Mothers at War by Rough Catfights

The Sunday morning church service was just letting out. Blonde Tammy was with her ten year old son Kevin and husband Mark. Her friend and neighbor Susan approached her. Dark haired Susan was lovely but had a strained smile on her face. As the churchgoers milled about and chatted, Tammy turned to face Susan.
”Hi, Susan. You okay, girl?” Tammy warmly smiled.
”I’m alright…love the new preacher,” Susan said. She still looked concerned about something. Her father in law had recently passed away and her husband Greg was out of town, taking care of family matters. Their son Sean had gone with him.
”You sure you’re okay?” Tammy asked. She could be haughty and rather stuck up at times, Susan thought. She didn’t really think Tammy cared, she was just trying to make polite conversation. It was typical of her.
”I’m just anxious for Greg and Sean to get home. It’s taking a while to get the estate settled…” Susan paused a moment then continued. “There is something else…something bothering me. Are you going to the evening service?”
”Oh yes, like usual,” Tammy exclaimed with a broad smile.
”Well, like I said, my guys are still out of town. I’ to talk to you, in private.” Tammy‘s husband Mark and their young son were talking to someone else and it was just the two women conversing. ”I’m not going to the evening service. Can you come over tonight, when you leave church?” Susan said with a look of concern as she stared directly at Tammy.
Tammy paused for a moment. “Well..sure, Susan. I’ll come by a little after 7.”
”Okay..thanks.” Susan almost looked like she was going to start to cry as she weakly smiled and walked away, quietly disappearing into the crowd.
Tammy spent the afternoon wondering what was troubling her friend. Not that she especially cared. She was just…curious. Susan could be such a drama queeen. Mmmm..sweet Susan. Tammy sometimes fantasized about wrestling her. They were the same size and had known each other just over ten years, since Susan and Greg moved in down the street from them. They were all younger then…just out of college. All four of them had partied some together, before their sons came along. Tammy would occasionally have dreams about fighting pretty Susan, trying desperately to dominate her. She would awaken soaking wet, stroking herself next to her sleeping husband. Whenever the men weren’t around, the women would always part ways with a sweet kiss on the lips. Sometimes it would linger. Susan could be such a tease. The girls never went any further than that. Besides, they were both Christians now. It just wouldn‘t be right….would it?
That evening, Mark and Kevin went to a football game and Tammy returned to church for the evening service. It was chilly outside when she made the short drive over to Susan’s. As she pulled up, she saw the silhouette of the lovely brunette standing by the window, anticipating Tammy’s arrival. The blonde felt her pussy flutter. She couldn’t deny the attraction she felt. But, she was a Christian now. No…it just wasn’t right. She told herself that.
Tammy rang the doorbell and Susan quickly answered. “Hey..thanks for coming over..” Susan sighed with the same dismal look she’d had that morning. “Come on in and sit down.”
”What‘s troubling you, Susan?“ You look really concerned about something.” The women sat down on the lush living room couch. A cozy fire crackled in the fireplace nearby.
”Yeah, Tammy..” Susan slowly began. “Something has been really bothering me lately.” Their dark blue eyes met.
“What’s wrong, Susie? Come on..tell me.”
”It’s about the boys..” Susan said.
Suddenly the mention of Kevin got her complete attention. “What about our boys?” Tammy broke in.
”They..they haven’t been getting along lately. I’m surprised you haven’t noticed.” Susan explained.
Tammy was taken aback by what Tammy thought her friend was implying. “What do you mean, NOT getting along?” Tammy was curt, like she was being insulted. “Kevin and Sean have been friends since they were little.”
Susan looked down and gazed back at Tammy. “I’ll just say it. Kevin’s been bullying Sean. It’s been going on for a while now.”
”Susie, Kevin is NOT a bully, okay?” the Tammy said adamantly. She simply didn’t want to hear it.
”I’s hard to hear, but I’m telling you it’s true. Sean has been telling us about it over the last few months. What’s worse, Kevin’s now got several other boys in on it..”
Tammy cut in. “No…like I said, my Kevin is NOT some bully. No way.”
Tammy was a bit of a snob and Susan knew it. Since they started going to church, she had also become very pious. Frankly, the very thought of her son Kevin being a bully was beneath her. She simply wasn’t going to accept it.
