Part III: Defloration
It was well past midnight. Darkness has overtaken London, big gatherings of clouds have blocked out an existing full moon. It had started to rain. Even though rain is very normal in the United Kingdom, these last couple of days were the hottest ever recorded in London’s long history, hitting a fever pitch just hours ago. After such crazy high temperatures, everybody who knows British weather, a big storm will be upon them soon. The government put out a sms to everyone’s cellphone to stay inside. The weather forecast predicts a storm never before seen in this lifetime. Even though the temperature is still a high 30 degrees Celsius, it is already starting to rain very hard.
Sammy Lee situation.
No one is outside in the Olympic Village, except one lone scantily clad figure. Sammy picked up her pace. She was so mad at her half-sister Sunghi Lee calling her a motherfucker, she hastily put on the first piece of clothing she could get her hands on. It happened to be her wrestling singlet.
A singlet is a one-piece, tight-fitting, sleeveless, almost weightless garment, usually made of spandex or lycra. It is actually not appropriate for demure ladies to wear, fairly low-cut or includes elongated armholes that expose the sides of the chest, nipples and ‘cameltoes’ are definitely visible. It hugs asses, tits, nipples and pussies like a skintight catsuit, but without the limbs, making the wearer practically nude for the naked eyes. A lot of girls have to wear underwear and even T-shirts underneath their singlets during competitions.
The American Olympic committee ordered her to wear a red white and blue one. Knowing her half-sister would wear red for China, she rejected the USA colors. She didn’t want anything…. ANYTHING the same as that blackhaired bitch. The only way that I will represent the USA in the Olympics is, if you let me wear all black.” Sammy replied. And because she was half Chinese/American, she had all the rights to do so. Wanting a certain medal, because everyone knew the winner would be either Sammy or Sunghi, the committee accepted her demand. And the black looked beautiful on her, it accentuated her pale white skin. She quickly donned the singlet, not even bothering with her sport bra and tiny thong, ran out in the cascading rain, still having on her bathroom slippers. Carrying an umbrella, which she has done all her life, didn’t even cross her mind. She didn’t mind the pouring rain though. She was walking fast, bordering on running because she was fuming inside. Hatred fueling her young body to a degree, that the rain couldn’t cool her off even a little bit.
“I’m gonna get that motherfucker” she told herself.
The location that the Chinese sent her was not far away. She found it a perfect place to settle the matter of cheating in the finals of the Olympic women wrestling. The gold medal didn’t mean shit to her. Wrestling was a way of acquiring fighting skills in the nonstop battles between her and her hated raven-haired half-sister. But Sunghi cheated her of a certain victory, when she put fingers right up into her womanhood. That cannot go unavenged. Justice will be served tonight and she was the one to deliver it. Even though she didnt know which way to go, according to google maps she was 20 minutes of walking away. With her current pace she would reach her destination in 10 minutes.
Sunghi Lee location.
Sunghi Lee was at that destination right now, wearing the same low-cut lycra singlet as the Irish redhead. She told the sponsor of the Chinese Olympic team she liked the color red, representing the People’s Republic of China. The higher-ups were delighted by her choice, but in fact she just liked how the red matches perfectly with her honey gold skin. She was attempting to relax and slow her heartbeat down a bit. Just standing there staring intensely at an apparatus.
“Goddammit, what the hell is taking her so fucking long” she thought.
She desperately wanted to apply her newfound fighting knowledge in the next clash with the pale redhead. With all her will she refrained from touching her own loveknot. Just an hour ago, unknown to her of course, she was doing exactly the same thing as Sammy did at the same time across the Olympic village. She fingered herself so fast and so hard that her clit turned into concrete like material. After being hesitant for a minute, she became mad. Doubt was replaced by anger and the dark-haired Chinese showed her stiff clit who was in charge, by rubbing it with demonic speed. More rapid by the second. Sunghi felt something was happening to her. There was a monstrous pressure building up between her legs. It was a combined awful and delightful feeling. She closed her eyes and was almost ready for this critical-mass rupturing. Almost…. because her deep hatred for Sammy overruled her succumbing to her arousal. She broke free of her lust spell and came slowly to her senses. She immediately decided that whatever this was, it must be used on her half-sister.
“Sammy, of course. Why didn’t i think of that fucking cunt sooner.” Sunghi thought to herself and envisioned Sammy crying on the floor begging her for mercy.
The Chinese beauty remembered something her trainer told her, when she was hurt during a wrestling accident. She immediately ran out of the shower and grabbed her phone to make a booty-call, which was in this case essentially a kick-ass call.
And now she was there standing in front of a futuristic looking machine. The raven-haired beauty was in a sterilized whitebroom in the middle of the Olympic Emergency Center. This is the place all the athletes go to receive medical attention or get immediate surgeries when athletes get hurt during games. She knew this was the perfect place to fight. Their wrestling match went so many rounds, it was already late in the evening when Sunghi arrived at the showerroom. All other disciplines were long over and all athletes were at their hotels trying to recuperate. The center was empty. It was a good secluded place, but it wasn’t the location that attracted the Chinese gold medalist. It was the machine that she was staring at: Hyperbaric Oxygen chambers. As her trainer informed her of these state of the art apparatus. The air pressure inside those 1 by 2 meters chambers can be raised to several times higher than normal. The increased air pressure helps the lungs collect more oxygen. Getting more oxygen to the bodies inside so that they can heal considerably faster and replenishing lost strength. A doctor would normally advise an injured athlete to use 3 times the normal pressure for a period of 3 hours max.
