“You all did good work out there,” Tseng remarked, reading the after action report as Rude, Elena and Cissnei stood in front of his desk. “Reclaiming the materia and fighting off a Weapon…not bad.”
“Thank you sir,” Elena practically glowed from praise as Rude and Cissnei merely nodded.
“Where is Reno though, sir.” the brunette Cissnei asked in her quiet voice. “Didn’t he also return with the President?”

“Hello,” Reno poked his spiky red head into Scarlet’s room. He was counting his blessings that he wasn’t assigned to Rufus on his return. Last thing he wanted was to be stuck outside that room right now. But he was curious to see this woman that had apparently made friendly with the cougar. Rude and Elena had been scant with the information and only Tseng had access to the video footage on top floors.
“And you are…”
Reno turned quickly, his eyes moving up and down as his lips curled into a flirtatious smile. “Well hello gorgeous.”
Viola was wrapped in a towel having just come out of the shower and her wet red hair hanging free. She cocked her head at the man in the room boldly looking him up and down like one did a piece of meat. She knew that the newcomer was likely doing the same, recognizing the stare of someone undressing her. “Like what you see?”
“It’s not a bad view,” Reno replied with a wide grin. “Bit too much covering into the important areas, but not bad. You?”
“I’ve seen better,” she remarked, turning and swaying her way back to the bedroom. “A bit too scrawny, but serviceable.”
“Ouch,” Reno muttered to himself, rubbing the back of his head, as he turned back to the door. “Well not the worst I’ve gotten over the years.”
“What are you still doing out there?” Viola called.
“What?” Reno asked as the door opened again and Viola stood leaning in the frame. With a casual flick of the wrist the towel slipped to the floor. For quite possibly the first time in his life Reno had no answer, no witty comeback or retort as the other redhead strutted up and grabbed at his arms. “Uh…”
“Don’t worry. I don’t bite,” Viola smirked, enjoying the reaction and pulling the unresisting Turk into Scarlet’s bedroom. “Not unless you want me to.”

“He was assigned to watch over Scarlet’s guest while she and Rufus are…occupied.” The three agents shifted uncomfortably at Tseng’s disapproving tone. But they kept their peace each crossing their fingers behind their backs that they wouldn’t be on guard duty. Tseng lowered his head, shuffling his papers. “You’re all of the clock for now. Get some rest and report back in about ten hours. I’ll have fresh orders by then.”
As professionals the three kept the relief off their faces until they were out of the room and in the elevator. Tseng paused for moment before bringing up the feed into the top floors. Typing in his personal code, he hesitated before pressing for confirmation, not particularly keen on what her knew he’d see. The cameras had been installed due to the previous President’s inability to keep his dick in his pants and the need for the Turks to clean up after him. A failing that had seemed to die with him, but now was apparently resurfacing.
At least Rufus didn’t spread the love Tseng thought sourly to himself as he pressed down and the image popped up on his computer. He hastily lowered the volume as savage grunts and breathy moans came through his speakers while the two blondes rutted furiously on the bed. Rufus and Scarlet’s relationship had always been professional with how they conducted themselves, but in the past few months their sex life had exploded in a manner that was drawing way too much attention. And it had him worried how little either seemed to care. It seemed to have started around the time she began interacting with this Viola woman. Speaking of which…
He minimized the screen, even as the two lovers fell off the bed onto the soft carpet, before selecting the one in Scarlet’s room. More moans assailed his ears and for a brief moment he wondered if the woman was pleasuring herself. Then he heard deeper, more masculine cries. “What the fuck!” Tseng’s eyes bulged at the sight of Viola vigorously riding a grunting, sweating Reno. Rubbing his eyes, the leader of the Turks was certain he was seeing things, but the image of his second in command engaging in sexual coitus didn’t go away. And as if to prove the point, the redheaded man arched his body, yelling incoherently as the woman viciously rode him to a bucking, squealing orgasm.
“Hmmm…yes, you’re definitely what I needed right now,” she panted, the reception a bit scratchy, as she collapsed onto him. “Hope you’re not a one and done handsome, cause we’re just getting started.
“Baby, I can go for as long as you need,” Reno replied with his usual bravado. For some reason it just seemed hilarious considering how hoarse his voice sounded. “I’m just wondering if you can keep up.”
“Well aren’t you a cocky one,” Viola teased running her lips along his chest, leaving a trail of wet kisses. Sitting up, she guided his hands to her breasts, covering them with her own. “Show me that you can back it up.”
“Reno, what the hell…” Tseng groaned, covering his eyes as the two redheads started moving again. When he removed his hand, he minimized Scarlet’s room before returning to Rufus’s office. His boss now had Scarlet pressed up against the wall as he slammed into her from behind while the older woman shouted words of encouragement, which almost immediately transitioned to a scream of pleasure, quickly followed by a hoarse grunt from Rufus as his hips slammed wetly against Scarlet’s backside.
“God,” he muttered rubbing his eyes, before getting up and moving to his couch, Laying down he closed his eyes. “I need a vacation. A LONG one.”
Drifting off, Tseng began to snore quietly. On the screen Rufus stumbled back onto the bed, breathing heavily before Scarlet pounced, shoving him roughly onto his back before bouncing and grinding enthusiastically on his shaft, even as he shot back up holding her close, their bodies dripping with sweat. A floor below Reno had pushed Viola over, his hips picking up speed as her legs waved wildly in the air. Her arms wrapped around his head pulling it to her breasts where he kissed, licked and sucked at the exquisite flesh. Her cries of approval as he lavished attention on one then the other driving him on even harder.

Yuffie woke slowly. She could hear the others talking loudly but was unable to make out much of it what they were saying. For a moment it felt as if they were speaking an unknown language.
“Can you keep it down” she grunted, pushing herself up, looking around the room. Joslyn, TIfa and Red XIII were in the room along with her father and Chekhov. “What’re you staring at?”
“Welcome back,” Tifa smiled as she got to her feet. “You had us worried after you passed out that second time.”
“A second time?” Yuffie looked confused. “The last thing I remember was telling Leviathan I accepted her terms.”
The room got quiet at that. “That would explain quite a few things.” Godo remarked as he rose and exited the room, Chekhov following after nodding in Yuffie’s direction.
“You’re welcome…dad,” the kunoichi said loudly to the shadow behind the closed door. She tossed off her covering and struggled to get to her feet.
“Take it easy, ‘Fie,” Joslyn reached out an arm to help steady her. “You’ve been out for almost two days.”
“I’m fine,” she snapped, feeling an unaccustomed annoyance at what felt like Joslyn’s patronizing. She glared at the brunette. “I’m not…what?”
Yuffie felt a sense of vertigo. She was almost eye level with Joslyn, when normally she’d have to look up at the older girl. Looking down she also noticed a pair of lumps that hadn’t been there before. Yanking off her shirt she stared at the breasts that bounced with their freedom before her eyes rolled back in her head and she fell forward into Joslyn’s arms.

“Leviathan was the reason Shinra left Wutai alone despite winning the war.” Godo stated. After coming around Yuffie had charged off like a bat out of hell after her father who’d been waiting for her in his room. All of Avalanche was in attendance, Yuffie’s change drawing considerable attention. Godo held up what had once been the summoning materia, now grey and lifeless. “She can be called upon normally like you saw against the Weapon but creatures such as her require a conduit to properly access her full powers. Our line has always been that conduit.
“And why haven’t I heard anything about this before?” Yuffie demanded, as the door was pushed open and Shake signaled to Cloud. Nodding he rose and left the room. “You’d think this would be something you’d share.”
“Leviathan is very, how shall I put this, selective of who she desires as her Avatar.” Godo replied, his expression becoming amused. “They must be women of a certain…body type shall we say.”
Everyone became silent at this as they regarded Yuffie’s new proportions before Cid gave a guffaw. “Sounds like my kind of beastie.”
“Great, so she’s going to be making alterations. Anything else I should know?”
“Improvements!” The voice was deep, but unmistakably feminine. “A girl of your age and stature should have a body to match.”
“Wha…” Yuffie spun around frantically. “Who said that?”
“Said what?” Barret asked, looking confused.
“You will also find that she can be quite chatty,” Godo explained calmly. “According to what scrolls we have left Leviathan can speak to her host…a lot.”
“Wait, you mean she’s IN here,” Yuffie tapped at her skull. At her father’s nod she buried her face in her hands. “Please tell me that’s the worst of it!”
“Actually…there is one other thing,” Godo looked uncomfortable. “If her host expires before producing a suitable…replacement, Leviathan’s essence will return to the stone. Since she doesn’t want that she’ll do everything she can to prevent that from happening.”
Yuffie’s jaw dropped. “You’re telling me she…”
At her father’s nod the girl fainted again. In the interim, Cloud returned inside and signaled to Tifa and Joslyn. After they joined him outside he stated. “We have a guest. And considering who it is we may have a problem.”

Following Cloud to the entrance they were surprised to find Naoko waiting there, waiting demurely.
“Lady Tifa, Lady Joslyn, it pleases Naoko to see you both well.” she said, bowing.
The sisters bowed in return, Joslyn awkwardly considering the condition she’d left the woman in last time she’d seen her.
“Are you, um, okay?” she asked. “I got a bit…”
“Naoko is fine,” the girl smiled. “Joslyn is strong like sister. But Naoko won’t lose next time.”
Joslyn smiled at in return at this. “I’ll take you up on that.”
“Sad to say, other news not so good,” her expression turned somber. Madame sends two messages for Lady Tifa, very important.”
“Well let’s hear the first,” Tifa remarked after a quick glance behind to ensure that there was no one else nearby. “Can’t wait to hear what disaster she has planned for me. “
“Message comes from shared ac…ac…acquaintance. Viola Long,” Naoko started, both Tifa and Jo stiffened at the name. “Girl called Elizabeth looking for Lady Tifa. Very strong, very dangerous. Loves to fight and beat Ms. Viola badly.”
“Oh joy…” Tifa threw up her hands frustrated. “Just when I think things are getting back to normal, this shit pops up again. Loves to fight does she? Well fine, so do I.”
“Madame said you’d misunderstand,” Naoko replied to Tifa’s outburst. “And told Naoko to tell you again. To stress that Elizabeth LOVES to fight. Said you would understand.”
Cloud had cocked his head when Naoko had said this girl loved to fight. Seemed kind of pointless to point it out since you had to enjoy fighting to be into this kind of thing. But when she reiterated it and stressed the word a look of horror and disgust crossed both sister’s faces.
“You’re not serious?” they both blurted out.
“Madame also said you’d ask that. Yes, very serious.”
“Not good…not good,” Joslyn muttered to herself as she started pacing.
“You said she had two messages,” Tifa stammered. “What’s the other one?”
“Ah, Madame make Naoko write it down, to tell it word for word.” Naoko dug a folded piece of paper out of her kimono. opening it carefully she held it close and began to read. “Tell that fat little slut that she’d better not get her tits squashed by some no name. I don’t want any excuse when I do it myself.”
Tifa snatched the paper from Naoko’s hand a vein throbbing in her forehead as she read the last of what Mikoto had written. “PS. does Cloud prefer to enter from the back or the front. I’m fine with either.” Tifa snarled as she channeled flames to scorch the paper before stomping off in the direction of the dojo.
“Did Naoko do bad?”
“No…Naoko did good,” Cloud assured her as the girl beamed. Her turned to Joslyn. “We’d better go make sure she doesn’t break any…too many things.

