This was the last thing I expected to happen at, my friend and neighbor, Dana’s party, but as Malika and I are locked in a mutual bear hug standing in a dark corner in the backyard, whispering curses into each other’s ears, I know what is about to happen since this party is nearly over. I was aware of the bitchy looks she had been giving me all night, which is something I’m quite used to when I’m wearing my ‘cat pin’ but I’m not wearing one and neither is she.
“At first, I couldn’t believe it when I saw you in that cage …. the more I thought about it made perfect sense …. you are such a fake bitch … and I’ve wanted to kick your ass for forever… I should have known that I wasn’t the only one…” the Arabic woman growls in a whisper as we quietly struggle against each other.
“Fake… you’re gonna wish the beating I’m about to give you was fake, whore …” I answer, squeezing my opponent with all my might in the bear hug.
“I was there last week when that pint sized girl almost beat you…. you don’t stand a chance against a real woman like me” the raven haired woman snaps, neither of us able to break the stalemate.
“You’re about to find out how wrong you are… we can’t do it here… but it needs to happen…. tonight …consider this a challenge” I growl through gritted teeth as my muscles strain.
“My house is next door…. Shannon will ref… bring your husband, cxnt … I want him to see me destroy you” Malika spits back as we both mutually release our hold when we hear voices approaching.
“See you, soon…” I say in my most cordial voice while making it look like we are finishing a hug between friends as some people walk by.
The party is wrapping up and my heart is racing as I whisper the events of the backyard meeting to Jake. Watching his cock stiffen along his pants leg gets me even more excited for this match. Malika, her husband Omar along with Jake and I leave Dana’s house at the same time. I see Shannon leave a few moments after us. Shannon is another woman from the neighborhood, a tall slender, blue eyed, blonde. I’ve always disliked Shannon but, since the penalty is expulsion from ‘site’ for cheating as a referee, I’m not too worried.
Malika and I grab each other’s hair as soon as we turn the corner by her house. We tug and yank each other’s locks as we make our way through the wooden gate in the tall privacy fence to her yard.
We break apart to settle the particulars for this fight. “I challenged you… so let’s hear your rules” I bark, still somewhat quietly, not wanting to draw any unwanted attention to our impending brawl.
“Very well. We go for 10 rounds… 5 minutes each a minute between every round. Submissions or 5 count pins. The husbands work our corners and Shannon counts pins and confirms submissions. We go all 10 rounds even when I beat you every round…. Are you woman enough to do it nude?” She says haughtily. Her lack of respect is really rubbing me the wrong way.
“Sounds great….I’m gonna enjoy making you suffer for that long, slut” I shoot back, confidently, knowing I most likely have a stamina advantage over my thicker opponent.
While we were hashing out the details, the husbands were prepping tonight’s battlefield. They place a couple of chairs, one for the man and one for the woman, at the corners of a square plot of grass in the backyard. Cameras are placed and Omar has a handheld one as well. Finally there is a digital clock set up, reading 5 minutes on the display. There’s a full moon out tonight and they have a couple of flood lights pointed at the yard, so it’s definitely bright enough for us to see on this hot summer night.
I stare at Malika as I begin to slip out of my little red dress, removing my heels, taking off my jewelry, and finally, shimmying out of my bra and panties. My opponent does the same and in the same order, starting with her short black dress. It’s almost like a ritual- like we are already in competition. One item removed and the other person answering. I hand everything to Jake and she does the same to Omar. I’m so focused on my opponent that I barely notice that the men have stripped naked as well.
We stride to the center of our arena without breaking our gaze, my brown eyes locked on her big brown eyes. We stop as our chests brush up against each other. I smirk, looking down at her. I’m 5′ 5 1/2″ tall, so I’d guess Malika is 5’2″. She is visibly thicker than me, her body soft and feminine while I’m leaner. I’m just under 130 pounds and I’d bet she’s about 140, maybe a couple pounds more. Her skin is significantly darker than mine, which is very evident when comparing my untanned B cup chest to her much heavier, thicker double D breasts. As our nipples joust during the stare down, it’s impossible to ignore that her dark thick nipples dwarf my rock hard pinkish brown ones.
