Just Desserts: Tale 2 by Andrew Scott

It was a couple of months since the events of the day Laura rang Dawn’s doorbell (see what I did there?) and Dawn had pretty much recovered from their wild catfight. Her hair had grown long enough to cover the patches torn out, the scratches all faded, but she was left with a small scar above her right nipple. Our mutual friends had tried to remain neutral in the situation of things, but it grated on everyone involved. This weekend was going to be reconnecting with her friends. A hunting lodge was rented about 2 hours from town with Dawn and friends, Ann, Sherry, Cara, Amy and Beth all staying for the weekend for drinking and bonfires. Dawn really wanted her friends back.

All of the women, but one, agreed to the weekend right away. For Beth, it took some convincing from Sherry and Ann. Beth had been left by her husband earlier in the year for a younger woman. She found out the woman, Heather, a real estate agent, had been screwing her husband, a contracting home builder at job sites for the past year. Like Laura did with Dawn, Beth got some pay back against the younger woman. She used a fake name to get Heather to show her a new house. When she arrived, she hid her face in a wide brimmed hat and big sunglasses. Once both women were in the vacant house, Beth took off her hat and sunglasses, shaking out her brown hair, much to Heather’s shock. Over the next 45 minutes, a wild catfight ensued with dresses, bras and panties being torn off and hair pulled viciously while body parts were mutually abused. It ended with Beth on top of Heather’s back, pulling the younger woman by the head back and forth, letting Heather’s tits get severe rug burn. She left the younger blonde there in the vacant house. Beth stayed away from friends for a while after to heal up.

“Come on, Beth,” Ann pleased on the phone, “You know you need a weekend for yourself. No kids, no responsibilities.”

“I know, Ann,” Beth sighed, “But Dawn did to Andrew what was done to me. Am I supposed to be ok with all that?”

“Dawn wants to make amends,” Ann said back, “Let’s just go and leave all thoughts of the men in our lives at home for the weekend. Come on, you know you are going to say yes.”

“Alright, Ann,” Beth conceded, “I will be nice to Dawn.”

It was Friday night and all the girls arrived, stowed their small suitcases in their rooms and made some drinks to sit out in the back of the lodge for a bonfire. The lodge was designed for a big deer hunting party but it was off season, so the owners rented it out regularly. It had 7 small bedrooms, a large open living room with attached kitchen and bar, along with a shower room with a gym style shower (open bay with 6 nozzles pointing the center tiled drain.

The six friends sat around the fire, chitchatting about kids and life and of course sex. The girls, except for Dawn and Beth, traded stories of new positions and giggled with each other.

“So, Dawn,” Amy slurred, “How is the new man JT in bed?”

“Oh, you know,” Dawn said, “Mind numbing sex, knows how to please me and I know how to please him.”

Beth couldn’t take it anymore, “It looks like you rebounded from 8 years of marriage pretty quick, Dawn,” she said as she tilted her head to the side, looking into Dawn’s blue eyes, “I mean JT isn’t even guy number one since Andrew, is he?” The eyes of four women moved back and forth between Beth and Dawn like it was a tennis match.

Dawn’s eyes burned into Beth’s. “At least I know how to keep a man,” Dawn snapped back.

Beth rose and so did Dawn. Dawn only had a one-inch height advantage and their bodies were very close; large breasts with flat tummies and womanly hips and asses. Ann, Cara, and Sherry stood too and got themselves in between Dawn and Beth. Everything quieted down and the ladies enjoyed drinking until the wee hours of the morning.

The next day, all six went down to lay out by the river, about a 100 yard walk from the back deck of the lodge. More beer flowed, sun tan oil was laid on thick to bikini clad bodies, and the beauties worked on getting a golden tan. It was late afternoon when they all started walking back to the lodge. A nice buzz settled over all six. Near the yard to the lodge, where the path to the river started, there was a bare 10-foot by 10-foot square that was full of mud. Beth was walking in back of Dawn, the two hadn’t spoken to each other since last night, Ann was ahead of Dawn in the path. A squirrel bounded out right in front of Ann and she screamed and jumped back, knocking into Dawn who in turned knocked into Beth, who fell ass first into the mud. Beth’s ass submerged two inches into the cool, sloppy mud. The girls were stifling laughter as they asked Beth if she was ok. Dawn stood back smirked and Beth saw it.