Walking quickly in the direction of the dojo the pair found things surprisingly intact. They located Tifa before a Wing – Chun dummy going through a kata. “Did she have anything else to say?” she asked.
“No,” Cloud replied. “Have to say I’m surprised at your restraint. I was worried I’d find it in a state similar to last time.
“Last time?” Joslyn asked, curiously.
“Tifa and M had a fight before she left,” Cloud said. “I only caught the end and let’s just say it’s a testament to Wutai craftsmanship that the building is still standing.”
“And I missed it?” Joslyn’s face took on a stricken look.
“Don’t worry,” Tifa look amused as she halted her kata. “You were having fun at the time.”
“Oh…OH!” Joslyn’s face pinkened as her sister’s words registered.
“Bitch knows how to push my buttons,” Tifa said sourly. “But I have to thank her for the warning…and the shove I guess. Maybe I should start taking this title they gave me seriously.”
“I wanted to ask about that,” Cloud leaned back against the wall. “You both freaked out when she said this girl loved to fight. What was that about?”
The two girls shared an uncomfortable look before Joslyn started explaining. “Lets just say that the expression has two meanings to those like us. There’re those like me and Tifa who love to fight. Then there’re those that LOVE…to fight.”
“I don’t get it,” Cloud admitted.
“They get off on fighting, literally.” Tifa said, spelling it out for him.
“Oh…” Cloud’s head bowed as he took that in. “But how is that any different from when you two had your titfight? You do realise how the two of you looked, right.”
“That was different,” Joslyn replied rapidly as Tifa sputtered. “You’re going to get some of that unless the fight is completely hostile, and even then you still might. But those like this Elizabeth…it’s one of the reasons they fight.”
“You’re talking like you have some experience.”
“Personally, no. But I watched one fight with Ann maybe six months ago. It was…uncomfortable,” Joslyn said, then looked at Tifa who flinched.
“Twice, and it’s not an experience I look forward to repeating.” Tifa shuddered. “The first time was just a regular catfight when a girl at the bar I was working jumped me after hours. Was a decent brawl all things considered, but as it went on the girl kept humping me more and more and I freaked out when she came. After that she kept trying to rip my clothes off until I decked her.”
“What about the second time?” Cloud asked.
“That one was…weird because it was a titfight…but I didn’t actually flatten her,” Tifa replied. “Her boobs were big, bigger than mine, but particularly sensitive and while we were fighting she actually CAME…from her tits. After that happened she seemed to get energized and started fighting back so hard I actually got worried that I might lose. But her tits were still as sensitive, and while we mauling one another she came a second time and just passed out completely.”
“Well that’s…different,” Cloud remarked as he stared at first Tifa’s, then Joslyn’s chests with a speculative look that had both brunettes blushing.
“Try disgusting,” Yuffie flipped down from her perch to land in a staggering fashion, her body tilting to the side as her boobs bounced. “Dammit, how do you control these freaking things!”
“I’ll lend you one of my sports bras,” Tifa said, amused. “How long were you there?”
“About the time Cloud pointed out that the two of you looked like you were ready to make out back in Gold Saucer.” Yuffie smirked before backflipping to avoid a kick. She lost her balance and fell at the end, cursing at her new top heavy nature. “What exactly brought this on about?”
The three quickly brought their fourth member up to speed. “Well that’s not good. Don’t know if you’ve noticed, but Wutai’s pretty small. It’d be hard to keep something like that quiet.”
“Well according to Cloud, M and Tifa had a fight the same night we drove off the Weapon right here.” Joslyn replied.
“Yeah, and that was because everyone was getting drunk down in the square.” Cloud clarified. “I heard them fighting well before I saw them, so unless you plan on getting everyone drunk again…”
“You could just…you know…avoid her,” Yuffie suggested. “You don’t HAVE to fight every woman that walks up to you, you know.”
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed. But this shit seems to follow me around.” Tifa sighed. “I put off going looking for Scarlet and she came after me in Gold Saucer AND, we find how she has the first woman I ever bashed tits with backing her. Then there’s Madame M. What were the odds that Dio would choose a woman to…test…Josy that just happens to be as competitive as I am and also grates me as bad as I grate her?”
“So you’re saying that they’re being aimed in your direction?” Yuffie scoffed. “Sounds a bit far fetched.”
“I haven’t had a fight outside of dealing with Shinra for years before leaving Midgar.” Tifa began ticking off fingers. “Now I’ve fought Scarlet twice, Josy, M…also twice granted they were inconclusive and threw around Elena a bit before we fought the Weapon. How long has it been since we stole the Highwind?”
Yuffie mumbled, but it was obvious she was becoming a convert.
“And now I have some girl I’ve never even heard of coming looking for me for reasons I have no clue about.” Tifa clenched her fists. “Okay scratch that, I know exactly why she’s coming after me. If Viola’s involved then so’s Scarlet. So avoiding her is out of the question.”
“Calm down sis, “Joslyn said, placing a hand on her shoulder. “You know we’ll back you up.”
“Of course you will,” Tifa replied sarcastically. “You want to fight me too after all.”
“Tifa!” Cloud looked surprised by the outburst, but Joslyn didn’t flinch.
“You’re right I want to fight you, we’re rivals after all. And I WILL be the one that finally beats you.” Joslyn marched up to her sister, pressing their chests together as Tifa’s eyes narrowed at the provocation. “But you’re also family and because I know you’re feeling stressed I’ll ignore that crack instead of flattening your tits right here, right now.”
For a long moment the two sisters glared at one another, fingers curling and uncurling, both ready for the promised rematch if neither backed down. Seconds ticked by as Yuffie shifted, unsure on what action to take while Cloud stood ready in case the situation devolved further. Finally Tifa stepped back with a pained sigh.
“You’re right…I’m sorry Josy, that was uncalled for.” Tifa admitted pressing her fingers to her temples. “Forgive me?”
“Maybe,” Joslyn said stiffly, then smiled. “If you promise to make sure not to lose till we have our rematch.”
“I’ll do my best,” she replied. “But can’t really promise with how they’re coming out of the woodwork.”
“Now that you two are done with your little family crisis, can we return to the matter at hand?” Cloud remarked. “What’re we supposed to do about Tifa’s stalker.”
“Actually I have an idea,” Joslyn’s expression soured. “I’d rather not have to go there right now, but I guess there’s no other option, unless we want to make a spectacle of ourselves.”
As they followed the girl Cloud maneuvered himself close to Tifa, hissing. “What was that about?”
“I don’t know,” she whispered back, a pained expression on her face. “My head’s been hurting since M’s message and I just blurted it out. I think…”
“No…don’t worry, let’s hurry and see what she has planned.” Tifa picked up her pace, not wanting to think about what she saw, and hoping she just imagined it.

“Didn’t think the place had that kind of reputation,” Joslyn remarked as Yuffie stuck close. As all three women hovered around Cloud.
“Well we did fight something like ghosts while in the train graveyard,” Cloud said, holding his sword out. “So I’m not under any illusions.”
The house was a…small…mansion that Dio had told her he used back when he visited Wutai. Probably how he met Mikoto Tifa had remarked as they scoured the house. It clearly hadn’t been used for years and Godo had been somewhat reluctant to hand over the key to the place until he’d learned Joslyn’s identity. Not wanting to cause more friction between the sisters by splitting into pairs, Cloud had gone off on his own to explore while the three girls stuck together.
“You sure you saw ghosts in here ‘Fie?” Joslyn asked, pushing in another door. All the rooms on the second floor seemed to have been designed to be as similar as possible. Large canopied bed with a partitioned tub and toilet. While the design was old fashioned the equipment was still fairly up to date if not modern. All in all the place gave the appearance of just being hastily abandoned.
“Absolutely,” the girl shivered at a memory.
“What did it look like?” Tifa sat down on the bed, bouncing on it experimentally.
“How else does a ghost look,” Yuffie demanded, “Raggedy old cloak, no face, floating through the air and just moaning at you.”
“Children…” Tifa replied, her expression going hollow at the memory. “They can look like children.”
Yuffie and Joslyn went quiet as they considered that, before jumping at their phone’s ringtone.
“Cloud?” Yuffie answered.
“Where are you guys?”
“We’re on the second floor, no ghosts,” she replied. “You?”
“Basement, I think you need to see this.”

“What the hell…”
“It reminded me a lot of Corneo’a arena.” Cloud said as he guided them through the door. The basement had opened into a narrow corridor with doors at various intervals. Most were obviously locker rooms for a single participant to wait in before being called, while others were piled high with equipment from weapons, to padded mats to colored ropes and fireworks. At the end was a double door that opened to a three way split. Left and right lead to seats for guests while the middle led to a raised roped off arena.
“If we ever had any doubts about my dad…” Josy remarked dully.
“He was what he was,” Cloud replied, wrapping an arm around the girl. “I’m in no position to judge what he did before changing.”
“And looks like he gave us one last gift…because this place is perfect,” Tifa said, looking around. “I’m willing to bet it’s soundproofed as well.”
“Maybe, but I need to have a talk with the old fart about this. No way he didn’t know,” Yuffie growled. “We also need to keep the others away from this place for now.”
“That shouldn’t be too hard,” Cloud said. “While I was down here Barret called. He got a line on a possible location of the last materia.”
“How long will they be gone?”
“WE’LL be gone,” Cloud corrected them. “If I try and skip out it’ll make them suspicious. They should finish loading supplies by tomorrow. From here to Corel will probably be a day and a half, I’ll try and delay our return as best I can, but I’d suggest settling this as quick as you can.”
“No worries there,” Tifa answered as she stared out over the arena with a surprisingly eager expression.
“Also,” Cloud leaned in close, “I expect a play by play when I get back.”

“What’d you do?”
“Don’t want to talk about it,” Reno replied, lying on the couch. Cissnei merely looked down at him, before turning her attention back to report she was studying.
“I’ll figure it out soon enough,” she said. And to her credit Reno knew she would. He expected Tseng to be pissed, but pissed enough to leave him out of the Corel mission? Rolling on his side he hid a concerned look from his current partner. That first night, once he set foot in that bedroom he’d stopped being a Turk and become like a horny teenager. He prided himself on being a better than average lover, at least that’s what the ladies he occasionally picked up said. But Viola had made him feel like a rank amateur.
Three orgasms she’d forced from him. Three times he came so hard it like she was draining him dry. Oh he gave as good as he got. He could remember her body trembling violently as she spasmed and he still had the teeth marks from where she bit him. But at the third orgasm he almost sobbed at the sheer bliss than ran through his body, his hips thrusting long after he’d fired off every drop as if in an attempt to prolong to pleasure for as long as possible. Finally he went limp, falling onto her body as her arms held him gently and her lips brushed at his ear.
“Good boy,” was the last thing he heard before he passed out. He woke up with a start hours later, stiff and confused until he felt the soft breathing on his neck. Moving slowly he disentangled himself from the woman and slid off the bed. A small frown appeared on her face and the covers slipped, exposing a breast. He stared for a long moment, feeling a frightening need to crawl back into the bed and wake her up, before quickly dressing and making his way out the door. He was only there for barely an hour before his relief arrived.
The fact that that had been the FIRST night only compounded his failure Two days later, last night even, she’d joined him in his personal office. He was unaccustomed to women actively seeking him out, his cultivated personality usually ensuring a one night stand was just that. But now he was dealing with a woman that seemed equal parts amused and turned on by his abrasive personality.
She’d joined him for dinner in the cafeteria, to the shock of the night staff. Seeing as how she was the cougar’s guest he thought she was just being friendly after what had happened, their conversation casual and mundane. Once he’d gotten up to leave, however, she’d openly asked to see his office. Once there she’d given the place a once over, remarking that the couch looked particularly comfortable, before shoving him onto it.
He’d intended to make her leave, to tell her that he was a professional and that the first night had been a lapse in judgement…but once she slipped off her dress all he could think about was how confining his suit was. His memory of the night was spotty, but he remembered clearly how the sex had become become increasingly fierce and urgent by the end. Grinding their bodies together he coaxed orgasm after orgasm out of her soft, fragrant body even as she made him come even harder than previously.
Their cries spiraled higher and higher as their coupling became even faster and more frantic. Viola clung to him like a lifeline whispering random nonsense into his ear before giving one final squeal of intense pleasure and Reno exploded, a savage grunt passing his lips, and once the toe curling orgasm faded his vision went black. His last thought was of how comfortable her tits were. When he woke up she was gone, but her perfume lingered.
And now he was hiding out in the Turk’s office hoping to avoid meeting her, since he doubted he’d be able to deny her. Or worse yet, his reaction if she rejected him. He had a reputation to maintain and if it got out he was pussy whipped he could kiss it goodbye.

“I trust you’ve been enjoying your stay.” Scarlet’s expression was amused. “I hear you’ve been entertaining and being entertained.”
“Free room and board with a dash of sex on the side? I can’t complain.” Viola responded. “I imagine yours have been as entertaining as well. Though I am getting antsy. Any word yet?”
“Andrea gave them their time off, and they left for Wutai last night.” Scarlet replied. “Now all we can do is hope that Tifa is still there when they arrive. Do you still doubt her chances?”
Viola got quiet. “Imagine you’re fighting Tifa. You think you’re winning, and for all intents and purposes you probably are winning. How do you feel?”
“I imagine I’d be on top of the world. Finally putting that Avalanche whore in her place is something I look forward to.”
“Okay…now imagine Tifa suddenly acting as if everything you did before was nothing. Any pain you may have caused her, any damage you think you did. All gone, while you’re still hurting and exhausted.” Viola pointed to herself. “That’s how I felt when Liza got back up. She acted as if everything we’d done to one another up to that point was meaningless. Hell, she even looked as fresh as a daisy.”
“You still haven’t answered my question.” Scarlet pointed out. “So she got a second wind. I got one when I fought Maria.”
“And how did that turn out.” the redhead sighed. She felt a bit more hopeful after talking to M. That she didn’t much like Tifa was obvious, but there was some grudging respect. “You won’t understand till you have it happen to you. But to answer your question…I remember a saying they used to have when they’d described fighters in Corneo’s arena.”
“Which was?”
“If I had to pick someone to fight for me, I’d pick Tifa. If I wanted someone to win a fight I’d pick Elizabeth.”
Scarlet’s expression briefly soured at the cryptic answer. Rising she dug into her desk, tossing a small square pack at Viola.
“What’s this?”
“Morning after pills,” she replied. “My personal brand. Guaranteed in case your bedmate can’t be bothered with protection.”