Shannon, now stripped down to a black bra and panties ensemble, separates us by placing a hand on each of chests. With the extra space, I get a better view of Malika. Her black hair cascades to her lower back, almost an identical length to my blonde hair. Our legs and hips are the most noticeable difference of our bodies other than our chests. Her legs are shorter and thicker, I can see her thighs are muscular, but lack tone and have more fat compared to my longer, leaner, more defined legs. She has a meatier, bigger ass and bigger hips than me, even though I do have a fairly meaty ass myself.
Our eyes lock again. I can tell by her skin that we are both about the same age, I’m 38 and she’s most likely a year or so older. She does have a pretty face that she takes to her full potential with quite a bit of cosmetics. Even though we aren’t allowing strikes to the face, I can’t wait to mess up her makeup and I can already imagine her eyeliner smudged from her tears.
After going of the rules again, Shannon, gives us the command to start the clock “fight!” she says as the bell rings ‘ding… ding’.
Round 1:
I become aware of the night dew from the grass underneath my feet as I begin to circle. Malika takes position in the center of the grass, almost waiting for me to come to her. My competitive nature and my curiosity of which of us the strongest gets the better of me, I lunge in, locking up with the bigger woman. One hand in her hair and the other on her arm that is grabbing my golden locks.
We begin the awkward dance around the yard, yanking and pulling each other’s hair as we try to both gain control of and inflict as much pain on the other woman as we can. It isn’t long before the punches and slaps start flying. Soon, we are grunting and groaning. Cursing the other woman.
With a couple of minutes left in the round, I am able to get Malika off balance and we tumble to the ground. A brief catball ensues and after some vicious scratching and wrestling, I find myself on top of the shorter woman, sitting on her belly with my nails buried into her titflesh.
“Give up, bitch!” I growl twisting and clawing the well endowed woman’s chest mercilessly. She is flat on her back, feebly trying to buck, pounding her feet on the grass in pain and trying pull my hands off in futility, but I’m locked on like a pit bull.
“Get off me, white whore…” Malika groans in pain. I continue my assault as she fades. I see the round is almost over, so I quickly pull her off the ground and clamp my legs around her waist as we fall onto our sides.
“Say.. it … slut!” I hiss squeezing my thighs until I hear the big tittied bitch groan that groan I’ve heard before. She is done. Then I hear ‘ding’.
“Let her go, Kelli ” I hear Shannon say as she reaches down to break us apart. I let go of the hold, cursing myself and the clock. Disappointed doesn’t cover it, I’m pissed that I missed that opportunity but as I walk back to the chair in my corner, it feels good to see that Malika is hurting.
I sit down next to Jake. “Shit…. I had her, babe” I lament to my husband and he massages my shoulders and legs. I think my skin is more wet from rolling in the dew than I am from sweat. Either way, I am already soaked.
“You’ve got her. Just keep it up. She can’t hang with you” he replies, encouraging me. I can see Omar hyping up Malika. She looks like she’s recovered and is ready to go.
I start getting up as the clock nears zero. “You got lucky, bitch…. I’ll finish you this round” I snap as we both get back to our feet. Malika just glares and begins plodding towards me.
Round 2:
‘Ding… ding’ the bell starts round 2. This time, I move forward to meet her. We clash in a flurry of scratches and slaps. Malika hooks my leg and we crash to the grass again. The Arabic bitch lands on top, her chest crushing mine and driving a load moan from my lips.
The darker skinned woman maintains her perch and now I’m the one having to fight from the bottom. I buck and twist but she is able to keep me on my back. Several times I hear Shannon start the pin count. She makes it 3 several times but I keep getting my shoulder up just enough to break the count.
Eventually, she manages to pin my wrists to the wet grass and her tits slide up into my face. I thrash back and forth, trying to create enough space to breathe. I plant my feet and am able to get my shoulder up and break the count a couple more times, though I hear Shannon say “four” both times.
“Stay down…. cxnt!” Malika snarls, as she tries to keep me down. Finally she is able to grapevine my legs and flatten me beneath her.
“1!….. 2! …. 3! ….. 4! …. 5!” Shannon calls out. “Get off her, Malika… that’s a pinfall”. My foe rolls off me and excitedly struts back to her corner as the bell rings 3 times signifying one of us scored. I lie flat on my back, gasping for air for a couple of moments before I start crawling towards my corner and Jake. I make it into my chair and sit there breathing heavily.
“Fucking… bitch” I spit, though truthfully I am more angry at myself for using all of that energy when I was clearly pinned.
