Midsummer by Corvus

The woman with the black hair sat in the metal chair inside the screened-in porch, a sketchpad in her hands. Her name was Raven, a name she had had since college. She had been so named by a boyfriend who had been enraptured by her lustrous dark hair.

Some twenty years later, the hair was still black, but now much shorter. It framed a handsome face with high cheekbones, full lips and eyes of stunning deep water blue.
In the early morning light, she was wearing a red sweatshirt and white baggy shorts. The looseness of the clothes obscured but could not conceal the womanly curves of her body.

She looked out of the porch. It was late July, and for a couple of hundred acres, she was the only living soul around. The cozy cabin on the shores of a Minnesota lake had been in her husband’s family for years. Now she was taking the time from the everyday hustle and bustle, a time to recharge her energies. Soon her friend would be joining her. She was looking forward to it.

She sipped her coffee and set the cup aside. She picked up the sketchpad and balanced it on an upraised shapely leg. She picked up a soft stick of charcoal and began to sketch.

She was not drawing any of the bucolic landscape. With expert strokes, she quickly limned the figure of a woman. She was wearing only a long skirt, and her heavy breasts and wide hips were suggested by rapid swipes of the charcoal. The figure stood looking down at another woman, who was naked and reclined on her side, looking up. A feeling of anticipation exuded from the rough paper. The women were expecting something to happen.

Raven was only halfway aware of her surroundings when she sketched. She was surprised when a large furry creature jumped up beside her.

Startled, she looked down at an enormous gray tabby. The cat looked at her with piercing golden eyes and meowed.

She said softly, “Well, hello, Mr. Big Stuff. What do you want? Something to eat?”

In answer, the cat lowered its head and butted into the side of her unholstered breast. The large round globe barely moved, but Raven could feel the twinge of sensation as her nipple rubbed on the shirt’s fabric.

“So, aren’t you getting a little personal there, cat? Okay, let’s get you some tuna.”

She laid the sketchpad aside, glancing at the erotic scene. She entered the back of the cabin and walked down a hall between the two bedrooms and into the kitchen. She found a can of tuna and soon had it open.

Mr. Big Stuff did the leg-rubbing bit as he waited for breakfast. She sat down the paper plate and watched as the cat daintily devoured the food.

Raven tossed the can away and washed her hands. She ran a hand through her short hair and looked toward the front of the cabin. She walked over to the front door and opened it. A few hundred feet down a dirt path the lake lay in blue placidity.

Soon, Janice would be here. They hadn’t seen each other in fifteen years. It happens. Sometimes the best of friends will drift apart as the hurly-burly of career, marriage and family tug and pull at one’s life.

But Janice had re-connected. They were soon exchanging e-mail and telephone calls, and it was just as if the intervening years had not happened. When Raven had taken the opportunity for a couple of weeks away from the family, she had told Janice. Janice was entranced with idea of their spending some time together.

Her old friend would have landed at the airport a couple of hours before. Soon she should be tooling up in the rental car. Soon…

* * *

Janice paused at the side of the two-lane road in her rental Buick. She slipped her sunglasses to the top of her head and regarded the map. She also held the printed copy of the e-mail instructions that Raven had sent her. Janice was a pretty woman in her early forties, middling in height, but blessed with a comely body. Her round breasts filled out her white cotton shirt nicely, and tailored jeans fit snugly about her curving posterior and sweetly shaped legs.

The flight in had been uneventful. She found that she had no appetite for the meager breakfast the airline doled out, and had instead sipped coffee. She was eager to see Raven after all these years, and it felt a little strange. While she could not quite tag the emotion, it seemed to be somewhat more than meeting an old college friend.

She looked up through the windshield. She brushed away a lock of brown hair from her forehead. Ah, take that road, then follow the curve. I should get there in about ten minutes, she thought. The woods were starting to get thick out here.

It was getting a little warm. She hit the button and her window slid down to admit a pleasant breeze. The sky was a brilliant blue with a few wispy patches of high cloud. She closed her eyes and inhaled the clean-smelling air.

Janice shook her head briefly, her nut-brown hair dancing about her shoulders. Time to get going, she thought. She shifted the gear selector into drive and eased back onto the road.

As she drove, she reflected on the turn of events that had served to bring them together again after so many years. It had just been after the move to the new house. The flurry of activity had been exhausting, and it had been a week after the move that she finally got around to unpacking the last of the boxes.

She found one box crammed with letters and photos, from years before. She had about decided to tape it up and put it on some closet shelf when a nostalgic wave hit her. Amid the scattered papers, she sat down and opened the box. She smiled to herself as she looked at the pictures.

There was Raven again, her beautiful face with those gorgeous eyes. She was holding a tennis racket and was dressed in a halter-top and white shorts, her large breasts filling out the top. Christ! Janice thought. Why didn’t we keep up with each other?

She dug through the box. Janice thought that the last time she heard from her old friend had been a Christmas card about fifteen years before. She scattered a few letters and photos around the floor, then found it. Yes, there was the return address.

That night, after the kids were in bed and her husband was watching a game on TV, she wrote a brief note to Raven:

Hey, Raven! I bet you’re surprised to get this, after so many years. I just wanted to say hello and tell you that I’ve missed hearing from you. Friends are the most precious thing in the world, and you can never have enough of them. I hope this letter finds you, and that all is well in your world. Please, write back.

Janice had included her e-mail address. A week later, she had received a message from Raven, and it was like they had never parted. E-mails and phone calls had been exchanged every two or three days until this opportunity had come up to get together.

Janice found herself getting excited as she got closer. She followed the curve of the blacktop until she found the dirt road marked by the simple wooden sign. She turned onto the bumpy road and followed it. High firs and pines were on either side, and she could hear a number of birds squawking and singing.

There it was! The one-story wooden cabin came into view at the end of the road. Over to the left, she saw a sparkling expanse of lake. And there was Raven, standing on the front porch of the rustic looking building, her hand shielding her eyes from the sun. Janice suddenly found her eyes stinging. Oh, my God, she thought. She looks wonderful. So wonderful.

Janice pulled up into the gravel driveway and stopped the car. She threw down her sunglasses and unbelted herself and cast open the door.

Raven trotted down the steps from the porch and ran around to driveway just as Janice stood up.


“Janice, darling!”

The women swung open their arms and embraced, the arms going around each other tightly. They buried their heads on each other’s shoulders as they hugged.

Raven found herself leaking tears. She tightened her grip on her friend, a broad smile on her face. Janice returned the warm pressure. It felt so damned good!

They pulled back for a minute, their hands on each other’s arms, and they looked into one another’s eyes. For a minute, they couldn’t speak. The emotions were so strong that words were not enough.

“Oh, Janice…oh, baby, you look terrific! God! I had no idea this was going to hit me so hard.” Raven reached up and brushed away a tear.

Janice wiped her own eyes with the back of her hand, then returned it to Raven’s arm. “Oh, honey, I know. Believe me, I know. We’ll never lose contact again, I swear to God.”

