposite one another.
Finally, Sonya bucked free and toppled Lucy to the side. They scrambled to their feet and with hands on knees, huge red-marked breasts dangling, caught their breath. They had been fighting for thirty minutes now with no clear winner in sight.
Lucy rose up and stepped toward Sonya who moved menacingly toward her opponent. When nipples met, the women wrapped their arms behind the others back and squeezed hard. Moaning slightly as the huge battered breasts again flattened out against the other, they wrenched their torsos angrily. Not trying to throw the other, just to position a nipple where it would cause the most pain to the other. Lucy and Sonya, with heads on the other’s shoulder, tried to squeeze the breath from the other. Their huge nipples were doing their work encased within the fierce bearhug. Twisting and moaning, they jerked one another around the living room. Lucy managed to work Sonya against the wall and pushed forward, trapping her there. Sonya, using the wall for leverage, still managed to give as good as she got. Lucy moved closer and their hips came in contact and further still until their pussies were rubbing together. Crushing and grinding, they moved their hips left and right. Then Lucy reached up and grasped a handful of Sonya’s hair who took the opportunity to spin Lucy around and grab a handful of blonde hair. Both Sonya and Lucy spread their legs wide inhibiting further movement. They continued in this way, faces only an inch apart for several moments. The pussy rubbing was having its effect and Sonya was becoming excited. She grasped Lucy by the ass with one hand and took a huge handful of breast with the other and, licking her lips, kissed Lucy hard. The redhead greedily licked and sucked at Sonya’s lips and the two wild women jammed their pussies together hard. Then, hands were everywhere, exploring plump butts and firm thighs and soft breasts. Their breathing came heavier now. Soft gasps became loud moans. Each of the battlers was on the brink. And, wrapping their arms about one another, pulling hair and grinding their bodies together screamed in unison as they came in a torrential orgasm. They stayed wrapped in the other’s arms as the aftershock subsided, licking and nibbling and touching tenderly.
After several moments, they went to Sonya’s bedroom. They lay together, alternately stroking and licking each other’s breasts, whispering softly and kissing. Finally, overcome by exhaustion, they fell asleep in one another’s arms.
The End.

this was written by XP. He was the one who started the Hostboard forum and he had this on his old archive for his stories
Thanks! I have added the attribution! Did he also write the Sales Girls story?