“Breathe, Kelli… stay calm. That’s just one…. you’re better than her. Stay strong.” Jake tries to console me and keep me focused.
‘Ding … ding’ the bell starting round 3 sounds and I’m still breathing hard. It takes everything I have just to stand back up, but I get my hands up, ready to fight and wearily stagger back to the battle.
Round 3:
“Start round 3…. Malika leads 1 to nothing… fight!” Snaps Shannon as my opponent and I move towards the center of the grassy area. Malika is brimming with confidence after pinning my shoulders to the earth last round and she wastes no time before charging me.
I’m caught flatfooted when her shoulder buries itself deep in my belly. I am driven to the ground with Malika on top again. She starts punishing me with punches to the body and keeps me fighting for air by staying on top. I struggle against her but she is completely in control at this point.
Eventually, the dark haired woman gets off of me. “Get up, blonde whore” she taunts grabbing my hair and dragging me to her corner. I crawl, trying to keep up and minimize the pain before she tosses me to the grass. I end up on my back just a few feet in front of her husband.
“Look at this weak, whore. Look at her, Omar.” Malika growls with disgust as I roll to my belly, trying to get to my feet and fight back. My tormentor next jumps on to my lower back. I feel the air rush from my body for the impact. She grabs a fistful of my blonde hair and begins pulling my head backwards like a camel clutch. “Give up…. cxnt. Say it!”
I’m fighting back tears and the urge to scream out my submission as I see the clock is at 15 seconds left. She pulls even harder my scalp is burning and my neck is strained but I keep holding on, waiting for the bell to save me.
Finally, I hear the ‘ding’ from the clock. “Let her go… that’s the round … let her go, Malika!” Shannon demands as she pulls the shorter woman off of me.
Malika gets off of me, sneering down her nose at me as she does. “You’re nothing, bitch… I own you” she says as she sits down in her corner.
“Thats right… you tell that whore… you’re a tigress, destroy her, Malika!” Omar says excitedly as he kisses her and begins massaging her shoulders, taking the time to cop a feel of her chest.
I’m left moaning, lying in the grass and trying to soothe my neck. “C’mon Kell… make it to me” I hear Jake calling. I begin trying to crawl to him. Every foot seems like a mile. I’m almost back to him when I hear the ‘ding… ding’ as bell rings again.
Round 4:
My heart sinks when I hear the bell ring. “Start round 4… Malika leads 1-0” Shannon says. I start trying to get to my hands and knees but I don’t make it before I’m pulled onto my back by my hair. I’m dragged back to the Arabic woman’s corner.
With one more big motion she slings me, sending me rolling, coming to rest on my belly directly in front of Omar. I lie in a heap completely disoriented and in pain. I feel Malika grab my hair again, putting me into a seated position. I’m out of it and am not able to put up any resistance as she sits behind me and slips me into a full nelson. The bitch then uses her legs to spread mine, putting me fully on display for her husband.
“You weak bitch… how’s it feel to be so inferior?” She hisses in my ear. She looks up at her husband before asking “This pathetic white bitch couldn’t handle you, could she, baby?” Omar is fully erect and stroking himself in front of me now, completely getting off on his wife dominating me and as I feel her massive nipples swell and press into my back, I know she is, too. I’m boiling with rage but incapable for doing anything to stop it.
Malika uses the pressure of the hold to make me look at his cock. “Look at my husband, whore….see how big he gets watching me destroy you…. watching me stretch your weak cxnt” her voice is quivering as her and Omar use me as some sort sick foreplay.
“Enough Malika, finish her!” Omar says with excitement, still stroking his cock. “Make her beg you for mercy… do it for me, baby”. With that, the powerful woman begins applying more pressure to my already tortured neck and forces my legs open to the point of pain.
“Say it, whore…. beg for mercy” she growls, cranking even harder.
“I give… I give..” In pain and not wanting to absorb any more damage, I submit. Shannon jumps in and breaks the hold quickly. Giving me some much needed relief.
‘Ding… ding … ding’
“Round 4 goes to Malika. She leads 2 to zip…back to your corners, ladies. You’ve got a minute” Shannon says as Malika and I roll apart.
Malika gets up quickly and goes to her husband. They are basically just short of fucking as they celebrate the submission. She is clearly confident that she is the superior woman tonight… and I’m staring to think she may be right.
I take a few moments to get myself together and stumble back to my corner. At least while they were busy using me like they did, I was able to get my breath back even if I was taking a lot of punishment, it was mostly psychological.
