Part II: Memories
Sammy Lee and Sunghi Lee were not surprised by the caretaker’s message. They knew this day would come. Their parents have lain in the hospitals for years now. Without their father’s full acknowledgement neither daughter could really take over the Lee businesses. And each would rather be gangraped in hell by devils in a loop of eternity than to share anything with their hated half-sister. Both dark haired Chinese and redheaded Irish women sunk deep in thoughts. Their 28 year long lives flashed before them.
Both beauties were daughters of Matthew Lee. But they had different mothers. Sunghi came out the womb of Mei Lai Hua, while Sammy was birthed by Melanie Hamilton. Even though they were born at the same moment and place, there was a secret that no one knew about. The girls hated each other deeply with their entire being. When they were laid in the same crib as infants, they would always roll sideways. Bumping against each other, till they fell asleep. When they turned into babies they would frequently crawl with all the speed their tiny frames could muster and butt heads. Always trying to knock each other over. As their bodies grew and their limbs became stronger, they would start pushing each other till their energies were spent. Their parents didn’t find anything wrong. They thought they were just small children fooling around. The jealousy, despisement and hatred for the other, fueled their fighting craze and rage. But their weak children’s bodies couldn’t keep up with their violent and aggressive minds. And of course their parents would often separate them if they saw, what for them seems like child’s play, was getting a little too rough.
This went on till they were 5 years old. They grew stronger, but also smarter. Each became aware of the world and her surroundings. Both found out they could fight longer if they were alone by themselves with no one to interrupt their hate-filled battles. Without having agreed on anything, the girls never fought each other again when someone was around, even amongst other small children or strangers.
At around 8 years old, another problem arose. Their fights became even rougher and vicious, capable of delivering ever growing visible wounds. Their scratches and bruises became more and more apparent for people to see. Wanting to keep their hostilities and animosity a secret, again without consent the half-sisters found a solution They found out they could fight longer and harder, if they tangled up. The byproduct was that they could hide almost all their wounds. The more grievous ones they just explained it away with “accidents” as excuses. With their stronger limbs, they had the strength to hurt each less rougher, but more intimately and viciously.
In a blink of an eye the twinlike girls turned 13. Both hated the fact that they looked exactly the same. Their likeness is even stronger than real twins. Only things that separated them were their skin and hair color. Sunghi was a full Chinese beauty with black hair like the night. She takes every opportunity to let the sun shine on her body, to get it to a honey brown golden tan. Even though Sammy was of half Chinese/ half Irish heritage, she had flame-like red hair. Wanting nothing to look like her full Chinese half-sister, she tries her best to avoid sunlight. Carrying umbrellas and wearing dark sunglasses all the time. Ensuring her skin would be white pale, that accentuated her cherry colored tresses.
Their bodies were developing so prematurely that they possessed bodies similar to 15 year olds. Faces grew more beautiful by the day. Their breasts were easily a B cup now. Already firm behinds protruded even more outwards, driving teenage boys mad with lust, wanting to clap those nice young firm butts.
Gaining more and more experience, because they have been fighting against each other for years now, Sunghi and Sammy knew how to inflict pain and suffering on some carefully chosen bodyparts. Whole body was fair game, but the favorite targets became the ever growing tits and asses. Those were the areas where the girls were most sensitive to pain. They haven’t attacked each other crotches yet. They couldn’t possibly know the holes were the worst part to receive punishments. At their young age each half-sister couldn’t comprehend her enemy’s fleshless parts were actually the jackpot. For them it was just hole where piss came out.
Their father Matthew Lee was a cat person and kept several cats as pets. It didn’t go unnoticed for them that cats fought a lot and in a strange way. They would clinch up and just hold each other and not release their grip. One of the few times that the girls worked together, both typed “cat fighting” on their keyboard. On the screen came the word “catballing” So that’s what it’s called. They immediately clicked on images on the browser.
In their highschool years the smart girls didn’t wait anymore for others to leave them alone. They took the initiative and looked for all kinds of places to hurt each other. Everytime one found a secluded place, one chat message to the other was enough. The receiver would rush with all possible speed, running, bike, public transport, to arrive at the battleground.