“OW…dammit ‘Fie stop cheating!” Joslyn complained
“It’s not…OUCH…it’s not me,” Yuffie replied in frustration. “And you’re the one that decided to flaunt your tits in front of her.”
The two girls were in one of the bedrooms, topless as they swung their tits, battering each other back and forth around the room. Suddenly gifted a new and, in her mind, impressive body Yuffie had been quite eager to take part in something she’d always just been a spectator. After the others had left on the Highwind she and Joslyn had it out in one of the upper rooms. Unfortunately her C – cups had faltered against her friend’s Fs. Teasingly Jo had given her boobs a light grind after Yuffie had conceded.
It had been in fun, but when you’re dealing with an ages old demigoddess you’d better be careful. The next morning Yuffie had woken up to find the barely used bras unable to fit. Meeting up with her two friends the pair had stared in shock at the change. Yuffie had gone from a C to a double D. Apparently not only had the size increased, but also the firmness, as Joslyn’s gasp and current complaint attested. She’d also gone up an inch in height and her hips thickened to better distribute the weight. “Let them mock us now.” She could still hear Leviathan’s self satisfied voice in her head as she pushed her into demanding a rematch. All in fun of course.
“And does SHE also have experience in this kind of fighting?” The brunette asked, wincing as their boobs struck. Yuffie backed off for a moment as they both massaged their reddened breasts, head tilted to the side. Her face abruptly turned so red Joslyn thought she saw a thread of smoke from her scalp. “You’re kidding…REALLY!”
“You don’t want to know,” Yuffie replied, as she tilted her body to the left. Her friend followed suit as the teens resumed their bashing, squealing boobfight around the room. “I wish I didn’t.”
Both girls grunted fiercely as their tits smacked together painfully. It might have started off as playful, but Yuffie was easily as competitive as both sisters and there was the instinctive desire to prove one’s body better. So while the fight might still technically be “friendly” it was nonetheless an emotional fight, especially for the young kunoichi, who mimicked Tifa’s style by boxing her smaller boobs and Joslyn’s larger pair.
Joslyn whined at the pain of Yuffie’s breasts spearing into her own while stumbling a back several steps. The smaller girl charged forward, her face eager, before stumbling to a halt at Leviathan’s shouted warning. Which came to late as Joslyn’s left breast crashed into the outside of her right orb , sending it bounce painfully against the left. She retreated hastily but, her face in a determined line, the older teen followed swinging her breasts left and right to hammer at the outside of the kunoichi’s chest. Frustrated at the pain, Yuffie grabbed at Josyln pulling her into a grind.
“Remember the last time you did this?” Yuffie asked as her new boobs punched into Josyln’s pair causing the older girl to whine in sudden pain, before she threw her own arms around the short haired Wutai teen.
“It was only yesterday.” She replied, twisting her torso as she forced first one then the other breast against it’s opposite with particular force. Yuffie moaned before doing the same as they staggered about the room, grunting in effort, grinding and thrusting their tits together. Joslyn quickly came to the realization the Yuffie’s boobs weren’t just firmer than before, but definitely denser as she felt them begin to flatten her own at the tip.
Grinding and moving her upper body in a humping motion Jo maneuvered her breasts until they rested on top of Yuffie’s as she held her in close. “You know what happens next,” she said calmly, rising on her toes and dropping her heavy tits onto Yuffie’s pair. The younger girl cried out as the flesh splattered together, but even as Joslyn started to raise them again Yuffie shot up, slamming her tits into her friend’s undersides. It was now Jo’s turn to wail at the pain, before before Yuffie repeated the move causing the girl to release her grip and knocking her to bounce up against the wall
Sensing weakness Yuffie followed up grabbing at Joslyn’s arms, pinning her up against the wall and repeatedly jabbing her left boob at the older teen who groaned at the blows. Shoving hard, Jo pushed Yuffie back, her legs hitting against the bed, and swung hard with her left breast as she saw the kunoichi coming back at her. Left boob smacked against left boob and both girls squealed at the pain, backing off and massaging at the aching mammary.
Panting, the teenagers eyed each other warily. Neither expected things to go this far and both were aware that a line had been crossed in their friendship. Then they smiled grimly. Yuffie spread her feet and stood with her hands on her hips, as Joslyn took two steps forward before doing the same. Both twisted their hips and after a few hesitant starts, swung their left boob at the other.
Breast collided with breast as the orbs splattered together, flattening, before bouncing back down to ripple on the chest as both girls yelled at the pain. Despite her eyes watering at a pain new to her, Yuffie didn’t back down and set herself up again. Joslyn gritted her teeth against her own pain as she tilted her body as the swung their left tit at the other again. The heavy mounds of flesh smashed together and both girls stiffened as droplets of sweat sprayed from their bodies while the flesh quivered violently then recoiled and Yuffie screamed loudly.
The kunoichi clutched at her chest and staggered back in agony, her eyes wide. Joslyn, concerned, took a step forward before Yuffie waved her back and straightened. Body trembling the girl set herself up again. “You sure you want to do this ‘Fie?” Joslyn asked as she twisted her own body.
Yuffie nodded, before angling her head as if listening to something. “Don’t you dare,” she growled in a hoarse voice. “This is between me and Josy, stay out of it.”
Turning back to the bigger teen the two girls nodded again and hurled their left boobs for a third time. And as they splashed together and the orbs crushed and rippled against it’s opposite Yuffie screamed again as she tumbled back onto the bed. Joslyn herself cried out as well, stumbling back to fall on her butt from the sheer force of the blow. For several minutes all that could be heard was the heavy breathing and groaning from the teenagers.
“Dammit that hurts,” Yuffie groaned, not bothering to even try and get up. “How the hell do you and Tifa put up with it?”
“You kinda…get used it,” Jo grunted as she got to her feet. “Fuck, but those things you have there are solid ‘Fie.”
“I thought you said it was going to be all in fun.” Turning their heads the teens saw Tifa leaning against the door frame. She gave them a concerned look as she walked in. “For a second I thought I’d have to jump between you two.”
“It got a bit…heated,” Joslyn admitted. “But we’re still cool, right ‘Fie?”
Yuffie simply held up her arm in a thumbs up gesture. Then she sniffed. “The night before the guys left…which bedroom did you sleep in?”
“Um…this one.” Joslyn replied nervously.
“All three of you?”
“Yup,” Tifa answered.
“Gods, now I’ve got his spunk on me.” Yuffie rolled off the bed. “Couldn’t you have changed the sheets?”
Joslyn muffled a giggle at Yuffie’s words, remembering how they’d worked him over. “Sorry ‘Fie. We weren’t really thinking about that at the time. There’s a reason he was late getting to the ship.”
“Oh come on,” the girl groaned, then paused, her expression taking on the familiar expression of an internal discussion. “That’s a good…fine, fine, I’ll ask.”
Tifa came to stand next to Joslyn as Yuffie nervously looked in their direction. “Uh, something I never really thought about. You three have been spending every night together, right?”
“Well not every night,” Joslyn replied. “But most, yeah.”
“So, uh…yeah.” the kunoichi looked particularly nervous. “Leviathan said you two smell particularly…fertile. Her words not mine. With the way you guys keep having sex aren’t you worried?”
Joslyn’s expression took on a look of horror, indicating that she’d never considered that possibility, while Tifa’s looked…sad. And resigned.
“That’s…not a problem we have to worry about,” She said quietly. Then she glared around the room. “If what I tell either of you goes anywhere beyond the three of us, family or no, you’re in for a world of hurt. Am I clear?”
Surprised at the venom in her voice both teens nodded.
“Cloud…he…the SOLDIER procedure does create super soldiers, but at a cost.” Tifa continued. “Their bodies burn out faster, most are lucky if they make it to their mid forties. They’re also rendered almost completely infertile.”
“That’s,” Joslyn stuttered. “How did you…”
“He told me after our first night, back before we met in Gold Saucer.” Tifa replied. “I started talking about starting a family once everything was over and he got quiet. Like an ass I got into a huff thinking he didn’t want one and then he told me. On some level I think that’s why he works so hard to satisfy us.”
“I…I can’t think of anything to say,” Yuffie admitted. “Wait, you said ALMOST.”
“Think he said the official numbers were something like .0001% chance. So yeah,” Tifa turned around. “Now get some clothes on. Lets grab some lunch and hit the baths.”

“What a dump.”
“Be nice Vicky,” Elizabeth chided her sister. The trip had been uneventful, other than the usual crowd they attracted. Or rather Liza attracted since Vicky’s boobs were still recovering from the beating they’d received from Scarlet. Just thinking about the blonde made Vicky’s blood boil and regardless of how this business turned out, she and the bitch weren’t done.
“Just calling it like I see it sis,” she complained, as she adjusted her shoulder bag. They were travelling light to give the impression of starry eyed tourists. “You sure she didn’t just send us off on some chase so she and Vi could try and disappear?”
“Possible,” the smaller woman admitted. “And if she did I promise you she’ll be your new toy to play with. For now, let’s see if…oh my.”
“What?” Vicky turned her head looking around. Her sister was staring in the direction of a busty short haired girl entering what was advertised as a bath house. “Really? We just got here, can’t you keep your panties on at least until we get to our hotel?”
“Oh no,” Elizabeth shook her head. “As delectable as that one was I think your blonde nemesis may have been speaking the truth. Checking in can wait. I think we need to take a bath first.”