I get into my seat and shudder, I feel tears welling up in my eyes. Jake is rubbing my shoulders and neck, trying his best to soothe my pain and calm me down. Surprisingly, he’s a little gruff as he whispers in my ear. “Are you gonna let her get away with that shit?….she’s using you to get her husband off…. are you gonna put up with that?”
His words are the verbal equivalent of smacking me around saying ‘snap out of it’. The rage returns. “Fuck no!…. I’m gonna hurt this bitch..” I hiss.
“That’s right, baby… there’s the Fyre I love… put that bitch in her place”
“Damn straight, I will… I got this…. she ain’t better than me…she ain’t better than me…” I’m almost chanting this like a mantra when I hear the bell ring. I hop back to my feet and walk towards the center of the grassy area.
Round 5:
“Alright ladies, round 5…..fight!” Shannon signals as Malika and I march towards each other. The confidence on the other woman is unmistakable. She seems almost amused that I’m coming at her this round.
“Eager to get your ass kicked, Kelli?” she asks with a smirk.
I respond to her taunt with a growl and lunge for shorter woman. I grab a handful of jet black hair and start yanking. Furiously, I slap at her large tits with the other hand, I’m in full wildcat mode. She is caught off guard by my attack, but she has her fingers in my hair quickly and I’m reminded how much damage she’s already done to my scalp. We are both moaning and whimpering as we tumble to the wet grass.
Again, we fly into an intense, yet slower paced catball. We scratch and claw, we slap and punch, we cry and curse. I lose track of how many times I’m on top only to end up underneath Malika. Exhausted, we end up on our sides, tired and desperate to break the stalemate, we both dive talons first into each other’s tits. It’s a clawing and twisting war with both of us grimacing and muffling the screams we want to let out but know that we can’t or the whole neighborhood would know what is taking place here tonight.
I can see there are nearly 2 minutes left in this round and I’m not sure if I can hold out but I’m all in at this point. I remember Malika teasing her man with me, putting my pussy on display for him to stroke his dick to and I feel all the rage again. I focus it into my attack on her bigger breasts. The Arabic woman breaks.
Malika’s hands release my tits and start prying at my claws. I plant bronze skinned woman on her back, sitting a top her belly I relentlessly knead and rip her nipples and titflesh. “Give… the … fuck … up… or … I’ll … rip … your … fat … udders … off!” I hiss into her ear. My dream of seeing Malika’s mascara ruined by her tears is coming true.
“Fuck … you … blonde … whore..” she spits out defiantly. Earning her a renewed attack.
‘Ding’ the timer goes off.
“Fuck…” not again I think as Shannon pulls me off my foe.
“That’s it, Kelli. Round 5 ends in a draw. Score. Malika 2. Kelli zero. ” Shannon says.
I stomp back to my corner, angrily taking my seat. “Fuck… I had her again, babe..” I grunt in frustration to Jake as starts massaging my shoulders and neck.
“Look, Kell… she’s hurt…” he points at Malika, whose is still in the center of our battlefield massaging her chest. Omar is trying to coax her to the corner but she is out of it, focused only on her aching tits. “Finish her, baby… punish her for what they did..”
My eyes are focused on Malika, waiting for the bell to sound and my chance to take control of this fight.
Round 6:
‘Ding… ding’ the bells rings and I launch myself like a rocket towards Malika, who has made it to her hands and knees. I send my knee into the thicker woman’s ribs, driving her back to the grass. I resume my assault of my enemy’s chest. Slapping and grabbing at her previously mauled tits.
Malika manages to roll over onto her belly, taking away my preferred targets. I get on her back and begin punishing her again. This time, focusing my efforts on her jet black hair and lower back. I yank and pull her head while bouncing on her back. I repay her for the hair pulling camel clutch with one of my own. “Give up… cxnt!” I demand, pulling her head backwards.
“Never…weak… whore..” she defiantly moans back. I feel her struggling against me, using tons of energy as she tries to do a push up to alleviate the strain on her back and neck. I take advantage of the opportunity and slide into a tight body scissors hold.
Her big, brown eyes bulge as my toned legs clamp around her belly like a vise. “Tap out… bitch … you’re …. done …” I snap. Malika can only groan in response as she focuses all of her energy to keep my legs from crushing her. I watch the clock and see that I have a couple of minutes to put her away.
