The Cat that Almost Took Down a Queen
Chapter 1: Who is Gina
If you recall Gina was the one from “Mothers day war” that started the Peggy series off, her fight at Peggy’s home with Amber younger, was the start of their epic rivalry , it began over Peggy’s husband but it didn’t take long for it to evolve into a natural jealous Hate for each other that caused them to face off as much and as violent as they did.
But who was Gina and how did she come to be the woman who almost destroyed Peggy, to get to that answer we have to know her first, Gina a raven haired woman with a 36G bust that was full veiny and firm, she had been married twice, for some silly reason other than her ex’s thinking with their little head not the brains god gave them, thought younger versions of Gina were better.
The thing her husbands never knew and didn’t count on was just how jealous and what a wild cat she truly was, her first husband when Gina was 32 found a 22 year old blonde fresh out of school that he fell head over heels for, the blonde felt the same, but after Gina’s intuition kicked into high gear she walked in on them at a bar near the blondes school, after a few catty comments and the blonde tossing a beer at Gina, Gina dug her claws in her face and dug in, after a brief roll on the bar floor Gina was pulled off her and she just smiled as the younger girls face was cut and had 8 sets of red furrows from her brow to her neck.
Her husband was served with papers that Monday, Gina’s lawyer tore him apart in court and Gina walked away with alimony and the house, the girl friend wanted charges pressed but after a review of security footage showed her assault Gina first it was thrown out as self defense provoked, Gina simply swaggered past the couple with a catty grin, a few years later after a few serious dating runs, Gina found another man, they fell in love and were married, but the luck of Gina was a short one this time, she walked in early from work one day and caught hubby number 2 in bed with a 29 year old brunette.
Just like the first scenario, Gina quickly took out the trash by her hair in just her thong, and then proceeded to throw his stuff from the bedroom window for all to see, the second divorce was finalized and Gina also took that house as the settlement.
Now like most, no one would blame Gina for dealing with the infidelities so cattily and defined, the husbands now her ex husbands after seeing that wild hidden side wanted her back , but Gina between the sale of a home paid off and ready to sell the other one she had plus her alimony was ready to live for herself, she swore off marriage and was just going to date when she wanted , she joined a gym and scheduled her days in a routine, morning coffee, a walk, hit the gym, lunch , take a swim in her pool, lounge in the sun get taken out for dinner, then a few drinks and bed .
Her Friday and Saturday nights become hers to make as she found a bar that was not far from the Town Peggy had fought for and taken as her own, now Gina knew how to titfight,and was a wild Bitch in a catfight not afraid to swap fists, claws or any other means any woman dared to try her at, as such Gina easily could have taken the town the bar was in as hers and made a more formal challenge to Peggy when the time came they met, but there was more then this short path to that day.
Gina grew more and more confident in her body becoming more fit and she knew it, men at the bar were noticing her over the 20 something’s and knew Gina was an experienced woman who knew what and when she wanted something, slowly with little effort and a lot of catty challenges Gina without realizing what it meant became the Queen of the bar, most couples were hands off, and dates as well unless Gina saw something she wanted she left them alone , but any single men or men who were alone that came in were fair game for Gina and she exploited it to her fullest.
Some say it was after taking several married men as her own or maybe as her own play things, was when Gina’s reign of terror and reputation as a wild cat was really born, after several Friday’s in a row Gina decided to play with her new “friend”, Gina was sure he was either married or had a girl but if his woman was stupid enough to let him roam this often it was her own fault that a cat like Gina would pounce, Ray was that man, and Gina loved everything she saw in him, as was her way short tight dresses thigh highs and spike heels were the lure, her hook for that bait was her swelling veiny round firm breasts, and Gina knew how to show just enough off to sink that hook and reel him in.
Several Friday’s the two had drinks,laughs and lots of flirting, and Ray was already hooked despite his wife who was only 35 herself started to feel the pressure of her man not coming home on time every Friday, Gina made no effort to hide the perfume she wore that rubbed off on him, his wife Deb, had enough, she followed his car from work to the bar, dressed as sexy knowing what ever bitch was leading him on was going to be flaunting her goods, Deb wanted to at the least show up ready and willing to take him back home.
Deb enters the bar her 36E bust swelling in her snug dress and her heels an hair done sexy, her husbands back is to her as Gina looks over his shoulder at the threat that entered the bar she claimed as her grounds, he sees Gina’s eyes wander up and down, “whats wrong ?” she smiles, “nothing , i have a feeling your about to watch me get into a fight, no worries “ she kisses his cheek and licks it as Deb sees her do it.
She arches smooths her dress and swaggers over, her hand rubs his hair as he turns his face drops, “Deb honey what are you doing here?”, she kisses him as Gina watches then hands her purse to him, “i see what has had your attention sweetie but you stay out of it till we are finished”, Deb looks to Gina who stands up, “i take it he is yours ?”, Deb nods “thats right and i am taking him back you got a problem with that honey?”, Gina a sultry step from the bar and a smirk, “well normally i don’t do a married man but he came here alone never spoke of you and wanted all i can offer, so sugar he wants what i have and i been giving him a taste but now i think he will stay with me you ok with that honey?”, Deb her anger building as her jealousy does, “as his wife yeah i do in fact , he is leaving with me and i guess i will have to take him if your not leaving him alone”, Gina scans Deb and purrs “well there is only one question i have you for you honey, you wanna do this here or outside cause i am not letting him go any where”.
Deb was ready this might happen she told herself driving here another woman might mean a fight, she looks around as no one in the bar is telling them to stop, or take it outside she knows instantly this other woman has fought in the bar and its accepted, with a breath in she sets hands on her hips, “why get on the ground when we have a warm place right here, unless a whore like you prefers the alley”, Gina grins, “ohh your a catty one nmm i prefer here i like the patrons here to be reminded i am the top bitch in this bar”, Deb’s hubby stands “ok ok lets calm down you two” Deb glares at him, “oh no no honey you don’t get to say a word you cheating bastard, she wants to make this personal you sit and let her and i work it out like women”.
Gina still a smile eases from the bar then slowly struts about the floor, “cmon kitty time to get this over with”, Deb give her husband a glare for doing this to them but she is vested in their marriage and no bar fly whore is gonna ruin it, she turns and walks toward Gina, they circle glaring Gina hisses “last chance to just go home” Deb hisses back, “second thoughts whore?”, Gina breaths in, ‘don’t say i didn’t offer cmon”,
The crowd watches as they draw near then Gina slaps Deb who returns a slap instantly, they pause then like a spark at a fuel can they drive at each other and hands start to rip at hair with pure hate, grunts fill the bar room as the two women rip away at each others scalp, insults fill the air between them as Deb starts to shake her rivals head by the hair, men stand to watch as she pulls Gina to the floor and gets behind her and straddles the dangerous bar champ, Gina is arched her breasts threaten to spill out over her dress , Deb reaches down and with one hand digs her claws in the dress top and rakes her claws along the swelling breasts, Gina snarls as she winces at the cuts being carved on her breasts, “uuughhh you Fucking bitch i am gonna claw your tits off for this”, Deb pulling Gina’s head up and back by the hair more sneers down at her rival, “not much of a cat are you after all Whore”, Gina spits, “wanna see what a cat i am Bitch i am ready”.
Deb a smile as if the fights hers, claws at Gina’s breasts again then suddenly finds herself falling backward, Gina grabbed behind her calves and lifted as she bucked up and back swooping Deb off her heels, she lands hard on her back and Gina spins and pounces on top of her, instantly ripping the dress top open and the bra Deb has on, and after several swiping claw swings and red furrows covering Deb’s breasts Gina uses her rivals hair to bounce her head off the floor several times, Gina then releases her hair and smiling down at Deb opens her talons fully and scratches her face down both cheeks slow and deliberate , as Deb cries out Gina purrs down at her, “want more hmm?” Deb shakes her head no, “your gonna go home and i am gonna fuck your man i see you again i’l take your eyes understand?” Deb nods then Gina sits up looking down and she stabs her claws in Deb’s tits and mauls them clawing and squeezing them red.
Deb shaking her head no crying pleads to have it stopped finally Ray and two others pull Gina off Deb she stands her tits over her dress in pride, “take this trash out i have a man to ruin”, she takes his hand and they go next door to the motel, she shoves him on the bed and climbs on him straddling him as she sits up on her knees her hem hiked she pulls out his hard manhood eases him in her then eases down her dress straps and a slow shimmy of her firm breasts his hands seize them , she arches riding him , “nmmmm best tits for miles sugar work them”.
Once Gina was pleasured by Ray she took off and moved on to the next target, her life in her eyes was more fun now and taking out women in her way well she knew and felt first hand how much it turned on the men she preyed upon, so if it added to her ability to pull a man in naturally she used it, she made extra point to issue challenges to the men to pass along to their wives or girl friends if the men raved about their girl, it was now the foundation that sculpted Gina to meet Peggy.
