After the grueling bout with Destiny, I’m noticing that I’m battling a lot with younger women. I realize that if I want to stay competitive, I’m going to have to put in some work. Trying to beat back age and make sure I’m ready to meet any challenge I am working out at the county club’s gym more often. It is a nice, well equipped, yet small gym and there is rarely anyone here at this time of day. Earlier I saw Keisha, the younger sister of our friend Reggie, but that was a bit earlier and I’m pretty sure that she is gone.
I finish my workout and head off to the locker room to get cleaned up. Knowing that there is no one around, I don’t bother with a towel and go in to start the shower. When I walk in I hear they there is already water running. I guess Keisha is still here, she must have been using the sauna. I start to relax under the warm water, then from behind me I hear “Hello…Fyre”.
I stop in my tracks, knowing that when I hear a woman call me that name, I’m about to get into a fight. I turn around and see Keisha. “Oh…hi Keisha…didn’t know you were still here. How have you be-“
She cuts me off, “I’m not Keisha today, I’m Deja…I think you know what that means”.
“I do…I’m game…can I get some clothes on?” I ask
“Look, I heard you fought your way into this club and I’ve seen you in the gym- we are close to being equals. But there can only be one alpha female here and I plan to be it… Lets do now, because there is nobody else here… you won’t need your clothes ..now lets do this”. She explains as she drops her robe, revealing her nude body.
“Fair enough. What are the rules? Are we really about to fight in the shower?” I ask
“No rules…just fight until it’s over and yes…lets do it here, are you scared, old woman? Enough talking, it’s time for your ass kicking” she says almost annoyed.
“I’ll do it, but no biting or eye gouging, I mean, we’re not savages, right?” I try to keep it friendly.
“Whatever, you weak ass bitch…that won’t save you and don’t worry I’ve already logged it into the site…just waiting on you to shut your mouth…. or maybe it will be more fun to shut it for you”. She says, now clearly passed annoyed and onto angry.
Now I’m clearly annoyed with the usually pleasant young woman’s attitude. I can only guess that she must have been mentally working herself into a rage to prepare for the fight I spit back “Alright, you just bit off more than you can chew, bitch”.
For a moment, we stare at each other, the only sound around is the water running from the showerheads that are steaming up our makeshift battlefield and giving this fight a surreal, almost dreamlike atmosphere. As I stare at my opponent I evaluate her.
She’s a very cute faced, 25 year old, light skinned, slightly chubby, African American woman with large-probably D cup sized breasts, with larger but still attractive hips and a round shapely butt. We match up fairly closely. She’s 5’4″ and around 140 lbs, so I’m a couple inches taller and around the same weight. Her hair is in long tight braids and mine is still in a ponytail from my workout.
No one needs to give the command to begin, we just start moving towards each other. Her hands are up like a boxer’s. She throws the first punch, a jab that catches me in the nose, snapping my head backwards. I back up for a second. She smirks, “I knew you weren’t shit, old bitch…you’re about to get knocked out”.
I don’t know why but that enrages me. It’s no secret that I’m not the best boxer, but I do love to brawl and I do hit hard. In a rage, I charge the younger woman, unleashing a wild flurry of punches. I hit her in the ribs and face, driving her backwards into a wall before she can even react. I can see the shock on her face as I continue my assault. Her tough talking is replaced with moans and yelps as my punches repeatedly find their marks.
Out of self preservation, Keisha, wraps me up into a clinch. Using her stockier body to push me back to the middle of the room before shoving me away. We glare at each other for a few seconds. “Is that all you got? I’m about to knock your ass back to the trailer park” Keisha says tauntingly. With a mutual scream, we rush each other and lock up in the center of the room. We begin straining and striving to overpower the other woman with pure strength, in a test of dominance.
As we struggle against each other I can’t help but think about the contrast of skin colors. If this was being filmed, It would make this match much easier to follow as the room fills with steam. As we push and pull each other along the rubber floored shower room, slamming each other into the shower walls and through the water spraying from the shower fixtures. The room is alive with our screams, moans and cries echoing off of the tiled surfaces in the shower.
From the strained grunts and moans, it’s apparent that we are equal in strength and neither one of us can seem to gain an advantage. I know it would be smarter to turn this back into fistfight, but I really want to show her that I’m stronger than her. After several minutes of us each trying to prove that we are the physically dominate woman, I can feel Keisha’s body begin to tire. Her legs begin to shake as she struggles against me. Eventually, the younger woman’s knees buckle. First she drops to a knee, then I put her down on her back.
I quickly cover her, sitting atop of the darker skinned woman, my legs straddling her abdomen and my hands pinning hers to the floor. Keisha’s back is planted to the floor, she is effectively pinned. Between the steam and water both of our bodies are wet and glistening under the lights in the room. Keisha continues to fight, but for every escape and move she tries, I’m able to stay one step ahead of her. Usually pinning the younger woman back down with an emphatic “thud” and a “Where do you think you’re going, bitch?”as I maintain my schoolgirl pin on top of Keisha’s abdomen.
