Friends and Family
A very pissed looking Tifa fumed to herself as she stalked the Highwind’s hallways deck. Crew hastily vacated the busty brunette’s path, their hopes that her temper would cool the further they got from Fort Condor dissipating rapidly. If anything she looked like it was getting worse. Working her way up the deck she looked back at the barely visible Mako generator atop Fort Condor as it faded into the horizon and stamped her foot for what felt like the hundredth time. She was acting childish and ,to be quite frank, she didn’t flying fuck.
“You know why he’s doing it,” the rational part of her said. She wrapped her arms around her shoulders against the chill air and last night. She wasn’t going to pretend like it was her first any more than Cloud was still a virgin at the time, but she’d like to shake the hand of whoever he’d been with as Cloud had her…at the risk of sounding redundant…in the clouds. She wasn’t ashamed that she’d acted, and probably sounded, like a bitch in heat with almost a year of want and desperate need coming to a head in a violent coupling that had taken them barely make it back to his cabin before tearing each others clothes off. Their frenzied romp had taken them to the four corners of what had probably been Rufus’s room as Cloud responded to her need with a natural prowess that had her whimpering in almost painful orgasms as his hands and mouth and tongue flowed over her body in a manner that bespoke experience, while Tifa worked on his mako enhanced stamina that kept him going even as her own talents and assets forced hoarse groans of intense pleasure as he came. And then she came. And then they both came. Again, and again.
They finally ended back on the bed, her bouncing and grinding furiously on his lap. His hands moved up and down her body grabbing at her hips and her tits until it almost felt as if he had multiple hands all moving over every inch of her body to grab at the most sensitive areas while he kissed and nibbled at her back, neck and shoulders before grabbing her head and pulling her into a forceful kiss. His mouth muffled her shout of pleasure even as a savage grunt passed his own lips, their fluids meeting with the same intensity as their loving. Drained, Tifa rested against Clouds body, even as he fell back onto the bed exhausted…but finally, finally, sated.
Tifa blushed at the memory. And the knowing grins of Highwind crew. And how both Barret and Cid had congratulated Cloud on his “graduation”. Cloud, being Cloud, had been naturally confused until Cid started going into detail. After being held back from pounding Cid into a smear on the deck she’d relished her and Cloud’s new official relationship…until the meeting this morning.
“You’re not coming,” Tifa mimicked, disgusted. “It’s too dangerous!”
More dangerous than chasing after Sephiroth? Or maybe releasing four pissed off monster murder machines? Oh, she understood exactly why he was doing it, and it pissed her off that she loved him even more for it.
“Doesn’t mean he has to treat me like a piece of fine Wutai,” she muttered to herself. At least she wasn’t the only one left behind, but even she had to admit leaving Yuffie behind was the most prudent decision. Everyone saw how the young kunoichi’s eyes had lit up on hearing of the Large Materia in the abandoned reactor. It had been a swift and unanimous decision to leave their youngest member out of the upcoming battle. Of course Tifa hadn’t known at the time that Cloud planned on her sitting it out as well.
Red XIII had also opted to stay behind. The last time they’d visited Fort Condor he’d been regarded with suspicion for the feline features so he’d volunteered to remain. Slapping her face with both hands she straightened her back. Standing here whining was not going to help matters or change anything, and not how she did things. When Cloud got back she’d have to…punish…him for thinking she needed protecting. For now she had a plan to kill some time, and have some fun as well. Swinging around she back down into the bowels of the ship looking to look for the others.

You’d have to be deaf to miss the noise from the training room. Vicious yells and sounds of breaking wood from within. A wry smile crossed her face as she realised Yuffie had at least found a beneficial way of releasing her pent up frustration. Stepping in she stood stunned at the destruction within. Weights were strewn across the room, some imbedded in the walls. Punching bags torn down and the sand leaking onto the waxed floor, while the ropes had been torn out with the flooring, or roofing, and hung around the room like a spider’s web. In the center of all this was the young ninja in question. She had Cid’s collection of spears and was hurling them at boards with crudely drawn figures of each of the men. Nanaki lay in a corner of the room, head on his forepaws, looking almost bored at the destruction around him. Clearing her throat Tifa got the enraged kunoichi’s attention.
“Well look who it is,” the girl remarked snidely. “Bet you didn’t think you’d be joining me here did you eh, boobs?”
“No, I didn’t.” Tifa agreed, ignoring Yuffie’s hostility. She expected her to be angry, but surely she was smart enough to understand. “But I think you’d be more surprised if you weren’t here.”
The ninja stiffened at that, “Maybe. “She muttered, hefting one last spear before sending it through an image of Cloud. “Doesn’t make it any easier.”
“Well you don’t exactly help your case with how materia has a way of disappearing whenever you’re around.” Tifa reminded her.
‘Fair enough…but why aren’t you angry,” Yuffie asked, looking for something sharp and pointy to throw. “With the noise you two made last night I figured you’d be joined at the hip. I mean, more than usual…you have been ever since we fished you out of the Lifestream.”
“I am angry,” she replied, blushing slightly. “I just don’t think wrecking our ride is going to help the situation. Plus I think you know Cid is going to get when he sees the mess you’ve made.”
“Eh, the old fart has to catch me first,” she waved her hand at the mention of their grumpy pilot. “So no wrecking…then what? It’s just me, you and Red over there.”
“Well…I’ve had a thought.”

Yuffie was almost bouncing in her seat from childish excitement. She’d heard stories of the Gold Saucer and the fat pickings within. She’d figure out some way to get away from Tifa to “explore” the place properly. For her part Tifa was equal parts amused and worried at Yuffie’s enthusiasm. With Red XIII electing to remain on board she’d have her hands full making sure Yuffie didn’t end up in the Corel Prison. They’d arrived late booked a room, planning to explore the park on the morrow.
Unfortunately when Tifa woke up, Yuffie was already gone. Cursing she swiftly dressed, inevitably a mini skirt, light brown, and a short sleeved yellow blouse. Pulling on her boots she sprinted down the stairs, pausing only to ask if they seen where the short, flat chested girl with a bob of dark hair had gone. “Battle Square,” was the answer she received.
“I’m going to kill her,” Tifa growled to herself, ignoring the stares she was receiving as she sprinted in the direction of the coliseum. Skidding to a stop she took some relief in the fact that there wasn’t much of a crowd. So less chance of of her getting into trouble. Then she frowned…there was always a crowd at the coliseum. By normal standard you’d be forgiven for thinking you’d ended up at the Ghost Square.
“Hey, good luck,” turning at the voice Tifa saw a pair of young men wave at her. Probably thinking she was looking to participate Tifa just waved back good naturedly. The temptation was there since she was missing out on the fight at Condor, but right now finding Yuffie came first. If she wasn’t here then Tifa knew the next likely location. Sprinting past the two friendly men from earlier she missed their surprised expressions.
“Wait that wasn’t…”

“Bah, no luck either,” Yuffie grumbled. She had just left Chocobo Square after learning the races had been cancelled. Her gil was burning a hole in her pocket and she couldn’t find a single sucker. Looking very much like a sulky sixteen year old she found herself wandering into Wonder Square, which was a scene of controlled chaos.
“Least someone’s having fun,” she thought sourly, watching as a group of shrieking children ran past. The square was a popular place for parents to offload their brats before taking off for some personal time. But there should’ve been more people her age as well, she realised, then shrugged. She heard talk of something happening over at the Event Square, but tuned out once she heard there was no gil involved. Digging into her pocket Yuffie jingled at few loose coins. “Hell, might as well win something I can pawn off.”
Despite herself, Yuffie hurried up the steps excitedly taking them two and three at a time.
“Hey, watch it,” Yuffie heard someone shout as she collided face first with something large and bouncy causing her to windmill her arms as she tried to keep balance before desperately grabbing out and latching onto something firm and pliable that her hands could barely grip at. “OW!!!”
Her balance restored Yuffie’s vision was filled by a familiar looking chest, though she didn’t recognise the outfit. “Hey boobs, I thought you hated green?”
Yuffie blanched, not recognising the voice. Raising her head slowly she found herself looking into a tanned face with a pair of grey eyes which was framed by a mass of dark brown hair. “You’re not Tifa!?”

Tifa was currently exiting the Speed Square. She was hot, sweaty and uncomfortable. And not just a little confused. Yuffie hadn’t been at the Chocobo races either, so she’d sprinted for the last likely location.
But the shooting coaster was also down. Three of the biggest draws in Gold Saucer all down at the same time. That wasn’t normal.
“There you are, I’ve been looking for you!”
“Excuse me…uh…”Turning at the voice Tifa came face to annoyed face with an auburn haired girl that looked to be in her mid to late teens wearing an employee tag. “Doreen?”
“Oh,” she touched a hand to her mouth. “I’m so sorry, I thought you were someone else.”
“No worries,” Tifa answered waving her hand. “Maybe you can help me, I’m looking for a friend. Short, bout to my shoulder, black hair and um…uh.”
At Doreen’s blank stare Tifa pointed to her chest and made a flattening motion. “Oh that…I did see someone like that heading towards the games area, Wonder Square?”
“Thanks,” Tifa spun on her heel, taking off in the general direction.
“Freaky,” Doreen muttered. “looks just like…”

Tifa skidded to a stop as a trio of rugrats ran past her yelling and laughing. With as many kids as she saw she wondered where all the adults were. “At least Yuffie’ll be easy to spot,” she muttered to herself.
She moved carefully, dodging around the rampaging mass of children, making her way to arcade stairway. The arcade was clearly not affected by what else was happening around the Saucer. Pre-teens and teens gathered around the various machines.
And then she spotted Yuffie who was standing next to the G Bike machine as a girl in a short pale sundress hunched over it as the score continued to tick. Like a predator homing on it’s prey Tifa came up behind the nervous looking girl before swirling her fists painfully into her head.
“AHHHHH!” Yuffie screamed, falling to the ground, even as the game dinged it’s conclusion and the bike settled into an upright position. The score sat at an even 9400.