Before meeting Peggy, Gina developed her skill as a cat fighter having more than a few at that bar or in its back lot, but her so called claim to fame experience came one night as she faced a woman as busty, who was already skilled at more than a catfight, she knew how to titfight and was known for it, Gina had never really engaged in such a style but when it came to denying her what she wanted she went after it any way she had to.
That woman was Alana, she not only heard about Gina the bar Queen that took any man she wanted, but Gina was pursuing Alana’s man and despite his warnings to back off or his busty girl friend will handle it , Gina continued to paw at him and flash her firm round breasts , and being weak in the moment he on occasion felt them and was stunned how full and firm she really was, he never tried to hide it from Alana he was smart enough to know if she ever walked in the bar unannounced and saw him with Gina it was over.
But by admitting who the woman after him was, Alana took it more personally and as she pressed him as to what this woman looked like his direct description was more than accurate and had Alana ready to take back what was hers.
She told her guy to allow Gina to think she roped him in but he was to express to her his girl was as busty and willing to take you back, the jealousy will start in her as it has in Alana she was sure of it, any busty woman has a level of pride about her best assets and Gina and Alana’s were no different if anything more so, his concern for Alana was serious he himself had seen Gina in a fight at the bar and would hate to see Alana hurt or lose, Alana smiled kissed him and purred to him, “just get that whore ready for me, it will be her last night thinking she is all that”.
Alan’s man was worried but very aroused by it and Alana made sure to handle that before he left to go have a few with a friend and that whore, she made him explode twice than sent him on his way, he asked if he should call her, she smiled and said no I’ll be there shortly no worries”, as he had normally he shows up at the bar , as he enters Gina is with another man but when she see’s him enter she smiles and winks.
Alana’s man goes and sits at the bar and orders his drink, Gina is still with this other guy, he smiles hoping she moved on as he knows Alana will be waiting to show and try to warn this whore off, but as he sits wondering, he looks at Gina her amazing smile and her veiny round bust rises and fall slow and tight as she laughs swelling even fuller, he keeps stealing glances his way, he can’t help get aroused at what he sees and a part of him hopes it is Gina that warns Alana off.
Chapter 2: Creating a Monster
Shortly after Alana’s man finished his first beer he orders a second, when a set of manicured finger nails roll across his back, he sits up and turns and it was his girl Alana, her own full G’s swelling to get free of her bra and top, her nipples were already tenting to be free as well, she smiles at him and purrs, “where is this whore?’, his eyes shift in the direction he needs her to look, she turns her head and instantly she and Gina lock eyes, Alana nods subtly then looks at him, ‘Well i see why you were sucked in but i am here now”, Gina arches her stance more pronounced, by far the woman glaring back at her with a very sexy confident smile was a match for her more than she has ever faced, and she is here with the man she wants, Gina knew instantly she wasn’t giving him up and she could see the other woman no matter who she was wasn’t going to either not with out a fight.
Gina was so busy glaring back trying to warn off the busty woman she didn’t realize her own nipples were tenting and wanting to be free, she wondered if he brought her on purpose?, did he tell her and she wants to fight?, or was she a hired whore being paid to make her jealous?, Gina wasn’t sure but as she told the guy she was with good night she was about to find out and Alana was as well.
Alana was 5’9” 140 pounds 36G-28-38 long strawberry blonde hair that she had in a pony tail and hazel eyes, her body came here ready for a confrontation and Gina was always ready, Alana was all over her man and Gina had seen enough she made her way around the bar , she walks up to the other side of Alana and her man, she watches the wet over done kissing then as Alana looks up and sees Gina right there Gina smirks her catty grin then turns his head to her deep cleavage at eye level and then kisses him, “aren’t you going to introduce us baby”.
At that moment Alana knew this was all Gina’s doing, her man might have a wandering eye but if this bar whore didn’t press it he wouldn’t be here, Alana wears a sexy confident smirk as she stares at Gina who stares back both women do their best to pose for the other slow and sexy motions, most of all Alana was emphasizing her swelling veiny breasts from her top and Gina who was as busty was matching her though Gina had no idea that this other woman knew how to use her breasts just as good.
As both show neither will be backing down Gina presses to Alana’s man purrs as she runs her fingers along his cheek facing Alana, “Well honey obviously neither of us plans to give him up so i guess we should have a woman to woman ..chat hmm?”, Alana does the same pose and runs her claws on the cheek so Gina sees as she purrs, “oh your so right we aren’t going to just say here ya go, i think it is a great idea have a place we can go in private?”, Gina more sly smirk thinking Alana doesn’t want to lose as all watch, “sure we can go up stairs and do this anyway you like”, Alana smiles now, “wonderful lead the way my tits and i are going to give yours a lesson then if you still wanna fight about this i am game”“, Gina kisses his cheek then Alana does they are both ready to strike but instead Gina inhales slow, “follow me”, both ladies saunter off and ascend the steps.
Once at the top stair Gina glimpses back at Alana climbing up and her deep tight cleavage then at her man , she blows a kiss at him then opens a door and saunters in, Alana follows then shuts the door, Gina a smirk swaggers around once then eases to other end of the room her hands behind her on a window sill as she looks at Alana, “so whats it gonna be hmm claw our tits ?”, Alana a smile as she thinks Gina isn’t as versed in a tittfight starts to open her dress front, “oh maybe later but for now a titfight your tits against mine , winner milks loser and facesit’s her “, Gina raises a brow as she starts to open her dress, both their bra cups start to emerge and are over flowing, nipples tenting the thick bra cups as straps are taught, Gina in a attempt to sound versed, “you mean you wanna rub tits?”, Alana a smirk now as she has won many a tittfight, “one way to look at it but i can promise you honey after 15-20 minutes against my tits you are gonna wanna give”, Gina one to hunger on a challenge shreds her full dress and stands in her lingerie as she eases her bra straps off her arms, Alana does the same as Gina asks, “and the rules?”, Alana arches as she reaches back unclasping her bra and eases it off , she dangles her bra on finger nail as her proud 36Gs swell out firm and round, ‘Rules are easy even for a whore like you, hair holds, bear hug and hands to hands are all welcome but our tits do all the fighting till one gives, so easy even a bar whore can get it”, Gina wears a i will kill you grin, “oh your a mouthy one after i do this you and me out back, we are going to settle this my way and i have no rules agree?”, Alana smiles, “oh i would love to i want him to see me scratch your eyes out”.
Gina eases her bra away and as she drops it coos, ‘nmm i can’t wait to have you try that”, both women set hands to hips then Alana starts toward Gina who follows suit, they circle once with in inches of the other, Gina still a novice, “nmm so what we just slam tits?”, Alana a smirk, “we can later but typically we start slow and build it up, normally i fight women who know how to use their tits but you i guess you will learn as we go’, then Alana slowly rubs her stiff nipples to Gina’s, Gina feels the arousal and breathes in quickly, Alana a sexy smirk as Gina gets a shiver at the nipples flicking and rubbing, “arousing isn’t it Whore it won’t be soon”, Gina sees the pattern her rival does then sticks her thick nipples at Alana’s and dabs at her aureola’s then flicks back, Alana has to pull her lips in to stop from moaning, Gina inhales, “nmm feeling me as well this will be fun”.
Both women stand face to face, slowly each takes a better stance as backs arch and they start to jab, swipe and flick stiff nipples faster and with more determination, Gina enjoying the feel of the fight so far starts to quicken her side of the duel, “uunn unn mmm ohhh this is fun cmon i wanna do more ready to use tits”, Alana a bit stunned by Gina’s ability to not just get the drift of it but is pressing at Alana as if versed, little did she know Gina was not that new to it, “unn unn ohhh oh think your ready nmm lets use our tits then”.
Alana slides her hands on her own hair and nods at Gina who does the same they roll shoulders back then the empty room explodes in a CLOPPPP , Alana jams her tits into Gina’s, Gina huffs outward, “uuughhhhh mmffff “ Alana presses her advantage and slowly has Gina retreating about the room, “oh where are you running to hmm? stay and fight my tits”.
Gina breaths faster she looks between them and can see her big round tits lose shape against Alana’s big round tits as they push, pump, drag and smear side to side , every contact is well placed and gets some level of shifting in her rivals equal sized breasts, Gina’s heels stutter as she backs up then gasps, “uughhh OHHH you BITCH”, Alana smirks and sees the rooms corner is directly behind her rivals back,
“oh we are just starting honey” then she thrusts into Gina their big breasts bulge against the others and Gina rolls her head back as her shoulders get pulled in at her chest from the wall on each side her thighs spread, Alana steps between them then goes at Gina faster and firmer .