“I suppose you are real happy about this aren’t you?” Beth asked to Dawn.

Dawn stepped closer to the edge of the 2 foot drop into the mud pit. “It wasn’t my fault, Beth. God, you are such a fucking drama queeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennn!” The edge gave way sending Dawn face and body first into the mud next to Beth.

When Dawn brought her face up from the mud, Beth was laughing very hard. Dawn glared at her. Both Beth and Dawn tried to stand but slipped and went down numourous times. Ann, Cara, Amy and Sherry could not stop laughing at the scene. Dawn tried to stand and slipped again, but this time she fell towards Beth and as Dawn’s hands flailed as she fell, they caught in Beth’s bikini top and her DD breasts bounced free as she fell back to her ass.

“SON OF A BITCH!!!” Beth cursed and pushed Dawn’s shoulder.

“NOT MY FAULT!” Dawn yelled back at her.

Beth reached and pulled down Dawn’s bikini top making them both topless in the mud.

“YOU BITCH!!!” Dawn screamed at the topless brunette.

“FUCK YOU!” Beth yelled back at the blond in the mud with her. Then she lunged.

The momentum of it took both women back into the mud. They slipped and slide over each other, wrestling in the thick goo. Bodies, faces and hair were becoming coated in the wet earth. Dawn would be on top and slide up as Beth pushed her and then Beth would be on top for a few seconds until Dawn wiggled out.

“Should we break them up?” Kori asked.

“Nah, they need to work off that steam,” Anne replied.

Over and over, Beth and Dawn rolled around, grappling for control. After a bit, the girls watching couldn’t tell Dawn from Beth as every inch of the two mud wrestlers was coated. Beth hugged to Dawn close in and Dawn brought her hands to push Beth away and pressed them against mud coated breasts and squeezed. Beth let out a yelp and moved her hand to squeeze at Dawn’s equally big and mud coated pair. Dawn cried out and slapped Beth across the face and that was immediately returned by Beth. The pair slammed back together, hands slipping through muddy hair and then went down in a more furious roll about. The four girls watching jumped in at that point and slide around to separate the battlers. Beth and Dawn kicked at each other as they were pulled apart and up onto grass. Cara and Amy took Dawn and Ann and Sherry escorted Beth back to the lodge.

“What the fuck Beth?” Ann asked.

“What do you mean, what the fuck?” Beth answered back, “You guys are too scared to call her out for being a whore. You were Andrew’s friend, just like I was. And now we have to sit and take the all mighty Dawn’s way of things. Well FUCK THAT! I am going to shower and pack my shit and go home.” Beth turned from her two friends and made her way into the lodge.

What all the girls forgot was that the shower was an open bay, no separate stalls, so when Beth walked into the area, she noticed the showers were on and a muddy set of bikini bottoms was laying on the floor. She discarded hers and walked to the opposite side and started the shower. The mud flowed off of her and she grabbed some soap and moved out from under the water stream to lather up. She turned and Dawn was staring at her, soaping up her own body.

“That was a cheap shot and you know it, Beth,” Dawn said as she rubbed soap over her breasts and tummy.

“Dawn,” Beth said, shaking her head, “You have more than one cheap shot coming if you think I am ok with what you did.”

“I just made myself happy, Beth,” Dawn shot back.

“At the cost of a good man,” Beth sent back at the blonde. Beth was soaping her breasts and tummy as well. “Plus, you knew my husband cheated on me, but you are no better.”

“Fuck you, Beth,” Dawn said, stopping her hand from lathering her body.

“Truth hurts don’t it bitch!” Beth spat back.

“Oh it’s going to hurt alright,” and Dawn started walking towards Beth.