“Ha…pay up Fie,” the girl chortled. “Told you I could…”
It was if time froze for both girls as they stared at one another, feeling as if they were staring into a mirror. Though slightly shorter and wider at the hips the similarities between the two women was downright frightening. The easiest way to tell them apart would be Tifa’s lack of a tan compared to the other girl, and her grey eyes compared to Tifa’s own brown. As she stepped around Yuffie and the mystery girl from behind the bike they gave the impression of two stalking cats ready to pounce.
Then time unfroze as the girl grinned, offering a hand. “You must be Tifa. Fie told me about you. I’m Joslyn. Everyone just calls me Jo or Josy.”
“Thanks Joslyn,” Tifa said accepting the hand, smiling back. “Thanks for keeping her locked down long enough for me to catch up.”
“Not a problem,” Jo replied, as the two girls stood for a long moment hands clenching tight. No one noticed the tightening of their grips or how they locked eyes. To everyone else it was perhaps a longer greeting than normal but to Tifa and Joslyn it went on and on before they relinquished their grips.
“9400,” Tifa whistled. “Ever crack 10000?”
“Nah, been trying to beat ten for awhile now,” Jo grumbled. “Someone musta hacked it or something.”
“Mind if I have a go?” Tifa asked sliding onto the machine. “Haven’t done this in awhile.”
“It’s your gil.” the girl shrugged as Tifa mounted up. Five minutes and 9800 points later Tifa slid off the bike slapping her palms at her hips to wipe the sweat.
“Close enough,” Tifa grinned jumping off the seat as Joslyn stared hard at her.
“How about another game?” Jo asked. “Gotta give me a chance to salvage my pride after humiliating me like that.”
Tifa laughed in genuine mirth. “Okay then. Your choice.”
“Lets shoot some hoops,” Jo whooped as she dragged Tifa over the basketball machine, as Yuffie followed surprised at her enthusiasm. “Sixty seconds only. Highest score wins.”
“Let’s do this,” Tifa grinned as she stood ready. At the horn both girls grabbed at the balls as they became available before jumping and shooting. This action drew a crowd of very interested young men as their jumps made other parts of their anatomy bounce as well. For the first forty five seconds the two were almost neck to neck before one began to pull away in the last fifteen.
“Yeah!” Jo cheered pumping first one, then the other fist in the air as the score sat at 41 – 36 in her favor. She turned to Tifa and made a teasing swish motion with her hands.
“Bah,” Tifa grumbled half heartedly. “Best two out of three.”
“Want some more, eh” Jo winked, “You turn to choose.”
Tifa pondered this as she glanced around the room. Submarine shooter would take too long and was boring. She considered the Snow boarding, until she saw the out of order machine. And the crane was too much luck. Then she turned her head and gave Joslyn a quick once over. That she was fit was obvious and Tifa could see the slight ripple of muscle under her thin dress.
Jo felt Tifa’s gaze as it ran over her. Confusion flickered across her face as she felt no lust from the other girl like she usually did when it felt like someone was undressing her with her eyes. Though she imagined Tifa was also used to such gazes as well. Then her eyes narrowed as Tifa walked over to the arm wrestling table.
“Let’s see who can pin the max level fastest?” Tifa said.
“How about we go one better,” Joselyn said setting herself up elbow on a pad and hand on the peg that had escaped Tifa’s notice on the other side. “They recently got this upgraded for two players
“Oh you’re on,” Tifa settled her arm back onto the pad and held her own peg. Both lined up their arms gripping the other’s hand. “Yuffie, you start it up.”
“Uh, sure,” Yuffie was unsure where all this had come from but was as interested to see it through. Slotting in a few coins the machine began counting down before an electronic “GO!”
For a moment it seemed like nothing happened then their hands began to visibly shake and beads of sweat appeared on their foreheads. For two minutes there was no movement, but then Tifa slowly began to power Jo’s arm down. Gritting her teeth Jo pushed her body forward for leverage as she was able to return her to a upright position. However, her position had left her exposed in a manner that drew the attention of the numerous teenage boys within the arcade.
Tifa’s eyes widened both at the sight of Jo’s cleavage and the realisation that she was also without a bra. Her distraction allowed Jo to bend her wrist in a hooking maneuver that made her yell at the pain. Tifa however was familiar with the move and pushed her own body forward until she and Jo were almost forehead to forehead gaining much needed leverage and relief.
Unknown to Tifa however he movements had caused her skirt to slip upwards and exposing white panties to any in view. So as sweat beaded their heads and began gathering at their armpits the two girls attracted a crowd despite the lack of a pin. Even as their hands continued to ache there was a disturbance at the entrance. Yuffie saw a woman with dark orange hair looking over the crowd and then advancing with a pissed look on her face.
“What are you doing?” she demanded planting her hands on Joslyn’s shoulders, startling the fighting girl who’s arm lifted slightly off the elbow pad.
“FOUL! FOUL!!” the machine announced stopping the count at a 4:26.
Panting, Tifa recognized Doreen who had pointed her in Yuffie’s direction. “Dammit Josy. You forget what time it is?”
“What? It’s still early.” Joslyn defended herself, irritation on her face. “We were in the middle of something…”
“No, you’re not,” Doreen tugged at Joslyn’s stubborn form. “We’ve got a problem with Hinata.”
“Shit…” Joslyn glanced over at Tifa, who nodded as they released their grip, then at Doreen. “What’s the problem?”
“Some stomach issue. Says she’s been on the throne for most of the morning.” she replied. “I think it’s just nerves, but now we got an empty slot.”
“Fill it then,”
“With who?” Doreen threw her hands up. “It took us a month just to find the girls willing to do.”
“Well then…” a speculative look came over Joslyn’s face as she turned back to Tifa. “Can I ask you a question?”
Tifa nodded.
“How do you look in a bikini?”

Event Square was packed as Yuffie took a seat in the reserved section rubbing her hands together. “This is going to be good,” she gleefully thought to herself. She’d never let Tifa hear the end of this.
Meanwhile in the back behind the curtain Tifa was gasping for breath. “I thought you said were an EE cup,” Doreen grunted in frustration pulling at the straps of a white bikini top.
“I was, last time I measured,” Tifa gasped as Doreen finally quit, moving to the back before returning with a black top that looked like a hard stare could tear it.
“32G,” Doreen announced as she wrapped it around Tifa’s upper body, tying the straps firmly. “How is it?”
“A little tight, but nothing to complain about.” Tifa replied getting to her feet and jumping lightly, testing the material. “How did I let you guys talk me into this.”
“Cause you got the body for it,” Jo quipped as she came around the corner of Tifa’s small changing area. “Hey Dor, Lisa’s calling for some help.”
Sighing the other woman squeezed past Jo even as she entered the room. “Just wanted to say thanks for helping me out. We’ve been planning this for weeks. Took a lot to get the boss to sign out on it.”
“Not a problem,” Tifa replied as she examined the other girl. While Tifa’s suit was a mini white bottom with a black top, Jo had squeezed herself into a neon blue string suit that barely kept her modesty covered. “Have to say though, I’d never wear one like that.”
“If you’ve got it, flaunt it. And I’ve got,” Jo struck a pose balancing on one leg while presenting a profile. And Tifa had to admit that she did indeed have it. She was a bit fleshier than Tifa was, but any extra had found it’s way to all the right spots in her bust, hips and butt. Add the golden tan and the girl had a body that leave most men, and women, going crazy. Jo seemed to flush a bit under Tifa’s examination before returing the scrutiny. “Hey, want to compare?”
“Sure, easier than trying to guess?” Tifa agreed. Reaching behind the door Joslyn grabbed a tape and as she approached Tifa got to her feet. “Me first then.”
The two moved quickly, feeling a need to get this done before anyone else passed by. Tifa measured out a toned 92 – 60 – 88. Switching up Jo was a lush 89 – 57 – 90.
“Damn,” Jo muttered. “Well that explains why you’re not using the top I gave you.”
“Yup,” Tifa gave a playful jiggle. “Top titties.”
“Oh them’s fighting words,” Jo replied as she gave her own impressive mammaries a sexy shake. Over the course of this simultaneous display in the confined quarters their tits collided sharply making both beauties gasp as their boobs shifted out from under their confines. They both slipped into an awkward silence as both considered what had just happened. “Tifa, about earlier, do you…” Jo hesitated. “Have you ever…”
“Five minutes, ladies,” At the shout both girls hastily replaced their tops as the controller moved back and forth.
“Talk to you later,” Jo said as exited the room leaving Tifa feeling more than a little confused.

Yuffie hooted in delight as the show finally began. One by one the girls were announced onto the stage as the crowd cheered. Joslyn was clear favorite as she sashayed onto the stage twanging at the strings of her bikini. Yuffie felt her jaw drop when the announcer referenced her age. “No fucking way she’s eighteen.” Yuffie growled as she bitterly patted at her own chest. “Of all the fucking luck. Just ain’t fair.”
“A last minute entry, standing in for our own Hinata,” the announcer began. “Standing at 5′ 6, twenty – one years young and a weight of fuck you…Tifa!!”
The applause started out polite as Tifa was an unknown, but as she twirled onto the stage swinging her body to the music the crowd went berserk. If anything Yuffie’s jaw dropped even lower. She knew Tifa could dance…and even seen her dance. But seeing her dance in a bikini that looked like a strong breeze could rip it off was something else entirely. Once her entry was over the contest began.
Using some new piece of technology that an ex-Shinra scientist name Doof, Yuffie snorted at the name, the crowd would decide the winner by chanting the name of their preferred girl. So over the course of an hour they were whittled down to twenty from the original thirty. Immediately upon the tenth girl being eliminated the remaining twenty were doused in sparkling water which gave their flesh a shine.
Another hour and they were down to five. Yuffie grinned as she counted out her profits. She was breaking even, and if Tifa pulled this off she’d be in a gusher of black.
At the same time she felt bad. She liked Joslyn as well. Grimacing she calculated her odds if she bet on both them. It was sucker’s bet that one or the other would be the winner. But which.
Finally, as she’d predicted, Tifa and Joslyn stood alone on the stage. Night had come and the chill was beginning to raise goosebumps. “Now gents, for the moment we’ve all been waiting for. Who do you think should be the first Miss Gold Saucer!!!”
