<Gold Saucer>
“We’re going to have to split up.”
Cloud glanced around the table as he said this. In the center sat the glowing materia that occasionally pulsed a bright red. They were meeting in Dio’s mansion, supposedly to avoid trekking back and forth but in truth due to half their number’s realization that they were being watched. It was likely that Dio was also under surveillance, but the odds were better here than aboard the Highwind. He’d also held off on calling the meeting until M had woken up, preferring not to have to go into detail twice.
“We’re already outnumbered as is, you sure you want to split us up even further?” Barret asked.
“It’s exactly because of that we have to split up,” Cloud said. At the blank looks he was receiving he elaborated. “According to what M’s said, Avalanche is still active in Midgar. We need someone to get in touch with them, to draw some of Shinra’s attention so we can break in with better odds.”
“And just how’re we going to do that?” Barret demanded. “Don’t know if you’ve realized it but our mugs’re pretty high on Shinra’s shoot first, ask questions never, list.”
“Not if they don’t know it’s us, and not if we have help getting in.” Cloud looked in M’s direction and the Wutai woman fanned herself as she was pinned in the entire room’s gaze. “With the restrictions Shinra has in place I’m willing to bet they’re counting on the Trio’s support to keep much of the Slum populace placated.”
“We have been offered…benefits…to help keep the people under control. And to report any suspicious activities.” She demurred. At Barret’s outraged look she sighed. “Relax muscles, we do also keep Avalanche abreast of any possible Shinra activity on the Slums. We try to keep a balance.”
“With M’s help, we can get two of our less noticeable members into Midgar,” Cloud said, indicating to Tifa and Yuffie. “They get in touch with the main branch and, with luck, convince them to cause enough of a distraction that Shinra looks inwards instead of out.”
“And then we make our move, yes?” Cid asked, chewing at some tobacco.
“Yes…you fly us as fast and as low as you can over the city center,” Cloud said. “At that point the rest of us skydive in while you keep the Highwind moving. If we’re fast enough and deploy our chutes as low as we can we might even avoid being seen.”
Everyone remained silent as he finished. There was no need to point out the danger in such a plan. A strong errant wind, or pulling on your cord late…in a city as densely packed as Midgar this kind of thing would be dangerous even if their situation was optimal. It was very likely that this might be the last night they’d all be together. Such as it was it surprised none of them to see Tifa and Cloud wander off together as they exited Dio’s mansion.

Later that night, in one of the high priced suites of the Ghost Square hotel, the couple lay basking in the afterglow as Cloud stroked at his girlfriend’s hair. “Sorry to put so much on you after…you know.”
“It’s fine,” Tifa breathed lightly. “Felt good to finally get it out of my system, and I think she feels the same way. I’m more worried about you guys if I can’t convince them to actually stand and fight.”
“We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.” Cloud pulled Tifa in closer. “Part of me wishes I kept that ridiculous get up I used to get into Corneo’s mansion so I could come with you.”
“The other’s would never let you hear the end of it…especially Yuffie.” Tifa giggled, then her expression turned somber. “But it’s probably better that you don’t come.”
“Why,” Cloud brushed his lips across hers, confused by her expression. Tifa didn’t respond at first, tugging at the blonde until he rolled on top of her, half buried.
“I’ve asked Josy to…take care of you, while I’m in Midgar.” She gasped as he thrust slowly at her. He stopped immediately and gave her a look.
“I know…I know. But she DOES love you, you know,” she sighed, giving him a light peck. “And as much as I would like to deny it the two of you have something. I’m giving her a chance, while I’m not around. Come what may, I don’t what you to have any regrets. Promise me.”
Like always, he found it impossible to refuse her, and nodded glumly. It was quickly tossed to the side however as Tifa tugged at him, now that the serious business was done, reminding him that this might be their last night together. He was determined to make sure it was a memorable one.
Tifa slept through half of the limo ride back to Midgar.

That had been a week ago and was the reason she now found herself dealing with this nonsense Tifa realised sourly. Around her leaders of the various Avalanche cells yelled and pointed fingers as grievances and grudges quickly resurfaced. It was just past midnight and the building they were in was located within spitting distance of the rubble that remained of Sector Seven.
“Is it always like this?” Yuffie asked, eyes wide.
“I thought you said you’d had dealings with them before.”
“Yeah, with Zhijie’s group.” The kunoichi replied, pointing. “What’s all this about?”
“Avalanche is made up of various cells that operate, for the most part, independently.” Tifa explained. “Unfortunately since the left hand never knows what the right is doing it leads to a lot of stepping on toes. Also doesn’t help when certain groups spend more time spying on allies than on Shinra.”
The last part was directed at Nayo who stood behind Zhijie. The pair flinched, but otherwise gave no indication as to what she was talking about. “What’s past is past.” He said. “But what you’re asking for us to do…It amounts to suicide.”
“All you’ll be doing is providing a distraction with ample routes of escape.” Tifa replied. “Most everyone here is good at masking themselves scarce.”
Yuffie winced at the barbed words as the room fell silent and everyone now glared in their direction. Tifa stared back boldly. “Am I wrong? Cause some trouble and then run off and hide.”
“And you’re any different!” Someone near the back shouted.
“Of course not…but say what you will about our group at least we DID something,” Tifa retorted. “We took the fight to Shinra and…”
“And look at what happened,” Nayo finished. The young woman looked behind Tifa at Yuffie. “You drew so much attention and caused so much trouble Shinra decided they would rather destroy the entire slum on the chance it took you out.”
“It was more than that, and you know it. At least we tried to stop them…unlike others who abandoned everything and ran.” Tifa snapped back. “If we’d had some support maybe the Sector Seven slums would be more than just a memory. We…”
Tifa started as Yuffie touched her shoulder. The girl took a deep breath before continuing. “We all have grievances…but the one thing we can all agree on is that Shinra has to be stopped.”
There was some muttered agreement to this statement around the room. The one thing that united all of Avalanche was a shared dislike, if not outright hatred, of Shinra and what they were responsible for. But there were still some holdouts.
“Maybe they need to be stopped…but is now the time?” Zhijie asked. He rolled his eyes at the angry stares he received. “Everyone in this room knows my opinion on Shinra, but the question needs to be asked. While not out of the goodness of their hearts they ARE fighting to save our world. Should we be fighting Shinra at a time like this or joining forces?”
“And what happens after that,” Tifa replied, realizing she had to nip this in the bud. “You go crawling on your knees to Shinra begging a pardon for your part? They’ll use that victory to expand their power and wipe us out at their leisure. Right now people’s opinion of Shinra is dropping, if we can be the one’s to the save the world and cripple their military in the process we’ll be in a better position when this is all over.”
This brought on another bout of shouting and general pandemonium. To the back several fights broke out as various grudges came to a head. Zhijie, Nayo and Polk made their way carefully over to Tifa’s group. “Well played,” Zhijie admitted grudgingly, before turning to Yuffie. “Good to see you again kid. Nice disguise.
Nodding at Tifa, Nayo turned to Yuffie and started to say something before her eyes widened. “Zhij…those’re real!”
“Ah ha ha…things happened.” Yuffie awkwardly rubbed at the back of her head as the two men goggled at the girl’s now stacked figure. “I was worried about you guys after I left. Where’s Billy Bob?”
“Keeping an eye on things in another sector,” Zhijie pinned Tifa in a stare. “Are you sure your group can pull this off? There’re a lot of lives at stake here besides our own if we do this your way.”
“Our friends are already on their way,” she replied shortly. “Whether you help us or not we were going ahead with it.”
“Used to be you’d be the one keeping the group from going off the deep end.” Nayo said. “When was it you started being so bullheaded?”
“I’d say around the time Shinra tried to execute me and Barret as a publicity stunt to deflect blame of their actions onto us. And…” Tifa gestured at a knot of fighting figures in the back. A gust of wind seperated them, lifting them into the air before dropping them roughly on the ground. Though she couldn’t see it, Siren had briefly manifested over her head in full view of everyone in the room. “We didn’t come unprepared.”

“She’s here!”
“Mmmngh,” Scarlet woke with a start, feeling Rufus’s arms slip away as she lurched into a sitting position. It had been their first night together in several days and she’d only been asleep for a few hours when Shiva’s declaration woke her. “Who’s here?”
She cocked her head at the bitter being’s words a smile working it’s way onto her face. Sooner than she’d expected, but this was even better. As her excitement grew she turned her attention to the slumbering young man next to her, slipping under the covers and down his body to lick delicately at the flesh that quickly responded to her touch. She smiled at this, swallowing the head as she wrapped her hand around it’s hot length, adding a light twist as she suckled. Abruptly the covers were thrown off and she saw him staring at her.
“Turn around,” he ordered. Scarlet panted in anxious anticipation as she twisted herself around until her legs lay outside his own head. Wrapping his arms around her hips Rufus forgoed any gentle licks or nibbles and simply dove right in, his tongue forging deep inside as he sucked. Scarlet moaned in ecstasy for a brief moment before Rufus’s thrusting hips shoved swollen length to jab at her face. Swallowing down as much as she could, her fingers went around what little remained exposed and her own loud slurping sounds mingled with her lover’s.
Rocking on the bed, as they wove their delicious pleasure between them, neither noticed Shiva’s materia pulsing…heightening their pleasure before absorbing the energy Scarlet put out. Shiva hated the pleasured cries the two forced from one another, hated the fact that she was reduced to this level. But she hated Siren more and was therefore more than willing to endure this degradation it if it meant finally shattering the other spirit.

To the North of Midgar proper a squad of Shinra submarines detected an odd disturbance approaching the coastline. Before any could rise to antennae depth to transmit their findings all three subs were quickly destroyed in passing by the cruising titan.