They hugged again, their bodies held closely together as if they could squeeze the years of absence away. Both women were aware of the warm ecstasy of holding a dear friend, and if they had thought about it, they might have recognized the sensual pleasure of physical contact for its own purposes. The pressure of their bodies as they embraced was welcome and it added to the heartfelt joy of their greeting.

Raven said, “Well, let’s get your things inside and get you settled down, girl. Are you thirsty? Hungry? We’ve got plenty to eat and drink.”

Janice stepped away and opened the car door. She reached down to flip the latch that opened the trunk. She got her bag out of the front seat and they walked around to the rear of the car.

Janice said, “I could use a snack, I guess. A sandwich would be wonderful, and some tea, maybe.” She pulled a larger suitcase out of the trunk, and a smaller overnight bag. Raven reached out for the larger bag.

Janice came up beside her, and they slipped their arms around the other’s waist. As they walked along the short path to the porch steps, Janice said, “God, Raven, this place is everything you said it was. It’s a treasure.”

Raven nodded. “I love it. My family isn’t that crazy about because there’s no TV or anything exciting around, but it suits me perfectly.”

The cabin door was open. Janice walked in and saw the large stone fireplace to one side, and the plain wooden floor that peeked between thick old rugs, and the casual comfortable furniture. There was no television, like Raven said, but a bookshelf stereo system occupied one part of a row of shelves. Hundreds of hardbound and paperback books were stacked on the rest of the shelves and half a dozen magazines lay on the low coffee table.

Off to the back was a kitchen area and wooden table with benches in an alcove. Copper pots and pans hung from an overhead rack. A large stainless steel side-by-side refrigerator was next to a massive gas range.

Janice said, looking around, “Oh, Lord, Raven. I’m never gonna leave! It’s beautiful!”

Raven laughed. “I feel the same way every time I come here. Unfortunately, this place is about impossible to get to in the winter. But it’s a summer paradise.”

Raven said, “Down this hall on the left is your room.”

Janice came into the cozy room, and set her bag on the bed. A small antique dresser with a mirror missing some silver was along one wall. The bed was a double mattress sitting on a frame of rough-hewn lumber. An armoire at the other end would serve as a closet. Gingham curtains lent a rustic charm to a simple open window.

Raven plopped the big suitcase on the bed and opened it. Janice sat down on the mattress and sighed. “Ah, that feels great. After four hours in one of those torture contraptions an airline calls a seat, this is heaven.”

Janice reached down and untied her sneakers. She slipped them off her feet and removed the cotton socks. She wriggled her toes.

Raven opened the armoire and pulled a dozen coat hangars out. In a few minutes, the clothes, cosmetics, and travel accoutrements had been stowed away. Janice pulled out a pair of blue shorts and a roomy tee shirt to change into later.

Soon they were happily conversing over roast beef sandwiches and iced tea. While they had caught up on a lot over the past six months of phone calls and e-mail, there seemed no end to the topics of conversation. Husbands and families and the potpourri of busy lives came forth, a happy buzz of talk and the occasional giggle.

Janice had just finished recounting the latest capital crimes of her boss when she yawned. Raven said, “Oh, goodness, sweetie. That early flight and all the travel. You need a nap, babe.”

“I think you might be right, honey. I am a bit tired.”

“Well, let’s get you comfy. Later on this afternoon, we’ll go on a walk, and I’ll show you the rest of this slice of heaven.”

“That sounds super.” She yawned again.

They quickly cleared the table, and Raven followed Janice into her bedroom. Janice unbuttoned her shirt and pulled it off, unveiling an ivory-colored deeply plunging Bali bra. She then unzipped her jeans and pulled them off. She wore high-cut bikini panties under the jeans.

Janice sat on the bed and reached behind her to rub the nape of her neck. Raven had taken her friend’s clothes and deposited them in a hamper on the floor of the armoire.

Raven said, “Do you hurt there a little bit, Janice? Here, you remember my back rubs.” Raven reached out and started to massage the back of Janice’s neck with strong fingers.

Janice arched her head back and sighed. “Oh, I had forgotten how damned wonderful that is.”

Raven got up on the bed behind Janice, and rested on her knees. She rubbed all around Janice’s shoulders, working her fingers into the muscle, kneading the flesh. Janice slipped her bra straps down, and Raven’s fingers worked into the indentations on the skin.

Janice continued to voice her approval with sighs and sybaritic groans. Raven enjoyed the contact as she stroked and pressed the skin and musculature.

A few minutes later, Raven stopped and lightly kissed the back of her friend’s neck. Janice worked her head around, rolling it from side to side. “Oh, thank you, sweetheart. That is miles better. You’re an absolute angel.”

She stood up, reached behind her and unhooked the bra. The cups fell away in front revealing the firm round breasts, the wide areolae and the quarter-inch high nipples.

Raven watched casually as her friend briskly rubbed her breasts. She said, “Well, you look like you’ve kept in shape, kiddo.”

Janice glanced down at her naked breasts, bouncing lightly. “Thanks,” she said, a little bit sheepishly. She reached for the tee shirt and started to pull it over her shoulders.

Raven looked down as the shirt obscured her friend’s head. Out of the leg openings in the panties and on the sides of her groins, Raven saw an abundant growth of luxuriant pubic hair. The crotch of the panties was noticeably pushed out by the rich tangle of her bush over her vulva. Raven couldn’t help herself. She was … aroused.

Raven rose and pulled the bedspread back. She watched as her friend yawned again and stretched her arms up. The hem of the shirt rose, revealing again the spill of curly hair.

Janice got underneath the covers and pulled them to her just beneath her breasts. The nipples nudged the fabric.

Raven said, “You rest up, dear. We’ll be having some fun later.”

Janice was already half-asleep. She muttered softly, something unintelligible, then rolled over.

Raven said softly, as she closed the door, “I love you.”

Janice opened her eyes to a gray furry face no more than two inches away from hers. She was startled for a second, then recovered.

“Well, hello there, beautiful,” she whispered, and reached out to rub the head of the big tabby. The cat started to purr loudly and twist its head around, following the scratching. Then the cat backed up a bit and firmly butted Janice on her left breast. Janice heard a laugh.

“You’ve just met Mr. Big Stuff,” Raven said from the doorway. She was leaning on the doorjamb, one hand on her hip, still dressed in her red sweatshirt and loose white shorts..

Janice looked up at her friend. She continued to pet the large gray tabby. “Hi, there. Mr. Big Stuff seems to have a fascination with breasts.”

“Indeed he does. He’s sort of a titty kitty. Good thing he’s neutered.”

Janice giggled. “Is that coffee I smell?” she asked.

“Viennese cinnamon. Can I buy you a cup?”

“Oh, yes.” Janice eased the covers down and gave Mr. Big Stuff one more ear rub. The cat settled down by the pillow and curled up, closing its eyes.

