“Alive,” Tifa had whispered. “She was alive all that time.”
They were back in his office. Tifa, Yuffie and Joslyn sat on the couch while Dio stood at his desk while Albert guarded the door. Apparently she’d fainted upon learning she’d just had a brawl and titfight with a sister she’d never known…from a mother she’d thought long dead. But she hadn’t been.
Half dead from exposure and dehydration, and heavily pregnant, she’d been found by Dio on the southern beach during Gold Saucer’s construction. With her memory also lost she’d started a new life with him just before Joslyn’s birth. Although happy there was still a distance, as he put it, between them that he couldn’t cross. She kept wearing the ring stating it felt almost painful to try and remove it and despite his propositions, she would never marry him.
That changed shortly after Joslyn’s twelfth birthday.
“We were watching the screen, Dio…dad had delayed coming back while on business, when a Shira broadcast came through.” Josyln took over here. “It said that Nibelheim had been destroyed with no survivors when terrorists targeted the Shinra Reactor. Mom got…weird after that.”
His best guess, Dio continued, was that learning of her home destroyed and everyone of her old life dead had shocked her memory into returning. She became distant, unresponsive. Joslyn was the one that found her in their room. Wrists slit in a bucket of water. Her scream brought every servant and guard in the mansion running.
“If I hadn’t allowed myself to be distracted,” Dio said, eyes staring at something only he could see. “I could have been here…I SHOULD have been here.” He rose from his seat moving to open a small mounted safe. “I’ve never even shown Josy this. I am more than familiar with Shinra’s propaganda so I held it on the hope that it was more of that old fool’s lies.”
The paper was yellowed with age and looked torn. A corner was tinged red. On it were five simple words.
As if a dam burst Joslyn buried her head in Tifa’s chest. Tifa rocked the younger girl, despite her own tears. Gesturing at Albert, Dio exited his office as Yuffie wrapped her own arms around the grieving siblings.
“If I may be so bold, sir.” Albert started as he followed Dio to the stairs. “Why did you not show her the other piece?”
Dio paused, and then sighed. “Remind me why I keep you around Albert?”
“Because I have saved you life on at least three separate occasions sir.” he replied. “And because I know how to keep my mouth shut.”
“Five times actually,” Dio corrected him. Then he pulled out his wallet. Among the bills and cards was a small strip of torn yellow paper. THANK YOU DIO was all that was written on it. “These were her last words to me. The only thing I have of hers that is mine and mine alone. Maybe it’s selfish but I want to keep it that way.”
“As you say, sir. I will instruct the servants to keep the guest room prepared. I imagine they’ll have a lot to talk about.” Albert said walking off, eyes straight. He would not shame his longtime employer and friend by witnessing his weakness.

She heard the noise before the voice at her door. “Vi, they’re at it again!”
Viola groaned at the whining, frustrated voice. “I’ll be right there.” Scarlet wasn’t supposed to be here today so she’d hoped for at least one day without having to play referee. Stepping into gymnasium located in the Honeybee’s basement she was relieved that she and brunette Vicky at least hadn’t gotten beyond just chest bumping.
Standing chest to chest while surrounded by the off duty Honeygirls looking for some entertainment we clearly engaged in a heated exchange. Scarlet was an outsider, and her superior attitude did not endear her to the kind of women that worked at the Honeybee. Vicky wasn’t liked much better but at least she was one of them and, even as Viola started to shove her way through Scarlet’s palm cracked against Vicky’s cheek.
And angry smile on her face, Vicky returned the slap before grabbing at Scarlet’s hair. As she yelled at the sudden pain Vicky twisted them around hurling the blonde to ground. “Stay down blondie,” Vicky taunted. “Unless you’d like me to go down on you.”
Scarlet’s expression was murderous as she sprang to her feet, throwing herself at the brunette, tackling her to the ground. Scratching and punching and tugging hair the pair thrashed across the floor to the raucous laugher and cheers of the Honeygirls.
“Break it up,” Viola yelled. “Tear them apart.”
Reluctantly some of the bigger girls in the crowd grabbed hold of the embattled pair struggling to pull them apart. Scream of rage became yells of pain as the determined women latched onto the most obvious targets, the other’s breasts. Vicky’s hands grabbed and pulled at her enemy’s jutting pair under an orange long sleeved blouse even as Scarlet’s hand crushed and squeezed at Vicky’s yellow bikini clad boobs before they were separated.
“What the hell is your problem you little bitch?” Scarlet growled as she struggled against the women holding her.
“You’re my problem you snooty old cunt,” Vicky spat back. Scarlet’s eyes grew flinty and a mental counter moved up a notch. “Waltzing in here and acting like you’re better than the rest of us. I’m gonna..”
“Do nothing,” Viola snapped stepping between the two ladies, delivering slaps of her own to each to get their attention. She turned her gaze on Vicky. “She’s ANDY’S personal guest and until I say so, she’s hands off.” She emphasized Andrea’s nickname, reminding Victoria that while she and her sister were his favorites, Viola was the one he beckoned to his bed.
“And you,” she continued, ignoring the furious look Vicky gave her, turning to jab an accusing finger at Scarlet. “You don’t go around hitting my girls unless it’s on the stage. Now the rest of you clear out. I need to have a talk with our GUEST.”
Scarlet shook her arms free of her restrainers, glaring as the girls trooped out. Sharing a long look with Vicky that promised future action. “Now what did you come here for today?” Viola asked. “I thought you said you had matters to look into.”
Ignoring the question, Scarlet advanced on her red headed ally. “Embarrass me again in front of that little whore and her friends and there’ll be hell to pay.”
Eyes narrowing at the threat, Viola walked past Scarlet to the door. The CLICK as she locked it was loud. “I think you need another lesson. And a reminder that you came looking for me,” she said, pulling off her t-shirt, unencumbered breasts bouncing free.
Scarlet didn’t hesitate her blouse, and then bra, tossed the ground with haste. “Bout time you gave me a rematch.” she said advancing on Viola eagerly.