Cloud was resting on the railing of the Highwind as it streaked towards Midgar. They were taking a roundabout route in the hope it would get them closer before the Shinra Air division could engage them in force. But that was not the only thing on his mind. The other was an exceptionally attractive and stubbornly determined brunette teenager. Three days out from Gold Saucer and three nights where she’d joined him in bed. He stared glumly at the ocean below. It was the same story every night.
He’d wake up to find her kneeling just below his body as she slowly, teasingly, removed her favorite blue robe. “Do you want me to leave?” she’d ask him, starting a ritual she’d begun on the first night, while his soldier quickly shot to attention making his opinion known. They would spend the first several minutes making out, exploring each other’s body. Lips, fingers and tongues flowing over sensitive flesh that soon had him groaning in lust even as she whimpered in need.
He didn’t want to admit it but Jo had proven a quick study and the slow considerate style of loving, that he had taught her, had him like a rod of iron for the entire night until the final eruption that left him breathless and immobile. Not that her condition was usually much better as she rested on his chest, panting, before they both drifted off. When he woke up, she was always gone, leaving him with feelings of confusion and not a little guilt. He loved Tifa, but he was addicted to Joslyn. The last night in particular had him scratching at his scalp in frustration.
He’d woken up to the sound of the shower going and through the thin sheet he could see her slim feminine form. Without even thinking about it he joined her under the spray. Her initial surprise faded as they kissed deeply, before sinking to her knees and taking him into her soft mouth. His legs nearly failed him as her lips and tongue went too work, while keeping her eyes locked with his. He shuddered as his hand flowed through her hair, thrusting his hips slowly as the pressure built before pulling roughly at her shoulders, dragging her up to face him. She resisted his initial tugs before allowing him to heft her up as his hands cupped her ass and her legs wrapped around his hips and they got him fully inserted.
Her arms wrapped around his head, pulling it into her damp cleavage, the feeling of the water heightening the sensations the couple experienced. They needed to move little as most of the action was internal until first Joslyn, then Cloud, came as they swallowed each other’s pleasured outcries. Joslyn kissed frantically at the young man while he basked in an afterglow far more intense than anything he’d ever experienced, his legs quivering as he slowly sank to his knees, holding her tight.
“I love you,” he heard her whisper. He shivered at those words, angling his head up as she stroked at his face. She touched a finger to his lips. “Don’t say anything. I love you Cloud…more than you’ll ever know.”
“GAAAAHH!” Cloud shouted at the uncaring Meteor hovering in the sky. Those words had triggered something in the young man and Cloud had pushed her down onto the wet tiles, the shower having some since timed out, thrusting furiously at her with none of his usual skill, face buried in her tits, his aching dick surging back to life. Raising his head to look at her, she stared back with that womanly expression of knowledge and understanding from when he and Tifa weren’t talking that had his entire body spasm as he came even harder than before. She held him tightly, her talented pussy muscles tugging and massaging at his tortured member, slowly taking him apart as he willingly succumbed to her ministrations as if this were his first time.
“I need to go,” she’d whispered to him as he came back to his senses and, reflexively, he’d held her tighter…possessively…before releasing his grip and pulling himself out and off of her. After drying one another, taking a few minutes for aftersex making out, she slipped quietly out of his room even as he threw himself onto his bed staring at the ceiling before gradually drifting off.
Now he was fighting to focus on the mission instead of the coming night. He felt…no…he knew he was betraying Tifa like this but whenever he thought of her he couldn’t also help but picture a slightly shorter version of his girlfriend with gray eyes. “What am I going to do…”
“Perhaps this one can help.”
Cloud whirled around to find Red XIII, Nanaki, watching him with what appeared to be a very judgmental gaze, tail swishing. For a moment he considered just waving it off and maintaining the deception but then sighed, tired or playing a game he wasn’t good at. “How much do you know?”
“This one can smell her on you,” Nanaki replied his expression turning even more severe, his gruff tone accusatory. “And that of your mate as well. For a long time now. This one also understands that bipedal mating rituals can be…complicated.”
“Complicated…”Cloud laughed shortly at the inaccurate, yet somehow apt, description. Then launched into a quick explanation of their first time together, leaving out of course what led to it, and what had happened ever since. Nanaki was an excellent listener as Cloud began to rant in frustration at Tifa’s confusing behavior and his own lack of control.
“You talk a lot of Tifa,” Red growled as Cloud paused for breath. “What about the younger of the litter?”
“Litter?” For a second Cloud stared at him confused before giving a short laugh. “First off, I wouldn’t recommend letting her hear you call her that and…I don’t know. I…know that I care for her a lot. Maybe even love her but I…
Cloud paused as he tried to focus. When he thought of Tifa he could think of all the times they sat together drinking, laughing, arguing and even fighting as well as the love making. But when it came to Jo he instinctively thought back to simply how good they were together in bed.
“Looks like you’ve figured it out,” Nanaki said, a trifle smugly, as Cloud leaned back on the railing.
“Not really…remember, I’ve known Tifa since we were kids.” Cloud said, his expression less frustrated than earlier. “I’ve only know Jo for a few months but…you have given me something to think about. Thanks Red.”
“One day this one will have a talk with her about this…nickname.” Nanaki bared his teeth in a rough growl.
“Hey, you got off easy. You forget what she calls Tifa?” Cloud laughed, then did a double take at a deep rumbling from Red XIII that quickly trailed off. “Did you just…”
“You will forget you heard that…or this one will forget this conversation is supposed to be secret.” The cat like being growled before spinning around for the door. Cloud grinned and turned around, filing away his thoughts on the girls for another day. Right now he had to focus on keeping everyone else alive.

Yuffie woke up the next morning first. Blearily she glanced over at Tifa before rising off the bed and heading to the showers. She was impressed both by M’s place and the fact the woman was allowing them to stay. While much of the hostility between her and Tifa had dissipated, there was still an underlying tension of restrained violence between the two women. She felt like she was missing something, as if the pair had come to an understanding that only they knew. She wondered if it was something like what she and Jo shared…though if that was the case Tifa’s sister wasn’t going to be happy sharing with M.
It was all so complicated now she thought to herself, as the hot water started to flow. After a quick shower she made her way to the kitchen. Hard to believe that it all started with her wanting to steal Shinra’s “ultimate” materia.
“Sticks,” M greeted her from her spot on the table.
“I’d think that name would no longer be relevant,” Yuffie snapped, giving her chest a wiggle.
“Fair enough,” Mikoto conceded, leaning back as she drank what smelled like tea. Yuffie nonetheless stared jealously at how the woman filled out the robe she wore. “How did your little meeting go. Must’ve been something considering the hour you got back.”
“Don’t even think about it,” she pulsed at a stirring Leviathan. Then to M. “I’m not officially a member so I don’t think it’s my place.”
“You’re one of us Yuffie,” Tifa said from the doorway, stretching luxuriously in her underwear, the black material leaving little to the imagination. Just like when they were in the woman’s limo Yuffie felt almost as if she was trapped in the line of fire and that she was the one mediating factor. Like right now that if she wasn’t here, in the kitchen, the two would be more than happy to pick up where they left off. The feeling only intensified as Tifa sat opposite M. “We have nothing to hide. We won a slim majority, though I’m sure those that disagreed will barely commit to their part of the operation.”
“The joys of democracy.” M noted, amused. “Ever thought that maybe Shinra has been winning all this time is because they’re all on the same page while Avalanche is a mess of conflicting ideas.”
“Maybe we are,” Tifa replied. “But at least we’re all able to share and act on our differing opinions unlike the Shinra drones that’re terrified of not toeing the company line.”
“And you think those…benefits’ll help you lead the sheep if you somehow manage to win?” Mikoto’s voice took on an edge of scorn.
“We’re not trying to lead the world…just save it.” Tifa clarified, her eyes beginning to narrow. Yuffie cleared her throat as she felt the temperature in the room rising. “Even if we stop Meteor it won’t change a thing if Shinra is still running things. The planet will just die a slow death instead of a swift one. But then again, do you even care what happens after you’re gone?”
Both women had slowly risen to a standing position over the course of their…discussion…and now leant over the table, nose to nose, eyes shooting fire as they glared. “Leviathan…be ready,” Yuffie sent inwards as she did not have much confidence in being able to separate the two if things came to blows. Then, to her surprise, M backed off and sat back down. She pushed the pot of tea and an empty cup at Tifa.
“A time and a place, Lockhart. Join us Sti…Yuffie.” M said, lounging back in her chair. Tifa also leaned back, warily sipping at the tea she poured for herself. As Yuffie also sat M regarded the two from behind her long lashes. “I’ve been hearing some rumblings. Sam said Shinra was moving heavy ordinance out in the direction of the main gate that disturbed his birds in the early morning. Have either of you heard from the stud…Cloud…yet?”
“No…and there shouldn’t have been any Avalanche activity since all the cells were accounted for at the meeting.” Tifa ignored M’s jab as she frowned, considering the implications. Either the Highwind was ahead of schedule…unlikely since they would’ve heard from the others if that was the case…or a cell had jumped the gun. Again unlikely since there would not have been enough time to put together anything based on how long the meeting carried on. “Have Shinra put out anything?”
“Not a word…but whatever it is, it must be serious. Some of their head honchos are apparently down there as well.”
“That so,” Tifa said, her expression bored. “Anyone we know?”
“Tifa,” Yuffie’s voice took on a warning tone.
“Not the one you’re looking for,” M remarked with a knowing look. “And considering how it turned out last time you sure you want to risk it now?”
“And how did it turn out last time,” Yuffie quickly got to her feet as she felt the tension in the room shoot up several notches and Tifa rose off her seat to hang over Mikoto, who remained seated.
“Turned out that she was too much for you to handle,” M stated bluntly as she looked up at the younger woman. “You forget I still have connections? Things were in quite a stir after you lost to her and supposedly a lot of money changed hands. You plan on doing anything differently this time?”
“What about you?” Tifa snapped back. M cocked her head curiously. “Are you going to come at me the same way after losing or are you going to adjust your strategy? I don’t care that she beat me. The way I enjoy a good fight it was going to happen eventually. Next time we scrap if I see her with that shit I’ll know how to handle it.”
“Fair enough, but it still stands that she’s not at the gate so…”
“That’s not why I asked,” Tifa slashed her hand across the table. Not the only reason, she amended to herself, before continuing. “If they’re moving troops and their top staff then that means the Shinra Building is more vulnerable now than it’s ever been. Yuffie, you better rest up. We’re going to move in tonight.”
Yuffie gave a hesitant nod, but she could read between the lines. If Scarlet wasn’t at the gate then there was only one place she could be.

“Is it ready?” Rufus demanded.
“It is functional, but I would’ve been more comfortable if we had at least another week.” Scarlet replied as she struggled to keep up, heels clacking on the tiled floor. “The cannon is fully functional, as are the arms, but we’ve yet to install any point defenses.”
“All it has to do is delay the Weapon until we can get the cannon into position,” Rufus growled, frustration gnawing at him at the timing of the attack. Bad enough Avalanche was still running around making a nuisance of themselves but now a Weapon had to show when there was also the Highwind to be concerned about. “Get a crew aboard to move it to the Northern Plains.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll handle this personally and…”
“No…I need you here.” Rufus shook his head. “Hojo’s still missing so we’ll need you and your team to help monitor the cannon output. We’ve been getting some odd fluctuations and Reeve’s been harping on about outages. Heidegger will command the unit”
Scarlet scowled. Unit 01 was her greatest creation, based on her Unit 0 Pride and Joy prototype. The thought of anyone else, much less that brute Heidegger, controlling it set her teeth on edge. Nonetheless she kept her opinion to herself and nodded. Rufus started to turn away, before staring hard at her. “What’s wrong?”
“You can’t lie to me Scarlet,” Rufus warned, stepping in close until her had her pressed up against the wall. Around them the staffers kept walking, pretending not to notice. “We’ve been through this…what is it?”
“Heidegger doesn’t exactly have the best track record using my inventions,” Scarlet hedged. Not lying, but not telling the complete truth. “I’d be the best to control it.”
“I’m well aware of his failings, but like I said. We need you here,” Rufus stood back, eyes still wary. She was keeping something from him he knew. And she knew that he knew…but that would be a discussion for another day. “Once Sephiroth is dead and Meteor dealt with this world will be ours. I think you can endure having Heidegger play with your toy for a bit if that’s the payoff.”
Scarlet allowed enough of her disapproval to show to give him a sense of victory before he tilted her face up to his own, roughly kissing her there in the corridor before walking off as she went marching into her lab. Once there, a small smile worked it’s way onto her face. Men…they were so easy once you knew what motivated them. Let the rest play at being soldiers. She knew where her target would be.
“Don’t keep me waiting,” she whispered, fingers twisting over the materia inlaid band. “You and me…all of us…we’ve got business to conclude.”