You couldn’t make out who said what if you tried, but the electric screen began tallying the percentages of the final two. And the tallied score equaled 50/50.
“Uh, hold up folks, must be some technical difficulties.” behind the mic the announcer be heard giving some terse directions before turning back to the crowd. “Right then lets try this again. Who do you think should be the first Miss Gold Saucer!!!”
Once again the crowd roared it’s choice and the screen began tallying as both Tifa and Joslyn watched breathlessly…50/50. Angry shouts began to be heard and more than few shoving matches. Yuffie saw the two brunettes consulting one another before moving over to the announcer. He nodded and turned back to crowd. “Everyone, your opinion has been tallied and not found wanting. We clearly have two exceptional ladies here that have won your admiration. So in honor of such resolve may I present you with your QUEENS of the Gold Saucer. Let’s hear it for Tifa and Joslyn!!!”
The cheers could be heard from North Corel.
Meanwhile Prof. Doof was fiddling with his creation, refusing to believe that it was a programming error that had led the unusual result. At an odd chattering noise he whirled, peering off into the dark.
“A Tonberry?” he muttered confused as the small blue green creature quickly slipped on a fedora.

“Nnnn…just one more,” Yuffie muttered half asleep.
“I think you’ve had more than Fie,” Joslyn remarked as she helped guide the girl towards the hotel. The after party had been wild as the girls had been sprayed down again, this time with warm water, before dancing and mingling with the crowd.
“Noooo,” she whined. “Party, party.”
“Thank’s for the help getting her back, Josy.” Tifa said, yawning herself.
“Hey what’re friends for?” Jo grinned, then her face got serious. “Hey Tifa…can I ask you something?”
“It’ll wait,” she answered. “I’ll stay here while you put Yuffie in.”
“Okay…” Tifa felt nervous about this. She’d had more than a few confessions from girls as well as guys and she always felt bad shooting them down, especially now with how her and Cloud’s relationship had finally started moving forward. Worse was the fact that she liked Joslyn. She was fun to hang around and she could keep up with Tifa. “Just hope she doesn’t take it too hard.” She muttered to herself as she finally managed to maneuver Yuffie into their room and onto her bed.
She then loped back downstairs, part of her hoping that Joslyn wouldn’t be there. No such luck. “So what is it? Is it was you wanted to ask back in the changing rooms?”
“Yeah…I,” she began nervously. “Ah fuck it, this isn’t me. Look, Tifa, I’ll be straight with you. I want to fight you.”
“I’m happy that you feel that way but…wait. What?” Tifa paused mid speech as the word finally registered. “You want to what?”
“I know it sounds silly, seeing as how we just met and everything.” Jo spoke rapidly. “But I had so much fun today, and I know that you’re strong, and I kinda have a thing about fighting and…gods this is embarassing. Look just forget I said anything.”
“I most certainly will not,” Tifa replied. Amusement and excitement vying for control. “I also had a lot of fun today…and I think you’re strong as well. Hell I couldn’t pin you, remember. And…” Tifa leaned in close. “Confidentially, I also like a good fight.”
“I knew it,” Jo said excitedly. “I could just tell that you were like me. This’ll be great.”
“Settle down there,” Tifa said patting her arms in the air. “You’re not proposing we just start rolling around in the open somewhere? We need somewhere if we’re going to do this. Battle Square?”
“No…I have just the place,” Jo said, eyes almost glowing, as she grabbed Tifa’s hands. “I’ll meet you and Yuffie here tomorrow after breakfast and give you guys a proper tour of the place. The place I have can only be used when the Ghost square shuts down for the night.”
“It’s a date then,” Tifa smiled at the excited teen as she released her hands.
“You won’t regret it,” Jo grinned. “At least not until after a beat you.”
“Oh piss off,” Tifa laughed. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
But as she watched Joslyn run off in a distance covering lope Tifa suddenly realised what she had said. “Meet me and Yuffie?!” Unfortunately…or fortunately depending on your point of view…if she’d not been so worn out she’d have wondered just what Joslyn had in mind that would preclude the Battle Arena.

Yuffie woke up groggy to the sound of the shower going. Grumbling, she scratched at her pits, grabbed her towel and banged at door. “Make sure to leave me some hot water.”
“Too late,” Tifa’s reply was muffled through partition. “There’s some toast and fruit left from breakfast.”
Still grumbling Yuffie munched at the toast ignoring the fruit. Just as she was finishing she had to get up to answer a knock at the door. Outside she found an energetic brunette. “Hey Fie…how come you’re not ready yet?”
“Ready for what?”
“Jo’s volunteered to be our guide today,” Tifa said as she exited the bathroom wrapped in a towel that barely made it’s way round her body.
“Only seems fair since I got you two involved in park matters yesterday and…” she siddled up to the kunoichi. “All the events are paying out double in celebration of the success yesterday.”
Faster than a chocobo after some greens Yuffie was in shower, yelping at the cold water.

The day passed quickly as the three girls made their presence known around the Gold Saucer. Tifa and Joslyn naturally drew attention after the previous night’s activities, though they probably would have even if that wasn’t the case.
Tifa wore a pair of blue hot pants that clung to her like a second skin and a tight blue shirt with a pair of yellow stripes across her breasts. Jo however had simply traded out her green sundress for a dark blue which exposed an impressive amount of cleavage. Yuffie initially felt put out, sandwiched as she was between the two in a variation of Tifa’s fighting outfit that did nothing more that emphasize the sheer difference between her and her friend. Friends?
Yeah, Joslyn was friend. There was just something about the teen, Yuffie realised. It was like she was a younger, but not smaller Tifa, the way she put people at ease. And many people seemed to want to talk to her, though they heard numerous references to her mysterious father. “What does he do around here exactly?” She’d asked.
“Just little odds and ends,” Jo had waved her hand, as if to indicate of no consequence. “Mostly he just watches the books.” Accountant then. Would explain why he’d be reluctant to authorise a swimsuit contest…outside of probably having his daughter participate. But when she voiced this opinion Jo had just laughed. “Disapprove, ha, the old bastard allows me my hobbies so long as they don’t affect the park negatively.”
For some reason she and Tifa had shared a look at that statement. Yuffie couldn’t figure it out. The two of them got along famously for a pair that had only just met. Her only guess was how they both liked to compete. And they seemed to compete at everything.
At the roller coaster they kept at it until Jo finally turned green and wobbled off to puke in a convenient trash bin. At the roller shooter Jo had her revenge beating out Tifa’s score of 3100 with a 3300. Then they both successfully rang the bell repeatedly the strength game before getting chased off by the frustrated handler. Despite it all Yuffie had to admit she was having the time of her life.
But as it got darker and the lights came on Tifa and Joslyn both seemed to get more and more nervous and on edge. Even while she munched on a hot dog as they rested on a bench trying to come up with a way to address it Joslyn suddenly jerked to her feet. “SHIT!!”
“What?” Tifa sounded concerned.
“I forgot that the Square closed down an hour early today,” She snapped. “We need to hurry.”
“But what about Yu…” Tifa started even as Jo grabbed at Yuffie’s arm sprinting off as the smaller girl stared at Tifa with wide shocked eyes. Tifa ran after them, a nervous feeling in the pit of her stomach. Not nervousness of what she and Jo had in mind, no, rather it was the fact that Yuffie was going to be there. Suspecting that Barret had probably seen her fight on tape or heard about it was a far cry from Yuffie being there in person.
But she’d made a promise and, beyond that, she WANTED to fight this tanned teenage girl. Almost as badly as she wanted her rematch with Scarlet. Maybe if got her wish she’d figure out why.

“What’s this place?”
“Think of it as an exclusive club,” Joslyn winked. “Girls only.”
“That sounds boring as all hell,” Yuffie complained.
“Oh,” Jo replied, opening the door. “I can guarantee you it’s anything but…”
The door led down a small corridor before ending at another door, this one with a small keypad. Covering her hand with an apologetic look the teen punched in a six pin code and with a click the door opened. The first thing they noticed was that the room was obviously soundproofed as they only heard the shouts of encouragement as it swung open.
The other thing they noticed were the two women lying on a series of gym mats laid out to form a fifteen by fifteen square which was surround by foldable chairs and one cushioned bench over which a pair of robes had been slung.. Joslyn walked in boldly towards a familiar auburn haired girl that appeared to be operating a camera, while acknowledging the greetings from the seated women. After the initial surprise Tifa joined her, pushing Yuffie’s jaw shut.
“Hey Josy wasn’t expecting you…oh,” Doreen started before noticing her guests. “Tifa and….Yuffie was it?”
“Yeah I promised to give them a full tour after what we put them through yesterday. Turns out Tifa and I share a lot of similar interests.” Jo stared at the other girl. “A LOT of similar interests.”
Doreen’s eyes widened at this as she stammered. “We…well, we’ve had the floor open for anyone the last couple of days. And Emma and Jackie seem about done.”
Jo looked at the mat as the blonde Emma had the black haired Jackie in a head scissors while pulling at her head back the hair. Jackie was tugging at Emma’s legs weakly while crying out every time Emma gave her head a yank.
“Okay, Tifa and I’ll go get ready. You let us know when it’s time.” Doreen nodded and waved her off. Tifa gave a concerned look at Yuffie who was still staring at the fighting women in amazement before following Jo through a white door into what was clearly another changing room. Along a corner of the wall were hung a series of robes.
“So how are we doing this?” Tifa asked, as Joslyn dug a few items from her pocket, transferring them to a blue coloured robe.
“I’ve had…one idea stuck in my head ever since yesterday, “Jo answered as she slipped out of her dress. Underneath she wore a dark blue micro that, while it covered more, strained as much as the string she wore yesterday. “You know…ever since you said that yours were top titties.”
Tifa felt her mouth go dry as Joslyn sashayed towards her. Unconsciously she removed her own top, displaying her own breasts, clad in the same black top from yesterday. “That’s right,” she replied as she wriggled her own towards Jo, fondling her boobs. “Top titties.”