Of course these were over-designed and overdeveloped. It could go much higher. There were 5 chambers lined up, 4 soft blue ones which were essentially small plastic tents. These could be bought on ebay for approximately 10.000 US dollars. But in between them was a white one. This particular chamber was the next gen, built like a space capsule made by Apple. Its pure white hull was made by an unknown unbreakable spacecraft material. Nobody could see inside this soundproof marvel of engineering. The panel that controlled the air pressure and influx of oxygen, was situated inside the chamber. This was the machine that Sunghi was interested in. She inspected the hyperbaric chamber to check if everything is in working order and opened the canopy to take a look inside, preparing it for the upcoming battle. Then she walked over to a luxurious looking couch and picked up her gold medal by the ribbon from the glass saloon table. The canopy automatically went down.The raven-haired athlete put on the medal, sat on the couch and stared at the entrance, waiting restlessly for her arch-nemesis to finally arrive. Her heart is beating like the loud thunder outside, her soul full of raging hatred not unlike the storm. Her attention was so fully fixated on the one available door, it was like she used XTC just before.
The door opened with a thundering thud, even overruling the storm outside.
“I’m here, you motherfucker….. O you shouldn’t have done that” a totally rain drenched Sammy yelled when she saw the gold medal dangling from her half-sister’s chest.
“You know I hate that fucking word and what the fuck took you so long, you bitch? Were you being gangraped by the whole water polo team like a miserable cheap whore?” Sunghi screamed, furious by being called a motherfucker.
The redhead looked around the room. It was fairly large, 6 by 9 meters with the same pristine white walls as the entrance and hallway she just passed. There were no decorations on it. The only furniture were 3 light brown expensive couches, two one-seaters and one triple-seater surrounding a rectangular glass table. And of course the 5 peculiar machines in the back are cramped in the available 6 meters width. She thought they looked like MRI scanners or hyperbaric chambers. Brushing that unimportant notion of, she kicked her shower sandals away, Her feet felt the coldness of the dark-green marble floor.
“So, where are we gonna settle our little dispute, you filthy slut? This isn’t exactly a private place. I want to destroy you and I don’t want anybody to interrupt our ‘heart-to-heart’ my dear sister.” Sammy said evilly.
“Don’t you worry about that, you dumb fuck. Nobody will come here during the evening. And besides, haven’t you looked at your phone? Everyone is ordered by the government to stay home during the next 24 hours. This storm is a real bitch like you. No one’s gonna disturb our little ‘chat’ my lovely sister.” Sunghi snorted nefariously.
“Well, it sounds like I came to heaven. I prayed to God himself to let me have8 some alone time with you. This gonna be good, I’m gonna fuck you up real bad” the pale beauty cursed.
“Good, Christmas came early for me this year. I asked Santa for one wish, a private moment with you, you piece of shit. You are gonna be in a world of hurt” Sunghi swore.
The goldskinned belle slowly kicked off her wrestling shoes, pulled off her socks, stood up from the couch, and walked around the glass table. Every deed was done very slowly. She knew her prey wouldn’t escape her. There was nothing situated in the six meters between the daughters of Melanie Hamilton and Mei Lai Hua, except their hatred for each other.
The two half-sisters were now bare, except for their singlets, without any makeup or jewelry. Not that those were needed. They weren’t voted top 10 most beautiful models in the world without reasons. Their mutual beauty was one of the causes that they despised each other. Maybe if each of them was ugly, their contempt for each other wouldn’t be this excessive. Maybe… but highly unlikely. This mutual hatred was not earned or grown. It was essential to their being, primal to the core. As natural for them as breathing, or blinking eyelids.
The Chinese and redhead just stood there for a moment, staring loathsomely at their enemy’s voluptuous physique. Their rage almost boiled to the point of breaking. And while their bodies practically shook with anger, they changed their posture. Their arms rose up, hands turned into claws, knees bent down, heels dug into the carpet. Looking as if they were ready for a NFL 40 yard sprinter, they shrieked earsplitting battle cries that almost broke the glass table.
They catapulted their bodies forwards, closing the last remaining meters separating them.
They collided like 2 ancient armies, with an unmeasurable hard impact. Both 18 year old women groaned with loud mutual gasps, all the air leaving their lungs from this inhumanly forceful collision. This clash forced them to bounce back almost 1 meter, collapsing on the hard marble floor.
“Jesus Christ, this cocksucker is strong” Sammy thought.
“OMG, what is this bastard made of?” Sunghi pondered.
Cussing her enemy out, each hellcat hunched, tensed up her legs muscles and pranced straight up towards her adversary.
“Take this, white trash slut”
“Come on, yellow gutter whore”
Using their own bodies as battering rams, ignoring the inevitable pain, they slammed into another again. But this time, just before impact, the two enveloped each other’s backs with their arms, using it as anchors.
Another brutal, thunderous smack reverberated through the recuperation room, not unlike a heavy car crash. This time with nails carved into backs, they held onto each other. Still able to keep her footing, Sammy dug her nails even deeper. Not wanting the redhead to feel satisfied, an agonized Sungh squealed inwards.