Tammy rose from the couch. Susan had a hurt look on her face. She reached for Tammy’s arm, grasping it firmly. “Tammy..please don’t get mad. We need to talk this out. We’ve been friends too long..”
Tammy pulled away from Susan and began walking toward the door. Susan got up from the couch and quickly followed. “Kevin is a GOOD kid..” Tammy abruptly turned to face Susan. “Maybe this is your fault, Susie. You and Greg..“ Tammy stated.
Susan looked bewildered. “What do you mean?”
Tammy searched for the words. “Sean is..weak, Susan. He’s spoiled. You and Greg have spoiled that poor kid.”
”What?” Susan exclaimed, her brow furrowed.
”Yes..oh, yes. He’s spoiled and weak. No wonder he’s picked on..”
Susan was shocked at how callous her friend was. Tammy turned and headed for the door again. Susan’s eyes welled with tears as she reached and grabbed Tammy by the arm.
”Don‘t go…we need to talk…” Susan begged. Her soft voice began to crack, an emotional combination of sorrow and sudden rising anger.
Tammy glared harshly at Susan and jerked her arm from the brunette‘s grip. “Take you hands off me, okay? There’s nothing to talk about, Susie. They’re boys. They will work it out between them. End of story.”
Susan rushed past her friend and stood blocking the front door. “No..we need to talk.” Susan was adamant as she choked back tears.
It was only serving to piss Tammy off. “Get out of my way,” Tammy cried as she seized Susan and vigorously pulled her away from the door. “We’re done here..I‘m leaving..”
Susan took hold of Tammy. “No..”
Their eyes locked as the women began to struggle. “Good God, Susan…let me GO..“
”No,” Susan repeated as the two pulled and tugged at each other‘s arms and shoulders…their lean muscles flexed and tensed.
Tammy slapped her longtime friend hard across the face. Susan fell back against the door with a stunned expression of pain and disbelief. “Now, get out of my way, Susan. I told you, I’m leaving.”
”You’re not going anywhere,“ Susan stated with a cold look in her soft, glimmering eyes.
”Oh, I see. Are you going to stop me?”
Susan answered with a sudden slap of her own across the blonde milf’s supple cheek. “Mmm…you like that? Hmm?” Susan smirked.
”You bitch..” Tammy muttered. She slapped Susan, much harder this time. She wanted to wipe that smug grin off her face. She felt her pussy gently throb with desire. Their fight was finally happening, Tammy thought to herself. Yes..finally.
Susan defiantly stood in front of Tammy, blocking her exit. Tammy slapped Susan a third time and the brunette charged at her, viciously pulling her hair. Tammy grabbed a handful of Susan’s dark tresses and the women engaged one another again with a renewed fire. They groaned and cried as their heads bobbed and swayed, their slender bodies arched as they thrashed. The two began to stagger across the floor, away from the door and back toward the couch. Feeling the electric energy between them, they pulled hair passionately as the fight began to intensify.
”Mmm…yeah, you’re mine..” Tammy sighed. Their eyes clenched with pain as they furiously yanked hair.
”Oh, you going to bully ME now, Tammy?” The two broke up the fight briefly. They circled round one another.
“Maybe…maybe I will..” Tammy responded with a cruel smile. They had both waited a long time for this.
”It’s about time someone put you in your place.” Susan exclaimed as she moved in closer.
“You’re not woman enough, Susan.”
Susan leapt at Tammy. She slapped her hard, making the blonde wince in pain. She went after Tammy’s dark blue dress, tearing at it as she began attacking her breasts.
”God..what are you doing , Susan?” Again, Tammy’s pussy throbbed with passion. She knew Susan wanted this fight as badly as she did. God, it was so wrong. Their hearts raced. The forbidden excitement was overwhelming.
Tammy followed suit and tore at the brunette‘s blouse and clawed at her firm tits through the thin fabric. They screamed and wailed as they continued to tear at their clothing. Tammy‘s simple little dress ripped and torn in several places…Susan’s blouse stretched, shredded and quickly torn off.
The women separated without saying a word and stripped down to sheer bra and panties. They were lean and lithe, with slight hips and B cup breasts. Again, they circled slowly around one another, both anxious to continue their fight.
”Bitch..” Tammy hissed.