“She knows you’re here.”
“Who…never mind…stupid question.” Tifa was sitting cross legged in the bedroom she and Yuffie were assigned, meditating, and trying to convince herself to let Scarlet be. It wasn’t working and if she was honest it scared her how determined she was to push the issue with the fucking blonde. The fate of the world was hanging in the balance and she’d give it all up just for a chance to throw down with Scarlet. Growling quietly in frustration she got to her feet, glanced enviously at the slumbering Yuffie, and lay down on her bed. A few moments later she was snoring quietly. A few hours later Yuffie’s eyes opened. Groaning she rolled back and forth before groggily sitting up.
Swinging her legs off the bed she quietly exited the room clad in only her undergarments. In the kitchen she found a trio of M’s…trainees…Naoko among them. The other Wutai girl gave her a bright smile while the other two eyed her speculatively. Pouring out a cup of water she stared back boldly until they broke off the staring contest, muttering something at Naoko who chuckled quietly. In the living room she found M kneeling at a small table going through several sheets that she quickly tucked away when she noticed Yuffie. “Trio work?”
“Something like that. It’s still early, should you be moving about?”
“Couldn’t rest, thought a walk around would help settle my mind.”
“Nerves?” M laughed lightly. “You always were the type that couldn’t sit still weren’t you.”
“I think I’m allowed to be nervous considering what’s at stake,” Yuffie replied. “If we pull this off we break the back of Shinra’s control. If we fail, best case scenario Shinra succeeds and they’re now uncontested in their control. Worst case…”
“But that’s not what you’re worried about is it,” M motioned to a pillow opposite her and after a brief hesitation Yuffie sat down. “You’re concerned about what your friend will do if you run into a certain blonde.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Yuffie muttered, looking away. To be honest, Yuffie was also concerned about what she’d do if they ran into Scarlet. While the woman might not view her as a threat, to Yuffie…
“Oh but I very much do. Lockhart and I are very much alike…despite my disgust at admitting that and all her protestations to the contrary…which is why we don’t get along.” Mikoto paused for a moment to that sink in. “I’m going to let you in on a secret. I wasn’t in Gold Saucer because I thought Dio was looking for me. I got an anonymous tip that you were going to be there.”
“It was very simple. Just a note saying how you were going to be there for a brief stay before heading towards Midgar.” M said, giving just enough truth to make her story believable. “If that was the case then this might likely be the only chance I would get to have it out with Lockhart. The thought of not being able to have my fight with her disturbed me to the point that I dropped all other responsibilities just on the chance I’d be able to provoke her into stepping onto the mat with me…sound familiar?”
“And you’re saying she’ll do the same to fight with Scarlet?” Yuffie gave a laugh, but it came out hollow.
“You can see it too, assuming it wasn’t your brain that went into those new tits of yours. When she asked me who was at the gate do you think she was hoping that I’d say Scarlet was one of them…or wasn’t?” M sat back, a smug look on her face. “You were probably hoping that she was, so you could enter the building without any worries. But if she is there and you run into her…”
“Tifa wouldn’t do that!” Yuffie snapped. She wasn’t sure if she trying to convince M or herself. Expecting the usual biting sarcasm, she instead saw compassion on the raven haired woman’s face.
“I’ve been the same place Lock…Tifa was. What she experiences with Scarlet…” M said quietly. Yuffie looked up in surprise. “There was a woman from Junon, a platinum blonde. We couldn’t be in the same building without homing in and tearing at one another. It got so bad they started arranging it such that unless we were fighting each other we were never on the same card. The times it couldn’t be helped there was always extra security around our rooms to make sure we didn’t wander off looking for each other. Everytime we stepped into a ring or an arena only the winner would walk out, but not unaided. Sometimes not even that. Finally we both agreed to settle it in private.”
Yuffie swallowed, “What happened?”
“It was a night where we both had matches in Midgar. They held it at an industrial building and, after everyone had cleared out, we snuck back in and made our way back to the ring. They hadn’t yet dismantled it so we just crawled in and went to work. No crowds, no referees, no interruptions.” M said, her voice flat. “We beat each other senseless, came to, and did it again. And again. Over and over until, at some point, it felt like I was fighting on auto pilot. All that mattered was I HAD to keep fighting. But then something changed, and I realised I no longer felt all the hostility…all the resentment anymore. When I looked at her as we kept beating one another all I saw just another opponent. It was as if she’d finally beat it into me how pointless it all was. When I came to and found her lying unconscious on top of me, I just pushed her off me, got dressed, and left.”
“Wait…you just left.” Yuffie blinked at the rather abrupt end. “And she didn’t come looking for you afterwards?”
“Oh she did, eventually.” M stated her eyes looking past Yuffie at something only she could see. “We kept being pit against each other but for me it was different, professional. I no longer had that all consuming rage clouding my mind. It didn’t change much though. She still matched me win for win until something in her snapped.
“She…went crazy?”
” I won’t mince words, I humiliated her in a cage bout and she just lost it.” M replied, nodding. “Came on screaming that she was going to kill me…tried her damnedest as well. I remember something went wrong with the cage door that prevented them from opening it but beyond that. The last thing I remember for certain was her hands on my neck but by the time they pulled me off of her and I came back to my senses my fists were bloody, my throat was sore and she wasn’t moving.”
Yuffie got quiet as M studied the girl. “That’s why I can’t stand her. I see too much of my younger self there. A refusal to quit until things turn disastrous. She doesn’t consider that there’ll be a next time and…you can come out now.”
“You don’t know me Mikoto,” Yuffie jumped at the soft declaration. Tifa stood in the doorway, eyes angry. “I fight as hard as I need to. If I hadn’t fought as hard as I did against girls like Elizabeth I’d not be here right now. You’ve spent too much time fighting professionally, where there IS a next time, and not enough fighting on the streets where losing affects your very livelihood.”
“But this isn’t about your livelihood is it?” M demanded. “You WANT to fight her, because something about Scarlet pisses you off to the point that the only thing that matters is crushing her.”
“According to your story nothing changed with this…other woman…after your brawl. She still hated and wanted to destroy you.” Tifa stated, letting them know just how much she’d heard. “Likewise Scarlet came looking for me in Gold Saucer shortly before you and I had our first…altercation. Assuming I just leave her be, you think she’ll extend the same courtesy?”
“If you let her have the win…probably,” M replied, then crossed her arms over her chest. “But before you say it…no, I wouldn’t accept that either.”
Tifa’s expression then turned tired and she joined them at the small table. “I just want this to be over. I like fighting strong people, always have, but most of the times we part ways somewhat amicably. Hell, some of the best girlfriends I had before joining Avalanche tussled with me first, but Scarlet…the way she just sets me on edge. I’ve never…hated…anyone like this before. I don’t like it, it’s just so damn draining. I want…I just want…”
“You want her to accept you’re the better woman and move on?” M finished. “News flash she’s not going to. She’s not that kind of woman. Neither are you…nor am I for that matter. I’m not saying don’t fight her, I’m saying don’t hate her. The more you let her get to you, the more you lose control. Just like the last time. Instead of fighting smart and drawing it out you…”
A sudden blaring siren erupted, the noise almost shaking the building, as the three women leapt to their feet.
“WHAT IS THAT!?” Tifa shouted to be heard over the noise.
M’s eyes widened in horror as she rushed to a window. “WEAPON!”

“What is it?” Viola said, answering her phone with one hand, while shoving clothes into a bag with the other.
“Just thought you’d like to know that Reno’s on his way to the Honeybee.” Scarlet said on her end. “I was going to send my driver but he was gone before we even set the alarm off.”
“Is it…is it really one of them?”
“I’m afraid so,” Scarlet’s voice went hard. “We’ve been expecting an attack, but the timing couldn’t be worse. With Avalanche also causing problems.”
“So what now?”
“He wants you here, since it’s the safest place in the city, and I agree. Based on what we saw from the Weapon that attacked Wutai they’re capable of generating a small army of their own. I however…” Viola could hear the smile in Scarlet’s voice. “I want you here for another reason.”

“Why is a Weapon attacking NOW!” Cid demanded.
The Highwind was currently flying low, as close to the water as Cid could manage, but they could still see the towering monstrosity as it strode through the ocean as if it were the shallows.
“This is bad, should we cancel the mission?” Nanaki growled looking over at Cloud that stood near the helm of the ship.
“No…Tifa and Yuffie would already be in motion.” Barret grunted, then his face lit up, ” But maybe there’s another way.”
He sprinted past Cloud for the radio and began yelling into the mic. The whirring and chopping of the Highwind’s blades, coupled with the sound of the ocean made it difficult to make out exactly what he was saying from where they stood but from his animated reaction and Cloud’s expression he wasn’t having much luck. “What was that about?” Cid muttered as the blonde SOLDIER moved over towards them.
“Tifa managed to convince most of them to fight Shinra to cover our entrance, and they’re pissed he’s changing the plan,” Cloud replied, eyes looking troubled. “Some want to fight the Weapon while others think this is the best time to attack Shinra.”
“And what do you think?”
Cloud glanced over at Vincent. In the short time since he’d joined them Cloud had come to realize that, much like him, Vincent was a man that preferred actions to words and disliked hesitation. He sucked in a breath. “Bring us in closer Cid. If the Weapon damages the cannon, we all lose. Like it or not, we’re backing up Shinra on this one. And if we’re lucky, they won’t realize we’ve got two members missing.”
“If you say so, boss,” Cid grimaced in disapproval, but the time for second guessing was long past.

“What is it?” Rufus’s normally blank face took on a look of surprise at the answer he received.
“It’s the Highwind sir. They’ve been sighted attacking the Weapon as well. Commander Heidegger’s moving to attack but Reeve wants your orders first.”
“You couldn’t stay away could you,” Rufus chuckled lightly to himself. Fate was a strange thing that they would find themselves impromptu allies again, but a clever man wasted no resource. “Order Heidegger to stand down. There’ll be plenty of time to deal with Avalanche once the Weapon is dealt with.”
“Are you sure that’s wise sir?” Rufus turned to see Tseng at the door. “Their little cadre has proven time and again to be more than he could handle.”
“You may be right Tseng,” Rufus watched the explosions from his window. Clasping his hands behind his back he smiled at Tseng’s reflection. “Who do you have working with him?”
“Cissnei, sir.”
“Inform her that I’m disappointed that Heidegger fell heroically defending Midgar while under her watch.”

“Sometimes the old tricks are the best,” Yuffie grinned.
They were currently on a train heading towards the upper plate. One last gift from Zhijie being a pair of IDs to get them into the Shinra building. Tifa was doubtful, sure that Shinra would’ve boosted their security, but considering the number of soldiers and mechs they past heading outside it was possible they could make this work even if the cards didn’t. Though to be on the safe side they were in disguise.
Both were in business suits that, for Tifa, felt a size too small. The blouse in particular strained against it’s cargo, while her skirt, though it reached just above her knees, emphasized her slim waist and wide hips. Too avoid drawing too much attention M gifted her a large jacket that hung on her body. The aim was obviously to draw attention just enough to attention to her attributes to avoid them looking to hard at her face. To help with the illusion her hair was also dyed a shade of dark red and piled on top of her head. Yuffie’s disguise was less elaborate as her young face and body type lent to the idea of her being an intern. The tight blouse and slightly shorter skirt giving anyone that looked at her a fair idea as to why she was kept around.
“I think that was the last one,” Tifa muttered quietly as the train was scanned. Looking out the window she could see the Shinra building filling the skyline and then felt a sudden surge of rage and shivered in apprehension. “She knows…”
“Who knows?” Yuffie asked. “Who knows what?”
“We should’ve come seperately, that would’ve been the better play.” Tifa whispered. She started at Yuffie’s touch and concerned expression. “Siren told me earlier that Scarlet knew I was here. I think I just felt Shiva reach out. As soon as we get to the building, keep your distance and no matter what happens to me, keep on the mission.”
“Not going to happen,” Yuffie said firmly. “We’re a team. I’ve fought my way into here before, and so have you. We can do it again.”
“Don’t be stubborn, if we start a ruckus they’ll lock down everything.” Tifa hissed. “This is the kind of thing only you can do. If they’re busy with me you’ll have a clear shot to the materia.”
“But what if…”
“Scarlet won’t let them do anything excessive. She wants me for herself, remember.” Tifa glanced around the nearly empty cab. “I’ll play along and buy you the time you need.”
Yuffie never got a chance to answer as they pulled up the Shinra station. They followed the small crowd of employees that lived on different plates who rushed for the building, swamping the security station. When it was finally their turn both girls tensed as they ran their cards through the scanner…and when it clicked green both gave a soft gasp that had the security guard give them a look. Quickly they made their way through the door not noticing the camera that followed their progress.
“What’s going on?” Yuffie asked quietly as they made their way to the elevator. “I thought you said she knew.”
“Siren was…is sure that Shiva knows she’s here.” Tifa said, confused. “Unless she’s keeping it from Scarlet for some reason.”
Inside the metal box Yuffie reached for the buttons, hesitating for a moment, before running her hand down the line to touch B1 – Basement. Advance Weaponry.
“It’s the most likely place they’d keep them,” she explained. “If not, we’ll just have to go floor by floor.”
“Risky, but if we…” Tifa stiffened as she felt a chill.
“Found you,” she heard Shiva gleefully announce. “I have a message for you. Meet us on the fiftieth floor.”
“And if we don’t?” Siren challenged.
“Then she sets off the alarm alerting every remaining officer in the building to your presence, as well as activating every security measure.”
“We agree,” Tifa said quickly, before Siren could respond. “But our friend goes free.”
“I care not for the other,” Shiva declared, though Tifa could detect a faint tremor in the ice being’s tenor. She was afraid of Leviathan. “You will come to us, one way or another.”
“Tifa…Tifa, what is it?” Yuffie shook the taller girl as she winced and pinched at her brow. “You just trailed off.”
“Sorry, just felt a slight headache. Maybe I should’ve rested some more instead of trying to meditate.” Tifa replied, giving Yuffie a reassuring smile. Yuffie hesitantly smiled back as the elevator dinged softly and opened.
“Last stop,” she joked stepping out and turning to face her friend. She caught the tail end of Tifa’s sad look as the door closed. “Wait, what’re you…”
“Sorry Yuffie.” Tifa said as she pressed the button for the fiftieth floor. She heard the soft jingle of her PHS and took it from her pocket. “You’d better hurry. I’m not sure how long she’ll keep her end of the bargain.”
“What the hell do you think you’re doing!?”
“She wants me to come to her,” Tifa answered, imaging Yuffie’s expression. “If I don’t she’ll alert the entire building. Get moving unless you think you can trust her at her word.”
“Dammit Tifa, we’re supposed to be a team.”
“We are. I’m buying you time. Now get moving.” Tifa clicked off her device and waited as the elevator continued it’s slow ascent. She’d had to fight to keep the anticipation out of her voice.