Despite knowing a new, better way to hurt her enemy. (Not only hurting her body, but also crippling her hated half-sister’s soul by making her cum against her will) Sunghi still refrained from using it.
“You’re lucky I won’t use my claws against your filthy pussy just yet. First I make you suffer the ‘normal’ pain that you are used to. Softening you up and then I’ll use my new knowledge to break this stalemate and make you scream like a thirsty slut.” Sunghi promised and her claws pierced Sammy’s skin.
The Irish redhead howled like a she-wolf, but then started scratching Sunghi’s back open. The full Asian launched her own bloody barrage of claws.
*I hate you, cunt”
“Give it to me, bitch”
After long moments of bloodying Sammy’s back, suddenly Sunghi reached up and got two handfuls of wet red hair, pulled back her right leg and kicked the redhead’s left thigh. A perfect lowkick. Sammy took it like a professional K1 expert and delivered her own kick.
“You think you’re the only one taking kickboxing lessons?”
“Let’s see how many you can take.” Sunghi groaned at the top of her voice, but struck again with a kick.
Sammy grunted out loud. Her talons took a similar hold of still damp black hair like Sunghi held her mane. The Irish beauty accepted the duel and swung her right leg again. They repeated the exchange once, twice, three times, their thighs started to tremble. They found a nasty rhythm, forcing both rivals to hiss with pain when another kick struck. But neither Chinese or Irish wanted to be the first to relent.
“GIve, cunt”
“Not before you do, slut”
“You cannot take anymore, i feel it”
“In your dreams. I can do this all day”
“This is is like practice for me, you chickenshit pussy”
“Than expect the whole exercise, you lying whore”
“Bring it”
“Let’s go”
Both were trying to hide their pain unsuccessfully. Their grunts of pain betrayed them. The kicking slowed down after a while, until with hateful yells, both used all their power in a brutal exchange. Their mind was willing to continue, but neither legs could take this kind of torture and both left legs gave way. With their legs buckling, their grips on their hair strengthened. And with intense tight holds, tugging hair so desperately hard, like it was a last lifeline, both tried to break their falls. Their knees hit the hard marble floor hard, eliciting some more pain, but they didn’t feel it, because the brutal hairpulling hurt them even more. Not wanting her half-sister to sense any weakness, each fighting feline willed her legs to get up, which resulted in both warcats pulling each other into a standing position by their hair. While hastily getting up, their whole naked bodies humped together.
The two women’s eyes flashed aggressively with a fiery light of excitement, as if they had been waiting for this their entire lives. They declined to move for some time, trying to take a breather after this destructive opening salvo. Both held their gorgeous, still twisted faces of contempt as their beautiful eyes locked in a battle of wills.
Then without warning each she-devil spat a big mouthful of spit hatefully into her half-sister’s face at exactly the same time. This wordless declaration of war was all that both needed to continue this bloodthirsty combat. Keeping their foreheads together, both very slowly pulled back their entire anatomies. The smart athletes knew they needed all the momentum they could gather. Sunghi inhaled lungs full of air, while Sammy took a deep breath. Then, with all their iota of power, every grain of strength their asses could muster, they forced their young bodies to collide roughly together.
A suffering Sammy used the hold on the Chinese’s hair to keep her in place, forcing her to take the full force of the violent blow.
But a hurt Sunghi didn’t even try to defend herself, determined to make the redhead suffer just as much pain as she herself received.
“I’m gonna pummel your pathetic body into a pulp, motherfucker.” Sammy growled.
“You know i hate that fucking word. I’m gonna hammer your puny body like a nail, to teach you some manners, like your slut mother never did.” Sunghi grunted.
“This is between us. Keep my mother out of this shit, you motherfucking whore. I saw you and your whore mother kissing each other naked in bed like lovers.”
“No you didn’t, you are a lying cunt just like your sewer mother.”
“Take that back, you motherfucker” Sammy shouted.
Hating each other was one thing, humiliating their mothers, forcing them really over the edge. Desperately wanting to hurt each other, they began an unrelenting series of beyond believable hard brutal humping sessions. Back and forth, back and forth again and again. The two held each other’s rage-full gazes with strong determination as they hissed menacingly. Each she-wolf felt each one of the hard impacts, but still forced their bodies to fight like two wild beasts, while they cursed each other like gutter street prostitutes.
“Fucking white bitch!”
“Filthy yellow slut!”
“Pathetic cunt”
“Miserable skank”
“Fuck your mother”
The two combatants were screaming their hatred for each other, their voices high and shrill as they fought, neither woman giving even a centimeter as near naked bodies slammed hatefully together again and again.They pulled hair ferociously, trying to make the other howl.
Their tits clashed roughly and their pelvises smashed cruelly. The half-sisters grabbed 2 handfuls of wet hair even tighter with their merciless talons and started to pull each other’s tresses even harder. The gorgeous vixens never moved from their locations in the middle of the room. The spacious room had all the opportunities to maneuver around, but each female warrior was hellbent on holding her ground. Hissing with rage, the two women made their big powerful bodies slam even more ferociously against each other, trying to overwhelm each other’s will to fight.
“I’m gonna bust you, dirty bitch”
“Come on, try it, filthy whore!”