Meeting in the corner of the room they circled one another briefly before lining up their breasts. They knew from the contest that Tifa was slightly bigger overall, but the way Joslyn’s young flesh spilled out from her chest you’d be forgiven for thinking otherwise. Panting slightly they raised their heads, brown eyes staring into grey. “I’ve never lost.” Tifa said quietly.
“Then that makes us a club,” Joslyn retorted as she pushed her boobs forward to lightly press into Tifa’s. Both pair of eyes widened at the firm feeling of the other. They’d felt it when their breasts had briefly collided yesterday. But now it was more definitive. Both faces flushed at the full feeling of the other’s mammaries pushing at their own. Then abruptly both threw back their heads in laughter.
“Look at you so serious,” Jo mocked as she did a fair job mimicking Tifa’s voice. “I’ve never lost.”
“What about you,” Tifa replied. “That…makes us…a club. Who talks like that?”
“I was serious though,” Jo said seriously, after their laughter faded. “I’ve been in eleven titfights since I turned seventeen…never lost one.”
“Twenty three,” Tifa announced proudly. “All smashed.”
Both girls grinned at one another as they lapsed into a comfortable silence. Then Jo reached for Tifa’s hands. “Regardless of who wins tonight…which will be me of course,” Jo began haltingly. “Do you think we could stay friends.”
“Aren’t you a cheeky one,” Tifa responded fondly. “Of course we can stay friends after I win, why wouldn’t we?”
“My girlfriends tend to disappear after we have our first fight,” she replied. “And Doreen’s my best friend, but personally I think she has a thing for losing.”
“And you want to fight someone who wants to win as bad as you,” Tifa nodded understandingly. “I’ll be honest with you. I don’t know why, but I feel like I just HAVE to wrangle with you for some reason. So I’ll give you more fight than you can handle. Hell, you fight as well as you entertain then I’d be more than down to fight as often as you like…after you recover of course. You wrestle any?”
“Wouldn’t that make us like, rivals then?” Jo asked, her eyes shining.
“Well yes, I suppose,” Tifa stuttered at the realization of what she might have just gotten herself into. Then came to the conclusion that she actually didn’t care. “Yeah…I think it would.”
“I’ve always wanted a rival,” Jo said as she embraced Tifa, not in challenge, but as a friend. “Almost everyone else has one already.”
Tifa chuckled as she patted the girl’s back. “Okay, okay. Lets give our babies a break. No point getting started early.”
Joslyn quickly released her, “You’re right.” Then, with a mischievious look. “Wouldn’t want you calling foul after I crush you.”
“Oh you are so…”

Yuffie was feeling quite out of place without Joslyn nearby. The women here clearly deferred to her, but she and Tifa seemed to have wandered off leaving the young ninja to her own devices. Suffice it to say Yuffie was as bored as she expected to be. No one had bet on the fight they’d walked in on, and it had ended too soon for her to try and get a pot going, with the brunette finally quitting and begging the blonde to let her go. The two now sat apart both wearing red robes.
Part of her considered leaving a message for Tifa before heading out but a sudden flurry of activity from a door in the back drew her attention. Which was strange since she’d heard that Emma and Jackie had been the last matchup for the night. She jumped up and down trying to see what was going on over the taller women before, frustrated, just began pushing her way through while ignoring the angry complaints. Reaching the front she did a double take.
“What are you doing?” she asked as Tifa stood clad in a white robe while Joslyn stood next to her chatting to Doreen in a dark blue version.
“Just a little friendly competition,” Tifa assured her. “Jo and I decided we had a matter that needed settling.”
“I promised you you wouldn’t be bored didn’t I,” the younger brunette told her before turning to Tifa, “Shall we?”
“Let’s,” was Tifa’s answer as they swayed through the parting crowd to the mat covered section of the room. They paused at the bench and removed their robes together in an almost synchronized manner. Both women wore micro bikinis that looked even smaller set against both brunettes massive monsters and slim, but lush builds. Yuffie could see looks of envy on many faces…and not a little bit of lust as well. Tifa’s black and white number strained visibly against her chest and highlighted the paleness of her skin while, like her sundress from earlier, Joslyn’s tanned body was barely contained in a suit of dark blue. Moving together they took up positions on opposite sides of the mat while the rest of the women scrambled for seats close to the action.
Tifa kept her eyes on Joslyn, smiling, even as she tossed her top to the outside of the small arena. Her G-cups bounced at their freedom as Tifa gave a bounce and a shake for the female crowd. It felt good to cut loose. She’d never imagined when she suggested this excursion that she’d meet someone like Joslyn. But now she increasing anticipation at matching her body against someone that had thus far competed with evenly with her.
Joslyn felt the same way as she returned the smile slipping off her own flimsy covering giving her own massive F-cup boobs a jiggle. To say she was excited would be an understatement. She didn’t get to fight with her boobs as often as she’d like, and could count the number of good fights on one hand. Usually it was invariably with some smaller woman with more guts that tits or some big broad who’s soft and floppy boobs that she bashed around for a couple of minutes before she quit. But she’d gotten her first good look at Tifa’s tits at the swimsuit contest and felt that familiar competitive need burning in the pit of her stomach. She’d been nervous approaching someone she’d just met about a fight…no that wasn’t right, she’d felt nervous challenging Tifa. She shivered lightly in anticipation.
“Let’s get some pre-match shots, “Doreen called from behind the camera even as she slipped in a fresh disc. Coming together they both stood together arms over the others shoulders as they posed.
“C’mon ladies, give us some enthusiasm,” Doreen complained. Giving Jo a smirk out of the corner of her eye she saw the younger brunette grin and nod. Turning to face one another fully while presenting their sides to the camera they carefully wrapped their arms around the others neck and hair their boobs a scant centimeter apart before turning their heads and smiling at the camera, cheek to cheek. “Now that’s what I’m talking about!”
Doreen quickly set the recorder running as she circled the pair getting what angles she could of both brunettes before ducking underneath to get a worm’s eye view of the four monsters about to got to war. “Okay girls just a few more sec…” Doreen said, before noticing a slight side to side motion. “Uh…girls?”
“They’ve already started, Dor!” she heard Trina call and though she couldn’t see it, the smiles had been replaced with compressed lips on both faces and a slight tightening of the arms. Their breathing had had their breasts lightly brushing against one another, and while he closeness had been playful, just like before, it had lit the fire under both women. They’d been aching for a chance to go at one another and as far as they were concerned, they’d waited long enough.
From her position under and between their bodies Doreen had a perfect view of how of how both sets compared. Joslyn’s wide boobs poured poured off in a firm, almost perfect circle before tapering off into long brown nipples. While there was a slight hang it was obviously from the weight as her breasts didn’t sag but stood high and proud and, due to her tendency to sunbathe naked, the same golden tan as the rest of her body.
Tifa’s pale skin stood out starkly against the teenager’s tan and was the one major difference that allowed first timers to tell them apart. The difference in their breasts was slight, only the shape being noticeable. The older girl had tits that were broader than Jo’s but did not jut out as far. They made up for this by being rounder and deeper with even her nipples being clearly thicker, though shorter. Also like Jo, there was no sign of any sag as they sat proud and defiant on Tifa’s chest.
Mouth widened and a pink tongue licked at suddenly dry lips Doreen swallowed. She’d been one of the first Joslyn had…recruited…for their little group and she’d never seen another woman match up as well against the teen. Even those that were bigger usually had so much sag to their tits that she almost felt sorry for them. But watching the two above her continued their slow side to side motion, their breasts brushing lightly against one another with a barely audible scrape scrape , made her quiver and she had to fight a desire to push a hand between her legs.
She almost lost it anyway as they started moving their boobs in small circular motions, the nipples running along the firm flesh, coming close but never quite touching. Neither said a word though their breathing became noticeably heavier. Neither girl cared what they looked like or what other women might be thinking. This was between them and them alone and for all they cared, right now they were the only two in the room. Both respected and liked the other…but at the same time both badly wanted to be superior.
Unlike the beauty contest they would be the one’s deciding. And despite their pre-match display neither got any sense of weakness in the other, or their breasts. So, play time was over. With that in mind Jo disengaged her boobs, rearing her body back. Tifa also the same, arcing her body back to put max distance between their breasts.
“Now,” Tifa murmured as they heaved their monsters at one another.
The SMACK echoed throughout the room as Doreen rolled out from under them and quickly retreated from the mats. Setting the camera back on the stand she repositioned and resumed filming. Both women kept their lips sealed and the eyes screwed shut as they repeated the maneuver, the SPLAT drawing gasps from crowd, even as the two engaged in the combat refused to make a sound. Determined not to be the first to express discomfort.
Rearing back they smashed all four orbs together for a third time, then a fourth and a fifth, each blow louder and harder and more painful than the previous. At the sixth hit both women were now breathing through clenched teeth. At the seventh their knees bent briefly before they reset themselves. Ten powerful collisions between their four heavy breasts were delivered before a gasp of pain forced it’s way from between one of the girls’ lips.
Shame at her loss of control colored Tifa’s cheeks as she felt Jo slowly release her grip from around her neck, even as she did the same. Backing away they could see the damage their breasts hand done, and received. “You hit hard,” Tifa admitted grudgingly, as she massaged her aching tits. Yet despite the shame she also felt excitement. This was someone she could go all out on.
“No more than you,” Joslyn allowed, relishing the stinging pain in her tits. This was what she’d be waiting for, what she’d been hoping for. Someone to match her blow for blow, strength for strength. Someone she could fight to her fullest until satisfied. She smiled at Tifa. “Shall we continue.”
Tifa smiled in return and angled her body. “Youth before beauty,” she joked, then winced as the teen’s left boob collided with her right before swinging back. Dancing and swaying across the mats they hurled and swung their meaty orbs with controlled determination. At times it seemed like Tifa’s more rounded, heavy breasts were beating back Joslyn then the younger woman would utilize her longer, pointed boobs almost like fists to beat Tifa back almost nipple to nipple. This was a more energetic phase of the fight from the previous slow, heavy bashing period and sweat began to leave a glistening sheen on both beauties.