I keep the pressure on, pulsing my legs, yanking her hair, basically doing everything I can think of to hurt this bitch and force her to give up. I have to admit, Malika is tough, but like me earlier, her toughness and pride have worked against her. Resisting my hold has worn her out.
With about 45 seconds left in the round, I release the hold. Knowing I don’t have much time left, I gamble that she’s tired enough to pin. Quickly, I roll the other woman onto her back, draping myself over her chest and shoulders with a cross body pin. I hear Shannon start the count “1… 2 … 3…” Malika plants her feet and kicks out just enough to get her shoulder up and breaks the count.
I reach over and hook her thick, powerful leg, pressing my weight down fully on her in a cross body pin. “1… 2… 3 …” Shannon counts. Malika starts to buck again but she’s exhausted and I can hear Shannon continue “4 … 5!” She calls for the bell ‘ding….ding…ding’ God, that sounds good, I think to myself. “that’s a pinfall….round 6 goes to Kelli…. Malika…2, Kelli…1…. go to your corners, ladies.”
Rejuvenated, I march back to Jake and plop down in my chair. “I’ve got the bitch, now, baby” I pant out excitedly as I watch my tired foe crawl back to Omar.
I feel great, it’s as if winning that round has brought me back to life. Jake’s hands rub my muscles and massage my neck. “She’s still ahead, don’t let up, Kell… look at her… she’s still hurt…. finish it” my husband says as we watch Omar trying get a visibly exhausted Malika ready for the next round in the waning seconds of the break.
Round 7:
‘Ding… ding’ the bell sounds. Once more Malika and I get off our seats. I’m bouncing as I move towards the center of the grassy area while my opponent tiredly, almost reluctantly, starts towards me.
Picking up where I left off, I resume battering her belly and tits for about a minute before I overpower Malika and take her to the ground. We briefly struggle before I trip her and we slam back onto the damp grass with me on top.
The bigger woman is clearly still exhausted and I continue to punish her. Going after her big tits in between trying to keep her shoulders pinned. “Bitch… stay down…. maybe I’ll take it easy on you..” I taunt.
“Fuck … off … blonde … whore …” she spits out between heavy breaths. In a desperate rage she makes one last explosive effort to get me off of her, bucking me off and sending me rolling on the grass.
“Fucking…. cxnt..” I grunt as I try to scramble to my feet, only to see Malika still lying flat on her back. I can hear Omar trying to will her back to her feet. I glance over to Jake and he gives me a nod as if to say ‘finish it’. With a purpose, I stalk back to my downed opponent and stomp her exposed soft belly.
I smile as the Arabic woman writhes on the grass moan and clutching her belly. With a confident authority, I hop back on top and pin her wrists to the turf.
“..1..” Shannon calls out.
“You’re done” I growl in a whisper.
“Weak bitch” I feel my contempt for this woman growing.
She struggles feebly beneath me, but I have her planted to the grass with my hands holding her wrists and my ass firmly atop her battered chest.
I glare at Malika’s face, I can see how much this woman hates me right now, and I’m loving it as I smile back.
“..5…..Kelli takes round 7 with a pin… we’re all tied up at 2 wins apiece… back to your corners” Shannon says as I hear the bell ring ‘ding…ding…ding’.
Even though, I am soaked with sweat from well over 30 minutes of combat on such a hot, muggy night, I almost skip back to Jake and my corner. I’m feeling it now.
“She’s yours now, Kell” Jake says smiling as his hands caress my shoulder muscles for the first time tonight, we start to get flirty.
“I’ve got this bitch, babe…I’m gonna wreck her.. it’s time for some payback…” I say as I impatiently await the bell to begin the next round. I watch Malika crawl back to Omar. She looks pissed but worn out. I smile, admiring my own handiwork as she struggles to catch her breath.
Round 8:
‘Ding… ding’ the bell sounds, signaling the start of round eight. Again I hop off my chair and Malika struggles to stand. I rush over and immediately bury my claws into her jet black hair and yank her, first, to the center of our battlefield then drag her to my corner. “Remember what you did to me earlier, bitch?” I growl into my opponent’s ear before I toss her head to the turf and see her eyes widen as she remembers using me as a toy to arouse her husband.