Twenty minutes in, and I haven’t attempted any submissions or finishing moves. Right now, I’m content to prove my dominance and teach this arrogant young bitch a lesson through pure physicality and punishment of her chest and belly through clawing and punching. It’s apparent that I am clearly dominating my younger opponent. Her haughty demeanor has yet to change yet as she still sneers through her pained breathing”Get the fuck off of me, fucking weak ass bitch!” Some women just don’t know when they’re beaten. She’s about to get an education.
Keisha looks exhausted. Panting for air, her large chest rises and falls rapidly. I can see every muscle of her body straining to try and escape and keep me from finishing her. I’m enjoying watching her fade, first it was the panic as she tried in vain to escape, then seeing the hopelessness in her eyes as she struggled to accept that this older woman has completely destroyed her rather easily.
Both of us know she wont be able to withstand me for much longer. Seeing the rage still in her eyes, I decide to rub some salt in the wound. “Little girl…are you ready to give up to a better woman?
“Get your ass of me…you fucking blonde whore..” the large chested girl shrieks while she weakly struggles in vain against my pin. Trying, unsuccessfully, from the look in her eyes to convince herself that she isn’t beaten. Despite her words, the defeat and fear are unmistakable in the pinned Keisha’s face.
Having had my fun and taught this young woman a lesson, I decide to end this fight. I hop off of Keisha and smile to myself when I see that she’s too spent to even attempt to get up and fight. I reach down and pull the chubby girl to a wobbly stance by her braids, her arms hanging listlessly at her side. For the first time in this fight she begins to plead with me “no..Kelli, please, no…”
With my grip deeply into her hair, I wrench her face where she has to look me in the eyes. “Last chance, Keisha, admit it! Admit that I am the better woman!” Then I remember what she said before the match. “Admit that I’m the Alphabitch in this club, you’re nothing but a spoiled, entitled brat…say it!”
She glares back at me. Without another word, she lets out a defiant scream, then desperately grabs my breast and claws at it while she swings a wild punch that hits me in the nose. While it was a shock, her punches have lost their sting and only serve to further enrage me when I feel the blood trickle from my nostril.
“You fucking bitch, if you broke my nose I’m going to kill you!” I rage back at her. Completely losing it I unload four hard right hands into her soft belly. She groans with every one of the impacts and is only standing because I am holding her up. I sling my opponent against the wall and land a wild haymaker to her jaw. Keisha drops to the floor of the shower in a heap on her stomach.
I kneel down next to the younger woman, who is now sobbing and whimpering. I don’t even bother asking the bitch if she gives up, before I pull her head into my leg scissors. Keisha flails, grabbing and trying pull at my muscular legs, but it is to no avail as I am just too strong and the hold is too tight. Keisha continues punching, clawing and scratching at my legs, but the sounds of her slapping and flopping in an attempt to escape begins to slow and weaken until her eyes roll back and her body finally goes limp.
Truthfully, I don’t even know if she could have given up, but I didn’t care. I surprised myself with how far I went- rendering Keisha unconscious. I release my conquered rival, rolling her onto her side while she takes her impromptu nap. After everything she said and the violent fight that left me with a bloody nose, I’m a bit surprised that I feel bad for her. I don’t want to leave the younger woman there by herself like this, so I drag the defeated girl to the edge of the shower where I can keep an eye on her. About the time I finish getting dressed, I see Keisha starting to stir.
The smaller woman’s eyes begin to focus as she shakes the cobwebs from her head. She freezes in fear when she realizes I’m standing near her. “No…no more…please stop…you win…I’ll say whatever you want” she says, her voice trembling.
I toss her a towel. “Good morning, Keisha” I say cheerfully. Partly because I’ve had time to get over the fight and partly because, and I’ll admit it, it’s pretty gratifying to see this once mouthy girl fearfully begging me not to hurt her again.
I help her to her feet and then to the locker room. I almost feel bad when I have to help her get dressed- almost, until I feel the rolled tissue stuffed into my left nostril. She is still sitting on a bench when she looks up at me and says “Thanks Kelli….you didn’t have to help- or even stay to make sure I was ok. In my imagination, I was planning on leaving you unconscious, lying in the shower, hoping to embarrass you when someone found you”.
I chuckle a bit, considering the outcome of the fight “Look, Keisha, you’ve got a lot of fight in you, and that’s admirable. But you’ve got to learn when you’re beaten or you going to get hurt”.
She nods her head in agreement. “You’re right…I guess I picked the right woman to kick my ass”.
Being that we all still go to the club, it’s pretty common to run into Keisha. Her brother Reggie has heard about the fight and will jokingly threaten to get me after her when she is antagonizing him. Then I’ll ask “are you ready for a rematch?”
She always says “No ma’am” with an over the top submissiveness that we all laugh about. But deep down I can tell that the submissiveness is real and a rematch really is the last thing she wants…at least for a while. I have noticed that she has been in the gym more and she doesn’t look as chubby. Of course maybe that’s just a coincidence.
As for me, I’m still not sure how I feel about taking things as far as I did. Part of me was enjoying picking apart the younger woman, reveling in the look of hopelessness in her face as she lost her defiance. The other part of me, while happy that I was able turn it on and off when I needed too, worries that I might have enjoyed it too much, gotten to close to going ‘primal’. Either way, I know that I’m not going to stop anytime soon and wonder who my next opponent will be, and where it will happen.
Continued in Chapter 14! Click Here to Keep Going!