Yuffie watched, concern and elation alternating as Tifa would first seem to being beaten stubbornly back by Jo’s aggression, then she’d counterattack fiercely driving the teen into a reluctant retreat both women grunting and gasping in pain as their breasts reddened appreciably. They weren’t slowing down either, she noticed. Just like before they were pushing each other to their limits, testing just how far they could go.
Tifa gasped as she bashed and hit her tits against the opposing pair. There was no real pain yet, just discomfort, and she’d found her rhythm as she danced across the mat with the teenager. She hadn’t been entirely truthful in what she’d told Joslyn in the back room. Between her fight with Viola and then Scarlet on the Sister Ray she HAD been in at least twenty three titfights over the years…if you didn’t count Scarlet. Considering that fight had been interrupted she didn’t feel right about it.
But nonetheless compared to others Jo was definetly one of most talented and tough she’d come across, the brown haired teen continuing to impress her. And considering she was only eighteen and had already faced off eleven times she could almost say the teen was as, or even more, experienced than she was. Like Zangan used to say, “Only by fighting those as strong as, or stronger than yourself can you grow.” Granted he probably wasn’t thinking about THIS kind of fight, but considering what a battle maniac he was who knew. Tifa smiled at this and swung her tits even harder.
Joslyn whined as Tifa’s swings stung her boobs achingly. This kind of a titfight favored her longer tits which gave her more range and a longer swing. She’d learned this early on when she’d first gotten into the fights. But Tifa never retreated, never defended, but matched her blow for blow staying in close even though she had be feeling the pain by now. The moment she’d met Tifa in Wonder Square she knew this was a woman worth fighting. It had been over a month since she’d set foot on the mat for a match of any kind and…as she set her feet and swung a savage blow that stopped Tifa in her tracks…she’d gotten addicted to this style of fighting since her first experience.
That last one really hurt as Tifa grunted, feeling the weight behind the blow, as she spread her own legs twisting from the hip and swinging her shoulders to bash her monsters at Jo’s massive mammaries neither women moving an inch. Breasts smacked and thumped against one another in an almost frantic manner as still neither slowed despite the burning fatigue in their shoulders and upper bodies. Not to mention the growing pain in their almost glowing tits. Gritting her teeth Tifa ignored the aches and pains, concentrating only on hitting harder and faster. Gasps gave way to yells and grunts gave way to shrieks as neither woman backed down and neither woman defended, only attacked. Swing and hit and slam and crush. Ignore the pain.
Something had to give and ten minutes into the round, something did. Crashing together Jo’s longer swing finally bore fruit as Tifa stumbled back arms flailing as she fought, and won to keep her balance. “Yeah,” someone started to cheer from the crowd of women, but not a word crossed Jo’s lips as she held her arms out. Tifa strode back opposite her, feet set. Angling their feet they set themselves back up and after a few hesitant swings began in earnest once again. Jo felt the intensity behind Tifa’s smoldering gaze as the older woman’s pale breasts splattered against her own, tanned, boobs. She met Tifa’s stare even as their boobs smashed together and an intense agony made her drop to one knee, stunned.
“You getting up?” She heard Tifa pant. Looking up she saw the other woman staring down at her hands still on her hips. Grunting, she pushed herself back up to her feet. She refused to touch her breasts until Tifa had hers. Refused to acknowledge the pain. A few false starts before they once again they swung at one another…but this time it only took one loud, powerful, thumping blow that sent them both stumbling back. Though both kept their feet, they were clearly shocked and hurt by that blow.
Approaching each other warily Tifa, once in range, sent a painful jab right boob to left causing the orb to jiggle. Jo thrust with her own right, sending Tifa’s left boob to crash into the right. Instead of swinging they now jabbed and thrust their orbs at one another their large and now distended nipples playing havoc with the dense flesh. Finally, frustrated at the ineffectual hits compared to earlier Tifa shifted her grip from her own hips to Joslyn’s while the teen grabbed at Tifa’s own slick hips as they jabbed and thrust their boobs at one another. Both kept their eyes focused on the other’s glistening mammaries, seeking any weakness. Finding none the agony continued unabated.
“They’re really going at it,” Yuffie heard one woman say as she felt herself trembling despite the nervous sweat on her face. She was no expert but to her eyes it was anyone’s match. Joslyn had drawn first blood, but Tifa had delivered the most demonstrative hit thus far with Jo going to ground. And yet through it all Yuffie felt no hostility from either. Even now as they jabbed their boobs together with hollow sounding PLOPS and looks of suffering and concentration on their faces there was nothing. How could you fight someone you felt no animosity to she asked herself. They weren’t trying kill one another…just maybe their breasts, but shouldn’t there be something? She felt like that was another piece of the puzzle she was missing when it came to odd relationship between the two.
Sweat streaked and aching Tifa’s cries were loud in her own head as she and Jo continued to bash their boobs together rythmicaly. This was no battle of strategy or of outsmarting your opponent. This was a battle of the breasts and the breasts alone. The only way to win was for your boobs to be stronger, better, superior. Joslyn’s brown orbs were as dense and firm as any pair Tifa had faced in the years since Sector Four, and just like the rest of her, Jo’s boobs matched her almost perfectly. Tifa wasn’t going to consider losing… the thought never crossed her mind…but she almost lost her grip as their stiff nipples, fully distended, crossed and locked.
Jo’s hands slipped down Tifa’s hips at the sensation, eyes fluttering even as they continued to jostle the locked boobs together. Finally, regretfully, the nipples slid past one another scraping at the areola and causing both girls to shudder at the sensation. “Nipple to nipple,” she heard Tifa whisper, looking up and matching the other girl’s intense stare. Licking her suddenly dry lips Joslyn shifted her chest around trying to match up with Tifa’s opposing pair. Bouncing and swaying their tits almost seemed reluctant, but they soon had them pointing directly at the opposition. Trembling, their hands moved up from the hips the other’s waist, they pressed their bodies forward.
Tifa moaned as Jo panted. Nipple contact was always intense no matter how much you think you’re ready for it. A second collision made their legs buckle and the third hit, as their nipples disappeared into a private battle within their areolas, caused both to drop to their knees. They never stopped though, mind firmly on the fight. Two more thrusts, two more short intense nipple duels. On the third the electric shock seemed to trigger something in both women as they released hips and wrapped their arms around one another squeezing tight, heads thrown back as they screamed at the ceiling. The suddenness of the move made many sit up or even fall out of their chairs as it the fight pace had begun to slow. Grinding their boobs together brutally, only they were aware of the incredible war being waged in the confines of their thick titflesh.
Tifa felt as if her body was on fire as her nipples dueled with Jo’s. She could hear the other girl screaming in…what? Pain…pleasure? She couldn’t even be sure what she herself was screaming about, only that she had to as she thrust and ground her tits at the other woman. Jo’s mind was almost blank. The feeling of her nipples as they jabbed, stabbed and crossed with Tifa’s was indescribable. Then, as they ground and thrust at one another Jo’s left nipple began to retreat in the face of Tifa’s spike. Yet even as her face lit up in triumph, Tifa groaned in pained surprise as the teen’s right nipple forced hers’ to bend upward. Replacing any pleasure with intense pain. Almost simultaneously they released their hold on one another as both toppled over backwards onto their butts, arms supporting their trembling bodies as tits heaved and quivered. The women murmured amongst themselves, wondering if it was over. Even as they considered this, Tifa began to laugh.
It began quietly, then grew in volume as she began to laugh almost hysterically.
“What’s…so…funny?” Joslyn asked painfully from her own position. Her young body still quivering from the sensations.
“Us,” Tifa responded with a hysterical giggle, “Just look at us. We’re a mess.”
At this Jo began to giggle as well, “You really are…something else,” she gasped around her laughter.
“No…ow…more than…ow…you,” Tifa gasped as she sat up, rubbing gingerly at her right nipple, “That stings, you really did a number on it.”
“And you didn’t to mine?” Joslyn replied, hissing as she caressed her left breast.
For some reason that set them both laughing again, as their crowd stared goggle eyed at this development. Getting painfully to her feet Joslyn offered Tifa a hand, pulling the other brunette up as they both grinned tiredly at one another.
“Uh, so are you guys finished?” Yuffie ventured from her spot on the edge of the mat. “Since no one else seems willing to ask.”
“I don’t know…are we finished Tif?” Jo asked, hands on her hips.
“Only if you’re going to concede Jo,” Tifa replied, to which the teenage, tanned, brunette gave an unladylike snort. “Guess that’s a no then.”
“Hold up though,” Jo said before pointing at the blonde that had been in the earlier match. “Emma, check my robe pocket and hand me the green bottle. Dorrie, towels.”
“What’re you up to,” Tifa asked, raising an eyebrow.
“If we’re going to keep doing this, lets make sure there’s no doubt,” Jo replied, accepting said green bottle. “This is my dad’s personal ointment. Helps reduce the pain whenever I work out.”
“So…only one way we’re ending this.” Tifa nodded as she wiped her face and patted her body down with the offered towel. With the pain dulled neither would be inclined to submit. Then there’d be only one way to know for sure who was the winner. Who was the best.
“All or nothing,” Jo agreed, toweling off the worst of the sweat before smearing a clear gel over and under her reddened boobs, sighing at the cold before offering the bottle to Tifa, who was handing the towel she’d used herself over to Yuffie. Shrugging, she accepted a squeezed dollop into her hand, rubbing it onto her aching boobs. The effect was swift and while the pain didn’t vanish entirely it was definetly more manageable. Spinning around both women swayed to the center of the mat, Tifa dropping to her knees as Joslyn faced the small crowd, locking her hands behind her head giving them a pose and shake. “Now then, I hope you ladies are ready for the main event.”
Tifa rolled her eyes, finding it difficult to get annoyed at the girl’s grandstanding. “Get down here so I can crush you,” she declared loudly, slapping the spot before her. Joslyn smirked at the crowd as she sank to her knees opposite Tifa who raised her arms allowing the teen to apply her hold first. The hands went under her arms, tickling lightly as the girl worked them under Tifa’s hair before locking into the small of her back pulling their bodies in just close enough for their boobs to brush lightly in time with their breathing.