Beth matched her and the pair of naked, soapy women collided in the middle of the shower. Hands went to wet hair as bodies slide wildly against each other. Feet slipped on the tile floor and the battling bitches fell to the shower floor. They began a wild struggle back and forth, each trying to get on top. Hands and feet, nails and teeth came into play on the brutal fight on the floor. The water and soap did not help them though, it caused their bodies to quickly slide of the other. Beth would slide on top then Dawn and over and over the fought to hold the top position for more than a few seconds. Slippery legs locked together and the pair found themselves on their sides. Beth reached in between them and latched her claws over Dawn’s large breasts. The busty blonde howled in pain and moved to grasp a hold of Beth’s equally large pair. Now it was the brunette’s turn to squeal in pain as they tortured the other’s tits. The large globes of flesh took on terrible shapes as nails pinched and hands squeezed so hard, that flesh oozed from between fingers. Beth bucked with her hips and the pair slowly rolled with Dawn on her back. The two still had the holds on the other’s boobs and the blonde locked her legs more around Beth, ankles and feet locking behind Beth’s ass. This elevated the fight because it brought the two women’s wet pussies together in a slosh. Beth groaned out as her slit melded with the blondes. Dawn used the confusion the brunette felt and rolled the two of them over again with the blonde securing the top position. This gave Beth the opportunity to push up with her hips and caused Dawn to moan out loudly.

“UGH! Fucking dyke!” Dawn hissed down at Beth as she pushed her pussy into a rough grind with the brunette.

“Cunt licking whore!” Beth countered, “You started this!” She pressed up from her back and matched Dawn’s rough moves, stroke for stroke.

Dawn and Beth seemed to be thinking the same thing and gripped their erect nipples and pulled on them. Heads flew moved back in pain as the breasts were stretched and their hands touched bringing the tips of the nipples together. The pain they were causing each other made their bodies spasm like they were each touched by a live electric circuit. Hips bucked and slapped sloshy pussies together. Both Beth and Dawn were on the verge of an unwanted orgasm when their four friends burst into the shower room and tried to pull the pair of battlers apart. Again, Beth and Dawn swung wildly with hands and kicked furiously with feet as they were dragged apart. Each was taken back the rooms they had chosen the night before. Beth was crying and exhausted and just curled up naked under the covers of the small bed and went to sleep. Dawn was equally tired and she roughly pulled away from Sherry and Amy when they got her to her room and closed the door.

Back outside around a new campfire with rock music playing the background, the four friends discussed what they witnessed.

“Not one but two fights between them,” Sherry commented, “And I don’t see them calming down a whole lot.”

“I know Beth is pissed,” Cara said, “But they shouldn’t be fighting.”

“Cara,” Ann said looking at the blonde, “Beth got cheated on, Dawn was a cheater, add the alcohol and this was bound to happen. Though in the shower, I don’t know if they were only fighting.” Her eyebrows went up.

“Oh I know,” Amy said, her hand rubbing her large breasts, “I mean it was kinda hot.” The girls all laughed.

“Seriously though, I have heard a few rumblings,” Amy said, her voice in an almost hush as she leaned in, the other women doing the same.

“What have you heard?” Cara asked.

“Well,” Amy said looking around at the three other friends who seemed eager to her the gossip, “Back when Beth’s filed for divorce, she didn’t want us to come over and didn’t go out for a few weeks. Wouldn’t even answer the door if we should up, remember?”

“Yeah, so?” Sherry asked.

“I heard it was because she and Heather, the chick her hubby was fucking, met up and had a catfight,” Amy said. At the word catfight, four sets of nipples grew harder and as they each pictured it in their heads, four sets of panties grew wet. “Beth and Heather were naked fighting in one of the houses Heather was showing. They fought for a long time with Beth beating the shit out of the bitch in the end.”

“Seriously?” Anna asked, she hands roaming to her shorts and she didn’t even realize it.

“Oh yeah,” Amy went on, “And Dawn got into it with James’s wife at Dawn’s house. But I don’t know all the details, just that they fought and Dawn lost.”

Sherry moaned out, “God I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall for those.”

Cara laughed, “Look at us, turned the fuck on by tales of catfights.”

“Didn’t you always wish you could get that bitch you don’t like at work or your man’s ex in a fight?” Ann asked, “I know I have.”

Amy was squeezing both of her large tits now, “I did.”

“You are teasing!” Sherry exclaimed.

“No, I am serious!” Amy said, “You remember last year when Connie, Rick’s ex showed back up in town?” The girls all nodded. “She is tall like me with those fucking huge tits. So I called that bitch up and told her to meet me in the industrial park by the river. Out of the way and no one to see or hear us. And we went at it. Started as a fist fight but then it got dirty.”

“How dirty?” Ann asked with a lustful look on her face. All the girls had that vacant expression as if a pending orgasm was coming.