“Get in you sissy,” Yuffie taunted.
“I will…in my own time.” Joslyn declared as she sat on the edge of the bath with only her feet in. The two were over at the end of the bath where the water was it’s hottest. The people of Wutai loved water as hot as it could be before boiling, though they now included regular temperature as well as ice water baths for the tourists. Tifa sat at and end near one of the colder baths where she found the temperature comfortable, ignoring the two teens.
The place was empty considering the hour. Most seemed to prefer a bath late in the day which was why she’d chosen to bath now since she’d never gotten used to the idea of sharing a bath with a large number of strangers. “Hope Cloud doesn’t mind me spilling the beans,” she thought to herself, sinking down into the water as she closed her eyes. Yuffie’s question aside, Jo needed to know what she was getting into if she wanted to stay with Cloud. Tifa already knew where she stood and…
“Holy shit…!” She heard Yuffie gasp out. As she opened her eyes they widened even further as she saw what the kunoichi was looking at. The taller girl was impressive in her own right, but the smaller what had garnered the reaction. Slightly shorter than Yuffie’s original height her body seemed to built around her large chest which looked distinctly out of place on her body.
The two shared a brief conversation which had the shorter give a light laugh as they sat on the stools to wash their bodies.
“No, I don’t want things that size,” Yuffie muttered. Her eyes widened at an answer only she could hear. “I’m a ninja! If I had things like those it would defeat the damn purpose.”
The girl was quite the exhibitionist as she was obviously accustomed to being the center of attention and put on a show for the three in the water. She focused considerable attention on the top and bottom of her breasts showcasing the size, girth and surprising lack of sag as they bounced back heavily onto her chest. Once the washing was done she headed towards the closest ice bath while the other moved into the warm water away from her and the other two.
“You’ve got a nice pair there.”
Tifa turned her head, looking at the top heavy girl as she lounged in the small bath. “Excuse me?”
“Your breasts, they’re impressive.” she clarified. “They as heavy as they look?”
“Heavy enough,” Tifa replied. “Though I’m not one to talk. You don’t usually see guns your size very often.”
“I suppose,” she giggled. “They cause me no end of trouble though.”
“I can imagine,” Tifa gave a small smile. The woman gave her a speculative look.
“I imagine you can,” she held out a hand, hanging the top of her body over the lip of the tub. “Elizabeth Anguin. Most call me Liza.”
Tifa kept her face expressionless, though under the water her fingers curled into fists. Then she smiled and extended a hand. “Tifa. Tifa…”
“Lockhart.” Elizabeth smiled in return as she took Tifa’s hand. “I’m a fan.”
Both kept smiling as fingers curled tight kneading at flesh and bone. Air hissed through Tifa’s teeth as she realised the girl was stronger than she looked. Liza’s smile grew pained as her target cruelly ground at the bones of the knuckle. “I’m afraid you have me at a disadvantage,” Tifa said sweetly as she tightened her grip, feeling the girl’s fingers probing between the bones of her hand. “I wasn’t aware I had a fan club.”
“You’d be surprised,” Liza replied, voice friendly, before they both released their grips. “The teenage girl that ran the pleasure district before disappearing as if she’d never been there. The survivors still talk about you and how no one ever came close to beating you.”
“I wouldn’t go that far, there were plenty of tough scrappers in that Sector,” Tifa shrugged. “And I didn’t RUN the area. I just wanted to work and earn money to get my own place. Once I had what I wanted I moved on.”
“Well that raises an issue for the rest of us,” Liza replied, the smile remaining on her face, her eyes hard. “You see you left quite a hole when you left that many rushed to fill. Even after the collapse and many moving to the Sixth your name was bandied around a lot. It was quite common to be compared to you in those early years.”
“I fail to see how that’s my problem,” Tifa turned away from the smaller woman, getting to her feet and adjusting her towel. “I left all that behind when I moved to another sector. Catfights, brawls or whatever were commonplace even after I was gone. Even moreso in Sector Six. Shouldn’t have been hard for an enterprising girl with your…attributes to make a name for herself.”
“Scarlet told me you’d try to deflect. So let me make myself clear.” Tifa felt herself spun around as a palm cracked against the side of her cheek. The sound of the blow was loud in the empty room as Yuffie and Joslyn got quiet while Vicky had a smile on her face. “I want to be known as the one that beat the Queen. When I get back to Midgar it’s going to be with pictures of you begging me to stop.”
“Is that so?” Tifa asked, before backhanding the smaller brunette who stumbled back to sit on the edge of her tub. “My friend over there suggested I try a different tack. So I’m going to give you one chance to back off. Go back to Midgar and tell them you beat me for all I care. Or don’t, if you’re working with Scarlet I can give her a message by sending your ass back black and blue.”
“Go back? When I have a chance to work on your body?” Elizabeth’s eyes shone with a frightening eagerness. “I’m going to flatten you, then I’m going to break you. Then we’ll have some fun.”
“Not here,” Tifa held up a hand as Liza seemed ready to jump her. “You try anything and the fight you’ll get won’t be the one you’ll want. Get dressed and we’ll go to a place where we won’t make a scene.”
“I don’t mind making a scene,” the girl said as she crouched. “And I don’t mind people watching.”
“I do,” Tifa growled as she held up a fist, a wreath of fire surrounding it. The other girl backed off, suddenly wary. “Yuffie, Josy. Let’s go.”
The two teens rose out of the water, Yuffie concentrating. Leviathan was agitated and wasn’t making much sense right now. Going on about a “her”.