“Hands only,” Viola warned her, setting the timer on her watch, as they moved closer. “Let’s see if you can back up those boasts of yours.”
Foreplay over both women latched onto the other’s chest. Viola grimaced as she squeezed at Scarlet’s 32DD as Scarlet’s own hands dug deep into her own 38EE. They’d done this once before, three days prior. And though she hadn’t completely recovered Viola had forced Scarlet to her knees in just under ten minutes. Though she had won she had to admit that Scarlet’s rack was impressively resilient and the blonde incredibly stubborn.
She hadn’t quit and instead Viola had simply released her after she’d been pushed to the ground. She had guts, that much was obvious, Viola groaning as Scarlet began kneading her fingers deep into the titflesh. In retaliation Viola shifted her hands to position her fingers on the outside of the breasts while her thumbs her above the areola. The blonde’s face went white as the red head dug her thumb in and simultaneously began brutally beat her boobs together.
Scarlet felt her legs tremble at the pain, Viola once again upping the ante on her. Drawing on her memory of their first mauling encounter she dragged fingers forward in a painful motion then yanked the redhead’s boobs downward in sharp repeated motions. Viola squealed at the jerking motion, responding by yanking Scarlet forward even as she took a step back. Her legs slipping out form under her. Scarlet once again found herself on her knees as her opponent…trainer took a step back, then forward as she continued to torture her from a dominant position.
Even as Scarlet continued maul back as best she could they both knew she was done. But again she wouldn’t quit. Even as Viola felt her own boobs begin to soften, Scarlet’s also began to yield. Finally tiring of the pointless exercise, she gave a savage outward twist and a shove. Scarlet’s shriek at the pain was loud and her fingers reflexively released as her hands went to her own chest. Releasing her grip, Viola let the blonde fall to the ground. Only her hard exhalations displaying the pain she was in, she checked her watch.
“14:30,” she said, turning away. “Three minutes longer than last time.”
She carefully replaced her t-shirt as Scarlet dragged herself to her feet. “What exactly is the point of all of this?” She growled in frustration, patting at her sore soft boobs. “All you seem to be doing is just humiliating me without giving me an actual fight…or actual training.”
“Training? You think this is something you can just go to a trainer to get stronger.” Viola gave the blonde a pitying look. “The only to get better in this way of fighting is experience. Any woman can latch onto another’s boob and squeeze or try and flatten the other.”
“If that’s the case, then what do I need you for?” Scarlet coldly asked, picking her blouse off the ground.
“Because while any woman could do it, doesn’t mean they’d be good at it.” Viola responded, leaning against a wall. “Look I’ll be straight with you. You’ve got one hell of a rack. Flattening you would be a chore even for me.”
“Assuming you even could.”
“But that’s your problem right there,” Viola said with a snort. “You don’t know how to back down, how to give way. A titfight isn’t just about strength. If you try to match Tifa in strength you’ll lose and she’ll just crush you.”
Scarlet paused as slowly digested that piece of information. “Then how do I learn how to…use…my strength.”
“That’s where the experience comes in,” Viola continued. “Example when you watched the tape of my fight with Tifa do you remember what happened when I had her against the cage?”
“Not really,” Scarlet shrugged. “The angle at the time wasn’t the best.”
“She let herself go limp. She didn’t bother fighting me in a position she knew she had no chance in. She STOPPED fighting and used my momentum to get out of the corner.” Viola tapped her head. “Tifa fought smart. If she had been like you, we probably wouldn’t be having this conversation.”
“You sound like you admire her,” Scarlet growled.
“I’m woman enough to admit she beat me because she first of all outsmarted me.” Viola snapped. “Much like how Vicky has your number on how easy you are to provoke. You mess with her and she won’t stop even if you did quit.”
“I can take that little bitch.”
Viola said nothing, her silence speaking volumes. “Why did you come today anyway? I thought you said you had a matter to take care of.”
“Oh that’s right,” Scarlet’s eyes lit up. “We found her. She’s been in Gold Saucer for almost a week now.”

“Josy, how you been?” Emma called.
Joslyn waved as she led Tifa and Yuffie into the main room. It was quite a bit more crowded than when they were last here. “Got something big tonight, Emma?” she asked. “It’s not Trish and Ann is it?”
“It’s you, you little dummy,” Emma said, giving her a playful punch. “Well you and Tifa. Word got around about your fight and soon we won’t be able to call our little gathering an open secret. Ever since you disappeared we were worried the boss finally dropped the hammer.”
“Well. he kinda did,” Joslyn laughed nervously. “Can you get the old group together in the backroom? Got something to talk about.”
Emma gave Joslyn a look, then transferred her gave over to Tifa. At the older brunette’s shrug she turned back to the teen. “Sure, but we’ll have to wait. Hinny’s in a match now. You might want a look.”
Curious now Joslyn, Tifa and Yuffie moved around Emma as she moved off to pass the word. On the same mat where the sisters had had their match two women knelt, hands free as they energetically twisted their shoulders slamming their boobs into each other. Eyes wide they stood behind the chairs of the other women.
Tifa recognised the dark haired, Hinata from three nights prior from what Jo had told her about her friend. She’d said that the half Wutai girl had an estranged mother from Costa del Sol which would explain her impressive D-cup breasts which poured out from her slim form. Her opponent had silver hair and also boasted what appeared to be D-cups, but her thicker body made them appear slightly bigger. Both girls had a decent sheen of sweat of having been at it for some time, yet neither showed an indication of slowing. Jolsyn bent her head, talking quietly to one of the sitting spectators.
“Who is she?” Tifa asked as a the two girls began bumping their tits into one another, knee jumping forward, the blows heavy and painful sounding.
“Mika, seems she was hired only two days ago.” Josyln replied. “Got a bit too feisty in the Battle Square and I guess Hinny’s laying down the law.”
“Ouch,” Yuffie winced as Mika was knocked back onto her ass. Her expression was stunned, then turned angry before pushing herself back up and taking a harsh swing at Hinata. Who gasped at blow before grabbing at the other girl’s shoulders and pulling their bodies together in loud clapping blows. “I thought you said this kind of thing was rare?”