And fough, they did. They didn’t need much space. All each beautiful girl needed was her half-sister in striking distance. They would entwine legs together, while their arms would hold each other tight like the cats they saw fighting at home. Hands would pull hair frantically, or would claw each other’s tits and squeezed like their lives depended on it. All the while these catball situations happened in all kinds of locations. Dressing rooms, closets, toilet stalls, empty theater, shower rooms, in duffel bags on camping trips…….. everywhere. These young felines would fight each other untill one passed out or both were too exhausted to continue hurting their nemesis.
While this was going on like it would forever, something changed the complexity of their fights. At the age of 18 each half-sister had experienced her first ever sexual orgasm. Even though by now their bodies have grown so beautiful that even celebrities like Scarlett Johansson, Zhang Yu Qi, Beyoncé Knowless, Megan Fox were in awe when they met them at the many charity events organized by their mothers. Their hatred and bloodlust overshadowed their hormones, so they rarely have the urge to dabble with sexual activities. Not that they didn’t lack the attention of thirsty testosterone driven teenagers, boys…. and girls. They spent every waking moment fighting each other. But sex is bound to happen one time or another.
It happened one time during the 2012 London Olympics after the finals. The half-sisters were never too proud to learn new ways of fighting and hurting their counterparts. So during highschool they joined the most prestigious girl wrestling society club in the world. Due to their uncounted times of vicious exhausting catball battles, both Sammy and Sunghi naturally developed an almost inhuman amount of stamina and strength. (for their weight class anyway) After debuting they were never ranked other than 1 or 2. Always meeting each other in the finals, after destroying their opponents with ease. Those matches were always brutal, gruesome affairs, ever surprising the jury, the crowd and television viewers. Fate made a cruel move, the Olympic final was scheduled exactly on their 18th birthday (also the reason Melanie Hamilton and Mei Lai Hua postponed their huge 18th birthday party). In the semi finals 58 kg and under weight class, Sammy Lee destroyed Japanese wrestling legend Saori Yoshida. While Sunghi Lee disposed of 5 time Canadian champion Tanya Verbeek very easily, setting up the battle for gold as a family affair. It didn’t go unnoticed by the media which promoted this battle for gold into “Kinstrife of the Century*.
What happened was very anticlimactic. In the eyes of the viewers it was a very boring final. After wrestling each other fiercely to the mat in blinding speed, all they did was lay on their sides and hold each other savagely in a very peculiar unorthodox wrestling mutual hold. In the sport there was no name for it. But the wrestlers themselves knew they were in a catball stalemate, minus the illegal hairpulling of course. Instead of their usual furious hairpulling, they applied the most savage mutual chokeholds on around the back of each other’s heads. Their ferocious groans of effort were extremely loud. Harder than Maria Sharapova or Serena Williams ever screamed in a Grand Slam tennis match. Every round this went on, only separating unwillingly when the ref ordered them to.
The match was boringly devoid of speed and action, but was monotonously aggressively gruesome to watch. The cheers of the audience quickly turned to loud gasps. How can two females be this vicious with each other? Round after round there was only this Mexican catball standoff. Many TV viewers couldn’t bear watching the brutality any longer and changed the channel. Almost all the audience in attendance were so shocked by this display of unsportsmanlike behavior, that they simply left the stadium in disgust. Still the world class wrestlers continued under the eyes of the judges, the refs, their family and probably some catfighting fans who had the time of their lives, witnessing many real-life epic catball clinches. Their parents grew suspicious of their daughter’s behavior, but convinced themselves that this was caused by their competitive nature. You don’t remain wealthy by being girl scouts. Their ever louder growing grunts echoed through the almost empty stadium for hours.
When finally a semi conscious Sunghi, wanting to get a good hold and flip her half-sister over, accidently got a rough grip on the crotch area of a barely awake Sammy. At least 3 fingers went in the redhead’s pussy, but were undetected by the judges. An exhausted Sammy was so surprised that Sunghi could score a decisive pin. Both still laying on top of each other, the Chinese screaming with joy and the redhead yelling that her adversary cheated. Sammy was so angry that she forgot the pact of not fighting in public. She grabbed Sunghi’s ravendark mane and her half-sister quickly retaliated by snatching two handfuls of red hair. Just before they would curse each other’s mother’s name, their father separated them and Melanie and Mei Lai calmed them down. Immediately the smart women knew they were almost caught in their year long act and gathered their wits and continued their sisterly love acts. Going to their separate athletes shower rooms, each had deep thoughts about the ending of their latest battle.