Vicky whistled as they entered the mansion. “Wonder what a place like this goes for.”
“Wouldn’t know,” Joslyn replied shortly. As a rule Joslyn typically tried to get along with everyone she met. But something about Vicky rubbed her the wrong way. Could be the disparaging remarks she made about Wutai. It was clear that Yuffie was going her best to hold her temper. “So are we doing this now or would you rather rest first?”
“Oh I’ve been waiting for this for a long time,” the stacked brunette declared as she stared at Tifa with hungry eyes. “Now works for me.”
“Fine with me as well,” Tifa grunted. “Lets go downstairs.
The sisters stared in awe at the arena even as Tifa marched down towards the roped off area, Yuffie and Jo in tow. Liza quickly moved to catch up with Vicky following suit. Jumping the ropes Tifa ripped off her top and kicked off her boots, leaving her in only her skirt baring her rested and recovered breasts as they flowed out from the confines of the tight material. Liza quickly removed her blouse, her monsters hanging delectably before removing her skirt and heels. Fully uncovered the two teens felt some trepidation at the sight of what Tifa was up against.
Only blemished with a few freckles her breasts were easily a cup size bigger than Tifa’s, probably one and a half, and hung heavy and proud. If Tifa felt any unease she showed none, jumping lightly making her breasts bounce as she moved to the center of the canvased arena. Liza shared a short conversation with her sister before swaying towards the taller woman.
“Since you’re the guest here, how do you want to start off?” Tifa asked. In response the shorter woman raised her arms, giving her boobs a shake. Tifa’s eyes narrowed as this could work both for her or against her. Pushing her chest forward she wrapped her arms around the other girl before she did the same. Remembering what Naoko had told her she could feel Liza’s breath on her breasts and face quickening at the flesh on flesh contact and resisted the urge to pull away. “Last chance. We can pretend this never happened.”
“Not a chance,” the shorter girl replied, pulling at her opponent. “Once I get back and word spreads that you got flattened I won’t have to deal with anyone second guessing me again.”
“You think that’ll make you happy? You have no clue how glad I was to get away from that shit,” Tifa spat. “Josy, start us off.”
Nodding, the younger Lockhart pulled out an airhorn she’d picked up in one of the dressing rooms. The loud noise made those on the outside jump, while the two inside tightened their arms and shoved forward. The sight of the compression was amazing for the three present. Both sets flattened at the tip, spreading outward from the pressure. But the size disparity had Tifa’s stop expanding before Liza’s which now flowed over and around the taller brunette’s boobs, attacking from all sides so to speak. Both beauties were pushing and shoving hard, clearly intending to try and finish the other quickly.
But all four breasts were proud and unbowed, just like their owners. Tifa grunted at the pressure as she shoved forward strongly, an annoyed look etching onto her face as she was unable to force the smaller girl back. Liza licked her lips and smiled at the look. “Viola made the same mistake,” she whispered breathily, thrusting back as the two pulled each other even closer. She lowered her head and blew gently, her breath cool. “I’m a lot stronger than I look.”
“I’m not Viola,” Tifa growled increasing her own effort and feeling the shorter woman matching her as they slowly shuffled in a circle trying to force the other back. Gasping in effort Elizabeth strained for all she was worth, pushing with legs toned and strengthened by years of dancing and training. Teeth clenched Tifa shoved back with muscles powered by years of fighting against Shinra soldiers and monsters. “And I’m a lot stronger than I look as well.”
With a savage grunt of effort the smaller brunette was pushed back one step, and then another. Crying out in frustration, Liza leaned back, lifting a surprised Tifa off her feet before tossing her to side. Hitting the canvas the taller girl quickly rolled away, hearing the pounding of feet, before quickly coming to her own. Liza skidded to halt before sinking into a crouch as they circled. “You might be stronger, but it’s obvious which one of us has the better pair.” she said.
“If being bigger was all it took to be better,” Tifa replied. “Then I wouldn’t be the best now would I?”
“You won’t be for much longer,” the smaller woman hissed before charging. Never one to back down Tifa leapt forward to meet her, their breasts smashing together with a loud THUD as they absorbed the impact of their colliding bodies before they bounced off the other to land on their backs. Both writhed at the pain, but slowly got back to their feet. Liza panting as she did so. “I don’t think anyone’s ever hit me that hard before. I might be in love.”
“Ugh, so you ARE one of those,” Tifa recoiled. “I really do not have time for this.”
“Sounds like someone’s been telling stories, Viola or Scarlet?” Liza guessed. “Probably Viola. I got the feeling blondie wanted me to make you hurt.”
“You really have no idea what you stepped into, do you?” Tifa’s eyes narrowed. “Fine then, let me show you just how big the world is!”
“Darling, I have enough BIG to go around.” The aroused fighter purred, swaying up to the other woman and grabbing at her bicep, even as Tifa did the same. “Give me everything you’ve got, I want to enjoy this.”
There was no testing and feeling the other out. Both women simply pulled the other towards them even as they were pulled. The collision was marked by a loud PLOPPING sound as they bounced off the other, faces screwed up at the pain, but both kept their mouths shut. A second slam quickly followed, then a third, but despite the rapid spreading redness on their swelling boobs neither made a sound. Staring hard into the eyes of their opponent they set up a savage repetitive series of slams as they staggered around the center of the ring.
From her position Joslyn looked on with concern. So far this Elizabeth was holding her own against her sister. Or was it that Tifa’s breasts were holding up against the smaller girl’s monsters. She knew from experience how tough and dense Tifa’s tits were, but unlike their fight these two had started off strong and she worried her sister might be making a mistake considering their warning. As if to prove her concerns correct, just like when they did it, absorbing a savage slam Tifa cried out in pain and staggered back falling to one knee. To her credit she never released her grip on Liza’s arm.
“Bigger and, like I told you, better,” Liza giggled. She jumped lightly making her boobs bounce as Tifa looked up angrily before staggering back upright. Patronizingly the shorter girl gave her time to set herself before slamming their bodies together again. Tifa whined at the pain and the sheer weight behind each blow and she realized that, if anything, M had been underselling this girl. But she gritted her teeth and increased the strength of her slams. She was stronger, now she just had to show she was as, or even more dangerous if pushed.
Yuffie looked on concerned as first Liza bashed Tifa back almost to the ropes of their arena, before Tifa slammed back pushing the smaller girl in the opposite direction. Using her height now, she began angling her body slightly downward, allowing gravity to give her hits a bit more punch. And it seemed to work as Elizabeth stiffened after a violent collision that echoed in the room before sinking to her knees. “Your friend is trouble.”
“What?” she asked quietly, even as Liza leapt to her feet crashing her tits roughly into Tifa’s. Both brunettes were now openly yelling in pain as they clapped their breasts together and spun around the arena supported only by their holds on the other. “What are you talking about?”
“There is something wrong here. A presence I haven’t felt in centuries.” Leviathan answered. “You must get us closer.”
“What’s wrong?” Joslyn asked as Yuffie rose from the seat she’d claimed.
“Leviathan says something is wrong.” Yuffie replied. “It needs me to get closer.”
Joslyn started to ask something else, but never got to it as Liza cried out, falling back against the ropes before rebounding to fall onto her face. “Lizzy!” They heard her sister yell as Tifa clutched at her chest, panting, as she stepped back.
Tifa was now quite glad that Cloud had stopped her from accepting M’s offer to settle their dispute. If she had fought M, win or lose, she’d be in trouble against girl. Bitch knew how to use those knockers of hers to maximum effect. Then she heard a giggle. Tifa’s eyes widened as Elizabeth giggled as she staggered to her feet, hissing as she touched her chest.
“Oh, yes. This is more like it,” She said, giving her breasts a bounce with her hands. “What’s wrong Lockhart? If you’re not going to come over here, I’ll just come over there!”
“Bring it, if you think you can,” Tifa challenged. And Elizabeth was more than willing to accept that invitation as she eagerly strode forward, swinging her right boob at her opponent who’s orb was also already in flight. As the monsters smashed together, flattening at the point of collision and the flesh vibrated from the violence, both brunettes pushed in closer. Grunting savagely they kept the flesh in contact, shoving as hard as they could with their breasts until one woman tumbled to the ground in surprise.
“Bigger AND stronger,” Liza taunted the fallen Tifa who stared up in shock. Furious now, the woman jumped to her feet and the girls swung again. Wincing at the clapping blow they pushed with the taut, straining orbs as they snarled into each other’s sweating face but again, Tifa was the one forced off her feet. Elizabeth giggled at the stunned look on her face and Vicky on the outside cheered. “It’s not going to change no matter how many times you try. BIGGER, STONGER…and…BETTER!”
“BITCH!” Tifa snarled as she leapt to her feet swinging her tits wildly at Liza who slung her own back with equal energy, the heavy orbs slapping together loudly, while the girls winced at the painful stinging. As their right boobs crashed together again Liza pushed forward again, forcing Tifa into another breast strength test. Straining mightily the shorter woman slowly forced the wide eyed brunette to tilt, and then fall onto her side.
“You’re spending a lot of time down there, Tifa,” Elizabeth mocked, placing her hands on her hips. “If you like being on your knees so much do you give good head maybe?”
Tifa’s eyes were wary as she rose, but then she tilted her body again. Elizabeth rolled her eyes dramatically at those on the outside before setting her own body. Just like before the flesh crashed together as they swung their left boob leaning in close as their flesh wrestled, quivering violently as it strained against it’s opposite. Tifa’s body tilted for a moment before, with a yell of triumph, she shoved Elizabeth onto her side.
“Maybe I do,” Tifa retorted, twisting her body again, as the shorter woman scrambled to her feet. “Too bad for you, you’ll never know.”
Breasts flew threw the air again, whacking against the other as the girls shouted in pain, before falling back to their chests. Tifa now aggressed fiercely, swinging her left boob repeatedly at a slowly retreating Elizabeth who still hit back hard enough to rock the taller brunette. Determined not to let her win Tifa swung and this time she pushed down, shouting as she felt her boob push into Liza’s even as the girl tumbled to the ground again.
“You’re right handed, aren’t you,” Tifa panted as she stared down at the smaller woman. Liza said nothing but glared up. “I figured as much. Bad luck for you, I’m ambidextrous.”
“Well aren’t you clever,” Elizabeth mocked, as she got to her feet. “You think that’ll make a difference?”
“You were the one just on your ass,” Tifa taunted, “What do you think?”
“I think I’m going to enjoy making you beg for me to stop.” Liza panted as her breathing quickened and her nipples stiffened. “And after I’m done having my fun, maybe I’ll take that delectable little Wutai girl for a ride.”
Tifa growled as Yuffie recoiled from her position near the ropes and Liza smirked at their reactions. “Just you try it!” Joslyn shouted furiously.
“Honey, you think you’re a deterrent?” Liza giggled gratingly. “I’ll happily roll around with you once I’m done with your sister. Or maybe Vicky would like to join in the fun?”
“Wuh?” Jo spun around to see Vicky blow her a kiss before lifting her top to display her own impressive rack. “You’re kidding right? Floppy tits over there?”
She missed Vicky’s reaction to her words as twin yells erupted from the ring as Tifa and Elizabeth resumed their fight. Twisting their shoulders rapidly they hurled their monsters through the air. Tifa clenched her fists at her side ignoring the sweat that dripped into her eyes as she fought to swing faster, to swing harder at the massive mammaries beneath the smug face in front of her. She was doing her best to keep her own face neutral in the face of the building pain, but it was becoming harder as Liza beat her heavy boobs against her own.”
Elizabeth was in her zone as her boobs crashed against Tifa’s. She could feel the weight and density of the girl’s tits each time they smashed together, flattening as the flesh fought to push through and then quivering before falling back to her chest even as they hurled the opposite number to do battle. She felt herself getting more and more excited as Tifa fought her so evenly such that even the fierce pain of their boob blows paled in comparison. Almost frantic with lust she increased the strength of her swing, Tifa’s cries of pain matching her own even as she beat the taller brunette back.
Tifa’s wails were loud in her ears as she felt herself beaten back by the shorter brunette’s bigger boobs. Her own pair were still holding up magnificently against the savage strikes they were enduring and she could even swear she felt as if Elizabeth’s were getting softer as they hammered them together. Eyes watering she desperately flung her breasts at the confidently advancing Liza who hurled her own back with equal fervor as Tifa’s cries became more pained and frantic.
“Now do you understand?” Leviathan demanded as Yuffie stared in horror as Tifa, despite fighting hard, was slowly being taken apart. “Something is aiding this woman! Are you not going to do anything?”
“If we interfered and you’re wrong Tifa would resent us for interfering.” Yuffie replied, wringing her hands. “She’d say we cheated. And didn’t you also say that Elizabeth doesn’t realise what’s going on?”
“I THINK she doesn’t know. And if it’s who I think it is, losing won’t be the worst thing Tifa experiences,” Leviathan hissed back. “But very well, you will come with me to see what I see. But understand this…your body will be vulnerable while we do so.”
Yuffie nodded before turning to Joslyn. “Leviathan think Liza is being helped, either knowingly or not. We’re going to find out, but she says my body’ll be vulnerable while doing so.”
“Sounds far fetched,” Joslyn remarked, before cringing as Tifa cried out from another blow. “I’ll keep an eye on your body. If this bitch is cheating then she doesn’t deserve to beat, let alone fight Tifa.”
Yuffie nodded. Sitting down her eyes closed and she went limp. Joslyn gnawed at a knuckle at the sight before turning back to the fight, missing an approaching Vicky.
Shifting her body to avoid being trapped in a corner Tifa stumbled slightly as their breasts crushed together. She could feel her boobs making headway into Liza’s but the indefatigable brunette kept pushing and the taller, tired girl crumpled to the ground with a hoarse groan. “Is that it Lockhart?” Elizabeth asked, as she circled the exhausted girl, her own breathing heavy. “Is this the champion of Midgar?”
“I never asked for the name,” Tifa moaned as she sat up. “But I’m not done yet. Not by a long shot.”
“Oh I beg to differ,” Liza replied, planting a foot on her opponent’s chest, pushing her down. She dropped to straddle Tifa’s waist as she licked her lips at the look of defiant fear on her face. “I’ve been looking forward to getting my hands on these puppies since I laid eyes on you.”
Tifa yelled as Liza grabbed at her boobs, her fingers crushing and squeezing at the firm flesh, even as she filled her own hands with the short woman’s monsters. Tifa remembered what had happened in her past fight and didn’t aim to cause pain. Instead she palpated the thick meat of the boob, massaging it and pinching at the nipples. Liza’s eyes widened at this, as she began rocking her body in time with breathy moans.
“Oh…,” she moaned as her mauling faltered. “Oh…that slut. That beautiful bitch. She told you didn’t she?”
“Don’t know who you’re talking about,” Tifa grimaced as she felt Liza’s mauling falter in the face of her attack. She kept twisting and tweaking at the boobs hanging above her. “But I’ve been around the block. If pain doesn’t work then there’s one surefire way to beat a bitch.”
Joslyn’s eyes were wide at the sight in front of her. Her shock was such that she didn’t notice Vicky until the girl was behind her. “Floppy tits?” Was all she heard before receiving a sharp blow to the back of her head. Staggering forward she spun around to find the taller of the sisters with her fists raised. “My tits might not be at their best, but I’ve got enough in the tank to tame some brat.”
“That was a mistake,” was all Joslyn said as she charged, slamming a fist into Vicky’s gut. As the woman gagged, she grabbed her by the hair and hurled her into a pile of chairs. “Now stay down or your tits will be your best feature.”
“My sister is going to have her way with yours before this night is over.” Vicky said rising slowly from the pile of seats. “I think it’s only fair that I have some fun as well.”
Vicky leapt at Joslyn hands grabbing at hair. The younger Lockhart was more than happy to oblige as her own fingers dug into the younger Anguin’s locks as the two pulled and yanked viciously. Above it all, Yuffie stared at the wild melee that had erupted in the hall.
“Stay focused!” she dragged her eyes away from Jo and Vicky’s hairpulling to Leviathan’s ghostly human form. She had chosen a form similar to Yuffie’s only with longer hair and in a kimono similar to Mikoto’s and now pointed in the direction of Elizabeth. “Look there, you see the lines? Look at where they converge.”
Yuffie struggled to stay focused on what the water goddess was saying and not the increasingly erotic cries from Elizabeth. Until she realised that the as the cries increased so too did the lines’ visibility until she spotted the origin point. “Her ear. Is that an earing?”
“That’s materia, child.” Leviathan gave a curse in an unknown tongue. “The materia of one of the most carefree of us all and the source of much strife.”
“Now that’s just rude,” A shape took form in front of her. A voluptuous blonde haired winged woman in an outfit of feathers that barely kept anything covered. “It’s been a long time Levia. I’m surprised they let you out of the box.”
“Siren…what are YOU doing awake?”
Siren started to reply only for the winged woman to arch her body, a shrill, high pitched cry issuing from her lips. Back in the ring, Liza also screamed in pleasure as milk gushed from her nipples to splatter onto Tifa’s chest and face. Even as she spluttered and spat at the substance washing across her face the smaller woman dropped her body onto her’s crushing their bodies together.
“By the planet that was incredible,” Siren gasped, wiping at the thin line of drool. “This girl has some promise. In answer to your question I’ve been awake since the mortals started tapping into the Lifestream. You’d have noticed if you weren’t so obsessed with your little plot of land.
“Oh god, oh god,” Elizabeth chanted, kissing forcefully at Tifa who felt herself being overwhelmed by the sheer lust emanating from her opponent. For a few long seconds she kissed back with equal intensity, their tongues lapping together before she came to her senses. Gasping she grabbed at hair, pulling Liza’s head and lips away even as she frantically kissed and licked at her. Tifa had to fight an unbearable urge to kiss back, to release her grip and let Liza do what she willed. Desperate, she instead rolled the frantically gyrating girl under her focusing on the unfinished battle between them.
Liza panted as she came down from her high, the sheer unbridled need and lust making her momentarily weak. Even Viola had not made her feel like this. She felt Tifa’s arms around her, squeezing tight, before the weight disappeared. Then she screamed as Tifa dropped her heavy orbs onto her tits. Surprised at how effective it had been she hesitated briefly before again splashing her dense boobs onto Liza’s monsters. Finally responding the smaller woman threw her own arms to circle the brunette’s upper body clenching tight.
Both brunettes bared their teeth, snarling at their opposite as it became obvious that the fight was still on. Tifa didn’t understand why but for some reason she felt slightly refreshed, and much like when she’d fought Viola, Liza felt invigorated after that intense orgasm. Both were more than ready and willing to continue fighting. Rocking their bodies and slapping her hips at Tifa, Liza succeeded in toppling the bigger girl, before herself being toppled by a still strong Lockhart. Tifa realised that she couldn’t afford to hold back and shoved with her entire body, bringing her own mound into conflict with Liza’s as they slowly rolled back and forth the ring.
Outside of the ring another fight was progressing as the other two brunettes wrestled. Joslyn’s top had long since been discarded after it had been torn half off, while Liza fought in her panties after a furious Joslyn had yanked her shredded dress over her head. Spinning around the room like a drunken top they punch, slapped and scratched at any part of the body that caught their fancy while the sweat that dripped down their bodies even stinging a few bite marks. A veteran catfighter Vicky gained an advantage, yanking Joslyn’s head back delivering a vicious punch to the teen’s face.
Then a second, and a third, before the girl went limp and sagged down. Smiling cruelly Vicky hauled back her fist a fourth time, but Jo’s was already in flight and connected between Vicky’s legs, the thin material providing no protection. Sinking to the ground in agony, she could stare as the teen swung a roundhouse punch to send her flying back almost against the ring. Rubbing at her face, Joslyn shook her head and rose to her feet. Her blood was up after those cheap shots and she almost walked into a kick that would’ve put her into a similar situation.
“You stupid little bitch,” Vicky groaned at she worked her way back up. Touching her lip she hissed at the pain.
“Saggy titted cunt,” Joslyn spat back. As she expected that seemed to set off the other brunette as she gave a bellow of rage and charged. Joslyn shouted her own challenge and ran at Vicky. Throwing herself at the other woman her impetus knocked them both back to roll under the ring where sounds of fierce combat continued, followed by gasps, squeals and yelps of pain.
“This is getting out of hand,” Yuffie stated. Jo and Vicky’s catfight aside she could see that Tifa was fighting a losing battle. Siren’s brief distraction had caused Elizabeth to feel the pain of Tifa’s blows, but no longer. She was still holding her own, but as long Siren was being fed by Liza’s lust the smaller woman would not tire, and despite the fact that her tits were slowly being penetrated by Tifa’s her pain would be negligible. While her friend was rapidly tiring, and the pain from her own battered boobs was beginning to become too much. “This is supposed to be between them, your interference is affecting the outcome.”
“Liza wishes victory, to be the best” Siren replied calmly. “So long as she provides me with nourishment I will grant her what she wills.”
“How can you say she’s the best when she needs your help to do so?”
“You’re words are like leaves on a breeze girl.” Leviathan glared at the blonde being. “Siren has never learned to consider that her actions can have consequences. She exists solely to fulfill her and her holder’s desires.”
“Don’t be like that now.” Siren chided her opposite. “Poor child was bitter and angry after a fight with that Viola girl. Her need drew me to her, no small feat considering the state of her hometown, though she thinks me a mere ornament of good luck.”
“Then…she’s not your avatar?” Yuffie asked.
“Avatar? What are you oh ho ho…” Siren chuckled as she stared hard at Yuffie before turning her gaze back over to the human shaped serpent. “Levi you clever little thing, you criticize me yet you grant your girl such a body. Aren’t you just a hypocrite.”
“This is not about me, this is about you!” Leviathan growled, her irritation making her human form flicker. “Helping would be one thing but you are actively interfering by making it impossible for her to lose.”
“She may have given me this body, but she doesn’t help me in any other way.” Yuffie added. “I lost my first fight today against my friend under the ring there. Leviathan doesn’t cheat!”
“And I am merely granting the wishes of my holder, she wants to win and as long as I’m fed, she will win.” Siren replied. “so we’re at an impasse.”
“No we’re not,” Yuffie snapped. “Leviathan, I grant you permission.”
“Permission? Permission for what?” The blonde haired goddess demanded.
“You’re not the only one that can influence and affect mortals Siren!” A ghostly afterimage in the form of a serpent separated from the human body before diving towards the rolling women below, even as Yuffie’s spectral form dissipated. “Perhaps you need a reminder of just what I am capable of.”
“Getting tired?” Liza gasped out as a groaning Tifa rolled on top. Sweat coating their bodies both women crushed their bodies together, grinding their boobs savagely together. Both pairs were horribly mangled and soft, spreading painfully from the compression. Tifa blinked her eyes as tears ran down her face to splash onto Liza’s, mingling with the sweat, at the realization that she was losing this titfight. And losing badly. “Just give up darling. It’ll hurt far less.”
“I can…still fight,” Tifa panted, before giving a bitter cry as Liza easily toppled her and planted the full weight of massive mammaries onto her own treasured chest. Valiantly resisting the wave of flesh that flowed over and around it Tifa could feel her boobs shuddering as they began to be overwhelmed. “No…no…no!”
“Yes…oh yes!” Liza chanted, her eyes shining at the feeling. Sweaty and hurting, her babies mangled beyond belief, she was winning. She could feel Tifa’s exhaustion and her boobs giving way to the weight of her own. “You brought this on yourself Lockhart. Just give up and…”
“Yu..ffie?” Tifa turned a tired, defeated expression at her friend’s shout.
“Her earing!” Yuffie pointed. “Her earing is a materia!”
“What?” Liza raised her head, a surprised expression on her face. “What is she…ACK!”
The stacked brunette felt herself tumble off of Tifa as the bigger girl gave a sudden, powerful shove and rolled them over again. Her eyes widened at the sudden energy in her formerly defeated opponent even as Tifa dragged them both up to their feet and then tossed her aside.
“Yuffie,” Tifa studied herself with an angry expression. “What did you do?”
“She’s getting help from Siren, it’s why she never gets tired or feels excessive pain,” she explained. ” This was never a fair fight to begin with, so Leviathan gave you a boost to even the scales.”
“The fuck’re you on about?” Elizabeth demanded, as she got to her feet. “I’m not getting help from anyone. And who’s Siren?”
“Your earing. It’s a summoning materia. Siren is the goddess that resides in it.”
“Bullshit!” Liza spat. “This was a gift from Vicky. She wouldn’t have the gil to buy materia.”
“Oh? Then take it off,” Yuffie challenged her. “Take it off and see what happens!”
“Fine!” Elizabeth tore the earing off, tossing it to the side. The result was dramatic and instantaneous. Even while the red stone was in flight her face went white as she clutched at her chest, shrieking in agony before falling to the canvas and curling into a ball. Tifa stared at the violently contorting woman before turning to Yuffie.
“Yuffie, tell Leviathan to remove her blessing,”
“But Tifa…”
“NOW…” Tifa’s expression softened. “She might be a bitch, but she fought in good faith. If she’s feeling everything up until this point it’s only fair that I do as well.”
Yuffie nodded, and Tifa abruptly felt her pain and exhaustion slam back in existence. Gritting her teeth fought back as a cold sweat erupted over her body, taking several deep , hitching, breathes and staggering towards Elizabeth’s twitching body.
Pain. Pain was all she felt. Elizabeth clutched at her chest, even as her muscles screamed at her. “NO!” She screamed back. “I was the best even before I got that damn thing. Get up, Anguin… GET UP!”
She felt a light thump as the canvas moved and she uncurled her body to look up at Lockhart’s kneeling form. She was shocked to see the woman’s bedraggled state as if she…! Tifa nodded at the question behind those wet eyes. “Yeah. It’s just you and me now. Now either get up so we can finish this or give up!”
Weakly Elizabeth got her arms under her, pushing her body up to sway in a kneeling position in front of Tifa. Both stared at the other dully for a moment, taking in what they could. Elizabeth’s boobs had a definite heavy sag to them from the damage Tifa had done over the course of the fight, but it could have just been due to the greater mass. Tifa’s also had some obvious sag from in the incredible beating they’d taken while Liza had been unable to feel pain. But despite the terrible pain that permeated their bodies from the battle, neither was willing to back down. Tifa in particular now felt some hope at Liza’s wounded state.
“Give up! Now?” the short, stacked brunette panted. “I was the best even before Vicky gave me that thing, and I’ll prove it on you.”
“You’ll need more than a pair of oversized tits to do that,” Tifa gasped out. “They hang any lower, you could use them to go fuck yourself.”
“No one talks about my beauties like that,” Liza growled hoarsely as she grabbed at Tifa, throwing her arms around the girl’s neck as she smacked their boobs together painfully. “We’ll see if you still think that after I shove them down your throat!”
“You had your chance,” Tifa grunted, her arms wrapping around Liza’s neck. “And you blew it. Now I’m going to show you, once and for all, which of us is the better woman!”
“Oh, we already know who’s the best,” the small woman hissed, then whimpered as Tifa slammed back, their breasts were crushed between them. “I’m gonna make you scream, make you beg for mercy.”
“You said all that already,” Tifa moaned. “Now shut up and fight. Let’s see if you back all that shit up without help.”
Elizabeth bashed her bruisers at Tifa in response before they both started flailing in earnest. Anger and bitterness at the pain they were suffering had filled both with a fierce determination to batter the other woman into submission. They hammered dozens of bruising blows into each other, the surging masses of flesh crashing together and collapsing it’s opposite as both girls screamed and sobbed unashamedly.
One blow landed with particular force and Tifa’s grip slipped as she slumped forward onto her stomach moaning. Almost swooning with pain, Liza sat back on her legs, was it over? Had she won? Tifa made no move other than to cry softly and Liza raised a victorious fist. “Not…yet.” she heard Tifa gasp even as her fist dropped to her side. “We’re not…not done yet.”
“I’ve won you dumb cunt” Liza whimpered in agony. “Just stay down and deal with it.”
“No…no you haven’t,” Tifa groaned as she reached for Elizabeth, punching her breasts at the smaller woman. “I won’t let you win!”
Almost mindlessly now the busty beauties slammed their boobs together in a slow, brutal rhythm that had noise of their fat swollen orbs smashing together echoing across the room in time with their screams and cries of torment. Yuffie could barely look at what the two brunettes were doing to each other and it seemed as if the fight would never end. But as she had that thought Liza fell backwards, her scream loud and horrific. Tifa clutched at her own chest even as the other woman lay on her side weeping piteously.
Praying that it was finally over, Yuffie’s features fell as Liza slowly got back to her knees and slammed back at Tifa, causing her friend to wail even as their arms again circled necks and their glowing red and bruised tits began fighting again.
“C’mere you bitch!” Vicky spat, as Yuffie jumped back at the sight of the younger Anguin crawling out from under the ring, dragging Joslyn by the hair. Both were covered in dust and scratches and bruises. The panty-clad brunette suddenly found her progress halted as Joslyn planted her feet on the thin carpet, screaming as hair was torn from her scalp, before tackling Vicky to the floor again. Though protected by the carpet and her own thick hair, her head cracked against the ground hard enough to stun, even as Joslyn crawled up her body.
“I’m right here saggy tits,” Jo snarled. A sudden evil smile crossed her face at Vicky’s dazed look. She pulled her body up even higher and planted her firm boobs fully onto the pinned girl’s face. “Here, have a whiff of some prime, Lockhart brand breasts. Best on the planet.”
Vicky thrashed frantically under the teenager, barely able to breathe as her senses were full of the scent of Joslyn’s sweaty musk. Exhausted after the vicious catfight under the ring and hearing the agonized screams of her sister, she felt herself slowly fading as she failed to remember the simplest way to get out from under a breast smother. Sighing in relief at the sight of one fight ending Yuffie frowned as she stared back into the ring. At the far end, away from the desperately bashing brunettes she saw a red glow. Sprinting around the ring, she grabbed at the materia earing and felt herself yanked from her body.
“What the…?” she gasped looking around frantically before spotting Siren sitting casually on one of the ring posts watching Tifa and Liza. Two bright red strings linked the fighting pair to the blonde goddess. “What are you doing to them? Wait…HOW are you even affecting them?”
“It’s not fair that Levi that gets to wander the world freely with a vessel,” she responded as if it was the most normal, casual thing in the world. “So I’m going to get my own?”
“Then those links…”
“Yes,” Siren’s eyes shone with excitement. “It’s been centuries since I felt anything like her. She’s perfect! But I need to be sure. If she beat Lizzy then I’ll know for sure.”
“Why are you telling me this?” Yuffie demanded as Tifa and Elizabeth both shrieked, collapsing to lie parallel to one another. “And I thought you were all for giving her what she wanted?”
“I aid the one with the strongest will. If Tifa fails Liza will reclaim me and we’ll be back to the status quo. If Tifa wins…well I’m sure you of all mortals know. And in answer to your first question…” Siren smirked as she snapped her fingers and a band of glowing light surrounded the kunoichi’s body. “A battle for an Avatar is sacred among our kind so even Leviathan can’t interfere even if she was able. But you could interfere by exposing my intention…not that I think it would make much difference to these two, but better safe than sorry.”
Even as she spoke there was a loud banging sound and a white light flashed. “Speak of the devil.” Siren remarked as Leviathan slammed it’s serpentine body into a glowing dome that surrounded the ring. “Give it up, Levi. Your girl is safe, she’s just here to make sure she doesn’t interfere with the process.”
Her dark hair covering her face Tifa moaned in exquisite agony, her trembling body drenched in sweat. Why did it feel like every time she got into a fight they just kept getting harder? How was this small girl able to still fight this hard…hell how was SHE still able to fight? Shoving her hair out of her face Tifa’s arms trembled as she slowly pushed her body up until she sitting back on her haunches. Panting, she heard Liza groaning as the other brunette just as slowly get back to her knees. Neither moved as they gulped down lungfuls of air, both knowing they weren’t finished, but both tired…oh so tired.
“TIFA! YOU GOT THIS, SIS!!” Joslyn shouted from the ringside. The two elder siblings turned their heads at the shout, Tifa seeing her sister’s battered, but victorious form, while Liza stared at Vicky’s unconscious body.
Then they turned now furious stares at their opposite. Unintentionally Joslyn had tapped into the innate desire to protect and defend their family and the sight of said family hurt had infuriated both of them. Lips curling into angry snarls they threw themselves at one another hands slapping furiously before Liza got her arms under Tifa’s to curl around her body pulling her in tight. Tifa’s arms slid over Liza’s, trapping them in place as her hands met and locked in the small of the girl’s back.
“You did that!” Elizabeth’s eyes blazed with fury. “You knew you couldn’t win so you set your sister on Vicky.”
“Fuck you,” Tifa spat squashing their bodies together, rage briefly dulling the pain. “I’m not the one that’s had to cheat to win fights, you flabby titted little whore.”
Liza screamed in rage as her arms tightened, crushing Tifa to her even as Tifa squeezed back, their boobs grinding savagely into the other. Heads were thrown back as both bellowed in pain at the compression. But in this kind of a fight, favored only one girl. Liza’s massive pillowlike breasts had taken a savage beating beating from Tifa’s over the course of the fight, and they had in turn overcome Tifa’s boobs with sheer weight and mass. But in a head to head grinding fight Tifa’s firmer tits drilled their way into the Liza’s glands and her yells of rage began to give way to screams of pain.
“That’s right bitch, scream!” Tifa snarled as she brutally ground her aching boobs deep into Liza’s monsters. The smaller brunette cried out loudly at the pain. “Scream you fucking fraud, you fucking cheater. Who’s the best, huh? WHO’S THE BEST!?”
“ME!” Elizabeth screamed, as she shoved her boobs to flow over Tifa’s, squashing them. As Tifa grunted in surprise at the pain Liza shoved her body forward, seeking to topple the other girl. “I’M THE BEST! MINE ARE THE BEST!!”
Tifa shuffled back her tired state making her careless, but she hefted the smaller girl as she pushed her body slightly off the ground, twisting her body to drop her flat onto the canvas. As an added bonus she dropped her body boob first onto Liza’s tits as the girl shouted in pain.
“Wrong answer cunt,” Tifa hissed hoarsely, as she dropped her boobs to splatter again onto her opponent’s monsters. Liza howled as they wrapped their arms snugly around the other. “I’m not stopping until you quit, or pass out. I’m not picky either way.”
“And I’m not stopping until you beg!” Liza snapped back as she stared up at Tifa with eyes that smoldered with a newfound hate. “However long it takes you WILL say that mine are the best!”
“You mean these things?” Tifa asked as she cruelly ground down, causing the smaller woman to throw her back and bellow in agony. “No way these pieces of shit could’ve beaten Viola’s. Even three years ago her tits were twice what yours are.”
“YOU…YOU…” Liza’s fury allowed her to slowly topple Tifa and take the top spot. Glaring down with pain maddened eyes at the defiant brunette she dropped her full weight onto Tifa’s orbs and saw her enemy’s eyes widen in shock as her face went white. “That’s right, bitch, that’s right. Feel my boobs crush your puny tits. MINE ARE BEST!”
“NO! MINE ARE!” Tifa shouted in desperation as she exerted herself, pushing Liza off to lie on her side before rolling on top. Both now fought frantically to prevent the other from STAYIING on top position instead of trying to gain it themselves, rocking back and forth the ring as the adrenaline faded and their fight slowed. Drained now, all either could manage was a light rocking motion as they cried out in fear when one briefly tried to force her way on top.
“Stop this…please,” Yuffie begged. “They can’t fight anymore. They’re barely conscious.”
“Hmm…guess that’s as far as you mortals could go,” Siren touched a finger to her lips as she regarded the two wrapped up women barely moving in front of her, the lines connecting them dimming as the fight slowed. “Quite disappointing but…oh my. This is new.”
“What’re you doing?” Liza exhaustedly asked. She was quite content to lie here and rest. However long it took, she would have Lockhart begging. But now she could fell the taller brunette slapping her skirt clad pussy at her own, the sensations make her hips jerk back automatically.
“Finishing this fight,” Tifa tiredly retorted. Now that she could think clearly she remembered Liza’s one glaring weakness. And though it risked distracting her from their titbattle she had to hope that it would do more than distract the easily excited brunette. And it seemed she’d hoped correctly as she felt the girl pumping back at her with increasing insistence.
“Stop…stop it,” Liza whimpered as Tifa slammed her hips back harder and faster. “I can’t…I don’t…AHHH!”
At the girl’s scream Tifa quickly rolled her under as she spasmed. She wasn’t quite there yet, but she was close. Tifa gritted her teeth and strained with what little energy she had to try and pull away, but Liza clung with nervous energy to Tifa’s body. “Won’t let you get away,” she gasped out, rocking their bodies trying to displace the other girl. “Won’t let you…”
“Yes you will,” Tifa said softly. Liza’s eyes opened wide as Tifa bore down with a deep sensuous kiss, forcing her tongue deep into the smaller girl’s mouth. Her eyes glazed over and her arms shifted up from Tifa’s body to around her neck as she kissed back deeply. As soon as she felt the grip loosen the brunette reared back shoving Liza back down as she scooted up to sit on her stomach. Tifa’s face underwent a change as her lips curled in disgust and she turned and spat. “I’m going to make you suffer for forcing me to do that.”
She then grabbed at the soft flesh of Liza’s breasts, fingers digging in deep as her right thumb stabbed deep into the nipple until the digit completely disappeared into the depths of the flesh. Elizabeth shrieked in agony, instinctively grabbing at Tifa’s hands before flashing out to crush and squeeze at the pair hanging above her. Tifa screamed as it felt as if her tits were being legitimately torn off, but that didn’t matter now. All that mattered now was making Elizabeth pay.
And as that thought crossed her mind she felt fingers sink even deeper into the woman’s breasts while Liza howled and once again Tifa’s face was splattered as her boobs gushed. Frantic now, Liza dragged Tifa’s left boob down as she raised her head. Recognizing what she intended Tifa reared back, panting in fear, but Liza would not be denied. Her teeth sank into Tifa’s boob just over the nipple biting down furiously as the recipient screamed in pain, lashing out automatically. As Tifa’s fist crashed against Elizabeth’s head her boob rolled free even as she curled up in a painful ball.
Elizabeth spat as she tried to focus from the blow. She homed in on her groaning prey as she crawled towards Tifa’s form, grabbing at her long hair. “Let…go,” she heard her mutter as she dragged the bigger woman slowly towards her until her breasts came into view. She felt Tifa’s hands scrabbling at her own low hanging boobs and grabbed at them, releasing the girl’s hair, to trap them under her legs. Breathing heavily she clenched her teeth in a sudden fury and grabbed at the left boob again snarling as she bit at it.
Tifa wailed, her voice hoarse at the resumption of the torture. She desperately wriggled and thrashed but with her arms trapped she couldn’t retaliate. Until one of Elizabeth’s heavy boobs fell into her mouth. She instinctively bit down, and bit down hard. Liza temporarily released her bite to scream, before biting down even harder and moving her right hand grab and crush at Tifa’s right breast. The agony caused her body to shudder and twitch and suddenly Tifa felt her arms free.
Grabbing at the other breast with both hands Tifa wrapped her fingers around it and squeezed powerfully. Both women now snarled like pain maddened animals as they worried the other’s tit, shaking their heads as they sought to cause maximum pain and harm. Joslyn stared aghast at the level the to two women had sunk in their desperate fight. She could see blood behind the teeth of both women and she could barely recognize Tifa as her sister as a trickle dripped down her cheek. Then Elizabeth screamed in pain the breast bouncing from her mouth…and then shrieked for mercy.
“NO MORE! NO MORE PLEASE!!” She begged, sobbing as she pushed at Tifa’s face, falling to her side. “YOU WIN! YOU WIN! PLEASE STOP!!!
“WHO’S TITS ARE BEST? HUH, FUCKING COW. WHO’S TITS ARE BEST!” Tifa shouted, her throat hurting, as she spat out Liza’s bleeding breast, retaining her two handed grip on the other boob. “SAY IT OR I’LL KEEP HURTING YOU. WHO’S ARE THE BEST!!!”
“You!” Elizabeth wept as she desperately tried to turn away and protect her vulnerable chest. “Your tits are best! Please, just leave me alone. You’re the best!”
“Damn right!” Tifa snarled as she staggered to her feet, her eyes glassy. “Mine…I am…are.”
Rolling onto her stomach Liza sobbed loudly and briefly before passing out from the pain and exhaustion and grief. Tifa staggered as she felt as if she’d just had the misfortune of tangling with the Midgar Zolom, her legs barely able to support her. Stumbling towards the ropes she flinched at the horrified look Josy shot her, before hearing Yuffie screaming her name.
Then it all went black.