“You sure you should be doing this? I thought he wanted you in charge of the cannon.”
“It’ll be fine, they don’t need me for a target as big as a Weapon.” In her lab, Scarlet paced the room in nervous anticipation. She glanced up at the camera and blew a kiss at Viola who was supposed to be recording. This time she’d get her prize. Turning to glance out the window she squinted at the brief flashes of explosions. As the sky lit up she could make out the strangely human shape of the Weapon. “And I’ve already set the power levels to optimum. Even that ass Heidegger could use it without breaking it.”
“If you say so…she’s coming down the corridor,” Viola warned.
“Good,” Scarlet tapped at her earpiece, loosening it before placing it onto a convenient shelf. Barely had she done so than the door hissed open and Tifa marched in. Scarlet raised a yellow eyebrow at the girl’s disguise. “Well, well, well…”
Strutting over she slowly circled the younger woman, touching at her auburn tinted locks, before raising her chin with a manicured finger. “You look good in a suit…and as a ginger. Maybe I’ll keep you as one.”
Tifa angrily slapped away the offending hand. “Tut tut,” Scarlet clicked her tongue at the girl’s impertinence, before backhanding her sharply. Tifa stumbled to the side slightly before a contemptuous smile worked it’s way onto her face and she smacked her palm across the older woman’s face. Scarlet staggered back back a step, touching at her cheek, a smile lighting up her own face. “Good. Good…I was worried humiliating you last time had broken you. Seeing as how you were looking to sneak through Shinra without paying your respects.”
“You beat me you blonde bitch, you didn’t humiliate me.” Tifa snapped as the two women faced off, hands on hips. “Law of averages had to catch up to me eventually. Last I checked I’m still ahead.”
“I aim to remedy that situation tonight,” Scarlet remarked. She took a step back, blue eyes almost glowing in anticipation. “Strip!”
Tifa stared back defiantly, brown into blue, before tossing her jacket to one side and slowly unbuttoning the blouse. As she pulled it loose from the skirt and stood half naked she looked up at Scarlet. “You going to get ready or do you intend to just gawk at what a real woman looks like.”
“I have everything you do and more, slum trash.” Scarlet spat. “Don’t forget who’s the one in control here. With a simple snap of my finger I could have a dozen guards here to have some fun with your easy ass.”
“Easy? I’m not the one fucking her boss to get ahead,” Tifa taunted as she wriggled out of her skirt, leaving her clad in a black cotton panties and black bra and knee high socks. She pushed the skirt to the side with the low heeled black pumps M had loaned her. “But go ahead, call in some help. Wouldn’t be any different from last time.”
“You…bitch!” Scarlet hissed, clenching and unclenching her fists. Swiftly she slipped her arms out of the straps of her dress allowing it to fall to her feet which she walked out of. She now stood in just her blood red silk panties and bra, sheer black stockings and red heels. “There’s nowhere for you to run and no pretty SOLDIER boy to save you this time. We have all the time in the world for me to beat into you which of us is the better woman.”
“You got one thing right. We ARE going to find out who’s the better woman tonight.” Tifa replied as she advanced on the blonde who sank into a crouch, fingers curling into claws. “SIREN!”
“SHIVA!” Scarlet called sharply as both women leapt forward. Prepared as she was Siren this time met Shiva as she exited her materia, shoving the two of them out of the building even as Tifa and Scarlet crashed together. Hands slapping together the two grappled for grips on one another before Tifa shoved Scarlet back. In her eagerness to get back at her young rival the older blonde threw herself at Tifa, the impetus knocking the women back onto the long table that ran through the centre of the room. Fingers grabbing and clawing at skin, hair and flimsy coverings the women fought viciously as they thrashed along the length of the heavy wooden stand knocking beakers and tubes to the floor or crushing them under their rolling bodies, hissing in pain as splinters dug into bare skin.
Back and forth they exerted themselves to hurt the other as much as possible while, almost instinctively, avoiding falling off the edge of the table in their wild tangle. But despite the occasional growls of rage and grunts of pain they fought in a remarkable silence as if afraid of being discovered and separated. Finally, as they tugged savagely at each other’s hair, they tumbled off the edge with startled squeals. To their credit the fall didn’t make them separate and, after the shock wore off, they continued to grapple fiercely in a tangled mass of wildly flailing arms and waving legs.
Briefly Tifa maintained the top position slapping widly at Scarlet’s face and torso before a sharp blow from the blonde sent them rolling again. Twisting and squirming as they rolled briskly across the tiled floor they collided with a stack of light aluminum chairs that collapsed onto the warring women. Even this didn’t stop them as the chairs began bouncing wildly before first one, then another was tossed out of the pile and the two wild eyed females emerged, hands firmly gripping at hair and lashing out wild blows as they spun around, feet also kicking out before tumbling to the ground again. Crashing into the central table caused them to briefly separate and Tifa attempted to pull herself up before Scarlet appeared behind her, grabbing at hair and dragging her back down.
Somehow over the course of their wild rolling they ended up trapped, bouncing back and forth between a pair of cabinets. The repeated collisions caused several pipettes to shift closer and closer to the edge before, with one more rattling crash, they tumbled off the counter to shatter atop the warring females.
The liquid was hot enough to burn and smell of the chemicals made both women gag as they rolled apart, wiping at faces and shoulders before their eyes fell on one another again. In an instant the burning and terrible smell was forgotten as they lunged back to their feet and slammed together again, grabbing and pushing, determined to continue their bitter battle.
Panting in effort, Scarlet slapped a clawed hand across Tifa’s cotton covered ass, scratching spitefully, smiling at the girl’s scream. Her smile quickly turned into a yell as Tifa, still lacking nails, grabbed at the blonde’s panties and pulled, introducing Scarlet to the wedgie as she leapt to her toes. Snarling in fury the older woman came back with a vengeance, biting down on Tifa’s shoulder. Growling in response Tifa bit back, chewing on Scarlet’s exposed skin as she shoved hard against the blonde. Staggering around the room they slammed from table to table to wall like a pinball their heels clicking and clacking on the tiled floor as they did so, even as the lighter workbenches were toppled as they shoved each other around.
Unintentionally they began to create a small arena in the form of the various stands and chairs around the massive fixed surface they’d thrashed back and forth over at the start of their fight.
As Scarlet yanked enthusiastically at Tifa’s hair the pins holding it in place fell loose and tumble down her back. Snapping furiously at the blonde Tifa powered her back up against a cabinet, banging her head against the thin metal door. Reaching blindly above and behind her, Scarlet’s hand closed in around something wooden which she slammed down across Tifa’s head. Her thick hair protected her from the worst of it as the tube rack shattered from the blow, but Tifa wailed as she released her hold, staggering back and clutching at her head. Moaning herself, Scarlet rested against the cool metal briefly before feeling a draft against her breasts. Reaching down she gasped, then glared as she saw her silken bra clutched in Tifa’s clenched fist.
The girl gave a pained smile as she waved the piece of clothing at the blonde before grasping at the flimsy material with both hands, tearing it in two, before tossing it back in Scarlet’s face. “Oops.” Tifa sneered. “That was too good for a old whore like you anyway.”
“You fucking cow, you have any idea how much that COST! I had it custom made.” Scarlet snarled in rage as she levered herself off the dented metal door.
“Oh, I’m so sorry…here I’ll lend you mine,” Tifa replied in mock sympathy as she unclipped her own bra. As her flesh spilled out from it’s confines she then gave the cotton a speculative glance before tearing it as well. “My bad. Seems you’re not woman enough to fill mine.”
“So that’s how you want to do this? Fine!” Scarlet marched up to Tifa, her globes jutting out menacingly at the other woman’s pair. ” I have no problem destroying your slum tits all over again.”
“You and what army, Shinra slut.” Tifa snapped back, shoving her boobs into Scarlet’s. The flesh ballooned out and both women involuntarily shuddered at the sensation. Faces flushed, they glared at their opposite, the feeling bringing back unwanted memories what occurred during their last encounter.
“I didn’t need an army to crush you last time,” Scarlet mocked. “You were the one that needed saving.”
“And YOU had to drug yourself to manage that. This time…” Tifa jabbed her left boob into Scarlet’s sending the orb jiggling. Smiling in anticipation the blonde stabbed back, digging into Tifa’s bigger pair, before they began swinging their tits at one another in earnest the flesh splattering together noisily as they stood flat footed glaring into the face of the other. The fate of the world, the fate of those they considered friends was forgotten. All that mattered now was the woman in front of them and the hate that burned like a sun between both since their first meeting.
Outside of the building, casting a shadow on the fighting women, the sky grew darker and Diamond Weapon’s massive form grew larger. Despite the combined effort of Shinra and Avalanche the titan came ever closer to the city. While many had ignored Barret’s call, slowly more and more of the cells began pouring out of the city, adding their firepower to the battle. But still it was not enough. The planet had deemed Midgar a threat to it’s survival and the Weapon followed it’s created purpose to the letter.
Oblivious to it all the women attacked each others boobs, the look on their faces almost frightening with their intensity. The rapid SMACK, SMACK as they pummeled their mammaries together echoing in the small room with the CLICK CLICK of Scarlet’s heels as they battered each other to and fro. A sudden grunt issued forth from between Scarlet’s lips as Tifa’s curled into a smile. The reason was obvious as Scarlet fell back, staggered by a particularly sharp blow, in the face of the auburn haired brunette. Face contorting Scarlet swung back hard, forcing a gasp of pain from Tifa, as the blow caused the girl’s boob to bounce out to the side and driving her back until they returned to their starting point. Wincing at the stinging sensation Tifa set her feet refusing to be moved back another step and upped her own game, their boobs swelling and contorting as they hammered them together and Scarlet again began to be forced into retreat.
Giving a savage growl that seemed more akin to one of the hounds used by Shinra security than the poised, sexy figure of a woman she portrayed herself as Scarlet bashed her breasts against her young tormentor as they remained stationary, boob cracking against boob in a timed, yet rapid, and relentless rhythm. Tifa bared her teeth in a silent snarl as she slammed back, stoically bearing the increasing pain, knowing it would get worse before she was done. And a silent, barely audible, voice in the back of her mind reminded her that Yuffie needed time to complete…something.
Tifa grunted as her distraction allowed Scarlet to beat her back two steps. Angry at herself and the blonde Tifa pressed forward as their heavy left breasts thumped together, forcing Scarlet to match breast strength with her. Hissing and cursing each other the two moved in a slow circle as they strained to overpower the other, the supple flesh molding together, before they slipped past one another with a sudden lurch. Spinning around they lost no time in throwing themselves back together, their tits thudding together with as much violence as they could muster.
And the longer the fight went on, the more they began to fight not just with each other. But also with themselves as Siren and Shiva continued to draw on energy from the pair.

“You have to stop this.” Siren gritted out. “Alexander knew what he was getting into with me.”
High above the Shinra tower the two spirits hovered, hands around necks, as they fought a spectral battle, drawing on the emotions of the two women below. The hate radiating from the the two, as well as the burning desire for complete domination of their rival fed both beings in their own ongoing feud.
“I will never stop hunting you,” Shiva spat, as her hands tightened. “You will pay for how you hurt him.”
Frustrated by the Ice Queen’s stubborness, Siren shifted her hands into blades, slicing at the body. As Shiva’s body crumbled to snow Siren blew, making it more difficult for her to reform. Once she did, however, Shiva dove at Tifa’s feathered familiar her hands now also forming blades. “That won’t work this time. This place…this place is my domain.”
“Then we do this the hard way,” Siren sighed. “You’ve been chasing for more than five hundred years Shiva. You know I’m stronger than you. Give it up, we used to be friends…”
“Shut up!” Shiva slashed at Siren who floated out of range. “Alexander is lost to me. Beating you…it’s all I have left.”
Siren frowned as Shiva redoubled her assault. She should have been able to handle the Ice queen easily enough and been back with Tifa by now, but she was drawing on an energy that was resonating with her own…just like her own. Shiva smiled at the realization in Siren’s eyes.
“Oh yes,” she snickered. “I’m more than willing to go that far. This will not be like all the other times.”