“It’s supposed to be,” Joslyn replied, wrinkling her nose, while Mika’s hands went to Hinata’s waist adding her own strength to the tugging motion. Both girls were now audibly moaning at each painful sounding hit. “None of the other girls really got into it. They preferred catfights more than anything, though Emma and Sara know wrestling some. That’s why we used the swimsuits, less likely to get damaged.”
“Well something changed,” Tifa noted as Mika was again knocked back, falling onto her side. Her expression was wary as she squirmed her way back to her knees. She winced as Hinata’s boobs collided with her own, but the pace was slowing as both girls tired. Hinata then threw her arms over the silver haired girls shoulders, squeezing tight even as she groaned.
“C’mon Miki,” Mika’s supporters called out. “Squeeze ‘er back.”
Whether she heard her or not Mika threw her own arms over and around Hinata’s back and squeezed, while thrusting her own breasts forward. Both girls cried out as their bodies were crushed together, heads bowed, grinding their boobs into one another.
“Won’t be long now,” Tifa said, watching the fight with a critical eye. Neither was giving way, both expending their energy trying to crush the other, faces showing the strain. “I’m guessing she’s had some experience?”
“Only one match that I know of,” Joslyn answered as Hinata’s cries began to become louder and more desperate as her body began to tilt from Mika’s constant pressure. “Was maybe three months ago.”
Mika’s grunts became more assertive and aggressive as she continued to squeeze and push the weakening Hinata backwards. She never saw the sudden look of cunning and triumph that appeared all the Wutai girl’s face even as she felt her body tumbling to it’s side. Before she could even consider what had happened she was on her back with a smirking Hinata looking down.
“Wasn’t that…” Yuffie started.
“Yeah, the same move Josy used on me,” Tifa nodded even as Mika, panicking, scrabbled at Hinata’s hands to avoid being pinned. But pinning was not the other girl’s mind as she borrowed another move from the sibling’s fight and dropped her impressive rack onto her opponents’. It only took two blows for the platinum blonde to yell out her surrender, the pain proving too much.
“AH, YOU BITCH! I QUIT, I QUIT!” They heard Mika yell. Looking tired, but satisfied, Hinata pushed herself to her feet even as Mika sat up, cradling her boobs.
“We know who’s in charge now don’t we.” Hinata said, while glared up.
“For now,” she spat.
“Whenever you think you’re ready,” Hinata grinned, before noticing Joslyn’s gestures for the back room. She nodded briefly. “But you’ll have to wait your turn.”

“This is joke, right!!” Doreen exploded, voicing the opinions of the eight other women in the room. Tifa recognised Doreen, Sara, Jackie, Emma, Hinata and Gloria from the night of their fight. The other two she had only heard about. Ann was a muscular red head while Naomi was a demure looking brunette who seemed very out of place.
“Ah ha ha,” Joslyn chuckled nervously. “Not really. Kinda funny when you think about it. That the one to finally put me on my ass would be my sister. Older sister even.”
“Well she’s got the looks.” Ann grumbled. “Just pissed I missed the fight.”
“You’ve already watched it twice,” Gloria reminded her.
“Not the same thing,” Ann retorted, then turned to Joslyn. “How’re you guys doing anyway? Haven’t even seen you around the park.”
“Just catching up on the last eighteen years and…well,” Joslyn gently patted her chest. “Still sore as fuck and soft.”
“No shit,” Sara remarked wryly. She then turned to Tifa. “What about you?”
“I found out my mother was alive, I’ve had a sister I never knew about and my tits feel I was at the Chocobo races…as part of the track.” Tifa ticked off her fingers. Then she grinned. “Not bad all things considered. We’re just waiting on our friends to pick us up.”
“You mean you and your little friend over there?” Ann cocked a thumb over at Yuffie.
“Not just them,” Joslyn took a breathe. “I’m going with them.”
There was a moment of shocked silence and then all began talking at once.

“So your plan is to just walk into the Saucer, locate Lockhart and…what?” Viola sat back with her crossed over her chest. “You think she’s just going to come with us if we ask nicely?”
Scarlet stood towards the front of the rope car. Her tight jeans emphasised her hips and ass and while a loose blouse kept attention away from her chest. And a dye job had changed her hair from it’s traditional golden yellow to a bright silver. “You assume we’re going to give her a choice.” she replied as she held up a pair small tubes about the width and size of her small finger.
“What’s that?” Viola rose off her seat as she looked closer at the reddish liquid swirling inside.
“A new tranquilizer we came up with while studying the materia process.” Scarlet smiled in pride, holding out a vial. “Our science division has been perfecting it and last word was that it’s strong enough to put a Behemoth down…with the right dosage of course.”
“Uh huh…” Viola accepted the vial but kept it at arms length. “So we get Tifa to take a whiff and then drag her out of there? What’s to stop security from giving us the once over?”
“This is the Gold Saucer.” the blonde executive reminded her. “They probably see passed out guests getting dragged out on a daily basis.”
“Fair point,” Viola studied the liquid up close as the car began it’s final descent towards the Saucer. “So where is Lockhart anyway?”
“That’s the one snag,” Scarlet’s face curled up in irritation. “My last information said she’d moved out of the Ghost Square Inn. She’s hasn’t left the park, but they can’t locate her.”
“Guess that’s where I come in,” Viola remarked. “Got a picture of her?”
“Just press the button here,” Scarlet said, before handing over the earing. She looked around briefly before muttering. “I hope this isn’t a waste of time.”
“You have a better idea, speak up.” Viola retorted, as she clicked on the earing. “Or you can just wander around the park and hope to come across her.”
Scarlet looked up as a Wutai girl ran up and embraced her red headed companion. She gave Scarlet a curious look before turning back to Viola. “What’re you doing here?” Her expression turned concerned. “Mom didn’t do something stupid again did she?”