Alana arches her back her proud round firm breasts stand out as she starts to pump and roll and drag into Gina’s, shifting them though it wasn’t easy she was working her rivals breasts but her own took a lot to do it, both were breathing heavy now and Gina was wincing and squirming as her breasts were getting the worse of it, “uughh ughhh you Bitch, ohhhh uumff umfff fucking cow uugggg”, Alana a wicked smirk, “uumff umff umff cmon bitch fight ,use those tits now honey hmm not so good with them are ya guess you are a stupid whore, uuhnn un nmff mff Bitch”.
Alana is working Gina over in that corner and after 15 minutes as promised Gina is really starting to feel the effects, “uughhh ughhh my tits you Bitch ohh get off me cunt”, Alana hisses, “after i crush your tits i am really gonna hurt them as i milk you Cow”, Gina squirms as she sees her tits get red and swelling and start to feel looser as Alana looks red but feels as tight as when it started, she knows now she has to get from the corner but limited on how she does the one thing she knows, her hands drop from her hair and grab hold of Alana’s hair and instead of pulling she grips tight enough to make Alana wince a bit then she starts to use the corner to thrust up at Alana’s breasts, the clops are becoming claps and slaps now as both shake their head as the constant colliding is felt by both, “Bitch let my hair go”, Gina “make me cunt you said it was allowed now fight me tit to tit”.
Alana snarling her top lip as her scalp gets pulled up on eases a leg back and slowly Gina is fighting her way from the deadly pin in that corner , both grunt , moan and pant now, then Gina unaware of the effect teeters a bit and she feels Alana’s heavy tits on top of her own, she jolts up, a fleshy Smack rings out and Alana’s face turns to shock as she suddenly rears back, “AAAhhhh my tits” she eases back from Gina , she Gina sees she had a big effect on her rival and she stands up and widens her thighs and charges into Alana and now uses her tits to smear drag, pump and without planning manages to drive her breasts at Alana’s cleavage and spreads her big tits apart , unaware but as she pulls Alana in tight by her hair she is grinding her tits between Alana’s and causing damage to her inner breast walls.
Alana gasps in shock no one to this date she ever fought has gotten her cleavage spread so wide and her inner walls pushed, stretched and worked, her chest is getting looser being spread and even a novice like Gina can feel the once firm breasts start to jostle much easier, Alana pushes at Gina first the shoulders then her face, it lets Gina know what ever she is doing is hurting her rival and she starts to grind, pining he round meaty globes between her breasts and chest and Alana’s, Alana gasps again, “Ohhhh You BITCH MY TITS!!”, Gina hears the ache and snarls her lip, “Cmon Big Bitch hurt my tits I wanna fight you, uuhnnn i wanna hurt you”.
Alana has been in bad situations before but she can feel the raw power and firmness Gina has coupled with her willingness to Fight, she turns Gina’s face as she pushes and slowly as they struggle starts to feel space between their breasts, just enough she hooks her calf behind Gina’s and she pulls her leg buckling Gina’s knee and uses the wall behind her to thrust head on at her rival, they stagger about then Gina falls on her back, Alana lands on top pins her rivals wrists to the floor and like twin pendulums sways her big breasts, they crush and slap Gina’s side to side, the dense Slaps ring out as Gina spits up at her “Get off me Bitch and lets finish it with our tits”, Alana drops her heavy breasts onto Gina’s ‘we are cunt wanna get up earn it “.
Alana smears ,pumps,grinds and drags her breasts on and over Gina’s the red streaks get brighter and despite trying to not show it Gina shakes her head no as she feels the pain, Alana promised it was coming, “ughhh ughmmfff Bitch I’ll rip you apart outside for this”, Alana smiles ,”Ready to give?, i am sure my man down there only wants the better stronger firmer tits”, Gina sucks in a deep breath, she stares up at Alana who hit a nerve, “oh i am certain he does but wouldn’t it be a better prouder to say you beat my tits standing up woman to woman? unless your tits can’t, it might bother him enough he will always wonder were yours the better pair, or mine”.
Alana slows her grinding as she stares back, ‘ok Bitch you wanna go tit to tit with me, lets get up and go do it”, Alana drops her tits hard one last time on Gina’s then gets up she caresses her tits as Gina stands who caresses her own, they catch their breath then Alana sets her hands up on her hair and does a slow shimmy, “ready to titfight?”, Gina her breasts much more red and yet still stand out firm inhales, “so ready”, Alana swelling her bust steps at Gina who does the same a dense but yet firm CLOP rings out and as they stare they start to use your their breasts like seasoned fighters, both are tired , red breasts and swollen and want to win more to brag to the man waiting but also to put the other in her place, Gina a custom to fighting dirty holds back, she wants this now and Alana can feel the difference as she goes at the raven Amazon with no hair holds just her breasts to Gina’s, and Gina is doing the same with new vigor.
They stand face to face center room, no corners or walls and neither is stepping back , they go head on as thuds, clops, clap of their firm round flesh collides and rubs, grinds, smears , breasts bulge, swell, shift, roll and sway freely as they hold chins up in pride, breathing heavy increases by both as breasts get red then redder, shoulders row and chests force breasts into battle as it is slow it is not lacking in pressure, both women start to perspire and are breathing heavier they turn heads and row bodies, both of them pull breasts around as they try to fight the other and the exhaustion and pain.
Gina drags her big breasts down along Alana’s , who feels the skin stretching pull and the weight of her rivals , she gasps out, “uuughhhhh Bitch my tits”, Gina feels a spark at the reaction, “nmmmm your right bitch i want more”, Gina widens her stance and now inches tighter to Alana as Alana arches up to get her rivals heavy breast off her own Gina dips again this time though she wants to hurt Alana and she thrusts upward .
The SMACK of Flesh rings loud , Alana’s head thrown back, “AWWWWWW Bitch my tits you Bitch!!”, Gina hurting grins, “cmon you cheap whore fight me, fight my tits cmon”, Alana feels the grinding thrusts in her under sides, she is hurt and starts to ease back, Gina wants more though she snakes her arms to Alana’s sides and then as she looks in her contorted face lunges into Alana and hugs her, she drives Alana back her arms hug tight and she lifts , then powers her lifted rival to the far wall , Alana’s back slaps the wall as Gina drives her tits under Alana’s and crushes her in a bear hug, Alana’s legs try to wrap around Gina’s waist but the sweaty body makes it hard.
Her head shakes no as her breasts are being hurt from the undersides , Alana sweating in pain tries to pull at Gina’s hair, tries to drive her face and head back and even goes for a choke, but Gina now tasting the victory slowly allows Alana to slip down but as Alana’s body streaks down against Gina’s, her tits are being stretched and bulged upward, her undersides wide open exposed her head tilts back as the pain is to much for any fighter, “M..m..my tits oh god enough i give please stop my tits are hurt you win i give i give”.
Gina a sadistic smile adds to the agony as she smiles at Alana’s pain etched face, then opens her arms, Alana drops to the floor on her hip, her arms cradle her breasts tears run with sweat, then Gina takes a fistful of hair and pulls her rival onto all fours and straddles her bare back, Alana sits up on her knees , her hands cup her raw red swollen breasts, Gina heels planted on the floor knees bent fully as her thighs straddle Alana’s lower back like a saddle gives a savage yank on her hair from the back as she growls, “Get your fucking hands of those weak tits or i will shred them up”, Alana nods “Please don’t “, Gina reaches around ,her hands cup the red hot breasts , her nails sink in as she grabs on then she works them deep and hard, Alana whimpers and cries at the ache, “Oh YOU BITCH MY TITS PLEASE STOP!!”.
Gina as she hears the plea for mercy smiles wider, “nmmmm wait till you and i step out back Bitch I am gonna hurt you so much worse”, after another 10 minutes of pure torture, Alana’s already red and swollen breasts were now swaying with total looseness even a deep breath ached so deep she winced till finally Gina pulls her to the floor by her breasts and stands over her looking down over her own full breasts, “I am going back to the bar and I am going to take your man to his car and fuck him like a wild cat as he worships my tits, if your still here when i am done we can have that talk out back’.
Gina swaggers and grabs her own bra then Alana’s and then eases her top back on, she smiles back at Alana prone to the floor and shuts the door, when she returns to the bar Alana’s mans eyes pop wide and Gina grabs his hand, places Alana’s bra in it and purrs, “My tits are better let me go prove it to you baby’, she takes him to his car and does exactly what she swore to do, as he worshipped her swollen breasts Gina smiles and purrs in his ear, “Your girl wants a real fight tonight , i suggest you head home unless you get turned on seeing her ripped apart”, Gina eases off him gets out and fixes her dress and then swaggers back to the bar, leaving her bra in his car, she enters the bar and buys a drink then waits to see if Alana will still want to step outside.
Gina sits and as she has a drink her red breasts swollen still heave heavily nipples still tenting as she is ready to fight, she wants to entertain another man, but her eyes check the door to the upstairs.