In Scarlets personal quarters Viola raised her head at the steady rumbling as the cannon continued to track the Weapon before returning her attention to the monitor that observed the lab as Tifa and Scarlet battered each other around their impromptu arena. The aggression and emotion between the two never ceased to amaze her and on some level she wondered if it was just hate that kept driving them to seek the other out. Even as she considered that Tifa aggressed viciously, their mammaries pounding together relentlessly and as they approached the far end of the long table Scarlet slipped or fell to a hardy blow. Before her back even hit the ground Tifa had already launched herself onto the other woman the SPLAT as she landed on top of her loud, even through the mic.
Hand tore at hair while breasts were pumped at their opposite and the women rocked back and forth on the floor, angry yells and shrill screams echoing across the room. Several minutes of frenzied ground combat followed as they wrapped their bodies together tightly, thrusting and mashing their boobs together as they slowly rolled across the tiled floor, their grunts and cries fierce and angry. But then Viola began to detect another note in the shouts, as their rocking slowed even further with Scarlet on top as they crushed their bodies together. An urgent, almost desperate timbre in their voices before they quickly released their grips and kicked away from one another. All that could be heard in the room was the heavy breathing as the two glared across at one another, faces bright scarlet.
“What the fuck’re you trying, you low level trash,” she heard Scarlet pant.
“That’s rich coming from you,” Tifa spat back, her breathing rapid. “You were the one humping me.”
Ah…so that’s what it was. She’d warned Scarlet on numerous occasions that arousal could, and probably WOULD, be a factor in these fights and it came to a head the last time these two went at it. And now it seemed that it was becoming a factor again.
Viola smiled. This was getting interesting.

“The only thing I want from you, slum trash,” Scarlet hissed, angry at nearly losing control again. She pushed herself into a kneeling position, keeping eyes on her opposite. “Is for you to worship my superior tits. You’re going to be my private stool once this is over.”
“Never going to happen, cunt.” Tifa replied, her breathing came back under control, as she did the same. “You got lucky once. Never again.”
Furious at the girl’s continued defiance Scarlet grabbed at her, pulling her in close such that their noses bumped tips. Tifa’s arms went around her waist even as Scarlet’s circled her shoulders. “Lucky?” She said quietly as their breasts quivered and fought within the confines of her arms. “Last time I promised you I’d pop your tits. This time I make good on that.”
“You don’t have the tits for that OLD woman,” Tifa whispered, smiling painfully at the scowl that appeared on Scarlet’s face. They started rotating their boobs, the feeling and sound of their nipples scraping against the flesh equal parts painful and pleasurable. Their eyelids fluttered whenever the spikes crossed as they moved back and forth. “You’re OLD news.”
Scarlet felt that all too familiar rage at being reminded of her age building in the pit of her stomach. She crushed Tifa to her, hearing the girl hiss as she did so and felt her prodigious breasts begin to flow over her own sizeable, but smaller, pair. “You empty headed little sluts. Always shaking your asses and your tits to get ahead. Never had to actually work a fucking day.”
“Says the old bitch fucking her boss,” Tifa sniped back, wincing as she felt Scarlet’s firm globes push back against her own. Just like when she fought Elizabeth, having a larger pair was not always an advantage. All four breasts rippled as they squashed and rolled together, Tifa even feeling Scarlet’s boobs swelling against her own in time with her breathing. “I worked my way up have my own bar. A bar that you and your fucking company destroyed.”
“And I’d do it again in a heartbeat,” Scarlet sneered, then cried out as Tifa rotated to land her heavy tits on top of Scarlet’s. The mature blonde’s callous attitude was one of the things that infuriated the younger woman, but while boobs yielded some mass, her upward motion as their breasts slipped and slid past one another had Tifa’s thick teats visibly quivering. Rearing back, she punched her tits into Tifa’s causing the girl to grunt. “You’re all sheep. And sheep need an occasional culling.”
“You BITCH!” Tifa hissed, crushing the blonde’s body to her own. Scarlet retaliated in kind and both women threw their heads back in silent a silent scream as their mammaries flattened and spread. A brief pause and then pair of arms tightened again, teeth now clenched against the constant pressure and jabbing pain of stabbing nipples, even as the titflesh reached their arms.
“Gugh…COW!” Scarlet gurgled as she fought to pull Tifa in even closer, to flatten those boobs the girl was so proud of. Sweat glistened on their kneeling figures, but Tifa’s superior mass was starting to take effect as Scarlet’s glands were being forced back into her chest, making it difficult to breathe. If she didn’t do something soon…
“AGH…CUNT!” Tifa shouted. Scarlet latched onto Tifa’s colored locks, yanking at them hard enough to drag the girl’s body back and allow their boobs to fill back out somewhat. Now with some leverage Scarlet bashed her tits into Tifa’s knocking her back and onto her ass. The mature lunged at the girl who scrambled back out of range and leapt to her feet. “Getting tricky, blondie. Afraid you can’t beat these top titties?”
“Hardly,” Scarlet pulled herself up, crouching as the two swayed side to side. “I can already feel those fat, flabby, bags loosening up. I’ll have to trade you in after few years at this rate. Maybe I can use your sister after I put you out to pasture.”
Moving together they locked up, grappling briefly, Tifa powering Scarlet back up against the wall. “I’ve had just about enough of that mouth of yours?” she growled as she punched her upper body against Scarlet, smacking her left breast against the blonde’s right. “Let me remind you why they call me the queen of Midgar.”
“And I beat the queen,” Scarlet taunted, wincing at another blow, before placing a foot on the wall and shoving them away and shaking her arms free and slamming forward to squash their chest together, causing Tifa to stumble back a few more steps. “I did it once, and I’ll do it again.”
“Not likely,” Tifa snapped as she slapped her left breast across Scarlet’s chest. The two flailed their boobs wildly at one another for several minutes, not doing much in the way of damage as they missed as much as they hit before they seperated again, breathing hard. “I made the mistake of underestimating just how much of a sore loser you were. I won’t be making it again.”
“You already have.” Scarlet mocked the younger woman as they kept their distance. “I knew you’d not be able to stand knowing a beat you. All I had to do was wait and you’d come to me.”
“Yeah,” Tifa growled. “Only this time I’m going to be the one to leave you tied up for your precious little president to find. I wonder if he’ll be as kind as Cloud was. Or will he be so disappointed he’ll leave you to his soldier’s tender mercies.”

Viola watched concerned as whatever Tifa said clearly angered the volatile blonde. But instead of yelling she smiled grimly and instead walked towards Tifa, hips swaying, one stockinged leg in front of the other. Tifa mimicked the strut until they got in range and their right breasts cracked together loudly, hanging in the air as the orbs flattened dramatically, before falling back onto the chests. Teeth gritted they then hurled their left boobs to crush together the flesh quivering, then recoiling and bouncing off the other.
Again and again Scarlet swung her heavy teats to collide with Tifa’s monsters, the pace slow. First the right, then the left. Every collision weighty and deliberate, neither woman flinching away away from the pain, but their breathing becoming hitched and tortured as they continued to fling their shapely breasts to splash together in painful spite.
Left boob smashing into left saw Scarlet’s legs tremble and for a moment Viola thought she’d fall, but she caught herself in time and set herself back up. Right breasts now splattered together, droplets of sweat spraying across the face of both women and now it was Tifa’s turn for her legs to wobble as she absorbed the heavy blow. But she gritted her teeth against the weakness and stamped her feet, setting up for another swing.
It was almost like the sound of leather Viola realized as their breasts thudded together, the flesh surging forward to flatten before rolling back. It reminded her of the punishment meted out on the children caught pickpocketing. Even as she glanced at the ceiling at the memory she heard another loud crack as breast crushed breast and then a loud shuffling sound. Looking back at the screen she saw Tifa on the ground, a stunned look on her face, as Scarlet leant over clutching at her own chest.
“You’re dethroned…Lockhart,” Scarlet gasped, shaking her head. “Old…news!”
Tifa scrambled back to her feet, fists clenched. It amused Viola that the girl still wore the low heeled pumps, though it was probably in response to Scarlet still being in her spiked heels. Between these two, no challenge went unanswered. Without a word she set herself back up, inclining her head at Scarlet who shook her golden head in mock sympathy. Several false starts and a few misses later they had their rhythm back as breasts crashed together in slow, brutal, comparison.

“Is that it?” Yuffie pulsed at Leviathan as she peered around a corner. Whether it was because the blonde bimbo was keeping to her word, unlikely, or because there just weren’t enough troops to properly patrol the building she had run into few obstacles. She was now looking at heavily fortified door guarded by two alert red clad troopers.
“It is one of the major sources of mana I’ve been sensing down here but…no…yes, I’m certain.” Leviathan affirmed. Then, because she felt she had to. “She didn’t abandon you. I felt Shiva’s presence as well.”
“I don’t now what you’re talking about,” Yuffie muttered, jumping out from behind the wall, hurling a pair of shurikens to bounce off their face masks, startling them before her feet and then a fist incapacitated both. “Tifa left to do her thing, that we knew she would.”
Leviathan was quiet as Yuffie grabbed a keycard, swiping it against the reader. “I see that though I granted you the body of a woman, you still have the mind of a child.”
“Where the hell did that come from,” Yuffie demanded loudly, forgetting she didn’t need to talk. “I knew she’d grab at any excuse to run off and fight Scarlet. I’d just hoped she’d put the mission first.”
“You forget that I have access to your memories? I know you were hoping to meet the woman as well for what she did.” Leviathan snapped back as the doors slid open. “But she has no interest in you, only your friend. And though she probably would have run off at some point, this time she had a reason to. She’s keeping her occupied.”
“You’re putting too much faith in her intentions,” Yuffie muttered as she moved warily down a dark corridor. She could feel the air pulsing, and it reminded her uncomfortably or when they found the Knights.
“And you, not enough.” Leviathan replied, then her voice softened. “She trusts you to get the job done. That should be enough to…NO!”
“What…what is it?” Yuffie demanded as she pulled her large shuriken to a ready position. The corridor had ended at a station that had a huge hunk of materia linked to system of clear tubes. Yuffie wasn’t sure if she was seeing things wrong, but it looked as if the tubes were pulling energy INTO the stone, rather than from it.
“I’m such a fool, I should’ve realized…” Leviathan babbled. “We don’t have time, you must disconnect him from the tubes before he awakens.”
“Who…before who awakens?”