Tears of pain and rage were trickling down their cheeks now, but neither woman was willing to stop.
“Fuck you, slut!”
“No, fuck you whore!”
“I’m going to have you begging me to let you go, cunt!”
“You’ll be the one screaming in surrender, bitch!”
“My pussy is better, you filthy cocksucker!”
“Mine is, fucking golddigga! And I’m going to have you scream my name when you lose!” Sunghi promised.
“You’ll be the one screaming mine, bitch! You’ll be howling about how I beat your dirty tits senseless!” Sammy almost growled in Sunghi’s mouth and her claws found her enemy’s tits.
Releasing her hold on Sammy’s hair, the Chinese’s nails stabbed in Sammy’s jugs through the thin lycra singlet, destroying them. The redhead immediately reacted likewise. Her nails embedded themselves in her rival’s bust, making Sunghi hiss wildly. Each woman had a good grip in the enemy’s tits and they squeezed as hard as they could the flesh of their adversary. During that time, the strong athletes were still forcing their pubic bone to smash against each other’s crotches.
“Arghhhh.Take this, nasty whore. We both know you are about to give up. ”
“Ooompf. Come on, filthy skank.This is all you got? I expected better“
They spat in each other’s roaring mouths and growled like animals that are entangled in the struggle of their lives,
During the night, they continued this brutal and primitive war, just hitting each other’s crotches endlessly, without strategy or subtlety. After 1 hour the two human battering rams grunted horrifically in pain, still they went on.
The half-sisters howled in gruesome pain as they slammed their naked bodies against each other in violent rage, the impact so strong that it shook them to the core; but still they fought on.
With frantic screams Sunghi and Sammy slammed their hips against each other with wild lust, moaning hungrily into each other’s snarling faces as they felt the fronts of their pussies violently collide. And still they continued squeezing each other’s tits as ripe fruits.
The uncounted collisions between their cunts hurt them badly. Each fell beast could see the other was in terrible pain through the tears, which were now flowing freely over their still beautiful faces. But neither woman had quitted yet.
Something was keeping their energy up. Normally the pain would have overwhelmed them in an hour or so of savage fighting. Slamming pussy to pussy like this was sending desperate pain through their bodies. But the pain was accompanied by something else. Something they only recognized as a weird sort of pleasure. It felt similar to what they felt when they were fingering their own cunts in the showers. It felt even better this time.
Accepting the strange feelings, both women resumed their hostilities. Having let go of her half-sister’s bloodied tits, each again went to work on the other’s already ruined mane. Having pulled many strands of hair out of each other’s head, during hours of wild hairpulling, now each wanted to punish the other woman scratched tits. Every impact shook their bodies, every collision sent their now free and heavy breasts against each other as well. Something is building in their nether regions. While groaning into each other’s faces, each saw in the rival’s tearfilled eyes that her half-sister was having the same feelings as she is.. They don’t know what it is. What they do know is that it felt better and better.
But also stronger than they felt in the shower hours before. And both felt they themselves couldn’t last much longer, but each certainly knew that she wanted her half-sister to succumb to the ‘good feeling’ first. After some doubt and hesitation, they eventually smashed their cup C’s violently together. Having their titties first scratched and then pummeled, they were demanding a heavy toll from their bleeding hooters. Their used to beautiful babies paid the toll and then some. Sending excruciating painful signals through their entire nervous system right into the pain-receptors After having released their holds on each other’s ravaged hair, Sunghi and Sammy roars of anguish echoed throughout the room. Since their udders were disloyal to them, they didn’t give a rat’s ass about them. Generating even more force from her back, each disgruntled mistress almost pancaked their maimed busty globes together. Both wounded Irish redhead and suffering raven-haired Chinese were dead set on finishing this long savage conflict.
With their upper torso taken care of, there were more body parts, unused in this terrible catfight. Their fingers went searching for their half-sister’s asses, only being blocked by the lower part of their lycra wrestling singlets. With patience totally nonexistent at their weakened state, each furious beauty absolutely shredded the singlets like it was toilet paper. Sammy let it fall to the marble floor while Sunghi threw hers on the glass table next to her gold medal. Finally having nothing in between their bare naked bodies, their claws again searched for soft butt flesh. When they found them, they squeezed the buns with savage strength. This was a very smart maneuver by both intelligent women. This way they could keep their rivals from escaping, while adding power of their arms to their still undecided crotch pummeling war. Maybe the extra strength would tip the balance of power. As both warriors felt their molested womanhood were getting more bruised and battered by every whack, each sensed this was her final trump card. Except for their new discovered shower finger technique of course. Each smart female held that knowledge in reserve to be used as a bonafide tiebreaker.
Then the last stage of this cracking crotch battling marathon was set. They were so anxious for this clash and so desperately determined to win it, that the two didn’t even bother with starting out slow. With loud shrieks Sammy and Sunghi slammed their pussies against each other with violent hate, howling in pleasure and pain as at last nude twat crushed against naked cunt.
Again and again the two beauties slammed their pussies against each other, moaning and screaming with every single clash. Having added their strong arms as Turbo Boosters, their already violent humping grew even faster, even harder. Their tears streamed down their faces onto their mushroomed bosoms, which were bulging to near exploding condition code red. Their bellies, thighs and crotches were thoroughly bruised, while still being ordered by their female generals to continue bashing against each other. Smashing away with mighty piston-like force and insane speed, they still found a way to yell into each other’s faces.