Letting the hot water cascade on her voluptuous honey gold colored body, Sunghi was buried deep in her thoughts. *So I can use fingers to penetrate that pisshole. But why did it feel wet inside?” Sunghi wondered aloud. After some careful consideration, but still greatly wanting for some answers, put a finger in her own snatch and did some researching and digging.
Meanwhile also taking a shower that was so hot, it was close to burning Sammy’s pale skin. Why did Sunghi’s fingers feel so good in her vagina? Would it be the same next time? Slowly she put her right hand on her crotch and after some more deliberating, entered a finger in her slit. It felt surprisingly good. She started wiggling around. Frightened by her arousal, she pulled out her digit. Then she felt something familiar. She felt this all the time when she fought Sunghi: bloodlust. She quickly reinserted her hard finger in her soft pussy.
Being a fast learner she moved her finger in and out. She felt something wet and knew instinctively it was not the shower water. She increased her pace, faster and faster. Now she felt something totally alien to her in her womanhood. She doesn’t know how to describe it, but she loved it. She put even more power to increase the already incredible speed. Her fingers were a blur for human eyes. Then she felt her nipples getting hard. “Impossible, the water was inferno hot, how can that be?” Sammy thought. Her fingers are starting to meet an obstruction and her speed was like a malfunctioning engine, beginning to sputter. She opened her eyes and saw that her clit grew almost to an inch in size and it felt hard as steel.” I’ll be goddamned if this, this…. thing is gonna stop me. Remember who your mistress is” the redhead yelled like a mad woman at her own clit. And with her confidence returning she stuffed two fingers into her cunt determinedly and rubbed her clit with a manic frenzy. “This feels so incredibly painful but also amazingly good.
Will it have the same effect, if she did it to her Chinese half-sister? Is this a new way to conquer her mortal enemy for once and for all.* Sammy wondered. She can already see Sunghi writhing and crying in a fetal position, while she was doing the same things to her rival’s clit as she is doing to her own loveknot right now. With that joyous thought in her brain she ordered her fingers to practically torture her quickly reddening clit, until she was unceremoniously interrupted by an all familiar ringtone. She set up this particular ringtone for her hated half-sister. The 1997 song “smack my bitch up” by an English rave group called Prodigy.
Sammy was building a crescendo to an unknown to her state and was furious. But never in her young life had the redhead refused a call from Sunghi. She stepped out of the shower, not bothering with a towel to dry her off even a little.
“What the hell do you want, you yellow bitch” Sammy angrily yelled, knowing the Chinese would only call her for that ‘business’.
“Fuck you, you miserable white whore. You were screaming the whole time after our match. Everybody saw that I won fair and square. But if you stupid ass really think i cheated, we can settle it in our own way. I found a secure place to show you I can kick your miserable ass any time I want. Come here immediately.” Sunghi screamed so loud in her phone that Sammy felt she lost her hearing for a moment.
“You did cheat, you filthy tramp. I am coming over right now to beat the shit out of you just to prove you never stood a chance against me. And especially now that I’ve acquired a new skill. I’ll have you crying like a weak little baby. Just give me your location, if you dare” Sammy roared.
“It is you that’s the chickenshit in our family. If you have the guts to show up, I’ll make sure you’ll regret it for the rest of your life, you trashy cracker slut.” Sunghi growled, while sending her own location to her nemesis.
“After today you won’t ever dare to call me again, you despicable gook” Sammy grunted.
“OMG I’m fuck you up with my my newly discovered joker card, you detestable motherfucking white trash” Sunghi cried out into her mobile. “Oh, you loathsome whore. You shouldn’t have said motherfucker against me. I’m gonna hurt you bad. You just wait for me.” Sammy screamed and both warcats hung up their phones simultaneously.
Sunghi quickly started her preparation, changing into some more fitting attire, eagerly waiting for her half-sister’s arrival. Not to be outdone, Sammy immediately started to search for some clothes suitable for this upcoming battle. She found it, put it on and ran out the door.
This Story is Continued in Part III! Click Here to Go There!