“No, no. She’s fine Hinata.” Viola patted her hands down, then jammed a thumb at Scarlet. “Nothing like that. I’m just helping a friend look for someone. You ever seen this girl wandering around here?”
Hinata took the picture Viola handed to her, eyes widening slightly. “Yeah…this is probably Jo…or it could be her sister, Tifa. It’s kinda blurry but..HEY!!” The outburst came as Scarlet grabbed her hand.
“Tifa has a sister?”
“Yeah, the boss’s daughter. They had one hell of a braw…I mean…one hell of a contest in Event Square a couple of days ago.” Hinata stuttered. Viola’s eyes narrowed, though it seemed Scarlet had missed the slip. “Then they went missing and when showed back up Joslyn let us know.”
“Do you know where they are now?” Viola asked, pulling Scarlet back from the nervous girl.
“Last I heard they’re over at the Ghost Square. They’re moving into the boss’s place until they’re ready to leave.”
“Okay then…Hinata is it…I need you to do us a favor,” Scarlet said.

“That’s all of it?” Joslyn stared as Tifa and Yuffie walked out with a small bag each.
“Well we weren’t exactly planning on staying here for as long as we had.” Tifa replied. then playfully. “Guess it’s a good thing we’re close enough in size that I can use yours.”
“Oh fuck you,” Joslyn laughed. “I feel bad for Fie though.”
Yuffie was wearing a cute top and a pair of short shorts. But the fact that Jo had said it was something she stopped wearing once she hit fifteen…AND the moogle print on her ass bit into her pride. “Fuck you Josy.”
“Aw don’t be that way Fie,” Josy threw an arm over Yuffie, a boob bouncing into her face. “It’s cute, emphasises your butt.”
“Bah,” Yuffie sulked as her two friends laughed. Nonetheless she stuck close. The ghosts in the square were supposed to be fake, but she wasn’t taking any chances.”
“Hinata?” Joslyn asked as the girl ran up to them. “What’s up?”
“Got a message for you…and for Tifa.” The girl was breathing heavily as if she’d run the entire way. “Got some redhead asking for you in Wonder Square. And Tifa, there’s some platinum blonde said she’d be waiting for you at the Inn.”
“We just left there,” Yuffie complained.
“Don’t worry about it Yuffie,” Tifa patted her back. “You go with Josy and Hinata. I’ll meet you in Wonder Square.”
“Lead the way Hinny,” Josy said as they all jogged off in opposite directions.

VIola wandered around the Square, avoiding all the shrieking children while ignoring the stares from the teens and young adults. “If she comes alone, get rid of your girl and use vial. We can use her.” Scarlet had told her. “If she comes with the little ninja girl just keep them occupied long enough for me to get Tifa.”
“Get Tifa,” she muttered to herself, spining the vial between her fingers. She was getting worried for Scarlet. Against her better judgement she had actually begun to like the blonde after two months. But she was obsessed with the girl.
“Ms. Long?”
She spun around and couldn’t help but stare. Slightly shorter build and hair, and the eyes were a different color, but she felt like she was three years in the past. The brunette cocked her head curious, while a smaller girl that had to be the ninja Scarlet had talked about stared suspiciously.
“Yes, thank you Hinata.” The Wutai girl nodded and trotted off. “Good girl. I’ve known her from before she came here. How is she handling it here?”
“Hinny? She’s one of the most popular here.” Joslyn replied. “Is this about her…is something wrong?”
“Just here to check up on how she’s doing.” Viola said, thinking quickly. “I help her since she and her mother don’t see eye to eye and I hadn’t heard from her in quite awhile.”
Tifa felt her impatience growing as she paced the hotel lounge. It had been almost fifteen minutes and no silver haired woman had come in. Finally tiring of waiting she went to the desk and told them to direct anyone asking for her to Dio’s mansion.
After the expected shift in attention by dropping Dio’s name, Tifa trotted out of the hotel. She wiped her hand across her forehead as the heat hit her as soon as she left the coolness of the lounge. She’d dressed lightly in one of Josy’s minis, white this time and cream colored top that was a bit tight. Not enough to be uncomfortable but enough that a bra was ill advised.
Walking quickly the clopping of her boots was loud enough and she was distracted enough that she failed to notice a quick click clicking of heels rapidly approaching until she felt the weight on her back and something foul smelling thrust under her nose.

“Excuse me, but what is that?” Yuffie asked, interrupting. “That bottle in your hand?”
“This?” Viola actually appreciated the girl’s interruption since she was running out of things to talk about. “I got it from some vendor over in North Corel. Supposed to be a new kind of Elixir.”
“Aren’t those supposed to be, like, wicked rare?” Joslyn asked, as she put a hand on Yuffie’s shoulder, recognising the twitching.
“Yeah, would explain the pri…WATCH IT!!” Viola shouted, staggering as a large group of teens rushed past jostling the three women. She wildly snatched at the bottle as if was knocked from her hand but missed. It crashed to the ground with a crack that wasn’t heard in the noise of the Square…but then the screams started.
Tifa sneezed as she inhaled whatever it was the person grabbing her from behind shoved under her nose. Struggling wildly she reached behind grabbing at the hair and then falling forward while pulling. She heard a sharp grunt as the person, clearly a woman by what she’d felt, flew over her head to land on her back. She heard the sound of something shattering then a curse of “You stupid bitch!”
“You stupid bitch!” Scarlet snarled as she coughed. With the wind knocked out of her she’d inhaled the gas reflexively. Jumping to her feet she kept her hands out to defend herself if Tifa tried to attack. Instead she saw the brunette staggering, hand on her face, and smiled cruelly. At least she’d gotten her to take enough…of…”What…what the hell…”
Tifa felt…strange. She felt like she was in a fog and it was getting hard to concentrate. Then she coughed as she smelt a powerful scent like burning meat. She squinted at the woman trying to get her eyes to focus…the hair was a different, but the voice was familiar. Then everything got clear as crystal. “You!” She growled, stalking forward. “What did you do to me?”