Finally as Gina is smiling and pressing her firm bust together between her arms a new man that is melting into her cleavage, just then Alana comes down to the bar and starts toward her, Gina arches her back and excuses herself and swaggers to head Alana off, they stop and glare as Gina purrs, “finally you made , shall we go out the front or back?”, Alana gives Gina a hated glare , “go fuck off Bitch where is he?”, Gina widens her stance, “he is resting in his car , poor dear just was over whelmed by big tits and well you get he rest”, Alana breathes heavy, “let me by”, Gina breathes in looks her rival up and down then hisses slowly, “nmmm make me, after all he is mine now unless you wanna fight for him’.
Alana knows all are watching her, swallows deeply , then pushes her hair back, “he isn’t yours Bitch, he is just tonights gift we both know you will forget him by next week, and the sad part for you? i decide between he and i if he stays in my bed or sleeps with a whore’’, Gina swallows she knows Alana has a point , if he doesn’t want her back he will still have Alana, “well your right to a point Bitch, but you have one flaw in your theory….what if he can’t resist coming back for more and having the best tits, that makes him mine when i say, so i guess that brings you and i back to square one doesn’t it, so back or front?”.
Alana was drawing a blank for a reply she knew her man was a dog but she was sure he only flirted over cheating on what she had , but now he found a woman that equalled her looks and body, was good in bed and to top it off was a fast learner to use her tits another way and she knew not just her man but any would drop anything to see that, Alana breathes in slow, “fine lets take it out back then”, Gina smiles confident, “right this way then”, she bumps shoulders with Alana and hisses at her ear, “by the way i am going to claw you to shreds Bitch”, then heads out back.
Alana feels a shiver yet she knows this woman will brag and more, brag to her man that she walked away instead of fighting back, Alana was no stranger to a brawl but she knew this bitch was a lot more use to it, with feeling no choice she heads toward the back, suddenly someone grabs her am, Alana turns and it is her man, “What the fuck do you want?”, he hugs her ‘Don’t go out there’, she looks up at him and can see a glint of hope she does, she pats his chest, “you wanna keep me?, then come out back and be in my corner, either way i am going out there with or with out you”, he takes her hand, “With you’.
Gina slowly smokes a cigarette as she stares at the back door then it opens, she sees Alana then her man, but gives no reaction instead she takes a long drag on the cigarette and purses her ruby red lips, smoke floats up and away then she purrs, “Well Stud back for more of me, nmmmm just give me a few to handle her and you can have these big tits again’, she looks to Alana, “you ready Bitch?”, Alana pulls her hand from his, “i am here Whore lets do it”, Gina drops her smoke and grinds it out then shakes out her wild black hair as she stalks toward Alana, who frees her hair and steps up ,”cmon Bitch”.
Gina sways a lazy like walk her fingers widen as Alana is more tensed in the body but either way there won’t be any talking they are out here for one reason, they both slow, the tension so thick Alana’s man is more nervous, then the silent alley way explodes.
Both women thrust together and instantly they are tearing out others hair, faces into snarling wild cats as they shake the other by her scalp, spitting hate with Bitch, whore, cunt and more, Alana’s man wide eye this is happening finally gives a sign of support , “Cmon Baby rip her up take her down get her”, they stagger and start standing then both are bent at the waist and back to standing face to face, growling like unleashed hungry lionesses they spit at others face as they rip out fistfuls.
Alana twists her fingers in Gina’s hair then suddenly rips back on her scalp making Gina look up, Gina gasps then Alana using the hair spins Gina and throws her to the ground by her hair, Alan’s man shouts, ‘Go for it get her”, Gina gets whipped down her knees scrape on the ground shredding her thigh highs and cutting her knees.
Alana drives a knee into Gina’s breasts making her cover them, as Gina is covering Alana pounces on her rivals back and snaps her head back and up stretching her neck , her other hand clenched in a fist she slams it 1,2,3 times into Gina’s face, as Gina protects her face Alana stabs her claws in the front of Gina’s top and starts to scratch and maul her rivals breasts deeply, Gina gasps out loud, “My tits you little cunt”, Alana tears the top open and claws again digging four red furrows in both breasts of Gina.
Gina winces and rips at Alana’s wrist her other hand reaches up and back, as Alana reaches for a new grip on her rivals bare breasts Gina manages to get a fistful of hair and yanks down hard , with her own head up and back, Alana’s is down and in her neck, Gina growls, “oh you Bitch i am gonna hurt you so bad”, Alana spits at Gina, “cmon then cunt all i see is me tearing your soft tits up”, Alana has a catty smirk develop as her claws are scratching into Gina’s full firm breasts, her claws leaving white and red furrow lines in her rivals fleshy round breasts , but also cut flesh and she feeds on it.
Gina her face contorted into pain and her eyes widen a bit at the sharp burn she feels in her skin as her rivals claws rake and dig at her breasts, while worried more about the damage than winning or losing starts to squirm instead of thrashing about, Alana thinks she is tired and ready to give, but that is far from the truth, Gina is a fighter a brawler and while she has lost a time or two she doesn’t stand as the woman to beat at the bar for no reason.
Gina is a alley cat and even the most vicious gets caught in a bad hold, but it is the cat that can fight free and come back that runs the alleyway, Gina is using the least amount of exertion , saving her strength to turn the fight in her favor, her teeth grit together and her hips sway and roll , her hose tear as her knees scrape up under her and her mounted rival.
Alana feeling more room to get in her rivals top and cause more damage yanks up and back on the fistful of hair she holds, “Going somewhere cunt hmm?”, Gina growls slow, “uughh you Bitch , only place i am going is on top of you to shred your face”, Alana spits at Gina’s hair as she twists it up tighter, Gina’s face tightens as her head and neck are pulled straight up and back more almost lifting her off her hands holding her breasts up off the ground, her knees already bent up under her frame Gina reaches up and digs her claws in Alana’s arm and wrist then thrusts up and back using her knees and body.
Alana digs her nails in Gina’s breasts and tries to shake and shift her rivals head by the hair to direct her body to follow, but as Gina rears up and back, Alana suddenly is holding on to stay on Gina’s back, but momentum and body weight are turning the tide as Gina twists and gets a leg out from under frame and then kicks her body backward against Alana’s, they fall onto Alana , her back on the ground now and she wraps her thighs around Gina’s body , Gina twists enough her claws open and rip at the front of Alana’s top shredding it open and Alana’s full red swollen breasts out and bare for her rivals attack.
Gina doesn’t hesitate as her heads being pulled by Alana who uses the hair in an attempt to get Gina on her back again , opens her sharp claws and reaches down stabbing them in Alana’s breasts and slowly clenches her fingers till breast meat oozes from between her fingers, as her claws sink in the meaty flesh, Alana stiffens her body as she looks up at the night sky, “aahhhhh cunt my tits”, but Gina just snarls a lip, “shhh you won’t have tits before i am done with you”, Alana’s eyes widen she can feel the threat is real.
They struggle and Alana winces now as her flesh is being cut into and raked up under Gina’s nails, but Gina knows what she wants, to be atop her rival and let her know she made a mistake, one she won’t be quick to want to try again, both women strain and grunt as the savagery takes second place to the squirming and slithering against the other to get the right positioning, Alana’s thighs squeeze as Gina’s body arches and strains withering between the iron like thigh muscles, her grip tightens on the breasts but both feel that grip lose effect as the thighs like two pythons tighten and start to drain Gina’s strength.
Gina rolls her head as her ribs and torso are feeling the raw power of those thighs, “BITCH!” Gina yells then her claws release the trapped bulging breast meat and have to settle to scratch from chest onto the thighs and rip hosiery as they now try to pry them open to get relief.
sitting up on her haunches and her talons ripping at the powerful thighs around her , Gina is feeling the effects of her breathing limited when she needs a deep inhale the most, Alana her breasts cut and clawed is able to prop up on her right elbow and angle her hips at Gina’s body to really make the most of her squeezing vise like thighs, Gina arches as her ribs hurt and her head tosses back as her mouth drops open and eyes shut, “aaghhhh you Fucking bitch let go”, hearing the warning or plea Alana shakes her matted hair back and sneers, “i am gonna break your ribs cunt then beat your face and tits”.
It was Gina’s turn to feel that the threat was real , if Alana goes on to use her legs, if hurt and drained enough her ability to fight back would be cut by more than half and she knew already Alana was no push over like many before, Alana manages to lift her upper body and as she does gives a vicious yank on Gina’s scalp that seems to widen her gasping open mouth, Alana strains pulling Gina to her back, “cmon you bitch”, Gina knows if she gets pulled to the floor it might be the end , desperate she pulls her top hand off the snake like thighs and reaches to Alana’s crotch under her tight skirt and stabs her claws in gathering the thong, the fur and the folds of Alana.