“Not if I crush you first,” Joslyn warned as loudly for the crowd while Tifa worked her own arms around Jo’s upper body adjusting her fingers as strands of Jo’s shoulder length hair got between them. Heads down both beauties moved their bodies around carefully, lining up their breasts against their opposite, arms shifting upward and around to ensure maximum contact and compression. Finally ready their heads rose, dark brown eyes looking into smoky grey.
Defiance, confidence and pride. Defiance at the other winning. Confidence in their own eventual victory and pride in their own bodies. This was what they saw there, but more than that they also saw respect. They weren’t two enemies seeking to destroy one another. Just two women who enjoyed a good fight and fighting strong opponents. Regardless of what happened here and now it wouldn’t be their last contest. Jo licked her lips in anticipation, “You ready?”
Tifa gave a wink as her body quivered in anticipation, “Let’s do this,” she answered, then gasped as Jo squeezed tight, pushing their breasts together squashing them tight as the turgid, spreading flesh pressed against the imprisoning arms. Tifa responded, bashing back at her rival’s monsters forcing a moan from Jo’s lips as she squeezed. Tifa marveled at the oil’s effects. There was pain, but nowhere near the level she knew she should be feeling after everything they’d poured into one another. Without it the pain would be greater, especially after their nipple duel, but still manageable.
She added a grinding motion at the end of her hugs, working her sore nipples in deep, thinking to flatten Jo’s longer tits at the tip. Jo responded by adding a humping motion to her own, driving her boobs forward in waves to batter at Tifa’s dense oval udders. But both knew there would be no quick resolution as their prized and proud breasts still resisted any attempt to flatten them. And with the oil dulling the pain neither woman felt even the slightest inclination to submit. One had to win…to be dominant.
Grunting fiercely the teen and her newfound rival kept their arms tightly clenched even as the sweat began to gather in their palms and slick their bodies once more. Grinding, humping and thumping at one another their bodies began to sway back and forth as each was forced onto their haunches briefly before bashing herself back to an upright position. Sweat began to ooze down their bodies again as they began to shift their shoulders, punching their tits into one another, pain beginning to build again as their shoulders also began pushing against one another painfully.
“Maybe I should ask her a tube,” Tifa thought to herself as she grunted at the renewed pain. Still wasn’t bad enough to make her consider stopping though as she titboxed Jo from within the confines of their arms. It was difficult to get much weight behind the hits but they both still managed to force whines and grunts from one another. Jo moaned, realising just what they had to be doing to one another for the pain to begin building again despite the oil. But she didn’t let it dissuade her. She’d handled far worse and if it was hurting her, she could only imagine what Tifa was going through.
Then she shuddered at a particularly solid hit and sank back on her haunches again. Tifa, sensing weakness, pressed her advantage humping and grinding her tits into the other girl as Jo’s back bent from the pressure. Eyes wide with shock, and not a little fear, she pumped back as best she could but the leverage was all Tifa’s who continued to drive her boobs forward as eyes sparkled at the sight of her breasts on top on Jo’s. Despite her youth, however, Jo was no amateur. While she’d been in eleven titfights…catfights, wrestling and brawls had been liberally dotted across her young career between those fights. And she knew how to deal with an opponent that was pushing down on her. She let her body go limp and, as Tifa fell forward surprised by the lack of resistance, she twisted their bodies trying to land on top of Tifa but still didn’t have sufficient leverage. Instead they crashed onto their sides.
As their shoulders hit the mat, both girls tightened their grips and exerted their bodies to force the other over and under. Slowly, tortuously, Tifa forced Joslyn under her but was unable to do much else as the girl’s strong arms maintained an amazing grip on her. She instead used her advantageous position to grind down applying as much pressure as she could. Jo threw back her head yelling at the pain as the sight of the compression had to be amazing to the women that could see it before, just as agonizingly slow, she rolled a hoarsely groaning Tifa back onto her side.
Pumping and thrusting her swollen boobs into her opponent a fiercely grunting Jo completed the roll despite her rival’s own determined attempts to prevent it. Now it was Tifa’s turn to bellow in agony as Jo thrust downward, head thrown back, eyes screwed shut and teeth gritted with the effort. Tifa clenched her own arms, not the least bit afraid of matching the teenager mass for mass, rocking their bodies back and forth and grinding as she slowly forced them back onto their sides.
This was not the wild, violent and uncontrolled brawl Tifa had had with Viola more than three years ago. Back then the only thing in her mind was to hurt the redhead as much as possible. Winning hadn’t even entered the equation until she’d come back to her senses.
This time was different. She knew that to win a ground battle you had to control your opponent, not just roll around ineffectually. The teenage Jo also knew this and both beauties exerted careful, but still powerful, force which resulted in a slow intense battle as they occupied the same small five foot section of mat which they’d started on, rocking their bodies together as first one, then the other, was briefly forced onto her back before being rolled back to an even position or for it to be reversed as the other pushed and thrust her way on top.
Even though both were aware that a grapevine could swiftly give one an advantage, and though both had more than one opportunity to wrap their long legs around the other and lock it into place neither attempted it and both trusted the other not to either. This was between their upper bodies, their breasts. So as savage, almost animalistic, grunts and growls and cries of effort and agony issued from between their lips they continued their slowly rolling war of attriton as they attempted to grind away their opponent’s resolve or force the other to make a mistake.
Though the pace had slowed considerably their audience stared in rapt attention. Every woman there, bar one, was familiar with a rolling brawl. Either because of anger or because both participants knew how it would turn on their respective partners. There was something oddly erotic about two women rolling around on the floor…but none had ever seen one like this. Though the sounds of the grunts and moans from Tifa and Joslyn alone had more than one woman crossing her legs to avoid embarresing herself the intensity between the two girls and the slow, controlled pace itself made it worse. But their pace was slowing even more as the two girls, visibly drenched in sweat, tired.
Yuffie, however, was the odd one out. And the sixteen year old kunoichi was fully unprepared to see her old, and new, friend rolling around on a mat growling and grunting like two animals. Even worse was the uncomfortable feeling she was getting between her legs. She was familiar with it enough, with how she occasionally fantasized about Cloud coming into her room. But not this. She tried to close ears and eyes to the noise, to get her breathing back under control.
Joslyn gasped heavily as Tifa rolled on top of her pushing her boobs down as best she could while Jo kept their bodies locked together. Humping and thrusting their orbs at one another the teen, inch by tortuous inch, forced Tifa back onto her side forcing a moan out of the girl as she squeezed hard. Pumping her breasts strongly she tried to retake the top spot, but as Tifa thrust back all they managed was a a slight rocking motion as their bodies tilted to one side then other in a manner that neither was able to take advantage of.
The teen felt both exhausted, and exhilarated. Exhausted from the incredible fight Tifa was forcing out of her. But also exhilarated as Tifa had proven to be every bit the rival Jo had hoped for. Even now they were so evenly, perfectly matched that all she could do was keep pumping her boobs. Keep bashing her tits into Tifa, head down and eyes screwed shut with effort, trying to wear her orbs down. She’d never been this long into a fight and the feeling was almost euphoric.
Tifa grunted as her shoulders hit the floor, Joslyn again rolling them back to a neutral position. As Tifa had done before, and Jo before that. Back and forth, again and again, both hurting the other but neither able to control the other. Despite how tired she was beginning to feel Tifa couldn’t help but admire her fit young opponent…no…rival! She’d been startled when the teenager had said she’d always wanted a rival, but now she had to admit that Jo was someone she’d happily call a rival. If she was this tough at eighteen, she’d be downright frightening once she got more experience.
Rocking and swaying on the sweat stained mat, their arms wrapped around each other’s shoulder, clenched tight as their boobs battled determinedly within the their confines Joslyn kept pushing Tifa to fight back harder. To give her all or suffer a defeat. “I’ve never lost,” Tifa had told her. “That makes us a club,” Joslyn had replied as they’d shared a laugh at how corny it all sounded. Joslyn deserved the best fight Tifa could give her as the girl lowered her head, eyes closed, as they continued butting their boobs together…but they couldn’t do it like this. Neither of them would win like this.
“This isn’t working,” Tifa gasped out. Looking up from the magnificent sight of their battling boobs Joslyn instead looked into the tired, glistening, eyes of the older girl who still kept her arms wrapped tightly around her. “We’re not going to get what we want like this.”
“Start over then?” Jo croaked, not releasing her own grip. She knew the other woman wasn’t the type to cheat, but that was neither here nor there.
Tifa nodded, “On three.”
“Three!” Both women released their grips and rolled in opposite directions, chests heaving at their sudden freedom as they gulped down air. They heard the sound of clapping and cheers and sat up, confused, as they were surrounded by an excited mass of women that helped them to their feet.
“Great match!” Gloria cheered.
“Not a bad draw,” Hinata called. “You’ll get her next time Josy.”
“Draw?” Joslyn asked, an amused expression on her tired face. “Who said anything about a draw?”
The silence at that declaration was deafening. “But you…” Yuffie began before being interrupted.
“We just needed a break before continuing,” Tifa said, grabbing a bottle of water from the stunned grasp of one in the crowd. “You ladies had to be getting bored at watching us just lying on the ground.”
Nervous laughter accompanied that statement
“We promised you all a finale,” Jo continued, taking a long pull from an offered bottle. Then she smiled wickedly. “Tifa’s just being stubborn accepting who has the best tits in town.”
“Oh I know who has the best boobs in the Saucer,” Tifa smirked taking a mocking swing at Jo. “So what say you just quit now and we can go tear this park apart.”
“They’re serious,” Yuffie heard Doreen whisper in awe as Joslyn shooed them off the mat. Yuffie claimed a section on the edge, dropping down cross legged as she stared at the two women. Jo had gulped down the entire bottle tossing it to the edges. Tifa had drunk most of hers before upending the bottle over her head, sighing as the water cooled her skin. Both looked ragged and exhausted but intent on continuing and Yuffie couldn’t help but feel admiration for the two and honored that Tifa had allowed her to witness this. She saw Tifa wipe the water and sweat off her face before accepting Jo’s hand as the girl guided them back to the center of the mat, now clearly stained from the sweat of both women.