“Wha…” Tifa woke up feeling refreshed. A change from the last time she woke up after a fight. And this time it was Joslyn sleeping on the couch across from her. “Josy? What’s going on?”
“Tifa? SIS!” The teen threw herself at Tifa hugging her tight. “Are you okay? You’re not hurt?”
“No I feel…fine actually. I…” Then the memory of her fight hit her and Tifa went quiet. She shot Joslyn a desperate look. “Please tell me I didn’t hurt her as bad as I remember? Please!”
At her sister’s expression, Tifa buried her face in her hands. “Oh god, what did I…why did I do that?”
“It wasn’t you sis…and it wasn’t her either.” Joslyn shook Tifa gently.
“What?” Tifa looked up, her face hopeful.
“It was Siren,” Yuffie said from the doorway. “To a degree.”
“Siren, that was the summon helping Elizabeth, right?” Tifa asked. “But I thought once she got rid of the materia…”
“Siren had chosen you as her Avatar.” Yuffie replied, her face angry. “So she decided to test you by having you and Liza fight it out.”
“But why go that far?”
“She wanted to be sure that you deserved it.” Joslyn picked up the story, having already heard it before. “She amped up your emotions to their maximum. Your aggression, your anger, your desire to win at any cost. Even your hate and lust. She pushed the both of you to your limits.”
“All that says to me is that it’s still my fault,” Tifa said dully. “She just took what was already there and loosed the chains holding it back. Wait…does this mean that I…?
Grimly Yuffie held up the earing that Elizabeth had been wearing. The stone was now grey and lifeless. Tifa stared, before jumping off the bed and running behind the curtain. The sound of her retching was loud. She looked sick as she came back in to view. “I’m guessing that’s why I feel fine despite what happened so…wait…how long was I out?”
“Only a day,” Yuffie stated. “Liza’s still unconscious. Vicky woke up and was…emotional. I had to knock her out again. We’ve been trying to figure out how to get them out of the village without causing a scene.”
“Those…two, oh right,” Tifa turned a speculative eye on Joslyn, touching her face gently as she noticed the bruise just below her eye.
“It feels as bad as it looks, honestly,” Jo blushed. “Vicky might have a big mouth but she’s got the chops to back it up. If she wasn’t such a bitch I wouldn’t mind fighting her again. Under friendlier circumstances of course.”
“Good thing you took care of her, or I just might’ve.” Tifa muttered as she sat back down on the bed. Abruptly she ripped off the gown they’d dressed her in and jumped in front of the mirror. She studied her naked body, dismayed at the lack of any sign of the damage she knew Liza had done. “So what now? Do I start hearing her voice in my head, or will she try to make improvements?”
“Only if you want me to, darling.”
“Never mind,” Tifa growled, before speaking loudly. “Why did you do that to me…to us? I don’t mind fighting, and yes I would’ve hated losing, but I’d have gotten over it. Why did you make me DAMAGE her like that.”
“Leviathan really has been holding out on you ladies hasn’t she.” Siren sounded amused. “What I did was tame by comparison to the others. Most of the others have no compunction about making you mortals fight to the death for the honor of housing our essence.”
“You’re not serious,” Tifa said loudly. She stared hard at Yuffie. “Siren says that it was common to make us…mortals…kill each other for the privilege of them taking up residence in our heads. Is this true?”
Yuffie cocked her head, and turned pale at what she heard. “Ye…yes. Leviathan said she was locked away because a Shogun’s wife gave birth to twins. And she was terrified that they’d be made to try and kill one another.”
“Wait, I thought your dad Leviathan possesses the child of it’s previous host.” Joslyn stated, confused.
“Twins are a special case since they are inherently equal…and then there’s Leviathan’s pickiness of who she possesses.” Yuffie explained. “She insists she would’ve settled for either and just…adjusted them as she saw fit. But when the woman realized Leviathan hadn’t passed on, and heard how the other’s chose their vessels, she panicked and killed herself to force her essence back into the stone.”
“This is some heavy shit,” Tifa groaned as she twisted her body back and forth. Not a bruise or blemish. Not even a mark from when Liza bit her at the end.
“Your concern is quite charming, yet hypocritical,” Siren piped up. “I have access to your memories and your desires. You WANTED to hurt Elizabeth for what she said and for…well well well…for hurting Viola. You want to make back nice with that pretty little redhead. How sweet.”
“Stay out of my memories,” Tifa demanded loudly.
“You don’t need to speak out loud dear. I’ve had more than one vessel killed because savages thought they were crazy,” Siren chided her. “And too late for that. I have to say, what you did Elizabeth pales in comparison to what you want to do this Scarlet woman. You REALLY don’t like her do you?”
“Has Cloud called in yet?” Tifa asked, ignoring Siren’s comments. It was easier to ignore than acknowledge the truth.
“No, nothing.” Yuffie replied. “So we still have time. But Liza’s beat up even worse than when Scarlet ambushed you, and you were out for three days.”
“Then perhaps you should let me handle it.”
“DAD!” Yuffie shouted in surprise as Tifa again dove behind the curtain, this time to protect her modesty, poking her head out to stare at the Shogun. “What the hell…”
“We’ll talk, daughter, after these men have what they came for.” Godo looked unhappy, standing in the door, as three large men stomped past behind him. “I’m guessing we’ll all have something to say.”
When the men returned one had both Elizabeth and Vicky tossed over his shoulders, the second carried their bags and the third carried a small stack of discs. He paused at the doorway, before giving a grin and tossing one for Joslyn to catch. “Enjoy,” he sneered. Jo stared in rapt horror at the disc in her hand, knowing only too well what was likely on it.
“Old man…” Yuffie warned.
“Join me in the arena,” he sighed. “It began there, it might as well end there.”