“Just a little tranquilizer,” Scarlet taunted as she felt relief that perhaps she hadn’t inhaled much of the concoction. Instead she felt…powerful. As if she could destroy any of her many enemies. Even…”Don’t worry. By the time you wake up we’ll be back in Midgar and we can settle things to my satisfaction.”
Things got even clearer for the younger woman. Scarlet wanted to get even, to hurt her. And who was to say she’d stop there. Her friends would be next. Even Cloud and…Josy. “You won’t lay a hand on them,” Tifa hissed, her eyes changing colour slightly, then her expression grew contemptuous. “You couldn’t even knock me out properly. You’re about as effective as your tits…pathetic.”
Scarlet growled at that, her brief confusion at Tifa still being conscious, giving way to anger. This bitch was once again standing in her way. She couldn’t just fall over, but had to make things difficult. “Pathetic?” the blonde snarled back, he own eyes also changing color. “You mean like how you protected Sector Seven? Or maybe how you kept that little whore…what was her name…Aerith safe? Don’t talk to me about pathetic when the only reason they keep you around was because you were probably doing all of them.”
“You take that back!” Tifa snarled in return. “You’re not good enough to talk about any of them, least of all Aerith. Walk away now and save yourself the humiliation of me finishing what I started in Junon.”
“I was going to offer you the same thing, but I think I’ll skip that and just humiliate you here and now.” Scarlet, her rage rising, seethed, “Then I’ll drag you back to Shinra and make you a plaything for Rufus and myself.”
Tifa, her mind barely able to focus managed an angry laugh. “Tell you what, after I’m done smashing your tits and kicking your butt I’ll leave you here ass naked for whoever has the fortune to pass by first.”
Scarlet, her mind finally burned out by the chemicals she’d inhaled gave an angry scream as she threw herself at her hated counterpart. Tifa yelled out her own challenge as they collided in midair before falling onto the dirt. Arms wrapped tightly around the other the berserk beauties rolled deeper into the fake graveyard and further out of sight.
Rolling briskly in the dirt the women grabbed at hair, skin and clothes as they sought to punish the other. Eyes glaring at the enraged face in front of them as they spat incoherent curses or snarled furiously. Their roll continued as they tumbled down a small slope, making their way to the other side before hitting a tombstone, the shock separating them. Though both left with trophies as Tifa tore Scarlet’s blouse even as her shirt was torn from her body in turn.
Getting to their feet both women saw that the other had been going bra-less. Neither knew that the other was still suffering from different events, but all they cared about was the sight of what had started this matter in the first place. And just like it started Scarlet, with toothy smile, swung an open palm and sent Tifa’s right orb swaying. Yelling at the stinging pain the brunette quickly reciprocated, her blow making the blonde’s boob jiggle.
Hands swinging like pistons began slapping and slashing at each other’s vulnerable boobs. Scarlet had had her nails trimmed per Viola’s instruction and Tifa never any nails to begin with. but that didn’t stop their berserk minds from attempting it on the off chance of inflicting any extra pain. Boobs reddening as the assaults continued, the two beauties battered each other around the hole they were in, probably mean’t to represent a mass grave.
Neither cared about that all they cared about was slapping and hitting at the bouncing boobs in front of them. Neither attempted to block, letting the pain fuel the rage and strength coursing through them even as Tifa grunted and Scarlet gasped. As Tifa slowly forced Scarlet back her heels finally gave up, having survived up until this point, and snapped at the base even as the brunette landed a blow to her right tit. Sending the blonde the ground.
Kicking off what remained of her heels Scarlet lunged back to her feet, hands curled into claws, and threw herself at the brunette. And Tifa was waiting. Hands grasped at shoulders as fingers dug painfully into the flesh. For a long moment they stood almost still, bodies trembling as they poured effort into forcing the other back and down, even as they snarled at one another. Realising this wasn’t how she wanted to hurt the blonde, Tifa yanked her forward and the SMACK of flesh on flesh was loud.
Scarlet wailed as she bounced off the brunette but gritted her teeth and returned the favor even as she reset her body. Tifa grunted at the pain before both women began slamming their boobs together with wild abandon. Both had completely lost control as they thrashed around the center of the hole relying on their simultaneous grips to keep them on their feet.
Scarlet could feel the weight of Tifa’s blows as the younger woman continued pulling their bodies together, even as she slammed back as hard as she could. Whining at the pain she could feel Tifa’s breasts yielding to her savage blows, but her own ached horribly as they spun around in the dirt. The sweat on the brunette’s body was making her grip harder and harder to maintain, but she wasn’t slowing down in the slightest.
Tifa clenched her hands, digging her fingers even deeper into the blonde’s shoulder. Her grip had been slipping from the sweat coursing down Scarlet’s body despite her seemingly inexhaustable stamina. Grunts were being forced from behind clenched teeth at each slam. Her boobs hadn’t yet recovered from her match with her sister but she could feel a softness in Scarlet’s tits that wasn’t there before.
Both beauties started to cry out at each loud SMACK or plopping sound of their breasts and bodies slamming together in their small dirt filled arena. Scarlet’s grip finally failed her as her tired fingers lost their grip at the end of a slam that caused both to shriek at the pain. She landed on her back, before rolling to her side chest heaving as she struggled to breathe. Tifa was in a barely better condition as she stumbled back from the blow before sinking to her knees, her hands in the dirt.
Tifa shook her head, trying to think, as her eyes slowly reverted back to their dark brown. The rage that had been clouding her mind was slowly fading and she tried to remember why she was fighting. A silver haired Scarlet had attacked her, tried to get her to breathe in some gas and then…everything else was a blur. Opposite her, Scarlet was having a harder time since she’d inhaled a far larger dose. Her mind was getting clearer, but she was still completely focused on destroying Tifa.
Getting to her knees she saw said brunette kneeling not a few feet away, her hair hanging over her face before flipping it over her back with a toss of her head. The sight of the breasts that the girl was so proud of rekindled the fury. “Last chance,” she heard Tifa gasp as if from a distance. “Back off and I’ll consider us done…for now.”