“How do you want to do this,” the teen asked releasing Tifa’s hand.
“Compression didn’t work,” Tifa shrugged. “I’m just going to have to batter you down.”
Jo chuckled in genuine amusement. “You realise that gives me an advantage?”
“Like hugging gave me?”
“Maybe mine are just stronger,” Jo said lightly.
“You kids, no respect for your elders.” Tifa joked, then smiled. “This has been…fun. Honestly. No hard feelings when I win?”
“None whatsoever,” Jo nodded, then grinned. “But I think you mean’t when I win.”
“When chocobos fly,” Tifa laughed, gently wrapping her arms around Jo’s neck even as the other did the same, both working their hands under the other’s hair, their cheeks pressing together. “Lets give them a hell of a finish.”
That said, just as they’d begun both brunette beauties heaved their heavy, red and swollen glands into one another in a violent collision that reverberated across the room even as the echo of their scream faded. Lulled as they had been by the friendly conversation the two had been having their watchers jumped at the violent resumption of hostilities. Arms tightening around necks they battered and smacked their tits at one another the sound of the blows, loud and painful, echoing across the room. Jo’s longer breasts indeed seemed to give her an advantage as they smacked fully along the outside of Tifa’s boobs causing the older woman to shriek at the stinging pain. Tifa retaliated by punching her boobs upwards, causing Jo’s swings to occasionally miss as her tits were smacked upwards before bouncing back down onto Tifa’s as she winced while Jo wailed.
Other times they boxed their tits together, Jo again enjoying a slight advantage as the longer boobs gave her more punch, though the sheer apparent density of Tifa’s broader globes made the compression painful for the younger woman. Fatigue began to set in again now as both women paused, gasping and panting, leaning into one another. The weight of the other woman supporting the other. Another brief, but violent, exchange of head to head collisions that yielded no discernable results before again resting against one another. Then another round of titboxing before…Tifa stumbled back moaning.
Everyone started at the sudden action, but before anyone could think or say anything the pale brunette had wrapped her arms around the other’s neck, delivering a wicked blow in the process that got a startled yell out of Jo. The blow seemed to anger the teen as she began to force Tifa back blow by painful blow. From her position Yuffie felt concern as she saw tears running down Tifa’s cheeks as the determined Joslyn forced her to retreat, her eyes watering from the pain and the knowledge that she was losing the titfight. She felt shame at the disloyal thought then gasped as Tifa this time fell back fully on her ass, arm covering her boobs as she sobbed bitterly and openly for all to see.
“You…give…?” Joslyn gasped out, hands on her knees, golden brown breasts hanging down heavily. She could barely see through her tears, though she hear the other girl’s whimpers. “Do…you…quit?”
“Not…yet…,” Tifa whispered as she slowly worked her way back to her feet, swaying slightly. Her vision was blurry through her tears but she saw the girl advancing on her, arms going around her neck as she did the same automatically. Then she swung her boobs as hard as she could. And heard Jo shriek before feeling her sink to the ground, her hands resting lightly on her shoulders. “Not…yet…” she repeated, agony ripping through her body.
“TIFA!!!” Yuffie shouted her friend’s name in support as Jo sank to her knees after that savage direct collision of all four breasts. Staring in surprise at Yuffie, other women began calling for Jo to get back up with others joined Yuffie in chanting Tifa’s name.
Joslyn could hear the chants through the agony. She felt Tifa’s hands on her shoulders as well as a dripping patter on her shoulders and head. She looked up at the older girl, tears and sweat running down her tired face, long dark hair now matted and scraggly. “We’re…not done…yet,” she gritted out as she felt her own tears streak her face.
Tifa nodded tiredly, not making a move as Jo got to her feet. They grasped each other just above the elbow, using the grip to pull and add extra weight to their hits. Swinging and boxing their boobs against one another both women kept their eyes fixed on the other’s face, seeing every contortion through rivulets of sweat and tears and spittle. Tifa boxed Jo back several steps before the younger girl swung her tits horizontally to once again to smack at the outside of Tifas boobs the agony on her face mirrored in Jo’s. All the while the women continued shouting and cheering for their chosen participant, Yuffie voice loud and shrill. And as they did so Jo mistimed a swing and, exhausted and confused, Tifa found her boobs on top of Jo’s. It was in no way intentional, as Tifa had herself just mistimed a hit and delivered a glancing blow from below which, instead of having her boobs going back down, had resulted in them continuing their swing up. Call it luck, call it fate, Tifa took advantage of the situation presented to her and brought her heavy tits crashing down on Jo’s.
The thudding blow knocked the girl onto all fours, but her tired , trembling arms could barely support her and she flopped onto the mat. Tifa stumbled to the side falling to one knee. She could hear the women around the room, some of them calling her name while others called for Jo to get up. Tifa groaned at the pain as she got to her feet and stood swaying as Jo, slowly and in hideous pain, struggled to rise. Twice she failed as her arms gave out but ,growling at herself, she managed to push herself to her feet. “Ha…had enough yet?” Tifa hoarsely demanded.
“I can…keep going all night,” Jo gasped out, to the cheers of the crowd as the two women tottered towards one another and fell into an embrace as they dragged one another down into a squatting position. They wrenched their bodies left and right as their boobs smacked against one another painfully while their feet shuffled on the mats as they fought also to keep balance. The blows were slower now, but more deliberate and painful. Both were aware that they could afford no mistakes, not now.
Pain now began to also radiate from their thighs and calves from the squat causing legs to tremble and twitch. Heads over the other’s shoulder, both shuddered at the rising pain, grinding their tits together now as both struggled to keep their balance. Slowly, so slowly, one groaning woman began to push the other back. Weeping, the other bumped and thrust back as hard as she could but her determined rival would not be denied.
“Got you…now,” Tifa gasped as she Inexorably forced Joslyn’s body to bend. “you’re…weakening.”
“You…wish,” Joslyn groaned as she kept fighting back. “I’m as strong…as…as you…”
Joslyn’s grip faltered as first one leg, then the other, collapsed under her as she toppled back. She cried out as Tifa’s weight fell on her. The shock made her lose her grip entirely, arms falling lose. “Gonna crush…you…now!” Tifa gritted out as she dropped her body to splatter her boobs onto Jo’s who howled at the blow. Tifa was in no better condition, but she reared back again dropping her G-cup monsters onto Jo’s rack, shrieking at the pain even as the teen did the same. One more blow was all she could manage before her eyes crossed and her vision went gray as she lay atop Joslyn’s body, both women crying quietly as bodies quivered, arms lying entangled at their sides.
The shouts had stopped now as everyone stared at the bodies on the mat. “Are…Are they done?” Sara ventured.
“They’re still moving,” Doreen pointed out, from her position behind the camera, at the quivering and heaving of the bodies in time with their ragged breathing.
“No way they can keep going,” Emma declared. “How long’s it been?”
“Forty minutes.” Doreen called out. “Give or take.”
“Shit, that’s a new record!”
“Dunno bout you, but I’m not the one that going to tell them they’re done. Get the girl that came with her to do it.”
Yuffie ignored the conversations around her as she kept her eyes glued to the mat. She’d noticed something the others hadn’t.
Joslyn could hear and feel Tifa’s sobbing breath on the side of her face as well of the weight of the woman. She’d blanked out momentarily from the pain, and it seemed the older girl had as well, as she fought to bring her breathing back under control. She had to move she knew. It wasn’t over. She could still win.
Carefully, gently, she disentangled her arms from Tifa’s running her hands up her body as she felt the other’s sweat and tears splash against her shoulders and side of the face. As her hands reached Tifa’s shoulders Joslyn committed her limited reserves and exploded into action, pushing and shoving her chest against Tifa despite the agony the movement caused her. Tifa was slow to react but kept them teetering on their sides as she fought back with desperate nervous energy before, after twenty seconds of screaming in pain and effort at one another Jo forced Tifa onto her back. Looking down Jo saw fear, defiance…and resignation on Tifa’s face as the brunette’s arms fell away from the teen’s body. She was basically tell Jo to give it her best go and she, as Joslyn raised herself up on trembling arms, prepared to do just that.
“Mine…are…better,” she growled hoarsely as she dropped her heavy F-cups onto Tifa’s monsters. Both women bellowed at the agony that had them writhing against one another in an almost lewd manner. Again, Jo raised her magnificent body above Tifa’s own perfect body and dropped her full weight onto the other woman. The loud SPLAT was followed by pained shrieks, but both women had felt it. Tifa sobbed bitterly at the feeling of her breasts being penetrated for the first time while Jo cried loudly at the feeling of her breasts softening and yielding.
It was inconceivable to both girls that they could be this equal that, despite everything they’d done to one another, their boobs had given way almost simultaneously. Lying together Tifa looked up at Joslyn through heavily lidded eyes as her dark hair hung down almost obscuring her face, while the teenager stared back lips parted, her panting breath hot on Tifa’s face surrounded by a messy mass of dark brown hair. “I’ve…never…lost…,” she whimpered, repeating what Tifa had told her earlier, bumping her softening boobs weakly into Tifa’s, causing them both to spread noticeably as the two beauties groaned.
“That…makes us…a…club,” Tifa murmured back, following the script and mirroring what Jo had replied, wrapping her trembling arms around the teen in a final head to head confrontation. She painfully raised her body as she felt Jo’s arms struggling to go around her back before wrenching the sweat drenched, exhausted teen’s unresisting body onto her side.
Through it all, despite everything, their desire for an even and fair fight remained as unremitting as the agony that coursed through their bodies. Their breasts had faltered they knew, but hadn’t failed. Not yet. If their breasts could keep fighting, so could they.
Faces contorting neither made any motion other than to tighten their arms, driving their bodies closer and closer together as their softening breasts spread more and more as both looked down in horror and agony at the insistent pressure. This was beyond anything either girl had ever experienced…and was exactly what they’d both wanted. What they both needed. To fight until they could fight no more. Win or lose nothing mattered but the fight. But all fights must end. And on a five foot long, sweat soaked piece foam wrapped in leather and covered by vinyl the two beauties felt the end.