”You’re the bitch. You’ve always been a stuck up bitch…always..”
Tammy slapped Susan. The brunette grunted and recoiled as Tammy charged forward, sinking her manicured nails into Susan’s shapely breasts. Susan clasped Tammy’s hair and the women swayed before tumbling onto the carpeted floor.
The sexy milfs rolled and wrestled as they gouged each other‘s tits…clawing deeper and deeper as they cried. Both females had admired the other’s beautiful breasts for so very long. How they had craved this moment of raw satisfaction. Soon the womens’ bras were torn from their bodies and they glared at one another with a mad, ravenous look.
The two rose to their knees and inspected the damage to their ivory mammaries. Rubbing their sore breasts and then sneering at one another. They already had scratches and welts. They wanted more. Their icy blue eyes locked again. Oh yes, they definitely wanted more.
Susan scrambled toward Tammy and they fell back against the side of the couch. They both instinctively went for their breasts again. As they grunted and groaned, they felt a sudden warm moisture on their hands and fingers.
”Oh..shit…” Susan cried.
They squeezed and mauled one another’s soft breasts as shimmering, opalescent milk ran down their lovely mammaries in fine, steady streams…down their delicate hands and onto their silky bodies. The sight of their milk only seemed to incite them more.
”Aarghhhh…damn it..” Tammy cried as she twisted Susan’s dark nipples and pressed her fingertips into her delicate pink areolas.
”Oh..GOD..Does it hurt? Does it?” Susan moaned. Both mothers were in pain as they abused each other. The tactile pleasures of mauling their sleek, warm breasts had both their pussys wet with desire. Soft milk continued to seep from hard nipples, but they craved more.
Deeper they sank their fingernails and soon they began to draw some blood from the flesh. They cried in ectasy as they felt the sharp pain…still struggling against the side of the couch. Their soft eyes met again in weary, hateful stares of raw lust. They looked down as they continued their illicit fight. Crimson rivulets of blood soon coursed downward and mixed with milk. The pinkish flow ran through their tapered fingers…down their pretty breasts and onto their smooth stomachs. They weren’t experienced fighters. These were just two women who knew they wanted to punish one another. Now, God help them, they couldn’t get enough.
Tammy grasped Susan’s hair and looked her square in the eye. “There‘s more to this..isn‘t there, Susie?” she said. “You want Mark, don’t you? I see the way you look at him..all the time..”
”Oh my God…you’re out of your damn mind.” Susan replied with a shocked look on her face. Susan grabbed Tammy’s flaxen hair and pulled hard. “I don’t want your husband, stupid bitch..“
The lovely milfs ripped at hair and were soon stretched out in the floor together, writhing and twisting. They mashed their pretty tits together as their pale milk continued to flow. They moaned and groaned, their bodies convulsed, shuddered and thrashed. Shining bodies..glistening, wild and savage…with milk, sweat and blood. Their bright eyes hungry with wanton lust.
Their slender legs coiled together…hips, thighs and wet pussys meshed together and clashed. All that was in them revealed as they finally fought. It was something inexplicable they had secretly craved since they first became friends. They now wondered if they had ever really been friends. Perhaps they had been enemies all along….just waiting to seize the moment they could tear into one another. Maybe all women needed to fight like this. This sinful lust. They were Christians now. They knew God was watching them. They didn’t care.
They clasped each other tightly, angel soft skin against skin. Those beautiful, sweet smelling bodies clinging together…their milk spewing from hard nipples pressed firmly against silky flesh. They felt their milk continuing to spill….the pressure of it heaving onto their creamy tits and skin. Their breasts ached…
”Ohh…God…you’re such a bitch..” Tammy whispered as her wet pussy quivered. She felt Susan’s warm wetness against hers as they continued to fight. The warring milfs grabbed fistfuls of hair again, yanking and pulling with a fiery passion…
”Auugghh..damn you..” Susan cried in a gasping breath.
Rolling slowly on the living room floor, the woman began to claw at each other‘s pretty faces. Now things were truly getting ugly as they scratched one another’s mouths and dug their fingernails into temples and cheeks. They battle became more nasty and desperate moment by moment. Raw emotion was taking over completely and they loved the primal nature of what was unfolding. They clawed at each other‘s soft faces until blood began streaming. Their pain filled eyes glinted with rage as they cried. The women just wanted to hurt one another and they were more than capable of accomplishing this. Christian mothers now at war. Satan was having his way with them, for sure. But oh, they fucking loved it.