“Your weak vulva is bursting, I can feel it.”
“Your filthy pussy is not gonna be feeling anything when I’ve beaten it numb.”
“When then? Is this all that you can do with your pathetic twat?”
Harder, bitch, harder. I refuse to believe your powerless cunt is unable to slam me harder”
“Was it your fucking sorry mother that taught you how to clap cunts”
“EAT SHIT with your motherfucking mouth”
“FUCK YOU. My mother would own your whore mother’s motherfucking ass”
“My mother would make your miserable mother her motherfucking slave.”
“Your mother’s pitiful cunt would crumble into motherfucking oblivion if she fought my lovely mother like your twat is about to do also”
“My mother would have pounded the motherfucking shit out of your mother’s fragile pussy, like I’m doing it now to yours.”
“FUCK YOU, motherfucker”
“No, fuck YOU, motherfucker”
Belittling her enemy and insulting her half-sister’s mother, each tried to break her hated kin’s will to fight AND womanhood. Digging their claws as deep as they could into their asscheeks, they applied even more pressure, pouring even more power into this crotch war.
Having eluded each other for hours their virgin love buttons unavoidably met head to head. Steel hard clit collided with her enemy’s ironclad clit. Each celibate woman felt for the first time in her young life, her indestructible precious clit crushed against another maiden’s unbreakable cherished clit. They felt for the first time unbearable pleasure that could not be denied. With a soul shattering yell the 2 one-time vixens came as one, bodies quivering violently as an explosive mutual orgasm rocked their beautiful forms.
They lifted their heads and howled to the heavens at the top of their lungs to beg for divine help. After that jointed earth shattering roar they quickly smashed their mouths together to muffle their screaming. Each prayed that her half-sister didn’t notice her moment of defeat.
“MOTHERFUCKING BITCH!” They screeched hatefully into each other’s traps.
Their crying pussies sprayed glassfull of cumjuices out into the open as their bodies thrashed against each other uncontrollably. The violent mutual orgasms pulsed mercilessly through their young sensitive bodies. Yet each deranged lioness still continued to viciously pump rock like clit against concrete hard clit. The collision splattered their cumjuices like burst open fire hydrants, drenching the green marble floor in their entire surroundings. Sunghi sang like a dying canary, while Sammy shrieked out loud as the agonizing pleasure and pain rocked the half-sisters from heaven to hell and back again. In the last waning seconds of this life changing marathon like mutual orgasm, tears of hate streamed down their lovely cheeks. Both naked wrestlers spat into each other’s untamed screaming mouths, as they felt their remaining cumjuices squirted from their pussy lips, inner thighs and calves on the utterly drenched floor. The Irish redhead whined with painful pleasure, while the raven-haired Chinese yelped out her pleasurable pain.
After having exchanged so much devastating pain with each other in their entire lifespans, each beauty absolutely hated the absurd fact that they had shared their first savagely wild and violent orgasms with their hated half-sisters. And a mutual orgasm nonetheless.
Their hate-filled crazy eyes told each other that because they came together at the same time, neither had yet lost this brutal clitfight.
When a determined Sammy and a resolute Sunghi once again forced their mighty clits into battle, disaster struck. Each felt her once big, fat, rigid and strong clit had become a small, thin, limp and weak parody of herself. Both clits refused their mistresses command and deserted them. Cowering back into her pussy caves, scared to meet her counterpart in battle
“how is thi….. ”
“what the he…..”
But despite feeling unbearable painful shame, both smart women realized mid-sentence this debacle is actually an opportunity.
“FINALLY Her pussy is bursting” a weeping Sunghi thought.
“YESSS. I knew she would break.”
Each fearless tigres lioness pursued her enemy’s limp clit with her own traitorous clit. Both just desired nothing more than for their hated half-sister’s clit, the cause of her agonizing pleasure, to completely dissipate into oblivion.
Each insane molester felt if she just pulled even more strenuously with her arms and just thrust her crotch even more forcefully, even in the wilting state of her yielding clit was in, would reach her adversary’s impotent clit. Then with one final cataclysmic hard pull and one apocalyptic strong slam, yielding clit collided with withering clit for the last time. Enveloped by bruised pussies, forming an arena, witnessing an execution. Their overwhelmed precious tiny clits were so violently mutilated by each other, they just simply broke.
This was the straw that broke the camel. Having received so many assaults intense pleasure, cruelly mixed with vile pain, the once supremely fit athletes couldn’t coop anymore
Sunghi and Sammy yelled into the stormy night like people falling from cliffs as their cunts abandoned their female generals. Tears of hate and passion welled in their eyes from another incredible mutual climax.
This was too much to bear for both half-sisters. Their overloaded brains ceased to function, while their exhausted bodies paralyzed. They slipped over the pool of their last fresh cumjuices as they collapsed on to their knees hard onto the marble floor. That pain roused them up a little bit. On the ground their upper bodies and heads just fell forwards. The only thing that prevented each conquered female from crumbling onto the floor was….. her eternal rival, her mortal enemy, her sisterly kin.