It was one that only they felt. Not even Yuffie, her mind almost burnt out by the evening’s events, could spot it with her ninja training. So all everyone heard was Tifa’s hiccuping sob. All everyone saw was her body arc in pain as Joslyn tightened her clenching arms. Conversations quieted as everyone watched the promised finale between the two brown haired beauties. Then their bodies crushed together again, Tifa’s head thrown back, lips pulled back from clenched, bared teeth…
Then she rolled her exhausted teenage opponent under her own exhausted body. The movement unexpected and sudden. Yuffie clenched a fist and beat the ground, realising what had happened.
Tifa sobbed as the difference appeared. A small one. One only they detected and Tifa, tears flowing down her face, looked into Jo’s own wet eyes and and still saw defiance…but also defeat. Tifa’s body arced as Joslyn tightened her arms again, but all she did was cause herself more suffering. “Mine…are…best…!” Tifa whispered in agony and relief pushing her chest forward with each word.
“No…mine are…better…mine…are…,” Jo whimpered, shaking her head, as she fought the agony and what they both felt. Desperately she squeezed at Tifa trying to even out their boobs again, even as Tifa clneched her own arms, head thrown back and teeth clenched at the pain and effort, as her boobs continued their retreated before Tifa’s own aching monsters. As her grip relaxed Tifa pumped her chest with what little energy she had left, rolling on top of Jo who fought to keep the other woman from raising her body. Fought and failed, her sweat drenched hands losing their grip.
“Say it,” Tifa pleaded. Jo set her lips stubbornly, shaking her head, as Tifa dropped her boobs again to crash onto her rival. Both women cried out in pain, but the teen still refused to submit. As Tifa splattered her tits onto Jo again she still wasn’t finished and threw her arms around Tifa rocking their bodies as she desperately tried to keep fighting. Tifa, however, was there to stay as her own arms circled Joslyn’s body, heads thrown back as the both screamed at the compression. But now the difference was apparent for all to see. Tifa’s boobs, though flattened considerably at the head had pushed their way firmly into Jo’s pointed tits which had been flattened to almost half their size. Even as everyone watched, eyes wide, her tits retreated even further. “Don’t make me flatten them completely.” Tifa shouted at her friend…and rival.
Jo fought on for a long minute in some kind of manic false hope, battering her softening tits at Tifa’s, causing Tifa pain but taking even more in return. Completely drained and demoralised her arms slipped from the other’s shoulders to flop bonelessly at her sides, her whispered surrender for Tifa’s ears only. Tifa released her own grip, her tired, hurting body rolling off of Joslyn to lie next to her, shoulder to shoulder. All she could do was raise a fist in victory. Cheers and shouts erupted as everyone realised it was finally over. Barely able to move Tifa lay there for a full two minutes before pushing herself painfully to her knees and shuffled over to Joslyn’s prostrate form. The distraught teen glared up at her with wet eyes as Tifa offered a hand. For a moment the two stared at one another and it looked like the defeated teen would refuse. “No…hard feelings,” Tifa whispered.
Jo’s expression softened as she took a breath. “None…whatsoever,” she gasped out with a tired smile as she grabbed the proffered hand. Grunting as Tifa pulled her up, Jo swaying on her knees, as the two women supported each other as they climbed to their shaking feet.
“Ladies…your winner” she announced in a hoarse voice, raising Tifa’s arm, to renewed cheers. For Tifa’s ears only she whispered. “Guess this means we aren’t a club anymore.”
Tifa laughed at that as she embraced the girl carefully. “Maybe next time I’ll let you win.”
“Don’t you dare,” Jo retorted as she turned her attention to her aching boobs. “Damn, but you really did it didn’t you…you flattened them.”
“You came damn close yourself,” Tifa replied, wrapping an arm around the convenient kunoichi. “Heya Yuffie, enjoy the show?”
“You two are the biggest pair of stupid boobs I’ve ever seen,” the girl babbled. “What the hell were you trying to prove.”
“One, I’m not entirely sure that was an insult,” Tifa answered tiredly. “And two, you’ll understand when you’re older.”
“You’re not that much older than me,” Yuffie growled, before pointing at the swaying Joslyn. “And she’s even less.”
“You’re being a kid Yuffie,” Tifa teased as her legs trembled. “Jo and I…we…”
“Tifa?” Yuffie felt her friend stagger and eyes turn glassy. Then she saw Joslyn fall into the arms of the women she was talking with even as Yuffie struggled when Tifa collapse on top of her. “TIFA!!”

“OW!” It was the insistent thudding pain that finally got her up. Tifa woke up to find herself resting on a soft bed with several chemical ice packs strapped onto her chest. The room was rich, but tasteful, and definetly not the small one they’d rented. “What…where?”
“Joslyn’s place,” Tifa turned her head to see Yuffie reclining on a couch reading a magazine of some sort. “After you two collapsed we started to carry you outside when a couple of big guys showed in a limo and brought us here. Seems her dad sent them.”
“What happened?”
“That cream the two of you used is apparently lot stronger than even she knew.” Yuffie answered, sitting up. “When it wore off you’ll got hit by thirty-nine minutes of suppressed muscle pain, among other things…At least that’s what her dad said happened. He was some kind of pissed.
“Would explain why I felt like I got kicked in the chest by a Chocobo,” Tifa grunted, then sneezed violently.
“Someone must be talking about you,” Yuffie remarked.
“I need less people talking about me right now…not more,” Tifa grumbled, re-adjusting packs. Despite the pain she was in Tifa felt almost relaxed…content. Similar to the sated feeling she’d had after she and Cloud made love for the first time. As she pondered this their door swung open and a handsome silver haired woman entered.
“Miss Tifa…Miss Yuffie,” she bowed. “If you’re feeling up to it, my master would like a meeting with you.”
“This won’t end well,” Tifa heard Yuffie mutter as she helped her off the bed and into what appeared to be the same robe she’d worn at the beginning of the previous night. Subtlety was clearly not this guy’s strong suit. And as they were guided through the mansion, such as it was, to a large pair of carved doors Tifa felt a growing knot in the pit of her stomach. There was no way…
“Tifa…Yuffie” Joslyn walked quickly, but carefully to avoid any bounce, down another corridor escorted by a tall man with flecks of silver in his hair. She was also wearing her dark blue robe from the previous night. “You too, huh?”
“I never asked before,” Tifa began. “But…is your dad…”
“Don’t keep me waiting,” the voice was deep and strong. One clearly used to giving commands. One Tifa had heard before. Ah fuck!!
Dio sat behind a large desk, made small by the man’s size, rythmically squeezing a hand gripper. Joslyn moved to stand to his left even as her escort stood to his right. “Daddy,” she greeted him with a nervous kiss. He nodded in acknowledgement before focusing his gaze on his guests.
“Tifa Lockhart,” Dio greeted her, the squeaking of the device in his hand loud. “How is my boy Cloud doing?”
“He’s doing well,” Tifa nodded. “Better than before actually. Thank you for asking.”
“Good, good,” he murmured, still squeezing. “I’m sure you can guess why I had you brought here?”
“Dammit dad I wanted to fight. I CHALLENGED HER!” Jo exploded. “And I thought you promised to remove the cameras.”
“I promised that no one else would use them,” he replied calmly…”And why did you want to fight someone you just met?”
“Why di…why?” Jo looked confused. “I just did alright. You know I like to throw down. Hell you encourage it half the time.”
“Yes, yes I do,” he agreed, still squeezing the gripper, the squeaking starting to grit at nerves. “And if you didn’t know, our young Tifa here is quite the scrapper as well…yes. Quite the scrapper wouldn’t you say Albert.”
“Indeed sir,” he replied. “Quite the record as well.”
Jo was confused. So Tifa liked to fight…she figured that out easily enough. But a record? On her end Tifa felt a sinking feeling in her gut. Dio was easily rich enough. Him getting a hold of one would be child’s play.
“However we’re not here to quibble over your altercation, conflict makes the heart grow fonder after all,” Dio stated, dropping the gripper onto the table top. “I had been actually waiting for you to return Ms. Lockhart. I suppose it was just fate that you had your tussle with Joslyn before I could get in touch.”
“Dad? What are you…” Joslyn started before Dio rose, raising a hand.
“Just follow me.”

“What is this place?” Tifa asked as Dio led them to a corner of the mansion that looked less maintained. No that wasn’t the word. Modern maybe. She gave Yuffie arms a light slap as she recognised the familiar of twitching of her fingers. Yuffie glared at her, before turning an eye to an obviously subdued Joslyn.
“Only the most senior servants are allowed into this wing,” he answered. “And you two are the first outsiders to even know about it.”
“Dad…do I have to?” Joslyn whispered.
“Yes…this concerns you as well,” his replied, face showing his own reluctance, as he fished a small key from a pouch. “But me, more than most.”
The room looked well cared for. Cabinets polished, bed freshly made and even the crib had a fresh sheen of paint to it. Albert ran a gloved finger over a surface holding it up, pristine. “This is where Joslyn was born,” Dio stated. “And where…”
“…Mom died,” Jo finished dully. Able to relate, Tifa placed a sympathetic hand on Jo’s shoulder at this admission. “Killed herself for no damn reason.”
“That was a lie,” Dio said arms behind his back, facing away from the other four. “It was my fault…I was responsible.”
“Dad, what…” Jo’s confusion gave way to anger. “Bullshit, you weren’t here when it happened.”
“Exactly,” Spinning he threw a small glittering circle at Tifa’s direction. Catching it she studied the small band confused for a moment, then eyes widened in shock and then rage. “Where did you get this,” she demanded as she shoved past Joslyn, startling the teenager.
“Elaine,” he answered calmly. “I got it from Elaine.”
Tifa staggered back form the admission, clutching at the small gold band engraved with a simple <Brian And Elaine Forever>. Dio steadied her gently and guided her over towards his daughter. “Tifa Lockhart…meet Joslyn Lockhart.”
To Be Continued in Part 5! Click Here to go There!
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