Janice got out of bed and stretched, standing on tiptoe. Her breasts moved under the tee shirt. Her panties had ridden down a little, and the curve of her belly was revealed, including the indentation of her navel. Janice took the blue shorts she had lain aside earlier and stepped into them. One brisk zip and she was dressed. She followed Raven out into the kitchen, here bare feet padding on the hardwood floor.

Raven poured two cups of the fragrant coffee. Janice took a sip and pronounced it delicious.

Raven said, “You didn’t see it, but there’s an old Jeep on the other side of the cabin. I figure after we have some coffee, I can show you around. It’s not the most comfortable vehicle, but it’ll take us just about anywhere.”

Janice said, “That’s great. I’d love to see as much of this place as I can.”

Raven asked, “Are you sure you can’t stay more than a few days?”

Janice wrinkled her face. “Gee, honey, I’d sure love to. God knows I could sure use the break. We’ll see.”

Ten minutes later, the women were sitting in the front seat of the rusty old four-wheeler, bumping along a rising path through the woods. Janice cinched her seat belt tightly and held onto to the door handle. Occasional lurches sent them bumping into each other. Janice could see Raven’s braless breasts swinging under her sweatshirt when that happened. She knew the same thing was happening to her. The friction had raised the nipples on both of them.

Janice, always sensitive to nipple stimulation, felt herself getting a little turned on. The bouncing around in the Jeep also put little jabs of sensation in her crotch. Janice had noticed that since arriving at the cabin, she was becoming more mindful of bodily responses. Her whole being seemed to be getting in tune. During the ride, she was aware of the mid-afternoon golden sunlight, the delicious warmth on her skin, and the subtle shapes and weights of her own womanly frame. In the back of her mind, she was also cognizant of Raven’s proximity. Her friend was a real physical presence, and there was an undercurrent of sensual awareness that hooked into the warm emotional glow that suffused her.

Janice had lately been examining her life, as many are wont to do as they touch their forties. And as she rode along with her friend, she wondered if she knew exactly where her sexuality lay. Would this be the time and place where questions were answered?

Janice was shaken out of her thoughts as the Jeep came to sudden stop. Raven turned to her and said, “Let’s get out here and walk a little.”

Janice unbuckled her seat belt and the two women stepped out. Raven reached out with her right arm to Janice and took her friend’s hand. They stepped up the narrow path in the woods. The sunlight was only getting through in places through the thick copse of trees, dappling the footpath with yellow coins. It was quiet, with only the occasional breeze stirring the leaves.

They came to a clearing near the top of a hill. Janice took in the vista and said, “Oh, Raven! How lovely!”

Down a half mile to the west was the brilliant blue lake, surrounded by deep woods. An occasional sailboat cruised the water, leaving a tiny wake. Janice and Raven stood hand-in-hand for a couple of minutes, turning their heads to absorb the view.

Raven said, “I can come up here and just feel myself getting younger. It’s like a tonic. What worries can anyone have when they can see something like this?”

Janice leaned toward her friend and kissed her lightly on the cheek. “It’s perfect, sweetie. Just perfect.” She tilted her head and rested it on her friend’s shoulder. Raven squeezed her hand lightly and tipped her own head until they touched.

For a few more minutes, the women stood there. Then Raven said, “Walk with me a little.”

They strolled down the path a little ways, not talking. The serenity of the afternoon had made them feel quite tranquil. After a few minutes of easy walking, they came to another clearing. This one had a large tree-stump sticking up, sheared smooth about two feet off the ground.

Janice said, “What happened here?”

Raven walked up to the stump and said, “We had a fierce winter storm a couple of years ago. This old pine couldn’t take the ice and wind and it crashed. We got a chainsaw and trimmers and cut it down.”

Janice sat down on the ground by the stump and felt it with her hand. “Smooth, like a table.”

Raven sat down on the opposite side and said, “Yeah, I sometimes come up here with a little picnic basket. Nothing much, just a sandwich and a glass of wine.”

Janice said, “Hey, remember that picnic we went to in our senior year?”

Raven said, “Oh, yeah. We both got a little tipsy on wine coolers, didn’t we?”

Janice smiled. “Remember the apocalyptic arm wrestling contest we had?”

“Oh, good God! Say, who won that thing anyway?”

Janice said, “I think it was a draw. I just remember how sore my forearm was the next morning.”

Raven gave her brown-haired friend a small evil grin. “Want a rematch?” She placed her elbow on the stump, arm raised.”

Janice said, “You’re on.” She assumed the position and lightly gripped Raven’s hand. “I finally figured it out. You invited me up here just so you could finish the arm wrestling contest.”

Raven laughed. “Busted! How could you see through me so quickly?”

Raven and Janice applied the pressure. Soon both arms were straining, but they had not budged more than a couple of inches from the vertical.

Janice used her other arm to brush away some dark brown hair from her forehead. She kept her eyes fixed on Raven’s deep blue irises. Raven felt her arm starting to tire, but she drew on inner reserves and maintained the status quo.

Janice was remembering the mild competitive streak they had discovered in college. Both women had excelled at tennis and swimming, and they frequently had little contests. Raven had the slight advantage in strength, and Janice had a touch more stamina, but they usually came out even over the long run.

Raven swallowed. Janice saw this and said, “Are you giving in?”

Raven smiled, then mock glared. “Never.” She applied a touch more pressure, starting to groan. Slowly Janice felt her hand being bent back.

Janice grunted. If something didn’t happen soon, she was going to lose. She stared at Raven. Raven licked her full lips as she tried to push Janice’s arm down the rest of the way.

Janice didn’t know exactly where the impulse came from. She told herself later that it was just a silly ploy to distract Raven. Suddenly, she leaned forward and kissed her friend on the mouth, firmly. She felt the warm pressure against her own lips.

Raven was startled, and her arm weakened for just a second. Janice said, “HA!” and she pushed Raven’s arm down to the stump’s smooth surface.

Raven smiled at her friend as she massaged her forearm. “Oh, that was a dirty trick, baby. Where the hell did that come from?”

Janice said, “I was going to lose. I was about ready to do anything. Okay, I cheated. Mea culpa.” She started to rub her own arm.

Raven looked at her for couple of seconds, a brief enigmatic glance. Janice looked back, her own face unreadable. Something passed between the two old friends. There seemed to be an unspoken acknowledgment that a new path had been sighted, and the first step had been taken on that avenue.

Raven rose to her feet and said, “Let’s head back, honey. It’ll be getting time for supper soon.”

Janice stood up and brushed the seat of her pants briskly. “Wonderful. It must be the fresh air, but my appetite is in full swing. What’s on the menu?”

They walked back up the path towards the Jeep. Raven said, “How does grilled chicken breast and wild rice sound? With a nice Chardonnay?”


Supper was served on the wooden deck outside the back porch. The chicken breasts had been grilled on a small gas grill while the rice had simmered in a pot in the kitchen. The women relaxed around the small wooden table with the canvas umbrella, sipping their wine and making small talk. Mr. Big Stuff curled his large furry frame around their bare legs, purring and standing up to get the occasional nibble of chicken.