“Back off? When you can barely stand?” Scarlet barked a contemptuous laugh, “We’re finishing this here and now Lockhart. And when we’re done, I’ll give you the choice of who I deal with next. Maybe your blonde boy toy…or maybe that little sister of yours.”
Tifa’s expression changed from one of exhausted contempt to horror as she realised Scarlet knew about Joslyn then to fury as her eyes flashed back to red. “I see,” she murmured quietly. “You want to finish this? Then get over here and let me do us both the favor.”
Scarlet shuffled eagerly over to Tifa who didn’t move until the blonde was close. Bashing her tits roughly at Scarlet she resumed the contest that had consumed bother of them. Tifa knew that if she wanted to she could end Scarlet here and now. But that wasn’t what she wanted. This cunt had threatened her friends and her family. So she had to suffer first.
“They’re softer than I remember,” Scarlet panted as she rapidly twisted her torso back and forth, gasping as her boobs clashed painfully with Tifa’s.
“No more than yours,” Tifa grunted, slamming her tits at the blonde. “Josy’s boobs gave more of a fight than yours.”
“You lost to your sister?” Scarlet taunted, then cringed as Tifa increased the strength of her swings in response.
“I beat her,” Tifa gritted out as her sore breasts stung with each hit before Scarlet gave an angry cry as she was knocked onto her rear. “Just like I’m beating you. Just like I’ll always beat you!”
“You BITCH!” Scarlet, practically spitting with rage, sprang back her knees and swung her boobs in an arching swing to land a solid SMACK on Tifa’s right tit. The brunette grunted at the pain, shuffling back in retreat, before lunging forward to smash all four breasts together and causing Scarlet to shriek at the agony before the blonde grabbed at her.
Arms went around the other’s neck as Scarlet bashed at Tifa’s tits causing the brunette to yell before throwing her own arms around the blonde and slamming back. Sitting back on their haunches both Tifa and Scarlet began heaving their boobs at one another in a steady constant rythem that had both beauties squealing in angry pain. Both pairs felt softer and more pliable than before but still blonde and brunette hurled them together spitefully.
Cheek to cheek the two women panted and moaned their pain into each other’s ear as it cycled higher and higher with each impact of their breasts. Their bodies were dripping with sweat and it felt that, at each blow, new droplets would emerge on their pale skin. A smash that would have Tifa wail in pain would be followed seconds later by one that would have Scarlet shudder violently as she groaned.
“Fucking…fucking whore!” Scarlet moaned as she kept hurling her boobs at Tifa. The angry brunette kept slamming back no matter how hard she hit her. A loud solid blow had all four breasts mushroom out dramatically as their owners stiffened. Tifa recovered first and heaved her boobs into the undersides of the blonde. Once…twice…Scarlet recovered and stabbed her breasts forward trying to trap Tifa in a grind, but the brunette fell back and delivered a third powerful blow that knocked the blonde out of their clinch and onto the ground.
“Give it up, you Shinra slut,” Tifa said coldly, getting to her feet, ignoring her own suffering. “You’re outclassed.”
Snuffling at the pain, Scarlet looked at Tifa through the canyon of her red, almost glowing breasts. This girl…the bitch…in a sudden motion Scarlet hurled a handful of dirt into the arrogant brunette’s face. Gasping shock and wiping at her sweaty face Tifa couldn’t defend herself as Scarlet got to her trembling feet and again threw herself at the object of her hate. Arms wrapping snugly around her upper body, fingers locked into her dirt streaked hair, Scarlet fought to force Tifa down.
Panicking after receiving a faceful of dirt Tifa spat and blinked to clear her vision as her arms, instinctively wrapped around Scarlet’s body even as she struggled to stop the blonde’s momentum. “Ungh, cheating cunt!” she grunted as her body bent and her breasts complained at weight of the torso above her.
“You’re right where…you belong…you low level trash,” Scarlet’s gasped, a smile on her sweat streaked face as she remembered the humiliation of Tifa doing the same thing back in Junon. “Beneath my superior body.”
Screaming at the pain and without leverage, Tifa tried relaxing her body, but Scarlet kept the girl supported with her own arms and slammed the brunette onto ground. The wind knocked out of her by the blonde’s unexpected move Tifa was defenseless as Scarlet moved up Tifa’s body, trapping the brunette’s arms under her knees. Panting at the exertion Scarlet savored the sight of the girl trapped beneath her even as she struggled ineffectually.
“I win,” she whispered to herself, eyes shining as she took in Tifa’s helpless state. Then they hardened as Tifa glared up at her, unbowed. She drove her hands into Tifa’s swollen titflesh and crushed and squeezed. Tifa’s scream almost deafened her and if she’d been in a clearer state of mind she’d be worried about being discovered. But she was winning…that was all that mattered. “Give up, you piece of trash, or I’ll rip them off!” She shouted.
Tifa bellowed her agony as she felt as if the blonde would make good on her threat. Scarlet positioned her body directly above her enemy as she pushed down while clawing a Tifa’s defenseless boobs. Still the brunette writhed violently under the blonde. Frustrated now, Scarlet started slapping at the tits back and forth. “You quit, you bitch?” Scarlet gasped as she struggled to keep the girl under control.
Tifa only struggled harder, her head whipping back and forth spraying sweat and her hair flying. “GIVE…IT…UP!!” Scarlet screamed as she leaned over the trapped brunette, twisting at her nipples, her own globes hanging down heavily. Tifa’s head snapped up as she sank her teeth into Scarlet’s right tit. Her shriek was earsplitting as she writhed above Tifa, hands slapping at the maddened brunette. Worrying at the boob like a bulldog the girl refused to let go despite the slaps that rained on her face.
Finally Tifa’s teeth disengaged as Scarlet rocked the younger woman with sharp blow from a clenched fist. Crying openly she tumbled off of the brunette from the effort as she cradled her tortured boob. Writhing in the dirt all Scarlet knew was agony…and anger. She’d been so close. So damn close…
“I’m going to…fucking…ruin you!”