“Ripped open t shirts, pulled down shorts, torn off panties,” Amy said, she hadn’t realized that she had pulled down her own shirt as was tweaking her nipples hard, the other girls didn’t say a word, just listened intently, “We rolled all over the grass. Pulled on titties, punched each other in the pussy, pulled hair and clawed and bit each other. I got Connie the Cunt on her back and smothered her out with these big girls,” Amy said cupping her big tits for her friends. All four of them were either squeezing breasts or rubbing the crotches of shorts.

“God Damn, that was hot!” Cara said.

Back in the hunting lodge, Dawn slowly opened the door to her room and peaked her head out. She heard the music coming from outside and didn’t hear anything inside. Still naked, hair a little damp, she walked quietly down the hall to Beth’s room and tried the door knob; it was unlocked. Dawn opened and went inside, closing and locking it. Beth sat up as she heard the door open and a shadow come in. Twilight had occurred outside and still rising full moon provided the light inside the room. As Beth sat us, she dropped the covers, showing the intruder she was naked.

“You better get out of here,” Beth growled, “If you know what is good for you.”

“We didn’t get to finish what we started, slut,” Dawn hissed.

Beth got to her knees and moved back a little of the small bed, giving Dawn room to get on. “I will gladly go back into your gutter, you whore!” Beth cursed. Dawn got on the edge of the bed on her knees and the pair lunged at the same time.

Hands went to damp hair as large tits slapped together in a grunt of exertion. Heads were pulled back and forth on their knees as breasts mashed together. The two women uttered curses at each other as they jostled back and forth on the bed. Each pulled one hand from the other’s hair and started raining slap after slap to naked flesh. Each slap that landed got a yelp of pain from the other, who returned it in kind. Years of close friendship between them was out the window as they fought on the bed. Mounds of breast flesh merged and rolled together. Hard nipples impaled dense tit meat and sprung out to stab another spot. At times, nipples met head on and rigid shifts pressed together, causing both women to cry out. Knees started spreading out more to hold position, causing tummies to start to rub together. Both Beth and Dawn started sweating from the close body to body contact. Dawn wrenched to her left with her hand in Beth’s brown hair, using her arm to pull and it toppled both women to the bed, first on their sides and then with Dawn on top. Beth’s legs curled over Dawn’s hips with the brunette’s feet slapping down over the blonde’s fleshy ass cheeks. As they did in the shower, pussies now came into contact, but neither felt the reservations that they started to in the shower. This fight was using her whole body to fight her former friends whole body. The bed creaked and rocked as Dawn slammed her body down on Beth’s. Breasts remains locked in fierce combat as cunts ground roughly. The heated womanhood’s spread open like flowers in the morning sun and erect clits unsheathed and started to seek the other. When their sexrods touched, both women cried out in lustful pleasure and fuck fought even hard. Their clits would touch and slide down the other; burying themselves in wet folds. Dawn released Beth’s hair and pressed her hands to the bed with her arms straight and for the first time in last 5 minutes, their tits separated. Beth immediately filled her hands with Dawn’s huge breasts. Dawn howled out in pain and moved her own hands to grab onto Beth’s succulent jugs. Now Beth’s screams echoed with Dawn’s in the ting bedroom.

Outside of the lodge, near the fire, the four friends talked back and forth about girl fights they had seen, women they wanted to see fight and lastly about how they each felt seeing Dawn and Beth naked in a catfight. The song ended and they heard a distant scream of pain. The four women got up and rushed for the bedrooms. They almost crashed together as they wrenched open Dawn’s room and found it empty and then moved quickly to Beth’s room, finding the door locked.

“I know where the spare key is!” Ann shouted and rushed back to the living room as the girls pounded on the door.