“He is a spoiled rotten cat,” Raven said, “And you’re just encouraging him.”

“Ha! You’ve been passing him pieces of chicken more than I have, honey.” Janice replied.

“Guilty,” Raven admitted. “More wine, Janice?”

“Well, just a little bit.”

Raven poured a splash of golden wine into Janice’s goblet, then added to her own glass. She sat back and watched the sun over the tree-lined hills. Sunset would be in about an hour, she judged. They sat in easy silence for a few minutes.

Raven said, quietly, “Janice, can I draw you?”

Janice said, “What? Here? That’s right, you did mention you were still doing that. Sure, I guess.”

Raven said, “Let’s clear this junk away, and I’ll get my pad.”

A few minutes later, the dishes had been rinsed and put in the small dishwasher, and Mr. Big Stuff chowed down on the remains of the chicken in the kitchen. The women went back onto the deck.

“Where would you like me to sit?” Janice asked?

“Right on that bench by the railing. It’ll get the light nicely.”

Janice slipped off her shoes and sat on the bench. She swung one leg up and rested her right arm along the railing.

Raven said, “Sweetie, that’s perfect.” She sat down in her chair about ten feet away, grabbed a stick of charcoal and positioned her pad on her thigh. She looked at Janice for a few seconds, then started a few swift strokes.

Janice held her position, her face at a three-quarter angle to Raven. Raven continued her sketching, humming softly to herself.

In five minutes, she was satisfied. She held out the pad, and Janice looked at it.

“Wow, Raven! You’ve gotten very good.” The charcoal drawing showed a realistic representation of Janice, her hair falling about her shoulders, and the curves of her breasts beneath her tee shirt suggested by dark swatches and subtle shadings. Despite the imprecise point of the soft charcoal, subtle details came to life. Janice’s face registered calm contentment, a grown woman who had experienced enough of life to acquire a bit of wisdom.

“Thanks, babe. I’ve gotten more and more into my artistic side over the past few years. With the kids grown, I’m finding I have energies and I need a place to put them to good use.”

Raven tore the drawing from the pad and laid it on the table. She turned to Janice and said, “Say, would you like to pose nude for me?”

“N-Nude? You mean naked? Right here?” Janice was momentarily flustered.

“Well, that’s normally what nude means. Sure. We’re totally private up here. And the female nude is always a challenging piece to draw. The anatomy and shape of the body provides a wonderful drawing exercise. Plus I think it’s beautiful… I mean, you’re beautiful…well, I’d just like to draw you.”

Janice said, “Hmmm…with a come-on like that, how can I resist?” She sat up and started to lift the hem of her tee shirt up. She paused, and said, “Of course, you should share in the evening chill, madame artiste. Maybe you should take your clothes off too. You know, show a little solidarity with the model.” She grinned impishly at her friend.

Raven chuckled and laid the pad aside. “Okay, then. The nude drawing the nude. A little recursive, perhaps, but it does have a Dali-esque flavor to it.”

Raven stood up and lifted her sweatshirt over her head. Her large heavy breasts, crowned with dark thick nipples, came into view. She tossed the sweatshirt on the wooden deck floor, then put her hands on her hips.

Janice pulled her shirt off and set it on the bench. Her pink nipples crinkled in the sudden coolness. She raised her butt off the bench and slipped her shorts down over her hips and pushed them down to puddle around her ankles.

Raven quickly skinned her shorts down her legs. She had on black lacy panties, and like Janice, an abundant spill of pubic hair visible through the leg openings. She bent down quickly again, and the panties were pushed down over her wide womanly hips. Naked, she stood up. Her bush was thick and untrimmed, black as coal, and it raised up over her mons and around to her inner thighs.

Janice slipped her white panties down. Her own thick brown nest of hair covered her pudenda and curled around her groin.

“How should I pose?” Janice asked.

Raven sat down. She raised one leg up to balance the pad on, and Janice saw a glimpse of her friend’s labia, a thin dark slash through the forest of hair. Raven said, “Lie back on the bench, on your side facing me. Support your head with your hand. Raise one leg so that it forms a triangle with the other. Let you right arm rest on your side, your hand dropping down a little over your belly.”

Janice moved herself into the reclining position. The spreading of her legs opened her vulva a bit. She looked down at herself briefly. Yes, there was the shadow of her pussy lips. She felt a brief impulse to reach down and touch herself, but controlled it.

Raven said, “That’s perfect, darling. God, you look exquisite.” She took a stick of charcoal and began to draw.

This time the drawing took longer. Janice lay there, feeling simultaneously exposed and yet not naked. The sunlight cast a gorgeous tawny color onto her skin. Her breasts barely sagged, and the mild chill in the air had made her nipples stiff. She felt relaxed and stimulated at the same time.

Raven fell into her half-trance as she sketched the nude figure of her old friend. She noticed her own nipples becoming erect and standing out from her large breasts. As she made her practiced strokes with the charcoal, she felt a warm sensual attraction to Janice.

She told herself that she was only doing this because of an artistic impulse, but truth is a persistent thing. As she drew the round firm breasts and dark thatch of her naked friend, she was beginning to be conscious of Janice’s unclothed body as a sexual thing.

Raven was aware of her own bisexual impulses. She had always put them aside, but now they were starting to surface. Issues were being raised that could be only answered one way.

Fifteen minutes later, Raven put down the pad. She breathed, her breasts rising up. She looked down at the sketchpad.

“Finished?” Janice asked.

Raven nodded. Janice swung her legs over to the deck and sat up. She opened her mouth in a wide yawn, extending her arms up. Her breasts jiggled a little as moved. She stood up and walked over to Raven’s chair.

Raven held the pad out. Janice stood by Raven, her hand lightly resting on her friend’s bare shoulder. She looked at the drawing and drew in her breath.

“Oh, sweetheart, that’s astonishing. You made me look so…incredibly sexy.”

The drawing was provocative. The posture and half-smile on the figure’s face was frankly erotic. The lines and shading of Janice’s breasts and thighs and torso, her raised leg forming a triangle with the other, exuded forthright desire.

Raven looked up at Janice. She was keenly aware of her friend’s unclad body standing next to her. She said, “I didn’t put it there, sweetie. You had it. I just put it on paper.”

“Can I have that? I don’t know whom I’ll show it to…it’ll cause a riot. But I love it.”

Raven smiled broadly. Her friend’s words delighted her. She said, “Of course. It’s my pleasure.”

Janice continued to look down at the drawing resting in Raven’s lap. Without realizing it, she was idly caressing Raven’s neck and shoulder. She leaned into her friend, her hip bouncing very lightly on the short dark hair.

Raven was enjoying the contact and the warm closeness. She turned her head to the side and saw Janice’s brown-haired pussy not six inches away. It would be so easy to reach up…to touch…

Raven shook her head suddenly. She realized things were moving too fast. What was she thinking? Was she going to make a pass at her best friend?