Tifa stumbled back on quivering legs, propping herself up with the central table as Scarlet curled up in agony where she’d fallen. This was the second time she’d managed to floor the blonde, but she herself had been knocked on her ass twice already as well. She felt sick with pain, and had lost count of the number of times they’d hit one another, but felt slightly better despite it all. The bitch was living up to Tifa’s expectations and matching her move for move, blow for blow. Just like in Nibelheim Scarlet was seemingly tireless in her determination…unfortunately for her, she was just as determined to be the one left standing.
“You…you gonna quit now you…old has been,” she gasped out as Scarlet snuffled at the pain. “Come on…either get up or…or give up. I’ve got other things…things to do tonight.”
“I’m not done with you…you little whore.” Scarlet groaned as she grabbed at the table and dragged herself up. “I’ve…I’ve already got your cage built and…and ready for you.”
Staggering together they both swung at the same time, bodies arching at the crushing pain. They were past trying to be quiet as they cried out loudly at the blow. Bodies rotating they hammered the other swollen orbs together viciously unconsciously reaching for, and grabbing at each other’s arms to stabilize themselves. Hurling their boobs through the air, the flesh made a loud PLOPPING sound as it hit and Tifa gave a horrendous groan, sinking to her knees in front of the blonde.
“That’s right…” Scarlet whispered silkily as she stared down at the girl’s trembling, sweating form. “Kiss them…kiss my babies, and beg for forgiv…forgiveness. It…it won’t be so bad being my pe…pet.”
Tifa shuddered in horror at the blonde’s words. And felt that unaccustomed anger in the pit of her stomach. Anger that only Scarlet could ignite. She shot up, barely missing slamming the top her head into the mature’s face smacking her tits into the underside of Scarlet’s. The blonde wailed in shocked pain, held up only by her and Tifa’s grip on each other. A grip that soon proved a detriment as Tifa yanked Scarlet into her body, her arms circling the blonde’s body and trapping her arms at her side.
“I will NEVER…give in to you!” Tifa hissed furiously, a manic look on her face, as she crushed Scarlet to her. The older woman squirmed frantically in the girl’s arms as her feet temporarily left the floor. “You hear me…NEVER! You’ll have to kill me first cause…GUUHH!!!”
Scarlet stumbled back, gasping, as Tifa grabbed at her aching pussy that the blonde had just jammed her knee into. She took several tottering steps backwards, eyes wide as she fought for breathe. “Well then we have a…a problem.” Scarlet purred as she stalked towards Tifa. “Cause I will never…stop hunting you. You belong to…to me Tifa Lockhart, and I always get what I…what I want.”
“Then I’ll just have to give you enough of a beating to get the point across.” Tifa snarled, as she retreated, massaging at her bruised privates. “What was it you said the last time…right…I’ll just have to rip them off. Maybe then you’ll get the message.”
“You didn’t have the tits last time,” Scarlet replied, blue eyes going cold at the threat. “And you most certainly don’t have…have them now.”
“Why don’t we…find out,” Tifa darted forward, slamming her breasts head on into Scarlet’s, knocking the blonde back in surprise. “What do you know, looks like I…I do have the tits.”
“You…little…shit,” Scarlet growled, bumping back at the younger woman, the flesh rippling at the contact.. “Forget my boobs…I’ll have you kissing my feet before this is over.”
“Just try it,” Tifa snapped pulling Scarlet in at the hips, their breasts butting up against one another, the nipples disappearing into the dense titflesh to battle it out in private as the tips of the breasts flattened gently. Both sweating beauties gasped at that feeling before Scarlet wrapped her arms around Tifa’s waist.
“I don’t try, girl. Trying is for losers,” Scarlet murmured, her breath hot on the younger woman’s face. While Tifa rotated her shoulders, rolling her breasts against Scarlet’s, the mature took a more direct approach and shoved, spearing her smaller tits into her rival’s boobs. Tifa winced, before sucking in a deep breath and her breasts quivered, pushing out powerfully against Scarlet’s. “Ow…bitch!”
Both grunted as their breasts battled their opposite for the limited space. Scarlet thrust her boobs enthusiastically at Tifa, who pumped hers back energetically at the blonde, tortured squeals beginning to be forced from both with greater frequency. In between the squeals, soft sighs of pleasure colored their cheeks as their nipples dueled ferociously, beneath the succulent titflesh. Despite that though, both remained focused on the destruction of her opponent. That, they realized, is what it would take. For Scarlet she had to destroy Tifa to get the girl to finally submit to her superiority, and for Tifa she had to destroy Scarlet to get the bitch to take a hint and leave her be.
With this in mind Tifa groaned in frustration as their massive mammaries continued to battle it out evenly as they pushed and shoved them together. Pumping her tits to bash powerfully at Scarlet’s she forced the resilient blonde to take two stuttering steps back, her heels clicking loudly on the tiles. In response Scarlet pulled them together, grinding their tits, her pair burrowing into Tifa’s causing the girl to whine in pain as she now was forced into retreat before her breasts pushed back against the invading flesh.
“Won’t be much longer now, I can those flabby sacks giving way.” Scarlet grunted, before yelping as Tifa rotated her hips to bash her tits into Scarlet’s with machine gun frequency. Shifting her arms from around Tifa’s hips to place them on her shoulders the blonde swung back with equal ardor, but the resulting melee had their breasts flop and slap ineffectually at one another.
“Same shit, same bitch, different day,” Tifa panted as she began to slow. She then hissed as Scarlet whacked at her right tit with especial force. But instead of swinging with her left, the mature blonde swung again to smack right on right. Tifa gritted her teeth and swung back as right arms slipped to their side and they gripped at hips with their left hard enough to leave finger shaped bruise marks. “Same…shit!”
Grunting savagely Scarlet slammed her right teat into Tifa’s repeatedly, relishing the girl’s tortured groans and the open suffering on her face. Then she gasped in agony as she took a step back. Then another. Then she stumbled back, only keeping her feet by grabbing onto the table. “You…you…” Scarlet’s eyes flashed in fury as she lunged back at Tifa, right boobs cracking together painfully as they reaffirmed their grips. The blonde swung her right breast ferociously at the younger woman who swung back equally viciously before, after eight direct and loud slams, Scarlet gave a choking sob and fell back grabbing again at the table before gradually sliding onto the tiles.
“No…no…I can’t…” Scarlet whispered hoarsely as she felt at her right breast, feeling just how soft it had become, before raising her head and staring at Tifa through her matted and soaked hair. The auburn haired brunette was in barely better condition as she also supported herself with the central table with one hand, while clutching at her boob with the other. Her breath came out in hoarse rasps while the long hair obscured her face. Even as she stared Tifa tossed her head, flinging the hair over her shoulders and stared back. “I won’t…I won’t lose. Not…not to…you. Not again…”
“You…you already ha…have.” Tifa gasped, a smirk on her tired, sweating face. Scarlet glared hatefully up at the younger woman. “Accept…accept it bitch. You…are…OLD…news. You…you can’t take me…on with…without drugging me or yourself.”
Scarlet’s face turned almost purple with rage at Tifa’s words, then a calculating look crossed her sweat streaked face. Grabbing at a beaker that had somehow survived the carnage up until now she threw it at Tifa who failed to get an arm up in time as it shattered against her temple as she stumbled back, cross eyed. “Maybe you…you’re right. If that’s what it…it takes…”
Tifa felt a sudden surge of fear as she shook her head, trying to focus, before spotting Scarlet staggering over to shelf as she kicked the chairs and destroyed platforms out of her way. She tottered on wobbling legs after the blonde and grabbed at her arm as she reached for a shelf, atop which sat numerous containers in which a familiar red liquid swirled. Scarlet cried out in frustration as Tifa spun her around and pinned her arms to the counter.
“Get…off…cow.” she groaned as Tifa’s heavy breasts pushed down on her, humping at the woman, trying to push her off. Instead her eyes widened as her red, lace clad pussy bumped up against Tifa’s dark cotton clad privates. Both women were dazed, tired and stimulated from their constant contact. Earlier they had struggled against the sensations radiating from their groins and had been focused enough to pull back. Now, however, drained as they were the pleasurable sensations overpowered the disgust. Eyes squeezed tightly shut, their foreheads pressed together and moist lips hovered scant millimeters apart as they thrust furiously at one another.
Outside the building, in the distance Diamond Weapon roared in rage as a large dark form joined in fighting against it before it began moving in an unusual manner. While Tifa and Scarlet’s fight entered it’s next stage, their lust tinged cries loud. Tracking the Weapon the cannon moved to an optimal firing position as Diamond paused and it’s shoulders opened to reveal several orb like weapons similar to that of Emerald’s And as the cannon resting above the Shinra Tower fired, while the two women far below screamed in a mix of delight and disgust, so did Diamond.

Viola crossed her legs as she stared in rapt fascination as her friend and her enemy hate fucked one another. Face to face they somehow kept up their main battle as their arms circled each other’s neck, their tits crushing together almost in time with their wildly jerking hips. It was always more interesting, she thought, when such things happened when those fighting couldn’t stand one another. As long as their was a modicum of respect or friendly feeling such things usually led to the end of the of fight. In cases such as this however…
Tifa’s head suddenly shot up, the look on her face tortured and her thrusts slowed. Either she was still fighting the feeling, or she was on the verge. In response Scarlet began pumping hard enough to actually lift the girl’s feet off the floor and their upper bodies twisted. Tifa’s eyes flashed open and she pressed her head hard against Scarlet’s, rolling herself back firmly on top, as her own hips met the blonde’s with equal vigor causing the women to cry out frantically.
Viola felt concern, however, at Scarlet’s inferior position and how her cries were becoming increasingly urgent even as her legs left the floor and began to wave in the air. Meanwhile Tifa’s hip thrusts became more powerful, her ass moving like a piston, and her grunts more assertive.
“Stop…stop it. I won’t…I don’t…” Scarlet’s head whipped wildly left and right, her lips brushing lightly against Tifa’s as she did so. Glazed eyes widened as tongues licked at moist lips and both tasted the sensation…before Tifa’s eyes narrowed and she spat on the table next to Scarlet’s head and slamming her hips at Scarlet even harder than before. “Unnngh…unnngh…”
“I knew…I knew it…bitch…you were just another…another whore.” Tifa snarled as she stared into Scarlet’s frantic, lust addled face. “Who’s the…the better…better woman, huh. HUH!”
“No…no…nooooaaaaAAAARGGGHHH!!!” Scarlet howled as her body writhed and her pussy gushed such that Viola saw the liquid squirt through Tifa’s legs. Tifa’s own expression was one of torment as she kept pounding her sex into Scarlet’s until the blonde shrieked a second time, her legs going rigid in the air.
“ME! ME…THAT’S…WHOOOOAAHHHHHH!!” Tifa screamed as she finally came herself, legs going weak as her head dropped onto Scarlet’s tits.
Viola then jumped as the cannon fired, turning her head automatically at the noise and also spotted several bright lights that were rapidly growing larger. Rising slowly she stood like a deer in the headlights as she could only stare in rapt fascination at Diamond’s projectiles as they smashed into the tower’s upper floors.

Above the tower both Siren and Shiva paused as they felt, first the orgasms of their respective partners, and then the sudden dimming as the tower exploded.
“TIFA!!” Siren pulsed at the girl, frantic with fear at the terror in the girl’s call. Both in part because she’d become fond of the child and because if anything happened to her…well she hoped they still had her materia somewhere nearby.
“Where do you think you’re looking at!?” Shiva demanded, firing off a blast of cold air at the distracted Siren who barely managed to get a wall up. “We aren’t done here.”
“This isn’t the time,” Siren dove at the frost queen locking arms as they fought for control. “Your girl could be hurt as well,”
“She’s not MY girl, I don’t have a host. Remember,” Shiva sneered as she drew more power from her stone. “You on the other hand. Would be a shame if anything were to happen to her wouldn’t…it…!”
Shiva trailed off as a change came over Siren, even as she felt a change from Scarlet. Then the seductive winged being shrieked loudly and Shiva suddenly found herself hard pressed to regenerate fast enough to keep up with Siren’s frenzied attacks.

Tifa groaned as she sat back up, her ears still ringing from the explosion. Wiping at her face she stared in horror as her hand came away wet and red. Scrabbling at her face she sought the injury but felt nothing and no pain of injury. Sniffing at the red liquid she sighed in relief, smelling the chemicals of the hair dye. Then she sneezed and abruptly all her hurt faded and she squinted in the red mist that surrounded her.
“Weird sprinklers,” she muttered to herself as she took in the devastation. The entire room was a wreck and one of the wall windows blown out, letting in freezing air. She got easily to her feet as she quickly looked around for Scarlet. Then she cocked her head at the sound of shifting furniture. “What…”
The cabinet that she and Scarlet had…no, that never happened….the cabinet shifted and the blonde came back into view. Eyes narrowing Tifa moved towards her, before clutching at her head and falling to her knees. Face down she caught an image of her face in a shard of glass. The dye was running down her face giving the impression that she was crying tears of blood…from blood red eyes. Horrified, she looked around wildly as she realized it damp mist slowly dropping to the ground was not the Shinra sprinkler system. Then she heard a feral growl.
“Tifa!” Scarlet’s mind was almost blank with a red hot rage. She still retained enough cognizance to recognize what she felt as an overdose of her unprocessed concentrate. But she didn’t care. After what Tifa had done to her…humiliating her again…and on camera no less, all that she wanted was the girl’s battered and defeated body at her feet. Fingers curling into claws she embraced the fury and let it take her.
“Scarlet,” she snarled in response, the word forced out from deep in the pit of her stomach. Tifa could feel the uncontrollable rage building in the back of her mind despite her frantic attempts to beat it back. “SIREN!!” she pulsed out frantically before falling. Her last coherent memory was of Scarlet’s own bright red eyes as they both gave bestial howls and leapt at one another.