Scarlet felt fear at those words as quickly got to her knees, eyes watering as she looked at the advancing Tifa. Long hair hanging down her face and murder in her eyes. But then she saw how exhausted the brunette looked. Though faring no better she still had a chance. Scarlet had mauled her good and she had to be on her last legs. She didn’t waste her energy responding to the threat, but simply charged.
Tifa waited arms wide as Scarlet barreled into her. Her boots set in the dirt the brunette skidded back a few feet before halting the blonde. “Not this time blondie!” Tifa snarled as both women wrapped their bodies together again and screamed at the agony of their tortured boobs being crushed together. Squeezing and thrusting their their bruised and reddened mammaries against one another the two tired women sank first to their knees, then wearily to the dirt.
As soon as their shoulders hit the ground both women exerted themselves to gain the top spot. Neither wanted a ground fight, but any advantage had to be taken. Tifa had no desire to be under Scarlet again and the blonde wanted to get the brunette’s back on the dirt so she could finish what she started. But both had exerted themselves way beyond what they should have, and the drug coursing through their systems was rapidly burning out from the activity.
So with hoarse groans of effort the beauties rolled slowly in their private arena, the dirt sticking to their sweat drenched bodies while Tifa’s skirt split at the hip slipping from her body and Scarlet’s jeans tore at the knees and rear. Within the confines of their arms the four globes that had been the source of the conflict ground tightly together as their owners panted and squealed in desperation and fear as first one then the other would roll on top.
Hitting the bottom of an incline Scarlet found herself partially wedged underneath Tifa who began pumping her breasts at the blonde from the advantageous position, grunting fiercely as she did so. Though only there for a few seconds Scarlet felt the pain of those hits as they desperately clung to one another rolling in the opposite direction. Tiring, Scarlet’s arms slipped from Tifa’s body and the brunette ground down savagely on the older woman as she once more gained the top position.
Shouting at the pain, Scarlet’s arms flew around Tifa’s body as both drenched beauties crushed their bodies together tighter and tighter as their breast flesh compressed and spread. Tifa could feel her larger boobs beginning to engulf the blonde’s smaller pair as she painfully smiled down at the other woman. ‘Bigger…and better,” she gasped out as their tits continued to balloon outwards
Desperate for relief Scarlet kicked out and shoved, pushing a surprised and tired Tifa away. Sitting up, bodies heaving as they breathed they stared at one another, exhausted but unwilling to quit. “I’m not…done with you…yet.” Tifa gasped as she staggered to her booted feet, kicking away the remains of her skirt, as she tottered over to swaying Scarlet. Falling into each other’s arms they squeezed their bodies together tightly.
“I will…crush…you!” Scarlet grunted as she forced a cry from the other girl. Her boobs were winning. She could feel it and see it. Tifa’s boobs were spreading at their tip, and while hers were doing the same, the brunette’s was far more noticeable. Then she groaned as Tifa squeezed back, crushing their bodies together even as she shifted her hips to force her boobs into their opposite with special force.
“All you’ve got…is a big…mouth,” Tifa gasped back. She was horrified at how soft her breasts had become. Despite the blonde’s own surprising softness, she definetly had the firmer pair in this fight. Tifa had to outfight her, outgut her, and put her faith in her breasts resilience. But it hurt so bad, she groaned as Scarlet pulled their bodies together while shoving out her boobs.
“I fucking hate you…” Scarlet whispered, Her face contorted and eyes screwed shut, as she squeezed the other as best she could. Tifa groaned in response, feeling the blonde’s hot breathe on her face, her body one big hurt after this level of a brawl so soon after her last one. Then she felt Scarlet’s arms slip.
Behind closed lids, Scarlet’s eyes slowly reverted back to their original blue color. The berserk energy fading. And with it, the strength it had given her. Her body arched in agony as Tifa crushed her towards her and a tortured cry passed her lips as her arms slipped completely. But Tifa was not done, her own eyes returning to their chocolate brown she prepared to finish this.
Releasing Scarlet, Tifa latched onto the blonde’s boobs even as she began to fall, holding her up. Tears flowing from her eyes Scarlet latched on in turn to Tifa’s boobs, but the brunette was not interested in a mutual mauling. Adrenaline flowing through her at Scarlet’s collapse Tifa began to slowly lift the blonde, hands twisting as she did so. Scarlet thrashed, hands grasping at the younger woman’s chest as her feet left the dirt.
Tifa felt as if her muscles were on fire, but the suffering was worth it as she continued twisting the blonde’s tits as she raised her up. She felt Scarlet’s hands leave her boobs to scrabble at her arms in desperation. Arms trembling, Tifa finally released the older woman to fall heavily in the dirt. Staggering back Tifa sat on the edge of their small arena. Finally…it was finally over.
“We’re…not…done yet…” Eyes widening with shock Tifa saw Scarlet roll onto her stomach and try to get to her knees. Failing at that, she began crawling in the dirt towards the brunette. “You…are MINE…Lockhart!”
Seeing the almost insane expression on Scarlet’s dirt covered and sweat streaked face, Tifa own expression set. Getting to her feet she rose out of the hole and grabbed at a convenient tombstone. Screaming at the effort she pulled it free and staggered back down. Scarlet had rolled onto her back, dry heaving as she tried to catch her breath. As Tifa approached, she did nothing but stare back up at her…daring her…hating her.
“You can threaten me all you want,” Tifa grunted, her own eyes conveying her loathing of the blonde, as she hefted the slab of stone. “But no one goes after my friends…my family. I’ll gladly…”
Tifa staggered as she heard Yuffie’s voice and then effect of the sleep spell. “Yuffie…no…” she moaned as she collapsed backwards the slab slipping from her hands to crash beside her. A soft snore was soon heard.
“Loser,” Scarlet sneered as she struggled to rise before collapsing the ground. “Sleep,” she heard and groaned as the spell affected her easily.