Janice looked down and caught the same vibe. She moved back a few inches. She said, “Well, it’s starting to get a little cold. Should we get inside?”

Raven looked at the setting sun. She said, “Yeah, I think you’re right.” She placed the pad aside, and gathered her clothes. Soon the women were dressed again.

The rest of the evening passed in quiet conversation. Both women were aware of the moment they had shared. And both women were reluctant to draw it out in the open. So they quietly talked a while, then got ready for bed.

Raven said goodnight to her friend as Janice slipped underneath the sheets, dressed in a plain nightshirt. Mr. Big Stuff purred beside her.

“What’s on the agenda for tomorrow?” Janice asked as she settled her head into the soft pillow.

“I thought we’d have a nice swim in the lake. Then we could go into town and hit some of the small shops, have lunch there.”

Janice said, “Sounds nice. Good night, honey. I’m so glad I’m here.”

Raven said, “Sleep well, baby. I’m so glad you’re here too. Love you.”

“…love you, too…” The rest was lost.

Several hours later, in the dead of night, Raven awoke. She thought she heard a soft sighing coming from the next room. Then there was a moan. Raven knew what was going on.

She moved her hand down to her sex. As she heard the muted cries of her friend’s solitary climax, she stroked her own wet clit to a quick orgasm. The picture in her mind when she came was that of her and Janice, intertwined in tight embrace, pussy against pussy, their mouths locked in heated wet kisses.

With that libidinous image in her mind, her juices drying on her fingers, she fell asleep.

The next morning was clear and beautiful. Janice awoke to birdsong and a fresh cool breeze blowing through her window. She yawned and stretched herself tautly, then got out of bed.

Raven was in the kitchen sipping coffee. The stereo system was tuned to a soft rock station and Melissa Etheridge sang in the background. A plate of warm cinnamon rolls sat on the table.

Raven said, “Good morning, sleepyhead!”

Janice found a big mug in the cupboard and helped herself to some steaming coffee. One sleeve of her nightshirt had slipped down and unveiled a bare shoulder. She grinned sleepily at her friend.

“It must be the night air,” she announced, sipping her coffee. “I slept like a baby.”

Raven regarded her friend with a fond smile. She rose to pour herself another cup. She was wearing a silk thigh-length robe in a flower print pattern. As she sat down, the front flared open a little, exposing the tops of her fine breasts.

Raven said, “The country will do that to you. The perfect cure for insomnia.” Along with, she thought devilishly, jerking yourself off at 3:00 AM. Was it good for you, dear?

Janice took a cinnamon roll from the plate and munched it. “Oh, that’s tasty. You’re treating me too good, honey. I’ll never be satisfied with my husband after I’ve been with you.” She gave Raven a clumsy wink.

The dark-haired woman winked back and laughed. “So, do you think you’re up for a swim after this?”

Janice looked a little dubious. “It seems a bit chilly out there.”

Raven said, “It’ll warm up soon. There’s a float anchored about a hundred feet out from our little dock. We can swim out there and sun ourselves.”

Janice said, “Do we make it a race?” She looked at Raven with a half-challenging expression.

Raven said, “Oh, so it’s racing you want, is it? Well, let me inform you, missy, that it’s not only drawing I’ve gotten good at. I can give you a run for the money in the water.”

Janice got up to pour herself another cup. She said, “Well, we’ll see.” She smiled. “Do you swim like you draw?”


“I mean, dear friend, do we do it naked or do we do it in a swimsuit?”

Raven’s lip curled up in a bit of a smirk. “Not many people around. You do run the risk of flashing the occasional boater.”

“Vacations are for doing new things, right?”


Fifteen minutes later they were down at the little dock on the shore. Janice slipped off her flip-flops and dipped a bare toe in the water. She was wearing a terrycloth robe she borrowed from Raven.

“Brrr,” she said. “That’s going to be a shock to the system.”

Raven threw her robe down on the dock railing. She stood upright, gloriously bare. Her ebony pubic thatch curled around her thighs and crotch in abundant richness and her wide hips and full heavy breasts attested that this was a mature woman, at home in her bountiful body.

She said, “What are you, a woman or a wuss?” She dived off the dock into the blue water. She came up, treading water, and said, “You mentioned something about a race?”

Janice threw off her own robe in a quick bold movement, and stood there a second. Her generous hips and full round breasts were displayed, and her soft luxuriant brown bush caught Raven’s eye.

She dived off and hit the water a few feet from her friend. She emerged with teeth chattering, and said, “It’s f-f-f-fine. Let’s g-go.”

Raven swung her arms out and started a strong crawl. Janice matched her and the two naked swimmers headed for the float.

Flashes of buttock and thigh were exposed as their legs kicked in the cold water. Their nipples lengthened and stiffened from the cold. They felt the water streaming through their legs, tiny bubbles percolating through their pubic hair, tickling them.

It was a dead heat. Both women reached the float at the same time. It was a small raft-like structure, about ten feet square. It consisted of treated plywood over several aluminum tubes. There was a small railing they could grab onto to get out of the water.

The women heaved themselves onto the float, shivering. There was a small wooden locker in one corner, and Raven retrieved a couple of large towels. Soon the undraped women had rubbed themselves down. The summer sun climbed a little higher and they shortly felt much warmer.

They stretched out on their backs, side by side, facing in opposite directions.

Janice announced, “I would have won, but the cold shocked me. I should get a handicap because you’re used to it.”

Raven said, chuckling, “No, I should get a handicap because my boobs are bigger, creating more drag.”

Janice slapped her friend on the thigh lightly. “Hell, I thought you used your tits to swim with. Don’t tell me all that strength came from your legs.”

Raven raised her right leg, extended it up, and ran her hand along her thigh. “It’s all the hiking I’ve been doing. Lot’s of muscle there.”

Janice said, “Well, I’ll give you that it’s a good looking leg. But for strength, mine would give you a good contest.” She raised her own leg, so that the two vertical limbs were now side by side.

Raven said, “Leg wrestling now, is it? Okay, brown eyes, you’re on.”

She twisted her leg to the side and it encountered Janice’s leg.

Janice said, “Oh, I forgot. It’s gonna be hard to kiss you and make you lose from this angle.” She smiled and then started pressing her strong leg against Raven’s. The naked flesh compressed as they started to struggle.

Raven grunted, “Tough noogies.” She pushed with her leg against Janice’s. They were aligned so that the legs were in contact from the cheeks upward along the thighs, and then twisted a little around the calves.

The position was awkward, but the women continued. They shifted a bit on the raft as they pushed, neither one gaining any advantage.

They uttered the occasional indecipherable groan and the infrequent giggle as they pressed their legs and thighs together, but for the most part, they concentrated on the playful struggle.

As they continued, both women felt in the back of their minds that something more was going on. It seemed that the competitive tone of their weekend was a metaphor for something else.

