Lumberjack66’s Stories
About the Author
Jack is a lifelong fan of pretty much anything female vs. female married for over 30 years to a woman who wants nothing to do with it. So he exercises his fantasies occasionally with story writing. His stories range from wife vs. wife tug and giggle matches to erotic titfights to death matches. Generally he focuses on unskilled fighting between every day women. Of course he wouldn’t object if a pair of super models wanted to engage in professional kick boxing for his entertainment either. He loves to hear from fans and critics alike and get story suggestions even if he won’t get to them for the next 30 years. Unfortunately he has a busy professional life and struggles to find enough time to focus on writing. But he loves even working out the details or a bit of collaboration with other writers whenever he gets the chance.
This author can be contacted at their FCF profile page.

Lumberjack66’s Stories
Renaissance Festival Fight
Now it was Lady Marion’s turn to push back. “You failed to mention the type of duel you wished to compete in. I was thinking perhaps a tit jousting match?” Marion picked that form of match for several reasons. First she had heard of other ladies at Renaissance Festivals settling disputes in this way. Second looking at the two of them, it was obvious that Little John was a tit man and therefore it made sense that the woman with the best breasts should win him. Third she knew that titillating this crowd would win them to her cause. Finally, she hoped that the sexual nature of the challenge, Lady Dawn would surrender without a blow being struck. The crowds low cheer died away as everybody waited for Dawn’s response.
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The Pharaoh’s Bride
It was difficult to say which of the women moved first. They both simply exploded at their opponent screaming violent curses punching away at each other. Nearly all the early blows were glancing at best. Alksula drew first blood as she buried a fist in Nesferiti’s left breast. Nesferiti screamed in pain and stumbled backward clutching her tender breast. Alksula flashed a smile at Nesferiti immediately drawing a roar of rage from her darker skinned foe.
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Professional Pride
7 minutes… 8 minutes… 9 minutes. Sharon and Nancy panted with exertion, their bodies practically glowing with their perspiration. Finally after a particular forceful attack from Sharon, Nancy stumbled backwards. However, Sharon did not pursue her foe. Nancy did not leap back to engage Sharon. The women stood glaring at each other 2 feet apart, their eyes demanding the surrender of the other. A primal hate flushed across their beautiful faces. Had their arms been free, they would have torn into each other in a frenzied fight to the finish just as two she wolves might to survive.
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Corporate Christmas Catfight
The women burst into a blur of motion slapping and punching at their foe. Neither was a particularly skilled fighter so most of the blows were ineffective. Sandy managed to land a punch to Katy’s left breast that almost popped it out of her lingerie while Katy landed a nice cross to Sandy’s nose. After a minute of windmill swinging at each other the women began to tire and separated taking the classic boxer stance to catch their breath circling each other warily as the crowd egged them on only occasionally attempting a well aimed swing at her foe.
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Tribal Ritual
Thinking of the women fighting in the distance aroused Charging Bear. As was tradition, he was naked in the darkness awaiting the victor of the ritual. He wondered if they could see his erect warrior’s spear in the darkness? He doubted it. They were so focused on each other at the moment, he doubted they could see anything except their rival through the fog of hatred.
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Wife vs. Secretary Showdown
“WHHHHOOOORRRE!!!” screamed Darcy.
“BIIITTTTCH!!!” screamed Kristi.
They collided into each other directly in the center of the beach with an audible splat that seemed to jolt the crowd back into life. As the women began tearing and slashing at each other the crowd lept to their feet forming into a human ring for the combatants and began cheering on their favorites.
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Former Friends Fight
They faced each other, moonlight highlighting and distorting their features. It made it difficult to see Dawn’s hair color or to see Sandy’s neatly trimmed bush, but moonlight did an amazing job of highlighting the women’s full breasts, erect nipples, smooth skin, and tight asses. It was clear that both women had taken good care of themselves. If anything they were both hotter than they had been last time they clashed. Sandy was 59 and Dawn was 62, but if any stranger observed them in the moonlight, they would have told the tale of two hot 20 somethings battling on the beach naked. Fortunately, there was no stranger there. The only people who could tell this tale would be the four of them.
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Wedding War
Annette took full advantage of her momentum. She plunged forward on Beth’s body so that her hips were now between Beth’s legs eliminating Beth’s scissors. Then she punched Beth in the face… one… two… three times. Beth was beaten. Almost unconscious. Annette smiled at her foe. For a moment she considered strangling her rival. For a very dark second, considered murdering Beth and ending her foe once and for all. But then she hear Jim, begging Beth to fight back. She wanted him, wanted to fuck him, wanted him to know She was the better woman. Ann didn’t want to kill Beth. She wanted to humiliate her. In front of her husband. And then take him as her rival was forced to watch.
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The Sharon Series
Lefts and Rights
“Are you ready, Bitch?” Sharon’s sharp tone snapped Kyla’s eyes away from Jack’s cock.
Kyla regarded Sharon, arching her back slightly and thrusting her breasts forward. “My girls are gonna destroy your flabby old bitches, you Natzi whore”
Sharon hissed back “These bitches are going to crush your little girls, Commie slut.” She also arched her back slightly forcing her tits to their maximum dick stiffening size.
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The women battled on like this for almost another 10 minutes before they began to slow from the combination of exertion and pain. Their swings became less powerful and exaggerated. The tit bumps lasted longer and longer until finally, both women simply pressed her tits into the flesh of her rival. Both women leaned in, stilettoed feet trying to find traction on the carpeted floor. This was it. They would press until one of them couldn’t take it any more. Both women were sweating, grunting with the effort. Their breasts drove into each other. Neither’s titflesh seemed ready to collapse under the pressure.
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Cavewoman Weekend
The women slammed their tits together again and again leaning forward into each other each trying to get her breasts under her opponents and then thrusting upward trying to thrust her opponents tits painfully into the air about once every 3-5 seconds. Each slam was followed by a slowly growing grunt from the women with the exchanges loser stumbling backward a step and then diving back in. The battle was completely even. Neither woman could seem to get an advantage in this “Double Titlift” Contest. However as the battle progressed, both women’s breasts appeared to swell as a result of the combination of battery and arousal.
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The Pharaoh’s Bride was outstanding, one of the better stories I’ve read. It does absolutely cry out for a sequel! Queen vs Queen? That was have scads of potential!
For “was” read “would.” I am a terrible typist!