Yuffie, Viola and Joslyn stood in stunned silence at the violence the two women had inflicted on one another. Viola had had to talk quickly to get them to the Square after they’d witness the madness that had happened. Acting as if she’d just remembered she spun a tail of a platinum blonde that had been there with her who’s bought a vial as well, counting on them remembering Hinata’s story.
From the looks on their faces, they did.
“What the hell was wrong with Tifa,” Joslyn demanded as she fell to her sister’s knees. “Was she really trying to…”
“Berserk,” Yuffie said, eyes haunted, as she adjusted her wrist bangle. “You saw it in the Square. People just tearing into one another. The vial must’ve broken and since they were the only two around…
“They just went all out,” Viola finished. “Have to say, didn’t think anyone could give Lockhart a fight like this.”
“Hah, shows what you know,” Yuffie replied. “Josy here gave…OW!!”
Ignoring Yuffie’s hurt expression at the elbow Joslyn focused instead on what Viola had said. “You know my sister?” Her voice conversational.
“I’m from the Midgar slums, most everyone there has heard of Tifa Lockhart,” Viola set her feet, recognising the shift in the girl. “I’m especially familiar with some of her more popular activities…I’m guessing it runs in the family?”
Joslyn got an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of her stomach. This woman knew…and probably more than she realised. “We’ve got to get Tifa back to my place…what are we supposed to do about her?” Joslyn pointed at the other woman.
“She’s probably staying at the hotel,” Viola replied, as she hefted Scarlet up. “I saw her there when I signed in so I’ll carry her back then meet you ladies…where is your place?”
“Don’t worry about it,” Joslyn replied. “We’ll meet you back here in a couple of hours. How exactly are you going to explain her condition…being half naked and all?”
“Considering what happened in the Square, I’ll just say that she was there.” the redhead responded. “If you don’t see me in the lobby, ask for room 22.”
“Okay,” Yuffie agreed. Then she hesitated. “You said you knew Tifa. If she wakes up you want her to know you’re here?”
Viola hesitated for a moment. “Sure, tell her Viola says hi from Sector Four.”
Nodding, the two younger girls lifted the drowsing Tifa between them and staggered off down the path. Now that she could think for herself Viola could still hear the noise from the Wonder Square. Shivering at that memory of even children fighting like animals she turned a speculative eye to her…employer…apprentice? That Scarlet could push Tifa that far in such a short period…
She shook her head, tapping at the button on her earing. Even if her suspicions were true and Tifa wasn’t at full strength, neither was Scarlet. Maybe it was time she did arrange for Scarlet to get some actual experience…and she had just the pair of brunettes. Viola chuckled to herself as she saw a blue vehicle rapidly approaching. “If I’m going to be helping you, it’s only fair you help me with a pair of headaches.”
As the car stopped, a blonde with short cropped hair and in a black suit leapt out. Eyes widening with shock at Scarlet’s condition, she waved at whoever was driving as she slipped off her jacket, placing it over Scarlet’s body. “What happened? Does this have anything to do with what’s going on in the Square.”
“She was testing out some new tranquilizer, only it seemed to have the opposite effect.” she replied. “We might want to leave quick before people start asking questions.”
The blonde nodded, staring hard at Viola. “We don’t know you though.”
“I work for her,” the redhead pointed at Scarlet. “You got a problem, take it up with her.”
“Elena…we’ve got to go.” the speaker was a tall bald man that looked like he shouldn’t be able to fit into the car. “GS’s security forces are on par with Shinra’s. The longer we’re here the easier it’ll be to point the finger.”
Elena nodded even as she stared at Scarlet’s condition and the woman supporting her. There would be consequences she knew. Scarlet may have overstepped her bounds this time. Either way, the Turks would be among the first to find out.
Tifa groaned as she woke up, feeling a now familiar cold weight on her chest. Removing the blanket she stared at the ice packs that covered her entire upper body. She also felt hungry…ravenous even. Tossing her legs over the side she felt her muscles complain at the activity.

Tifa could barely make out Yuffie’s form on the couch as she sat up. “You’re up? I’ll be right back!” Before she could say anything the kunoichi had darted out the door leaving Tifa with a rather foolish expression on her face. She heard the sound of boots on carpeted floor as first Cloud and then Joslyn skidded into the room.
“SIS!” Josy cried out, as Cloud marched up and pulled her into an embrace. Startled, and a little embarrassed at Cloud’s show of affection, she slowly returned the hug.
“I’m okay,” she chided them. “It was just a sleep spell.”
“Uh sis…you’ve been asleep for almost three days.”
“You had us worried,” Cloud said, at her shocked expression. “Barret and the others are still helping assess the damage. So far the affected just complain about extreme lethargy, and injuries from altercations. But you wouldn’t wake up.”
“That would explain why I feel so hungry.” She mused. “But what happened?”
“Officially a guest brought in an untested vial of concentrated berserk.” Dio appeared in the doorway. “We’ll be paying out compensation in the form of doctor’s fees. Unofficially Shinra came to my park seeking out a particular individual.”
“Me…” Tifa muttered. “Scarlet came here because of me.”
“Oh it wasn’t just Scarlet,” Dio said. “She came here with another woman. A woman you should be familiar with. Viola Long.”
Tifa stiffened at the name, while Cloud looked confused at her reaction. “What’s wrong?” He murmured quietly.
“You should probably tell him, even if you don’t want the others to know.” Dio said, pulled two discs from his coat pocket. “There’s a projector in Josy’s room if you wish.”
“Tifa, Dio told me much about what’s happened since you came here.” Cloud’s voice took on a warning tone as she looked up at him. “How Aunt Elaine was still alive and about…Joslyn. But not everything. I thought we agreed to always tell each other the truth?”
“You’re right…” Tifa took a deep breathe. “You’re involved now. But promise me that what I tell…show you…stays with only those in this room.”
“Tifa…” Cloud’s expression was conflicted at her imploring expression. Then hardened as he nodded. “Fine…just the four of us.”
“Good.” Tifa pointed at the discs. “It’ll be easier to show you first then explain, so let’s go…”
To Be Continued in Chapter 6. Click Here to Go There!
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