Raven hadn’t thought that the time she was spending with Janice would have included these physical contests. But for some reason beyond their ken, it kept coming up. And as she worked her tiring leg muscles in opposition to Janice, she found herself thinking back to the sexual overtones of last night.

Janice, for her part, was also wondering why these games were being played. And she also thought of the erotic implications of her visit so far. Last night she had awakened and masturbated to a blessed relief. But now the carnal tensions were being ramped up again.

Then it hit both women at the same time. Are we unconsciously trying to seduce each other? Is all this arm-wrestling and swimming and now this leg battle our own peculiar version of foreplay?

Raven pushed harder. Janice groaned and pushed back. Raven thought it was time to end it. She pushed harder, and Janice yelped as she felt herself being pushed back.

“Okay! Uncle!” Janice cried. She disengaged her leg, and sat up. She looked quizzically at Raven.

Raven lowered her leg to the surface and looked back. “I didn’t hurt you, sweetie, did I?”

Janice said wryly, “Just my pride. Jesus please us, but you’re strong.”

Raven said smugly, “Told ya so.”

The women reclined back on the float and lay in silence for a little while. Random musings flickered through their minds.

Raven thought: So if it’s gonna happen, why shouldn’t it happen now?

Janice thought: God knows I want to. I adore her. I have been in one state of arousal after another since I got here.

Raven thought: But I don’t know if the time is quite right. Besides, I’m kind of enjoying the teasing.

Janice thought: The time isn’t quite right yet. And all this teasing is sweet and exciting. But it needs to be soon. Better be soon. If we keep substituting physical rivalry for lovemaking, we’ll be in a kickboxing match before the day is over.

The two naked (and slightly sore) curvaceous women lay there in the warm sun, daydreaming of an erotic rendezvous yet to come.

Raven raised her head up a bit. “Ready to head back, nature girl?”

Janice rolled over onto her stomach, then came slowly to her feet. Stretching to her full height, she said, “Okay. I hope that water is a little warmer.”

Raven lifted herself up, steadying herself with an arm on her friend. “There’s only one way to find out.”

Both women dove in at the same time, a graceful ballet of nude femininity. The water wasn’t that much warmer, and they gasped with effort as they swam strongly for the dock.

They quickly dressed in their robes and briskly walked back to the cabin. There, they finished drying themselves and clothed themselves in blue jeans and pullover knit shirts.

Raven said, “There’s a little town called Miller about a half-hour away from here. We need to get some food and wine, plus I thought we could explore some of the second-hand shops and antique stores. This isn’t much of a tourist trap, so there are some actual bargains around.”

Janice nodded as she tied her Nikes. “It wouldn’t be much of vacation if I couldn’t find some way to part with a few dollars. I’m game.”

Soon they were riding along in Janice’s rental Buick along the two-lane blacktop. The traffic consisted mainly of RV’s and vacationers heading for their favorite fishing spots. Raven reflected that she was lucky not many people had discovered her little slice of heaven. The day was warm and fair, and they rode with the windows down and the air-conditioning off, cruising along the tree-lined road.

Miller turned out to be charming little town with a couple of nice little dining spots that catered to locals. Raven and Janice had a tasty brunch at one place while they discussed the stores to visit.

After the meal, they wandered the main street, poking about in the antique shops and fondling little knick-knacks. Janice bought a few prints from one store, and a little curio box from another.

Then the women found themselves in a small clothing store. They searched among the racks and shelves, and found a couple of dresses they liked. They were thin white cotton numbers, sleeveless and perfect for summer. They looked around for a dressing room.

The attendant said there was only one, but it was large enough if two friends wanted to share it.

Janice said, “No problem.” The two women went into the room. They started to disrobe, removing their jeans and shirts.

Janice held up her selection. “Hmm…it’ll look better without a bra.” She unhooked her Bali number and dropped it on the seat. She slipped off her running shoes. Naked except for her panties, she pulled the dress down over her shoulders and worked her breasts into the bodice.

Raven said, “You’re right.” She likewise took off her Victoria’s Secret bra and put on the dress. The two women exited the dressing room and checked themselves in the mirror.

Raven said, “What are we, sisters?”

Janice laughed. “Looks like it. Looks good, too.”

They did look very nice in the dresses. The skirt portion descended in a simple A-line and hit their calves about five inches below their knees. Two thigh-high slits were on either side. The neckline was a scoop cut and revealed the tops of the breasts nicely, and the elasticity of the material compressed them together. The line of cleavage was alluring. Also, the thin material emphasized their nipples, with Raven’s dark thick ones being particularly noticeable.

Raven said, “Well, I doubt I’ll wear it to church, but it sure is the thing to wear if you want to capture someone’s attention.” She moved her eyes briefly to Janice’s form. Damn, she thought. She looks fine!

“I’ll say. Shall we get them?” Janice glanced at Raven. Oh my, she thought. That dress is an invitation to fuck.


They went back into the dressing room and got back into their original clothes.

They spent the next few hours perusing the rest of the stores that Miller had to offer. Their last stop was the small supermarket, where they picked up a few staples. They made a quick run in the package store and bought a couple of bottles of a decent Merlot and a bottle of Amaretto.

On the way back, Raven asked, “So how are you doing? Tired?”

“A little bit. I think it’ll be good just to have a simple supper and some wine, listen to your stereo.”

“Sounds perfect. The nights are cool enough sometimes to build a fire. I’ve a got a bit of wood left.”


“You going to dress up for dinner?” Raven asked.

“You mean that dress? Sure. If you do the same.”

“Of course.”

They rode the rest of the way back to the cabin in congenial silence. But if they could have read one another’s mind, they would have found one word, loud and clear: Yes!

After they got back, they unloaded their purchases. It was getting close to sunset when Raven and Janice started preparing their meal. A small rib roast was cooking in the oven, along with new potatoes. The women had each consumed a glass of Merlot by the time supper was ready to serve.

Raven said, “Whoops! Almost forgot. It’s time to change.”

Janice said, “You’re right.”

They disappeared into their rooms and stripped of their clothing. Without putting on any underwear, they slipped their white cotton dresses on. They remained barefoot as they came back out into the main room of the cabin.

They nodded approvingly at one another as they placed their dishes on the table. The plain and simple dresses on their womanly bodies seemed quite suitable, and their bare legs and feet lent a type of earth-mother flavor to them.

Dinner was delicious. In the warm reds and golds of sunset, they sipped their wine and ate the savory meal while chatting about this and that. Unconsciously, they were moving so as to heighten their awareness of each other. Their bodies were positioned so that the breasts were moved just a touch forward. Their eyes were wide and there were frequent touches of the hand, and soft inviting smiles. Had they been with men instead of each other, they would have instantly recognized the erotic games they were playing, but for now it seemed perfectly normal to them.

After dinner, Raven loaded some logs onto the fireplace and placed some kindling around them. She started the fire with a large kitchen match, and fanned it with a bellows. The well-seasoned wood started to burn nicely. The cat had disappeared outside.