Their pussies were still throbbing, their minds still delirious, caused by 2 mutual life-shattering orgasms. Each incoherent warrior sensed she couldn’t continue kneeling straight, even with the unasked for assistance of her arch enemy, Both just let her head fall upon her enemy’s left shoulder. With the only strength they have left, both drained warriors forced their right thighs slowly between each other’s legs. Than they just sat down on their rival’s stuck out thighs
Both exhausted wrestlers needed a moment to recuperate before even attempting to move any part of their body. Their brain tried to decipher what actually happened.
“Was that what they call an orgasm?”
“Did I just cum for the first time in my life?”
“Why must it be her that broke my virginity?”
“Of all the people in the world”
“Why did it feel like heavenly bliss?”
“How come she is the one that caused me such fulfillment?”
“Why her?”
“Anyone but her”
“Fate can not be this cruel”
Cursing the happenstance and their current predicament, both just wanted to give up. But with every fiber of her being, each felt that her enemy was not defeated yet. And neither will let her half-sister beat her like this.
Fifteen minutes went by and the two world-class athletes regained some minimal strength. Their stamina was almost alien-like. Pulling back their heads, they forced their eyelids to open. Both glared into each other’s magnificent eyes with pure hatred. With sniffling sobs, the Irish Sammy and Chinese Sunghi reached towards each other’s necks.
“Why did you make me cum, you motherfucker.” a sickened Sunghi cursed.
“I don’t want you to be my first, you motherfucker.” a disgusted Sammy swore.
With claws finding their throats, both strangled each other violently with their bare hands. Each still fierce tigress hoping to strangle the other out before her kin could do the same to her. Neither understood why this happened to them. How can they have shared the supposedly best moment in life, with the one who they loathed the most in the world. How? They couldn’t believe this happened. And both blamed each other.
“I hate you, you yellow gook motherfucker” Sammy muffled
“I hate you more, you white trash motherfucker” Sunghi gargled.
Their tongues stuck out, their distressed lungs searching for essential breaths of oxygen. Each deranged warcat hated each other so incomprehensibly, every single violent moment of misery suffered by her halfsister, brought them enormous joy. Seeing her half-sister dying in her own bare hands, elevated their lust to even greater heights. And this desperate mutual stranglehold, made them hornier than they had ever been before.
Rubbing their thighs with their pussies, forcing their pussy walls to constrict their still trashed clits, both beauties came like cheap 5 dollar whores.
Their fingers gripped each other’s throats even tighter. It was like a dam finally broke, their orgasms were now cumming relentlessly in chainlike fashion. Just as one orgasm would eb away, each majestic femme screamed in bliss when another orgasm flooded their pussies like a tsunami.
“Stop with your shit, you fucking slut.”
“Why won’t you give up, you goddamn whore*
“I will send you to hell with these lethal talons of mine”
“Not before my deadly claws have strangled you”
Both knew that this was it…their bodies wouldn’t release each other, until one of them had screamed for mercy. The mere thought of choking the life out of their half-sisters, caused their lust to explode into vulgar raunchiness.
The next mutual orgasm hit them like a freight train and their cunts exploded like atomic mushroom cloud bombs. Their newly nurtured cumjuices wetted the marble floor even more. Neither could believe this carnal bliss each resided in.
“How can I cum so hard with this white slut?
“Why is my cunt betraying me with this yellow whore?”
“This insane delight must be stop now by any means necessary”
“I have to stop this deranged joy immediately no matter the cost”
Still drooling from her mouth from their latest mutual exchange of lust, each came up with the same answer. The two smart women decided they must need more. More pain. And what better way to do that, than hurting the source of their unhinged ecstasy…… Their already mangled clits.
Having reached their ultimate conclusion, Sunghi purposefully grabbed the redhead’s ass with unbreakable constraint, while Sammy snatched the Chinese their butt, squeezing them tight like stress-balls. Each determined woman pulled back her right thigh to the furthest height their limb could possibly reach. With another mutual primal warcry, each kin slingshotted her right thigh forwards.
For a nanosecond their knees drove by each other like cars on opposite roads, crashing between their kneeling legs, aiming for the genesis of their unwanted animalistic lust…her half-sister’s slimy clit. . Knees struck pussies with devastating force. But Sunghi or Sammy didn’t know their devastating orgasms were not only generated by unmeasurable lust, but also fueled passionately by unadulterated pain. Unknown to them acute pain has always been the fuse that exploded their cumpowder. Thighs hit unconscious clits and their pussies lit up like christmas trees. Crying in orgasmic agony as each felt her right thigh was covered with her fucking enemy’s filthy cumjuices. This caused their fingers to loosen somewhat around their throats, making them able to take in a little bit more breath. But panic set in immediately when both still fairly strong saw their rivals had recovered quickly and felt their thighs leaving their pussies. Another brutal thigh to clit exchange, their cunt detonated, their pussy fluids were now practically streaming like a faucet, drenching their right thighs.
They finally understood what caused their instantaneous orgasms. Sheer unimaginable pain delivered to their precious private parts. But that realization came far too late. They had already crossed the point of no return. And each knew there was only 1 strategy. There was no escape. Each just had to hurt her half-sister’s molested clit more than she can hurt her mangled clit.
“No way i’m gonna lose” Sammy wailed
“I have to win,” Sunghi sobbed.