Alana arches back on the ground her eyes shut mouth wide “Noooo Bittch Don’t “, Gina feels the legs drop open and try to kick away, she is free and turns to Alana who rolls on the ground to get free, Gina smiles and growls , “now its my turn you lil cunt”, she pounces on Alana’s back straddling her , her hands instantly reach over the shoulders and tear the top then her left hand cups her rivals chin rearing her head up as her right sinks in the top and claws and grabs at Alana’s already sore swollen breasts, Alana wincing and in fear props up and covers her breasts but Gina simply swipes her claws up Alana’s face and then delivers a fist to the cheeks “cmon bitch fight me now hmm cmon!” Alana is crying as her strength and will fades.
Gina continues to beat on the downed Alana red furrows well on her face and breasts finally as Gina grabs her hair and uses it to bang her rivals head on the ground Alana screams , “STOP STOP I GIVE I GIVE PLEASE !!!”, finally Gina relishing her handy work stands up and ends with a kick at Alana’s side breast bulging under her, “i see you in my bar again honey i’ll rip your tits off” she turns to Alana’s man and purrs “want more baby ?” and pulls him by the shirt to his car.
Chapter 3: A Reputation Forged by fire
Weeks after the Alana showdown add in the numerous other fights, Gina was running the bar to be hers , it didn’t take long before first all the regulars then those in the outer area start to hear about the raven haired bitch at the bar that will tear jealous women apart and rip apart women that try to take her turf.
As you can guess Gina became well known and as the word spread it finds its way to a town a few miles away, where two co workers and friends are having a beer, as they chat about the ones wife body and more so her bust and her reputation around the surrounding towns, a guy from Gina’s bar over hears them and walks over, “Hey guys excuse the interruption i couldn’t help over hearing you , mind if i join ya and share a little tid bid , i promise you won’t be disappointed and hell next rounds on me”.
They all laugh and tell him to have a seat, as the beers come over he introduces himself, “names Bob i live a few towns over and i just saw this place thought i could use a change of scenery “, the other two introduce as well, “nice to meet ya Bob i am Jeff and this is Hank”, they all toast other and take sips then Jeff says, “so why a change ? are things dead by your bar?”, Bob smirks, “oh hell no, well it has been a little quieter since well Gina “, the guys look at each other and Jeff says, “Gina? and who is she? i mean you say it like she is a movie star or something whats up?”.
Bob looks at them and leans in, “ok here it is guys and please i mean no disrespect or anything ok?, back at my town the bar i frequent well its nothing much but we have a gal there divorced, named Gina, anyway this gal is built like a brick shit house, i mean curves make the autobahn jealous, and her rack, my god she’s big round and firm and believe you me, i heard and well know first hand her titties are like rock hard but so succulent and hard to get a squeeze of but once you start she has you begging for more”.
Hank and Jeff nod and laugh as Hank says “ok but a lot of women in shape and busty can be, hell i know first hand as well whats the point?”, Bob smirks a grin a mile wide, “well heres the thing gents, Gina well she is a cat i mean a wild cat she has torn up more women at that bar then i knew where in that town , any way i heard you all talking about ..uhh what was her name Pat Peg?”.
Hank smirks then Jeff answers “it is Peggy and let me tell you Peggy well she is every bit what this Gina is and maybe more, i seen her send women home in tears and saying her tits were like rocks so what are you getting at?”, Bob inhales “well see i heard you talk about your Peggy and well obviously you like a busty fit gal as much and well, i can’t help but think if you boys were to pay Gina a visit you might just get hooked in her talons and if so then you might wanna get Gina and Peg to you know meet”.
Hank smiles “well i get what your saying there Bob, but not to brag but my girl, is whats known around here as a Queen her tits , her claws, her punches hell her fights are known for miles she runs my town not the bar, it might be fun to see but i gotta tell ya Bob , getting her and Gina together, spells trouble for Gina, not saying your gal can’t fight good, but Peggy ask around you will learn real fast, and besides if i set my wife up she’d have my balls, and if she lost forget it.”
Bob shrugs “just a thought but let me ask you one last thing ?:’, Hank replies “shoot”, “just for hypothetical of course, what would happen if you were to meet Gina, and she liked what she saw and you liked her back and that gal of yours was to see or catch wind of it?”, Jeff laughs “Peggy saw that or caught wind of it, your Gina is in for a world of hurt my friend”, Bob nods, “might be might be the other way though i mean once Gina spots a guy she makes him hers so might see your Peggy torn up, but either way gents, you wouldn’t be to blame Hank get my drift”?.
Bob wishes them well then leaves and he drops a book of matches on their table to visit if they choose to, Jeff looks at Hank who raises a brow, and scoffs, “are you nuts man? Peggy would kill both of us and that Girl its nuts’, Hank nods, “Your not wrong , but… like our new friend here said, if we go there and well Gina likes me thats not my doing, and i’ll even warn her about Peg and show her pic in that fighting bra, if she still comes on to me let the chips fall where they may, and you know as well as i do Jeff , if Peg was here right now and heard Bob she be foaming at the mouth to fight this gal”, Jeff nods, “well you got a point there she would at that, ok well shall we head there see whats what?”, Hank stands “hell yeah and who knows i might just have found a woman can match and beat my Peggy that is worth seeing my friend”.
Both start to head out as Jeff grumbles “that surely would a be a sight to see”, not longer after Hank and Jeff enter the other bar, both look about but see no sign of any woman Bob described, the guys take a seat and order a beer and think maybe this was all a wasted ride. The bar starts to thin out ,and from the rear room both guys see the jet black hair of a woman along with it the distinct features , a sharp jaw line, round cheek bones and the ice blue eyes, slowly as the woman smiles and snakes her way through the patrons left, each one greets her not with a hello or hey, but as if a true Queen just came in and they can’t do enough to show the are happy she graced them by showing up here.
Slowly the woman gets through the crowd and suddenly her muscled back shows and a white spandex style dress looks painted on her hour glass body to her rounded rear, a clear sign she has a thong on under it, as the men watch her body strut like a cloud is carrying her, Bob slaps his hands on their shoulders, Hey their boys, have ya seen her yet.’, both shake their head no but Jeff says,‘Not yet but i gotta assume that be her’, Bob looks over smiles, ‘Good eye brother thats her”.
All three men watch as every little shift of her figure has a muscle defined in her body, she chats and breaths in her hands go to her hips and the outer outline of her full round breasts straining that stretchy top are easily seen, Hank and Jeff give each other a side glance ,they both know the only other woman they know that can shape a dress to her figure and strain it like that is Peggy, Bob can see the guys are becoming impressed he smiles, ”Boys, you haven’t seen the front ‘, maybe it was her feeling their eyes boring into her, maybe someone she was talking to gave her a heads up, what ever it was Gina slowly looks back over her shoulder then seeing the two new faces, Gina slowly turns on her heels, and like a new product being unveiled with drapes parting, her profile then her frontal faces them.
Both men stare in a bit of awe, the veiny cleavage swelling to be freed of the dress and like Peggy both men can see Gina is every bit as firm not needing a bra, she lets her breath ease out, there is nearly no drop in her bust or chest, then slowly the ring of her aureola’s and the slow thickening of her nipples tenting are easily seen, Gina slowly smiles her white teeth sheen, she winks slow, then she puts a finger up to signify (one second) then struts to the other side of the bar, her round ass a steady firm up and down sway.
Bob a smile of told ya so on his face, “well boys? you think your gal Peggy can match up to her if she was here?’’, Hank raises a brow at Jeff, Jeff shrugs a bit, “I’ll tell ya this gents, She is gorgeous and built but Hank, and Bob, if you introduce that, to Peggy?, boys all i can say is give them room cause it would be like watching two mountain lions that haven’t eaten loose on one piece of meat”, Bob nods, “Well all i can say Boys, if that is true, I gotta see your gal,cause that one has torn women apart in here that were bustier and looked more savage and left here in tears”, Hank was a little bothered by that comment a sense of pride in his wife came over him, “Bob let me show you what your gal would be up against’, Hank takes out his cell and opens a few pics of Peggy in lingerie, a bikini, and a dress like Gina’s, a smile of pride on his face as Bob , eyes wide gasps, ‘’Oh my I can’t its uncanny they could be sisters if not for the hair and faces”, before Hank could say it Jeff spoke up, ‘Oh Bob , brother thats not all, Peggy there well i can’t recall last time she lost a fight , and instead of claiming a bar as hers, runs a town she fought to get , run and keep”.
You can see the gears in Bob’s head spinning, as he looks at Hank the same look both smirk a bit and nod to the other, when Hank says, “So how do we get these two close enough without it being any of us to blame and see this fight?”, Jeff goes to stop Hank, he has seen Peggy fight but one look at Gina and it was clear Peggy would have her hands full against such a perfect equal, but Hank cuts him off as Bob smiles, “Well Hank Gina is single and loves a strong man, if I am right about her and i usually am, she smiled your way, good chance she liked what she saw and will by right after..” Hank asks “After ?”, Bob winks, “My gal there is going over there to teach some stray cat not to walk into her bar and hit on her regulars, Gina once she sees what she likes makes it her own, like i told ya’all before, no woman temps her, the few that have were publicly taken apart”.