I move in and sink a knee into her exposed belly before she can react, leaving her writhing. She’s down and hurt, so I feel confident enough to humiliate her some. My hands in her hair, I wrench her onto her knees only a foot or so from Jake. I twist one of her hands behind her back forcing her chest out. Time for Malika to be humiliated.
“Look at these big droopy titties, baby….pathetic really….” I give a little slap to one of her breasts before continuing, this time whispering into the shorter woman’s ear. “See that big cock, bitch?…your soft, weak ass could never get any attention from anything like his could you?….could you, cxnt?” Venom is dripping from every syllable as I mock and taunt the woman who did this to me earlier.
“Finish her, Kell…win this fight” Jake says as he instinctively strokes himself in front of us.
I loosen my grip in preparation to put this bitch on the ground and take the lead. “You’re nothing, whore. Get ready to los-” I’m cut off as Malika latches her polished nails onto my womanhood.
The Arabic woman makes her move and again we are in a tangled catball, rolling across the lawn clawing and slapping for everything we are worth. The nearly 40 minutes of fighting a larger woman begin to catch up with me in the form of fatigue and I feel Malika beginning to take control. We come to rest in the middle of our arena with my opponent sitting on my chest.
“..1..” I hear Shannon begin to count. No, this can’t happen I think to myself.
“..2..” I plant my feet and try to buck the big chested woman off. I can’t budge her.
“…3…” I gamble and wrap my legs around Malika’s body. Hoping I don’t get folded in half.
“…4…” Using all of my strength I squeeze and twist. The bigger woman toppled off of me and we are back to lying on our sides. Fortunately, my leg scissors are locked tightly around her torso and I’m on her back with her ass in my face but no longer pinned.
I hear the painful grunt escape Malika’s lips as my legs continue to clamp around her body. I feel her nails clawing away, first at my legs, then grabbing my chest in a panic as she struggles to escape. “Give … up …. slut…” I growl pulsing my muscular legs.
“Give…. I give … stop” I hear Malika groan. I feel Shannon reach down to break us apart as the bells sounds ‘ding…ding…ding’.
“Let go, Kelli…she gives..” Shannon says as I release the hold. “Go to your corners ….Kelli leads 3 to 2 after 8 rounds”.
Exhausted, I stumble back to Jake and practically collapse into my chair. I know I was lucky to not only escape this round without being pinned let alone scoring a submission.
I see Malika stomp back to her chair. She is furious and I watch Omar try to calm her down. It’s worrying me that she seems more rejuvenated after losing this round than I am after winning it.
I’m still catching my breath when I hear the ‘ding… ding’ starting the ninth round. I will myself back to my feet, ready to try and outlast this powerful bitch.
Round 9:
I wade back into the battle, Malika and I circling each other again. “Fucking lucky cxnt!” the olive skinned woman snaps. “I’m going to hurt your weak, pathetic blonde ass this round”
“Bring it, bitch….big talk when you’re losing” I respond, tired but pissed off at the woman across from me. We move towards each other, starting to sling slaps and clawing at each other, before we are, once again, in each other’s hair.
My scalp and lungs are both burning as this round gets violent as we tug each other’s hair with one hand and throw punch after punch to the others body. I can’t keep up and Malika begins to overwhelm me, sending several hard, unanswered fists deep into my belly, leaving me gasping for air. I hold onto her her black hair trying desperately to stay on my feet.
“You’re done….you weak, white whore!” Malika growls before scooping me up off my feet. I’m filled with fear I am held horizontally, chest to chest with my rival. The shorter woman then drops. My back slams into the damp grass. I let out a loud groan and my back arches in pain. I feel the my opponent’s thicker body cover mine, one leg pinning one shoulder while she holds the other one down, her tits dangling just above my face. “Stay down, bitch…. count the pin, Shannon” she barks.
I can hear Shannon start “…1 …2 …3 …” Malika grinds her chest into my face mockingly. I’m too spent to fight back. “4 … 5 …..Malika wins round 9 by pin …. back to your corners, ladies…” Shannon says as I hear the ‘ding… ding …ding’ of the bell.
Malika smirks as she gets off of me, pushing off of me dismissively as she gets to her feet. “I finish you next round, cxnt!” She proudly struts off towards her husband and her corner.
I’m laying sprawled on the ground panting. Everything hurts and it’s all I can do to hold it together to keep from crying. I slowly make my way to my feet and shuffle back to Jake, feeling completely demoralized after the last round.