“It was here that I first met your adoptive father,” Godo said as stared up at the ring. “I became his champion alongside Mikoto. I was wealthy enough, but had no interest in playing with people’s lives. All I craved was finding strong opponents.”
“So you knew…and did nothing?” Yuffie’s expression was contemptuous.
“Do you really think Shinra’s war with us was over a reactor you stupid girl,” Godo remarked. “That’s the story that was allowed to spread. In reality it was because I refused to become a member of their circle. They didn’t like the idea of someone with my influence as a free agent so they aimed Shinra at me.”
“I’d have thought old man Shinra was part of their little clique,” Tifa remarked.
“Who knows, he was wealthy enough. Only problem was they hadn’t taken into account Leviathan,” Godo continued, leaping into the arena. “After Sephiroth defeated me in combat I threatened to unleash the Serpent Goddess if they pushed forward. Lucky for me, they didn’t call my bluff. I sacrificed much of my wealth and my dignity…but I kept Wutai safe. This is what it means to be a leader Yuffie.”
“But why didn’t you tell anyone?”
“Would anyone have believed me?” He countered. “Tell it to yourself and you realise how ridiculous it sounds. Me and Dio, we left that life behind successfully. Mikoto stayed for a while but eventually she too left. The fact that they haven’t tried to kill me for telling you this means either you already knew, or they don’t care if you know.”
“We…heard about it. I’m guessing it’s why dad doesn’t leave Gold Saucer anymore.”
“Yes…it was part of his arrangement when left. Your mother’s death killed a part of him. Probably the worst part. Now his home is his prison.”
“What else can you tell us about them?” Tifa asked.
“Nothing really. Only that if you become part of their game you WILL be rewarded in some manner if you make all the way to the end. But getting on the good side of one will ensure you end up on another’s shitlist.”
“So it’s a screwed if we do, screwed if we don’t, kind of scenario.” Jo’s face turned sour. “Wonderful.”
“My advice, don’t think too hard about it. There is nothing you can do about it,” Godo advised, spinning around to leave. “Like a child with a toy they will eventually grow bored and move on.”
“That’s not some bad advice actually,” Yuffie admitted as she stared at her father’s departing back.
“Yeah, but he forgot that sometimes the child would rather see it’s toy broken than let another have it,” Tifa remarked darkly.