Another savage clit abusing clash by two crazy determined females. Another mutual pain driven orgasm that shocked them all the way into their cores. This one knocked the wind out of them. Crying softly now like little babies, resting their heavy heads on each other’s shoulder, both tried to gather back some kind of last resource of energy
“I can’t keep this up with this sort of onslaught much longer. Why doesn’t she black out? The next attack will be the last*
“It’s impossible to sustain this kind of aggression. How can she withstand this kind of pain? I can still muster one more strike”
After a minute or 5 both half-sisters finally felt they got back enough strength to deliver one more blow. Clutching each other’s near bursting buttcheeks so hard they were dripping blood on the marble floor. Each managed to haul up her right thigh and whispered in each other’s ears.
“No matter what happens next I’m done. But this will shatter your motherfucking Irish skank’s clit”
“This should do it, I can’t go on either.” This is gonna burst your motherfucking Chinese bitch’s clit.”
Then both exhausted Sammy and spent Sunghi relaxed all the tired muscles in their entirely drained bodies,except for one. No longer able to keep their limbs up, their hands released from their throats. They channeled all their remaining power into their right and just drove it down with all the force they could possibly generate.
So painful was the impact between bruised thighs and beaten to mush clits, multiple mutual climaxes detonated from their bodies so close to each other it must have felt like 1 mutual catastrophic orgasm. The half-sisters were practically blinded by the agonizing pleasure cascading over them.
This last exchange forced a chain-reaction in their fatigued bodies, which awakened new untapped raw animalistic primal survival power. But it also erased the last shreds of humanity that they have left. They continued to doggedly deliver violent knees against each other’s crotch area. Sometimes missing, sometimes hitting their intended targets….each other’s now bleeding clits, which were now, having shriveled themselves into small shrimps. Sunghi and Sammy’s hands went back up and their fingers tightened around each other’s throat again, their tears streaming hotter than they ever had before. There was no strategy, technique, thought or ideas involved in this struggle now, just pure uncontrolled rage-filled power. Only the desire to survive and overcome. Having lost their abilities of speech, neither could express her words of contempt for each other any longer. They had already threatened and insulted each other and their mothers in a thousand different ways. Now they just grunted, as if they had been reduced to the state of wild beasts. Even as they screamed and choked from their reckless detonations the two animalistic whores used their teeth to bite each other’s necks trying to puncture a vital artery.
Filling each other’s mouth with their own blood, was the only thing keeping their cries from shaking the white recuperating room. Of course their basic instincts screamed at them to stop, to pull away from each other and survive the day. But with every savage blow, came a rationale destroying orgasm. This made them squeeze their ass even fiercer, crushing windpipes even tighter, biting each other’s necks even wilder and ramming clits with their thighs even harder.
Driven mad by pain and pleasure their bodies shook and trembled involuntarily. Their frenzied pace of fighting was the only indication this was far from over. Abandoned was the concept of surrendering. The one who emerged victorious could only be the killer of the loser. Or they would be found dead the coming days, by other athletes wanting to use the hyperbaric chambers, having brutally murdered one another.
Terrible screams escaped from their throats, muffled away by biting deeper into their necks. The two female creatures went at it full force, maimed bloody clits be damned. Bruised pussy lips flattened inwards against their bleeding clits. Both crazy hellcats held on for dear life, while each tried to finish the other off. It was now just a struggle between animalistic power against beastly carnal force and only the furthest from the brink of death female monster would survive this bloodbath. Both kneed against each other brutally as they screamed with wild agony, their tortured clits being banged by thighs harder than ever. Having mixed with the dark red blood from their sensitive clits, pink cumjuices were being pumped out of their broken pussies. Each impact caused them both to cum again and again on the drenched marble floor. The battle raged on. In the end both feline monsters were truly exhausted, drained and practically cumless. All night, both had been fighting savagely, but their struggle was heading towards its inevitable finish. Unable to keep a high pace any longer, the half-sisters slowed down. Both Sammy and Sunghi were standing on purgatory’s doorstep, because each stroke could be the fatal last one. Powerless to control the rage, hate and lust inside them. The blows came slower, but harder, with long pauses in between. There would be no escape. Locked together they would fight until one or the other was killed. The room seemed very hot and the air stank of sweat, tears, blood and cum. Just when it seemed this battle would rage on forever, it happened.
The pace slowed down until it was almost at a standstill. Both gave a final, vicious thrust to each other’s damaged cunts, Sunghi and Sammy shuddered and let out blood curdling screams. They held onto each other tightly, crying and sobbing as wave after wave of heavenly pleasure and excruciating pain pulsed violently from their clits. Those last mutual orgasms were so destructive that it felt like hell in heaven. Totally spent, the duo collapsed in a heap of flesh. The two half-sisters were wrecked and battered beyond belief, necks bleeding and even their right thighs were bruised from delivering thousands of death-strikes
The womanhood of both the Irish redhead and raven-haired Chinese were bloodied and severely injured in this vicious clitfight. Their entire bodies were still quivering, even in unconsciousness as the final moments of their orgasms elapsed…
The half-sisters lay together on the marble floor, with their claws still around their throats, tits still pancaked each other forcing their side to bulge out on their sides, fangs still embedded in their necks, BUT with Sunghi Lee’s pussy on top of Sammy Lee’s pussy. It was finally still after hours of sexual warfare.