“What was THAT!?” Yuffie demanded as she pushed herself back to her feet. Grabbing at the sack which held two of the materia pieces she could feel Leviathan sill sitting in the back of her mind…sulking. “Oh come the hell on. What was I supposed to do?”
“You just set loose the progeny of one of the worst of our kind.” Leviathan snapped back.
“And if I didn’t he would’ve killed us both and gotten out anyway,” the kunoichi reminded her. “At least he claims to be fighting on our side.”
“For now…” Leviathan allowed, grumbling. “The Weapon is destroyed…but it attacked the Tower. Siren and Shiva are still fghting so I can’t get a good reading unless I manifest personally.”
“That wouldn’t be a good idea,” Yuffie remarked before her phs started jingling. “TIFA!!”
“Isn’t she with you?”
“Oh Cloud…we uh…split up,” Yuffie replied hesitantly. “Wait, if I’m receiving you…”
“Yeah, we’re in the city proper, it’s a mess out here.” Cloud affirmed. “We’re making our way to the sewers. We think we can reach the cannon scaffolding from there. What’s your status?”
“Got two of them, but Cloud…Shinra has FOUR of the materias.”
“…That’s not possible. We have the fourth.”
“No…we have the fifth. The Huge Materias…they’re prisons for summons that were sealed away. The creature…”
“You mean Bahamut?”
“Yes I…wait…” Yuffie got confused. “How do you know it’s name?”
“HIS name…and we…kind of came to an understanding,” Cloud sounded as if he was trying to avoid the issue. “I’ll explain once we meet up. Do you and Tifa plan on meeting somewhere because I can’t reach her?”

If someone was to come inspecting Scarlet’s, former, lab they’d be forgiven for thinking that she’d been using animals as test subjects. The noises the two woman made as they savaged one another could barely be described as human. Though their minds were lost to the berserk there still remained a spark that recognized the woman in front of them. That spark allowed them to remember her as an enemy and resulted in them attacking each other with particular violence. Drenched in water from the burst pipes and covered in bruises and scratches they fought on despite the precarious nature of their arena.
The broken glass that shredded their stockings and pierced their feet as they battered and threw each other across the room only fueled the rage burning in their veins and drove them to fight all the harder while the rubble that covered the room provided weapons to hurl and beat at one another. Standing toe to toe they exchanged punches, heavy blows cracking across faces and chests. A maddened look on her face Tifa floored Scarlet with a wide roundhouse punch before pouncing on the downed woman, grabbing at her throat with one hand while drilling punches into her face and the shattered tiles alongside. Slashing a clawed hand across Tifa’s face, Scarlet caused the brunette to rear back in anguish before rolling them over.
Grabbing Tifa’s hair, she proceeded to beat the girl’s head against the ground screaming in fury before, her lips curling in a rictus of a smile, Scarlet now grabbed at a convenient piece of concrete as she held Tifa down by her throat. The girl’s eyes widened in fear as her arm shot up and her fist crashed across the blonde’s bruised face. Rolling as she tumbled off the younger woman the wild eyed mature threw the rubble, missing by a wide margin before looking for another weapon. She wailed in pain as a rock bounced off her shoulder as Tifa had gotten the same idea.
Pieces of rubble, tiles, and even broken beakers and shattered pieces wood filled the air as the berserk women hurled the missiles at one another. Screams and cries of pain filled the air at the occasional hit, but many flew wild. One blow hit, a piece of wood landed across Tifa’s shoulder and the girl stumbled, keeping herself steady by grabbing at a piece of piece of broken wood. A look of angry cunning crossed her face as she tugged at the wood, yanking it free, and marching across the room.
Scarlet was panting in exertion, but her berserk mind could read the murder in Tifa’s eyes as she frantically threw what came to hand at the advancing brunette. Then her hand grabbed at something cool and solid and she pulled out a slightly shorter, jagged, metal piece. Smiling now she turned towards the younger woman with her own weapon in hand. Rage throwing any sense out the window the two hacked at one another, the vibration of the repeated strikes making their hands ache. A particularly powerful blow shattered Tifa’s weapon and, with an insane laugh, Scarlet swung the piece of metal wildly at the retreating brunette who ducked under a still flowing pipe in desperation. Drenched by the water and her body dripping with sweat, Scarlet’s grip failed her improvised club slid from her hands past a ducking Tifa and out the broken window.
Giving an angry shriek worthy of a banshee Tifa stormed into Scarlet, wrapping her arms around the blonde, driving her back through the dirty water. The feeling of their breasts mashing together triggered the memory of that they were the cause of this chain of events and, even as Tifa’s arms tightened, Scarlet’s own arms circled her neck. Not to choke the soaked brunette, but to ensure she couldn’t escape. Snarling and snapping at each other’s nose and lips they crushed their bruised and reddened mammaries together, before rearing back and smashing their breasts together. Again…and again…and again, loud mewling cries being forced out at each brutal blow.
Despite the clear agony neither woman stopped beating their breasts together. Though the pain was terrible, it was not enough for their rage addled minds to even consider stopping. All it did was drive the fury to greater heights.
“How dare she do that to me, how dare she hurt me!” Would be a rough estimation of what was going through their brains as their breasts clapped together in a savage repetition. Brief periods of rest as they ground their boobs together brought on a different kind of pain as their nipples, now dagger sharp, were dragged across scratched tender flesh or reddened bruises or stabbed at sore areolas. Hissing in spite the women staggered back and forth as they sought to do maximum damage. Pulling back again they hammered dozens of brutal blows into each other’s swollen tits the now pliable, and significantly softer, flesh surging together and collapsing in unison.
A direct, savage collision knocked Scarlet out of Tifa’s grip as the blonde stumbled back, grunting, before sinking to one knee and then finally onto her side as she curled up squirming in pain. Hissing in anger, Tifa grabbed at Scarlet’s wet, bedraggled, hair dragging the whining blonde to her knees before knocking her back down again with a vicious blow.
Growling, Scarlet jumped up and slammed back into Tifa’s arms squeezing tight. Tifa crushed back, their faces turning crimson with the effort and their breasts flattening dramatically as the flesh was left with nowhere to go. With explosive gasps they loosened their grips and resumed banging their tits together in a steady, brutal fashion. Rearing back as far as they could both sweating beauties smashed their mammaries together as hard as they could, the shock of the blow sending both reeling as they collapsed to their knees. Refusing to relinquish their grips, they kept beating aching boobs together bitterly as they slowly rose back to an upright position.
Their grunts became fiercer and louder as arms tightened and they pulled back into a grind. Staggering on unsteady legs they shoved each other back and forth, sputtering as they passed under the waterpipe, their hair sticking to their faces only emphasizing the insane look in their eyes. Then Tifa moaned.
It was a quiet thing, not noticeable until the girl blinked and the red tint in her eyes began to fade. Whether it was because she’d received a smaller dose or some resistance she gained after becoming Siren’s partner, but her eyes gradually returned to their natural chocolate brown. Which now put her at a distinct disadvantage as though Scarlet’s eyes were now more of a light orange, her mind was still fully absorbed by rage. Tifa struggled to maintain her grip, her arms weak and tired, even as Scarlet pushed her advantage as the brunette’s legs buckled and her fingers slipped.
Groaning at the suffering Tifa’s legs failed her. The agony in the cry was pitiable as she slowly slid down Scarlet’s body to lie in a face down heap at the blonde woman’s feet. Scarlet slowly circled the sobbing brunette, growling quietly as breasts bounced and jiggled gently and her mind tried to make sense of what was happening. A part of her remembered that there was something she wanted to do…no wanted the woman at her feet to do. Nudging at trembling woman with stockinged feet she then placed one foot at the girl’s head.
“Kiss it,” she growled, her orange eyes dimming even further. Tifa trembled as she looked up at the blonde mature through her dark hair. “Kiss my feet. You cunt…weakass bitch. Say it…I beat you. I’m the best. SAY IT!”
Tifa looked at the woman’s extended foot and shuddered in terrified disgust at the toes that peeked out from the torn stockings. Leaning forward her lips puckered…then she grabbed at the foot and pulled, sending a squalling Scarlet to the ground. Rolling around Scarlet tried to get to her feet only to pushed down as Tifa crawled up her body to sit on her stomach..
“Forget caging…you.” Scarlet panted as she stared defiantly at the heaving brunette with her, now blue, angry eyes. “When I’m…I’m done you won’t even take a piss without my permission!”
“Not…not if I end you…you first,” Tifa gasped back. “But for now…”
Scarlet bellowed as Tifa grabbed hold of her scratched and bruised boobs, before grabbing hold of Tifa’s pendulously hanging pair. Screaming in desperation they mangled each other’s pride, the source of their hate, both still fully committed to settling their feud. The sounds of the sirens and gunfire as Shinra and Avalanche, now without a common enemy, continued their own fight was almost reflected in the single minded determination of the two women. So focused were they that the rather ominous creaking slipped beneath their notice.
Fate of the world…who cared.
Fate of friends, family and lovers…farthest thing from their minds.
The only thing that mattered was finally settling this matter between them, whatever the cost. Remembering her fight against M, Tifa dug into Scarlet’s boobs, fingers seeking the glands under the dense titflesh. Scarlet dragged her broken nails across the girl’s firm, but heavily hanging monsters. Tears mixed with sweat and water to run down their faces, and if Tifa’s case to patter onto Scarlet’s face and breasts. The brunette smiled, as Scarlet’s face went white as she latched on. “Got…you…now!”
Again, she underestimated the viciousness and sheer bloody singlemindedness of the blonde mature as Scarlet’s head rose the shattered floor to sink her teeth into Tifa’s right boob. The girl howled at that and punched savagely at Scarlet’s head, once, twice, a third blow knocked her mouth free before her own fist slashed upwards cracking against Tifa’s chin and knocking her off. Panting in exertion, the girl clutched at her boob as Scarlet crawled to all fours and spat at Tifa, the spittle splashing just below her eye.
“You…you taught me that…remember,” she gasped out, wiping at her lips. Tifa didn’t waste her breath responding as she set her lips in a grim line and crawled towards the blonde. Scarlet’s eyes shone with eagerness as she rose up on her knees, arms hanging limply at her side. Rising up to her own knees Tifa shuffled forward until their breasts brushed together gently.
“No…more…games.” Tifa panted, her own eyes glittering as she slowly wrapped her arms around Scarlet’s body, fingers curling and locking into place.
“Suits…me…fine…” Scarlet whispered back as her own arms went under Tifa’s locking tight. They slowly increased the pressure as they pressed their bodies closer and tighter together as their nipples slipped past one another and disappear from view. Their breasts swelled up against one another evenly, spilling out to the sides until Tifa’s massive mammaries begin to swamp Scarlet’s smaller teats. But this didn’t stop the blonde. She knew Tifa’s tits were bigger, just like she knew hers were BETTER.
Tifa grunted as her breasts mashed up against Scarlet’s and she felt the the older woman’s firm boobs begin to burrow into her own, which was in turn beginning to engulf the blonde’s. She was hurting, hell her entire body was one big hurt, but that was to be expected. Ever since that day in Junon she’d had to fight women that kept pushing her to fight harder, to become more brutal if she wanted to win. But with Scarlet it was different. She didn’t just want to win…she HAD to win.
Pressing their heads together both kept their eyes focused downward as their cleavages shrank and Scarlet’s proud boobs faced off against Tifa’s unbowed orbs. Tifa groaned as Scarlet moaned and they shuffled closer together and arms now moved to between the shoulder blades. Still no give and both women were beginning to experience a sense of frustration at the density of the boobs resisting them.
Shuffling even closer together, their arms went higher to give their breasts more room to spread. And in this head to head comparison a difference began to finally manifest. It was subtle at first, the woman only feeling an increase in pain, but waved it off as just an expected occurrence considering how long they’d been fighting. But then they both felt the shift. To anyone watching it would still look as if both pair of breasts were battling evenly, but the women knew better. One set of orbs had started to soften and give way. One pair had proven it’s superiority.
Tears of pain now became tears of joy in the eyes of one woman who stared boldly into the face of her opposite, who’s expression went through varying stages of shock, then disbelief and finally grief. She didn’t quit, she wouldn’t give the bitch the satisfaction and instead fought on in a spiteful desire to cause the other as much pain as possible before the end.
That the other woman was hurting was no question. She could only imagine the pain the other was in as her breasts continued to make headway slowly, but steadily. There were brief moments where the other seemed to rally, and her boobs pushed back strongly, but those became fewer and far between. Finally frustration kicked in at the sheer refusal of the other woman to quit, to admit she’d lost and the winner clenched her teeth and squeezed powerfully. Driving their breasts together in a meeting that had both pairs quiver violently. The loser shrieked in pain as she felt her breasts resisting, but giving way…but then her feminine shriek gave way to a shriek of metal as Scarlet’s laboratory began to tilt, the floor cracking as it’s structure began to collapse.
“NO!” Both women shrieked, refusing to release the other, before toppling to their sides and rolling towards the expansive void. Single minded they might be, neither was suicidal and both women released the other to grab at cable or piping to stop their tumble. Eyes wide with terror they gazed out over the cityscape as the edge of the room hung at a near forty five degree angle. The fear gave them strength as they slowly turned away and began to pull themselves towards the still level half of the room. In doing to they moved closer and closer together and eyes began glancing at their rival out of corners.
Now that they were apart their sore and aching busts had flowed back into their original shapes though both hung down heavily and looked significantly deflated from they’d been when Tifa had first entered the room. Nonetheless the sight still infuriated the women as one remembered how close she had been to victory while the other remembered how close she’d been to finally submitting. And, as they slowly closed the distance they lashed out in bitter, unfulfilled hate. If asked who had struck first both would point to the other, but in truth both had attacked the other almost simultaneously, Tifa kicking out while Scarlet swung a clenched fist.
Kicking and punching they attempted to reach the stable section ahead of their adversary. “Just die already!” Scarlet furiously demanded as a punch stunned Tifa momentarily causing the girl’s grip to falter as she slid downward, her sweaty palms burning as she fought for a hold.
“You first!” Tifa snarled as she grabbed at Scarlet’s leg pulling the mature down before slamming a clenched fist into the woman’s stomach. As she slowly pulled herself up the floor tilted even further causing Tifa to swing across the room and slam up against Scarlet. Eyes radiating their twin loathing both lashed out while climbing, barely making any progress.
“Siren?” Tifa pulsed back as she and Scarlet grabbed at each other’s hair. “Now’s…not a…a good time.”
“I can tell,” Siren sent back, giving the impression that she was just as drained as her host. “Shiva’s done, I’m gifting you what little I can spare. You must leave this place as quickly as you can. It’s all coming down.”