Jeff grabs Bob’s arm, “What are you saying Bob she never loses?”, Bob rubs his face, “No no she lost a few but the few times she has, she always came back for more and turned the tables”, Bob walks away then Jeff stares at Hank, “Bud you can’t do this to Peg , she is your wife”, Hank looks where Gina is her sharp red talon in the other woman’s face, he softly says, “Jeff we been friends a while and you know while I love Peg and love her fights, I been waitng for some other woman to break her like she does to them, and Jeff one look at her and there is no denying it, I might have just found that woman”, Jeff shakes his head “Why?”, Hank looks at Jeff, “ I can’t explain it Jeff, but i just need to see Peggy lose big, not those titfights she loses or the occasional catfight which even if she does, she comes right back to take the win back, I mean a fight with a woman that matches her inch for inch and in the end makes Peggy not only give , but never want more”, Jeff scoffs, “‘ your crazy man Peggy never comes looking for a rematch? in what world are you living , your wife especially if that woman wants you?, will fight till dead to beat her ass”, Hank looks at Jeff, ‘“ if you don’t wanna see it Jeff leave but i am getting to know that woman and it starts tonight’.
Hank normally would have gone over to watch how this gorgeous woman handles another, but he had a plan in his head, he watched and as Gina had nail aimed at this other woman’s face he kept saying to himself, “don’t test her lady she’ll rip you up”, but as a woman with eyes on her knowing Gina or not everyone knew she wasn’t going to leave without some sort of attempt, the woman slaps Gina’s hand then her face, Gina turns back to face her with a grin that said ( i am so glad you started it) she steps to the woman, then after a return slap, back hands her then a fistful of hair is yanked, Gina whips her by the scalp, she gets behind the other woman, puts her knee in her back then shoves her to a beam, she then reaches under pulls the top of this woman’s dress off her breasts and rips her claws through the breast meat deep and slow, the woman screams , “STOP MY TITS YOU CUTTING THEM STOP!!!” Gina sneers and Hank was picturing her against Peggy who has done that exact move, Gina makes a threat he couldn’t hear, the woman in tears nods agreeing then Gina throws her to the floor, pushes her hair to make sure it is still perfect then hisses “i see you in my bar again i’ll carve your tits off got it?” the woman nods in tears as Gina winks to a bouncer and they escort the woman out.
Gina smoothes her tight dress and grabs a drink, as she regains control her eyes look about then fix on Hank, her brow raises now in wonder why he was the only guy not to watching among others, she thinks to herself (thats different and refreshing), the curiosity got the cat and she tells the bartender to send two bourbons over, as he pours them Gina swaggers her hips and saunters around to Hank, as the drinks are set down Hank says, “hey i didn’t order these’, Gina in a sultry deep tone, ‘No but i did”, Hank looks and despite having the picture image of Gina waiting at home, his eyes look in her face then scan to the veiny round heavy firm mass as it rises and falls to a slow bellow then rests, Hank couldn’t explain it, but it was like he just saw Peggy in black hair and it was all new again, Gina purrs, “Names Gina handsome and you are/”, he turns and stands up , “Hank please have a seat”, Gina nods at the gentleman move and eases in the seat, they take the drinks and clink glasses, sip and Gina looks at him, “first timer welcome”.
Hank nods and a smile, “your place Gina?’, she breathes in for him, ‘not exactly more like my territory”, Hank nods “ Well i get that’, she is intrigued, “So tell me Hank, you like what you see?”, Hank looks again and his eyes can’t deny it, as he compares visually and thinks ( are they firmer and heavier rounder ) Gina knows all to well men want her breasts or to ask if they are real she smirks, “i know you like them, yes they are real but you knew that Hank, no your wondering something else, something very very personal to you, me and someone else aren’t you?”, Hank breathes in , “you could say that”, Gina licks her lips, “so tell me something Hank, why weren’t you over there to see if a fight broke out, it was as if you knew she had no chance”.
Hank needs to be calm and keep the busty amazon intrigued, “well Gina truth be told, i have seen a lot i mean a lot of catfights, titfights in fact you name it i seen it “, Gina sits up and closer to him now, “i see well i guess that is who your comparing me to she yours or just a friend hmm?”, Hank looks in that swelling veiny cleavage as he sees Gina arch in pride a silent message to him mine are better, Hank looks in her deep eyes, “truth ? she is mine and has been for years and yeah was comparing you both cause well, no offense she is as big maybe more”, Gina a bit put off but then swallows, “bigger? firmer? rounder then these? i would like see you prove that”, Hank smirks, “well she isn’t here in fact i am here by accident , but i have something to show you i am not lying”, Hank opens his phone and brings up the album of Peggy in various attire and little to none, a selection of bras and a few topless one especially catches Gina’s eye, it is a pic of Peggy holding a tape measure around her bust and a close up of same to show any woman but more so Gina that Peggy is a 36G fully, Gina scans the pics then slips the phone down she stares at Hank, “what bar is hers?”, Hank sips “Well Gina thats the other thing about her , she doesn’t run a bar”, Gina smirks, “she fought to take a town, won and since has beat every woman wanting it “, Gina’s smirk is gone, “that so? tell me then if she’s at home why are you here?”, Hank thinks a moment, “Truth be told?, Peggy is just about out of rivals, and well i heard there was a gal out this way don’t lose much at all if ever as well, so i had to see for myself”, Gina arches her back and leans toward Hank, “how do i ..measure up?”, her breasts about to explode the dress straps he looks at them ready to spill out then her, “looks like a match but you know these tight dresses can give a false message”.
Gina knew he was right but the fact he has a woman that can compare to her she wants and needs to make him think she is better as well as herself, she grabs his arm, “come with me honey”, Hank follows Gina they go to the far back and grab a booth once in Gina starts to kiss and press her big breasts to him, “so tell me am i close to her?”, he shrugs , “look Gina i don’t wanna say the wrong thing here your gorgeous and sexy and hot as hell, but this won’t prove much”, she sits up her eyes stare into his soul, “you know Hank there is always one thing i Love in a man, Full honesty, I am not offended a little bothered but not hurt and frankly you comparing us and unsure is honest but i wanna send you home and compare hers to these’.
Hank turns more to her, and Gina with her razor like talons eases the stretchy dress straps off her shoulders then they spread the front of her dress and expose the large breasts, she eases off her dress straps down her arms reaches back and places her hands behind her head , Hank looks about and Gina smirks, ‘Relax silly no ones going to bother us’, she eases the bra her up out of her purse , and lays it on the table, then her hands cup her heavy mass as she massages the tight firm breasts, ‘nmmm i hate wearing a bra they are so big i hate to contain them”, Hank adds a shot for Peggy, “ oh i know she gets the same way”, Gina curls a lip with a glare as if to say (that so) but says nothing.
One arm goes up into her hair then the other, as they do her breasts lift and stand out even more , Hank swallows and she purrs at him, “Go ahead baby, work them as much as you want or need to , i am proud of them and confident you will agree if not a match for her much better”, Hank reaches out and cups the warm undersides, Gina just stares into his eyes, his hands weigh them slow in a up and down motion, Gina smirks, “Heavy aren’t they”, he then spreads his hands open and pushes in, instantly like Peggy’s he can feel little give,‘Nmmm so firm as well”, his big hands start to massage, and knead then squeeze, Gina tilts her head back at the feel of him working her breasts, ‘mnmmm so full and all natural nmm deeper , harder “, Hanks hands work the breasts his eyes tell Gina he is impressed but still comparing and it burns her self pride he can’t tell whose are better not even by an inch, “Say it Hank are mine better bigger ,firmer, heavier tell me”, he is hard and doesn’t want to stop to reply.
Gina slowly snakes her hands behind Hanks head, and starts to pull him to her breasts, Gina what are you doing?’, she stares positive he feels some difference in her favor, she purrs ‘Suck on them now, my nipples are better too’’, Hank pretends to resist then eases lower and his mouth engulfs her aureola’s and sucks deep and long draws on her thick stiff nipples, her claws run through his hair, “nmmm harder baby I want you to know i am better than her”.
Hank is hungry to worship her breasts and as he does his mind is on Peggy’s a perfect match as if the good lord came down and formed these two in the same mold, so perfect to see these two left alone would be the fight of his dreams his biggest fear right now in this moment as he pictures them going at it, Peggy losing badly and the thought he wants to see Gina beat her, he felt a shiver at the thought, but Gina felt his fear and as she guides his head up and kisses him deeply she purrs, “It will be fine baby, I will fight her , i will beat her and these and me are all yours, I will fill her bra and shoes, just get her and i in the same place it won’t need a push trust me, I wanna fight her and once she learns about me she is going to want it as badly”. Gina hands Hank her bra, then eases her dress back up and in place, her round firm mass make the dress form to her and in pride she swells as her breasts with no bra stand firm as in the firm, she gives him another little pose, then as they kiss she bites his lip, “Now tell me when and where that little honey of yours would be so i can find her”, Hank stammers a bit, “I.. I can’t be caught like that Gina if she was to win I would be dumped and we have a daughter”, Gina inhales, “nmm fair enough,how about a picture on your phone hmm?, i am sure other bitches have issued a warning to her that way”, He takes the cell out Gina arches and poses as he snaps it, she smiles, “ am i sending it?”, he says no Mothers Day is coming not a good time’.
