Part I: Primal Tribulations
Matthew Lee doesn’t come from a poor background, his family line is renowned in Hong Kong for more than 200 years. His ancestor was an emperor of a vast land that is situated what is now known as middle China. He belonged to a secret cult worshiping many female Goddesses. Chief among them is the Goddess of War : Jiutian Xuannüe. Normal arguments with neighboring countries will be decided with diplomatic solutions or all out war. But on rare occasions on the most important conflicts, there is a rule between the worshippers of the cult. Each emperor will send his strongest concubine of their harem of a 100, to do single combat to decide the affair. No clothes or weapons were allowed in those combats. The two women would enter a hidden arena to decide matters with their nude bodies, hands, feet, nails, teeth, breasts, crotches, pussies, lips above and below, clits. In short, their entire physical and spiritual being. They would fight with all their power, strength, energy, stamina, hate and everything else they possessed.
One of these confrontations happened 250 years ago between Lee’s ancestors and a rival country. The winning concubine’s emperor would be the ruler of both lands. The losing concubine’s tribe would have to leave their home and belongings and leave their home and country. Both countries and royal tribes acknowledged the war pact out of respect for the Goddess of War. On June the 9th a holiday, celebrating the Goddess of War, a date specifically chosen for this battle, two women met each other in battle on a mountaintop, which was the holiest place for all cult worshippers. It was one the hottest days in the long history of China. Knowing this day will come, both females have trained for this since birth. So when they could finally unleash their strength and skill upon their enemy, it became a brutal, gruesome, marathon battle. In which both women knew what was at stake.
No one knew beforehand the epic battle would last for 2 days and 2 nights. After the last rays of light of the 1st day dissappeared behind the mountains, the roughest catfighting you’ll ever see had already taken place. Both concubines were inconceivably tired, having taken no food and sleep. Only taking breaks and breathers when their young bloodied bodies couldn’t take anymore pain. Still they fought on. They ceased to be women, it looked like the two fightcrazed carnal creatures became hungry she-wolves, trying to defeat each other during the rest of the night. The sun of the 2nd day rose up in the horizon, burning the arena on another hot as hell day. The women were by now so exhausted after hours of catfighting, they just clinched each other in an inescapable catball (back in the day, they didn’t even know what a catball is. It’s just a natural way for two women to fight, I suppose). It took most of their remaining strength in their limbs to stop the attacks of their enemy’s limbs. Almost flattening their fat, luscious breasts and anchoring their nails on already bloodied backs to keep the other from gaining an advantage in this stalemate. The only way to attack is enveloping the other’s mouth with their own while biting tongues. Humping their crotches together, aiming their public bones against their enemy’s clits to hurt and damage the other in any way possible.
Of course it was painful for both, but unsurprisingly all the colliding of their crotches caused their pussies to slam against each other equally hard. All that humping against each other’s cunts brought with them not only pain, but unwanted arousal as well. Also both could feel victory was within their grasps. That fact brought another emotion….. lust. But unbeknownst to the two warcats, their adversaries were hours away from being done. What followed during the second day were almost countless orgasms, some mutuals, some one sided. But everytime they felt their rival cumming, both strongest concubines of their emperor-husband harem of 100 felt the other was done. Unfortunately for them, that didn’t happen. The duel became an unending chain of orgasms. They continued colliding soft cunts as hard as they possibly could in their exhausted state. Their clits were like small battering rams, banging together extremely hard.
It looked like even the Sun God couldn’t watch this cruelly desperate battle anymore and fled beyond the horizon. But not even the chilling night could cool off these she-beasts who were one time female humans. After hours of trying to bust each other’s womanhood, they slowed down frequently and for an increasingly longer amount of time. Sometimes even this humping was too much. During these essentiel breaks, their bodies were replenishing their strength. But it wouldn’t take long before one of them recovered her strength, even the slightest, to begin the slamming contest again. Her nemesis would react immediately, even before the second slam would hit. They remained continuing this brutal battle well into the second night.
And then after one impossible hard, rough, aggressive last burst of slams, Matthew Lee’s ancestor couldn’t take it anymore and went unconscious. His ancestors were forced to leave their homes and land. They choose to go southwards to find better lands. This migration took nearly 50 years. The tribe finally landed in Hong Kong, where they settled. Lee’s ancestors kept their power and became a normal wealthy family.
In this millenium Matthew was the head of the Lee family and was so smart and hard working, that he became easily one of the wealthiest man in the world Even though polygamy ended in Hong Kong with the passing of the Marriage Act of 1971, Matthew was so wealthy and powerfull, he didn’t even follow the law. He knew that even the government acknowledged that to people of his level, laws didn’t apply. But as humble and kind as he was, he only took two wives. First wife was Mei Lai Hua, a traditional dark-haired Chinese woman of high standings. She was the eldest daughter of one of the most powerful figures in the Communist Party of China. Everyone acknowledged the marriage. It was a perfect match. The choice of his second official wife baffled everyone. He fell in love with an American redhead. Melanie Hamilton, the heiress of the Hamilton’s entire estate. One move of her family could change the entire western world. She was of high linage, able to track her bloodline all the way to the old High Kings of Ireland.