The pounding broke Dawn’s concentration first and Beth used it to her advantage. Her right hand swung out and her palm connected with Dawn’s left cheek. The slap sounded loudly in the room. Dawn let out a pained cry and they rolled completely off the bed and onto the floor but didn’t break up. The door opened and the other four women clambered in trying to pull Beth from on top of Dawn. As Beth was pulled somewhat off her rival, Dawn kicked out which caused Beth to slam back into Amy, who in turn, slammed back into Sherry, Ann and Cara. Dawn got to her feet and pounced on the pile of women. The effects of the alcohol and the musk in the air acted like an aphrodisiac for Amy, Ann, Cara and Sherry. It started all 6 women fighting in one big pile. Falling out into the hallway, the six women were pulling hair, grabbing and tearing at clothing to get a skin. The ball of either naked or now topless women fought down the hall to the living room. Each with their eyes closed, had two handfuls of hair and seem to roll out with a partner from the catpile. Ann and Cara, who’s tops were torn down and their C cupped breasts pressed together as they rolled back and forth; Beth and Sherry opened their eyes to find themselves nose to nose, Beth’s bigger DD cups slamming and overwhelming Sherry’s D’s; and Amy and Dawn finished tearing down Amy’s shorts and panties, leaving the two naked. Amy had even bigger tits than Dawn and Beth and she and Dawn engaged in a vicious titfight.

Amy grabbed Dawn’s forearms and Dawn grabbed Amy’s, hard nipples were thrown forward like heat seeking missiles.


Ann and Cara rolled to far side of the living room, away from the other four. What started as a fight, quickly started mouths to meet in a sloppy kiss as bodies ground together.

Beth pinned Sherry, still locked tit to tit and glanced over at Dawn and Amy slapping boobs together. Beth extricated herself from Sherry and got to hands and knees and when she got close she pounced on the busty brawlers. Beth wanted back at Dawn and Amy was knocked away to her naked ass. As she got up she noticed Sherry didn’t have a partner. She licked her lips at Sherry and beckoned her forth with a crocked finger. Sherry dropped her short and panties to the living room floor and lunged at Amy.

Beth and Dawn rolled violently back and forth in the now open space. This time though Beth secured the top spot and was determined to bring this fight to an end. She spread Dawn’s legs and lowered her dripping pussy lips down onto the blondes. Dawn shuddered and tried to buck off the brunette. Hot, warring cunt came slapping together but Beth stayed on top. She roughly pulled Dawn’s right leg over her left shoulder to open Dawn up even more. Then she started slamming her pussy into the blonde’s with reckless abandon. Dawn’s pussy was being fucked hard by the brunette’s, she tried bucking back but she felt a powerful orgasm creep into her loins.

“AAAAHHHHHHHH FFFUUUUUUUKKKKK!!!” Dawn howled out as she squirted into Beth’s pussy.

Beth did not let her enjoy it though and quickly moved her body up to straddle the blonde’s big tits. She sat down hard and breath expelled from Dawn’s lungs.

“You are going to tongue fuck my cunt now, bitch!” Beth hoarsely growled from on top of Dawn. “If you bite me or done lick my pussy until I cum, I am going to beat the shit out of you.” Dawn weakly nodded.

Beth slide even further until her wet pussy fell over Dawn’s waiting mouth. The blonde started lightly licking and then increased the speed of the tonguing and started sucking on labia and Beth’s clit. Beth grabbed two handfuls of hair and pulled Dawn’s face even harder into her twat until she exploded, showering Dawn’s mouth and tongue with her sticky girl liquor. Beth continued to ride Dawn’s face until she pushed herself forward and off the beaten blonde. Beth looked around and saw Ann and Cara, now naked and in a scissoring, kiss fight; while Sherry and Amy were rolling around naked on the floor, one hand in hair and the other squeezing breasts.

This was Saturday at around 9PM. The six of them continued fighting and fucking each other long into midday Sunday. They swapped, they had titfights, they had sexfights, they had catfights; they stayed naked the entire time. Sleeping when too exhausted only to wake and start again. Of the 6 of them, Beth and Dawn fought again in a rough sexfight; Dawn and Amy had a raunchy catfight; Sherry and Cara spent most of the time wrestling around and fucking each other; and Beth and Ann fought like two sex starved whores for hours.

This was the start of a future story with Amy and Dawn…..

The End

Thank you for reading! For more of Andrew Scott’s Stories: Click Here!

3 thoughts on “Just Desserts: Tale 2 by Andrew Scott

  1. Giannis says:

    Very hot ! I would like more of it the soon ! It would be also a good idea todescdibetheir weekend in detzils not in a few lines. But you keep the pen,you decide!

    1. Giannis says:

      I REPEAT , NO MISTYPING : Very hot ! I would like more of it the soon ! It would be also a good idea to describe their weekend in details not in a few lines. But you keep the pen,you decide!



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