Gina laughs, “ok handsome you run along go to her compare her and i all night, but you know i am a threat to her, I wanna see you weekly, i wanna hear you say , you can beat her tits and in a fight nmmmm i want to fight her badly now”, he looks at her she smiles and purrs, “Baby she gets you daily i should get a few hours Don’t you think?”, he agrees they kiss and Hank goes home, Peggy is in bed reading Hank walks in looks at her in a thong and robe her natural Gs shape the robe and want to be released, Hank, strips ,Peggy looks at him he grabs her by the hips pulls her off the bed , he sits as he opens her robe, she smiles as her hands pet his head then he goes to work on her breasts like a starved man, she moans enjoys it then purrs as he sucks wildly on her nipples, ‘’ Nmmm yess baby, who ever she is I will rip her tits off”.
Hank doesn’t miss a beat he knows between the perfume scent and how he is handling her he is comparing, but who and when Peggy will see her will be left to be seen for now.
Chapter 4: Gina and Peggy Meet
Hank was in trouble and he knew it, but he couldn’t resist Gina or Peggy , he had the two most gorgeous women with bodies to match and although they seemed to want him, their desire was to get at each other and use Hank to get to them there.
Neither was going to share him much longer the two women didn’t need to taunt or say a word they left their scent on the man they were using as a way to show they weren’t going to just give up or hand him over, and neither was going to let him think the other was better, For more than a month and almost nightly Peggy was giving herself to Hank, making him worship her bust more than he already did, and Gina was already demanding Hank stop in nightly even for a beer, which he rarely ordered , Gina was doing the same as Peggy was, she wanted Hank to have her in his head when he was with Peggy and Peggy was doing the same.
Both women knew what was coming but they weren’t going to rush it, it didn’t stop them from begging Hank to find a place to let them fight, but as much as he wanted to see them fight he was also worried, he knew once these two got set on each other it wasn’t going to stop till one was really hurt and broken by the other, the women knew it as well but wanted it more.
After a while longer both were growing impatient with the game and Hank’s delay in pointing the women to each other, so Gina was the one who took it to the next level before Hank could, she followed him one night home and now knew where this other woman this other Queen lived, but it couldn’t happen here not yet, so Gina began trailing Hank, she knew where he worked and what time he left then she easily discovered where his real favorite hang out was, a bar in the town Peggy ruled over, it was better than most of the bars, Gina had to find a way to get Hank to take Peggy out for a night out, once she could that would be the night they will meet.
If you recall from Peggy’s series , she was driven by her daughter Amber years later to a fight were she told Amber how she came to meet Gina and why they fought, but Peggy cut the scene down to Gina pawing him as Peggy watched, it was sort of the truth, but at the same time Peggy was as hungry to get at Gina and would have kept turning a blind eye till she and Gina got together, it wasn’t going to be much longer at all and Peggy felt it.
It was before Mothers Day, and Hank was paying extra attention to Peggy, the couple were doing better it seemed and Peggy let it be known if he was going to continue with whoever this woman was, he was going to have two choices decide which he was going to be with or let them meet and settle it, Amber, Hank and Peggy’s daughter was getting to old to have a steady sitter but with Peggy’s little “hobby” they didn’t want to perk their daughters curiosity on why they would arrange for Amber to be brought for ice cream or just out of the house and her mom was strutting about barely dressed each time , so as Hank was still going out Peggy hatched her plan to push the issue, one Friday night Peggy made Hank stay home, she was so busy working Hank in bed he forgot he had promised Gina a quiet night at her place, while Peggy was making Hank appreciate her body Gina was sitting at the bar ready to kill, her own claws dug in her palms, she kept texting Hank, but Peggy was on top of him and simply smirked and shut the phone off, as Hank was ready to pass out Peggy made him promise the next day he would take her out for a night of drinks and then more of her busty body, he was a sucker for his wife’s hunger to have her breasts man handled so he again forgot Gina and spent the day with Peggy, Peggy was already thinking she won.
The next day as they were spending the day together, Peggy saw her man was being secretive again, and texting but getting frustrated as it seemed no one was replying right away, Peggy wore a smirk , she thought to herself ( i either took him back or she is playing possum to make him beg for more) truth was Gina was mad but it didn’t take her long to put it together , Peggy was taking her man back without a fight, once she realized the game, Gina was on the phone telling Hank it was fine and sending pics of her mountainous breasts with notes, “these still want a shot at hers, they are better and so am i”.
Hank got hard , Peggy noticed it she knew more than ever this other woman was making it about them not him and she was ready, as he was looking at the phone Peggy was using her breasts all over Hank, slowly more slowly than Gina or Peggy liked, Hank was dividing his attention it was time, Peggy leaned over to Hank, “enough games her or i got it?”, Hank inhaled he couldn’t split his time anymore, he nodded at Peggy and texted Gina , both women suddenly entered a dream like state, they knew the time to meet was at hand, and one was going to lose it all.
Peggy with no idea when this was happening just that it was going to, gets ready for her night out with Hank, she always no matter where they were going or doing dressed to thrill and kill, she made sure to be ready for any other woman wanting to test her and in the event it got catty wasn’t going to be the one worried about her dress getting torn.
Hank threw on jeans and a thin flannel style shirt open to his chest and a sport coat, Peggy emerges from her room, in a red tight spandex dress that looked painted on her skin, a low swoop cut that offered up her veiny firm swelling bust, she knew the day of reckoning was coming just not which day so in preparation Peggy left her bra at home anytime she and Hank went out, her hair was styled up and her make up looked like a pro did it, her red talons dripped deadly, black thigh highs and red ankle strap spike heels, as she swaggers slow to the den Hank got hard, “Peg baby Wow” Peggy smiled as he caressed her firm breasts through the dress, she slapped his hand, ‘no more till your bitch and i settle this”, all he could do is nod and they left, Peggy wasn’t sure but as they left Hank eased the phone back in his pocket, Peggy a sexy smirk was sure he just told this other woman when and where.
The ride to the bar Peggy was quiet, she wasn’t sure if this was the night, but she needed to be mentally ready, she looked at the traffic going by as she and Hank drove to the bar they were known at, Hank walks in and Jeff is there, his eyes go wide as he sees Peggy strut in, she smiles as many who lost to her and those who befriended her wave or give a hug to her, her thick nipples are already tenting the thin stretchy dress, before she can get to Jeff , he grabs Hank, “Are you fucking nuts?’, Hank pulls away, “whats up with you?”, Jeff points to the far side of the bar, Gina is standing there, she has been frequenting the bar to catch Peggy but the two never were able to catch the other, as Peggy sees Jeff’s concern a woman that lost to Peggy more than once swaggers over, Peggy never one to refuse a fight sees her and tells her straight up, “get in line Ann i am waiting for another.” Ann looks Peggy over and smirks, “well i hope your ready Peggy cause your about to meet your match and just might be retiring tonight”, Peggy gives her a back up glare then turns and struts to Hank and Jeff.
She grabs Hanks arm in her own and as she stands close she is making sure her busty curvy body is on full display in case it is the night, she sees Jeff is nervous she smiles at him , Jeff always had a thing for Peggy, she purrs to Jeff, “hey stud you ok , look a little upset”, Jeff kisses her cheek then looks at Hank, “i am done got it, you and me work only and you know why”, Peggy licks her lips as Hank blows Jeff off, but after he does his eyes drift to the area of the bar and there having a drink with a few men , is Gina wearing a white version of Peggy’s dress and grey thigh highs and her claws a pearl color, hair up loose bun no bra and her nipples look to be on fire they are so stiff, Hank swallows and Gina simply winks and licks her lips .
Hank and Peggy sit have a drink, there is little conversation, from Jeff’s actions and Ann’s little warning Peggy knows either she is here or on her way, but not wanting to seem nervous or desperate Peggy just sits beside Hank who is a bit nervous, he looks to Peggy , “you ok?” she looks at him, “oh i am fine babe, i’ll bee better once her and i are face to face”, Hank swallows you know then?”, Peggy takes a glance around, then back to him, “i do now, and i am ready as she is”.
Hank nods and then as he looks ahead he sees the raven hair and busty fit body that the white dress contains snaking its way through the crowd toward his direction, part of him doesn’t want this suddenly but part of him has dreamt of the day a woman equal to Peggy in nearly ever single way would come along and give her a real competition and fight.