“Five more minutes, Kell … it’s all tied up and you’re in better shape…. you’ve still got this” Jake says encouragingly as he massages my shoulders. I sit in silence, gulping in air and staring across the yard at Malika, who is glaring back at me.
“Last round, ladies…” Shannon begins. “You’re tied at 3 wins apiece…next fall wins”. I’m still catching my breath when I hear the ‘ding… ding’ starting the final round.
Round 10:
I take one more big breath and get to my feet. I exhale and begin moving towards a confident Malika. The heavier woman wastes no time, rushing me immediately. Our bodies slam together and we tumble to the turf once again.
Our sweat soaked nude bodies are again entwined in a catball, we slap and claw desperately as we slowly struggle for control as we roll all over her yard. Both of us moaning as our hair is pulled on already aching scalps. Every part of my body hurts after nearly 45 minutes of combat against this formidable bitch and I feel I’m nearly at my breaking point as the Arabic woman begins to take control of me on the ground, pinning my shoulders to the grass with her thicker body chest to chest, hips to hips on top of me while her hands pin my wrists.
“1… 2… 3-” Shannon starts the count before I buck enough to get a shoulder up. She slams it back down and we repeat several more times the count never passing three.
“Stay … down … whore…” my opponent spits out, as she begins moving her hips further up my body. I fight back frantically, but she eventually works her way into a full schoolgirl pin.
“1… 2… 3…” Shannon’s count drives me to a wild, desperate flailing and my legs find their way around Malika’s belly. I lock in a body scissors hold and try to pull the heavier woman off of me. “4-” Shannon stops count as the busty bitch topples onto the lawn.
Trying to capitalize on the situation and steal a win, I clamp my muscular legs around her with all my strength as we lie on our sides, forcing a guttural groan from my nemesis. “Give.. up … bitch!” I snap, my legs pulsing to inflict as much pain as I can even being near total exhaustion.
As Malika moans and claws at my thighs, I know she is hurting, but slowly and methodically the Arabic woman begins to turn me from my back to my side. I fight it for as long as I can but she overpowers me turn me all the way over onto my stomach, grabbing my legs as she does, trapping me in a Boston crab.
“No!… no…. no!” I cry out as my back is folded backwards painfully. I claw the ground in pain as I try to find a way to ease the pain somewhat.
“Say it…you weak… whore …. give up!” Malika growls angrily while applying more pressure. The hold is locked in completely. She has all her weight pressing my chest into the grass as my hips are lifted off the ground and my feet are almost pulled to my head.
Instinctively, I bury my hands in my own hair, trying to keep them from tapping the turf and submitting. My teeth are gritted and I can feel the tears welling as I resist. Malika keeps pulling harder and I feel her bare ass touch my back as I am stretched fully. There’s no escape and I can’t take it anymore, I reach out and am about to tap out. ‘Ding’ the round ends as the bell sounds but Malika is enraged and doesn’t let go.
“That’s the end of the round…. let her go, Malika!” Shannon commands. My tormentor keeps the pressure on and I am now wildly tapping the ground. “Stop, Malika..” Shannon finally pulls the olive skinned woman off of me and sends her to her corner. I lay on my belly, rubbing my lower back as I writhe on the grass.
“That’s round 10…. do you ladies want to finish it in a final sudden death round?” Shannon asks as she checks on me.
“Of course…. this bitch is finished” Malika confidently barks with a smirk as Omar massages her body.
Shannon looks down at me. My pride is stronger than my brain and won’t let me quit. I nod slowly, “let’s finish it..” I say softly but defiantly. Shannon gives us a 3 minute break before the final round because of Malika’s refusal to release the Boston crab earlier. I make my way back to my corner and Jake one last time.
We don’t talk much, just a few words of encouragement while he tries to massage away the pain. Although just as the bell is about to sound, he kisses me and says “don’t let her get away with that”.
Final round :
‘Ding…ding’ I hear the bell signal the start of the final round. One way or another, this fight will end with either Malika or I lying beaten beneath the better woman. Fatigued, I plod towards the center of the yard to face my opponent.
Malika struts, confident and proud, towards me. “Give up now, blonde whore…. and you’ll be able to walk home…you know I am going to win anyway” she says, standing tall and with her chest pushed out. The picture of a woman who knows she is superior.