“So where’s your little friend tonight?” Rufus asked, as he went over his notes.
“She has a date I believe,” Scarlet replied, amused. “Told me not to wait up. I have to admit I didn’t think Reno had it in him.”
“He keeps impressing me, I’ll admit.” Rufus said, as his phone rang. “You’d never guess his work ethic from his appearance…hello? I see!”
Scarlet jumped back as Rufus slammed his phone down, resting his chin on his hands. “What happened?”
“Cloud and crew just got their hands on the Corel materia.” He replied. “We’re evenly split now. Two and two.”
“That’s not good, we need all four for our plan to work. Three at the minimum” Scarlet muttered, pacing the office space.
“What about that rumor of a fifth piece?” He focused his gaze on her. “Have you looked into it?”
“We’ve only been able to gather two pieces of information,” she replied. ” It’s on an island that doesn’t appear on any map, and that Chocobos will lead the way. Accordingly I’ve appropriated our lightest fliers and fastest ships to scout barely used sea lanes but…”
“If it was that easy someone would have spotted it by now,” Rufus finished, hitting his intercom. “Get me Tseng.”
Tseng was there in three minutes. Shooting Scarlet a neutral look he bowed to Rufus.
“I trust that you heard that Rude and Elena failed?”
“I have no excuses, sir.” Tseng replied. “Shall I have them disciplined?”
“No, they’ll have a chance to redeem themselves,” Rufus sat back in his chair. “I have two new tasks, and I want you personally heading up the second.”
“First, spread rumors that we’ll be using the No. 26 in Rocket Town to launch the materia at the Meteor. I’m putting Heidegger under you for this mission so use him as you see fit.”
“Very well, and the second?”
“Yes…I want you working with Scarlet. We’re looking for an island that appears on no maps and that Chocobos will lead us to.”
“That’s not exactly a lot to work with sir.”
“Which is why I’m putting you on the job,” Rufus reminded him. “You have a knack for finding places like this. And it will be a way to make up for the failure in Corel.
“Yes sir,” Tseng felt a sinking feeling in his gut at the smile Scarlet gave him. This was going to be hell. Rufus’s intercom buzzed again.
“What is it?”
“Sir, we just received a package for you. Would you like us to bring it in?”
“I’m not expecting anything…” Rufus’s eyes narrowed. “Has it been checked?”
“Thoroughly, sir. Whatever it is, it’s clean.”
“Very well, bring it in.” He waved Scarlet and Tseng out as his security detail brought in a small wrapped box. Four hours later, he would recall Scarlet to his office.

It was a small place, tucked away in the shadow of the Shinra Tower. Most agents, even the Turks lived in the small fenced off communities towards the front of the building, but Reno had never been much for crowds. He especially hated how thin the walls of those apartments were which allowed for no privacy. So instead he laid claim to a small storage building, converting it into a comfortable living quarters with the greatest of amenities…privacy.
Which Reno was quite grateful for as he woke up with a snort, momentarily forgetting about his guest until he felt the weight on his arm and shoulder. At his movement Viola pulled herself closer, throwing a leg over his waist in the process.
“Again!” he groaned to himself as he lay back, concentrating. “What the hell happened?”
He met her in the lounge. They had some drinks before she asked him out to dinner. They had sushi, then she convinced him to take her back to his place where they had even more drinks. Right, that happened. He remembered complimenting her ability to hold her liquor…right before carrying her to the bedroom where they put rabbits to shame.
“Dammit,” he cursed, hitting his head against his pillow. “Dammit, dammit, dammit!”
“Can you keep it down?” Viola yawned, stretching luxuriously as she rolled onto her back. “Gods I feel sore.”
Reno yanked his pillow from under his head screaming into it as he tried to smother himself.

“These’re good,” she announced, eyes wide as she devoured one of Reno’s omlettes. With her clothes current in his wash, she’d taken the liberty of wearing one of his jackets. “Where did you learn to cook?”
“Self taught,” he replied shortly, standing in his briefs as he sipped at a third cup of coffee.
“Well you’d definitely be quite the catch,” she said, dropping her fork with a sigh. “Ladies love a nice guy that can cook.”
“Like you?”
“Me?” Viola gave a bitter laugh that surprised Reno. “I’m no lady. I’m as far from a lady as you could possibly get.”
“Guess we’re a lot more alike then I figured,” Reno said as he sat down opposite her. “Cause I’m not a nice guy.”
They shared a laugh at that before Reno turned serious again. “Why me, though? Was it just because of that first night?”
“Hmm…honestly at the time I just felt the need for some…companionship,” she rose from her seat and sidled over to sit in his lap. “You aren’t the best looking guy that’s come sniffing around while I’ve been here, or the best lay I’ve ever had, but I haven’t been able to get you out of my head. You?”
“Well you aren’t exactly the hottest babe I’ve ever brought home,” Despite the twin blows to his pride Reno answered honestly, smirking at the look she shot him. “But you’re definitely the best fuck I’ve had in years and…you keep popping into my head as well. Makes focusing on work a bit troublesome.”
“So where exactly does that leave us?” She asked twisting around to face him completely, smiling as she felt an all too natural response, her arms going around his neck. “I’ve got a hell of a lot of baggage I’m dragging behind me.”
“Do tell,” he said, slipping his jacket off her shoulders. “Why don’t we start with what we do for a living? You go first.”
“Fair enough, I…” she paused as a loud beeping came from the jacket Reno had just thrown to the floor. He sighed as they rose and he dug a pager out of a pocket. “Work?”
“Work…we still need to figure this out you know?”
“If you don’t see me here,” Viola hesitated. “Come to the Honeybee Inn, Sector Six. You’ll find me there.”
Reno’s stood stunned as she walked back to the bedroom. The Honeybee. Even as it registered several questions popped into his head. One in particular was how then did she and and Scarlet meet?
Once in the bedroom Viola began having second thoughts. Reno was good looking and an even better fuck, but compared to Andrea… What was she thinking. You’re thinking you want to leave all this behind, the more honest part of her answered. Looking down at the bed, she spotted her own pager, the one Scarlet had given her and noticed several missed messages. She still needed her clothes though so she hoped the blonde could wait.

Tseng’s office was crowded when Reno arrived. Rude, Elena and Cissnei were already there as he walked up to Tseng’s desk.
“Stop,” Tseng held up his hand as Reno opened his mouth. “I don’t care. Right now I just want to forget it. What we have on our plate is too important so all I’ll ask is this…are you able to fully commit?”
“One hundred percent, boss!” Reno, saluted.
“Good, because we have two big ones now,” Tseng pulled out two sets of orders. The first he tossed at Reno. “You and Rude are going to Rocket Town. We’ll be working with the army on this one, but don’t hesitate to pull rank if you have to. Orders from the top, WE’RE the one’s in charge of this one.”
“Got it,” Reno said as Rude nodded.
“Elena, Cissnei, you’re with me. We’re on another scavenger hunt.” Tseng stood up. “Reno, Rude, coordinate your departure with Heidegger. The rest of us will leave within the hour.

“Where’ve you been?!” Scarlet demanded as Viola entered her room.
The red head raised an eyebrow at the tone and the woman’s ragged appearance. “I told you where I’d be. I didn’t see your message till maybe an hour ago.”
“Rufus got a package this last night,” Scarlet said. “He had me finish my project before calling back to his office. I haven’t slept in over twenty four hours.”
“Well shit,” Viola couldn’t stop a smile appearing on her face. “Well what was it? Some new kind of toy?”
“In a manner of speaking,” Scarlet, held up her remote a clicked her screen on.
“NO MORE! NO MORE PLEASE!!” Viola jumped at the noise, and sight of Tifa chewing savagely on Elizabeth’s breasts. “YOU WIN! YOU WIN! PLEASE STOP!!!
“WHO’S TITS ARE BEST? HUH, FUCKING COW. WHO’S TITS ARE BEST!” Tifa shouted, spitting the limp flesh from her mouth. “SAY IT OR I’LL KEEP HURTING YOU. WHO’S ARE THE BEST!!!”
“You!” Viola watched silently as Elizabeth wept turning away in a desperate attempt to protect her chest. “You’re tits are best! Please, just leave me alone. You’re the best!”
“She won?” The woman whispered. “She fucking beat her! But…”
“Pay attention, it’s not over yet!” Scarlet ordered as Tifa staggered a few steps before collapsing onto the canvas of the ring. Behind her, near on of the posts, there was a bright flare and a beam of light shot into Tifa’s body causing it to momentarily jump as the figure of a woman seemed to dive into the unconscious girl’s body.
“What the hell was that?”
“That…my dear…was Siren.” Scarlet said as the recording cut out. “If you’d been here to watch the entire recording Tifa was actually losing. Quite badly I might add for most of the fight.”
“So what happened?” Viola asked, then shuddered at the memory of Tifa with blood dribbling down her chin. “And what set her off like that? I’d never seen Tifa, or even heard of her acting like that”
“Are you forgetting she tried to kill me?” Scarlet demanded. She cleared her throat at Viola’s stare before continuing. “Apparently this Siren is a rare kind of materia. In layman terms let’s call it a summoning materia. That’s a naturally occurring materia that we’ve been unable to replicate. And now we know why.”
“Apparently it’s a sentient. It CHOOSES it’s owner,” the blonde eyes were wide and excited. “And it seems that it had chosen Elizabeth. Watch this part…it’s very telling.”
“The fuck’re you on about?” Elizabeth shouted as she got to her feet. “I’m not getting help from anyone. And who’s Siren?”
“Your earing. It’s a summoning materia. Siren is the goddess that resides in it.”
“Bullshit!” Liza spat. “This was a gift from Vicky. She wouldn’t have the gil to buy materia.”
“That’s true,” Viola agreed. “Vicky is a notorious spendthrift.”
“Quiet,” Scarlet shushed her. “Watch.”
“Oh? Then take it off,” Yuffie challenged her. “Take it off and see what happens!”
“Fine!” Elizabeth tore the earing off, tossing it to the side. And as Scarlet and Viola watched the result was of that choice was immediately evident. Even as the earing was in flight Elizabeth’s face went white as she clutched at her chest, shrieking in agony. She fell to the mat as Tifa stood there looking stunned.
Viola got up and walked over to the window, her face screwing up. She felt a fury building that had her feeling a bit sick on the inside. She had been sure that her time in the Honeybee could be counted in months at best and days at worst after losing to Liza. Now to learn this. A small angry smile made it’s way onto her face. “Do you know if she’s back yet?”
“Not yet, as far as I’ve heard. What’re you thinking?”
“I’m thinking when she recovers from this beating I’m going to call her out openly.” Viola cracked her knuckles. “We’re going to settle this in front of the crowd she loves so much.”
“That’s good for you, but what about me?” Scarlet demanded. “Tifa now probably has the same benefit that she had. It was hard enough to make her feel pain before…unless…”
“Unless what?” Viola asked warily.
“Unless I get one of my own,” she smiled. “And I have several ideas about where to look.”
To Be Continued in Chapter 10. Click Here to Go There!
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