”I‘ll kill you…” Susan spitefully exclaimed. “Keep your damn son away from my Sean…” Hate filled passion flowed through them as their bodies remained interwoven…savagely scratching faces, shredding hair some more and raking nails across sleek throats. Finally, choking one another until they were gasping and groaning for air.
Susan grabbed Tammy’s hair and pulled back sharply. She suddenly bit down hard on Tammy’s firm nipple. Tasting the salty flesh, Susan felt another surge of Tammy‘s milk as it slid over her tongue. Fighting like animals. Both could scarcely believe it. Neither could stop.
” bitch…Oh God..” Tammy moaned, partly repulsed but also turned on.
Susan clawed at Tammy’s wet panties soon releasing a small flow of blood and cum. Tammy attacked Susan’s silky pelvis with her polished nails and slid them between her legs, dragging them viciously across her friend‘s crotch. Pure instinct and the most personal of catfights between the two women. The other pious church women would be shocked at what they were doing to one another. Again, they didn’t care.
Tammy crawled on top of Susan and continued to maul her pussy as she sank her teeth into Susan’s neck. The blonde then bit Susan’s breast. She felt warm milk in her mouth and tasted blood.
”Ohhh…my God…” Susan wailed.
Grabbing Tammy’s hair at the temples, she clasped at the roots and dug her nails into her scalp. She then clawed at Tammy’s mouth as Tammy screamed loudly and plunged her fingers into Susan’s throat. They rose to their knees and continued their nasty battle. Sharp cries of anguish and whimpers of pain filled the air as the warm fire continued crackling in the fireplace. It cast a soft amber glow over their sweaty, ravaged bodies.
Susan dug her fingernails into Tammy’s face, leaving several more bloody cuts. Tammy clawed Susan’s tits and bit her mammaries, drawing more scarlet blood…their tender breasts now smeared with shiny milk and blood. Growling in pain, they clung desperately to one another. Bloodied hands pulled manes of hair again as they screamed…
”God…you’re sick….sick…” Tammy exclaimed breathlessly.
”I…hate you…” was Susan’s cold response.
The women clasped one another’s throats…tearing at flesh and savagely choking as they gnashed their teeth.
“I hate you, too..bitch,” Tammy whispered.
Fiery and ruthless…..ravenous. These young mothers were savoring this cruel catfight. Dried blood smeared across their slender necks, veins bulging as they kept maliciously strangling each other. They fought on their knees another moment and then crumpled to the floor again, Susan now astride Tammy.
They mauled tits again and squeezed the last milk from their bloodied breasts. The milfs glared hatefully at one another as their shimmering milk ran through their slender fingers and spilled onto their bodies. They sank their sharp nails into their bosoms to draw more blood, eyes clenched shut…shrieking in agony.
They rolled and wrestled on the floor, shimmering bodies flailing as they fought. Susan yanked Tammy by the hair and pulled her close as she wrapped her legs around the blonde‘s waist to hold her helpless.
Susan then clenched Tammy’s throat again. “You’re beaten..” Susan cried.
”” Tammy gasped for air.
Susan held Tammy’s face close to hers. “Keep Kevin away from my son. You hear me?”
”God…okay..okay. Let me go..” Tammy begged. She was indeed beaten and she knew it. “Ugghhh…just..let me go..”
Susan pulled Tammy’s hair and squeezed her neck tighter. “I don’t want to hear about anything going on between the boys, bitch.” She released Tammy. ”Now…get out of my house.”
Tammy sniffed and wiped her blood stained face. She held back tears as she slowly put her torn and damaged church dress back on and left without saying a word.
The women’s friendship was over and they would never talk again. The situation with their sons probably didn’t matter anyway because, in a few months, Susan’s husband got a job offer out of state. The family abruptly moved away.
Tammy and Susan’s private catfight would be their own dark little secret that they would always carry with them. A night of violent lust…of hateful, cruel emotions finally unleashed on one another. It was something only two women..two mothers..could fully understand. A deep, dark craving smoldering within their souls.
It was a sinful night they would never forget…
Neither really wanted to.
The End