“You need to shut your fucking mouth, bitch…. this isn’t over…. it’s about to be…. but not until I hurt you some more” I growl back angrily. I’m not sure what it is, the longer rest, the fact she held that hold too long, her insults, that she put me on display for her husband, or just the cumulative effect of all that and that it has been a war between us tonight, but I’m pissed and, other than being fatigued, I am ready to fight. We each let out a snarl and lunge for one another.
Again we are tornado of scratching, slaps, curses and hair pulling. Any of the more ladylike restraint we had earlier is gone as neither of us wants to lose after investing this much pain into the match and this has turned into an all out fight. Eventually the slaps turn to punches and the light scratching gets more violent as we claw at one another. I can feel bruises now and night air stings the scratches. Everything hurts and I would love for it to end, though not nearly enough to let this bitch win. Besides, I know she feels it just as much as I do.
Both of us are huffing and puffing before we wrap each other up and the hair pulling starts in earnest. We yank and pull, trying to sling one another to the ground. Tears of pain and frustration, first begin to well in our eyes before trickling down our cheeks. Low breathy growls of “bitch” and “cxnt” are the only sounds that break the steady flow of cries and groans of pain as our necks are twisted and wrenched to unnatural angles.
As the damage takes its toll our pace slows. With no round timer, I have no idea how long we’ve been at it, but my lungs are burning and the heavier woman’s breathing has become ragged. With both of us nearing exhaustion, we finally tumble to the turf.
We are a naked tangle of arms and legs, each of us digging deep to find the will to keep going. Our slow catball results in Shannon starting several brief counts on each of us, none of them amount to much and we struggle on. Sweat soaked skin slips against sweat soaked skin while we writhe like two snakes intertwined, body to body vying for supremacy.
We each keep throwing slow, well placed punches to one another’s bodies when we see an opening and continue mauling each other’s now raw tits, all while continuing to use the other woman’s hair trying to torque her head off. I notice that now there is now sounds other than soft groans through gritted teeth as both of us are almost completely focused on not giving up and our husbands our so mesmerized watching their woman put everything on the line in this desperate struggle that they aren’t vocalizing anything.
As our war of attrition wages on, I feel the heavier woman fading. I begin to slowly consolidate my position on top. First, getting Malika onto her back, followed by me straddling her. She resists, keeping Shannon from getting very far into any counts, but I keep pressing my advantage. Soon, I am sitting on her chest, arms pinned to the grass at the wrist, her face trapped between my legs. I can feel her shallow, struggling breath warm against my pussy as it presses into her chin, forcing her head to the ground.
“3!” I become aware of Shannon counting the pin. Malika’s eyes are welling with tears as she weakly strains against my pin and she is unable to look away from my gaze.
“4!” Shannon says, her tone increasing in intensity as she realizes this might be the end. The Arabic woman finally gives in. I feel her body relax as she prepares for the inevitable.
“5!” Shannon calls out. I hear ‘ding… ding… ding’ as the bell sounds one last time, signaling the end of our war. I collapse onto my back, laying exhausted on the damp grass, I hear Malika panting and shuddering as she lays next to me, she covers her face but I- along with the men, can see her thick, powerful body laying exposed and beaten next to me.
I feel powerful and, though I am shaking with fatigue, I rise to my feet. Shannon uses her bare foot to nudge Malika’s hands from her face as I triumphantly plant my foot square in the middle of her ample chest while looking down into the defeated woman’s now exposed face. I soak in the ashamed and humiliated look in my rival’s visage. Shannon raises my hand as the camera, and the men record my victory pose. “The winner, 4-3 ….Kelli” our referee says into the camera.
I march back to Jake, who meets me with a big warm hug, twirling me around before planting a kiss on my lips. “You were amazing…I’m so proud of you” he says excitedly. I latch my lips onto his. I am feeling euphoric and almost orgasmic as my mind begins to realize just how great a victory this is after such a fight with such a tough opponent.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Omar trying to console his conquered and broken wife. We took each other to our limits and it was an even fight, but we couldn’t look any more different. Winning really is the best painkiller.
Jake helps me to get dressed and our walk home gets tough as the adrenaline wears off, but I’m too excited to even think of sleeping as we get to our door. After a quick shower with my husband, I’m ready to celebrate this win properly, albeit more gently than usual. I lie in bed, nestled under Jake’s arm, I drift off with a smile remembering the look on Malika’s face when I broke her and wondering where my next adventure will take me.
Continued in Chapter 16! Click Here to Keep Going!