Above the tower another fight was winding down as both Shiva and Siren, now in greatly diminished forms , continued firing blasts of ice and superheated air at one another. Continually drawing from her stone had diminished Shiva as she fought desperately, but no less savagely against Siren who retaliated in kind. The berserk rage that had tainted Tifa had spilled over, allowing her to chip away at Shiva’s reserves. But like Tifa, it left her spent.
“This is pointless Shiva, you’re completely draining yourself. Anymore and you might lose the ability to manifest ever again.” Siren said as she dissipated an ice storm Shiva hurled at her. “Alexander is still out there, what will he do if…”
“Don’t. You. Say. His. NAME!!” Shiva shrieked as she surrounded herself in a flurry of water and ice before hurling herself at Siren. Who swiped her hand to slam Shiva to the side before grabbing at the spectral being.
“ENOUGH!” She roared, pulling Shiva into her, planting her spectral lips onto the other in a rough simulacrum of a mortal kiss. Yet as she maintained it Siren began to gradually fill back out as Shiva diminished. Freezing the air around her to sub zero temperatures Shiva forced the winged spirit to relinquish her hold as she regarded her form in horror.
“What did you do!?”
“You’re using MY energy to fight me?” Siren remarked snidely as she struck a pose. “It took longer than I wished but now your power…is mine. You didn’t think this all the way through Shiva…still want to fight?”
In response Shiva screamed before spinning around and shooting down into the building.
“I figured as much,” Siren chuckled, then sighed in relief, as her form shimmered and she took on the appearance of a young teenager, falling downward. “She never was any good at seeing through illusions. Too bad for her…lucky for me.”
Back inside Tifa and Scarlet were exchanging a flurry of one handed punches before Scarlet flinched away as Shiva re-entered her materia the brief distraction allowed the younger brunette to deliver a teeth rattling punch that had the blonde slide down the piping several feet before terror strengthened her fingers. Trembling, she began her ascent again, grabbing at Tifa’s leg.
Arms twitching uncontrollably Tifa reached the, currently, level surface and scrabbled at the wet tiles, trying to get a hold. Scrambling up Scarlet managed to get ahold of Tifa’s foot, pulling determinedly at the girl. Kicking back, Tifa felt herself slipping before her torn stocking came free in Scarlet’s hand, causing the blonde’s lifeline to sway as she wrapped her arms and legs around it.
“NO!” Scarlet screamed in both fear and rage as she looked up at Tifa as the girl stretched out to get a foot onto the ground. “We’re not done yet! You hear me Lockhart? WE’RE NOT DONE YET!!”
Grunting in effort Tifa lunged off the cabling, throwing herself onto the level half of the room, rolling up against the smashed door. Safe now, the adrenaline faded and she found herself unable to move. Gasping heavily all she could do was watch in a detached manner as the metal pipe supporting Scarlet shook as the blonde struggled to make her way up.
Yuffie’s concerned face appeared above her and Tifa could only stare stupidly at the girl, barely able to think straight. “C’mon…get up,” the kunoichi dropped a bag she was carrying and grabbed at the bigger girl, pulling her to her feet, even as she stiffened and her eyes showed sign of life. “Siren?”
“No…it’s me,” she gasped. “But Siren’s back…hurt though.”
“Well look who it is…” Yuffie gaped at Scarlet’s appearance as she appeared at the edge of the room. Her makeup running and once neat, coiffured hair hanging down her face filthy and in disarray gave the woman a maniacal, almost insane look as she attempted to pull herself up. “My little runaway ninja. Actually came back for your partner this time?”
Yuffie’s jaw clenched at that reminder and she started to advance on Scarlet. To her credit, the blonde showed no fear, her expression mocking as Yuffie unslung her shuriken.
“Yuffie…don’t.” The ninja girl spun around, glaring at Tifa as the girl tottered towards the door and picked up the bag she’d dropped. “I…I finally get what she was talking about. Scarlet…she’s not…not worth dirtying your hands over.”
“Tifa…” Yuffie shook her head, before glaring down at a now confused looking Scarlet. “I’m not going to kill you…but I don’t have to help you either.”
Spinning around Yuffie ducked under Tifa’s arm, supporting the woman as they staggered out of the room.
“Elevator…but that’s…” Tifa started dully.
“Our only option,” Yuffie replied as she struggled under Tifa’s weight. As the door dinged open she rested Tifa against the far end before hitting the button for the ground floor. They’d grabbed a labcoat that’d been left behind to cover Tifa’s body but the girl was drained and…wounded…was the only word Yuffie could think of using. “Are you okay?”
“Am I okay?” Tifa gave a bitter laugh as she rested on the floor. “I left you to your own devices while I went to settle a private feud and you’re wondering if I’M okay? Yell at me…hit me…do something. I deserve it.”
“Yeah, you probably do,” Yuffie remarked, as Tifa flinched. “But what did you mean? What she was talking about…you mean Mikoto?”
“Yeah…it hit me when I finally got back onto the platform.” Tifa shuddered violently. “Even while we were hanging there, trying to get back up, all I could think of was how to hurt her…how to kill her. It felt like I’d become a passenger in my own body.”
“And now?” Yuffie persisted.
“Now I…I don’t care. I don’t want to have those thoughts again.” Tifa shook her head as she clutched the coat closer. “I like fighting because it’s supposed to be fun not…not like that. I made a lot of friends fighting my way…fuck, I met my sister that way…”
The two lapsed into silence as the elevator continued it’s slow descent, there was still the occasional shudder as it became obvious that the buildings foundation may have been compromised but then there was another loud explosion that rocked the box and the lights began to flicker.
“A second shot…I hope that was Cloud and the others,” Yuffie muttered as she picked up the bag Tifa had dropped, shoving in the three large chunks of materia.
“You got all three,” Tifa remarked, sounding stronger as Siren worked on her. “Nice.”
“Only three,” Yuffie corrected her. “Shinra had four.”
“Impossible…yeah Cloud said the same thing.” Yuffie replied, shrugging. “I wasn’t able to get the fourth before the first shot. That materia is now under a couple tonnes of rubble…”
“Cloud?” Yuffie grabbed at her phs at the sound of his voice. “We’re here, both of us.”
“Tifa? Thank the Planet! The barrier protecting the crater is down so we’re heading back to ground level.
“Wouldn’t it be faster to have Cid pick you up, up there?”
“Shinra’s currently headless. We ran into the Turks carrying Rufus and some red headed woman out on our way in. It doesn’t look good for either of them.”
“Wait…you let them go?” Yuffie clutched her phs such that her knuckles turned white. “After everything they’ve done…”
“I’ll tell you…everything once we’re all back on the Highwind. If this comes back to bite us, you all deserve to know why.”
“Sounds…serious…” Yuffie said lamely, as she clicked off the phs.
“Yeah,”Tifa replied as the elevator dinged, opening slowly before sticking. Exerting themselves the two girls pushed it open to walk into chaos as people ran everywhere, some carrying papers while others were in the process of grabbing anything not bolted down. “Let’s stop by M, before heading to the gate. I need some proper clothes and then…”
“And then?”
“I bite the bullet and tell Cloud what happened…no…I tell everyone.”
“Tifa…don’t,” Yuffie started. “That’ll drag me…and Josy into it. We succeeded…if you have to do this, just tell Cloud. He’s the only that needs to know…that probably suspects it anyway.”
“Fine…but was all you Yuffie,” Tifa patted the kunoichi’s cheek affectionately. “I put everything at risk because I couldn’t control myself. You and me…are we…?”
“We’re still friends Tifa…nothing will change that. And don’t sell yourself short, whatever else…you did keep the bitch busy.” Yuffie sighed as she hefted the sack. “Though you know Cloud’s going to be pissed. Both that you went off mission and that you put yourself in such danger.”
“It is what it is…” Tifa stretched and Yuffie noticed a bounce in her step that hadn’t been there for a long time. “Just…don’t tell M I said that she was right. Last thing I need to see is her smug face. I might slug her and I’m in no condition for another brawl.”
“Sure,” Yuffie smiled at that. “Let’s go…it’s time to finish this.”

Rufus moaned. “Where…”
“Rufus…sir.” Reno looked up from Viola. “Tseng…I think he’s coming around.”
“Tseng…” Rufus looked around dazed as the Turk’s leaders dropped down to where he lay propped up. “What…happened?”
“The Weapon fired on the building before the cannon could take it out.” Tseng replied, kneeling the sewer muck. “We thought we’d lost you sir. We’re making our way to the first safe zone.”
“What is it?” Tseng’s expression turned concerned.
“I…I can’t feel. I can’t feel my…my legs.” Rufus began to laugh hysterically, which quickly turned into a hacking cough. “I can’t…”
“Probably for the best,” Reno muttered as Rufus fainted. He kept stroking at Viola’s hair as he held her close, trying not to look at the ruined stump of her left leg. He who had taken the lives of hundreds of enemies of he corporation had emptied his stomach as he’d been forced to remove the flap of skin that had kept the limb attached, before then cauterising the stump with a piece of hot metal. “Come back babe…if I lose you now I’ll…”
Rude’s face maintained it’s inscrutable expression as he stared first at Reno, then at the ceiling. Things had been changing too fast for the large man, who liked to keep things simple. But one thing had jumped out at him, something that it seemed the others had failed to notice. All of the Shinra heads were accounted for, bar one. And that one was, as of late, at the centre of much of the Turk’s investigations.
So where was Scarlet…and was she connected to this disaster.
To Be Continued in Chapter 14 — Click
Here to Go There!
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