Raven had tossed some large pillows down on the floor in front of the hearth. Along with the thick rug, it made a comfortable place to recline. Raven turned on the stereo and some soft rock started to play.

Janice opened the bottle of Amaretto and poured a couple of fingers of the fragrant liqueur into a couple of crystal snifters. She placed them on the stone hearth, and picked up a match.

“Watch,” she said. “I learned this a few years ago.”

She lit the match and waited for the sulfur fumes to dissipate. She then picked up one snifter, tilted it, and put the match to it. Soft blue flames materialized. She waited a few seconds, then blew them out. She handed the now warm drink to Raven. She lit another match and did the same to her own glass.

The two women reclined on the pillows and raised their glasses. Raven said, “To the best of friends.”

Janice felt touched. “The best.” They sipped the sweet smelling drink.

The rest of the lights in the cabin were off. The firelight sent flickering waves of illumination dancing around the room. Raven rested on one elbow, her bare feet toward the fire, looking beguiling in the plain white dress. Janice lay on her side, hand beneath her head on a pillow. The slit of her dress disclosed one shapely thigh, golden in the firelight.

The two women sipped their Amaretto and watched the fire. The radio played softly. Raven looked over from time to time at Janice, who in turn would regard her with fond eyes.

Raven placed her snifter on the hearth and stood up slowly. She turned and put her hands on the mantle and rested her chin there.

Janice stood up and moved near her friend. Raven turned to look at her.

“Sweetie…” Raven began.

“Raven…” Janice said, at the same time.

A perplexed smile came to their faces. They turned to one another, and in one of those moments that could not be planned, the radio came into a key lyric from a Vanessa Williams song:

“And now we’re standing face to face
Isn’t this world a crazy place?
Just when I thought our chance had passed
You go and save the best for last.”

Janice said, in a husky, almost pleading voice, “Oh, Raven…for the love of God, kiss me!”

Raven and Janice leaned their faces forward. Their arms reached out and started to embrace. Their lips came with millimeters of each other, almost trembling. Raven felt surges of longing and knew at last that this was the right moment.

With a groan of pure need, Raven kissed Janice. Janice opened her warm enticing mouth and her tongue moved out wetly to meet Raven’s. They pulled their arms tightly around one another as they passionately kissed, making soft crying sounds of desperate desire. Their bodies touched, the thin cotton whispering over their breasts as they tried to establish as much body contact as possible, breasts and belly and thigh. The ardent kiss continued, their mouths crushed together, tongues wet and hot.

They broke the kiss, still tightly embraced. Raven whispered in throaty emotion, “Oh, God, I’ve wanted to do that ever since you got here! I didn’t know how or why, I just knew I had to. Oh, sweet baby, do it again.”

Their mouths met again, the tender lips sweet together. The women stood by the fire and kissed again and again, making incoherent sounds of aching need.

Janice moved her mouth away, and said softly, “Oh, darling, I think I’ve wanted to do that for twenty years. I’ve just now realized that.”

Raven said, between soft gentle kisses, “At last, at long, long, last. I adore you. You know that…you must know that.”

“And I’m absolutely crazy about you. Madly.”

Janice stepped back a second, disengaging herself from Raven’s arms. Her eyes were soft. “Raven,” she murmured. “Take off my dress.”

Raven reached out with her hands and hooked them under the shoulder straps of Janice’s dress. She lifted them up and then slipped them down over her friend’s shoulders. Janice held her arms down by her side, palms slightly forward.

The top of the dress came down as Raven tugged it. Janice’s firm round breasts popped into view, jiggling as the material pulled past the nipple. Raven watched with hungry eyes as she pushed the dress down over the hips and past the pelvic region. She caught her breath as Janice’s lush brown bush came into view. The wavering light from the fire played on the brown hair.

She pushed the rest of the way and Janice’s dress lay in a heap at her feet. Janice stepped out of it and kicked it away. She now stood naked, with calm eyes, in front of Raven. The dark-haired woman felt her lust growing at the sight of her unclad soon-to-be-lover.

Janice said in gentle tones, “My turn.”

Raven stood still, her hands by her side as Janice lifted the straps of the thin dress and started to pull them down. Raven’s large thick-nippled breasts came into sight and Janice paused to run her hand underneath and cup one, her palm pressing slightly against the nipple. She watched as Raven closed her eyes quickly and made a slight whimper. She slid the dress the rest of the way down, pulling the stretchy material past the hips. The tangled black patch of Raven’s bush was exposed and Janice put her face near it. Yes, she could smell her friend’s sexual chemistry working, and it was intoxicating.

The dress fell about her feet and she stepped out of. The women moved forward slowly, their eyes locked on each other. Their breasts were the first to touch. Janice’s pink stiff nipples were a bit higher than Raven’s and they slipped along the upper slope of Raven’s globes. Janice felt Raven’s thick erect nipples along the underside of her breasts. She shivered.

As they moved closer, their arms again reached out. Raven slipped one arm around Janice’s waist and the other went to the back of her neck. Their breasts started to compress as their bodies got closer. Janice wrapped both her arms around Raven’s waist. They opened their mouths.

With a moan, they again kissed fervently, sweet breath dizzying them. The tongues came together again and wrestled. As they kissed, their bellies hit each other softly and finally they felt the first contact of their bushes.

It felt like a tickling teasing sensation at first, and they danced their hips a little, moving a bit in and out. Finally, they jerked their hips forward, and felt the wanton impact of their pussies. Both women pulled their faces back from the kiss and gasped.

“Oh, my God, that feels so fucking wonderful,” Raven hissed. “Oh, do that again!”

“I l-love it!” Janice stuttered.

They moved their hands down to their round sensuous asses and both women pulled in, fingers clenching the buttocks as their rapidly moistening hirsute cunts collided. They both cried out as the vulvas impacted and their lips splayed open.

They grabbed their asses tightly and ground the hungry mounds together. Shocks of wanton electricity coursed through their bodies.

Their legs were weakening. Janice felt her muscles tremble as she started to sink to the pillows on the floor. “…on the floor!” she said tightly. “…fuck me…”

Janice spread her legs wide on the rug, her back raised against a large pillow. Raven came into her arms and settled into position. Janice enfolded her in her arms and Raven positioned her crotch on top of Janice’s open flower.

They kissed again, deep and hot and wet, their breasts crushing together. Raven started to raise and lower her hips, bringing her wet pussy into intimate labial kisses with Janice’s. Their freely flowing nectar started to spatter out as Raven fucked her.

Raven said, between hot kisses, “Oh, god, baby, I’m gonna make you come so hard, you’ll see stars…oh, lover, you’ll spill…oh, my baby…come on….come on….”

Janice uttered in hurried hoarse sounds, “Oh, no, you come…you come….come on, baby…don’t wait for me…just do it…oh, DEAR SWEET GOD…ahhhh!…ahnnnngghh! Oh, fuck me…fuck me….FUCK ME! FUCK ME!”