Lucky for Matthew, his two wives adored each other and became each other’s friend for life. These two females were so beautiful and sexy specimens of humankind, that Matthew’s cock wouldn’t let his master rest. Every night he had hot sex with one or the other beauty. But never a threesome, for each woman instinctively knew the other sex drive was insatiable. If they would ever meet in the bed, both knew there was a small chance they would fuck each other to death by exhaustion. Naturally both became pregnant in no time. Apparently they were impregnated on the same day.
One time Matthew, returning from a dull business trip, was on his way to Mei Lai’s chamber to fuck the shit out of her, when Melanie intercepted him. They had an amazingly fast and aggressive quicky early in the morning in the hallway. A sigaret later Mei Lai during an hour of unbelievable hard and rough sex, was with child. As fate would have it, both their offspring were born in the same private hospital, on the same day, same hour, same minute, even the same second. Extracted out of either womb by two doctors, who were identical female twins amazingly. The two babies were put next to each other and with a gasp…. They realized the two looked exactly the same with their Asian and Caucasian features perfectly mixed. They were as mirror images of each other, only one, Sammy Lee, was white as the moon, with inferno red hair the other Sunghi Lee, yellow as the sun, her tresses dark as the night.
Their daughters literally grew up together. Played with each other, ate together and slept on the same baby crib to the same double bed. From babies to even when they became young college students. To accomplish that, they slept in the same dorm, the same room and yes, even in the same double bed.
Unfortunately for their parents, these two couldn’t stand even the mere presence of their half-sisters.
They fought each other from their infancy until their twenties. They despised each other so much that they never stopped arguing, bickering, quarreling with each other. Challenging each other every time when they were finally alone, never refusing to meet their half-sister in battle.
Of course after catfighting each other for 17 years, both won and lost many, many……. many times. Their fights were so aggressive, so rough and so full of hatred, that plenty of times one or both of them ended in a hospital. Or sometimes in intensive care, having catfought each other to the brink of death. Most of the time they could hide or explain their scratches, bruises, a patch of bald head missing a patch of hair. Only in the most extreme cases, they would blame thieves, robbers, kidnappers. And told their father and mother that the evil do-ers just left after the attempt. None of the three parents suspected their daughters, because they were indeed wealthy people. And because of the fact that Sunghi and Sammy always pretended to be the world’s happiest sisters alive. They would do many commercials and have a part-time Hollywood career just because of their acting ability.
So they continued their hate-filled catfighting till after an especially brutal catfight on their 18th birthday in London during the 2012 Olympic Games. Locked in the umpteenth catball, they realized they could continue fighting even when their limbs became tired. By pulling their asses back and propel their hips forward so hard that their pussies collided against each other with an incredible loud bang. The feelings that came after that meeting of cunts opened an entire new world of sexfighting for them. Unknown to them they would battle each other in the same way the ancient concubines in their family did hundreds of years ago. After that epic battle, the catfighting still remained an important part of the struggle, but they always tried their best to keep their crotches close. So that they could keep pummeling each other’s pussies by slamming their crotches against their despised twinlike enemy’s during the catfighting. So like this, the two half-sisters continued raping each other every single moment when they were just by themselves until…..
They were now 25 years old. Successful, wealthy, famous, business moguls, actresses, athletes, models. Always on the Forbes 500 list AND in the top ten most beautiful women alive on multiple major magazines. Still they would always find time to fuckfight the brains out of their twinlike half-sister. One time, after the 1000th hate-filled, merciless, mutually destructive sexfight, a just woken up and exhausted Sunghi received a phone call from the police. That there was something wrong with their parents. The honey-brown skinned beauty asked: Which parents? The police told her: all three. Getting a little bit of energy back, she woke up the pale skinned Sammy and told her the situation. They were too tired to do much more than stand. No way they were in a condition to drive to their father’s house. Sunghi called her assistant and told her to order their bodyguards to bring them to their family home. Upon seeing their parents, they gasped.
All three were naked in bed lying still. The police assured them they were alive and that ambulances were on the way. Police were suspecting this is a possible crime scene. The half-sisters have a far better theory. Each knew their parents had finally done it. They tried a threesome for the first time in their happy life living together. They knew about their mother’s sex drive. And they knew that the combination of Mei Lai Hua and Melanie Hamilton overwhelmed their father. And than after having fucked Matthew Lee’s brains out, their mothers continued to fuck each other to oblivion to satisfy their bottomless lust. The doctors confirmed what both femmes already knew. Pleasure of an undetermined kind overloaded their brains and the depleted bodies couldn’t absorb the shock. Sunghi Lee and Sammy Lee knew which kind of pleasure was the cause of all of this. All three parents have fucked each other into a coma. They were told that there was nothing either could do, except to wait for a miracle. That’s what they did.
They waited for 3 years until their 28th birthday. Still single, still living on top of the world. Still fighting each other at every availability and at all the possible moments. The business that their father built is quite self-sustaining, but only to a certain degree. The caretaker of their father’s empire told them to come over to the solicitor’s office. He has to show them their father’s will.
This Story is Continued in Part II! Click Here to Go There!