Peggy her attention the other way never realizes Gina has worked her way to the other side of Hank, she breathes in deep for him and kisses his cheek and whispers, “you weren’t kidding she will be a handful”, Hank sits up Peggy turns and her line of sight is the swelling inviting and yet very competitive deep veiny cleavage, then she sees the pointy claws of this woman stroke her mans back, Peggy stands up and her index finger and thumb nail grab Gina’s hand and lifts it off Hank then Peggy steps around from other side, Gina winks at Hank then steps out to face Peggy, the two busty goddesses glare as their breasts rise and fall a bit faster and deeper, Peggy hisses, “be a good idea you keep your claws off whats mine honey”, Gina less than an inch apart, “oh would it? well it be a better idea if you step away from whats mine ..Honey”,
Peggy her green eyes scanning her new rival as Gina does the same they both take full stare at others bountiful bust, Hank turns on his chair, as both see he doesn’t try to prevent this they instantly now know just who the other is, Peggy sees her hubbies concerned yet hungry smirk, she looks back at Gina, then purrs, “ohhh i see now your the one i been compared to”, Gina inhales, ‘thats me the other better woman, that must make you Peggy, the one i Am being compared to, heard about you”, Peggy swells in pride that her man warned this women and built her up, Peggy smirks, “funny i don’t know your name Honey he has NEVER once mentioned your name or you”.
Gina looks at Hank and can see what Peggy says it true, she looks back at Peggy as each cocks her hip now, “that so? well the names Gina and i am not leaving here tonight with out him, so if thats an issue for you maybe you and i can finally get to it hmm?”, Peggy breathes in, “well your not leaving here with him, not without beating me and i am ready to let you try finally, did you plan this thinking he would stop me hmm? cause i can promise you Honey , he never stops me from proving i am the best”, Gina feels a slight concern as Hank did tell her, but she is like Peggy she will fight anyone anytime, “oh well once again you and i are stuck sharing, problem is he has compared me to you a while now and well its time you and i took over that task”.
Peggy pushes her hand at Hank to get out their way, he backs up and suddenly the entire bar is watching their Queen and this trespassing Queen face to face, Peggy a smirk now, “and how are we going to do that hmm?”, Gina steps in and their firm braless breasts lightly bump and then each presses as they are nearly face to face, they both swallow at what they feel and Gina snarls, “i want to fight your tits show him and the rest your all talk”, Peggy swallows at the feel of Gina, “oh well i accept but i was thinking since we just met and your on my territory and going after my man well seems you and i are in need of a more in depth chat first, ready?”, Gina sneers “Always shall we?” Peggy spits at her “love to”.
The two hell cats press in then like lighting they stab their hands in others hair and are ripping out fistfuls, the entire bar erupts into cheers to fight, Peggy and Gina look into others snarling teeth gritted face “cmon you Bitch”, “fight whore cmon “, they twist fingers up so tight the snapping of roots can be heard as they stagger each other between the bar and the wall , chairs are knocked over as those watching pull them out of the way, Hank stands front row and while silently watches inward he is cheering both on.
Both women grunt and snarl and spit their heels click and clacking the wood floor, gasps and pants as they growl, slowly they stagger, then roll along the bars edge then the wall , they whip and shake the other by her head as they refuse to ease up, Peggy starts to savagely shake Gina by her head , “Fucking Tramp i’l rip your scalp off”, Gina gasps as Peggy pulls so expertly she has to look up, “AAghhh you cunt”, hearing the insult Peggy has a double fistful at the temples of Gina’s hair and starts to yank her side to side, “cunt!!? you Fucking little tramp i’ll rip your tits off cmon”, Gina her back pressed to the bars edge as Peggy pins against her, rips her left hand from Peggy’s hair and reaches in between them, “oh you will bitch hmm?”, as they growl and grunt and the patrons watch most want Peggy to win others grunt Gina beat her, then Gina shoves her hand in between their bodies and and suddenly Peggy rears her head back, “AAAAGhhhh owwww cunt”, she gets pushed back a step Gina thrusts off the bar and Peggy releases her hair to grab at her at Gina’s hand, as they break apart a bit all see Gina has her claws filled with Peggy’s left breast her nails are sinking in deeper.
Peggy tears her hands free as one grabs at Gina’s hand in her breast the other stabs her nails into Gina’s breast, both women snarling as they try to destroy the others breast, they spin again this time Gina pushes her thigh between Peggy’s thighs and her other leg snakes around Peggy’s knee, they are eye to eye Gina pulls her leg as she shoves into Peggy and Peggy loses her stance and is shoved into the wall and slips to the ground on her knees, a cheering roar fills the bar.
Peggy is still digging at Gina when Gina takes a clump of her bangs and Yanks Peggy’s head back, Peggy Gasps and Gina forces her to lean forward on her knees and manages to get behind her, Hanks eyes go wide as this exactly how he pictured Peggy losing to Gina, he is quiet but inward he grunts “cmon Gina get her you got her”, Gina drops her ass on Peggy’s lower back and Peggy is arched up and back, Gina then pulls the dress front off Peggy’s big tits and cups them both from behind then starts to drive her claws in them as she smiles and growls, “cmon cunt hmm Fight me i’ll leave you no tits to compare mine to cmon honey”.
Peggy Pants out scared and heavy, “Get off me cunt ohhh uughhh Bitch my tits”, Peggy arches stretches back as her breasts are being mangled, red furrows spread across them, Gina sits up as if comfy and secure she looks up at Hank, “this is the cow you thought could beat me and my tits”?, Peggy hears her and snarls, “oh you cunt” she kicks her left knee forward and up the move thrusts her up into Gina, then they hit the bar then the floor, Gina is on the floor as Peggy instead of getting up turns into her rival and then tears her dress front open exposing Gina’s breasts instantly her claws stab into both breasts.
Peggy rolls her back and shoulders, her fingers are scoring red furrows on Gina’s breasts, Gina grabs at her rivals forearms as she tilts her head back on the floor , Peggy spits at her, “i am gonna tear your tits off Whore”, Gina wide eye and in fear has no choice she rips the rest of Peggy’s dress and stabs her claws in Peggy’s huge breasts, Peggy rears her head as they dig in more, they start to roll on the floor to the cheers they are clawing at others tits like wild women.
As they roll and scratch at breasts, they rip hair and slap faces and slowly the dress tops are at their waists, strong muscled backs flex as they roll and tear at each other, they get caught in a corner and can’t roll so they both kick apart from other and get to their feet, both their big round firm breasts out and have that heavy slow sway, once both are up they crouch a bit then faces curl up, Peggy opens her hands wide “cmon Bitch” Gina does the same”lets go Bitch” they charge each other , tits Collide hard with a CLOPPP!!, both grunt as they rip at the others hair like wild beasts as they stagger from the corner to the open floor they again hit the ground and now the patrons form a circle as they cheer them on.
But as all watch them rolling and going at it it becomes obvious Peggy is ending on top more and more and Gina is force to look up as her face gets slapped hard, then Peggy attacks her bare tits again as she digs and twists them, Gina bucks screaming then as fast as the attack came it stops, Gina looks up eye open and sees Peggy standing her tits sway and juggle as some one has her by the arms from behind, she is hissing “let me go i’ll tear her tits off i wanna fight her get off me”, Peggy is pulled off then back Gina gets up and spits, “let her go i’ll tear her apart”.
Both women get their dresses fixed back on then Hank takes Peggy as he tells some one to pull Gina away, both women try to get free to fight on, but it was useless the fight for tonight was over, the crowd was all smiles as they often were after Peggy handled herself, finally things start to settle back down as Gina and Peggy glare both mouth insults and dares to fight at the other, their bodies still tense and ready to restart at a seconds notice, the night got later and Peggy and Hank had to head home, Peggy did her best to tie the torn dress top on ,she stood beaming in pride as she gave Gina that, ‘you didn’t beat me and he is with me’ glare, Gina holding her dress top up nearly sprang from her seat , and Peggy just wiggled her claws at Gina and blew her a fake kiss , a mockery , Peggy then snakes her arm around Hank, and swaggers out with him.
Gina was ready to follow them out when Ann stopped her, ‘Listen honey don’t do it here she will rip you up here, get her when she least expects it just some advice”, Gina breathing heavy hisses, “I am not afraid to lose a fight but i am not losing to her “, Ann smirks and purrs, “Yeah thats what i said all 4 times , do yourself a favor honey, go home clean up and be ready she is no push over’”, Gina swallows a deep breath, then grabs her bag and walks to her car.
Well short and sweet lol as promised from here you all read in Mothers Day war about Gina stopping at Peggy’s home and the titfight they had as Amber saw her Mom fight for the first time ever, and you know the rest from there as Gina after the epic showdown would find out that when Peggy made a threat she made good on it, she in fact tore Gina’s breast at the nipple and it was the last Hank or anyone heard about her again.
The End