Janice cried out and pulled Raven closer to her. She opened her legs and enfolded them around Raven’s waist tightly, locking them together. Her eyes were shut and her mouth curled about her teeth.

Raven pushed her hips down one more time and jammed her hot soaking cunt onto Janice’s. She twisted her hips and she felt her distended clit slide along Janice’s, and Raven howled.

Janice came. Her vagina contracted in rapid waves of pure libidinous ecstasy, and she jetted a stream of carnal juices out of her cunt. She cried out again and again as her legs contracted around Raven’s waist. Undulations rippled her flesh and tears leaked out of her closed eyes.

Janice’s cry of release triggered Raven’s orgasm. She opened her mouth in a long fluttering cry and felt burning surges of raw delight tumble through her body. Her cunt gave out cataracts of female liquor, mingling with the pool of juices from Janice’s pussy.
Her hips made involuntary jerking motions, bucking against Janice’s, and she also felt the emotional impact as tears started to course down her face.

Finally both women settled down, recovering from the intense sexual culmination. Their breath came in slow hitches, and Raven lay in Janice’s arms, still clasped by Janice’s legs.

Raven lifted her head up and kissed Janice softly. Then with a small sound she rolled over and lay side by side with her lover. The light from the fire danced on their exhausted naked bodies. Janice reached down and took Raven’s hand.

Raven said softly, “Oh, my sweet darling, that was beautiful. I’ve never come like that in my life. I had no idea…no idea at all.”

Janice breathed, “Oh, sweetheart, I have been smashed to smithereens. God! I’m still dripping…you are an angel…”

Janice moved up and turned around so she could rest in Raven’s arms. Raven put an arm around her and Janice’s head came down on her shoulder. They lay there quietly, whispering endearments, hands idly caressing the soft flesh.

Janice’s hand came up and started to stroke the nipple on Raven’s left breast. She flicked it softly with her thumb and the dark peak awoke. Janice smiled as the nipple stiffened and grew longer.

Raven ran her hand along Janice’s back, moving it up and down slowly, increasing the pressure as she started to feel the sensations from her breast.

Janice lifted her head up and she slid her hand down to Raven’s hairy pussy. She moved her index finger in and out of the curls of black hair. Her finger moved deliberately along the slit, and started to rub.

Raven inhaled sharply. Her senses came swiftly awake. She noticed Janice’s ear within the folds of her brown hair. She raised her head and brought her mouth to it, and started to nuzzle and nibble at it.

Janice arched her neck and said, “Oh, yessss…I love that!” She continued to slide her finger along Raven’s labia. It was quickly being coated with female juices.

Raven ran her tongue along Janice’s earlobe. The sensitive flesh was caressed by her wet tongue, and Janice found herself rapidly getting aroused.

Meanwhile Raven started to breathe faster on Janice’s ear and neck as Janice diddled her. Still nuzzling the earlobe, she spread her legs apart. Janice took the invitation and slipped her two fingers into Raven’s slick vaginal opening.

Raven whispered in Janice’s ear, “Oh, put your pussy on mine! Get it on there…fuck me….”

Janice pulled her wet fingers out of Raven’s cunt and rose to a seated position. She moved her legs so that Raven’s left thigh was between her legs. Raven felt the wet pussy slick against her thigh.

Janice took Raven’s left leg and lifted it up so that it rested against Janice’s breasts. She scooted forward until her pussy slid into Raven’s.

While holding onto Raven’s long leg, caressing it and kissing the behind the knee, Janice started to hump her cunt into Raven’s. Brown bush tangled with black bush as they bumped their mounds together.

Raven found that the unusual angle of her leg made for an interesting sensation as Janice fucked her. Janice slid back and forth on Raven’s thigh and continued to run her hands along Raven’s leg. She rubbed the limb deeply, massaging it.

In the meantime, their clits had again become stiff questing little nubbins of sensation, swimming in juice. Janice increased the speed of her hips, and Raven heard the little smacks of wet flesh as their pussies bumped.

Raven reached up with her hand and found one of Janice’s breasts, bouncing as they fucked. She teased the stiff nipple with her finger and squeezed it. Janice gasped and her hips beat even faster.

Janice took one hand from Raven’s leg and placed it on Raven’s left breast. In time with the humping, she pressed the breast, and the dark nipple rubbed against her hand. Raven relished the pressure, and she started to vocalize, small yips and cries.

Janice looked down at her friend as she beat her hips in a rapid carnal rhythm. In a shaking voice, she started to say, “This time…this time…oh, come for me…go wild…come for me…do it…do it…just fucking come…oh, god, oh fuck, oh fuck…”

Raven’s hips were starting to bounce up and down as she again felt the delicious aching need for release. She closed her eyes and her hand left Janice’s breast. Janice pulled her hand away from Raven’s chest and again grasped the upraised leg. She felt her wet pussy slide into Raven’s, the lips opening and closing, the rigid clits sometimes meeting head on in sharp jabs of pure raw sensation.

Raven brought her hands down to her own large breasts and squeezed and worked the stiff nipples. Suddenly, she arched her back and shrieked in orgasm, her cunt spilling a stream of slick female elixir. She felt the contractions in her pelvis radiate all over her body and her hips jerked in unguided spasms. She cried out again and again, yowls of pure rapture.

Janice saw her lover’s climactic paroxysms and came in turn, sounding a cat cry of absolute abandonment. She grabbed onto Raven’s leg tightly and closed her eyes as the orgasm shook her body. She felt copious amounts of her sexual juices flow onto Raven’s thigh and pussy. She shuddered and collapsed on top of Raven.

In the chaotic light of the fire, the women, once friends and now lovers, rested in satiation.

Much later, the women were outside on the deck. Raven reclined on a pad against a railing, and Janice leaned back in the enclosure of Raven’s open legs and the warm embrace of her arms. Raven’s large breasts were pressed against Janice’s back. The dark-haired woman could reach around and tickle a breast or move her head slightly and nibble on an earlobe. A large blanket was tucked around their naked figures to ward of the nighttime chill. Mr. Big Stuff, serene and imperturbable, lay on the table beside them.

The sky was clear and jet black, and a gorgeous star-strewn firmament was displayed for the tender amorous women. The Milky Way was bright, stretching from Scorpio in the south and arching overhead to the Swan, an exquisite view.

Raven cuddled her beloved. Abruptly, a bright swift meteor cleaved the sky, falling from zenith to horizon. Both women said, “Oh, my…” as the fiery spark flashed down.

“Did you make a wish?” Janice asked softly.

Raven moved her head forward and pressed her cheek against Janice’s. Janice turned her head and their lips touched in warm devotion.

Raven said, “I can’t think of a wish I had that hasn’t been granted.”

Janice smiled and the women kissed again, under the bejeweled sky.

The End

Thank you for reading! For more of Corvus’ Stories: Click Here!