After resting for hours, Sammy began to stir, her eyes opened slowly. Her mouth was being smothered by flesh of some kind. . Despite being wrecked by an enormous amount of orgasms, overloading her mind she still vaguely remembered what happened. She wanted to get up, but something was on top of her. Or rather someone. For a moment Sammy was devoid of rage, her fury non-existent and her hatred depleted. Then she saw her senseless half-sister. Then all that negativity filled up her body again. Pushing Sunghi’s neck from her mouth, she spat out the dried up blood in her mouth. Grabbing two handfuls of Sunghi’s disheveled hair, she pulled with all her minute regained strength. Her whole body was burning and hurting like hell.
“Get the fuck of me, you motherfucker”
Hearing that word lit a fire in the exhausted body of the Chinese and she regained her consciousness. She opened her mouth, retracting her teeth from Sammy’s neck to speak mumblingly
“I told you to not call me that. You are the motherfucker.” Sunghi yelled meekly and grabbed her own two handfuls of the redhead’s tresses.
Trying to hurt her kin, she wanted to roughly pull her hair, but she found out that she was unable to do it. Her arms felt powerless, her whole body ached painfully. Then she realized her situation.
“HAHAHHAHA. I’m on top of you. I won our little ‘chat’, you cocksucker”
“FUCK YOU. I woke up first, so it is me who won our tiny ‘dispute’, you whore”
“You gotta be shitting me”
“Not convinced? Let’s continue then”
“Even though I won, I do want to hurt you some more.”
“This time it won’t be about pain, you loser. I’ll make you cum crying like the spoiled slut you truly are”
“Like hell you will. Today instead od fucking you up, I’ll fuck you all week and 2 times on Sunday”
“Come on then. What are you waiting for?”
“Let’s get it on then”
They pulled each other with all the replenished energy they could muster, the only thing they accomplished was holding her half-sister’s heads in place. Even though they recouped some of their strengths, by talking shit to each other, they needed more rest if they wanted to continue their epic battle of yesterday. During this recuperating time, they tried to remember most details of last night. Each recalled her first orgasm and the many that followed. But the last part of their fight was vaguely in their minds. They knew that they were ravished deliriously by the pain and orgasms. But they didn’t know that their subconscious forced them to fight longer and harder than their normal beings ever could. Neither Sammy or Sunghi knew each dropped even below gutter trash slut’s level and bought like crazed hungry wild animalistic monsters. Fighting purely for survival their inner strong-willed selves took over their bodies and fought to the brink of death. This wouldn’t have been possible if the half-sisters didn’t hate each other so deeply.. But then they noticed the bite marks on each other’s necks and found they were the perfect target since their power hasn’t returned yet. Alas just when they wanted to sink their fangs in the still bleeding wounds, an alarm sounded loudly.
Both beauties were shocked and changed from beast mode into panic mode like some scientist pushed an emotion button. The smart girls channeled their inner Sherlock Holmes.
Who would be crazy enough to go outside in this once in a lifetime storm?
Who could have tripped the alarm?
An accidental fault by a coworker?
Burglars wanting to steal expensive medicine?
Couple of young athletes wanting to fool around?
Twinlike half-sisters wanting a private place to have a fight of their lives?
The possibilities were endless.
“Let me go, I have to lock the doors so that no one can get in. We cannot explain what happened here. We’ll be ruined” Sammy whispered nervously, wanting to keep their inbreed fighting a secret.
“You let me go. We have to hide in the hyperbaric chamber. It can only be opened from the inside. A perfect hiding place, to avoid kidnappers, rapists, or terrorists. My trainer told me the password” Sunghi mumbled, always expecting the worst.
Each let go of each other’s mane. The raven-haired Chinese struggled to get up, but still reached the manual of the solid state of the art hyperbaric chamber. While she was typing in the password ‘safe haven’, the Irish redhead wrestled her tired frame towards the front door. Finally reaching it, she turned the lock knob. Double, no triple checking if she had done it correctly.
“Come here, you dumb whore. How difficult can a doorknob be?”
“Why don’t you fuck yourself inside that contraption, you spoiled golddigga”
“This ‘contraption is the only thing between us and the people who triggered the alarm”
“I’ve always known you were a chickenshit like your mother.”
“OMG. If you say mother one more time, the beating I gave you last night would be like a sparring match.”
“Beating? As I recalled you screamed like a common Salvation Army free whore, when I was done with you.”
“Done with me? You mean the bad bitch, who ended up on top of you? That little old me?”
“Argh… Come with me inside this ‘contraption’, if you dare, you arrogant daughter of a white whore” Sunghi growled and turned around ready to get in the machine.
Enraged by that insult, Sammy threw caution in the wind, not bothering with who tripped the alarm. Shrieking like a banshee from hell, the redhead closed the distance in between them in a flash.
“Keep my mother out of your filthy, mouth”
“What? Nooooo”
Sammy lunged as hard as she could in her weakened state head on towards the Chinese. And even though Sunghi was fast enough to turn around and braced herself, her legs didn’t have the strength to keep them both up. They collided with a soft thud, but the momentum carried the two half-sisters straight into the compact 1 by 2 meters hyperbaric chamber. They continued their fight side by side, while the canopy closed automatically above them.
This Story is Continued in Part IV! Click Here to Go There!